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Advantages of Using a Ring Light

Source: pinterest

Lighting is extremely important if you are producing video content on a consistent basis. With high quality and bright LED lighting, you are able to almost instantly improve the quality of your content.

Ring lights have long been used for photography for beauty and makeup artists. However, due to the rise in social media, it is becoming an extremely commonly used item for content creators, influencers, or just people who want to look good for their at-home video calls.

It doesn’t matter what kind of content you create whether it’s a makeup tutorial, an unboxing video, or business video calls. A ring light is the most practical way to illuminate your set. Although cameras have greatly improved over the past decade, the best ring light can significantly enhance the quality of your photos.

The best options not only have a good effect on your content but also reduce the appearance of unwanted shadows. This can be achieved with the correct setup which is unique for each purpose.

This article will cover all the basics and advantages of using a ring light, followed by things to look out for when purchasing one.

Advantages of Using a Ring Light

Source: mingthein

Eliminate the Harsh Shadows

The light from the ring light is perfect for headshots as your face can be dead center of the light. This completely eliminates any hard shadows and almost instantly increases the quality of the portrait.

Fun fact – Ring lights were originally designed for dental and medical purposes. However, due to their popularity, they are now used across a wide range of industries such as beauty and photography.

Due to the nature of their design, they are perfect for emphasizing details and getting that clear and crisp content.

The “Catchlight” and “Halo” Effect

‘Catchlight’ is described as a small glimmer of light that shines through the eyes of a subject. This effect is likely to come from any front light source in portrait photography. It appears in the image as the shape of the light source. A softbox will produce a square or rectangular light while an umbrella will look like a star.

Meanwhile, a ring light will show as circular light in the subject’s eyes, commonly called a “halo” light. Since our eyes are circular, this gives a very natural shape. Some portraits and fashion photographers will purposely use a ring light just to achieve that beautiful glow.

Better Photo Quality

As you may already know, the quality of light can greatly affect the final image from a hard point to soft wash. Since ring light shines in virtually all directions, the quality of light is softer and not too sharp.

Photographers commonly take advantage of this lighting source for photo-shoots, beauty blogs, and flat-lays, just to name a few.

Selfie lights are a new device that you should also know about as they are extremely popular among social media influencers and content creators. It is basically just a mini-ring light that clips onto your phone for extra ‘selfie’ lighting. It could be a good product if you have a limited budget and you are just starting off in this space.

Try visiting Luvo Store for further information as it is our go-to destination for ring lights.

How do I use a ring light?

Source: spectrum

Ring lights are one of the easiest lighting sources available for both amateur and professionals. They generally come with everything you need to get started immediately and there is no need to purchase multiple accessories to get the result you are looking for. Simply unfold the stand, screw on the ring light, plug it in, and you are good to go!

LED Ring Lights VS Incandescent Lighting

If you are just getting into lighting then choosing the perfect ring light for your unique situation can be quite difficult, so let’s start with the basics. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode which is one of the most energy-efficient light sources in comparison with traditional incandescent lighting. This means that your ring light will last much longer in comparison with traditional incandescent lighting.

In fact, LED lights have an average lifespan of 50,000 hours. That’s a long time! To give you a better idea of how energy efficient these lights are, if you use the ring light for 10 hours a day it would take 14 years for the ring light to blow.

What are the key specifications to look for?

Source: brand
  1. Lumens – Lumens are a form of measuring light output (brightness). Therefore, the higher lumen value, the brighter the light will be.
  2. Kelvins – Kelvins are a form of measuring the color temperature of a light source. This can range from cool white light to a warm yellow glow.

Some ring lights have adjustable temperature controls, so you can simply turn the dial and change the light from cool to warm. This feature is especially useful for makeup artists and beauticians, as it is the perfect tool to really highlight their work.

The higher the Kelvin number is the cooler the light will be, and the lower the Kelvin number is the warmer the light will be. A ring light will a Kelvin range of 3200K (warm) to 5700K (cool) would be ideal for almost every situation.

  1. Watts – Watts is a form of measuring power consumption. With traditional incandescent lighting, the higher the watts the higher the brightness. However, this is not the case with LED light sources as that rule does not apply. For example, a 10W LED bulb can be brighter than a 14W LED bulb from another manufacturer. This may be possible because one brand may be more energy-efficient than the other. This would mean that the 10W bulb uses less power but still has a brighter output of lumens. That is why it is suggested to only mainly review the Lumens and Kelvins when choosing an LED light.

So if you have an online presence, you should definitely consider purchasing a ring to help you create more professional-looking photos or videos.  While professional ring lights may be considered too pricey for most, it is definitely a worthwhile investment for those who are looking to increase their digital presence.

Interior Design Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Living Room

Source: decoist

Your living room is where you go to unwind and allow your creativity to flow. In this space, you’ll want to create a nurturing environment that also expresses your personality. It’s also important your living room is functional because it’s usually a hub of activity – the beating heart of your home. It’s difficult to achieve everything you want to when decorating your living room, especially when you’re on a budget. You can often feel dissatisfied with the finished product as a result. Don’t worry – we’re here to help you with any interior design dilemmas you might have. These are our tips on how to create a living room that is practical, aesthetically pleasing, and expresses your personality.


Source: sgwoodflooring

The floor is the canvas upon which the rest of your living room is built. It’s important to choose something sturdy and functional for day-to-day living, but also creates a nurturing environment and can be mixed and matched with different aesthetics or color schemes. You should also select flooring which has a timeless appeal because you’ll have it in your living room for a long time. Even the materials with a short lifespan will last five years on average. Carpeting is a popular choice for lounges because of the comfort quality it brings to a room. However, a carpet does confine you to one color scheme and it’s also not practical when it comes to foot traffic and spillages.

