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What To Present Your BFF If You Live In Different Countries?

For true friendship, distance is no obstacle. Even if your best friends are far away, this does not mean that they forgot about you. Do not forget about them too. If, on any of the holidays, it is impossible to meet in person, or you want to make a pleasant surprise for no reason, choose and send an excellent gift that would delight and surprise them.

Personalized Crystals by ArtPix 3D

A picture of you two in a beautiful frame is undoubtedly a great gift, but even better, it is your picture together engraved on the shiny crystal. First, it looks elegant, stylish, and presentable. Secondly, it is a metaphor for the strength and stability of your connection, whatever are distances and obstacles.

ArtPix3D offers different crystals sizes, types and shapes that suit any occasion, from lockets to more bulky items on an LED stand that suit any time. The client can choose any photo, order 3D laser etching on crystals online and receive a ready-made personalized gift in a few days.

3D crystals can be a soulful meaningful gift that will decorate the interior and always remind your friend of you. You can add a photo with an engraving of an important date, a wish, or a quote that only you two can understand – and an excellent unique gift is ready.

Long Distance Friendship Lamps

Long-distance relationships, romantic or friendly, can be challenging. Fortunately, today we have social networks and video communication services to chat with our friends whenever we want. Still, the friendship lamp is unique because it allows you to show the dearest people that you think of them, and you miss them, without saying anything.

So, a little bit of “magic.” Two identical lamps are connected via Wi-Fi. When one of the friends touches his/her own, the second lamp automatically lights up, even halfway around the world.

Then, the lamps start shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

In real life, having the opportunity to hold hands, hug, look into the eyes of a loved one, we often express our feelings, support, and emotions speechlessly. The friendship lamp seeks to make up for that warmth at least a little.

Besides, it is possible to connect several lamps at once and thus gather a whole group of friends. You can assign specific colors to different people and always know who is sending you the light of their smile.

BFF Apparel

Matching best friend t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodie or any other wardrobe items are a great gift. We can say that this is an excellent option, which will always remind your best friend.

Now, different printing methods are available in good quality and at an affordable price. Various prints and patterns can be chosen, from numbers and text to a drawing or even a photo.

In general, it all depends on the giver’s imagination and thoughtfulness when it comes to such a simple but very personal gift.

Choose something of clothes or accessories (for example, bags, caps, scarfs) one for yourself and one for your friend, and a picture.

You can capture a quote from your traditional favorite song, images of famous cartoon friends characters, a screenshot from some movie, or maybe you could draw something by yourself.

There are many popular BFF prints, which can be found at Pinterest, but of course, your gift will be more special if the image carries some personal meaning, a joke, an association that only you two can understand. You know, it is like paired tattoos that can be changed every day.

Shared Experiences

For many people, the best gifts are those associated with new exciting experiences. Thus, for a friend who lives in another country, you can choose favor of not a material gift, but an enjoyable joint pastime, albeit online, if you cannot travel due to self-isolation now.

What could it be? Favorite online service premium subscription or video game subscriptions, online yoga marathon, training courses, webinars, gift cards and certificates, etc., depending on the recipient’s interests. Choose an activity where you can take part together, even be thousands of miles away from each other, and then share your views and impressions. This can be an excellent alternative to tickets for concerts, festivals, or other events, which, as we hope, will soon return to our lives.

This is a great way to feel that you are around, not to mention that this is a practical gift as you can even master a new hobby or profession. And such things are always much more exciting and efficient if doing this together.

Video Greeting

And once again about intangible BFF gifts. Shoot a video greeting with your participation, create a mini-film with shots of your hometown, or those places where you have been together or unite you.

For example, if you knew each other as children – the neighborhood where you spent so much time. If you were coworkers – make a report from the former workplace with congratulations from other colleagues.

If you had regularly attended games, ask other fans to make a flash mob video together, etc. In general, the choice of location and plot of the shooting depends on the history of your friendship and the number of mutual acquaintances.

Now, there are many opportunities to shoot an awesome creative video using only the smartphone and a video processing app, so there is no need to be a professional to create congratulation videos for any occasion.

The recipient will appreciate all the efforts, feel your love and support, and be happy to enjoy the nostalgia.

P. S.

Gifts and surprises, especially for no reason, are the best way to cheer up not only the recipient but also yourself. Do not let distance, self-isolation, and other obstacles take away this joy. Regardless of whether your friend likes practical things, or something more emotional, with a sincere desire to please him or her, you will definitely find the perfect solution.

How to Create a Custom 3D Design Exhibition Booth

It is no secret that one of the best ways to show the true potential of your business idea, your new product, or your services is at a tradeshow event. This is the place where every company can come here and show what they have invented, reimagined, and push towards the future of technology. If you have ever been to a tradeshow, you probably have seen companies coming with all kinds of crazy custom design exhibition booths. The reason these companies invest so much in their tradeshow booths is the fact that first impressions are the most important part of every presentation.

Without a good presentation, you cannot make a product look good even if it is some crazy innovation and a huge technological leap. You have to show the people that you are serious about what you will be able to create and offer to the world. The best way to achieve that is by creating a custom 3D design exhibition booth.

However, if you are having trouble designing something unique, I am writing this guide to help you make a good custom exhibition booth.

Set goals

The first thing you will need to do before you start making any kind of graphic design is to set your goals for this event. Because the design should vary depending on what you are going to show off on the event. For example, if you are developing some kind of service instead of a product, you will need a more open design on your booth. Your goal should be to let as many people as you can inside/next to your booth so everyone can see what your business has been working on.

But, when it comes to a product, the design will need to be a little bit more different. The entire booth should be focused on just one item and that is your new innovation. You need to narrow it down and let people come one by one instead of gathering them all up into one place. It is important to provide a unique experience to every customer that wants to check out your product. Let everyone have some time alone with what you have to offer.

