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5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Natural Deodorants

Source: parade

If you’re on the market for a natural solution to all of your deodorant needs, then look no further than a natural deodorant.

Natural deodorants have been on the market for quite some time. There’s been a lot of fuss about it, but do they actually work?

This is quite possibly the single biggest question on your mind and we’re here to tell you that yes, they do in fact work.

Since these products fall within the category of skin care products, it would only work in the manufacturer’s way to create something that is truly efficient and not science fiction.

Fortunately, these products have been positively received by the audience, and the stock of such products only grows by the day.

Since we live in an age of natural products, non-GMO, and all of those bits and pieces, a product such as a natural deodorant might truly work in your favor.

So, with all that said, here are our 5 reasons on why you should switch to natural deodorants.

1. They Are Aluminum-FREE!

Source: earth911

The single biggest reason why you should switch to this type of deodorant is solely down to the fact that they contain no aluminum.

Aluminum is quite harmful to you, but why we don’t like it in our deodorants is because it blocks our pores and causes ducts to swell. But we use aluminum in such products because it keeps you dry. So how could it cause ducts to swell?

Well, the science is certainly up on this one as aluminum does an equally counterproductive job as it does a productive one.

Natural products, on the other hand, rely on the goodness of the plant world and all of its helpful effects to prevent sweating and keep you dry.

Ingredients such as sodium bicarbonate and various plant powders are excellent in doing the same job aluminum does, but this time they do it much better.

Since you’ll be using 100% natural and organic products to prevent sweating, you won’t be exposed to the dangerous chemicals and metals that some of these deodorants contain.

2. No Synthetic Fragrance!

Source: gimmethegoodstuff

Moving onto the next reason why you should avoid your typical deodorant and settle for a natural one is that the latter contains no synthetic fragrances.

But what are these? Well, these harmful chemicals are made from other chemicals and they’re not that good for you. But what is their role in deodorant? Their role can easily be summed up with this line: “Synthetic fragrances are used to combat bad odor.”

That’s it, that’s all they do. And for what? To give you serious health issues? Make no mistake about it, mixing harmful chemicals cannot be good for you and it isn’t!

Instead of using solutions that can cause serious health effects, why not settle for something that uses essential oils, natural herbs, and organic ingredients to combat bad odor?

When on the subject of fragrance-free deodorants, make sure to visit Vasarii for a chance to sample a product that does more good to you than bad.

3. Don’t Mind the Sweating

Source: businessinsider

The biggest criticism of natural deodorants is the fact that they don’t make you sweat-proof as much as normal products. However, where is the science that says sweating is bad for you?

Make no mistake about it, no one wants to sweat especially when on the job, in a business meeting, or during lunch with your significant other.

But sweating isn’t always negative. You can sweat and not release a bad odor. That’s something that’s called good hygiene and proper diet.

What conventional deodorants do is merely block pores from releasing sweat. This, in terms, makes your skin dry. But that’s not really a good thing! Since these products use aluminum to block the pores, you’re not only keeping inside the harmful toxins but you’re also using harmful metals to do it.

We sweat because we detoxify. Sweating is a natural process that is a way for our body to detoxify from all the harmful toxins.

So we’re here to argue that sweating is actually a good thing. Sure it might not be convenient in some cases, but it’s certainly healthier.

4. You Will Need To Adjust

Source: intheknow

Something you’ll very often here with people that have transitioned is that they’ve noticed an unpleasant smell upon making the switch. People always say this even when they change products.

But why is that? Well, the science is very real and very accurate on this one. Whenever we change our deodorant, be it from synthetic and harmful to natural, it takes time for our body and skin to adjust to the change.

But the way your skin reacts to the product is solely down to your body chemistry. Namely, some people will excessively sweat upon making the change, while others won’t even break a single drop of it.

Others will notice a very bad odor, while some none at all!

So while the science is real, it doesn’t apply to every one of us. Some bodies adjust better and faster, while others are more stubborn and take more time to do it.

Bottom line is that you should expect some changes, or none at all, upon making the transition.

5. They Are Super Effective

Source: medium

If you want to start using a product that includes no harmful chemicals or dangerous metals, then natural deodorants are the way to go.

But a lot of people question the effectiveness of these products. Well, we’re here to tell you that the science is very much the same as with chemical deodorants.

These products are meant to remove and kill any bacteria that causes bad odor. However, they do it with a touch of class! Instead of using harmful metals such as aluminum, they use 100% natural and organic ingredients such as essential oils, coconut oil, baking soda, and more.

Each of these ingredients works tirelessly and effectively to prevent bad odor and kill the bacteria that produces it.

It’s safe to say that the effectiveness of these products shouldn’t come into question.

10 Reasons Why Blogging is a Perfect Side Hustle

Source: inc

Everyone wants to earn more, especially in these difficult times when money is so important to have. People try to find side-jobs, or as we would like to call them, side-hustles, to increase their monthly or yearly salary. When it comes to choosing something else other than your full-time job, we don’t have a lot of choices. Our main jobs take up most of the time in our day, so we’re not left with too many hours in the day to earn something extra. Thankfully, side hustles such as Blogging exist and are here to save the day.

Today we’re going to talk about blogging in general and why it’s so good of a choice for earning on the side or even starting it as a side career. Most businesses, companies, and brands have a website, and they have a blog as well where they post updates and everything else that’s required to keep their customer base close. This is great for two reasons, first, you can learn out of them, and second, it makes blogging even more popular, increasing your chances to succeed in it. So, you’re probably as excited as we are, so let’s not waste any more time and jump straight into the informative content.

