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Can You Monitor Staff Emails and Phone Calls?

Source: washingtonpost

Owning a business is not an easy task, and it’s certainly not something that allows making mistakes. If you happen to be a business owner yourself, you probably already know the importance of transparency and trust. An employer will always make sure to hire those who seem the most trustworthy, but as we all know already, shady things do happen every once in a while.

There have been numerous cases that we can take as the perfect examples in which a certain business crumbled to pieces because of something that was going on as an “inside job”. One of the latest examples was the Wirecard AG scandal, but we won’t get into detail about it because we have a different goal for this article. After an event of this type takes place in the corporate world, all other businesses seem to reinforce their security measures. As the older people say, it’s better to learn from someone else’s mistakes than from your ones.

In today’s article, we’ll talk about monitoring your staff’s emails and phone calls, something that’s slowly becoming a very common thing amongst both smaller and larger businesses in 2024. If you operate a business that’s reliant on sensitive information and things that should never be leaked outside of your circles, this might be the right guide for you. Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

The legal aspect of monitoring

Source: businessnewsdaily

We live in an era of information, and according to some, data is the most valuable thing that a person can own nowadays. We tend to agree with this opinion, which is why we decided to remind you about the legal aspect of monitoring someone’s data. The more valuable personal information becomes, the more people will try to protect it.

You’re allowed to monitor the emails and phone calls your employees to make as long as it’s not their private email address, and all the calls are done through your business phone which is located in your offices. Different countries will have different laws regarding this, but you should never try to monitor someone’s private e-mail without letting them know about it first.

Installing a monitoring software

Source: businessnewsdaily

These programs are not always used to uncover some top-secret inside operation that’s going on within your business. Sometimes larger businesses need to track the phone-calls so that they can organize things more easily, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Thanks to technology and some very bright inventors, today we have multiple choices when it comes to these programs. One of the many examples is ictcontact.com, a site where you can learn more about the implementation of contract-monitoring-software in the call center industry. If you happen to run a business that relies on transparency and tracking calls is a must, this is a great first step for you.

Monitoring programs are considered to be a bit more advanced, so if you’re a complete novice in the world of technology, we recommend that you let your IT person set everything up on your public office computers. Most of these require a monthly or yearly subscription, but they also have a free version which is long enough for you to decide whether you want to keep using the software or not. At the end of the day, setting everything up shouldn’t be an issue at all, if you have the right person to help you out.

Explaining it in your employment contract

Source: medium

We feel like you have to explain everything in your employment contract regarding email monitoring and call tracking if you want to avoid legal issues. The terms of the agreement part are what make most people get away even with things that are considered to be against the law, but that shouldn’t give you any ideas. All we’re trying to say is that letting your future employees sign something that they agree upon to will help you avoid any possible lawsuits in the future.

Who knows, a lot of complicated things happen in the corporate world, and you shouldn’t risk any of those because one mistake is more than enough to end a man’s career.

Letting your employees know

Source: telxp.net

If for some reason you’re implementing this recently into your business, it’s fair that you let your employees know. Or, if you’re suspecting that something shady is going on within your circles, maybe it is better that you don’t announce it. Either way, you have to make sure that everything is covered up nicely from the legal point of view so that you don’t get into trouble shortly.

Most company owners and executives announce to their employees that they’ve recently implemented software that’s going to track their email activity and the calls they make, but once again if you’re trying to catch someone red-handed, it is better that you keep it a secret.

Reasons why you should monitor

Source: techproviderzone

Last but not least, let’s talk a bit about why you should monitor the activity of your staff. Here are a few good reasons that might help you understand all this a bit better.

You’re saving the company’s reputation

If some employee decides to harm the company reputation, whether because they’re planning to quit soon or for any other reason, you’ll have proof that they were the ones who did it. Even if you get in trouble for something that they did, you will be able to file a lawsuit and demand compensation for the damages.

Source: unsplash

You can prevent shady activity

In the latest Wirecard AG scandal, some of the board members said that it would be so much easier if they knew something shady was going on because preventing it would be a lot more practical than facing all of the consequences afterward.

You inspire seriousness and professionalism

Serious companies don’t allow people to “fool around” while on their shift. When people need to work, they need to work, so this is just one more layer to the much important quality control that every business needs. Once again, it’s not privacy-invading as long as the emails and phone calls are made from the business profiles and numbers. You were the one who provided those numbers and emails to your employees, and they are the ones representing your business. You have the right to know what’s going on.

Benefits of Using LED Grow Lights for Your Indoor Plants

Source: thespruce

The most natural and best way to grow crops is in gardens, where they can absorb solar energy and thus grow into beautiful plants or delicious fruits and vegetables. However, the problem occurs with people who don’t have the conditions to grow plants in their backyards or gardens, or who live in apartment buildings. They don’t have agricultural soil that can be used for these purposes and are mostly forced to adapt to the existing conditions. This often requires planting in areas that don’t have a sufficient supply of sunlight, which, we will agree, is quite necessary. This has led experts to think about looking for an alternative solution. A lot of money has been invested in ventilation systems in order to emit excessive heat and energy released from older lamps, but that was not an adequate solution to the problem. Thus, several types of lighting for houseplants were created, including LED Grow Lights.

From year to year, modern LED technology is gaining in popularity. It has imposed itself as a perfect solution with continuous development, as these lights are specially designed to reduce energy loss and increase the spectrum while meeting crop needs.

These are only some of the advantages that make this modern technology special. Pay attention to some more below.

1. Constant growth

Source: gelighting

We could say that this kind of lighting is true good news for plants. The constant presence of sunlight is necessary for continuous growth. Unfortunately, the sun is present only in the first part of the day, and after sunset, the plants remain without the support and the basic source of life and enter the dormant phase until the next day.

