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5 Things to Do in Jakarta to Spend Your Leisure Time

Ah, Jakarta – a magnificent land of dramatic differences. That is what travel writers and those who had the opportunity to get to know its soul call it. The capital of Indonesia has a lot to be proud of, which makes it a perfect destination for those whose thirst for exploring the wonderful corners of our beautiful planet never subsides. Of course, natural beauties have no competition and they always belong to the range of things because of which a visit to this part of the globe must simply be a lovely and completely unique experience. If you did your best to better explore the sights and scenes that await you there before the scheduled trip, then you’re probably already familiar with the biggest attractions. Lots of excursions, the breathtaking gorgeousness of tropical landscapes, a lot of driving and soaking up every bit of the magical atmosphere that this city brings are waiting for you.

However, vacation and travel are also those moments when you really want to use wisely even that leisure time that you miss so much during the year when you work tirelessly to afford the honor of staying in such areas. That’s why we want to recommend to you a certain number of activities that you can use to fill the time left after touring different parts of the city. You’ll see – you’ll fall in love even more.

1. Visit Alive museum

Source: www.befreetour.com

You may have had the opportunity to hear about such facilities before, and you may have once had the chance to visit similar places. But enjoying a carefree, fun wandering through this museum is certainly one of the best options for cutting back on time until a plane flight or for spending your free afternoon.

Fans of amusement parks will agree that this facility is extremely reminiscent of them, since it essentially IS an amusement park. The tour lasts a couple of hours, and during that time you’re free to enjoy the charms of various rooms and take photos as much as your heart desires, as you’ll come across a myriad of weird, absorbing and unique backgrounds for taking photos. The very concept of this place is based on the 3D experience and includes optical illusions and observation of art and objects from various perspectives and angles. And, oh well, a wax museum is also available for checking out.

Tickets can be found at a price of IDR 100,000 through Trip Advisor, but it’s good to note that they include only the entrance, without additional benefits such as drinks, food or transportation. You may not learn as many engrossing facts as you would in a regular museum, but if you’re a fan of photography and art, this will probably be more than a nice way to spend a couple of hours.

2. Go and see Indonesia Miniature Park

Source: eOasia

Wanna see how the whole Indonesia looks like without crossing the borders of the territory of Jakarta itself? Well, we have some good news! And if you also like miniature parks, then we assume that you’ll immediately rush to this place. For ease of reference, it’s located in the eastern zone of Jakarta and is composed of numerous pavilions that make up a miniature view of different provinces and parts of Indonesia in life size.

The main charm of this location is the credibility with which the architecture, nature and environment of each of the parts were designed and done as a special concept. Unlike the previous object, this one offers a handful of cultural, historical and geographical information that you’ll always carry in your head and heart. It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with the rustic spirit and atmosphere it provides, and in order to get around everything, it’s definitely best to rent a cable car and drive around – you won’t regret a second.

Numerous gardens, porches, magnificent balconies, beautiful and endless greenery all around and a well-maintained space in which all these are located delight not only adults but also children. For that reason, this is probably one of the most ideal tours if you’re on vacation with your youngsters. The price of a regular ticket, without a trip to the most luxurious places, is approximately IDR 10,000, although it can be higher.

3. Explore religious objects

Source: Divisare

Whatever country you come from and to whichever religion you belong to, a visit to the crucial and significant religious objects that adorn destinations like these is something that shouldn’t be skipped in any case. Indonesia is believed to be the mother of the largest percentage of people of the Muslim faith, and the capital itself is rich in magnificently decorated mosques, of which Istiqlal stands out above all.

You’ll probably never see a more powerful religious building within the entire area of Jakarta. It’s a place where more than 100,000 believers pray and come to worship every day, which makes it one of the largest mosques in entire Asia, and absolutely the largest in its southeastern part. The Catholic cathedral is not far behind in its irresistible neo-Gothic design and admirable architecture in general, while some other wonderful buildings similar to these can also be found in the vicinity of the city.

Another interesting landmark is the old Buddhist temple Vihara Dharma Bhakti at Petak Sembilan which dates from the 17th century. This building is especially interesting because of its dual shape, but also its purpose: one part of it has the shape of a Buddhist temple, while the other is a Catholic church. Having in mind so many churches and religious creations that point to different faiths and cultures, one can feel the spirit of tolerance, acceptance and love. It’s one of the strongest messages they convey.

4. Go to the party and experience the nightlife

Source: Jakarta100bars

After having some cosy, peaceful time touring and sightseeing, it’s time for a little bit of nightlife there. And there’s something for everyone. If you’re a party maniac and want to smell the hot Indonesian night, and at the same time feel like in a very core of luxury, we recommend some of the most famous bars – Dragonfly, Boca Rica, Colosseum and Basque. For calmer evening variations as well as daily relaxation you can add to this a couple of magnificent rooftop restaurants and bars such as Skye or Burgundy Bar.

As for gambling, it’s well-known that religion forbids Indonesians this kind of entertainment, so betting fans will not be too happy with the fact that there are no casinos in sight in the capital. However, online gambling that has flourished everywhere, so this option can be used here as well. One of the examples would be qqonline.link, where Indonesian currency can be used safely, with the support of Indonesian banks and with a solid range of fun games. So, if you don’t feel like going out and you have a tablet or any other gadget with you, why not spend more time playing online and relaxing with your favorite beer?

5. Shopping, shopping, shopping!

Source: Asia Dreams

In the end, nothing feels complete if we don’t make a decent tour to the most famous malls in Jakarta, especially having in mind the popularity of these here. Actually, they probably tend to be among the most visited types of buildings in the whole city – they simply can’t help it, so prepare for the crowd… much crowd.

