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Online Marketing Misconceptions That Can Hurt Your Business

Source: siglcreative

With the development of digital technology and the wide use of smartphones, digital marketing became the most useful way of targeting potential customers through various methods of online advertising such as ads, pop-ups, e-mail marketing, and more. Moreover, most businesses today are using Instagram and Facebook as the main method of advertising because almost every user of the smartphone has at least one of these two social networks in use.

There are many benefits that companies could get from digital marketing, especially from social media. For example, there are near 2 billion Facebook users today, which represents a great opportunity for you to promote your business by creating an account with the name of your company. Besides Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest are also widely known and used by millions of people.

Furthermore, if you are not familiar or you don’t have enough time to deal with sharing various content through social media, or you don’t know the proper way of optimizing your website to increase its chances of being seen in search engines, you can hire professionals, like A1SEOGlasgow, who are experienced in increasing the traffic of any website by using various white hat seo strategies.

On the other hand, there are many misconceptions related to digital marketing, and its abilities to improve your outreach and bring more people to your website. This branch is constantly developing, but some parts of it might seem perfect in the beginning, but they only last for a short period. You should always seek from the most recent trends in online marketing and avoid any sort that could hurt your business. Here are some of the most common online marketing misconceptions that can hurt your business.

Keywords Mean Better Rankings

Source: searchengineland

When it comes to optimization ow websites to increase its chances to be seen on the top of the organic search in search engines, keywords were essential for that for a long time. However, while targeting people and increasing the positioning of any webpage by only using important keywords, today, it is much harder, because you will also need high-quality content to improve the positioning. The main reason for that is that Google is using all kinds of algorithms that will prevent poor-quality pages with proper targeting keywords to be on the first page in an organic search. Keywords are still important, but you should rather focus on the content that you share.

Traffic is Most Important

Source: customerthink

While it is important to have a lot of visitors on your website or online store, being only attractive is not enough, especially for sellers. For example, there are not many benefits if the visitors are only looking around your webpage without buying anything. However, it is useful to use metrics to use how your website is positioning and to check the trends about how many people are visiting your website and is there any space for progress.

It is Not All About Links

Source: unsplash

Links are useful and important for optimization. However, you should know that there are complex algorithms that Google introduced and that there are many other factors important for proper optimization, like meta tags, keywords, quality content, and more. Also, today it is more important to have quality and reliable links, rather than placing too much of them. There is a better chance for your website to be in the top of searches with one quality link, then with a great number of irrelevant ones.

You Don’t Have to Use All Social Networks

Source: mightyfish

Knowing the fact that there are billions of people who have accounts on various social networks, many business owners choose to advertise themselves through them. However, you should be aware that sharing quality content through each one of them can be complicated and time-consuming. It might be more beneficial for you to use several social media accounts to target only a particular group of people. For example, most of the younger generations are using Instagram and TikTok today, and if you are selling some gaming equipment, toys, beauty products, or anything else that would be interested in them, then you should use only those networks that are popular among that particular group of people.

Content Marketing Replaces Website Optimization

Source: Relevance

It is crucial for your blog, online store and any other type of website to have high-quality content, especially because of Google’s algorithms. However, you should never underestimate the power of optimization and its importance in increasing the visibility of your website. When it comes to proper optimization, you should know that every part of your website and each sort of content can be optimized. For example, you should include at least 2 keywords per 500 words in the articles that you are sharing, the main keyword in the headline, and use tags as well. On the other side, older generations mostly use Facebook, which should be your main tool to target them. Moreover, YouTube represents a great marketing tool as well.


Having proper optimization can be crucial for your online marketing and promotion of your business in the right way. We can see a constant development and introduction of new and advanced tools, like algorithms that prevent poor quality websites to be in the first few pages of any organic search. Also, it is very important to know that it is not enough to optimize your web page only one time because it represents a constant process, and there are great benefits when you keep track of the most recent trends in that branch. Moreover, many factors can affect the visibility of your website, which means that you should not only pay attention to how many visitors you have.

The best way to successfully create a marketing strategy that will surely bring more potential clients is to combine different methods. While it is important to use social media and optimization, you should know that crucial part should be high-quality content that you share, because Google will still give your website a bad rate even if you are using all of the necessary methods for advertising.

Tips to Choose a Good Chiropractor for Better Health and Wellbeing

Source: site123

Chiropractic is a healthcare system that treats the nervous system and musculoskeletal system disorders that impact your overall health. It involves the manipulation of the spinal column and different body structures.

Medical professionals qualified to make a diagnosis and treat the nervous system and musculoskeletal system disorders are called chiropractors or doctors of chiropractic [DC]. They believe in a hands-on approach for treating these disorders in every kind of patient – adult, kids, elderly, and teens.

Chiropractors focus in specialty areas like:

Sports medicine
Internal disorders
Forensic sciences
Diagnostic imaging
Occupational & industrial health

Source: medicalnewstoday

Chiropractic treatment is recommended to eliminate conditions caused due to body frame misalignment. Still wondering how a chiropractor service such as NydnRehab can help you.

Relieves pain from the joints – Most often, the professionals adjust the spine to remove the obstacles present in the vertebrae. It helps to reduce pain and enhance mobility. The pressure from the joint gets released, and patients find instant relief.

Lessen the low back pain – The spinal manipulation methods chiropractors use are toggle drop, motion palpitation, lumbar roll, release work, table adjustments, pelvic blocking, etc. Low back pain can be because of disc injuries. It can benefit from the flexion-distraction technique, where disc gets moved away from the nerves. This helps to lessen the pain and inflammation.

Enhances posture – Your body posture gets enhanced when you go through chiropractic treatment. Your work may include hours of sitting in front of the desk. Your body undergoes the strain as it is not designed for long hours sitting down. DC will make adjustments to enhance your poor posture. You will hear cracking sounds. Don’t worry! These are associated with adjustments made.