Once you set your mind on what you actually want to achieve, you can start working on the blueprint of the exhibition booth.

Make sure customers recognize your business

Source: unsplash

Now that you have set all of your goals and you have a good idea of what you are trying to achieve, it is time to start working on the overall look of your exhibition booth.

Right now, you are probably thinking about what is your primary objective while creating the kiosk for a trade show. Well, your most important purpose should be to help customers recognize your business. Creating something that people will be able to recognize from across the entire room or even warehouse is essential for the success of any kind of trade show.

So, how does one achieve such recognition with a design? Well, it is vital to work on your brand’s colors, slogan, and logo. Applying them all over on your booth will ensure that the audience at the event will be able to recognize your company and your products.

Even if your company is not so publicly recognize, it is still vital to ensure that you have your brand’s colors everywhere around you. By doing this, you are practically teaching your potential customers about your brand. So, next time you show up on an online ad, on a billboard, or at the next tradeshow, they will be able to recognize your company.

3D Design

Source: US Embassy South Africa’s

We have gone through the goals you should have, we talked about how important it is to use your brand’s color and logos, but now it is time to talk about creating the treaty design. You may be halfway there, but this is the most complicated part of the process.

Creating any kind of design is never easy and considering the fact that now you have to be working on a design for a much larger scale, things might get a little bit more complicated. But, if you do have experience in this area, I am sure that you will have no trouble creating something that will be appealing to the customers and will pull the attention of potential investors.

However, if you do not have any kind of background in 3D or graphic design, I would not recommend doing everything by yourself. Instead, I suggest you check out professional services that can provide you with the best possible look for your exhibition booth. A company that provides such services will display your product in the most unique way as suggested by Division22.


Source: Xconomy

You are almost done and already have a good idea of what your final presentation should look like, but there is one thing that you must not forget about. Your budget will determine whether you will be able to achieve your goals and whether you will be able to present your product as you expected at the event.

Fortunately, making a custom exhibition booth is not exactly the most expensive thing, so I do not think you will have any kind of problems regarding this. But, if you do, I am sure that you may be able to cut some corners and save a bit of money. Just make sure you do not overdo it and go over your company’s budget because that may cause some problems in the future.


Source: Blazer Exhibits & Events

The last thing you have to worry about is how you are going to present your innovations to the audience. The exhibition booth is ready, it looks good, it looks promising and all that is left is for you to deliver the best possible performance. The last push a customer needs to make a purchase is you. It is vital to be convincing and to show people how impressive your product really is.

As you can see, creating a unique and custom 3D design exhibition booth is not that difficult if you know what to actually do.

How To Become A Successful YouTube Channel Manager?

YouTube is currently the most developed and probably the best platform for uploading videos on the entire Internet. There are other alternatives such as Vimeo, Daily Motion, Metacafe, but they are far from the pristine design and performance of YouTube. This platform is so big and developed right now, it has more than 2 billion users that log in every single month. That is probably 25% of the population of planet Earth. Considering how big this website is, becoming successful on it is becoming more and more difficult. But, with a YouTube channel manager, success is still possible.

Unfortunately, many people believe that the chances of becoming a successful YouTuber on this platform is now almost impossible. It is true that it is offered saturated with millions and millions of content creators, but that does not mean that a person cannot break through and build the success that they want.

However, becoming famous on this website is now easily done with a proper channel manager. I assume that you are not paying me to become a creator, but a person that will manage someone’s YouTube channel. But, becoming successful in this is also quite difficult without the proper knowledge of the platform.

But, you will not have to worry, because I am writing this article to help you with exactly that. Make sure you read through the end and learn what it takes to become the best possible manager for a channel.

What is a YouTube channel manager’s goal?

Source: Medium

I assume that you have a lot of questions about this role and what are its obligations. Well, to put it simply, the content creator creates content while the manager works on everything else. The entire point of connecting these two roles is to help the artist have the free time to be as creative as possible. If the artists would have to worry about editing videos, uploading them, engaging with viewers, creating a playlist, and everything else that needs to be done to make a successful video, he/she would not have any time left to focus on content creation.

This is why another person takes the role of a community manager and deals with all of these other objectives. So, if you were to take on this role, you would have to focus on uploading videos to the website on time and scheduling future ones. You also have to work on finding the right keywords, putting in the right tags, writing a detailed description, making sure that everything is according to the rules and regulations of this platform.

It is also important to add the video to a certain playlist, promoted on the right social media sites, engage with viewers in the comments section, analyzing the viewership data, and many other things.

Sometimes, this role may even require you to edit the videos which can be quite difficult if you do not have any kind of experience with editing software such as Adobe Premiere, iMovie, or Final Cut Pro.

What kind of skills do you need?

Source: Lynda.com

The next thing you are probably asking yourself is whether you are illegible to take on such a role. Would anyone accept you with your skills? Are you good enough to become a community manager on YouTube? Or maybe you are too good to take on this kind of role?

Well, the most important skill set you will require is to have a good understanding of the entire platform. It does not matter if you have marketing or technical skills if you do not know the way this site works, how are you going to help a content creator provide good content? It is vital to ensure that you have a good understanding of the rules and regulations of YouTube. Go through every profile settings you can find and see what your capabilities are on this website.

Believe it or not, but even for this kind of role, you may require a certain type of diploma, especially if you expect to work with popular and successful YouTubers.

You also need extensive social skills considering that you will be in constant communication with the viewers of the channel, you will need technical skills in case something goes wrong with the video, the website shows errors, the file gets corrupted and so on. Having a good idea of how to work well with computers is essential.

The ability to multitask and to deal with several social media accounts is also important. However, if you don’t think you are able to take on this kind of a role, you should consider hiring or taking the advice from Fiverr professionals such as Drorgolan that have been doing this for a much longer time and have a large number of satisfied clients.