LED technology enabled the dose of fake sunlight throughout the day. It can be used for 24 hours without significantly affecting the temperature. In this way, an ideal replacement for daylight at the right time seems to be able to maximize the power of fast flowering. This means that you will have to wait much less to see the products of your investment effort and you will have perfect conditions – even indoors.

2. Extended lifespan

Source: housebeautiful

Unlike the average light bulb, LEDs are gaining in popularity due to their extended lifespan compared to their predecessors. The reason for that are lower operating temperatures, thanks to which they tend to save a lot and manage to last up to 50,000 hours. You will agree that a big step has been made in this way compared to traditional devices that produce a lot of heat and thus shorten the lifespan.

The long duration is very convenient for the customers themselves. Thanks to this feature, they won’t have to change the bulbs frequently. You will make your pocket happy and save yourself big expenses, preventing constant and unnecessary spending. This might also give you additional motivation to use these systems and make you enjoy planting that will not require complicated maintenance or high investments.

Many manufacturers will offer long-term guarantees precisely because of these characteristics. Also, ledlightexpert.com believes that free telephone support is very important and will always be available to you and provide you with the best possible quality of service, at good prices.

3. Energy saving

Source: sublimesucculents

Predecessors of LED technology consumed a large amount of energy to emit heat and produce a sufficient amount of light. However, the new technology we are talking about does not need to burn anything for production, which implies some great energy savings.

This fact is especially beneficial for users since it will significantly reduce the electricity bill, which has certainly been much higher when using different types of lighting. The savings are estimated at as much as 60% – and, compared to traditional systems, the level of efficiency is much higher.

4. A more environmentally friendly solution

Source: kickstarter

Nowadays, ecology seems to be of high significance and people increasingly become aware of that. All efforts have been made to preserve the quality of the environment and everything that is produced with an environmental business policy has a great advantage over other products for which it is not a priority.

LED lighting is a fantastic environmentally friendly alternative to HID technology. We claim this because they are completely recyclable, unlike these others that are characterized by a high amount of mercury, which can be very harmful to the environment. In the first case, there are no harmful substances, which means that growing plants indoors will not endanger you.

Besides, it greatly reduces the need for chemical treatment with pesticides and herbicides, which creates favorable conditions for plants.

5. Better for work

Source: mountaincrestgardens

If you’re a business owner or you work in a company, you know very well how significant maximum savings are when it comes to all types of costs. What matters is the profit that the company makes and the maximum reduction of losses, but without losing the quality of the work process.

Most companies enrich their interiors with pots and planters full of flowers and other greenery and try to provide them with the necessary care to progress well and beautify the interior for a long time. By investing in LED devices, companies save energy and thus reduce the cost of high bills, but also the constant replacement of plants due to decay of different kinds. And, well, there’s no need for artificial flowers that will never look as beautiful and realistic as natural!

6. Improves plant health

Source: livewall

The burning effect achieved by using traditional methods can lead to plant damage and cause it to dry out and decay. In such case all your efforts will fail and you will probably lose motivation to continue taking care of your plants, as emitting harmful UV rays can only cause damage and bring crops to the stage where they will require much more water and energy to survive.

You can ensure a healthier life of the plant only with modern LED devices whose radiation is not so aggressive. They have a very mild effect on the plant and support its survival, so it will not have to make an effort on its own to survive. With this treatment, it will look nicer, healthier, and enrich the interior for a long time.

We hope this list of benefits has helped you see the value of LED lighting and the reasons why it would be good to start using it in your household. You will help reduce the impact on the environment and save money by not overpaying for electricity. On the other hand, your plants will have all the necessary light and care and will remain healthy for a long,long time. It’s worth it, right?

Digital Wedding Tips & Tools That Will Save Your Lockdown Wedding

Source: nytimes

Wedding is a tedious affair involving hundreds of preparations and numerous ceremonies. Ceremonies, however big or small they may be, require numerous preparations and events to get the ball rolling for the guests.

This lockdown has forced us to think differently about almost every aspect of our lives, and weddings seem to be one of them.

With strict gathering restrictions put in place by the authorities, organizing a wedding needs to be approached differently to ensure that the lockdown guidelines are followed.

Thanks to technological advancements, hosting a digital wedding has become easier than ever.

Advanced tools such as an invitation maker can help you in effectively planning your wedding and making sure that your guests receive that personal touch.

With digital weddings emerging as a norm in this lockdown, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when organizing your big day digitally.

In this post, we will be looking at a few of the digital wedding tips & tools that can save your lockdown wedding.

Source: techcrunch

Tips & Tools For Facilitating A Digital Wedding

There are a number of things that you can do to organize your wedding digitally.

Right from sending digital invitations to deploying video conferencing apps that can broadcast your wedding live to the guests, these tips ensure that your big day is surreal to the guests, and aside from the physical absence, they feel right at home!

Though there is a lockdown in place in various parts of the world, there is no reason to let it dull your big day. Let’s have a look at the various tips & tools that you can use to facilitate an entirely digital wedding. Let’s begin!

1. Create a budget spreadsheet

In times of this financial crunch, the first thing that you should do is assign an appropriate budget to your wedding event. Financially planning your wedding is even more essential if you don’t have cushy savings to fall back on.

Digital weddings, thankfully, are less cost-intensive than traditional weddings, but expenses can quickly get out of hand if not managed correctly.

You can create a spreadsheet to manage all the expenses appropriately and cost-effectively plan your wedding.

Source: parade

2. Create a wedding website

A website can go a long way in ensuring that your big day stays on the internet forever!

With a host of free website creating tools now available, it has become really easy to create an attractive website just within a few hours that has all the wedding-related information available for your guests to see.