Source: medicalnewstoday

Relieves headache – Headaches are of different types – migraine [one-side pain], tension [band-like pain around], and carcinogenic [starts from the neck] headaches. The chiropractor evaluates diagnoses and helps to manage headaches. They use manual therapy in treating tension and cervicogenic headaches. Migraines frequency and intensity get treated using options like soft tissue therapy, acupuncture, lifestyle changes, co-management, etc.

Improves immune system – Your immune system gets vulnerable with an imbalance in the body functioning. Properly addressing these dysfunctions means treating it from its root can enhance immune system strength to fight diseases. The chiropractor does a deep brain and spine analysis to determine the root cause of a malfunction in your body that is damaging your health. Treating the sources of misalignment helps to produce fast results. Your immune system strengthens, and it can combat germs and viruses.

Non-invasive option – Sometimes back pain may need surgery, but you can try chiropractic non-surgical options. It also helps to decrease the dependence on painkillers.

NYDNRehab employs advanced 3D chiropractic tables in their treatment for fast and sound results. Patients feel comfortable as the chiropractor works on the spinal segment. The doctor can gain access to deep trigger points with ease. Give nydnrehab.com a visit!

Regular chiropractic therapy allows managing consistent body pain and mobility. However, you need to choose the right chiropractor services.

Tips for choosing a good chiropractor services

Source: alliedhealthif

Research around

Thorough research is necessary for the chiropractic cleaning around your locality. Visit their website and read the information. Never pay attention to promotional tools like testimonials but confirm that the DC:

Treats musculoskeletal system disorders only.
Needs X-rays, if medically required.
Avoids encouraging excessive visits or long-term treatment.
Does not stress on proprietary supplement sales.

Read patients reviews

When you read patient reviews, you get an insight into how the chiropractor offers care and how the clinic gets operated. People write about their experience with wait times, scheduling appointments, office staff behavior, and office environment. You can also get an idea of how much the patients trust the chiropractor, but you can learn more from your first consultation.

Check the credentials

License is crucial, as it tells that the potential DC has the skills, training, and experience to give chiropractic care. Check out for disciplinary actions like malpractice claims filed against the chiropractor. You can access it from the state’s website. Check if their certificate is accredited.

Source: nycc

Consider experience

More experience means better results, especially when you are struggling with spine or musculoskeletal health problems. Ask the doctor if they treated specific conditions like yours. What is the success rate of the specific procedure and complication that can get encountered during your chiropractic care?

Consider gender

It is crucial to feel comfortable during the treatment sessions. Hiring a chiropractor of the same gender can make you feel at ease. Besides, the sharing of more personal health details becomes easy. You can ask them about their current experience, particularly associated with your gender and condition.

Is the telehealth option available?

Source: alliedhealthif

Healthcare providers are trained to diagnose and treat patients with smartphones, chat, and email. It is popular as ‘telehealth.’ Find out if telehealth services are available. Telehealth is not a replacement for physical clinic visits but can lessen the trips to the doctor’s facility. Some conditions can get managed with a virtual visit. It is a great way for regular follow-ups and resolving minor complaints.

Evaluate communication style

Source: liftintent

When you encounter the chiropractor for the first time, look for the following.

Does the doctor give enough time?
Do they appear keen to help you gain relief as soon as possible?
Do they empower you to care for yourself in the future?
Are you feeling comfortable talking to them? Is he/she friendly and courteous?
Do they welcome your queries and offer understandable answers?

The chiropractor has to show interest in getting familiar with their patients. They need to take into consideration your treatment preferences as well as respect your decision. You must not feel pressured in any kind of situation.

You will need to check if the potential chiropractor is covered in your insurance plan. If not, you will need to choose one included in the plan. However, consider the experience, credentials, outcome, and hospital quality, when you choose one from the insurance plan if you received a recommendation of a chiropractor not covered in the insurance than consider private payment [if you can afford]. Chiropractic care is a proven technique that has helped in pain management and several other health complaints.

Apex Legends LFG: Find Out the Best Teammate for Cool Gameplay

If you tried to play Apex Legends, you know that at the very beginning, the struggle is real and you need to put a lot of effort so you can understand the essentials. Those who can help the most are your teammates and the people who play the same game. As you gain more experience, you will also increase the number of contacts, that will later help you get in touch with the Apex legends. So, how can you find good players to play with? There are a few answers to this question, depending on what platform you’re on. This article will help you understand how the coaching and boosting services work and how you can improve your results by playing with the best ones.

Getting to Know the best Apex Legends LFG service with legionfarm

Source: PLAY! Zine

It’s important to have a gaming squad, but you can’t expect that you will complete this group of people in the first weeks. It’s going to take some time until they recognize your potential and accept you in the squad. So, the first thing you need to do is to learn the basics of the game, but also improve your communication and networking skills. Some people do this very quickly, but some of them need more time to complete this task. You need to keep working on your performance and get great results, so your gaming friends will come to you without having to wait for their improvement. And now, when you have them around you, you can rely on their experience. The legionfarm experts can help you get to advanced levels, and you don’t need to wait to join this team of professional winners.

Which things should you know before joining any LFG service agency?

Source: Live PR

The first thing you should know is that you can’t get accepted in communities like this immediately. You must find your path to be with the best ones. So, start with the PS4 or Xbox community, and then get to know more people. These communities are not small, but they are the real path you need to pass, so you can find the active players, who will give you support while playing. You can’t expect those regular players will be here all the time, and that’s why legionfarm exists, so they can give a support service to the beginners and inexperienced gamers.

Why would you need our services?