How much can you make?

Source: Instagram

The next thing you are probably wondering is how much money you can exactly make from this profession. Well, the salary for a YouTube channel manager can vary by a lot. The reason that it varies by so much is that it depends on the YouTuber you are working for. For example, if you were to work for someone such as Pewdiepie or Markiplier which have millions of subscribers on the platform, you would probably be paid well over a hundred thousand dollars a year considering they make several million a year.

But, while working with a smaller channel, you probably will not be making as much, but you can still make quite a lot of money. Keep in mind, that some channels require a manager that works only an hour or two a day. If you were to work just two hours a day means that you will be paid for only two hours a day.

Get in contact with YouTubers

Source: The Modern Product Manager

Now that you have a good idea of what you are supposed to do, which skills you need, and how much money you make, you can start getting in contact with YouTuber to find some work. I would recommend starting with channels with a lower subscriber count and then start working towards the ones that have a much bigger number of subscribers. Offer them your services and your skill and I am sure they will be willing to accept you as their channel manager.

As you can see, becoming a channel manager on YouTube is not that difficult as it first seemed. With the right amount of effort, you can do anything you want.

How to Prepare Yourself for a Survival Adventure

Source: hiconsumption

We are all getting very excited when we hear the word adventure. But, only the experienced adventurers know that they need to prepare well before they leave their home because nature can be very unpredictable and cruel. Yes, it’s also exciting, but everyone who is taking a big step like this should be prepared for literally everything, like heavy rains, getting lost in the woods, meeting with more or less dangerous animals, too hot or too cold weather, mosquitos and insects, lack of clean drinking water and so on.

Surviving in extreme weather conditions is not easy, but it’s also not impossible. Actually, most of the people who go hunting in the mountains, camping, or fishing, are getting back home after a few days or weeks. Also, you need to define what you understand by the term adventure and how far are you ready to go, so you can feel the adrenaline flow in your blood. For someone, hiking a high peak is what they need to do to feel that excitement, and other people can just swim in forbidden areas so they can feel great.

According to PrimeSurvivor.com you should learn how to protect yourself when on a trip like we described in the previous paragraph, but also keeping your family safe and be prepared for every unusual and unexpected situation that may occur.

When you need to stay a few days in the wilderness, probably you will need to find a proper tent, that will offer double protection for rain, keep the interior warm, without letting insects inside. So, if you decide to go camping, or stay in your tent for some reason, you will need:

Waterproof cover for the floor

The ground can be wet and cold and a nice waterproof and insulation cover will provide great protection and a good surface for your sleeping bags or blankets. Keep in mind that sleeping in a tent is not that comfortable as in bed, so you may need to take an extra pillow or blanket. And when it comes to that…

Source: t3

Pack your backpack smartly

You must plan this trip a few months in advance. Pillows and blankets are pretty big, and if you need to reach some spot by a walk, it will be very difficult for you to bring the huge backpack with you. If you want to go camping during the cold months, you may need to plan that trip very carefully. It’s easier in spring and summer because the weather is warmer and you don’t need that many blankets and sheets.

Take enough food

Some people are planning they will hunt or go fishing, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to bring enough food with you. Sometimes, these plans are hard to release, and you can’t hold onto fishes, plants, wild fruits, and meat. So, we recommend you take enough canned food, dried bread, dried fruits, and any other type of ingredients that won’t spoil if not kept in the fridge.

Source: northfloridasurvival

Find a good water cleaning pump

People who are often in the mountains can’t bring a lot of bottles with water with them, so they need to find a way to use natural water for cooking and drinking. There are many springs and lakes in the mountains, and luckily, people already invented filter pumps that come with pill-like water cleansers, that can turn almost every natural water into drinking one. But, you also need to be careful, and if the cleaned water doesn’t look good to you, it’s better to repeat the procedure once again or to find another source, so you can avoid stomach poisoning.

Always have a first aid kit with you

It’s very easy to get hurt when on your adventure, so the first aid kit will help you fix those problems until you are able to find and visit a doctor. Also, it may be good to take some first aid course, so you can know how to use all those things in the kit.

Source: pinterest

Wear appropriate clothes

You will meet different weather conditions when you reach the place you’ll need to stay, especially if you are near the sea, or high in the mountains. Wearing proper clothes will keep your body warm at night, without letting the insects bite you. Many people suffer when they wear just ordinary clothes they are using at home, but every adventurer knows that the conditions in nature are not the same as staying a few hours in the yard. So, always have your raincoat, a few pairs of clean and dry socks to replace, long sleeve blouse, lightweight shirts and pants and proper footwear with you.

Learn some basic surviving skills

It’s not enough to be prepared with proper gear before you leave your home for an adventure. You also need to learn and adopt some crucial surviving skills, like setting bonfire, keeping the food away from the sun, some basic knots for setting the tent, preparing meals with just a few ingredients, using the insect repellent properly, learning how to overcome the fear of snakes and wild animals… There are a lot of things you must learn if you want to take a trip as we described in this article. Getting ready for an adventurous traveling can be very tricky because you always risk to pack unnecessary things and to forget the important ones at home.

Source: hiconsumption

Read books and ask for experiences

There is nothing wrong to want to educate yourself about this, so books can be a good starting point for your preparation process. Also, you surely know some people that already went on this type of trip, so their experience can be very valuable for you. So, don’t mind to talk to them, share your opinions, and appreciate their recommendations.

You only need to follow a few simple surviving rules when it comes to these adventures: maintain a proper temperature in your tent, wear appropriate clothes, don’t risk with the food you will find in nature, and try to adapt to the particular situation, without trying to change it.

