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Advantages of Having and Using an Infrared Sauna

Before we begin, we all should have some ideas about what is a Sauna and infrared sauna. Saunas are small rooms that are heated between 150 degrees Fahrenheit and 195 degrees Fahrenheit. They generally have unpainted walls and wood interiors. There should have heating materials to control the temperature. There is nothing more impressive than twenty minutes of a sweat session in a sauna. If you want to know more about infrared sauna, I will recommend you visit CleverLeverage because they have already tasted a lot of products. They will give you real information after testing the sauna. They are the most trusted site. So let me tells you all about infrared sauna.

What is an infrared sauna?

The traditional one heats the air around you and heats the room. On the other hand, this uses infrared lamps to make your body warm directly. An infrared one uses infrared panels; there is no standard heat panel in this one. These panels are used to penetrated human tissue more easily. Those panels heat the body first without heating the air first. Detoxification is must needed in this toxic world. This will help you to detox the body.

Source: SPA PerForma fitnes

Benefits of Infrared sauna over traditional sauna:

  • It produces less temperature compared to a traditional one. It operates 120 degrees, where the traditional product works in 150 to 180 degrees.
  • It takes less electricity than a traditional one.
  • The manufacturers said that its twenty present of heat only goes to the air, and eighty present will heat your body directly.
  • Twenty minutes of infrared session twice a week can help your skin and body.
  • If you take this treatment, you will be able to sleep better.
  • This will help you to relax.
  • It will help you to detox more than a traditional type.
  • It will also help you to lose weight more.
  • Infrared one will relieve you from sore muscles.
  • It will clear your skin and make your skin tighter.
  • It will improve the causation of your body.
  • It will also help people who have chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • It also relieves your joint pain.

Guideline before going to an infrared session:

Source: Gym Gear
  • Drink water

Before going to an infrared room, you must be hydrated and drink at least a glass of water before going to a session. If you are sensitive to higher heat, you should take water into your session.

  • Choose the temperature

If you can not take high temperatures, you should be in a room with comparatively less heat. Fine-tuning the temperature to match your personal comfort zone not only elevates the entire experience but infuses it with a touch of personalization that’s both delightful and beneficial. This adaptability ensures each session within the sauna London wellness center for example is meticulously tailored to individual heat preferences, guaranteeing an optimum blend of comfort and therapeutic benefits. Discovering that perfect thermal sweet spot is key to unlocking a deeply therapeutic and luxuriously relaxing infrared sauna journey.

  • Time length

If you go to an infrared session for the first time, you should be there or 10 to 15 minutes. After that, add an extra five minutes every time you use the session.

Source: Community Impact Newspaper
  • About clothing

You can dress up as you want, but you never should wear heavy cloths. Some allow you to be naked there. People usually wear bathing clothes there.

  • Things to do in there

You can do a lot of things in there, and you can relax there. You can read books, listen to your favorite music, or chill with all your friends there. But you have to stay awake, can not sleep there.

  • After the session

After your session, let your body to be cool down and take a shower and drink a lot of water.

Source: Dr Kern
  • Trusted reviewer

There are many saunas and infrared sauna reviews you will find online, but most are fake. If you watch fake review videos or articles, you will be confused. So it is essential to watch an appraisal from a trusted one. You will get all the information and reviews you want. Many manufacturing companies will tell you that their product is the best they use near-panels; it is better for your skin and body. And some other company will tell claim that their company makes the best one for you. That will be very good for your health and your body.

When hearing all this, you will be confused and may buy their product or be frustrated and try to forget about the topic. They have already reviewed a lot of this product, and they know what will be the best choice for you. There are some reviewers who review products without tasting them, so who can you expect them to tell you what is best for you? They make videos about product reviews from their computer without even seeing one in person. That type of person makes videos for views and confused people. Some company makes promoting review videos for their business, and they will push you to buy. They will answer all your questions on Youtube twice a week so that you don’t have any confusion. You can submit your questions and excitement on their website, and they will answer your question.

Source: Siti Med Spa

They are best for you because before reviewing anything, they tasted the product sometime. But most of the other reviewers generally don’t do that. Those people consider the product for views or money. That’s why you can’t trust them. So if you wanted to buy this for a long time but can not find the best one, you must go to the site. An infrared product is something you must use for better health, and if you go to the gym, you should use it for your body and get quick results in weight loss. The infrared product will help you detox your body—the detoxication of this is better than a traditional one.

5 Questions to Ask Before Taking a Personal Loan

76797166 - the concept of technology, the internet and the network. businessman shows a working model of business: personal loan

Online loaning is still something odd and strange for those who have never taken a loan before. You’ve probably heard some rumors about collateral and changing interest rates. More than that, people still don’t believe that lending online is 100% legal. These prejudices not only prevent you from taking a loan and create a wrong impression. The biggest disadvantage is misunderstanding and mess inside your head concerning this topic. The best remedy against such confusion is the right questions. This article is aimed to explain personal loans in Sri Lanka in the form of frequently asked questions for you to learn essential information about this service without intrusive advertising.

1. Why should I apply for a personal loan online?

Source: Medium

Personal loan services have three main benefits compared to loans that are offered in banks.

First of all, online loans are easier to get. This is one of the crucial factors for those who’re looking for “easy money” or urgent financial aid. Imagine if you’re to pay rent within a week. Where will you get this money? A traditional bank will never approve your credit earlier than in 7-14 days, plus the process of receiving loan could depend on the bank. Some banks allow their clients to use lend in a week or even later.

Secondly, the list of requirements is much shorter. Permanent residence with employment certificate sounds like nothing compared to payslips and tax information for several previous years.

Finally, the application process is much more convenient! No physical presence in a bank surrounded by dozens of waiting people seems like a big advantage especially during today’s situation in the world. Generally, 24 hours is enough to apply for a loan on an online platform.

