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Why the Internet is the Best Source of News

Source: news

Before newspapers, people used ancient methods such as public announcements, mob gatherings, and town hall meetings to exchange information and ideas. With the invention of a newspaper, getting word to the masses became a lot easier. The digital age further refined the dynamics of dissemination. For instance, cable TV brought information from around the world to television screens in every household.

Even today, cable holds a major value, broadcasting news related to national and international events, social and political affairs, sports, weather, and entertainment across the best networks. It is great to see all these news agencies utilizing social media platforms as well. Many cable providers offer dozens of news programming. For example, Spectrum delivers all the popular news channels, such as BBC, CNN, FOX News, etc. to its TV subscribers.

Source: computerworld

However, the internet continues to outshine cable TV and radio in all aspects of information distribution. Here is why we think the internet is the best source of news:

Online News is More Prompt

Online news is more prompt, and that sets it apart from all the mediums of communication. Although, soon after a major story occurs, it takes a few minutes for the news channels to report it live on cable. However, its outreach only depends on the number of people that are watching the TV or tuned in. Cable TV has a very limited outreach. Conversely, when the news is fired through social media platforms, people who are not even online at that time get instant notifications on their smartphones. As a result, they stay up-to-date with all the things happening around them.

Print media is on the verge of extinction

Print media which was the pipeline of information once is on the verge of extinction. Newspapers were the main source of information and flowed into offices and households. We have seen a historical trend that new technology completely takes over the old one. We saw how computers pushed out typewriters entirely. Our cellphones replaced the traditional landline. Similarly, we are witnessing how the internet is pushing out print media.

Now you might argue that this extinction is recent, however, it is a slow process and happening since the start of this new century. With the rapid rise of the internet and technology’s evolution like wildfire, print media does not stand a chance. Right now, there is a 3 trillion GBs digital content present online and this grows two folds every year. Phones nowadays are not just limited to calls but they control our entire house.

Lastly, newspapersnewspapers used to be the source of advertisement. Now, that trend has entirely changed. All companies prefer advertising their products and services on the internet. This allows them better outreach.

Source: mindtools

Social Media makes News More Relevant

Social media is not just a platform(s) where we share pictures and post updates about our daily routines. There is more to it. It is a great source to understand the public perspective regarding a certain story or an issue. For example, when a news piece breaks on the internet, people usually comment and post their thoughts regarding the event. As a result, they participate in an ongoing discourse and learn about different opinions that are presented and debated there. This makes everyday news quite relevant and trendy for a while. Conversely, if you hear news on cable TV, you may not be as motivated to discuss it. The relevancy of news coming from social movements is crucial to driving change.

Internet is More Reliable

There are many stakeholders present on the internet. The news agencies, politicians, celebrities, organizations, and companies have their respective digital profiles. Since all these stakeholders are available on the web, people can get news directly from the concerned party. Their social media presence is verified by the algorithms, and it is easier to trust them. As a result, verified websites and their official social media handles minimize any chance of inaccuracy, and even if someone deviates from the truth, the internet is quick to judge and demand an apology.

Source: balkanandroid

The Internet does not have a Skewed Morality

The bias in broadcast media is real. Cable network companies have their own vested interests. TV channels run under the ideology of a single person and that ideology promotes a controlled version of news events. On the other hand, the internet does not have a skewed morality. It is an amalgamation of subjective moralities, which collectively create objective truth. Every person is entitled to his or her own opinion. You get information from various spectrums and sometimes, come across contrasting opinions to your belief. As a result, you become more conscious of everything and try to analyze things deeply before reaching a logical conclusion.

The Future is Digital

According to Gen-Z and the upcoming lot, cable TV belongs to an older period. The latest generation doesn’t like to sit in front of a TV to watch the news bulletin. Their primary source of information is the internet, which brings global information, recorded or live, into the palm of their hands. This is how they have grown up and we cannot change that. We cannot expect them to change. The digital age has opened up new avenues for news and information distribution in the present. The way we get our news is already changing and it is evident by the prominent presence of news channels on social media. The future is digital, and it is best to keep up with the times.

Source: yunet

Final Verdict

Despite the popularity of internet channels, many people still verify the news online from newspapers or TV networks. Conventional journalism holds great value in terms of authenticity. The reason is simple. Anyone on the internet can become a content creator and report the news without verifying it for the sake of external validation. Nevertheless, many social media platforms are introducing fact-checking tools so that false news does not spread. Regardless, the internet is the primary source of news today and will continue to be so in the years to come.

Selling Champagne Bottles Online: 9 Effective Methods to Get the First Sale

In starting an online business, there are a lot of factors to consider. One important factor to highlight is your first sale. It can be tough to get it, especially if your line of business is unique. However, the reassurance and optimism the first sale brings is a major turning point of your business.

In selling champagne bottles, for example, how you create the image of your product is important. This is because people already have this luxurious impression when they hear the word “champagne.” Commonly, the impression involves celebrating an elegant event or a victory party.

Despite the tough challenge in making your first sale, you can always use effective marketing strategies to ensure your win. So, what are these strategies? We are going to show you some of those in this article, so let us get started!

1. Give Influencers Free Champagne

The Internet has a lot of different influencers like bloggers, vloggers, journalists, and entrepreneurs. They come from various niches and industries, which means you can target a huge market. Each one of them has thousands of followers on their social media channels and websites.

Giving them free champagne using your bottles creates an impression that you are acknowledging their work. Regardless of their industry, champagne is a classy drink, so people would love to see these influencers drinking them. Hopefully, they will mention you in one of their posts or videos.

When they do, you get a spike of your followers and traffic. You will also achieve that seal of approval from experts in different industries. In the eyes of your prospects, your product’s status will rise.