We recommend solid hardwood or laminate flooring for the living room instead. Wood floorboards are ageless, unaffected by the interior design trends. They also look beautiful when paired with a rug which you can change out at any time. Browse the selections on an online wood flooring store to see for yourself and gain some inspiration. The same applies to laminate flooring; a cheaper alternative to wood which achieves all the same effects. Both these materials are also very durable and practical, so you can easily clean up spillages and keep everything looking nicer for longer. Visit this website to find the perfect flooring for your living room.


Source: pinterest

Walls make up the base of your living room along with flooring. It’s essential to get these both right when decorating so everything else ties together nicely. Our main advice for your walls is to avoid getting patterned or printed wallpaper. Not only can these make an otherwise relaxing living room feel cluttered, but they also look dated and gaudy very quickly because wallpaper fades in the sunlight and interior design trends are constantly flitting from one thing to another. Once again, you should choose something which has long-lasting appeal and quality.

We recommend painting your living room with a pastel or neutral palette. Dark and bright colors like navy or red will make your room appear smaller and dimmer because they absorb sunlight. Colors like white and ivory, on the other hand, reflect light and bounce it across the room. This creates the illusion that the area is bigger and brighter than it actually is. These are perfect shades for your living room. Bringing sunlight into your home will make it feel much cozier, whilst the neutral hues will provide you with a perfect canvas to decorate the space however you like. You’re not limited to certain styles like you would be with patterned wallpaper.


Source: rightasrain

If you want to spruce up your living room without investing in too many hefty expenses, then you should try introducing some greenery into the area. Buying some potted plants costs less than new furniture and can make as much of a difference to the appeal of your lounge. Plus, this is a different opportunity for self-expression. Have you ever thought about what your favorite plants say about your personality? If you think of yourself as a bohemian, perhaps invest in some succulent terrariums and flowering cacti; while minimalists will probably like how tropical shrubs look against a sleek background. Plants also make living rooms a much more nurturing environment. Not only do they improve air quality, but there’s also something spiritually rewarding about caring for another living being in your home. It’s impossible to make a mistake when it comes to greenery and interior design.

Themes and Furnishings

Source: decorilla

Before decorating your living room, you should have a specific theme in mind. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a mismatched jumble of furniture and ornaments. This doesn’t create an aesthetically pleasing finished product, plus it can make a room look chaotic rather than relaxing. If you’re struggling to settle upon a theme, search for inspiration online. What styles do you keep gravitating towards?

Do you want something with a Mediterranean ambiance, or would you prefer a lounge with the coziness of a British cottage? If you chose the 2nd option, a Chesterfield sofa from Chesterfield Sofa Company will be the perfect piece to achieve the British look to your living room. There are thousands of aesthetics to choose from, but it shouldn’t take long to find one that truly reflects your personality.

From here, you can start choosing furniture with the reassurance that everything will be tied nicely together by this theme. For example, if you like the modern aesthetic, you’ll probably choose furnishings with bold prints and unusual shapes. However, if you’re more artisanal, something like a patchwork sofa and upcycled coffee table would suit you better. Don’t fall into the trap of following fashion trends. Instead, cultivate the perfect living room by choosing the furniture that reflects your individuality.


Source: dulux

Your lounge needs more than just wallpaper, flooring, and a few pieces of furniture. To give it a real sense of character, your room also needs accessories. This could include things like decorative plates and unusual ornaments for the surfaces; or throws and cushions for the sofas, which bring an element of coziness whilst also tying together the color scheme. These minor touches are not only inexpensive, but they’re also what complete a living room. It’s like adding seasoning to your food; things are just a little bland otherwise.

By following these interior design tips, you can create the perfect living room which feels like your heart and your home in one.

8 Things to Do Before Your Vehicle Gets Towed

If your car ever breaks down or if you meet an accident and your vehicle is no longer working, then it is highly probable that you will call a towing company to get help moving your car. However, before you jump to a conclusion and call a towing company, you should know about a few essential things. The tips we are about to discuss will help you determine how you should deal with your situation before calling and a tow truck and what you should do after the truck arrives.

Tips for practicing before getting your car towed by two-trucks:

Source: Schaefer Autobody
  • Call your insurance agent before calling the tow truck company: there is no doubt that we all panic whenever our car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. All we want to do is to call the towing company and get out of the situation. However, a smart thing to do before calling the towing company is to call your insurance agent even if it is way past calling hours. Your agent will advise you on what to do and which towing company to call (for safety and affordability reasons). Sometimes your agent will also send the company’s repair services to help you out. For more information about the towing service, click here.
  • Rely on roadside assistance rather than autonomous service: If you don’t own insurance or don’t want to call insurance, ensure that you always have the contact info of the tow-truck services on your phone. Always keep the number of those companies which are trustworthy and fraud-free. The roadside assistance can reach you more quickly than other autonomous services. However, if you’ve met an accident, then you should mention it when you contact them because some companies don’t include towing services after accidents as it becomes a police case.

    Source: Geyers Towing & Transport
  • Prepare the car to get towed: the first preparation happens before leaving home. Ensure that you are putting tow rope and a flashlight in the car before going for any journey. But, once you leave and face an accident or a breakdown of the vehicle. You should take pictures of the car (if met an accident) and take all the value before the truck arrives out of the car.
  • Ensure that you deal with the truck that you called: sometimes when you contact towing service, and they say that they will reach there in 20 minutes, but after five minutes of waiting, towing-truck approaches the car. There is a 99% percent chance it is not the service you contacted, but it is just some random roadside truck who saw the opportunity and came to claim it. If you have second thoughts about the truck, then ask for all the documents before handing them your car. But, if you think that the truck and its driver are shady, proceed with care like locking yourself in the car.

