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7 Tips for Skincare During Pregnancy

You just found out that you’re pregnant? Well, first of all, congratulations, girl! Becoming a mom is one of the most extraordinary and unique experiences that you can through. Besides feeling blessed and having that pregnancy glow, most women love to seek professional advice on what products they should use or what items to avoid. If you’re ready to give your skin that phenomenal glow and you’re prepared to take it next step further, keep on reading! Here are the top 7 tips for your skin during pregnancy.

1. Prescription products

Source: Harvard Health – Harvard University

Most of us don’t have the time to seek help from our dermatologist, especially as COVID-19 has happened. We live busy lives, often not knowing which way to sway. This is why you should look into some high-end brands or well-known sites. For instance, The Skin Spot is a site where you can navigate and find your perfect go-to skincare items. You can also get prescription products and enjoy a sample size bottle catered to your skin type. The best part? There is also a skin quiz that you can take to determine what your skin type is and what ingredients to avoid! If you live a busy life, you will appreciate their help, that’s for sure.

2. Heavy moisturizer

Source: skincare

Invest in your moisturizer, always! Women love to use and apply heavy and thick creams during their pregnancy. This is why you should use a gel-based cream filled with Shea butter, glycerin, and Hyaluronic acid. These ingredients will do wonders for any and every skin type. Ensure that you clean your skin morning and night, and apply a thicker layer of your favorite cream by making circular and tapping motions. Let the product fully sink in before you move onto your next step or head to bed.

3. Drink water

Source: Gym Gear

This one may seem like simple advice, but the truth is that it does wonders for everyone! Drinking around two liters of water per day will eliminate any bad toxins that we inhale or apply topically on top of our skin each and every day. You should drink at least eight cups of water every day, and you will truly enjoy and experience that pregnancy glow!

PS: Create a reminder on your phone that will go off every 2-3 hours. This way, it will remind you to drink water, boost your blood flow, get healthier circulation, and get the overall better-looking skin!

4. Sleep right & just enough

Source: unsplash

Did you know that lack of sleep can have an impact on your overall health and that it can lead to distressing looking skin? Women should aim for 7-8 hours of their beauty sleep, especially when they’re pregnant. Hormonal changes are quite common, and some women can experience darker circles and drier patches over their entire face, and definitely underneath their eyes. Try and wear a soft eye mask since it can help you rest and catch those hours comfortably and with ease!

5. Think about your stretch marks

Source: The Conversation

Stretch marks can be quite tricky. Some women can end up having them, while others are just naturally blessed and will have no affected skin, facial or body changes. What you should do is apply a body butter over your belly, thighs, and around your hips every other night. These areas tend to widen up the most, and you can end up with loose skin. If you’re scared that this can happen to you, ask your mother about her experience. Some women can have the same pregnancies as their mothers, and they can go through similar hormonal and body changes. If it turns out that you’re prone to stretch marks invest in a body butter or body oil infused with olive or almond oil. These are well-known and highly used for stretch marks.

6. Safety in the Sun should be your priority

Source: Sunday Edit – Sunday Riley

It would be best if you avoided heavy heat and unwanted Sun exposure at all times, but definitely when pregnant. Your skin can get very sensitive during pregnancy (especially in the last trimester). To continue looking healthy, glowy, and radiant, think about your safety, as well as the safety of your child. Use a sunscreen with an SPF 30 (at least) but make sure to purchase creams with no chemical filters, such as homosalate, octocrylene, and other similar ingredients. These lotions and creams will protect you from UVA and UVB rays, which is more important for your overall body health.

7. Use the right makeup and have fun

Source: Hyde Park Body Boutique

Some women may not end up with that natural glow, nor with radiant skin. Sometimes our genetics can make an impact, which is why you should take the matter into your own hands! To get that perfect and radiant look, you should invest in your makeup products. Go for items that are lightweight and comfortable to wear. Cover up any discoloration as well as drier patches with a BB cream and with a full coverage concealer. Do not forget a liquid highlighter and just a bit of blush to bring back some color to your cheeks!

PS: Stay away from toxic ingredients. Your skin may not like parabens, salicylic acid, as well as aluminum chloride during this period. Invest in organic products and let your skin enjoy natural makeup and a natural yet feminine outcome!

Ready to experience the best glow ever?

Source: Australian Skin Clinics

And there you have it! Our simple yet truly useful top seven tips that every woman will appreciate when pregnant. Nowadays, it is way easier to take care of yourself and your body due to online sites as well as online shopping, forums, and beauty blogs that will help you get the needed knowledge and inspo in just one click! Just let us know if you have some other beauty tips that can do wonders for your skin in the comments down below! We’re pretty sure that other women would appreciate it as well.

How to Create the Perfect Travel App?

Source: dragonblogger

Want to create a travel app? You’re setting off on an exciting app development journey. If you’re wondering what the steps are, then this guide is for you.

Choose Which Type of App you Want to Create

Travel is a great industry to get into because of the diversity of services you could offer. Rather than trying to do everything, pick a niche, and do it better than everyone else.

Your mobile app could offer one of the following services:

  • Booking: As travelers move around, they need easy and convenient ways to book transport and accommodation. Your app could offer one or both but the key is to make the process seamless and instant.
  • Reviews: When you’re in a new part of the world, it can be hard to know what’s worth visiting. Reviews from other travelers are incredibly valuable to know whether a particular hotel, museum, or restaurant is going to offer a good experience. Also, reviews can prevent travelers from wasting time in uncomfortable accommodations and avoiding rental scams.
  • Destination guides: Guidebooks have always been an essential part of travel. Why not make the process easier by taking heavy books and turning them into an app? Your mobile app could be purely informational and include local maps.
  • Offline and online translator: You cannot learn the language of every country you visit and also there are many destinations where international English doesn’t work. So, that’s the reason to add an offline/online translator to your app so travelers have an opportunity to translate unknown words and phrases when needed.
  • Map/Navigator: The most important function for every traveler. When you travel to a foreign country by bus, car, plane – doesn’t matter, it is necessary to have a map/navigator not to get lost.
  • Social and chat: One of the best parts of travel is meeting people but what if you’re traveling alone and haven’t made any friends? Sometimes, you end up in an empty hostel dorm. To solve this problem, your mobile app could connect travelers and allow them to chat with nearby and like-minded wanderers.

