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5 Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Will Help Increase Your Longevity

People often link longevity with genetics. Well, genetics do play a role in determining how long a person will live. However, it’s believed that environmental factors and habits play a more significant role.

According to this article, one in 10,000 people will live beyond the age of 100, although some areas in the world are more likely to have centenarians than others.

Nowadays, after the mere age of 50, people are prone to diseases. A majority of the people in this age group suffer from diseases like blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, etc., besides severe diseases like cancer. As a result of which, they die soon.

Your age is dependent on the anabolic and catabolic actions of your body. If your anabolic activity increases compared to catabolism in your body, it means you are moving towards old age. By balancing the body’s metabolic activities, you can quickly increase your longevity. Visit ca.royalvegascasino.com for more information.

With an increase in chronic ailments, the average human lifespan has decreased. The individuals of our generation are at a higher risk of suffering from diseases at a much younger age. This very thing indicates that it is about time to change our lifestyle and opt for a routine which will enhance our lifespan and make us fit and healthy. If your aim in life is to score a healthy 100 or more, then we bring you the top 5 healthy lifestyle habits that will help increase your longevity.

1. Avoid Overeating:

Source: HealthyWomen

Limit your calorie intake. Never consume more than what you are burning daily. Otherwise, your metabolism will slow down, and as a result, you will become too prone to numerous diseases. Well, it is not possible to stop the excess calorie intake all at once. Cut down your portions slowly, or else it might backfire. You will have to deal with increased hunger and low body temperatures as a negative impact of your low-calorie intake, but with time, you will finally ace it.

2. Control your water intake:

Source: Forbes

Water, air, and food make the body grow and deteriorate. Water is life. Taking water in different ways provides benefits in all types of diseases. Ancient Indian scriptures say that water should be drunk only in brass or glass. In many diseases, doctors advise not to drink water kept in a colored bottle. So do not drink water kept in colored bottles. It spoils your health and might even cause constipation. Neither should you drink less nor excess water.

Also, the water you are drinking should be completely pure. Impure water causes liver and kidney disease. If there is a slight infection in both of the above, then it also affects the heart. About 70 percent of diseases are caused by water impurity. If you take care while drinking water, you can quickly increase your longevity.

3. Breath control:

Source: Dr. Axe

Turtles can hold their breath for quite a long time. This is also behind the extensive lifespan of whales. It is also applicable to the Peepal tree. The purification of air is essential for the longevity of life.

If there is more air pollution in your city, then you should take measures to avoid it. If you are not consuming pure air, there is no guarantee that you do not have any disease even after eating good food and exercising. Plant more trees around your house and do exercises regularly to boost your stamina. Practice holding your breath for small durations and slowly increase it as time passes.

4. Proper diet:

Source: pixabay.com

Nowadays, the trend towards fast food, junk food, and cold drink has increased. Instead of eating right, healthy, and tasty food, people are eating unhygienic food. Due to this, people are becoming victims of obesity, diabetes, constipation, body heaviness, etc. If you want a long, then start to pay attention to your diet. Healthy food not only calms hunger but also affects the body, mind, and brain.

Include these food items in your diet to boost your longevity:

  • Cardamom: As per Chinese mythology, the daily consumption of cardamom is the secret to longevity. It helps to flush out the toxins and keep the organs clean. Being rich in various essential oils, cardamom helps to flush out the toxins and regulate the sugar levels, thereby promoting longevity.
  • Cloves: They act as a fantastic anti-fungal, antibacterial, and analgesic agent. And it has incredible healing properties. Being full of manganese, cloves help manage the body’s metabolism and stabilize the nervous system.
  • Black pepper: It is one of the most common spices and has amazing hidden medicinal qualities. Being rich in minerals enhances the nutritive value of the body. Black pepper is rich in a phenolic compound called piperine known for its potent health benefits. It also helps to strengthen the strength of the digestive system of the body.
  • Honey: It is a fantastic beauty element that delays the signs of aging. It is rich in many natural minerals and various living enzymes, strengthening the immune system of the body. According to research conducted by Professor Nicolai Vasilievich, a man from Russia made it to 100 years by consuming honey freshly harvested from the honeycombs.
  • Whole Grains: Cutting out on carbohydrates is no way of staying fit. The consumption of the correct type of carbohydrate is necessarily essential. Whole grains are the healthiest form of carbohydrates and are also filled with essential nutrients.

5. Quit Smoking:

Source: Upper Hutt Health Centre

Smoking has proven links to early deaths and the development of numerous life-threatening diseases like cancer. Also, it is scientifically proven that smoking reduces lifespan by ten percent. It is said that people who quit smoking by the age of 35 live for 8.5 years more.

Whereas, people who quit smoking in their 60s live for 3.5 years more than what they were intended to while they had their smoking addiction. Hence, you need to let go of this addiction quite early if you want to live for more years. Also, it is not possible to quit smoking all at once. However, you can reduce your intake and slowly cut it from your diet.

Final Words:

Our lifespan is something which is beyond our control. However, we can try and inhibit healthy habits to improve our longevity. These habits upon being integrated together will surely make you healthy and boost your lifespan.

How DIY Decor is Good for Your Place?

Are you looking for ways to décor your house in a completely new way? Are you afraid of the cost? Decorating your home is not a big deal. It is not important to shop for expensive glassware and crystal decoration pieces. Be original when you decorate your apartments. The best way to make it stand out and look the best and also different at the same time is decorating which that stuff which is dear to you.

Rushing to the designer stores or exhibitions to get hold of the best home décor pieces? Why not use ideas from your brains to give your apartment a standout look which resembles no one? The best idea which is brought forth is using the newspaper in your home décor. None of us have thought about it. It’s going to be a daring task but you are definitely going to be thankful for being creative.

Source: Pinterest

Use Newspaper for home decoration

Newspapers are great for reading. Its use however does not end there. You need to recycle and reuse it to get the maximum from it. Home decoration with newspapers is one best idea. Covering the walls with newspaper- instead of purchasing the expensive wallpapers, why not use the old newspapers to cover the walls of the house. Yes, all the walls. It is a bold decision and we bet you will not regret taking it.