Source: Hootsuite Blog

1. You can do it from home

Who doesn’t love working from home? It’s one of the best things ever. Combine this with the fact that you’re doing something fun and interesting for you, and you’re already off to a great start. Working from home also means working from anywhere, because if you have a laptop, you can update your blog from a beach or a bar, it doesn’t matter where you are at the moment. All you need is the will to write and a solid internet connection.

2. It doesn’t cost money to start

Blogging doesn’t take a lot of money to start, unlike some other businesses. The only investment you need to make is buying a host and a website, but you don’t even have to blog on your site, you can use others and do guest posts. This is up to you to decide, however, but we can give you a great starting point. Wisdom Depot is a website where you can learn a lot more about starting your side hustle, so feel free to get informed before you dive into the waters of blogging.

Source: Jimmyno Blog

3. Not difficult to learn

Compare this to programming or something else. Blogging is just way too easy, and the fact that it is interesting makes it even easier. People tend to learn things a lot quicker when they’re fun to do, and this one is just that. Believe it or not, there are entire guides on blogging that you can take a look at before starting.

4. Building a website in 2024 is easy

WordPress, Wix, or anything else that you find, building a site in 2024 is just so easy to do and doesn’t require a lot of programming knowledge. You might have a few posts here and there, but for less than a hundred bucks you can have a fully functional blog ready for you to post things on it.

Source: digitalmarketinginstitute

5. Doesn’t take much time

You can write a blog post in less than thirty minutes, and doing that once per day is more than enough to get your blog up and running. You don’t have to waste entire sleepless nights on it, it’s easy as one two three.

6. You can learn it quickly

Even if you are not the best blogger in the world, you can learn how to properly do it in less than a month, or a few months if you’re really bad at it. Jokes aside, there are tons of useful tutorials and lessons online about it. Feel free to take a look at some and you’ll easily pick up the basics that you need to start.

Source: theblog

7. Easy to turn it into a career

There were a lot of times when a side hustle turned into a career, and that’s not very rare with blogging, to be honest. Everything that happens nowadays happens on the internet, so there’s a huge audience ready for you to entertain or educate with your posts. You can be successful and turn this into a career if you give it enough time and dedication, or if you don’t want that, you can just partially do it for some extra cash. Both ways work.

8. A great way to express yourself

If you ever wanted to express your thoughts on the internet, either anonymously or with your name behind each post, this is the right way to do it. People can get to know you better by doing this, and you might eventually become popular if you do it right.

Source: velocityglobal

9. It is not a risky “tryout”

You don’t have to invest a few thousand dollars in this just to find out that it’s “not the right thing to do” a few months later. This automatically makes it an “investment” that doesn’t include a lot of risks, which is great.

10. Can get you famous if you’re good at it

A lot of popular bloggers never really thought that doing something like this will get them fame and money, but it did. If you become very good at this, you can easily monetize your work, which is another great reason to start.

Source: Blog de Blogs


As you can see, blogging has tons of benefits, and it’s one of the top choices for those who want to earn something extra on the side when their main job is not enough. Or, if you’ve lost your job due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, this is a great thing to do that can earn you living with moderate amounts of work and effort. It’s also very fun to do, especially if you love writing and expressing your feelings on the internet. Who knows, maybe you’ll get tons of followers one day and you’ll turn this into your main job or career.

We hope that our guide was helpful and explanatory. Blogging is cool and you should consider it as an option at any point in your life. Good luck with your content in the future.

Car Jack Safety Statistics and Tips

Recently, on Reddit, a user asked the question, “What small item do you regularly trust your life to?”

Undoubtedly, the winner of this debate was the guy who answered, “A 25-cent gasket I bought in ToolTally and placed inside my car jack that I trust to hold my car up.”

Having a car dropped on me is one of my biggest fears. It turns out that this fear is not unfounded. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 4,800 people are likely sent to the hospital each year with serious injuries from jack failures.

The silver lining is that only 18% of these injuries are due to jack failure, where many of the injuries result from the car shifting and the jack slipping out while the mechanic is underneath the car.

Source: iFixit

Here Are Some Safety Tips

  1. Put the Jack on a Flat Surface. Driveways are sloped to allow water to run off. The downside is that this sloping can cause the car to slide down it as well. You want to use the flat floor of your garage or a flat area of your driveway to jack your car upon.
  2. Ensure The Jack Won’t Sink. I’ve seen folks put cardboard under their jack or set it on the lawn and then jack the car up. These unstable surfaces can be deadly. Instead, you want to make sure it has a firm, solid surface to sit on.
  3. Attach the Jack Properly. Your vehicle has a few spots where the jack is supposed to attach. If you put the jack on the wrong body part, you can damage that part of your car. This is especially true of unibody passenger cars. I once saw an individual attach a jack to a stabilizer bar. Not only did they destroy the stabilizer bar, but the car fell off the jack. You want to connect the jack at the OEM jacking point.
  4. Block the Tires. Depending on the repair you are doing, you can set the emergency brake on your vehicle. However, I recommend setting a cinder block behind the tires to ensure that they don’t shift while the car is raised.
  5. Support The Jack With Jack stands. Jack stands do not have the risk of a hydraulic failure as other jacks do. Jack stands help to provide a steady surface and can be locked securely into position.
  6. Have a Spotter. The last thing you want to do is to be trapped under your car. When working underneath a vehicle, it is good to know that someone can call for help if there is a problem.
Source: Desertcart

Are Scissor Jacks Safe?

Scissor jacks have the advantage that they don’t have hydraulic gaskets that can fail. However, the pins that hold the four arms together can fail from repeated use or overload.

Additionally, if the car starts to shift, the scissor jack’s arms can twist and fail.