6 Things You Should Know Before Moving to Canada

Canada is one of those countries of the world nobody would have a problem calling their home. It has so many positive sides in all aspects of life that it is hard to find something wrong with it even if you try. The people are welcoming and polite, the standard is high, salaries and healthcare are at the highest levels, the nature is breathtaking, and the crime rates are low. Who wouldn’t want to move to Canada? However, a new start might be challenging, and moving to this country from a very different one requires preparation. With that in mind, the following are six things you should know before starting the next chapter in your life and moving to Canada. Before all of the, however, you will need to obtain a visa so make sure you visit visa-canada.info.

1. Huge Country

Source: Medium

For those who like Canada, it is an amazing thing simply because there is so much of it. There is so much of it in fact that it is actually the country with the second-largest territory in the world, right after Russia. It is spread across ten million square kilometers, and to put that staggering size in perspective, you could fit the whole United Kingdom in it more than 40 times. To walk from one coastline to the other, it takes around four years, and the city of St John’s, Newfoundland, which is on the east coast, is much closer to London, England, than it is to Vancouver on the west coast of Canada. Amazing! Moreover, the world-famous Wood Buffalo National Park has a larger area than the entire country of the Netherlands. To make things more manageable and easier to govern, Canada consists of ten Provinces and three Territories. Once you start exploring it, make sure to do it one at a time.

2. World Class Cities

Source: propertyEU

Canadian cities are some of the most popular places on the globe, both for tourists and those looking to move. Urban Canadian life the absolute best, evident by the 2017 list by the Economist of the most loveable cities in the world. In the top ten, there were three of them. Vancouver was number three, Toronto was number four, and Calgary was on the fifth place. Factors according to which the magazine ranked the cities included education, healthcare, environment, stability, and infrastructure. Basically, there is no better urban place in the world to live in than the cities of Canada. Ottawa, the capital, is not on the list but it is nonetheless another amazing option.

3. Multicultural Population

Source: Multicultural Population

Thanks to its long history of Europeans moving there, modern-day Canada is a very multicultural country. Furthermore, people love moving there from all corners of the world, meaning its multiculturalism is still expanding. To closely describe the inferentiality in cultures and traditions, here are the statistics. Over 20% of all Canadians were born in other countries, and by the year 2031, this number is expected to come close to 50%. These immigration rates are unreal, but thankfully, there is a lot of space in Canada to house well over its current population of just 38 million. Besides, more than 200 nationalities are present in the country, and over 250 ethnic origins. There are even members of the Aboriginal people living in Canada. It is quite easy to perceive Canada as a beautiful, diverse rainbow when it comes to its people, right?

4. Two Official Languages

Source: Canada’s History

Again due to the complicated and long history, as well as the intermingling of the different European empires and kingdoms during the exploration and colonial age, Canada does not have just one official language but two. This is not as shocking considering Singapore has four and India has sixteen, but it is still special. Other than English of course, French is an official language in Canada, but you do not really encounter it, nor the general French vibe, outside of the eastern province called Quebec. People there really go out of their way to keep things as French as possible. They even have laws that make sure citizens use enough French on a daily basis! For example, all shops have to have French signs, and the employees have to greet customers in French.

5. Amazing Healthcare Options

Source: Vox

The United States of America is infamous around the world for its nonexistent healthcare system. Their neighbors to the north are the complete opposite, and Canada has always been the envy of the Americans. They have a tax-funded Medicare system in which the government pays for all the basic health insurance and needs, delivered by the private health sector. If you need essential medical services, they are free of charge but there is a little bit of waiting involved.

This can be tricky depending on what you are waiting for. One survey in 2017 found out that only around 43% of all Canadians in need see their required medical professionals on the same day they ask for them. Like everywhere else, of course, there are shortcuts in forms of connections like friendships with doctors, having one in your family, or being one yourself! Back to a more serious tone, private healthcare is always there so in most cases people do not wait for long.

6. Beautiful Landscapes

Source: ArcGIS StoryMaps

We already mentioned how good and convenient city life is, but Canada is much more than this, so much so that the manmade creations pale in comparison with nature. Here is a crazy fact for you. More than 90% of all Canadians live just 100 miles away from the American border. If we remember how big Canada is, it means that the vast majority of the country is ripe for exploration and outdoor activities. The north is where all of Canada’s natural beauty lies. It has it all, from scorching deserts and tropical rainforests to frozen wastelands and glaciers. The Pacific Rim coastline, the magical Meadows in the Sky, and the granite Gros Morne mountains are among the favorites, both for the tourists and the locals. One thing Canada is famous for is its lakes, and there are around two million of them, 20% of all the lakes on the planet. Pair this with the longest coastline in the world, and Canada makes for one amazing place for watersports and beach lovers!

8 Stunning Wedding Ideas for Nontraditional Couples

Source: wedsites

Most people assume that a wedding day has to play out like a scene from a fairy tale. Even before the ceremony, the pressure is on to create a romantic proposal as well. Luckily there are resources available like the proposal guide from reeds.com to help you plan a memorable proposal day. If things go well, the next step is planning what some call the most important day of their lives. The magic lies in the fact that every couple gets to write their own story on their wedding day.

There are many fun, unconventional ways to put your signature on your wedding day that will make guests smile, create beautiful photo memories, and leave you feeling like you’re walking on air. You can be as offbeat, colorful, and whimsical as your heart desires when it’s your wedding day! Let’s look at eight wedding ideas for nontraditional couples.

Source: amexessentials

1. Design a Unique Bouquet

Yes, a bundle of roses can be beautiful when you’re marching down the aisle. However, it can also be very predictable. One easy way to infuse some originality into your wedding day is to have a bouquet of ferns, wildflowers, or succulents. You can also create a “faux” bouquet by mixing natural materials with silk or dried flowers. This may actually be the smartest idea if you want to keep your bouquet as a memento or if you’re worried about having red eyes or a runny nose on your journey down the aisle because you suffer from allergies.