Your app development begins with a good idea. Choose one of the above mobile app types or come up with something original. Then you can start developing your concept.

Source: ezineinsider

Consider Features

Once you have an idea, you need to come up with a list of core features. This will depend on the app type. For instance, a destination guide style app might include maps or links to book local transport tickets. A traveler’s chat app might involve different discussion forums for different destinations. Think about the most popular features and which ones you’d like to focus on.

Whichever features you decide to incorporate in your mobile app, you need to consider their value. How does your app improve the lives of travelers? Does your app make travel easier, cheaper, or more enjoyable? It’s important to have a clear idea of how your app adds unique value so you can develop it according to these goals and promote it successfully.

Do Competitor Research

You should now have a clear idea of how your app will look. Now you need to understand the market. Do your research to see which similar apps already exist. For instance, if you want to create a travel booking mobile app, then there’s already Booking, Hotels, Hostel World, and Airbnb. What gap in this market is your mobile app filling?

It is better to choose a niche where competition is lower, because it is very difficult to beat such a famous competitor as Booking.com or TripMyDream.com, or, on the other hand, you can offer more helpful features in your app, so the client can take more advantage from it.

Source: eurostar

Use Software Development Services

It’s now the app development stage. You can use companies such as Qubit Labs – an offshore software development center that hires Ukrainian developers – to create the best app possible.

Creating a mobile app is hard and you need to work with the dedicated development team that knows the task well and has the required skills. These companies will take your idea and turn it into a real app that can be used and sold to the public.

Test Your Travel App

Before you release your mobile app to the public, it’s vital to go through a testing stage. This ensures that there are no bugs so that the first users receive the best possible version of your app. The whole point of apps is to offer a better user experience. If your app has any issues in the beginning, it will quickly receive low ratings and will struggle to get more downloads. Test it thoroughly to be certain you have a mobile app that adds value to the lives of travelers.

Source: medium

Promote Your App Online

You have the product but you need to spread the word. Hire a social media manager to gain an organic following while also investing in paid ads. Be as active as possible on online forums and get some buzz going around your new mobile app. Online promotion is a never-ending job but it’s the only way to ensure people know that your product exists.

There are a lot of online marketing strategies, some of them include:

Guest posting/Sponsored posting – publishing content with the link to your app on the other websites.

Crowd marketing – publishing comments with your link on forums/blogs.

Influencers marketing – paying blolggers and influencers to promote your app on their social media accounts/blogs/channels etc.

Email marketing – email newsletter (you can buy a list of emails online).

Content marketing – creating a website/landing/blog for your app and publishing content there.

SEO optimization – using organic keywords.

Creating a mobile travel app is an exciting and potentially profitable venture. Use Ukrainian developers services to create the best product and take your mobile app from concept to the mass market.

New Wave of Sex Doll Demand Amid the Coronavirus Hiatus

Regardless of your occupation or lifestyle, I am sure that coronavirus has disrupted a thing or two. Schools have since been closed, and sporting events have halted. And even for the lucky ones, the games are being played on empty stadiums under strict restrictions.

Attempt to Reopen

Source: cbc

Though some countries have attempted to reopen their economies, most have been caught lacking, ultimately leading to a new closure wave. From restaurants to pubs and shopping malls, the future is uncertain. And with all these happening, it’s not hard to understand why there has been a massive increase in demand for sex dolls. People have separated by the travel restrictions, making a love doll their best bet.

In addition to separated couples, people who relied on pubs and other social places to score dates and get laid are in a crisis, far worse than the rest of us. Typically, you meet someone in a social setting, get to know each other, and maybe advance your relationship. However, as the ‘stay at home’ message continues to spread, very few people are willing to go out. And even those that do, not many want anything to do with a stranger. This leaves you in a dilemma, which sex dolls have been correctly solved for you. So, whether your spouse is miles away or you’re just not getting action like you used to pre-coronavirus, a sex doll is the best option.

According to major industry players like SexyRealSexDolls, sex dolls’ demand has tripled in the last six months. In a recent interview, the dedicated team working around the clock to meet the needs of a vast majority worldwide says that inquiries and orders started flowing in when the first coronavirus case was announced in the US. “I was surprised at how fast the orders started coming in. We’ve had to add new members to the customer support team, working day and night to ensure our customers get the right information and on time.”

Why You Need a Sex Doll

Source: yahoo

Besides being around when most people understandably aren’t, there are numerous other reasons you need a sex doll. Some of them include:

  • Loyal partner – Couples often make promises that they won’t violate the exclusivity of their emotional and physical presence to their partner. But today, tons of individuals tend to cheat their partners’ because of an idiotic reason. Some people won’t involve themselves in physical cheating, but an emotional cheat is equally painful as a physical cheat. On the other hand, Sex dolls are your most loyal friends, and that they like to get tamed by their owners. Unlike women, they commit to you, and therefore the only way they will go far away from you if once you decide them to go.
  • Disease-free – As stressed before, we’re living in a world where you don’t know who has the virus. Rather than risk getting the coronavirus with a quick hook up, why not get a sex doll to quench your thirst without putting you at risk? No coronavirus, STDs, or any other disease.
  • No mask, no problem – Masks are not everyone’s piece of cake. However, you need to have one to protect yourself from the virus. With a sex doll, though, you won’t have to wear one. How? Because you’ll be too occupied in the house with your new girlfriend. No time to be lurking outside.
  • 100% customizable. The best thing about owning a sex doll is you get to design your happiness. Whether you want a huge ass, cute, rounded face, or huge D-cups, you tailor-make your experience.
  • Low maintenance – The only huge cost you’ll incur is the initial purchase fee. After the sex doll is delivered to your house, there’s very little maintenance required. Keep her clean, well-clothed, and she’s all yours. No shopping. No dates (thanks to coronavirus).
  • Fulfilling Fantasy – Men buy sex dolls because they don’t know how to say ‘NO’ to anything. They need an opportunity to try whatever they need to satisfy their sexual satisfaction. These men will have the liberty to undertake the items they need to be heard, especially from colleagues.