    Source: NearSay
  • Tell towing service exactly where you have to go: you have two options; either go home or to a mechanic’s car repairing garage. Because it is your car that is being towed, so decide where you want to go. A driver who is trustworthy and honest would not insist you drop off the vehicle to a particular place, but if the driver does ask, call the cops as soon as possible:
  • Ensure to properly go through the documents before paying and signing it: before allowing your car to be towed, you should read the document and the prepared receipt, made especially for your situation. The contract will include all the information like the time of towing, model and number of your car, name of the driver, drop-off location, and the amount of towing. If you find that any of these things are not right, then don’t sign on the contract, don’t pay in advance and don’t let him tow your vehicle. Never agree or sign on anything which is vaguely written or doesn’t specify all the things clearly.

    Source: Admiral
  • Ensure that the mentioned price is acceptable: when you contact your insurance company for assistance, ethically, they should suggest affordable tow services to you. The real cost will be determined according to the location of where you are stuck and where you want to go/dropped off. But, on your part, you need to have a screenshot or list of towing rates with you. So, if any towing service charges you more, you will know about that, and should not hire that company –call some other company. You are also not obliged to make cash payments to towing companies; because drivers have to agree on any mode of payment by law. If they are not willing to accept other modes, then there can be something fishy going on there. Also, beware when a driver argues that all the towing costs will be covered by the insurance company; needless to say, this statement might be right, but he doesn’t know your insurance and can’t be sure that they cover towing expenses.
  • Safely keep the towing documents: if the tow truck damages your car while towing or you have to claim expenses from your insurance company, you can use those documents. Those documents are going to work as proof for you whenever you need it. You can use them whenever you deem them useful or whenever the need for towing documents arises.

    Source: HomeGuide

These tips may vary in situations, and they can help you in many cases. Getting a car towed is a serious business, and everything regarding it should be done with complete caution. Towing rules are similar in every state and jurisdiction, but some regulations may vary from place to place. Although reading about towing rules can seem like a tedious job but, familiarizing yourself with those rules before you leave home (especially for longer journeys on a car) will deem useful. Ensure that you always have a list of tow truck service’s contact numbers like 24 hours towing on your emergency contacts or in-car, so whenever you face car problems, you always have help nearby.

8 Ways Parents Can Monitor Their Teen’s Digital Behavior

Kids and teens are increasingly accessing the Internet and the use of applications, phones, mobiles, tablets and other electronic devices at younger ages. That is why, the inappropriate content that they can access without the supervision of their parents, becomes one of their major concerns. The market, aware of this problem, has launched and commercialized increasingly sophisticated and technologically accurate applications that allow parents to control the child effectively. But where is the limit of this type of applications? Are they a tool for the control and security of the minor, or for ill, excessive and abusive espionage of the parents? What does the law say about it? Is there jurisprudence applicable to the specific case?

In this article, we will analyze some of the most innovative and effective applications in this matter.

Potential dangers

Source: Post-Crescent

The police has identified a series of crimes and dangers that exist on the Internet against minors:

Grooming: are the deliberate actions of an adult to obtain friendship ties with a child on the internet, posing as another minor, in order to obtain sexual satisfaction through erotic or pornographic images of the child or even for a sexual encounter. These predators create fake online profiles, contact the minors and invite them to exchange erotic images, and then extort them and demand more photos or personal appointments.

Sexting: is when young people exchange photos of each other erotic, mainly from their phones or tablets. Although they are often shared in intimate spaces, they are sometimes used as an object of bullying or blackmail for sexual favors.

Cyberbullying: is the psychological and physical aggression and intimidation that a child or group of children performs against a third party using technological means. Sexual or humiliating images, photo montages or made-up stories are often used. It is also known as ‘cyberbullying’ and can lead to states of deep depression.

Child pornography: is the sexual abuse and exploitation of minors for any profit. It is considered a transnational crime and is punishable by imprisonment.

New parental control apps

Source: Graysmark

Currently, there are many applications on the market (and they are proliferating more and more technically more complete, simple and easy to handle by parents) that allow you to manage the time that the teen spends in front of the computer or mobile, manage the contacts, control the content that it emits and the one that it receives, prevent access to inappropriate content or inappropriate web pages for its age, warn about a minor misuse, block pornography, games or applications or even monitor what the minor does with his electronic device. Most of these applications are free and can be downloaded very easily and installed on the device and on that of the parents.

As we will see some are completely legal, while at other times, we may be crossing the line of legality and morality. The important thing, as we will see, is knowing how to differentiate between supervision, protection, looking after minors and safeguarding their interests on the one hand, and on the other, knowing whether we are facing obsessive and unhealthy control or surveillance. Virtue, as Aristotle would say, will be in the middle ground and in responsible use of this type of applications.

We will briefly discuss some of the most useful parental control tools:

Quostod – It is presented as a complete tool for the supervision and protection of minors online. It works on desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and tablets. On its page, we can find some of the functions that the application offers: “alerts about questionable activities on social networks, stops all dangerous pages of a website – not only the initial page, it shows if the computer is used to do important tasks or entertainment, filters inappropriate content from searches, allows you to define limits for responsible use of Internet access, filters new or not yet categorized pages, blocks devices when limits are exceeded, supervises social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, supervises multiple children, and can be individually configured.

The problem is that in some points, as we will see, it may exceed its duty to watch over the minor and interfere in his private life. It will be the parent, who under his responsibility, must weigh the limit of the privacy of the minor, calibrating above all the age and maturity of the teens.

Source: ChildSafeNet

Spy Phone – Is made to turn a smartphone into a family tracker. Quick and easy to install, in less than a minute. You can always use GPS to access your teen’s location, and the application is also designed to automatically send the location every half hour, so you will have a complete itinerary of your teenager. You can find more information at spyphone.com about how to do this properly

Talk kids – It is a chat specially designed for children, as a WhatsApp for minors with certain particularities and that has had at the time of designing this application with the advice of experts. Parents will be able to manage much of its content and application, and they will be the only ones who can decide to accept contact requests, the times in which the minor can speak, the days of the week that you can use it … It also has an offensive word detector that informs the parents of the lowest emitter and receiver when there is inappropriate language, controls the traffic of the content as well as the photographs and videos that are issued and received, and even has a spell checker. Very useful and safe.

