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5 Tips to Consider Before Applying for a Loan

Source: Medium

For most of us, the only way for getting enough money to buy a house, car, or start a new business is to get a loan from a bank. Different types of loans are present for a long time, and besides banks, there are also some funding organizations where you could lend some funds. However, you have to be aware of all the details in the contract that you will sign before getting the money like the monthly fees, interest, possible penalties, and more.

You should look for a type of credit that you will be capable of returning without struggles, and that is flexible enough for you and your financial situation. For example, you can check the KBB Credit, which is a company from Singapore specialized for lending money to their clients with excellent interests. Also, you should know about different sorts of credits, and features related to the amount you want to lend. In this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the most important tips that you should consider before applying for a loan.

1. Choose the Right Type of a Loan

Source: Bmcoforum

It is very important to learn more about what types of loans are there, and which one should you choose for your needs as well. The basic types of loans are personal loans, business loans, mortgages, equity loans, student loans, and auto loans. Each one of them have some special features, a different amount of money that you could get, and more.

A personal loan is great for people that have no credit history, and it is secured with some property like a house or an apartment. Also, you could offer a vehicle or something less valuable for a secured loan where you are asking for a smaller amount of money. On the other side, you can get an unsecured type of personal loan if you already have a history in getting and paying for your loans in time.

There are various types of business loans, such as term loans with determined payback time, short-term credit that you can use for further development of your business. Also, you can choose an equipment financing program, where the equipment that you are buying is termed as a guarantee. Moreover, you can ask for some smaller loans for your company or the one with the SBA guarantee.

Most of us have heard of the mortgage loan, and two main types of it are with fixed rates and variable rates. Student loans are given by some private organizations or as help from the government. When it comes to equity loans, the main types of it are home equity loans, lines of credit, and improvement loan.

2. Length of Loan

Source: Chelsea Krost

Another very important feature of any loan is the length that you will be given to returning it. The best way for choosing the proper length is to get advice from some financial experts. In most cases, the bigger the amount for a loan is, you will be provided with a longer period for returning. However, if you choose a fixed credit, be sure to pay it back in time to avoid some penalties.

3. Interest Rates

Source: TPA Serbia

You will see that each type of loan has different rates, and you should be careful when choosing the credit since some of them might not be that good for your finance. However, there is great competition between banks for getting new clients. Therefore, there are always some great offers from time to time, with low-interest rates. Besides the standard fees, you should pay attention to some that might be included in the contract, such as processing fees, appraisal fees, administration fees, underwriting fees, credit report fees, and more. Even though most of these won’t make your monthly fee much larger, you might find yourself in great losses from the start if you sign a contract that includes some of the extra fees that you were not aware of.

4. The Amount of Down Payment

Source: Nashville MLS

Almost every bank and other loaning services have different terms related to how much money you have to put down to get a loan from them. Also, some types of credits do not require down payment at all, such as home equity credit, where you are placing your assets as a guarantee. On the other side, you will have to pay for around 5% of the value of your home in case you want to take a mortgage. Furthermore, your financial situation is crucial in these terms, and if it is stable enough, the bank won’t require you to put down any amount at all. People with lower annual income have the biggest benefits from down payments.

5. Financial Status

Source: Xconomy

Your financial status represents a crucial factor in the process of getting any type of loan. In case that you do not own many assets, and have a lower income, you cannot expect some perfect deal from any lending service. However, you should still be able to get some amount. Also, you should check your credit score and see what are your capabilities for getting credit. Nevertheless, if you are planning to take a loan for some business, you could present your business plan to some bank or loan service, and they could approve you some great deal, even if your financial status is not so good.

Last Words

Getting a loan is sometimes the best solution for renovating your home, starting a new business, buying a new car, and much other stuff that requires lots of cash at once. If your savings are not high enough for what you need, you should ask your bank or some lending company, to provide you with a loan according to your income and capabilities. However, you should be aware that taking some credit that is too large might get you in much bigger problems. You should always get advice from some experts before signing any sort of loan contract. You should look for loans with lower interest fees, and a longer period for returning.

5 Reasons Rolex Watches Go Up In Value

Rolex is a brand of watches that is the most famous in the world. One of their models that Paul Newman was wearing – was sold in 2018 at a dizzying price of almost 18 million dollars. The urban legend says that the “Montres Tudor SA design” watch must be recognizable from the distance of six meters – just to leave the factory at all and to deserve to be labeled with the “Rolex” name.

However, we are asking ourselves why is this wristwatch so expensive? First of all, this is one of those brands that have a very special design and unique aesthetics. This brand is recognizable for making watches that are sporty, active – but above all, these wrist-watches are true magic tools.


The Most Expensive Watches In The World

Rolex is one of those brands on the “thinner end of the rod” when it comes to luxury watches because it is primarily intended for use. The manufacturer launched the Submariner, Explorer, Milgaus, and GMT models in the 1950s –  all of which were designed to be used as tools. It has remained so to this day, and it is interesting that the watch, which was intended for practical use – has now become a luxury item.

The submariner costs $ 8,000. The lowest price for a Rolex watch is 5,000 for the Oyster Perpetual. These watches wind automatically, are waterproof and precise. Rolex focuses on quality. It takes a year to make a watch like this. Each specimen undergoes detailed testing.

5 Reasons Rolex Watches Go Up In Value

1. Precision And Quality Assurance


Accuracy, chronometer, precise mechanism – this is the essence in precisely determining the time, hourly rate, and reading real-time. Rolex also has a long warranty – for example, if you have any trouble with any Rolex watch model, you can use their service center for repair. The watch button opens and closes countless times before the watch can leave the factory.

Therefore, when you buy one – you can be sure that it will not loosen up or break. The major point about these watches is that when you buy one, it will last you for a long time.

At least just for twenty years. And if you look after it and maintain it properly – it can last you forever. This is also the reason for their high price because you are purchasing an item that can last longer and be passed through the generations.

2. Rolex Represents A Status Symbol

Source: Instagram

The watch has the same effect as other status symbols such as an elegant wallet, an elegant tie, and expensive leather shoes: it can enhance or reverse your look. Imagine a man wearing a designer suit, makeup shoes, and a sports digital watch.

