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6 Major Benefits of Industrial LED Lighting

When incandescent light bulbs first came up as an idea in the 1800s, they quickly became the standard all over the world and in the 20th century, every home, market, car, and flashlight used this type of lighting. They are cheap to produce and require no complicated machinery to manufacture. However, incandescent light is the most inefficient method of producing light out of all the other options. This is where LEDs come in. They may not be cheap, but their efficiency and durability are what convinced the industrial world to switch over.

These days, every business in the industrial sector utilizes LEDs because anything else is either too expensive or inefficient. The price of one bulb might be expensive, but when in the long run, a business is able to save tons of money. And that is not the only benefit of LEDs.

To show the importance of industrial LED lighting, I decided to write this article and focus on all the major benefits. I hope that I will manage to cover the most important pieces of information on this topic.

Source: Octa Light

1. Long lifespan

One of the most obvious benefits of the LED technology is the fact that the bulbs have a very long lifespan. It is the type of lightbulb that can last longer than any other you can find on the market.

The average LED has a life span of around 50,000 hours. That is at least 50 times better than the incandescent bulbs that most people have at home. Those 50,000 hours amount to more than 60 months, or over five and a half years. That is a very long time even industrially. When you consider that a bulb does not always work 24/7, you can imagine just how long it can last. Some of them could work for ten years and more.

Keep in mind that this is the average life span. There are some diodes that could last up to 100,000 hours. That is really impressive.

It is important to mention that this is also considerably better than halogen or fluorescent too.

Source: entrepreneur

2. Low maintenance costs

The average life span of an incandescent bulb is anywhere between 700 and 2,000 hours. That is around a quarter of a year. So, in reality, it could last an entire year if used very irregularly. In other words, you would have to replace it quite regularly.

Now, let’s consider using such a bulb in the industrial sector. In one factory, there could easily be a hundred slots for bulbs to deliver proper lighting. Some larger ones could range to thousand or tens of thousands. Imagine having to replace every single one of them every 80 days or less. One hundred of them with the lowest price of around 70 cents. That’s easy $200 or $300 a year. In comparison, you would pay $1,000 for one hundred LEDs in just one year, but they would last for the next five years or a lot longer than that. It is ridiculous just how much money a business could save by making this kind of one-time investment.

However, to get the most out of your money, you should get reliable LED industrial lights ghv.de for optimal performance and energy efficiency.

But, the benefits and cost savings do not end there. We also have to consider the low energy consumption.

Source: LIVING.ca

3. Energy consumption

Businesses in the industrial sector waste thousands or even millions of dollars every year on electricity. This is why so many companies are doing everything they can to cut down on unnecessary costs. But, achieving that is difficult, especially when certain machines can spend hundreds of kW in just a few hours.

Fortunately, this is where LEDs come into play. Light-emitting diodes are one of the most energy-efficient light bulbs that you can find on the market. These diodes utilize about 90% of the energy you send to it or even more while regular incandescent ones waste about 90% of the power and dissipate it into heat. That is why your room always feels warmer when you turn on the lights.

The average diode can spend around 14 watts per hour. Depending on its size, it could be even less. Some consume only around 4-5 watts. Compare that to the 90W, 100W, or even 150W incandescent bulbs. The difference is huge. What is even more impressive is the fact that LEDs can actually be brighter. Yes, at only 10 watts, they can shine brighter than those that run on 100W. That is probably why energy-efficiency is usually calculated with lumen per watt.

Source: Lighting Electricians

4. Safety

Every business owner or company has the obligation to ensure the safety and health of the employees. Believe it or not, but the lighting that you use has a great impact on that.

As I mentioned previously, traditional incandescent bulbs produce a lot of heat. Most of the energy they receive is produced into heat. In enclosed spaces or rooms with bad air circulation, the bulb can radiate quite a lot of heat in its surrounding area, considering that the filament inside heats up to 3000 degrees Celsius.

This poses a serious fire risk. Dry and flammable materials around such lighting could catch on fire. You must avoid such situations at all costs, otherwise, you might be putting the lives of your employees at a risk.

Source: Mazzella Companies

5. Smaller form-factor

What I find most impressive about LEDs is the fact that they can be small than a millimeter. That is probably why so many display manufacturers switched to this technology. You could put hundreds of diodes in a 20-inch monitor.

That smaller form-factor can also be appreciated in the industrial sector. Tiny light diodes could be installed in tight and enclosed spaces which is much better than the standard size bulbs that we are used to.


6. Range of color

This might not have a huge role in the industrial sector, but it is still worth mentioning. LEDs have the ability to emit light in a range of colors. With the use of red, green, and blue, they can achieve any color you want. This can be used for decorative and atmospheric purposes.

As you can see from all the points above, there are definitely some impressive benefits of industrial LEDs.

5 Common Reasons for Renting Storage Space

Source: Pinterest.com

I have seen many people being confused with the fact that I am using storage space. When I mention the subject, I always get asked: “Why do you need one?” The answer to that question is never simple because I usually have several reasons why I am doing that. If you are wondering the same thing or contemplating whether you should make the same kind of move, I assure you that there is always a reason to consider doing it. Although, those reasons might not always be that apparent.

Either way, I believe that most people should consider getting or renting a storage space because it can be very useful. Unfortunately, only a small number understand just how useful it is and everyone else questions the decision.

To make the storage space become a more common and acceptable thing, I decided to write this article and talk about the most common reasons people consider renting them. I hope that this article will provide you with enough information to sway your decision.

1. It is great for moving

Source: StowNest

If you have not moved to a different home in your life previously, I assure you it is one of the most frustrating and stressful experiences one can go through. Although, if you have gone through such an experience, you probably already know how stressful it can be and you will do everything in your power to make the transition to a new home faster and better.