In addition to numerous shops, you’ll also be able to enjoy nice cafeterias, restaurants and even cinemas – very similar to any other shopping center around the world. Outlets offer many benefits, so if you have a few extra hours, grab your loved ones by the arm and take a look around, ‘cause why not? If you ask Indonesians where you can do that, you’ll usually get an answer that contains some of the most popular names – Plaza Indonesia, Taman Anggrek or Alun-Alun. So – go, go, go!

9 Tips to Save Money on Your Swimming Pool Heating

Swimming in a good pool can be a very relaxing experience. Especially in the cold months, you’ll feel good knowing you have a swimming pool with some warm water right in your backyard for you to jump into. Heating your swimming pool, however, is not a small task. It requires regular upkeep even when you aren’t using it to ensure that optimum pool environment is maintained. Swimming pool heating utilises a lot of energy, and this can drive up your monthly electricity bill and burn a hole in your wallet.

Maintaining swimming pool heating can be a costly task, but it’s necessary if you want to see your pool thrive and be able to enjoy swimming in it. Besides this, there are multiple other benefits that swimming pool heating has on swimmers such as:

  • Swimming in warm water can relieve muscles from aches
  • It speeds up recovery after an accident or surgery
  • Circulation can be improved
  • It improves the functioning of the heart and lungs
  • It can offer relief from symptoms of arthritis
  • Post gym workouts, it can result in reduced lactic acid levels
  • It can improve mood and is a good form of entertainment to those benefiting from it

It is for all these reasons that you need to ensure you have a good swimming pool heating system in place that achieves pool heating in an energy-efficient and economical way.

Here are some tips on what you can do to save money on swimming pool heating:

1. Turn the temperature down

Source: AquaCal

You need your pool to be warm enough so that you can swim comfortably, but that doesn’t mean the temperature in your swimming pool has to be turned up all the time. Adjust the temperature of your pool based on the weather conditions outside. You may need a higher temperature during cooler months but a lower temperature during warmer months. This will make sure that the pool is comfortable enough so that you can swim in it, using up too much energy.

You should also make sure to turn down the temperature when the pool is not in use. If you generally use the pool only over the weekends, there’s no need to keep the temperature up throughout the week. Lowering the temperature through the week and turning it up over the weekend can save you a lot of money on energy bills. Even a one-degree drop in temperature can result in energy savings anywhere between 10% and 30%.

2. Use a variable speed pump

Source: Pool Cleaner Blog

The pool pump in your swimming pool is the biggest consumer of energy, utilising between 3,000 and 5,000 kWh on an annual basis. What you spend upfront on a pool pump is just 20% of the cost you’ll incur on the pump because the remaining 80% goes into energy costs. That’s why it’s important to make a long term commitment wisely by choosing a variable speed pump. Such pumps are custom programmed for your swimming pool’s filtration, cleaning, and sanitation needs, and can save you a massive amount on your energy bills in comparison to conventional fixed speed pumps.

3. Get a swimming pool cover

Source: Archiproducts

Most of the energy loss that takes place in your pool results from evaporation (up to 70%). Making use of pool covers is an effective solution for this. A pool cover helps to prevent loss of heat through evaporation and can conserve heat, leading to energy savings. Since heat is conserved at the surface, it can help in heating your swimming pool. They can also result in a temperature rise of as much as 4 to 8 degrees for your pool.

Because of this, you won’t need to rely on pool heating systems as much, and this will lower your energy costs in the long run. Regular safety covers, as well as auto covers, can be used for this purpose. Liquid solar pool covers are also an option, but they’re not effective in wind prone regions as the chemicals can be blown away easily, defeating the purpose of pool heating.

4. Rely on solar power

Source: AquaCal

Makin use of solar heat panels or a solar heater is a great way to utilise solar energy to heat your swimming pool in an energy-efficient and cost-effective manner. Water is circulated by a pool pump through the heated panels that are on the roof. The water is warmed using solar energy and returned to the pool until the required temperature is achieved.

This is especially effective in warmer climates where solar energy can be used to generate four times the heat energy that can be generated using heat or a gas pump. Solar heating systems need to be positioned strategically and must be of a size large enough to get the maximum benefit from exposure to the sun. This reliance on natural sunlight to heat your pool will help you make significant reductions on your energy bill.

If you want to learn more about solar panels for your swimming pool, visit literoflightusa.org.

5. Lower wind exposure

Source: Pool Clinics

Lowering wind exposure is crucial if you want to maintain the temperature of your pool. Heat loss from wind can be reduced by constructing pool fencing made using wire mesh or sleek glass material. You could also erect some thick hedges around your swimming pool, and these can grow on their own once planted. The downside of this, though, is that you’ll need to clear a lot more leaves when it’s autumn. Fencing around your pool will also give you more privacy.

6. Reduce the use of the heater

Source: Splash Promotion

A strategic reduction in the use of your swimming pool heater will make sure you save money on your energy bills while also keeping the water of the pool fresh and refreshing for you whenever you decide to go for a swim in it.

7. Utilise LED lighting

Source: Hydrotech Engineering

The lights you use in your pool don’t just illuminate your pool. They also contribute to your pool’s warmth and have a significant impact on your energy bills every month. Switching to LED lights instead of regular lights will last you for a long time into the future and help you cut costs on your energy bills.