Source: pexels.com

2. Create a Blog

In terms of online business, creating a blog website is a major factor of your success. Blogging is an effective content marketing strategy. Not having this is a huge loss in your revenue.

By creating relevant and free content, you keep people informed, and you are creating trust from them. You can also share blog posts on your social media channels that your followers can share.

To produce valuable content, think about the starting-point questions people may have about your champagne bottles. You can answer all these queries through individual blog posts. For your champagne bottles, you may want to write about how well they can store beverages.

3. Make an Email List

Another proven marketing strategy online is through email. A study showed that up to 40 times email marketing is more effective than marketing through social media. You can ensure to get larger conversions and returns through email marketing.

In doing email marketing, create a list of email addresses of your prospects. If they subscribe to you, you get the chance to send them weekly newsletters and other campaign materials. To get the email addresses of your prospects, attach a contact form somewhere on your website. The contact form will ask an email address to each user who will fill it out.

4. Conduct an Interview with Influencers in Your Niche

Interviewing influencers in your niche is a great example of creating epic content. This is a win-win situation, so it works. You get to know superb content, and the interviewee increases their exposure through your blog.

Ask questions about their life and success in their business. This ensures that people get to know their personality and their expert advice. Of course, never forget to give them free champagne.

Source: pexels.com

5. Try Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising service. It allows you to display ads on their search result’s page and YouTube videos. The beauty of it is its massive market reach and speed in setting up campaigns. In a few minutes, you can launch your campaign through Google that many people can see around the world.

How this works is your ad will show based on related keywords people use to search on Google. If you already have a Google account, you can use that to create an AdWords account. Make sure to pick the keywords that people will use to search for your champagne bottle business. Purchase the keywords from Google, so the ad will go live.

6. Use Affiliate Marketing

You can always share the workload of advertising with others through affiliate marketing. This type of marketing has a simple concept. You allow others to market your champagne bottles and to send you traffic. In return, you pay them a percentage of the sales they make for your product.

You can track their sales through the hyperlinks you provide that they can publish on their website. Each link has an ID code specific for each affiliate marketer. Each click to your affiliate link from their website is a good chance of a sale. If the user buys your product, the affiliate marketer gets a percentage of that sale.

7. Sell Wholesale to Retailers

If you cannot market well on customers, why not try retailers? You get to increase your cash flow, and you have a better estimate of your profit. You also allow other agencies and resellers to market for your champagne bottles online. Try researching for potential retailers near you and contact them if they want to resell your bottles.

8. Offer a Contest Online

Giving free stuff is everybody’s favorite. So, why not take this chance to market your champagne bottles? You can offer a contest online and give free champagne to the winner. This builds trust from people online.

For example, you can offer a photo contest where people should be drinking champagne. Set a theme for the contest, and pick the one with creativity and uniqueness. Create clear instructions on how people can join the contest.

Source: pexels.com

9. Choose a Unique Design for Your Bottles

Remember that luxurious impression when talking about champagne? That is primarily because of the appearance of the bottle. The bottle’s looks are important in producing images and videos about your business online. If you have a style that best represents your brand, people will remember you easily.

To get the best one, try this elegant champagne bottle design, click here to find out more. Its manufacturer offers different designs and sizes that you can choose from. You can also pick transparent or tinted bottles.


Getting your first sale can take a lot of effort and time. It is also important to remind yourself that speeding up the process with weaker strategies will not do any good. It is always safe to take a longer path with stronger marketing strategies. So, feel free to try any of the strategies above and see your target returns becoming real!

6 Reasons Why Every Family Should Have a Pet

Source: twinmom

Statistic shows that more than 80% of households in the United States alone have pets. Something that may surprise you is that fish is the most common one, and it is said that more than 150 million people have at least one fish in their homes. The second most popular one is the cats, and the dogs are on third place. According to the latest researches, there are almost one billion canines in the world and unfortunately, most of them will not get adopted. Having a furry friend is said to be amazing, and if you are thinking about adopting one and welcoming it in your family, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we are going to list some of the reasons why you should get a dog, cat, or even a bird or a reptile, and how they are going to affect your wellbeing. Continue reading if you want to find out why most people choose to get a pet, and how the whole process affected their lifestyle.

source: womansday

1. Happiness

Animals bring joy, and they will brighten up your day. It is said that a person cannot feel unhappy when there is a furball jumping on their lap and cuddling with them. So, if you are thinking about getting a pet, and if you are unsure if that is the right decision, spend some time in the shelter, or visit a friend who keeps an animal. You will see that you will instantly feel better, your mood will lift up and you will start glowing.

2. Company

The dog or the cat is going to be a great company for both the little ones and the adults. They are going to be there when you are alone, and they are going to bring the whole family together. It is great to have a companion when you are alone in the house, and you will feel safer and more protected.

Another big reason why parents choose to adopt a dog is that when their kids are younger or teenagers, they will have someone in the house to play with or to just keep an eye on them. There have been thousands of situations where the pet kept the child safe from intruders when the parents were not at home.

Source: mattressadvisor

3. Responsibility

One of the biggest reasons why many parents choose to get a pet for their children is to teach them love and responsibility. When your kid has to take care of something that’s smaller and more fragile, they learn how to give unconditional love. They will also learn that you have to take care of the beings that are more fragile, and when there is someone who depends on you, you need to rise to the task.

They will learn how to walk the dog, or how to change the litter to the cat. They will also learn that you need to get back home to feed them, and you cannot just get something and forget about it. This type of responsibility will help them out throughout their lives, and they will be more prepared for friendships, relationships, and even children if have a pet from a young age.

When it comes to your part of the responsibility, ultrapetshop.com suggests that there are a lot of different types of pet food, and depending on the breed you will need to choose the best type.