From a safety standpoint, they seem to be about as safe as a hydraulic jack would be, but they are generally only made for occasional use, such as changing a flat tire on the side of the road.

You never want to go cheap on a jack. If it fails, the company will have little to no risk of paying damages from a lawsuit, since they can blame user error.

Meanwhile, you have to live the pain and devastating repercussions of jack failure.

Source: Quickjack Nederland

Can You Jack Up A Car By The Axle Or Differential?

This depends on the car. Front-wheel drive cars tend to have weaker axles and more joints. You would not want to jack up from the axle.

However, many larger trucks use a more solid axle, and there is less risk of hurting your vehicle (although I personally have never done it.).

The rear differential, however, seems to be a solid point for jacking up cars. Just be careful not to pinch the plate on the front and cause it to leak fluid.

How Do You Jack Up A Slammed Car?

To jack up a low profile car, you need a low-profile jack. These jacks are designed to slide under a car that is only an inch above the ground.

If you are lowering your car, you want to buy a low-profile jack to keep in your car, since the standard jack will no longer work.

Source: Car and Driver

Can you Leave Your Car Jacked Up Overnight?

If your car is resting on jack stands and seems steady, then you should be able to leave the car resting on the stands. Make sure children and small animals are kept away from the vehicle.

Does Jacking Up Your Car Hurt It’s Alignment?

So long as you are jacking the car up from the proper OEM jack location, you don’t have to worry about damaging the alignment.

Once you lower the car back down, the struts and other parts of the suspension system will re-engage back into the same alignment.

Source: Vingloo

Are Ramps Safer?

For simple tasks such as changing oil, ramps can be an easy way to repair the vehicle. Just drive it up on the ramps, chock the tires, and the car is ready to work on.

Ramps have the advantage of being safer if you properly block the tires. They are also easier to set up and take less time.

When jacking your car, the priority is safety. If you stay focused on safety, everything else will sort itself out.

New vs. Used Cars: Which is Right for You?

Source: medium

If you’re in the market to replace your current car, or if you don’t have one at all right now, it’s time to dive into some online research about which type of vehicle you should consider purchasing.

Before making your final decision, there are many considerations. Being thoughtful before making such an important purchase is the best way to prevent buyer’s remorse or a financial disaster.

As you consider what make and model you’re looking to buy, you must first decide whether buying a new, factory-fresh car or purchasing a pre-owned vehicle is the right choice for you. Here are the things you should think about when coming to a smart conclusion.

The Benefits of Buying a New Car

Source: icpro

There’s nothing quite like that new-car smell and knowing that your vehicle has never been driven long-term before by anyone other than you. These are the most basic of benefits you get when purchasing a new car off the car lot, like at zeckford.com.

Brand-new vehicles come with a warranty that covers big, expensive repairs. Should your new car break down, you’re likely to find you don’t have to pay a penny out of pocket to fix it.

New cars also have low mileage, usually as close to zero as possible, minus test drives and being moved into new positions around the car dealership’s lot. This means your odometer gives you a clean slate; there’s no wear and tear on your vehicle at all.

You might find that owning a brand-new car improves others’ perceptions of you, especially if you’re in a high-level position in the company that employs you. If you’ll be driving around visiting executives, a new vehicle is likely far more impressive and professional looking than an old, dented beater you’ve been cruising in since college.

Cars with the latest engines and technology are more fuel efficient than older ones. If you’re looking to fill up at the pump less frequently, a new car could help you achieve that. Upgraded safety features are also available on new models, like lane-keeping assist, pre-collision technology, and more. You’d need to spend a lot of money on aftermarket parts to achieve the same thing in an older car.

And finally, when you purchase a brand-new car from the dealership, you’ll find that lenders are more likely to give you slightly lower interest rates than if you purchased a used car. Plus, you may be eligible for purchasing bonuses through the dealership or manufacturer, such as cash back, no interest for a certain time period, or a rebate.

The Cons of Buying New

Source: Santander Consumer USA

The biggest downside to buying a new car is generally the price tag. Because brand-new vehicles fresh from the factory come with a suggested retail sales price from the manufacturer, and because the car dealership has had to purchase these new vehicles at a wholesale price, they are looking to achieve a reasonable profit margin.

You may also find that new cars come with much higher property taxes or registration fees than used cars, depending on where you live. Before buying a new car, research how much these two bills will set you back to make sure you can afford the purchase.

The Benefits of Buying a Used Car

Source: nbcnews

If you’re looking to spend less money on a vehicle, a used car is the best choice for you. With their lower purchase price, you can stick to your budget and still get a car you like to drive. Because the purchase price is lower than that of a brand-new vehicle, you could pay off your car loan faster even if you make the same dollar-amount in payments every month as you would on a brand-new car at full price.

Older vehicles also tend to have cheaper insurance premiums than brand-new ones. If you like to save money on all your bills, a used car will make sure your insurance is a more affordable rate.

Smart shoppers prefer used cars because they can make more informed decisions when it comes to choosing the best make and model. Because the car has been out and on the road for a longer period of time, there have been ample opportunities for reviewers to write about the vehicle and for reliability statistics to have come in. If you want complete research on the quality of a car you’re considering, purchasing a used car allows you to use all that information to your advantage.

High-quality used cars are often in great condition, and many people won’t even know you purchased a used vehicle. Shop around for vehicles that have been well cared for, and you’ll be rewarded with one that appears to be in mint condition.

Finally, buying a respectable used car could make you appear financially responsible. Frugal people know that used cars can be just as wonderful to own and drive as new ones, but are much more affordable overall. If this is the perception about yourself that you’d like to put out into the world, consider buying used from reputable car dealerships who guarantee their customer service.

