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7 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Catering Service

Catering services are very popular between those who often need to organize some events, for some family celebration, or when you have a lot of guests at home, and you don’t have much time to cook for them. Also, the table should be arranged nicely, and not everyone has the talent to serve the food so it will look beautiful and mouthwatering.

Most of these services will provide a tailored and customized menu, following the duration of the event, the food preferences of most of the invited guests, creating great looking plates with a lot of delicious food. But, in order to avoid mistakes, you need to exactly know what you are looking for. Since they work with food, and a lot of people will have to eat it, you need to avoid these mistakes:

Source: Daily Bama Blog

1. Choosing the cheapest option

If you want a service that will deliver a quality, then you need to skip the cheapest caterings and find something mid-range. It’s normal to try to save money, but you can save them on everything, not on food and drinks. We are not saying that cheap and new services are necessarily bad all the time, but you need to play smart and safe. Cheap restaurants may be a good option for private events that don’t include coworkers and other people you meet while at work. And of course, keep it simple, but effective, and pay attention to the aesthetic aspect of the whole concept.

2. Choosing the most expensive option

Again, if you don’t hire the cheapest offer, you also better not hire the most expensive too. They may charge you a lot, putting their name on the plates and napkins, and serving average food that only looks fancy. Like there is some unwritten rule, they will try to serve some unusual ingredients that not all the guests will enjoy eating. Fancy ingredients don’t mean nice tasting food, and you must be careful with these offers.

Also, avoid specific foods and ingredients, that not everyone likes, such as caviar, raw fish, and especially every type of raw food that spoils easily when served.

Source: Wedding Planner

3. Services that don’t offer special menus

Many people today are allergic to some ingredients, like nuts, or some seeds. Some of the guests may be lactose or gluten intolerant. There also may be vegetarians and vegans, and you need to take every option possible. That means you will need to have separate options for these people. The catering employees should pay a lot of attention to these details. For example, they should never mix the gluten-free food with the products that contain it, because even a single particle can be damaging to those who are allergic or suffer from Celiac disease. When it comes to allergies, professionals will always list the critical ingredients, so the guests will know what are they allowed to eat.

This is a very important aspect to pay a lot of attention to because you don’t want unpleasant accidents and situations after someone ate something they shouldn’t even touch it.

4. Not paying attention to how they keep the food

Every ingredient and product should be kept in proper conditions and temperature, so you can avoid spoiling. Professional catering services will always keep the food cool until they deliver it with a special vehicle that will maintain a proper temperature. If they need to serve fresh food, be sure that it’s not actually frozen and unfrozen too many times, because that meals will lose the colour, taste, and texture, according to CPD Online.

Source: Barbehire – blogger

5. Hired people are not wearing proper clothes

When a catering service serves food for a huge group of people, they also need to provide the needed number of staff members. Another important thing is wearing hygienic gloves while they serve food, especially if you must organize an event during these times of restrictive protection measures. But, even when it’s not pandemic, the staff should always wear nice and clean clothes, and hygienic hats on their head, so no hair falls in the food anyhow. This protocol should always be implemented when food is served.

6. Not hiring catering’s staff to serve the event

Since the same company knows the best what they prepared and how to combine the food with the drinks, it’s always a better idea to hire their waiters and pay for a full service. You may think you will save money if they just bring the food and then leave, so you can invite people you know to serve. But, saving money on this shouldn’t be your priority, and the best choice is hiring the whole staff that the service offers for the customers.

Source: aussieripperroasts.com.au

7. Buying too much or too little food

We can never know how much food is enough, but it’s always better to plan a little more than you think that guests will eat. If you stay without food in the middle of the event, it will be a huge shame for you or the company you work for. On the other hand, if there is too much food left after the party or any kind of event, you can always donate the food, or take it home, or at the office. The problem with the food waste is huge, but let’s be honest, it’s always better to have more meals than you planned, instead of no food in the middle of the event.

Serving food on parties, celebrations, or different types of formal events is not a joke, and no one should treat it like that. Food and drinks are a very important part of these occasions, and you don’t want something bad to happen because you weren’t careful enough when you hired the catering company. Be careful about the things we explained in this article, and probably you won’t have any problem related to the service.

Snorting Kratom – is It a Good Idea?

Kratom is a very popular plant from the coffee family that is usually used in traditional medicine as an opioid and stimulant supplement. Since it’s not legal in every part of the world, there are no strict rules and standards that control the sale of oils and pills that contain kratom. Sometimes people vape it, but there are some cases when they are actually snorting the powder that is derivate from the plant.

As we know from the drugs, snorting any type of substance can be dangerous from the nose canals and can lower the production of mucus, which covers the membranes and stop the particles from the outside world to get into our body. If you are planning to take it as a dietary addition to your food, you need to consult with your doctor or pharmacist or visit this site, to check if it’s good to use it, and more importantly, how to use it.

But, why people choose to snort or smoke it?

Source: Epic Kratom

According to many users, it takes less time when you snort or smoke kratom until it gets in your body and you see and feel the effects. But, you can read how dangerous and damaging this action can be, if you decide snorting the kratom so it can boost your energy or the metabolism at the same moment. If you take it as a pill, it will take up to four hours until you see some benefit, but on the other hand, the effect lasts longer, and you will feel the benefits for a prolonged period.

Even though it takes a few minutes to work after you snort it, you should avoid doing that, because you can’t take enough (in the meaning of quantity). Instead, it’s better to use capsules, pills, tea, or tincture. The raw kratom products contain substances and alkaloids that can’t be absorbed and used by the body, so there is no need to risk damaging your respiratory system by doing that.

In 16 countries around the world, kratom is approved, but highly controlled, and it can be bought with a doctor’s recommendation. But, there are many cultures, and traditional medicine methods that use it, so the patient can get stress-free, cure headaches, calm down, cure the hair loss, or empty the stomach in a case of constipation. But, you must be careful about the side effects, that may include changes in the heart rate and your blood pressure, but also seizure, heavy breathing, and even addiction. You need to remember that kratom is still not much examined and researched plant and there are limited sources that show it’s really beneficial for us. Check if it’s allowed or restricted in your country because you don’t want to put yourself in a risk of having problems with the law.

