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In-House or Outsource: How to Handle Business Software Development

Source: thedroidsonroids

Over the last two decades, outsourcing has emerged as one of the widely adopted business trends. In 2019, the global outsourcing market was estimated to be around $92.5 billion. IT outsourcing is one of the largest sectors which accounts for $66.5 billion. Software development is one of the niches that IT service providers offer to companies. Why does outsourcing work? According to attorneys at Cohnlg (which specializes in intellectual property), once a company manages to properly develop its brand, half the battle is already won and now the company can outsource the technical work while it continues to build its business.

But despite the popularity of IT outsourcing, it remains a contentious topic. Companies, large and small, use this delegate their IT needs to third party providers to meet their needs and grow their business without straining their budget. When implemented properly, IT outsourcing is seen to improve the quality of service.

Although some business experts recognize the benefits of IT outsourcing, some remain wary about this business trend. Some companies report of terrible experiences and outcomes outsourcing their software development needs. These contrasting views often lead to confusion.

So, should you delegate software development to an in-house team or an outsourced developer?

To determine which is best for you, let’s take a look at these two service delivery models, and their pros and cons.

In-house Software Development

Source: tech

With in-house software development, an organic IT team handles the entire process of developing business IT solutions. It is easier to manage and develop software solutions because the team is ready and just waiting for orders. If you need new IT software, update an existing one, or redesign an old software, you simply call up the IT department.

According to specialists at Entrance Consulting, a full-pledged IT team is composed of developers, software engineers, project managers, designers, and testers. Unfortunately, there are not many qualified and experienced IT professionals, thereby making this stage quite a challenge. It can take a few months before a recruitment team can assemble an IT department.

Recruitment is just a one-time deal. Once the in-house development team is assembled, they can now start working on IT projects exclusively for your organization. All their time and effort are directed towards achieving your company’s goals. Resources are restricted to your company and no external organization can access them. This ensures the integrity of your intellectual property.

Furthermore, the IT team assimilates your unique company culture and they work as part of a larger team towards achieving the same vision. This facilitates seamless communication and collaboration across departments. In case some areas need support, your in-house IT team will be readily available.

In an ideal world, every company should have an in-house software development team. But this is not the case, recruiting and maintaining IT personnel can be very costly and is replete with challenges. Recruiting applicants, conducting countless interviews, screening, and validating can be time-consuming. And it doesn’t end with hiring; you need to spend on training and improving their skills. Maintaining in-house employees proves costly. Some expenses you’ll incur include such as salaries, taxes, training, office space, and IT resources.

Here’s a quick rundown on the pros and cons of in-house software development.


  • Availability
  • Exclusivity of services
  • IT team assimilate company culture
  • Dedication towards the company’s success
  • Better communication and collaboration
  • Continuous support and modernization


  • Time
  • High cost
  • Lack of qualified IT experts
  • Infrastructure and technology investment

Outsourced Software Development

Source: timedoctor

The desire for innovation has spurred the popularity of software development outsourcing. With this service delivery model, the software needs of a company are delegated to a third-party provider. This gives business access to global talents at a fraction of cost.

But just like hiring an organic development team, the process of IT outsourcing entails challenges. Foremost is the need to choose a reliable to outsource company. Your outsource provider should have experience in your industry and must be compatible with your company’s culture. Efficient management and communication are crucial in ensuring the success of your software projects. Once you’ve found the right software developer, you can significantly cut the time and cost of software development as compared when done in-house.

Outsourced software developers can offer surprisingly competitive rates because of the wage disparity between developed and developing countries. They can get qualified talents at a lower cost. They also have the necessary technologies and infrastructure, thereby cutting the need for an initial investment.

Depending on the complexity and timeline of the project, you can request the IT developer to scale up the manpower. This way, projects are completed and deployed much faster than in-house software development. Most important of all, software outsourcing allows you and your IT team to focus on core functions geared towards more innovation and success.

But even with these advantages, software outsourcing can cause you a headache if you choose the wrong developer. One major risk is the possibility of losing exclusive rights on your intellectual property. The vendor might share information with others, either purposefully or inadvertently. This makes it vital to create an NDA to ensure that the vendors keep your information classified.

Likewise, communication barriers can lead to problems. Make sure to capitalize on technology, such as video calling, instant messaging, email, etc., to overcome this challenge. Collaboration is vital in the entire software development process.

Here’s a quick rundown on the pros and cons of software development outsourcing.


  • Cheaper cost
  • Better risk management
  • Access to qualified IT specialists
  • More time on core functions
  • Faster software development and deployment


  • Confidentiality of information
  • Lack of direct supervision over employees
  • Time and cultural mismatch
  • Potential communication barriers

In-house or outsource?

Source: zestminds

Having known the difference as well as the advantages and disadvantages of in-house and outsourced software development, the omnipresent question is: which path should your company go?

There are three things to consider: project scope, timeline, and budget. First, know the project scope; will it be a one-time thing or a continuous one? If it’s just a one-off deal, you better choose to outsource it. If your business requires constant innovation, then assembling an in-house IT team is better.

Next, you need to consider, how soon do you need the app running? If the project gives you the liberty of time, then you can recruit software engineers for your organic team. Meanwhile, if you need it deployed soon, then outsourcing is the best route.

Lastly, you should factor in your company’s financial resources and how much you can spend on software development. If you’re running on a shoestring, then outsourcing is the best route. In-house software development tends to be costlier.

How to Handle Pets During a Move: 6 Tips

Source: Pinterest

Moving from one location to another requires complex planning. If it involves relocating pets, you need to make extra preparations. A move is always stressful for pets. While dogs may not mind since they are used to taking walks, cats, guinea pigs, and birds are usually scared of anything that involves getting out of the house.