The buyers of the sex dolls can try any sexual deviance anytime and anywhere. This is often the most reason why sex dolls became popular within the current days, as stated by
Annie’s Dollhouse.

Source: slickstermagazine
  • No risk of pregnancy/STI’s – One of the most fundamental reasons that couples and solo users love sex dolls is that there’s no risk or pregnancy or STI’s. Having a threesome knowing the person is clean and not getting to happen nine months later, together with your baby, is a massive sigh of relief.

Some people also are quite grossed out by STD/STI’s and would instead prefer to roll in the hay with their sex doll to make sure they stay clean and aren’t in danger whenever they need sex. Others hate the thought of getting children and know they never run that risk by employing a sex doll.

  • No accusations at all – Women will never stop brooding about the loyalty of men. And shortly, it’ll intensify beyond your reach. Why don’t you discover something beneficial for the time you spend together with your partner. Men would mention everything happily, but your partner would wait till she unleashes tons of things together, especially at a time once you won’t expect her to try it. Thus, choosing a sex doll over a hot girl would be the priority any day.

Another exciting thing about sex dolls is you can always get one for your budget. Of course, don’t fall for the ‘too good deal’ knock offs, but there’s still something for everyone. If you want to own a sex doll or know more about customizing and taking care of sex dolls, contact SexyRealSexDolls. The brand’s customer support agents are always happy to answer your questions and customize your shopping experience.

How to Start a Successful Online Dating Business

Source: theatlantic

One of the most widely discussed topics today is online dating. Since the introduction of the leading dating app Tinder, the marketplace has witnessed the arrival of hundreds of dating apps and the acceptance of freemium apps as opposed to the usual subscription-based websites like Goldenbride. If you’re looking to start an online dating business, it is important to have a clearly defined business model.

Additionally, the extremely emotional nature of dating makes it necessary to place emphasis on providing a secure and credible product. However, if you’re sure that your proposal would revolutionize the dating scene by no means, go ahead. We have listed 5 basic steps to start making a profit from your online dating website.

  1. Identify your target audience.
  2. Build a welcoming atmosphere.
  3. Adopt a clearly defined marketing strategy.
  4. Prioritize using good software.
  5. Register with the appropriate regulators.

Identify Your Target Audience

Source: pcmag

It would be impossible to carve a niche for yourself without first establishing your target audience. The marketplace is highly competitive (PlentyOfFish, Match, eHarmony, Tinder, etc), so your product has to be as unique as possible. You could consider targeting a particular age range (mature or cougar dating), the specific type of relationship family relationships, friendships, acquaintance ships and romantic relationships), or even a particular desire people want to fulfill, like a site where you can only find Russian women for marriage.

Building a niche website that caters to specific desires is one of the most effective strategies to identify your target audience and stand out in the highly competitive industry. You need to conduct market research to ensure that your seemingly novel idea is actually “hot off the press”.

Build a Welcoming Atmosphere

No matter the dating preferences of those who visit your website, you need to remember that the visitors are humans with passion and emotions. Undoubtedly, people create an online persona that makes them more desirable, yet, some are still anxious first-time users or people who have had previous unpleasant experiences.

The general ambiance on your dating website must be friendly and user-friendly so that your site visitors may feel welcome and even be compelled to come back. Referrals will be particularly essential to attract new members, in essence, make sure your website or app is compelling enough for people to join and bring their friends along.

Source: cnbc

Adopt a Clearly Defined Marketing Strategy

A website with only a few members is not so appealing. Although you’ll find it hard to attract people willing to pay initially, if you provide incentives and a promotional ad, eventually users find your website valuable enough to drop their cash. Even if your product was initially free, you’re not obligated to continue providing your services for free. Especially when you consider the cost of running a website.

If you plan to run a subscription-based product, then it’ll be beneficial to offer a free trial for newly registered users. From the moment your website becomes functional, you are obliged to offer limited discounts and offers to create a sustainable customer base. Typically, the user fees are determined by your target audience. For instance, a website targeted towards young adults would incur fewer user fees as compared to a website targeted towards working professionals. However, if you decide to grant users free access to your product, you have to come up with other ways to make a profit, whether from supplementary products or affiliate partnerships.

Prioritize Using Good Software

Prioritizing the use of software and understanding web development is crucial to the success of your online dating business. In reality, you’ll probably have to outsource the development of your website or app to an experienced web developer or software developer. In addition to attracting new users, a decent website, or app boosts your credibility and allows you to appear more trustworthy.

Register With the Appropriate Regulators

Even as this is not mandatory, it’ll be highly beneficial to register your online dating business with the relevant bodies. Not only would you be equipped with advice and support, but registering with the appropriate bodies also increases the credibility of your business.

Online dating business FAQ

Source: techdaring

How much would it cost to build a simple online dating service?

You can start with the basics: $10 for a domain name, $60 for a sharing hosting, up to $100 for a custom WordPress template. Next, you have to buy dating software like SkaDate ($400) and hire a freelancer from Russia or Ukraine for website administration ($100/month). In general, you can start with $700-800.

But if you want something like eHarmony you should pay from $20000 to $40000.

What about ongoing expenses?

It depends on many factors: your team size (and salary), website technology, advertising spends, outsourced tasks, etc.