8. Clean your pool cover

It’s great that you’ve got a swimming pool cover to keep your pool temperature in check, but that’s not enough. Ensure it’s kept clean if you want it to do a good job of heating your pool. Removal of dirt and debris from your swimming pool cover will prevent damage and deterioration, helping to extend the lifespan of the cover and making it effective for much longer.

9. Consistently maintain and replace heaters whenever needed

Source: SwimmingPool.com

A swimming pool requires constant checks and maintenance to function efficiently and checking the condition of the pool heater is also an important aspect of this maintenance check. Routinely assessing the condition of your pool heater and ensuring that there are no problems resulting from damage or debris will keep it in good condition. A heater that is in good condition will function effectively and result in cost savings in the long run. Generally, a good heater will last you for five years, but after that, replacing it will be necessary.

With these tips, you can enjoy swimming in a warm pool no matter what the weather outside is without stressing out about running up a large energy bill.  If you need help deciding, contact experienced companies such as thefibreglasspoolcompany.com.au.

Can Stainless Steel Be Cast?

Stainless steel is said to be one of the best materials if you are interested in producing something that will not corrode with use, and that will be heat resistant. This metal can be transformed and molded in different ways, and here we are going to talk about casting.

Casting, by itself, is the process in which a material is heated until it turns liquid, and then it is poured into the mold and left to harden. If you are interested in how you can benefit from stainless steel cast and how you can make your life easier with these products, continue reading.

Source: Brif.rs

Production process

Depending on the production process and the finish, stainless steel can be made into wrought or cast. You should know that the former is more commonly used in everyday products and these products are probably more popular than the casting ones.

When it comes to wrought, the products are made by firstly creating blooms, slabs, and ingots. Later on, they are shaped by using the method of heating and hammering. As you can see, it takes a lot of time, patience, and skills to create these products.

Casting, on the other hand, is a simpler process, where the metal is heated until it becomes liquid, and then it is poured into the molding containers. This process is faster and easier to create, however, it still requires skills and knowledge.

The latter products are usually made in a foundry and when it comes to machines or other products that contain a lot of small components, they are usually made in one factory, and later on, assembled in another.

Source: Azom.com


There are a lot of different types of metal that can be turned into a cast, and the difference between them and stainless steel is that the latter usually contains less carbon. The researches have shown that this type of metal contains no more than 0.5 percent of carbon.

You might ask how does this changes the properties of the products and is that an advantage or a disadvantage.

Well, to answer this question, you should know that the higher the carbon percentage in a metal, the easier it is to create a product that will not break or crack during the production process. These materials, such as iron, can be wrought with ease, and they can be heated over and over again without cracking or damaging the product. Another thing is that when there is a higher carbon concentration, the metal will not shrink when heated, which means, there is no big loss when it comes to producing iron cast. Because of all of these things, when it comes to producing big things, like furniture or fences, iron is used instead of stainless steel.

On the other hand, one of the main properties of steel is that it is extremely durable. Unlikely other metals, the smaller carbon percentage makes it less likely to get damaged after the production, and it will stand the test of time. Because of this, stainless steel is mainly used to create kitchenware and to produce delicate pieces that will last for years to come.

This material can withstand serious force and it will not break or bend, which is extremely important, especially when it is used as a building structure. It is also used in the mechanical field, and with it, a lot of different parts are created. According to dawangcasting.com, in the steel investment casting industry, this metal is used to create products that can be later on used in the automotive companies, railroad, petrochemical, and even the agriculture and the construction industry. So, as you can see, the properties stainless steel has, are needed in almost every part of our lives where we need something that can withstand forces and something that will be durable for decades to come.

Source: Construction Review Online


Now let’s see the advantages of using this type of metal casting in your production process. Remember that these things depend on how the metal is created and if it is used stainless steel only, or if it is a blend between different materials and metals.

As we previously mentioned, the biggest advantage of using this type of metal is the durability. No matter where you use it, or how much force or heat you put it under, it will not get damaged. Because of that, stainless-steel cookware can be used for decades without cracking even when it is put on direct fire. It is said that when you use kitchen appliances made of this material, you may never need to replace them in your life.

The next thing is that the products have a really smooth surface, which is a bump or scratch-free. This allows the products to look sleeker and overall better. That surface will stay with the product forever, and you won’t notice any dents or scratches even after years of using it. This is extremely important, especially when it comes to the automotive industry.

The products made of this material are really easy to clean and maintain. People who use this metal in their home, state that cleaning the cookware takes no more than a minute, even if you forgot the meal on the stove and if it burned. Another interesting fact about stainless steel is the maintenance process is also important in industries including agriculture because the machines have to stay clean in order for the production process to be up to the highest standards.

Source: Mosta Fazizi


There are not many disadvantages to this material, but the biggest one is the cost. Since it cannot be molded over and over again, and it shrinks during the production process, a big amount of the metal has to be used. This makes it one of the most expensive materials you can invest in.

It is not a good heat conductor, and this can be seen as both an advantage and a disadvantage. When it comes to cooking, where heat conduction is needed, the cookware is usually coated with aluminum or copper, so that the whole product can be heated really fast.

This material is not recommended when you have to place something in salty water, or when you will expose it to salt all the time. When that happens, it can cause pitting corrosion and even though it won’t break the product, it will still damage it, and take away its beauty.

These are the most important things you need to know about stainless steel cast, how it is used, and why you can benefit from it. If you are interested in producing your own things, and if you are looking for the best material, this metal can help you out a lot. To make the best judgment, you should always consult with the professionals and weight the positives and the negative sides.