You know your pet’s habits, fears, and preferences. To make the move easier for both of you, consider making the pet as comfortable as possible. These simple tips can help you prepare for the move and handle pets in the most convenient and peaceful manner.

Source: AAA.com

1. Check Rules and Regulations

If you are moving into a rental property, find out how the landlord feels about the pet. Landlord associations may also have special rules about pets on their territory.

In case you are moving to another city or province, learn which regulations apply to the pet you have. You may need to do additional vaccinations or provide special certificates.

If you are moving out of the area, contact the veterinarian. Ask which vet’s office they may recommend in your new city or township. Then contact the new veterinarian to ask about rules and regulations in their specific area.

Consider checking the pet out before the move. If it needs some procedures or treatments, they are likely to be more comfortable doing them with the vet they know. It can also keep you from running into unexpected pet health problems during the move.

Source: Hawaii Life

2. Pack Gradually

Gradual packing can keep the urgency out of the moving process. For pets, especially cats, your home is their entire universe. Taking it all apart in one day can be stressful for the animal. So consider packing one room at a time.

Such an approach can also help you stress less. You can declutter your home, arrange yard sales, ensure proper packing of fragile items, and much more. By putting the packing process off until the last moment, you are risking a hectic move.

Gradual packing can also help you avoid lost items. When you have sufficient time to collect and label your things, you are less likely to lose anything. It can also make unpacking at the new location faster and easier.

Source: Alero Moving & Storage

3. Use Your Own Car

Transporting your pet in the moving truck can add a lot of stress to the situation. Movers aren’t likely to allow the pet in the driver’s cabin.

Putting the pet carrier in the back of the truck is risky. Besides scaring the animal, you could hurt it. According to experts from Torex Moving, respectable movers won’t allow transporting pets in their truck.

Using your own car is an excellent way to keep the pet calm, especially if they’ve ridden there before. By being with the pet during a move, you can calm them down and ensure worry-free transportation.

Don’t transport the pet until you take all the items out of the house. When you get to the destination, try to unload all items before letting the pet run around your new place.

Source: 495 Movers

4. Create a Safe Space

When you move the pet to the new home, you need to keep it safe while you are unpacking. Allowing your cat or dog to roam around the new rooms could make the entire process stressful. A stressed pet may damage your items or get into the way of moving furniture. You could unwittingly hurt the animal.

Consider creating a special space for the pet while you are unpacking and setting up the furniture. Close the area off so the pet can’t leave. Put its favorite toys inside so the animal feels safe. Make sure to visit the pet from time to time and talk to it in a soothing tone.

While the animal is staying in its safe place, consider pet-proofing your new home. Ideally, you should do it before the move so the new space is protected from paws, claws, and teeth.

Source: HelpGuide.org

5. Watch Your Pet Closely

After moving into the new house or apartment, make sure to watch your pet’s behavior closely. No matter how well you pet-proof the area, the pet can surprise you. To avoid unpleasant incidents, follow the pet around the house and see how it behaves.

You should also watch the pet’s health. Some pets are highly sensitive to moves and may get sick after some time passes. Consider taking the pet to a new vet two to three weeks after the move to make sure it’s doing fine.

If you are letting your pet go outdoors, don’t leave it alone. Your four-legged friend may get confused about the surroundings and run away. Without knowing its way home, it could get lost.

Source: PetRelocation

6. Consider Pet Boarding

If your move is complicated, it may take several days to complete. All the preparation, packing, and transporting can make any pet uneasy. In fact, moves are the time when birds tend to fly away. Fish could die while guinea pigs may start having health problems.

Consider sending the pet away for the duration of the move. You could take it to a pet hotel or send it to live with friends or family. Doing so will give you enough time to prepare for the move, transport your belongings, and set up a new home.

While boarding the pet won’t take the stress out of leaving their old home behind, it can minimize the inconvenience for both of you.

Final Thoughts

Moving with a pet doesn’t have to be stressful for both of you. With the right planning, you can make the pet comfortable without jeopardizing the move. Make sure to talk to the veterinarian about the move to learn more tips and receive useful recommendations.

Don’t forget that pets are usually sensitive to the environment around them. So if you are stressing, they may be too. By taking the stress out of the picture, you can have a safe and comfortable move.

5 Things to Check When Buying a New Printer

With a plethora of options available across various printers including inkjet, laser, and all-in-one, it becomes a little hectic picking the best printer for your needs.

There is a good chance with the limited amount of information you have that you might be upsold on a printer you had no need for.

Hence, it is vital to check a few things and decide on your needs before buying a new printer.

We’ve taken the effort to create the 5 things that you must check before deciding on a device to buy.

1. Print Quality

Source: Printerland

Print quality is important when it comes to choosing your ideal printer.

Laser offer the best print quality and are better than inkjet printers. However, the higher upfront cost and higher volume use case might want you to rethink your purchase decision.

If you’re looking for the best printer for home use, then inkjet printers are better than laser printers. This is because you will not be printing out a huge number of pages and will not be paying a higher upfront cost, as you would with laser printers.

Inkjet devices are sufficient for home use. But note that the print quality varies for different inkjet printers from different brands.

Be sure to read reviews about the printer’s quality and look for the printer’s DPI (dots per inch) which indicates how accurately a device can replicate text and images on paper. Higher the DPI, the better the print quality. Visit Leibinger Group for their inkjet and coding services which help solve machine issues.

2. Cost

Source: T3.com

When it comes to buying a printer, don’t let the upfront cost of the device deceive you. You might end up paying a lot more for replacement ink cartridges from the manufacturer.