How Much Should You Charge for Your Services?

Almost the same answer – it depends… A lot of dating sites charge their members between $30 and $100 per month just for membership. Some sites are “free-to-use”, but you should pay for any action: text message, view photos, etc from $0.1 to $1. Also, some sites offering good discounts for clients who top-up balance for a big amount (more than $200 for example).

Source: soccerpredictions

How much can I earn with my dating site?

This is completely contingent on 2 things: how many members your site has and how much they are paying. For example, you have 1000 members that are paying $30 per month. So you can generate $360 000 per year. But you should take into account a lot of potential investment in advertising and marketing, mobile app and website improving, taxes, etc

What are the ways to make my company more profitable?

More users, higher fees, additional services (presents, video-chats, dating tours), separate mobile application for Androids and iPhones, one more website. You can spend more money on advertising. You can use another marketing channel like SEO or Video Ads or combine them. You can merge your site with a similar competitor and fight with niche leaders together.

6 Tips for Getting the Right Advisors for Your Business Growth

Source: inc

Running a business in 2024 is not an easy task, especially with all the latest events leading our world into a mild economic and safety crisis. Thankfully, we as humankind are “programmed” to always find a solution, and as the wise people say, there’s always hope. We know that this was a difficult time for many smaller businesses, especially for those who already bankrupted and had to close. But, we assure you that better days will come. Until then, we can only work and strive for success.

In the lines below, we’ll talk about the importance of business advisors. But, that’s not all. We’ll help you learn more about choosing the right ones that can help you scale your ideas and expand on the global market. No matter what it is that you’re doing, an advisor is always a great addition on your side. Even the most brilliant minds in history had someone by their side to help them.

Consulting is an entire profession, one that takes a lot of skill and dedication to become good at. We can even honestly say that a consultant is equally as important as a reliable CEO, both for smaller and larger businesses. But, enough with the introduction. It’s time to start talking about what you’re here to hear. Let’s take a look.

Source: businessnewsdaily

1. Research their previous experiences

It’s very important to hire someone with a previous experience in this particular sphere of work, especially if your business is already slightly more developed, and isn’t exactly considered a startup. When you hire a consultant, it means that you have some very important decisions to make, and that’s what you need help with. So, you should hire someone that either worked at a company in the past, or was a consultant for an individual.

But, we don’t want to sound like we’re discouraging you to hire an advisor with no previous experience. Everyone has to start from somewhere, so giving the newer ones a chance is a great thing to do. Maybe you’ll find an undiscovered gem. But, if you are in a situation where you truly don’t care about anything besides making the pest possible choice for your money, this is what you have to do.

2. Set up a trial period

You can never know whether an advisor is good for you or not without setting up a trial period. You see, they can be the best choice on paper, but maybe the chemistry won’t be right, so that’s automatically an issue. Advisors have a quite personal connection with the business owner, or the CEO, so if the chemistry is not good, you’re not fully optimizing this solution. Kuranmalhotra.com is a website where you can take a look at a great example for a beginner advisor individual focusing on smaller businesses.

Source: ey

3. Do multiple interviews

One interview is simply not enough to determine whether the person is right for such an important position. Once again, you should always keep in mind that a business advisor is someone who has the power to either boost your business to new heights or drag it down faster than The Titanic. Be very careful when choosing. This is why we recommend that you do multiple interviews and to use the information you’ve gathered to make the best decision. We know that it takes a bit more time to do this will all possible candidates, but it’s well worth it at the end.

4. Check availability

An advisor should be able to help you at any time. Today’s corporate world is cruel and it moves so fast. You sometimes won’t have more than a day to make a very important decision that can be a make or break scenario for your career. This is why we recommend finding someone who is available to work with you at the same time you work. This automatically makes overseas connections and online advising a bit trickier to do.

Source: nerdwallet

5. Weigh the cost with their impact

Business advising is not marketing. Here, you cannot just “money pump” until you are number one on the market. Instead, you have to carefully weigh the cost of your advisor with the impact they’re making. So, you should either track this with your monthly revenue and see if anything is changing based on their advice, or hire someone else to do it for you. It’s very important to not pay more than what this person brings in revenue, otherwise you are losing money, and that’s the entirely opposite purpose of all businesses as an idea.

6. Common language-speaking is crucial

Last but not least, miscommunication is not allowed by any means, which is one of the major factors that you have to consider when getting the right advisor for your business. You need a person that you can clearly understand no matter what they say, and vice versa. Finding someone who speaks the same language as your native one is very, very important, and we cannot stress this enough. You don’t want to risk your career for some miscommunication that can be solved very easily in 2024 with all the technology and translators we have.

Source: entrepreneur


The more successful of a businessman you are, the more you need a consultant by your side. Why? Because being successful means being caught up in work. Being busy means not being able to pay enough attention to everything that’s happening around you.

Sometimes one little detail that you’ll miss can be a huge loss of profit, and if you are all alone, chances of that happening are higher. But, by having someone on your side to remind and check your blind-spot for you, chances are much less. However, choosing the right consultant means not wasting your money on someone who’s not suitable for the job. Doing that is not an easy task, but we did the homework for you. We wish you a successful year, and remember to stay safe.

Everything You Have to Know About Germany Nightlife

Germany is one of the most stable and highest-growing economies and Europe, and many people from the other countries often migrate there for work or studies. At the same time, all the citizens and visitors can enjoy the incredible nightlife in almost every city. Sadly, this year most of the main events are canceled, including the popular festival of the beer, Oktoberfest. This event shows the basic idea for the party of the Germans. They enjoy drinking craft beer, eat pretzels and sausages, and listen to traditional music. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, most of the popular parties in Germany are already canceled or rescheduled for 2024.

