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5 Best Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Mobile App

There is such a huge market of mobile apps and games that the competition is incredibly tough. Most developers can only dream about realization of really popular software with enormous amounts of installs. Though with the proper mobile app marketing at least you have a chance. The development and release of the app is just the beginning. If you don’t promote it properly, your software risks getting lost among other apps. The hardest part is to make the game stand out from the rest but that is the only way to convince people that your app is worth being installed.

1. Create a Website for Your Mobile Software

Source: WP Learner

Your website should be informative, mobile-friendly, readable and well-designed because it’s the main resource, where your potential users can find all the needed information about your software. Start a blog to publish the most important info, news about updates, etc. Don’t forget to mention your contact information there because your users may have questions or just want to leave feedback about your software. When you create a landing page, don’t forget about the importance of relevant keywords in your content, because it’s critical for your success. For example, if you have a video editing app and want to rank on the 1s page in Google search by this keyword, you need to find all main keywords people search for regarding your app’s niche. You can use Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs Keyword Explorer tool to create a list of keywords. Once it is ready you can start planning your content strategy. It is recommended to write articles using keywords you want to rank for. However, please keep in mind that the content should be interesting and useful for your blog’s readers and bring them value. At the same time it should advertise your mobile product or service to convert readers into app users. According to ComboApp digital marketing agency, it is recommended to write about 10 posts a month and the average length of each post should be longer than 1000 words.

2. Create a Promo Video of Your Software

Source: Thinkific

A video that is demonstrating the features of your app or stormy action of your game is far more informative and engaging than screenshots and descriptions in the mobile stores. For example, you can show how your mobile product differs from its competitors, what are the benefits of using it, and how your product can bring value to its users. Statistics shows that video ads bring more conversions than static banner ads. Therefore you can also use short promo videos for paid search ads.

If your mobile product has complicated features, it is a good idea to create instructional videos explaining how these features work and how to use them. As for promo video on mobile marketplaces, if you create app previews which are usually up to 30 sec long, this will help you to convert your app listing visitors into app downloads.

3. Reach Out To Bloggers and Reviewers

Source: Dorrance Publishing

Many bloggers and influencers have built up a database of people who are addicted to different types of apps and games and who listen to their opinions and watch reviews. That is why these bloggers are perfect partners for marketers who are aimed at attracting users to their software. The most popular platforms for this activity are YouTube and Instagram. Look for the influencers in your niche, start a dialogue with them on suitable conditions for both of you and wait for their professional review to be seen by your potential users. The same you can do with the IT journalists. Find good writers on the decent resources and submit your app for review.

For example if you have a language learning app, you will need to search for journalists and bloggers who have reviewed similar products. You can also look for reviews of your competitors’ apps. Once the list is created it is the time to search for bloggers’ contacts. Most of them have Twitter or Facebook accounts where you can contact them with your pitch if you have difficulties to find their emails. Once you have created the contact list, it’s the right time to write your pitch. Try to be creative and explain how your mobile product stands out from the competition and how it can be useful for potential customers, which value it will bring them. Make your pitch personal which means you need to explain why you are writing to this blogger and why you think that your app is a good fit for his or her audience.

4. Join Relevant Communities on Social Media Platforms, like Facebook and LinkedIn

Source: Prodware UK

You should always stay active on social media: from the first announcement of your app till the end. Remember to always post relevant content, tutorials, expert opinions, insights, and other useful information that can help your users. Ask your users to leave feedback, questions, etc. It will show you what are the weak and strong sides of your software, where you need improvement and what to do next.

Being active on social media means creating a buzz around your mobile solution. Try to be useful for these communities, check out relevant questions their members are asking and share your expertise in the answers. You don’t have to only advertise your product but you can recommend it where it fits to solve someone’s need or issue.

5. Optimize Your App’s Listings on Mobile App Stores

Source: The Appnext Blog

When it comes to search on the App Store and Google Play, these marketplaces have their own algorithms for how to range apps by certain keywords. You will have to work hard on the product description, screenshots, icon, and so on.

When you work on the app description, try to show the most valuable information in the first abstract as many people usually don’t click “Read more” to check the full information. Describe your app’s best features and how it can be useful to its users. Of course, the text doesn’t have to contain typos or grammar errors.

These are the best marketing strategies on how to make your mobile solution to stand out from the crowd!

How to Pick the Perfect Wedding Entertainment

Everyone remembers that wedding when the disco was so loud they couldn’t hear themselves think or there was a rather insipid string quartet playing throughout the meal or the brides’ best friend murdering a piece on the guitar during the ceremony. When it comes to wedding music and entertainment, it can be hard to strike the right note. Read our guide packed full of helpful suggestions to help you make your big day memorable for all the right reasons.

Wedding entertainment these days is so much more than a disco or a live band, nowadays, the array of ideas to thrill and amuse wedding guests seems to be becoming bigger and more diverse every year, so you will be spoilt for choice. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking brought to you by Brideandgroomdirect.co.uk.

