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How to Replace a Door Knob

Source: diynetwork

Door knobs, which also go with the name levers, come in different sizes, types, and designs but have the same function which is to help in opening and locking doors. With door knobs, we can lock the doors for us not just to leave it open giving anyone the chance to break-in.

Most locks for houses are very easy to replace, doorknobs have 2 screws In the back all you need to do is open with a screwdriver does 2 screws, before removing the lock make sure you already have a new one ready to be installed, If you remove the door Knob without placing the new one you might get locked out and won’t be able to open the door anymore.

For Commercial Door Knobs it could be much more complicated because commercials use more secured locks, sometimes you won’t be able to see the screws in the back of the lock they have a metal covered plate in order to remove the locks and that requires special tools that only locksmiths have, commercials also have push bars and handles that are very hard to remove if you don’t have any experience with locks it’s better to contact a Locksmith service provide.

Reasons to Replace a Door Knob

Source: diynetwork

You just don’t replace a doorknob because you just feel you need to. Here are the factors why you should replace it. You have come to the right place if you want to find out how to replace one.

  • Old Door Knob

It’s one of the many reasons why many homeowners are changing their doorknobs. When they are covered with rust and the opening is not that smooth just like before, better replace it with a new one. Changing your old doorknob will make it more convenient for you,

  • Upgrade

When you’re upgrading, it’s a must that you must change your doorknob. An upgrade is a good idea to make sure that you’re home and the establishment is well-secured.

  • Lost keys

Misplacing your keys can cause a big problem, i.e., thieves could break into your house. In that case, to prevent any mishap, it’s ideal to get your doorknob replaced.

  • Change of Design

Some owners might be changing door knobs for they have spotted a new design in the market. Also, to match the design with the new interior of the house. When your old locks are still functioning keep it a place where it will not rust so it can be used again.

  • New Home

If your new home was formerly owned by someone and the keys are not all surrendered to you it is best to change all your doorknobs to avoid unnecessary incidents. It’s better to be sure than regretting it later.

Basic Steps on How to Replace a Door Knob

Source: charlestoncrafted

Get the exact measure of the doorknob. Of course, you should know what’s the exact measure or size of the doorknob so it will fit perfectly. If you are not sure with the measure, check the packaging of your old knobs because I’m pretty sure it’s indicated there that’s why it’s important to store old packaging because you might be needing it in the future.

  • Choose the design you want

Door knobs come with different designs, so search online or go to your favorite hardware store to check what are the available designs. If you want them in the same with your old ones, then have a photo of them and show it to the shop.

  • Purchase Door Knob

If you have picked the design, then purchase it but be sure that you got the correct size for it. Also, ask if it has a warranty so you can bring it back if it does not fit in the door.

  • Remove the Old Door Knob

Since you already have the materials, then prepare to change the knob. The first step is to uninstall the old one. Carefully remove it, store it in a proper place because you might be needing it someday.

  • Install

You can now insert the new one. Read for the steps on how to install it. Understand how to do it and check if all the parts are complete. If all are set then install it properly and correctly. If ever you are having difficulty then better call for help, contact the nearest locksmith in your area.

  • Check and Test

After installing the locks, check if it is working properly. If everything is good then you did a good job.

  • Inspect Often

Having a new doorknob is not enough, you must inspect it often to monitor any damage. With this, once you see that there is a minor problem you can fix it immediately.

One tip that you can do for you not to replace all your doorknobs at home is to do rekeying. With rekeying, all you need to do is replace the old pins with new ones. But, there are instances that we really need to totally change the whole lock for it cannot be rekeyed. To make sure to know what is the proper solution to do consult a professional locksmith. Let them inspect your doorknobs to see what’s the right solution for it. If somebody asks you how to replace a doorknob, advise them to seek the help of professional locksmiths instead. Speedy Locksmith are Professionals!

Source: cozy


Doorknobs are one of the key components of our doors. To be fair, they are arguably the most important component as they keep you secured and provide privacy. Without a doorknob, anyone can gain access to the inside, very easily. Purchasing new equipment every time it needs fixing isn’t that easy on your wallet. However, there are situations when rekeying or fixing just doesn’t serve the purpose — and getting them replaced is the only way to go. In that case, by reading this article, you’ve gained enough knowledge to understand the way doorknobs are replaced. Be sure to follow the above-mentioned steps carefully to prevent yourself from facing and unexpected problems.

3 Things You Should Consider Before Booking With a Serviced Apartment Provider

Source: usatoday

In case you are traveling a lot, especially on business trips, it can become very expensive if you choose to stay in a hotel room each time when you have a meeting in some other city or state. On the other hand, there are some more affordable options that you can choose, rather than spending more money on luxurious hotels. You can always stay in some hostel or take an apartment with Airbnb. However, the best commodity and luxury similar to the one that you get in a hotel room but with even more advanced privacy is provided with a serviced apartment.

Serviced apartments represent a perfect combination of improved privacy and comfort that you get in a hotel room. Also, this type of renting is becoming more popular in the whole world. In case you are interested in a serviced apartment for your net business trip or holiday, maybe that is the best option.

Furthermore, if you want to be sure that you will get all of the benefits, you must choose the right provider. In that matter, you should learn more about the right questions that you have to ask the provider. Here are the most important things that you should consider before booking with a serviced apartment provider.

1. Location

Source: staycity

When it comes to location, most people find it as the most important factor when choosing a serviced apartment. Luckily, most of these apartments are usually placed in the center parts of any city. However, there is a great difference between many of these residences. For example, while there are some specially designed for business people, others might be more comfortable with people who are traveling with family.