Knowing that it’s a country where a lot of different cultures meet, it’s understandable that almost every city offers different kinds of parties. For example, Berlin is the center of the clubs and parties, and the most popular club is named Berghain. When Germans are not partying, they spend a lot of time in pubs, singing traditional songs. People there really love their original music, and you can rarely listen to what’s commercial around the world.

So, if you need to move to Germany for studies or work, or you want to spend your post-pandemic vacation there, you need to know a few basic things for the nightlife there, such as:

1. Techno scene is very rich

Source: Time Magazine

As we already said, Berlin’s club Berghain is the center of the techno scene. Before the pandemic, it was working until the early morning. It’s located in Friedrichshain, in a historic and monumental building. It was nominated for a Club of the Year in 2017, and everyone who is into this type of party should visit it at least once in their life. Usually, it opens after midnight, and the culmination of the party comes at 4 in the morning. It’s popular because of its kinky nature, and sometimes the visitors are choosing escort ladies to join them, while they party, using websites like citytourgirls.com – and you don’t need to worry, it’s an everyday practice there and nothing unusual when it comes to the night parties.

Also, there are a lot more clubs like this one around Berlin, for example, Tresor in Kreuzberg, then Farbfernseher, Watergate, and SO36, and so on. In Friedrichshain, besides Berghain, you can have a good party at Kater Blau and Suicide Circus.

2. Exceptional bars and pubs

Source: Pinterest

If you aren’t into parties, that doesn’t mean that Germany is not for you. You can skip the disco scene and visit some calm bars and pubs, or smaller clubs with fewer visitors and more acceptable volume of the music for your ears. For example, in Berlin and around, there are hundreds of chilled bars like Kastanienallee, Kulturbrauerei, and Prater Garten. You can drink coffee, beer, or cocktails. We can recommend you to try their traditional beers, and choose craft beer, instead of bottled.

3. Unlimited quantities of beer and sausages

Source: Medium

As we already said, Germans and everyone who lives in Germany, drink a lot of beer. The best food that goes nice with it is the sausages and pretzels. Also, the different cultures are bringing their traditional food there, and after the party, you can enjoy very delicious street food, or visit some to-go restaurant, to take a hot-dog or a portion of sausages. Many of them will drink another beer before they go to sleep. Also, some of the eating places are combined with parties and fun. We can recommend you to visit Weserstrasse, Klunkerkranich, Templehof, and Griessmuehle.

4. Oktoberfest

Source: Festanation

Oktoberfest is the most popular beer festival in the world and it usually starts at the very end of September and lasts 18 days. The main event is held in Munich, but other German cities are holding similar music and food events. During this festival, people there, and tourists and visitors, drink tons of beer and eat huge amounts of traditional food. Now, in 2024, the event is canceled due to coronavirus, but it’s expected that in 2024 there will be no virus who will stop the people visit this so much popular festival in Europe.

Germany in a time of COVID-19

Source: Anadolu Agency

This country was highly attacked by the virus earlier this year, with a lot of active cases and deaths. At the moment this article was written, Germany was counting more than 290,000 total cases since the beginning, and more than 9,590 deaths due to complication, followed by the coronavirus infection.

Knowing that public events are putting the people at huge risk of getting infected, and clubs also can be a huge factor in that, all of the parties and activities we mentioned in this article are stopped. In the beginning, it was at high risk, but never as it was Italy. The fatality rate was big, but never too fatal as it was in Italy and Spain. Also, the German government issued strict rules about how the citizens should behave, so they can protect each other from fast-spreading, and taking care of the health system, so it can handle all the patients that need medical help.

Major events are banned by law, by now, until the situation is more stable. Their authorities hope that by the end of October, there will be better conditions for restarting the regular work times, school schedules, and take little steps to bring back the rich party life at the nights.

We highly recommend you be respectful of the rules and measures in your country. That’s the only way to stay protected and lower the chance of getting infected with the coronavirus. Some people are trying to over smart the governments, and they fake allowances to travel, but that’s a huge risk for everyone. Germany will still be at its place in Europe in the years that come, and we will be able to visit it again and have the time of our lives there. Until then, you can go to the store, buy a nice German beer, and prepare sausages, and enjoy the taste at your home.

5 Hidden Dangers of Online Gambling and Casinos

Nowadays, there is a massive trend of gambling through online portals. It allows people to stay at their home and play different games and win amazing rewards. Undoubtedly, there is a huge scope of earning a good amount of money, but at the same time, there are certain dangers. Many individuals are unaware of these risks that can put them in extreme danger. Therefore, it is necessary to determine what things are right to invest your time and money.

In the following write-up, we will discuss some hidden dangers of online gambling that you may not detect, but you can become a victim of it. Many people suffer from scams every year, and they do not even realize how they get trapped. But you can get information about reputed online casinos from casinobest.ca, in which you can ensure extreme security. Now, let us start with various dangers if you gamble digitally.

1. You May Spend More than Expected

Source: Medium

Many online gambling platforms offer exciting bonuses and rewards to newbies and existing users. It attracts users to participate in different games and try their luck. Initially, the investment can be relatively small, but with time, you start spending more money when you start taking an interest in any activity.

In this way, your greed will let you spend more money participating in games where you can get huge rewards. Therefore, you will spend more money than expected. It is necessary to understand the risk and spend your money in limits. In the beginning, it is fine to pay for the game and start playing because you may win.

But when you are losing money, then you must think about your spending. You can save yourself at the right time to not waste your money on wrong deals. Many people are not concerned about this risk, and in the end, they lose much to online gambling platforms.

2. You May Get Trapped in Scams

Source: Casino.org

Every year, many individuals get trapped in scams without having any idea. Some websites are fake, and they may misuse your details. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure whether you are using the right platform for gambling online. You can check out specific reviews posted by other people to check whether you should invest your money or not. If you think it is an improper way to pay money and play games on any platform, you must drop your plan.

