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Top 7 Benefits of Joining an Athletic Club

Being an athlete doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be a track runner. Athletics comprises many disciplines, including swimming, javelin throwing, cycling, football, or even a combination of events such as decathlon. Decathlon competitions take about two days, where athletes compete in ten track and field events. Therefore, if you ever think about joining athletics, or just want to get fit, there is an overwhelming variety to pick from based on your goals, preference, and potential physical abilities. For instance, if you are heavily built with thick arm muscles, javelins throw sounds like a good field event for you.

However, it is important to note that excelling in athletic activities would require pushing beyond your physical and mental limitations. It would be best if you were built for endurance to always maintain that extra-time for a personal workout that you’ve committed yourself to. To stay true and loyal to such commitments, supplementing your diet with beta-alanine to decrease fatigue, improve muscle performance and overall physical endurance. Moreover, anecdotal accounts of successful athletes indicate that beta-alanine supplements from reliable and reputable brands like CarnoSyn significantly improved their performance.

So, what are some of the reasons that should prompt you to join an athletics club?

1. Access to Training Facilities

Source: unsplash.com

Stars are not just born but made too. While your physical abilities will make you a good athlete, training in the right facilities will skyrocket you to greatness. Athletic clubs can leverage their financial muscles to purchase state-of-the-art equipment for training, unlike education institutions or home-based self-help groups. Besides facilities, you’ll also have professional coaches who have probably experienced mentoring athletes into world tournaments and championships. Moreover, you need these people to show you the ropes that can land you into that national team.

In addition to that, most club headquarters have gym facilities for extra training. Remember, you must go extra if you want to stand out from the crowd. An extra hour of gym accumulates to a full day’s training in a week. That means that you’ll still be ahead of others even if the whole team takes a break on Sundays.

2. Optimum Performance

Source: unsplash.com

Practicing and playing in a professional environment will have a positive impact on your overall performance. Many factors could play into your favor, especially if you show a spirit of resilience from the word start. For instance, your coach might separate you from the rest of the team from time to time for rigorous training and importance. Not everyone who joins athletics has a passion for competition. Some are in it for fitness and wellness. A reasonable coach will know how to handle both casual and elite competitors, which will befit you accordingly, unlike if you were to do it alone.

3. Met New People with Similar Goals

Source: unsplash.com

Just like any other business or profession, athletics too will be fun if you can meet other new people for networking. Every month, or rather year, there will be new members from across the board. Moreover, if you aren’t in for business or sport ideas, sports clubs and gyms are ranked first in meeting new singles. Athletic clubs attract people with similar interests and views about life, so you’ll get your perfect match. You can also develop long-term friendships because you’ll likely have common beliefs in matters lifestyle, education, and life in general.

4. Great For Mental Health

As a human being, you’ll always have your highs and lows. It even gets difficult to practice and participate in competitions when you are stressed out. The best thing about clubs is that they have many non-exercise amenities where you can deliberate and unwind. For instance, if you are a track and field events person, you might want to swim once in a while for fun. You might also want to go to the dancing hall for Zumba just to let off steam.

If you are a family person, you can treat your children to a weekend out in the club’s restaurants. The best thing about athletic clubs is that most facilities and amenities are exclusive for members only, and you’ll love the privacy.

5. Motivation

Source: unsplash.com

Besides self-motivation, you also need your teammates’ and coaches’ motivation to break that record that you’ve always looked forward to. If we face it honestly, exercise is seldom the first thing that will come to your mind if you wake up, especially on a chilly morning. Your mind will even trick you that there is something more important that you should be doing, such as catching your favorite talk show before going for practice. An athletics club will help fuel your motivation, especially if you have a friend who passes by your place. Your trainer will also be reminding you daily after practice not to come late the following day.

6. Build Confidence and Improve Your Mood

Source: The Jakarta Post

Not everyone is born confident and talkative. If you are such a person, joining an athletics club sounds like an excellent plan to get used to people and train yourself to remain calm even in the presence of strangers. Moreover, exercising daily and breaking that sweat can help put anxiety on the check and alleviate any signs of depression. For instance, you can’t afford to be gloomy when running or shouting around. It is also important to note that sadness and happiness don’t entirely depend on mental state but also chemical reactions in the body. The neurotransmitters must be furnished with enough nutrients so that they can communicate wellness to the brain. When you do vigorous exercise, excess fats are broken down into absorbable nutrients.

7. Are You a Beginner?

Source: unsplash.com

Lastly, you should consider joining an athletics club if you are a beginner. Here you’ll get professional help starting from casual training as you progress to more vigorous exercises. There will also be beginners like you, and so you’ll not feel alone, or the most “poor performing” guy in the crowd. Besides a certified personal trainer, beginners must also practice with the right equipment, and a club offers that.

Don’t let your dream and passion fade away simply because you have no one to nurture it. Get a club to enroll today, and you’ll love the new you!

Ranking the Best 5 Casino Gambling Films of All Time

Casino gambling is exciting and has the potential to make players a lot of money in the blink of an eye. Because of its ability to change lives in an instant, casino gambling has been featured in some extremely popular films over the years, films that have a lot of action and thrills.