Also, you have various attractions around the room depending on its type. While business apartments are often around shopping malls and restaurants, ones that are designed for families are usually around museums, parks, and other entertaining places. That way you will be able to have all of the elements that can make your stay entertaining, in addition to the usual, working conditions. Maybe a vast majority of people don’t actually need all of these things, but having them close couldn’t hurt, right?

2. The Leadership

Source: cntraveler

Another thing you have to consider when you pick a serviced apartment provider is how well they’re managed. This will give you an idea of how well your stay will go and will prevent that you end up with unpleasant surprises. One of the best examples of how a good provider should act is Tom Smyth from belfastroofingservices.co.uk.

He was able to be one of the first serviced apartment providers to offer safe accommodation to business travelers worldwide in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. They also formed a partnership with Touring Belfast which will offer special tours for families and special packages for all sorts of travelers. You can usually expect top service from providers who constantly work to make the experience better for their guests.

3. Reputation

Source: millenniumhotels

It’s also important that you go a step further and also check what kind of reputation the service provider has. It’s perfectly normal for them to have a few negative reviews, but if you notice the same types of comments over and over again, then there might be a real issue here. Also, check how they respond to complaints. If they seem to show actual concern and try to amend the situation, then you could still consider them. However, if they act cavalierly and seem to want to shift the blame, look elsewhere.

Another thing you should check is if they have received any awards or have been nominated for one. The IHM’s Serviced Apartment Awards is one example, but there are many more. Accolades from the industry are a clear sign that the service is respected by its peers, which is always a good sign. These are some of the main things you should be looking for before booking with a serviced apartment provider. Make sure that you take your time and choose wisely if you want to get the most out of the serviced apartment experience, and have a stay to remember.

What to Avoid

Source: pexels

While choosing a proper provider of serviced apartments, you should also have your preferences, and pick a perfect room by that. The main point of booking a serviced apartment is to save a lot of money. In that matter, always look for the most affordable options. Nevertheless, your apartment should provide you with all of the commodities that the provider promised. Therefore, it makes sense that you need to avoid things that are not complimentary with your needs. You will encounter these things without a doubt. Taking a look at all of these is an absolute must before you actually decide if you are going to book or not.

At the same time, you need to check all of the online reviews of people who actually stayed in these apartments in order to see all the pros and cons of the apartment itself. Thankfully, the majority of booking services are going to provide you with this opportunity. Surely, this is an option that will provide you with a possibility to avoid the apartments that are not meeting certain standards. Therefore, you should avoid those rooms that don’t have favorable results. You will be surprised by how many of these who look great on images are not anywhere near the standard.

The Bottom Line

It goes without saying that working travels are not as enjoyable as holidays. Yes, you are on a trip where you can see some other towns and countries that you haven’t been able to visit. However, you are not going to be able to visit all the locations you would want to, mainly due to the business obligations you need to finish within a certain deadline. Therefore, booking an apartment through a serviced apartment provider is the best thing you can do. Since there are so many of them available, you need to be careful about the one that you will actually choose. We’ve provided you with three things you need to consider before you decide to book through some of them.

How to Finance Your Photography Camera Collection

Photography is a passion for millions of people around the world. For some, it is a hobby or just a pastime activity. Others however depend on it completely as it is their profession, and taking photos or videos and then editing them is the main source of their income. Whatever the case may be, one thing is the same for all photography enthusiasts, and that is the price of the gear they use. In order to afford everything a photographer needs in their collection, one has to set aside a considerable amount of money.

Cameras are obviously the most expensive thing, but the lenses, lighting equipment, tripods, backpacks, cleaning kits, hard drives, and SD memory cards are all necessary and expensive. If you are struggling to finance your photography camera collection, worry not. By the end of this article, you will learn how you can save enough to buy whatever you need. If you want to fast track it however and get money immediately, check out CashFlex.

1. Selling Services

Source: Instagram

Since you consider yourself to be a fan of photography, the best thing you can do to make extra money and finance your new gear is to sell your services. The images, photographs, and videos you make can earn you a lot of money, but only if you do things the right way. It is a smart idea to partner with some studios, blogs, vlogs, or content creators and collaborates towards a common goal. You can provide your artistic services at events like weddings and celebrations too, by capturing the moments for the organizers. Utilize social media to advertise your work. The best place to do it is Instagram. Once you start getting a steady income, whether as a part-time job or as a real one, you will have enough to upgrade your collection and start doing even better work. Follow your passion for photography with quality camera gears and the right technique. It is possible that you need to sell your prints to finance the best camera collection. Make sure the photographs that you want to sell are of high resolution, and prints should be of high quality too. You can get customized quality prints here and can either sell them or can create your album with them.

2. Selling Old Gear

Source: Bogen Photo

As you start to assemble a photography camera and equipment collection, you will probably be upgrading to newer models every once in a while. In order not to fall behind on your savings or spend everything you have, try selling your old cameras and the accompanying gear to other photographers. They might need it for various reasons, so offer what you will no longer use as soon as you upgrade to a new set. If you have been a photography fanatic all your life, you definitely have some old tripods, lenses, or lighting gear lying somewhere. Dig it out, clean it, and make some bucks for it. Once you start this habit, you will always be selling old stuff as soon as you get something new, and that is a beautiful and beneficial circulation. To keep intact with latest trends and different types of camera and gear that daily appears on the market, click here.

3. Selling Miscellaneous

Source: Wikipedia

If you have already sold everything related to photography you no longer use but are still short to finance something you need or want, why not sell other things you have? Decluttering your home is a satisfying practice like no other. Not only will you be cleaning as you go through your old junk, but you might also find something of value that can get you over the top and allow you to afford a new camera. People from all over regularly sell their old things. You simply need to advertise it online, or around your neighborhood. Yard and garage sales are very common, and customers tend to find true gems more often than not. Who knows, maybe someone offers you much more than you initially wanted to ask for an old item?