4. Health

Do you know that pets will positively affect your health? The studies have shown that those who have a dog or a cat are more likely to have better health. People are less likely to develop high blood pressure, and they have a lower risk of a serious heart condition. When you need to walk the dog, you will be more physically active, and you won’t have to spend thousands every year on a gym membership.

One interesting fact is that when the kids are exposed to dogs from the earliest age, they are less likely to develop allergies when they are older, and they are less likely to suffer from asthma. Your furry friends will take away the stress you are feeling and they will make you happier.

Source: realestate

5. Empathy

When you have a furry friend in your home, you will learn how to be more empathic. You will have to take care of something that cannot take care of on its own, and you will have to understand their pain when they cannot explain it to you. In addition to this, when you combine young children with canines in your home, you will teach your kids that the animals feel the same things we do, but they just have a different way of expressing it.

You will be able to teach the little ones how to take care of the pet, and that they need to be gentle and not to hurt it. This is especially true and important when you have a smaller animal, a bird, or a rodent as a pet. All of them are amazing companions, you just need to teach your kids how to keep them safe and protected.

6. Self-esteem

Last, but not least, when you decide to buy a puppy or any other type of animal, it will boost your self-esteem. Our furry friends will be our best friends, and they will never judge us or be upset because we did or said the wrong thing. They will always shower us with love, and we will never feel unwanted when we are near them.

They will make you feel like you are always the smartest and the best person in the world, and they will show you every day that they trust you with their life. All of these things will boost up the self-esteem of every member of the family, and you will be thrilled that you’ve made the right choice.

Even though having an animal in your home brings huge responsibility, it also brings happiness and health. Choose the right type or breed for your family and your needs, and don’t forget to show it that you are happy it is in your life.

5 Brilliant Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

Decades ago, kitchens used to be hidden behind the building. It was the place where foods were prepared, and the dishes were washed, and prepared food was kept for serve. However, along with the rapid shift in the interior designing trends, these days, the kitchen is the focal point of every home. It brings everyone in the family together during breakfast, lunch, and Dinner. So, tagging it as the heart of any house won’t be wrong. In a single word, it is an essential part of any house.

Nowadays, kitchens are one of the most used and important rooms in the house, and hence they need to be attractive, stylish, and functional. That is the main reason modular kitchens are very much in trend nowadays. This post will discuss some of the best modeling ideas that EPM Iowa Management team recommends will help you achieve both these goals.

1. Kitchen Island

Source: fortbendbuilders

When it comes to remodeling, an island is something that comes first in our mind. This is a classic remodeling idea that is still in trend. No matter the size and the type of the kitchen, you will always get an island suitable for it. Apart from just improving the aesthetic value of the kitchen, islands offer plenty of other functional benefits. For example, it adds additional storage space. Meanwhile, you can also use it to keep your appliances and outlets in order. Islands also encourage casual seating.

If you have ample space in your kitchen, then you can also go for a two-island look. When you opt for two islands, your space doesn’t just open up, but in addition, you also get plenty of room for additional shelves, storage drawers, and cabinets along the sides. A two-island allows owners to install a second sink. Your second sink would be smaller than your main sink, but you can still use it for rinsing vegetables, filling drinking glasses, washing hands, etc.

2. Lighting

Source: pinterest

Lighting is something that most homeowners overlook during the renovation. But if you follow this same path, then your kitchen remodeling will look incomplete. Lighting is important because it enhances the visibility in the working areas. Meanwhile, it also styles up and illuminates the focal points of the kitchen. So, don’t take lighting for granted. First, install ceiling spotlights for illuminating the worktops. Meanwhile, you also must install cabinet lights because it will assist you in the darker spots.

With the development of LED lights, you can also choose the colors and light tones. You have to be very careful while selecting the bulbs’ colors and tones because it will set the mood. So, choose the shades cautiously by keeping your specific taste and your remodeling theme in mind.

3. Metallic Finish

Source: creactiveinc

Metallic finish will take the color palette of your kitchen to the next level and make it glow. Most of the people opt for basic silver finishes like brushed nickel or chrome for their cabinet handles and faucets. But these days, metallic finishes are also available in various shades like rose gold, copper, gold, metallic blue, etc. You can also add iconic metallic finishes for backsplash, accent wall, seating, and other accessories.

4. Upgrade Your Appliances

Source: kdcfairfax

One of the most important parts of remodeling is appliance up-gradation. Upgraded appliances added more value to your existing kitchen in terms of looking, facilities, and easy to use. While talking about up-gradation, we will also share the tips that you can follow to make your kitchen smart. These days technology is not only limited to fancy gadgets, but it has also entered kitchens. There are different types of gadgets, and mobile applications are also used to upgrade your kitchen. Uses of this kind of item can provide you with a more lucrative kitchen in front of your competitors.

Now you will find several appliances integrated with advanced technology, which will help you make them highly smart and functional. The list includes faucets, lights, fridges, wall painting, etc. So, choose your appliances very carefully and ensure that they are integrated with the latest and up to dated technology. While upgrading your appliances, you must also consider some other factors. For example, check the energy star of the refrigerator and electric kettle, water consumption of the dishwasher, usability of the chimney, the longevity of baking equipment like blender and microwave, etc.

5. Flooring

Source: homeremodelers

If you want to change your kitchen’s entire look, you also must redo your floor system. These days you will find several options for floors. But while choosing one, ensure that it is easy-to-clean and durable. There’s one more thing that you need to check while choosing a flooring material – its aesthetic value. Ceramic tile and vinyl are the two best flooring materials for the kitchen. They don’t just look and feel good, but in addition, they are also durable and easy to clean. Sustainable flooring equipment is also a trending item in the modern world. As we know about the environmental crisis over the world nowadays, you need to choose eco-friendly items for flooring. You can add a bamboo mat or wooden tiles on your floor. These types of items provide a modern look along with an eco-friendly aspect.