Source: NorFolkDance
  • Photo Booth – easy to hire with an amazing choice of backdrops, photo booths are such fun and give your guests the perfect memento of your big day. Guests can have their snap instantly printed or emailed to them, these are traditional photo booths but with a real 21st-century twist
  • DIY Cocktail Bar – allow guests to help themselves with a range of spirits, juices, and fruit all ready and prepared with some inspiring recipes on hand for cocktails and mocktails on a handy chalkboard for inspiration
  • Singing waiters – before you have visions of reluctant table staff being pressed into service, there is actually a company called Singing Surprise comprised of a group of West End performers who will dress up as wedding staff and then completely surprise your guests by bursting into song whilst the food is being served. This is so original and becoming very popular so plan ahead as this company are booking up fast
  • Jenga guest book – guest books are still a big part of the wedding day, and a Jenga guest book makes for a highly interactive device that will amuse and entertain and keep your guests coming back for more. Take a block from the stack, write a message and then place the piece back on the top
  • Fire performers – fire breathers are the new wedding wow and will amaze guests of all ages with their fiery performance, routines, and tricks
  • Table magicians – magic has never been so popular, especially amongst young people so why not fascinate your guests with some table magicians who can fill in a quiet time between courses whilst you wait for the speeches. They can also put on a magic show for the children
  • Silent disco – these can be a bit marmite as whilst lots of your guests will dive in and get their groove on, it can make for a rather strange atmosphere if the wedding reception is without any form of music and people are silently dancing in one part of the room. Why not balance this with some background music playing for those guests who are just sitting and chatting?
Source: Medium

Top tips to help you choose the right wedding entertainment

  • Choose entertainment that fits in with the theme of your wedding day. If you are going old school and vintage, then a jazz or Dixie band makes a great addition to the wedding reception. Perhaps you are opting for a stylish candlelit winter wedding, so why not consider a classical quartet or a harpist to add tone and occasion at the reception? Your choice of entertainment style should flow seamlessly through the day in keeping with your wedding theme
  • Make sure there is something for everyone. Elderly relatives may not appreciate a beat thumping disco, and if you overlook small children they can become bored and fractious if there is nothing for them to do
  • Choose entertainment that balances the size of the wedding. A loud disco might overpower a small and intimate reception of fewer than 50 guests, but equally, a couple of unobtrusive musicians would be swamped, and hardy make their presence felt at a large reception
  • Consider the budget. Some entertainers might provide that magic touch, but their actual input and presence timewise throughout your wedding reception could only add up to a small amount of time. What will you have for the rest of the reception? Wedding entertainment can be very expensive, and if you have a large reception then your guests will be with you for several hours
  • When you are planning wedding entertainment, think about it from the perspective of your guests, from the moment they arrive to when they leave. It’s easy to pick things that you like but your guests can have quite a different experience and this partly depends on their age. Visit Alive Network for a range of different wedding entertainment to match the vibe of the night. Things that might appeal to you may not be of any interest to say, young children or elderly relatives
  • Some of the best entertainment ideas at wedding receptions are those which guests can help themselves to, for example, lawn games like croquet or giant Jenga and giant Connect 4, these are always really popular
Source: Mad Hat Photo Booth

One of the biggest wedding challenges is hitting on the right music, and that is because music is so subjective; everyone has different tastes. There are literally thousands of DJs, tribute bands, musical entertainers, and other forms of trios, ensembles, and groups spanning literally every musical style and theme you can think of, so how can you make a final choice? Don’t pick something you really don’t like just to satisfy your guests, but it is really important that you consider the impact of your music choice from the perspective of your guests. There are loads of online resources to help you find the perfect music offering and hit the right note. It is worth being open-minded on style and music theme as there are some fabulously different types of groups that you may not have come across before, and many of these are well used to providing the eclectic range of music that weddings often demand.

Source: Pinterest

When you have chosen your entertainment, it can be helpful to let your guests know some of what is coming, so they are prepared. If you have a wedding website, then you can add the information to that or include some basic details on your wedding invitations, for example, ‘live music and dancing from 7 pm to midnight’.

How to Spy on Someone’s Phone Without Them Knowing for Free

Yes, yes, we know, spying is wrong. It is an invasion of someone’s privacy, and it is something that no one should do. Still, if we are being completely honest, we have all done it, at least once. Maybe you were worried about someone, so you had to check their communication with other people, or on the other hand, you were suspicious of your partner, so you just glanced at their phone while they were sleeping. We are not saying that this is okay, but we are simply stating that we have all been there.

However, due to the Internet era, we live in, and the fact that there are so many methods of communication nowadays, getting mixed with the wrong crew is quite easy. When talking about adults, they are mature enough to recognize if they are in danger or if a person who they have been communicating with via social media can harm them.

Source: YouTube

On the other hand, children and teens can be quite naïve. Simply put, they are too immature to comprehend that someone wants to hurt them. This is why most parents opt for spying apps that allow them to monitor their kids’ devices. Let’s be realistic, you cannot forbid a teenager from using social media platforms, so this method comes as a second-best thing a parent can do.

Still, the greatest problem is that if a teenager figures out that they are being monitored, it can cause some serious relationship issues with their parents. You know how sensitive kids can be at that age. In order to avoid and prevent this from happening, there is an app that enables you to monitor their phone without the fear of being caught. In this article, we are going to discuss this method further, and then we are going to give you some reasons why spying on your kids’ activity can be a good idea.

How to choose the right app?

Source: medium

Okay, so the secret to this whole ordeal is to find the right app that will provide you with all the services that you need, but that is, at the same time, private and can be well hidden in someone’s smartphone. This is the first requirement that the app must meet. Naturally, you should still talk with your kid and explain why you feel that this is necessary, and help them understand and observe the situation from your point of view.

Next, explore the features of the app. Due to the fact that many of these trackers are available to you, and some of them are even free to download and install, you should go with the one that provides you with all the services you need. For example, you will definitely need a GPS tracker. This is the best way to know, at all times, where your teenager is. As you know, they are not so keen on calling their parents and informing them about their whereabouts every time, so this is a very useful feature.