However, achieving that is not exactly easy. Moving thousands of items, fragile pieces of jewelry, television sets, and all kinds of furniture from one location to another is very complicated. Things could easily break or get lost during transport.

To make things easier for yourself during this transition, renting a storage space could be very helpful. How? Well, there are different moving situations where this kind of service could be helpful.

For example, if you want to host an open house when trying to sell it, it would probably be smart to clean up the place to attract more customers. But, how can potential buyers be interested in your home if it is cluttered with so many different items and pieces of furniture? The answer is easy. They will not be interested in what you have to offer.

But, maybe it is not about cleaning the place up. You just have to get rid of all those stuff in your home. Instead of throwing them out, you could just send them to your storage unit and then bring them back whenever you need them.

Renting a storage unit will be useful during the moving process after you sold your home. If you have sold your old home and you are still waiting for the keys to your new one, you could keep all of your stuff somewhere safely while waiting. Once you get the keys, you can unload the storage and then send everything to your new house or apartment.

2. Redecorating or renovating

Source: The Wow Decor

Another very stressful and common situation is read decoration or renovation. This frustrating project can be a problem for everyone in your family because you have to move all of your furniture from one room to another. Once the renovation is done, you need to put all of the furniture back and then work on the other room. But, to work in that other room, you have to remove the furniture from there.

This back and forth process is very annoying and takes an unnecessary amount of time. To avoid that, you could just take all of your stuff, bring them to a storage unit and return them once all of the renovations in your home are done.

3. It is a great alternative if you do not have a basement

Source: Neighbor Storage

The basement is a very useful feature of any building. This is the place where you can store all kinds of items and furniture. Whenever you need some of those items, you can just go down to the basement.

Unfortunately, many apartment buildings and houses lack this kind of feature. So, if you ever find yourself in need of extra room to store all of your stuff, you can just rent a storage unit for how long you want as suggested by Extraraum.

4. Make your home spacious

Source: Small Business Trends

Traditionally, many homes are filled with all kinds of decorations, furniture, or items to fill up space. But, that kind of traditional style is starting to fade and more modern designs are coming into play. These days, if you want a modern home, you need to decorate it as simple as possible. Basically, everything that does not have a clear purpose to be in your home, you should remove.

I have seen a lot of people following this new modern and minimalist style. So, if you are interested in that kind of thing, you could get yourself a storage unit to make your home spacious.

And, if you ever want to bring back the traditional style you used to have, you can always just take back your items from the storage unit. You do not lose anything.

5. Great for business inventory

Source: Medium

You could find a storage unit to be useful for your business too. Finding office space that is large enough these days to store all of your inventory is impossible. That kind of office does not exist or it is probably too expensive to buy or rent.

However, if you have a company that offers storage spaces nearby, why not use that to your advantage? You can keep all of the inventory there and whenever you need it, you can always go and get it. In the unit, all of your inventory will always be safe from any kind of damage or theft. Even if someone does still some of your products, you will always be reimbursed from the company.

I could go on with many more reasons why it is a good idea to rent a storage unit, but I believe that these five reasons I mentioned above are good enough to convince anyone.

9 Useful Techniques For Reaching More Customers

Whatever it is that you do, if you want your business to be successful you need a good marketing strategy. It’s absolutely essential for any business to grow. If you want to grow, you need to attract the customers and clients and the first step towards it is to reach them. Reaching new customers can be a little tricky, however, if you know what you’re doing and you have a good marketing strategy in place – it should be a piece of cake. Since there is no one ideal strategy that will work for every business, we’ve decided to present you with a couple of useful techniques and strategies that you can use to reach more potential customers. Let’s get started.

1. Blogging

Blogging is on the best and most commonly used techniques by business owners whose goal is to attract more customers while also providing them with educational and quality content. If you have a blog, you can answer all kinds of different questions and offer solutions to specific problems anyone might encounter. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you’d blog about brand awareness, the importance of a logo and other things that are related to your business. Identify the problem and offer a solution.

Source: Lifewire

2. SEO

A blog with interesting and educational content that doesn’t reach many people isn’t particularly useful. If you don’t have an audience, you need to build one. That’s where SEO comes in handy. Applying SEO or Search Engine Optimization techniques will help your posts reach more users by ranking closer to the top of search engines like Google or Bing. Use keywords, catchy titles that are often searched for and just write quality content. The important thing to know is that all your posts should be optimized, so any time a term related to your business is searched for – you posts show up on top.

3. Email Marketing

Many people believe that this is an outdated strategy and that virtually no one reads non-work related emails anymore. However, that’s not the case. If the email contains content that’s appealing or interesting to the recipient, it’s going to be read. Any form of advertisement is useful to someone if they care about the content – to them, it’s not just an ad. So, feel free to create a newsletter and use email marketing techniques to reach more people. Any one of them could become a customer in the future.

Source: Fastpitch News

4. Social Media

You’ve probably noticed this, but social media has evolved throughout the years. Nowadays, it’s a lot more than a platform used to share photos of your lunch and pets – it’s a lot more than that. Even Instagram has redesigned its interface and has placed a Shop in a spot where Notifications used to be. Marketing your store or a business has never been easier to do – all you need is a social media account. Fill your account with quality content, engage with your audience and watch your customer base grow. If you feel like you don’t have the time or the will to do any of the things yourself, that’s perfectly fine.

Check out https://www.progressive-media.de/local-listing/ for more details.