You can explore specific stories available on the internet related to people who got trapped in such scams. You may learn from them and stay focused while dealing with any digital casino. Security is a significant concern for all, and no one can afford it if anyone breaches it. Therefore, this thing is in your hands, and you have to take care of it.

3. You May Get Addicted

Source: Financial Times

The online gambling games are quite addicting. If you engage yourself in them, then it is hard to escape. If anyone is winning a reasonable amount, then he will not stop playing it. The condition gets worse when if you are losing your money. You want to cover all the losses by winnings. Therefore, you can become addict to online gambling. Therefore, you need to understand the circumstance when you are going to that state.

You have to stop yourself because it will ruin your life. You will stick to online portals and play different games. One will try hard to win interesting deals even if you are lucky enough every day. One will lose a good amount in the end, and when you realize it will be too late. It is one of the hidden dangers, and you need to keep yourself protected to avoid losing.

4. You May Feel Lonely

Source: New Atlas

When you spend too much time playing online gambling games, then you may feel lonely sometimes. You are spending relatively less time with your family. Everyone at your home will maintain a distance from you. In the end, you will feel lonely because you are giving more to online casinos than your wife and children. It must not be done because it can make you depressed, which is quite unhealthy for your health.

You need to understand the risk and try to participate in online casinos in limits. You can give a particular time to digital betting so that you can spend the rest of your time with family and friends. It is necessary to get over this danger to keep yourself healthy and stay connected with your loved ones.

5. You May Not Access Different Online Portals or Accounts

Source: Medium

On some online portals, there is a restriction to access different accounts. You cannot play games as a different user. Some people are quite smart and create different accounts to participate as a different user. But it is illegal, and you have to understand the risks of doing this thing. It is quite possible that you need to pay the penalty amount, and your account gets closed by the website. You will lose all your money at the end that exists in your wallet.

You should not make this mistake because you do not want to lose the money you have earned. One has to bet through one account and participate in different games with confidence. Try to go through all the rules of the website before taking any step.

The Bottom Line

Many hidden dangers are there online gambling, and it is necessary to be aware of these things. Nowadays, many people are engaged in such activities, but if they do not realize the dangers mentioned earlier, they will lose their money. Even if you an expert or a beginner, you must go through all the risks and dangers to avoid any scams or losses.

You have to learn a lot from the mistakes made by many people in previous years. It will help you to stay alert and keep you protected. You have to invest your money carefully by considering all the essential things.

Why Choose Online Clinics For Male Pattern Baldness, Smoking, ED and More

Source: bookwell

It has become a taboo (although it shouldn’t be) – ailments that affect men in general. According to surveys, men are more likely to ignore symptoms of said illnesses rather than visit a clinic because of the perceived negative notion surrounding these diseases… even when conditions have already become serious.

This is the reason why online clinics are an option for you. Visit Numan to consult certified medical professionals without being inhibited by taboos and feeling awkward about the condition you want to have checked.

What is the cause of Male pattern baldness

Many of the men out there suffered from hair loss as soon as they hit puberty. This is because of the male hormone (testosterone) changes. During puberty, a high amount of testosterone is released in the male body, which results in a number of physical and emotional changes.

The changing in the pitch of voice and hair growth on different body parts. Moreover, the loss of hair is also linked to this testosterone. Testosterone also produces a chemical named dihydrotestosterone. This chemical cause sensitivity to the hair follicles. As a result of this sensitivity, the hair follicles get shrink and the hair loss increases. It is not a bad thing. So if you have suffered from hair loss during puberty, make an appointment with the doctor. You can treat your problem on time because it is all because of hormonal imbalance. No need to get shy over these things.

Source: time

The causes of erectile dysfunctioning

Most of the people feel shyness over sexual things, which has caused many serious illnesses. If you are having any issue with your body, you need to consult the relevant doctor. Avoiding the problems won’t give you the solution. It would be best if you start talking about things. Erectile dysfunctioning is also a similar topic that people don’t usually talk about.

If you stay quiet about it, the problem will only rise. It will also affect your married life, if you are married. So before things get piled up and the problem gets severe, consult a doctor. Otherwise, you might get late and there would not be any possible solution left for you.

There are certain factors that result in erectile dysfunctioning. First of all, you need to know the cause of your problem and afterwards, you can get the treatment. Here are some of the reasons behind ED. But it is better to confirm it with the doctor. As the doctor will give you the precise answer after getting the tests done.

  1. Atherosclerosis, i.e. clogging in the blood vesselsAny heart issue
  2. High cholesterol levels
  3. Diabetes
  4. High Blood Pressure
  5. Parkinson’s disease
  6. Obesity
  7. The metabolic syndrome that includes all the above-mentioned problems except Parkinson’s disease

Why choose online clinics?

The best solution is to choose online clinics if you are hesitant to talk about these problems. Online clinics provide you with all the facilities while you are not facing anyone. So if you feel embarrassed talking face to face with the doctor, the best solution is to go online. You won’t have to face anyone and you won’t be embarrassed anytime you see that doctor. Why? Because no one knows your face. It is that simple.

Source: time

Online Clinic Treatments

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erectile Dysfunction or ED occurs when one is unable to keep a firm erection or is unable to keep it firm for a long enough period in relation to having coitus. Another word it’s often linked with is impotence.

One of the major factors that lead to an erection is proper blood flow. Through stimulation, penal muscles tend to loosen and relax, thus allowing the flow of blood to be balanced and steady. The penis contains chambers that act as passageways. So when blood enter said chambers, the penis becomes erect or stiff.

However, there are health issues that cause the disruption of this flow. One of them is directly due to cardiovascular problems like hypertension, obesity, etc. You will have noticed that these cardiovascular ailments have to do with blood flow disruption. After all, this bodily system is among that which regulate the speed and the stability of blood movement.

Other times, the issue is psychological, such as depression and stress. When your emotional and mental health isn’t in peak condition, they may be reflected towards your physical state. And therefore, your sexual capacity as well.