Dried flower accessories are a beautiful way to incorporate nature into your everyday life. From jewelry to home decor, there are endless possibilities when it comes to using dried flowers as an accessory. Whether you want to create a unique piece of jewelry, decorate your phone case, or freshen up your closet with a sachet, dried flowers are a versatile and low-maintenance option. Check here for the best dried flower decor ideas from East Olivia.

2. Skip the Flowers for the Bridesmaids

There’s no rule that says bridesmaids have to carry flowers down the aisle. In fact, you can create a very whimsical, dramatic effect by having your bridesmaids carry lanterns in their hands. This can be especially beautiful if you’re having a sunset or after-dark ceremony. Another idea is for each bridesmaid to carry a book that is special to the couple getting married. Some other options to consider are silk fans, branches, parasols, pride flags, or giant feathers!

Source: junebugweddings

3. Do a Reverse Color Scheme

Here’s a way to create a very eye-catching effect when marching down the aisle. Swap a traditional white dress for a bright, colorful dress or a pattern. You can make the contrast even more dramatic by putting bridesmaids in white! Even the groom can wear a white suit or tux to really bring contrast to life. The reality right now is you actually have to factor in how your wedding will translate to video and streaming technology. An interesting color palette paired with creative camera angles and multiple views can make a huge difference for those watching on a laptop screen!

4. Exchange Creative Rings

There’s no need to exchange boring bands just because that’s what most people do. The rings you choose are part of your very unique expression of love and devotion. Imagine colorful gemstones or birthstones like rubies, emeralds, and sapphires for a more personal touch. Consider lab-grown diamonds of varying colors – including black! Cool alternatives to traditional metals like wood, titanium, or even recycled tires allow you to make your wedding set completely unique. Men have no reason to shy away from a little bling on their rings either, these days it is all about personal expression.

Choosing your wedding bands is one of the most important decisions you’ll make for your wedding day because it happens to be the only decision that you’ll actually be looking at every day for the rest of your life! Many couples are very glad that they decided to choose rings that they love instead of bowing to convention when all is said and done! Don’t forget that your beautiful bands will really stand out in your wedding photos.

Source: nytimes

5. Make the Ceremony a Surprise

What if your wedding invitations held back some information? Many couples are taking the stress out of wedding planning by not officially planning weddings. They are instead sending out invitations to what appears to be fun parties. However, guests are treated to the surprise of a lifetime when they show up to what is actually a surprise wedding! This can be a fun option for a low-key couple looking to avoid all of the fanfare that leads up to a traditional wedding.

6. Have a Theme

Do you have a favorite movie, band, or play that you’d like to incorporate into your big day? It can be really fun to integrate a theme from pop culture into your wedding day. Feel free to engage your creative side by making your reception look like a garden party from “Alice in Wonderland” or the dining hall from “Harry Potter.” You can also focus on a specific era by asking guests to dress like they’re in the roaring 1920s or Victorian era.

Source: ft

7. Serve Nontraditional Food

Traditional wedding menus can feel a little bit stuffy. The fact of the matter is that filet mignon and bacon-wrapped scallops may not fit your palate. Why not serve up some of your favorite foods instead? Just think of how excited your guests will be to discover that your wedding will have a pizza bar! You can also serve up fun foods like cheeseburgers and wings to create a laid-back atmosphere that leaves everyone feeling more than satisfied! You can also toast with pints of beer instead of traditional long-stemmed champagne glasses!

8. Have an Unconventional Wedding Cake

The rules have gone out the window when it comes to wedding cakes! In fact, you don’t technically have to have a cake at all. If you’re a chocolate lover, a tower of decadent brownies is a perfect finger-licking alternative to a cake. You can also do a tower of cupcakes, donuts, pancakes, or Oreo cookies.

What Story Will Your Wedding Day Tell?

Source: brides

These eight ideas can help you to feel a little more inspired to break from convention when planning your big day. Of course, you may find that you actually adore many of the “traditional” wedding elements that couples have used for centuries. Remember, while filming to zoom in on all the most important things so everyone can see your rings, your first bite of cake, and the look on your face during your first dance. It’s really all about finding that balance between planning a classic wedding and throwing a bash that nobody has ever seen before. Discover what you can do with a little imagination, a dash of tradition, and a lot of love!

Is Noxplayer Safe? Which Emulator is clean to use?

In the modern era, the majority of players prefer mobile devices for playing not only casual games but high-quality video games like PUBG, Call of Duty: Mobile, and other titles also. If you’re a gaming enthusiast, then you may know about the difficulties of playing games on mobiles like you have limited screens, controls, and sound quality.

Therefore, your gaming choices don’t end over here, as lots of gaming emulators are available on the market, some of which are absolutely free while gives you access to premium features after purchasing a member plan. For sure, you are one of those players who love to enjoy their android games on PC with smooth quality and better performance than mobile. In this article, we will help you in finding the best Android Emulator to use. But first, you should know that how much Nox Player is clean to use.

Is Noxplayer Safe or not? Trustpilot Review

Firstly, you should know about Nox Player and its services. It is an android emulator that turns your PC into an Android OS and lets you install and play any mobile games on your PC with the comfort of your gaming controls like mouse and keyboard, as well as LED. Lots of other Android Emulators are available in the market, then why some people recommend Nox player, and are it safe to install or not on your PC.

Before downloading any software to your PC, you should read some of the reviews that what people are saying about it. According to Trustpilot, Noxplayer is a malware that contains many harmful files that may damage your operating system. Many players have mentioned that they found the performance of their system worst as they installed Noxplayer on it. In the early days of its release, it gave the best performance, but over time, some improvements were made in user-interface and program files that made him buggy and laggy.

What Nox Company asks you to install?