Although, there are more individual reasons that you also need to take into consideration. Being an urgent financial assistance online lending aims to help you solve the most rapid problems. Medical issues and urgent renovation are the most popular reasons to lend money to an online loan organization. Sometimes people use swift credits to go on tour somewhere or simply to survive while waiting for an upcoming salary. A more risky variant is when people take a loan to repay another debt. Why risky? To begin with, the scoring procedure will show that you have more than one current credit and you simply could become an unreliable client. Secondly, how would you repay another loan? So, remember about bonus reasons to lend (universal for banks and companies) – you know exactly where you’ll get money to repay your loan. Here you’ll find the best offers that’ll meet all your needs.

2. What are the conditions?

Source: pexels.com

As it was already said conditions for submission on the personal loan in Sri Lanka are flexible and rather minimalistic. You should have the following things to be approved:

  • An account in a bank;
  • Confirmation of steady income;
  • National Identity Card (NIC) to confirm Sri Lanka residence;
  • E-mail and mobile number.

3. What’s a credit score?

Source: Leri Cash Advance Online Loan

A credit score is your rating which consists of your previous lends amount and repayment statistics. For online companies that are without the most significant reason to confirm or to reject your credit request.

You are considered a good client if you have a steady income. The announced income, by the way, has to be bigger than the loan repayment amount per month including the interest rate. Also, you need to own a bank account and some positive credit history. It mainly consists of your repayments on previous credits or bank card lends. Statistics show that online companies are likely to give loans to those clients who have to lend small amounts before and repaid them on time.

Unfortunately, some people don’t have a high score rating. Below you’ll find some improvement tips.

  • If your loan is not that burning put your old bills in order. There is nothing more vital for lenders than your repayment history. Some online companies can even change the interest rate following your lending past. So, earlier you pay on your bills – better score you have.
  • You won’t be given a loan coming out of nowhere (for lenders, of course). A credit score without a blotch on couldn’t seem reliable in the eyes of potential lenders. Consequently, if you plan to take big credit for business needs, don’t forget to build up a rating employing little lends during the year.
  • Having multiple credit cards though maybe convenient, for online lenders seem eccentric and suspicious. What are you hiding under the cover of these accounts? Unpaid debts
  • So, before taking a loan close old accounts that you haven’t used for a year or longer.
  • Don’t take credit rating personally. If there were problems with one particular company trying to get money on a different platform. Commonly, online loan companies don’t have a goal to rebuff your application.

4. What are secured and unsecured loans?

Source: 12monthloansonlineco

These notions don’t characterize loan as a reliable or unreliable source of money. Everything is more straightforward. Secured loans mean that a bank or an online loan company secured themselves by taking collateral. As collateral, you can give a car, house, jewelry, or deposits. You don’t need to transfer your property to the lender. Not at all! Collateral would be sold only after you would refuse to repay your loan for several times.

Every decline means that charge will grow as well as an interest rate. So, you have plenty of time before this will happen. Actually, it won’t because you’ll probably take a more profitable unsecured loan. Here you give nothing to the lending company except your personal information. Warranty is your rating and higher interest rate. Unsecured loans give you more opportunities to spend your money and reduce your risks to zero.

5. What if I have no employment certificate?

Source: Investopedia

A steady income is quite a topic as people in Sri Lanka often work without formalizing their working status. That’s not a problem though as you can prove your repayment ability through account history. Freelancers consider being employed. Also, don’t worry if you have some investments or official unemployed status. If it happened that none of the mentioned factors don’t relate to you don’t worry. You can ask your friend to be a co-signer. This is a perfect warranty for your lending company. If you have no friend or relative to confirm your reliability you should be ready for higher interest rates which aren’t a problem also! Some companies reduce the left interest rate after full loan repayment in advance.

9 Benefits of Post-Separation Mediation

Source: ipleaders

When the love fades, and when they face the reality – many couples give up a fight for their love and marriage. According to experts – changes in culture and system values are the main reasons why people more often give up on marriage. What do we do when love comes to an end and divorce becomes inevitable? Can disagreements between future-ex-spouses be resolved in a civilized manner? It’s possible! This is exactly what post-separation mediation helps us with. We will point out some of the benefits of this way of resolving marital disputes.

Better A Good Divorce Than A Bad Marriage

Today, many couples, especially young ones find it difficult to cope with their roles. Why is this happening? There are many reasons, but unlike some previous times – today there are no clear rules on how marriage should work. Therefore, in a way, the roles of spouses are not clearly defined either. Regardless of all the problems – the advice is to think carefully before initiating divorce proceedings. You can always get a divorce. Saving a marriage and living in it harmoniously is a much bigger skill – and also a happier solution. Of course, if such a solution is possible. If there is no way to live harmoniously, and you have still decided to end your marriage – here is what the divorce procedure usually looks like in practice.

Source: sharkbiteseo

Two Faces Of Divorce

There are two ways to get through the separation process. The first way is a consensual divorce, for which you and your partner need to agree on major issues that you consider relevant. These include the trust of the child, the division of property, the amount of child support, and the manner of maintaining the child’s relationship with the other parent, etc. Another way is a divorce by a lawsuit if you cannot agree on the divorce or the most important issues related to the divorce.

What Is A Consensual Divorce?

A consensual divorce is the one based on the consent of both parties, that is you and your spouse. You are both entitled to that right if you enter into a written agreement for divorce. Also, you should submit a written agreement on the exercise of parental rights and also on the questions of dividing joint property with the proposal for a consensual divorce. In a written agreement on the exercise of parental rights, you and your partner can agree to exercise parental rights together – or only one parent will receive parental rights. If you decide that only one parent gets parental rights, then the agreement must include an agreement on entrusting the joint child to one parent, but also an agreement on the monthly amount for child support that will be paid by the other parent and also agreement on maintaining the child’s relationship with the other parent.

Source: Loi Pinel

What Is A Divorce Lawsuit?