If you are not a fan of colors but like flower wreaths, then the best for you is to make flower wreaths from newspapers. They are of neutral colors and can be used to décor all throughout the year. There are various shapes and not mandatory that you can make only roses. There are various DIY videos to make different kinds of flowers out of the old newspapers.

Did not get time to purchase a side table for the bedroom? Use old newspaper stack instead and place the table lamp on it. It is definitely going to add a whole lot of surprise to the look of the room. This has been previously done with books; therefore, newspapers are going to be a hit.

Make DIY Lamp Shade

Giving the lampshade a new look- instead of having floral prints or solid colour on the lampshade, cover it with a newspaper.

Source: Little House Big City

Wall hangings

Wall hangings are common but they add an extra charm to the house- instead of purchasing the new papers hangings on the wall, you can hand your favorite newspaper article by framing it.

There are various innovative ways of making the best use of newspapers in the apartments. Using the crafty bug and checking out a few tutorial videos will fill your ideas which you never thought could be used in your house. All you need to set your house in a different look are few newspapers, scissors, glue, and some ideas.


Pictures you clicked serve the best way to decorate your apartment- with high-quality mobile phone cameras and DSLRs with most of us clicking photos is very common. Decorate your house with the moments which you have clicked.  Framing photos or hanging them with clips from ropes you have various options to decorate your apartment.

Source: A World to Travel.

Make Foam toys

Toys get neglected but they are the best way to decorate your house- whether you have played with them or your children using them as home decoration pieces make the decor priceless.

Pick some shells from the beach

Beach vacations are common among most families. Picking up sand and shells are not uncommon. Decorate the bathroom shelves with the shells and jars containing sand to give the bathroom a different look.

Source: Touch of Class

Paste Greeting Cards on the wall

Greeting cards have become outdated with the rise of the internet. Using greeting cards are home decoration ideas are cool. It will remind of Christmas, Birthday Parties, Anniversaries, Graduations, and promotions and there cannot be anything better than that.

Drawing and paintings which your children had done and which generally parents throw away are great sources of decoration for your home. Frame them and hang them in the study area or even the drawing-room to recall the childhood days.

Vintage style items

Vintage music players or even the old telephone which your grandfather had used is another source of home decoration. The gramophone in the sitting room or the telephone in the drawing-room can add to the grandeur of the apartment.


Color scheme

The color scheme is very important for a living room. If you live alone you can easily experiment with the color scheme or even select the furniture, rugs, drapes, carpet and even paint. In case you share your apartment with anyone or you live alone these things can be different and somehow even difficult. When living with a family especially with children white couch can get dirty very easily. Try selecting a color that does not get dirty easily like gray, black, or blue. These colors go almost with every color and are still pleasing to look at.

Easy décor

For easy decor try getting marble products or plastic products. They do not break easily and do not get damaged by heat and intense light. Select plants of your choice, in case you think it is difficult for you to maintain plants you can use cactus. You can even hang some plants on your balcony.

Source: Love The Garden

Personalize decor

Try to personalize décor as much as possible. Add things that have an emotional connection or sentimental value to you. They portray your personality and emotions. Paint the walls according to your choice you can add photo frames, quotes, and even your favorite movie or TV-series character. It is not essential to add a poster you can even add your favorite dialogue, this shows your interests and hobbies. Enjoy decorating your home and get ideas on DIY et deco.

Home decoration is essential to add beauty and attraction to your home. You must learn some DIY ways to make your space unique and attractive.

4 Types of Kratom Effects and Strains

Like any recently emerged thing that has been insufficiently researched, kratom, the miraculous plant of South Asian origin, has caused a lot of conflicting opinions in a very short time. This is often the case when it comes to narcotics – such cases have been present for years when it comes to marijuana and the legalization of cannabis and its use, as well as several other drugs.

However, although there are different experiences and claims on all sides regarding this substance, it’s still not determined how safe it actually is to use, despite certain medicinal properties attributed to it. The use of this plant from the coffee family is widespread in its ancestral home for numerous reasons and for various purposes. It’s most often consumed by chewing the leaves or after grinding it into a powder, which can then be encapsulated.

It depends on the dose taken how strong the effect of this substance will be and in what way it’ll manifest itself. For that reason, but also for many others, such as the lack of significant information and insufficient testing of the properties it carries, world organizations such as the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) don’t recommend its use. Of course, there’s disagreement as well, as hundreds of people are signing petitions against its ban, claiming that it has extremely favorable and mitigating effects.

How to know who to trust in all this mess? It’s still a matter of our personal choice. What we can do is look at the already known facts, and these are certain characteristics and effects of kratom that have already been revealed to the world.

Source: Naturopathic Doctor News and Review

Benefits of kratom use and the strains that help

1. Pain reduction. Everyone knows the role of morphine in reducing pain. It greatly helps terminal patients who suffer from cancer by alleviating their struggles, which is why it’s actively used in medicine. Kratom has a similar analgesic application, which, with careful use, in the opinion of many, can have quite a beneficial effect on this aspect.

Of course, this isn’t limited to patients suffering from cancer but also helps with various types of chronic diseases where the pain is constantly present. However, a lot of care must be taken in this case, since the potential danger and the occurrence of addiction depend on the amount of pain and substance taken. Nevertheless, moderate application is quite a solid and satisfactory solution when it comes to this problem.

Some sources claim that the best options for pain relief are Red Borneo, Maeng Da, Red Vein Bali and also Coastline.

Source: Senior Outlook Today

2. Help with beating other, more dangerous addictions. Like heroin, for example. Due to the effects and feelings that are extremely similar to those after consuming heroin, the frequent use of kratom as an alternative has begun. Why? Because it’s more affordable and more accessible than heroin and doesn’t have as many side effects when used moderately.

This could definitely grow into an effective means of treating addiction, even the most severe forms since it certainly has potential as a therapy. This option still has a long way to go, full of research and study ahead, but there’s definitely a possibility that this could be practiced regularly. Of course, if the laws allow it since in many countries the plant is still illegal.

In these cases it’s recommendable to try Classic Red Bali or Red Indo Kratom, as some comments on the internet stated that they might be pretty helpful for anyone who decides to quit stronger opiates.