5. Video Blogging

We are visual beings. Nowadays, the attention span of most people is almost non-existent when it comes to any advertisement. However, most of the content humans consume nowadays is visual and there’s a chance there. YouTube has become the number one platform for people to consume their video content and you should take advantage of that. By creating videos, you can communicate more valuable and interesting information in less time than if you were to do so in a written form. The best thing is, if you grow a large audience you can even earn money from it – so it’s a win-win situation.

Source: MAD Group

6. Targeted Advertising

The easiest way to grab someone’s attention is to offer them something that they might want. To do that via ads, you need to understand your customer base. You need to know, in general, what they like and dislike, which age group they belong to, what are their interests and more. With that in mind, you can run sponsored posts as a targeted advertisement specifically to the people you feel might be interested in what you have to offer. That way, you’re making sure that your ad doesn’t go unnoticed.

7. Sponsored Links

Another way to reach more customers is to run a sponsored link on a different page, preferably related to your business in any way. Basically, the purpose of this is that it allows people that aren’t aware of your business find out about you through other channels like blogs, social media or websites. These are seamlessly integrated so that they grab attention, but not disrupt the user experience as that could cause a completely opposite effect.

Source: SEO Hacker

8. Encourage Reviews

A good review can go a long way. By having a lot of positive reviews, you leave a really good first impression. However, it’s not easy to do so as for the most people reviewing or rating a business or a product doesn’t come naturally – at least not when they have something good to say about it. That’s why it is advised for you to encourage your existing customers to leave a review or rate your business or product. You can do so by engaging with them via social media or a newsletter, for instance.

9. Contests

We love free stuff, it’s just the way it is. The good thing is, this can be used to your advantage. By organizing a giveaway or a contest, you can easily spread brand awareness. Let’s take a look at an example, you create a post in which you announce a giveaway. All that’s required to enter is to share and like the post and tag three friends in the comment section – that easy. Let’s say only ten of your followers enter the giveaway – that’s 30 tags in the comment section. That’s 30 people that maybe didn’t know your business existed. Not to mention the number of people reached by sharing the post.

Source: Black Propeller

As you can tell, there are many different techniques and strategies you can use across different platforms to reach new customers. All it takes is a little bit of effort and some knowledge. Hopefully, with this article, we’ve managed to help you or at least give you an idea on what you can do to grow your customer base.

Best Ways to Invest Money in Ukraine and Generate Income

Investment has always been a good way to generate or increase your income. Ukraine is a God gifted country where a number of investment opportunities are available. No good business is without risk, so keep it out of your mind that you can make millions of dollars without doing anything risky. If you will aim big and step in the right direction, there is no one stopping you from flying high in Ukraine. We present a list of ways that are relevant specifically for Ukraine and will help everyone make money even with minimal investment:

Business investment

This method is only for those who like to take risks. It is necessary to understand that not every business may turn out to be profitable, but what is financially attractive to try is a fact. You can start your own business or simply invest partially in the business of another person. Contact gtinvest.com.ua for investment assistance in Ukraine. Those businesses that have calculated risks and involve a basic profit margin are always successful. Some business may turn to a very big noticeable success;

Source: Howling Acres

Real estate

Always a win-win investment option, especially now, when there is a peak in real estate price drops in Ukraine. Bought now, then sold or leased. You can invest in real estate properties that are increasing their worth day by day;

Internet projects/startups

With the advancement in the internet and technology, the number of internet projects is increasing on a daily basis. If you have a very good idea for any internet project, do not hesitate to start. It is a very risky way since there are very few guarantees from such projects. You can get a good profit by investing in a very promising startup, or you can get into scammers. Having proper knowledge of the market and the right knowledge about the startup can help you to identify the risks and win percentage;

Source: libertyvilleins

Investment in art

The investment method is not available to everyone since art objects are expensive and cannot always be resold for real value. The artist’s investment in art can prove a real successful investment as they know the market and resell value. For connoisseurs of art, this is one of the most promising areas;

Investing in securities

Investing in securities means investing in bonds, mutual funds, stocks, etc. The most common investment method used by both small and large companies. Investing in securities can be very tricky. Only a few people can invest in securities. If you have proper knowledge of securities and know how markets run, it can be a good option. Many people may withdraw from investing in securities due to different reasons. In this direction, the most important thing is to find a licensed, reliable broker who will help you buy and sell securities at the initial stages.

Source: Brazen Real Estate Agents

Real estate investment

It is familiar to all of us that if there is a large enough amount of funds, it must be invested in real estate. This is understandable since it is almost impossible to lose such an object. But at the same time, not everyone knows that there are also disadvantages of such investments in addition to the pros. The advantages of real estate investment are much more when compared to the disadvantages. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of real estate investment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of investing in real estate is the win-win of such a business. An apartment will always be liquid, and you can always get income from renting it out, etc. In principle, everyone knows about the pros, and most people are interested in the disadvantages of such an activity. Here are some major cons of investing in real estate

Source: thebalancesmb

Cons of real estate investments:

– A lot of capital is required to start;

– Additional funds are needed to maintain the apartment;

– For some properties, demand may fall in line with demand.

Types of real estate for investment, which one is profitable to invest in?

And here the question is brewing, what kind of real estate to invest in? Let us note that it is not rational for ordinary citizens to invest in commercial real estate. An exception is if it is needed for the business. All other types must be chosen from your own preferences, for example, with the possibility of using this object in the future for your own purposes. Your own experience can prove much more beneficial for you. It would be best if you gave importance to your experience that you have in a particular field. If you are going to invest in profitable real estate, then here you will find the widest commercial real estate objects.