Everyone, even those who play Apex Legends for years, can somehow mess the whole thing, and be unable to complete the quests or rank better in the results. You may want to find gamers in your rank, but we can recommend you to always look for those who are better than you, so you can get their help every time you need it, and establish a good connection. These friendships are pretty important, even though most of them are just virtual.

But, with help from legionfarm.com you can be sure that your game will go smoothly, and passing the levels would be the easiest task. Also, we must know that not all gamers are supposed to be experts. Some of them will need a little help, so they can get the knowledge they need or even pay for some boosting services until they reach the wanted score.

How to find the best agency experts?

Source: forbes.com

No one can tell which boosting service is the best, because all of them are hiring experts that can provide great results for those who are paying for it. But, meeting new people online and making friends will always lead you to the best teams. So, it’s very important to maintain healthy contacts and not getting into fights with your mates and “enemies”, because you can never know who will help you next. While you play, you will meet fantastic and skilled people, and the chances to find exceptional teammates are pretty big.

You need to understand that the community is very important and crucial about your game progress, just like in the real-life situations when the people around you are willing to help with the struggles, so you can live a more comfortable life. Your team is your secret to successful gaming. These people are amazing and you can always hold onto their knowledge and skills.

It’s always better to be able to improve your skills by yourself, but there is nothing weird or frightening if you decide to use some help. The Apex professionals will help you with some advice, or even taking over your game and playing it until they reach the levels you want. So, don’t miss your opportunities to use this help and get great game results.

Once you sign up for this type of service, you will be assigned with your so-called leader, who will lead you through the whole process of completing the quests and tournaments, using the appropriate weapons and protection, or even boosting your battle skills, that will bring you victory.

If you still have double thoughts, we can assure you that you are in the right place and with the right people, with the following conclusion:

Final Verdict

If you want to meet people who know how to play this game, you need to look for them in the right place. If you want only a professional service, then you can look through the social media recommendations and forum comments, read some users’ experience and make a deep research online. If you don’t want to, you don’t need to make friends online, even though every friendship counts and it’s important. But, it’s understandable if you only want to pay for boosting service and then proceed to play until you meet the next struggle.

These services are real and legit since professional players work there and they do everything they can to help the colleagues in need. Most of them are approved by the game’s developers so if you need them, then go for it, use them and gain great results and experience in your favorite game.

What Are the Types of Online Casino Bonuses and How to Use Them?

Source: games

Online casino games are enjoyed by millions of gamblers all around the world, and with the recent closure of land based casinos due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of online based casino users have since doubled according to Robin Chhabra, CEO of the recently launched FOX Bet. Websites that are categorized as a Bitcoin Casino use Bitcoins instead of real money to gamble, which further reduces risks for players all around. Because of this new method of transaction, which prioritises the best bang for your buck, first time players find themselves in a more welcoming and less precarious environment.

Online casino bonuses usually consist of extra credits, money, or spins on the house. Depending on the type of bonus and what online house the player chose, one, two or all bonuses may be granted to new and existing players. This typically comes in the form of a sign-up package, reload package, or a loyalty package. These packages can give players an edge when it comes to opportunities to gamble and make the most out of their money.

In this guide, we will be teaching you everything that you need to know about the bonuses and how to use them to your advantage.

Source: casinogee

Sign-up Bonus

The most popular online casino bonuses are the Sign-up packages. This is sometimes known as the New Player Bonus. The most common amount given to new players is $100. However, like any other deal out there, you have to look at the fine print, seeing as many do not follow a standardized form of this bonus. In fact, depending on where you’re playing, some casinos might offer it in monthly increments rather than lump sums.

There are also bonuses called Percentage Bonuses that come with a sign-up package. These bonuses vary from website to website, but essentially gives you more money to gamble. For example: if you deposit $100 and the online casino of your choosing has a Percentage Bonus of 100%, that means that the they will give you an extra $100, meaning you now have a total of $200 to gamble. However, it doesn’t stop there, as some websites can give up to a 300% Percentage bonus. That being said, this bonus usually requires you to deposit a huge amount of money, and can vary from casino to casino. BitCoin Casinos do this even better than regular one, such as when Bspin.io offers a 100% bonus on the player’s first deposit, with a maximum bonus of 1,000,000 µ฿. Of course, this will vary from website to website, but after an extensive search, This casino appears to have the best offer in comparison to other BitCoin Casinos.

Source: nodepositfriend

No Deposit Bonus

The No Deposit bonus is exactly what it says, and is usually around $20 to $30. In this scenario, players don’t need to deposit anything, a strategy meant to encourage new players to test out games they would normally be too intimidated to play. Be careful, though, because all No Deposit Bonuses are subject to wagering requirements, meaning that there is a minimum playthrough amount required in order to qualify for a withdrawal of winnings. For example, in a $20 No Deposit Bonus with a 20x playthrough, you must wager a total of ($20×20 Playthroughs) $400 in order to withdraw your winnings. That being said, the Bonus does not require the player to have $400 worth of winnings in their wallet in order to withdraw, simply that they need to have completed $400 worth of wagers. All things considered, this is a wonderful feature, seeing as if the player wins, there will be a 100% profit with 0 risks taken.

Source: thecasinowizard

Reload Bonus

Reload bonuses exist for new and veteran online casino players as a means of incentivizing players to reload and continue gambling. This strategy is similar to Percentage bonuses, and while the bonuses vary from casino to casino, it usually comes with an additional 75% bonus on the player’s first deposit, 50% on the second, and 100% on the third.

Monthly Deposit Bonus

This bonus is similar to reload bonuses and loyalty bonuses. As the name suggests, should a player be a consistent presence in a casino, they will award players with a monthly bonus, the amount of which is dependent on how much the player has gambled. The advice here is to contact the casino’s customer service support team to take advantage of this bonus, seeing as it isn’t advertised as often. Despite that, the casino’s customer service team will in most cases accommodate the request for a monthly deposit bonus.