Source: Kapokcom Tech

Furthermore, if you don’t want to cross that thin line and read their texts, you should at least be able to see their contacts. This is the best way to always stay on top of everything, and learn who your kid is conversing with. There is also a feature called Free Reverse Phone LookUp that allows you to find out who owns a certain phone number in case that it is not memorized in the contact list. Yes, we agree, this one is quite beneficial, and you can learn more about it on the spyfone.com.

Finally, go with the app that has the Lost Phone feature. Even if people don’t leave their devices out of their sight, sometimes they forget them somewhere, or the phone gets stolen. This can cause numerous issues, but the biggest one is definitely regarding private info. We use our phones to store all sorts of data, and in most cases, these can include private information, such as full name, address, the name of the school or company we work in, and so on. You can see how dangerous this can be, right?

Why go through with this?

Source:Text Message Spy

Now that we have given you some tips on how to choose the right tracking app, we have to discuss why this is something that you should seriously consider. Yes, we know, not every parent wants to spy on their child, but in today’s world, it has almost become a necessity.

First of all, the Internet can be quite a dangerous place. The worst thing is that you cannot completely avoid using it. This is true for everyone, let alone young kids who converse with their friends, add posts and pictures on social media, play games, watch movies, and so on. Unfortunately, there are people who use the web to prey on their victims and finding a naïve one has never been easier. Due to this reason, you have to be familiar with all the people in your child’s circle.

Source: Big Snoops

While on the subject of people teens communicate with, we have to mention bullying. This is another problem of the 21st century, and unfortunately, one that is not only hard to deal with and prevent, but also one that can have serious consequences. A lot of teenagers won’t tell their parents that they are having trouble in school or even that someone is bullying them. By monitoring their contacts, you will be able to notice if there are some issues of this kind, and naturally, you will have to opportunity to react immediately and protect your family.

Finally, there is the question of explicit content. Regardless of the kid’s age, there are some things that they should never see. By using one of these apps, you have the opportunity to overview what they are doing online, what kind of websites they visit, and so on. This way, you will be able to block some of them that you believe can be harmful to your child’s development.

11 Backyard Design Tips From a House Flipper

If your home already looks like a million dollars on the inside, it might be time to start paying some attention to the outside of it. You want your landscaping and backyard designs to turn heads. You want them to boost your home’s curb appeal. Take a look at these fantastic tips from professional house flippers. This profession knows how to make the best of a backyard, so you will not want to miss these tips.

1. Lay Out a Path of Your Favorite Stone

Source: The Spruce

Not only will a path through your garden make your guests feel more welcome, but it will protect them from walking through grass, as well as protect your plants from being trampled upon. Use a cohesive stone with colors and a texture that will tie in with the rest of your landscaping. You can make both the outside and the inside of your home look like a dream.

2. Establish a Few Decorative Planters

Source: livpure

In addition to plants growing from the ground, a few large planters can look charming with some blooms growing from them. Make your own artsy mosaic-style planters, or re-purpose vintage ones. This is a great opportunity to recycle and make the backyard of your home look even more inviting. Planters are also great for a mobile garden. Plant some herbs in your portable containers and you can move them with the sun.

3. Create a Fire Pit

Source: Good Housekeeping

Even if your backyard is very small, it definitely has space for a gas-powered fire pit. These can come in any shape or size and can make the environment cozy and comfortable (this list has some great choices). Arrange some squashy chairs around your fire pit to make an entertaining area that your guests will not want to leave. A fire pit can make your favorite campfire treats or just provide a merry blaze for you to enjoy. There are many types of fire pits available, but a gas-powered one is very reliable.

4. Put in a Relaxing Hammock

Source: Shutterstock

The most important aspect of your backyard should be that it is comfortable and can entice you to spend a few hours out in nature. One of the best ways to do that is to add soft furnishings that will be as visually appealing as they are wonderful to sit upon. Include a hammock in your favorite shade to create a comfortable place where you can relax and forget about the demands of the world but also let your individuality show. Hammocks may be bought from everywhere in the world, both hands made and mass-produced.

5. Make It Entertainment Central


Once your garden is charming and exactly to your taste, you might want to think about adding furnishings so that you can use it as a place in which to receive visitors. Add some bright and cheerful lawn furniture that will put people into a festive mood. You can customize the arrangement by choosing fabric for custom seat covers or by adding a fun tablecloth. Create a bar cart with just a potting bench and your favorite bottles of beverage.

6. Section Off Different Areas

Source: One Kings Lane

If you have separate areas in your backyard that are for different activities, adding a garden wall is a simple project that can put up a barrier between them. Add a mirror or use the wall as a small gallery for your most beloved artworks and it will get a new depth or flair. This is a great way to create little rooms, some private areas or establish little zones for a specific type of work. Any walls that you install can be completely customized to fit into your area.

7. Make Over a Shed

Source: Sunset Magazine

A standard piece of equipment in many backyards is a typical garden shed. Generally used for storage, these sheds can be put to so many uses! The first thing that you have to do is assess the area that is available to you. Do you have an existing shed or do you need to purchase a new one? If you have an existing shed, make sure it is all cleared out. Once you have a structure, you can decorate it however you wish. Use bright colors, an interesting palette or fun vintage finds. There is no wrong way to design your shed.

8. Make a Play Area for the Children

Source: Raising Children Network

Whether you have your own brood or just want to make your backyard inviting for the children of your guests, adding an area that is just for them to play in your backyard will make yours a home that is not to be missed. As well as providing some open space for them to use up some of their energy, think about providing equipment for them to use, like a jungle gym or a sandbox where their imagination can really come to life.