Here are the top five casino gambling films of all-time and what made them so good:

5. The Cooler (2003)


“The Cooler” is a different type of gambling film. It stars William H. Macy as a man who is employed by a casino to “cool off” gamblers who are winning big because he has such bad luck himself. Whenever Macy stands next to a gambler on a lucky streak, the streak ends.

During the movie, Macy’s character undergoes changes in his life and suddenly he becomes a good luck charm for a lot of gamblers.

This film features excellent acting and a different kind of plot while still depicting the excitement and thrills of casino gambling, superstition and luck.

4. The Cincinnati Kid (1965)

Source: The Cincinnati Kid (1965)

Steve McQueen stars in this film about a poker player seeking to be the best, set during the Great Depression. McQueen challenges Edward G. Robinson, who is already considered the best poker player to the ultimate showdown. The film also stars Ann Margaret and Karl Malden.

McQueen gives an outstanding performance and moviegoers identify with his character’s quest to be the best at what he does.

3. The Sting (1973)

The famous duo of Robert Redford and Paul Newman star in this all-time classic film about two professional gamblers and their attempt to con a mob boss while gambling in a casino. The film also features an all-star cast that includes Robert Shaw, Robert Earl Jones and Charles Durning.

The film won seven Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director and featured a popular soundtrack that featured the song “The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin.

Redford and Newman are cool customers, but can they fool the mob boss and keep the FBI at bay? The movie was popular and critically acclaimed and shows the excitement and thrills of gambling at the best live casinos. It has been selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry of the Library of Congress.

2. Casino Royale (2003)

Source: Lifehacker

This movie has it all: high stakes gambling, James Bond, an exotic location in Monte Carlo and a lot of excitement. Daniel Craig does an excellent job in this remake based on the 1953 Ian Fleming novel while Eva Green shines as Bond’s love interest.

The original film was released in 1967 and starred David Niven. That movie was more satirical and over the top.

Bond takes on the villainous Le Chiffre in a high-stakes, winner take all poker game that like casino gambling has thrills, tension and big money payoffs. It is by far the best of the new generation of Bond films.

1. Casino (1995)

Martin Scorsese’s classic is based on real people and events and that only helps make it more fascinating. Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Don Rickles and Sharon Stone star.

The film involves an expert gambler and handicapper asked to run a Las Vegas casino in the 1970s. There is gambling, mob involvement and a lot of action and tension in this superb film.

Stone’s performance is particularly compelling in this unforgettable film.

While movies may be fun, you can also experience the thrills and excitement of casino gambling right in your own home with online casino sites.

Bass Traps: Why Do You Need Them?

Have you ever wondered how the good acoustic sound of a favorite music song or soundtrack comes about? We assume that this story will interest you and tickle your imagination – so that you can turn your room in the house into a wonderful acoustic ambiance with wonderful bass traps.

When placed in the right place and well arranged around the room – bass traps will give special importance in sound production. What are bass traps, what materials are they made of and for what purpose do we need them? We will try to let you know.


Why Is A Bass Trap Needed For?

At the very beginning, it was not very clear to us how to isolate ourselves and make a good song or produce a musical background for advertising. Even today, most people who play an instrument in their home – look to be isolated in some way. They mostly do it when they are not able to use a studio – or have to look after the house rules in the building where they live. Anyway, we try to manage in all possible ways.

For some specific sounds, we often go to nature – but for the production of quality acoustic sound, there must be certain rules and certain rooms. Depending on the purpose of use, they are specially equipped. However, not all studies are the same because they are used for multiple purposes. We will make a small division of the different types of rooms we use – and the ways to make the best possible sound.

Source: Sweetwater

Making Soundroom And How To Set Bass Traps

No matter how much you invest in your audio equipment – after a while you will realize that the sound you produce has not changed much, regardless of the filtering and settings on the mixer. You will also notice that extracting your voice on the microphone does not sound very right. This probably bothers you most often – especially if you have invested money to make the sound perfect and it doesn’t happen.

For everything in life, even for the production of good sound – there should be certain conditions. Not only audio and video equipment is important for good sound. The acoustics of the sound of the room in which you produce that sound also plays an important role. Before starting the installation of equipment in the room where you will work with any sound production – you should consult about the installation of insulation and bass traps in your space.

Source: EMPI – PHIL

Bass Trap As An Additional Acoustic Panel Element

Bass traps have a large share in the production of sound as they add elements that make sound different and better. Bass traps are most commonly used in vocal studios and predominantly in rooms where voice is recorded. However, they are not only used for this purpose – but can also be used as sound insulation in some other rooms.

Click here to find more about their wide application. Depending on the room or purpose – bass traps can be made in the form of panels or the form of pipes. When installing, make sure you consult with experts in this area. It is necessary to choose not only quality – but also the material. Since you will install them in the rooms where you will spend your working time – make sure they are made out of natural materials.