Types of real estate that can become an investment object:

– Residential Properties

– Commercial property

– Land

– Suburban

– Under construction

Source: mashvisor

Ways to generate income from real estate

There is no special secret that real estate investment is always profitable and very often not subject to risks. But, for some reason, for most of us, the profit from such a property is only in the lease. But it is not so. One method is to take an apartment or any other property for the short term and sell it with a 5 to 10% profit within a few weeks. There is also another way to make a profit through rent. The method is widespread not only in Ukraine but also in all countries of the world. A person buys real estate and then rents it out. A highly successful method can become at the peak of the crisis when an apartment or house can be bought cheap and then rented out very expensive.


There may be different kinds of investment in very seasons and various situations you can make and earn a handsome amount of money. Real estate investment in Ukraine can be very worthy if you have some bucks in your pocket. Suppose you’re an imaginary person with some big idea to do an internet startup and avoid scammers. If you have any kind of artistic ability and you know the market trends. Investment in art can be a good benefit for you.

5 Fantastic Benefits of Smart Home Technologies

We already witnessed our smartphones’ outstanding capabilities, and we believe there is even more to see. As technology advances, new devices appear and make our everyday lives more comfortable. A couple of years back, smart technology made its way into our homes and allowed us to have complete control over every single detail — from lighting and heating to energy usage and security.

Having the ability to control everything in your home is one of the most important digital world trends. By installing smart appliances in your house and interconnecting them with one device (your smartphone, for example), allows you to follow and know everything that’s going on.

Still, if this type of integration scares or overwhelms you, we’re here to list some of the best reasons why you should “smart-up” your home.

1. Increased Security to Protects Yourself, Your Family, and Belongings

Source: John Style

You can start off by installing security cameras into your home and integrating them with the home automation system. They will provide you with a live feed that will appear on your mobile or any other connected device you use. With security cameras, you can check in on your kids or make sure your pets aren’t making a mess. Moreover, some devices can detect any fallen objects and activate an alarm, which is perfect when your baby is in another room.

If you don’t like the idea of having cameras in your home, there are other options you can use — motion sensors, alarm systems, wi-fi door locks, and even video doorbells. That way, you’ll know what’s happening at any moment, even if you’re away from home on vacation.

The wi-fi door locks are an excellent option for the people who are always wondering whether they locked the front door or the garage. If you enable this option, you could check that with just a few taps on your mobile device.

2. Reduced Energy Bills

Source: LED Lighting Technology

In addition to your safety, smart home technologies are growing in popularity because of their energy-efficiency. Installing smart devices in your home will only help save energy and reduce all your bills. You can start by replacing the basic light bulbs with LED ones or buying an induction cooker that will only react if you put a metal pot or saucepan on top of it.

If your home is on the sunny side most of the time, you’re probably using the AC too often. One solution is buying smart blinds you can control on your device — they will protect your home from the heat, and you’ll use the AC less.

Additionally, smart technology can help you with everyday stuff, like forgetting to turn the lights on or the AC off when you’re leaving the house. With smart lighting and thermostats, you can control how much electric energy you waste. Once you see the reduced bills, you’ll look for new ways to integrate smart home technologies.

3. All Devices and Appliances Are Connected

Source: Brif.rs

As we mentioned before, you can connect all the smart home devices to your smartphone or tablet, obtaining complete control over every appliance. You don’t have to be near the house to adjust some things — you can be in another city, as far as we’re concerned.

Still, you’d be able to have insight into all the appliances and make adjustments if necessary, like turning down the AC, choosing the right music for your mood, rewinding the security camera footage, or turning up the lights as it gets dark.

Apart from the AC, you can control every heating source. For example, if you’ve installed floor heating under your Ambient Bamboo Flooring, you’d be able to turn it up a notch before you arrive home from work. That way, your house will be warm and cozy when you enter.

Usually, smart home technology has one interface located somewhere in the house. It’s like a hub that connects all the devices, allowing you to have a clear overview of every appliance and situation. So, you can choose to control it from that hub or your mobile device, or both — whatever works for you.

4. Smart Homes Are Convenient and Time-Saving

Source: Smart Home

Since you can run your home from basically anywhere, smart technologies will save you precious time. For instance, you can answer your front door and let your visitors and guests in, wherever you are. You won’t have to run from your living room or kitchen, just tap on your mobile device, and the door will open.

On the other hand, if you’re always on the move and don’t always have enough time to check everything before running off to work, you can check everything once you’re in your office. If you create a to-do list for your home, you can get it all done via your smartphone.

Essentially, it’s important to know that smart homes are designed to make your everyday life more convenient. Smart homes represent the future, and if the opportunity presents itself, why not give it a try?

5. Smart Home Technologies Give You Peace of Mind

Source: Gurita

We already said it, and we’ll say it again — smart homes are there to give you peace of mind. First off, these systems will fortify your home security and turn it into an impenetrable fortress. Secondly, you’ll have full control over every possible device and appliance. Forgot to turn off the stove? One click. Forgot to turn the AC off? One click. Not sure if you locked the door? Well, you already know the answer.

At this moment, installing smart home technologies can be expensive. Still, it shouldn’t drive you away. You can start off small and add more devices as you go. These technologies will become more affordable at some point, and you’ll be able to experiment more and see how you like it.

But there is no denying it — smart homes are the future standard, and we believe they aren’t a trend that will pass. Everyone wants their home to be a safe place, and these technologies are here to help you do just that.

3 Things You Should Know About Cryptocurrency Security

Source. Medium

Cryptocurrency, the business of the future and the most lucrative investment opportunity at the moment according to many experts and entrepreneurs. Digital currencies revolutionized the way people perceive money and everything related to the economy in general, but unfortunately, they are still not nearly as present as they could be.