Furthermore, alcoholism and smoking are contributing factors as well.

Source: mirror

Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness is another concern men face, especially when hair loss happens earlier in your years. Studies have proven that a majority of those who experience premature male pattern baldness are affected by it genetically. Medication, steroids, or serious health conditions may also be the reason behind it.

There have been researches surrounding certain supplements that may be effective in hair growth and thickness. Online clinics have research-backed hair growth medications (i.e. Minoxidil, etc.) which you can inquire about.

Premature Ejaculation

Being able to maintain an erection long enough or not being able to hold of ejaculate (uncontrolled) both fall under Premature Ejaculation. Men tend to feel embarrassed, stressed, or frustrated when they ejaculate sooner than anticipated because it disrupts sexual intercourse or ends the pleasure too soon.

Though the studies behind it show that its true cause is still yet to be studied thoroughly, scientists have discovered that a few causes are similar but are not limited to that of impotence. For instance, anxiety, depression, and stress belong to this list. With the aid of psychoanalysis, PE can be traced and dealt with through psychiatric treatments, or simply getting yourself some time of rest in between periods of heavy stresses.

Additionally, imbalanced levels of hormones and prostate infection could also lead to PE.

Source: medicalnewstoday


There isn’t a need to feel uncomfortable discussing these because they’re related to your health and your overall well-being. By speaking with medication professionals who can diagnose your condition even online, you can finally understand what you need to do for treatment.

10 Great Things About Turkey

Source: theculturetrip

Often regarded as the bridge between East and West, Turkey is blessed with an amazing combination of cultural, historical, and natural beauty. The country offers visitors not only ancient and traditional monuments but also contemporary, cosmopolitan cities.

Turkey maintains the top position in our ranking of favourite countries people can visit for a holiday. In addition to its excellent cuisine, it’s also a great place to grab a bargain or two. Here are 10 great things that Turkey is renowned for:

1. It’s the home of the Turkish bath

Visiting Istanbul gives you the opportunity to take a Turkish bath in a gorgeous Ottoman monument. In these hammams, you can opt for a wonderfully relaxing style of both bath and massage that has become recognised around the world.

So often imitated but never bettered, you have to experience the real thing, so be a little brave and opt for an attendant to bathe you, rather than having a go at the self-service options widely available.

Source: tripsters

2. The shops are fantastic

During your stay in Turkey, you will discover thousands of shops packed with bargains. Visit the Grand Bazaar, the largest covered bazaar in the world. Stop here for fresh local delicacies, deluxe watches and much more, all alongside the perpetually popular handmade trinkets that everyone loves to bring home.

There’s more to discover than just the Grand Bazaar, though, with countless open-air markets and stylish designer boutiques to be discovered, every shopaholic can fulfil their wildest fantasies in Turkey. For keen cooks, the Egyptian Spice Bazaar is a bucket-list shopping destination.

3. They do breakfast better than anyone

Breakfast, otherwise known as kahvalti, is a must-do experience, as it remains the best and most important meal in Turkey. A typical breakfast includes a spread of different types of bread, cheese, olives, tomatoes, kaymak (cheese) and spicy sausages, well as numerous cups of cay (Turkish black tea). Later in the day, don’t forget to taste the fresh and delicious meat rolls at the Atatürk Farm, along with the fantastic beer and old-fashioned ice cream.

Source: thekaydays

4. The parks are beautiful

Ankara’s various beautiful parkland areas can be traced to the days of the Turkish Republic. Take a trip to Kurtulus for ice skating alongside veterans, seasoned professionals and the Olympic hopefuls of the future, as well as keen amateurs. Or head to the Kugulu for wildlife. Known for being home to countless swans, ducks and geese, this is a park for families to enjoy, though you’ll need to maintain a firm grip on your lunch!

HarikalarDiyari is a little different in that it’s one of the largest urban parks in Europe. Also known as Wonderland Park, it plays host to a variety of rides and rollercoasters for thrill seekers of all ages to enjoy, so don’t assume it’s all relaxing greenery.

5. It’s the centre of medical tourism

The medical procedures carried out in Turkey have been acclaimed as some of the best in the world. Besides, the low-cost of these procedures relative to the US and European countries make Turkey a favourite destination for hair transplants. GetHair.co.uk is a leading provider of hair transplants in Turkey with several different transplant techniques you can choose from.

You might have attended various weddings somewhere else, but you need to experience the glamorous wedding packages and parties in Istanbul and along the attractive coastline. However, if you are not one for extravagant events, you can opt for elopement on short notice. You can get married in Turkey without rigorous paperwork or stringent residency requirements.

Source: monde

6. They know how to belly dance

The Oryantal Dans (belly dances) on display in Turkey are very different from the one that you might have seen in Europe or north Africa. Expect plenty of quick and fierce spins, and a few shimmies! A Turkish belly dance is something you must try to see while you’re there.

7. You can see underground cities

You’ve got to explore Turkey’s stunning underground structures. These historic formations are one of the deepest underground cities in the world. People used to seek refuge in them to avoid persecution by the Roman Empire. The underground city consists of churches, kitchens, cellars, and rooms for storing food.

Source: anzacday

8. You can see a Trojan horse

To make your trip more wonderful, you’ve got to visit Troy. Though you may have been aware of the amazing artefacts, the memory of being physically present at one of the most magnificent archaeological sites ever discovered is worth the effort. Having been immortalised by Homer in The Iliad, the Trojan Horse houses vital ancient artefacts and buildings, including temples, mounds, and altars. A wooden Trojan Horse is available for tourists to enter and explore, too.

9. It’s got loads of thermal spas

Spas and Turkey go hand-in-hand, so you’ll be spoilt for choice. Although the overarching themes will be the same, with you submerging into hot water and feeling all of your cares wash away, you can enjoy a variety of locations for some diversity.