Source: GIK Acoustics

How To Make Good Acoustics With Bass Traps

Depending on the activity we are engaged in music, production, or any part of sound production – in addition to professional knowledge of using audio and video equipment, playing instruments, or singing – we must have general knowledge in using the rooms where these recordings take place. Not every room is intended for the same purpose and need. Each of these sound rooms uses different insulation materials.

Source: Skum Acoustics

How To Choose Bass Traps?

Since there are so many companies and sales chains of acoustic panels – we must make the right choice. Also, we need to know precisely what we want when making acoustic panels. It is because, regardless of the price, their purpose is important. Namely, if you make the wrong choice – there is a chance that such a bass trap will be useless. It may not be intended for what you need.

Therefore, you should not believe in every story of the seller about the quality and material – because it doesn’t have to be the right solution for you. Each preparation has a certain flow that must be followed, so we can get what we asked for and what we paid for. There are certain steps for each installation of acoustic rooms. If you don’t know and you are not an expert in this field, or you don’t have experience with buying acoustic correction products – here are some tips on how to do it.

Source: GB Acoustics

Bass Traps Setting

For the acoustic panels or bass traps you planned to buy – you also need some additional information and tips:

  • You must know the dimensions of the room (height, width, and length). This is very important primarily because of the calculation of the material you need.
  • It would be convenient to have a photo of the room with you – if possible from several different angles.
  • You need to know the exact purpose of the room. This is very important because it is not the same thing whether the room will be used for recording instruments, voice recording, as a control room for mixing and mastering – or as a room for listening, etc. Of course, it is also important whether there are other things in a room, such as armchairs, tables, etc.
  • Finally, it would be good if you have the opportunity to do the so-called acoustic analysis before starting the installation. This means calling the professionals who will help you in their entire work with their assessment. All of this is very important for bass traps or acoustic panels to fulfill their purpose in the right way.
Source: Ethan Winer

Bottom Line

If you have a gift for music, playing an instrument, a beautiful voice, or you’re in the sound business – then consider providing yourself with an acoustic room. When you add up how many times you have been forced to rent a studio or recording equipment – you will come to the conclusion that investing in making an acoustic room can have its advantages.

7 Personalized Gift Ideas for Your Loved Ones

One of the best things that you can do to brighten someone’s day up is to hand them a personalized gift. We’ve all received presents before and we know how amazing it feels to know that someone thinks about you. As the old saying goes, treat others like you want to be treated, which translates to: “hand over many gifts and you’ll receive twice as much yourself”.

In all honesty, choosing gifts is something that we consider an art. It’s not easy to come up with the perfect idea that’s going to make someone feel so special for an entire day, or even a week. People nowadays like so many different things, and you have to know someone close to knowing what their favorite type of present would be.

Not everyone can activate their creative side all on their own, which is why we decided to come up with an article that will help many of you choose the best mind-blowing presents and gift ideas for your loved ones. If you’re currently in a situation where you need to purchase something for your partner, a family member, or a best friend, this is the right place to be. Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

1. Custom-Printed T-Shirts

Source: Pinterest

Some people love going to the gym, others love fishing, but how can somebody know that unless they tell them? Is there any other way? Well, yes, there is. Custom-Printed T-Shirts are so popular because they allow people to express who they are and what they like without having to interact with others. There were a million times where a person got approached and made a new friend simply because they wore a shirt with their favorite band, hobby, or sports team. A great present for anyone.

2. Necklace with a name

Source: Alskar

Purchasing just any type of jewelry is okay but it is way too generic, and we believe that gifts should be anything but generic. This is why we recommend that you purchase a necklace or a ring that has the name of the person receiving the gift. This is not very expensive to do and a lot of jewelry stores already offer such a service. Depending on the material, this shouldn’t break your budget, but don’t save up if it’s an important occasion. Some gifts are purchased only once and they’re worn for an eternity.

3. Picture Frame with a collage

Source: Wayfair

Let’s say that you want to surprise your best friend, and you want to remind them of all the beautiful moments you’ve been through together. One of the best ways of doing this is by purchasing a picture frame and placing a collage of photos inside. This will serve as a reminder of all the years you’ve spent together through both good and bad times. It’s not difficult to do, doesn’t cost a lot of money, and it’s personalized a truly cool gift. You can always visit Artfia for some more inspiration and ideas.

4. Kids T-Shirts

Source: Etsy

We all know how difficult it is to choose the right T-Shirt for a child, so if your loved one is a person who already has to take care of children, you’ll make their life a lot easier with this type of a gift. Custom-Printed T-Shirts for Kids are very easy to make and they don’t cost a lot of money, yet they can be very cool and interesting. The possibilities are endless and you can customize these with so many different quotes, prints, artwork, and whatnot. They can be funny, weird or whatever you want them to be, because no matter what a toddler wears, it’s always amazing.

5. Personalized School Bags

Source: meenymineymo.com

We’re not sure whether the school will be coming back from next year, but if it does, personalized school bags can make a huge boom. When we were kids, we always wanted those cool backpacks that we couldn’t afford, so why not make someone happy and purchase not just a cool backpack, but a personalized one as well. A child will be more than happy to just see their name on a backpack, not to mention their favorite TV character, superhero, or sports club. Even those bags which are mostly used by students can be customized, so this doesn’t have to be only a child’s gift. Besides the backpack, you can check the Smart Story for the personalized book as a present.