This largely has to do with the fact that average people do not know a lot about it. They are not familiar with the benefits virtual currencies can have for them and their earnings and are therefore reluctant to get into the game and make financial changes. Things are not that bleak, however, far from it, as more and more people are slowly realizing the potential and deciding to diversify their portfolios in favor of virtual currencies.

Those still hesitant about joining in on the fun are largely worried about losing their money in the process, or perhaps their personal information due to a hacker attack. All in all, it can be said that cryptocurrency security is the reason why we do not have more investors, and people generally enthusiastic about virtual currencies.

With this in mind, the article before you is going to reveal the most important things you should know about digital currencies and their security, letting you know that there is nothing major to worry about. At least not more than you are already worried about traditional, fiat currencies you use every day. If you are looking to learn more about the topic at hand and perhaps decide to invest, make sure to visit www.advfn.com.

1. Blockchain Technology

Source: investinblockchain

The basic principles on which the digital currencies of the world are able to exist and work has to do with the technology that powers them. It is called blockchain and you have probably heard about it on many occasions in the last ten years. It refers to the transaction records known as blocks that are stored in public databases.

These databases of every single virtual currency transaction are also known as chains, hence the catchy name of blockchain. This is essentially a network of peer to peer nodes (computers and servers dealing with crypto) that are mutually connected. A far more useful and popular name for the chains and blocks together is ‘digital ledger’ as it is literally a ledger of all the transfers between people. So what makes this tech special you may ask? Well, it is quite special indeed due to the fact that every single transaction has the digital signature of the owner.

This approach prevents the data from being tampered with and keeps it safe. It is a highly secure way of keeping every transaction safe and sound, away from the eyes of anyone who means them harm.

2. No Third Parties

Source: Crypto Intelligence Agency

Directly relating to blockchain technology, is perhaps the biggest fan-favorite feature of cryptos. They are decentralized, which means there are no third parties involved like there are with regular money. With dollars, euros, pounds, and franks, the governments, banks, and other institutions impose a ton of laws and rules that people have to follow if they are to use the services and the money itself. Worst of all, there are hefty fees involved that award those third parties with a small percentage of every transaction.

These are minuscule, but they do add up between the millions using the same types of service. In the world of cryptocurrencies, there are only two sides to every transaction, the buyer and the seller. Or, alternatively, the sender and the receiver. No intermediaries are overlooking the transaction and nobody is getting the cut simply for providing the means for it to be carried out. All the money stays between the two parties. This is another reason why security is easier to implement and harder to breach.

3. Anonymity

Source: Forbes

When you are using regular money and bank accounts, everything can be traced back to you in some capacity. This is especially true if you are doing everything digitally. Just remember how much info you have to put in to order a simple T-shirt online. They ask for your full name, age, address, and phone number. Then, you must also put in your financial info including the card number and the security code. What else is there for them to take?

Chances are you usually shop from a number of different places, which means dozens of shops and services have your data stored in their ledgers. Although it is illegal to use it in any way, in case of a hacker attack those who are not supposed to have it may use it for their suspicious deeds giving you a ton of problems. None of this exists in the world of digital currency. Transactions are easy to do and pretty straightforward, and best of all, none of your personal data is connected to it. Everything is done through electric wallets that have your crypto balance in them.

Each wallet has a unique address that you only use for transactions. Each transaction is encrypted and practically impossible to hack into while it is happening. What is more, the wallets themselves remain anonymous, and despite being public, nobody knows who is behind them. Nothing except the lengthy code is displayed, as well as the balance.

Anonymity is very important when it comes to trading large amounts online. Traditional Brokers apply strick KYC Verifiction Proccesses. They ask traders to send them via email their governement ID and a proof of address (most often this is a utility bill). However, there are Cryptobrokers (Brokers that use a deposit method Bitcoin) dont ask traders to verify their account. Traders can trade Cryptocurrencies anonymously using leverage in cryptobrokers with no KYC Verification, check the following list.

Conclusion and Takeaways

Source: tscnet

As you can see from these three relatively easy to understand entries to our list of crucial security features of cryptocurrencies, they are very safe to use by anyone. If you are computer savvy and know how to securely navigate the generally dangerous and suspicious waters of the web, you have nothing to worry about. The most important thing to remember is never to give anyone access to your electronic wallet and not even tell them what your unique code is.

During transactions, whether you are buying, selling, or transferring a certain balance, you and the wallet on the other side (we say wallet and not person because that is exactly the point of the anonymity) are the only ones to see it or interact with it. When the transaction is complete, it can never be overturned and reversed. Completed transactions are stored in the ledger as proof and that is it. Hackers, cybercriminals, or anyone else looking to take advantage of you are powerless.

3 VIP Casinos Around the World

Source: Unsplash.com

There are many casinos around the world that cater to VIP players. Most of the world famous casino resorts offer special perks to high rollers that are willing to bet big and risk losing a lot of money. You can enjoy the best of the best in terms of gaming and amenities and you’ll get plenty of free perks along the way. According to www.CasinoRobots.com there are also many high stakes casinos online and you can find them on their site.

Red Carpet Treatment

Source: www.imaginethiscomic.com

If you’re looking for a place where you’ll be treated like a king or a queen, there are some casinos that you simply can’t miss. Make sure that you put them on your bucket list so that you can experience the most luxurious time of your life.

Some of the benefits offered to high-stakes players include free flights, hotel rooms, spa experiences, events, meals and shows. When you arrive at the closest airport to the casino you’ll be met with a chauffeured car to pick you up. You’ll be provided with a luxury suite in the hotel that has been designed especially for high rollers. In fact, there are some VIP gamblers that can spend many months in these suites.

