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Top 10 Newbie Friendly Legit Crypto and Bitcoin Investment Sites and Exchanges

Cryptocurrency has been a center of attraction since it was launched, and today, with increasing digital currency demand, newbies www.bitcoinrevolution.org every day. Crypto trading has become a great means to earn money and to ensure self-growth bringing in independence and technology altogether.

So, no matter what brings you to this field. The money or the investment curiosity, remember, not all grow expert. It is the self-education, time, resilience, right resources, and much more, which becomes a part of one’s success.  Cryptocurrency is a field of learning and of earning, and for anyone who uses the opportunity, it will be a master in the trade.

It was the growing demand and our curiosity, which made us come up with reviewing the applications, and with proper research, we have created a list of top 10 newbie friendly legit crypto and bitcoin investment sites and exchanges for the beginners.

But before you choose any of the websites mentioned below to start with, you need to keep a list of what you expect from it. It may be ease of use & UI, funds security, performance, development team, and much more. With proper parameters in the head, one can start to trade in cryptos.

Top 10 investing sites

1. Binance

Source: www.binance.com

The site has been ruling the market for quite a while. It is a site where one can get currencies like Cardano and Neo. For both the beginners and advanced users, the exchange is good with inbuilt options in UI for switching modes (2-modes), making UI, user-friendly. Mobile applications are available too, for both the android as well as iOS with advanced features, ease of use, and global accessibility with fees@ 0.1%.

2. Coinmama

Source: BitcoinBestBuy

It is a fiat-to-crypto exchange. The reach is global, and the features are user-friendly for beginners as well as experts. The exchange offers the users the most intuitive UI, making the purchase straightforward and easy. All the popular currencies of the world are supported by it. It is a valid exchange, for both cryptocurrency trading and not just the Bitcoin trading, with best of offers. One can make instant purchases on the Bitcoin and some other popular cryptos using credit card or cash via MoneyGram.

3. Coinbase

Source: www.coinbase.com

It is one of the most popular exchanges according to CoinMarketCap as one can directly invest here in USD, but the platform is little limited, offering purchases of Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. The platform allows one to buy the cryptocurrencies directly via Debit or Credit cards. The registration process on Coinbase is easy and hassle-free, and so is the buying of cryptocurrencies.

4. Xcoins

Source: Twitter

It is a European based exchange that in the field of cryptocurrency is leading today. Since its launch, the platform has served many customers worldwide (167 countries) with quick and secure solutions and support which is available 24*7. The platform is a safe and reliable way of investing in cryptocurrency. It offers BTC, ETH, LTC, BTC Cash, XRP only, and with the low fees and simple registration as well as verification process, it has been a charm for users.

5. Coinfield

It is the latest Canadian entrant. A variety of cryptocurrencies (including Stellar and Bitcoin cash) are available here at Coinfield for trading. The platform has a great reputation amidst the professional traders. Even the funding options herein are in variety, including a credit card and a wire transfer. However, one can find the withdrawal fees herein quite high, and the platform does not offer margin trading and comes with high liquidity.

6. Bitbuy

Source: Bitcoin Magazine

A popular crypto exchange (Canadian), which was rebranded from well-known InstaBT to Bitbuy, seeks to deliver value to the users concerned. The interface offered at Bitbuy is sleek, and the platform comes with features and resources which are well-suited for the advanced users. The lightning-fast turnaround time is offered herein, and there is a minimal crypto hold times, a big plus to be called. The platform, however, does not offer many advanced features for the users looking forward to the same.

7. Kraken

Source: YouTube

Be it an expert or a beginner, the platform is well-suited for both and comes with simplicity as well as best portfolio management for keeping a better track over the profile. Quality, safety, and security come along with the platform, and there is 24*7 global customer service support. Using Kraken, one can even make decisions for portfolio enriching, and the over-the-counter trading herein helps to have growth and best investing solutions, with competitive advantage and flexibility in processes.

8. Bitfinex

Source: BitMEX Blog

It is referred to as the best cryptocurrency exchange for beginners by Blockonomi and has also been designed as for regular traders. UI is least cluttered at Bitfinex, and the guidelines can be easily followed in consideration of the cash deposits, purchasing, and selling Bitcoins and alike. It comes in application format too for the users who like trading on the go. The supported currencies by Bitfinex are USD, EUR, GBP with affordable processing fees. There is availability for advanced features like limiting or stopping orders, trailing stops, and alike, but this company does not allow sign-ups for the residents of the United States.


Source: CEX.IO Blog

The platform has a good customer base who are satisfied by the crypto trading herein. It is a trustworthy as well as reliable (best security protocols) platform for exchanging bitcoins. One can use their Visa/Mastercard for depositing funds easily. Well, not just this, the platform has advanced trade engine that processes high-volume orders in real-time through the support of the order listing algorithms. CEX.IO is a transparent platform that protects the traders from experiencing negative balance impact and boosts the performance 10x for trading at CEX.IO. The price plans and strategies used are competitive in nature and allow the users to take complete advantage of this platform.

10. Changelly

Source: Retirement Investments

This is the right platform to invest in cryptocurrency for investors or traders who wish to keep their identity undisclosed. One can easily exchange digital assets via email. No government-issued ID proof will be required, and the platform is advanced as well as enhanced for the best experience of the investors as well as the traders worldwide. The users choose this platform concerning the Bitcoin & Altcoin conversion, which makes it a powerful tool that comes with no minimum or maximum limit over-trading. Changelly has both the mobile responsive website as well as android and iOS applications for the users to keep transactions on the go with high security.

Final Insights over Cryptocurrency Exchanges

A replacement of traditional currency, Cryptocurrency, is the future. The price, demand, and the results are going up, day by day. It is high time for one to step in the world and begin the journey as a trader or investor with the most advanced features offered with the digital currency exchange platforms.