Kiddle – It is a search engine exclusively for children that works with Google. Through it our children will be able to surf the Internet with total tranquility and without having to worry about what they will find and go crazy with security.

Yahoo Kids – an equally secure search engine that in very similar terms to the previous one, allows children to browse safely so that they can access content appropriate for their age, without being able to access links, pages or inappropriate content.

Teen Safe – One of the most controversial applications as it is an instrument of control, surveillance and we would almost say espionage of the minor. This service allows you to monitor all the activity that the minor is doin with his mobile: the calls he makes, the messages he receives and sends, the places where he is, browsing history, and even access to his Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Source: NPR

Ignore no more – An application designed by a mother, fed up with the fact that her youngest son did not return or answer their calls, and that it allows to block the phone, rendering it inoperative (except for emergency calls) if the minor repeatedly ignores the calls from his parents. This application, displaying its name, allows the mobile to be blocked even in the distance by means of a security code, which can only be unlocked by the parents when the minor returns calls.

Norton Family – It is a surveillance software, which lets you know the content that the minor downloads, the places he accesses and the pages he has visited. Complete control of the minor’s history.


New technologies can be (and are) an incredible tool for the communication, information, creativity and socialization of teens. I will even say more, it is something unavoidable in our life and we cannot take them away, isolate them or separate them from reality, but it can be dangerous. The ideal would be to start with a motivated and reasoned talk in which these aspects are explained, or to set the conditions for the use of a smartphone.

As we have always indicated, it is an educational, responsibility and trust issue that is necessary.

Where do Cryptocurrencies Get Their Value?

Becoming a good cryptocurrency investor is a tough challenge. First of all, this industry is relatively new. Because of that, you can hear different opinions about it. Some people are passionate about digital currencies. They believe it will completely replace flat money soon. On the contrary, some people simply do not want to accept it. They are convinced that Bitcoin and other altcoins are nothing more than a scam.

You must respect both ways of thinking. However, your main priority should be to get familiar with this subject. Knowledge improvement is the key to success in every field. If you are a complete newbie, you should start by making small steps.

The first thing you should analyze is different types of cryptocurrencies. As you probably know, Bitcoin is the most popular one. However, some less popular ones can be interesting to you as well. Anyway, the next thing would be to understand where do cryptocurrencies get their value. This is a crucial thing that will allow you to make a better income. By understanding how the change of value functions, you will have more chances to predict certain things.

Well, enough talking; let’s find out together how digital currencies get the value.

1. Rising Demand

Source: bloombergquint

You do not need to be an expert to understand why rising demand influences value. Let’s imagine that the company started to sell the current item. The item usually won’t cost that much in the beginning. However, there is a chance that the company will improve brand awareness and advertise properly. Despite that, if the quality of the item is good, people will demand it more. The company owners will sooner or later raise the price of their products. When people massively demand it, they won’t regret spending a bit more money.

Things are not different when we talk about cryptocurrencies. You have probably heard that Bitcoin was relatively cheap in the beginning. Some people became millionaires because they invested in time. The good thing is that they didn’t spend a lot of money at all. Logically, the demand for BTC was not as big as now.

Together with huge online exchanges, the usability of cryptocurrencies also improved. People now have the chance to use digital currencies in their everyday life. The number of companies that are supporting cryptocurrency-based payments is growing as well. Logically, we have this scenario because many governments legalized the usage of digital currencies.

Over time, cryptocurrencies experienced popularity growth (and they still are experiencing). Because of that, their value is constantly going up and down.

2. Fiat Currency Inflation

Source: RealUnit Schweiz AG

Traditional money might seem more safe solution at first glance. However, they also have their ups and downs. Well, their value-changing directly influences the value of digital currencies. Each time when their value goes down, the price of BTC and other altcoins grows. You might understand why this is happening. This means that you can get more of the currency with your digital coins.

ECB and FED are printing more and more money daily. In this way, they want to keep interest rates low. Because of that, the price-change because of this factor is often visible today.

3. Production Costs

Source: pennilessparenting

Let’s once again use the example of well-known industries. Let’s imagine that you sell current food that contains different ingredients. What is going to happen if one of those ingredients becomes more expensive? Will you keep the same price of your product? If you want to cover all the costs and earn some money, you will have to raise the price of your product.

Something like this happens to digital currencies as well but differently. Opportunity costs and direct costs have a strong influence on price. A good example of that would be the production of Bitcoin. Miners need to invest a lot of money to cover their electricity costs. Logically, they have to use specialized pieces of hardware to accomplish their tasks. Despite that, they also need to invest a lot in cooling systems for that type of hardware. All these costs are raising the value of all cryptos.

4. Node Count

Source: internewscast

At first glance, this factor might seem unclear. Because of that, let us describe it a bit later. This indicator shows how many active wallets exist on the current network. You might believe that getting this piece of data is tough. However, you can easily find it on the internet. In some cases, you can find it on the homepage of the currency you invest in.

There is one tip that we would like to give you here. As we said, being a successful investor requires hard work, dedication, and knowledge. Well, investors use different ways to analyze the price of current currency. One way is to check the total market capitalization and node count. Use those two factors and compare them with other cryptocurrencies. This will tell you if the currency you want to invest in has a fair price or not.

5. Rumors

Source: Droidmen

Believe it or not, this can also influence the value of digital currencies. You need to understand that the crypto world is not simple at all. However, the more important thing is to understand that this world is not gentle at all. Owners of different digital currencies use different tricks to harm the reputation of their competitors. In this way, they want to reduce the value of other currencies and attract new investors. You need to be careful when receiving this type of information. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they are all correct. They can sometimes give you the wrong direction that will only take your money.

