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What Is the Average Price per Square Foot for a Home and Why Does It Matter?

Image source: unsplash.com

Purchasing a home always requires a significant investment. There is always a lot of money involved, so you have to carefully consider all the expenses before taking this step. How big should the property be? How many rooms do you need? How much storage space do you need? Once you have decided on these requirements, it is time to calculate the approximate square footage that you need.

This feature is always added to the listings, so you will immediately know whether or not you should go and see certain homes. There is no point in exploring homes that are too small for your family, right? Since the price per square foot is the first thing that will tell you about the cost of the home, in this article, we are going to tell you how to calculate it, but also provide you with some additional information about it.

How to calculate it?

Image source: unsplash.com

The thing that worries the people most when buying a property is that they may overpay for it. Let’s put it this way. You have found your dream home in the best neighborhood, it has everything you have always wanted – a large backyard, a garden area for your flowers or spices, a pool, patio, and more than enough rooms, but the price seems a bit too much. We are going to discuss later on what affects the cost of the square footage.

So, the first thing that you have to do is to investigate why that house is so costly, and most importantly, if it is really worth all that money. Naturally, the realtor you are working with should be the first person to speak to. They will answer all your questions not only regarding the price but also the property itself.

However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot do a little investigation on your own. There are two ways you can learn the average prices of a square foot. Firstly, you can use an app like squarefootagearea.com. All you have to do is to type in a few details and information, and the software will do the calculation. Secondly, you can find out the prices of other homes in that neighborhood, calculate the average cost of each of them, and then use that data to learn the average price in the said neighborhood. Compare it with the cost of the square foot of the home you are interested in, and this way, you will find out whether you would be overpaying for it or not.

Why is this important?

Image source: unsplash.com

Well, obviously, if the price of the said home is higher than the others in the area, you have room for negotiation. Still, there are other factors that affect the overall cost of the property, so you have to gather all the information before starting the negotiation process. One more thing – you cannot expect the sellers to lower the price significantly, but you still might be able to get a better deal. You start by discussing the cost and pointing out that other houses of the approximately same size cost less in the area.

What are the other factors?

Image source: unsplash.com

Since this is an average number, you have to know that there are numerous other things that you have to know about before deciding to sign the contract. There can be multiple reasons why the price is so high, or on the other hand, low, so you have to be careful.

For example, if it seems like a bargain, there might be some issues with the property. First of all, you have to inquire about the overall condition of the house. Would you have to do some major renovations and upgrade the home? This can include anything – from buying new appliances and furniture, to having to change all the pipes, electricity system, windows, and so on. This is usually one of the reasons why the price of certain properties is so low, so even if you decide to get it, you have to think about all the additional costs that you will have to pay before you move in to make the house livable.

Secondly, you have to think about the layout and the floor plan. A two-bedroom and four-bedroom homes won’t be listed at the same price, even if the square footage is fairly the same. The former one is usually less expensive simply because it is intended for a small family. Plus, we have already mentioned that the number of rooms you need is one of the initial requirements that your new home has to meet.

Image source: unsplash.com

The same thing goes for usable space. Here, we are not talking about the size of the kitchen and living room, but some other areas of the house such as the basement and attic. Generally speaking, these are usually not included in the total square footage of the house, but, if finished, the seller is almost certainly going to increase the prices, because well, basically, it is an additional room or storage space. Do you remember when we said that you have to gather all the information? This is one of the reasons. Even if you don’t need an attic, you can always transform it into your home office or kid area.

Another thing that always affects the cost of the property is the location. This is the main reason why homes in the city are more expensive than those in rural areas. What you will choose comes down to your personal preference, but keep in mind that you cannot explore properties that are outside the city and expect the price to be the same for those that are near the city center. These two cannot, even closely, come in comparison.

Wrapping up

To sum up, even though the average price of the square foot will give you a glimpse into the overall cost of the house, as you can see, there are numerous other things that you have to consider. Even if a certain property seems to be a steal, you cannot allow yourself to sign the contract without asking all the additional questions. You might have to invest a lot of money to renovate the home, so make sure to have all the data before deciding whether or not to go forward with the purchase. It is the only way that you will be able to calculate how much funds you will actually need.

5 Devastating Consequences After a Truck Accident

Source: medium.com

We see big trucks driving down the highways all the time. Truck accidents are all too common in our society. Truck accidents can be minor with a truck slipping off the road causing no damage to anyone or anything else, or they can be major events that have devastating consequences. Because of its complexities you should always consult a truck accident lawyer in order to protect your rights and possible receive a bigger compensation for your injuries, for more information click here.

Here are just a few of the possible consequences after a truck accident:

1. Multiple Deaths

Source: Yahoo Finance

When a general accident occurs, concern for all involved is common. Generally, the average accident involves vehicles of similar size, but not when it comes to truck accidents. Large trucks can completely demolish a smaller vehicle and deaths from truck accidents are very common. According to a recent 2018 study, statistics show that out of 4,136 deaths during that year, only 16% were the driver of the big truck. 15% were pedestrians, but the largest number 67% were drivers or passengers from the other, and smaller vehicles.

2. Loss of License

Source: PopSugar

Truck drivers are expected to ensure the safety of their cargo and others on the road. That can be easier said and done when smaller cars are difficult to see from such a lofty vantage point. However, when a truck driver takes on the position, they fully understand that they are going to labeled liable for most accidents.

Trucking companies maintain high end insurance on their vehicles, but it is most often the trucker themselves that are blamed and in danger of consequences. Truckers can lose their license and therefore, their livelihood due to an accident that is deemed their fault. The possible implications go up considerably should there be loss of life during the accident. It is a huge risk that truckers take when out on the roadways, but losing their license is a possibility.

3. Coma

Source: Medium

Brain injuries can happen in any accident but are a common entity when big trucks are involved. The sheer size of a truck in relation to a passenger vehicle is daunting and with such a large truck and substantial impact, the risk of a coma for one or more of the victims is always a possibility. Coma victims can sometimes wake up after a few days, weeks, or months, but sometimes, a patient is so impacted, their body does not wake up for years.