Source: Buy Kratom Bulk USA

3. Low doses cause a pleasant feeling and euphoria. If used within normal limits, or in smaller doses, which are approximately 1 to 5 grams, there’s a slight increase in euphoria and the so-called stimulating effect. It could be said that this doesn’t represent danger as the quantity isn’t large. There have been previously known cases of workers in Malaysia who have used it to achieve better performance in their activities and no specific negative effects were given.

After consumption, a person becomes more sociable than usual, more talkative, but their motor skills slow down ‘pleasantly’. It doesn’t take too long for the substance to work like this – it’s enough to wait about 10 minutes after use. Kratom Mate, a website dedicated to familiarizing people with the effect of this plant, suggests that there are even various types of kratom especially for achieving this kind of effect, like Sumatra or Super Indo Kratom.

Source: South China Morning Post

4. Works well against depression and anxiety. We could connect this with the previous paragraph since when taken in small doses, it causes that feeling of euphoria. But it’s quite important to know that this doesn’t include the feeling of anxiety, which is actually a super favorable circumstance. If certain pieces of research are to be believed, patients who have been treated for this condition for a long time have confirmed that, after consumption, the symptoms were weaker and that they felt better in general.

Given that this type of mental condition is becoming more widespread every day and that different generations suffer from it, many of their members in certain countries resort to kratom because of this. Sleep improves, sadness and stress are channeled in a calmer way and a general feeling of peace is obtained without much hassle. For this purpose, experts advise the consumption of  Malay, Borneo and Maeng Da strains for this purpose.

This time, we turned only to the positive impact of this plant and tried to convey to you what the beneficial things that it can do for humans are. Of course, no substance of similar composition can go without certain contraindications, but all these things largely depend on the user. Also on the dosage, responsibility, the way it’s taken, and even on the things that people want to treat with it.

Source: Business Insider

We also had the opportunity to learn that some types are more useful and efficient for certain problems, from which we selected the four most common ones and explained how they work. All that remains is to follow the events and research related to this phenomenon. Why? Well, probably for the sake of the hope that there’s a chance to learn more about the ways in which human existence and well-being can be improved by it in future.

Mandatory Questions to Ask a Restoration Company

Source: ceorestoration

Restoration companies are always the first ones after us to understand the issues that our house is facing, and how crucial it is to save our homes and bring them out of danger like flooding, etc. Restoration companies help us clean our house and make things get back on track just like before! Some of the restoration companies might be specific with their work like restoring only in the case of flooding, etc. but there are a lot more companies which analyze the issues that your house is facing and take action almost immediately to prohibit any future risks that the home or you may encounter.

Restoration companies are our rescuers, and every rescuer should be perfectly skilled in their specified field. Thus, whenever we encounter a disaster in our house, we eventually contact restoration companies to sort our things out. But ask yourself, Do we always end up finding the right companies? Not every time, hence, to solve this issue, one can contact and access portals such as samedaydamagerestoration.com and avail of different facilities that are provided by our company. With guarantee and assurance in restoration, we understand the concern of our clients and similarly, provide appropriate help. Hence, to make you sure about our services, one can come up with different questions and queries regarding our services. In fact, not only to us, for your ease, we have mentioned several questions that one can ask from restoration companies and analyze the quality of work that they might provide.

Q1. Is the Company Certified, Registered, and Insured?

This is the most critical question to ask any company irrespective of their field of specialization of work before handling them any crucial tasks. Certified and Insured companies prove to be legitimate and somewhat guarantee you with the assurance of their work and prove that they are not a fraud.

Q2. How Long have they been in this Business?

This question ensures the amount of experience they have in their specialized field. If they have been new to this business, then you might like to know someone who has more experience. But at the same time, companies who have years of service in this field ensure quality and ability to deal with different situations and know how to encounter them ideally. One can survive in this business for the long term only when they have proper knowledge of dealing with various issues.

Source: wiltshiretimes

Q3. How many claims have the Company handled?

Restoration companies have an active movement with insurance companies. And the questions of handling claims prove their efficiency and about their ability to handle emergency restoration solutions.

Q4. How many Clients have they Handled & Ask for References?

A good company always tells about themselves even before you ask. Some points like the work that they offer, the number of clients that they have handled are made clear to the people also before they ask. Although, one should always ask about people whom the clients can refer to regarding the works that they have provided. Later on, after accessing the past client’s number, one should surely contact them and get knowledge about the company’s work.

Q5. Do they Provide Warranty in their Work?

Any company that has been in work for a long time ensure warranty and guarantee of some sort. One can also ask their past clients whether they faced any issue in their work in the near future or everything was done correctly. Hence, through this, one can choose whether it is right to trust a company or not and make their choice likewise.

Source: dallasforthworthrestoration

Q6. Are their Technicians Certified?

Understand that the main work has to be executed through the technicians, and hence, those people should have proper knowledge regarding their work. Ask the company about the people that they hire and how organized their technicians and other workers are. Companies who are renowned are selective in hiring their workers and eventually have skilled, certified and professional workers who have proper knowledge in their field.

Q7. How long will it take them to complete work?

A good restoration company that has been working for years has the ability to wrap up it’s working within a week. Any company who has a specialized hand in the functioning of their restoration work know how crucial it is to work as soon as a house faces disaster and hence, people can determine which company to choose based on the time in which they finish up a project and do a proper handover back to the clients.

Q8. Who Owns the Company?

This might appear like an unwanted question, but it is also a crucial question. Many companies are the franchise of the leading company while some of the other companies are actually linked with the main branch. Linking ensures that they have an actual interest in working with people as restorators and people can trust them quickly rather than hiring up a franchise.

Source: theindychannel

Q9. Ask up for the Estimations of Money for your work

Any Company which is into the restoration business can quickly analyze the amount of expense that a client will have to make and hence, one should always up for money estimations that one will have to bear after the completion of this restoration process. This can save you from additional costs later on and provide you with a mind map that one has to collect and pay the restorators after this process. This question can make several things clear like a comparison of price between two companies and which might be better according to your pocket!

These are the main questions that can help people find out the best restoration company for their house. We understand how important and significant investment is a house for people. Hence, we provide people with exclusive and qualitative restoration work and have a history of happy clients. One can contact us and avail of the different benefits of our working as a restoration company.