9. Light the Way

Source: Diana Elizabeth

Not only do you want people to use a path to avoid trampling your plants, but you also want to make their journey easier. When the sun goes down, even the smoothest and most stable of paths can become treacherous. Add a string of LED lights to show them the way to go and cut down on the chances of them tripping and falling. LED lights can come in any shape, color, and glow intensity, so you are sure to find a set that can fit perfectly into your style.

10. Plan an Enchanting Evening


Once you have designed your backyard to suit your needs and your style seamlessly, there is only one thing let to do. Invite all your family, friends, and neighbors over to enjoy it. With comfortable, beautiful furnishings and ample opportunities for recreation, your backyard will be sure to delight any who come across it. Keep it well lit throughout the day and the night and you can be sure of being safe at any time. This is a great place either for a larger gathering or a more intimate, family-only affair. Your backyard can change the whole dynamic of your home.

11. Elevating Outdoor Spaces with Long Planters

Source: reddit.com

Long planters, an often-overlooked accessory in landscape design, have the unique potential to transform outdoor spaces into an enticing green oasis. By thoughtfully incorporating these planters into your backyard layout, you can introduce a vertical aspect to your greenery, dramatically enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your space.

These elongated containers offer ample room for an impressive variety of plants, allowing you to showcase cascading flowers, trailing vines, or vibrant foliage in a beautifully structured manner. Whether positioned against walls or fences, or standing alone as a centerpiece, they create visually striking displays that captivate and enchant.

Experimenting with a blend of vivid annuals, evergreen plants, or fragrant herbs in your long planters can add a delightful burst of color and texture. This array of greenery brings a dynamic element to your backyard that can be tailored to your individual aesthetic and preferences.

Beyond their visual allure, long planters are also a practical asset. Their linear structure makes them ideal for forming natural dividers, elegantly screening off specific areas of your outdoor space. This feature adds an additional layer of functionality, enhancing privacy and compartmentalizing your garden.

Ultimately, the charm and versatility of long planters lie in their ability to infuse your backyard with a unique sense of beauty. By exploring this underutilized design element, you can create an outdoor haven that truly resonates with your personal style while embracing the serenity of nature.

4 Best Ways to Send Large Files

It can get annoying when you cannot send some file because of its size since most of the email account services could send only a maximum of 25MB of data in one transfer. Considering the quality of digital material today, like photos, videos, and all kinds of projects, you will need some other way to send files bigger than that. Nevertheless, there are many other ways of sending large files from your computer, and most of them have no limitations at all.

Today, when we can watch movies in high resolutions such as 8K or 4K, sending such files can last a longer time, and require larger space on your hard drive. For example, 1 hour of video in 4K resolution is around 90GB. Also, since most smartphones today have high-quality cameras, one picture can have a size of over 25MB. Additionally, if you like music in the highest quality, the FLAC file has a size of over 20MB for an average song. In that matter, if you are looking for a method to send large files from your computer, we have selected some of the best and fastest ways to do that. Here are the best ways to send large files.

1. Online Platforms and Cloud Services

Source: TechRadar

There are many types of online services that you can use for sharing a lot of files in big sizes. However, most of them have some limitations when it comes to the size of the file, which means that you will have to pay for a subscription to send videos, photos, music, and other formats with size over 250MB. If you need to send gigabytes of files, you should check FileWhopper, which is a desktop platform, and the main benefit of it is that you will have a first free transfer for files up to 5GB. Also, FileWhopper is very simple to use, and you can send any type of format, no matter the size of it. Moreover, unlike most data-sharing platforms, you don’t have to pay for a subscription every month because you will need to pay a fee whenever you transfer files. Furthermore, this service provides its users with high security and encryption of files, along with the high speed of transfer. On the other hand, if you are looking especially for free services, some of the best are Firefox Send, which allows you to send up to 1Gb of files for free, We Transfer, with a maximum of 2GB, and Securely Send, with 2GB available for file transfer.

When it comes to cloud services, some of the best are OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox. The main benefit of Google Drive is that you can easily access to it with your email account, and store all kinds of data there. You will get 15GB for free when you register, while you can pay 2$ per month for an additional 100GB. If you choose Dropbox, you will get 2GB for free, and another 1TB by paying 10$. OneDrive will provide you with 5GB of free storage, while you can pay for additional space, the price for 50GB is 2$ per month. You can use cloud services to send files though an e-mail by sharing your cloud account with the person you are sending the mail, and that person can easily download files by accessing your cloud storage.

2. USB Flash Drive

Source: HelloTech

With the development of technology, USB flash is also advancing in how much data it can hold and how fast can you transfer them. There is a wide selection of flash drives. You can choose between 2Gb and 1TB of memory. Also, with the development and introduction of modern, bigger, and faster flash drives, prices are falling, and you can get one with 64GB, which is decent storage, for around 10$. The price can also vary according to the quality and speed of the USB. For example, you can find 1TB USB stick with prices between 50$, and over 1000$, if you choose a high-security version of a flash drive.

3. Compression Software

Source: Fossbytes

One of the best ways to send a great number of large files at once would be to compress them in one file. That is possible with various compression software like WinZip, WinRAR, 7-zip, Zipware, and more. Another benefit of this software is that you can save a lot of storage space on your computer by compressing some files. Also, most of these programs are protecting your files with encryption and codes so you can send them without any risks. A program that supports most formats is PeaZip, which allows you to compress many other files besides music, videos, and photos.