5 Beautiful Ways to Enhance Your Home Décor With Perfect Inspirational Posters

People use posters from time immemorial to uplift the mood of their house and office. The excellent part about posters is that there are all kinds of them available in the market. There are random posters, motivational posters, posters with stunning quotes, one-liner, and so on.

The thing is that you need to choose one that suits your home décor and environment. One such poster that you can always go for is Monopoly posters. They look attractive, cute, and they have something to teach to everyone.

You can hang the poster on any wall that you want. You can put them on the office walls, bedroom, or even the living rooms to inspire everyone all the time. The posters will have the Monopoly game’s main character with one motivational line that will instantly uplift your mental state.

Words have the power to make you reflect, and that’s the main reason why so many people prefer hanging posters is that they look good, and they always have something or the other to teach us. Take motivational posters like Monopoly posters. For example, they talk about making good choices, taking risks, vision, and learning. All these posters reflect how we should envisage our lives and how we should live it.

Those who like to be motivated must get meaningful and motivational posters because that’s the best way to remain motivated throughout the day.

In case you are new to posters, and you need some idea when it comes to hanging them on the walls and make your home look cozier, this is the right blog for you. We will talk about five essential tips that will make the house or the office look stylish or modern, but the same posters will allow you to conceal the flaws of the house. Here are some tips that have been tried and tested, and they work.

Complete the sense of unfinishedness

Let us set aside the trend of buying posters, if you have space at your home that looks vacant, and could use a poster, just hang it there. In fact, it is not compulsory to hang the poster on the wall; you can just keep it on the ground and then allow the poster to cast its spell.

Let the poster lean against an empty wall, and you can have that space as your personal zone. Add additional decorative items to enhance the space mood. You can think of adding a reading table and chair along with a small indoor plant. This will create a significant difference that you wish to have for your lovely space.

Simultaneously, you can lean one to three posters and have a completely different room. Just be sure to pick the poster as per the aura of the room. The colors in the posters must suit the overall feel of the room as well. You don’t need to spoil the walls with nails, and the room will have a different feel to it right away.

Larger pictures with simple frames are your go-to poster for this idea. You can place the posters in this way in any room you want without additional decorative elements. It’s your call.

Club different posters to create mutual harmony

This idea is suitable for the waiting room or lobby in your office or in the living room of the office. A group of posters hanging on the wall, along with some photos, will create a feeling of continuity. This trick always works. Just align the posters in a beautiful way that will make your room look good.

The use of posters for the living room has been an on-going tradition that you can follow as well. Have posters with a similar theme—Club a few larger-sized posters and smaller ones to make it look complete. Fill in the odd space with smaller ones, and allow the larger pieces to steal the limelight.

The best wall to pick for this arrangement is the living room wall right behind the sofa, or beside the dining table wall. You can have three motivational wall art pieces rowed one by one, 6 to 7 of large and small-sized posters hung in an orderly manner. The point is to make your wall look complete. In case you are looking for motivational wall art, check out musaartgallery.com

Have the same size posters on the wall

Other than asymmetry wall posters hanging, you can even create a balanced view. For this one, it is better to create a general theme. By general theme, we mean going for the same kind of posters for the entire wall. The same theme posters would be an excellent idea.

Rather than choosing different sizes for the posters, you can select ones with the same height and breadth. Ensure that the distance between one poster and the other is not more than 7 to 10 cm. This way, you can create dynamic wall art.

Another thing that you can do is, if you choose wall posters with inspirational and motivational quotes, allow all of the posters to have the same theme. Simultaneously, if you are picking an image for the poster, make sure that all of the art reflects the same idea.

The photos and the pictures that you will choose have to be of the same dimension. The frames need to be the same as well. Only that way, you will have the same feeling and aura for the posters hanging on the wall. Create a stable them to have a sophisticated living room space or waiting room space.

Take care of the room’s flaws

Here’s another thing that you can do to enhance the home décor. Those with small height houses can add posters to their walls lined vertically. Just hand them systematically and choose only vertical posters if you want your house to look taller.

Apartments usually have smaller heights than customed houses, and this plan can work wonderfully for flats. This is an ideal way to make your home have visibly taller walls. Don’t make the walls look cluttered, too, with too many of them.

Add larger size furniture and choose posters with more considerable height and lesser breath. Too many posters on the wall will make your house visibly have lower space, something small apartments should avoid having.

Black and white posters always give away the feeling of uniqueness; you can go for them. This idea works really well for the home office as well. Have simple posters, even colored ones with minimal design, and hang them on the office wall. This way, you will not feel distracted and aloof.

Finding the right place for the posters

Another vital consideration while hanging the posters on the wall is picking the right place. You must avoid hanging them right behind the TV because that may create distractions. Instead, go with the spaces that look void and empty.

Behind the sofa, bed, dining table, and study table are good choices to place your poster. You can add an LED light near the poster and make sure that you allow the LED light to hang from the top, making the house look very bright.

Your furniture should remain simplistic if you want the posters to steal the limelight. Houses with extravagant furniture with go with posters with minimalistic design, and if you have colorful furniture and flowery curtains, then choose colorful posters to create the right theme.

While choosing the wall posters for the house, make sure they are pleasing to your eyes. The colors and texts used in the poster have to be eye-pleasing; you will not be able to enjoy them. Another thing to keep in mind is the distance. You must keep them at a distance that will allow you to enjoy them effortlessly.

You can think of buying Monopoly posters for your house or the office because these posters reflect the uniqueness, and they have a strong message to display. Shop from  www.vicexvirtueposters.com, and check out our Monopoly posters collection, we bet you will like something. You can buy them all four, and a have a storyline or buy just one to create the minimalistic effect. Use black frames, though; they look better.