Another additional food and utensils sanitization system are must for this space looking towards the current pandemic situation worldwide. UV sanitization machines are very useful equipment in terms of the current situation, which will allow you to enter not only a clean kitchen but also a sanitized one.

These are some of the best kitchen remodeling ideas that combine the best of both the world – aesthetics & functionalities, resulting in the ultimate space for you to cook. So, which of these ideas would you like to use in your home? Let us know in the comment box below. But always remember getting inspiration for your project is not the end of the job. You will also need an expert to implement the ideas and make your dream kitchen come true. megakitchenandbath.com can help you with this. They are a renowned kitchen and bathroom remodeling company that delivers exceptional results.

Pros and Cons of Cryptocurrencies for International Payments

Source: medium

In today’s world, where technology has paved new ways for people to interact and conduct businesses, cryptocurrencies emerged as a beacon of hope for many who wish to carry out secure payments internationally. Want to learn more about the cryptocurrencies and their role in international payments? You will get a lot of informination on hardwareinside.de.

What are Cryptocurrencies?

Source: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies

Ever since people learned to make dealings, conduct businesses, and trades, they have used different methods to secure and pay for businesses’ trades. From the barter system to metals, gold, and silver coins to the introduction of paper currency, the concept of money has evolved in every era. And this process still goes on. With the continuous advancements in technology and globalization, businesses and trades have gone to a broader level, i.e., international level.

Where the methods of payments on an international level are considered a different scenario altogether, the concept of cryptocurrencies seems to have become very popular in global businesses.

The concept of cryptocurrency is nothing like we have ever seen or imagined in the past. It is a virtual or digital currency that has revolutionized the international ways of making payments. Its continuous popularity is based on a single fact, i.e., its high level of security. Because cryptocurrency uses cryptography to ensure its safety, it has become the preferred means of international payments.

Today, there are about 856 cryptocurrencies available in the world. However, the most popular and widely used among these are the Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. These three cryptocurrencies have the most value today, and their numbers are in double million figures.

International payments, then and now

Source: wikipedia

Before the advent of cryptocurrencies, making international payments was not that simple at all. It involved a lot of work and took place mainly through the banks. However, the process was relatively slow and took a lot of time. The correspondent banks needed to communicate with the parties and other banks through posts before making payments.

With technological developments, the gaps began to fill up, and the process becomes relatively fast, but with the increase of its speed, the fees also rose. Today, international payments through banking and other electronic funds transfer systems have become either expensive or time-consuming.

Cryptocurrencies have filled this gap. They are not only secure but are also fast with a negligible fee structure. For this reason, they have become a popular mode for international payments.

Advantages of Cryptocurrencies for International Payments

Source: currency

When we look at it, cryptocurrencies are not only a smart concept but also offer a vast number of advantages. Here are a few of its benefits:

  • The first and foremost advantage of cryptocurrencies in its ease. Unlike banks and other fund transfer systems, these are a straightforward way of transferring funds to a party. The transaction is facilitated by using private or public keys that ensure security. The transfers are speedy with minimal fees as compared to that of banks or other funds transfer systems. Therefore, it’s a win-win situation for international parties.
  • Cryptocurrency is highly secure. Unlike in the banking system, the sender’s data or the currency’s recipient is not shared. The only information shared is about the transaction. Therefore, it offers zero access to the senders’ or recipients’ wallet.
  • Because cryptocurrencies are considered free from external forces such as governments, politics, or economies, it has no master server. All transactions occur through soft wares and are free from the government or bank’s control. Thus, the user with a wallet has the sole control over the trades.
  • What makes cryptocurrencies so convenient is that you can send or receive payments from anywhere in the world without any transaction limit. The only requirement is the wallet. There is no other limit.
  • For international businesses, the use of this technology eradicates the need for managing several currency accounts. Thus, the transactions become convenient, free of risks, fast and confidential. Also, the transaction fees are reduced to a greater extend.
  • Using digital currency can also simplify forex management in international businesses. Using this means for international payments makes is an ideal way for countries that have volatile currency. Using digital currency protects businesses from sudden currency changes.

Disadvantages of Cryptocurrencies for International Payments

Source: computerworld

Some advantages make international payments through cryptocurrencies preferred by many; it also involves several disadvantages:

  • As much as the concept seems tempting for international payments, some countries still don’t allow the exchange of cryptocurrencies. In fact, they have made such transactions illegal. Therefore, it is impossible to work on digital currencies entirely.
  • The exchange rate of such currencies has seen high volatility. Therefore, buying such coins can impose risks on businesses that wish to use it as a transaction mode for a specific payment.
  • Having no central party to control the whole process is a good thing; it also imposes a disadvantage. Because it is free from any central control, government, or bank, there is no element of guarantee. In other words, the risks involved can include money laundry, illegal financial activities, or terrorism.
  • Lastly, despite having a simple transaction method and software, wallets are still exposed to hacks. With the increase in technology, master-minds can indulge in hacking businesses’ wallets and resulting in losses for them.

No matter how popular and valuable the concept of cryptocurrency may seem for international businesses, there is always some risk involved. However, its advantages seem to overshadow its disadvantages. This new technological invention has opened new doors for international businesses, and it has an undeniable appeal that has the power to change the face of the worlds’ business environment. However, there is still some time for the whole world to indulge in this technology. Until then, banks and other systems can also find new ways to provide better solutions and work towards their survival in the longer run.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Setting up an LLC in Texas

Laws around business registration can vary vastly between states and Texas has long maintained a reputation as a place where the members of an LLC enjoy the most effective personal liability protection. There are both positive and negative aspects of registering your LLC in Texas, as opposed to another state, so we’re going to outline the pros and cons of setting up your LLCs in Texas.