The casino wants you to feel completely comfortable during your stay. You may expect to receive free gifts, bottles of aged, rare wine and a variety of other benefits. If you need anything and don’t want to leave the resort because you’re too busy in the casino, a private shopper can be arranged for you. The idea is to keep you free and not having to run any errands so that you can spend more time gambling.

You can also expect to receive larger deposit bonuses, faster withdrawals, more loyalty points and high-priority customer support. Take a look at the 3 VIP casinos below to find out the ones that we recommend highly.

1. Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Source: Agoda

Located in downtown Las Vegas you’ll find the cosmopolitan right beside the Bellagio. It offers more than 100,000 ft.² of space for gaming with plenty of high-stakes opportunities. Although it isn’t the biggest casino in Vegas, it’s definitely one of the best for high rollers and VIPs.

One of the things that sets this casino apart from the others is its penthouse suites, which are available by invitation only. You cannot go into the hotel and book a room on your own unless you have been personally invited to do so by the staff. In order to receive an invitation you’ll have to gamble in the 3-room area found on the 71st floor. This is where you can experience the tables with the highest limits.

There are slot machines in another gaming area allowing you to place bets up to $500. These are apart from the invitation-only gaming spaces. These machines are located in the area for high limit slots, which is very impressive. In this part of the casino you can experience the FastPay Technology that provides direct jackpot payments. In this area you’ll also find the Tarzan slot machine with its top jackpot resetting at $20,000.

There is another games lounge with high limit tables with all bets starting at $100. Here you can play baccarat, roulette and blackjack and you’ll have the ability to bet high. You don’t need an invitation to play in this part of the casino.

2. Sun City Casino, South Africa

Source: Magazine Belles Demeures

If you’re looking to get away from it all to experience a luxurious casino then head over to Sun City to experience one of the best VIP casinos in the world. Sun City is a popular destination for tourists and the casino has a great reputation for catering to high rollers.

This casino opened its doors in 1979 and it features 2 golf courses and 4 hotels. The Gary Player Country Club is also located here and attracts some of the best golfers in the world due to its world-renowned tournaments. Many players that want to bet big choose the Sun City Hotel Casino as their preferred destination. There are progressive jackpots on some of the 330 slot machines and the casino offers roulette, punto banco, poker and blackjack tables.

High rollers know that $1 million stakes are a regular occurrence here. VIPs hold a membership and are provided with a Sun MVG card, which allows them to gain access to the exclusive Salon Prive where the minimum bets for VIP gaming start at 500R. Experience something different by booking a trip to South Africa to enjoy all the luxury features provided by the Sun City Casino.

3. Wynn Resort and Casino

Source: Focus Gaming News

This is another luxury casino located in Las Vegas where you can bet high and hope that lady luck is on your side. It is considered to be one of the best high roller casinos in the city and across the world. If you aren’t a VIP you can take part in the gaming in one of the largest casinos to be found in Las Vegas. It has almost 200,000 ft.² of gaming area.

If you’re travelling here as a high roller you should be prepared to bet anywhere from $10,000 all the way up to $50,000 per night. You should also be willing to bet a minimum of $250 per hand. You’ll be allowed to enter a private VIP room where you can maximize your bets and enjoy all of the perks and benefits offered in these exclusive rooms.

If you are a serious high roller you’ll want to be sure to make your way to the Wynn Sky Casino. This is for VIPs that are willing to bring their game up to the next level. This casino is located on the 63rd floor of the Encore Tower. In order to play here it’s expected that you have booked a private room. You’ll also need to have an available bankroll of at least $300,000. This is the place to go when you want to experience the ultimate gaming opportunities.

When you are a high roller you don’t want to waste your time looking for the best VIP casinos around the world. This is why we have highlighted 3 of the very best for you. Now it’s time to pack your bags and book an amazing getaway to one of these exceptional high roller casinos.

4 Smart Ways to Ship Your Belongings Overseas

Moving can be ultra-stressful. From finding a new flat, to moving all your stuff from one location to another, it’s simply time and nerve consuming, except for those who are armed with personal assistants and hired help. However, the moving process of us, mortals, does not necessarily have to result in permanent nerve damage. The way we experience life is all about our view of it, so if you concentrate on all the possibilities your new home will give you, especially if you’re moving overseas, then there’s no reason not to feel thrilled for the adventure ahead.

When it comes to packing our belongings, it would be cool if we could simply leave out all our stuff, pack the bags, grab the key to the new apartment and leave for where everything awaits you ready to settle in. Reality is often completely opposite. Moving requires tons of planning and deciding on priorities. When you have been living in one place for a period of time, it is not easy to make a decision what to leave behind and what to take with you. It is in human nature to feel sentimental about places and objects. Most of the time we are not even aware of how attached we are to things, only when we have to move we realise how much we have accumulated. And that’s where the confusion begins.

No need to worry, we’re here to tell you, or rather explain, how there are smart methods to prioritize and ship your belongings overseas. Since this is the toughest moving assignment. Continue reading to learn more.

1. Sea freight container

Source: Central American Group

There’s not much choice when moving overseas, to ship all your belongings to another continent, then to hire a company that will do the logistics. However, you can choose how your belongings will be shipped, air or sea. What has shown to be the most efficient and acceptable way, price-wise is to send your stuff via ship container. Many professional companies are offering the logistics for you, read more to find out how you can hire them to help you.

Once you hire them, arrange the most convenient date for the container to arrive at your home, so you can get your belongings ready for shipment. No need to worry, because the container does not have to be loaded at once. Take your time, and once it is loaded, call the company again, to pick up the container. The usual procedure when hiring a moving service is that you need not worry about the container transport, it is usually delivered to your door, and the service will also take it to the port, to be loaded on a ship. An agent is assigned to you, for helping you deal with all the necessary paperwork, as well as for tracking your shipment. Be aware that sea shipment requires time, so as soon as you find out you’re moving, start preparing things that need to be shipped, to send them at least 2 months earlier.