While it is important that the upfront cost of the printer remains reasonable, you have to check the prices of ink cartridges that you would buy later when you run out of printer ink.

Even though there are remanufactured ink cartridges in the aftermarket, they are always not available for all models.

It is interesting to see how brands compete in price wars only to regain their profit margins with replacement ink cartridges that are costly and that customers buy grudgingly.

Sometimes, it makes sense to go with a slightly higher priced printer to later save on ink cost by using compatible remanufactured ink cartridges instead of name brand cartridges. Read the best remanufactured ink cartridges review article on Techyboss to understand the best alternatives available in the aftermarket.

Remember, you must factor in the upfront device cost plus replacement ink cartridges cost when you’re buying a new printer.

3. Connectivity

Source: Digital Trends

All can connect to computers via a USB port. However, you might want to add in more connectivity options to increase your convenience of printing.

Wireless connectivity using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have enabled device to connect with smart devices without wires to enable printing documents and photos.

Bluetooth connectivity works great if you wish to print from a local smart device. However, if you’re looking for remote printing options then connecting your device to the web gives you the option to print using Google Cloud Print and Apple AirPrint. For these, you do not have to be locally available to print documents. You can be anywhere in the world and remotely print using your printer.

Near Field Communication (NFC) is available on some printer models and lets you print from your smartphone or tablet. All you have to do is touch a specified area on your printer with your device to print.

4. Brand

Source: Printerland

The brand you buy matters.

While there might be new brands giving steep discounts on their printers, you must know that they do not have an established reputation with their products.

Also, a huge upfront discount does not take care of the ink replacement costs that might arise when you run out of ink.

To mitigate these risks, it is always better to go with a name brand line of printers. Some of the popular name brands in printers are Canon, Epson, HP, and Brother.

These brands have an established reputation with a line of including inkjet printers, laser, and all-in-one printers.

In addition to the trust component that comes with buying these name brand printers, there are other benefits including warranty, easy parts replacement, support community, and more that clearly outweigh any cost discount advantage of a non-branded counterpart.

5. Additional Features

Source: Canon Qatar

Do you want to only print documents?

How about scanning and copying, and may be even faxing?

While it might be true that you might use your device to only print from your computer and other devices, you cannot ignore the benefits of having scanning and copying capabilities with your printer.

Printers that can print, copy, scan and fax documents are called all-in-one printers because of their multifunctional use case.

The convenience of having such a multipurpose device cannot be overstated.

More often than not, when you are dealing with official documents you would be at a point where you would want to scan documents to load into your computer or into the cloud. Here is where a built-in scanner will benefit you immensely.

At other times, you might have to make copies of a document in which case the copier functionality makes it easier to do the job.

All of these additional features that come with an all-in-one will not break your bank. In fact, all-in-one printers are only slightly more expensive than inkjet printers. But they are worth every penny.

Customcornholeboards.com uses Epson as their main printer of choice.


We hope you now have an idea of the things that you need to check and choose your preference before buying a new printer.

Everyone has different preferences and you do not need to follow another person’s preference to choose your printer.

Weigh your options for buying an ideal device with the above-mentioned checks to arrive at the best device for you.

Remember to check reviews of the device you have shortlisted before going ahead with your buy.

We hope with this article we have shed some light on the process of buying the best printer for your needs.

Where to Buy Legal CBD Flower?

Source: Medium.com

If you love to enjoy occasional smoke here and there, or even if you are a frequent consumer by now, you probably asked yourself where to buy legal CBD Flower? Here are many places around the States where you can do this, and we are going to introduce you to those that offer the best all-around service.

CBD Flower USA

Source: cbdflowerusa.com

We’ll start with as they’re deemed as one of the fines companies working with this substance. It’s not easy to find a brand that’s suits you perfectly, but this one deserves to give it a try.

They’re known for choosing the best flowers, which undergo quality testings at a certified laboratory. Here you’ll find a variety of hemp flower products delivered to you by a company that puts a lot of work into customer service. The long-term connection between the company and customer is practically ensured by the quality of CBD Flower this company delivers. The freshness of the CBD flower this company tends to deliver is always top-notch, as much work is dedicated to it by the family that’s behind the entire project. This company is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, and its product is guaranteed to have under 0.3% of THC. In their offer, you can find various types of CBD, including Purple Gas Strain and Sour Diesel Greenhouse. Daniel Craig’s character in Layer Cake would approve this company in his opening monologue for sure.

Berkshire CBD

Source: berkshirecbd.com

This company is another US brand. They take pride in the fact that most of their hemp was produced in New England. Before exiting their farm, each piece of the product undergoes a complete control, both technically and visually, before being packed in a package attractive to customers. Because of the package that suits the eye. Many people find this brand of CBD Flower ideal for gifts.

Berkshire CBD is praised for its enjoyable taste that doesn’t lack in color, moisture, and texture. Most people who tried it found really nothing of meaning to complain about. You can check their entire offer if you are looking for a particular taste as they offer a bit for everyone’s soul. This one is a type that would find it’s way to Eric’s basement in That 70’s Show.

Brother’s Apothecary

Source: The Agrestic

The Brother’s Apothecary is a brand known for its holistic approach to breeding high-quality hemp. They’re famed for their success in blending the CBD flower with other herbs that better specify their products for usage. In their assortment, you can find hemp mixed with lavender and similar flower to create products that aid in relieving stress or sleeping better. Because of these traits, this company is in the top part of our ladder.

In what they offer, anyone can find what they like as they have Kush hemp flower,  CBG flower, and these CBD Hemp Smoking Blends on their shelves. What brought them enough fame to star on our list is the decision to blend together organic hemp with medicinal herbs. Ice Cube and Chris Tucker would love to have this in heir 1995 film realization named Friday.