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Restoration companies are always the first ones after us to understand the issues that our house is facing, and how crucial it is to save our homes and bring them out of danger like flooding, etc. Restoration companies help us clean our house and make things get back on track just like before! Some of the restoration companies might be specific with their work like restoring only in the case of flooding, etc. but there are a lot more companies which analyze the issues that your house is facing and take action almost immediately to prohibit any future risks that the home or you may encounter.

Restoration companies are our rescuers, and every rescuer should be perfectly skilled in their specified field. Thus, whenever we encounter a disaster in our house, we eventually contact restoration companies to sort our things out. But ask yourself, Do we always end up finding the right companies? Not every time, hence, to solve this issue, one can contact professionals and avail of different facilities that are provided by our company. With guarantee and assurance in restoration, we understand the concern of our clients and similarly, provide appropriate help. Hence, to make you sure about our services, one can come up with different questions and queries regarding our services. In fact, not only to us, for your ease, we have mentioned several questions that one can ask from restoration companies and analyze the quality of work that they might provide.

Q1. Is the Company Certified, Registered, and Insured?

This is the most critical question to ask any company irrespective of their field of specialization of work before handling them any crucial tasks. Certified and Insured companies prove to be legitimate and somewhat guarantee you with the assurance of their work and prove that they are not a fraud.

Source: Pinterest

Q2. How Long have they been in this Business?

This question ensures the amount of experience they have in their specialized field. If they have been new to this business, then you might like to know someone who has more experience. But at the same time, companies who have years of service in this field ensure quality and ability to deal with different situations and know how to encounter them ideally. One can survive in this business for the long term only when they have proper knowledge of dealing with various issues.

Q3. How many claims have the Company handled?

Restoration companies have an active movement with insurance companies. And the questions of handling claims prove their efficiency and about their ability to handle emergency restoration solutions.

Q4. How many Clients have they Handled & Ask for References?

A good company always tells about themselves even before you ask. Some points like the work that they offer, the number of clients that they have handled are made clear to the people also before they ask. Although, one should always ask about people whom the clients can refer to regarding the works that they have provided. Later on, after accessing the past client’s number, one should surely contact them and get knowledge about the company’s work.

Source: simpsonunlimited

Q5. Do they Provide Warranty in their Work?

Any company that has been in work for a long time ensure warranty and guarantee of some sort. One can also ask their past clients whether they faced any issue in their work in the near future or everything was done correctly. Hence, through this, one can choose whether it is right to trust a company or not and make their choice likewise.

Q6. Are their Technicians Certified?

Understand that the main work has to be executed through the technicians, and hence, those people should have proper knowledge regarding their work. Ask the company about the people that they hire and how organized their technicians and other workers are. Companies who are renowned are selective in hiring their workers and eventually have skilled, certified, and professional workers who have proper knowledge in their field.

Q7. How long will it take them to complete work?

A good restoration company that has been working for years has the ability to wrap up it’s working within a week. Any company who has a specialized hand in the functioning of their restoration work know how crucial it is to work as soon as a house faces disaster and hence, people can determine which company to choose based on the time in which they finish up a project and do a proper handover back to the clients.

Q8. Who Owns the Company?

This might appear like an unwanted question, but it is also a crucial question. Many companies are the franchise of the leading company while some of the other companies are actually linked with the main branch. Linking ensures that they have an actual interest in working with people as restorators and people can trust them quickly rather than hiring up a franchise.

Source: rapidrestoration

Q9. Ask up for the Estimations of Money for your work

Any Company which is into the restoration business can quickly analyze the amount of expense that a client will have to make and hence, one should always up for money estimations that one will have to bear after the completion of this restoration process. This can save you from additional costs later on and provide you with a mind map that one has to collect and pay the restorators after this process. This question can make several things clear like a comparison of price between two companies and which might be better according to your pocket!

These are the main questions that can help people find out the best restoration company for their house. We understand how important and significant investment is a house for people. Hence, we provide people with exclusive and qualitative restoration work and have a history of happy clients. One can contact us and avail of the different benefits of our working as a restoration company.

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How to Choose the Best Android Phone for You?

Source: pagepapi

When it comes time to buy a smartphone, we tend to look at many different models. It is important that we take a number of aspects into account in this process. In this way, it will be much easier for us to find the phone that best suits what we are looking for and we will not spend more money than necessary.

We will give you a series of specifications that can serve as a guide. Since the process of searching for a smartphone can be somewhat complicated, especially considering the huge number of models that are currently available.

Budget: How much should I pay?

One of the first things we have to keep in mind and ask ourselves is how much we are willing to spend. Setting a budget is extremely useful, as it will help us limit the search for devices. Also, we avoid buying one that is too expensive and we are not going to get the most out of it. Therefore, you should consider how much money you have available to spend on this device.

When determining the budget, it is important to know our needs . There are users who are glued to their smartphone all day for work reasons and need a very complete phone, which must bet on the highest ranges on the market. But if you are going to make a fairly common use (calls, browsing …) it is not necessary to spend as much and the mid-range also gives us very good options.

Source: geniuszone

Operating system

Most people usually know what operating system they are looking for, because they are usually clear about the brand they want to buy. So we will talk about Android today.


The good thing about betting on an Android smartphone is huge offer of brands available . So there are many models and a wide variety of prices so we can much better choose something that best suits what we are looking for. In addition to a greater variety in terms of design.

Another point of importance is the operating system itself. As it is an open source, we have more customization options available, and more will come with the new version of Android later this year! This allows us to change some things so that its use is much easier for us at all times and something that for some users is essential.

Android has the Play Store as the place to download games and applications. The selection available is very wide (maybe too much), but the problem is that quantity seems to be valued more than quality. So, more than once some malware sneaks into these applications and ends up affecting users. The good part is that Google has more and more control systems that regulate this.

Source: medium

Design and display

The design includes many aspects. For example, the materials with which the phone is made are varied , and have a direct impact on the final price of the device. The cheapest and simplest models on the market, use plastic as the main material. Thanks to this, they are very accessible in terms of price, although the quality leaves much to be desired in many cases.

Most devices usually make use of a metal body, which is more resistant in case there is any knock or fall in addition to having a higher quality finish. It is what we are going to find most often.