There are two options you’ll choose between when shipping via sea freight container, and the choice will depend on how much belongings you have and how much space will they require. Therefore, you’ll choose either the full container or a part of it. If you choose the full option, you won’t share it with anyone, whilst in the second option, you’ll share the container with someone else’s belongings.

2. Airfreight shipping

Source: a. hartrodt

It’s not the most common way, but it still is a smart way to move your belongings, mainly because it’s faster. Sometimes we don’t have the luxury of planning ahead. If you’ve just found out that you’ll be moving to another country, overseas, then you’ll need to act quickly. Some may say, then just leave everything behind and get moving. Well, moving is a process, and if you didn’t have enough time to plan your life in the place of your future residence, chances are you might need most of your belongings. Visa and other papers are more of a priority than buying furniture for a place a thousand miles away.

Air shipping in this case is an ideal solution because it will not take as much time as sea shipping, although it is more expensive, as you would probably guess. Another thing about this type of shipping is that it comes with limitations in weight, due to the fact it’s shipping via plane. So, if you have more things to ship, then maybe consider shipping in a couple of flights. The weight of the cargo determines the price.

3. Consider hiring a packing expert

Source: Pack It Up Moving & Storage

These people come in very handy in times of moving. Of course, your family and friends can help you with packing and everything else, but the packing experts know exactly how to pack certain things in order to avoid transport damages, for example. If you’re shipping fragile things like glass, or even technological equipment, you want to make sure they reach their destination in one piece. When hired, they also bring their own materials for packing, so this is one additional burden taken off your back. No need to go cardboard boxes hunting in the local supermarket.

Some of us are simply not gifted with the talent for saving space and smart sorting, their expertise comes in handy for people like that. They can fold your things and organize them in a way that will take less possible space. And sort it out with such a technique that will save you your precious time wondering which box contains what, in other words finding your stuff once they reach the destination.

4. Rent a storage

Source: The New Daily

When your belongings finally reach their destination, you need to store them somewhere to be safe, until you move as well. Many times, they will arrive before you, or they’ll need a place to be in until you find your own place to stay. Renting storage in this situation is a good idea if you don’t have an alternative. The moving service you’ve hired to ship your belongings overseas can also provide a transportation service to the storage space.

Like we mentioned at the beginning of this article, moving can be stressful only if you choose it to be. Otherwise, there are plenty of smart ways to move stress-free.

Ways to Understand Whether Your Friendship is Turning into Romance

Not every friendship is made to last. Sometimes, they turn into a romance! How can you tell when your friendship is starting to become a relationship-in-the-making? We’re going to show you the ways you can tell if your friendship is growing into something a little more!

Your body language and feelings changes

One of the typical “symptoms” that your friendship is starting to take on some romantic undertones is the way you approach the relationship changes. For example, your body language might start to change toward the person. You may desire to be closer to them physically, so you will sit near them, stand near them, and start to become more aware of where you are relative to them. It’s a subtle change, but it’s one to know. You will notice that you are completely absorbed in conversation with them, too.

You hang on their every word even if they are talking about something completely mundane. You should also feel a change in the way that you think about them. You will start feeling like they’re not just your friend but also someone you care for and want to care about you. That’s a big distinction and a sure sign that things are changing. When you feel a change in your relationship with a friend, and you suspect that you are falling in love, use the advice of this site to check it out.

Source: Business Insider

You get jealous

Let’s start off by saying that jealousy is not healthy. However, it is a sign that you have a fear of losing this person in some way. You might be jealous when they hang out with another potential romantic partner because that would ensure you never have a chance with them. You might be jealous that someone else is spending time with them when you are not able to. That feeling of bitterness and anger will linger in the back of your mind and boil in your stomach, and that’s how you know the relationship has a new dimension to it.

If you hang out with someone else, they become the third wheel

Another way that you can tell your friendship is morphing into something more romantic is when you hang out with other people. When you and your best friend hang out with a third person, do you notice that one of you is being edged out? Do you and your friend constantly find things to talk about while the other person has to sit on the phone or try fruitlessly to butt into your conversations? That means they’ve become the third wheel, a person who does not have a partner to talk to. The reason that you and your friend can’t stop talking is that you find one another so interesting.

You can barely take your third friend’s feelings into account because your desire to chat with your romantic interest is so powerful. You will never understand how awkward it can be to be the third wheel until you are one. But as soon as you become the third wheel, you will see that the other two people are bound for a relationship, even if they don’t realize they’re starting to like each other!

Source: NBC News

Your friend is constantly on your mind

When you find out something interesting during the day, who do you want to tell? If the first person on your mind is that one specific friend over and over again, then it’s a sign your friendship is deeper. Sure, it could mean that you have a very strong bond and want to share funny jokes or occurrences with each other. Yet, if there are times during the day when all you do is think about them, then there is probably a very good reason for that.

You want to be with them and talk to them because you have a romantic interest! It’s that simple! The constant thinking, worrying, and jealous thoughts that you have throughout the day are all a sign that you want to be with that person. You hold them in such high regard that you might space out for minutes just wondering what they’re doing and how they’re feeling right now.

You always talk about him

The last sign that your friendship is turning into a romance is that you’re always talking about him. Every time someone talks about a topic, you manage to find a way to bring your friend up. There are a few reasons for this to occur. First off, that person is on your mind all the time, so you can’t help but mention them when you’re chatting with friends. If you catch yourself doing this, your friends have probably already noticed that you mention him all the time, and they’re aware that you want to date him.