4. VPN

Source: Comparitech

Another way to send large files is by activating VPN protection on your PC or laptop, which is advisable in case you use public Wi-Fi connection more often. A Virtual Private Network can protect your files and prevent potential cyber-attacks. Also, it will block most of the online ads that most people find annoying. The main reason for using a VPN for sending large files is because most of the internet providers are blocking the upload of such files. However, you should know that this method can slow down the VPN connection. On the other side, most VPN services are questionable when it comes to privacy. In that matter, if you need to transfer large files in high quality, the best way would be to choose some alternative such as compression or online services.


As you can see, there are many methods for fast and quality sharing of large files. The digital technology is constantly advancing, and we are expecting higher limitations in the future, especially when it comes to standard e-mails. Having a lot of storage space available is especially important for big companies that need to save a lot of data. Online platforms for sharing and storing files represents the fastest and most convenient method for sharing of large files, while USB stick or an external drive have their benefits as well. Also, the main reason why cloud storage is so popular is that there are no limitations on how much files will you upload there. The current limit for uploading a single file on Google Drive is 5TB.

What Is Real-Time Web Scraping?

Kingdoms do rise and fall, and the time of content as king is quickly giving way to data. Increasingly digital applications and the Internet of Things that manage most aspects of life are underpinned by data. Consequently, studies show that at 79% of all business leaders warn that business that will not embrace Big Data will lose their market positions or go the way of the dinosaur.

One of the most popular Big Data mining methods is known as web scraping. Data web scraping is used to gather data from multitudes of webpages, analyze it, and save it to computer files or databases. Web scraping allows robots to access vast amounts of online data without the need to access a website’s database or API.

All that your browser needs to do is to access the website and then scrape it for data. The alternative to web scraping is a manual copy and paste process, which is not only labor-intensive but slow and expensive as well.

Source: Hacker Noon

Real-time scraping

Businesses are therefore using proxy mechanisms to perform heavy-duty web scraping from websites. Since the process of building robust scraping infrastructure is quite technical, most businesses turn to data scraping and proxy providers for a feasible solution.

These service providers provide data scraping tools that focus on e-commerce and search engine data extraction. They, for instance, provide real-time data scraping tools. These products have two main methods of data delivery, which include call back and real-time data delivery.

The callback method of real-time information delivery only sends notifications once the data crawling process is complete, and the data is analyzed and saved. Call back methods need a callback server for the data collection and delivery process.

Real-time information delivery processes ensure that the data collected is availed on the same connection, ensuring faster real-time data collection.

Source: Pack Of Coders

Advantages of real-time scraping

Data scraping is crucial for businesses such as e-commerce and travel companies that need to monitor thousands of online subcategories for price competitiveness. These business sectors change their pricing and product offerings regularly, which means that changes occur every other minute. As an illustration, the online flight ticketing processes can change the price of a ticket by a small percentage as the number of bookings increase or decrease.

Businesses are, therefore finding themselves not just in need of web scraped data, but data that is delivered to them in real-time. Real-time scrapers ensure that all the information gleaned from aggregators, e-commerce, and affiliate WebPages is not only in-depth but updated as well. There are many advantages of such data including;

  • Less need for large storage spaces for crawled data saved on-site or cloud storage. Since the data provided changes in real-time, then there is a lessened need for expensive storage features. Real-time scraping ensures that your business only saves its most recent searches.
  • When you are performing real-time web scraping services, you only need to scrape crucial searches constantly. This feature lowers your costs considerably since you do not need to keep your scraper infrastructure running at frequent intervals, updating all your pre-existing data.
  • Real-time scraped data provides up to date information, which ensures that your customers will get the best online deals compared to that of your competitors. This factor will help you to gain and sustain a loyal clientele.
  • Real-time data crawling services provide more significant success in data mining because they use larger pools of rotating IPs. Their data backup systems are also more robust to minimize errors and delays during data extraction.
  • These crawlers are designed and managed by respected industry players and are very easy to use. All you need to do is to provide the crawler tool with a URL, and it will give you analyzed and formatted real-time data in return.
Source: Medium

Types of businesses that rely on real-time web scraping

Real-time data scraping is used by companies that heavily rely on data scraping to build better pricing strategies. It is also relied on in content scraping in e-commerce sites in the search for an ad, product, and user review data. The process is also the real backbone of the brand protection web scraping, especially in crisis periods.

Real-time web scrapers allow businesses to keep track of competitor website changes allowing them to scale up their data collection as they wish. Such data, as mentioned, is highly profitable for SEO monitoring and price intelligence.


Real-time crawlers make the web scraping process more profitable for businesses by offering optimized data scraping prices since information is paid for per page rather than per IP. This optimizes data collection, ensuring that businesses only access data that applies to their trade.

These crawlers eliminate IP blocks and help businesses to access geo-blocked data all the while preserving their anonymity. A knowledgeable technical team supports the Oxylabs Scraper APIs, and its real-time data scraping functionality is invaluable for market research and seasonal pricing intelligence.

How to Get Car Insurance Coverage Online

Source: Mid-South Insurance Agency, Inc.

Insurance is a form of risk management, designed and created mainly to guarantee the policyholder the loss of something or certain benefits to family members or others on a policy. In each state in the U.S. people need to take out insurance to help them when unexpected accidents or events occur beyond their control.

One type of insurance that almost every person need is auto insurance. Almost everyone who owns a car and drives needs to be covered. The government maintains laws in each state for a reason, to help enforce drivers to carry coverage. Many people think auto insurance is just a waste of money until they get into a wreck and need to file a claim.

One of the reasons why other people do not get insurance is because of its price. It’s very expensive to obtain insurance depending on the coverage you get. According to DirectAutoInsurance.org, a leading car insurance comparison site, the average yearly car insurance rates are about $1,400 in the United State.