In the high range we are seeing a lot of the glass body , generally with hard glass with Gorilla Glass. They are devices that have a much more luxurious , very premium finish , but that are significantly more expensive. In addition, despite being a hard glass, they are much more vulnerable to shocks or falls. So in addition to a cover, the recommendation is to have insurance to avoid problems.

If we focus on the size of the screen, we can divide the devices into three categories:

Less than 5 inches : They are compact, small models that make it very easy to carry and store anywhere. In general, they are usually much cheaper.

Between 5 and 5.5 inches : We can define it as the average size today. Most mid-range and low-end phones tend to bet on a size in this range. In addition, thanks to the 18: 9 screens, much more is taken out of it, making them appear larger. They are a good combination between a phone that is easy and comfortable to hold in your hand, with a screen that offers a good experience.

Over 5.5 inches : In many cases they are known as phablets. We find a wide variety of sizes, in some cases over 6 inches. They are much larger models, and if they use 18: 9 screens, they give us an immersive experience. It is usually a size reserved for the high or medium-premium range.

Source: Market Realist

RAM, internal storage and processor

RAM is an essential aspect to take into account, since a large part of the operation depends on it. Therefore, the lower the RAM, the greater limitations we will have when performing various tasks. Most devices in the current midrange typically have 3 or 4 GB RAM . Thanks to it we will be able to carry out several tasks at the same time without any problem.

Regarding internal storage, we find many options today. From 16 GB to models with 512 GB. The most common is that we find models with 32 or 64 GB . An amount that should be enough to store everything we need. But the most important thing in this regard is that it is possible to expand this amount with a microSD card . Since if so, it does not matter too much the amount that comes natively, we can always expand it and forget about the problem.

In the case of the processor, if we focus on Android phones, we find two main brands. These are Qualcomm (with its Snapdragon processors) and MediaTek (with Helio and MTK processors). The first is a brand whose overall quality is better, although it must be said that the new Helio processors have a great performance. But, in general, a device with a Snapdragon processor will give us a better performance. The progress of Chinese companies has led to the fact that you no longer have to buy only the most famous and most expensive, such as Samsung, but the choice has been significantly expanded. There are manufacturers like Vivo, which offer phones of the same performance and specifications, at an incomparably lower price, making it worthy-to-buy android phone for 2024. According to Vivoglobal, many models have Qualcomm Snapdragon processors, which se amazing for that price range.

Source: AdobeStock


In the high-end and many mid-range phones, there is more and more with dual camera at the rear . They are usually a combination of lenses, with a wide angle and another sensor. Or RGB sensor and another monochrome sensor, it depends on each model, but they are usually the most common options. Thanks to this we have a higher quality and we can get more out of the camera.

Logically, a model with a double camera is usually somewhat more expensive .  As for the front camera, we have seen a great evolution too. There are models that also use a double camera, although it is not as common.


The battery is one of the parts that generates the most controversy in the phone market. We have seen how other components of the devices have evolved, but in the case of batteries there has been no such development. Fortunately, the higher efficiency of the processors helps to avoid excessive battery consumption in many cases.

The ideal would be a minimum 3,000 mAh battery , which allows us to use the phone throughout the day.  It depends on the use, the battery will suffer more and will have a greater importance. Especially you have to be very vigilant in the case of gaming because playing is something that consumes a lot of resources and the battery consumption is higher.

Source: cellphones


These are the most important features when choosing which model you want to buy. Of course there are a few more things you can pay attention to, especially if you are buying more expensive. Like dual SIM, fingerprint scanning, wireless charging, etc.

7 Pros and Cons of Renting Furnished Apartments

Source: bayut

If you are looking for an apartment, a decision must be made between a furnished apartment and an unfurnished rental apartment. Furnishings are increasingly becoming a popular choice for people who are just getting started in life or people who are interested in a short term lease. These types make getting around easier, less tedious, and less expensive. On the other hand, the apartments take away the opportunity for tenants to adapt the space to their personal tastes. The benefits of renting the furnished include:


Source: homelet

1. Greater mobility

They can help you stay mobile in the short term. If you haven’t decided where you want to call home, moving into an apartment with all its furniture and appliances can be tedious, time consuming, and expensive. Therefore, living in a furnished room can help matters get the right perspective before moving to your new destination.

2. Facilitates moving

Relocating your home can be a very stressful matter. There are often many things to do and items to pack and transport. Therefore, moving to a furnished rental facility can make moving less stressful. You don’t have to think about packing a whole truck with your valuables and the cost of transporting your goods. You don’t have to worry about breaking or losing some of its value during packing or unloading. Moving to one allows you to focus better on moving yourself and your family. Therefore, your move does not have to take months of your valuable time, but only one day.

Source: rentberry

3. Find what you need

A furnished apartment offers everything you need for life. So you don’t have to worry about running around town to buy furniture and appliances. However, Action Property Management recommends that you check with the property owner or manager what services are available before you move in . This will help you choose an apartment that offers what you need and avoid paying for items you don’t need.

4. Decorations

An unfurnished rental apartment may not offer the benefits of flower arrangements, sculptures, paintings, and other decorations. These items are often considered nonessential and are not cheap. However, living in an apartment that does not have an aesthetic appeal may force you to leave the property sooner than you had anticipated. Furnished apartments for rent will have the decorations in place and if anything is missing it will be cheaper. However, so that your style is appropriate, we recommend that you consult the different apartments. Additionally, some apartment owners encourage tenants to recommend additional decorations, furniture, and / or appliances.


Source: realtor

5. You maybe won’t be allowed to change things

You cannot fully decide the type of decoration you want for your home, since the furniture in the rental home is what you have to assume. Sometimes, there are owners who accept furniture changes but in any case, it is something that cannot be taken for granted and that should be negotiated in advance.

6. Potentially worn things

Not everyone is comfortable using, for example, a bed in which you do not know how many people have slept. In that case, the tenant should assume the cost of those parts of the furniture that he wants to renovate, yes, with the permission of the owner.

7. If you damage something, you won’t get deposit back

The furniture must be taken care of so that there are no damages that later become a reason for the owner not to return the deposit.

How to find furnished apartment in Berlin?

Source: realtor

Imagine the feeling of happiness when you have found your flat in the center of Berlin and, just by going down the street, you can enjoy one of the European capitals that offers the most freedom and creativity. And it is that, since the time of the Weimar Republic, Berlin has witnessed the most important intellectual, political and academic currents in Europe.