6. Custom-Printed Water Bottle

Source: DHgate.com

Ever since the quarantine began, people started vigorously exercising, and there was a huge sudden increase in interest amongst people when it comes to sports and other sport-related hobbies. People love going to the gym, they love riding bikes, and all of that requires water to fuel up our body. A custom-printed water bottle is an inexpensive yet cool gift that you can purchase for anyone, even if they’re not very into sports. I mean, every person has to drink water, right?

7. Masks with a personalized quote

Source: YouCustomizeIt

Last but not least, masks are slowly becoming a fashion accessory, and since the COVID-19 pandemic is probably going to be present next year as well, it’s quite a good idea to start purchasing masks that go well together with our clothing style. If we’re going to wear them for so long, we can at least look good in them. You can print quotes on these things, as well as pictures and any other form of art that you’ve downloaded from the internet or made it yourself. Budget-friendly and useful gift.

If you want to make your house look more beautiful and attractive with a religious vibe then you should definitely visit https://www.christianwalls.com/blogs/news for more information. Here you will get plenty of options related to Scriptures, Bible Verse Art & much more.


Every gift is special, but when you hand over something personalized to a person you care about, it’s just a magical moment that they’ll never forget. We feel like every present should be unique, and we need to avoid the generic purchases as much as we possibly can. The entire idea behind gifting something to a person is to send a message, and that message should be all about love and care. Nothing makes a person happier than letting them know you are familiar with their interests and you know what they need or want in life. Our list contains gifts that are easy to make and are very affordable at the same time. Go and surprise someone you love.

Avoid These Mistakes When Selling Your Home

Source: Benoni City Times

When you decide to sell your house, most people think that it is enough to advertise the sale and wait for the best offer. However, in reality, it is not even close to that. It takes a lot more effort than you think. A very complex process where you will invest money, time, and you have to be patient, otherwise, you will lose a lot of nerves. It can also be emotionally challenging. So we will help you avoid the most common mistakes when selling your house.

Interference of emotions

Home is something for which we are bound by many memories. For this reason, it is not easy to separate from your home, even though it is an inanimate object, people are often very emotionally connected to it and this can make it difficult for them to sell. Especially if important things happened there like the birth of a child or it is the first common home of your family. So you have to understand that selling a home is a business that you have to finish and treat the whole process that way. Don’t be sentimental, otherwise, it will cause you a lot of problems.

Source: Typetalk

Overlook the costs that await you

There are many hidden costs waiting for you. Everyone is aware that they have to pay real estate agent their share, but they forget that there are many other costs as well. Bills that you have not paid, then home repairs to increase market value and much more can affect the accumulation of costs. So be realistic and calculate in advance what you will have to spend the money on. Be prepared for it to be almost ten percent of the value of the house. Also, not all costs have to be related to the house you are selling. You may have to pay storage for things until you move into a new home and the like. So it is better to calculate that you need more money so that you have a surplus than that you do not have enough to cover all expenses.

Source: Next Avenue

Unrealistic price

Of course everyone wants to get as much money as possible. The solution is by no means to sell below the price and lose tens of thousands of dollars, but it is also not good to put an unrealistically high price and no buyer to be interested. Fair market value is something that everyone will tell you is the most important thing when setting a price.

Because the real price and market value are not always the same. A lot of things affect. For example, whether it is urgent for you to sell or not. If you are in a hurry to sell it, then you should not even look for a buyer, but you should sell it to one of the companies, such as Four 19 Properties, which deals with buying houses. That way you will get the most money you can get in a short period of time. Then how urgent it is for the buyer to buy. Research the internet how much similar houses cost in your area, but let that be your orientation. You will set the ideal price only when you know all the aspects.

Source: CryptoPost

Advertising in the low season

The real estate market has its high season and low season. The colder it is, meaning late fall and winter, the less interest there is. No one wants to move in the snow and rain. That is why it is by no means an ideal period of years to start this process. Start in early spring. Then you will have all spring and summer to find the ideal buyer. If you advertise in the winter, there is a high probability that you will only lose money by paying for advertising, and that no customer will respond.

Source: Yahoo Finance

Ignoring necessary repairs

Many homeowners ignore all the necessary repairs that need to be done and hope that the potential buyer will not notice them. This is a completely wrong tactic. First, if he finds out that you tried to cheat on him, it is very likely that he will not want to do business with you. Or he will use it as a tactic to significantly lower the price. So don’t let anything remain broken. Fix every little thing and don’t save money on it. Do everything you can yourself, and call a repairman for the rest. If this seems like a big and unnecessary expense to you at the moment, chances are you will end up earning even more just because of it. And even if you do not earn more than the original asking price, it is certain that you will find a buyer faster. To know more visit this site.

Source: Freeway Insurance

Wrongly decorated house for buyers who want to see it

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to leave the house the same as it was while you lived in it. In this way, the potential buyer will be unable to imagine himself in it. It will seem too personal to him, too connected to you and he may not like it for that reason alone. Put away all personal items like photos, fridge magnets and everything else that is personal.