If you are patient enough and do your research, it’s possible to find affordable insurance for you and your family. The quotes are an estimate of how much you will pay for the coverage you need. It gives those who want to get an idea of how much they will pay if they get covered. Here are some tips on how to get an insurance quote.

Source: Guide to Car Insurance

Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes is Crucial to Getting Lower Rates

First, before receiving the car insurance quote, you must understand what type of coverage you want. You should also know that the insurance quotes are only estimates of how much you will spend to get the insurance. An estimate does not mean that if you pay an exact amount. You will actually pay more or you might pay less than the price you received.

There are two ways to get insurance quotes online and get them in your area. There are advantages and disadvantages in both cases, the advantage of getting it online is that you can find and receive insurance quotes faster. All you have to do is complete and send some personal information, then wait a moment and you will receive your rate quote.

However, the disadvantage of online offers is fraud sites, while the disadvantage of getting offers in your local area is it could take a long time. The advantage would be if you have the opportunity to speak with a person who has knowledge of insurance, in addition to being able to learn new information quickly.

Source: Acko

Get Quotes from Reputable Online Sites

If you decide to get insurance quotes online, you must be very careful to find a website that has more than 1 listings and a website that you can trust and that is reliable. A reputable site will give you up to 10 rates to compare. Once you have all the insurance quotes you need, you can compare them and choose the best price you can afford and what company suits your needs.

It is a known fact that shopping around is one of the smartest things to do irrespective of what we want to buy. We must compare car insurance in terms of their price and benefits offered if we want the best coverage within our budget. Many of the buyers are not aware of the fact that they are eligible to receive a number of discounts while buying their insurance policy. A consumer with a good credit rating can qualify for substantial discounts on insurance costs. Customers with a good driving history are also eligible to receive discounts from the insurer.

Source: Accesswire

Take Advantage of Auto Insurance Discounts

Many companies offer additional benefits to customers who buy a bundled offer that combines automobile coverage along with homeowner’s insurance. A car owner can make further savings by driving a less expensive car. The insurance premium is generally very high for luxury, sports and new vehicles. The cars with lower mileage are also eligible for discounts. A substantial amount of money can be saved by the customer when they know which company is offering the best discounts.

Another reason to compare car insurance is to find out the exact coverage a person needs and what insurer has the best rates for that coverage. Different policies differ in terms of what they offer. Many policies include add-on features that are not really required by the customers, but they contribute substantially to the overall price of the insurance plan. However, all the compared quotes must have the same features and coverage benefits. Otherwise, it is never easy to compare these quotes if you don’t read all of the policy terms.

If you truly want to get the best insurance coverage and the cheapest rates, then it very important that you compare online quotes. This may help you save a lot of money and save you time.

Source: Investopedia

Auto Insurance Tips That Will Help You Save More

  1. Growing old gives you an advantage. Every age category has some premium rate associated with them. You do not have to renew your car insurance every year, you just need to inquire and research rates when your policy is about to expire.
  2. Change your occupation or profession. You may not have realized that there are professions that offer you the best chance to save your money when you insure your car. Teachers and librarians pay lower rates than pizza delivery drivers for example.
  3. Change how you Drive. After you have either retired or you have obtained a new job in a different location, then you will always find out that the distance you drive might change drastically. This is a good reason to let your insurance provider offer you a new lower insurance quote.
  4. Change your location. When an insurance company is calculating your premium, they will always factor out several things, like where a person lives. This includes the security of the neighborhood or the potential risks available in that area that can potentially damage your car. If you change your residence, then you may find out that the insurance company may offer you a better rate.
  5. Have a Good Credit Rating. If the insurance company discovers that you have a poor credit rating, then you are likely to be charged higher premium rates. Keep your credit rating above 700 and save on auto insurance.

With these valuable tips, you can save hundreds on the auto insurance coverage you need online. Compare several quotes and lower your auto insurance premiums today.

Modern Technology Enables Australians To Get Police Checks Online

With everything shifting online, companies and individuals now have the option to get many state-required checks and tests with just the click of a button. Chief among the checks you can get is an online police clearance.

An online police check, otherwise known as a criminal history certificate is a certificate or a document that mentions whether or not an individual matches with any person who has a criminal record of any kind. This is important for both an individual and also the company hiring.

A National Police Clearance was traditionally conducted by a local police station like the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and can be used for several reasons, including employment.

Now, modern technology from australiannationalcharactercheck.com.au enables Australians to get police checks online in a fast and secure way without the hassle of standing in line and dealing with paperwork.

Source: Pikist

Why Would You Want a Police Check?

The reasons why companies would ask for a police check or an individual may apply for one is to have a proof of clear background.

Benefits of Police Certificates for Companies

When hiring, companies are diligent on the kind of candidate it hires. Indeed, relevant skills and experience are key factors for a job post, hiring someone without any questionable behaviors or past misconduct is also quite important.

There have been many reports of employee misconduct in Australia that have put the companies in unfavorable terms with the law.

From large scale corporate fraud to small criminal activities like stolen company goods, missing cash can put a company in the crossfires of the law.

Human resources, therefore, should be at the forefront of hiring not only the right candidate for the job but also one with moral values that are aligned with company culture.


Key Benefits

  • Reduction in theft – Companies that incorporate police checks in the hiring process reduce the chances of office theft.
  • Goodwill – With a workforce of trusted and law-abiding citizens, companies can improve and maintain their public image
  • Providing a safe environment – Candidates with clean backgrounds turn out to be team players and create safe working environments
  • Protection of company data and personnel – Companies often deal with sensitive data. These data can be protected when working with employees with moral values that match the companies.