Possible benefits of taking kratom

Source: Merry Jane

As we know, some Asian cultures are using it in their traditional medical treatments, and according to their results, it works great for some specific conditions, that include some wounds, headaches, or even boosting your energy when you have difficult tasks to finish.

Other reasons why it’s used include:

  • easing muscle pain
  • boosting the energy
  • increase the appetite when you can’t really eat
  • increasing the libido and sexual desire
  • wound healing in some situations
  • local anesthesia when traditional treatment is applied
  • the tea can be used as a cough treatment
  • recreational use in controlled conditions
  • giving up on drugs and opioids (it’s also controlled by a professional)
  • enhance the mood
  • against migraines and tension headaches

In Thailand, people are using in religious rituals, when they are inviting and worshipping the gods and saints in their tradition.

When the tea is prepared, it should be combined with sweet plants, or with added sugar, because of the bitterness. Also, if you are not sure, and you are afraid to take it, avoid it. You can try with drinking tea, but avoid snorting it, even if all of your friends are doing that.

Possible negative and side effects of kratom usage

Source: Buy Kratom Bulk USA

Every treatment, no matter if it’s approved or not, may have side effects that can vary between mild, moderate, and extremely bad, including:

  • erectile dysfunction
  • excessive sweating
  • some changes of the color on some skin spots
  • appetite loss
  • dehydration
  • addiction
  • respiratory issues when snorting
  • fever
  • nausea
  • impaired movements
  • anxiety and mood changes
  • prolonged anger
  • bad sleeping at night
  • poisoning if the plant is not harvested properly, or kept in bad conditions

If you are taking some prescribed drugs, you must give up on taking kratom, because if you mix some of them, the results may be very dangerous for your life.

Some of these side effects may occur if you snorting the product, or smoking too. Even though some people are taking it that way, if you never tried it before, you may need to start with a tea or pills and capsules.

Conclusion: Snorting is, in general, bad idea

Source: South China Morning Post

You can’t compare yourself with the people who traditionally are taking kratom, and try to use it as they do. You must be careful and know how much you can handle. Also, the reason why you are using it may affect the way you need to take this plant-based traditional drug. But, we will recommend you to nicely research the background, and see the scientific studies that show it’s beneficial for your health. You need to buy it from trusted sources and registered producers.

As we said, don’t snort it, because it can be damaging for your nose and throat, and the effects won’t last long, and you will need to take it again. Snorting a few times in a row is a bad idea by itself, and we don’t need to mention how harmful it can be for your nose membrane.

And in the end, the decision whether you will take or deny some medical treatment depends only on you. That’s why you must be smart and don’t test your limits, especially when it comes to natural plant treatments.

5 Most Popular Gambling Superstitions Among Casino Players

Source: usaonlinecasino

When talking about gamblers, we are probably talking about the most superstitious people in the world. At the same time, they are looking for everything that will provide them with a positive result. It doesn’t matter how silly it looks, they truly believe that these things will improve their chances. In case you know some of them, you’ve certainly been presented with some silly request, like to move from left to right side, or something similar.

What’s important for you to know is that nobody is playing with you, gamblers seriously hope that your action will improve their final influence over the final result. This is something that can be seen in casinos. But you cannot see it in online casinos. If you are interested in checking one of the best you can find, check casinokokemus. Now, there is one question about these superstitions, where does it come from? From our personal experience, we can see that people who are under pressure and are losing control over their game, need some sense of control.

This is a true source of these superstitions. As we’ve already said, it doesn’t matter how strange they sound, you can be sure that your friend sincerely means that, and there is nothing you can do to help him to feel a little better by providing him with some sense of control. At the same time, you can see that there are some superstitions that are not depending on other people. The internet is filled with many different stories about celebrities like Axl Rose, John Wayne, and Michael Jordan and their gambling superstitions.

For example, the famous actor never put his hat on the bad since he believed that it brings bad luck. Experts state that gamblers have a selective memory where they remember the moment they manage to come out with a positive result and that this is the source of their superstition. Well, after all this talk, let us take a look at some of the most popular gambling superstitions among casino players.

1. Itchy Palms

Source: theexeterdaily

Did you experience your palms getting itchy? Well, this is a situation most of the people think about as a perfect sign for you to start gambling. This fantasy originated in Eastern Europe, especially Bulgaria and Serbia. However, in these two countries, itchy palms have a completely different connotation. In Serbia, this is a good sign, and it means that money is pretty close to you.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with you taking part in gambling. In Bulgaria, it’s completely the opposite. This is the moment when you should give up on gambling that day. However, this superstition managed to spread all over Europe and North America over time.

2. Counting Money on the Table

Source: maplecasino

One of the most popular superstitions is that you shouldn’t count money while you are playing at a table. What separates this superstition from many other ones is that it sounds pretty reasonable. So, you shouldn’t count the money while you are still playing. There will be a plethora of time for you to actually do it after it.

Not only that it is considered bad luck, many gamblers consider this action to be of pretty bad taste. Plus, we can see that many gamblers think that this is offensive towards other players who are playing alongside the one who counts his money on the table. So, every player needs to wait until he or she is out of the casino and at home. Only when you are out of the table, you can count the money.

3. Lending Money

Source: guillone

Now, we’ve reached probably the most popular superstitions of them all. You should never, and we mean never, lend your money to the person who plays alongside you. In fact, many people believe that this superstition, in fact, has some validity to it. In greater detail, gamblers think that giving money to another player at the table means that you are testing your faith by providing money to another player.

At the same time, since the player asks for a loan, he is on a pretty bad streak. This means that you don’t have almost any potential to win your money back. So, by giving your money to another player, chances are that you will never see it again. Therefore, it has some validity in it, right?

4. $50

Source: unsplash

All of us surely have seen at least one of many gangster movies during our lifetime. Moreover, Las Vegas is a city completely built from mafia money. The person responsible for the creation of this city, and its idea, was Bugsy Siegel. Those with a quick eye have seen that gangsters always stick $50 into their victim’s pockets before they bury it.