From the installation of Nox player to the uninstallation of it, the parent company will ask you to install “Symbolic Debugger for Windows” before briefing anything about these files, and you can get any information about it over the internet. After letting them install on your system, you come to know that these files have a remote access option, which means your privacy isn’t more secure after having the files. Therefore, you want to use the said android emulator at your own risk; then, you should first delete both KNTD apps to stop it from stealing your data. Although it comes with lots of prominent features, the risk of installing virus files on your PC makes it suspicious for all users.

Member Version of Nox Player

NoxPlayer has both a free and premium version with a set of differences of features and other aspects. A free version can be downloaded by anyone where gamers can enjoy limited features with a few restrictions and advertisements, but the member version would players access to core features. On the other hand, LDPlayer can be downloaded directly from its official site without excessive advertising instruction.

Prominent features

Although it’s a malware, offering the best features for an Android user, and some of them are the following:

  • Keyboard Support
  • Script Recording
  • Multiple Instance
  • Macro Recorder
  • Virtualization Technology
  • Manager Guide
  • And more.

All of these features are common in any Android Emulators. Still, a few Emulators are offering your fantastic features, such as LDPlayer and BlueStack – both are the most popular Android Emulator offering you the smoothest gaming experience over your PC with the comfort of your sofa. We would recommend you to use LDPlayer as it supports all version of Android OS, lets you play all types of old and new games on PC, and the best thing is that it is available to download for free. Visit here to get the most of your expirience.

Introduction of LDPlayer

LDPlayer – the Free Android Emulator, which is brought to you by an Asian-based Company, promising to provide you the best quality gaming experience on your PC. The way to download and install LDPlayer on your PC is quite easy, and within a click of your mouse, the Android Emulator will be on your Desktop. It is a fully optimized and powerful software specially designed to turn your computer machine into a powerful Android OS that lets you download any types of mobile games, whether casual or hardcore games like Fortnite, PlayerUnknown’s Battleground, Call of Duty Mobile, and more.

Comparison of NoxPlayer and LDPlayer

Both are Android Emulators and lets you use their services for free, although NoxPlayer has limited features and services. According to a few records, NoxPlayer comes with built-in virus files that may cause to crash your OS. NoxPlayer Emulator lets you install the latest Android games and applications to test, while LDPlayer deals with both old and new types of games and applications and lets you install and keep in your PC until you can’t uninstall them. Both Emulators are using the VT (Virtualization Technology) to give you a smooth gaming experience, but Noxplayer lacks the high-quality graphics of advanced games.

Prominent Features of LDPlayer

The good news for those players who love playing Android games on their PC is that LDPlayer is fully packed with prominent features, and each one promises to give you smoothest gaming experience like never before. While using it, you can’t only customize your keyboard setting, but can change the settings of the mouse as well. You aren’t limited to use two to four buttons to control your character, with dozens of keys, you can make your gameplay as smooth as you can use the custom control settings. It supports Multi-instance, which you can’t only a single game as you can run several games to your PC at once without any lagging and hustle. With these best settings, LDPlayer is the best FREE FIRE emulator.

Introduction of Multi-Instance Synchronization for Gacha Lovers

The company implanted a prominent feature for those players who love playing Gacha games, known as Multi-Instance Sync. It will help you rerolling faster in Gocha games with a smooth gameplay experience. Using the high FPS setting, you can take your gaming experience to the next level, where you may experience standard console graphics.

Two Different Versions

One of the best Android Emulator involves you playing lots of exciting games on your PCs as it isn’t limited to Windows only, LDPlayer is also available for Mac OS and Linux. At the same time, NoxPlayer doesn’t deal with Linux. LDPlayer is available in two different versions as follows:

  • LDPlayer 4.0 (Android 7.1)
  • LDPlayer 3.0 (Android 5.1)

If you don’t have the latest Android Phone, then you should go with the second version as it will understand your basic needs and will consume your resources accordingly. Firstly, the software is fully optimized to give you the best performance even on the minimum system requirements, but installing the second version would be great to have smoothest gaming experience. Having the latest Android Device, go with the first option as it is specially designed to run heavy games on your PC smoothly. Need help to get started with LDPlayer? No worries, as lots of guides, including tips and tricks, are published on the official blog of LDPlayer, wherefrom you can ask the community to help you in solving a specific type of problem.

RFP Cover Letter vs. Executive Summary: What’s the Difference

Source: fediwyke72

Every owner of a new company requires a little bit of help or advice from the side to help them understand how the business side of the company works. You have probably finally found out what RFP or request for proposal is and how to utilize it to your benefit. You have finally procured the perfect RFP and you are ready to show it to your clients, but you are still missing one important element. A cover letter. But, did you know that an executive summary can also serve a similar purpose?

Assuming that you did not know about the possibility of an executive summary, I probably now got you confused about these two things. Are they the same, they different or is it is just some weird business naming strategy? Well, they can be quite different, but they can also be quite similar. Some would even say that an RFP cover letter can actually be an executive summary.

However, let us not complicate things even further and let us talk about the differences between these two things to help you run your business more efficiently and in the right way.

What is a cover letter?

Source: aimlowerjournal

Before we can start talking about the differences between these two subjects, I think I should first explain in detail what exactly is a cover letter and what it is used for.

The best way I can explain this to you about this is by comparing it with a CV or a job application. What is your main objective when submitting an application for a job? You aim to get the attention of the employer as quickly as you can. You submit all of the important information right there on the first page to get their attention and then you deliver the rest of the personal information about yourself.

Cover letters work basically in the same way. You have your request for a proposal ready, explaining your needs and the aim of your business, products or services and you want to show it to your clients. But, you cannot expect that every person will read through that entire request/report. Not everyone has the patience to dedicate so much time to reading. So, with a cover letter, you will be able to explain all the important details in just one page or only a few more.

What is an executive summary?

Source: quoters

Now that you understand what exactly a cover letter is and how it works, it is time to talk about the executive summary. To explain it best, this part comes after the cover letter you just learned about and before your entire report/proposal. But, I should also note that this is completely optional. You can leave it out of your RFP if you want to while the cover letter is mandatory.