6. Global Problems

Source: currency

Coronavirus crisis is good proof of how things can change in a second. Indeed, pandemic negatively influenced all fields of business. This also counts when we talk about the crypto world. Some people quickly sold their money because they were afraid of what could happen. Because of that, the price of all digital currencies is currently affordable.

Bonus Tip: How to Become Rich?

As you can see, becoming successful in this field depends on many factors. Because of that, you must work on your skill improvement. Despite that, it would also be good to find any type of assistance. Some software solutions can make things a lot easier for you. They can help you understand the trading process easier and earn some profit. If this seems like a good option, we recommend you visit bitcoin-fortress.com. Find the help you need there and explore the entire cryptocurrency world.

5 Benefits of Extended Stay Hotels for Business Travelers

The very nature of business travel means that the traveler’s primary focus should be to achieve the necessary business goals for that trip. This goal could be anything from delivering a service, purchasing products, and arranging business deals to grow the organization. With this in mind, every other travel requirement, including the accommodations, should help to serve this primary purpose.

Consider these facts about the business travel industry:

  • In 2018, in the US alone, $325 billion was spent on business travel, and over 460 million business trips were spent that year.
  • By 2024, the global cost associated with business travel is predicted to increase to $1.7 trillion.
  • Over 70% of all business travel lasts longer than one day.
  • Over 60% of businesses believe that long-lasting and strong business relationships are built from face-to-face business interaction rather than using video callings services.

According to www.affordablecorporatesuites.net, Where the traveler resides must be fit-for-purpose and cater to their every need – particularly if it is an extended stay. For example, the location of the hotel must be easily accessible in a safe part of the city, and access to services such as a secure WIFI connection must be readily available. The last thing a business traveler needs is avoidable problems that now stand as obstacles to fulfilling the reason for the trip.

Source: BridgeStreet

What Are Extended Stay Hotels?

An extended-stay hotel is one that offers accommodation for a more extended period than conventional hotels. A traveler is usually allowed to stay for more than 5 to 30 days but less than 180 days. These buildings also offer apartment-style amenities such as a lounge and cooking area and furnishings such as high-quality mattresses and pillows to provide you with soothing rest after a long day’s work. Regular housekeeping services come as standard to make for a more comfortable stay. Most extended stay hotels know what the expectations are, and the best of these hotels try their utmost to exceed these expectations.

What Types of Suites Are on Offer?

Different business travelers have different needs that may change during their stay, so flexible provisions need to be made for them. Most extended stay hotels acknowledge the budgetary differences among their guests, so they will try to ensure that all customers can have luxury and comfort no matter the size of their pockets.

There are typically three types of suites available. Firstly, a studio suite is usually the smallest, including all the amenities you would expect from a regular hotel room suite. Next, the standard suite comes complete with a bedroom, bath, kitchen, laundry room, and living area. Finally, an executive suite is the largest of them and contains all the above furnishings and amenities but with beautiful outdoor spaces.

Source: Medium

5 Key Benefits of Extended Stay Hotels

Here are some reasons why extended stay hotels are your best bet when it comes to business travel.

1. Spacious

Larger spaces inspire a greater sense of well-being, and most business travelers prefer a more spacious residence – especially if they are going to be away for a long time. Being in a small area for too long might prove uncomfortable and can make you unproductive. With the extra space that extended stay hotels offer, you can quickly set up your home office to get work done so that you won’t even feel like you’re away from your usual work environment. These advantages will help you to stay organized and focused on your work.

The use of space is also ideal with an isolated living area equipped with sofas, central coffee tables, satellite television, and sometimes with cool mod-cons such as an integrated apple docking station for your devices. Large windows with relaxing wall art and multiple lighting options come as standard. Also included is a separate bathroom and toilet, fully stocked with towels and toiletries.

Source: Weldon Worldwide

2. Fully Furnished

If you are on a business trip, one of the things you shouldn’t be worried about is furniture. With extended stay hotels, all you’ll have to do is show up with your luggage. They offer fully furnished rooms, including the work or study area where you can easily set up. This allows you to be in the right state of mind for work, and therefore, you’ll be able to do much more. All of the furniture is high quality and will give you maximum comfort no matter the activity.

3. Homey Comforts

Even though you are business traveling, it shouldn’t feel too much like you’re in a strange environment. An extended stay hotel takes away this problem, by replacing it with a homey feel that you cannot refuse. For example, if you like to cook your own meals, then you’re guaranteed a fully equipped kitchen to help you do just that. It also feels like home because of the availability of various amenities that make your stay more comfortable. For example, you’re provided with:

  • Washing machine
  • Refrigerator
  • Dishwasher
  • Stove
  • Silverware
  • Flat-screen televisions

It will feel like working from a home that feels very much like your own with all these provisions.

Source: Travel.Earth

4. Affordable

Because you will probably be staying for a more extended period, you do not have to break the bank. The more extended stay is more cost-effective when compared with staying in a conventional hotel. This way, extended stay hotels offer value pricing that prevents you from going over your per week or monthly budget, which allows your money to stretch much longer.

5. Excellent Locations

One other thing that business travelers need is to be close to where all the action is happening. Some extended-stay hotels offer this convenience so that guests do not have to spend too much commuting if they need to be in town. Most of them are located close to restaurants, retail shops and have access to major roads so that moving around won’t be a hassle.

Next time you need to travel for business, consider an extended stay hotel. You will be pleased with the spacious rooms and a full range of amenities.

Top 5 Reasons Why Makeup Professionals Should Start YouTube Channel

Source: spectrum

Did you know that in a recent study that YouTube beauty videos generated more than 169 billion views? Most interesting is that the content viewed was not from makeup brands or industry experts but it came from beauty vloggers. The different content found on this platform includes tutorials, DIY, and haul videos as well as reviews. With the content being received positively, don’t you think it’s time makeup artists join the bandwagon?

