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10 Rules to Follow When Writing a Research Paper

What makes a research paper interesting to read and worth the A+ grade? Academic papers are graded based on how well the writer observes writing rules. In fact, the rules act as a checklist that a writer can use to determine beforehand whether a paper will fetch a top grade.

It is not lost on writing experts that each academic paper follows different writing rules. According to writemyessay.today, the general principles must apply to all academic writing regardless to the topic or discipline. Here are the writing rules that will help you to produce a captivating paper that fetches top grade.

1. Adherence to Instructions

Each assignment comes with a unique set of instructions. Review these instructions and execute them in your paper. The instructions relate to the formatting style to use, spacing, tone of discussion, topic, and citations, among other elements.

Do not assume that you will be following the same instructions you used during the previous assignment. Supervisors alter instructions based on the topic, desired outcomes, and level of study, among other factors. If any direction is difficult to understand, you are at liberty to ask for directions from your tutor.

Source: Master’s thesis

2. An Interesting Title

It is the title that attracts readers to dig deeper into your paper. If the title is interesting, more people will read your paper. A title gives an idea of the subject discussed in a paper. It also points at the perspective you have taken on the subject. For instance, a title can indicate whether you are comparing and contrasting, describing, analyzing, criticizing, and such other approaches to different subjects during academic writing. If it is interesting enough, you score higher even as more people turn to your paper for insights.

3. Curiosity Arousing Introduction

Capture the imagination of potential readers from the beginning. This is done through a captivating introduction. While you give a hint of the ideas to be discussed, the introduction creates suspense on the approach and possible conclusion.

There are several ways through which you can create a captivating introduction.

  • Tell an interesting story about the subject
  • Give mind blowing statistics
  • Ask a rhetorical question
  • Quote an authority on the subject

Keep the introduction short but reveal enough to compel the reader to bite deeper into your discussion. The best introduction is completed once you finish with the body of your paper. At that point, you have a better understanding of the subject covered in your paper to draft an accurate introduction.

Source: paulwriter

4. Inclusion of All Chapters and Sections

The structure of an academic paper must be maintained. The cover page of your paper should capture details of the writer. Other chapters like the introduction, literature review, data analysis and presentation, discussion, conclusion, and referencing must be included. There are rules governing the execution of each chapter. The best paper is one that follows these rules. Penalties and even a dismissal will follow any paper that ignores these rules.

5. Factual Ideas

Do not include any idea in your paper unless you can back it up or verify. It calls for the use of high quality reference materials like books, journal, articles, and interne sources. Request your supervisor to provide the recommended sources of reference materials from the department to avoid this trap. Poor quality reference materials mislead your work and will derail your arguments. In fact, you might end up contradicting your ideas in the same paper.

Source: echeck.org

6. Thoroughly Researched Body

Read as many reference materials as possible. While you might have the main idea in your head, literature review helps you to put these ideas into context. You can identify authors who hold a view similar to yours and those who oppose your view. Provide a balanced discussion that meets the highest academic standards expected. This is only possible with thorough research and the use of high quality reference materials.

7. Proper Formatting

The formatting style to be used will be indicated in the instructions. Understand what the style means and execute it accurately. Each academic discipline follows a different formatting style. Any mix up when formatting will mislead your readers. Use samples to help you capture the formatting style accurately.

Source: technosoups

8. Resounding Conclusion

A conclusion provides a summary and verdict for your discussion. It explains why it appears at the end of the paper. While it is just a few paragraphs, the conclusion holds a lot of weight for any paper. It acts like a dashboard helping the reader to connect all dots on your paper and see a complete picture. It determines the perception that the reader will have about your paper. Make a resounding case for your discussion based on the ideas contained in the body of your paper.

9. Dedicate Enough Time

Completing a research paper requires time. Begin work immediately the assignment is issued. It gives ample time to research, compile your ideas, and edit the paper before submission. You will produce more captivating ideas when you spend enough time with your paper.

Source: Medium

10. Thorough Editing

Edit the paper before submission. Enlist the services of a third party who will have an independent look at your ideas. It helps to eliminate errors that may derail your discussion.

Writing a research paper is like a science that follows a set of rules. Regardless of the discipline of study or topic you are writing about, these rules must be followed. The examiner will determine your adherence to the rules based on the quality of your content.

8 Reasons to Start Your Christmas Gift Shopping Earlier This Year

Image source: unsplash.com

There isn’t a smarter thing to do than start your Christmas gift shopping earlier this year. From the endless lines to not missing out on the best gifts, there are a host of different reasons why you should do exactly that.

But since we want to give you a full rundown of the reasons, you will need to stick around and see exactly why you should start early. Without wasting too much of your time, let’s begin.

1. You Have Time to Plan

Image source: unsplash.com

Planning is essential when picking up the best gifts for each friend and family member. But it’s very difficult to plan if you don’t have the time. Thus, this is the first and very important reason why you should start early.

By simply creating a schedule and sticking to it early on, you are making sure that no one is left without a gift.

2. Don’t Risk the Wrath of Mother Nature

We all know winters can be quite hectic. Extreme snowfall has the power of completely rendering your plans useless. If this is the case, then it can be significantly difficult to go out and do your Christmas shopping.

Thus, starting early before the snow falls to give you the best chance of finishing your checklist without any inconveniences. Certain cities within the United States are more prone to snow. If you happened to live in one of these, then make sure to do your Christmas gift shopping early.

3. Better Prices

Image source: unsplash.com

This one will definitely intrigue the vast majority of Christmas shoppers. When the holidays are fast approaching, prices get drastically increased so shops can make extra profit.

When people go on holiday shopping, it’s not unusual to see a change in price for nearly 99% of all items. The cleverest thing to do is do your shopping early on and don’t become a victim of price change.

Not only will you save tons of money, but you will also miss out on the delays and crowds.