4. Day Job Saving

Source: CNBC.com

For the photographers among you who have a full day job that is in no relation to photography, here is an idea. If you desperately need or want a new piece of camera equipment but cannot spend so much, why not ask for several extra shifts or a little overtime during your off days? Depending on the type of your work and how hard or exhausting it is, you can try to work slightly more for a short period, just enough to be able to afford that precious new lens you have your eye on. For those who can advance through the company ranks, try educating yourself on the side with the goal of getting a raise or a better-paid position. This will not only get you what you need but also raise your career prospects. Keep in mind not to overdo it, however, or else your private life and your relationships will suffer from the increased working hours you are putting in.

5. Rate Increase

Source: Inc.com

This entry is closely related to the first item on the list. If you have an already established system of services you provide, maybe it is time to raise the prices a bit. In this economy and the current state of the world, it is sadly not unusual for prices to rise. Since everything else is now more expensive than before, why should you keep the old prices and fall behind on your earnings? Never let others decide how much you charge for your talent and the better you are and the further your reach gets, the higher your rates should be.

6. Efficient Work

Source: Three Girls Media

The good old saying “Time is money” exists for a reason. If you are inefficient, it means you will lose tons of time doing something you could do much quicker. As you improve, you should be able to do things faster, with less effort, and with more efficiency. Newer gear you get also helps immensely. For example, if you have a top-of-the-line DSLR camera but a very slow laptop, the processing will be extremely slow and it will take ages for you to edit your work on a bad computer. To prevent this and similar issues, make efficiency your number one priority because it will result in more projects completed, more money earned, and more equipment bought, all while saving as much time as possible. Another good way to be more efficient is to try focusing on what you are good at first and mastering those skills before moving to others. If you are great at photos but take a long time to edit a video, keep doing the photos for a time until you have the luxury of spending more time on videos without suffering financially.

With These Beard Styles You Will Never Want To Shave Again

Spicing up your manly looks is not a problem these days – all you need to do is to grow out a stylish beard. Besides, there is a wide variety of cool and fashionable beard styles that are trending nowadays. Hence, you are sure to find a facial hair look that will suit your features and preferences. To make the choice easier for you, we have put together the most popular options into this refined collection. So now, all you have to do is to pick out the one that resonates with you most.

The Stubble

What makes the stubble one of the most popular beard styles, the biggest collection of which you can find on website MensHaircuts, is versatility. That is to say, it suits basically everyone, even men who have a particularly thick or, on the contrary, patchy beard. Besides, this style is extremely easy to get. You just need to allow your facial hair to grow for a couple of days, and you are good to go. Those gents that are seeking the effortless option will surely appreciate the given one!

The Circle Beard

You can also find it under the name of the standard beard. The circle beard is comprised of a curved goatee and a mustache. One of the greatest advantages of the circle facial hair style is that you can wear it to work, as it gives you a pretty neat appearance. Although you will need to leave your hair on the face alone for some time, it will not take you long to achieve this sharp beard style.

Source: instagram.com

The Goatee

Our list of the most popular beard styles would not be full without the goatee. While its highest popularity dates back to the ‘90s, a great number of men opt for it as their go-to facial hair style nowadays. As it has quite a defined shape, it does require regular upkeep. Though, all your effort fully pays off with tons of compliments you get.

The Garibaldi Beard

The Garibaldi beard is a perfect option for busy men. As it implies having a bit rugged appearance, you do not have to spend much time grooming or styling it. Yet, to get it, you need to give your facial hair around four months to grow. However, do not forget to get your hair trimmed on the bottom from time to time.

The Soul Patch

A soul patch is a beard style for guys who do not particularly fancy the idea of having much hair on their faces. To nail it, you need to shave off all of your facial hair except for a small area under the bottom lip. Even though the shape of the patch is pretty defined, it does not require much maintenance. If there is any better compromise between a fancy beard and no beard at all – we haven’t heard about it!

The Wolverine

The first man that comes to mind when you start to think about sideburns is Logan from the X-men. If there is a manlier character in the series, we know nothing about it. However, Logan is not the only bloke who has sported the fashionable and edgy beard. All the 70s were all about the sideburns, and it seems the style has made its way into modern fashion.

Keep your chin clean-shaven and let the sides grow out. When your beard reaches the necessary length, you can trim the side so that they fit your face shape well. Luckily the style is universal, so there is nothing to worry about!

The Full Beard

You can never go wrong with a classic full beard. It is masculine, stylish, and attractive. Yet, make sure that your facial hair looks thick and even, as all your effort may be in vain. Arguably, nothing looks as miserable and unflattering as a patchy and thin long beard.

Source: instagram.com

Short Boxed Beard

No matter how hot and sassy, full beard is, not all the gents are daring enough to opt for it. If you are looking for something classier and less Scandinavian, then a short boxed beard is the one to consider. It is going to take you the same 8-12 weeks to grow it out when compared to the full beard, but after that, neat shaping comes in. With a beard like that, you will always look stylish and well-cared for!

The Van Dyke

Named after the 17th-century artist Anthony Van Dyck, this beard style appears unbelievably fashionable and sophisticated. Despite having pretty definite features, such as chin hair and a mustache, it offers quite sheer versatility. Staches can be styled in a multitude of different ways and the hair on the chin can be given a ton of various shapes.

The Verdi Beard

It is always a good idea to get inspired by famous people, especially when they are so creative and artistic as Giuseppe Verdi, a renowned composer. His signature beard style features an above-the chin beard and shipshape whiskers with a clean-shaved neckline. A perfect look to channel.