Source: originalcasinoslots

High Roller Bonus

High roller bonuses are for players who deposit money of upwards to $1,000, and can come with 50% bonuses no matter how many times the player has reloaded. This means that for every $1,000 deposited, that’s an extra $500 of gambling money.

Cash back bonuses

Cash back bonuses is an Online Casino’s way of saying thank you for choosing them and making a deposit. It’s a way to reassure new and old players that losses will be mitigated. It’s not meant to earn money. Rather, the point of this bonus is to help your bank roll recover after a loss. Depending on the casino, this can be used for an unlimited number of times, but most Online Casino websites usually only offer this bonus to loyal customers and high rollers. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, seeing as websites such as Vipscasino allow new players to take advantage of bitcoin and cash back bonuses, respectively.

Source: casinobristol

Do’s and Don’ts

This is it, the playing grounds. Before anything else, you have to consider all the pros and cons of participating in online gambling. Next, you have to remember to read the fine print of the gambling website’s bonuses before accepting any of them, seeing as they vary from website to website, and not doing so might cause unnecessary confusion – not to mention, losses.

1. Always take advantage of your free bonuses.

2. Remember that different gambling websites have different rules for different games, as well as different bonus requirements and different cash-out requirements.

3. Make sure to check the expiration date on all of their offers. It would be a shame to miss out on a monthly opportunity that a casino might offer.

4. Always talk to a customer service representative before making a deposit to make sure you aren’t missing any bonuses that you might be eligible for.

5. Last but not least, don’t bet money that you cannot lose. Keep things fun, not dangerous. If you or anyone you know has a gambling addiction, don’t hesitate to call 1-800-522-4700 NCPG to talk to someone or get help.

How to Manage Your Money and Still Have Fun Playing Online Slots

Source: gamblingsites

Gambling can be a lot of fun, but every gambler knows that it can also be dangerous. If you want to gamble and have a good time, then you need to be careful about how you manage your money.

You also need to make sure that you’re using a reputable site so that your data isn’t sold to unscrupulous individuals or used maliciously.

Fortunately, this is all easier than you might think. To help you have fun while gambling, we’ve put together a list of everything that you need to know to manage your money and maximize your enjoyment of online slot games.

Set Yourself A Budget

Source: gamblingsites

The single most effective tool for managing your money better in any circumstance is going to be to set yourself a proper budget. Your budget should lay out exactly how much money you have, how much money you have coming in, and how much money you, therefore, have available to spend. Make sure that you account for all of your expenditures such as rent, bills, and groceries before you start putting money aside to gamble with.

Gambling in any form always presents a risk; you can never be certain that you will make a return or even leave with as much money as you went in with. However, if you have a budget to work with, then you won’t have to worry about your losses accumulating until they cause you serious financial pain. Make sure that you set a large enough budget to give you some room to have fun, but still allow you to keep your savings safe.

Stay Within Your Limits

Source: gamblingsites

Setting yourself a budget is an excellent first step, as it will give you an idea of exactly how much money you have available to you and what your general financial situation is. However, your budget is no good if you aren’t going to be able to stick within the limit that you have set yourself. It is important that you are as strict as you can be in this regard. Don’t let yourself spend a penny more than you have set aside.

Of course, in order to stay within these limits, you are going to have to exercise some self-control. If you know that self-control is something that you struggle with, then you might want to consider whether you can put up some other barriers to stop yourself from exceeding your limits. For example, you could open a new bank account that has no overdraft facility, meaning that you will never be able to spend more than you have in the account. You can then deposit money into this account to gamble with and not have to worry about going over the limit.

By using this approach, you can ensure that you don’t accidentally spend more than your set gambling limits. After all, it’s easy to get carried away when you’re having fun, and then suddenly find that you’ve spent way more than you intended to, but with a separate bank account you can’t make this mistake. You can also set up alerts from your online banking provider to let you know when you’ve reached a particularly spending limit, so you always know how much you’ve spent and how much you have left to play with.

Play With Casinos You Can Trust

Source: bestcasinopayout

Fortunately, the number of fraudulent online casinos out there is pretty low. For the most part, you can be confident that the top results in Google are going to be legitimate casinos that you can trust with your money. However, there are casinos that while not fraudulent is certainly incompetent. These are the casinos that represent the biggest risk to players. There are all kinds of horror stories of players who have been unable to withdraw their winnings for months – if they ever get their hands on them at all. As such, you should try to avoid them and work to find a reputable casino that you can trust.

Whether you are looking to play online slots or classic casino games, it is worth spending some time beforehand to check out your options and vet any casinos that you are considering using. For example, Unikrn casino has a great and verifiable reputation. They also offer rapid withdrawals so you can pocket your winnings as soon as possible after you earn them. As such, they’re the perfect online casino provider for anyone seeking to play online slots and other classic casino games.

Sticking to trustworthy casinos that have a proven track record means that you don’t have to worry about running into difficulties accessing your own money. There’s nothing worse than being kept away from a big win and losing your initial stake because the casino doesn’t want to play ball.

Try Demo Versions If You Can

Source: gamblingsites

Online slot games are based around the same fundamental principle; they all work in essentially the same way at their core. However, digitized slot machines often, in fact, nearly always, throw their own twists on the classic formula. Every slot game that you play will have its own set of symbols, its own bonuses to be triggered, and, in some cases, its own unique gameplay mechanics. While this definitely adds a new dimension to these games, it can also make things a bit confusing the first time you load up the game.

If the slot game that you want to play offers a free demo version, then it is a good idea to try this out before you put any money down. Not only will the demo version enable you to get to grips with the mechanics of the game, but it will also enable you to see how the betting works for the title you are looking at. Together, these both reduce the chances of you wasting your money.