A lawsuit for divorce can be filed by both spouses. That usually happens if the marital relationship is seriously and permanently disrupted or if the life between spouses cannot be objectively realized. Then it is considering filing a lawsuit. As part of the divorce proceedings – a mediation procedure is also provided for you to reconcile or reach an agreement on the most important issues.

Use Of The Mediation Process

The mediation procedure is an integral part of a marital dispute. It is initiated by a lawsuit of one of the spouses. Mediation consists of two phases and includes a procedure to attempt at reconciliation and a procedure for an attempt to settle the dispute amicably – that is, a settlement. This means that you and your partner can only agree to a settlement. The mediation will not be conducted unless you or your spouse do not agree to it, or if either of you is incapable of reasoning. It also won’t be conducted if the residence of one of the spouses is unknown – or if any of the spouses live abroad.

Source: PhillyVoice

Benefits Of Post-Separation Mediation

In the post-separation phase, mediation aims to alleviate the traumas of the emotionally exhausting process and stabilize the family system in separated conditions. According to O’Sullivan Mediation, spouses are allowed to reconsider the decision on divorce. They have the opportunity to overcome their problems with professional help. Spouses can overcome the difficulties that have led to disturbances in the relationship – as well as in achieving agreed parenting. If in the mediation process the spouses do not reconcile and remain with the decision on divorce – the mediator during mediation focuses on alleviating the phase of emotional divorce, on parental strengths and developmental needs of children. At this stage, mediation has the task of rehabilitating the family system, minimizing negative psychosocial consequences, and conflict of loyalty in children.

These are some of the other benefits of mediation in the post-separation process.

  1. Decisions are made independently by those who will live following the reached agreement.
  2. Independent decision-making that takes the needs of all family members increases the likelihood of reaching a fair agreement.
  3. It enables the continuity of family ties between children and parents after a conflict or a divorce.
  4. It helps in developing parental cooperation based on the common interest for the welfare of children.
  5. Mediation respects the family’s past – but does not deepen the problem by looking for the causes of past conflicts.
  6. Mediation is focused on the current problem and on a solution that will be sustainable in the future.
  7. Mediation encourages shared responsibility for the quality of life of family members.
  8. The dispute can be resolved quickly by mediation – and therefore, it will reduce the cost of resolving it.
  9. If a partial agreement is reached or no agreement is reached at all – mediation helps the spouses to see the situation more clearly. It also contributes to their better mutual understanding and communication – and more effective participation in further dispute resolution in court.
Source: Rosenblum Law Offices

Significance Of Mediation

The mediator directs the partners to jointly consider all the consequences of divorce. In this way, it helps partners to manage their personal and property relations with as much understanding and responsibility as possible. Also, the mediator directs the partners to think and agree on how they will take care of their children after the divorce. This applies in particular to parental responsibilities and rights towards children. All this contributes to the fact that the partners do not part hostilely and opens the possibility for parental cooperation that puts the child in the first place. If there is a willingness of partners to cooperate in all matters that are important to their children, there will be less need for intervention by the court and other institutions involved in this process.

10 Basic Facts About Injectable Fillers You Need to Know

Source: medicalnewstoday

Although this was a taboo topic only a few years ago, now there is open talk about plastic surgery and various treatments for rejuvenating and tightening the skin. People do it with a desire to maintain a beautiful, youthful appearance for as long as possible. Lip fillers can be seen on almost every second woman. Even men do not shy away from skin tightening and rejuvenation and even lip augmentation. Tightening the face with Botox and Hyaluronic acid has become as common as going to the supermarket. But is it as harmless as it seems to most people? For Botox, we already know that by its action it incapacitates the facial muscles to move so people look quite unnatural while opening their mouth. Maybe you should know a few more things before you decide on this step.

What is the purpose of fillers?

Source: harpersbazaar

The filler gives a rejuvenated appearance of the skin, restoring the lost volume to the face. Besides the mechanical impact of hyaluronic acid that tightens skin and retains water like a sponge, dermal fillers of new generation feed and renew the skin from the inside as well. Fillers are used to rejuvenating the skin, erase wrinkles from the face and neck, and also erase the tired look of the face.

When we talk about types of fillers, the main division is long-lasting and semi-lasting. Temporary or semi-lasting lasts approximately 4-12 months and it is necessary to renew it from year to year. We can divide them on hyaluronic, collagen, autologous, and synthetic fillers. We can freely say that hyaluronic acid is the most used.

Speaking of long-lasting fillers, Aquamid is the most popular. Its final effect is visible after up to two weeks, due to the “division” of fillers.

There are also fillers in the cream, although they do not have such an effective and fast effect as injections. Many anti-age face creams have hyaluronic as an ingredient.

Before you decide to make this step, there are a few things you should pay attention to:

1. Think about your age and do you really need to do it or did it just impose itself to you as the current trend. You should never run after what is modern because that way you will lose what makes you unique and merge into the world of clones. Even if you do decide to increase it, do it according to your proportions.

Source: theskincentermd

2. Ask an expert what are the highest quality fillers, as well as those that will have the longest effect. To find more information about it click here. To achieve the desired effect do not hesitate when choosing a more expensive filler. It is still something that will end up under your skin.

3. Do not hesitate to ask about the side effect on your health and appearance. If you are prone to allergies, ask if hyaluronic acid is a strong allergen. Also, it is not recommendable to do in pregnancy and while breastfeeding, or if an infection exists on the place planned to be treated.

4. Read about possible complications and ask about the amount of filler needed for the desired intervention. Keep in mind that in the world of fashion less is more, and so is cosmetic surgery. Too much filler could lead to an unnatural and artificial look.

5. Experts advise visiting the dentist before deciding to put files into the lips. It may sound strange, but the reason is more than obvious – teeth are supporting lips by making it sometimes uneven.

Source: myethosspa

6. Be aware of the fact that swelling may occur, but also does not have to. This depends on the anatomy of the body or face, but also on the expertise of the person who performs it. Either way, it’s something that’s not a problem and goes through a couple of days.