However, if you are not yet sure about the benefits of starting a YouTube channel, then here are some points to inspire you to try out.

1. Helps You Build a Customer Base

Source: variety

I know you are always looking for new ways to bring in more customers. The good news is that by consistently posting videos to the right audience, you open doors to new customers to visit your beauty shop. Start by uploading simple to do DIY videos for day to day life and then proceed to special occasion beauty tips such as weddings and anniversaries.

Remember, you first need to target the audience living in your location and always use keywords your audience will type to find makeup artists like you. Also, make sure you provide your contact details as well as physical address and leave a link where the potential clients can make a booking. Below that, you can mention the different services you are offering.

According to VlogTribe, having the right camera for beauty vloggers is a must. The reason is that you need to display all those shades and makeup and make it look good and for your customer base to see the actual differences and what you talk about.

2. To Develop a Relationship with Your Customers

Source: trendhunter

People love to connect and one way to this is by personalizing your videos. Keep in mind, often people are looking for someone who they can relate to, someone to get along with and feel comfortable around. Therefore, by showing your audience you are that person, you will start a relationship with potential clients even before they book an appointment with you.

You want to build a good relationship with them because that is the best way to get noticed and to potentially earn more money.

You will also be able to build your brand and it is said that people are more likely to get the services from someone they feel they know. For example, if you need to buy something for your home, are you more likely to choose a company you’ve never heard of, or are you more likely to go with someone you’ve seen on social media that sounds extremely capable and nice?

The same goes for your costumers, and when they can see your skills and your personality on the videos, they will be more likely to choose you when they are in need of similar services.

3. Create a Portfolio

Source: lostnloveco

We all need a portfolio and what better way than to have a YouTube channel. In this channel, you get to highlight your creativity by sharing with potential customers the final makeup look. By showcasing your skills, you get to build trust since your audience gets to learn firsthand how to apply different makeups while at home.

When you create a portfolio, it is going to be easier for you to successfully cooperate and collaborate with other businesses and companies. Whoever you decide to cooperate with, they will want to see your skills and to see how good you can present yourself and the products.

With a portfolio, you won’t have to go through all the draining stages of an interview, and makeup brands will be able to notice you faster. You can even get contacted by a recruiter and give you an offer right away.

4. A Chance to Work with Makeup Brands

Source: racked

Every businessperson’s goal is to grow their business to the next level and what better way than by starting a YouTube channel. By doing this, you will truly increase awareness of your skills among other experts in the beauty industry. After uploading some simple videos, you can start tagging the brands you are using or even mention the brands you love and wait to be noticed.

This move will not only increase your contacts, but it can open doors for collaboration with some makeup brands. You can gain access to free or discounted products as well as find like-minded people to share ideas with as well as work together. Interesting, right?

5. Build a Community

Source: adorama

Apart from gaining an audience while still reaching out to potential customers, you can also build a community with your YouTube viewers. How can you achieve this you may ask? You can build your own Facebook group or just encourage your audience to follow you on Instagram by providing a link on your YouTube videos.

On these platforms, you can post live stories and encourage your followers to share theirs too. This way you get to engage with your audience who will not only keep you and your service at the top of their minds but also share feedback. Kindly let them share with you the positive or negative points on how they feel about your videos.

Once you start building an audience and once people start getting interested in your channel, you will be able to get new viewers fast. You may need to target them and lead them to your channel from different platforms, but soon, they will come to in on their own.


There you have it, the five reasons why you should start a YouTube channel. Keep this in mind, apart from growing your business; you will get to interact with all kinds of people who really need your expertise.

You should always start and do things on your own terms. You should think about the skills you have and how that can help your viewers. One thing that most successful YouTubers suggest is that they don’t follow anyone’s lead. They do things they are good at, without following others’ style. You can start by watching other videos and see how those people are utilizing their skills to make their channels successful.

Remember that these things take time and that you might need more than a few months until you get your first client. Just be patient and listen to what your followers want to see from you.

So, are you ready to use YouTube to reach more audiences?

4 Exterior Home Remodeling Ideas On a Budget

You have finally built or arranged the house and the time has come to deal with landscaping the yard, garden, and backyard. Paths, green zones, ponds, lawn, garden gnomes, trees, terrace, barbecue, lighting are just some of the elements for exterior decoration.

How to arrange them successfully varies from the yard to yard. But fortunately, the Internet is full of wonderful examples that can serve as a template and inspiration. Here are some examples of exterior decorating that can help you.

Source: Remodel Ideas

Remodeling The Exterior

You certainly want your home to be a peaceful oasis in which everything is subordinated to enjoyment and relaxation. That is why you must realize all your unique and creative visions for landscaping as soon as possible – and create the corner you have always dreamed of. If you want to succeed, it is important that space is as connected to nature as possible – and that it reflects your way of living.

According to hardieboysinc.com when decorating, modern exterior designers try to integrate the architecture of the home itself with the functional and aesthetic requirements of the new yard. In that way, arranging the yard, regardless of its size and everything it entails can be quite a fun and creative process aimed at a beautiful and healthy yard throughout the year.

How To Choose The Right Design For Your Exterior?

It is important at the very beginning before you start realizing your plans, to think carefully about the goals and needs you have in your exterior. In the process, it is necessary to take into account all existing and potential obstacles that may prevent you from arranging the outdoor space. Also, it is important to take care of what your favorite colors are, but also what things make you happy.

Depending on whether you want a more or less intimate space for rest, socializing, playing, the course of decoration will depend. Below we present you 4 ideas for decorating the exterior, which can serve as inspiration for arranging your own space. They can fit into a budget, and yet give your exterior a completely new and refreshing look.

1. Arranging A Path That Leads Through The Yard

Source: DIY Network

One of the basic things that can contribute to a positive impression and the best possible visual impression – is the path in the yard. If a rough path, inadequately concreted, is inserted in a beautiful green environment, with flowers and trees in the background, the whole experience will be spoiled.