Explore your choices amidst the platforms. Look out for exchange rates, payment choices, account management facility, security concerns. Choose from the above-mentioned list, which might suit up to your need and begin the journey in the new digital platform dealing with Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin investments.

7 Ways Virtual Reality is Transforming the Real Estate Industry

Source: medium

Innovations keep surprising the consumer world, and Virtual Reality is one of the more popular ones. Although it’s not as new compared to a few other ones, it’s still a life-changing innovation that allows people to experience a different type of reality. VR, or Virtual Reality, is something that came out a bit earlier than most people think, but for commercial use, it became popular just a few years ago. Of course, it’s still not as common so that every person could have it in their own home, but it’s slowly becoming a standard in the world of technology.

What’s interesting about VR is the fact that it’s not only used for gaming. VR has a lot of other uses, and most of them are highly professional. Pilots use them for simulations, soldiers use them for training and most professional car racers use them for their highly experience-yielding simulations as well. In today’s article, however, we’re going to talk about how VR changes the Real Estate Industry, so if you’re interested in learning some more on this topic, you’re more than welcome to keep on reading until the end.

1. More realism than ever

Source: mashvisor

A few years ago, purchasing an apartment was all about paying and praying that what you’re going to receive will meet your standards and satisfy your needs. However, nowadays with VR, it’s a completely different case. You can “walk” into your house or apartment before it’s up for sale, click all the light switches and turn on the TV’s if the program is advanced enough for you to do that. You can test everything before buying, and it’s truly an amazing thing. Maybe you’re unsure about your house’s proportions and you want to see it before making the final decision to build it.

2. Testing before buying

Source: pinheadsinteractive

Let’s say that you want complex design and you’re not sure if it’s going to be practical enough for a real-life scenario, so you want to test it out before paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for it. Well, with VR this is completely possible. All you need to do is find a company that offers this type of service and you’re free to spend a fraction of time in a virtual world that features your house. It sounds like something from the future, but it’s what happens right now in the present. For more on real-estate and futurism, feel free to check out this website.

3. Easier for marketing

Source: stambol

Because Virtual Reality is currently a part of a huge “wave”, companies that feature this in their service will have a much easier time advertising. If you were a customer, would you choose the service of a real estate company that has this VR feature available for its customers or a company that doesn’t? The answer is very simple, and if you’re an owner of such a company, we advise you to start implementing VR solutions, they have a huge return on investment.

Just compare a company that offers this type of service with a company that requires you to purchase a home and then find out how it’s like to live in it. The company that offers you to test things first will attract a lot more customers.

4. More profit for the industry

Source: linkedin

It’s not a secret that having the ability to “walk into your new home” before you buy it will cost money, and this is just one of the reasons why so many companies are looking forward to it. Besides the ability to build and sell a home, you’re able to present the buyer with a “test mode” in which they’re able to experience everything before paying for it, but for a certain price of course. It’s not cheap, but most people who want to have the perfect quality of life upon paying hundreds of thousands for their house will agree to pay this “small price” just to test things out, and it’s a huge opportunity for companies to grow.

5. Easier to convince customers

Source: nytimes

Do you know why it’s easier to sell a home that you can present in virtual reality? Because you’re giving your customer a chance to “feel” like what it is to live in it before paying the price. We know that this takes money to make, and you require a skilled developer who can put everything together for the buyer to be able to test it out, but it’s something that’s going to boost your sales by a lot, and it will be an industry-standard in just a couple of years. It’s better to start using it now than later.

6. Higher chance for investments

Source: analyticsinsight

Every company needs investments to be able to function properly, and one of the best ways to get those investments is by showing investors that you’re keeping up with all the latest trends. You must show the public that everything you’re doing is based on the current standards which are constantly evolving. Virtual Reality will be something that every real estate company will offer starting from the next few years. This means that if you’re amongst the first few companies, you’ll let investors know that you care about the trends and what’s currently “hot” in the industry, making it a lot easier for you to receive investments.

7. It’s a rising trend

Source: techrepublic

Technology is taking over and it’s a fact. A few years from now everything in the corporate world will be done through a computer, and Virtual Reality will be perfectly normal for everyone. Nowadays we still have people from the older generations that are not quite familiar with technology, so VR is currently something very fascinating for them. However, in the next decade, your customer base will consist of people who were born with computers, so VR will be nothing special to them. This means that you have to hop on the VR hype-train while it’s still time and reap all the benefits of it while it’s still a rising trend on the market.

How to Block Unwanted Text on Kid’s Phone?

Source: parents

The world can be a scary place sometimes, and nowhere is this more evident than with the advancement of technology. There are so many wonderful ways in which technology can help us in our lives, and this is so important. However, you also have to keep in mind that technology has the potential to threaten our kids and put them at risk, and this is something you will need to try to combat. Technology always has positives and negatives, and the more you can do to understand it, the better.

It seems almost impossible these days to not embrace the ever-changing world, and this means equipping your children with the latest gadgets. Your children need to have smartphones these days, for a variety of different reasons. 43% of teens cite texting as their main reason for owning a cell phone, and it’s believed that ⅓ of American teens send more than 100 texts per day. This shows what you are dealing with, and the reason why you need to try to take action. Protecting our kids online matters more than ever, and it’s the same with phones.

However, if you are going to do this, you need to make sure you keep them safe and protected, and this means looking at how to block unwanted text on your kids’ phones.

Protect Your Kids

Source: psycom

You need to do as much as you can to make sure your kids are as safe as possible when using their phones, and this means thinking about what they are being exposed to properly. There are so many dangers involved in text messaging, and this is something you need to make sure you get sorted. It’s not just things like sexting that children need protection from with their phones. You also need to think about things like cyber bullying, and how 1 in 5 teens is a victim of some sort of cyber bullying, and text messages are a common form of this.