Kat’s Naturals

Source: CBD Breaker

This one is going to make our list despite not endeavoring in manufacturing hemp flower, but instead a particular product out of it. We are talking about Activated Hemp, which is not intended to be smoked or vaped. It is made out of organic hemp, but it is soaked in coconut oil before packing, which helps it in maintaining its properties but also making it edible in the process. Yes, you heard it well, you can eat this product.

Because of this, you can use this hemp in your kitchen to make various dishes. The best part is that for consuming it to the fullest, it doesn’t need to be baked or cooked. You’ll get this product pre-decarboxylated, which means that once you open your bag, it can go straight to your mouth. This is the precise reason why this product quickly entered our list. You won’t find anything similar anywhere else. The one downside we can see is regarding those who insist on smoking. Because being drenched in coconut oil, this product isn’t intended for smoking at all. Did anyone get those Eurotip vibes with this one?

Industrial Hemp Farms

Source: Instagram

A hemp farm and a processing company all in one. Industrial Hemp Farms put a lot of work into developing their products with a focus on genetics and cultivation. The final step in their work is, of course, the extraction, which with the process behind it, guarantees a quality product. They even took a step into the artisanal market by producing creams and pain rubs rich in CBD. But, they didn’t stray away from the right path, and their main product is raw hemp flower.

They made it desirable for everyone by grading it into three shelves – bottom, middle, and top-shelf. Depending on your taste, you can pick your CBD based on its color, potency, and flavor. As it is logical, the top-shelf buds are the most expensive as they offer the best appearance and highest presence of CBD. Their production of hemp flowers is on a high level, and because of this, all shelves are filled with various quality and look strains. How did Charlie Hunnam and Matthew McConaughey not think of this in Gentleman?

Blue Ridge Hemp

Source: blueridgehempco.com

This company is based in North Carolina, but you can get their products all over states. If you choose them as your supplier, you get to choose from a variety of CBD products, where their lineup of hemp flowers stands out. The CBD value in their products is over 15%, while the presence of THC is below 3% where it should be. They take pride in the potency and flavor of their product, with an accent of delivering a product that isn’t too dry. Their lineup isn’t as rich as some of the other competitors on this list, but you’ll find what you like from their offering, which includes Elektra, Pineberry, and Special Sauce. This company is something even guys from Dude Where’s My Car would approve of.


Source: drganja.com

In 2017, Dr. Ganja had a passion to help people with CBD and created a reputable, knowledgeable, and exciting online hemp-based marketplace, where people can purchase CBD products that suit their needs with complete transparency with lab-testing and care. They continually vet new and innovative products such as edibles, flowers, cartridges, tinctures, and more.
They are always available to answer any questions and they care.Dr. Ganja also curates their own in house products, such as CBD flower and extracts, with isolate powder, wax, and crumble, that are tested for Cannabinoids, Terpenes, Pesticides, Microbials, Mycotoxins, and Heavy Metals. With fast, free, and discreet shipping, they have made an exciting and trustworthy online hemp-derived resource!

IG Reels and Homecoming Dresses: A Match Made in Heaven for Influencers?

Source: fox

TikTok was going to be the next big social media platform, but then in August 2024, Instagram launched IG Reels. IG Reels is set to blow TikTok out of the water, offering similar short-form video exposure but with the backing of Instagram’s 1.5 billion followers. Not forgetting the might of parent company Facebook. And they still don’t get any bigger in the social media bubble than Facebook – 2.7 billion active monthly users anyone?

With the brand awareness of both Insta and Facebook, IG Reels is bound to get a lot of interest from brands seeking the TikTok market without being tied to such a narrow demographic. It offers a similar format – 15-second vids, with sound and special effects available – and monetizing the content can’t be far off. Of course, there are all those metrics available that Insta is so good at and brands love.

So, what’s a great way to show homecoming dresses? As Sherri Hill recommends – short videos, of course! If you are a brand, they are the ideal format to bring out the best in your designs. For the individual, what better way of building your audience than making your own reels asking followers to choose what looks good on you?

Source: Time Magazine

Homecoming is a great institution. Doesn’t everyone like an excuse to dress up and look glam? And it hasn’t got the formality of a prom, either, so dresses can be a little more fun and have a little more… va, va, voom! You can spend hours looking at pictures of homecoming dresses, wondering what they really look like and whether they’d be flattering. Sometimes a short video showing an actual person in an actual dress can instantly answer a lot of questions. You get to see the whole dress, for one thing, and how it moves. That’s so important.

On the first day Reels was launched, well-known influencer Gabby Murray posted a vid wearing an Ivory Ella t-shirt. Twenty-four hours later, it had received 17 million views. Seventeen million! On TikTok, that same video got just 2.1 million views in three days! Such is the power of Instagram Reels, and so it’s likely that in the coming months are we return to normalcy after the pandemic, Reels will be one of the places to go to get inspiration for homecoming dresses and homecoming looks.

With results like that, fashion brands and influencers would be crazy not to get on board with Reels. It’s already been launched in over 50 countries, and with the possible ban by the US of TikTok, it may even beat that for the fastest-growing social media network of all time.

It’s not a secret that TikTok managed to revolutionize this entire concept of posting your daily activities and allowing your fans and followers to view them, but some of the things that happened on that platform were not really appealing to those who regulate things on such platforms and apps. For example, there were a lot of videos, even from famous influencers, that were against the TikTok policy.