While there are no guarantees when you are playing online slot games, taking the right approach will enable you to protect your funds to some extent. If you are worried about managing your money while playing the slots, stick to the advice we have set out above. We hope that this article helps you to gamble safely and still have fun.

Addiction to Video Games and Android Parental Control Apps: Two Reasons to Rejoice, 3 Reasons to Worry

Source: pcmag

The World Health Organization (WHO) has just created a new category of addiction: the addiction to video games (gaming disorder). It is defined as follows:

“Gaming disorder is characterized by persistent or recurring gaming behavior (“digital gaming” or “video-gaming”), which may be online (on the Internet) or offline, manifested by:

  1. An alteration of the control of games (e.g. appearance, frequency, intensity, duration, end, context);
  2. Give more priority to gambling as gambling takes precedence over other life interests and daily activities; and
  3. The continuation or escalation of the game despite the occurrence of negative consequences.

Behavior is of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, professional, or other areas of functioning. The pattern of gambling behavior may be continuous or episodic and recurrent. Gaming behavior and other characteristics are normally evident over a period of at least 12 months for a diagnosis to be made, although the required duration can be shortened if all diagnostic conditions are met and symptoms are severe. ”

If this pathology falls within the framework of addictions, it does not meet the same definition as addiction to alcohol or tobacco. This is indeed what is called a “behavioral” addiction. The main difference with addictions related to toxic substances is that the drinker must definitely stop drinking and the smoker to smoke at the risk of relapse, while the cure of addiction to video games does not involve a total withdrawal, but the ability to return to moderate use considered normal. It is quite obvious that the use of the same word “addiction” for two pathologies as different will not fail to cause much confusion… No one has ever denied that there are pathological uses of video games.

Two reasons to rejoice

Source: techglance

The ambition is humanist: to better explore a pathology to better understand it and ultimately better care for it. In many countries, all people in pain can benefit from a refund of their care, or even free care in the dispensaries, it is far from being the same in all countries. With this official recognition, if it is subsequently confirmed by the DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is the reference work published by the American Psychiatric Association, describing and classifying mental disorders), people who feel that they suffer from such a pathology will be able to benefit from psychotherapeutic support, at least in the countries where this offer exists. It will become easier to practice specialized tests such as electroencephalogram and brain MRI, which will help advance research. It is therefore expected a gain of understanding, at least at the level of brain function, with the hope of thus laying the foundations of a more objective psychiatric science.

The risk of abusive diagnoses: confusing the cause and the origin

Source: techglance

In real, many of these requests will end up with psychologists or psychiatrists. The risk of the qualifier “addiction to video games” is to forget that such a symptom, as recalled by Unicef, usually originated in a problem that the person can not overcome. A large number of studies conducted over the past two decades suggest that problems with the use of digital tools may arise as a kind of self-medication to escape difficult real-life situations. For example, if someone feels sad or stressed, he is tempted to connect, to escape this sadness or stress, an application that offers immersion and distraction, like an online video game. The consequences are both positive for this person (she feels temporarily better) and negative (the real cause is not necessarily treated). In the long run, adaptive behavior may become habitual unless the underlying problem is solved. The cause of the addiction is in the video game, but its origin is in the difficulty considered insurmountable that led the player to flee in the digital world. The key is to tackle the underlying issues that can lead to harmful digital engagement in order to overcome this problematic behavior. The same work indicates that conversely, a constrained reduction of screen time is only a superficial intervention that is unlikely to achieve its objective.

The risk of abusive treatment

Source: dgeeksblog

It is likely that this may also result in abusive chemotherapy. Such treatments will indeed be all the more prescribed as the creation of an “addiction to video games“, largely relayed by the media (which had mostly not expected this official recognition to trumpet that he had a) may cause parents to panic and spark a wave of consultation! The danger, of course, is that overworked GPs are tempted to respond to parental anxieties with various forms of medical prescription. And what else could they do?

The risk of reducing teenage suffering on addictive pathology

Source: kaspersky

The creation of a “video games addiction” will not change the mode of care. On the other hand, places of care may change. So far, pathological gamblers have been cared for in multipurpose care centers, such as Psychological Medical Centers (CMPs) and Psycho-Pedagogical Medical Centers (PPCs). But strong the recognition by WHO, centers of addictology may rise to the front line by claiming additional credits. With the risk that a large number of young people not suffering as such from “addiction to video games” according to the definition given by the WHO, find support impossible elsewhere, thereby fueling the idea, with their parents, is an ideal solution.

How can parents control the situation?

Source: psychbytes

Well, to tackle the situation efficiently, parents are provided with digital tools such as FamilyTime Android parental control. With the app, they can not only see what games their kids play but can also analyze the time they spend on these games with the information of the games played such as version and date of installation. If for any reason, you find the game inappropriate for kids, they can always block those from the same app you installed. Not all parental apps offer these features but the advanced app FamilyTime provides all these with additional parental controls for mobile monitoring, web monitoring and location tracking, etc.

8 Biggest Misconceptions About Online Pokies 

Source: casinonewsdaily

Online gambling has become quite popular recently. Players invest a huge amount of money to gamble. With so much popularity, it is of no surprise that it has several myths about losing, winning, and other similar facts.

We are going to clear a few misconceptions that players have heard about the gambling industry. People seem to believe one or the other myths, or their different versions. However, most of the misconceptions are nothing more than outraging mythz.

In this article, you will find a few misconceptions that are widely dispersed. Topslots New Zealand ​have busted the myths that have been prevailing around online pokies for long. The realm of gambling online has some significant mistakes, and people are also investigating whether they are true or just a fallacy.

These misconceptions are some common ones that online players had experienced in the past about playing online slots. Find a few of them below to ensure that they are not facts.