So, here goes the simple way to decorate your house with the right posters. Spice up your house’s or office’s décor with the right and best kind of posters. Posters are the best way to tell a story, and they can uplift your mood right away.

7 Things You Can Strike Off Your Bucket List By Visiting Pennsylvania

Source: MyExpatTaxes

The Keystone State is a marvelous place for your next vacation. You can step into the past with the horse-drawn buggies of Lancaster County or live it up in the cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. And that’s before we get to the stunning outdoor activities on offer here. With 26 national park sites, there’s no shortage of places to hike, bike, and swim. To cap it all off, Pennsylvania has a rich and fascinating history, with many places to learn about that on your trip.

In this post, we’ll take a look at seven of the best activities you can do on a trip to Pennsylvania. Hopefully, it’ll make it easier to plan and make the most of your trip. And yes, there is a campsite near all of them!

1. Try Stand up Paddle Boarding at Presque Isle State Park

Source: gilisports.com

Situated on the shores of Lake Erie, Presque Isle State Park is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Pennsylvania. It is open throughout the year and there are miles upon miles of hiking trails. It also has more than eleven miles of beach, with clear blue waters perfect for swimming. The shores make for a great sunbathing spot too!

If you’re looking for a little more excitement or a bit of a challenge on your trip to Presque Isle, why not learn to paddle board? You can check more info and advice about stand up paddle boarding here at GiliSports. It’s the fastest growing water sport in the world and a great workout for your core! It’s also a fine way to enjoy this stunning state park.

2. Valley Forge National Historic Park

Source: ValleyForge.org

For those who are interested in American history, there are few sites that can stir the emotions as much as Valley Forge National Park. It is where the American Revolutionary war was won. Nowadays, you can learn about the events of Valley Forge at the visitor center – where there are exhibitions and tours. Once you’ve had your fill of history, there are several trails throughout the national park too. While it is an easy day trip from Philadelphia, there are several places nearby where you can camp.

3. Navigate the state on historic railroads

Source: 10Best

Hiking trails are not the only way that you can take in the beauty of Pennsylvania. In the small town of Strasburg, you can board a historic steam train to discover the surrounding area. This is one of the best ways to see the Amish County and journeys take roughly ¾ of an hour. If you get travel sick, no need to worry. You can visit the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania and the National Toy Train Museum in Pennsylvania too. Strasburg is in Lancaster County.

4. Learn about America’s independence in Philadelphia

Source: Flickr

Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania, but Philadelphia is arguably its best-known city. And it’s no surprise since it’s one of the most important historic sites in America! The Declaration of Independence was signed and the Constitution drafted too. Nowadays, you can visit the museums, stroll through the park and around the cobblestoned streets, and you certainly won’t want to miss the Liberty Bell. Philadelphia is a great place to start your Pennsylvania vacation before heading out into the state’s national parks and areas of great beauty.

5. Take a tour of the Fallingwater House

One of America’s most famous architects, Frank Lloyd Wright, created the stunning Fallingwater house, deep in Bear Run Nature Reserve. It looks out over a waterfall and it’s considered one of the most beautiful private homes in the United States. While you can take a tour of the Fallingwater House, it’s not the only thing in this area. The Laurel Highlands has numerous places where you can hike, bike, and enjoy the great outdoors. And of course, there are several spots where you can camp out too!

6. Gaze at the stars

Source: The Dyrt

If you get off the beaten track in Pennsylvania, you can make the most of some incredible dark skies. For an area that is largely untouched by light pollution, put Cherry Springs State Park on your Pennsylvania itinerary. On a good night, you’ll be able to see the Milky Way. Camping here is best if you don’t spend all of your time in the tent – otherwise how will you see the stars above?! The campgrounds here are very quiet, but some have telescopes and observation fields to make the most of those beautiful open skies.

7. Hike some of the most beautiful trails in the states

Source: Flickr

As we mentioned earlier, there are more than 26 national park areas in Pennsylvania, meaning that there’s a lot of hiking! So, grab your walking boots and anything else you might need and hit some of the trails. If you want to see nature in all its splendor without straining yourself too much, the Montour Trail passes through Allegheny and Washington Counties. It covers 63 miles, but is largely flat, so you can appreciate what is around you. Animal lovers will like the short trails of the Marilla Trail System, while the Great Shamokin Path gives you a chance to learn a little history with your hiking!

Final Thoughts on things to do in Pennsylvania

Source: MyExpatTaxes

With so much on offer to do in Pennsylvania, you’ll probably want to book your trip soon. Whether you’re traveling with friends, family, your other half, or even solo, there’s no better way to immerse yourself in the great outdoors than camping. Remember, if you’re local, a camping trip could just be the vacation you’ve been looking for close to home in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic too! No matter where you choose to visit in Pennsylvania, you’re sure to have a great time from taking in its captivating nature to embark on any breathtaking adventure.

Covid-19 Note

Please note that some of the activities such as visiting some parks are not yet available due to the Covid-19 virus. For some activities that are available, we suggest that you follow proper guidelines, proper sanitation and hygiene to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Sports Betting and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Source: Pinterest

The United States as well as the rest of the World continues to battle the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While this battle is ongoing for individuals as well as the economies, the sporting industry including the sports betting landscape is also dealing with direct implications from this pandemic. However, many of the major sporting leagues including the NBA, Major League Baseball, MLS, PGA Tour, NASCAR as well as European Soccer and the KBO baseball league are back up and running. For sports bettors, this is great news as sports betting is slowly returning to some type of normal operation. That said, Betting on Sports during COVID-19 will not only be different but also require a whole new approach.