Comas are more common than one might think and where the actual coma might be generally mild and only last for a short period of time, recovery from a patient waking up from a coma can be substantial. Coma patients can experience loss of certain body faculties that require gradual physical therapy to regain. Patients may have to learn to walk, talk, and feed themselves all over again.

4. Spinal Cord Injuries

Source: Viles & Beckman

Our bodies can take on a lot of stress and strain, but when it comes to truck accidents, such large scale impacts can have devastating effects such as spinal cord injuries. Our spinal cord is like the interstate of our bodies allowing receptors and important messages to be sent throughout our many body systems. Receptors take information from the brain to our vital organs, tissues, and limbs to allow our body to work as it should. When that important part of our body is damaged, information can no longer pass.

In the event of a spinal cord injury, the person can have some paralysis, be completely paralyzed, or even enter a vegetative state. Some paralysis can leave one or more of the person’s limbs unable to function. Full paralysis means the person becomes a paraplegic, where they cannot feel from the legs down or a quadriplegic where they cannot feel or move anything from the neck down. Once a vegetative state is reached, the person is often only left alive with the help of machines with little possibility of recovery.

5. Severe Burns

Source: Allure

A vehicle fire can happen in any accident. When the fuel line is severed or the fuel tank is impacted, one spark can set off a fire. Fires can also ignite from metals coming together during the actual accident. When an accident involves a large truck, there is far more fuel and flammable materials to contend with. These types of accidents can cause severe burns to people involved in the accident. Burns from chemical fires, common in truck accidents, can not only severely burn the surface of the skin, but when breathed in, can actually burn the interior of the lungs and other organs as well.

Burn victims must undergo a series of skin grafts, surgeries, and can have scarring for their entire lives. Their appearance on the burned portion of their body is altered leading to certain self esteem issues that can take years to manage.

How to Avoid Truck Accidents

Source: Stewart J. Guss

Truck accidents can happen quickly and with little time to react. They can have devastating effects, but thankfully, there are ways a truck driver can avoid most accidents, and also can be insured at Strong Tie Insurance.

  • Proper Truck Maintenance

Truck maintenance is very important and in order to avoid possible accidents, ensure that tread on your tires remains adequate and brakes are checked often. When you can stop faster, accidents can be avoided.

  • Pay Extra Close Attention

Remember, you are the larger entity on the road and cars can see you, but when driving a truck, it is difficult to see the other cars when they are in blind spots. Ensure that mirrors are clear and placed correctly and know where your blind spots are for your truck.

  • Always Use Signals

Signaling when changing lanes is not merely a courtesy, but the law. Truckers should be extra careful in the instance of changing lanes and never neglect to use their turning signals.

img source: mkrfirm.com

Truck accidents can have truly devastating consequences, which is why it’s so important to remain alert on the roads—whether you’re driving a truck or simply driving near one. If you’ve found yourself in a truck accident, be sure to reach out to the team at Morris, King & Hodge to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

4 Ways to Motivate Kids to Do Home Chores

Source: Pinterest

We were all children once and the experience of growing up varied for all of us. As kids, we worried or were afraid of different things, and we also looked forward to different excitements. Naturally, everything was, and still is, shaped by our personalities, culture, environment, etc.

Yet, at least in some aspects as kids we were very similar. We probably all hated doing homework, fulfilling obligations and duties, collecting all those toys after the play, or simply helping our parents and grandparents with household activities. Just remember all those hard moments when parents did not allow us to eat sweets or play computer games before we gather our toys or the wardrobe we scattered around the room. Hard times indeed! We all remember some of those moments, because, after all, the parent role is very similar everywhere in the world. The childhood was the time when we learned that life hides not only gifts but also obligations and duties waiting to be fulfilled.

If you are reading this, you are probably going through a similar time with your children. Are you looking for ways to introduce a little bit of discipline upbringing a child? Well, you are at the right place!

Taught by our own experiences, we will share a couple of advices on how to work with your kids to make them more aware of the growing house duties and also how to make them easier and more exciting for the little ones. So here we go:

1. Мotivation

Source: www.sunlife.com.hk

We all know how important motivation really is for everything we do. Just think, without motivation it would be so hard to get out of a bed on Mondays! So, let’s see how you can impose some motivation for the child. The very source of the word motivation is “movere”, which means to move in Latin. The right way to inspire children depends on the child’s age. Knowing your own child, you need to determine what the best way would be to motivate some disciplined behavior for the kid. This is important because it depends on whether and how the child will understand your intentions. For example, it would be hard to encourage a three-year-old child to put her or his toys back in its place after the play having a serious conversation. However, we can do it in a more appropriate way including fun, demonstration methods. Basically, think about the most appropriate way for your child’s personality and age. As we mentioned before, we all reacted differently to different impulses. Without motivation, it will be more difficult to make your children persistent and enthusiastic for most of the house duties.

2. Communication

Source: Motherly

Here we mean assertive communication and we think it is very useful for a bit older child. In general, assertive conversation implies that you can say what you really think and how you feel, without hurting the person you are communicating with – in this case a child. It is crucial because through this type of communication you respect and appreciate the child’s views. For example, if she or he refuses to participate in household chores. However, that does not necessarily mean that you agree with such a position of the child. By approaching your kids in such an open and friendly way, you can soften initial child’s divergence.

Explain to the child how important it is to develop work habits and tell them how much you and other family members appreciate it. This will make the child feel valuable which can consequently trigger even more empathy towards family members. However, no matter how good your and your child’s communication is the result might not be as satisfying, unfortunately. But do not worry, you can always try the following method:

3. Play, oh, play!

Source: Edutopia

How much progress and learning we can make through playing! It can be intended for the young, of course, but remember it is not foreign to adults either. Remember all those moments you spent sitting on the floor with a toy in your hand while creating a new world imaginative with your child? We suggest you think about the familiar games you play with your kids and how to incorporate them into household chores.