The Viking Beard

For Vikings, a beard was a true sign of virility and strength. And from those times, things have not changed much. That being said, if you want your masculinity to take the center stage, it is hard to think of a better option than the Viking’s beard. Yes, it does require patience and determination on your side, but it is totally worth the effort.

A Yeard

Last but not least, here is a beard look for guys who are ready to commit to their facial hair. A yeard, as you can guess from its name, is a beard style that you get as a result of a year of growth. Of course, it does not mean that you can just leave it like that. You still need to trim it and take care of it so that it looks groomed.

Source: instagram.com


Hopefully, our beard styles collection has given you a dose of inspiration for your future look. We assure you that any of these facial hair styles will make you look a million bucks. Thus, do not hesitate to go for them when you are longing for a change.

Why Do You Have to Analyze and View the Instagram Profile?

Source: brand24

Most people love to use and post different things on Instagram. There are some features available on Instagram to set the visibility mode of people, and so on. You can get some tools to analyze the profile and view the profile. Using these analyzing and viewing tools, you can examine and observe the Instagram profile. These tools are also exploited to look through plenty of videos, images, stories, status, and biographies of the specific Instagram profile. The analyzer tool is safe to use and free to download.

How to polish your Instagram profile to do advanced marketing?

Source: buffer

When it comes to polishing the Instagram profile and account, the first step is to pick a theme. Make sure your profile photo is legible after that pick a subject for your page to give some appeal for the audience. Before you post anything on your account, just think about your page in general and tricks to attract the followers and get more admirers for your account. Most qualitative and popular Instagram pages are usually designed with a unique theme that attracts a lot of followers.

If you want to gain more followers or viewers for your page, think about what you want to share on your page, including plenty of super ideas and important things that are interesting for people, and select the appealing theme before you start loading pictures onto it. One more significant thing for engaging your account design is to pick a catchy username and profile picture for yourself. Gaining the followers will depend on what you’ve chosen as the theme and complementary features for your page, so you’d better select some name or anything that will reflect the theme and a picture that will match. Fill in the page with something short and sweet as well.

Create a profile as a public account because this is the only possible way to gain more viewers in social media. It is quite challenging to become more popular on social media pages. If you want to succeed, you have to approve or permit every user willing to follow your account. People want to get satisfied with your posts or profiles, and they want to see what kind of photos you are sharing before they decide to follow you. If you wish to set up your business or develop already existing one, you have to gain as many followers as possible, that’s why you should make your profile as public account.

One of the easiest ways to gain followers is to follow lots of other accounts. Once you subscribe to them, your posts and profile become visible for those people automatically. When they see your attractive and informative posts, they will be hooked to your page.

What are the benefits of linking your profile to all your other social networks?

Source: newsfeed

Of course, linking your profile to all your other social networks has a lot of benefits. Profile linking is one of the best strategies to gain more followers and viewers for your account. It also allows and helps you to a variety of editing options, depending on what version you have, features of that version, and what kind of camera you have. It’s always important to spend a little time tweaking your pictures to make sure they’re visually appealing and represent your page’s best representation. You should also try using the filters.

Following lots of people, post the most appealing and innovative things and use a friendly tone so that you may get you a high number of admirers, but you also need to have the thoughtful content there to back it all up. Keep your followers pleased and post what they want to know and what they are expecting. If you want to maintain a huge number of followers, you have to post something once a day at least. You should brand your posts and accounts with layout colors, graphic fonts, caption mood, hashtags, and anything else you need. Instagram is one of the safest and most popular social media networks nowadays.

It is also known for maintaining its privacy terms and conditions. This means that users can keep their profiles public or private up to their preferences.

How to view the Instagram profile of any person?

Source: swat

This depends on the way they want to present their profiles. Whether it is public or private, both options have their advantages. Nowadays, there are plenty of reasons for you to have your profile in private mode. However, the main purpose of social media use is to analyze profiles and view pictures. You need to choose the best profile viewer’s tools to follow and observe other accounts. This has become a current trend to get hands-on such tools. There are multiple options with the help of which you can observe accounts easily. Look for the various attainable profiles, viewer websites, and tools for maximum benefits.

Mind that you need to put up your catchy username associated with your profile. If you want to increase the number of likes on your photos or want to get more followers, you can also use social media exchange websites. Now, when you complete this process, the page will redirect you to the profile to view pictures. Sometimes, it is tough to get hold of some methods as things don’t turn out the way you want them. Also, refer to the website gramhum.com to explore more popular accounts and posts. Instagram is one of the best social media to connect and contact people with no hurdles and time waste.

How to Find an Affordable Mechanic to Work on Your Car?

Source: findlaw

The Discovery of the most excellent car mechanic in your town or neighborhood can be a difficult task. Especially if you want to be satisfied, the cost as low as possible, and the effort done fine. For our car to serve as long and as well as possible, we must maintain it regularly and have a good mechanic. Of course, what is a stumbling block and why people do not take their car to the mechanic are the prices of repair and replacement services, so often people decide to drive a faulty vehicle under the slogan, it is not such a significant breakdown.

The task of the car mechanic is to perform the current maintenance and repair of the vehicle. Also, he can determine the fault by checking and inspecting the entire vehicle, checking the functioning of the repaired part. Having a good and permanent car mechanic is the basis of a quality everyday life for every person who is in a situation to depend on his vehicle.

The car takes an essential place in the heart of each of us and the household budget. Everything is fine as long as the vehicle is in good condition and serves us well. A real headache occurs when it comes time for regular servicing or worse in a malfunction. We go to car services and inquire about the price of repairs, parts, speed, and quality. All masters convince you with a smile that only they can perform quality repairs at the lowest rate of parts and hands. But is it always as ideal as the masters want to show their customers?