Since a lot of these liquidations occurred in Nevada Desert, using $50 in playing is considered extremely bad luck. At first, this superstition became a major one in the city of Las Vegas. However, over time, it managed to spread all over the US. This superstition goes so far that many people have a tendency to take smaller notes than $50 when cashing in their chips.

5. Lucky and Unlucky Numbers

Source: Online Casino Reports Srbija

Naturally, the most common superstitions when it comes to gambling is a pure number superstition. So, whatever number you consider lucky, you should play it. In case you have unlucky numbers, you should avoid it. In the Western part of the world, number 13 is considered extremely unlucky. This fear is something so big that some buildings simply skip the 13 floors and from 12 come to 14. Playing this number, especially on roulette is considered a complete misfortune.

At the same time, number 7 is generally seen as a number that will provide you with a plethora of good luck. When it comes to the Eastern hemisphere, there is much more complicated than that. For some reason, number 4 is considered bad luck. At the same time 9, 6, 3, are considered a combination that will provide you with some good luck.

Hiring a Restoration Company

Disasters are very abrupt and devastating. They breakdown a person mentally and financially, many lose their close ones or their hard-earned assets due to the adverse effects of disasters. It takes years of hard work to collect every penny for building a home, but it takes a few seconds for a fire to burn them down into ashes. As we are moving forth in the 21st century, the ecosystem balance is getting disrupted more than the past years, the number of floods, landslides, cyclones are increasing tremendously.

To help the common man in dealing with these disasters or any other accidents like a house fire, water damage, roof damage, many restoration companies have come up. These restoration companies are with their clients from the evacuation process until settling the insurance claims. They help you in dealing with every disaster-related aspect like ensuring the safety of human and animal lives, carrying out the post-disaster cleaning process, preventing secondary damages, collecting evidence to settle insurance claims. Restoration Company plays a vital role in disaster recovery and disaster management; hence, we must only hire a trust-worthy restoration company. Always remember that you are trusting them with your property and funds, so the best company should be employed. Before, hiring the restoration company always go through the portfolio of the company or its website to get the necessary information about the company, its achievements etc.

frs247.com offers prompt and reliable service; they have been deep-rooted in the restoration industry for years with extremely skilled and well-equipped technicians. They have set an outstanding benchmark in settling insurance claims and versatile. They provide restoration services or minute as well as severe damages, irrespective of the cause of the disaster.

Steps to follow while hiring a restoration company:

Source: Delete

1. Go through their experience record

It is very important to go through the work history and work specimens of the company you intend to hire. Their experience can be a handy unit to measure their efficiency and restoration strategies. If the company is experienced, this implies that its employees are also experienced, skilled, and trustworthy. This helps you in being at mental peace after the company takes over the site.

2. Remember, cheaper may not be better

It is a good consumer strategy to compare the estimates given by the various companies. Still, it is not true that the cheapest solution will be the most reliable and durable solution. For any damage or restoration strategy, there are plenty of cheap alternatives available, but that are not durable and can cost you even more in the long run. So, when you are making the deal, you must invest your money in a reliable solution instead of a cheap solution.

Source: Restoration & Remediation Magazine

3. The company should be certified

Similar to all the competitive industries, the restoration industry also has its body for issuing authenticated certificates to worthy companies. Institute for Inspection, Cleaning, Restoration Certification (IICRC) or the Restoration Industry Association (RIA) are the two top certifications that a restoration company may procure. The certificate verifies the company’s credentials and operations industrially. Click Here if you want to see the sample of a certified professional tile & floor restoration company.

4. Settling insurance claims

Settling insurance claims is another significant task of a restoration company. The usual homeowners and businessman are not so familiar with the terms and requirements of an insurance service provider, here the need for restoration experts arises. A restoration company should have specific officers that deal with such financial matters. The report generated by the restoration company should contain as the bills of the damage expenses and other supporting evidence. As if the submitted documents are in the incorrect format or any necessary document or relevant evidence is missing, the insurance service provider will reject the request instantly.

Source: Ohio Department of Insurance

5. The company should be insured

If the company is insured, that means its employees and equipment are in the proper working condition and well-maintained. Some restoration processes are long-term and may require constant inspection and maintenance if the restoration company is not well-established; it will cause a lot of problems later. The restoration process can be prone to risk, so we must ensure that the company is deep-rooted and secure.

6. Customer reviews and ratings

Always go through the customer reviews and ratings given on the website of the restoration company. Many customers add their experience with the company on social-media through Quora or other forums. Before hiring any company, we must go through the experience details shared by others, so that we a distinct picture of the quality of the service provided and the reliability and dedication level of the company. If the company is in your neighbourhood, you can contact your friends and neighbours for their feedback. We learn and gain from other’s experience, so we must refer to them.

Source: Aged Care Guide

7. Availability in terms of time and location

Any ideal restoration company should provide twenty-four hours service that too seven days a week, as disasters are known for being abrupt. Fire damages, water damages or any other damage or emergency may occur any time. A good restoration company should be deep-rooted at least in its city, with a significant number of branches or offices, so that a prompt service can be given to the citizens.

8. Payment procedure

You must never pay any restoration company upfront, without knowing the estimate of the repair. An ideal restoration company always gives you a detailed report about the expenses incurred and the corresponding repair procedure. This helps in getting a proper understanding of the entire procedure and assures that your money is being spent wisely. The estimation report also helps us in making the insurance claim later.

Source: Nashville MLS

9. Set of services offered

Many damages are inter-linked, like roof damages often lead to water damage, water damage often lead to drywall damage, so we must make sure that the restoration company covers a wide range of damages. Apart from the basic services of cleaning and repair, the restoration provider should be efficient enough to assist you in settling insurance claims and documentation of the expenses.

Feel free to ask any question regarding the restoration services we at First Restoration Services help everyone.

Winter Holidays in Krakow

Krakow in winter time is becoming very popular for tourists looking for that little extra besides the usual winter sports opportunities. Snow laden Krakow presents a fairy tale image of white topped buildings and glistening trees reflecting the sunlight. It looks fantastic but what can you do during your break? Here are some suggestions on sights, activities and places to visit.