Once the wedding is completed, you can update the website with images and videos of your wedding for guests who could not make it or for the ones who want to relive the moments once again.

Since a website can be accessed by anyone from anywhere at any time, it can serve as an online album with all the images, text, and videos that perfectly outline your big day.

3. Send out digital invitations

With travel restrictions in place in many parts of the world, it may prove difficult to get your wedding invitation printed and sent out to all your guests.

Moreover, getting an invitation printed involves hassle and financial resources as well.

Instead of sending physical invitation cards, you can send digital invitations created using an online invitation maker like videocreek.com to your guests that are attractive and just cost the time that you put in creating them.

Source: brides

4. Deploy a robust video conferencing solution

Folks have been using Skype, Zoom, and other video conferencing apps to broadcast their wedding day to their guests.

You can include a video link in your digital invitation that your guests can click on at the designated time to get a live feed of your wedding.

Video conferencing platforms can even help far away guests, even from different countries, and participate in your big day. Just make sure to include the video link in your wedding invitation.

5. Use a slideshow maker for editing wedding images

In these uncertain times, hiring a professional photographer might not be the best idea. So, how to make your wedding images look spectacular?

You can use a slideshow maker to collate your wedding images and create a spectacular wedding album that can be shared digitally.

There are a number of free slideshow makers available on the internet that can help you in easily adding special effects and filters to your digital images that are even better than their physical counterparts.

Source: travelandleisure

6. Create a stunning video

A wedding day is a once in a lifetime opportunity to create perfect memories that stay with you for years to come.

If you are wondering how to create a video for your wedding, solutions like InVideo may be of great help to you.

By using InVideo’s dedicated video creation and editing platform, you can easily create stunning videos within minutes and that, too, without putting in much effort.

The wedding video would serve as a memento for years to come, so make sure that you get it right in a single go.

Source: savvytokyo

Wrapping Up

Weddings are like a milestone event in everyone’s lives. Although the pandemic has shaken things up, there is no reason to glimmer your big day due to this lockdown.

You can successfully plan and conduct a digital wedding that aligns perfectly with the lockdown guidelines, and also ensures that all the people close to you, get their chance of participating in your wedding day.

5 Reasons to Hike Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Source: orange

To all lovers of beautiful ancient and mystical destinations, Machu Picchu is one of those holy grails of travel and is definitely on the wish list. We present to you 5 reasons to visit this place and to hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu.

The Mystery Of Machu Picchu

Source: theguardian

This ancient Inca city, Peru, is definitely one of the most visited tourist destinations in the last 20 years around the world. Spectacular buildings, which are located on a rather inaccessible plateau and represent the last refuge of the Incas, the natives of Peru, for whom it is a mystery why and how they disappeared. Machu Picchu was discovered in 1911, and today it is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, to preserve this site in the most original edition possible.

Previously, the entrance to this destination was free – which, of course, negatively affected the preservation of buildings because not all tourists treated the ruins with respect. However, since 2011 the entrance is charged – and there are specific and strict rules and restrictions when it comes to visiting this location.

Planning Is Necessary For This Kind Of Adventure

Source: nativepathstravel

In addition to money, a visit to Machu Picchu requires detailed planning months in advance. For a start, there is a limit of visits to only 2,500 people a day – which is why tickets are often distributed a few months in advance. That’s not the only thing you have to think about. Three years ago, slightly different rules applied to tourists. For example, entry is now only possible with a guide, when you must book in advance.

Some years ago, it was possible to spend the whole day at the site – but now your potential time in this ancient city is limited, that is, tours are possible in the morning and afternoon. Also, it is no longer possible to return to the site, once you have left it – so make sure to use your reserved term to the fullest. Tourists cannot move freely around the location but must stick to the marked paths.

Thinking About Hiking The Inca Trail To Machu Picchu?

Source: gadventures

Surrounded by magnificent mountain peaks and at 2,430 meters above sea level, the legacy of the great Incas that lies almost beneath the sky itself is truly amazing. According to EvolutionTreksPeru – you will be left breathless and speechless if you try to describe this place, which makes it an even more important locality that you should see at least once in your life. Here are 5 reasons why you should hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu and make Peru one of your priorities when it comes to travel.

1. Learn More About The Ancient Inca People

While admiring the place, you will also admire and learn more about the splendor of the Incas and their culture. At its height, the extraordinary Inca empire spread from Peru to Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, and parts of Colombia. Their profound influence is found throughout Peru and other parts of South America.

2. Enjoy Unraveling The Mystery

The function of the ruins left behind by the ancient Inca people is still a debate among archaeologists. As a kind of compromise, the opinion was accepted that Machu Picchu was built as a property for the great Inca Pachacuti. Also, these areas are considered a place of pilgrimage for all worshipers of the great Inca leader. Pilgrimage to this locality is a path now called the Inca Trail.

3. Architecture

The buildings are really impressive. Even today, we wonder how the Incas managed to achieve such engineering geniality. Their architectural precision is simply stunning – especially on this small part of land located almost in the clouds. What we know today is that the Incas were familiar with a technique called Ashlar. It is a technique where stone blocks are cut off and then firmly joined without plaster. The stones are so solid and stale that you can hardly believe that this technique was used in ancient times. It is also a testament to the structural integrity of this place that has survived to this day despite wars, earthquakes, constant rain, and, now – numerous tourist visits.

4. Culture

Cusco and the areas surrounding Machu Picchu are extremely rich in cultural landmarks. They represent a combination of Andean tradition and Peruvian culture – with people who speak both Quechua language and Spanish in the area. Everything you will see, from fabric to language – is different from everything else you can see in the world.

5. Adventure

You’ll feel like you’re discovering something for the first time when you set foot on this sacred terrain – especially if you’ve just completed a four-day Inca trail tour.