The Cons of Buying Used

Source: thebalance

Used cars, while great options for most people, simply won’t do for others. Used cars have been previously driven and already have mileage on their odometers. When you buy a used car, realize it may not last you as long as a brand-new car, because it already has years of wear and tear from driving on it.

You may not know the full history of a used car. Automotive reports, like CarFax, can be helpful in determining whether the car you’re considering buying is a good bet, but you must still tread carefully. Choosing a reputable car dealership to buy a used car from, or sticking with only certified pre-owned cars at your dealer of choice, will help you get a good value.

It’s Time to Make Your Choice!

Source: Medium

Now that you know the benefits of buying new cars and used cars, you must decide on your own the best route to take before you make this important investment. You should ask trusted friends and family members for their advice, and take that into consideration before you go car shopping.

Do online research and gather as much information about all the vehicles you’re considering before heading to the dealership and strolling around the lot to see what’s available. When you think critically about all your options, you’ll find that you are capable of making the best decision when it comes to buying a new car versus a used car – whichever is right for you.

5 Reasons Why Brochures Are Still Important for Business Marketing

Source: marketing91

Marketing is the most important part of every business, and we are all trying to keep on top of the new trends and technologies to help us to advertise our products and our companies. Even though there are many new options that can help improve your overall marketing, there are still some trends that stand the test of time, and they still work wonders today. Brochures are one of those items that can help you boost your sales and that will help improve the overall interest customers may have in your business.

In this article, we are going to list some of the reasons why this promotional material is still important for your company and how you advertise it. Continue reading if you want to know more about the advantages of brochures and some tips on how you can incorporate them into your marketing strategy.

1. People can see what the product looks like

Source: urbanriver

One of the main reasons why brochures are still crucial for marketing is the fact that they provide images of all the products a customer may be interested in. Some companies choose to make larger brochures where people can see pretty much everything they sell, while others go with targeted advertisements and they only show the products that are on discount or sale.

These fliers are usually bright and colorful and we are drawn to the images that show the products in their best light. When we just read the names of the products, we rarely get drawn to them, unless we know what we are looking for. On the other hand, when we see pictures of different items, we are more likely to choose and buy more items than we planned on buying. This work very well for business sales.

2. All information in one place

Source: twitter

The difference between an online store and a brochure is that when we use browse online, we need to click on every item separately to read the most important information about it. Even though there are a lot of positive things to online shopping, it is still different.

When it comes to physically printed brochures, we are able to see everything about the item in one place. We can see the description, size, materials used, ingredients, and price without having to check other things or places. This helps the customers make a faster decision, and when we see the discounts or offers they may be even more interested in the product itself.

3. Different focal points

Source: colorlib

When you create your company’s website, you know that the space on the main page is limited. You cannot put every single offer you have there, and sometimes customers get lost in the menu and they miss out on some amazing deals.

The difference between websites and handheld fliers is that you can put a different focal point on every page of your brochure. For example, if you are planning on promoting 10 or even 20 different products, you can easily put them on different pages of your brochure and each and every one of them will be noticed by your customers.

Stick to this formula to reach your goal, you will have yourself a smart brochure design. If you are interested in more information on how you can achieve great results, you can check this, and remember that you need to spend some time planning and creating different drafts until you see which version is the best.

Point out the most important products and make sure they are easily noticeable. Do this by making these images bigger, or adding the letters in a different font or with different sizes. Try several things out and see how your customers react.

4. Distribution

Source: creativemarket

Online marketing is amazing, and you can easily target any group of people you want, but what happens when you want to target everyone? It can be really expensive to create ads that will target different target groups, and if you don’t do that, your website may go unnoticed.

On the other hand, when you decide to use brochures it is going to be easier for you to reach a lot of people with only one batch of flyers. There are a lot of things you can do to distribute the promotional material and some of the things you can do include:

  • Put them at the entrance of your store
  • Share them at shows, exhibitions, and fairs
  • Add them to every package you ship
  • Hand them in parks and malls
  • Put them in mailboxes
  • Place them at kiosks

5. Decreased costs

Source: hackworth

One of the things most companies pay for is marketing. We can spend up to several thousand dollars on advertising per month, and the big corporations can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Even though these things are extremely important if you want to boost your sales up and if you want to draw in new clients, smaller companies don’t always have the budget so it is good if you can save where you can.

When you decide to go with printed promotional material, you won’t have to spend even a fraction of the money you usually pay for online advertising and you can still reach thousands of customers. The whole process of creating them is far cheaper, and when you consult a professional about the design, you can come up with a budget-friendly option that will save you a lot of money.

If you are new to this type of advertisement, you should start slow. You don’t have to print thousands of brochures and have them be 40 pages or more. You can create just a few pages that will target only the most important products you have, and depending on the interest you get from the customers, go bigger. The design will make or break the whole promotion, so make sure you spend a lot of time choosing the best type for your specific business. Once you find the perfect equation, you can continue using the same format for every promotional material you create.

Incorporate the colors of your brand on every page of the flier, and don’t forget to include information about your business, stores, and social media on it. That way people will open your online store or website and learn everything they want about your company and the products you are selling.

5 Business Applications of Virtual Reality Technology

Source: g2

Virtual Reality is slowly taking over the world, and it’s one of the most interesting things that we’ve seen lately. If you’ve never experienced VR before, we strongly recommend you to do so whenever you get the chance for it. Whether it’s playing games in VR, watching movies, or walking in your future home that’s not even built yet, the experience is unforgettable, especially the first time.

VR is going to be the cause for a lot of useful futuristic things in the next couple of years, and it’s still on the rise, so we can’t even consider it to be close to the full potential. When this technology first came out, people were impressed, and that was a couple of years ago. Today, it’s 2024, and still, the majority of the population are people who never experienced Virtual Reality. That’s one of the reasons why we consider this to be a “new thing” still.