Use FamilyOrbit

Source: apkpure

One of the best ways of being able to screen and block unwanted content in messages on your kids phone is to make sure you use FamilyOrbit. This is one of the leading app programs you can use to help ensure you are screening and monitoring what your child is exposed to by way of text messages. With this service, you can monitor what your children are doing on their phone, who they are speaking to, and what they are talking about. This is a revolutionary way of changing parenting, easing worries, and helping you do what is best for your kids long-term.

Go to Settings

Source: Buyback Boss

By going to your Settings, you can deal with blocking unwanted text messages in a more simple and basic way. This is because you can choose to block the phone’s ability to receive messages from specific numbers, and this is something you need to make sure you work on. If you head to the Settings and find the Messages section, you will be able to select which numbers you are looking to block incoming text messages from. On some phones, there may also be the option to block certain phrases in order to filter unsuitable content, and this is something that can be found on Android.

Use ScreenTime

Source: medium

With iOS 13, Apple introduced a built-in parental control mechanism called the ScreenTime. This must-wanted app introduced a set of new features that can help parents control, filter and limit screen time and apps appropriately. Basically it has the following major features:

Content Restrictions: You can prevent your child from accidentally downloading age-inappropriate apps or visiting adult websites. Simply turn on the age-based restrictions inside the Screen Time app and you are good to go.

Limit ScreenTime: You can program the settings to limit screen time on the child’s device. Simply set a start time and end time when you want the device to be locked and Apple iOS will prevent using the device during the downtime.

Communication Limit: to block unwanted text messages from your child’s phone, you can make use of the Apple ScreenTime feature. You can set contacts blacklist or allow communication with only the contacts you approve of. This way your child can only talk or text the people you approve of.

Disallow Safari/Camera: Besides Messages, you can also disallow in-built apps like the web browser Safari, Camera, FaceTime and more from being used on the iPhone. You can also disallow installing or uninstall any apps on your child’s phone. In-App purchase can also be disallowed, which also is a life-saver or to say wallet-saver.

Consider Other Apps

Source: The Online Mom

It is important that you do as much as possible to think about the best ways of taking care of your apps. This is something that can be done properly through the use of apps, and it’s something you need to take action with right now. So, there are a lot of apps you can use that are going to help you achieve this, in addition to FamilyOrbit. It would also be worth checking out in-depth and multifunctional text blocker apps such as OurPact, and Pumpic. These are going to be instrumental when it comes to helping you look after your kids and make sure they are not exposed to the wrong things.

Keeping your kids safe online is hard enough, and you can do things like monitoring their internet usage. But, this is very different to when they are using their cell phones, as these can be used any time, anywhere. Trying to block certain words is a great way of being able to ensure they are not exposed to unsuitable communications, and cuts down on the risk of things like sexting. These are some great ideas you can use that are going to help you improve the way you block text and messages that are not appropriate, and this is something to keep in mind right now.

6 Mental Health Perks of Adventure Travel 

Source: travelfeeds

Adventure travel is one of the fastest-growing niches in global tourism, and it’s easy to see why. When the same daily office routine grows old and stale, people want to be able to experience some excitement when they’re on vacation; and, with adventure travel, they have all the elements of an adventure—the risk, danger, challenge, and the rush.

What may be less obvious, though, are the mental health perks of this form of tourism. Not unlike adventure therapy, a form of psychotherapy that has been around since the 1960s, adventure travel offers some distinctive therapeutic benefits for people who want to kick a case of the blues or improve their wellbeing. Whether it’s hiking the Annapurna Circuit, ziplining over Niagara Falls, or scuba diving with sharks, embracing your inner adventurer can reap at least five mental health awards….

1. Relief of Depressive Symptoms

Source: hostelworld

One of the biggest reasons people crave adventure is the thrill of the experience. Tackling a challenge and reaching a goal that involves a certain level of risk or danger elicits a physical neurochemical response. The brain releases a surge of “feel-good” neurotransmitters. This spike in dopamine, adrenalin and endorphins creates a natural high that can relieve depressive symptoms. (Read more about addiction and mental health services at FHE Health.)

Research has only begun to explain the link between feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and depression, but with increasing study, scientists seem to be zeroing in on an undeniable connection. For example, studies have suggested that dopamine deficits are a manifestation of major depressive disorder and help to explain why people with clinical depression aren’t able to feel pleasure in their usual daily activities.

This condition, known as “anhedonia,” is a core feature of depression that often finds relief from medications which increase the availability of dopamine in the brain. But an intense natural high can also raise dopamine levels, creating a similar antidepressant effect. When someone is whitewater rafting in the Grand Canyon or parasailing in the Alps, the pleasure and reward center of their brain lights up, activating a surge in dopamine. The bigger the thrill, the bigger that surge—and, the more content and happy they’ll feel.

2. Greater Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Source: radmaedchen

Typically, when you want to accomplish something difficult that scares you or pushes you to your limit, you first have to come up with a plan. This process demands logic and problem-solving skills.

Say, for example, you’ve always wanted to solo hike the Pacific Crest Trail. A successful trip will require devising an itinerary, deciding what to pack and how much weight to carry, and figuring out the number of miles you’ll be logging each day. You may also need to take a wilderness safety course and consult others who have hiked the PCT. Depending on your hiking and camping experience, you may even have to learn how to pitch a tent. Click here for a guide to 12 person camping tents.

The reward for all of this planning isn’t just successful completion of an outdoor adventure; it’s also a boost in confidence and self-esteem, after you see what you’re able to accomplish when you apply yourself. This is no small thing, because research has revealed that confidence and self-esteem are protective buffers against psychiatric disorders.

And, as it turns out, how you feel about yourself and what you do—your confidence and self-esteem—can also negatively affect your relationships. A cycle can ensue. Over time, poor relationships and negative interpersonal experiences chip away at an already fragile sense of self, causing negative mental and emotional effects.

3. Greater Social Connectedness and Belonging

Source: pinterest

Usually, adventure travel also involves others, working as a team, gathering information, and being a part of something which increases your sense of social connectedness. Greater social connectedness and belonging are good for mental and physical health. We are social creatures, after all, and need social support systems in order to thrive. Studies cited by the Mayo Clinic have found that people with a greater sense of social belonging cope better with stress, thus mitigating the mental and physical impact of stress.