With it, you should be aiming to convince your clients as quickly as possible about your business solutions, products, or services. Sure, it can be similar to the cover letter, but here you will need to get a little bit more technical.

This summary requires the most important technical information about the business and the benefits everyone can experience from doing these kinds of moves or changes. It is also important to summarize all of the possible, but positive results in the future that you expect from your proposal.

It is very important to stay precise during the entire summary, but you should mix between informal and formal sentencing. Keep the tone neutral, analytic, and optimistic too. It won’t hurt if you get a little bit casual once in a while instead of being consistently business oriented with your explanations. By doing this, you can maintain the attention of your client and entice them to read through the entire executive summary.

Which one do I need?

Source: careerone

Well, there is no exact universal answer to this question because it really depends on what your goal is. Like I already mentioned, an executive summary is not exactly a requirement for your RFP, but it is not a bad idea to have one. It is one of the best ways to convince clients why they should accept your proposal and offer you their time. Although, if you feel like you are still having trouble forming a proper RFP, you should probably consider hiring a company to do it for you. This type of professionals will ensure that your RFP is properly designed and organized as suggested by thebidlab.com.

With this in-depth, short summary of all the possible questions people might ask you about your business objectives, you will surely pull in a lot of attention with a single page of the paper.

However, if you are short on time or do not see a reason to write down this kind of a document then you should only focus on your cover letter. Keep in mind, this document is essential for RFP and it is a requirement. Without this document, your request for a proposal is not ready. Obviously, you very much need this if you plan on providing on any kind of a proposal.

Things you should know

Source: roberthalf

Since differentiating between these documents can be difficult even after reading through this article, I am going to share a couple of guidelines you can follow to make sure that you write your executive summary or cover letter in the proper manner.

One of the most important things you have to remember when creating your executive summary is that this is not a letter. The first paragraph does not require any kind of introduction to the topic. Aim to convey as much information as possible in the shortest time. Keep people up to speed by only mentioning the most vital information.

But, when it comes to cover letters, you will need to be a bit more formal and write an introduction. You should treat this type of document as a regular letter. It needs an introduction to the topic, the main topic, and a closing.

After reading through this article I hope that you finally understand the differences between these two pieces of paper and you can use them properly for your business goals.

Cast Bars vs. Minted Bars – What’s the Difference?

Source: youtube

People have been casting metal for thousands of years now. Even though the technology has obviously developed greatly, the process itself is not that different from what it used to be in ancient times. When it comes to gold bars or any other kind for that matter, there are two main types – cast and minted.

As you can imagine, no two bars are completely the same and this is mainly to the casting process that is used. So, in this article, we are going to introduce you to both cast and minted bars and tell you about some differences between the two.

Cast bars

Source: heimerle

When it comes to these, you can say that they are made by a more or less traditional technique. Firstly, the mold is created to ensure that all bars are the same size, weight, and shape. Then, the gold is heated to an extremely high temperature, until it becomes liquid, and then it is poured into these molds. This is why this method of casting is also called “molding” or “pouring.”

It doesn’t take a lot of time for the gold to become solid again, so when it is completely cooled, it is taken out of the molds. Upon completing this process, the manufacturers stamp or engrave the bars with their company’s logo and some basic details. When it comes to the weight of these bars, they usually come in 1, 2 ½, 5, 10, 20, and 50 ounces.

Minted bars

Source: agaunews

The main feature of these is that they have perfectly brilliant finish which provides them with that special shine. This is the reason why they are so popular nowadays. They have a fine design, so the fact that the process of making this is more difficult and time-consuming when compared to the former type is not surprising.

As you can imagine, this process is newer than the previous one, which is more traditional. Basically, in the beginning, after molding, the bars were fed to a machine that compressed them into a unique shape. This method is still used today, but not as often. Instead, manufacturers use so-called “continuous casting” machinery. Put in layman’s terms, the metal is cut into long strips that are of specific thickness and length, and then they are cut into precise length.

Generally speaking, this technique differs based on the type of metal that is caste – gold, silver, or platinum. Nevertheless, the entire process is quite complex, since it consists of numerous steps, which is why the price of minted bars is usually significantly higher than the cast, traditional ones.

What’s the difference?

Source: valcambi

Now that we have introduced you to these two main types, we are going to discuss some main differences between them. You could say that we are going to give you the pros and cons of both of them, so this should help you choose which one you should buy.

General appearance

Source: youtube

Let’s begin with something obvious, and something that you are probably most interested in – appearance. When it comes to the cast bars, no two are the same. This is something that provides them with the feature of originality. Due to the production technique, each bar has some small “imperfection”, which means that it is almost impossible to find two that are completely identical.

On the other hand, this is not the case with the minted ones. Since these are cut from long strips, as already explained, they have no marks on them, which is why they resemble the traditional image that we all have of gold bars. What’s more, if some kind of damage does occur, these are melted again and re-created.


Source: youtube

When it comes to this comparison, the minted ones take the win. Why? Well, the cast bar can be rough around the edges due to the production method, while minted ones look absolutely stunning. In addition, due to this quality, when it comes to packaging, cast ones are not very cared for since their appearance is not that important. Plus, they only include the stamp we have already mentioned and have that vintage vibe.

On the contrary, minted bars are handled very carefully. These are so valuable that if the packaging of it is open, the value decreases significantly. Additionally, due to the complex manufacturing process, these usually include intricate design and art, which only increase their beauty.


Source: thepuregoldcompany

By now, you can probably assume which of these is more expensive. That’s right the minted bars are, and there are two reasons for it. First of all, the entire manufacturing process is more complicated, and since there are many steps, it takes longer when compared to the method used for the cast ones. Secondly, their beauty comes at a price. Visit the MyGold website to see the exquisite details that are added to these, and you will immediately understand why their price is so much higher.