If we replace a digital watch with a luxury one, the same person will radiate style, class, and power. By choosing the watch we wear, we send discrete signals to the environment about our personality and economic status. It is impossible to go beyond the realization that Rolex, for example – is so connected to the notion of success.

Many managers and entrepreneurs marked their entry into the elite by waving some of Rolex’s models. Large gold watches certainly act bold, but whether the owner looks at the environment with respect or contempt – depends on the way they are worn.

It is not advisable to brag that your golden Rolex stands more than someone’s car – nor to wear a watch that is too loose so that it protrudes under the cuff as often as possible.

Expressing status by wearing a watch should be unobtrusive to achieve the best results. Still, there is no doubt that owners of expensive watches want others to see their treasure.

3. Rolex Is A Good Investment

Source: Instagram

People often buy expensive items considering it an investment for the future. Many, however, are skeptical when it comes to buying extremely expensive newer watch models like Apple’s. However, is it the same with special mechanical watches like Rolex? No, not at all. They don’t become obsolete because according to goldsmart.co.nz  – their technology is always the same. Check out Gold Smart and you will see that these items are like wine, the older they get, the better they are.

Therefore, people consider them a good investment. Even though a lot of vintage collectors always existed – this market has now exploded, watch experts say. There has been a growth in the watch market that has jumped back four years by as much as 50 percent.

Therefore it’s not surprising that this famous brand manages to retain the value of most of their items. It took decades for Rolex to create the image of a man wearing their watch – as one who is successful.

4. Collectors Evaluate Rolex

Source: Instagram

There is a so-called vintage Rolex market in collector’s circles. In this market, the price can fall but also rise drastically. This market is ruled by collectors who pay attention to small details that increase or decrease the value of the model. Newman’s watch, which was sold in the fall of 2018, is the one most expensive ever sold on any auction. His Daytona model is a primary example of the quality and longevity of these watches.

That famous design line came out in the seventies of the last century. At that time, the company could not sell it – but that is why today these are the most sought after watches on the vintage market.

5. Production Wrapped In A Veil Of Secrets

Source: Instagram

No one knows how many of these watches are produced in one year, or how many copies are made per model. All that is known is that there are not many of them and that they are difficult to obtain.

However, one of the best things about these watches – is that anyone can wear almost any type or model. The design is unisex, which is confirmed by the fact that the female DataJest is the most popular model of Rolex brand of all times.

Sharenting is Very Dangerous for Our Children!

Source: sbs

Going into the depths of this ocean of information, there are web pages that the main search engines, such as Google, or browsers such as Safari or Mozilla do not index (order a series of data according to a criterion common to all of them, to facilitate their consultation and analysis). It is what is known as the deep web, in which both legal and illegal content is hosted. The latter is in turn called the dark web.

The information handled on the deep web is invisible to search engines and is private. Not everyone can enter on their own because the pages are created under encryption passwords so that they are only visited by selected users. The deep web is a real breeding ground for child pornography and illegal activities such as arms and drug sales. Here you can hire hackers for hire and even hitmen. Child pornography is one of the saddest things on the dark web and while many parents control their children’s online activities with a variety of sophisticated applications such as Famisafe – YouTube parental control tool, they instead encourage “child pornography over their own children” without them knowing it. How? How is it that many photos of children are scattered on the dark web and become attractive commodities by predators?

It is estimated that when a minor turns 5, her parents have already shared 1,000 photos of her. Specialists warn that 50 percent of the images that are distributed in pedophile and child pornography networks are taken from those publications, which also violate the right to privacy of girls and boys.

The bad sharenting

Source: bbc

The new phenomenon of “online parenting” was dubbed sharenting. The term comes from the English words share, which means sharing and parenting, sharenting. To understand its magnitude: some studies consider that when a child turns 5 years old, her parents have already shared about a thousand photos of the minor on social networks.

Another alarming fact that the specialists maintain is that 50 percent of the photos that are distributed in pedophilia and child pornography networks are taken directly from posts that are uploaded to the Internet of their own free will. A few years ago a Dutch firm released illustrated mugs for sale with photos of boys and girls downloaded from the Internet. All of them had commercial use permission, something that parents often accept in the conditions of the platforms without having an idea. The initiative had a high impact: your son’s photo could be in those cups. The idea was to raise awareness about one of the risks of sharenting.

The risks of nonstop sharing for the children

Source: safeguarde

The dangers of sharenting include the fact that images of children can be distributed on child pornography or pedophilia sites, used for kidnapping or threats, and even allow identity theft. In addition to the risks that sharenting embodies in relation to the use that a third party can give to images, the phenomenon also impacts the growth of children and adolescents, in the way they develop their bonds and interact with their peers.

Adults show children in networks as an object. It seems beautiful and well-intentioned but they do not think about their rights, they do not think of the child as a subject and the boys have no way to defend themselves. Parents fall into the narcissistic trap of showing the child as an achievement, as a trophy, and they do not measure the risks.

Regarding the photos that parents upload, either to social networks or other platforms, we are facing a great problem for privacy. More when it comes to unknown applications that little and nothing is known about the servers they use to store data. The two main issues that emerge from “sharenting” are the other person’s right to privacy – “it is not me, it is my son” – and on the other, the dangers in terms of security. Remember that much of the hacking occurs with contextual information provided by the users themselves to the network, personal information that exposes security, and fosters an “insecure ecosystem”.

We have to understand that if we have children until they are older and they can make the decision to show their image or not, we must expose them as little as possible. The image of each person is personal; it is as simple as that. Parents should always remember that when an image is uploaded to the network, it is impossible to completely delete it later. Someone may have captured and saved it for other purposes. What is uploaded to the internet is very difficult to completely disappear, so the most important thing is to raise awareness among parents about the security risks of sharing photos.

Source: real-agenda

Here are the digital security measures before publishing photos of children on social networks:

– That the account is private and that the contacts or “friends” are reduced to real acquaintances. An account that has more than 600 friends, for example, will most likely no longer be secure.

– Avoid uploading photos with contextual information of places that children frequent. Refers to information that can be provided by a school uniform, a club entrance, or an identifiable street. This data can be used for virtual kidnappings or other types of threats.