Firstly, what is an LLC?

An LLC is a legal framework upon which entrepreneurs are able to register their business and is considered to be what gives “life” to the entity. LLC’s can be started by one or more members and is a business structure that provides members with liability protection from business activities in a personal capacity. LLC members are considered separate to the entity and therefore cannot be held liable for any debts incurred or legal liability cases. Under exceptional circumstances, which include fraud and legal malpractice, government agencies may “pierce the corporate veil” of protection that an LLC provides between the company and its members, and hold the members liable in a personal capacity for any debts, obligations or liabilities incurred by the business. (Suggested resource for further reading: Marketwatch)

Source: Incfile

What are the advantages of setting up an LLC in Texas?

Tougher laws on piercing the corporate veil

Texas is known for its having particularly clear laws surrounding the process of piercing the corporate veil. In 1986, The Texas Supreme Court amended the regulations for piercing the corporate veil to be “unjustifiably broad.” These new regulations were heavily criticized and they were forced to amend the state laws. The revised laws, that are still in effect today, make it very difficult to pierce the corporate veil without providing clear evidence of fraud or intentional malpractice.  According to howtostartanllc.com, as a result, one of the most crucial advantages of forming an LLC in Texas is that you will enjoy more extensive protection than any offered by any other state.

Registration costs

The cost of LLC formation in Texas is $300, which is cheaper than registering a Limited Liability Partnership and you enjoy far more extensive protection in an LLC. You are not required to pay a name reservation fee when applying for your chosen name and your Operating Agreement and Franchise Tax Report are all free. Depending on your business, there may be some hidden costs, such as a bestllcservices.com – so be sure to do your research on the particular aspects of the registration fees.

Source: LegalZoom

Flexible tax filing options

LLC’s across the country enjoy the benefits of being able to choose how they wish their LLC to be taxed and Texas is no exception. All LLC’s are able to choose if they wish to be taxed by the IRS as a partnership, s-corp, c-corp or – should they be a single-member LLC – as a sole proprietor.

Limited reporting

Although LLC’s in Texas are required to file an annual franchise tax report, by law they are not required to file the annual reports with the Secretary of State that is required by other states. This means that although your financials and governing policies need to be disclosed, you only need to go through the process once and the filling takes place at a state level instead of a federal level, meaning less paperwork and more time to focus on your business!

Source: US Global Mail

You are not required to simultaneously register a DBA

In states such as New York and New Jersey, as part of the normal business registration filings, LLCs are also required to register a DBA (Doing Business As) otherwise known as a trade or fictitious name. In Texas, however, the only time you would be required to formally register a DBA is if you wished to operate under a different name to that of your registered business entity.

What are the disadvantages of setting up an LLC in Texas?

Texas requires a registered agent and valid business address

Before an LLC is allowed to operate in Texas, they are required to provide the government with a person who will be their sole point of contact and registered address to send any and all business-related documentation to this contact. This person is referred to as the managing agent, and in Texas, the aforementioned address should be a valid business address, not a personal one, in the state of Texas. It is important for the purpose of maintaining the effectiveness of the corporate veil that the address should not be a personal address. Having an agent can also result in additional unforeseen and recurring costs, both to register and to pay so be sure to keep an eye out for those.

Source: MOSourceLink

Naming requirements

The federal government requires that when naming an LLC, there must be a clear indication given at the end of the name as to the nature of the entity. The particular regulations around exactly which words you can use  to indicate your entity type when naming your LLC can vary per state – for an LLC in Texas there are several restricted words that require additional approval from the state government to include in your name such as

Texas franchise tax

Aside from the federal tax that your company is required to pay – LLCs in Texas are also required to pay Texas Sales Tax and Franchise Taxes. All businesses in Texas, regardless of type, are required to pay Sales Tax. And most businesses, except for sole proprietorships, and general partnerships where the partners are all natural persons, are required to pay a franchise tax.

Apple iPhone Xs Max vs iPhone 11 Pro Max: The Comparison

Source: digitaltrends

It is an annual tradition – every fall, Apple introduces new and updated iPhones, making everyone love and desire the latest and greatest from the Tech Giant.

It gets people wondering if it is time for an upgrade, especially if you are currently an iPhone Xs Max user. You are probably in a dilemma, trying to figure out if it is worth upgrading or sticking to your current device.

Well, don’t worry, we got your back!

In this article, we will help you figure out what sets both these phones apart.

iPhone Xs Max vs iPhone 11 Pro Max: What is the Difference?

Apple announced 11 Pro Max in 2019, which has a similar appearance to the Xs Max. However, there are some differences between the two phones.

One prominent difference is that Apple added a third camera lens in the newer model.

The Xs Max has an A12 Bionic chip with a dual-lens rear camera setup, 7-megapixel front camera, and super retina HD display.

The newer one, on the other hand, is more waterproof and has upgraded features including the A13 Bionic chip, a triple rear camera setup with the 12-megapixel front camera, and a super retina XDR display. It also has improved battery life.


You will find upgraded front and rear cameras in all the versions of the iPhone 11, including 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max.

The Xs Max only has a 7-megapixel front camera, while the 11 Pro Max has a front 12-megapixel camera. A bonus is that the 11 Pro Max lets you record videos in slow-motion. You can even take selfies in slow-motion, also known as ‘slofies.’

Similar to the previous models, Xs Max’s rear camera has the usual telephoto as well as wide-angle lenses.

However, the 11 Pro Max features an additional ultra-wide lens that you can use to capture better and wider shots without moving back from the object or changing your position.