Rules You Must Obey When Visiting Machu Picchu

Source: rei

When you visit this ancient place, you must respect its tradition but also the rules of conduct that apply there. Therefore, we draw your attention to this as well.

  • You must not bring a bag or backpack, the dimensions of which exceed 40x35x20 cm. Otherwise, you will have to leave it at the entrance.
  • You must not bring food or drink. Cigarettes are banned, even electronic ones.
  • It is forbidden to bring: umbrellas and parasols, drones, camera stands/tripods – except with a previously specially obtained permit, which applies to professional photographers. Baby strollers, walking sticks, shoes with heels or hard soles, etc. – are also prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to feed the animals, climb and lean on the walls within the complex, as well as touch, move and move anything.
  • Inappropriate and risky behavior is prohibited, which includes nudity, jumping, lying down, running, singing, making noise, as well as advertising anything.

It is advisable to bring a bottle of water, a raincoat, or a waterproof jacket, as well as shoes suitable for hiking and cream with a protective factor. Make sure you keep your ticket and passport and of course – follow your guide. Some of these rules may seem superfluous to you but keep in mind that they were all introduced to protect this wonderful locality.

8 Time Management Tips for Creative People

Source: verywellmind

Without quality time management, many things will suffer because they will not be done on time. Do you often have the feeling that your time is constantly slipping away and that there is nothing you can do? Or that you never arrive in time to finish until the due date? You are not an isolated example. Most people have trouble organizing their own time. The reasons are various. But one thing is for sure, we can’t extend the day. We have twenty-four hours at our disposal and we must make the most of them.

Time management is an ability that someone is born with, but there are very few of them. It is much more likely that it is a learned and acquired skill to be able to meet all goals, both personal and business.

Yet there are certain people who find it harder than others. And those are creative people, artists. The reason for this is the different way their brains work. First, they generally do not like discipline and the system. Second ideas and inspiration come across at random, without order or schedule. Creative people just follow their inspiration. But then it affects other things they won’t be able to do. If you have recognized yourself in this, then be sure to read the rest of the article, because we will give you time management tips for creative people. For more tips about time management feel free to check Spica.

Source: lifehack

1. Write down the schedule

Without a clearly defined and written schedule, there is a high probability that you will wander from one obligation to another, without even finishing one completely. Make your schedule, write it down and stick to it. That doesn’t mean you should have a 9 to 5 job or something like that you want to avoid. But still, there must be some order in which you will live. That way you will free up the most time to be creative. If you are very busy during the workweek, plan a weekend to make the most of it. It doesn’t matter what the schedule will be and whether you will be most active at night or during the day, it is important that you have one.

2. Get rid of unnecessary obligations

Think of this process as pruning trees. Cut off anything that takes your energy and time. The same goes for people. Don’t tolerate being exploited. Also remove psychic vampires from your life as you would remove a tree branch. You need to save as much energy as possible for creative work, and you will not succeed if people and obligations, that you can avoid, exhaust you.

Source: crafters

3. Make priorities

In addition to writing down a schedule, write down a to-do list. And on it, sort all the obligations according to importance. It is important to know what our priorities are. Put what your priorities are at the top of the list and try to finish them as soon as possible. Also finish the things that are more time consuming first, don’t leave them for later because they will accumulate. Try to update your to-do list daily and that way you will always have everything under control. Take the example of writer Aaron Lynn. Although he is a writer and thinker, meaning a creative person, he has managed to strike a balance between creativity and planning. In this way he is able to constantly progress and even help others in these endeavors.

4. Try to limit distractions

There are so many distractions in our lives. Phone calls, interesting TV show, football game. Avoid constantly checking social networks, chatting and similar ways of wasting time. You have to limit distractions. Whenever you have something to do, turn off notifications and disconnect from the outside world. All smartphones have an option, which when you turn on you will be completely ready to focus on tasks.

Source: wrike

5. Be realistic about how much time you need for a particular task

Have you heard of Parkinson’s Law? If not, we will explain to you now. Parkinson was a famous historian, who said that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”. And that should be avoided. Especially when it comes to creative people. Don’t give yourself or others too much time for something that can be done in less time. While we all often do this to reduce stress, this leads to us spending too much time doing something that can be done much faster. With creative people, this is especially pronounced because they will expand their task so much if they have too much time, that in the end it will become too extensive and it will look like there is no end.

6. Relax your brain before bed

In order to be able to rest, which is necessary for good functioning and creative work, you need to learn to relax your brain before bed. When you go to bed, try to relax and fall asleep. Never carry work to bed. First, you will lose the feeling that it is a place to rest and you will have trouble sleeping. And secondly, the brain will not relax, but will be in the creative process and it is very possible that you will not even notice that the whole night has passed and you have not slept at all.

Source: gallup

7. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking may be a good thing for someone who works in HR or management, but it should be avoided in the creative process. Focus on one thing at a time. Do not try to do something creative and follow your inspiration at the same time, while simultaneously replying to e-mail and exploring a new art application. For optimal time consumption, avoid multitasking.

8. Perfection will cost you a lot of time

Of course each of us wants to be great. And that is certainly what we should strive for. But constantly striving for perfection will do us more harm than good. Nothing is perfect. Even the best masterpieces have flaws, but that does not impair their value. If you try to be a perfectionist for everything you do, you will lose an infinite amount of time that could certainly be used in a better way. Mistakes happen, correct only the big ones. Don’t waste time on the unimportant.

Source: entrepreneur


Although we know that it is very difficult for artists to plan something and therefore time management is part of it, still try to follow these tips, because they will help you a lot.