– Deactivate the location of applications and phones.

– Avoid uploading images that ridicule the child. Something that in the eyes of adults can be nice and fun can be made fun of in the future. Children can feel humiliated.

– It is impossible to completely delete a photo that was shared on the web. By interacting on the internet people build a reputation and some photos can have long-term consequences.

– If the boys are old enough, always ask them before uploading any content about them.

Source: parentology

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Dermatology and Skin Health Tips Everyone Should Know

The quality of our skin is important for several different reasons. First of all, it is the biggest organ that human beings have. The protective role that skin has is important for every person on this planet. More precisely, the biggest organ we have protects our organism from different bacteria, viruses, etc. Because of these facts, we need to strive to keep it healthy in different ways.

Despite that, it indirectly influences our mental power. Don’t we all like to look nice? Well, different skin issues can bring some obstacles that we have to pass. Fortunately, almost every skin issue that people commonly have is solvable.

First of all, aging is a process that we can’t simply stop. Our skin is the first visible sign that we are old. However, the same problems can happen to younger people as well. Issues such as acne can start while we are still teenagers. All these problems can harm our self-confidence and that mental problem can lead to some major problems.

Fortunately, you came to the right place to find the right answers. There are certain dermatology and skin health tips everyone should know. Do not ever forget that knowledge is power. Finding out pieces of information from our list will be motivational for you.

Because of that, enough talking! Let’s go through those tips together!

Don’t Expose Yourself to Sunlight Too Much

Source: Metro

Vitamine D is not something you can often find in different ingredients. It is a vitamin that we can get from the sun. However, this doesn’t mean you should expose yourself too much to the sunlight. Doing that can hurt the quality of your skin.

We know that some people simply have to do that because of the work. Despite that, we can’t lock down ourselves in the house during the summer days. Because of that, you must wear sunglasses and a hat each time when you get out. Besides, wouldn’t that make your walking more comfortable?

Hat and sunglasses are not the only “tools” that can help. You should also wear sunscreen as much as you can. Still, there is one thing that you have to know. You need to ensure that you use the right type of sunscreen. Not all of them are good for all types of skin issues. It is recommendable that you visit a doctor and verify the type of skin that you have. In this way, picking the right one will be much easier.

Still, there is one piece of advice that might be helpful for you. Our recommendation is to pick those sunscreens that contain anti-inflammatory and barrier-repairing ingredients.

More precisely, pick the broad-spectrum ones that contain UV A and UV B protection of minimally SPF 30. Deciding on a current brand is something we will leave to you.

Check Your Body Completely

Source: westsideallergycare

As we said, visiting a doctor is essential when you have any skin problems. However, most people do not get a full-body exam. Next time when you visit a dermatologist, require this sort of service. If your dermatologist already suggested to you that, do not hesitate to do it.

The eye of someone familiar with all skin issues is better than yours. He will manage to check if there are any moles on your skin. Despite that, the dermatologist can give you some useful pieces of advice. For instance, he will teach you how to self-check your skin. Once again – knowledge is power.

P.S. Repeat this type of treatment at least once per year.

Use the Right Creams

Source: medicalnewstoday

Certain skin problems like skin hyperpigmentation, melasma, and freckles are common for many people. People usually try to solve these problems with different creams.

Unfortunately, many of them get disappointed in the end. This might be the biggest disadvantage of Internet technology. Everyone gets the opportunity to advertise his skincare products. However, not all of them are equally good. Some people change 2 or 3 of them and the results do not come. Well, the purpose of this article is to be motivational and educational at the same time.

One of the products that we would like to recommend is Tri-Luma cream. This cream contains active substances like hydroquinone, tretinoin, and fluocinolone. These three ingredients help with all the common skin issues that we previously mentioned.

We highlighted only the most important things about this product. If you plan to find out more and order it, we recommend you visit okdermo.com. It is a perfect choice for those that were previously disappointed by certain skincare products.

Improve the Quality of Your Meals

Source: pexels

People often forget the importance of the food we consume for our health. Well, the foods that we eat each day can directly or indirectly influence our skin as well.

The smartest change of your daily routine would be adding a lot of greens to your plate. For instance, adding vitamin C to your meals would make your skin look fresher. Despite that, it would be smart to start a low-sugar diet. In this way, the levels of your insulin will go down and cells will get the chance to maintain a healthy balance.

On the other hand, we should all avoid consuming fermented and spicy foods. Your lunches and dinners should not contain a lot of salt as well.

Improve Your Sleeping

Source: unsplash.com

We know that you have some personal ambitions and goals that you want to achieve.

However, hard work musn’t replace a good night’s sleep. It is okay if sometimes happens that you can’t sleep a lot. However, you should always strive to sleep at least 8 hours a day. When you are tired, your skin becomes “tired” as well. Yet, it is also important in which part of the day you sleep. It is recommendable that you sleep between 11 PM and 7 AM. If you manage to respect this routine, your skin will regenerate the most.

Additionally, you can use honey and place it on your face two or three times weekly. In this way, you will naturally heal and soothe your facial skin. Despite that, do not avoid washing and moisturizing your face before bedtime. Don’t wash your face with hot water because it will dry out the skin.

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning an Interstate Move

Source: pods

Planning a move can be overwhelming even if you are only moving a few blocks. It is much more intense if you have to upheave your life and move to a different state! Of course, because of the distance, your move will cover it’s essential that you are not forgetting to do anything, and that all your loose ends at your origin are tied up. Whether you’re moving for work, school, family, or simply just a change of scenery it can feel like an arduous project.

Make sure everyone knows you’re moving

It can seem like the world around you is shifting on its axis when you need to move your whole life interstate. That’s why it’s so important to keep your friends, family and employer abreast of your relocation as it progresses. By keeping them updated with dates, addresses, and anything else you deem important, you can ensure that you’ll receive the right support along the way. Who knows, maybe some friends and family will offer to help pack – arguably the worst part of moving!