Source: kiowacasino

1. In Auto Play, The Player Has A Very Slim Opportunity Of Winning

This is a myth that is very far from being true. With the help of the autoplay feature, players get more flexibility while playing online slots. They can also take small breaks in between the game if required. If you are playing online slots in an unlicensed casino, you will not have to worry about anything. Such casinos available online tend manipulating the outcome, and hence, the players rarely get a fair chance to win.

2. You Might Lose If You Play During Some Specific Hours

Players often believe that they will win more if they play during the odd hours of the day. For instance, they think that if they play early in the morning or late during the night, they will earn more. This is true for land-based casinos since they have peak hours. But online casino slot machines cannot function in the same manner. Results are declared by RNG. Therefore, they cannot be impacted by a few factors present externally. Such things are easily discoverable by regulating bodies of the gambling world when they conduct independent testing.

Source: liveabout

3. High Rollers Can Only Obtain Benefits From Progressive Jackpots

You will find that new casinos are emerging very frequently, and therefore, there is a need for imposing strict rules. Regulating bodies are in the process of assessing regulations more stringent on the operators of the casino. As a result, casinos that are reputable will avoid committing any act that makes them lose registration or license. They will also lose their customers. This is an era where almost every player has equal chances of gaining a jackpot. Don’t just plan on yanking on the jackpot. In the process, you may also experience losses.

4. Slots Are Defined As Either Cold Or Hot

While playing online slots, players generally experience that at times the slots don’t pay.

There are some other stints in which payments are involved for an extended period. People generally believe that slot machines have different programs for streaks that are hot and cold. However, some reputable sites that have slots don’t set their machines’ programming to hot or cold streaks. Each spin of the slot machine is unique and completely adheres to the RNG rule.


Source: medium

5. It Is Tough To Earn Big By Using Bonuses

If you have been lately into playing online slots, you must also be aware that casinos offer frequent bonuses to both new and existing players. The bonuses may arrive in the form of no deposit, free spins, high roller, payment methods, etc. However, different techniques are used by the land-based casinos. Using such approaches, they retain loyal customers and entice new ones. When bonuses are maximized, your chances of winning big are not reduced at all. Hence, it would help if you did not hesitate to utilize the bonus after you get them offered through online games.

6. Slots Machines Are Believed To Rely On Systems That Are Rigged

It is often assumed by several players that rigged slot machines often experience a losing streak. There are several reasons because of which this is responsible. It is only developers who are capable of controlling RNA technology. You can have the best slots played in sites that have licensed slots. Hence, players should stay away from games that are pirated. Do your homework and due diligence before you plan to play online slots. Also, check the online reviews about how authentic a website is.

Source: casinoscheduleease

7. New Slots Bring A Variety

This myth is partially correct. However, there is a more fact that the players who play online slots are usually fickle. The players have a habit of changing online slots when they believe that they are about to lose a streak. Players often look for options that are alternative, and online casinos keep looking for opportunities. They are always ready to attract consumers. This way, they can also have a backup plan to steam on.

8. It Is Illegal To Gamble Online

This myth has been there for quite some time now, and it is persisting that you should not gamble online. They believe that it is illegal to do so. You can freely play casino slots online that are based in different countries. They will not break any law by doing so. There are several options available that are much higher in quality, and provide excellent gaming experience to the players without making them do anything illegal or break any rules.

Source: greens

Final Thoughts

Pokie machines have random spins. It means that the chances of winning or losing are not decided. There are equal chances of whether a player wins or loses a match. It all depends on the spins and luck. It has nothing to do with what time you are playing or whether you are playing with an available bonus or not. Take such games as fun, and invest only the amount that you can bear to lose. Please do not make the mistake of gambling to the extent that you cannot afford it.

Can I Ride My Escooter to the Shops

Source: micro-scooters

Many factors influence your choice when buying an electric scooter. The speed they can develop, the distance you can cross with a single battery charge, whether it can be assembled easily and quickly, the color, the manufacturer. A lot will influence your decision. And of course the price. A positive trend of declining prices of electric scooters has been noticed, as there are more and more manufacturers and production is growing. So it becomes more accessible for every budget. For this reason, we see them more and more often, and people start driving them in all sorts of places.

What are e scooters?

Source: timeout

An electric scooter is a vehicle that has two wheels and whose power source is an electric motor with a rechargeable battery. The battery is adapted for charging in ordinary sockets, so you can charge at home or work, unlike electric cars, which generally require a different way of charging. The speed reached by average electric scooters is between 10 and 30 kilometers per hour, but there are also models that can reach almost 100 kilometers per hour. They are for experienced professionals and are very expensive. Battery autonomy varies from many factors, primarily from the weight of the driver, driving conditions and the like. For now, in most countries of the world, they are not regulated by law, so you do not need a driver’s license.

As problems with environmental pollution are an increasingly important topic, advancements in technology have enabled us to have vehicles like electric scooters that have multiple benefits for both us and our planet. And at www.ridetowheels.com, you can find everything about electric scooters which can be great before you buy one.

Can I Ride my Escooter to The Shops?

Source: theguardian

Many people love using their escooters to get to where they need to be. Escooters are a very modern form of transportation that is also quite environmentally friendly. However, according to www.escooter.co.uk, you should not ride anything that could cause difficulties for pedestrians. While the law does not mention escooters, many people have translated it and decided that these should not be ridden on pavements.

If you want to ride your escooter to the shops, you may, therefore, consider riding it on a quiet road. This is where the 1988 Road Traffic Act can come in and put a dampener on things.