4. Less Stress

Finding the perfect gift a day before Christmas is the most stressful thing to do. Not only will you have trouble finding the thing but you will also go from store to store and be disappointed every time. People express a significant level of stress when deadline day shopping for Christmas gifts. If there is one thing to avoid all the stress that comes with it is to do the smart thing and do it early.

5. Get a Head Start on Wrapping

Image source: unsplash.com

Trust us when we say this, gift wrapping has to be the most time-consuming thing ever. Not only do you have to pick and choose each gift wrap, but you have to do it in an orderly fashion.

While some people cannot wait to start gift wrapping, it’s safe to say that a smart thing to do is to get a head start. The pressure from having only a day to finish wrapping ten gifts can get to everyone’s head.

Don’t make the obvious mistake and do a poor job because you’ve had no time to do it.

When on the subject of wrapping, you need to find quality gifts that deserve your gift-wrapping skills. If you’re interested in that, then make sure to click here where you’ll find the best Christmas Gifts in South Africa money can buy.

6. More Time to Shop

If you’re one of those people that absolutely love shopping for gifts, then time will certainly be an ally. Christmas is a time of the year that comes only once. And if you have a particular way of shopping, then you must utilize all the time before the holiday actually comes.

If going from store to store is something that you like doing, then it must be done on time before the long queues at the shopping mall. Not only does it give you more time to shop, but it also gives you more options to choose from.

7. Get the Deals

Image source: unsplash.com

When Christmas comes around, you can be sure that deals will magically disappear. Stores and shops know all too well that people will pay any price for Christmas.

A father will pay any price for gifts even if he doesn’t agree with the price itself. But it’s safe to say that stores and shops make it common practice to offer discounts before the holiday season kicks in.

And this is the perfect time to do all of your Christmas gift shopping. Another huge reason why you should do it is because of deals. Deals are everywhere and available right before the holiday months.

You can also do all of your shopping online. And finding deals online is also quite easy. All you need to do is simply give the store your email and wait until they notify you of any potential deals and discounts.

8. Fewer Crowds

Probably the single biggest reason why you should do it early is down to the fact that there are fewer crowds. And if that wasn’t a problem last year, you should think again this year. With this pandemic, you can be sure that shopping malls will be significantly riskier places.

The bigger the crowds, the easier to catch the virus is. And you’d hate it if you had to cancel your trip just because you did your shopping late.

People will be less inclined to go among huge crowds, meaning more people will do their shopping early. Be one step ahead and do your shopping earlier.


The holiday months are an amazing time of the year. From spending time with friends and family to celebrating Christmas, it is absolutely joyful.

A huge part of Christmas is giving gifts. Children, and adults, love gifts. It is the excitement of the unknown that most appeals to us, hence why we all love it.

But you might want to remember the before-mentioned 8 times and do your Christmas gift shopping earlier this year. Don’t make the costly mistake of going late, as it can be potentially dangerous for your health.

16 Essential Kitchen Tools Every Home Cook Should Own  

Image source: unsplash.com

Even people who are not really into cooking, won’t be able to resist having all sorts of utensils and tool in their kitchens. There are ones that are specially designed to cut bananas or garlic, to steam veggies, or to make smoothies. They are all great, but the chances are that if you are buying such gadgets, you will eventually end up with a cluttered kitchen, no matter how big it was to start with.

The list of kitchen tools and utensils is endless, but we have tried to narrow it down to the most practical ones. We realize it is not all-inclusive, but eventually, everybody equips it according to their needs – and the food they cook and eat the most. Every chef has their own style, so this is just our selection and we hope you will find it useful and inspiring. If you are a passionate cook, there are great chances that you will already own and regularly use most of these tools.

After you have gone through the list, if there is something you are missing and want an honest review about which one you should get, this consumer guide should be of help.

Chef’s knife

Image source: unsplash.com

Using a high-quality knife will really up your cooking game. This one is perfect for a great range of tasks; from chopping onion to slicing meat. It is typically bigger and heavier than most. Make sure it is sharp, and be careful how you hold it – never close to the blade, so that you don’t cut something you are not supposed to – like your finger.

Vegetable peeler

A smooth blade peeler is one of the best things that can happen to your kitchen as it will save you a ton of time and will give you perfectly smooth peeled produce. It’s quick, precise, and you can peel almost anything. Even though most come with a plastic handle, try finding a metal one as it will last longer and will be safer to use for those items that are a big harder to peel. That way, the risk of it breaking and you ending up injured is minimal.

Cutting board(s)

Image source: unsplash.com

We recommend getting two: one for chopping fruits, vegetables and bread, and one for raw meat (or raw fish, for that matter). They should be different colors, or the first one can be made out of wood. We don’t advise using a wooden cutting board for cutting meat as it is harder to clean since it is porous and might trap the bacteria from the meat. Also, wooden boards should not be put into the dishwasher. When it comes to the plastic ones, make sure you buy ones that are dishwasher safe, as it will do an excellent job cleaning them.


Buying the right blender can be an investment of a lifetime. Sure, there are many cheap ones, but our advice is to get one that will be value-for-money, equipped with safety features and will suit your needs.

Iron cast skillet

Whether you only want to cook eggs sunny side up or make a frittata, this skillet is the way to go.

As there are some health concerns around the coating of the commonly used pots and pans, especially after they get scratched, so an iron cast can be a better alternative that will last for many years.


As most of us don’t buy bread every single day, it is practical to have a way to quickly warm it up and make it crunchy and delicious. Toasters don’t take up much space, and you might end up using it more frequently than you would like to admit.

Baking pan

Image source: unsplash.com

Even if you are not very interested in baking, there will come a time when you will need to heat up something in the oven. To prevent a mess by using makeshift pans out of aluminum foil, or sticking items in the oven that you are not sure whether they can withstand the heat, it is best to get a lightweight aluminum pan. We recommend getting a deeper one, as a shallow pan will limit the options for its use.

Can opener

As any other way to forcefully open a can would prove to be rather messy, you will definitely need one for all those cans that don’t have an easy-open pull tab.