Background screening or even a state based check like a police check Queensland, therefore, can be a quick and easy way to get official certification and a record of past behaviors of any potential candidate and/or present employees.

The small upfront cost is insignificant compared to the potential damage that can be done by a single individual both financially and to the goodwill of a company.

Incorporating online police checks in the hiring process also greatly improves the candidate pool by automatically weeding out individuals without a clean past.

This factor is even more crucial if the company regularly deals with sensitive or classified data.

Especially with modern technology enabling Australians to get police clearances online, getting secure and fast certificates on several individuals is quick and easy for the companies as well.

Source: SFM Mutual Insurance

Benefits of Police Checks for Individuals

For someone available in the job market, background screening solidifies their application in a couple of different ways.

Police Certificates are a great way to do education verification. The employer is immediately sure that the information on your CV is 100% true. A clean background is also a good starting point when applying with any company.

In the case of a candidate looking for employment with the Commonwealth Government, police clearance is mandatory.

An online police clearance can also be made for the following:

  • Employment
  • Volunteering
  • Licensing
  • Various Australian Registration Schemes
Source: Pinterest

How to Get a Police Certificate?

With the advancement in infrastructures, national police checks can be done online without much hassle.

The process is fluent and hassle-free. All you need to do is start the check, upload your ID and submit. You can track the progress of your application and will receive a notification when the results are published.

Here is why they are considered to be the best at what they do:

  • Fast hassle-free checks – The process is fast and completely online, which means you can do it from anywhere and at anytime
  • State of the art security – We use industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to keep all your data safe and secure
  • Fast results– Our efficient online process delivers you the results just within one to three business days
  • Checks available for every state of Australia – No matter where you reside in Australia, our tests are covered in every state.
    • Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
    • New South Wales (NSW)
    • Northern Territory (NT)
    • Queensland (QLD)
    • South Australia (SA)
    • Tasmania (TAS)
    • Victoria (VIC)
    • Western Australia (WA)
  • Paperless and no waiting in cues – You do not need to wait in long lines to get a police check. Simply log in from your mobile or computer and apply for the tests. It is paperless, effortless, and fast.
Source: Fast Police Checks


Online National Police Checks are a convenient and secure way to conduct background checks, whether for hiring purposes or individuals seeking employment. With our effortless, easy online process, your tests can be done fast and securely with just a few steps.

What Questions Should You Ask Before Buying Your First Mobility Scooter?

Whether you buy or lease, a mobility scooter is a big commitment; some of the larger road models can retail for thousands of pounds, so it is important to get the right one for your needs and take time to undertake proper research. Here is a guide with questions which you can ask to help work out what you really want to use the scooter for and also put to the seller or lease company – brought to you by SLKMobility.com

Can I test drive the scooter?

There are a huge variety of scooters available on the market and so many different models with varying features, so it is very important that you test drive the actual model you are thinking of buying or leasing. There could be little things which mean one scooter doesn’t suit you, whereas another will, and you certainly don’t want to find this out when it has been delivered and paid for. Don’t be frightened to try lots of different models before you find one which you like. Depending on any personal issues you may have, an experienced dealer or manufacturer will have experience at steering customers to models which they think might suit their particular requirements. Never buy a scooter you have not driven. Some companies will bring a scooter for you to test drive at home if your access to transport or mobility is limited outside the home.

Source: Tripadvisor

What warranty does the scooter come with?

Your new scooter should come with a warranty. They tend to have a twelve-month warranty to cover any faulty components or unexpected defects. If you are buying a used one from a reputable dealer, then they might include a six-month warranty with it. Always read the warranty terms carefully, particularly if it is secondhand, and it is not the manufacturer’s warranty. If you buy a nearly new scooter from a private sale, then you may still have remaining time left on the original warranty, but you will need all the purchasing paperwork and documents to evidence this.

What is not covered under the warranty?

The warranty will not cover accidental damage, theft, or maintenance issues caused by wear and tear. Many dealers will offer an add-on or warranty upgrade, which might be more extensive in terms of reach and/or run for a period after the original manufacturer’s warranty has expired.

Source: Feed Leader

Don’t buy the cheapest on the market

As with any product, you go get what you pay for, but the top models with more features and range often run into several thousand pounds but can be built with higher quality parts and manufacturing standards.

What are the payment options

Rather like buying a car, three-piece suite, or white goods, many dealers will offer finance schemes on new or used scooters. You can still pay outright if you want to, or you can pay a smaller amount and spread the balance of the cost over a set period with monthly payments. If you are struggling to afford a more expensive scooter, then this can be a very good option as it allows you to buy better quality, higher specification model which could better suit your needs and will in all probability last longer.

Source: Wirecutter

Can you buy accessories for a mobility scooter?

There are lots of options to help you customise or add on specific items to your mobility scooter. Many of these are designed with the specific requirements of driver including:-

  • Storage – there are open rear baskets or closed under-seat storage options, there are also front and rear lockable boxes. Scooter bags are another option which comes in myriad different designs and sizes to accommodate shopping or other things you may need to carry like crutches, sticks or even oxygen bottles
  • Scooter care – if you don’t have anywhere convenient to put the mobility scooter when you are not using it, then a folding garage could be what you need to keep it protected from the elements. These are weatherproof and help promote security by keeping the scooter out of sight when it is not in use – they are usually a ride in and out design
  • Protection against the elements – there are waterproof capes and ponchos which you can wear which cover you and most of the scooter making light work of bad or wet weather, or another option is a slanted front canopy. If you just want protection for your hands, then there are tiller covers which offer this, transparent so you can still see what you are doing

Ask your dealer about customisation and accessories when you have chosen the scooter model to suit your needs. Usually, any customisation that you require can be completed before delivery.