Christmas Market

Krakow’s Christmas market is held on Rynek Square in the Old Town or city centre, the whole square is filled with quaint wooden stalls offering everything you can imagine. This tradition of the Christmas market first started before the 2nd World War then ceased under USSR rule to be re-instated in 1989 after the fall of communism. It commences in early December and continues until early January.

Apart from the usual souvenir sellers many artisans from the surrounding towns and cities bring their local specialities and wares to sell to the abundant amount of visitors during the Festive Season. Some of the more unusual artefacts on are sheepskin and cattle leather products, honey and gingerbread, intricate lace products and handmade carpentry utensils.

There are also food stalls serving regional winter recipes to combat the minus temperatures and another Polish speciality of mulled wine and beer served piping hot to keep out the winter chill while listening to Christmas carols being sung by groups of people dressed in traditional period clothing with candle lamps and chestnuts roasting.


The well-known carol of Away in a Manger comes to mind when you hear Szopki as they are nativity creations of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus in his crib but in Polish style with bright colourful scenes of turrets and arches resembling the central building on Rynek called Sukiennice. They come in all different sizes and are displayed around the various monuments in Krakow. This tradition stems back to the Middle ages and the main exhibition is held in Celestat Exhibition Hall. Many of the interpretations of the traditional nativity scene as you may know it are absolutely amazing and adds to the spirit of Yuletide festive greetings.

Ice Skating

Every winter ice skating rinks are set up, the main one being in Jordan Park, you can hire out the skates and spend an hour of fun trying stay on your feet. In recent times other seasonal ice rinks have appeared and Galleria Krakowska Shopping Mall has one on the square next to the train station and a little further from the city centre in the Nowa Huta area of Krakow which is an attraction in itself as Nowa Huta was created as a live, play, work project under the Russian regime after WWII with the workers accommodation separated by a green area the factory zone, a concept at that time proved successful and today a charming sightseeing tour.

Sleigh Rides

Rynek the main square is lined with the Horse & Carriage operators ready to give you a tour of the city but in winter a visit to the nearby Ojców National Park and you can have a fantastic or even romantic sleigh ride in the snow filled countryside with the elegantly decorated horses and jingle bell your way through the forest.

Krakow Nightlife

Although nightlife in Krakow is vibrant all year round, winter time is a great time to explore the abundance of Krakow cellar bars and clubs. From cozy places to huge nightclubs for 2000 people Krakow has it all. If you are into craft beer, there are 2 microbreweries just around the Market Square, plus plenty of craft beer pubs. If wine is your thing, then you will surely enjoy mulled wine which you can try at one of many “barrel-kiosk” at the Main Market.

And last but not least- great Polish vodka.  Specialist companies provide well organised vodka tasting activities tours plus cocktail making events (you might want to check Party Krakow if you’re planning a stag do in Krakow) . The arranged events include Guides and platters of drinking snacks to complete the experience.


Visitors to Krakow often take advantage the day trips to the nearby picturesque country-side and the breath-taking views of the Tatra and Pieniny Mountain ranges along with their respective national parks. The Tatra Mountains are home to Zakopane and a little further south the Pieniny Mountain range which is shared between Poland and Slovakia. Zakopane is the most well-known, popular and all year destination in Poland that Polish families flock to visit during the seasonal festivities and holidays. Poland’s highest city in altitude, at just over 11,000m has its origins with the highlander settlers from as far back as the 15th century with mining for copper, silver and gold and, of course, farming, one of the oldest ironworks established in the 19th century.

Nestled in the Tatra Mountains close to the Zakopianka River the city offers a wide variety of activities for visitors in the winter season. The journey from Krakow takes 90 minutes. After The Great War Zakopane became popular with artists, writers and poets who wished to find inspiration in the peace and quiet this mountain location provided. They resided in many of the Dom Kultury which are still there today and made available for tourist lodging although there are plenty of quality hotels that have been built to accommodate the ever increasing visitors.

Zakopane is abundant with museums and galleries populating the area, the Tatra Mountain Museum exhibiting the history and lives of the highland families, Zakopane has its own thermal spas and well-being centres to relax in after a full day’s skiing or snowboarding. Horse and olde worlde wooden sleigh carriages with a driver in highlander dress will be happy to take you on a tour If you are really adventurous there are some highlander dishes to try but not found in the more mainstream restaurants.

Zakopane is the Poland’s winter capital and the activities available go from downhill skiing or skiing tours, snowboarding, cross country ski trekking, snowmobiling, horse and husky sleigh tours, quad biking, snow shoe walking tours and the nation’s cherished sport of ski jumping.

All of these activities except ski jumping can be taken for short or longer periods according to your length of stay with all the equipment necessary if you don’t have your own. Let’s say that you could go skiing for the day even if your accommodation is in Krakow with the many companies offering package deals to suit.

Antonio Cuellar: The Luxury Travel Connoisseur Who Succeeded

Source: prweb

Antonio Cuellar is best known as a luxury resort photographer and cinematographer who specializes in capturing the architecture and lifestyle of the world’s most luxurious hotels and resorts. He is very well known for his signature lighting and creative composition.

But did you know that he is a Luxury Travel Guide contributor too?

Source: Antonio Cuellar Photography

People often confide in successful luxury travel connoisseurs about how they always dreamt of traveling the world for a living. For most, it sure is a fleeting dream during a moment of hatred at their current jobs. It’s something they would never actually figure out a way to do.

But for some people like Antonio Cuellar, the dream is real and more importantly, they have the drive to make it happen. And since we haven’t heard any travel blogger saying they hate exploring the magic of luxurious places, Oprah is right to feature the job of a luxury travel advisor as one of the “happiest jobs in America”. Antonio Cuellar had a lot of resilience to reach where he is right now and actually be part of the club “happiest jobs in America” too.

Not many people know but Anotonio Cuellar has a Bachelor degree in Arts, Sound Engineering and Music Production from Berklee College of Music. His education is followed by an MBA degree in Services Marketing from the University of Miami and even back then his activities and societies included being part of the Photography club. A degree in business has really helped him to communicate with his clients in the best way possible.