One of the specific suggestions that My Simple Family has for you is an app which we find very fun to use! Namely, you create a task that needs to be done, say vacuuming a room, and set the number of points that the execution of the task brings. Then determine that that, for instance, 100 points brings a small cash prize to whoever wins them. You will receive a notification when a child earns the required number of points. Apps like this are a great way to motivate a child to earn some pocket money, but you will be relieved, too. Nowadays, children are using smartphones and tablets on a regular basis, so a game like this can easily become one of your kid’s favorite apps. Most importantly, although your wallet can suffer a bit, this app is a great way to maintain a competitive spirit and promote working habits among all family members.

4. Rewards

Source: Royal Examiner

If the above-mentioned way of working through play is out of your reach and you do not have enough patience (or money) or you think that the child would get bored quickly, try some of the classic learning methods. For example, introduce your kid to a simple principle of agreement that involves rewarding after each job finished. Kids will love it! The principle of rewarding or learning by supporting good behavior also includes the absence of reward when your child does not fulfill the task. We refuse to use the word punishment, but perhaps the word restriction would be more suitable in this context. Moderate restriction can, for example, include a ban of something that your child likes to do in her or his spare time. However, it is always a good idea to communicate your expectations with kids and talk about responsibilities and possible outcomes beforehand. If your child is going to receive a little sanction eventually, he or she must be prepared for it.

All children have different sensibilities and you must think well about which of the ways we discussed above would best suit personalities of your kids. In general, each of the ways is as good as long as it develops a relationship between you and your children that is characterized by trust and mutual understanding.

7 Effective Uses of the Luxury Limo Service

Image source: unsplash.com

Vehicles have provided us with the most convenient type of transportation method for the last 100 years or more. Wherever you want to go in your city, it is always best to just get in your car and drive there by yourself. It is the fastest way to get things done. However, driving in a big city can be quite problematic. It is difficult to find a parking spot, there can be a lot of traffic and you face the risk of other people scratching or bumping into your car. This is why I believe luxury limo services are a great option.

Many would say that hiring a limo service is only for rich people, but that is not true. It might have been true 10 or 20 years ago, but today, these services are affordable for the average person. For just a few hundred dollars a month, you could get a lot of drives out of it.

If you are interested in having your own personal driver, but you are still not convinced, here are the seven effective usages or reasons why you should consider a corporate car service.

Makes your daily life stress-free

Image source: unsplash.com

Personally, I believe that the most important reason why anyone should hire a limo is because of the fact that it is a stress-free experience. When you compare the experience of driving in the back of a limousine with driving your own car in a city full of busy traffic, I think you can easily find out which one is better.

The constant negativity, the yelling, and the honking of all the other drivers around you can be very frustrating and stressful. Of course, not every single day is like this, but why should you put yourself out to such an environment. You have not even got to work and you are already angry and annoyed. This is a big daily dose of stress that can turn into a serious mental or physical problem in the future.

So, if you want a healthy mindset throughout the day, I think it limo service will get rid of that stress immediately. You get in the limousine, you tell your driver where you want to go and you will get there without a single worry. I think it is also worth mentioning that luxurious limousines are very well soundproofed in the back.

It keeps your car safe while in the city

Let us get things straight, the feeling of driving your own vehicle cannot be compared with anything else. Sure, sitting and relaxing in the back of a luxurious vehicle is great, but driving by yourself is a completely different experience. But, I cannot exactly say whether that experience is worth the trouble.

I say this because things can get very hectic while you are out and about in your city doing all kinds of tasks. The possibility that someone might bump into you from the back or from the sides is very high. It might not be a serious collision, but it will still cause some kind of damage to your car. If you are the type of person that loves your vehicle, I think it is best to avoid taking it with you in the city.

Hiring someone else to drive you around in the city with a company vehicle is the best thing you could do. Even if you do get in some kind of a car accident, you are not guilty in any way. You will not have to worry about repairs or any other extra charges. This is why a lot of people rent a car with a driver in Dubai as suggested by TLT.ae. It is always better to have corporate chauffeurs getting you around a hectic city such as Dubai instead of driving by yourself.

You can get anywhere faster

Image source: unsplash.com

Sometimes, I just have to get into my car and drive to my destination by myself because I cannot rely on some random taxi driver to get me where I want to be on time. Maybe the taxi will take the wrong route accidentally or on purpose for a larger fee at the end. So, it is more reliable to just five yourself anywhere you want.

However, a corporate chauffeur service is a lot more reliable than any other taxi company or an Uber. These companies promise you a professional driver with at least 10 or 15 years of experience. They usually pick people that know the city as well as the back of their hands. In other words, they will be able to get you to your destination faster than you ever could.

It is safer

Like I already said, these companies handpick their employees to be very professional and to provide you with the safe as possible transportation possible. Their years of experience ensures that every single time they take you on the road, you will be safe.

Leaves a good impression

Image source: unsplash.com

Many people would say that the car does not describe a man. But, I do not think that is true. Do you ever stop to see who will get out of that long limousine or expensive sports car? I know I have because that is simply how our minds are wired and how society works. We are attracted to these luxurious and expensive vehicles.

So, the next time you get to your work, the airport, or to your favorite nightclub with a limousine, I bet you will leave a very good impression on quite a lot of people.

You can drink while enjoying your drive

Drinking alcohol while driving is both illegal and immoral. I would not recommend anyone to do that. Instead, you can just hire a limo and you can enjoy your tasty and fresh drinks in the back of the car while your driver takes you to your destination.

It is comfortable

Image source: unsplash.com

The level of comfort that can be found in limousines is comparable to the most expensive and luxurious cars from Mercedes, Aston Martin, Bentley, and even Rolls-Royce. You will never get that level of comfort in the front seat of your own car, no matter which brand or model is.

All of the seven usages of luxury limo services I mentioned are a good enough reason to hire them.

Most Popular Food Trucks in America

Image source: unsplash.com

Food trucks are one of the most interesting ways of attracting tourists and hungry stomachs, and they for sure have a lot of impact on the way the food industry is perceived by many. Not everybody has the chance to eat a meal from such a place because these opportunities are not available in every country. Foot trucks are a large part of the American culture, and they are the reason some people visit the states. Those who are into street culture and such fast cooked and delicious meals will never miss out on the opportunity to try a specialty that comes from a restaurant on wheels.