Source: digitalmarketinginstitute

Of course, fans sometimes don’t mind this, and they even support it when the video has a funny context, but when it comes to keeping things clean and according to the rules, it’s not a very pleasant thing. One of the main reasons why TikTok is getting cancelled in many countries is exactly this. But, there are other things as well. It’s important to note that the reels section of Instagram already has a much more “productive” type of a feeling that you get when you see it. Hopefully, not a lot of people will just mindlessly post effortless content in order to get views. Maybe we’ll be able to learn something new or find interesting yet educative content on here, starting with fashion and dresses for example.

For now, Instagram is concentrating on creators rather than brands, helping influencers monetize their content and turn their audiences into sustainable businesses. Will TikTok stars make the journey. That’s hard to say. Dan Fierro, social media guru of Nars Cosmetics, thinks this unlikely: “I don’t see the spirit of TikTok translating to Instagram, as the communities and what resonates are very different.”

But Reels will be a success, even if only because it is seen as a safe platform. It will offer a better fit for certain brands and influencers. The demographic will be wider, the audience more diverse. As unique features are developed, so Reels will develop its own original style of content. In a sense, all platforms are helpful to marketers and content suppliers.

Source: pinterest

But with the trusted name of Instagram behind it, Reels offers reliability and social media know-how that will be very attractive to the fashion industry. It will be exciting to see how Reels develops and how influencers and brands adapt content for the new vehicle.

The bottom line is the number of users it attracts. If the public responds as they did to the original Instagram, we are witnessing another change in social media and the way that brands are marketed. So, if you’re an influencer (or an influencer in the making) and you’re looking for ways to grow your following fast, sharing your Homecoming Dresses and looks on IG Reels is an ideal way to do so.

Although TikTok had a lot of money involved in both the app and the company itself, when we take finance into consideration, we can’t really neglect the fact that Facebook and Instagram are two very wealthy companies. Instagram is now owned by Facebook, but still, the finance they have to keep this “part” of their platform a safe and quality place for influencers will mostly get it done.

Living Near a Lake: Tricks and Tips on How to Make it Work

Source: pixabay

Lakefront living is a unique experience, one that is completely different when compared to having a house in a normal settlement in the suburbs, for example. There are things your house gets exposed to, and at the same time, there are unique privileges that you have access to. The following are some of the ways you can make your stay near a lake fun and comfortable.

Determine the Quality of the Water

Source: larsonrealtywi

The freedom to go for a swim is the most natural feeling when you live close to a large water body like a lake. However, you will need to exercise caution since not every lake you see is safe to jump in. You need to know if it has harmful chemicals and pathogens in it since factories have the bad habit of dumping waste in lakes. If you do not see any sign of life in the water, then that is a major red flag.

Be Wary of Water Animals Too

Source: pixabay

Areas like Florida are notorious for being home to the highest population alligators in the United States. With that in mind, do not just go about casually in and around the lake without any care in the world. These are dangerous animals. If you determine that the water bordering your property is infested with gators, then you may have to take cautionary maneuvers like putting up a fence to stop them from coming ashore.


You can add Amenity Structures

Source: kayak

You will most likely own a boat if you are living near a lake, or at least, your neighbors and friends will have them. To increase your mobility, you may have to put up water-related structures like a kayak floating dock, a floating pontoon, or a jet ski dock where you can anchor your kayaks, boats, and jet skis, please click here for more information. You can also add a gazebo or a floating bar to entertain your friends and neighbors when they come over.

Prepare for Bad Weather

Source: pixabay

Large water bodies tend to influence the weather of the adjacent land and when you are living literally on the edge of the lake means you will be experiencing the full brunt of a storm. Always be ready for such situations by reinforcing your home to stop it from being blown into the air. It would help if you also constructed gabions around the house to counter floods during the rainy season as the lake’s water levels go up.

You will also need ample storage to put all your boats and jets during winter when the lake freezes over. Leaving them out in the open can damage them permanently.

Get a Comprehensive Insurance Cover

Source: pixabay

Insuring property that is close to a water body is very expensive, for good reasons. Something as big as a lake has so many unpredictable variables, from storms, floods, hurricanes, animal attacks. Therefore, insurance companies tend to be very particular about the things they deem worthy of being covered. Make sure you get the best insurance plan you can because sooner or later, you will need it.

Benefits of Living Near a Lake

Source: TripAdvisor

All the challenges aside, living near a lake has some fulfilling benefits that include the following:

You Get Some Tranquility

Being surrounded by swathes of water with your nearest neighbor out of sight and earshot brings a certain kind of peace that cannot be found anywhere else. Getting lost in the sounds of nature is therapeutic and highly recommended.

Fresh Air

Being far from busy streets and town centers will give you a taste of how good breathing fresh air can be. Water plants have been known to be among the biggest synthesizers of oxygen, and living next to a water body that large gives you exclusive front row seats to the fresh oxygen party.

It is an Investment Opportunity

Lakefront property is prime property that is sought after by many people with the financial muscle to back them up. If you ever decide to sell your lakefront house, you could fetch even triple the price you bought it with. Aside from selling, there are many money-making ideas you can implement on your lakefront property to create an extra revenue stream. You could set up a boat renting business right from your backyard without paying any fees to anyone.

You Get To Experience Adventure

With a whole lake to yourself, you can do anything you want. You could decide to go for a swim in the middle of the night, and no one will stop you. You can decide to camp out at night or spend time with your family around the campfire. You could go for a speedboat cruise at any time of the day or even take part in boat races. You will never experience a single dull moment when you live near a waterfront property.

Source: Haaretz


Despite all the challenges associated with lakefront property, especially the maintenance part, it is not all gloom and doom. Living by the lake comes with benefits that far outweigh the drawbacks. Therefore, if you have been on the fence, undecided on whether to purchase a lakefront house for your retirement, this article should give you all the reasons you need to go ahead with that purchase.