8 Most Common Gambling Superstitions Among Slots Players

Source: usaonlinecasino.com

Superstition is as old as humanity. People have always been inclined to believe in supernatural forces, and thus in certain actions that can change something, although this is not logical nor has the usefulness of these actions been proven in any way. Every nation has its superstitions and those beliefs have not stopped even today. We can see many world-famous athletes who have a lot of superstitions and never fail to follow all the actions they think they need. The best examples are Cristiano Ronaldo and Rafael Nadal, with whom superstition is constantly noticeable.

We would be lying if we said that each of us also does not have some superstition and that at least occasionally we think that it has some effect on our lives, even though it seems completely irrational. And the group of people among whom superstition is perhaps the most prevalent are gamblers. Even professional gamblers have an endless array of rituals. Amateurs too, especially slot players. That is why today we will present you the most common gambling superstitions among slots players and we are sure that a lot of facts will entertain you, and maybe some of them will even shock you.

1. The warmth of coins

Source: guillone

Don’t be surprised. There are really many slot players who think that the heat of the coins they put into the machine will affect the outcome. Most think that a hot coin will bring them good luck and then they try to warm them up in various ways, like rubbing, before putting them in the machine. However, there is a contrary belief that a cold coin will bring good luck in the next spin. We are not sure how they are trying to cool them down. In any case, it is clear that this is completely superstitious and that in no way can the heat of the chips affect the machine or the outcome.

2. Sitting or standing

Source: guillone

If you have ever been to a casino, you know that there are always chairs in front of slot machines and that most people sit down when they start playing. But you will recognize an experienced, superstitious gambler compared to the rest by standing in front of a machine. The reason for such a belief is that they believe that the machine feels when you are comfortable and that in this way your concentration decreases and that therefore there is an incomparably less chance that you will win money.

Also, they think that because the machine knows you are comfortable, it will assume that you are less likely to get up and change the slot and that it will use it against you. These superstitions have even started to be applied by people who play slot online, so they stand in front of their computer, no matter how pointless it may seem. However, to reassure you, feel free to sit or be in whatever position you want. Every spin is totally random and nothing can change it, especially not the position of your body at a given moment. If you don’t trust us, we’ve contacted experts from slots-o-rama who have confirmed that nothing can affect the slot.

3. Location of the slot machine

Source: liveabout

Gamblers believe that the closer the slot is to the entrance, the better your chances of winning. According to their superstition, the closer you sit near the entrance, the better your chances. And if you sit right at the end of the casino, you certainly won’t win money.

Compared to other beliefs on our list, this may still be true. And the reason is not any supernatural force, but that if the casino workers notice that people are more successful on a certain machine, they will probably place it near the entrance. They will do this to create a winning atmosphere and for the people who enter to feel it and then engage in gambling themselves. This is not a confirmed theory, but it may be true.

4. If you lose money, change the slot

Source:How It Works magazine

This is the most common phenomenon, applied by all gamblers, no matter if they play slot, roulette or any other game. If you lose money on the slot you play on, change and your chances of success grow. Also, they think that on the newer machine you have greater the chance of winning .

5. Touching the screen

Source: spinaru

Pay attention the next time you are in the casino. You will notice many players touching the screen, even though it is not touch-sensitive. We will explain to you why this is so. They believe that if they touch a certain symbol, there is a good chance that it will appear in the next spin and that they will get a big payout. So don’t be surprised if you notice dirty screens, this is the reason.

6. Wearing red

Source: krugerkinderhuis

Many believe that the color red will bring them happiness. It is deeply rooted in many cultures, most notably in China, that the color red brings good luck. That is why we dress red in happy moments like a wedding or the birth of a child. The same logic is applied by gamblers. Research has also shown that more people play red at roulette than black. It is probably subconscious, because we all have in the subconscious that red is the color of happiness. So you will notice that many have at least something red on them.

7. Playing on a slot on which no one has won money for a long time

Source: kiowacasino

This is both a question of superstition and a question of logic. Whoever is superstitious just thinks that bad luck has to change and that if no one has won money for a long time on a certain slot, maybe that luck will change just while they are playing. As for logic, these are people who think machines are rigged. So they think that they work according to certain cycles and that if they are filled with money, that at some point they will “allow” someone to win money.

8. Personal rituals

Source: liveabout

In addition to all these general phenomena that we notice when we go to the casino, everyone also has some personal rituals that they apply. And they are doing them at different times. As they enter the casino, when they deposit money and right before they place a bet. One of the most common things is crossing fingers and the like.


Did you recognize yourself in any of this? If no, we believe that you at least have a friend who is superstitious.

How to Get the Best Online Payday Loans for Bad Credit?

Source: learnbonds

The main challenge of the lower-middle-class families in this economy is to overcome the short-term financial challenges. If you belong to a middle-class family you would know how hard it can get to run a family successfully. Broadly speaking people usually run out of money during the end of the month a few weeks before their next wages. So, to help them with that problem some business organizations and companies give payday loans to their employees and even to the public. This small amount of money is provided to people of high interest on the condition that they will return it after they receive their next wages. These loans have an interest rate of 15% to 20% or higher depending upon the amount of money and the time of return. Some companies even lend to people or employees with bad credit scores too, so even if you are a little short on your credit score it won’t be a problem. One of such companies is called Pureloan.

You can find these companies online too. Online payday loans for bad credit are available on the internet from various sources. You will have to be careful because this will require your basic banking information and some private details to check your credit score. This will decide if you will get the money or not but don’t worry a few companies provide this opportunity with very high interest to people with low credit points. If you want the details about online payday loans for bad credit learn more here. As of how to get yourself some money during hard times read on.

How to Choose a Source?

Source: thebalance

Choosing the source of the loan is one of the challenges. Not many online companies provide money to people with bad credits. In case of emergency, you will have to look for a source that is authentic. The source must provide you with the money fast, with the least inspection and speculations and you will have to check the interest rates of the payment. Higher the interest rate higher will be the burden.