Wine opener

Don’t try to open a wine bottle in any other way than with an opener. You risk ruining the wine and hurting yourself. It can be as simple as a single spiral, or a very fancy one where you would squeeze together the two handles and the cork pops up – it is up to you which one you’ll get, but please do get one.


Have you ever tried draining the pasta when suddenly all of your perfect al dente pasta ends up in the sink? Well, that can be prevented by using a simple colander. It is a handy tool that can also be used to wash fruits and vegetables.


Image source: unsplash.com

This tool is great for both making a perfect breakfast omelet or for whisking together the ingredients for your favorite chocolate chips cookies. It should be non-sticky, with an ergonomic design to prevent any discomfort in the hand as whisking can be an intense task.

Salad spinner

For me, personally, there is nothing worse than a soggy salad. Once you start using one, you will never want to go back. You can even use the lower bowl-shaped part to soak the wilted salad so that it can become nice and crunchy again.

Food storage containers

Having at least a few of these will be great for food leftovers. Make sure that they are both dishwasher and microwave safe, and that you can also put them in the freezer with the food that you cannot eat right now. They should be airtight and have proper lids in order to prevent any spills.

Measuring cups and spoons

Even if you aren’t into baking or making other desserts, the measuring cups might come in handy when making the ratio for cocktails, as well as for tasks like measuring how much rice you need to cook per person.


No kitchen can do without one. It can be used to grate cheese or ginger – and anything in between. Get a stainless steel grater that is dishwasher safe since cleaning it can sometimes prove to be a challenge and always rinse it immediately after use. The ones that have different shaped holes and blades are the best option for any kitchen.


Image source: unsplash.com

Rubber, heat resistant spatulas are what every cook needs. They come in different shapes and sizes and will help you save so much food from going to waste.

3 New Digital Currencies That Will Explode in 2024

The global coronavirus pandemic seems to be happening in the year we all had big plans. Much of humanity has planned to start positive changes for itself, its environment, and for all people in general. Positive changes in living, in the fight against pollution, changes in the personal plan, but also investment changes were planned. The intentions to invest were especially prominent. Economists say: Investing in a crisis is the smartest thing a person can do. This pandemic, although difficult to overcome, offers many opportunities, especially for investment and investors, no matter what kind of investment it is.

Investing is directing financial resources towards something that can result in success and potential profit in the future. The most common way of investing or directing finances and savings in the past period is buying real estate, building, investing in development and retraining, buying strong world currencies, buying shares in strong world companies or companies from developed countries, and buying digital currencies. Digital currencies are the most popular investment option. Digital currencies appeared about 10 years ago as a whole new thing, something that had not been seen before. In the first two years, there were barely 10 currencies due to skepticism that the concept would work, and today we have one new currency every two days.

Source: magzter

Cryptocurrencies have been at the peak of their popularity for the last 5 years. They are quite competitive with each other because each one radiates something special, ie each one differs in where it comes from, how it came into being, why it came into being, and so on. In recent years, many opportunities have opened up for these types of currencies. You can buy them online, trade them, buy them at specialized crypto ATMs, pay with them, and much more. People often buy them to trade with them and make money. When trading with them one must be very careful, especially in choosing a stable currency, further in the way of keeping them, to be careful when to buy more coins, and when to sell them and so on.

This year, digital currencies have experienced many short-lived ups and downs, after which currencies have recovered. According to bitcoinprime.net, 2024 will be a year of investing in cryptocurrencies, predicting that most people will decide on such an investment that will result only in positive results. But what will next year be like for digital currencies? Want to invest and feel a dose of skepticism? No need to worry anymore! We bring you the best currencies that will be very successful in the next 2024, and these are the following:

Source: NewsWatch
  1. Bitcoin – about 10 years ago the new concept of investing and functioning of digital currencies was introduced. The first currency that was introduced then as Bitcoin. This currency appeared so shy in the beginning, and over time it grew and expanded around the world. Today Bitcoin is the most popular digital currency in the world. At the moment, a total of 18,528,431.25 realized coins of this digital currency are fluctuating all over the world, and this number is expected to register even greater growth and success next year. Trading this currency is the most common choice for anyone who wants to start buying and selling cryptocurrencies. It offers many earning opportunities given that it is the oldest currency and given the constant growth of cryptocurrencies.
Source: Cnet
  1. Libra – The next popular cryptocurrency that BOOM is expected to make in 2024 is the currency issued by Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook. Facebook’s concept regarding cryptocurrencies and trading with them is relatively new. This currency is projected in 2018, presented in 2019, and released for purchase and trading this year in the first half of the year. Experts predict strong and reliable growth of this cryptocurrency given the popularity of corporate applications, their prevalence, but also the brand itself that instills confidence in all potential currency traders. When we make a realistic comment, this is to be expected. Given that Facebook has become a world-renowned and secure option for users in fifteen years, the same success is expected with Libra, which can very easily approach Bitcoin.
Source: Medium
  1. Chinese Digital Currency – The Chinese cryptocurrency has recently joined the Digital Currency Company, for which everyone predicts a bright future. This cryptocurrency is primarily intended for widespread use in China. Its promotion and popularization among the citizens of China were made recently by issuing many currencies to the population. This envisages increased use and increased fluctuation of digital money. But experts and specialists for this currency predict increased growth and global popularity in 2024. Why? These predictions are justified by the fact that the Chinese nation is the most numerous in the world spread over many China has one of the most powerful economies in the world, which is an additional positive conclusion. In the very end, people are looking for security, and this currency will offer that because with the numerous uses in everyday life, but also in trading, it will grow and will be resistant to any shocks in the future.
Source: finsmes

When buying and trading crypto, it is necessary to take care of the security of the entire exchange and purchase process. What does that mean? This means that you must be careful when buying, selling, and owning this money. Many scammers on the internet can easily trick you and lighten your pocket without even touching your purchased crypto money. Therefore, always follow the safety tips that are circulating, and which we bring to you. Always make sure you buy from sites that are secure and have certificates for safe selling. Always have a wallet that is safe to store these currencies, but also a wallet that is easy to use and fits your experience and the circumstances under which you will use it. Lastly, always pay attention to the state of the currency you own, get regular information from reliable sources and your success will be inevitable. If you follow our tips, you will surely become a successful and experienced trader with these coins.