Why the Popularity of Playing Online Slots for Real Money Has Skyrocketed

Online slots for Real money. What’s not to love?

For anyone looking to spend a bit of downtime enjoying some casual gambling, online slots provide a perfect opportunity for that. But for someone who hasn’t played them before, it might be a bit confusing as to their sudden mass appeal. But there’s a few distinct reasons why online slots for real money stakes have become a new favorite pastime as of late.

If it’s your first time, or are just looking to sate a general curiosity, online casino review sites like Casino Genie can help point you in the right direction. Sites like this are super useful, especially now- as there are thousands of online slots, real money to be made, and various incentives available to players. Using comprehensive reviews can help you easily navigate the growing jungle of options. Because online slots are now more popular than ever.

Source: Cascade Business News

It’s Safer

Frankly, it would be pretty impossible not to mention the effect that the covid-19 pandemic has had on the online casino gaming industry. We’re not just spending more time at home, and actively looking for better ways to while away our new found free time- we’re also at home because that’s the place it’s safest to be.

Meaning that not only are you not stuck in an often smoke-filled, overly populated room with questionable air circulation. But you’re also not coming in contact with fomites, which are inanimate objects capable of acting as a surface transmitter of the virus. You’re not touching machines; you’re not handling money or chips. You’re indeed playing online slots, real money is involved, but often in a digital format- I’m putting credit or debit card details in order to both spend funds and receive winnings. Keeping you safer at home, away from any of the viruses that threaten our livelihoods in this impending season.

Source: VIVA GLAM Magazine

The Environment is More Comfortable

Again, at home, you’re able to get much more comfortable. With online slots, you can choose which device you use- mobile phones to desktops or tablets, there are a number of platforms you can use to play along from any room in the house. Even while you relax in the backyard, or during tv downtime.

Online gambling is often the preferred method for recovering alcoholics, as they’re not needing to put themselves in a situation where they’re amidst constant temptation. It’s also better for people with respiratory issues, as many casinos still allow smoking indoors. Basically, it’s your house and your rules- so ya know… shirt shoes, and pants are all optional.

Source: HighstakesDB

Online Slots for Real Money is More Convenient

There’s no need to figure out transportation costs and headaches, like bus schedules or parking arrangements. Online slots in particular make it super easy to take a break from whatever activity you’re engaged in, jump online for a few rounds, and shut-off again just as quickly. Making them much more schedule friendly than poker or blackjack.

You can play at any time; you don’t have to wait for opening hours. Online slots also offer you the ability to demo certain machines before spending your money on them. Reasonably allowing you to decide if you like the feel of a particular setup, or want to move on to something else.

Source: Online Gambling Sites

Better Options Available

Online slots for real money offer a huge amount of options. Not just in the quality and entertainment value of the game itself, but a number of different options when it comes to basic functionality.

Slots up entertainment values by offering a diverse ecosystem of graphics, characters, and bonus round cut scenes, making them much more immersive than other traditional online casino offerings. There are tons of themes and payment options to choose from when it comes to selecting online slots. Real money, cryptocurrencies, vouchers, and a few other payment methods are offered by a number of casinos. Online casino review sites can help you narrow down a favored platform.

Source: PSP

High Payouts and Better Bonuses

Slots don’t really require a working knowledge of much of anything. They’re straightforward and super simple to play. They also often offer much higher payouts than other forms of online gambling. You can also gain access to a wider variety of minimum bets, so you can start with less money and build your way up to bigger risks and better payouts.

Many online casinos offer special incentives and bonuses for slot players. Outside of in-game progressive jackpot schemes and bonus line side games, online casinos will usually run loyalty programs or new-player prizes at certain times. So besides getting to indulge in a fast-paced and highly stylized game, you can often get rewarded for doing so. Making it pretty simple to see why online slots for real money have become so popular.

Animation Porn Offers a Creative Twist on Erotica for Those Who Find Film a Major Turn-Off

Animation porn can provide for your wildest fantasies, without ever treading foot in reality.

For a surprising amount of people, pornography can prove to be fairly alienating. Not that the majority of us don’t watch it, but it doesn’t necessarily always scratch that itch. For a number of people, live-action porn can be a bit off-putting, especially if the actors are bad, the quality of the film is questionable, and the plot is less than ethically supportive- which pretty much accounts for every type of live-action porn available.

Pornography is fantasy. It’s completely fake and rarely has many ties to any sort of reality we live in, which is part of the appeal. This fact alone can make it a bit hard to get into once in a while, especially if you’re watching with a critical eye. “Animation porn provides something that real porn can’t. There are virtually no rules for animated porn.” Say the pornographic masterminds of PornDoe, a website offering all types of free online porn videos. Including some pretty great animated titles. “Animation porn allows people to explore some far-out fantasies without ever having to get close to the reality of them. Suddenly, getting turned on by tentacle porn isn’t so uncomfortable, because you’re safe in knowing that exactly zero humans and animals were actually involved in the physical production of what you’re seeing.”

The experts suggest that this means that animated porn provides an outlet that allows fantasy to stay just that, instead of breaking the veil and bringing into too close a focus.

Source: Pinterest

Animation Porn is Really Well Made

What may come as a welcome surprise is finding out that most animated porn is actually really well made. From the more hand-drawn look to the surreal Pixar-Esque CGI, the attention to detail in most animated pornography videos is genuinely incredible.

Without the poor poker face and obvious tells of actors having a less than stellar time getting pounded by the pool boy, animations don’t fall prey to these moments that cause the fourth wall to crumble. Because of this, many of these films and clips are fully immersive, with little to nothing that will break your concentration.