It is necessary to do depersonalization. It can be an emotionally difficult job, as we said at the beginning, but it is absolutely necessary. Make it neutral so that the customer can imagine how he turns it into his own home. Also, everything must be in order. A mess around the house can create a bad image and leave the impression of a place that is not in the best condition, and this may not be true at all, but only a momentary impression.

Source: cnet

Refusing to negotiate

We know you want the price you asked for in the ad. You think it’s a realistic price and you know why you put it in the first place. But don’t be stubborn and refuse to negotiate. Of course you should not lower the price too much and you should not negotiate if the price is already significantly lowered compared to the original. But if someone is asking for a small discount, and it seems like a reliable buyer, then you should meet his request. In this way you will speed up the whole process and still get a realistic price.

Source: HomeOwners Alliance


Get ready for a long and complicated process, because selling a house is one of the great milestones of life, as is buying as well. So don’t make some of these most common mistakes.

What is Electronic Recycling?

Source: tcocertified

All of the devices we have in our home have a limited lifetime. So, the same can be said about electronic devices that became an essential part of our everyday life. All the laptops, PCs, smartphones, washing machines, stereos, etc. you have in your will surely stop working after some period of time. Based on the quality of the device itself, it can last for a couple of years, even decades, before you are forced to throw them away.

We can see that landfills are filled with electronic devices that are thrown away. It should be known that this is not the same type of garbage that we are used to seeing every day. These devices require a different concept of treatment than we can see in something that we could call the “usual junk”. So, the world needs education about how we should handle these.

The effective way of taking care of these is called electronic recycling. Its name says much about the way you are handling the junk. If you are interested in finding a local e-recycling center near you or some other specifics about electronic recycling itself, be sure to visit allgreenrecycling.com. Anyway, since this is a pretty important topic in this day and age, we’ve decided to conduct research on our own.

So, we are going to talk about the process of recycling these materials, how they should be stored, and all other particularities required. According to various experts in this field, this is one of the biggest problems of our century. Therefore, the world needs to give its best efforts in order to resolve something that can be called technological pollution. And, what’s the best way you can resolve it than electronic recycling, right/ Now, we will provide you with the results of our research.

Types of E-waste

Source: simsrecycling

Just ask yourself one simple question, how many mobile phones have you had during your lifetime so far? Well, this is a question that can be placed in front of every person in the world. By multiplying the answers, we would see what is one small percentage of e-waste. It goes without saying that the final result would be, countless. Therefore, there are many things that we can do in order to prevent technological pollution. However, before we actually do this, we need to know about which types of e-waste we are talking about. Now we will get into the details.

Telecommunications devices (PCs, laptops, smartphones…)

  • Cooling devices (fridges, freezers…)
  • Screens (monitors, TVs…)
  • LED bulbs

You can see that there are several types of e-waste. What’s even more important is to know how to handle all of this waste. Naturally, we can be sure that all of these types require somewhat different handling than other types. This way is based on their nature and their use. Therefore, we need to be pretty careful about how we are going to handle each one of these types of e-waste.

What is the Process of Electronic Recycling?

Source: news

The basic process of recycling means that you are taking a product or its parts, that can be used once again, without throwing it away. The whole point is to recover the highest percentage of the product and use it again as a solo product or as a part of some other device. Thankfully, there is a wide array of parts that can actually be used again when we are talking about electronic devices.

Pretty much every part can have a new life as a part of the whole new system. With recycling, we would prevent technological pollution, which is one of the commonest problems of our society. Therefore, we need to invest all of our efforts in order to prevent it. This process can be divided and categorized in a couple of different processes.


The first thing that you need to do about e-waste is to collect it and transport it to the location where the recycling process can be conducted. We can see that we have a lot of different bins that are used for different types of waste, which is pretty helpful with the process of collecting and transporting it to the point where the actual process of recycling will be done.


We’ve already talked about categories of e-waste and we’ve said that every category requires a different way of handling. Therefore, one of the most important things you can see with the recycling of electronic devices is sorting the waste according to these categories. Thankfully, technology is at a high level of advancement, which provides us with a possibility of re-using a high percentage of waste from different categories. So, preparing the categories is surely one of the most important things.

The Preparation for Actual Process

After you’ve collected and sorted out all the e-waste, you are ready for the actual process of recycling. All of the things you’ve accumulated over time is now at your disposal and is up to you to see which ones will actually be useful for many other different products that you can find.

This is probably the easiest process, especially if you have experience in this line of work. Anyway, you should give your best efforts, because, remember, the higher percentage of waste you’ve been able to recycle, the lower is the percentage of things you will add to technological pollution.

What are the Benefits?

Source: wrappz

There are literally countless benefits to electronic recycling. The first and most important one is that you are going to be able to preserve the energy that would otherwise be spent on creating a whole new product or part. At the same time, you can prevent the further accumulation of junk in landfills, which is surely one of the biggest problems of our civilization.

Remember, every part of e-device consists of some percentage of gold, silver, palladium, copper, etc. All of these ingredients can be used for some other product, and they prevent the waste of other resources since we can see these that are already used in the existing devices and their parts.