These 3 currencies are the future boomers in 2024 that will undoubtedly be successful on cryptocurrencies. It is up to you to prepare for the new year, gather enough information and experience, and choose one of these cryptocurrencies. Success is guaranteed, and profit will make you smile. Well, what is your future favorite successful cryptocurrency?

8 Affordable Men’s Clothing Brands to Buy on Black Friday

img source: mensfashionway.com

Black Friday is almost here, which is one of the reasons a lot of people already started looking for lists of different clothing companies that they can purchase what they need from. Now, whether you are looking for jeans, shirts, or, perhaps, a coat, there is a wide range of brands that you can choose from, all of which will offer discounts on the clothing items you are looking for.

However, with so many brands out there, you might be wondering – what are the most affordable men’s clothing brands that I can buy clothes from during this holiday season? Luckily for all people searching for an answer to this question, this article can help. Let’s take a closer look at the list of brands you can opt for:

1. ‘J.Crew’

img source: youtube.com

Last year’s Black Friday discount by J.Crew was perhaps the best one that people could find on the market. They implemented a discount code that consumers could use to get 50 percent off the entire price of the items and they also gave an extra 60 percent off, which basically means that people paid close to nothing for the clothes they chose to buy. Of course, this year’s proposal might be a bit different, but, it is still worth checking it out.

2. ‘Banana Republic’

img source: amazonaws.com

The offer made by the Banana Republic in 2019 was truly amazing – people had the chance to purchase all of their items but with a 50% discount! Consumers could basically buy anything for half the price, from new arrivals and collections to tuxedos and hoodies, all the things were half the price! We cannot say what they have prepared for 2024, but, let’s hope that they will offer something as good as this.

3. ‘Todd Snyder’

img source: shopify.com

When people used the code “BLACKFRIDAYNOW” at the checkout during the previous year, they got 30% off their 300 dollars purchase, as well as an additional 25% off for any purchase above 200 dollars! Although this proposal was not one of the best ones out there, the deal applied to the discounted clothing items as well, which means that you could get high-quality clothes for a relatively cheap price.

4. Herrenausstatter

img source: oberpfalzecho.de

If there is a brand that truly tried to do their best during the previous Black Friday it is Herrenausstatter with promo codes such as the ones seen on diebestengutscheine.de. They gave their consumers a chance to purchase a wide range of clothes coming from different brands and it included discounts such as 60% off everything, as well as 50% off purchases at specific stores. If they suggest something similar this year, you’ll probably end up saving quite a lot of cash.

5. ‘Land’s End’

img source: independent.co.uk

Although this brand did not give a deal that was better than some of the aforementioned options, it still offered 50 percent off the entire purchase. One of the things that they did not offer is an all-items sale, which means that you could not purchase some of their clothes for a lower price. Nonetheless, individuals still used their promo code in order to get 50% off their items, which a lot of them hope they’ll be able to do during this year as well.

6. ‘All Saints’

img source: cloudfront.net

If you are a fan of leather jackets, you should know that All Saints usually offer a discount on their products. In fact, during 2019’s Black Friday, the entire selection was 30% off, which means that you could finally get that leather jacket you have been dreaming of having for some time. The discounts they’ll offer this year will probably also be good, hence, if you are looking to buy a jacket as a gift for someone, it might be wise to wait a bit.

7. “Bonobos”

img source: vox-cdn.com

If you take a look at the website of this brand, you’ll see a wide range of options when it comes to men’s clothing. Besides offering 30 percent off all items last year, they also implemented a ‘free shipping’ period, which means that people could save even more money than they initially thought. Additionally, the company usually offers discounts on the items that are already on sale, hence, ensure that you check them out this year.

8. “Faherty”

img source: stitchfix.com

You might be a huge fan of comfortable clothes, and if so, you’ll definitely want to check out this particular brand, especially since it is famous for making some of the most comfortable clothes on the market. During their 2019 Black Friday campaign, they offered 25 percent off on purchases that were higher than 250 dollars, however, if you are looking to buy things for the entire family, it might be your best bet since they also offer kids and women clothes.

Tips For Shopping During Black Friday

img source: metroparent.com

Before we conclude this article, there are a few things worth mentioning when it comes to shopping during Black Friday. First of all, you’ll want to start early, which means that you’ll want to research what your options are. Next, you might want to skip shopping in physical stores and shop over the Internet, mostly because it will allow you to avoid endless crowds of people, but more importantly, it will allow you to browse through the clothes easier.

One of the things that you should not forget doing is looking for different promotional codes and discounts because it will certainly help you with lowering the costs even further. Last, but not least important, you must create a budget and stick to it. It can be tempting to buy items on sales, but, you’ll definitely want to avoid spending more money than you can afford to spend during this holiday.


img source: facesoman.com

As you can see, there is a lot of affordable men’s clothing brands that you can choose to purchase clothes from during Black Friday. Of course, the one or ones you choose will depend on your preferences, which is why it is wise to do some digging on the items they are offering before Black Friday.

So, now that you are aware of the most affordable brands to purchase clothes from, you might not want to lose any more time. Instead, you should open up your browser and start searching for the aforementioned companies in order to determine which ones offer clothes that suit your style and preferences.

4 Common Beauty Ingredients That Are Actually Dangerous

Source: alcheme

Have you been unknowingly increasing your chances of getting serious health problems such as brain damage, respiratory issue, and cancer for the sake of looking good? Depending on the beauty product you are using, you may have. There are many ingredients that can be seriously harmful to your health that you unknowingly expose your body to every day.