Food trucks are a very interesting concept, and unless you do some research on them, you’ll probably never realize their importance in tourism and culture. This is why we decided to create this article in which we are going to tell you more about some of the most popular mobile restaurants in America. If you are visiting the USA shortly, or you’re just curious to learn some more about this topic, feel free to continue reading until the end. Let’s take a look at some of the places which are the most worthy of mention.

Grilled Cheeserie – Location Nashville, Tennessee

Image source: grilledcheeserie.com

If you are into grilled cheese, then you have to order something from the Grilled Cheeserie which is located in Nashville Tennessee. This food truck started operating back in 2010, and the owner of it is a popular chef for worked in some of the most reputable places such as the four seasons hotel located in Beverly Hills. A few years after starting their first food truck business, they bought another truck, and currently, there is two that cruise around Nashville. As the years went by, their menu extended and now you can order many different things such as cheddar cheese and bacon, pimento mac & cheese, and many other meals.

Fukuburger Truck – Location Las Vegas

Fukunaga is a person who worked in the burger shop that his grandfather owned for quite some time, and upon reaching a certain level of experience, she decided to open up his shop. Due to the theme of his food, he concluded that a food truck will allow him to sell the most. This is when he opened his own business by purchasing a food truck, naming it the Fukuburger and visiting Las Vegas. This happened on the Fourth of July 2010. Ever since then, his food truck is one of the most famous ones in the United States of America. The specialty and uniqueness of traditional American burgers combined with Japanese flavors are what helped him progress so much in the industry.

Luke’s Lobster – Location New York City

Image source: newyorktimes.com

Luke’s Lobster is one of the most interesting career stories that we’ve heard about. The owner of this food truck is a former investment banker who managed to completely switch lanes in life and move from one profession to a completely different one. The most amazing thing about this is that he managed to achieve a lot of success and become one of the most recognized owners of food trucks across America. Some say that the reason Luke Holden decided to get into the food industry is that he couldn’t find a good lobster roll anywhere in his local area that wasn’t completely overpriced and unaffordable for those who want a regular lunch throughout their day. Ye decided to take things into his matter and start his own business. At NYFTA you can find a lot of well-rated food trucks through NYC and if you are going there to explore such food, make sure you check them out so you know what to look for.

Kogi’s Barbeque Food Truck – Location of Los Angeles

The name of the owner of this particular food truck is Roy Choi, a name that’s very well known in the food industry. This guy worked in many top-tier restaurants before he decided to start his own business. At his place, you can try many different types of barbecue, with some of the most unique taste that you’ll ever come across. He is currently located in Los Angeles. Kogi’s BBQ excels at making regular American barbecues which are combined with some of the best Mexican flavors, but he also has his specialties which are a combination of both food cultures. Some meals are the product of a fusion done between Korea and Mexican food, with some amazing traditional American barbecue sauces. It sounds pretty exciting, doesn’t it?

Ms. Cheezious – Location Miami

Image source: roaminghunger.com

If you want to eat something very tasty, then you probably need a bit of grilled cheese, and when it comes to grilled cheese, nobody makes it better than Ms.Cheezious, a food truck ran by a married couple in Miami. This business first appeared in Miami back in December 2010, when Fatima and Brian Mullins decided to start their gig in the food industry. It didn’t take long before the blue food truck with the famous logo portraying a blonde girl sitting on melted cheese began very well recognized amongst food enthusiasts. They currently serve many different types of meals, most of them, unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. If you’re ever visiting Miami, you should try some of their food.

Cinnamon Snail – Location New York City

New York never really fails to disappoint when it comes to culture and uniqueness, and the cinnamon snail food truck is just another proof. You can find this one roaming around New York City, and if you ever get the chance to get in line and try some of their food, we wholeheartedly recommend their Korean barbecue sandwiches. Keep in mind that the cinnamon snail is not available during wintertime, but as soon as spring starts, you should expect it on the streets of New York City.


It’s one of the best feelings to stroll on the street wondering what to eat, and suddenly encountering a food truck with one of the most unique and refreshing meals that you’ve ever tried. The fact that the food from these trucks is very affordable and made on the spot is probably what makes the entire experience so much better. You’ll never have to settle for a cold meal if you know how to locate these cool places in the larger cities.

5 Tips for Students Struggling to Get Everything Done on Time

Being a student, you might find that balancing between studying, socializing, and sleeping is hard. There are also periods when it seems that there is not enough time for everything. If this is where you find yourself right now, don’t be quick to shorten your sleep or let yourself get swamped.

Instead, read this article and discover some tips that will help you make the most of your day. These tips represent some of the most important steps toward efficient time management. And this is a skill that one definitely needs in a modern world.

Plan & Prioritize

Source: Stanford News – Stanford University

Time management is about planning and organizing time in such a manner that enables you to perform more tasks while spending fewer hours on it. To manage time effectively, it is necessary to set priorities. You have to identify the most important tasks that you need to finish in the first place.

For example, imagine that you need to write an essay, but there is a more urgent assignment to do. If you are a student, you might want professionals from essaywriterservice.com to save some time and energy for a more important task. And you will definitely need those for further studies.

Another important and relevant to setting priorities thing is keeping it real. Instead of trying to do the impossible, create a to-do list, and keep track of all the specific tasks that you need to do. Remember to tick off your list of the ones that you’ve already done — it will surely bring you a burst of joy.

Besides, to have a better track of the 24 hours per day at your disposal, you might need to learn to schedule your time. For this, after you have listed and prioritized all the tasks, you should roughly estimate the time that it will take you to finish each of them. Then, you can either try to visualize the schedule in handwriting or use one of the existing time management apps.

Set Specific Goals

Source: Medium

If your Priority #1 for today is to continue working on a project, try to convert this goal into a measurable one. To continue with the writing example, specify how many pages or words you plan to produce exactly. This way, you’ll have an opportunity to see if you have actually reached the goal, and in case you haven’t, you’ll get motivated by seeing how close you’ve come.