Luckily for you we are here to help everyone during these tough times and help get you back on track with our guide to Betting on Sports during COVID-19. This guide will look to help you not only bet during these times but also make sure you have a competitive approach to winning. Here is our guide to Betting on sports during the ongoing pandemic.

Source: Bleacher Report

New Approach to Research

While research has always been key to any sports bettor success in the past, moving forward it will extra important to put in the research. When looking at a matchup to place your sports pick on take the time to research the roster for both clubs and teams involved. Examine what players may be out or on the COVID-19 injured list. For example if a team like the Los Angeles Lakers or Los Angeles Clippers lose a player like Kawhi Leonard or LeBron James, this will directly impact their play on the floor. Make sure to also look at what clubs maybe experience a spike of players dealing with the COVID-19 throughout the day as you have seen with MLB teams such as the Miami Marlins and St. Louis Cardinals. Each of these spikes caused games to be postponed. You do not want to place a sports pick on a team that has the potential to have their games postponed.

Source: BBC

Move to Online Sportsbooks & Apps

Another key approach to sports betting during the pandemic is to take the time to move to online sports betting with at least one if not multiple online sportsbooks. With the possibility of sports betting venues across the world including in US hot sports such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City shutting down or closing due to an increase could leave you with out the opportunity to place a sports bet. Turning to online sportsbooks and sportsbooks apps offered by any of the major sites gives you the ability to place a sports bet from anywhere at any time. In addition to that luxury, you will also have the opportunity to take advantage of brand new deposit bonuses, reload bonuses as other sports betting promotions offered by these various sportsbooks.

Source: Sports Betting

Take Advantage of the Opportunities

In these difficult times, you must take advantage of the opportunities daily as they are present and available such as Centsports. That said, do not rush your picks just to make a pick. Take the time to do the research for each sporting event daily before placing your bet. With the proper research and time daily, you should have enough events to find a few key matchups you like to take advantage of. As only time can tell if and when the major sporting leagues may be forced to shut down due to another spike of COVID-19 cases.

Source: The Esports Observer

Take the time to Learn E-Sports

Lastly one of the major trends taking over the sporting industry as well as the gaming industry is E-Sports. These virtual sporting events and games being played allow sports bettors and opportunity to bet on games being played. These events also included sim leagues where the game action is simulated for a wide range of sports including the NFL with the play of Madden and the NBA with NBA 2K. While betting on E-Sports is a new approach, it does allow you an opportunity to continue betting if a shutdown takes place within the major sporting events.

In the end Betting on Sports during COVID-19 may be challenging at first but taking the time to research and changing your approach will allow you the opportunity to cash in daily.

Best 3 Ways to Convert WAV to MP3

Music is a large part of our everyday life. Billions of people around the globe start their day with their favorite tunes and listen to them while doing their chores, working, studying, or exercising. Because of this it simply has to be as accessible as possible.

Anyone who is proficient in using modern technology knows that there are dozens of file types with every form of media. Be it text, audio, or video, multiple different types of files exist for different uses, devices, and practices. While there are certain default ones everyone uses most of the time, people often have the need for some other, more specific, and special file type than the one they have.

With audio files, for example, the large majority of files are MP3. MP3 is arguably the most popular and widely recognized extension and file type name in the world. If you own music files, they are definitely going to be MP3. This is why one may wish to convert other types of files into MP3 files if they already own it in another.

In this article, you will learn how to convert WAV to MP3 without any trouble. As mentioned, MP3 files are the staple of the music industry file sharing, so many users like to have and trade all their audio files like this. This is why we deemed it important to teach you to convert WAV to MP3 the right way and show you the best 3 ways to do so.

1. OnlineConverterFree

Source: AlternativeTo

We start things off with one of the best ways to convert WAV to MP3 from your web browser. OnlineConverterFree is very easy to use online service with various different types of conversion options, one of which is the one we talk about today. First of all, you have to go to onlineconvertfree.com. After you are met with their simple yet modern interface, choose the WAV converter option. Now the real process begins:

– Upload WAV file

Choose the file you wish to turn into an MP3 file from your computer hard drive, your Google Drive folder, your Dropbox page, or simply drag and drop it to the dedicated space.

– Select “to MP3”

Since there are different conversion options, you will have to specify that you want your WAV file to become an MP3 file. Select MP3, or other formats if you want from more than 200 supported ones.

– Download Your MP3 File

After you have selected the file, wait for it to convert, and then click the “Download MP3 File” button once it becomes available. That is it! You can now enjoy your favorite track without it being a WAV file anymore.

This way of converting your files is absolutely the fastest and best out of all other options, simply because it is easy, user-friendly, and even interesting. No longer will you suffer from weird file formats now that you know what a walk in the park it is to convert them on the web.

2. Freemake

Source: Wikidata

We have already established that online converters are much easier and more convenient to use, but in case you want something for your desktop, here we go. Freemake is a neat converter program that you first have to download from their website. Next, you must install it onto your PC, Mac, or Linux device in order to use it. After this, it is time to start converting WAV files into much smaller and more useful MP# files.

Once you have opened the file, find the “+Audio” button and add the desired WAV file you no longer need in this format. You can use the drag and drop feature. In addition, several files can be converted at once so do that if you have more WAV files at one time.

Your next step is to choose the “to MP3” option from the bar on the bottom of the window. A menu will show up with additional settings you can choose. While you can choose 320kbps or 256kbps for example, it is never possible to get a high-quality MP3 file from a low-quality WAV file.