Using your Escooter Safely

Source: micro

However, escooters have been built for use in urban environments and they are becoming increasingly popular. There is also encouragement among the riders to make people use their new modes of transportation safely. So what should we do until the law changes? Here are a few suggestions:

Do Not Ride On The Road

Source: stuff

You should not ride on the road under any circumstances, at least until the UK’s laws change. Motorists will not be able to see you and they won’t be looking out for you. Roads are not made for small wheels, so you’re likely to catch them in potholes or on uneven areas of the road. If you fall off your escooter when you’re on the road, you could be seriously injured. Stick to the pavement for now, even if the shop you’re headed for is just around the corner.

Do Not Frighten Pedestrians

Source: stuff

Be nice to other people. Don’t zoom passed them too quickly or too closely. You could hurt someone, so make sure you consider pedestrians and other pavement users.

Find an alternative route if you need to or use the pavement at a different time of day. Just make sure you don’t frighten anyone as you don’t want to give escooters and their riders a bad name.

Don’t Take Risks

Source: stuff

While you might feel the need to take a few risks, you should avoid doing so at all times. Expect a pavement’s surface to change, expect there to be inclines and unstable surfaces. Don’t take any risks as they could result in serious injury. If you’re not sure whether you can ride on a particular surface, don’t. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Plan Your Journey

Source: stuff

Plan where you need to be and how you’re going to get there. If the pavement is usually busy at 9 am, use it at 8:45 am. Think about the pavements you’re going to be using, are they narrow? Is there an incline? Try to use flat pavements that aren’t too busy. Your journey will be quicker in the long run.

Make Yourself Known

Source: visitsaltlake

When you’re using your escooter, you should make yourself known. Ensure that other people can see you. If you’re riding at night or in the early morning, consider wearing a high viz. You might also want to add a light to your scooter if it doesn’t already have one. You could also consider using a bell to warn people you’re approaching them. Anything you can do to make yourself more visible is good.

Stay Protected

Source: fox

Protect yourself by wearing a helmet every time you use your new escooter. If you have a fall, you’re less likely to injure yourself. You might also want to think about wearing knee and elbow guards for extra protection. Yes, you might only be going to the shop, but accidents can and do happen.

Have Fun

Source: travelportland

When you ride your new escooter, you should make sure you have fun. Riding an escooter can take valuable time off those commutes. Enjoy using your scooter, but make sure you do so in a safe manner. Acting responsibly will help other people see that actually, escooters are ok to use.

While UK law still needs to catch up with the laws in some parts of Europe, if you’re sensible, you could use your escooter to go to the shops. Just make sure you’re seen, you’re safe, and you ride responsibly. Sooner or later, you’ll be a legal escooter rider and you can take it wherever you need to go.

Shopify or WooCommerce? Which is better?

Source: onthemapmarketing

If you’re considering setting up an eCommerce store for your online business, then there are a few providers that can help you get up and running. Today though, we’re looking at the differences between Shopify and WooCommerce. These two platforms are world leaders in giving businesses the tools they need to build and run a successful online store, but each come with their own pros and cons. As someone who runs a business, deciding on which platform is best for you could be the deciding factor between the success or failure of your new online store, so we’re here to help you follow the platform that’s most suitable for your requirements.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the worlds of Shopify and wooCommerce.

A summary of Shopify and WooCommerce

Source: commercecodes

Before we begin, let’s cover some of the basics of why these two platforms shine above other eCommerce rads on the market.

What does WooCommerce have on offer?

WooCommerce is a freely available plugin for use with the WordPress content management system, allowing you to turn your website into an online store. Custom extensions are available, allowing you to customize all aspects of your newly created store.

If you know your way around WordPress, this is a great option.

And how about Shopify?

Shopify, on the other hand, provides an all-in-one package that allows you to manage an entire store using a single platform to accept payments and keep an eye on your stock with ease. No hosting or technical know-how is required, although this option does come with a fee. Although a Shopify plan offers less customization than you’d find with a WooCommerce solution, there are several addons available in the form of apps, and you can read more about the apps that are available and how they can turn your Shopify store into an ECommerce powerhouse. By using apps, you can ensure the store is as user-friendly and attractive as possible.

What to consider to find the best platform

Source: lynda

There’s no point in diving straight into creating an online store without knowing what you’ll be getting from the eCommerce platform you choose. The following factors will ensure your decision is the correct one when it comes to your comparison.

  • Usability – are you tech-savvy or a web beginner?
  • Pricing – Will it cost you a fee to run your online store?
  • Customer Payment Methods – Can the platform support all major i.e. PayPal, credit cards.
  • Customer support – is there someone to help when things go wrong?


The clear winner for ease of use off the bat is Shopify, mainly because going through the account creation process guides you every step of the way to building your store.

There is no hosting setup to worry about, although you will get the option to customize the store before hitting the publish button. Technical know-how is not required whatsoever.

The setup process for wooCommerce isn’t terribly complicated either, although there are several prerequisites you’ll need to cover before you get to the setup stage. You’ll need to install WordPress as the best eCommerce solution on your host, install and activate the plugin, etc. If you’re a complete newbie, then this might not be the greatest option for you.

Fortunately, if you decide to take this avenue, then many hosts offer a 1-click installation that installs WordPress and wooCommerce leaving you to log in and take care of the rest of the setup.

Source: stylefactoryproductions


Next up, you’ll want to ensure the platform you opt for is within your budget and won’t cost you the earth to run 9unless you have the cash to spare).

Although WooCommerce is open-source, it’ll immediately seem like the best and cheapest options, but once you begin adding those extensions we mentioned, the cost starts to add up quickly. Hosting a WordPress site with wooCommerce will cost you at least £5 per month, with a domain name at around £15 each year, plus your premium theme which could cost anywhere from £60 per year upwards. With all of the above fees, it’s not uncommon to end up spending more than you’d shell out for a Shopify plan which are:

Customer Payment Methods

Enough about getting the website up and running. The next thing to consider is how each platform will impact your customers, and how they perceive your business brand. The payment options that are available at Shopify consist of accepting PayPal Express Checkout from the moment you create your account.