In today’s article, we’ll talk about business applications of virtual reality technology. So, if you are planning to do something like this shortly, or you are just interested in learning some more, you’re more than welcome to keep on reading until the end. Let’s take a look at what you should know.

1. View your future home in VR – Real Estate

Source: mythic

Real Estate agents and companies are taking things to the next level when it comes to sales and presenting their customers with the looks of their new homes. Imagine how difficult it was in the past to purchase a home without knowing how it will look or feel like while you’re inside. Well, you can say bye-bye to that, because in 2024 these real-estate companies use VR to deliver the most trustworthy and realistic experience to all of their customers.

Of course, you’ll need a professional designer that can replicate the looks of the home into a 3D environment, but that’s not too difficult to find these days, since this technology attracts tons of young and enthusiastic creators from across the world.

2. Hike, jog or climb in VR – Entertainment

Source: vrfitnessinsider

We’re not sure whether something like this exists yet, but if it doesn’t, this is your chance to make a lot of money. If you give people the chance to do sports in their own home on a running track but allow them to feel the thrill of it like it is in reality, you’ll have a very successful product. Now, this is not easy to do, but such an idea in the right hands of an investor can be world-changing.

The entertainment industry will never stop progressing, and by the looks of it, it’s headed into the same direction where the VR technology is. We already have video games in Virtual Reality, but that’s still not as common as we would like it to be. It won’t take long before it becomes the standard though, and if you don’t want to miss a thing when it comes to VR-related news, eeist.com is a website that keeps their users updated on Virtual Business at all times.

In a time where people are forced to stay at home due to the global pandemic outbreak, giving them the chance to feel like they’re doing sports outside is truly a blessing, and one of the best ideas that we’ve heard about so far.

3. Experience your future vehicle in VR – Car Sales

Source: jasoren

Cars are quite expensive these days, especially the most recent versions that contain all sorts of gadgets and smart functions. So, before you purchase them, it’s great to try them out, right? Well, yes, but what happens if you live in a country where that car is considered a foreign and is still unavailable for a test drive. Or, maybe you’re interested in investing, or just trying out a prototype before it releases on the market. For all this, Virtual Reality is the answer.

A system of this type can boost the sales of many car companies by quite a lot, which is why we think that it’s a very solid idea if you can somehow make it happen. Chances are that some people are already working on a project like this, but you can always be faster than them with enough effort.

4. Play video games in VR – Entertainment

Source: notebookcheck

When this technology was first introduced, video-game enthusiasts went crazy. When it comes to business, the video-game industry is booming at the moment, and a lot of experts say that it’s going to surpass the movie industry just a few years from now. Video games are like a better version of movies because you get to be one of the characters. This greatly enhances the feelings and emotions you get when being presented with such content.

You can make all sorts of simulators in the form of a video-game that people will buy, and it’s a great business idea overall. For example, a lot of pilots use plane simulators to learn the basics of flying an aircraft. The same thing goes for racers. They practice in Virtual Reality on simulators that allow them to increase their real-life driving skill while eliminating the danger of being hurt, or even worse.

5. Book vacation tours in VR – Tourism and Hospitality

Source: stambol

Last but not least, if you are renting a luxurious hotel or a villa, for example, you can implement a virtual reality system that will allow all of those who book a room to experience the looks, feel and view before paying. It’s a costly investment, but it’s going to bring you a lot more in return, which is why it’s a business investment in the first place. The tourism and hospitality branch will have this shortly, but the real question is who’s going to make it happen first.


Technology never stopped evolving, and in the past couple of years, it evolves at a pace that’s difficult to follow. We cannot know what’s going to be our reality in the future, but we’re pretty sure that most of it will be virtual.

6 Common Myths About Online Casinos

Source: gamblingsites

The main difference between land-based and online casinos is a completely different experience. Many people would tell you that playing at the live table or spinning reels on some machine is much more enjoyable than gambling over some online platform. On the other side, many advantages make online casinos as a much better option.

We have advanced technology which provides us with the ability to play almost any game in the same way as we would be playing it in a land casino. The main benefit of playing online is that you can do that from your home, lunch break, or any other place, instead of planning a trip to some area where you can legally gamble, like Atlantic City or Las Vegas. Furthermore, online casinos offer us a much bigger selection of games.

There are thousands of online platforms where you can easily find any slot machine you like, or other games, such as Blackjack, Poker, Roulette, and many more. However, you should choose a well-known site with a seasonable cash-out time and interesting bonuses. Check here to see the list of best online casinos with amazing offers for newbies.

Even though there are many benefits from choosing online casinos over land-based ones, there are still a lot of people who are not so trustworthy to online platforms and have a lot of misconceptions about gambling online. In this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the most common myths related to online casinos.

Source: unsplash

1. Online Platforms Are Not Secure

While there is a chance to find a website that is not so secure, and where you can risk that they might steal data about your bank account and other information, you can avoid getting into any risks by only choosing popular online casinos. The easiest way to find a secure gambling site is to check if they have proper customer support that is always available, and data about the owner, like his address, name, number, and more. Every legit website will provide users with this information. On the other hand, you should also check the reviews and experiences of other players. Luckily, the internet is full of forums about all kinds of topics. In that matter, chances that you will be scammed are the same as when you go to some land casino.

2. You Can Only Win During Certain Hours

There are many strange misconceptions about gambling, and a rumor that you can only win at a particular time of the day is ridiculous. However, you should know that everyone can easily start any sort of rumor over the internet, and maybe there was a case that some person has a winning streak over a few days only when he was playing at the same time. There are no peak hours in casinos, and we never heard about similar cases, and chances are completely random.