The Pamukkale spa was built by the Romans and it is as old as the city of Hierapolis, approximately the 2nd century BC. You should also visit the Antique Pool which houses hot-water mineral spas where you can enjoy an invigorating dip.

Source: medium

10. You can enjoy an epic hot air balloon ride

Hot air ballooning is one of the most exciting activities on offer in Turkey. While you’re up in the air, you can float over the elegant Goreme Open-Air Museum, with its spellbinding rock formations, amazing valleys and striking colours. If you think the landscape is pretty from the ground, just wait until you see it from above, particularly in the Cappadocia region. The rocky terrain is dazzling in the dusky hours just before sunset.

The beauty, friendliness, rich culture, and value for money on offer in Turkey cannot be overemphasised. The country mixes both interesting traditional structures with comfortable modern architecture. This combination makes Turkey one of the world’s top 10 travel destinations, hosting 35 million visitors every year. Visiting Turkey should be on everyone’s bucket list.

4 Things to Know About The Oracle and TikTok Deal

President Donald Trump’s ban on the Chinese TikTok app is seen as the biggest tech scandal since Facebook. In his speech, the President clearly stated under which circumstances the app can survive on US phones.

Namely, the Chinese app would have to sell to a US company and effectively find new owners. Well, ever since a few weeks ago, Oracle is seen as those new owners. The cloud applications and platform services with headquarters in Redwood Shores enquired about buying the app.

And this deal is seen throughout the space as the Oracle and TikTok Deal.

As of the current time of writing, Oracle agreed to take over the company and its 100 million American users. Although the app has far more users than that, it was done to preserve the bulk of the US user base.

The deal is seen as a smart move by American businessmen and politicians, who want the Chinese government out of American lives. The fears of Chinese espionage are nothing to be naïve about, as we’ve already seen that India has banned the app and hundreds of thousands of other Chinese apps.

However, what is the key talking points from the Oracle and TikTok deal? To clear the water, here are the 4 things you should know about the deal.

1. Oracle Won the Battle Against Microsoft

Source: Business Insider

At first, it was Microsoft that was touted to be the front runner in the race to buy TikTok. However, ByteDance (TikTok’s parent company) couldn’t find an agreement. And Microsoft really tried to push for a deal, unfortunately, it didn’t fall in line with Microsoft’s core consumer values.

The main issue stems from the fact that Microsoft primarily employs a corporate-based user approach. Throughout the deal process, it was questioned whether the US company can meet the national security needs of the US government whilst also satisfying TikTok’s users.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t get the deal over the line and issued a statement shortly after.

But Microsoft has nothing to worry about as a weeks later they announced they had acquired Bethesda Games. The makers of the Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and many more titles were acquired along with many other studies that fly beneath the Bethesda banner. The deal is seen as a huge success to Xbox, with many speculating the new Bethesda games going to be Xbox exclusives.

2. A Connection Between Cloud Computing and Social Media?

Source: MarTech Series

Oracle is a cloud computing company that develops some of the best cloud software out there. And let’s face it, what sort of experience does Oracle even have with social media apps?

None, to be exact. So why is Oracle acquiring TikTok? Experts suggest that, besides Oracles’ zero experience with consumers and social media, the company is primarily focused on expanding its cloud computing business towards other areas of IT.

And as it turns out, social media might be a good place to start experiencing. Visit sites such as TikFuel.

But what does that mean for the many 3rd party businesses that offer TikTok services? Well, nothing really. Everything will stand as it is but with a more cloud-computing approach. Many TikTok 3rd party businesses that provide certain services such as Trollishly and TikFuel, will continue operations as nothing happened.

3. The Deal Might Not be an Outright Purchase of the Service

Source: The Information

Contrary to popular belief, this deal probably isn’t an outright purchase. This might anger some and make others very happy. But despite Oracle grabbing the winning ticket, it seems that this deal will benefit ByteDance more than Oracle.

According to the WSJ, instead of Oracle purchasing the license they will be named as a trusted partner.

This is major headline news as it goes completely against what President Donald Trump asked for. This would mean that Oracle will only help TikTok remain on the US market, not take full control of it.

The news isn’t as good as initially thought, as TikTok won’t be taking any orders from Oracle, and instead only act as a puppet mouthpiece for the US market. And what this means is that the Chinese government can still acquire data from US consumers, directly being a threat to national security.

And many experts suggest that this was the deal-breaker between Microsoft and Oracle. Furthermore, the AI algorithms which TikTok effectively manages consumer data were the primary focus of Microsoft.

4. The Deal Isn’t Really Done Yet

Source: BBC

If you’re not following the news then you will be surprised that the deal hasn’t actually gone through just yet.

The deal is agreed between both companies, but it still has to go through the White House. President Donald Trump has expressed his desire for the deal to go through, but the regulatory committee has to make the initial inspections first.

Experts aren’t sure whether this deal will go through, but also not sure whether it won’t. At the current time of writing, both parties are expected to be approved, and even the President himself.

Naturally, we will have to wait before the decision is made but we’re hearing positive news so far. For starters, President Trump has openly endorsed the deal and even quoted saying “I think that Oracle would be certainly somebody that could handle it.”

Are the National Safety Concerns Real?

Source: Business Insider

The question of everyone’s lips is whether the national security concerns are real or not. A social media app such as TikTok has access to tremendous amounts of data from US users, and there is a very real chance that they relay that data to the Chinese Communist Government. Data such as name, age, messages, and location are the types that the Chinese government is said to have real-time access to.

But TikTok says that the safety concerns aren’t real and that it doesn’t have any access to such information nor does it store it. TikTok also disclaims any notion that it gives information to the Chinese government.

However, many experts, but on domestic soil and from other countries, warn the US that if the Chinese government wants any information on US citizens, then they will get them regardless.

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In Sweden, many options exist for watching TV and movies today. Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) has gained immense popularity for providing a wide range...