Because personal care products have very minimal regulation of the harmful ingredients contained therein, the responsibility to choose safer products for you and your family rest with you. We are exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals from all kinds of sources on a daily basis, including car exhaust, plastics, pesticides, and more that we can not control.

The beauty products we use however are things we can control. These products are a big part of our daily lives so choosing safer skincare and cosmetic products, which means that removing harmful ingredients can have a big impact. You can help make informed decisions by knowing what ingredients to avoid in makeup and skincare products.

Here are four chemicals and toxins in skincare products that you might want to avoid. We’ve also attempted to provide safe alternatives. So read up and safeguard yourself,

1. Fragrance

Source: Tatler Hong Kong

The issue with fragrance is that it is so much loved by individuals. It smells great, but it’s actually a common cause of contact dermatitis, which resembles the effects of poison ivy on your skin. Fragrance has also been associated with asthma and other respiratory diseases, which can eventually cause lung problems. Perhaps worse, the FDA does not require “fragrance” products to include what its fragrant components really are.

Take note of fragrance, scent, fragrance, aroma.

The Alternative

As a healthier alternative, natural scents may be used to replace artificial fragrances. But many manufacturers, since it is much cheaper than processing natural scents, go back to artificial fragrances. In fact,  many fragrances labeled as “natural” may not actually be natural.

It is safer to use natural scents as a natural substitute. These are basically essential oils that are derived as a fragrance from natural ingredients such as flowers and will be a better alternative.

Caution Note: It is actually advised that, especially for those with allergies, items without scents are the best. Allergens that may also cause an allergic reaction can also contain natural scents. But if you are someone who enjoys fragrances and has no problems with allergies, feel free to go ahead with natural fragrances!

2. Parabens

Source: Colorescience

Parabens are used in many skincare and makeup products as preservatives. While parabens prevent the growth of bacteria in these products, they can be dangerous as well. Parabens have been shown in experiments to be potential endocrine disruptors. This means that they will interrupt the hormones and change development, growth , and reproduction. Some doctors still claim that breast tumors may be associated with them.

Look for names of ingredients ending with “-paraben”, “methyl-“, “ethyl-.”

Alternatives are -Phenoxyethanol, sodium benzoate, benzoic acid and benzyl alcohol are arguably alternatives to parabens.

3. Hydroquinone

Source: We Heart This

Hydroquinone can be carcinogenic when in high doses. In high doses, this skin-lightening ingredient often becomes toxic and can cause seizures, nausea, and bluish skin. The cause of ochronosis, which is a skin disease that causes a blue-black discoloration of the skin, may be hydroquinone. Hydroquinone has been banned by many nations, and the FDA has recommended a ban.

Look out for tocopheryl acetate or hydroquinone.


There are natural skin-lightening substitute products available. These involve one of the following or more:

Source: Good Spa Guide

Antioxidant agents

In anti-aging drugs, vitamins A and C help brighten the skin and boost the overall skin tone. Antioxidants can also assist in hyperpigmentation when used over time.

Acids that are plant-based

Acids aren’t necessarily biologically based, contrary to common opinion. Some are, instead, plant-based. You should try Kojic or Ellagic acid for hyperpigmentation. These operate by slowing down the development of melanin from the skin.

B3 vitamin

This ingredient, commonly labeled as “niacinamide,” has the ability to stop black areas of pigmentation from growing to the skin surface.

4. Petroleum

Source: Taut Collagen

The problem with petroleum, and also with mineral oil, its equivalent, is that it can not be metabolized. This ensures that it does not ever leave once it’s in your body. In addition, the Environmental Working Group has found that petroleum-containing goods may be carcinogenic. In products like self-tanners, petroleum is common. You’ll want to avoid petroleum if you’re prone to acne, which can completely block your pores.

Look out for: paraffin wax, mineral oil, benzene, names ending in ‘-eth.’


Alternative sources that are stronger are:

Waxelene: It looks like Vaseline, but includes beeswax, vitamin E, and soy oil.

Alba UN Petroleum: To soothe and cure dry skin, it contains a healthy amount of coconut oil.

RMS Beauty Raw Coconut Cream: A natural material of coconut oil, this product contains nutrients and living enzymes that can nourish the skin.

Jao Brand Goe Oil: This is different from your regular vaseline-type ointment. It looks and tastes identical, but it includes butter and oils with a great smell.

Source: medicalnewstoday


Chemical carcinogens are the products used in skincare products and ss an almost mandatory part of their ingredients, most skincare items have them. These ingredientss have several harmful variables that can have detrimental consequences, so taking precautionary measures to prevent unnecessary use is a good idea.

Utilize available organic and natural alternatives. As skincare products are a necessary part of our everyday lives today, we can not fully stop them, but we can minimize their use and prevent their worst impacts.

Make judgments that are wise, go for okana.co.nz natural products skincare. Your beauty needs should not be satisfied at the cost of your wellbeing. So do your homework until you have known more about the product you are using (use the cosmetic database of the EWG), review product labels for ingredients and warnings, and try to avoid using products with known chemicals that cause diseases. All in all, follow a balanced diet for better looking skin that includes fruits and vegetables that are readily available and have no side effects.

10 Best Payment Methods You Can Use for Online Casinos

Source: Medium

Of the many benefits of modern technology, the most important one is the fact that it eases the complexity and hassle that comes with getting things done. One example of this sort of simplification is in the field of commerce. It is much easier to purchase goods or services and have them come to you by carrying your transactions online. It also helps you overcome certain restrictions. You can buy or sell items and have them shipped all over the world without leaving the comfort of your own home. As a matter of fact, with a few taps on your phone you can do anything – register for various events, settle invoices, bet on sports or play games. Anything is possible.