But as in all the cities with so much charm, the available rental apartments tend to be short on the market. But you do not have to worry, because if you are looking for furnished apartment in Berlin, there are agencies, like Farawayhome, and Berlin is one of cities for whom they are specialized. So you will find the type of home that best suits you, whether it is for three months or two years.

Where to rent furnished apartments in Berlin?

You can find many, you just have to choose neighborhood that best suits you. Kreuzberg is full of pubs, plenty of street food and art galleries such as the Berlinische. Without a doubt, Kreuzberg is one of the best places in Berlin to live and enjoy. Or maybe Neukölln which is the favorite place for many foreign residents.

If you want to search for a flat here, you have to know that you will live with international, academic and progressive artists who are active worldwide. Friedrichshain can also be a good choice. This young neighborhood was part of East Berlin in the past, and now plays host to part of the middle class and many foreign residents. There are many moor good neighborhoods around Berlin, so you have numerous options.

How much do furnished apartments cost in Berlin?

Source: brickunderground

Price is varying greatly, as you could imagine. You can find nice studio for under 1000 euros per month, and for more than 5000 for best luxury apartments. Also serviced ones are always more expensive because you have almost hotel-like service.

What do fully furnished apartments include?

A furnished home would be one that, in addition to the equipped kitchen (this may include a refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, etc.), includes the essential furniture for the habitability of a home: bed, sofa, tables, chairs, wardrobe. But what about being semi-furnished? Would a house with two chairs, a sideboard and a dresser already be a semi-furnished flat or would we really be talking about an empty one?

For many, the fact of having a complete bathroom and kitchen would already classify it as such, without the need to include anything else. But due to the controversy of this definition, more and more real estate portals have stopped using this confusing term to stay with two types of equipment: “furnished” and “only equipped kitchen”.

Source: thebalancesmb


Your choice will be in accordance with your needs, but most people still choose the furnished, because of the many benefits.

How to Launch a Successful Fundraising Campaign

Source: grantstation

Nowadays people are choosing to launch fundraising campaigns so they can show their support towards different organizations, raise money, and state their opinion. Luckily, there are many donors that are selfless enough and they do everything they can to help the less fortunate.

If you are interested in launching a successful campaign, we are here to help you! In this article, you will be able to learn how to do that and what are the most important things you should pay attention to. It is said that the best way to make a statement and to show that you are cherishing all the people who are helping, is to recognize and thank them by putting engraved bricks with their and their brand’s names.

Target the right audience

Source: wealthengine

No matter what kind of event you are planning, you need to have a good marketing campaign. This means that you need to engage and interest your audience and to make sure they know what your goal is.

The best way to do that is to share your story and to visually represent what you are fighting for (or against). Target people via social media networks and try to be as descriptive as possible.

When you share the story and why you are doing that, they will be more likely to relate. You should show images or videos of the cause and how your campaign can help others. Before launching everything, look at the whole plan as a user, not as someone who is creating the plan. Ask yourself, would you be interested in knowing more about this cause? If the answer is yes, then great, you can launch it. However, if the answer is maybe, then you need to go back to the drawing board.

You can also A B test how people react and respond to your campaign and if they are interested in what you are offering.

Remember that you are subtly reaching out to potential donors, so find a way to target them as well. Experts suggest that everyone wants to be recognized when they do something nice, so you can offer them personalized pavers or bricks to be presented at the venue where the fundraising would be held.

Focus on targeting people, both online and offline

Source: fpmagazine

When you want to unite people for a noble cause, you need to target them both online and offline. You should reach out to them via posts, messages, and emails, but remember that if you want to raise some money, you need to gather them in one place.

When people are targeted only online, they may skip your posts and think of excuses. However, when you do your fundraising in one place, you will be able to talk to them personally and explain why their donation is important.

So, if you want to have success you need to have a venue. In case you don’t need to rent a place and if you can hold the whole event on your premises, then you should put some thought into the decorations and look of the whole place. However, if you don’t have your own space, then it is best to hold the fundraiser at the place where the money will go.

For example, if you want to raise money for a local library, then you should do it there. That way donors will see where their money will go and what is the goal for the whole event. Don’t forget to find a way to thank people for their donations in a permanent way.

Polar Engraving suggests that the best way to show permanent donor recognition is by putting signature brick engraving and thank those who made the biggest difference. This is something that will appeal to most big companies, as it is a free form of marketing.


Source: getfullyfunded

After you’re done with the marketing and choosing the venue for the event, you need to invite people. You should think if you want to invite everyone who sees your posts, but experts suggest that it is better to target specific people who are more likely to make a donation.

You should always print out invitations and make them appealing, but not luxurious. If you spend too much money on expensive invitations, it will seem like you are missing the point of your own event. Because of that, try to collaborate with companies and ask them to make their donation by helping the event come true. You can do that with the invitations, catering and even lights and music.

Booking successful bands, singers or entertainers will make people more interested in your event, and if you can do that for free it is going to be even better. You should also try and target celebrities and create special invitations for them.

Limit the number of guests between 50 and 200 people so that it is not too crowded, but still full. When you allow everyone to join, it does not guarantee that you will raise more money.

Show gratitude

Source: thedenverchannel

The success of the campaign is measured by how much money you are going to be able to raise, but you should also make sure that people are going to continue donating money for other noble causes.

You need to make the bigger donors feel special and to make sure they are appreciated. Apart from engraved pavers, you should think about getting some plaques that will have their names, and you can either give them to the special donors or put them somewhere where everyone will be able to see them.

Don’t forget to thank them, and tag them via social media and if you have a website, then you should put their names there as well. The statistic shows that when people see how much money others give, they are more likely to try and “beat them” by giving more money.

Be careful if you plan on making this a competition, as it might backfire. In case you want to combine marketing with some light competition, you can add special awards. For example, the person who donates the most will get their name put on personalized bricks that will be added to the wall in the venue.

Launching a successful fundraising campaign is not a hard task, but it requires a lot of planning and some time. Make the plan beforehand and prepare for everything that could go wrong. Make sure you target the right people and that you reach out to them personally. Visit Easyfundraising to find out about more effective fundraising ideas that can help you build a successful campaign.