Source: unpakt


Keeping communication is key to ensuring that not only your move goes smoothly, but that once you arrive at your new address you will be able to settle easily. The nature of interstate moves often means that you are unable to be at your new address or you’re only able to be there a few days prior to the delivery of your goods. At times it may begin to feel like you’re being torn in two! If you’re moving interstate and you drive, you will need to consider getting a license for the state you are moving to. This will often make car insurance cheaper should you be in any type of accident. If you’d still like to keep your home states license, ensure that you have an insurance dealer that will still service the state to which you are moving. Another important aspect of your life to communicate is redirecting any mail that goes to your current address. There are horror stories of people forgetting to get their mail redirected and it begins to accumulate. They aren’t made aware of the error of their ways until the institution – whether that be a bank, the insurance company or creditor – contacts them and tells them they now have an enormous amount owing as well as late fees! The final entity you should be communicating with is your utilities provider – both at your new and old address. There’s nothing worse than arriving at your new address, only to figure out you’ve forgotten to inform the water, electricity or internet company you were moving in. Sometimes, getting these utilities on can take a few days, which means you’ll have to spend money on accommodation and food. On the flip side, you won’t want to be charged for utilities you are no longer there to use at your old house. Ensure you inform your provider of what date you will be moving out on. In most cases they will be able to switch off on the day you leave, saving you money in the long run.

Medical Records

Depending on how long you’ve lived in your home state you may have visited a variety of medical professionals, whether that be: your local GP, a dentist, specialist, optometrist, or perhaps even your physiotherapist. Because of this important medical information may be strewn across the services. With the introduction of the government’s My Health Record, it has been made easy for medical professionals in different states/s and territories to consolidate medical information if need be. For those that did not opt-in to the service, you may need to contact your medical professional to get your records transferred or sent to you. Because you’ll be new to the state – with assumedly not a lot of knowledge of the area to which you are moving – do some research to ensure you’ll be using doctors who have good standing and are effective for your needs. Ask your current doctor/s whether they know anyone in the area who they can potentially recommend. With regard to specialists, you will need to do your research. Thankfully, because of the internet, we are now able to see reviews with one click that can help us to make a decision. Look up surgeries close to your area for your needs and see which ones come most recommended.

Source: unitedvanlines

Spring Clean

Anyone who has moved interstate will tell you that cleaning out unwanted and/or unused items can ultimately save you time and money when your relocation takes place. Marie Kondo swept the world with her approach to decluttering last year and it would be greatly beneficial to follow her advice if you can’t decide what you’d like to take with you. Consider whether the item has been used in the last year, if so consider whether that item is still useful to you or whether it has served its purpose. By taking a minimalistic approach you will find that the number of items you will take with you across the border/s will decrease drastically. By moving less, you’ll also have less to unpack at your new abode. In addition, you may be able to save some money as removalists are likely to charge less if you aren’t moving a great deal of items.

Leave time

One of the biggest mistakes people make in the lead up to their move is one of the simplest – they don’t leave enough time to get everything done! With an interstate move, it can go from 0-100 within the space of a few days. You find yourself thinking you had enough time to cover everything you needed to do and then all of sudden the days have been snatched up. It’s highly beneficial to write everything in a diary or on a calendar. Often, having written and visual cues of your timeline improves productivity and time-management. In addition, you’ll be able to check things off as they are completed. After all, it has been proven that having checklists will drastically improve your ability to get tasks done!

Source: Bernard’s Pro Clean & Prep

How will you get there?

Unlike a local move, it will often take a greater deal of time to get to your new destination. Depending on where you are moving, getting you and your family there may take hours or even days. Understanding in advance how you will map your journey is vital. If your drive takes days, it may be worthwhile looking up accommodation close to the main road you’re traveling on. You want to ensure that you are only driving when you are fully rested and aware to protect yourself, your family, and others on the road. By planning your road journey, you can also account for the cost of tolls and any roadblocks that may restrict you from getting to your new home e.g. border closures. For those who don’t feel comfortable driving their car interstate or long distances, most reputable removalists will be able to offer car transport.

Pack Right

Packing may seem as easy as placing your items in a box, taping it up and loading it onto the truck. Anyone who’s had goods broken whilst they moved houses will inform you that it’s all in how you pack the boxes. With less sensitive items such as clothes and linen, it’s relatively easy to pack them as they are very hard to damage. More sensitive items such as homewares, appliances, and glass wear break easier and therefore need more protection. By simply searching ‘packing home hacks’ you’ll find thousands of tips from different people that may be able to help you out.

Source: pacresmortgage

Don’t skimp on packing materials

Relatedly, if you want to ensure that your items are well-protected you need to make sure that you have the correct packing materials. Most stationery stores and hardware stores will sell an array of materials, but you can’t always be sure they’ll be removal industry quality. Research local removalists in your area. Those who are reputable will most likely offer a wide range of packing materials such as boxes, wrapping, padding, and tape. You can be sure – by purchasing from these experienced dealers – that your goods will be well protected in the interstate moving process.

Research Your Removalists

Perhaps the most essential aspect of your move will be the removalists that will help you complete the job. Most people that move interstate will be taking some hefty items with them, that are difficult to lift but also don’t fit in any vehicle they do have. This is in most cases when people will look for a removalist. Ensure that when booking a removal company, you are hiring someone who is a member of the AFRA – the Australian Furniture Removals Association. As members of AFRA, your removals company will be well equipped to deliver a professional, efficient service for you. The market is saturated with people who have a ute and some spare time and call themselves removalists. By doing your research you’ll be able to avoid these services and the misfortune and mistakes that will follow.

Moving interstate can feel like a gargantuan task. Moving all of your belongings thousands of kilometers and resettling your entire is definitely daunting. By following the above advice though you can be sure that your move will go smoothly so you can start relaxing in your new abode in no time. Robina Removals offers comprehensive interstate removals. With trucks traveling between Brisbane and Melbourne every week and a half, you can be sure that Gold Coast’s most trusted removalist will be able to help you out!

All You Need to Know About Escape From Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov is currently in beta. Features are added and removed. The current status does not reflect the end product. Battlestate Games, the developers of Escape from Tarkov, often delete the complete progress before major updates. Larger content is published every 4-6 months, but can also come sooner. (You lose all items, weapons, equipment, skills, and have to do all tasks again after a ‘wipe’. This can change when the game is released.)