If there is a thing that makes transactions easier online, it is the fact that there are many online payment methods available. No online transaction is complete without using a form of payment that the vendor recognises and accepts. This avenue can be a little tricky. Each payment method is slightly different depending on where you are, what currency you are using and what you intend on using it for. Especially in the case for online casinos. We will explore the differences in this article, as we take a look at the 10 best online payment methods you can use in for online casinos in India – as recommended by casinos-india.in.

1. Paytm

Source: Paytm Blog

Paytm is probably the leading online payment service in India. It is one of the few online payment platforms that provides you with options such as financial investments, travel tickets, airtime, bills, and buying gold, and it all works on your mobile phone. The service offers you special discounts and the Paytm website lets you buy more products including even groceries. It is also possible for you to transfer funds to other Paytm users or other bank accounts using this payment method. There is no currency conversion to worry about as Paytm is a 100% Indian service based in Uttar Pradesh.

2. PayPal

Source: BankBazaar

PayPal famously was developed by Elon Musk before he shifted his talents to space. It is the second most used payment service in the world and is accepted by most online stores. You can use PayPal by signing up for it using an e-mail address. It can then be associated with any payment methods that place money into the PayPal account. It should be noted that PayPal India has fees of 2.5% on any transaction made, and that users based in India cannot exceed amounts that go over 10,000 INR in a single transaction.

3. Skrill

Source: VipDeposits

This is a very good payment platform that keeps on improving. Skrill also covers many platforms. Some forex, bitcoin and even gaming platforms now accept Skrill as a form of payment. The recent improvement is the free verified Skrill transfer. This allows verified Skrill accounts to make transfers at no cost at all. You can withdraw to your bank accounts, VISA or Mastercard. To use this platform, you only have to sign up, receive payments and verify your account.

4. Google Pay

Source: Android Police

This is also another but very old form of payments. This payment option is available on multiple platforms and can be used for various purposes. To use this platform, all you need to do is to install the Google app and add a credit or debit card. This platform offers a one-click payment system that enables you to pay with ease. You can use it to pay for everything that you can access even while using your mobile phone.

5. Neteller

Source: IQoption Blog

Neteller is one of the best e-wallets in existence. It is a trusted and reputable online payment method that is used by millions. It has a very large coverage worldwide that you can benefit from. You can also use Neteller to make a variety of payments. This payment method allows you to send money to people via mail even if they do not have a Neteller account yet. With all these benefits, you should really consider using this strategy if you want to operate an international business from India.

6. Astropay

Source: Milled

This is a virtual prepaid card that allows you to make payments and then top up your card using a third-party bank payment system like Neteller. Unlike other online payment platforms, this is a virtual prepaid card not a wallet. You can use your prepaid wallet to fund any of your online accounts. AstroPay is now in 12 countries and is supported by many regional banking firms and e-wallet services. Astropay is one of India’s favorite payment methods for online casino users because it is easy to use, its deposits are anonymous, and it remains a good fit for smaller transactions.

7. Muchbetter

Source: muchbetter.com

Muchbetter is an award-winning e-wallet that is fully licensed by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority. It is a safe payment platform that is respected by the payment industry as well as the gaming one. Not all e-wallets permit users to make payments for gambling in India, but this is not the case with MuchBetter. You can send and receive money wherever you like using the app, including crediting your gaming accounts with ease. You do not have to suffer multiple redirections and always input your password when you want to conduct every transaction. All you need to do is to download the app use your phone number as your ID as well as a 4-digit pin code.

8. Instamojo

Source: www.instamojo.com

Instamojo is currently enabling startups and small business owners by providing premium eCommerce services at reasonable rates. It takes less than two minutes to set up your Instamojo account. It does not involve any maintenance cost if you want to use it for your eCommerce platform. You can also make payments using links on social media platforms. You receive payments instantly when you use Instamojo.

9. PayU

Source: PayU Blog

PayU is a form of payment used in over 70 specific eCommerce platforms. These include like Jabong, Snapdeal, NetFlix, AirbnB, Cred, Goibiboand many others. This payment platform covers the six major currencies and allows you to conduct international transactions.

10. CC Avenue

Source: GiveWP

It is one thing to have an online wallet, it another thing to have an online wallet that provides you with a VISA or Mastercard as well. CC Avenue is one of India’s oldest online payment platforms. Despite its long existence, it keeps on improving to provide you with the best form of eCommerce services. CC Avenue now provides you with a credit card that you can use anywhere. This means that you can now book and make online payments using your online wallet or your CC Avenue credit cards.

These platforms will serve you well as an individual looking for simple ways to make payments online and online casino deposits, as well as business owners in India looking for payment gateways to incorporate into their businesses.

Can You Create Your Own Cryptocurrency Like Bitcoin?

Source: Medium

There is a great rise in the popularity of cryptocurrencies in the last few years. The high prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other digital currencies also led to the expansion of new cryptos that are being introduced all the time. Also, according to current trends, there will be even more people interested in investing and using cryptocurrencies as a regular method of payment. On the other hand, the main reason why most investors choose to buy various digital assets these days is that they represent a great potential for making a high profit. There are many websites and online platforms, such as bitcoin-code.io, where you can trade with Bitcoin and other assets.

People who were the first ones in this industry that started introducing new cryptocurrencies managed to create huge profits. Therefore, it is not a surprise that many people are interested in the technology and process of creating a unique type of cryptocurrency that will be active on the market. In this article, we are going to introduce you to the basics of cryptocurrencies and how can you create your own.

Learn The Difference Between Coin and Token

It is very important for the understanding of the whole system to distinguish and learn the difference between a token and a coin. Both tokens and coins represent cryptocurrencies, but the main difference between them is that coins are using unique blockchains. Some of the most popular coins are Bitcoin, Litecoin, and more. On the other side, tokens are using already created blockchain systems. The most popular token is Ethereum. Coins are specially designed for fast transactions, while tokens serve for the verifications of smart contracts.

Source: Crypto Investment

The Process of Creating a Blockchain

If you want to come up on the market with a brand new type of coin, you will have to create your blockchain. There are two available options for that. The first one is to create a whole new system, while in the second one, you can adjust the existing network to be compatible with your coin. However, this process requires advanced knowledge of coding.