A second reason that you bring up your friend all the time is that you want other people to give you their opinions about him. You might want to hear what your friends think of him before you pursue him, or you may wish to hear if someone else in your group of friends is interested in him as well. Either way, after a few dozen times of casually mentioning a guy in a conversation, your friends will get probably tell you that they know you like him and that you should start laying the groundwork to tell the friend! Either way, if you can’t stop talking about his dreamy eyes, wonderful ideas, or personality, then your friendship is turning to romance.

Source: The Gottman Institute

Romance can be a subtle thing. You might be friends with someone on Monday and then want them to be your boyfriend by Friday. It happens slowly and over time, but there are signs that it’s starting to happen. Turning a friendship into a romance can be complicated, though. After all, you have to be sure that your potential partner feels the same as you, and you might not want to ruin what you already have. If you can’t stop the feelings, then you have to take a chance!

Flat Fee MLS Illinois

Want to sell your house in Illinois? And wondering how to reach the potential buyer without paying any commission to state agent? You can hire a flat fee MLS services to visible your listing at various real-state online marketplaces such as Zillow, trailo reatlor.com, and Rediff.

In the prairie state, the approximate commission rate for hiring full services real estate agents is charging almost 3% commission on Illinois’s median sale price. If you compare companies, flat fee MLS rates in Illinois are ranging from 80$ to 8OO$.

For more details, you can visit houzeo.com.

Source: Gamerboy’s Site on Strikingly

What is flat fee MLS in Illinois?

If you are a bit confused about flat fee MLS, then we can have a quick go through about flat fee MLS is the process where a state agent is hired for listing the home at affiliated listing websites. In return, the owner has to pay fixed fees instead of the commission.

It may be 1% or less than this. After listing your home on a different website, it will be visible on other marketplace platforms such as Zillow, Realtor.com, Rediff, and trailo, and potential buyers will reach you in a short time.

Different companies provide flat fee MLS (multiple listing services) in Illinois. As, other companies are offering different rates and features. You have to go through all the listing terms that how much they are charging for the listing. How many pics are allowed? Is there is any additional charges while making some changes in the listing?

You have to go through all the points while selecting any company for your flat fee MLS listing in Illinois.

Source: Medium

Process of flat fee MLS in Illinois

Now you might juggle with a question in your mind the functioning or process criteria of flat fee MLS in Illinois for your interest. I will tell you the processing of this listing procedure.

As you know, Illinois is located in the Midwestern state along the United States’ great lakes region. It is the 25th largest land in the United States of America. Similarly, it’s hard to sell or buy your house on your terms.

So, these listing platforms help you to find appropriate and authentic deals. When you put your house on a list at any Illinois database for sale purposes, the data of property is refined through the database’s MLS systems.

Affiliated real estate agents and customers have access to the house panel system. If any real estate member sold a house, there would be mentioned: “house is sold.” In flat fee, MLS listing Broker price is not based on commission. The owner already decides it before listing the home.

Through this process, you can quickly sell and buy your property.

Source: NoMoreAgent.com

Why people of Illinois now try this method frequently?

Now mostly, the people of Illinois are aware of this method. They would prefer to hire an agent on a fixed contract while paying a bulk of the amount to the real estate agent to list their house, but in the past, most people prefer to pay extra money to the actual state agent.

Instead of using this method, they think that the real estate agent is trustworthy than these software-oriented companies. But I will say people should try the flat fee MLS listing companies because they will benefit you, and they can save half of their commission cost.

Source: homeguidemyrtlebeach

What are the steps to sell your house successfully?

After having information on flat fee MLS in Illinois, the next thing that comes in mind of Illinois house owner is how to list my home at flat fee listing companies. There are relatively easy and straightforward steps, which are as follows.

  • Clean your home and make your house. Light up new lights to look more presentable do necessary maintenance.
  • Hire a professional photographer to click great photos of your house from different angles.
  • Add some information in your listing with the number of homes, bathrooms, details about the living room, kitchen, and garden area.
  • Share the location of your home while listing give some information on the site.
  • Now decide your price for the home you listed but remember to list the price according to Illinois market price.
  • Select a company providing the best packages for flat fee MLS listing in Illinois and offering you authentic and reliable services.
  • Through these websites, you can find millions of potential buyers for your home. And this listing looks the same as other properties listing which we do in the past, to maintain the tradition.
Source: waymarkhomes

Benefits of using flat fee in Illinois

There are many benefits of flat fee MLS Illinois listing. Some of them are as follows to encourage you to go for this method.

  • The most important benefit is you can save half of your hard earn money, which you have to spend on real estate agents’ commission.
  • You can list your home by your own term’s owner have the full control on it no interference of any agent is included in it.
  • You can also set prices on your own, according to the Illinois market.
  • It is beneficial for those working as the FSBOs (for sale by owner) because they have already spent a lot of money while fleeting homes and doing the initial and necessary maintenance. It will benefit them because after that they have to pay fewer amounts to the agents.
  • It will save your time by reaching potential buyers to you in just a short time, and it consumes less time while listing.
  • It will give you peace for some owners listing is the significant complications. Their process procedures take a lot much time for this purpose. It is best to lessen your difficulties and go for flat fee MLS in Illinois.
  • Flat fee MLS provides you the guidance if you are a person who is new to this field of listings and have less knowledge how to negotiate or set the price according to the market of Illinois, and then an agent can help you to resolve these problems.
Source: Spanish Legal Services


In my opinion, if you are hiring a real estate agent is a preferable choice while listing your home in Illinois. You will reach the buyer most easily and quickly. A flat fee MLS listing system in Illinois is recommendable.

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