Online payday loans for bad credit are usually provided by most companies for special cases, during an emergency or because of an accidental loss. The transaction will require your bank details and some personal data as per the norms of the lending company. Even if everything checks out and you get the money, there is a chance that you will have to keep some asset mortgage as assurance. The most important thing to keep in mind is in online payday loans for bad credit the interest is extremely high even in case of the lowest charging companies.

What Is the Payback Procedure?

Source: simplethriftyliving

Depending upon the plan of return and the amount of money the companies giving online payday loans for bad credit there are two main ways of paying back the money. If the amount is small then the payment has to be made within a few days after you have received your wages. Like, if you have borrowed $100 and your salary is $250 then you will have to pay the $100 back along with the interest on the next payday.

If the amount is more than your salary then they provide installment plans. For example, if you have borrowed $1000 and your wage is $250 a month then you might have to pay $200 with added interest per month for 5 months. Now, according to your requirements, you will have to decide for the amount to ask for online payday loans for bad credit and you will have to handle the payback accordingly.

Why the Mortgage?

Source: pixabay

Most online payday loans and other loans are provided by the organization on the basis of their credit scores. The credit score is the score of your financial performances and how much money do you owe the government and other authorities. This score gains the trust of the lender on the person borrowing the money. If even your credit scores do not look good then the company asks for a mortgage of any of your assets for the assurance that you will pay back.

The mortgage is a procedure in which the bank or the lending authority takes temporary control of the ownership of your mortgaged asset as insurance. If you fail to pay the money back the authority as per agreement can legally gain the permanent ownership of your asset. This is one of the greatest risks of this lending system. The online payday loans for bad credit are highly likely to ask for a mortgage.

Be Careful!!

Source: nerdwallet

Most online payday loans for bad credit are a trap. There are so many fraudulent websites available that pose themselves as companies providing online payday loans for bad credit. These websites trick you into giving your banking details to them so they can criminally obtain whatever money you have in your bank accounts. Some other websites use this trick as clickbait for showing a very different site. So, you will have to be careful while choosing your online borrowing source.

Some companies also have a very high-interest rate that will trap you in a plan and then extract money for you in long terms. So, it is not recommended that you take a loan from a company that provides big amounts with high interest for a long period of time and if it charges compound interest then it is best to avoid that source. We suggest that you keep the plan simple and lend a reasonable amount of money that you can pay back.

Some Organizations that Provide These Loans

Source: indorebank

We researched and came up with a few trustworthy companies for you to look at. These are some online companies and organizations that provide you with the best payday loans.

  • George Banco
  • Bamboo
  • Amigo Loans
  • Safety Net Credit
  • Satsuma
  • MoneyBoat
  • Uncle Buck
  • Lending Stream


Now that you have obtained all the information about the bad credit payday loan providers, it will be easier for you to get some money during your hard times. Always remember the risks and high interests before you decide on it. What problems did you encounter during the lending process? Let us know in the comments.

5 Things to Know Before Buying a Labradoodle

Source: pets4homes

You are planning to buy a dog. You choose between different breeds. They are all cute, but you need one that has a good character, doesn’t shed a lot, and doesn’t cause allergies in your children. You’re facing a dilemma: labrador or maybe poodle? Or maybe a 2 in 1 combination – Labradoodle? Here’s what you need to know if you want to get a dog like this.

How To Choose The Perfect Dog?

Source: waltzingdoodles

If you’re wondering how to choose a dog that will suit you perfectly, the answer is certainly not: I’ll have the most beautiful one. We shouldn’t choose dogs according to their appearance – but according to characteristics. It is very similar to choosing your life partner. Your lifestyle must match the characteristics of the breed and its needs. You can start from the breeds you like – but you have to study them well and look at your possibilities completely honestly.

In recent years, certain breeds of dogs appeared that have been obtained by mixing with other breeds. One such breed is the Labradoodle. This cute little furry pup won the hearts of everyone who ever saw him. Still, though irresistible, the Labradoodle also has needs that every responsible owner must take into account. Therefore, we draw your attention to 5 things you need to know before taking a Labradoodle.


In recent decades, breeders around the world have been racing to create new, hybrid dog breeds, crossing already recognized breeds. The goal of such mixing is to create races that would retain the best treats of the old breeds and to eliminate their flaws. For example, by mixing a poodle and a labrador, a labradoodle was created, a lively dog that does not shed.

After all, almost all today is known and recognized purebred races were once created by crossbreeding. However, the recognition of such a breed takes time, to determine and establish the characteristics of the dog through generations, such as appearance, size, temperament, or possible health problems. This means that hybrid dogs will not be officially recognized breeds for a long time, but that does not mean that they will not be sought after. After all, everyone wants a dog who will have ideal traits.

Designed Dogs

The breed which most often crosses with others – is a poodle. It is because of its intelligence and fur that does not shed. Also, it exists in three sizes, so it is “practical” for crossing with both small and large dogs. Designer dogs, as they call them, are extremely expensive, priced from $ 1,000 and up. However, buying such a dog does not guarantee that you will get the best of both parents, because genetics can also deceive, so sometimes unwanted traits come to the surface.

Labradoodles And Their Varieties

Source: pets4homes


A favorite hybrid-breed that was created by mixing Labradors with poodles. The first Labradoodle was born in Australia by the end of the 80s. The breeder Wally Conron was the one”responsible” for making this hybrid-breed. The first new bred puppy named Sultan was his creation. Today, these dogs are extremely popular in Australia but the US as well. Today, you can find them in 3 sizes: mini, medium, and standard – and their hair can be curly or woolly. Still, this dog breed kept one flaw that Labs have as well: it’s the tendency towards hip dysplasia.