7. What is also advisable is not to take aspirin, painkillers, multivitamins, fish oil, and vitamin E at least seven days before treatment. Each of these medicines can dilute the blood that will cause bruising after the procedure. Another important thing is to avoid alcohol and caffeine 24 hours before and after the treatment. This will help in swelling reduction. Follow your doctor’s instructions. if you are told to avoid the sauna, hot drinks, solarium, intense workouts, and even passionate kisses after the treatment, believe that it was done for a reason.

8. The treatment itself is finished very quickly. It will not take more than half an hour for the doctor to do his part of the job, and for you to look in the mirror and see a new, more beautiful and more satisfied you. But in case you are still not happy with the reflection you see in the mirror, don’t worry, there is a solution. Just as there is hyaluronic acid that will give volume to your lips, so there is hyaluronidase whose injection rapidly degrades hyaluronic acid, restoring the treated part of the face to its previous appearance. Also, if the lump appears on the lips, it is the sign filler is to close to the surface, but do not worry, it can be fixed immediately.

Source: womenshealthmag

9. The price varies from place to place, so it is possible that in a neighboring country or even a city you get the same result for even twice as much money. It is no secret that for this very reason many people choose to do so in a foreign country. However, one should be careful if it sounds too good to be true.

10. Hyaluronic acid injection is not painless. For this reason, most beauticians and doctors include local anesthesia before starting with procedure. Connect with Regeneva team to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, facial folds, and to create structure, framework, and volume to the face and lips. They also offers dermal and facial fillers in their Geneva Centre in Switzerland.

Whatever look you choose, whether you prefer lips proportional to your face or big, juicy lips as Angelina Jolie’s, do it solely for your own sake. Not because of a trend, a boyfriend, or friends. Only then will you be happy with the outcome.

Restoration of a House After Water Damage

Source: restore

Water damages houses to a large extent and produces much harm; people have to take proper measures to protect their houses from any damage. Damages can of different types, but the most common problem that people face in their homes is of water flooding. Water damages can occur due to various reasons like natural flooding, malfunction of appliances, etc. However, professional companies like us have proper knowledge regarding such situations, and we always come in handy to people who feel like getting help.

The primary step that any person should take who is facing water damage should always contact to the professionals regarding the issues. Companies like 877jobdone.com always help people in need and bring their houses back in an utterly fit situation. However, some of the steps that are listed below should ever be taken by every person to ensure proper restoration of their houses.

1. Safety > House

The most critical factor for people is to protect themselves before they get worried about their house. The water flooded even may have a bright appearance like pure water but can contain a lot of germs, bacterias, and pathogens. This results in several diseases on people, and the younger ones of the family can face different severe illnesses. So it is better to evacuate the flooded place immediately and reach a safe spot to save themselves from any casualty. But before you do so, never forget to switch off the house’s main power supply to prohibit any danger inside the house.

Source: pdpservices

2. Call your Insurance Company

Insurance plays a significant role in covering up for the expenses due to the harm produced in the house. People should always inform their Insurance company for such issues. Many insurance company’s policies vary according to different situations; hence, to be on the safer side, people should contact their company and talk accordingly. One should always document the loss of each item and things; it is better that you click pictures of the flooded house to present it as a proof to your Insurance Company. Always be vigilant while signing for insurances; some of the companies may not include natural factors like flooding.

3. Call Restoration Company

The main people who are trained professionally for such tasks are the restoration companies. People should always try hiring a team of professionals like 877jobdone.com for taking out the restoration process immediately and correctly. Restoration companies are ever trained properly for such works and have specialized skills in this field. Hence, instead of taking matters in your own hands, people can hire Restoration companies who are always ready to work for people’s ease!

Source: southfloridawaterdamageexperts

4. Start the Cleanup!

Water Damages can bring up some ugly situations for homeowners. Several issues like molds, diseases, bad odors, etc. can come up in the house if it hasn’t been treated properly. The best way is to start the cleanup process in at most 24-48 hours, or else it really might be too late. The water sweeps effortlessly into the walls and floors and later, makes it difficult for restorators to dry up the walls from inside. This can be the place for the growth of molds and bacterias. Hence, people should always act as soon as possible, and the clean-up process should start almost immediately.

5. Drying out the House

After the restoration company helps you dispose of all the water from the house, the process of drying the walls and the house’s flooring should start soon. People should start this process as quickly as possible if their home is located in a humid area. The use of the central air conditioner should be taken up to dry up the houses. The process of drying on an average should always start in at least two days and be completed within the four days of the issue. This will reduce significant problems like molds and mildew and eventually protect people from this issue.

Source: restorationtechs

6. Mold Check

The quicker you act, the lesser issues may occur. People should always act fast at the first 24 hours and prohibit the development of molds on walls. These issues remain active until the house and other different appliances and furniture are dried up. Hence, these problems should always be taken care of at the first hours of damage and take care of things appropriately such that no such issues occur even in the near future.

7. Replacement of Components of House

After the drying process and all the necessary procedure has been taken out, people should always pay attention to the renovation of the house. If there is severe damage due to flooding or water, people may have to get their flooring changed. Similarly, things like wallpapers or broken possessions may need repair to prohibit their further damage and making them adding more expenses to your pocket. People should always look up properly in their house and call up for experts in case of severe accidents.

Source: magictouchcarpetcleaningwi

8. Moving Back to the House

Before moving back to your home, ensure that all the processes have been appropriately undertaken or else people might face different issues and even may fall sick. Hence, we always work closely with the restoration company, understand your needs, and understand their working. After every small process is done, move back to your house and have a normal like back again!

Water damages occur in most houses and is a pervasive issue. But if people know the proper measures to deal with them, these issues might become small for them and make them accustomed to such matters. A good restoration company always knows how to deal with such matters, and people can trust them to a great extent. After all, in the end, people still get back to their home sweet home.

If you like the article kindly share with others and comment on any questions regarding water damage and fire damage restoration. You can also contact us via our website.