Google Calendar and Its Basic Features

Source: born2invest

Being on time every time is the motto of modern living. That makes it imperative to use a web-based and mobile that allows you to better manage time by tracking your events in all spheres of life, both personal and professional, and even share yours with others. When you need to better manage a family outing with friends or client meetings across the globe, the Google Calendar will be the best tool. There is hardly any better tool to manage your professional and personal schedules. The tool is unmatched in its simplicity of design and use besides being extremely powerful.

According to calendly.com, all Google account holders can have free access to the calendar that you can download on your device by going to calendar.google.com or get it readily on your android phone where it is available by default. Once you familiarize yourself with them you will be astonished at the range of features that do much more than help you set up meetings anytime from anywhere. It would take some time to learn about the features that can be an exciting experience. You discover the varied ways of maximizing its use that offers the utmost convenience in managing your time most effectively. To find out more about how to manage your time most effectively in Google Calendar visit savvycal.com.

The web interface of Google Calendar

Source: 9clouds

The calendar’s web interface ensures extreme convenience for users as expected of Google, leaving no stones unturned to offer the best experience to users. The simple design is resplendent with Google’s characteristic colors of yellow and pastel blue tucks under it a host of powerful features that will drive you off your feet.

To begin with, select a date and quickly jump to different sections of the calendar. Use the tabs at the right-hand corner at the top to scroll between day, week, and month and even the next four days and agenda views. The current view is visible in the main area.

Links to other Google services that you have registered with are visible at the top of the screen. It helps you schedule an event in the form of a spreadsheet and viewed in Google Drive, or you can send a mail from Gmail.

A search bar for calendars is available at the top of the screen to search for events based on keywords.

Add events to your calendar

Source: techcrunch

Adding events to a calendar is easy. Just select a date in month view or week view or an hour in day view and specify the event. The day or time appears in a dialog box that helps to schedule the event quickly. To add details to the event, you can use the more details link and even add details from the text link on the left.

There is also the option of importing a full calendar complete with events at once from your Outlook account or Yahoo. Since there is no sync between the calendar and software like iCal or Outlook, you must keep importing events if you wish to use both the tools. However, some third-party tools for syncing the are available.

Multiple calendars within Google Calendar

Source: quora

Instead of creating categories for events, you can create separate calendars and have multiple to track events more effectively. You can access each by using the standard interface, but the settings of each could be different. It means that you can have a for your work, one for your home and another for your local golf club without fearing any interference or overlap. You can view all the events in the main and avoid confusion. You can use different colors of the calendars to identify the class or category of events quickly.

Sharing the calendars

Source: androidcentral

The feature of sharing puts Google Calendar in a class of its own. Google allows you to have greater control over your calendars by allowing its sharing with others. To maintain more transparency about your events, you can make the calendars public and share it with people whom you want so that everyone is aware of your engagements and schedules that make it easy to plan new events and meetings.  You can add a public to your and view all the dates on it.

You can share with chosen people like your family, co-workers, and friends. This feature is more convenient to use for Gmail users that populate the email addresses of contacts as you type the contact name.

You can control the information you share by choosing to show only times when you are engaged. You can also allow others read-only access so that you can only see the event details but cannot edit it, or allow others to manage the and invite others just as you would do. As a result, you can allow your boss to view only the work calendar but not your personal calendar. You can let your club members see and edit dates, and they would know when you are busy but not be able to see the details.


Source: colorlib

It is not practicable to keep track of your upcoming events by referring to the every time. To make it convenient, Google come with a reminder feature that allows the to set automatic reminders of events. You can get reminders as text messages on your phone or in your email. When scheduling events, you can invite the attendees by sending them an email just in the way you can do with Microsoft Outlook. The events described in the email are in .ics format so that the information can be imported to other tools like Outlook or iCal.

Google Calendar is available on smartphones, too, and you can operate it from the device just as you do from your computer. This does away with the need to have a separate organizer for your phone. When using the calendar on your phone, you can schedule events nu using Google Now. The calendar’s integration with other Google features allows Gmail messages to detect events and schedule those on the calendar automatically.

5 Ways to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Source: medibank

Many of us are used to eating all the necessary food in order to maintain a healthy diet. We focus on including healthy foods into our eating habits as often as we can. A lot of us have developed a routine when shopping for food. We know where to go to get what we want to eat that day. We also know where all the good restaurants are when we feel like we don’t want to prepare our own food that day.

When traveling or any time that we are far from home or in an unfamiliar location, you might just feel lost when it comes to where you’re going to get your food. You don’t want to give up on your healthy routine, but at the same time, when travelling, it seems inevitable.

Well, in reality, there is no reason to give up on your healthy eating habit while on the road or abroad. The following tips will help you out with figuring out how to eat what’s good for you when you are away from home.

1. Planning your trip

Source: Harvard Health – Harvard University

Planning your trip food-wise can get you a long way when it comes to maintaining your healthy eating habit. Deciding which foods, you definitely won’t be eating and which ones you will. If you intend to try out the specific cosine of the place you are going too, have a plan of which dishes will be good for you and which won’t.

If you mean to eat what you eat every day back at home, you should still make a list of what you’re going to look for at stores or at a restaurant. Make sure to include common things that you will definitely be able to find.

Of course, take into account anything that will limit your choice of what you are allowed to eat. If you are lactose intolerant, can’t eat gluten, or any allergies, be sure to find out what all of your planned meals contain. You might end up having to look for a replacement to that meal if you find out to soon that it has something you can’t eat, or even worse, you could put yourself at harm if you don’t realize at all.

2. Follow an online guide

Source: trip

As with most things, when you need help with any broad topic, the answer can usually be easily found online. There are many courses, guides, websites, and blogs like easytravelrecipes.com, that you can find online. Some even specialize in teaching readers on how to get better at planning your diet when travelling. You can find recipes, cooking lessons and all sorts of things related to food.

If you plan to go to restaurants more then you plan on making your own food, then you can make your decisions on where you’ll sit down for a meal a lot easier by looking up and reading reviews on all the local restaurants.

You can also find eating guides online for most tourist destinations. Make sure to inform your waiter if you are gluten-free or lactose intolerant or so on.