SMART is one of the most popular and useful techniques in this regard. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, and Timely/Time-bound. The principle is that the goals that you set should fall within the mentioned criteria.

The SMART goal framework is useful because it helps to see what, how, and by what time you need to do. With this technique, you can achieve even the most challenging goals, as it presents you with the way to organize and structure the whole process.

It might be helpful to think about goals as road signs. They should definitely be clear to show you the right way and ensure that you end up at the desired destination.

Turn Push Notifications Off

Source: Barclays

It goes without saying that to get as many things done as possible in a limited amount of time, it is necessary to stay focused. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about distractions? It’s your smartphone and the myriad of notifications that different apps send you per day, right?

Let’s face it, to get everything done on time, you need to overcome FOMO and turn off all the notifications that keep you more distracted than updated. Otherwise, you might lose around 23 minutes, as you will need this amount of time to get back to the task at hand.

And even if you only heard the sound of notification but didn’t pick up the phone to check it, it still counts as a distraction – ass any audible notification does.

Take Breaks

Source: Jobillico

A secret ingredient to this ambitious recipe for getting everything done on time is taking short breaks at least every one hour.

Intuitively, you might think that these breaks are the last thing you need in order to complete today’s to-do list. However, they are actually necessary for you to recharge and keep your productivity up. When taking a break, you can ask for help in doing your work, so click here to see how you can get help and not to feel the guilt.

Taking a break will not only help you stretch your legs, but it will also save you from being bored stiff. Moreover, after a short break, you’ll be able to get back to the task with a fresh mind and, hopefully, a new perspective or an insight.

A good idea might be to exercise while taking a break from studying. Staying active could actually improve attention and memory skills. The combination of learning and exercising, in fact, boosts intellectual performance.

Take Care of Your Mental Well-being

Source: Medical Xpress

Some of the most fearsome enemies that you might encounter on your way to successful time management are psychological. Think about procrastination, anxiety, or fear of failure. They leave you with even less energy to keep trying to balance between different time-consuming spheres of your life. Sounds emotionally draining, doesn’t it?

This is why it’s important to be aware of your emotional state and practice meditations. They can help you stay focused and cool, both while managing your daily routine and while preparing for the exams.

Such exercises might also help you spend less energy while trying to focus. And this is completely natural when you do something that you don’t find particularly entertaining.

Wrapping Up

No matter the reasons that make you want to manage your time, the above-mentioned tips will certainly come in handy. They will help if you have plenty of assignments to complete within a short period of time. And the same goes for those who want to cope with their daily routine tasks without stressing out too much.

Remember to plan and set priorities, state SMART goals, take breaks and take care of your emotional state. This way, you will learn how to manage not only your time but the way you live, gain new insights, and deal with any kind of stress.

Tips for Creating Your Own Private Backyard Paradise

Being engaged in the arrangement of the backyard, we solve many issues, and often the landscape design is on the list of the latter. But the site at your dacha is no less important than its interior.

Where to begin?

Before creating projects, drawing plans, and diagrams and selecting plants, it is important to determine the functional purpose. Are you planning to grow vegetables and fruit crops? Or do you enjoy meeting friends outside the city for a barbecue? Or maybe you want to equip a playground? Or do you plan to sunbathe in the summer on the plot, lying on a sun lounger, and step to the pool on a soft lawn?

The design of its landscape largely depends on the answer to the question of what kind of activities your backyard involves.

Source: The Motley Fool

Competent zoning

Most often, not one function is assigned to the specific area, but several at once – and in this case, you cannot do without zoning. Zoning is worth doing at the initial stages of developing a landscape design plan.

Several important points related to this:

Dimensions proportional to the ratio of zones. With this moment, it would seem that everything is simple: decide on the number of functional parts of the site, set priorities – and according to them divide the space into zones. But in fact, the size of the site does not always correspond to our needs, so it makes sense to think about how to “save” space, use it more wisely.

Source: Entertainment | HowStuffWorks

For example:

  • vertical flower beds and beds allow you to place flower beds and planting herbs and vegetables as compactly as possible;
  • children’s complex playgrounds (for example, in the style of a “treehouse”) make it possible to arrange a sports and entertainment area for toddlers in a relatively small area;
  • arrangement of a summer cottage deck can eliminate the need to allocate space for a lounge area on the site.

Multifunctional zones. Folding garden furniture, for example, can transform a spacious play area with kids or pets into a sunbathing area or outdoor dining area in minutes.

Methods of zoning. You can separate one functional part from another in different ways, for example:

  • mobile partitions and non-mobile structures;
  • hedge;
  • columns;
  • paths;
  • lighting;
  • different coverage (by the pool, for example, a wooden flooring or an artificial sandy beach can be provided, and in the children’s play area – an anti-traumatic coating or a soft lawn).
  • fencing; According to Active Fencing and Retaining, an established company from Adelaide, you can simply divide zones with fences that not only protect your backyard from passers-by, but they add a design element to your yard, depending on the fence you select. Also, you can use fences in combination with hedges, for instance.

Design style

Another choice that will need to be made in the process of decorating the territory is stylistics. There are a lot of options: from graphic minimalism to colorful eclecticism, from a classic garden to a high-tech mini-vegetable garden.