8 Core Elements of a Converting Post-Click Landing Page

Source: searchengineland

A post-click landing page is a stand-alone web page that users reach after they clicked on an ad, a sponsored post or link, a social media ad, etc. The sole purpose of a post-click landing page is to convince users to convert buy a product, download content, subscribe to a service, and more. To create such a page that converts traffic into clients, a business or solo entrepreneur should factor in a handful of elements, from color psychology to other UX elements. Let’s see today a few things to know about the architecture of a highly converting post-click landing page.

1. Contemporary UX & UI Design

When it comes to the latest trends in web design, any business, freelancer, or entrepreneur should keep in mind the following: mobile responsiveness, appealing colors, dropdown visible menus, bold graphics, and more.

However, responsive design and a seamless, fully functional post-click landing page requires patience, time, and skills. Many startups and freelancers do not have the coding skills or the budget to hire professional web designers for every product landing page they want to build. For this reason, the next step to take towards conversions is finding the proper template for what you advertise.

Source: newbreedmarketing

2. Choose the Right Template

Fortunately, startups have plenty of choices now to build post-click landing pages and even entire websites at very affordable pricing plans. You can choose from a handful of web builders offering pre-made and fully-functional templates that come with built-in UI and UX elements, follow the Mobile-First design guidelines, and allow you a handful of customizations.

Choosing a template is not difficult as long as it matches the type of business you conduct, the audience you address, and the product/service you promote.

3. Post-Click Landing Page Branding

Users of any website will offer your post-click landing page a few seconds before they bounce off from the page or click on your CTA button. In those few seconds, they need to understand who you are, what you want from them, and whether or not they can trust you.

If anyone would master the refined art of business branding, we would not have advertising companies, PR firms, or digital marketing collaborators anymore. However, nothing stops you from personalizing your landing page to be coherent with the ad or post users clicked on before reaching it.

Your post-click landing page should feature your brand’s logo as visible as possible, as this symbol or emblem makes the connection between the visitors, your brand’s story, and the product/service you promote in a smooth, straight trail of thinking and of action.

If you are a beginner, paying professional designers for logo creation is just as complicated as integrating the logo on a landing page. Luckily for you, website builders like ucraft.com allow you to create a logo, choose a template, tailor a layout, and make a landing page go live with a few clicks. As logo creation goes, the service includes full customization of fonts, colors, shades, text, vector icons, and more. What is more important, is that if you choose a pre-made landing page template, you don’t have to bother too much with the placing of the elements.

A well-crafted web template usually displays the logo on the top-left corner of the screen, on both desktop and mobile devices.

Source: landingi

4. A Unique Selling Proposition

Your USP is what makes you different from your competitors. It is the reason why people click on your CTA and maybe buy your product or download your e-book. The USP answers questions such as “Why is this offer unique?”, “What if my needs does this offer satisfy?”, “Why should I trust this brand?”, and more. Some of the most important elements to create a USP are the following:

  • A headline. It should be short, to the point, and very clear.
  • A secondary headline. This short and equally clear piece of content should support the main headline by either finishing the thought or by offering additional information, adding value, or enhance the attraction of your offer for your leads.
  • You can also add a reinforcing statement or a closing statement, but they are optional. The idea is to keep your potential clients focused on what you want them to do: click the CTA button.

5. Visual Elements

You will hear many people talking about hero images to capture the attention of your visitors, but try to think out of the box. Pick a landing page template that goes beyond the hero image or the video background. Everybody does that. Instead, think of the following:

  • Split-screen web design, a UI trend that keeps evolving;
  • Animations;
  • A sleek how-to video running in the background, especially if you are promoting apps or software;
  • Animated 3D models in case you showcase fashion items;
  • Real people that your customers can relate to, depending on what you promote/sell.

As a piece of advice, refrain from using generic stock photos, as Internet users got used to them and bored with them. If you do use them, make sure you edit them to serve your purposes.

Source: landingi

6. Features and Benefits

A post-click landing page that converts should keep the users’ minds focused on the exact thing that brought them there. Landing pages, as opposed to blog articles or product descriptions, should keep the copy as minimalist as possible. So instead of using poetry and wordiness to describe why your customers should click on the CTA button, you should either feature the benefits and features in a visual manner or integrate them in short pieces of text that are easy to read and make an impact.

7. Social Proof

The best practice is to avoid as much as possible the display of other links on your post-click landing page. The only link should be the CTA button. Another issue to keep in mind is to stay away from fake testimonials – in this day and age, everyone can spot fake praises.

As social proof goes, you should keep things minimal by inserting a few logos from your most trusted clients or collaborators. Real reviews from Google or other trusted review websites also help but do not overdo things.

A video testimonial or review might help, but make sure it does not affect your page’s loading time and performance.

Source: searchenginejournal

8. Call to Action

This is your conversion goal and it should be loud, clear, and compelling. Avoid bland and generic CTAs, such as “Subscribe Here” or “Buy Now.” While there is nothing wrong with them, people saw them already all over the place.

Your CTA button should come in a contrasting, bold color, convey a sense of urgency, and lead people fast to whatever you promote or sell.

CTAs are some of the easiest landing page elements to go through A/B testing, so take your time to select the best version that converts more.

Bottom Line

With today’s website builders, easy customizations in web design, and plenty of free tools and layouts to use, the creation of a post-click converting landing page is not impossible if you are a beginner business or freelancer. However, you need to put your time, research skills, and effort into it to produce a high-quality contemporary-looking page like Sixads that helps you meet your conversion goals.

6 Weirdest Superstitions Only Gamblers Will Understand

Source: legitcasinosonline

Gambling is quite an entertaining activity because it is fun, it can get your adrenaline running and you may also even win some money. That feeling of getting the jackpot will get your heart pumping like nothing else. However, obtaining that jackpot is very difficult. The chances that something like that might happen are quite low. That is basically how the entire gambling industry works. Everything is based on chance. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about slot machines, dies, or even online roulette. They all depend on luck.