The bottom line: Like many physical diseases, mental disorders are often stress-induced; a boost in social belonging can reduce your chances of developing anxiety, depression or another mental illness.

4. Better Brain Function

Source: backpackingbella

Traveling to a new place can also improve brain function and sharpen cognitive skills. A 2019 article in Forbes explained how. The neuroplasticity of the brain means that it can change (for better or worse) across a lifetime. Travelling to a foreign place, learning a new language, or even trying a different cuisine can get those neurons fired up, which in turn enhances cognitive function.

This phenomenon—the brain’s ability to grow in response to new and enriching stimuli—came to light in studies on lab rats in the 1960s. Rats that were placed in a stimulus-rich environment with plenty of toys and new social interactions developed a thicker cerebral cortex than rats that were raised in a sterile and empty environment with no toys or social interactions. (The cerebral cortex governs many complex cognitive processes and accounts for half of the brain’s weight.)

The application to humans here couldn’t be more direct. When a person’s only experience is the same day-to-day routine of the office, their brain suffers—but when they travel somewhere new, exotic, and challenging, they do their brain a huge favor.

5. Better Mood and Memory from Being in Nature

Source: foodandhealing

Then there are the mood and memory boosts of being in nature that help to illustrate another therapeutic dimension of adventure travel (most of which is spent in the Great Outdoors). For example, experts at Harvard have recommended getting out on the basis of these study findings:

  • Taking a long walk outdoors led to a more positive mood.
  • Group nature walks were as effective as solo walks at reducing depression and stress and improving overall mental outlook.
  • “More time outdoors” can lift mood disorders and may improve memory.

With respect to this last point, memory, still other studies have shown that nature walks improve both short-term memory and working memory.

When considered together, then, these five mental health perks of adventure travel may convince even the most risk-averse to embrace their inner adventurer. Time to dust off that bucket list—maybe even book a trek to Machu Picchu!

6. Connecting with nature

Source: newportacademy.com

Connecting with nature can be a powerful way to improve mental health, and there are many ways to do it. One popular option is equine therapy, which involves working with horses to promote emotional growth and healing.

Through equine therapy, individuals can develop a sense of trust and empathy as they work with these sensitive creatures. Horses can respond to human emotions, making them ideal for therapeutic purposes. Additionally, spending time outdoors with horses can provide a sense of calm and relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety.

Equine therapy is just one way to connect with nature and improve mental health. Other options include hiking, camping, gardening, or simply spending time outside in a park or natural area. Being in nature can help individuals feel grounded, connected, and at peace.

Research has shown that spending time in nature can have numerous mental health benefits, including reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can also boost mood, improve cognitive function, and promote feelings of well-being.

The article is provided by Dr. Beau Nelson, DBH, LCSW.

How to Bet on Sports for Beginners – 4 Tips to Know

Source: medium

Watching and following sports teams and cheering regularly for your favorite one can be stressful enough, even without higher stakes riding on a particular game. Sports betting is a fan-favorite form of pastime and gambling. Millions of sports fans and betters around the globe put in their money daily on the outcomes of professional sports. As a beginner, you need to know the basics well before you make your first bet. In this text, we will reveal to you five tips to know when betting on sports. Visit Newbettingoffers.co.uk to find out even more advice and make some bets.

1. What do the Odds Mean?

Source: medium

Out of all, the most important tip for the newcomers is how to read and understand the odds in sports betting. They are the bread and butter of the whole thing, something that you should always remember. The actual outcome of the bet is not nearly as important as the odds since they are the ones that determine if the bet had any value in the first place. To make it as simple as possible, odds are the inverse values of a specific probability that something will occur. The more unlikely a certain occurrence, the higher the odds for it will be, giving you more money if you guessed right. According to this, to make a good bet, the probability of occurrence must be higher than the probability the odds suggest.

As mentioned the higher the odds the more you will win. Therefore, always aim for the odds larger than 1.15. Odds larger than 3 or 4 are generally considered okay, while those in the dozens are the hardest to hit, but award the most. Still, if you believe that 1.15 odds will likely happen, you should go with your gut. The award will be low when you win, but if you manage to stack multiple small odd games together and win, your total odds factor is going to give you a large sum of money. Higher odds are of course considered more valuable, but low ones should never be overlooked. Pro players trust their knowledge of the sport and the surrounding factors more than the odds, which is why they tend to score big by betting on the underdogs or unlikely outcomes.

2. Setting Stakes

Source: bookiesniper

Apart from reading the odds, a difficult aspect of sports betting to master is setting the stakes. One strategy is never going to make you rich and it takes exploring all the possible ways of approaching games and matches to score big. However, blind picking and no strategy are even worse for your overall chances. For long-time success and remaining on the plus side of the earning and losing curve, bear with us here.

When you eventually end up on a winning streak, your judgment and common sense may feel unimportant. Players generally like riding the wave and enjoy the “high” that all the winning has been giving them. Even experienced betters and pro players find it hard to keep their stakes intact. Raising the stakes while on a winning streak is a dangerous practice for your funds. The feeling of invincibility, while everything is going your way, is amazing, and quite a rush to feel. Still, you must give it your all to remain focused. Always think twice or even three times whether or not your desired move makes sense, and do you really need to increase your risks and mess with lady luck. Your average stake should remain just that, average. Going too much over it may lead to a bad experience.

It could be just luck, or it could have something to do with your skills. However, since betting is after all a form of gambling, you must stay within limits and never feel tempted to go overboard. Remember that bad streaks are also possible and as a matter of fact more frequent than winning streaks. Keep a cool head in all situations and you will be fine. Do not judge your betting skills by the current streak and raise your stakes easily, but plan a strategy and stick to it.