Lipizzaner Stallions – All You Need to Know About

Source: kenw

Some of Europe’s finest horses and the world’s oldest cultural horse breed, the Lipizzaner stallions rose to worldwide fame at Vienna’s Spanish Riding School. But even after 500 years, their circle of influence keeps growing. Find out what makes the Lipizzaners special and where else to find them.

What Makes The Lipizzaner Stallions Special?

Source: bestculturaldestinations

First and foremost, the vast majority of adult Lipizzaner stallions are white. While this baroque pageant and parade horses only measure 152 to 158 cm hands high, they have muscular bodies and strong legs and backs. These characteristics along with good endurance make the Lipizzaners ideal for horse riding but also to draw carts and carriages.

Because they are social and docile and known for their elegant, bouncy gait horse breeders soon realized that Lipizzans were ideally suited for dressage. In general, a Lipizzaner has a good mental capacity, is brave eager to learn. However, it is also strong-minded and therefore requires experienced horse breakers to train it.

While the Spanish Riding School derives its name from the original Spanish horses used by the Habsburg Emperors, the actual breeding tradition is neither Austrian nor Spanish. The tradition of breeding Lipizzan horses is an acknowledged Croatian cultural heritage and roots in the Croatian regions of Baranja, Slavonija, and Srijem. Whereas the stallions for the Imperial Court in Austria used to be bred in the Slovenian stud of Lipica. The tradition of breeding Lipizzaner stallions might even become a UNESCO World Heritage in 2024.

The Lipizzaner Family

Source: bestculturaldestinations

If you watch a performance or hear about Lipizzaners you will come across six to eight ‘family’ names that information about the origins of each horse: Conversano, Favory, Maestoso, Napolitano, Pluto, and Siglavy derive from classical foundation Lipizzans at the Lipica stud. In Croatia, Hungary, other Eastern European countries, and the United States of America, two additional officially accepted Lipizzan foundation lines can be found: the Incitato and the Tulipan (black). The largest Lipizzan family is the Conversano. Since its founding stallion was black, some of today’s Conversanos remain black even after they reach adult age.

Usually, stallions carry the name of the line of the sire as well as the name of their mares, which always end with the letter ‘a’. For example,

Where To Watch Lipizzaners?

Source: inforum

Spanish Riding School in Vienna

Most prominently, fans of horses and classical traditions watch the Lipizzans at the Spanish Riding School (Spanische Hofreitschule) in Vienna. Almost daily the Lipizzaner stallions train at publicly accessible Morning Exercises. During two hours, trainers in traditional uniforms guide about six to ten horses to perform different movements in the baroque winter riding hall to the sound of classical music. Because the Morning Exercises are informal, visitors are free to quietly move around the galleries and enter and leave as they please.

On certain days, you can also join a guided tour through the stables to learn about the breeding and daily routine of the horses.

Address: Michaelerplatz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Training Center Heldenberg

At a 45 minutes’ drive from Vienna, the stud in Helderberg provides the Lipizzaner stallions with a center for training and recreation. Before being admitted to Vienna’s Spanish Riding School Lipizzans undergo six years of training in the Haute Ecole of classical dressage. Only when a Lipizzaner masters the School Quadrille he is ready for the Hofreitschule in Wien.

The training center itself welcomes visitors throughout the year to gain a deeper insight into the world of these unique baroque horses. In the summer, visitors will also be able to watch the horses play around in the paddock. Apart from the horses, the Helderberg also hosts a falconry center, a center for vintage cars, a replica of an original stone-age village, and an English garden.

In June 2024, the next annual festive Lipizzaner Gala event at Helderberg is scheduled to take place. Every year, hundreds of visitors watch the art of classical horse riding and the Haute Ecole but also an endearing show of the foals with their mares, in an open-air event onsite.

Address: Wimpffen-Gasse 5, 3704 Kleinwetzdorf

Source: visitmilwaukee

Federal Stud in Piber

West of Graz, the regional capital of Austria’s Styria, the Federal Stud in Piber breeds and raises all Lipizzaner stallions for the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. Each year, about 40 foals are born. At the start, their colors are grey, brown or black, until most of them change to white after four to ten years. To train their endurance and leg muscles from an early age, the foals spend their summers on Alpine pastures close to the stud.

Horse fans from all over the world can also buy their own purebred Lipizzaner horse at Piber. Compared to expensive racehorses or fully trained Lipizzaners for the Spanish Riding School, you can buy a young Lipizzan horse for EUR 4,000 to EUR 10,000, depending on their level of training. The Spanish Riding School, in contrast, buys Lipizzaner horses after a training period of up to 12 years for more than EUR 100,000.

To take part in a guided tour through the stud, visitors should book directly in advance. Other than that, the young Lipizzaners can also be watched at their Alpine pasture Stubalm near Piber.