In addition, it also comes with the feature of Night mode. It enables your photos to always come out bright and clear, even in dimly lit surroundings or low-light settings.


One of the reasons people went for the Xs Max as soon as it released was because of its display. With a 6.5-inch Super Retina HD display, it was large, bright, and clear.

Apple somehow took it to the next level with the 11 Pro Max. They upgraded and gave it a Super Retina XDR display. Both devices have the same screen size, however, the latter’s display is considerably clearer and brighter.


Due to its large screen, the last-gen Apple Flagship did not have good battery life. It consumed a lot of battery power and understandably so.

However, the newer model, provides over 5 hours of more battery life compared to the older model, along with having a sharper and brighter screen.

Overall, the 11 Pro Max has a better battery life in comparison to the Xs Max.


The 11 Pro Max is heavier, even though they both almost have the same dimensions.

Both phones have IP68 certification. However, the 11 Pro Max is more water-resistant than the Xs Max. It can endure being submerged 4 meters deep underwater, while the Xs Max can only withstand 2 meters.

The current year’s Flagship has the Dolby Atmos support, which you will not find on the Xs Max.

With a matte finish, the 11 Pro Max has a different look and feel to it. It also comes in a Midnight Green color, which is unavailable on the Xs Max.

Source: wccftech


When it comes to storage, there isn’t much difference between the two smartphones. Both start with a base storage of 64GB, and the maximum is 512GB.

  • The iPhone Xs Max comes with 64GB, 256GB, and 512GB.
  • The iPhone 11 Pro Max also has the same – 64GB, 256GB, and 512GB.


The current-gen Apple phone comes with an A13 Bionic chip and the previous-gen comes with the A12 Bionic. The A13 Bionic chip is 20% more powerful and power-efficient than the A12 Bionic.

The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is also 30% faster and reduces up to 40% of power consumption.

Together with the CPU, the A13 Bionic chip has the new AI accelerators. It makes sure that the chip delivers over 1 trillion processes every second.

Source: wccftech


In terms of connectivity, the 11 Pro Max has upgraded hardware. It delivers download speeds of 1.6Gbps Gigabit LTE in addition to Wi-Fi 6 standard.

On top of that, it includes a U1 Ultra Wideband chip, which is missing on the Xs Max.

What the Ultra-Wideband chip does is it ensures better location tracking, an indoor positioning system (IPS), and spatial awareness.


The price for the 11 Pro Max starts at $1,099, similar to the price Xs Max first started at. Higher storage options cost more, according to the storage capacity. For the 512GB option, the price goes up to $1,449. If your looking for a great bargain on these devices, head over to Phonebot for awesome deals.

Truthfully, the 11 Pro Max is really expensive, and not many people will be able to afford it. But, if it’s something you can afford then by all means go for it!

Source: gadgetmatch

Wrapping Up

They are both amazing phones with incredible features. While the newer model is high-priced, it offers various upgrades, including camera, processor, and especially improved battery life.

If you are planning to upgrade your phone, you need to consider the price before making a purchase. Besides, if you cannot afford to buy it, you can always check if you can trade your old phone for it.

5 Tips and Tricks for Online Shopping for Daily Maximum Savings

Source: Eluxuryc Shop

If you are like us, you probably don’t mind getting discounts when shopping either in stores or online. Some people are successful in finding lower prices, but some of us, don’t care as much. We just buy things when we find them. Without getting psychological, finding a discount in our minds feels a little bit like “catching a prey”. Of course, not all people prefer to do it, but we can say that most of us still like this feeling.

You probably remember those situations in which as a child you asked your parents to buy you something when they said it was too expensive (and it probably was). They suggested to wait for sales or better moments to buy you that toy. Well, we believe this happened to almost everyone at least a few times in childhood!

Such situations have additionally influenced us to develop a sense of saving in ourselves and this is a good thing. People who waste their money carelessly cannot count on savings in case they get into an unenviable position or run out of funds. On the other hand, people who spend carefully and save at least a little money can help themselves in such situations and thus, avoid the inconvenience that comes with a loan application. In order to help you save and avoid such scenarios, we put together this article. Please mind that here we focus on the internet shopping because more and more people nowadays turn to virtual stores.

Source: sgbuyersguide

1. Follow your favorite shopping websites

One of the first suggestions that come to our mind is to simply follow your favorite shopping websites to discover new discounts and promotions. Most of the online stores are present on social networks and you can get information on sales on your timeline daily. As much as we don’t have time to google products and services sometimes, we still do have time to check social media. Also, you can always subscribe for newsletters that will send you new deals directly to your inbox. This way, your social media timeline won’t be as crowded as probably is, but the news about the benefits will reach you regardless.

2. Use discount coupons and codes

If you have already shopped on the sites of your favorite footwear, clothing, and makeup brands, there is a great possibility that you have received coupons that provide a discount for future shopping. We encourage you to keep track of their validity and take advantage of them. If you didn’t obtain a coupon or a code with a previous purchase, there is a solution! There are sites where you can buy a coupon or code, and it pays off! If you want to know more about this great possibility, click here. This is a really great way to keep more money in your pocket. Also, if you follow influential people on social media, sometimes they provide discount codes for products they advertise. These are mainly related to cosmetics, make-up, clothes, and tech gear.

Source: moneycrashers

3. Ask for a discount!

Believe it or not, many companies and market chains will give you a discount if you simply ask them! No one will refuse most of your money, even if they must give a small discount! The competition is fierce on the market, so play the card! This scenario works extremely well, for example, when you miss a sale that stopped running just a few days ago. Sellers will likely, be happy to make an exception for you. Better to ask the way than go astray!