3. Anger Management/Self-Control

Source: wttw

Tightly connected to the many possible outcomes of the previous entry are the self-control element and the valuable skill of anger management while betting on sports. Every sporting event you choose to bet on has its level of chance and its odds. At the end of the day, it all comes down to luck, or at least the large amount of it does. In sports, anything is possible, and even the most probable outcome may not happen, ruining your chances of winning money.

Remember that a single human mishap can ruin the whole season of a team, or one bad step can cause a serious injury for a player, rendering their team defenseless for the entire match. Nobody can anticipate this, which is why players tend to overreact in a wide array of different ways. During both winning and losing, the outcomes of everything that happened before has nothing to do with your current situation, nor your bets in the future.

The easiest way to destroy your chances and lose money is to chase losses after big defeats and become carried-away with wins and increasing stakes. To cancel out the strong emotions you may feel while gambling, it takes high amounts of self-control and calmness. Anger management goes a long way while gambling, so if you are prone to outburst of anger and bad behavior, you must learn to control yourself no matter what happens, especially while still at the sports bar. Losing control is unbelievably easy, and it takes a bigger man to take it with dignity than to lose it. Doing yourself a disservice and digging an even deeper grave for yourself is no way to behave after losing. Your whole sports betting experience should be a thrilling and exciting ride, filled with fun and pleasure. If it feels like a burden and starts making you miserable, it may be time to avoid it for a while or stop completely.

4. Strategy

Source: inquirer

It should go without saying that strategizing is crucial when betting. Like with everything else, the knowledge and tactics you come in with greatly increase your chances of coming out on top. Although not a lot of things are under your control, a strong strategy is very important in betting on sports. To be successful, you need both time and effort. Research and obtaining information is the best way to stay knowledgeable, but it may take you hours upon hours to stay in touch with multiple sports, leagues and competitions. Even if you wanted to, you cannot follow everything. Therefore, pick only what you are very good at and bet on what you know. The best players specialize in a couple of sports only, some of them just on one. Even just one league, one team, or one individual athlete goes. What matters is that you know what you are doing and can predict the outcome, strategizing. This prevents hasty moves and bad calls since you will always follow your extensive knowledge and skills instead of something else.

How to Build Your Social Network After Moving to a New City

Source: social media

Irrespective of your reason to move, moving to a new city can be a daunting task. Uprooting your social life, severing the old ties, and loaded with the burden of establishing a new network, you move to a new city, only to find yourself amid a mess of feelings, loneliness, and inhibition.

Most of us move when we become old, old enough to hesitate in initiating, find breaking the ice tough and forget old connections easily.

Expert moving companies in the network of iMoving, a repeated moving service platform, explain that moving to a new city and building relationships is the most stressful experience in one’s lifetime. The professionals further add that because grown-ups have lived significant years of their life and have built great connections already, adding new contacts to the list can be very intimidating. To check the complete list of these companies, click here.

However, it is not impossible to make a new network. It might demand some efforts and time, but when you know how to nurture new relationships, you can establish a fresh network of friends and like-minded colleagues.

Here are a few tips to get started:

Revive old ties

Source: digitalmarketinginstitute

As we grow old, many ties are made and forgotten. You might have lost contact with a number of people, who, once was a significant part of your circle. When you plan to move to a new city, make sure you go through your social media accounts and check for old friends and contacts. You will be surprised to know that some of your old contacts are already living in the city you are planning to move to. You can always reach out to these contacts before you move to the city and plan a meeting once you arrive.

Reach out to your friends and colleagues

Source: parade

One of the most common ways is to ask your existing friends and colleagues to find out about known people in the new city. The wider you expand your inquiry, the better results you will get. Ask your network who they know in the big city you are planning to move to. You can also make meaningful outcomes if you ask people about their network in any industry, locality, company, and more. Make sure you add a time slot to your moving timeline dedicated to ensuring people about their contacts in the new city.

Go to the local shops

Antoin Commane and friends

Whether it’s the bookstore next door or the café at the corner of the street, going to the local shops offers you a great chance to find new people. You can converse with a group of people or may ask the waiter for some recommendations. Trust us, they know who the best match for you is.

Focus on events with shared goals

Source: BusinessTown

In modern times, the easiest and most sought after way to meet new people is attending meetups, networking events, and more. However, it has been concluded by the experts that such events do not help people in finding reliable contacts to add in their network. Most of these people spend their time talking to the people they already know or with people with similar interests. To expand your chances to meet new and better contacts, you must focus on attending events that offer you shared goals and where interdependence in the team is the determiner of success.

Join exercise classes

Source: bxtimes

Yes, in this modern world of a fast-paced lifestyles, every second person struggles to stay fit. Most of us try to find out some time to join an exercise class and thus these classes have the perfect mix of people from all walks of life. You can join some of these classes and while you keep yourself fit, you can also meet people who are like-minded and a perfect match for a potential contact.

Use some technology

Source: AdobeStock

While most of us think that technology has ruined our social life by making more and more relationships virtual, there are a few apps available in the online space that cater otherwise. An array of applications is dedicated to helping people find credible contacts in a new city. From joining dinner parties to working on a charity as a group, these applications connect completely strange people and let them weave their networks.

Do not stop your search

Source: Personio

Even if you have added a few contacts in your network, it doesn’t mean that you must stop finding new ones. Most of the time, the contacts we make in a professional context are based on the need of the hour and once the objective is sorted, the ties are severed. These contacts are of a temporary nature and hence you cannot rely on them. It is important that you continue your search to have a significant and meaningful network out of which you get some of the best permanent contacts for a long time.

Know the person as a whole

Source: Romper

Following these tips, you surely will meet a lot of people and make some great relationships. When you find someone potential to befriend, make sure you discover them inside and out. Do not just discuss a single topic or element, instead, talk about their likings and disliking, hobbies, interests, and try to find out the common links. When you follow this practice you will be able to develop a multiplex relationship, i.e. a relationship with multiple contexts.