Address: Piber 1, 8580 Köflach, Austria

Source: bestculturaldestinations

Lipizzaner Stud in Lipica

Amidst Slovenia’s rolling hills the stud in Lipica leads to the cradle of the Lipizzaner stallions. In fact, Lipica is the world’s largest stud farm hosting Lipizzans. Where once the Bishop of Trieste spent his summers Habsburg archduke Charles raised his beloved horses from Spain. Because the climate and soil resembled that of Spain, the horses found familiar ground. Today, the 300 resident horses are bred and raised on luxurious 300 hectares of green space.

Apart from visiting the stud farm, there are various ways for visitors to connect with Lipizzaner horses, from trail riding in the rural surroundings to dressage riding programs. At international events, Lipica’s own Classic Riding School often performs.

Like in Piber, you can also buy your own Lipizzaner.

The stud farm is open for visitors all year round, allowing for independent and guided tours through the farm, visiting the historic center and the Manor. Individual visitors do not require reservations.

Address: Kobilarna Lipica, Lipica 5, 6210 Sežana, Slovenia

Find more information via https://www.vienna-unwrapped.com/lipizzaner-stallions-2020-the-compact-guide/.

How Do Technologies Influence Customer Experience in iGaming?

The iGaming industry is probably the fastest growing industry nowadays with prospects of reaching yearly revenue of 29.3 billion euros in 2024 in the European Union only. Especially today, with the global outbreak of the Covid-19 virus and shutting down of land casinos, iGaming revenue skyrocketed. Just for April 2024, it reached 130.2 million dollars in just three US states (Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) This amount of popularity iGaming owes to one thing, and one thing only, technology.

What is iGaming? The iGaming represents investing some money or other value to bet on the outcome of sports events, playing poker, or some slots via internet connection. Since the humble beginnings in 1994, the iGaming industry rose to a market value of around 40 billion USD annually. The main advantage of iGaming over land casinos is in the fact that there is no time-wasting, and you can gamble on all the casino games from the commodity of your own home. That is possible by using high information technologies. Many things improve customer experience in iGaming, and technology has credits for each one of those. You can get familiar with some of the high technology used to everyone’s enjoyment on www.slotsup.com.

Source: Pinterest

The very first technology helping iGaming is the development of the internet without whom none of the other advancements could exist. In-play betting was the first breakthrough that gave iGaming the advantage in customer experience because you can see how the game develops and change your mind on what you want to put your bet. The engine of the game gives you all up-to-date info about any single event or table you want to play, such as the latest scores and the latest odds for all available bets. Some of the newest technology improved gaming experience for iGaming customers. Those technologies include artificial intelligence, virtual reality, live betting, blockchain, quantum games, or mobile apps.

Imagine watching an NBA game via virtual reality headset and bet Artificial intelligence represents one of the first things customer experience when entering an online casino website. This interaction can attract that customer to come back or not, so this is one of the crucial technological advancements used in iGaming. Artificial intelligence plays a big part in all sorts of ways in iGaming, where you can play a game of poker against AI or see the latest sports events predictions calculated by AI. Also, there is always a live chat possibility for some simple requests made by players, and AI can also be customer support.

Source: Pinterest

Imagine watching an NBA game via virtual reality headset and bet on any particular player scoring his next shot from the exact position you choose. This feature is enabled thanks to virtual reality. VR can also play a part in casinos where you can have full casino experience from your living room. You can sit on the real table and see to the real dealer and even chat whit other players who can be thousands of miles away from you. And you can always walk away from the table and go to the next one.

Live betting has become quite common in most of the iGaming industry, and it is safe to say for any casino wanting to be modern that live games are a must. If you can not provide basic in-game betting, you are not a modernized casino in these times. The possibility to bet on every single event at the same moment was once cutting-edge technology, and this example shows just how much the iGaming tech progressed through the years.

The general opinion in the iGaming community is that the next revolution in this technology is in blockchain because the security of your data and funds is not something you should gamble. Blockchain offers transparency with payouts, so there is no reason in mistrusting the casino offering this feature, but also can offer anonymity to costumers who don’t want their winnings to be public. Also, blockchain technology doesn’t have the point of entry, so hackers can’t attack it.

Source: Invest In Blockchain

Is there anything that can replace the joy of winning a hand in a crowded casino? Quantum games are similar to land casino games but via the internet and in-home environment. You can have all the benefits and thrills of regular games and even celebrate with other players because although there are so many advantages in iGaming, people love the interaction with other players, which you have with a live chat option. Also, you can play games without cards, like a monopoly in the latest 3D graphics environment where you can bet on yourself to win and take the money.

Casino mobile apps became the easiest way to place some bet from your home, work break, or even while in the subway. Online casinos wanted to approach younger people in mid-twenties, which are known for using phones more than computers, so casino apps where logical steps. Some researches show that casinos offering mobile apps have more revenue than casinos not offering this feature.

The technology already changed a lot in the betting world, and iGaming these days became more popular than ever and slowly wins the battle against land casinos around the globe, but what lies ahead? There are so many ways to improve iGaming, and the future can be even more exciting.