4. Check prices in multiple stores and websites

When you start throwing products into an imaginary internet basket, remember to stop for a moment and check their prices on other websites. Prices can, (un)fortunately, vary significantly. The reason for this may be justified because often times prices includes the transportation costs as well as other fees, however, we believe that this trend is related to a mere desire to make more profit. There are websites where you can search for a product and they will display and compare prices from multiple websites. These handy websites can save you a good amount of money, depending on the product in question, your location, time of the year (season), etc.

Source: theatlantic

5. Create your own budget

Probably one of the most efficient ways to save money is to simply control yourself. Does it sound easy at all? It’s actually not that hard. For example, you can determine the figure that you will spend for a certain purchase in advance. This way you will not only save money but also gain some organizational and management skills. It is also recommendable to fit into a certain amount when shopping. Even if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t give up! A bit of self-control practice will make you a master shopper over time.

The above tips are very simple, yet they are often overseen when it comes to shopping. Sometimes when excitement for a new item strikes, we don’t spend too much time looking for better deals, we just hit the “buy” button. Naturally, sometimes we don’t have too much time at disposal, and we want to be as efficient as possible. This is also normal. We haven’t mentioned this above, but you can always look for prices of refurbished or used products. Some tech companies sell their refurbished products that are visually and technically in a mint condition. To support this, they will often a regular warranty which comes with a newly purchased item. Buying a used or refurbished product is good for your wallet, however, it is good for our planet, as well!

In an ideal situation, you will have enough time to stroll online and physical stores searching for the best product and the best deal. This does take some effort and time, however, rest assured that the hard work will pay off! Whichever way you choose to look for discounts, we guarantee that you will feel an instant gratification. Good luck!

Pros and Cons of Black Seed Oil

Oil produced by black seeds has been used for thousands of years due to the therapeutic benefits it provides. It has various health and medical benefits, such as weight loss, skin improvements, diabetes, and even cancer. In some parts of the world, black seeds are also known as Black caraway, kalonji, black cumin, and black onion seeds. In this article, we are going to share some insights on its Pros and Cons :


It is referred to as “Universal healer” due to the ability to treat various health issues. Now let’s discuss some of its benefits:

Source: Nefertiti

High in Antioxidants

Black seed oil is rich in antioxidants that help to protect your cells from unstable molecules. Antioxidants play a critical role in improving health conditions. Studies have proved that antioxidants can reduce inflammation & protect you from heart diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Help in Treating Asthma

Asthma is a chronic condition in which people find difficulty in breathing, it occurs due to swelling on the lining of the airways and muscles around it get constricted. Thymoquinone present in the oil of black seeds helps in treating asthma by relaxing the airway’s muscle and reducing inflammation.

According to research, consuming 500mg of oil capsules twice a day for at least 4 weeks can significantly reduce asthma.

You can learn more about these benefits on mothernatureorganics.com.

Source: New York Post

Help In weight loss

Some researches proved that Oil obtained from black seeds helps in reducing Body Mass Index (BMI), Improving metabolic syndrome, and also in type 2 diabetes.

The good thing is people who participated in the research didn’t have any severe side effects.

Help in reducing blood sugar level

According to the article published in the Journal Of Endocrinology & Metabolism, antidiabetic property present in the oil improves blood sugar level.

Individuals with Type-2 diabetes can consume a dose of 2 grams per day of crushed black seeds to reduce their blood sugar levels and hemoglobin.

Source: Diabetes UK

Help In Improving Skin

If you have any of the following skin conditions you must try to consume Oil of black seeds:

  1. Eczema: Researches have proved that using oil of black seeds can be extremely useful in recovering from Eczema. It has been stated that the oil is more impactful than any medication available on the market.
  2. Acne: The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of this oil helps in coping up with Acne. In one study conducted, 58% of the participants claimed to be satisfied with this treatment, while 38% of participants rated it as moderate.
  3. Psoriasis: A study conducted on mice suggests that this oil contains antipsoriatic benefits. It may also help in skin-softening and skin moisturizing.

Protect Brain Health

It has been found that thymoquinone present in this oil helps in reducing neuroinflammation. Neuroinflammation is the inflammation of brain cells. Consuming this oil helps in protecting against diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

According to a study consuming 500 mg of the oil twice a day for 9 weeks can significantly improve your memory, attention, and cognition.

Source: Calgary Age Management Institute

Nasal Inflammation

According to a study published in the American Journal of Otolaryngology, using oil of black seeds helps in reducing nasal congestion, itching, runny nose, And sneezing within 2 weeks.

Another study proved that this oil has therapeutic potential to treat Sinusitis, due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects.


The black seed contains many active ingredients like oils, proteins, alkaloids, and saponin. Also, they are rich in thymoquinone, di-thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, and thymol. Among them, thymoquinone present in the black seed is considered as a potent antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-mutagenic agent. Which makes it very effective in demolishing canceled cells present in the body.

Source: Addiction Center


Although the oil of black seeds is considered to provide various health benefits but like any other thing overdose can cause side effects too.

In some cases, it has been observed that applying this oil directly on the skin caused allergic rashes on the skin.

Moreover, a component known as ‘Melanthin’ found in black seeds may have toxic effects if consumed in a large amount. You may also experience stomach and Intestinal problems after an overdose.

If you are a diabetic patient and considering using oil of black seeds for curbing it. It’s highly advisable to consult a doctor first as it may have adverse effects on your if not consumed in the right quantity.

Although it is not evident that the use of Black seed in any form has harmful effects during pregnancy and lactation, mothers should still consult with their doctors once.

If you are planning to use black seeds in the form of oil, you must make sure that it is achieved through cold pressing Technique. Ignoring it may result in some serious damage to your hair and skin, as it has been used as a care product by many people.