Finding new people in a completely new city can be very difficult. While we sincerely hope that you get some of your old contacts in the new city, we also believe that the ways we have mentioned above will work for you. It is very important that you build your network in the new city very efficiently and without losing much time. A group of likeminded people is one of the most effective ways to handle the psychological effects of moving to a new city. So, if you haven’t made any friends yet, get started and build your social circle in the new city.

13 Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men

Are you worried about your short sex drive? You might have low levels of testosterone hormone in your body. Have you checked any typical signs of it? Well, it is a crucial hormone in males that enhances the overall appearance and sexual desires. Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, many men face various problems with low testosterone. You need to check sure signs that show that this hormone is secreted in less amount.

Go through this write-up to understand your problem and symptoms to cure it quickly. Out medical team has solutions for this issue in males. Many medications and gels at website are available to cure such an issue. It is better to detect in the early stage before it gets worsened with time. Let us check out some common symptoms that clearly show the problem in men.

1. Difficulty in Erections

The testicles secreted the testosterone hormone. It helps in vitalizing the penile tissues and develop nitric oxide. A man with low hormone levels can face issues while achieving an erection. There is a possibility of spontaneous erections while sleeping. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by various factors such as diabetes, stress, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, alcohol, etc.

Source: Medical News Today

2. Low Libido

Libido is also known as sex drive. Men feel less interested due to low levels of testosterone. It is found that there is a drastic decrease in the sex drive in men with such problems. Fewer erections are another cause of reduced sex frequency with your partner.

3. Hair Loss

This hormone is beneficial for hair growth in men. There are chances of hair loss on body, head, and face. If a man is getting old, then it can be a sign of aging. You need to check other symptoms along with it.

Source: Healthline.com

4. Feeling Tired

Men can become tired and energy-deficient if the levels of this hormone are low in their bodies. You will sleep more than required and feel lazy all the time. It becomes difficult for you to stay fit and motivated if you suffer from this problem. You can lack motivation and enough strength in you.

5. Loss in body and Muscle Mass

Testosterone helps in the proper functioning of your body and building appropriate muscle and body mass. You can notice the weakness and improper functioning of your body. Due to the loss of energy levels, you might feel less energetic. The volume of the bone can also decrease, which makes a man more prone to fractures. The hormone helps in strengthening the muscles and bones.

Source: medium

6. Increase in Body Fat

Many men can experience body fat, especially on the chest. They may develop enlarged breasts, which is also known as gynecomastia condition. It may cause an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen in men. The man boobs can make your physique like women, and it can be very embarrassing. This condition can often be fixed through natural means but in certain cases, a gynecomastia procedure might make more sense. To find out more information about gynecomastia surgery you can click here.

7. Mood Swings

If testicles secrete hormones in a less amount, then it can affect your mind. It leads to mood swings like women on periods. They may look depressing, irritated, or demotivated. Nothing can cheer them up because they may look dull and less energetic.

Source: A.Vogel

8. Small Testicles

The size of the testicles can be affected if you have lower testosterone levels in your body. It may appear smaller than usual. Well, there are many other reasons for small testicles, but it can be one of them. You must check for other symptoms to confirm your problem.

9. Lower Blood Levels

There is a higher risk of blood loss or anemia to patients with such a problem. The blood counts can be less as compared to a normal man. This condition can include many other problems like cramps in the leg, problem while focusing, dizziness, high heart rate, sleep disorders, and much more.

Source: healthcare nt sickcare

10. Bad Memory

Lower levels of the hormone can affect the cognitive functions as well as your memory. Doctors provide different supplements to enhance or improve memory. There are chances of forgetting little things or knowing things that happened in front of you. There is a considerable impact of T levels on a man’s memory. You can consider this sign in severe cases.

11. Decreased Volume of Semen

The production of semen depends on the secretion of testosterone. The semen consists of sperm, which is an essential element for developing a baby. Low T will produce less semen with less fertile sperm. During ejaculation, you may observe less volume of semen. It is not sufficient enough to pregnant your partner. It is one of the typical signs of less secretion of this hormone in men.

Source: Decreased Volume of Semen

12. Sleeping Disorders

You may experience changes in your sleeping patterns. It is common if you are unable to sleep enough during the night. Low T levels can cause many sleeping disorders like insomnia, apnea, etc. the apnea is a severe problem when a patient starts and stops breathing during sleep. There is also a risk of stroke, which is quite a severe issue.

13. Physical and Emotional Changes in Body

If the male hormone is secreting in fewer amounts, your body can experience physical and emotional changes. The physical changes can be fragile bones, tiredness, dizziness, less hair on the body, hot flashes, weak muscles, etc. On the other hand, the emotional changes can be memory loss, depression, lack of concentration, demotivation, etc. There is a direct impact of low T levels on the entire body of men.

Source: Sibeal WolfStar

Bottom Line

Lower levels of testosterone in a man can affect his health severely. Many physical and emotional changes can be observed if a man is suffering from this problem. It is essential to cure before it gets too late. You must go through common signs that we have discussed above to check whether you are fine.

Some symptoms like hair loss, mood swings, change in bone, and muscle loss can be aging or other health problems. You need to check all to confirm your low T levels. If you find such issues, then you should immediately visit a doctor for medications.

How to Save Time Finding a Soulmate Online

Source: medium

Finding a couple online can be very time consuming and difficult if you’re not going about it the right way. That’s why it’s important to be informed about the potential ways that you can prepare yourself beforehand to provide yourself with a better chance to meet couples. Users of Meetwild.com shared their personals life hacks on how they save time when they’re looking for a couple. Use some of these methods to prepare yourself, and you will have a wonderful time finding a few people to keep you company.