Source: wideinfo

His education did not end there though. He also is a licensed Remote Pilot (Drone Operator) from the U.S. Department of Transportation. His kind and generous nature also led him to do volunteer work for the organization Flashes of Hope where he was involved with this non-profit organization to benefit children suffering from cancer. In his career, Antonio did not only gather recognition but also accolades like Best Photographer of 2013 by the American Society of Media Photographers.

His love to explore magical luxurious hotels and resorts earned him a legendary eye for detail that also contributed to his successful career as a Luxury Travel Connoisseur. If anyone is looking forward to building a career as a luxury travel blogger or any luxury boutique hotel is looking forward to wise tips on how to cater to the needs of the luxury traveler of today, Antonio Cuellar is the man.

Cuellar now is one of the esteemed judges on the Luxury Travel Guide Awards. He, as an expert in luxury travel, lifestyle, and accommodation, decides with a panel of other esteemed judges like Travel Channel TV Host Anthony Melchiorri from Hotel Impossible and Shane Green host of TV show Resort Rescue, which are the best luxury products, services, individuals, and places where luxury travelers can find solace. They basically identify everything from the very best hotels to the airlines and even tour operators as they have scoured the globe and traveled extensively in order to be able to do so objectively.

Antonio Cuellar has offices in New York, London and Miami. He also owns the majority of his equipment. Having offices at three places, owning the majority of the equipment, timely delivery, and excellent client communication, ensure his clients receive work of the highest quality. There’d be no one who will disagree on the fact that the images he captures tell stories and accentuate the qualities of a property in the best way possible. One can have a look at his work both on his website Antonio Cuellar Photography or his Instagram account where he often posts about his work and shows his fondness towards luxury travel trivia.

Source: fixthephoto

At the same time, he travels worldwide for his notable clients with assignments taking him to various parts of the world; Mexico, Ireland, China, Dubai. Scotland, etc. He also is approved by major hotel brands like Starwood, Marriott, and Hilton.

Not many people know but Antonio is fluent in Spanish and English and also has a working knowledge of the Portuguese language. The fact that he has a business degree helps him towards unmatchable client communication and also conveying his message in the most subtle and understandable way. One can read his guides on luxury travel at various places on his website.

After seamlessly traveling and collaborating with various clients he decided to find a way to translate his eye for detail in a career as a luxury travel advisor and connoisseur. Basically, he translated his passion into a career. Having a look at his work as an LGT contributor, an LGT Awards judge, and a luxury hotel and resorts photographer, one can understand his journey and also confirm that he enjoys every step of the planning process. He takes pride and must feel incredibly fulfilled to realize that he has created a life-altering experience for the guests and the hotels too.

Source: youtube

Having a look at his numerous interviews about luxury travel and his passion to curate the best luxury travel experiences available for the affluent travelers, we also come to think that he is born to do all of this and even continue to contribute with his beautiful insights about the luxury hotel industry. But the truth is that he has done a lot of hard work to reach where he is.

Antonio Cuellar is an inspiration for many aspiring luxury travel connoisseurs because he actually found his space in this industry. He is up to experiencing magical luxury experiences at the best of best places across the globe that too at the expense of his profession.

In a world where it is difficult to make a living by doing the work that you love to do, Antonio Cuellar is breaking the norm and is one of the very few people who are not only surviving but also making it big and succeeding at what they’re doing.

Source: Antonio Cuellar Photography

Any job is a huge challenge at the beginning because it sure is going to be worth something. Antonio’s passion for travel as a lifestyle has made him even love the parts of the job that may not seem very glamorous. Every job has those parts. But the key is to really love to travel and have a passion to share it with people.

In the end, everyone should look up to him as far as branding oneself is concerned. In such industries, the #1 thing is to sell yourself the right way with extraordinary work and contribution to the hotel industry.

Are Online Casinos the Answer to Economic Recovery in the US?

After months of a nationwide lockdown in the US, an economic crisis was inevitable. The country depends on businesses that involve face to face transactions immensely. And since they had to close down for safety reasons, there was little anyone could do to protect the economy.

Luckily, not every industry has been hard hit by the lockdown. Some sectors like online casinos have been thriving amid everything happening in the world. So, should every state legalize online gambling? Could online casinos provide a solution to America’s economic challenges?

Over One Million Jobs

Source: www.worldkennelclub

One of the most devastating impacts of the nationwide lockdown regards job losses. CNBC reports over 47 million Americans have lost work temporarily or permanently since March. That translates to 32.1% of the nation being unemployed.

Against that backdrop, there’s a dire need for job creation. Could online casinos be the answer? Legalizing online gaming countrywide would help create at least one million jobs according to financial experts.

To expound, Britain’s online gaming sector employs 107,000 people. And the UK is a fraction the size of Texas. New Jersey, one of the few states where online gaming is legal, has already recovered the 11,000 jobs lost after five casinos shut down in 2014.

Better yet, the Garden State has added 35,000+ jobs since it legalized online gaming in 2018. If every state were to add a similar number of jobs through online casinos, at least 1,750,000 new jobs would be created.

$20 Billion in Revenue

Source: bestcasinopayout

Last year, New Jersey casinos generated $3.4 billion from the casino industry. Pennsylvania’s gambling sector generated an almost equal amount of money. This shows there’s immense potential in the iGaming sector—only that more states haven’t realized it yet.

In all fairness, New Jersey and Pennsylvania host almost all of the best online casino sites in the USA as discussed on the bestonlinecasino.com. That’s because of their progressive gaming laws. They were also two of the top four to legalize online casinos in the country.

With that in mind, there’s hope things will get better starting next year once the economy opens up fully. Britain’s remote gaming industry generates the country roughly $7 billion each year. And as we mentioned earlier, its market is significantly smaller than the US.

Britain has a mature online gaming market, though. And it took decades for the island to have an industry that generates so much revenue. That said, America’s gigantic market means it could dwarf Britain’s gaming revenue in just a few years.