Source: originalcasinoslots

There are so many improvements possible in VR technology, and we can expect a lot of progress in that area soon. Especially because younger online betting customers grew up on skill-based video games, and they want to continue playing those games and earn money that way. There is no better way to win money than playing great storylines with amazing characters with cutting edge quality graphics. Also, with 5G technology already implementing all around the world, you can expect progress in mobile apps from well-known casinos.

The iGaming already established itself as one of the industries of tomorrow, there is much more the future can bring. There are no signs of technology slowing down, so we can expect to be amazed. Although the trends are changing, some of the features from casinos are timeless, but with the latest technology, iGaming made these features much more pleasant for customers.

5 Dangers of Mowing When the Grass is Wet

Source: Pinterest

Mowing your lawn after a rainstorm is not a good idea. You have probably heard this saying somewhere before, but did you know that it could also be dangerous? There are plenty of reasons to wait for the grass to dry so you can start mowing. Not only it’s easier to do, but it is much safer too!

Before you go and dismiss it as a mere exaggeration, you should read this article to find out why.

1. Electricity and water are a dangerous combination

Source: Washington Post

Most lawnmowers today are powered by electricity. We all know that water and electricity should not mix. While water itself is not a natural electrical conductor, the minerals and salts in it are. Be very careful if you choose to mow your lawn while it’s wet since you could be at high risk of an electrical shock. You wouldn’t leave your hairdryer in the sink, would you? Then why bring your lawnmower into a pool of water? It’s extremely dangerous! And even if you put that fact aside, you are still at a very high risk of a personal injury. It’s so easy to slip and hurt yourself while mowing wet grass. Falling and hurting yourself is dangerous by itself, but those sharp mower blades won’t do you any good either.

2. The uneven cut

Source: The Spruce

No matter what anyone says, mowing a wet lawn is substantially harder to do than mowing it while it’s dry. Wet grass is incredibly tough to slice. You could end up having to go over the same part of your yard multiple times just to cut it! Wet grass is also much heavier than dry grass which makes it hard for your lawnmower to cut evenly. If you choose to do the mowing after a rainy day, don’t expect your lawn to look very good. It would probably look very messy and unappealing. You don’t want to ruin the look of your lawn, do you? Avoiding mowing it while the grass is wet could be the best choice you made! Having a beautiful lawn is such an important thing! It’s what you see from your windows, and every time you leave and enter your house! You don’t want it to be a disastrous, ugly mess. So yes, be patient and wait for the right time.

3. Damage to the lawnmower

Source: LawnEQ Blog

Yes, besides personal hazards and the lawn potentially ruined, mowing the wet yard could ruin your lawnmower too. Remember, wet grass is extremely sticky. It could easily clog up your equipment and cause a malfunction to your lawnmower. Other than that, the moist from the wet lawn wouldn’t exactly be your lawnmower’s best friend either.

This is something that can easily be avoided if you just stay patient and wait for everything to dry. This would only be an unnecessary expense for you, so try to avoid it at all costs!

4. Damage to your lawn

Source: LawnStarter

Yes, that’s right, mowing while the grass is wet could permanently damage your entire lawn as well. Think about it, it’s not only grass that’s wet, but it’s the soil too. This could damage your soil and make your lawn all bumpy which would be close to impossible to fix. Not only that, but fixing a damaged lawn could end up being much more time consuming and very expensive too.

It’s simply not worth it. Having your entire lawn ruined beyond repair is something that could easily happen, but it’s so easy to avoid as well! Just be patient and postpone the mowing until the optimal conditions are fulfilled.

5. If it has to be done

Source: Snappy’s Outdoor Equipment

The best advice we can give you is to simply be patient and do it when the grass is dry. Still, sometimes this could be a very hard thing to do. If you live in a rainy part of the world or simply can’t find the right timing, here is what you should do.

First of all, you can always rely on professional services such as likemowing.com.au, who can get the job done for you, or at least give you sound advice on what to do. This goes when you simply cannot catch the right moment to do it yourself- we get it- life gets busy.

On the other hand, if it’s the rainy season and the grass simply doesn’t dry fast enough, there are some things you should keep in mind. Firstly, make sure your blades are sharp. This could save you so much time and energy, and you will be able to make better cuts. It is of utmost importance that your yard isn’t soaked in water because putting an electrical machine in that much water is an extremely dangerous thing to do.

Secondly, always make sure to clean your lawnmower thoroughly and do it often. This could save it from getting moldy and rusty. You don’t want to buy a new one every time you decide to mow your lawn.

Additionally, you should forget about lawn striping. It would just make things even more complicated!

Lastly, set your lawnmower onto the highest setting. In this way, you will make cleaner cuts, and at the same time save the grass plant from ruin.


Source: Love Backyard

Mowing while the grass is wet could ruin your yard and potentially get you electrocuted. It would be best to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes that will prove impossible to do, and in that case, it’s important to take all necessary precautions to avoid any damage to your yard, lawnmower, or yourself. There is always the option of hiring professionals and saving yourself a lot of time and energy. Mowing is sometimes time-consuming so it could be hard to fit into your busy schedule, but mowing while the grass is wet is dangerous and could lead to even more trouble if you are not careful. If there is no other choice but to do it, be extra careful and research the safety measures as much as you can.

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