Do a Little Research on Available Dating Sites

Source: Culture Trip

The first step that you should take when you’re finding a couple online is to do some research on the website. Not all dating sites are created equally. Some websites don’t have a section where couples can meet couples, and others that do have those sections lack the capability to make those dates a reality. So, the first thing that you have to do is research the population of the site that you’re thinking about joining. Double-check and make sure that people come to this site so they can find their couples. If they don’t, then it’s worth it to go to a site that does value this sort of dating interaction. The second element that you should examine is the communication format available to you on the website. Do they have video, voice, and text messaging? You need to decide how you want to communicate with other people and then find a website that supports those efforts. That is just part of the overall research that you need to do, though. Check pricing and other elements of the dating site, too.

Set a Time Limit for Online Communication

Source: MyDomaine

The one thing that people tend to do is hang on to a relationship that is no good for them for too long. You might invest a lot of time in sending the right message or trying to set up the perfect date only for it to fall to pieces. However, when you go into a date with a specific time limit on communication, then you’re prioritizing yourself, something important to do on a date. You determine how long you communicate per day, how long they have to respond to you before you move on to the next partner, and many other things, too. This step is all about determining how much your time means to you as an individual and making sure your potential partners care for it, too. Click here to find the best tips in this regard.

Automate the Process of Communication and Searching

Source: economictimes

Another thing that you can do is to automate the various processes of communication and searching. When you are searching, you have to set the criteria for yourself. For example, think about the age range, culture, job type, and distance that you would like to see on your dates. Consider what you think is acceptable for all of those elements of a date and then set about searching using those parameters. Going back to the idea of using the proper dating site for you, it’s necessary for you to consider using a site that facilitates a good search. You don’t want to have a choice of looking for partners in a certain proximity and that’s it. You need to get as specific as possible. For communication, you need to regulate the steps that you’re going to take when you’re on a date. Do you want to chat first and then see where things go? Would you prefer a video chat to start? Decide on these things and make them part of a larger process to get through the dating process quickly.

Create Letter Templates

Source: Online Dating sites

After you’ve found a potential couple to date, you need to have a quick method to reach out and get to know them. To do this, you can make a letter template that lists everything they need to know about dating you. Most of the time, that could be something as basic as your preferred methods of communication, date nights that you’re open, and what parts of the relationship are set in stone. This will save you a lot of time because you can reply to several people at once instead of investing a lot of time. While this might come off as impersonal to some people, it will help you root out the people that aren’t good enough for you.

Think Up Questions in Advance or Use the Well-Known 36 Love Questions

Source: popsci

The 36 love questions are a famous way that people can begin to find partners based on specific answers that they give to these questions. While it may take a bit of time for you to go through all of the different questions, they provide a lot of insight into the kind of person that you may potentially date.

Still, if you’re not happy with the questions that are included in that personal inventory, then you can come to the dating site armed with your own questions. After all, you might have some parts of your dating lifestyle that are far more specific to you than you would find otherwise. Most importantly, you cannot be afraid to ask people about the things that matter the most in your relationship. Do they want to spend time getting to know you? Do they want to get right down to the physical aspect of a relationship? These questions matter when you’re dating people either online or in-person, so make sure you are set with them before you start dating.

There are many different ways in which you can find couples. However, there are some shortcuts that you can take that will help you greatly when you’re trying to meet people online. You have to know the kind of partner you want, and you must learn what sort of person you’re talking to before things get too deeply involved. As long as you spend some time planning out the kind of interactions you would like to have, you should have a good time when you’re looking for couples.

3 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best Solution for E-Commerce

Source: thimpress

E-Commerce allows people from all over the world to sell their goods, to promote their products, and users to be able to purchase things that are seemingly out of their reach. Nowadays there are a lot of different platforms where you can set your e-commerce site up, but not all of them offer the features you need. Lately, most business owners, as well as users say that WordPress is the best solution when it comes to choosing the right platform.

If you want to start your own website to sell and promote your brand, you are probably looking for a platform that will allow you to use it with ease, and something that will be user-friendly as well. One of the worst mistakes people make is setting up a website that is too complicated for users and ending up losing their sales because of that. In this article, we are going to give you some of the best reasons why you should choose WordPress and we’ll tell you how this platform is the solution to your new shopping website.

1. Layout

Source: medium

When you build your e-commerce site, the first thing you want to do is to attract customers. However, no matter how many people you get to click on your link, if the website is not functional and appealing, your potential customers will just close it and walk away.

WordPress gives you the opportunity to choose between hundreds and even thousands of different themes, so you will have no problem finding the one that shows your best colors. When choosing the theme, you need to look for one that is specifically designed for e-commerce. You cannot go with just any theme because you want to promote your products and have a layout where people will be able to browse with ease.

The great news is that there are layouts that are made for online stores, and some of them are free for you to install. You can even conduct surveys and see what your customers like the best. If you don’t want to risk things, you can just ask your friends to test things out and help you with the decision.

Remember that layouts and plugins go hand in hand, so you should choose the theme considering the plugins and vice versa. The menu needs to be visible and easy to access. It should also have all the necessary information, so spend some time customizing this part.

2. Security

Source: lynda

When you set up a website that does not require your users to enter their personal information, you should worry about cybersecurity only for yourself. In these cases, you need to make sure that someone does not take your site down, and they don’t hack it or change your password.

On the other hand, when you have a shopping site, you have to protect both your information and your customers’. If your site gets hacked, your customers may lose their personal information, they can get their identity stolen, and their bank accounts will get compromised.

Because of this, you need a platform that will offer security and give you different features to make sure every information is safe. When it comes to WordPress, you have different layers of safety features. First of all, the platform itself is encrypted, and your data is really hard to get stolen. You need to always install the latest updates to make sure that the platform itself can protect you and your website.

You should also add some plug-ins that will add an additional layer of security. Some plug-ins are free for you to download and use, and others require an inexpensive sum to be installed. Look for the ones that give you all the things you need, and that offer unique features.

3. Plug-ins

Source: lynda

There are thousands of different plug-ins you can add to your store, but you need to be smart when choosing the right ones. If you put too many of them, then your site may become slow, and it will start lagging. When a site is not fully loaded for more than 3 seconds, chances are, users will just close it and go somewhere else.