$1Billion+ Tax Income

Source: thecasinowizard

Online casinos are a taxation cash cow for countries and states that have legalized it. Take New Jersey as an example. It generated $36 million last year through direct tax income from online casinos.

Across the Atlantic, Britain generated $3.8 billion in the same period. The income was an increase from 2018 despite the fact that a new law was introduced to limit betting amounts in the country.

Interestingly, Britain has a significantly lower tax rate than many US states where remote gaming is allowed. New Jersey is an exception with a 13% tax rate although it also charges gamblers. Britain does not.

As an estimate, American states could generate a combined $2 billion if they taxed casinos in the same way New Jersey does. But considering some jurisdictions charge up to 50%, online casino tax could become a critical source of income for many states.

Protection from Future Lockdowns

Source: Online Casino Reports Srbija

As the US prepares to open up after months of a lockdown, experts are asking for one thing. America should consider online-based jobs. Not everyone will get employed in the remote gaming sector.

In fact, online casinos are only one industry of the many Internet-based sectors not affected by the lockdown. However, they provide proof that America’s economic future lies online. More people should consider Internet-based jobs for a quick recovery of the economy.

Some organizations like Facebook and Google are a step ahead and will allow their employees to work from home until 2024. These companies believe an online-work environment is feasible and needed to avoid the sort of economic loss suffered this year.

Is it possible for all businesses to move online? Most likely not. However, many industries can move some sections of their departments online. That way, whole industries don’t have to be shut down during future pandemics.

Casino Gaming as a Profession

Source: gamblingsites

So far, we’ve said online casinos could add nearly million jobs through professions like dealers, managers and customer service agents. But there’s one more position we haven’t mentioned yet: gaming as a career.

Some people don’t believe it’s possible to play casino games professionally. Yet, professional gamblers exist. A huge portion of them bet on sports and poker. But there’s a small group that also delves into blackjack, slots and roulette.

Professional casino players choose their games carefully. They have strategies, goals, and tactics for maximizing their profits. Some of them also take online classes and subscribe to magazines just to sharpen their skills.

With that in mind, most casino millionaires made their money through sheer luck. They took a risk with a small bet, spun the reels of a slot machine and hit the jackpot. The luckiest winner is a British ex-soldier who won £13.2 million in 2015.

Ending the Black Market

Source: bestuscasinos

Legalizing online casinos could shutter a black-market worth billions of dollars. It’s already happening according to the American Gaming Association (AGA). Before 2018, the majority of bets in America took place through unregulated casinos.

But after the landmark SCOTUS decision in 2018, black market sports betting has decreased by 25% based on a study by the AGA. The American Gaming Association also discovered 74% of Americans want the country to legalize online casinos.

In other words, the people who drive the black-market are willing to end it under proper circumstances. Of course, the conditions in question include legalizing all forms of online gaming in every state.

Another condition is to provide a friendly tax environment. States could end taxation for player wins or keep it low. That way, casino players will no longer have a reason to gamble at unregulated overseas gaming websites.

Delaware Casinos Thriving After Reopening From Lockdown

Delaware’s casinos have been performing incredibly well post lockdown and for good reasons. For starters, they are now free to welcome patrons albeit with strict rules. On the flipside, online casinos in the state have grown in popularity and are witnessing an upsurge of new customers.

Unlike many states, Delaware has some of the most progressive gaming laws. And thanks to these regulations, the state’s gaming sector is one of the first industries to open post lockdown.

In all fairness, Delaware’s legal casino industry is small. It consists of three brick and mortar casinos and three mobile gaming websites. Generally speaking, land-based establishments have dominating the market for long. But as we’ve outlined below, the Internet-based gaming is quickly overtaking land-based casinos.

Map of Delaware Casinos

Source: bestcasinosin

Dover Downs Hotel is the biggest casino in Delaware with a land size of 165,000 square feet. It features a gaming floor with 3200 slot machines and 41 tables. Add 18 poker tables to this list and you have a house capable of providing any gambling tournament.

While it’s big in size, Dover Downs lags behind Casino Delaware Park in ratings. That’s probably because Delaware Park has a horse racing track, a golf course, restaurants and bars. Or maybe people just like Delaware Park’s games better.

The only way to find out is to visit both casinos and experience their products. In case you’re wondering, the Delaware casino map at casinos.us provides more details about these two casinos. It also shows a map of how to visit all the casinos and racinos in the Diamond State.

The third land-based casino in Delaware is Harrington Raceway & Casino. It was created to host horse racing events primarily. But with time, it added gaming positions like slots, poker and roulette games. It also supports real event sports betting, so you can wager on both sports and casino games.

Online Casinos in Delaware

Source: baltimoresun

Delaware’s online gambling legal environment is a tad complicated. It features one system managed by 888 Holdings. Under this system nearly all forms of online gaming are authorized. That includes slots, video poker, roulette, blackjack, poker and bingo.

Although Delaware permits online gaming, it hasn’t authorized many online casinos. That makes it an excellent target for foreign casinos that provide casino games in states with legal gambling environments.

These foreign online casinos are the reason there’s an uptick of online gaming in DE. Most of them are licensed in Malta, Curacao and Britain. But more importantly, they are famous for these outstanding features:

Frequent Bonuses

Many of the casinos that target players from Delaware are international corporations known for their generous bonuses. They give out bonuses to all new customers although the offers are optional.

Should you claim these offers? It depends on what you get. No deposit bonuses, for example, let you play casino games for real money immediately you create an account. They are fantastic offers for testing a new gaming website.

On the flip side, first deposit bonuses are an excellent choice if you want to increase your bankroll. Some casinos give you a more bountiful reward—say 400% your deposit. The betting credits magnify your stakes and help increase your winning chances.

At the best DE casinos, bonuses don’t stop at the welcome gates. You receive rewards weekly or monthly. And if you increase your bet sizes, you become an esteemed VIP customer.

Massive Game Libraries

Foreign casinos feature massive game libraries because they’ve been around longer than most US online casinos. They also have access to the world’s best software developers: Playtech, Microgaming, NetEnt, Betsoft and Evolution Gaming.