Given that the motorized industry is continuously developing and advancing, the future vehicle mechanic is expected to continually follow new trends, be informed about innovations in the automotive market, and be willing and ready for constant education. Just as we all work for money, so do mechanics labor to make cash. To get quality service for your money, you must first check a few car service facts, which will take your car in for repair. This way, we need to give you approximately tips to make it easier to find a reliable, quality, and affordable car mechanic.

1. Research the market in your environment and ask for the opinion of others

Source: farmers

If you want an excellent car mechanic, compare different services according to others’ ideas, customer satisfaction, price list, working hours, location, facility tidiness, and additional offer. You can expect the least problems if you choose a car mechanic specializing in your car’s type and brand. You can also check if the service has other necessary certificates and experience.

The easiest way to check others’ opinions about a particular service is to look for information on the Internet, driver clubs, thousands of car services, Facebook pages, and forums. If the others were satisfied with some assistance, i.e., you might be a mechanic too. Your friends, neighbors, and acquaintances can also be a decent source of data about the services, telling you their personal opinion about mechanics’ work. Of course, you must accept all information objectively. When you narrow down your choice, contact more masters and ask them anything you are interested in to make a decision more quickly. One of them we have come across in Houston TX is Adams Automotive. They have ASE certified mechanics who are highly experienced in repairing and servicing.

2. Check that the car service is in order

Source: edmunds

We can’t expect the car service to be as clean as the operating room and the hands of the mechanics in gloves, and we also can’t expect too much if the service is messy, covered in oil, full of dust and sawdust. This dirt can quickly get into your car during repairs.

3. Ask if the service has adequate equipment and experts

Source: thebalance

Unfortunately, there are many car services in our market, in which there is no proper equipment for car repairs, or there is no adequate team of experts. It implies that in addition to car mechanics, the service also has car electricians and diagnosticians. Considering that today’s cars are complexly made, incomplete service indicates a long-term repair. It can be that the mechanic will not find the fault himself and will have to hire someone from the side. Proper diagnostics is crucial because individual devices crucially and precisely determine the failure. Just guessing without equipment can be disastrous for your pocket. Our advice is to check the service before the election to see if it is fully equipped and an excellent team of experts.

If your hunt for a decent mechanic is still in vain, you can look at www.tediousrepairs.com for more information and trust them.

What are the characteristics of a good car mechanic?

Source: cashcarsbuyer

First of all, an honest vehicle mechanic gives advice and does not work on his own. In addition to repairing and replacing worn-out parts, the auto mechanic should provide customers with information and recommendations on driving style or which sections need to be changed soon, and never insist on replacing parts that can be used even longer. Many try to make extra money at your expense.

Every good car mechanic shows the parts after repair. Especially when it comes to major repairs, the mechanic should show the car owner all the parts he replaced, and so there is no doubt that he changed those parts in your car and showed you the newly installed parts directly on the vehicle.

An experienced car mechanic does not increase the bill after the repair because he respects his customer. Even the most experienced car mechanic cannot predict and estimate the cost of repairs. It is possible that during the renovation, he will encounter an additional problem and the other item that he has to change, which he did not notice during the first inspection. In such cases, the car mechanic should inform the car owner, explain the problem to him, and indicate how much it would cost him extra.

We hope that this text of ours has helped you at least a little to understand how to find the most inexpensive mechanic who can look out of your car in the long run.

Blend Farmhouse Style Home Décor with Bohemian and Tribal Theme

Farmhouse style décor adds warmth and luxury to life. It brings back old memories of childhood. During vacations, we enjoyed visiting our countryside house and spending time with family, relatives, and cousins. We did not have video games or mobile phones to keep us busy, but we woke up to the fragrance of fresh fruits and milk from farms, afternoons were occupied with swimming in ponds or playing in mud pools and evenings were full of grandma’s stories near the fireplace. I still miss those days in the busy city life, at times, so I decided to bring the old memories back into my life.

With slight changes to the décor, one can add a natural and rustic look to the interiors. There isn’t much to be done, but certain basic elements like grain sack, linen, old furniture, and antique showpieces can do wonders. The benefit of farmhouse style décor is that old and worn out items will also give an urban feeling. So, instead of spending thousands on an antique shop, simply go ahead and buy old furniture. If there is a dent on the metal vase, it gives it a more natural look.

Winndlytink.com is known for its wall art for every type of theme décor. Whether it is a farmhouse, industrial, rustic, vintage, etc. they have wall art for every theme.

The best part of farmhouse décor is that it can adapt to any modern or old-style décor. You need not change the complete house upside down if the construction is in a modern style. Slight implementation and additions to furniture can also bring an urban or farmhouse look to the house. For the last 3 years, I have seen tremendous change in the décor design. Many people are adapting to the farmhouse style. However, they’re also mixing it with other décor styles to freshen things.

It is always exciting to see a home mixed with two or three décor styles at one time. This way, you don’t stick with one style for a long time. One such fusion that is quite a in demand is the farmhouse style along with a tribal touch. Tribal theme comfortably mixes with any traditional or modern décor and adds adventure to even a bland room.

Even if you place one piece of tribal art in the room, it becomes the focal point of every eye. Honestly, it creates a bold statement. Tribal masks, lights, pottery, rugs, various items can add spice to the room. Let’s see some extraordinary tips that can be used to change the farmhouse theme of the house with a slight blend of tribal touch –

Tribal Rug

Source: Collective Sol

An oriental rug can bring some excitement in the style. If it’s an old pattern that is slightly worn out, it will give more of an antique look. A white room with a colorful vintage rug catches the eye. You can place it in front of the bathroom, in the alley, at the entry door, or under the coffee table. Choose the location wisely so that it spots every eye. An oriental rug not only gives a farmhouse feel, but it also has a tribal look in it. Check online for various options or visit an antique shop for a classic rug.