Every owner should be familiar with that fact. Therefore, you need to find good breeders who will offer you the best specimens of this breed. This is especially true when it comes to sub-varieties. However, according to Kinzie Doodles – it is not impossible to find a reliable Goldendoodle breeder or Irish doodle breeder, but you must inquire well about the litter. If you have the ambition to take this dog to dog shows and competitions, you won’t be able to do it because breeders still strive for the official recognition of the breed.


A mixture of golden retrievers and poodles. It was created in the 90s of the last century, with the desire to get a big poodle with a retriever temperament, cheerful and friendly, without shedding. Goldendudl is one of the youngest hybrid breeds, so it is still gaining its popularity.

Things To Know Before Buying

Source: chicago.suntimes

1. Labradoodle – Characteristics

Labradoodle hounds can be found in three sizes – standard, medium and little. The hair can be long and wavy with a delicate surface. It can also look like a fleece that structures into tight twists and gives the pooch a kind of a poodle look. This variety doesn’t shed. They are considered hypo-allergic dogs. They come in several different colors, including gold, chocolate, brown, black, red, blue, caramel, etc.

2. Hair, And Nails Maintaining

The recurrence of brushing a Labradoodle hound relies upon the type and length of its hide. Brushing is required about two times per week to keep the hair perfect and to avoid forming knobs in his fur. Nails ought to be cut routinely and teeth brushed a few times each week to expel scale and microorganisms. Labradoodles have issues with ear contaminations which is the reason Labradoodle ears should be kept dry and clean consistently. Check your Labradoodle’s ears once per week and search for soil, redness, or some other sign that may demonstrate contamination.

3. Temperament

When you have a hybrid dog, his temper is not always entirely predictable. However, these dogs have a good temper inherited from their ancestors – very friendly, energetic and they work well within the family and kids. Poodles and Labradors enter the category of the most intelligent dogs, so this mixed breed is considered very smart. They love water and swimming very much.

Source: rover

4. Training

To train a Labradoodle is not so difficult because they want to please their owners. Also, because they are very intelligent by nature, Labradoodle dogs learn new commands quickly. These dogs are sensitive to the tone of their owner’s voice and do not respond well if treated harshly. When training a dog, such as Labradoodle, always use only positive learning techniques.

5. Health Problems

The lifespan of a Labradoodle dog averages 12 to 15 years. These dogs are prone to the development of certain health issues. These health problems include hip dysplasia (you can read more about hip dysplasia here), patellar luxation, retinal atrophy, epilepsy, diabetes, ear problems and allergies, etc.

How Can I Sell My House Online in New York?

Source: homeguidemyrtlebeach

New York City might be the single most popular sitting in the entire world and one of the best places to live in. In this city, there is a combination of so many different cultures, it truly is something amazing. The architecture is also beautiful and walking down the street while being overshadowed by huge skyscrapers is a feeling that you cannot be easily experienced.

However, the price of living in New York is too high. The lifestyle is especially expensive, but even renting a house is simply too much. This is the reason that many people have trouble selling their houses in the city.

Assuming that you are reading this article because you are having trouble selling your New York City house, you’re probably looking for a bit of help to do this faster and for a better price. Your best option right now would be to try and sell it online. By doing everything online, you will not have to be in contact with a lot of people (considering the Covid-19 situation) and you can do everything from the comfort of your own home.

However, things can get a little bit complicated if you do not plan on hiring a real estate agent, but with the right knowledge, it is not impossible. To help you with that, here is a quick guide that will tell you everything you need to know and do to realize this project you have in mind.

Get all of your document straight

Source: Howling Acres

Moving to a new place, selling your own home, buying a new one is a very difficult and complicated process. It is not just about the physical difficulty of having to move every single bit of furniture and items in your possession, but it is also about the emotional stress and dealing with all kinds of legal documentation and who knows what else. But, everyone needs to go through this kind of a situation sooner or later.

Since you are determined to start this kind of project, but instead of making all of those mistakes people usually make, you can prepare yourself in the right way to ensure that everything will go smoothly well selling your house.

However, for things to go smoothly, you will have to make sure that all of your documentation regarding your house is in order and that you have every bit of paper that you require. Because, remember, when submitting an ad for your house online, you will need to share all of the documents you have on your house otherwise buyers will avoid it like the plague.

Don’t forget about the ads

Source: luxuryfont

Considering that your plan is to do everything on the Internet and without a real estate agent, one of the most important things you will need to do is make an ad for your house. This is essential because you have to spread the information that your home is on sale. Without spreading this information, how will people know that you are willing to sell your house?

But, it is not just about posting a couple of pictures from your property and writing down the address. You will have to put in a little bit more effort to make your offer a little bit more attractive to buyers. Like I already said, show that you have all of the required documents, upload an album of at least 10 pictures from different angles, write down your personal information, your phone number, your email address and everything else you can think of that will make things easier for your buyer.

Consider cash house buyers

Source: waymarkhomes

Even after following all of the required steps of selling a house online in New York City, it will still be a difficult and long process. Luck is also a giant factor that you cannot control. Whether you are lucky enough to find someone that is willing to buy your home is something you cannot know.

Assuming that you are in need of quick cash and you need to make this sale as quickly as possible, you might have to settle for a different, but a quicker method. There are so many cash house buying companies out there that are willing to get your property off your hands and to pay you directly in cash. You won’t have to worry about hiring a real estate agent, you won’t have to wait at all and you won’t have to do any kind of repairs to your home to get a bit better price.

Most of the time, these companies are online-based which means that you can do the sale with a press of a button and you can learn more about it here. Once you input all of the required information on the website, you press next, you get a cash offer and you decide whether to accept it or decline it. Once you accepted, you can give them your case, they will give you the cash and everyone is happy.