The best part of online casino games is that they provide more than variety. They feature highly paying software. What’s more, they are jam-packed with in-game features, including progressive jackpots that pay up to $20 million.

Thanks to technology, online casinos also provide social gaming through live dealer games. You can play Texas Hold’Em with your friends or blackjack against a human dealer. Crucially, you can see and interact with your opponents.

Another benefit of online games is that they are mobile responsive. If you have an iOS or android device, you can play hundreds of slots or card games at the comfort of your home.

User Friendly Interfaces

Today’s gaming websites are designed to provide a smooth gaming experience for both new and experienced players. For that reason, they feature neat, professionally designed websites and apps.

Finding games or bonuses at a top-rated casino is a breeze. All you need is to use a search bar or navigate through game categories. This makes searching for a game much easier than it’s at brick and mortar casinos.

User friendly interfaces also ease the gaming process. That’s because every game responds fast and smoothly. And since the websites are maintained regularly, they rarely have downtimes.

Source: Casino Journal

Variety of Payment Methods

You can deposit and withdraw money from Delaware online casinos in many ways. On the one hand, you could use Visa, MasterCard or Maestro. On the other hand, you can opt for a direct wire transfer.

If you’re looking for a faster payment method, you could choose PayPal, Skrill, Neteller or any other e-wallet. Crypto fans could also choose Bitcoin or Altcoin to benefit from their low fees and fast transactions.

Better than payment variety, online casinos in Delaware facilitate payments fast. Deposits reflect in your account almost instantly. In contrast, withdrawals take as fast as five minutes for e-wallets or a few days for bank payments.

Safety and Fairness

One of the biggest fears people had before Delaware legalized online casinos concerned safety. People weren’t sure whether they could trust gaming websites. These days, Delaware provides a safe, regulated market for online casinos.

Regarding foreign casinos, Delaware might not handle their regulation. But that doesn’t mean they are unsafe. Some of the companies are extremely reputable overseas and that’s because they are safe and secure.

Foreign online casinos provide fairness by encrypting your data and following strict regulation laws. They also invite public auditors to verify their games are safe and fair.

Benefits of Smoking Kratom

In recent years you have probably heard about Kratom, but you may still not know what it is and what it is used for. Mitragyna speciose, also known as Kratom, is a tropical evergreen tree from the coffee family. It is native to Southeast Asia and indigenous to Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Since the early 19th century at least, it has been used in various traditional medicinal practices. Since it has stimulant effects, nowadays it is mostly used by workers in laborious and monotonous professions who must stave off exhaustion. In addition, it is a mood enhancer and a painkiller.

Kratom has different benefits and it can be argued that it can be useful for a wide variety of people. Similar to therapeutic drugs and (in)famous drug-like items, it can be smoked and it is one of the most popular yet controversial ways of intake. In this article, we will explore the benefits of smoking this plant and tell you why you might be inclined to try it. To learn more, make sure to visit oasiskratom.com.

Smoking Kratom

Source: Newtreatments.org

Kratom powder is a much more popular way of taking the plant, as it can be used in various ways. Smoking on the other hand is often looked down upon because many are related to some illegal drugs. Therefore, customers are much more willing to buy powder products.

While smoking is less efficient than powder use, it is a great way to treat addictions and habits of using other, more serious smoking substances that harm the body. The Kratom leaf is easy to burn, making it more than a viable option for smoking. However, considering how dominant powder use is, there is not enough data on how much smoking works. Despite the lack of knowledge in the West, people of Southeast Asia have been smoking Kratom leaves for decades.

What they know from their long experience of smoking Kratom is that it is much less powerful than powder because most of the ingredients burn up quickly, like they do in the smoking of most other substances. Considering this fact, a higher dosage is needed for the Kratom to be effective. To get the equivalent of an average oral powder dose, there should be between 20 and 25 grams of leaves. Depending on the user’s health and body shape, this may further vary. As the power of the plant is lost in the burning process, one needs more of it to get the effects and results.

Although it is possible to smoke Kratom powder, the same problem is present since more of it is needed to feel its benefits. The powder will also burn away rather quickly and you will need more of it to feel the same effect you would from taking it orally.


Source: Kratom Spot

1. Addiction Treatment

As mentioned earlier, one of the most important benefits of smoking the leaves of this plant is how it helps addictions and abuse of other substances. There are no major side effects and it is next to impossible to develop an addiction to Kratom, as one would to Marijuana for example. Therefore, it someone is looking to break a bad habit, switching to Kratom is a great way to keep doing virtually the same thing while escaping the detrimental effects of other illegal and controlled plants and drugs. All in all, Kratom is a much safer and healthier replacement for anything else that is smoked, be it drugs or regular tobacco cigarettes.

2. Lack of Addictive Chemicals

Kratom does not develop an addiction in users because it lacks the chemicals that tend to build up dependencies. On the contrary, this plant provides a soothing effect on the mind and body as it is completely natural. While it could be argued that the ingredients influence the receptors of the body the same way as some opioids, there is far less risk involved and therefore no addictions nor health problems.

3. Treatment of Various Issues

There are different types of Kratom plants, but all of them are famous in Southeast Asian cultures for their amazing abilities to reduce both physical and emotional pain. They have been also used as mood enhancers and confidence booster by anyone who is feeling down. Common problems like joint pains and stiff movements are often treated with Kratom too. If higher doses are used, Kratom is an effective tool in fighting chronic anxiety and depression, and it can even work as an effective natural aphrodisiac that lacks all of the dangerous and annoying side effects of medication and other artificial libido supplements.

Source: The New York Times

Potential Issues

Like most things, Kratom leaves and powder for smoking are not without their bad sides. For one, storing large amounts of it can be troublesome, and you need large amounts if you mean to regularly use it because of how much smoking requires. What is more, there are plenty of low-tier products out there, so finding the right one can be challenging. Some manufacturers mix low-grade Kratom with light amounts of top-quality plants, a practice you should try to avoid. Furthermore, if you live in a country or region that is not so open to the ideas of smoking plants, you might end up in legal trouble since some people may think you are consuming something else. An obvious negative side for beginners is the lack of definite information on how much to use. It seems that it greatly depends on the person and their limits, as well as their body constitution and health history. In case of respiratory conditions, you should definitely smoke Kratom, but this is true for any kind of inhaling no matter the plant or substance.