Something about the time and care put into this type of porn- from the ultra-artistic hentai to the fun riffs on your favorite movie and video game characters- these pornographic renditions definitely engage the senses and the libido.

Source: pixabay.com

A Firm Exit From Reality

Few, if any, animation porn themes are designed to perfectly align with reality. While there is a call for augmented and virtual reality porn, there’s a definitely line between the two. Animation porn tends to lean toward themes and characters that are pertinent residents of the imagination.

You may be watching a robot pile drive a unicorn, or Ariel go down on Elsa. Even in the titles that showcase more realistic human-like characters, you can clearly see that no one in the film is real and that all the characters are obviously computer-generated. Which does make that awkwardness of worrying about whether or not your favorite porn star is well paid and fully consenting, tend to evaporate.

There’s no need to question the ethics behind animation porn, because again- there are no real actors. So, no one is getting hurt. At worst, your mind might wander to the imagined geeky lair of whatever mid-40s computer nerd has created this fantastical landscape, but past that, there’s really nothing to think about. This gives a number of people inherent permission to feel okay about getting turned on by the colorful and fantastical images that are floating past their screen.

Source: mavl.io

Animation Porn is a Solid Way To Explore Unusual Fantasies

The other really incredible asset that animation porn brings to a randy repertoire is that you can arguably indulge in your absolute wildest fantasies, without guilt or prosthetics. Gorgeous, busty women can sport tools that would make even the highest-paid male porn stars blush. Robotic genitals can trigger earth-shaking orgasms from lithe woodland elves, or you can finally see what sailor moon is packing underneath that modest breast plate.

There’s no limit, and no rules, for animation porn. The breast can be impossibly large while still staying painstakingly perky, bending genders and physics in any way that gets you going. And that’s perfectly fine. Contortion and bondage, impossible dilation, and absolutely zero gag reflex.

Don’t tell me you’ve never wondered what it might be like if Lara Croft got bent over by Duke Nukem. Animation porn doesn’t just offer an obvious departure from known bodily forms but also makes it possible to explore kinks in any conceivable environment as well. From 14th-century jail cells to the lush forests of distant planets. There are just no limitations in the genre, which means you don’t have to have any either.

Harley Davidson History

With over a hundred years of existence, very few brands have a long history, and trademark as the Harley Davidson. In the 1890s, bicycles were the most popular mode of transportation despite the state of the road. Inventors were toying with the idea of a motorized bicycle, and in 1895, Daimler built the first motorcycle out of wood with a single-cylinder engine.

The company officially started in 1903, when these three friends decided to build a motorized bicycle. Coincidentally in1903, Henry Ford found his motor company and made his first model.

The trademark started as a fun project to become the most popular bike brands. Harley Davidson products speak for themselves.

The durability and ruggedness of these bikes make it the ideal bike for every motorcycle enthusiast with a great taste.

Everything differentiates these from other bikes; even the sound of the engine is different. You can easily purchase some of the few high-spec Harley Davidson bikes at ZeCycles.

Between 1914 and 1921, they organized a racing crew dubbed the wrecking team whose success story improved the reputation of Harley Davidson.

The engine’s design and performance was improved due to the input given by famous racer Joe Petrali.

Source: Moto Berza

Notable bikes produced by Harley Davidson

1932VL: This bike was fitted with a 74 cubic, a stand-by engine which rates 28hp, and was capable of 90 miles per hour. It had balloon tires, knockout axles, a lower seating position, crossover brake mechanism, an air filter that looks like an air dryer, teardrop gas tank, the front brake

1936ULA: This was built with an 80 cubic inch high compression flathead V type engine, among other things, and is still the biggest engine ever

1952K:  Fitted with 750ccs, this bike was the forerunner to the Sportster. It was the only bike approved by insurance companies because it wouldn’t go fast enough to cause accidents.

1957XL: It was equipped with 783cc, 53 cubic inch overhead drive engine which ushered in the era of superbikes

1958FL: This bike had fitted 74 cubic inch duo glide with the addition of a rear hydraulic brake and hydraulic dampened rear suspension

1971FX Super glide: This was equipped with the 74 cubic engines. It was a hybrid outgrowth of the fly and Sportster.

XG750R motorcycle was fitted with a 750cc engine and was widely used for flat track racing.

In 2010, the XL 48 was introduced with a design similar to the earlier Sportster. At this time, Harley Davidson has already grown far and wide. They began to make custom bikes in 2011 to suit the preference of the customer.

ZeCycles provides the most exceptional deals on both the vintage Harley Davidson brand and recent models. All of our motorbikes are affordable, and we ensure we follow a standard price range for all motorcycle types.

Source: Svastara House

Striking Features and specifications:

V twin engine

Most of the motorcycles are manufactured with a v twin-engine design and a crankshaft pin. The v twin engine was designed with a 45° space in between the engine to allow it to fire at uneven intervals.

Unique sound

Harley Davidson bikes are known for their ‘potato sound.’ The unique sound is caused by the particular arrangement of the v twin engine and the crankshaft. This sound is peculiar to the Harley Davidson engine, and there are claims that the Harley Davidson Corporation has patented the sound.

Variety of designs

There is a variety of designs for you to pick from based on your motorcycling needs. You can always go for any of their street series, trike, Softail, Sportster to the touring models.

Durable build

The design their bikes using only the most durable materials and high-quality parts. Their bikes are capable of working even in harsh conditions. Little wonder, mobile police officers use Harley Davidson for their day to day activities due to its durability

Source: DriveIn

Harley Davidson: Pros

Heavyweight design

They boast of designing bikes with heavyweight materials that provide for a sturdy build. This design improves stability while riding

Lasting engine

This bike is guaranteed to stand the test of time. The V twin engine has been subjected to various upgrades over the years, so you are getting a perfect motorbike with a durable engine.