Baskets or Weavings

Source: Pinterest

Tribal region is known for weaving, so anything like jute baskets or woven wall art are a masterpiece. They look like they have been specially bought from a different city, instead of being purchased from an ordinary vintage shop. If you have shiplap walls, hanging woven baskets with dried old leaves or artificial urban plants, provide a natural look.

A tribal chic or hanging is a blend of tribal and bohemian design style. If you’d like, you can check out this article for more Bohemian design ideas. It gives a natural look as well to the farmhouse look. Woven hangings are the origin of the bohemian tradition. Adding a few rattan chairs to the room along with woven wall hanging will surely pair perfectly.

Bold Patterns

Source: DigsDigs

The farmhouse theme is all about being plain and simple. White dishes, plain dining table linen, ordinary organic furniture, and plain shiplap walls. A bold pattern of rug or tribal prints can become eye-catching in this plain theme. Bring some geometric pattern of rugs and place them in the living room. It is not only eye-catching but if you have less furniture, then bold prints fill the room.

Wooden furniture

Source: Rattan Garden Furniture

Wooden or rattan furniture that appears to be handmade gives a complete bohemian or tribal look. Rattan chairs are extremely in demand to complete the tribal style. Rattan chairs are perfect for the patio. They also add a warm look to the bedroom if you keep them near your balcony or glass window along with the rattan coffee table.

Macramé Décor

Source: DHgate.com

Macramé décor looks like the 1970s. Macramé is a knotting technique produced by textiles. Some various designs and patterns are used in macramé. They can be added to walls, tables, above bedside, as long as it gives tribal mix to the farmhouse theme. The best macramé art is the wall hanging which can be placed in any room.

Aztec Pattern

Source: counctry

The Aztec pattern has been in demand these days. Just like bold patterns, Aztec also grabs attention. After this pattern showed a remarkable effect on people on clothes, it instantly grabs attention in home décor as well. They can be used in blankets, pillows, linen, rugs, kitchen backsplash or countertop. It gives a natural look if it has a vintage wood background.

Tribal masks, lights, metal vase, woven baskets, pillows, cushions, potteries, figurines, picture frames, wall art, sculptures are some of the latest ideas that can spice up your room. The list grows every day. The options are unique and massive which makes choices for home accessories quite interesting. There are endless options online and there are also vintage shops, antique stores and framing retailers like Frame Destination.

Home decor cannot be selected instantly. It needs a lot of thinking and ideas. Look around properly before ending up with the wrong choice. If you know your category and lifestyle, then choose accordingly.

7 Reasons to Book a Fitness Holiday in Thailand Post-Covid

Source: tripzilla

Summer is already here and we all know what that means. Being fit is one of the best things in the world, especially when you can show it to others and get that extra boost of self-confidence. However, not everyone was working hard enough in the winter, so they’re not exactly where they want to be in terms of physical-performance now that the warm days are finally here. Thankfully, there are quite a few options available when it comes to getting in shape quickly, and today we’re here to tell you all about it.

Fitness Holidays are becoming a rising trend, especially when a destination is a place that has a very rich sport-related history such as Thailand. Today we’ll give you seven very good reasons to consider booking a fitness holiday yourself at any destination as soon as the pandemic quiets down, but we’ll focus on Thailand since there’s a lot of interest lately about that specific destination.

If you’re still not sure where to spend your free days after the pandemic, and you happen to be a fitness enthusiast, we feel like this guide will be very helpful for you. Without any further ado, let’s take a look at what you need to know.

1. Traveling is healthy

Source: myweddingpt

Ask any health professional and they’ll tell you that traveling is one of the healthiest things that you can do, both for your body and your soul. It’s proven that exploring and visiting new places makes us feel better, and the same thing goes for meeting new people and creating friendships as well. All of this is possible when you go on a fitness holiday in Thailand. Why? Because you get to train with people that you’ve never met before, and we all know that friends who train together, stay together. Besides, it’s a fitness holiday, meaning that everything will be organized in a way that helps you become a healthier and physically-fit individual.

2. It is a unique experience

Source: loveandroad

In all honesty, ask yourself how often you get the chance to go on a fitness holiday in Thailand? For most people, this is a one-time opportunity, and when you get it, you shouldn’t waste it. Thailand is a place that offers so much. It has a great night-life, it has the absolute best Muay Thai gyms in the entire world, amazing food and so many interesting geographical locations. Even if you choose to go to another destination, you’ll still find many cool things to do there. For more information, you can always check out FitnessRetreatThailand and learn some more.

3. You’ll return in a fit shape

Source: thethinkingtraveller

The main point of a fitness holiday is to improve your fitness levels while enjoying some very cool and interesting activities. Who said that sport should be boring and dull? You can get in shape by swimming, surfing, learning self-defense skills by practicing Muay Thai, and tons of other things as well. The best thing about all this is the fact that you’ll return in much better shape, so get ready for all those compliments that’ll come from your friends and family. Besides, chances are that you’ll get a nice tan as well, making your body look even nicer than. Being fit means being healthy, but it’s always a nice plus if you look good as well. We all need some self-confidence boost now and then.

4. The home of Muay Thai

Source: boec


If you’re not so much into sports, you are probably not familiar with the fact that one of the best forms of martial arts, called Muay Thai, originates from Thailand. This means that if you decide to visit here for a fitness holiday, you’ll be learning some self-defense from the very best trainers in the entire world. In our honest opinion, this is an opportunity that you should not be missing. When you’re training with the best, just a couple of days are more than enough to learn something that will possibly save your life in the future. Besides, you’ll have tons of fun because you’ll train in a group with other beginners as well.