Many aspects have not yet been implemented or are only placeholders. Therefore, they may not work at all, partially or not as intended.

Escape from Tarkov aims to simulate a modern combat experience. It has a profound ballistic model and health system, as well as extensive weapon modification options, which you rarely find anywhere else. Escape from Tarkov’s complete body awareness and movement model is similar to that of ARMA, which features things like leaning, adjustable posture, and movement speed, as well as much slower fights, which are carried out with the “shoot and scoot mindset”.

The weapon modification system is a cornerstone in Escape from Tarkov and allows almost complete personalization of almost every weapon you find. You can check check them at ifcarry.

The economy is also unique and is mainly dependent on the objects that can be found in the world. In order to keep all items, you have to successfully escape from the raid. It takes a good eye and a sharp mind to know when to go or if you’d rather risk death to find more loot.

Attention is the key to being prepared in every situation. May it be the recognition of rare items, or the recognition of players. Since there is no interface with which you can distinguish friend from foe, you should always pay attention to where you stand. You should also listen to every little thing so that you are not surprised by others. Anything you can hear can be heard by anyone else who is within range.

Source: Dexerto


Movement in Escape from Tarkov is more than just walking or sprinting. It is handled differently than in other shooters by simulating how a soldier loading equipment would move. It allows you to move so slowly that you can hardly be heard, right up to normal walking or sprinting.

The way you move across the field is as important as aiming and shooting. Depending on the surface on which you are moving, different sounds are generated which the opponent can use to determine your position. Pay attention to smooth, slow, and planned movements. Depending on the situation or location, you should always consider where, when, how quickly, and in what posture you should move.

Movement speed can be divided into 3 types: sprinting, running, and walking.

Running is the standard pace. It only depends on the equipment you wear.

Sprinting is Shift Linksactivated by pressing and consumes your stamina. Knowing how far you can get with an endurance bar can make the difference between life and death. You also have to remember that you also use endurance when aiming. Therefore, you should always take some breath so that you can change the position or to attack another player. Sprinting is also very loud.

Walking can by pressing Caps Locker by scrolling with the MausradEnable the minimum. Walking is very important. It generates hardly any noise, prevents noise when walking through bushes and other plants, and reduces noise on surfaces such as metal and glass. Walking should never be underestimated.

Source: PCGamesN


Just as important as the movement in Escape From Tarkov is the attitude to survive. Knowing when to lie down or squat is as important as knowing when to move. The way you move gives you a lot of options on how to approach or bypass your opponent.

There are three standard postures: standing, squatting and crawling, each with different areas of application and maximum speed.

Standing is the fastest, but it is also the easiest to see and the loudest.

Squatting combines a low profile with medium speed and good use of cover while making very little noise.

Creep makes you very slow. But you get increased accuracy and minimize your profile. However, reducing the speed does not reduce the noise you make. This makes crouching a better choice in most situations.

Source: PC Gamer

Weapons and Equipment

The armament in Escape From Tarkov is the basic structure. Be it a simple pistol or a silenced M4 with extended magazines. Which weapon you use is entirely up to you, with the exception of playing as a scav . The performance of weapons mainly depends on the modifications and their use. Unlike other games, weapon values ​​play a subordinate role.

Learning how weapons behave, with or without modifications, is far more important to survive against other players and scavs.

When modifying a weapon, there are many things to consider, such as the distance you plan to fight, who you will encounter, and whether the target is armored.

Which visor/scope you use is entirely up to you, but the time to aim and the distance at which opponents are expected is important. In contrast to other games, targeted shooting from the hip is a proven method of effectively fighting opponents at short to medium distances. Knowing where the shots will land without aiming can save your life.

Which ammunition you should use does not only depend on the values. Availability whether the ammunition has been activated or it is sold out also plays a role. If you think you’re not going to compete against groups of players who are armed to the teeth, ammunition that is more designed to cause damage rather than penetrating armor may be enough. What type and how many magazines you take with you is also important. As soon as you run out of full magazines, this can mean certain death. You can also load different types of ammunition into the same magazine.

Just like the choice of the sight and the ammunition, the choice of the weapon is a matter of taste. But you should never go into a raid unarmed because otherwise you are almost harmless to others and can also be subject to ridicule and mockery.

When picking up a weapon in a raid it is always advisable to check the magazine with Alt Links+ T. Then you can check the chamber with Shift Links+ T.

Equipment in Escape From Tarkov includes a number of different items, such as armor and backpacks. Knowing what to bring can dramatically increase your chances of survival. But you should always make sure that you don’t play poorly.

The Economic Impact of the Coronavirus In the US

Source: hub

The Coronavirus pandemic has made life hard for every country in the world. The damages of the pandemic are of both economical and social character. But for the US, things look very different than the rest of the countries.

One of the first areas of impact was the stock markets. Nearly every company in the United States experienced huge shifts in stock prices. The impact of these changes resulted in hindering the economic growth of the country.

Since the companies weren’t making any profit, their employees were the first ones to be let go. It’s safe to say that a lot of people lost their jobs due to the lockdowns, and the United States was probably impacted the most out of any country.

While this is a summary of the economic impact of the Coronavirus in the US, we are going to expand it further by detailing everything there is to is.

People Losing Their Jobs

Source: fpri

One of President Trump’s biggest allies was the strong, stable, and growing economy. Now that the economy is rapidly changed, for the worse, people are losing their jobs left, right, and center.

From April to June, the US experienced a record rise in unemployment. In a couple of weeks from April to June, the US recorded almost 7 million unemployment claims per week.

Currently, there are more than 31 million people without a job in the United States, but President Trump wants to change that.

President Trump looks to reopen the economy by reopening cities and resuming life. Experts advise against this while others are strong advocates for it.

Regardless of how you look at it, people losing jobs is never good for the economy. And regardless of your views, life has to resume at some point.

Oil Prices Crash Down

Source: currency

Oil is arguably the US’s most reliable asset. The US is the biggest producer of oil out of any country in the world, comfortably surpassing Saudi Arabia.

However, due to the Coronavirus lockdowns, the demand for oil became none existent. Since people stayed at home there was no need for it, and do believe that the prices were affected because of that.