Shopify will charge additional fees for transactions outside of the Shopify internal Payment system, so it’s best to use that to avoid those extra fees. The issue here is that Shopify Payments is only available to those in the UK, Canada, Australia, and the US with a handful of other countries at the time of writing. If your business resides outside of these countries, you will need to utilize a country-dependent payment gateway that comes bundled with various fees. If this sounds like your business, you may need to do a little digging to decide how this impacts you.

On the other hand, WooCommerce has extensions available to enable payment gateways. Using Stripe for credit cards and Paypal are fee-free, but using methods like Braintree, Amazon payments, or authorize.net will come with charges of a minimum of £80 each year. Although there are other payment options, these come at a cost too.

Customer Support

One of the last considerations we feel is essential is the support options available for both platforms. Phone, email, and live chat support is available for all Shopify users meaning you can connect with an agent whenever you need to.

WooCommerce is a little different in that there are no official support channels available. Instead, the company relies solely on the input from a community of users to assist you, that is, unless you shell out for a WooTheme. There are plenty of guides online to help with common issues, but that might take a little digging.

So, Shopify or WooCommerce?

Source: wedevs

The answer will vary here depending on your requirements, but for a small business looking to avoid the task of looking after a website, at a nominal cost, to get set up in minutes with a plethora of support, Shopify wins the crown here.

If customization of the look and feel of your store is important and you know your way around WordPress, then WooCommerce is the way to go.

How to Keep Clients and Customers Loyal to Your Business

Source: outboundengine

It is easy to think that once you have made a successful sale to a brand new customer or client that the hard work is done. However, it can be just as difficult and requires just as much work and attention to keep customers returning to your business as it was to get them on board in the first place!

Whatever kind of business you are running, and the size of that business, you will want to make sure that customers have a reason to stay with you. A study showed that repeat customers spend more than new customers and that the process of attracting new customers can be up to 10 times more expensive than keeping existing customers loyal!

There are many ways to keep clients and customers happy and loyal to your business. In this article, we will explore some of the ways that you can do this!

Know Your Customers Well

Source: medium

One of the most important things to do is to make sure that you know each and every one of your customers well. We don’t mean on a personal level (although in many cases, familiarity is beneficial, depending on which industry your business is a part of). We mean that you should know everything about your customer that relates to the products and services you have provided them with in the past and could potentially offer them in the future! A customer who has been forgotten will not feel valued and is less likely to return.

Thankfully, you do not have to have an incredible memory to keep track of each customer and your history of business with them. Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, software, enables you to keep a database of customer information, and can even be connected to automated emailing tools to keep in contact with them!

Communication is Key

Source: britishgas

A CRM database should be used frequently as a way to monitor communications with customers and remind yourself and/or your employees to check in on them every once in a while. According to betterbuys.com, one way of doing this is to send out an automated regular newsletter or blog posts to all of your customers, or you could even be more personal with a direct email or phone call if appropriate! Simply checking in on a customer to ensure that they are happy with the services that you are providing them can play a huge role in developing and maintaining customer loyalty.

Provide Top-Quality Customer Service

Source: glassdoor

It is no use communicating with customers frequently if you ignore any feedback that they give you. If a customer has an issue with any aspect of the products and/or services that you are offering them, or with any other aspect of your business relationship, you should always take care to do your best to solve these issues in a helpful and friendly manner. In addition to this, the chances are that if one customer tells you of a problem, there will be plenty of other customers who have experienced the same problem and have not told you about it!

Customers tell other people about the quality of the service they receive from a company. If a customer is unhappy with your business, you could lose potential future clients, and on the other hand, if a customer is happy and satisfied, they might end up doing the work of attracting new customers to your business for you!

Offer Rewards for Loyalty

Source: inc

Offering customers an incentive for repeated loyalty and business is a great way to ensure that this loyalty and custom continues well into the future. Setting up a reward system is a popular method of achieving this. Reward systems can be comprised of customer loyalty cards, future discounts on new products or the renewal of existing contracted services, free additional products and/or services, the ability to enter competitions, or any combination of these and more!

Offer a Variety of Payment Plans

Source: CSO

While offering a variety of payment plans may not be efficient or viable for certain businesses, it can be a good choice for others, especially B2B (business-to-business) companies. It is often better to receive a late payment or receive payment in multiple installments than to lose a client or customer entirely that may be short on funds or having cash flow issues at certain time periods.

Flexibility with payment plans is often very highly appreciated by customers and clients and can be one of the most effective ways of maintaining brand loyalty!

Maintain a Friendly Yet Professional Manner

Source: Space-O Canada

Your business may pass every other test on this list with flying colors, but all of that work can be easily undone in a matter of seconds if one of your employees is rude or unhelpful to a client. It is vital that every member of your sales team is chosen carefully for friendliness and social skills, as well as trained on effective sales and customer interaction techniques.

Greeting customers and/or clients with a welcome and a friendly manner is proven to be effective at maintaining business relationships. Remember, a smile and handshake go a long way in face-to-face meetings with clients. All of the technology in the world cannot replace the importance of trust between humans!

It is important to note, however, that different industries will require different approaches to customer interaction. For example, a funeral director will require much more formality and etiquette than a bartender! Being professional is of paramount importance, even if the specifics of what is considered professional may vary depending on the industry and other factors.

Offer Great Products/Services

Source: zendesk

Of course, it is no good for providing great customer service if the products or services that your company is offering are not up to scratch! The ways of developing quality products or services will differ based on company and industry, but it is vital to make sure that what you are selling is worth buying in the first place!

We hope that these tips are helpful in ensuring that your customers and clients are loyal to your business for many years to come.

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