However, since most games in a casino rely on luck, many gamblers believe in very weird superstitions. Some go through the length to do the weirdest stuff expecting that doing so will increase their chances of winning. Although I do have to mention that superstition is not something characteristic for gamblers, it is a human characteristic and it is normal to believe in some higher power.

I personally do not think that any of these superstitions work, but it is interesting to see what people have thought of just two try and win that jackpot. If you keep reading this article, you will find out about the weirdest superstitions that can be found in the gambling industry.

1. Lucky charms

Source: holycitysinner

This might be the most common superstition that many gamblers rely on and it is probably the one that doesn’t work at all. People believe that certain items like a rabbit’s foot, a unique coin, or other items similar such as these can hold some kind of power over a person’s luck. To some, this sounds ridiculous, but some believe in it very much so. Although, even though I do not believe that a lucky charm works, I think that it may help people to stay more ambitious or motivated when wagering.

2. Blowing the dice

Source: lcb

This is something that you have probably seen a lot of times in movies or TV shows. The character in the movie enters the casino, throws the dice on the table, and gets snake eyes or some other bad roll. He or she then starts to concentrate, blows on the dice, and throws them on the table. Now, his luck is turned and has suddenly won thousands or millions of dollars.

In reality, luck doesn’t work that way and by blowing on the dice you won’t increase the chances of winning.

Although, some people claim that blowing on the dice increases the moisture on a certain side. This way the moisturized side of the dice has a higher chance of sticking and landing on the table. There hasn’t been any evidence that this actually works, so I wouldn’t recommend trying it.

3. Wearing the right clothing

Source: liveabout

Many gamblers believe that their chances of winning in casino games increase when wearing the right clothes. This might be put on the same point as lucky charms, but I think it is weird enough to be mentioned separately.

There are tons of different “right” close for wagering, but I would bet that none of these work. Something that you are supposed to wear red and throwing dice or spinning the roulette. Others claim that green can give you that Irish luck when sitting in front of the slot machines.

I wouldn’t suggest doing this and you should just aim to look good or where what you feel comfortable in. Instead of bothering yourself about wearing the right piece of clothes when you hop on an online casino, you could probably spend that time creating an account that may give you free spins like they do at foxz24.com. Most online casinos treat their loyal members much better than random guests.

4. Not leaving the table

Source: unsplash

Another thing a lot of gamblers do that I think is quite ridiculous is the superstition that you should not leave your table because if you do leave, you will lose your luck. Supposedly, the longer you are at a table, your chances of winning get higher and higher. Not only does not this make any sense, but it is also not healthy staying at a table for hours and hours.

I think it would be much better if you get up, stretch a bit, get a drink, eat some food, and then maybe will be more concentrated and ready to win those blackjack or poker games.

5. Lucky or unlucky numbers

Source: howstuffworks

Gamblers are very superstitious when it comes to numbers. Many of them have the rule that you shouldn’t wear clothing or carry items that have any unlucky number on them. The most popular “unlucky” number has to be 13 while the luckiest one is 7 because it is used on slot machine games and it usually gives the jackpot.

Some gamblers would avoid talking to certain people just because their phone number contains 13. I know, it doesn’t make any sense, so I don’t believe you should worry about numbers. In fact, they just might help you in the long run to when in games such as poker or blackjack. Just because you got 13 while playing blackjack, does not mean that you shouldn’t hit for one more card.

6. Washing hands

Source: casino

In human history, washing your hands was considered to be a way to cleanse yourself from bad deeds/since you have done your life. Want to watch them, you are a brand-new person. This superstition has been accepted by gamblers too.

They believe that by washing your hands, you might change yourself or in other words, your chances of winning. When they find themselves in a bad run of losses, they go to the bathroom and wash their hands. Now, they are a new man and their chances of getting that jackpot may be higher. Also, if they are currently at a winning streak, they will not go and wash their hands no matter what because that might supposedly change their chances of winning.

There are thousands of different superstitions when it comes to gambling and they vary by location and cultures too. But, I think that these are the weirdest ones and most popular in the world.

Majed Veysel – How I Fell in Love With the Architecture

Architecture is not just the process of building things. It is an art form. And just like any art form, it deserves to be appreciated. They are a symbol of the culture and civilization that built them. Usually, the buildings left behind by now gone civilizations and societies are what we remember them by.

As with any art form, architecture is full of great artists that have constantly innovated and pushed the art form forward. From Filippo Brunelleschi to Frank Gehry, there have always been architects who stand out from the rest. That can be due to their creativity, their genius problem solving, or the incredible feats they have achieved compared to the period they lived in.

In this article, we will be talking about one such standout artist and his inspiring story. Here is a short version of the story of Majed Veysel.

1. Education

We all know that one of the biggest signs of somebody proficient in their field is an impressive education.

Majed Veysel was born in 1995 in Aleppo, Syria. He went to high school in the Aleppo American Collage and graduated in 2012. Afterward, he went to Istanbul to the Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, where he got his bachelor’s degree in architecture in 2017.

Currently, Majed Veysel is getting his master’s degree in Architecture and Sustainable Design in The Polytechnic University of Turin in Italy.

He has achieved higher education than most other architects and is constantly seeking out higher peaks. He has had a very impressive journey through many schools and is currently going through another one.

Source: chiangraitimes

2. Experience

As with any job, the experience is just as important as education. Majed has done a lot of work all over the field of architecture. He has gained recognition and has given him access to a large network of associates.

Majed has a very large amount of experience for his age and time since he’s been in the field. He has interned for 2 different architecture firms, S.B.ARCH. Barone Associati in Rome, Italy, and Acımert Mimarlık – AAC in Istanbul, Turkey.

He has worked as a site construction architect for Eroglu Holding, a Turkish architecture company. With Eroglu Holding, he worked on the Skyland Istanbul project, which was the tallest skyscraper in turkey in 2017.