Source: Pinterest

3. Bonuses Represent a Scam

One of the biggest advantages over land casinos is that most of the online platforms will give you a certain amount of credit after you register and deposit your money for the first time. In most cases, you will get your funds doubled or even tripled in some casinos. You can use these free credits to win real money, but you can’t raise them as regular funds. The myth related to these bonuses is that many people think about how there is no chance to win anything with a bonus and that casinos are only using that as a promotion and a way to motivate you to deposit your funds there. On the other side, there is no evidence that any game reacts differently when you are playing with a free bet. Therefore, we are sure that this is only a myth.

4. Lower Chances For a Win

We think that it is natural for some people to think about how online casinos could create some patterns where every game would pay much less than when you are playing in a land casino. However, there is no evidence for this assumption, and we can see that online casinos are paying on the same level as traditional ones, and some of them even more. Maybe some online gambling sites are scamming people, but choosing only trusted websites will help you to avoid that problem. When it comes to return rate, the percentage is similar or same in both types of casinos. Another misconception is related to the auto play option, and many people are thinking about how casinos are making it much harder for you to win when this option is turned on. On the other side, gambling is regulated in most countries, and there are rules that owners of casinos have to follow.

Source: usaonlinecasino

5. They Allow Children to Gamble

We are sure that a kid can’t gamble in some online casino because you have to register and leave data about your ID, bank account, address, and other info. Therefore, no one under 18 years old is not allowed to register and play on any gambling website. Even in case that a kid tries to register as one of his parents, he will have to leave the phone for a confirmation code, and his parents would get a notification about funds being taken from their bank accounts.

6. Online Casinos Are Not Entertaining

The most common mentioning of online casinos in a negative concept is that you can never have fun by playing online games as when you are gambling in a traditional land casino. While gambling with real chips, sitting next to other people, and physically holding cards and chips is an amazing experience, you can have a great time while gambling on your phone as well. The biggest advantage is that you can choose over thousands of games while still sitting in the same place. Also, amateurs are especially attracted to online gambling, especially people who play Texas Hold’Em, since looking at other people might make them nervous, and it is much easier to concentrate from the comfort of your home.

Source: games


You have to know that most of the negative things that you can hear about online gambling are coming from people who are either trustworthy or they simply prefer land casinos more. In any way, both types have their advantages and downsides, and you should choose where to gamble only by your preferences. If you are avoiding online casinos because you are afraid of scam, the best way to avoid any inconvenience is to choose a well-known and legit website, and you won’t have any issues with them.

How to Stop a Hot Tub Costing You a Fortune

Source: thedadsnet

Many people view hot tubs as luxury items that can only be purchased if they have a huge budget. While some hot tubs can end up costing a lot of money, it does not mean there is nothing you can do to stop purchasing one from draining your bank accounts. Today, we are going to look at how you can get the perfect hot tub at a great price. We will also look at how you can stop it from costing you a fortune in energy bills down the road, something many people forget could happen.

Create and Stick to a Budget

Before you start shopping for a hot tub, you should have a set budget in mind. You should decide how much the ideal price would be for you, as well as how much you are willing to spend if you go above this ideal price. Remember that having a price range can be the difference between getting the hot tub you want and settling for one that does not meet all your needs.

Once you settle on the budget, stick to it. This will help you focus on getting the right hot tub rather than being swayed by features that could cost extra.

Source: pexels

Do Your Research

There are endless options when it comes to choosing the right hot tub. A simple search online for different types of hot tubs will tell you what you can get at the budget you have set. Remember that the more features a hot tub has, the higher the price it will be listed for. If you have a hard time choosing between all the different models, talk to a retailer like Oasis Leisure, who can be found online at OasisLeisure.com. They will explain the different types of hot tubs that are available at the budget you have.

Choose the Right Size

Although your budget will likely set the size limit for you, it is always important to define what size you need before you start shopping. A six-seat hot tub might look great on a brochure or website, but it will be a waste of money if you have a small family or do not have plans of entertaining a relatively large group.

Choosing a smaller hot tub also opens up possibilities of finding one that has extra features that a larger one at the same price might not. If you do need a larger hot tub, try to forgo some of the advanced functionality. By doing this, you will get a standard unit that is the right size and that will not cost too much.

Source: masterspas

Choose Above-Ground Hot Tubs

In-ground hot tubs look better than above-ground hot tubs, but they come with some disadvantages. The most obvious one is their cost. In-ground hot tubs are much more expensive than their above-ground counterparts. They are also a lot more expensive to install.

Above-ground hot tubs, on the other hand, are easier and cheaper to install. All you need for these types of hot tubs is a base on which they will sit and an electrical outlet.

Energy Efficiency

As with all other appliances, hot tubs also have an energy-efficiency rating. The better the energy efficiency, the lower the amount of power the hot tub will consume and the lower your electricity bills will be It is relatively easy to find out the energy efficiency rating of the hot tubs you are considering. Just check on the manufacturer’s website or do some research online to see what other people have to say.

Source: Xconomy

Hunt for Deals and Clearance Sales

If you do not need the hot tub installed any time soon, you could save a lot of money by waiting for deals and clearance sales. Some retailers have been known to offer huge discounts around special holidays so keep an eye on that.

Also, some retailers who are getting out of the business or are relocating will usually have clearance sales for different hot tub models. Here, you can save up to half on a relatively advanced hot tub.

If you do not want to wait around, you can always look online to see which local retailers have ongoing sales.

Lower Your Energy Costs – Check the Insulation

Hot tubs are insulated to keep the water warm, which reduces the amount of energy used to keep the hot tub working as expected. As the hot tub ages, the insulation starts wearing out, which means the hot tub loses a lot of heat.