After you have chosen all of your desired settings, click the “Convert” button and wait. Once the conversion has finished, you will have the final product in the form of an MP3 file you can listen to on any device.

3. Switch Audio File Converter

Source: Steam

Lastly, the third solution to convert WAV files into MP3 files is another desktop program. Switch works similarly to Freemake. It first requires the user to download it from the official website and install it onto the computer. After this, the conversion of music files can begin.

Switch is made specifically for audio file conversion and nothing more. It supports over 40 audio file formats, including AAC, AVI, M4A, OGG, MID, FLAC, and others, apart from MP3 and WAV. It is a fast and efficient solution to quickly convert your tunes from the desktop. More files can be converted at once, making it good for producers and anyone dealing with large amounts of music files every day. The audio is normalized during the conversion process as well.

Regarding the supported systems, the program works on Windows 10, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1, as well as Mac OS X 10.5 and newer. Other features include extraction of audio from DVDs, listening to tracks prior to conversion, and accessing online databases regarding song info.

Conclusion and Takeaways

Music enthusiasts everywhere require some kind of file type conversion sooner or later. It is impossible to find everything you want in the desired format all the time, which is why it is a very smart idea to have a quality online conversion service by your side, or a desktop program capable of fast and efficient conversions. Among these three solutions, you will no longer have to deal with unwanted WAV files in your possession, nor will you be worried if you find your desired track in a while other than MP3. Start converting your files today and upgrade that playlist you have been putting on hold because of the mismatched formats!

How to Make Your Home a Better Place for Your Dog

Source: unsplash.com

Adding a dog to your household can bring your family a lot of joy. Maybe you’re taking in a puppy from a neighbor or adopting a senior dog from the local animal shelter. Naturally, you want to make your home as inviting to your pet as possible. Check out some easy things you can do to accomplish this goal.

Select a Comfortable Dog Bed

Source: Bizzoby

Most dogs sleep at least 12 to 14 hours per day. So, why not get a comfortable bed (Check this site) your dog can snuggle into at any time of the day or night? Having a dog bed available to your canine can make it feel right at home. Plus, it may keep your dog from trying to sleep in your bed with you.

Size is one of the most important things to consider when selecting a bed for your pup. It’s best to get a bed that accommodates your dog’s body with a few inches of extra space. That way, your dog has room to turn around and find a relaxing position.

A dog bed with a fleece cover is soft and easy to clean. An ideal dog bed has a solid, non-slip base and a soft, plushy top your dog can burrow into.

Dog beds are available in many shapes including oval, square, rectangle, octagon, and circle. You may want one that echoes the look of your own furniture. Or perhaps you have a go-to brand for pet supplies. No matter the shape, a durable dog bed can be a comforting item for your beloved pet.

Install a Doggy Door

Source: The Pet Door Store

A doggy door gives your dog independence to move from inside your home to the yard whenever it wants to. If you have a door in your kitchen that leads out into your backyard, then installing a doggy door there would be a smart idea. Or, if you have another door in a family room or mudroom that leads outside, a doggy door would be a welcome addition.

When choosing a doggy door to install in your home, be sure to look for one that’s appropriate in size for your dog. After all, you don’t want your Golden retriever trying to fit through a doggy door meant for a miniature poodle!

Another thing to factor into your choice is a lock. Some doggy doors have a lock in their design while others require the purchase of a separate lock or latch. A lock gives you peace of mind about the security of your home. For instance, you may lock the doggy door if you need to board your dog at a kennel and go out of town.

Install an Invisible Fence

Source: Pinterest

Installing an invisible fence is another way you can make your home more inviting to your dog. You can install an invisible fence like those found here all around your property as a way to keep your dog safe if you live on a busy street. Or you can install one in your backyard if your dog likes to spend a lot of time there.

One of the best things about an invisible fence is you can keep your dog safe while not having to build a fence that would detract from the appearance of your property.

Get a Dog Pool

Source: My Pet Needs That

Chances are, you’ve seen those plastic pools for kids sitting outside your local big box or home improvement store. Well, kids aren’t the only ones who like to splash around in these pools. Dogs like to splash around in them too!

This is especially true for water-loving dogs such as Labrador retrievers, poodles, Golden retrievers, Newfoundlands, and Spanish water dogs, among others. Even if you have a dog that only wants to get its paws wet, a plastic pool in your yard can give it the refreshment it needs on a hot day.

As a note, if you do get a dog pool, be sure to empty the water each day especially if your dog has paddled in the water. Over time, dog hair, dirt and other debris can stain the inside of your pool making it look dingy. Also, avoid letting the water stand for several days without emptying it. Mosquitoes can lay eggs in the water creating a problem with them on your property.

Get a Doghouse

Maybe you plan to keep your dog inside your home most of the time. Even so, having a doghouse in your yard is a good idea. If you want your dog to spend some time outside on an especially breezy or hot day, a doghouse can provide the shelter it needs to remain comfortable.

You can put an old cushion inside your doghouse along with one of its favorite toys so it can have some relaxing outdoor time. Your dog can spend a few hours exploring your yard and even napping in the fresh air.

Choosing a doghouse is a fun process because there are so many interesting designs. You may want a doghouse in a particular color that complements the exterior of your home or maybe one with a unique design. Dog houses are available in plastic or wood with roofs in different styles. You are no longer limited to a traditional doghouse.

Choose a Few Favorite Dog Toys

Source: EyeEm

While some dog owners have a box overflowing with dog toys, most dogs have just a few go-to toys they play with. A tennis ball, a rope bone, a squeaky ball, or a small stuffed animal are all traditional favorites with dogs. Try one or two toys to see what your dog chooses. That way, you can have a few toys around your home that your dog picks up.