That is why a great solution is to use specially made concrete slabs, of different shapes and patterns – which can fit perfectly into any exterior design. Extremely modern cast or pressed concrete slabs are a great option for all those who want a unique and unique, yet modern track design in their backyard. Concrete slabs are a creative solution for all those who want to have perfectly paved paths in their yard.

2. Building A Deck

Source: JLC Online

Decks are the most beautiful places in the house for many people. This is especially pronounced in the warmer part of the year, like in spring and summer. That is the time when the deck becomes a place where you can listen to the morning song of birds, enjoy drinking coffee, feel the evening freshness and enjoy the view, or have a barbecue and enjoy the company.

According to decksgarland.com – designing a deck space may depend on the preferences of the space owner, the size of the house, or the taste of the occupants. However, it must satisfy one thing – to be a comfortable place. Planning the look of a deck should not be complicated and tedious, but a fun job. So make it that way.

The good thing is that it is not necessary to invest a lot of money in arranging this space to get a great result. It is usually enough to put a table, a chair or two, some greenery and colorful pillows, and the floor will look like new if it is covered with a colorful rag.

3. Lighting Gives A Special Charm

Source: Professional Deck Builder

Creative lighting can allow you to create a completely different look for your exterior. Outdoor lighting can significantly enhance the look of your yard, path, or deck on warm, summer evenings. For pleasant gatherings in the evening on the deck or in the garden – you can install interesting outdoor lighting, which will be fun or glamorous. You can opt for soft, subtle lighting that will be suitable for your flower alleys, paths, or summer houses.

Also, consider solar lamps that are very efficient and practical. It is very important to adapt the lighting design to the theme of your exterior. Depending on the theme, you can place lanterns or lamps that will contribute to a more beautiful appearance of the exterior with their discreet or strong light – and their elegant or rustic design.

4. Fountains As A Perfect Decoration In Any Yard

Source: Aquascape

Fountains are delightful and beautiful things in each backyard. It very well may be set with the goal that it is a focal spot in your yard where you can organize paths, benches, and so on. It is significant while choosing a fountain to pick one which is well-proportioned to your backyard. It should be following the theme, and our recommendation is to consistently play with common materials. It means that an ideal fountain can be made out of stone, which will suit practically any condition.

Despite the theme and design of the yard, the fountain should never be set on some hidden place and put where individuals can’t appreciate it. In case your garden is formal, place the fountain in the focal point of the yard, ideally where the ways cross –  with the goal that it becomes the main point of the yard. In case that the yard isn’t unreasonably formal, don’t hesitate to set the fountain in a corner or along the way. However, it should be visible enough for you and your visitors.


The ideal and perfectly remodeled and decorated exterior is what relaxes you and gives you the desired place to relax and enjoy. Besides, it’s the first thing someone sees when they come to visit you. Therefore, if you want to impress others, and not only yourself, it is important to make an effort to leave a good impression.

How to Ask for Help with Doing a Case Study?

If you get tired of various assignments and have no time to handle them all, it is time you relaxed and just went for a walk. There is no point in exhausting yourself, especially if we talk about doing a case study that is probably one of the most common tasks among people engaged in different activities.

If you need some case study help online, you can get it here without any difficulties. You need to dedicate no more than 5 minutes to order the best case study ever. Because such professional writing services always work fast and qualitatively and are concerned about customers’ satisfaction every time.

How to Choose a Reliable Writing Service to Apply to?

Source: writingcooperative

Online writing service is a company that works online and performs orders of people who should handle various writing assignments, from a simple essay to complex case studies.

However, not every online writing service is a high-quality helper. Nowadays, people very often face fraud and, due to this, should be enough careful in order not to fail.

To distinguish a good and professional writing service from a company that offers poor-quality services is not very difficult. You just need to follow some pieces of advice and be quite attentive while looking for the best helper online.

  • Read customers’ testimonials.
  • Check the rate of service on some trustworthy websites.
  • Look through the profiles of writers and check their competencies.
  • Calculate the price to find out what is the pricing policy on the service.
  • Get into touch with the customer service.

Only after that, you can start placing an order. Because these are the basic requirements for every professional writing service.

An additional tip on how to choose a reliable writing service is to read free paper samples. If you are concerned about the quality of your case study, this option can show you the level of service professionalism the best. In such a way, you can find out what level of writing skills every writer has and understand whether it is appropriate for doing your case study.

Why Are Online Writing Services so Beneficial Helper for Those Who Need to Do a Case Study?

Source: SouthFront

Most students have even no idea how helpful writing services are. Some think that these are just companies that find academic papers and then, sale them. But it is a large delusion. Also, some students think that these agencies are too expensive and there is no reason to even waste their time. But again, this is a wrong opinion – prices vary from one service to another, as well as within the company. Moreover, students can regulate the final cost they are going to pay. There are some life-hacks that can help students save money:

  • 1) early order (if one places the order beforehand, the cost will be little lower)
  • 2) order a part of the paper (it is not an obligation to order the whole paper, one can order just the most difficult part of it)
  • 3) less experienced writer (writers with less experience charge lower prices)

Well, if you wonder why online writing services so are beneficial for those who need to do a case study, the below-mentioned list will help you to understand that.

  • Professional writers are the only ones who can handle such a sophisticated assignment as a case study at the highest level.

Every qualified specialist working in such a company has enough experience to cope with the task of any complexity. Moreover, every responsible skilled writer always tries to satisfy all the requirements of the customer and do the case study as informative as possible. And, of course, all certified specialists know where to find the necessary information to make your case study thorough.

  • Only professional writing services can do your case study within such a short deadline.

No matter how hard you try because if you have a little experience and skills in doing such a complex assignment as a case study it will be difficult enough for you to handle it at the highest level.