The Coronavirus was a major player in that, but so was the pointless and needless war between Opec and Russian-based oil-producing companies. The price for oil hit a record 18-year low a few weeks ago at $20 a barrel.

However, in the United States, prices for oil went -$37 per barrel. What this means is that, in theory, the producers would pay you $37 just to take the barrel.

This was the first time the price of oil would go negative in history. While prices are beginning to stabilize now, the needless production of oil was initially the reason why prices went negative.

Is It A Recession Year?

Source: cnn

The economy will grow and businesses will open soon. All of this points out the making of new jobs all across the United States.

But even with that, the International Monetary Fund calculates and predicts that countries from all over the world will have their GDP lowered by almost 4%.

While some industries will see huge advancements, others are predicted to enter a recession. If we thought 2024 wasn’t going to get any worse, then think again as many experts predict that people will still be jobless in many key industries.

For those that are likely going to get impact by this, Scott Cooper Miami has put together a comprehensive guide on the subject of unemployment and unemployment benefits so make sure to read it.

The IMF predicts the worst recession year ever since the 30s.

Technological Impacts

Source: medium

The coronavirus pandemic impacts all aspects of life. Some are impacted negatively, while others not so much. One area or industry that has seen massive rises ever since the lockdowns is the technology industry.

Since everyone is staying at home, and likely working from home, businesses have resulted in video calls as an effective means of in-house communication.

Out of every video communication software that exists, Zoom has proven to be the most effective one. And while there were safety concerns regarding the usage of Zoom, it is completely safe so long no government uses it for their communications needs.

Zoom stock share prices have grown exponentially since January 2024. In the following months, Zoom is currently sitting at a rise of 135%. Compared to Amazon and Netflix, Zoom’s stocks have risen almost 5 times.

This all has to do with the demand for video communications software, more so than the demand for home streaming entertainment.

Even with all that, both Netflix and Amazon are currently at an all-time high in regards to stock prices.

Travel Industry Impacted the Most

Source: airportscouncil

It’s safe to say that no one travels nor can they travel. Almost every country was on lockdown a few weeks ago. Most countries had their borders shut down for travel, and that had a huge negative impact on the travel industry.

This was a necessary decision made by world governments, including the US, in hopes to try and contain the spread of the virus. However, recent new waves across hundreds of countries might force governments to keep their borders closed for specific countries throughout the summer.

Specifically in the United States, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that banned travelers from European airports. This means that everyone coming through Europe is banned to enter the United States.

Since most travelers from Europe travel for vacation purposes, the industry has been the one suffering the most. The total number of flights in April has shrieked almost four times.

In the US, air travel pollution has significantly lowered over the past few months. This has been the case throughout the world, as ESA (European Space Agency) registered very little air pollution from March to June.

All in all, the United States has been one of the most heavily impacted countries in the world. The economic damages are like no other and the US is likely to recover in the following months.

Scott Cooper on NASCAR, Fans, Florida and Miami Races

The coronavirus pandemic has stopped the whole world. There is not a single sphere of human life that has not been influenced in some way. This is of course the case with NASCAR racing as well. But as the pandemic weakens and fewer and fewer new cases of infection occur, the entire world is slowly returning to its normal, albeit altered, life. We are learning to live in our “new normal” present.

After a two-month break, NASCAR races are back. But without the audience and many other things we are used to. The season resumed on May 17 at the Darlington Raceway in South Carolina. After the UFC, NASCAR was the first major sport to relaunch its competitions after a coronavirus pandemic that halted all sporting events around the world since mid-March. The first race after the break was held on the oldest track.

Source: WCIV

Continuation of the season

Gov. Roy Cooper gave the green light in early May for the first race to take place. NASCAR has implemented all the necessary protective measures, in order to minimize the risk, and again to continue the race. Heads of state and counties highlighted the economic importance of relaunching professional sports to alleviate the economic crisis. Respecting all health regulations and expert advice, NASCAR has managed to put everything into action in a great way.

Following the instructions of the CDC and other federal and local agencies in charge of pandemic care, these are the conditions that must be met in order for the event to take place successfully:

  • The whole event will be over on the same day.
  • The use of protective equipment is mandatory for all present and throughout the event.
  • All participants had to undergo a COVID-19 test.
  • It was necessary to maintain social distance
  • The number of people who are necessary has been reduced, in order to reduce contacts between people. Teams were allowed to have only 16 members.

After six races held without crowd at the stands, fans will finally be able to return to the stands, of course not yet in full scale, according to FR24 News. There were two races on Darlington Raceway, then two on Charlotte Motor Speedway, then one on Bristol Motor Speedway at Bristol, Tennessee and the last before this weekend at Atlanta Motor Speedway at Hampton, Georgia.

And then we finally get to the fourteenth of June and the race on Homestead-Miami Speedway, which will finally bring us an audience in the stands. It will also be very important for the drivers, who said that they had problems with motivation and that they lacked the energy of the audience to prepare them for the high-speed race.

Source: News4Jax

Homestead-Miami Speedway on June 14

The rules are very strict. As it is clear to everyone, it was not possible to get the tickets in the usual way, but various procedures had to be followed. A thousand people who will be allowed to enter will all be members of the armed forces. Everyone will undergo a medical examination before entering, they will have to wear masks and of course, keep a great social distance.

They will be honorary participants. It will probably be difficult to notice that there is anyone in the stands at all since that venue receives fifty-five thousand people, and now there will be only a thousand, and there will be scattered for security reasons.

But there has certainly been tremendous progress since a month ago when the first race took place and this is a step in the right direction. Scott Cooper, a spokesperson for Charlotte Motor Speedway, told Charlotte before that certainly no one wants a race without the presence of fans, but that they have no choice.

However, since then the pandemic situation has calmed down, a group of people in Miami, Florida will have the opportunity to enjoy the spectacular race.

Source: Talladega Superspeedway

GEICO 500 – Talladega Superspeedway

After Florida, Alabama is waiting for us, where the situation will be even more in favor of the fans. Five thousand spectators will be able to enter and watch the race. There are special regulations on how to get tickets. The first condition that had to be met was that the ticket was purchased for the Geico 500 race which was to take place on April 26, according to the original schedule for this season, before the pandemic changed plans.