Source: Mount Kratom

Final Thoughts

While smoking Kratom is not the most efficient way of consuming it, and although most experienced people think it is not worth it, there are many who like the general practice of smoking either because they used to smoke something else, or because they find it convenient and interesting. For breaking other addictions it is more than useful. In summation, it is up to each individual and what they enjoy doing whether or not they will like smoking Kratom leaves or powder.

10 Best Logo Templates for Photoshop

Nowadays, everyone understands the meaning of a logo in the normal functioning and development of any company. It is an identification mark, a kind of brand marking. That is why well-known companies don’t mind spending money for the logo development. They just know that all of this money will more than pay off in the future.

Logo development is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Some of them are designed by entire studios and teams of professional designers and marketers. However, even the best design studios use specialized programs that are available in the public domain to create logos. One of these programs is Photoshop. It is perfect for you if you need to make a simple logo on your own. You can, of course, make a more complex logo in it, but this will require a very good knowledge and ability to work with the program.

It is also worth noting that Photoshop was not originally developed for drawing illustrations, logos, and other branding elements. However, the latest versions have all the necessary tools for this – the ability to draw freely, edit shapes, and add ready-made raster elements. Due to the fact that the work process is strongly tied to layers, you can interact simultaneously with a large number of graphic elements and quickly make any adjustments to them, if necessary during the work.

As an example, we can cite the famous Apple logo. Before the release of each new apple smartphone model, customers take a few weeks to queue in front of the company’s brand store. They just want to be the first to buy a gadget on the backside of which is a recognizable bite of an apple. And it’s not about the best features of the smartphone, but only the brand!

Are you creating a new logo for your company or personal brand? And looking for fresh original icons that could be the basis for it? Then let us make your search easier. In this article, we present a selection of the 10 most famous and popular logo templates for Photoshop, such as Template.net.

So, they include:

1. Free Floral Logo Templates in PSD, AI, EPS

Source: free-psd-templates.com

These logos are often used by beauty salons, florist shops, cosmetic brands, and companies that provide floral services. Such an image is also suitable for other organizations that try to give the emblem sensuality and tenderness if it concerns their occupation. An interesting fact is that floral logo templates are chosen by many owners of photo studios and coffee bars. They are completely compatible with Adobe Photoshop.

Enjoy these templates from Free-Psd-Templates!

2. Animal Series – A to Z

Source: behance.net

Look at these logo templates of animals and birds designed in a modern and minimalist style to convey a certain mood and character. Such images convey an emotion that is inherent to a particular animal, attract attention, and often help reflect the company’s occupation. Pets, birds, and other animals are often used by pet shops. Shelters use images of the animals they worked with, security companies bear the image of predators, animal activists – any animal.

3. 15 Free Minimal Logo Template

Source: behance.net

These minimal logos templates help companies cut off everything superfluous and focus on the most important thing. Today, many brands are beginning to use minimalism. It leaves things simple to understand and directs them in the right direction. In this case, the purpose of branding is to make someone think and feel the same way as you do. The simple design makes it easy to remember.

4. 12 Nature Logo Templates

Source: dribbble.com

Would you like to make a logo for a florist? It is so easy to use greenery and flowers depicted in these logos. This collection consists of 12 beautiful images of plants for florist companies or beauty salons. It is so obvious to use the image of your product in the corporate identity of the company.

5. Delightful – Logos Pack

Source: dribbble.com

These logos templates for women emphasize beauty, elegance, harmony of images, smooth curves of the silhouette. They can be both minimalistic, with just a few strokes, and more complex, combining several techniques, for example, the image along with the lettering.

6. 12 Floral Logo Templates

Source: dribbble.com

Look at these floral logo templates. Flowers are always a joy and a feeling of a holiday, a feeling of the moment. Each flower in its own way gives a special world of fragrance and beauty so that a person begins to feel loved. That is why people decorate their lives and the lives of loved ones with flowers. With the help of flowers, your company can convey to a person the most intimate thoughts and feelings.

7. 25 Delicate Feminine Logos

Source: dribbble.com

These templates are used by companies with features associated with “traditional” femininity, such as grace, softness, warmth, elegance. If you want to emphasize these features in your branding, choose a classic feminine logo. Use calligraphic, handwritten fonts, intricate lines, curved shapes as well as pink or other pastel colors.

8. 8 Free Logo Templates & 3 Photoshop Styles

Source: Photoshop Styles

You can use these logo templates whatever your company is: a restaurant, store, beauty salon, or bakery. They are not just pictures but important aesthetic elements in the design of the goods or services. You can use it for personal or commercial use.

9. 200 Minimal Logos Template

Source: behance.net

These logos, crafted with refined elegance, embody the art of simplicity, making them perfect for companies aiming to communicate their essence in the clearest way possible. Designed in Photoshop, each logo ensures clarity and immediate recognition, effectively telling the story of the brand it represents. This collection emphasizes minimalism, using Photoshop’s sophisticated tools to strip away unnecessary elements, focusing solely on what is essential. For businesses striving to make a sophisticated statement without overwhelming their audience, this array of logos offers discreet yet distinctive options. Ideal for those looking to convey their brand identity with a touch of class, these templates leverage Photoshop’s capabilities to create logos that resonate with elegance and simplicity.

10. 20 Hands & Logo Templates

Source: behance.net

It is a large collection of logos, the authors of which decided to take stylized images of human hands as a basis. These templates depicting hands express friendliness and kindliness. The image of the hand as an important means of human communication is used in logos of many organizations, public and charitable foundations, medical and social institutions.

Company logos play an important role in its promotion and development. The purpose of the logo is to convey its idea to the target audience of the company. Qualitative logos distinguish the product and the company from a competitive environment. In the eyes of attentive consumers, the corporate identity of the company solves a lot, if not all. At different stages in their history, companies use different variations of their emblems which emphasize its values, loyalty to traditions, community, and other qualities. This article will help you choose a successful logo for your organization.

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