The selling price

Source: reuters

Naturally, if you are wondering which of these is easier to sell, the answer is the minted bars. Since they are more valuable than the other kind, you will be able to get a better price for them. Just don’t forget about the “no touching” policy.

Another thing that can determine this is to whom you want to sell it. For example, if you want to sell it to a smelter, they won’t care about its appearance and beauty, but instead, they will only be interested in the quality, since they are going to melt it and re-use it again.

On the other side of the coin, pun intended, if you want to sell it to a jeweler who will use the gold to create unique jewelry pieces, they will be more interested in its design. After all, they will not be able to sell it at a high price if there are any marks or damages on the gold, which is completely understandable. Due to this reason, the overall condition and appearance of the gold is something that you definitely have to consider when deciding to whom you should sell it.

Complete Guide to Smoking CBD

Source: worldtravelguide

Nowadays, medical CBD is used to cure many diseases and addiction problems. There are various ways to consume cannabis buds. Many people do not know about CBD, its benefits, and how it can be used to smoke. In the following guide, you will get detailed information about cannabis and how it is beneficial for the users. This guide helps you in consuming CBD by smoking it.

Check your body requirement and determine the quantity of the herb to take it in an adequate amount. Smoking the bud can make you relieved and relaxed quickly. If you need to know more information regarding smoking CBD, you must visit cbdflowerusa.com.

What is CBD?

Source: FX CBD Vape Oil

It is a cannabis Sativa bud with a THC content of less than 0.3%. It grows at any place, whether it is indoors or outdoors. Indeed, the indoor ones are of high quality and potency. These are pure and top-rich cannabis with great healing results. It takes approximately four weeks for the complete growth of the plant. When it grows entirely, the strains are adequately picked and dried. It is necessary to keep it in air-tight containers. It is used as a pharmaceutical ingredient that helps in curing severe issues.

Health Benefits of Consuming CBD

Source: healthline

The hemp flower can be very beneficial in relieving different things:

  • Anxiety and Stress: If you are suffering from anxiety and stress, then it is a beneficial ingredient for relieving all the symptoms of these problems. You can vaporize the good-quality CBD for better results. If you want quick results, then it is better to smoke it. You will feel good within a few minutes. The ingredient helps in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and make you feel relaxed.
  • Pain: There are two categories of pain, i.e., neuropathic and inflammatory. Cannabis is perfect for treating these types of pain. The CBD with THC can help in relieving the pain and make you relaxed. It is recommendable to consume a low dose, i.e., between 2.5 to 5 mg. Check how much quantity suits you best. It is the perfect ingredient to replace the consumption of pain killers. There are no side effects if it is taken in an adequate amount. There are regular doses for some patients to prevent frequent pain and suffering. Cancer patients always experience pain in their bodies, and CBD can treat it effectively.
  • Insomnia: If you have a sleeping disorder, then you must try this herb. Lack of sleep can cause a lot of problems and diseases. Feeling sleeplessness can activate other symptoms of anxiety and stress in you, and it is essential to prevent these problems. If you are tired of trying several home remedies to get some sleep, then the consumption of CBD via smoking is a must-try option.
  • Epileptic Seizures: Any kid with epilepsy suffer from severe side effects, which are quite hard to heal. The CBD is the perfect ingredient for reducing the side effects. After attaining the right age, it is legal to take cannabis in several countries. The hemp flower can treat two types of epilepsy and provide relief to the consumers. It is scientifically proven that CBD can minimize the seizures very well.

How to Use Cannabis for Smoking

Source: foxla

The perfect way to consume hemp flower is by smoking it. The level of THC is 0.3%, which is not harmful to health. Smoking CBD is similar like you smoke different forms of CBD. The quality differs in every type of bud. There is a requirement of an organic process to grow these flowers. If we compare indoor CBD with outdoor ones, then the taste of outdoor cannabis is not that good as compared to indoors.

It is necessary to choose high-quality hemp for smoking. The consumption of this ingredient should be limited so that it does not harm your body. If you have any disease or you have to leave the bad habit of cigarettes, then CBD is a must solution for people, who can afford it.

Dosage of CBD Flower

Source: health

It is necessary to taking cannabis in limits. You need to check the ratio of CBD and THC. Many people try different dosages to check, which suits them well. Many patients are quite sensitive to THC and, therefore, suffer from allergies and adverse reactions.

It is essential to determine what your body needs and consume the ingredient accordingly. If you are a beginner, then start taking low doses of good-quality CBD to avoid adverse effects. The low dose means one or two inhalations using a water pipe, joint, or vaporizer.

It is the best way to determine how your body reacts to it and what is the tolerance level. If you consume cannabis in the right amount, you will experience relaxing effects and get rid of many problems. If you take in high amounts, then it can affect your health severely. Make sure that you know what your body requires.

Advantages of Smoking Cannabis

Source: thelondoneconomic

Nowadays, the consumption of hemp is quite popular because of its amazing benefits. High-quality CBD flowers are used to smoke to cure various problems. Pulmonary ingestion is the way to inhale the hemp flowers so that it absorbs in the bloodstream within a few seconds. It takes 30 seconds to 3 minutes when cannabis reacts after reaching to the mind by the blood.

When we smoke the ingredient, it quickly reaches the mind via the digestive system. If you want to get quick relief, then it is necessary to consume it by smoking it. The effect of this flower lasts for 30 to 60 minutes. It is necessary to smoke the hemp bud frequently to get better results.

The Bottom Line

Smoking hemp bud is legal in many countries for medical purposes. It is necessary to attain the adult age for the consumption of cannabis. There are many benefits to consuming this ingredient in different ways. After going through the complete guide on the hemp flower, you might have understood that it is necessary to know the right quantity for your body.

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