3. Choosing a good hotel

Source: littlebitesofbeauty

If you plan to stay at a hotel and also eat there, then be sure to research what kind of food the hotel offers. You shouldn’t have any trouble getting a menu of your hotel. Check each option they have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and get an idea of what you want to order each day. Make sure that all your daily choices are healthy.

4. Things to avoid

Source: littlebitesofbeauty

– Make sure not to skip breakfast. Whether a quick bowl of cereal, a sandwich, or maybe something more elaborate and fancier, you should never forget to get a good breakfast every day. Even if your schedule is quite hectic, skipping breakfast for a little bit of extra time is not a smart move. There is a reason breakfast is sometimes considered the most important meal of the day.

– Not drinking enough water. Of course, water is vital for staying healthy. Drink your required amount every day, and never make any exceptions based on convenience. Besides being essential for keeping your body working optimally, but there are also other drawbacks of not drinking enough water. By not getting your required intake of water, you could case the feeling of being hungry, when instead you aren’t. This may lead to unhealthy snacking and overeating.

– Eating too much in general. We know that going to a new and exciting location will tempt you to enjoy all of the new and exiting local dishes, but you should never overeat in order to experience all the place has to offer cosine wise. Don’t order a full-sized meal for every meal. For most people, three restaurant meals are too much food for one day. Control the size of your portions and be sure not to over-Indulge in all the delicious food you might come across.

5. In conclusion

Source: tasteterminal

Travelling comes with a lot of burdens, not least of which being deciding on what you’re going to be eating while you are away from home. It can hinder the overall experience of the trip, or slow you down if you were meant to do something important while you’re there. Other than being a hassle during the planning stage before your trip, you might end up facing an unhealthy eating habit while you are away from home.

Remember that you shouldn’t worry too much about your diet while travelling. Even maybe making a few unhealthy decisions wouldn’t be so bad as long as you intend to revert back to your regular habit when you do eventually get back home. Just follow the steps written in the article, as well as any other helpful one you find by yourself online, and don’t worry too much about it. If you need to be focused on the reason you went on the trip in the first place then you might just have to make some temporary sacrifices. But above all else, remember to enjoy your trip.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy

Source: summeridgeanimalclinic

Every feline owner knows that cats are special animals and that they may seem independent, but they actually love their owners more than any other pet can. If you want to get a kitty, or if you want to make your indoor cat happy, then you should invest some money, time, and energy in that.

In this article, we are going to give you some tips on how to keep your feline satisfied and how to make sure they are always comfortable. Follow this guide and you will notice a difference in your furry friend’s behavior in no time.

1. Feed it right

Source: cattime

This is the first rule of keeping a pet happy. No matter what you do for them, or how much time you spend with them, if they are not fed properly, your cat will never be happy or satisfied.

There are a lot of different products available on the market, and they offer different vitamins and nutrients that will make the feline healthier and happier. Your furry friend may not like a tuna flavor, but it may be interested in chicken. You can buy different foods in smaller packages and see which one works the best.

When you invest in good food, the fur of your cat will be better, softer, they will be overall healthier and more energized. Even though you can give pretty much everything to your pets, if you want them to have a good and long life, then you need to get quality products.

2. Let it be active

Source: lovetoknow

When a pet, especially young kittens don’t have enough room to run around and be playful, they may feel sad. Experts say that when your kitty is tired, it means they are happy.

Let your kitty move around, jump, and invest in some toys that will allow it to chase things around. They are animals that like to hunt their prey and they want to be active all the time.

You can even get a laser pointer and move it on the wall while your pet tries to catch it. Don’t worry about exhausting them, because when your feline gets tired, it will go and lay down.

3. Make sure it is not lonely

Source: medium

Just like everyone else, a cat is a social creature. They may want to spend more time alone, but they can get really lonely as well.

No matter how much time you spend with it, it is not the same as having a companion. So, if your space allows it, it is better to get at least two of the same animals. If you have a pet right now, and if you plan on getting another one, you need to be careful in the way you introduce them to each other.

Experts suggest that the first time they meet should be on neutral territory so your current pet does not feel like someone is taking over their space.

You don’t have to go far to do that, and you can put both cats in your yard or at your friend’s home. That way they will meet somewhere where its neither one’s territory and they are more likely to like and accept each other.

You will notice a difference in your kitty’s behavior right away, it will be more relaxed and more playful when they have someone to play with.

4. Let it watch from above

Source: softpaws

Every animal wants to be able to look at the whole room from above. You’ve probably noticed that your feline likes to climb on furniture and possibly sleep there.

They also want to be able to look out of the window and watch the birds. If you don’t want them to damage your furniture or get dirty, then you should invest in a tree or a bird watching station.

Editored suggests that the trees you can get for your pets are inexpensive, simple, and easy to store. They are great for people who don’t have too big apartments, and they can fit both small and large cats. There are usually platforms with different heights as well as a scratching post.

These units are something you should invest in because they are multipurpose. Your kitty can just lie down and sleep, sharpen their nails without damaging your furniture and they can watch you or the birds outside from above.

5. Get them some toys

Source: rent

Last but not least, if you want your furry friend to be satisfied, then you need to invest in some toys and a comfy bed. Even though cats are more likely to sleep in a random box, you should try your luck and get them a nice and cozy bed. There are a lot of different types and sizes, so you can choose the one that will compliment your space and that will make your feline happy.

You should also invest in some toys that your pet can play with. It is better to choose something small and durable that can easily be tossed and move around. With the toys, your kitty will be able to waste some energy and play around.

One of the things you can get is a mouse with batteries that your cat can hunt. You can also get something on a toy fishing pole. This toy will make your feline jump and catch it. This is something you can do to bond with your animal and spend some quality time with them. Most of these things can be found in any pet store or any larger mall. These things are really inexpensive because they can get damaged quickly depending on your pet’s temper.

If you want to keep your furry friend happy, then you should always make sure that their litter box is clean and that they have new sand or litter. Don’t forget to give them enough space and don’t smother them with hugs and kisses if you see they are not in the mood.

Cats may not seem like they are as friendly as dogs, but once you get a kitty, you will realize that they can love you even more. Give them time to adjust to your home and don’t pressure into doing something they don’t want to. If you notice that your pet is not eating or that they are hiding all the time, you should consult with a vet.

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