Source: The Spruce

Plant selection

The selection of plants for a summer residence is an individual moment, which involves taking into account a whole set of factors. Among those that can influence your choice:

  • necessary climatic conditions;
  • the soil;
  • the level of hilly territory;
  • the difficulty of leaving;
  • compatibility (by color, style, flowering or ripening season);
  • life expectancy (there are annuals, biennials, perennials);
    fashion trends: now among the trends, for example, tropical plants with large leaves (most often they are placed in tubs or in gazebos – winter gardens) and conifers

Functional content

Depending on your wishes and the size of the territory, you can use a variety of functional elements in landscape design, for example:

  • swimming pool;
  • alcove;
  • grill area;
  • benches;
  • swing, hanging chairs;
  • hammocks;
  • outdoor lounge area;
  • outdoor dining area;
  • vertical flower beds;
  • tubs with plants;
  • hanging pots;
  • flowerpots;
  • sun loungers;
  • sandbox;
  • sensory garden;
  • garden lamps;
  • pet house and accessories;
  • pergola (a kind of canopy).
Source: Los Angeles Times

Decorative elements

The decor of the site is even more individual moment than the selection of plants and the choice of style. There can be many design options, here are just some decor ideas:

  • fountains;
  • artificial reservoirs;
  • garden figures;
  • statues, sculptures;
  • imitation of a well;
  • rock gardens, rockeries (rocky flower beds);
  • ridges (narrow, long flower beds);
  • bridges on the territory;
  • garlands;
  • decorative carts;
  • clay vases;
  • stones;

Landscape care

It so happens that the ideas of landscape design for a backyard, which seem almost ideal in photos and videos, may definitely not suit you in terms of care. After all, the space around a country residence is not easy to arrange: it must be regularly maintained in order.

That is why it is important to understand in advance:

  • how careful you should be with  the selected plants, flowers, garden crops require (it is one thing to regularly mow the lawn, and quite another to cut fruit trees, spray them from pests, and harvest on time) – you can learn more about it here.
  • will you be able to maintain the landscape design in the country with your own hands, or will you need the services of professionals (for example, to care for numerous flower beds, trees, artificial reservoirs);
  • how often you will need to devote time to putting things in order (even if you entrust this to specialists, it would be good to understand how often you will have to contact them). In order to help you find the best pond fountain for you, we considered dozens of the most popular fountains on the market today. You may consider www.livingwateraeration.com that offers the right products for your needs.
Source: Wayfair

Control Test: Viewpoints

It is not difficult to check how beautiful the landscape design of the summer cottage turned out to be. To do this, look at how harmonious the view opens from the so-called viewpoints – key places and zonal centers of the site of your residence (this can be an entrance to the territory, a house terrace, a recreation area, an outdoor dining group).

Beautiful landscape design of the cottage: current trends

Vertical flower beds and beds. A compact and effective solution that allows you to get much more, even from a miniature country garden. Most often, such beds and flower beds are supplied with an automatic watering system, which makes caring for flower beds and growing vegetables and aromatic herbs even more comfortable and unobtrusive.

The effect of an untouched corner of nature. The deliberate negligence of landscape design is a direct echo of the general trend towards maximum naturalness and a tribute to the comprehensive popularity of eco-style.

Blooming all year round. One of the favorite tricks of professional landscape designers is to pick flowers and shrubs in such a way that as soon as one faded, others bloom immediately.

Minimalism. Graphic, minimalistic design is among the enduring trends.

Source: Rome Sentinel

Glazed gazebo – winter garden. A trendy and functional solution for a country residence is the arrangement of a gazebo or a veranda, which can be completely open in the warm season, and in the cold, it turns into a glazed winter garden (often with heating).

Plants in tubs. Another option for all-season gardening, which allows you to acquire even the most whimsical tropical plants in the country.

Trees and shrubs that don’t require careful maintenance. The modern rhythm of life does not always allow to allocate time for caring for the territory. In such a situation, the most unpretentious trees and shrubs will help out (focus on those that are most typical for your strip).

Fruit orchards. Despite certain difficulties and the need for regular maintenance, the orchard remains a popular format for arranging the territory at a country house (regardless of the number of acres).

Playgrounds. For families with children, the current trend is the arrangement of a functional playground at the country house with many activities for kids.

Mini-vegetable gardens and mini-farms. A decade ago, a small vegetable garden and a mini-farm at a suburban residence would have been atavisms, but today, in the context of a general desire for organic products and controlled quality, they are at the top of current trends.

Source: Bravo TV

Landscaping “for life”. Design ideas based on the simple joys of life are also in fashion – design “for life”. This can be a hammock, pool, outdoor barbecue area, or yoga and meditation gazebo. The main thing is that it meets your wishes and needs.
Decking. This method of the porch decorating is very useful, it doesn’t only look fabulous but also it can live throughout the years. But it should be made by professionals, so it should be made with attention.

Do Sew-in Extensions Damage Your Hair?

You might be looking for a new hairstyle that you’ll rock this fall, and if so, you might have started thinking about getting extensions, more specifically, sew-ins. However, if you did some digging online, you probably saw a lot of people claim that these extensions damaged their hair, but, that is not entirely true.

In fact, these hair extensions will look and feel like natural locks, they will be properly applied to your had, and you can basically do the same things as you do with your natural strands. Hence, you can wash, dye, cut, and do whatever other things you might want with it.

If you are thinking about whether or not you should get these add-ons, as well as if they’ll damage your hair, this article might be able to help you. Let’s take a look at some of the top misconceptions about sew-ins and all the benefits you can actually gain from applying them:

Source: Layla Hair

First Things First – What Are They?

The very first thing worth mentioning is what these extensions are. Basically, weave strands are added by braiding your natural hair into rows, and then the expert working on you will use a needle and some thread for connection the weave into the row. They are most commonly used by individuals who have thick locks.

Sewing in weave is a great way to get the look you want without having to spend a lot of money on new human hair wigs.

The entire application process might be tiring, especially since it can last for several hours. Since the weave often puts some tension on the scalp, it won’t work as well with thinner locks, mostly because they can get uncomfortable because of the strain. Keep in mind that you must go to an experienced person, who knows exactly what they are doing.

The 3 Most Common Misconceptions About Sew-Ins

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, you might have seen people posting about these add-ons damaging their locks, and if so, you should know that it is not entirely true and that they have probably gone to a salon that is not so good at what they are doing. Some of the most common misconceptions are:

Source: Sis Hair

1. It Will Damage, Thin, or Break Your Locks

If there is one misconception that has been around for a really long time, it is that sew-ins will damage, thin, and/or break your strands. Although this is somewhat true for heat and glue application processes, it is not for this one. This option will actually allow your hair to breathe more than other options, hence, allowing your scalp to be healthy and strong as well.