Hire a real estate agent

Source: bobvila

If all of this seems too complicated for you or if you do not have enough free time throughout the day to deal with these kinds of problems and with documents, you might just have to hire a real estate agent. I know, they can seem expensive, but they may be able to get a couple of extra thousand dollars out of your home. An experienced real estate agent will be able to push your house to a much higher value. This is something that you cannot do by yourself.

Do some repairs

Source: Freeway Insurance

Assuming that you simply cannot get to sell your house no matter what you do, maybe it is time to do a bit of renovation to make it seem a little bit more attractive to your buyers. I cannot tell you exactly how much you will need to invest, but there is no need to overdo it. Just fixed the most obvious problems with the property and am sure there will be a boosting interest after doing this.

As you can see, selling a house in New York City is not as scary as it first seems. By following this guide, you will be able to make the sale in no time.

How to Overcome Gambling: Practical Advice

Psychopathy or gambling addiction is the psychopathological tendency to gamble, in which the affected person cannot resist the impulse to continue playing.

In recent years, the number of gambling addicts has increased significantly. Being informed and asking for help in time is the only way to get ahead and overcome the pathological addiction to gambling and betting.

The loss of a loved one, loneliness, a love affair, or simply a difficult moment, added to the great offer of casinos and bingos, contribute to lead to gambling.

Most of the time, it is the other one-a family member, friend or partner-who can alert us if we are about to cross that fine line between entertainment and addiction. But, according to the experts, while it’s very difficult, it’s important to stop and think about the amount of time you’re spending there, as well as what you’re losing.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders describes the following criteria to diagnose the behavior of a pathological gambler, considering the coincidence with five of them sufficient to determine the existence of compulsive behavior.

Source: High Speed Training
  1. Concern. The subject has frequent thoughts about experiences related to gambling, whether present, past or product of fantasy.
  2. Tolerance. Requires greater or more frequent gambling to experience the same emotion.
  3. Abstinence. Restlessness or irritability associated with attempts to stop or reduce gambling activity.
  4. Avoidance Playing to improve one’s mood or escape from problems.
  5. Revenge. Try to make up for losses in the game with the same game.
  6. Lies. He doesn’t tell the truth about the money and time he spends in bingos or casinos.
  7. Loss of control. Even though he proposed, he can’t stop.
  8. Illegal acts. The person has broken the law to get money to gamble.
  9. Risking significant relationships. Even though he is isolated and has conflicts with loved ones, he cannot stop.
  10. Resorting to others. The person turns to family, friends, or others for financial assistance as a result of gambling.
Source: Uniting

Find your way

The best way to get out of this addiction, besides containment and support, is to consult a professional. There are different centers dedicated to this pathology. The way to face the problem is going to be diagrammed by a specialist, who will seek to help the addict so that the game is nothing more than an ugly past.

Abstinence or renunciation of gambling will come as the patient discovers the real personal reason why he cannot stop the addiction of losing.

Every gambler can stop being a gambler, with patience, effort, family support, and professional help.

Source: Business Insider

Doubts about pathological gambling

Casino Pilot solves some doubts related to pathological gambling:

-You don’t have to play every day to have a problem with the game. You have problems with the game if it causes you problems.

-The problem is not just financial. Gambling can cause a relationship to break down or lose important personal relationships.

-The cause of gambling is not someone else’s. Some gambling addicts blame their partners for behaving this way. To do so is to avoid responsibility for their actions, including doing what is necessary to overcome the problem.

-The problem with gambling is not overcome by paying off debts, but by overcoming addictive behavior.

Source: Gambling Addiction

Symptoms of pathological gambling

There are no obvious physical signs in pathological gambling as there are in drug or alcohol addiction. In addition, gambling addicts often hide their addiction from others: they travel long distances to play and hide it from people close to them.

You may have a problem with the game if:

-You play even when you don’t have money: you gamble until you’ve lost all your money, then you want to get it back using card money or borrowed money.

-Your family or friends worry about you: it’s because gambling is affecting your life.

-You want to hide it: you gamble secretly and lie about what you bet or what you win.

-You lose control: you are not able to leave the gaming area when you are losing.

Source:The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake

How to get out of pathological gambling?

Accept that you have a gambling problem

The biggest step in treating pathological gambling is to accept that you have a gambling problem.

It takes courage and strength to do so, especially when you have lost a lot of money or relationships along the way.

However, it is a necessary step, and many people who have overcome this problem have had to take it.

Overcoming the problem is not easy, although it can be done if you seek support and follow the treatment.

Source: Forbes

Make decisions and resist temptation

Before the game begins, the decision has been made to do so.

If you have the urge to gamble, stop what you are doing and call someone or think about the consequences of your actions. Don’t pay attention to the thoughts about the game and do something else immediately.

On the other hand, remember that the odds are against you. The odds are against you. Don’t see the game as an opportunity to get out of your financial problems.

Some ways to control the urge are:

  • Ask the casino to stop you from entering.
  • If you are addicted to online gaming, install a web page blocker of this type. In extreme cases, temporarily get rid of your laptop/computer or smartphone until you get over the problem.
  • Postpone the game: tell yourself that you will play 5, 15 or 60 minutes later, depending on how much time you think you can control. As you wait, the urge to play may pass
  • Seek support: call family, friends or go to groups to meet people with the same problem
  • Do something else: clean up, go to the gym, watch a movie…
  • Avoid isolation: find new ways to build personal relationships
  • Think about the consequences and how you will feel if you fall into temptation

Control your money

You can’t play without money: get rid of credit cards, save and don’t borrow money.

Let other people take care of your money, let the bank make the automatic payments and limit the amount of cash you can take out.

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