Easy maintenance

There are several Harley Davidson shops located in different parts of the country. So, you are guaranteed easy access to skilled mechanics.

Easy control

They build their bikes to give you perfect control when riding. The suspension, braking system, and sturdy frame have been remodified to provide you with the confidence to ride even in terrible road conditions


You can easily personalize your Harley Davidson bike to fit your riding needs. The extensive catalog of Harley Davidson accessories provides you with enough options to make your bike appear as you deem fit.

They have impeccable features and fantastic add-on. Therefore, it is safe to say that Harley Davidson bikes are a must-have. They owe their success to the long years of history that precedes their existence.

They also boast of prompt customer service, and their buyers enjoy a relationship that has been perfected over several decades.

Source: DriveIn



There are dangers associated with riding motorcycles. However, a lot of safety accessories are available for the riders of Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Loud noise

The bikes make too much noise, which might be disturbing to the members of the public.


The cost of a Harley bike depends on the strength of the engine, model, and attachments that come with it. How much are you willing to spare? It will help if you make your purchase based on your budget and motorcycling needs.

Are you looking for a bike that promises outstanding speed on and off the road, high-power engine, durable body parts, and unique sound? Then the hardly Davison is the bike for you.

You can always get one at Zecycles. They are an online showroom that has the different models of preowned Harley Davidson bike on display. This includes the Sportster model, Softail, Touring series, Trike, CVO, Electric models

An average bike, which is the street series, goes for as low as $7,000. An exclusive design of the electric motorcycle, The Livewire, costs $30,000.

At Zecycles, we help our customers make the right choice on which motorcycle to buy. Please make your choice, and we deliver it to you in any location at record time.

Source: Polovni automobili


Throughout Harley Davidson’s history, there has been a special bond between Harley Davidson owners. In the past, the founders and the executives would travel across the country to visit their dealers and customers. That age-long tradition continues today.

It is clear that they created a culture, and lifestyle based on love and exhilaration for the open road, and the sound it makes. When you buy a Harley, you are joining an unofficial club of elite motorcycle owners.

Therefore, the trademark is perfect for you. Owners enjoy their riding. Why not join them?

Things You Need to Know About Painting Your Pool Deck 

Source: imagineaz

People like to feel comfortable and create an oasis of peace for themselves and their families. The pool is one of those things. Whether it is a real or a detachable, it is perfect on hot summer days and fun for the whole family.

The pool deck must be made of durable material because it is exposed to various weather conditions and temperatures – from low temperatures and snow to the sun and incredible heat. Besides, the deck is exposed to chlorinated water, which can eventually lead to cracks, drying, and fading. Therefore, so that your investment in the deck is not in vain, you must also think in time about the protective paint that will not allow this to happen.

Types Of Pool Deck Paint

Source: medium

Improving the look of your pool and deck doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend a fortune on it. A few gallons of quality paint will do all the work for you. You choose the paint for the deck based on the material from which it is made.

Not only will the paint improve the appearance of your deck, but it will also protect it from various harmful factors that accelerate its decay – chlorinated water, strong sun, as well as low temperatures. All this leads to drying of the material from which the deck is made, fading, and roughness.

When we talk about the types of paint used, we will mention acrylic, silane/siloxane, and urethane. If you opt for acrylic paints, you will have to repeat the painting every year. Silane/siloxane will spare you this job for the next few years, and urethane paints have the longest-lasting effect and you will be carefree for the next ten years.

Acrylic paints are fast drying and provide a glossy finish. Also, the color is resistant od fading and chipping.

Siloxane/silane repellents are recommended if you have a covered porch and, unlike acrylic sealant, do not leave a film on the surface. Another advantage is that they are made based on water and sealants.

Urethane paints are used in the car industry, precisely because its effect is the longest lasting. Surfaces covered with this paint are protected from UV rays and this is exactly what makes this paint a good choice for outdoor surfaces. Still, if you put only one layer of paint, there is a possibility that even small scratches allow water to penetrate the surface.

Recommended Products

Source: poolcleanerblog

According to HomeGearX, in the Swim Patio and Deck Paint is the best paint for your pool deck. This high-quality water-based paint is intended for painting decks and pools.

Before applying on wooden surfaces, an oil-based substrate is needed, and if it is a concrete surface, acid washing is necessary.

For the best effect, it is necessary to apply the paint in two layers. Another fact that goes in favor of this paint is that one gallon can cover a fairly large area (100-125 square feet). This, of course, depends on surface porosity. It will take 24-48 hours to be able to walk on the painted surface.

What else you should know?

Source: deckoseal

As for the price of this product itself, we can say that it is within the average. This non-slip paint can be purchased in several colors, such as granite, sand, ivory, white, taupe, and several others.

Since we mentioned that one gallon can cover 100-125 square feet of surface, keep in mind that you should always calculate the lower threshold, and of course to double the measure because the full effect is achieved only after the second layer. It is realistic to expect that your total cost for the material will be around $ 500 because it is about applying the base.


To reduce costs, try to do at least part of the work yourself, which is to clean the surface and prepare it for the start of work. Consider this a worthwhile investment, as it will be easier for you to separate yourself from the money earmarked for painting than from what you would need to completely change the deck. To reduce costs, try to do at least part of the work yourself, which is to clean the surface and prepare it for the start of work. Consider this a worthwhile investment, as it will be easier for you to separate yourself from the money earmarked for painting than from what you would need to completely change the deck.

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