2. They Blend Badly

According to the experts from glamlocks.com, if you opt for the right extensions for your locks, you won’t actually have any problems with them matching your natural strands. What does this mean? Well, it means that you won’t be able to tell the difference between the two, especially if it is applied properly.

3. They Will Show

Again, this is not true. Yes, we all saw some really embarrassing examples of wearing a weave, but, that does not mean that it is the same for every single person wearing it. This is why the hairdresser working on you will ensure that they are properly applied and hidden in the so-called ‘hidden’ zone.

Source: wiseGEEK

The Benefits You Could Gain

Although a lot of people think that this option is bad, there is actually a wide range of benefits that you can gain, including:

  1. You Can Style it – one of the first and major benefits of choosing this option is that you’ll be able to style it in different ways. What does this mean? Well, you could curl, straighten, and dye your weave in any way that you imagine, meaning that there are no limitations.
  2. You’ll Gain Volume And Length – choosing a weave will allow you to have length when you need it and layers whenever you want to. Additionally, they could help you if you, for example, have a problem with your scalp or other areas of your head since they can hide them perfectly.
  3. It is Low-Maintenance – this option does not require the use of any glue or heat. And, as mentioned in the previous section, they won’t damage your hair, which means that you can do whatever you want with it once it is applied to your scalp. Of course, you’ll need to wash it regularly.
  4. It Helps Your Strands Grow – yet another benefit – as well as one that causes most people to choose this option – is that they can help your hair grow faster. Additionally, since they are sewn in, you won’t risk damaging your hair by using heat or glue, which could harm it.
Source: Layla Hair

Bonus Tip – Do Your Homework

Before we conclude this article, it is worth mentioning that you must choose the salon you’ll go to carefully and wisely, mostly because you’ll want to ensure that they know what they are doing. Hence, the first thing you should do is read the reviews. If there are more negative then positive testimonials, you might want to move on to the next place that you had in mind.

You need to consider the services they offer, and more importantly the products they use. Why? Well, the products they use might not be suitable for your locks, which in return, can damage them quite a lot. Additionally, do not forget to look at some before and after photographs because they can help you determine whether or not the specific location is suitable for you.


As you were able to learn, getting sew-in extensions won’t damage your hair if they are applied properly and professionally. Of course, you do not want to choose the first salon that comes up in the search results, instead, choose it carefully and wisely since it is quite important – you do not want your locks to get damaged, thinner, or completely broken.

So, now that you know that these add-ons won’t damage, break, or thin your hair, you should not lose any more of your time. Instead, you should start looking for a salon where you can get the best looking and most professionally applied wave in your hometown right away!

What Is Sales Funnel and How Important It Is In Modern Business

Starting a business in today’s world is easier than ever before. The main reason why entrepreneurship is experiencing popularity growth is advanced technology. You can start a business from the comfort of your room if you have a decent device and a stable Wi-Fi connection. Yet, running a business is tough because almost every filed is competitive. The opportunities that the Internet brings to our lives are available to everyone. Because of that, you need to find a way to split from the masses.

It is almost impossible to start a business that is not operating in a competitive field. Even if you find one, that doesn’t mean you will make a profit out of it. It might happen that people are not demanding certain products and services.

Source: SalesIntel

Competition is not something that should scare you. The more important thing is to find the best possible way to promote yourself. Doing that without a good sales funnel is impossible. Unfortunately, many first-time entrepreneurs do not even know what sales funnel is. Those that are familiar with that subject do not understand how important it is in modern business.

Improving your knowledge is the key to success. You came to the right place to find out more about the sales funnel and all the important aspects around it.

The Definition of Sales Funnel

We will use the easiest way to describe what sales funnel is. It is a combination of stages or steps that visitors of your website take to become your customers. You will manage to find different ways of how people divide the funnel into different stages. However, in this article, we will analyze how sales funnel looks when it has 4 stages. Let’s describe each one carefully.

Source: Nimble CRM

1. Awareness

Before everything, in this case, the sales funnel is well-known under the acronym AIDA. In other words, there are four stages that sales funnel contains – Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action. As we said, each stage has a unique purpose and goal. Because of that, you need to use a different approach for each one. If you do that successfully, you can be sure you are sending the right message and the right time.

The awareness stage is the moment when the first-time visitor gets your attention. How you will do that depends on the marketing plan that you use. Some people would choose to promote their brand through social media. For instance, they would promote themselves through tweets, Facebook, and Instagram ads, etc.

The goal you need to reach here is to convince a person to visit your website. He doesn’t know anything about you so you should tell a couple of words to convince him that he deserves your attention. After he visits your website, the next stage comes.

2. Interest

When the visitor gets to your landing page, you need to find a way to convince him to research your shop. However, you should not be too aggressive and direct here. Offering the products in the Interest Stage would be a huge mistake. You need to give him valuable content that is not going to sound “salesy”.

The purpose of the second stage is to establish your expertise. You need to help the potential consumer to get all the necessary information. For instance, if they want to know who you are, you should lead them to the “About Us” page. If he wants to know more about the products, you should provide him with features.

Source: Intercom

3. Decision

As we said, the competition in the online business world is tough. There is a big chance that the visitor already visited a couple of webshops before reaching yours. Because of that, you need to find a way to convince him to make the right decision.

That is the moment when you need to make the best offer. For instance, you can provide him with free shipping. That is one of the methods that businesses around the world use. Despite that, you can also use certain bonuses and discounts. Whichever method you use, you must make it irresistible.

4. Action

Entrepreneurs usually make a common mistake. They believe that their job ends when a client purchases their product. However, that is far away from the truth. When a customer buys your product, he became part of your business’s ecosystem. Because of that, you need to make certain steps to convince the customer to come back.

First of all, you should be available for the customer even after he gets the product. For instance, it can happen that he can’t find the solutions for the problems associated with the product. Despite that, it can also happen that there is something wrong with the product. Whichever problem the consumer has, you need to be there to provide solutions.