It then consumes additional power to keep the water at the right temperature. If you do not want your hot tub costing too much in power bills, get a professional to check the insulation for you from time to time. If it is worn, you can have them replace it.

Source: masterspas

Program the Hot Tub Better

Many hot tub models come with programmable filtration cycles. Typically, your hot tub will run multiple times a day to keep the water clean and safe. This can cost you quite a bit if the hot tub is left to run this way. Fortunately, many hot tub models are now programmable. This means you can set the filtration cycles in ways that will not cost you too much in energy costs.

For example, you could set the pumps and filtration systems to run a few times a day when the hot tub is not in use and more times when it is.

Reduce the Temperature

A common mistake people make is leaving the hot tub running at a higher temperature, even when it is cold. This wastes a lot of energy and can end up costing you more. To reduce the cost of running a hot tub, reduce its temperature by a degree or two.

Just remember to not keep lowering or raising the temperature. The amount of energy required to heat the hot tub to a higher temperature might negate the gains made by lowering the temperature in the first place.

Purchasing, running, and maintaining a hot tub can get expensive very fast. It is, therefore, important that you make the right purchasing decisions as well as find ways to reduce the cost of running the hot tub to ensure it does not end up costing you a fortune.

How to Deliver the Very Best Customer Experience Every Time

Customer experience is not new. It’s something that lived for decades. Be it any industry or business; customer experience is the pulse and guide to customer success. But what goes behind a successful customer experience? By the books, it’s a vast topic, but in reality, you want your customers to get the best service and experience when they engage with your brand.

Delivering the best customer experience is a dream of every business. It’s easier than you imagine. To get to the bottom of customer experience, you must understand customer psychology and behavior at every touchpoint. It helps you understand the customer journey better and improves customer retention.

Customer experience starts with your customer service representative how they treat customers on the call or in person. It also involves communicating to customers via email, their interactions on webchat, how they navigate your website, and what they do on the landing pages. Most of us are not able to differentiate between customer experience and user experience. There is a thin line between CX and UX, but both are a part of customer management.

It’s interesting to know technically what customer experience is, how it relates to your business, and what companies do to measure and improve their efficiency. To comprehend customer management, you should know the nuances of customer experience and user experience.

Source: MarTech Advisor

Customer Experience

Customer experience refers to the total interactions a customer has with your brand both offline, and online. It involves all the direct and indirect channels of customer service. E.g., Your customer experience professional ensures that a customer who walked into the store for purchase has a positive experience, and the same treatment should be delivered in after-sales-service as well.

User Experience

User Experience refers to user interaction with your product or service. It typically means users visiting your website can navigate without getting lost, make a smooth purchase, and get to the information they need without searching too much. It mostly used by marketing professionals to track the customer cycle.

Source: Information Age

What’s the correlation?

Customer experience is the universe, and user experience is a galaxy. CX holds major aspects of the brand, which UX doesn’t. But without a considerable UX, customer experience will fail, which can create problems for your business.

How to enhance offline customer experience management

Many factors contribute to offline customer experience, especially those companies that have a physical location.

Source: Julius

Personal Visit

Not all businesses have customer’s interactions over the web. Some businesses require a face-to-face meeting. Especially, those companies who have a physical store, or where customers visit the office for a face-to-face meeting with you or the management. Here is how you can deliver professional and in-person experience.

  • Dress professionally. Even if you’ve got a casual work culture, dress appropriately during the client visit. Ensure your employees represent your brand correctly. It shows how your business looks to your clients.
  • Always be prepared with a presentation. Do research beforehand and keep answers ready. Prepare frequently asked questions sheet to impress the customer with a positive experience.
  • Provide more than one solution. If your customer has a problem, give multiple options to resolve the issue. Offer complimentary support in times of crisis. Customers feel good when they are given multiple choices.

On the call

Email communication is not enough for prospective clients and new customers to contact your company. Make sure they can reach you through calls. Ensure you’ve got the best calling facility, and all your phone calls are managed successfully to improve customer experience on every call.

  • Record every customer call and use it as a review tool for training and development purposes. Tweak your services depending on the customer’s feedback. Record all inbound and outbound calls and set a quality monitoring team that can listen to these calls.
Source: businessnewsdaily

How to enhance offline customer experience

Your company’s customer experience management also depends on the online presence and other channels customers used to interact. From the website to emails, here are a few tips that impact customer experience.

  • Make your website user-friendly

Navigation is a big factor while evaluating website presence, and it directly impacts the customer experience. Make a website that is easy to navigate, and customers find information instantly. Designing the website is equally important for user experience. Intuitive and eye-catchy website designs improve the overall experience. But it should be done for both mobiles as well as desktop.

  • A/B test every page of your website. It’s essential to test the color scheme, layout, and other elements. Use different call-to-action buttons and test each one to see which works best. A/B testing gives you instant data on what customer experience on your website.

Improve online communication

Source: digitalmarketinginstitute

Just like offline communication, online communication is of equal importance to the company’s success. It’s important to take charge of customers at every touchpoint.

  • Add a live chat feature

Not every website has a webchat service. But adding a webchat service is effective in improving customer experience. It’s great for those who can’t call or email and want an instant answer. Mostly, live chats are used by support or sales. Monitor chats to know what are the things that customers ask for and improve it from there.

  • Email campaigns

Communicating with clients through emails is as good as communicating in real life. Turn to email nurturing for inbound emails, and schedule campaigns for outbound emails. Design emails or use attractive email templates to keep the content of your email engaging. Try different email variating with different CTA’s. A/B test emails before rolling it out.