To make sure that does not happen, and to choose the right things you should install, you should look for plugins that offer several features in one. According to Xansibar.com, the all-in-one systems will give you features including the ability to add or remove images, manage your inventory, schedule things like emails and promotions, and much more.

As we mentioned before, some of these plugins are free for you to install them, and some need to be purchased. When choosing one, you should first make sure that it is safe to download and use. Look for plugins that have high ratings and that have been installed by many people.

You should always get an SEO one that will help you keep your content perfect, and that will ensure that your articles show on the first page of Google. Users say that Yoast is one of the best ones, but you may want to check several different ones before you choose the right one for you.

Don’t overburden your site with widgets that are not going to be useful. You don’t need the weather widget, no matter how cute you think it looks. It will just make the website load slowly and your customers will not get any happier. Always install something that will help you keep your site more secure, and if you are not sure which features are the best for you, you can always ask the professionals or talk to people who are in the same field.

WordPress offers a lot of different features when it comes to plugins and widgets, and they are all neatly listed by rating, downloads, or brand. So, if you are in doubt, just use the sorting feature and see which ones are recommended and used by others.

This platform is available on all devices, so you won’t have to carry your laptop around, just to see how things are going. It is also extremely easy to install and use, and you don’t need to be tech-savvy to find your way around it. You can also let your customers rate and review your shop, so you can show others why they should make a purchase in your store. Spend some time checking the features around, and once you start using WordPress, you will never go back to another platform.

Screen Printing Options for Custom-Designed T-Shirts

Source: bcprinthouse

Everybody likes to get a t-shirt when they go somewhere. It’s fun. Everyone has it, and its somewhat cool. But when you are going to make your own T-shirt, the options can throw you off. You walk in and say I want a shirt printed, and then the menu of the different styles of printing makes you want to walk out.

That’s pretty much how I feel at Starbucks. I want a coffee, and I have no idea what all the options even mean. Even the way they do the sizes doesn’t make sense, but I digress.

If you can navigate through those different printing options, you can make some really cool stuff. People always enjoy it, and we even have the phrase, “Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.”

Years ago, there was a massive flood in Houston, and I remember a group made T-shirts and were helping with the recovery. Though I was helping with healing as well, I couldn’t stop asking people where they got the shirts and how I could get one. It’s silly, I realize, but it’s true, and if I thought about it, no doubt other people did as well.

Here is a quick breakdown of the different printing options that you have. But first:

What is a screen print anyway?

Source: lotsaprinting

Screen printing is a cool way of putting ink through a stencil directly onto a t-shirt so that the ink lies on top of the shirt instead of actually having the shirt’s fibers soak up the ink. Shirts are done one at a time. The shirt is laid out, and then the stencil is placed over the shirt. On top of the stencil is a layer of ink that gets brushed through the stencil onto the shirt. It’s pretty fun. (image needed)

So now that you know what screen printing is, here are the options:

Not in any specific order.

1. Spot Color

This is the most common printing type. The way this one works is that one specific color is put directly on the shirt. So if you have T-shirts that just need to say a couple of words such as a yellow shirt and you want black ink to stand out, then our stencil is made of the words, and then the ink is put on top it just shows the words. Pretty straightforward. Spot color can have one or two colors, but that’s really about it. Anything over two colors and you’re getting into a different style of print such as Simulated Process.

Source: coreldraw

2. Simulated Process

If you have a sophisticated design that can’t be produced by just one color or two, then what you need is a Simulated Process. Halftone dots are used to create photo-realistic images. What is really happening is a blend of Spot Color printing. If you think about the Spot Color process, image numerous stencils with different colors in order to achieve the artwork. These can work great on light-colored shirts or even dark colored shirts.


When it comes to printing, CMYK, which stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (yes, I realize black is spelled with a B), is where a full photograph is broken down into the four colors. By blending these four colors, every possible color variation can be made. There’s really nothing that can’t be printed because when it’s broken down to CMYK, all possible colors are available. This style works best on white shirts.

4. Specialty Inks

I include Specialty Inks as an option, but really these are inks that have glitter attached, gels or metallic inks, etc.… They make the shirts stand out a lot more, but its really the Sport Color or Simulated Process or printing. These are pre-fabricated inks, and most print companies have numerous kinds.

Source: rushordertees

5. Embroidery

Since embroidery has to do with putting artwork on clothing, I include it. Embroidery is when you stitch something onto a garment with thread. These are pretty common for hats and for polo shirts, but aside from that, you don’t see embroidery too much on clothing. Since embroidery is stitched, it’s not like printing in any way as far as what design it can have. If you get into a super complex, it won’t always work because stitching layers thread on top of itself. So stitching complex designs wouldn’t be something people would want even if the machines can do it.

A small comment on graphic design

Source: digitalartsonline

You can pick the best print style that’s cost-effective that you like, but if you don’t have a good design, then no matter what, it’s not going to look great. Some companies want you to upload your design or turn in your design, but if it’s a graphic artist who does not check, it could look really bad. Some designers charge a lot for their designs, and some don’t charge anything for designers to come up with a killer design.

For an incredible gallery of what the possibilities could be for custom screen prints, check out the gallery at Texas Ink in Houston. They do all the graphic design and the printing in the house for their clients.

There are numerous ways you can get custom shirts by doing it online or going into a store, but either way, the options mentioned above are pretty much the same options everyone has.

In this article, we are mainly talking about T-shirts, but it could be any style of apparel from Dri-Fit clothing to polos, sweatshirts, pajamas, and the idea.

Source: lynda

Wrapping it Up

So it’s up to you, but who doesn’t love a T-shirt? For your next family outing, or the next get-together, or business trip, consider getting some custom printed shirts or even hats that will make it memorable and fun. The price for one color Spot printed T-shirts is not that much, but their excitement is well worth it.

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