Then that the person coming to the venue lives a hundred and fifty miles or less away and is a citizen of the state of Alabama. With these measures, the goal is to reduce the risk of travel and further spread of the dangerous virus. As tickets for the race and for the camp were available, certain rules were adopted there as well. Whoever had a race ticket will not be able to get a camp now. A maximum of 6 seats together will be allowed. So the audience will be scattered on the tri-oval grandstands.

Of course, all procedures will have to be followed. At the entrance, everyone’s temperature will be measured, masks, gloves must be worn and distance must be maintained. Also, external coolers will not be in use.

As for the other races that await us, it is still uncertain which will be held in the presence of the audience, and which will continue to run in front of empty stands. It primarily depends on the local authorities and the epidemiological situation. For now, the next three races after Alabama, Pocono Raceway (June 27-28), Indianapolis Motor Speedway (July 5), and Kentucky Speedway (July 12) are expected to be without audience attendance.

Source: Autoblog

Corona is not the only problem currently in the USA…

2020 did not only bring problems related to COVID-19 but riots in the USA caused by an old problem, racial injustice. Across the USA, people are protesting in the streets after the murder of George Floyd. Of course, the sport has not stayed out of all these events, and in all sports, it is perhaps the first topic now.

In the NFL, whether they will kneel during the anthem, in the NBA, many players do not want the season to continue, that worries them more than a pandemic. As far as NASCAR is concerned, fans are forbidden to bring the confederate flag, which is a common practice when racing is in countries that once belonged to the South.

Bubba Wallace, the only African-American driver in NASCAR was the most vocal about that. He is very pleased with the decision, while some other drivers, out of revolt, have posted a confederate flag on their social media profiles to indicate their southern heritage.


We can only hope that all the problems will be over as soon as possible and that we will soon see full stands again, while the gasoline smells in the air.

16 Unique Quarantine Gift Ideas for Your Loved One

Source: giftideasblog

We are all aware of how the coronavirus spread all around the world rapidly. Many people got infected, and many of them ended up in home quarantine for 14 days and considered a potential carrier of infection. Period of a pandemic is difficult for everyone, no matter if an individual is infected or advised to stay home to prevent getting infected. Those who are in quarantine might feel forgotten and neglected to believe it is not recommended to have a company.

There is a saying that people run fast. I would say it depends on whom- for those who work hard and have a family of very turbulent private life, it does, but for those who stay at home doing nothing, a day lasts forever.

We will give you several ideas on how to make your beloved ones happy, letting them know you think about them even though you do not see each other.

1. Sweets

Source: pinterest

Sweets are always the right choice for the present. No person in the world doesn’t like good chocolate. Together with a get-well card, you will show that you care.

2. CD with favorite songs

Source: youtube

Even though the internet is accessible to everyone, it is nice to see someone has put in the effort to make you feel better. Your favorite person will evoke memories of all valuable moments you’ve gone through while listening to the CD. This present never gets old, and for sure, there is no mistake with it.

3. Necklace

Source: pinterest

A friendship necklace is a good idea. Your friend will know that you care.

4. Personalized mask

Source: time

A personalized surgeon mask is an excellent present. Print some note known only to you two on it. In the time of corona, it is required to wear. Your friend will find it funny and useful as well.

5. Planner

Source: blog

Writing in plans for the period after isolation can be exciting, and at the same time, your friend will not even feel how time passes quickly when occupied with something.

6. The manicure set

Source: pinterest

The manicure set is a perfect gift for almost every girl. Being in quarantine does not mean that nails have to look bad. This present will cheer your friend up.

7. Puzzles

Source: mentalfloss

Now when your loved one is constantly in the house, there is enough time to play. Do not hesitate to buy puzzles with 500 or even more parts. This will take some time, and he or she will not even notice how fast the quarantine period ended. To make it more interesting, buy a puzzle made of your photo.

8. Games

Source: unsplash

Computer games for PlayStation, PC, or Xbox. This is the perfect gift for any male friend. He will be able to play as long as he can without anyone interrupting those precious moments.

9. Cardboard gift box

Source: aliexpress

Cardboard gift box with “100 Reasons why I miss you”. It cost nothing but a little effort.

10. A lamp, but not any lamp

source: friendlamps.com

The friendship one. Maybe you never heard about it, but it is worth checking it on Friendship Lamps. What does it mean, friendship lamps, and what is the difference between those and regular ones? A friendship lamp is connected with your lamp. Whenever you turn the light on, your friend’s lamp will also light up. Is there a better way to show someone you think about him/her? In case your dearest person’s lamp is already on, it will change the color of the light when you turn on yours. There are many colors this lamp can change, so it can be interesting if you and your friend decide what each color means; red can be I love you, blue I miss you, green care about you and so on. In this way, you will be able to send your loved one a message constantly. It is necessary to have an internet connection, and the installment is finished in several minutes via your smartphone.

11. Personalized cup

Source: cnn

The personalized cup is a good way to make your love done to think about you. While holding a cup in hands and drinking a favorite beverage, whether it is morning coffee or tea at 5.00 o’clock, he will surely think about you.

12. Pet

Source: Washingtonian

A good choice for the present can also be a pet. Small pet, like a hamster or fish. This will also make your friend an obligation to feed it and clean, so he will spend some extra time he has.

Your favorite photo of two of you, framed and ready to take its place on the wall. This will serve as a reminder that you think about her/him.

13. Decorative Box

Source: diys

A decorative box full of snacks with the message “See you on a movie tonight”! Find a movie on your favorite program channel, and both of you can watch it in your owns houses. You can call each other and comment on the movie while watching it.

14. Online Course

Source: studyinternational

Did your favorite person ever mention he would like to learn a foreign language, sew, work in Photoshop, or attend another course but doesn’t have time for it? This is the right moment! Pay the online course he is interested in. This will fill his free time and be useful for improving knowledge or even starting a new business.

15. Book

Source: mydailymagazine

A book is a man’s best friend. Modern technology allowed us to read an online book, but this is not a proper solution for the right book lovers. There is no failure with this present, especially if there is a personalized message on its cover.