There are some important steps that you have to learn about the development of a proper blockchain network, such as a proper method of agreement, nodes, API development, implementation of advanced technologies related to AI, data science, coding, cloud services, integration of data storages, keys, smart contracts, and more. On the other hand, if you are interested in creating a token, you can choose some existing systems like Dash, Litecpin, Monero, Ethereum, and more.

Provide the System with a Proper Coding

The main advantage is that you can use the same codes that were already used in the creation of Bitcoin and many other cryptos. However, if you want to create something more unique, you will need a lot of time and effort to introduce something that has better quality and improved features from already existing digital assets.

Source: NewsWatch

Start the Mining Process

Before the process of mining begins, you will need to invest in a proper marketing plan to attract people who will become part of your system. With the rise of people interested in mining your cryptocurrency, it will get more popular and more valuable over time. Also, the speed of transactions and many other features depends on how many people are using your network.

Find Clients

While miners are necessary for building and running a proper system, finding the right investors is essential in terms of acquiring a competitive price on the market and gaining more interest from potential clients. You will have to create a proper business strategy that will attract more people and convince them that your network has the potential to create a digital currency capable of competing with the most popular ones on the market today. The most important thing is to develop a network of people who frequently buy and sell your cryptocurrency.

Source: Succession Marketing

Determine Your Budget

Before you start with making your plans about whether you will choose tokens or coins and how big you want the network to be, you need to determine how much money you are willing to invest in this business. You should be aware that the whole process requests a lot of money, along with time, effort, and knowledge. Depending on the size of the project, the development of your cryptocurrency can cost between $10,000 and over $100,000.

Hire a Team of Professionals

In case you are interested in the whole blockchain market, but you have poor knowledge about coding and running these systems, that doesn’t mean that your only option is to become an investor and trade on this market. You can hire a team of developers that can create your cryptocurrency. Moreover, you can sign the contract with them and keep all the rights on that cryptocurrency for yourself. There are many services and platforms that you can hire for this task. Furthermore, people with a lack of knowledge could easily start their cryptocurrency by choosing to create a token instead of building a whole network.

Source: investinblockchain


As you can see, it is possible to create your cryptocurrency, but that will require a lot of knowledge and resources, especially if you are planning to introduce a new coin on the crypto market. Therefore, create a proper plan that includes all of the factors necessary for the creation of the blockchain network, finding potential clients, miners, and a way to establish your digital asset to be competitive on the market.

According to current trends, there is a great demand for new cryptocurrencies that have the potential to grow in the future.  People who saw the potential of virtual currencies before they became so valuable in the last few years were able to make huge profits because all of the popular digital assets were much more affordable 5 or 6 years ago. The best example is Bitcoin, with a price under $1000 in 2015. Therefore, you can start a very profitable business if you are able to create a proper blockchain system and introduce a new coin to the market.

What is an Escape Room?

Surely you have already heard about the Escape Rooms and their great relevance in the world of group games. In this post, we want to explain in detail what an escape game is, in case you still have any questions about this phenomenon.

History of the Escape Room

The Escape Room games are relatively recent, but they have evolved very quickly. The first ones were carried out by Silicon Valey engineers who created an escape room game based on the Agatha Christie novels in 2006. In 2008, they came to Japan at the hands of Takao Kato. Later in 2011, escape games very similar to those we can see today arrived in Budapest.

At first, they were held in a white room where the players were locked up so that in 60 minutes they discovered the exit.

Today the setting has been greatly improved and a story has been introduced that makes the game very attractive. In addition, the escape room tests have changed a lot, nothing is valid anymore, the experience is as real as possible, sophisticated mechanisms are used, really hidden secret doors, special effects and if it can be games of artifice.

The Escape Room started out as a 60-minute game, and today there are storylines that can last up to 70 or 100 minutes. You can also find express games of 15, 20, 20 minutes.

Source: Brock University

What is an Escape Room?

We start with a little history …

The concept was born in Japan in 2007, but this game as it is known today has its origin in Budapest in 2011.

An Escape Room is a physical and mental adventure game that consists of locking a group of between 2 and 6 players in a room following a theme, where participants must solve a series of enigmas and riddles against the clock.

The groups of players range from 2 to 6 players,

But can you imagine competing against your co-workers or friends? Well now you can fight up to 10 people and enjoy it to the fullest.

Enigmas and riddles

The enigmas and riddles are tests of all kinds (locks, hidden codes, puzzle pieces, adjoining rooms …) that must be deciphered before the time ends (60 minutes), these tests have the objective of unlocking a story and fulfilling the goal of escaping the room.

But don’t worry if you don’t solve an enigma! We will give you clues to help you not get trapped in the room. Each room is monitored and controlled at all times by one of the center’s workers who will offer you a series of clues and riddles through a screen. The rooms where the activities take place are decorated and set according to the theme to be carried out, with the aim that the player can immerse himself in the story 100%.

Source: TripAdvisor

Methodology & Difficulty

The level of difficulty of the escape game themes is varied, so don’t worry because before choosing the game in which you want to participate we will inform you about its difficulty. We always recommend starting at the lowest level and increasing the difficulty.

At the beginning of the game, there will be a brief explanation of the operation and rules that must be followed, detailing what can and cannot be done.

For this activity you don’t need to be a genius, nor do you require physical strength,… you just have to be creative, use logic, actively participate with the rest of the group and above all let yourself be carried away by the tracks.

Types of Escape Room

An Escape game is a leisure option recommended for groups of friends, couples, company teams, children or families. Anyone, of legal age or minor, can participate in a game of escapism as long as the theme and the enigmas are according to their level.

Source: Choose Chicago

Escape Room for Kids

Games dedicated to children or a family escape room will always be easier than the rest. These have become one of the main choices for the little ones when choosing an activity to do as a family.