Lastly, you don’t have to go to a lot of trouble or expense to make your home inviting to your new dog or puppy. Adding just a few things can help your dog feel like a true member of the family!

5 Tips For Getting Your Pre-Lockdown Body Back

If lockdown has impacted your body for the worse, this article is designed to help you get back in shape.

Many people who were previously skeptical about how much your body can change in a short space of time, now understand the reality and the impact of bad habits (even in the short term).

If you have gained notable amounts of weight, don’t worry as you aren’t alone; and as quickly as you gained it (you can also lose it).

Although it’s understandable how some may get out of shape during quarantine, other individuals have proven that if you have the willpower, you can still undergo the transformation of your life – no matter what your circumstances.

How to Transform Your Body During Lockdown

  1. Keep active
  2. Stick to protein
  3. Supplementation
  4. Keep hydrated
  5. Avoid comfort eating

1. Keep Active

Source: Diet

Some men and women who were in good shape pre-lockdown have lost muscle mass and gained fat. The bad news is, if you go from exercising regularly to being sedentary, you will lose your gains (whether that’s muscle mass or your cardiovascular ability).

However, the good news is – once you start working out again, your body will restore your previous fitness level equally as fast. InsideBodybuilding.com states that your muscle mass will return in just a matter of weeks, after you start pumping iron again.

There are many ways to keep active from gardening, using a home-gym, hiring a virtual personal trainer to do body weight exercises and more. For individuals who lack motivation to workout in their own home, a virtual PT may be a shrewd investment to re-ignite your love for exercise.

2. Stick to Protein

Source: EcoWatch

Many people have a lot more time on their hands now, which can lead to boredom eating. To prevent snacking and binge-eating, it’s beneficial to follow a high protein diet.

Not only is protein the lowest macronutrient (with carbohydrates), but it also fills you up for longer periods of time. Thus, you will naturally want to eat less food throughout the day; increasing your chances of eating in a calorie deficit and losing weight. Many people are struggling with eating disorders and its hard for them. If you are interested more about it and if you want to check if you have the symptoms of an eating disorder, check out this website.

Some popular sources of protein are:

  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Protein shakes
  • Red meat
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Cottage cheese
  • Nuts

Protein will also help to increase nitrogen retention inside the muscles, creating a muscle-building environment in the body. For maximum muscle gains, Healthline recommends to consume up to 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight. Thus, a 200lb man would consume 200 grams of protein daily, spaced out in several meals throughout the day; keeping a constant flow of protein synthesis.

Protein will also aid in recovery, reducing fatigue and enabling users to train more frequently.

If you are sick of eating the same protein sources you can treat yourself with a protein bar or a tasty protein shake; just make sure it’s not loaded full of sugar.

3. Supplementation

Source: Natural Force

Lockdown has been a stressful time for many, thus cortisol has been a culprit for some who have gained noticeable amounts of belly fat.

Cortisol is the stress hormone that, when high for sustained periods of time, can cause the body to eat up muscle; whilst distributing fat to stubborn areas.

Sometimes stress cannot be avoided, thus if you are going through a tough time it may be worth supplementing with vitamin c.

Research has found that 1000mg of vitamin c can slash cortisol levels significantly, helping to keep this dreaded hormone at bay; whilst keeping your gains intact.

Fat burners can also be taken to elevate your metabolism, however their effects are going to be minimal, compared to your eating habits and exercise routine.

Other ways to keep cortisol from rising is to get ample sleep (7+ hours) and eat plenty of calories. For those who have gained fat from quarantine, they may want to eat less to burn off the excess weight. However, to prevent cortisol from spiking, it’s optimal to only eat in a small calorie deficit. This is also the correct dieting strategy to retain muscle, whilst burning fat. Eating too few calories will raise stress levels, causing an adverse effect on body composition.

4. Keep Hydrated

Source: Reader’s Digest

Water is one of the best weapons to help lose weight. Firstly, by drinking large amounts of water it can keep your stomach full (decreasing the desire to eat).

Secondly, water is a mild stimulant that increases adrenaline. This leads to enhanced concentration, energy and motivation throughout the day (encouraging exercise).

Thirdly, water acts as a diuretic when you drink more of it. The body’s self defence mechanisms kick in and its answer is to flush out as much water as possible, when a lot is coming in. Thus, by drinking more water you can actually decrease bloating and skin puffiness. Equally, if you are to drink small amounts of water, the body recognizes this and signals to retain as much fluid as possible.

Aim to drink at least 2 litres a day, which is likely to boost your mood; as well as aiding weight loss.

Eating fruits and vegetables with higher water content, such as the ones below, will help to improve hydration:

  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Sprouts
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Mushrooms
  • Blueberries
  • Melon

5. Avoid Comfort Eating

Source: HelpGuide.org

This is easier said than done. Those who are unable to resist temptation once opening the fridge or cupboards, should know that the damage is done in the supermarket — not at home.

If you can avoid stocking up on junk foods and sinful snacks, the temptation is not there.

Thus, be diligent when doing your shopping – and those love handles may soon disappear.

If your hunger is getting the best of you, it may also be worth taking an appetite suppressant supplement.

Cutting out sugar will also help to reduce cravings, as your blood sugar levels will become more stable. This means you’ll become less susceptible to becoming hungry throughout the day, and your energy levels will remain constant; preventing crashes (where you need to rely on sugary snacks and caffeine to pick yourself up).

simulation racing

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