Making a decision

Some companies will let you have a scooter on a short trial for maybe a week to make sure you get on with the model, but not all. Find out what the dealer’s policy is if you were to change your mind because you simply couldn’t get on with that style or model of scooter.

Source: Feed Leader

Top Tips

  • Always try before you buy – there are some amazing online offers but don’t be lured in just on price, you should go and try it first
  • Don’t just sit on it, take it for a test drive
  • Once you have found a model you like, you may be able to shop around online and find it more cheaply but don’t overlook the benefits that a proper retailer can offer you – the price may be a bit higher, but you can probably go and try it several times, and it will be easier to return if you don’t like it
  • Always check the length of any guarantee, whether you can opt for an extended warranty and if there is any after-sales service

The mobility scooter market can be confusing as there are lots of different models on offer and varying ways of purchasing them. Online prices are often much cheaper, but you may be required to assemble it yourself, and there may be no servicing or maintenance included.

Play Trusted Online Gambling Ball With A Brief Explanation

Source: Soccer Bets

Online Football Gambling or commonly called Soccer Bets is a soccer bet that generally matches one of the teams that are competing. With the conditions of the match calculated from the number of scores during the 90 minutes of the match. As for things to consider if you want to play online soccer gambling. You must first find a trusted agent in a container or place to play. Because if you choose the right place in the game, chances are all your wins are not paid by the agent.

Trusted Football Gambling Agent

To get a reliable soccer gambling agent, there are some interesting tips that might help in choosing the right agent to play.

Source: LawInSport
  • Services for All Members: Services of a business in the service sector. Like online soccer gambling agents who must have satisfactory service standards for their members. This is a very important factor in the assessment of choosing a trusted agent to play. Because what we know is that playing online gambling does require a little information and also help. So that the problem can be resolved quickly without waiting for time.
  • Easy Transactions: Transactions are indeed important in playing online, because online gambling is a virtual currency that is used for gambling. This virtual currency is commonly referred to as Chip. How to get this Chip you need to exchange currencies or commonly called a deposit. According to pencetjudi.com, trusted online gambling agents always provide convenience for transactions of all members, both old members and new members. The best agent will not differentiate your transaction services even if the member is new and a small deposit.
  • Have a Bonafit Relationship: Relationships of agents can also be made as a plus in choosing where to play. Because in a gambling agent there are so many relationships, starting from the server in the game, gaming licensing agency and bank. So before you start playing, make sure you know the relationship of these agents as consideration for playing.

So it is advisable to choose an online soccer gambling agent to see from the various factors above, so there is no cheating in playing online soccer gambling. If you want to play, there is a site that is highly recommended for you online soccer gambling players. On this site you can find three factors for the best online soccer gambling agent rating. Where is the gambling site experienced in online gambling agents.

Source: VectorStock

Glossary of Online Soccer Gambling

In online soccer gambling there are many terms that are used and the usual types of games you can choose from in soccer betting. Like Singel Bet, 1×2 & DC, GG & JJ, Mix Parlay, Corner Kick and Over Under. Of the various types of bets, the more often and more often played is the Mix Parlay. Because Mix Parlay has a very large value or odds if you can guess the whole thing. Here are some explanations for betting terms available in online soccer gambling.

  • Singel Bet

This type of bet is quite easy to win, because for this type of bet only needs to focus on 1 team that you choose or can also be called a single pair. But of course online soccer betting is always not free from the voor values ​​and odds.

  • Mix Parlay

Mix Parlay is a type of bet by selecting a minimum of 4 teams, from which each team will accumulate ODDS scores. This type of bet has a pretty difficult level, because the team that you choose must win all of the guesses that you choose. And if one of the 4 teams played loses, the mix parlay is deemed defeated or forfeited.

Source: Casino Gaming
  • 1×2 & DC

This type of betting 1×2 can be said to be the easiest type among others. The reason is that this bet does not have a report in the winners assessment provisions. The only 1×2 bet needed is to guess the win, lose and draw from one of the teams that are competing. This 1×2 can also be played 2 times in 1 match, namely 1st round and 2nd round. Each round has a different odds value which is already known, the biggest odds value will result in payment of a large bet as well.

  • GG & JJ

For those of you who might like guessing the score or the number of goals from the match, you can choose the GG & JJ menu to play. Usually GG & JJ includes the number of goals that are created and also even and odd goals.

  • Corner kick

Betting game by guessing the vooran given by the ball gambling server, whether the value of the vooran is greater or smaller than the result of the current game.

  • Over Under

Over Over game is divided into two, namely half time and full time. The game only needs to guess the  score given by the online soccer gambling server is more or less than the provisions given.

Source: Anadolu Agency

those are some explanations about the types and terms that exist in online soccer gambling commonly played by lovers of online soccer gambling. If you want to play in a gambling agent, you can try playing on a well-known SBOBET server in Indonesia. And SBOBET itself has sponsored the WEST HAM UNITED English League.

The game is fun and easy to play, in getting a win that is online slots. The slot machine is the most popular gambling in the 70s, simply pressing the lever of the slot machine will spin a random spin. This game began to be introduced in Indonesia since the year 90 with the mention of the name Jackpot or Mickmose machines. But as the times of the existing slot machines have been replaced with online slots. This game is indeed much in the interest of gambling players. Because this online slot has a greater Jackpot value compared to previous slot machines.

Thus this content is made so that readers understand more about the explanation of online soccer gambling that you want to play. In order to get a win and also add insight into the world of soccer betting.

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