5. More fitness knowledge

Source: cherngtalaymuaythai

Any type of sport that you’ll choose to do while on your fitness holiday is going to increase your experience in that field, making you much more sport-smart. By gathering more knowledge and experience, you’ll be able to reach better results yourself, and that’s what every athlete wants. It’s always great to learn some ways of training which are unknown to the people in your country. Who knows, maybe this alone will motivate you to begin a career as a trainer, which is our next thing on the list.

6. Ideas for a career in the future

Source: norfolkislandtravelcentre

The number of people who went on a fitness holiday and returned home to become a fitness trainer themselves is pretty large, and there’s a very good reason for that. We all know that making a living out of training others and yourself is probably the best and most zero-stress way to live. If you learn something unique while visiting Thailand, you can use it to teach others and make a living out of it in your home country.

7. Affordable and fun

Source: bloggerblast

Last but not least, fitness holidays are not expensive at all, meaning that even if you don’t have the largest budget, you can still have a great time and return home with so many improvements in different areas of life. You’ll be happier, more experienced, and most importantly healthier, without breaking your bank.


Whether it’s Muay Thai that you’ll try or any other type of sport, you must leave with an expanded knowledge horizon. Learning from professionals is something that will make you much better in what you’re doing yourself, which is why we feel that going on such a productive holiday is a great thing for you. If you specifically focus on Muay Thai, which is one of the main sports that originates from Thailand, we guarantee that you’ll notice some very positive changes with your body at the end of your training. Remember to stay safe and have fun.

10 Common Problems Students Face During University Life

Education is the key to success. The more qualified a person is, the higher chances he or she has to get an excellent salary package. University life is the most cherished stage of education. But, university life has its own perils.

Now, let us take a look at the 10 common problems that students face during their university life:

1. Study

Source: Telangana Today

Problem: The university curriculum is challenging, as well as lengthy. University students are often needed to complete the syllabus of two years within a year. So, naturally they feel burdened. It becomes impossible to complete the whole syllabus on time.

Solution:  It is a good idea for students to choose a university offering a semester-based curriculum. This way, the lengthy curriculum is split up into parts. They can concentrate on preparing for individual chapters. The process of writing so many research papers can be also be tiresome. You can get help from professional writing services providers like paperwritingservice.com

2. Expensive:

Source: Medium

Problem: The universities have a high fee structure. It seems they are promoting only the wealthy class for pursuing higher studies. Apart from that, the price of textbooks and reference books has skyrocketed. As a result, many meritorious students are compelled to drop out of universities every year due to financial constraints.

Solution: Call centers, and many organizations hire university candidates. The monthly salary may contribute towards paying the high cost. Even private tuitions are an excellent option to earn a decent sum.

3. Health Conditions:

Source: unsplash.com

Problem: The weather of a city may not suit the resident of another city. Several cities like the north-eastern part of India are not known for the quality of colleges. Many students flock to universities in Ooty, Kolkata, and other cities, in search of premium quality education. However, the weather may affect them adversely and lead to many health issues.

Solution: The candidates should maintain a balanced diet. Also, they should have a healthy sleep cycle (that should not be affected by the lengthy syllabus).

4. Roommates:

Source: The Colorado Springs Business Journal

Problem: Having a single room is expensive for people who shift out of their native place to pursue higher studies. So, many people stay as paying guests. For this, they need to share their rooms with roommates. It is distracting to have a roommate who believes in playing loud music as long as they are awake. This person may not have any concern for the roommate who seriously wants to study.

Solution: It is better to find a roommate who has similar preferences. This way, the activities of a roommate will not affect the studies of another. The idea is that a sincere student should have another genuine one as a roommate.

5. Ragging:

Source: Free Press Journal

Problem: A university student is subjected to ragging. Those who attend a university from the suburbs or a different city are mainly subjected to ragging. This results in depression or suicidal tendencies. Students from the suburbs and rural areas have no clue about how to deal with ragging. So, they find it difficult to concentrate on studies after a brutal session of ragging.

Solution: It is essential to know the principal or some authorities in charge. Studies reveal that people who rag others are inherently cowards. Once disciplinary action is taken against them, they become aware of their limits. If things go beyond control, and complaints to the college authorities are of no avail, the victim should boldly complain to the local police authorities. Staying quiet is of little help in case of ragging. It is not worth sacrificing the academic career for the sake of some bullies.

6. Choice of subjects:

Source: SpunOut.ie

Problem: Choosing the correct subject is often difficult for candidates. Some subjects are considered more beneficial for careers than others. For example, students who are more inclined towards humanities are compelled by their family members to choose science. This happens because of the traditional belief that science helps students secure a job. If the student is not inclined towards science, he may find it stressful to deal with the subject.

Solution: It is essential to choose the correct subject as majors. However, being stressed out over the subject is not worth it. Academics do not define their career wholly. It is more critical to acquire the relevant skills that will contribute to a job.

Also, a proper subject is more about acquiring knowledge than scoring grades. So, the students should focus more on learning.

7. Homesickness:

Source: Medical Student Blogs – WordPress.com

Problem: Many students attend the universities of a different state. It may be the first time some people are away from homes. So, they may feel homesick. This, in turn, might affect their concentration and grades.

Solution: The best practice for a homesick person is to divert his/her mind. This diversion may come through studies, listening to music, or speaking to loved ones. Also, they have to convince themselves that they are better equipped to take care of family members with a university degree.