This year, in 2024, he worked on a collaboration project with the University of Maryland for sustainable buildings and urban infrastructure. If you’re someone who appreciates art and want to get in contact with him, you can go and take a look at his website majedveysel.com.

3. Competitions

Competitions are a great way to display your proficiency in any artform. This is especially the case for architecture since one of the criteria for a good architectural project is utility. Majed has won a few competitions himself.

These architectural awards are very impressive and have earned Majed a ton of respect among the others in his Field. It has distinguished him as a capable and hard-working architect. He

Majed has won multiple awards in his relatively short career as an architect. He has won the International competition for the National Complex in South Korea with S.B.ARCH. Barone Associati, Caycuma Bilim Marezki With Acımert Mimarlık in Istanbul, and an award for Sustainable Youth Center with a team of three others held by Ronesans Holding in Istanbul.

Source: aboutinsider

4. Majed’s Highlights

Majed has published some works too. A lot of them have gotten quite well known. Some have even been posted on bigger pages like on Adobe’s Official Instagram Page.

– Optical illusion – a Paly on light and shadows. In 2016 this piece is an experimental photograph that uses digital editing to create an interesting effect. Uses this editing to turn a dark corner of a room into a glowing optical illusion. It was liked by many people on social media and the post has gotten many positive comments and feedback from the critics.

– Always see the other side. In 2017 this is a piece that was posted on Arton Istanbul, an art gallery that is based in Turkey and has a large number of art pieces.

– In 2017 he also made a 5-minute-long video time-lapse of Rome and its wonderful art and architecture. It was posted on the Facebook page of the International Academy of Rome, praising him as one of their most successful students. The video has been said to inspire others by showcasing the architecture and lifestyle of Rome.

– In 2015 he got the award for being the best student of the spring session at the Academy of Rome for his Studio project for Versace Headquarters. It received The Award of Excellence which was a very positive achievement for his career. The design for the headquarters is a modern take on what a typical company building would look like. It has some very interesting architectural choices, like how minimalistic the detail is while having some unusual shapes.

– While he was at the Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, he had a few of his Architectural Design Projects selected to be published in the collage’s Faculty of Architecture’s Catalog and Books in 2015. This was a big addition to his catalog of accomplishments.

Source: pinterest

In conclusion

In conclusion, architecture is an underrated art form that has been one of the most distinctive aspects of every civilization that has ever existed. It has been carried and pushed to its limit by artists throughout history.

Majed Veysel is a great artist who has had a very impressive career given his relatively short time in the field. He has distinguished himself as one of the hardest working members in this artform. He has won a lot of prestigious awards that have boosted his career quite a lot. He is known on social media for his art and has gotten a lot of positive feedback from people who have seen his art. He has had his art featured in an art gallery in Istanbul and has been praised by schools as one of the most successful and hard-working students.

Why Are Solar Panels So Expensive

Source: entitymag

We have all heard of solar panels and we know their popularity is growing day by day. Solar cell phone chargers are also being more popular day by day and it is possible to find it in parks and other open areas. So, we can say the use of solar energy is our present and future and its use will grow daily. It is also nice to see and hear that people are becoming more aware of nature, that they are taking the free energy it provides them, which also leads to less pollution of our planet. What most of us know is that using solar panels is a way to save electricity.

In the following text, we will explain a little about the basic things you should know about solar panels if you intend to get them. And even if you don’t have in plan to install it, maybe this article will encourage you to do it anyway.

What are solar panels?

Source: innovationorigins

The solar panel is a panel designed to absorb sunrays converting them into energy that is used instead of electricity for heating the premises and water. Its design is simple and looks like a large board. The first solar cell was created in 1883, but we can say it has experienced an expansion at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.

Solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources that produce clean electricity, such as wind, hydropower, and geothermal. There are many benefits of clean electricity and man becomes more aware of it day by day.

The installation itself takes 3-5 days, depending on their size. It is necessary to place more panels, not only one but depending on the square footage of the object.  It can be applied on any kind of roof, whether house or building, sloping, or flat, but it is important to take care that the roof on which you plan to install them is not in the shade of a tree building, nor it is damaged.

They can increasingly be seen on the roofs of schools, hospitals, fire stations, and other public institutions. Calculating how many panels are enough to install depends on the size of the house, but also on the location where the house is located. We do not have to be experts to conclude that places with more sunny days in the year guarantee lower consumption. It is recommendable to install it on the south side if possible, but it is important to know that the slope plays a very important role.

Solar panels cannot damage the roof, having in mind they are lightweight. They are very easy to maintain, they only need to be cleaned occasionally from dirt caused by precipitation, which can negatively affect the operation of the panels themselves. Solar panels work during da, not night. Even if it’s cloudy, they produce energy, but its productivity is lower. You do not have to worry low temperatures will damage it, but the work can be distracted if the snow covers it. In addition to not being affected by rising fuel prices, this type of energy also helps mitigate the effects of climate change.

Just as we have clean, so we have so-called dirty energy, which includes coal, oil, and natural gas.

On the annual level, solar panels can cover 60% of expenses for water heating and they contribute to the heating system as well. Thanks to the free solar energy, one household can save more than 1/3 of energy on an annual level. When introducing solar panels, that is the fact people rely on for reason. Harness Power will explain to you in more detail what you want to know on this topic.

Although it is necessary to invest a considerable amount of money to install the panels, this amount will be returned through reduced energy consumption.

Why is it so expensive?

Source: nytimes

The price of the solar system is expensive comparing to the classic heating system, although the difference is not too great. Still, it is very difficult to say precisely, due to various things as number and type of collectors, size and type of the tank and so on, but we can roughly say the installation of the solar system ranges between 15,000 and 25,000 dollars. In general, we can say that your investment will pay for itself in a period of 3-5years. After it, you have a heating system for free! Isn’t it nice? The reason why many people think it is a big investment is that the project has to be paid. It is very responsible work of the engineer, which will secure the job will be done properly.