16. Flowers

Source: forbes

If your loved one is a female, a nice dress and rose will be a full hit. Buy a dress and wrap it, write the note on the postcard and attach it to a rose. A note like: “I want you to wear this on our next date”. The same idea can be interesting for underwear, perfume and so on.

No matter what you decide to give to your loved one, the most important thing is to find something that your favorite person likes and something that carries a special message. At least today, there are many options for what to buy.

11 Essential Items You Must Have In Your First Aid Kit

Source: verywellfamily.com

When minor injuries and accidents occur at home you want to be able to treat them adequately and promptly to reduce the risk of infection and to aid in the healing process. The best way you can do this is by having a well-equipped first aid kit at home. We have put together a list of the most important items that should be included in your kit.

1. Antiseptic wash and ointmen

Antiseptic wash and ointments work by slowing the growth of microorganisms. By washing and/or applying antiseptic ointment to minor cuts, grazes, and scrapes, you can minimize the number of germs on the wound and reduce the risk of infection. Antiseptic solutions come in many forms such as washes, ointments, wipes, and sprays.

2. Instant ice/cold packs

Ice is a great way to treat many injuries. A cold pack or ice can be used to alleviate pain from bites and stings and can reduce itching. They are great to use on twists and sprains as they slow the blood flow to the area, which will decrease bruising and swelling. Having a few instant cold packs in your first aid kit is great for those times you might not have ice ready to go in the freezer.

Source: reverehealth

3. Adhesive bandages

Adhesive bandages, more commonly known as Band-Aids here in Australia, are a necessity for your first aid kit and are typically used for minor injuries such as scrapes, blisters, and small cuts. They come in various shapes and sizes to suit different parts of the body. You should have a selection of traditional Band-Aids and be sure to include some waterproof, antibacterial, and butterfly clip style bandages to your kit also.

4. Disposable gloves

Gloves are highly important, not only to protect the person giving the first aid but also the person receiving it. They reduce the risk of transmitting germs and bacteria and minimize the risk of infection by keeping the area sterile and clean. They are useful to have at home as they enable you to clean up blood or bodily fluids safely. You can purchase gloves in various sizes and there are latex or latex-free options available. You can select the glove type that is suited to your needs, as long as it is sterile.

5. Scissors

Most of us have scissors in the house somewhere, however, a quality pair of medical scissors is an invaluable item that should be kept in your first aid kit. They are easier and safer to use than regular household scissors. There uses are endless, from snipping medical tape, cutting gauze to size and trimming clothing that you are unable to get out of the way to treat an injury.

Source: verywellhealth

6. Medical tape and sterile gauze pads

Gauze pads are typically used to stop bleeding and to treat bigger wounds that traditional Band-Aids aren’t suitable for. It is a smart idea to have bigger sizes of gauze on hand rather than smaller ones. If a smaller one is required, you can just cut it to size. Medical tape is used to keep the gauze or other types of dressing on a wound.

7. Thermometer

A thermometer should be an essential part of your first aid kit. They are designed to test the body’s temperature and are a great way to monitor fevers. When you are looking to purchase a thermometer, look for a digital one, they are far more accurate. There are few methods to taking a temperature it can be done rectally, orally, via the ear or under the armpit. The armpit tends to be the least reliable.

8. Tweezers

A good quality pair of medical-grade surgical steel tweezers are a must-have for your kit. There are a few options to choose from, however, for a basic kit you should choose a pair of needle-nose tweezers, they have a very fine point that is perfect for removing splinters, stingers, thorns, and ticks.

Source: stormguardfloodplan

9. Elastic and non-elastic bandages

You should have a variety of elastic and non-elastic bandages in different sizes and shapes in your first aid kit. Elastic wraps are stretchy and can be used for a multitude of purposes such as wrapping a sprain or holding heat or cold pack in place. Nonstretch bandages are more commonly used for compression purposes and to stop bleeding.

10. The sterile eyewash solution

Eyewash solution is used to flush out substances that may potentially damage the eye if left untreated. Common uses include eyelashes in the eye and sand and dirt particles. An eyewash solution is suitable for use for minor irritants to the eye.

Medications for first aid kits

Keeping medications in your first aid kit is not advisable. First aid is defined as the provision of emergency treatment and life support for people suffering injury or illness. Distributing medication to others is not generally apart of this definition. The First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice state that first aid kits in the workplace should not contain medications of any sort.

If you have prescription medication or over the counter medications within your home, you should ensure that they are kept out of reach from children and not apart of your first aid kit.

Source: verywellhealth

Here are some ways you can reduce pain without medication

  1. If you have sustained an injury, minimize the amount you use the affected area. If possible, rest, and recover. Only return to normal activities once you have the go-ahead from your health provider.
  2. Ice and heat are effective ways to reduce pain, make sure that the pack you are using is not too hot or cold.
  3. You can reduce swelling and pressure in an injured limb by elevating it.

Storage tips for your first aid kit

  1. Ensure that you check the expiry dates on your products regularly and replace them accordingly
  2. Make sure everyone in the household knows where the first aid kit is kept
  3. Keep it in a cool, dry area of the house
  4. Once you use a product, replace it quickly. This way you’ll never be without products when you need them the most
Source: savers

Learning how to use your first aid kit

It is a good idea to purchase a first aid book or do a first aid course so you can learn how to use your first aid kit properly. In serious situations, knowing how to do first aid could be the difference between life and death. We suggest you get a course on sites like tltraining.co.uk and learn how to use the first aid kit in a proper way! You never know when such skills can be useful.

Things to remember

  1. Ensure your home, car, and workplace have a first aid kit – you never know when you might need it
  2. You can buy a first aid kit from your local pharmacy or from us here at The First Aid Shop
  3. Ensure the items in your first aid kit are quality products
Source: aarp

In case of emergency

First aid kits are designed to help with minor injuries and medical issues. For serious and life-threatening injuries, it is important that you seek medical assistance immediately by calling 000.

We have an extensive range of first aid supplies at The First Aid Shop, if you have any questions regarding items for your kit, give our friendly team a call today, we are happy to help.

simulation racing

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