8. Relationship:

Source: University of Stirling

Problem: If a university student gets into a relationship, he or she may get distracted from studies. Students easily get overwhelmed by a relationship and decrease their focus towards their education.

Solution: The best advice is not to get into a relationship to distract the university student from his goal. A piece of practical advice is not to get entangled by a relationship while studying. In case a student gets involved in a relationship, he/she should not allow it to be more of a priority than studies.

9. Partying:

Source: BBC

Problem: It is a fashion for university students to stay out partying all night. Even if parents impose restrictions, students find ways to attend the parties that continue for long hours. Some of them are scared of being socially isolated if they do not attend the parties.

Solution: University students have to be aware that their studies are more important than partying. So, they need to say “no” firmly, if they get invited to a party just before their exams or project submission.

10. Addiction:

Source: The Aviary Recovery Center

Problem: University students are prone to addiction. Often, they are victims of depression because they didn’t qualify for their favorite subject. A breakup or the death of a loved one may also affect them adversely. So, addiction to drugs or alcohol may be a form of escape to them. This addiction, in turn, affects their concentration.

Solution: Some relatives or parent should be available for the student. He/she should be able to speak freely with this adult. As soon as the adult senses something is wrong, he/she should get the student professionally counseled.


University education is a priority. It is worth all the distractions and expenses. So, the students should leave no stone unturned to acquire a university degree.

Taking a Personal Loan to Start a Business During COVID-19? You Must Consider These Four Things

Source: uschamber.com

It’s difficult right now, but that doesn’t stop the business world from turning. We’ve got over six million small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK and the number is set to continue rising despite the COVID pandemic.

Most businesses, in their first year, look for some kind of financial assistance. It’s a sound plan; you need to get that growth going and the first period of your business is the most important. With that in mind, we’ve put together a set of four important points to keep in mind as you get ready for success in the months ahead.

Look at each of these points, think about how they relate to what you want to achieve in the next few months and seriously consider adjusting your plans to accommodate anything helpful you pick up from reading this article. We’re confident there’s some genuinely beneficial stuff in this one, so get scrolling and get to it!

1. Government support

Source: capoeira

It’s important you stay aware and abreast of what’s on offer from the government for small businesses and startups. Since COVID-19 has started, there have been a range of initiatives rolled out designed to support businesses during this uncertain economic time. You can keep an eye on all of these on the government page where you can see details for packages like the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan scheme.

What’s also important is that you take the availability of these with a little scepticism. The government has rolled out packages under pressure from interest groups and the business community and it’s never guaranteed how long a particular offering will be around for.

So, do this: take advantage of what’s available to you and keep a regular eye on the news for details on what’s new and what’s soon to end. Be ready to benefit from the support offered by the government but don’t pin everything on that support; it might be rolled back at any given moment.

2. Predicting your customers

Source: cnbc

It’s difficult to know how your customers will act after COVID is resolved more fully, but it’s important to predict and speculate to the best of your ability. While you can’t fully predict the interests and appetite of your prospective customer and client base you can measure their present behaviour and look online for opinions from analysts and professionals in your industry.

This will shape your strategy as you go forward. If your customers and clients look set to expand their spending in the months ahead, you can adjust for that. You might also discover that they have certain preferences at the moment; a common example of this is many companies placing an emphasis on personalised communication during the pandemic, which builds trust during a difficult time.

It’s a fair statement that people want companies they can believe in and rely on during a difficult period. It’s a fairly universal piece of legitimate advice that you should consider how you communicate to your customers during and after the pandemic with this in mind. They’ll remember how you did.

3. Review competition

Source: Medium

One of the easiest and most reliable ways to get a good idea of how to proceed is to simply do some competitor analysis. You’ll benefit from being able to see what your competition is up to. Make a list of areas that you need to look into, such as their websites, communication channels and advertising strategy.

Particularly for larger businesses in the industry you’re planning on getting into, the fruits of their labour and investment are visible online, so why not benefit from analysing it? Review how they are talking to their customers and clients on social media, sign up to their newsletters and trawl through their websites to get a handle on what their priorities are during COVID-19. It’s free, it’s effective and it’s a great way to shape your own strategy without having to spend part of your money or your personal loan from a company like Everyday-loans.

4. Budget with room for error

76797166 – the concept of technology, the internet and the network. businessman shows a working model of business: personal loan

The hallmark of COVID-19 is uncertainty. We don’t know when the pandemic will end, we aren’t really sure how long government relief packages will last and we’re still all figuring out how our customers and clients are adjusting to pandemic life. Industries are shaking and, in some cases, falling apart.

This doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom, so don’t worry. All it does mean is that when you come to budget for your plans and months ahead, do it with as much a margin of error as you can feasibly manage without crippling yourself or your goals. Build-in some redundancy and think about worst-case scenarios. What would happen if you didn’t get any business in for three months and what would you do if no government relief was available at all? Be brutal, be honest and build in that redundancy into your plan.

That’s all, folks

And there you have it: four great points on what to consider when you take out your personal loan to start a business during the pandemic. It’s possible, plenty of people are doing it and you’ve got just as much a chance as any of them.

We encourage you to take a step back, ensure your planning is put together ruggedly and to seriously plan for that worst-case scenario. If you get through things and you don’t hit that worst possible situation, you can adjust and put your money and effort in other areas anyway – it’s no loss.

It’s this kind of sound and practical planning that propels new businesses to success after their first year. You can do it during COVID-19 and we wish you all the best for your endeavour in the months ahead! Stay tuned to Fotolog for more helpful articles on business, life and entertainment.

5 Life-Saving Steps Smart People Take Before Drinking Alcohol at Celebrations

Celebrations and parties can be fun and exciting for many people. They usually include laughter, joy, and the clinking of glasses. Whether it's a...