By increasing the number of collectors, we will satisfy the greater needs for hot water, and you will only reheat when necessary.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar panels?

Source: carbonbrief

For sure we can say that there are more advantages than disadvantages, and only some of them we will mention. Let’s start with advantages: free energy, the rise in the price of fossil fuels and electricity has no effect, pure, renewable energy, self-repaying system, and we can guarantee your electric bill will be lower.

On the other hand, we can say the disadvantage is in winter it produces less energy, failure to appoint professionals can lead to improper operation. No matter how easy it is for you to install the panels, leave it to the experts. As we have already mentioned, engineers have a large share of this work.

A big role in the function of the panel, whether it will work at its maximum power, depends on the manufacturer itself. That is why it is very important to inquire about the quality that the manufacturer offers. It doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive is the best, but if it turns out to be, you don’t need to hesitate with the decision to buy. As we said before, this is an investment that pays off, and it won’t happen if you buy panels of poorer quality just because they were on sale.

8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Basketball Skills

Being the best takes a lot of hard work and dedication. No one is born with the skills of being best, although talent does play a huge part. But like it or not, your basketball skills must be constantly improved to stay on top of your game.

Naturally, you’d find sports tips and tricks on blogs like Athletic Lift, but hard work is the ultimate factor to consider when improving your game. So, with keeping that in mind, here are our 8 simple ways to improve your basketball skills. And remember, nothing pays out without hard work so keep that in mind.

1. Practice Makes Perfect

Source: unsplash.com

The first thing you should always do is practice; a lot. Practice makes perfect; there isn’t an easier way to say it. You will never be the best if you don’t put in the work.

And while most of you will disagree that this is a simple way to improve, ask any of the players that have made it in the NBA and they’ll tell you all about it.

Just think of some of the greatest players ever to play the game. Not a single one of them would be where they are if they didn’t put thousands of hours into practice.

It is said that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill. So if you have trouble hitting your shots, start practicing more and more.

2. Don’t Be Sloppy

Source: pexels.com

Training is Key when it comes to improving your skills, but it’s worthless if you train sloppy. Quality repetition beats the number of repetitions in a day.

It’s more productive to be quality on the training pitch and train significantly less than to train more but be sloppy all the time.

The only way to be quality on the training pitch is to be solely focused on your game and technique. Instead of needlessly running around like a headless chicken, try to be focused and make your shots. You can also train at home, using basketball yard guards, that you can easily find online, on websites such as LearnToCoachBasketball.

3. The Little Things Matter

Source: pexels.com

Many amateur players tend to ignore the little things when it comes to improving their game. For example, they might take no issue with their poor footwork or form, but these two are some of the most important ones when it comes to improving as a player.

You won’t dribble the way you want if you don’t have the necessary footwork. And you certainly won’t hit your shots if you constantly avoid working on your work.

The little things are what separate the best from the good players. It is what separates LeBron from the rest of his competitors, and what has separated all the greats before him.

4. Discipline is Key

Source: pexels.com

Make no mistake about it, discipline is Key if you want to become a professional basketball player. While this has nothing to do with your basketball skills, it is one of the most important areas that a player should work on.

Without discipline, your career will be over before it even starts. A lack of discipline means you won’t give it your 100% whenever training or during the game.

Lack of discipline means you’ll miss training or won’t work as hard whenever you don’t feel like doing it. Discipline is Key and every great player has had his way of showing it, one way or another.

5. Proper Coaching

Source: pexels.com

As suggested by Jamil Abiad, professional basketball coach, what good is any technique, skill training, shooting, footwork, or any other type of training if you don’t have the right people around you? That’s why the emphasis in the game has been placed on having more quality coaches available for teams to improve their players.

While this is solely down to the coach itself, the rush for quality personnel has never been in more demand. That’s why having a quality coach will be the difference between making it and doing nothing with all your potential.

6. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Source: pexels.com

One huge mistake every amateur player does is shooting incorrectly. This isn’t anything unusual as proper shooting techniques aren’t common human movements.

That’s why so many academies and teams teach their players the proper techniques. This means that if you want to learn how to shoot the right way, you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Another thing that doesn’t come naturally is the way we play both defense and offense. We might think that the right way is to stand up, but it’s all about playing low.

This way, you can be ready for anything and be ready to make the sprints to chase after an opposing player.

7. Lots of Intensity

Source: unsplash.com

Boring and slow drills are some of the most painful to carry out. That’s because no one is up for them. However, even these drills require you to be at your best to succeed and master.

Other drills are highly intense and can sometimes be hard to cope with. These drills are often more complex and provide us with more benefits to our game. But the main difference between both is that we easily get motivated for the harder drills.

Training with lots of intensive is a vital factor when it comes to improving your game at the highest level.

8. Never Say Die

Source: unsplash.com

That “never say die” attitude isn’t related to any physical doing but it has a lot to do with your mental side.

No one succeeds at the highest level without having the right attitude for it. And if you want to be the best in the game, you need to have the right mentality.

Nowadays, this is an area of the game that is focused a lot on. Long gone are the days where only the truly talented players would succeed at any level. Having the right mentality is more than enough to land you a good team that can improve you.

Playing basket and getting fit while doing so!

“I’ll eat whatever I want, go as I wish and I’ll be healthy.” – It is nothing but madness to think! We know that if you want to stay healthy, you must eat healthily and exercise properly. But it is tough to maintain because we hardly get some rest in this age of business. Isn’t there any solution to it? Of course, there is. But what if it’s a game, a joy, and a healthy stay? Yes, we are talking about Basketball, a game that will keep you happy as well as healthy. “Playing basket and getting fit while doing so!” is a popular belief undoubtedly. Why not? For burning calories, building endurance, improving balance, and building up muscle; it is the best option.

Never lose motivation and always fight until the end. Some of the greatest basketball games have been won with this attitude.

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