Your emails should not only be about bringing back customers to sales or make a purchase. At times, it’s important to create awareness about how to use the product. Through emails, you can ask customers if they’ve any questions, send them video tutorials, guide them to user guides, etc. Customers feel happy when you educate them about your product.

Source:Call Centre Helper

Take feedback from customers

Regular feedback from customers helps improve service offerings and internal business processes.

  • Conduct surveys

Surveys are the best form of feedback and to know what your customers think about your brand. Are they satisfied? Did they find everything they want? Ask questions about their interactions with your brand. Collect responses and use the data to understand the trends. The right time to conduct surveys is when customers have used your service for a while, and the best page on the website is the thank you page. Use intuitive customer experience platforms like SoGoCX to get you accurate customer insight, reduce churn, and improve the customer experience at every level.

Source: OptiMonk


When your business focuses on customer experience and does everything to make a customer happy, it creates a higher level of respect for your brand and everything your brand offers. Customers develop trust and loyalty in your brand, and most importantly, never switch to a competitor. To ensure the best customer experience, you should constantly work on both offline and online interactions. Train your employees to be at the best behavior with the customers. Improve the best experience with easy navigation and design. Email nurturing campaigns at regular intervals but don’t overdo. Keep your customers as a priority, and your business is sure to grow.

What Weed Makes You Sleepy?

People nowadays are having fun using weed. It is not like the old times when it was prohibited. Today scientists strongly believe that the right kind of weed can be beneficial for your body.

Either if you smoke it or just use the weed oil, you are going to have the benefits of it in your blood. The tetrahydro-cannabinoid is the basic drastic substance in the weed.

However, there is a chance that you may feel sleepy for a few hours after the initial use. Especially when you mix the weed with normal tobacco leaves there is a higher chance of such an action. But if you want to know more about what weed makes you sleepy you better follow this short article.

Let’s have a closer look at what type of weed makes you sleepy and how you can avoid taking it. That is because you may need to feel energetic and go to work after receiving your daily weed intake the way you like it.

Types of weed that may make you feel sleepy

There are plenty of weed types that are now commercially available for you to take. Let’s have a look at some of them:


Source: Weedmaps

Indica is a type of weed that relaxes your central nervous system. It can act directly to your brain’s dopamine receptors and make you feel calm and relaxed after a long day.

That kind of weed gets mostly cultivated in India or close nations. It is also exported from there to the rest of the world. It would be wiser to take Indica when you have problems falling asleep. If you belong to the persons suffering from insomnia it would be better to try Indica weed before even getting into pills.

That kind of weed is better to consume without mixing with normal tobacco. It would be wiser to prepare a cigarette of Indica weed and inhale it gradually and slowly. You will fall asleep like a baby in just a few minutes.

Let’s see some other strains that answer the question of what kind of weed makes you sleepy.

Death Confidential

Source: Bulk Buddy

It is the only strain of cannabis products that makes you fall asleep right away. You can either have it in oil form or just smoke it. It is not so easy to find especially in the western markets.

When you find the Grandaddy Purple weed strain, you can find the ultimate solution to your sleeping problems. However, if you want to smoke that kind of weed when you attend a social event, it would be better to avoid it.

It has a huge concentration of cannabinoids inside it. That is why it can quickly rampage your dopamine receptors in your brain and set you to sleep for many hours.

Bubba Mask

Source: Denver Westword

That is a new kind of weed that is rich in cannabinoids. For that reason, it can give you an appetite urge after you start smoking it. Not only does it connect automatically with the dopamine receptors in your nerve cells, but it also affects the cycle of food consumption in your body.

Several doctors have the Purple Platinum weed strain to people that have suffered from anorexia nervosa. If you are struggling with anorexia, or you can know someone who is. That is a disorder when people deny to take any type of food and lose weight close to the starving levels. That condition is extremely dangerous for their lives, and that is why smoking the Purple Platinum weed may become their only life-saving event.

On the other hand, if you just want to have some fun and are obese, there is no reason to try the Purple Platinum since you will only have more food that will harm yourself. However, if you have insomnia it would be a great help to smoke some weed of that variety.

Chopper Chem (SATIVA)

Source: Leafly

It is one of the strongest strains of weed that you can smoke and fall asleep for days. That is why you should better start with a small portion of that kind of weed and then go on with a larger amount. It has a good concentration of SATIVA cannabis that is one of the main variations existing in the world.

That variation has a ready to absorb cannabinoid molecule, which can make you feel sleepy even from the first sip. That Chopper Chem is rare to find and would be better to store in a safe place when you have insomnia episodes.

That kind of weed can also make you feel hungry all the time and increase your appetite for junk food and sugar. Cannabinoids act in your brain and imitate the GABA neurotransmitter’s action, which is the natural relaxing substance of your central nervous system.

Snow Angel Hybrid Indica

Source: Icmag.com

Finally, that is the kind of weed that will set you to your bed in just a few minutes after consumption. It is the one that will have the least smell of all and can be discrete when you live with others.

After you have prepared your cigarette with that kind of weed, make sure you have a bed to lean on. The relaxing power of the Indica weed can appear the first minutes after the inhaling. You will have some great time smoking that weed, and it will make you sleepy after a while.

Please note that it will not affect your food intake, so you can take it freely anytime you feel like going to bed and relax.


If you want to have the best kind of weed at the most prestigious market prices, you better visit the ogexpress.ca website. There you will find a great variety of weed products that can get shipped to your place.

You can choose among a vast variety of weed products. Everyone can find a weed product that can make him feel better. For those who don’t want to fall asleep when using weed there is always the right product to order.

Weed is more important than anything else in your day. Make this experience to last.

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