The relationship with the customer also doesn’t stop after he buys the product. As we said, your goal should be to convince that person to get back once again. You can do that through newsletters where you will send different news associated with your business. Offer him to subscribe to your newsletter with his email after the entire process ends.

Why Is Sales Funnel Important

Source: Tait Pollack

The sales funnel will tell you which gaps you need to cover to become successful. Many people don’t understand exactly why their sales stagnate or decrease. They try to change certain things, but those changes do not bring the best results. Logically, the reason why that happens is because they are changing the wrong things.

Despite that, the sales funnel will tell you more about your customers. You will know exactly which concerns they have and which things attract them to purchase a product. These pieces of information will help you adapt your marketing campaign to customer’s requirements and expectations.

Source: Oberlo

Final Thought

We don’t want to say that developing a successful sales funnel is easy. Because of that, if you get stuck at some moment, hiring a professional would be a smart choice. Fortunately, marketing agencies like Sales Funnels Expert can bring you success and peace of mind. Letting professionals to do the work will save your time and money as well.

Hemp 101: What Is Hemp and What Is It Used For?

Hemp is a part of the Cannabis plant family. If we put it, marijuana and hemp are closely related. However, they are different in their uses, side effects, and nature. Marijuana has a high concentration of THC and causes intoxication, while hemp does not cause a ‘high’ because it contains less than 0.3% THC.

Cannabinoid (CBD) produced from hemp plants is the most popular and widely used non-intoxicating cannabinoid on the market today. CBD has many therapeutic benefits, and it works as an anxiety reliever as well as a painkiller.

Even though hemp is famous as the number one source of CBD, that’s not the only thing hemp is used for. It has many uses that go unnoticed, and it is mainly used for the production of a variety of industrial and commercial products. With hemp’s long history and vast uses, this cannabis industry is on fire. So if you want to make money from cannabis, read this article.

Now, let’s dig in and explore different ways hemp comes in handy.

Source: The Hemp Shop

Hemp and Its Uses:

Hemp plants are very versatile; humans have used them since forever. Some of the primary uses of hemp are:

1. Plastic

Hemp can be used as a viable alternative to plastic. Hemp-based plastics can be categorized as bioplastic. It is a biodegradable, non-toxic, and renewable source that is proving to be an innovative solution to the world’s plastic problem. However, this method of producing plastic is not yet common and globally accepted. Experts have made bottles, instruments, and even cars out of hemp plants.

2. Food

A massive portion of hemp is distributed to the food industry. You can buy hemp seeds and use them for your healthy recipes as they have a rich nutritional profile. Other common hemp food products are milk and hemp protein. Who would have guessed a member of the cannabis family would be this nutritious!

Source: Brick in the Yard Mold Supply

3. Fiber

Hemp was used to producing clothes before the cotton industry got successful. The reason why hemp is still used by textile and clothing industries is because of its fibrous stalk. The fiber produced is excellent for weaving into cloth. If you check out the beautiful designs by the textiles, then no other fabric competes with it.

Hemp is a safer plant to grow than cotton and hemp clothes get softer after every wash. People with sensitive skin must prefer hemp fiber to prevent allergies and other fabric reactions. But, after the cultivation of hemp became illegal, cotton took over. However, some people now know the benefits of hemp and prefer hemp clothing over cotton clothing.

4. Paper

Hemp paper is not uncommon, and it has been used for hundreds of years. Ancient Egyptians and Chinese used hemp paper. It is rumored that the first hemp paper was created by China and has been around since.

The hemp plant has two major parts, the hurd, and the pulp. The paper can be made from either of them. But because hurd is long fiber and has more strength, it is preferred to produce papers. One acre can produce around the same amount of papers that are produced by 4-10 acres of trees and hence makes it much more environmentally friendly.

Source: Khadi Papers

5. Shoes

Many people do not know that hemp fiber is used to make durable and comfortable shoes. We think that leather is a perfect material if it comes to long-lasting shoes, but it is made up of animal skin. It is not a good idea to kill animals and manufacture shoes. Instead, many shoe designers adopted hemp and created a fantastic piece of footwear.

It is quite better than using synthetic materials like plastics, rubber, polymers, etc. On the other hand, hemp is cultivated, and there is no need to kill any animal. Many centuries, the use of hemp is manufacturing shoes were common, and people across the globe also prefer to use durable and long-lasting material.

6. Ropes

Hemp fiber has good strength, and therefore, it is used to manufacture ropes. Anciently, the use of this material was common and was considered as an essential commodity. Other natural materials are used for making ropes like jute, coconut, etc., but nothing goes well like hemp. If anyone wants to make an incredible art piece, then they must prefer coils. If you want durable and sturdy ropes, then you must prefer the ones that are made up of hemp.

Source: Ropes Direct

7. Fuel

Hemp has made things possible by creating a biofuel, which is environment-friendly. The fibrous stalks of the ingredient are used to create the fuel. It is in the form of cellulosic ethanol. It is the best alternative to exhaustible resources.

8. Soil Cleaner

The hemp plant can grow in harsh conditions and can easily extract all the impurities of the soil. According to the research, it can pull out nickel, lead, and cadmium that helps in purifying the earth. A person who needs to clean the soil must grow plants at Chernobyl. It is better not to involve any dangerous practices like deforestation. If you want to clean the space for agriculture and crops, then using the hemp plant is quite preferable.

Source: Hempington Post

9. Oil

There are many medical benefits of CBD oil, and it can be extracted from the hemp plant. It helps in treating many problems like pain, inflammation, vomiting, acne, etc. The supplements are available in medical stores in different forms like capsule, gummy bears, tincture, etc. The oil is legally used in many countries for treating various health problems. You should be careful who you are buying the oil from, there are many scammers. So make sure to use only trusted CBD oil sellers like Zamnesia.

Bottom Line

Nowadays, Hemp is a common topic, but many people are still unaware of this plant and its uses. You must consider all the uses that are mentioned above if you do not know anything. Consider them and check how it can be beneficial for you. In many countries, the cultivation of the hemp plant is legal, and it is available in many stores. Check whether you can access it locally to use it effectively.

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