Several studies have shown that these games promote the intellectual development of the youngest, increasing their logical abilities, and also stimulate their social and communication skills as they are an activity developed in a group.

At Paranoiaquest they make sure that the experience is the best possible for this audience and they adapt modifications in their rooms to suit different ages. Can you think of a better plan for a family day out? Just check here!

Escape Room for Companies

This type of teambuilding activity is ideal and original for company events. More and more companies are opting for this type of games in their events to improve motivation and enhance relationships and productivity of their employees.

In this type of escapism games for companies, leadership and creativity are stimulated, since in each team there will always be someone who assumes the position of leader, and in addition, communication and camaraderie are encouraged by learning how to listen and help the partner.

Source: World of Escapes

Escape Room Theme

Most of the escape games are themed. Each one is based on a different theme, which is always accompanied by a story that is told and detailed at the beginning of the activity. All the stories have a good synopsis and end with the story of a challenge or objective that the participants must achieve.

The themes are usually of various types:

  • Historical
  • Espionage
  • Futuristic
  • Combat, adventure
  • Character-based
  • Or even horror

The difficulty of the themes of the games is varied. At the beginning of the game, the operation and rules that must be followed are briefly explained, detailing what can and cannot be done. The games are recommended for groups of friends, couples, company teams, children or families.

Source: The New York Times

We assure you that by playing in Escape Rooms, you will live a new, unique, different and, above all, very fun experience. It’s going to hook you! We hope this post can be useful. Thank you for reading!

7 Cool Ways You Can Personalize a Birthday Cake

Birthdays are the best days ever, but what makes them even better aside from presents and spending hours with those that matter the most in your life, is eating a huge cake made just for you. Even if you are a person who doesn’t like sweet foods, making an exception once in a year is more than acceptable.

These special occasions are simply not the same without a well-crafted and personalized birthday cake, which is why we decided to dedicate today’s article to some of the coolest ways you can achieve such a personalization. It’s important for everyone to know who the cake is for even without asking around whose birthday it is. That’s when you know that the cake-maker did a great job.

If you are looking for ideas, or you are planning to get your hands on such a great cake for someone really special, this is the right place to be. Let’s take a look at some of the things that you can do on your own, or hire someone else to do them for you. These are seven cool ways to personalize a birthday cake.

Source: Wilton

1. By using the person’s favorite ingredients

First of all, let’s not forget that a cake has only one main purpose, and the rest is just considered extras. The main purpose of a cake is to taste good. When everyone at the birthday party ends up tasting an amazing product, they’ll all leave with a smile on their face, and that’s the purpose of a birthday party. So, if you want to start with personalizing, it’s best to begin by including the favorite ingredients of the one celebrating the birthday. If you know that the person enjoys fruits, or that’s all they eat, making a fruit cake is a great option. If they’re absolutely in love with chocolate, you know what to add in the cake. Nothing will make them happier than tasting their favorite ingredients.

2. By making a birthday cake with a name

Putting the name of the person celebrating the birthday on their cake is a great way to make them feel special, and to make it clear who the cake belongs to. This is something that people do very often, and it’s probably one of the easiest and most cost-efficient things that you can do. You can write the name on the cake in so many different ways, either by using a certain ingredient or by spraying small pieces of chocolate on top of the top layer. If you are interested in viewing a great example of a birthday cake with a name, feel free to visit namewishes.com.

Source: Liv for Cake

3. Shaping the cake into the first letter of the person’s name

This one is very simple and almost anyone can do it. If you have the most basic cooking skills, then you can pull it off. So the idea here is very basic but it works wonders. If the name of the person is Hannah, shaping the cake in the form of an “H” is all you need to do. Feel free to be creative though, this is just the baseline of the idea, you can do so much more if you manage to think of something else to improve this. There aren’t any rules you need to follow whatsoever.

4. A cake in the shape of the person’s favorite hobby

If you are celebrating the birthday of a doctor, shaping the cake into something related to their profession is a cool way to show your appreciation for them. If the person is a swimmer, give your best to make the cake look like a swimming pool. If they are a professional basketball player, the cake can be a ball, and so on and so on. You get the idea.
Also, you can read birthday text wishes on sites like myhappybirthdays.com, where you can find a huge collection of best wishes with images. We suggest you check it out and get additional inspiration for your birthday cake!

Source: Eat Cake Today

5. Adding the exact same number of candles as their current age

Besides shaping the cake in the person’s first letter of their name or making it look like an object related to their profession, you can do further personalization by adding the exact same number of candles as their current age. So, if they are turning fifty, adding fifty candles is what you need to do. But, if there isn’t enough space for that, you can combine candles in the form of a number with smaller individual ones symbolizing “1”. Pretty basic stuff, but it’s interesting to do.

6. Multiple smaller cake pieces, each with one letter on them

A cake doesn’t have to be one large piece. In fact, nowadays it seems to be very modern to make smaller pieces in the form of cupcakes, each one with its own unique design, and when you put them all together one to another, you get a unique and interesting design, usually personalized. You can do this with the help of a professional cake maker, so you just provide them with ideas and they’ll do the “technical” work.

Source: Serious Eats

7. By doing a completely unique design that hasn’t been seen before

Last but not least, we encourage everyone who wants to make a cake to completely “let go” when creating it, because creative designs are what gets the most attention from those present at the occasion, as well as the person celebrating the birthday. Being unique is always better than copying a design or using something else that you saw on the internet. There aren’t any rules when personalizing a birthday cake. Just be creative.


There are many different ways to customize and personalize a birthday cake, and although it takes quite a lot of effort, it’s quite worth it if the person means a lot to you. Sometimes a well-designed, or should we say a well-crafted cake can make the person celebrating the birthday feel very special.

We’ve all received cakes in the past, so we know how great it feels when we see that they’ve put in the required effort to make it very personalized, representing something related to our lifestyle, hobby or profession. Make someone’s day better by using these seven cool ideas and implementing them into your cake-making decision.

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