For the safest and most beneficial oil, always go for high-quality organic oil of black seeds that is 100 % pure, therapeutic grade, and USDA certified.

Source: Alkaline Essentials

Dosage And Preparation

There isn’t sufficient Scientific proof to determine a recommended dose of dark seeds. The correct portion for you may rely upon your age, wellbeing, and various other factors. The doses may vary from person to person depending upon for what purpose you want to use it.

For instance, in research studying the impacts of oil on patients with breast pain, a gel containing 30% oil was applied to the breasts each day for two menstrual cycles. In research exploring whether this oil can improve the function of sperm, a portion of 2.5 mL of oil was utilized twice every day for two months.

To get the best dose for yourself you must consult with your doctor before consuming oil of black seed.


Using black seeds in a small amount by incorporating it with your meal would be a delicious way to consume it. However, before recommending it for any treatment a large scale human trial is needed.

If you are still planning to use the oil of black seed, you must consult it with your healthcare provider first. You must understand the pros and cons of using black seeds in any form and if it’s right for you to consume it.

5 Reasons Biodegradable Stand Up Pouches Are Good For The Environment

Img source: mockuphunt.co

With the increased awareness around ecological issues, many people are looking for eco-friendly alternatives to everyday items. This is why stand up pouches or doy packs are becoming increasingly popular in recent times. These are proven to be extremely good for the environment, and while they’re not what will save the planet, using them is a good way to start helping the „green revolution“.

So you’re probably wondering, in what ways are these small items helping to save our planet? In this article, we will answer this question and discuss the topic in detail.

So without further ado, let’s get to it!

Stand up pouches are recyclable

img source: freepik.com

It doesn’t matter what size, color, or shape these come in, they’ll all be completely recyclable. Why is this important? Well, waste has a huge negative impact on our planet. Reducing the amount of waste generated is of the utmost importance. It’s not only beneficial to our environment but also for our society as well. Landfill sites all over the world are filling up incredibly fast, and they also take up a lot of urban space. Another thing that makes recycling extremely important in saving our planet is that it reduces the need for raw materials. It reduces the need for deforestation and the destruction of natural habitats of many animal species.

We all know how important it is to save the natural habitats of animals. For example, if we look at the current COVID19 pandemic, there is some misleading info going around blaming the bats for the whole ordeal. Still, if you think about it, people wouldn’t be in contact with bats if their natural habitat wasn’t ruined, and these wild animals were let to exist in peace. So yes, something as small as recycling can have a huge impact on the world, and stand up pouches are one of the best solutions around.

You can reuse a stand-up pouch

img source: freepik.com

Another great thing about doy packs is that they’re completely reusable. This, of course, leads to less waste generated in your household. Also, it’s much more cost-effective to reuse a bag than to buy a new one after a single-use.

We already talked about the importance of reducing waste. Landfills packed with garbage are one of the biggest reasons for climate change, not to mention the waste that ends up in our oceans and forests. Our trash can be deadly to some animals, and as more landfills need to be built to sustain the increasing amounts of waste, many natural landscapes will be devastated.

So yes, doy packs or stand up pouches are a great way to reduce our waste and save the planet by reusing them.

Reduction of food waste

Img source: dhgate.com

Did you know that when food rots, it releases harmful chemical compounds that promote the greenhouse effect? Using a stand-up pouch helps conveniently store our food, making it last longer, and reducing the waste potential.

A lot of us wouldn’t throw away our food if we really didn’t have to, and a stand-up pouch will help our food to last longer. Doybacks are simple to use and seal and they don’t take up much space either. This will not only save you from producing a lot of waste but it will also save you a lot of money in the long run. You won’t be forced to throw away your food, so one meal can last you much longer.

Other than that, food waste is a huge global problem considering food costs a lot of money to produce and the production process is harmful to the environment. If most of us choose not to waste our food, the rules of supply and demand will do their job and the food production will be reduced.

They’re biodegradable

Img source: sherbornepackaging.com

Using biodegradable materials for our bagging needs is essential to reducing the effects of climate change. First of all, materials that biodegrade reduce the amount of built-up waste and reduce carbon emission. Secondly, the production of such materials requires less energy. Last, of all, it saves our nonrenewable sources of energy like, for example, petroleum.

Of course, not all stand-up pouches are made from biodegradable materials, so make sure to pick those that are. For example, at hibags.com, you can find all kinds of stand up pouches together with a detailed explanation of why to always buy biodegradable ones.

The eco-friendly materials are what make these so special and helpful to the environment, so if you really want to make a positive change and help the planet, buying biodegradable doy packs is a great place to start.

They’re lightweight

Img source: flexofilmsolutions.com

Since stand up pouches are a lightweight product, their production will emit less harmful substances into the environment and less manufacturing waste will be generated. Also, after you’ve thrown them away they will take up less space, and the carbon footprint during the transportation will also be reduced.

Besides the benefits for the environment, there are some advantages for your household too. These will take minimal storage space and they even look trendy. You won’t have to worry about having bagged items ruining the look of your home.

All in all, it’s a great way to help the environment and a perfect alternative to plastic bottles and bags that not only look bad but are also not eco-friendly in the slightest. It’s a great investment to make and start your journey to the „greener“ way of life.


If you’re thinking about investing in some stand-up pouches you should know that it’s a great choice when it comes to saving the environment. These useful items take less space in your home, reduce the amount of food waste generated, and are completely recyclable and reusable. They’re not enough to single-handedly save the planet but are a great start towards a more ecological approach to life. Still, make sure to pick biodegradable ones, since it’s the best option to make if your goal is to help the planet.

All in all, stand up pouches are an item that’s absolutely worth investing in and are a huge step towards reducing the impact that climate change has on the world.

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