Source: Marketing Donut

Because you need not only to collect a lot of information on the indicated topic but also should analyze and structure it correctly. You should make a plan and follow it if you want to make all the sentences of your paper coherent and concise. In general, it is almost impossible to do a case study well without proper preparation.

Nevertheless, there is no sophisticated task to professional writing services because their staff consists of skilled and experienced specialists who can cope with your case study even within one day.

  • Every professional writing service offers a guarantee of 100% confidential papers.

It means that whatever complex assignment is, a writer will do his best to avoid plagiarism in your case study. Because they know how to analyze information and contribute their own insights.

All in all, if you decide to apply for professional assistance with doing your case study, the best helper ever will be a custom online writing service. It is so beneficial because it works fast and qualitatively and its writers can handle any task meeting any requirements you need.

Source: FATF platform

How to Order a Good Case Study Online?

  • First of all, make “do my case study for me fast and qualitatively” Internet request.
  • Look through some professional writing services, check them, and choose the best one available.
  • Place an order indicating all the requirements for the case study.
  • Get into touch with your personal helper (a writer working on the service you have chosen) to clarify some further nuances concerning your case study.
  • Get your high-quality case study within the necessary deadline.

So, if you are assigned to do a case study and want to handle it at the highest level, the best decision ever will be to apply to professional writing service!

Gifting Long Lasting Floral Arrangements: 5 Things to Know

Source: peaklife

Gifting a beautiful floral arrangement is one of the best gifts that make everyone smile. It is a great way to show someone you care about them. You can gift to your parents or teachers as gratitude. Suppose the teacher you worked with has just finished her Ph.D. degree and you are thinking of the best way to congratulate your teacher on this success, gifting floral arrangement is a beautiful idea. A beautiful rose bouquet would make a thoughtful gift.

The world of flowers is magnificent and immense, with thousands of different very beautiful ideas. Choosing the right flowers is essential as the floral arrangement begins with the right flowers. Start by selecting the primary color of your floral arrangement. Choose flowers with different shades of the same shade or single-color flowers considering the choice of the recipient. You can also choose contrasting colors to create an explosion of excitement.

Things to Consider for Gifting Long-Lasting Arrangements

Source: weddingbells

There are different occasions when you need to give gifts to your loved ones, such as graduation, Christmas, reunion, Birthdays, Anniversary, or Valentine’s Day, etc. Flowers are an excellent gift for any occasion, whether you want to send congratulations or condolences. You can choose a floral arrangement for each of these occasions. According to La Fleur De Luxe, giving a floral arrangement will be admired, but it is necessary to start selecting the right flowers.  Here are five main points to know that will help you buy the best long-lasting floral arrangements. Let’s have a look at these points one by one

1. Choose the right flowers

If you are planning to give floral arrangements to your loved ones or even you are sending the flowers as a gesture of care to your neighbor or a colleague, you should choose the flowers carefully. Although choosing the right flowers for different times and events can be difficult. There are many factors to consider when making the final decision. Know the meaning and essence of the types and colors of flowers that can help you choose the arrangement. When you give flowers, it is necessary to understand the different symbolic meanings behind each flower. Make sure to select the right flower and personalize the floral arrangement according to the event.

Source: secretblooms

2. Know the psychology of colors

Whether it’s an elegant bouquet of red roses or a colorful bouquet of pink roses, nothing is as beautiful as this gift. Pink roses are beautiful and a great way to show your appreciation, which should be the first sentence you want your year-end kit to say. Also, don’t underestimate white, yellow, and lavender roses. Consider the special meaning of each color. Then combine it with a flower of similar significance to achieve the most significant effect. If you are interested in provoking healthy thoughts and feelings, warmer colors such as yellow, red, and orange are the way to go. These colors are known to symbolize and ignite emotions such as joy and positivity. Red is often synonymous with love and romance because of its association with the heart. The colors of orange and yellow are generally associated with joy and happiness. These colors can enhance positive energy in the spaces where you place them. Red attracts more attention than any other color. Oranges are associated with happiness and joy, representing energy and vitality. Yellow is a very stimulating color as it represents respect and good health.

Source: nypost

3. Know the occasion

You have to consider several things such as what is the perfect flower for any occasion or what is the ideal color for this occasion. Remember that the type of floral arrangement that ends with your purchase must send the correct message. Think about the event before putting your heart on a particular gift. On special days with personal significance, it may be appropriate to offer a romantic or thoughtful gift. On more informal occasions, you will want to choose something more intentional. Remember that the ultimate goal is to put a smile on the recipient’s face and not move forward with your program. Think about the occasion that is being celebrated and choose an appropriate flower arrangement for it. Offering a bright, sunny flower arrangement to someone at the funeral can seem disrespectful. Try to understand the symbol of each type of flower before buying anything.

4. Consider the seasonal aspects

The season is one of the must things to know about for gifting long-lasting floral arrangements. Consider the season in which you are buying the floral arrangement for a special person. Some floral arrangements are costly than others, regardless of the time of year, but others can be purchased at very low prices. At the same time, you may be able to find cheap seasonal flowers by looking for the right places. Keep it in mind that the seasonal long-lasting floral arrangements tend to be more expensive. However, they are worth spending. Seasonal considerations are also important when the quality of gifts is in question. After all, you will not give a person a vibrant floral arrangement in summer.

Source: inquirer

5. Know about the period

Time constraints also have a lot to do with the time, not just the calendar. Some florists will deliver their arrangements the same day you order, but you must complete the purchase on time. Read more for more flower delivery options.

Birthdays and anniversaries, for example, must be the time they are on time. Giving a late gift is offensive and can hurt someone’s feelings. Inquire the florists about their delivery terms and conditions and the delivery time span.

Buying flowers is not a difficult purchase; however, it might be challenging to buy the best floral arrangements that make someone smile. The meanings are hidden behind the floral arrangement you choose. Knowing these things will help you make the right choice.

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