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What Technology Will Help to Drive Safe in the Future?

Accident, the very word gives you goosebumps! Isn’t it? Accidents are mostly caused by human error which can be avoided most of the time with safe driving. However, in a few cases, unsafe roads also led to accidents. Talking about Los Angeles, it has some of the riskiest highways to drive. These include Sierra Highway, Route 74, I-405, and I-5. These roads have witnessed some of the most fatal crashes till today. But you don’t have to worry at all. Imagine you had a bad day and also met with an accident. You got injured and need to make a personal injury claim. Then, Arash Law is always there to guide in the best manner.

Well, gone are the days when road safety was limited only to airbags and seat belts. Don’t get surprised that automobile manufacturers now focus on accident prevention driving technology and many other innovations to make road journeys safe. Here is a list of technologies that would help you to steer towards safe driving. But don’t forget to use them with caution. So, let’s start!

External airbags

Source: CNET.com

Who is not aware of airbags? Airbags are an integral part to minimize the impact of crashes on occupants in the car. Now, automobile makers are focusing on utilizing airbags to reduce the impact on pedestrians as well in case of collision by fitting them externally. For instance, the Land Rover Discovery now has a sensor tube in the bumper which detects if an animal or pedestrian is hit. It also deploys an external airbag on the windshield to soften the impact on them.

Transparent Hood

Source: Nie Photography

Any guesses what the transparent hood could be? This function is one of the unique technologies to hit the market. With this, the area under the hood is visible and allows the driver to visualize obstacles and terrain easily. The system is embedded with an electronic control unit and four satellite cameras. An algorithm for image processing reconstructs the image and inserts it into surround-view to the driver. The technology would help the drivers to avoid accidents.

Warning systems

Source: Kapture

Well, you never know when there could be a frontal crash while driving in a car. The technology is designed specifically to detect awaiting front collision, which can somewhat reduce the impact. The warning system utilizes radar to scan other vehicles, animals, or pedestrians and monitor their distance and speed. The warning mechanism will either inform the driver or automatically take over and apply the brake on the vehicle.  The technology is already applied by Volvo, Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai.

Contact Sensor System

Source: cars-cares.net

The contact sensor system detects contact between a car and a person or object at cutting speed. The technology is quite useful in Los Angeles, where roads are quite dense. The system records sound signals that can be used for detecting the impact of collision. With this, the vehicle can be halted immediately. Not only this, the sensor system supports other applications such as recognizing road conditions, identifying drivers by voice, and detecting scratching.

Emergency brake

Source: Firestone Complete Auto Care Blog

Brakes are applied more often in roads with heavy traffic such as that of Los Angeles. Brakes, when applied timely, can avoid a potential road crisis. But the time to apply sudden brakes is just a matter of a few seconds. So, here comes the emergency brake feature that can identify if the brakes are applied in panic and initiates it’s faster the application than a human. It identifies the situation by analyzing the force on brakes applied by the driver. There is no doubt that the utilization of technology can reduce normal stopping distance.

Traction control systems


You might know that slippery road is one of the major causes of accidents. A traction control system is one such technology that prevents the wheel from spinning. This is especially useful when acceleration is given, or the vehicle is started on wet roads. To prevent unexpected spin of the wheels on a slippery road, the torque of each wheel is reduced all at one time. This avoids instability on a slippery road as traction is reduced in the wheels. As a result, the frequency of accidents can be reduced.

Lane Departure Warning

Do you always like to drive in the same one lane? It is considered an ideal road behavior to stick to one lane. Lane departure systems are designed specially to warn drivers and discourage lane jumping when they move to another without an indication. The system reads and monitors the markings on the road and makes a detection. And can you believe that more advanced versions of lane departure warning will have the ability to only warning. Instead it will intervene with correct braking and steering on changing the lane.

Speed Assistance

Source: Fleet3Sixty

Intelligence speed assistance is the system that ensures that your vehicle does not cross the legal speed limit. It constantly monitors the location through GPS and is enabled to calculate speed based on the distance travelled. The system then links it with the database which connects with speed limit for the road. If the analysis finds that you are about to cross the prescribed limit, it issues visual or an audio warning. The system can also be enabled with speed limiter, which is an auto mechanism that automatically slows the speed of the vehicle by cutting down the speed.

Blind -Spot Monitoring

Source: Innovv

Blind-Spot monitor is quite useful when you are driving a bus or truck. The large body vehicle causes difficulty for the drivers to see what is coming behind as the only visible view is the body of the vehicle itself. The rear end of the vehicle has ultra-sonic sensors. With these, blind-spot can provide information to the drivers whether there is something behind or when there is no need to change the lane.

Final words

The purpose of the technologies mentioned above was to make you aware of the latest innovation in vehicles. However, you should take note that most technologically advanced vehicles can also not avoid an accident if the driver shows carelessness. So, take advantage of the latest, reliable and self-sufficient updates while driving. Have a safe driving!

U.S. 2024 Election and What to Learn From It

The 2024 Presidential election is said to be one of the most significant elections in America’s history. It was the 59th quadrennial presidential election that was held on the 3rd of November 2024. This election saw a record number of ballots cast early and by mail. This was due to the ongoing pandemic that also resulted in a delay in vote counting and reporting.

The race for the U.S. election 2024 was set, and the results would significantly impact the world. Millions of people worldwide were keen to know the winners of this election that makes it so unique. President Donald Trump was the nominee from the Republican side, whereas against him was Joe Biden, a nominee from the Democratic side. Due to the pandemic, this election was fought between the two in a very different manner.

All the campaigns were done indoors. For the first time in American election history, there were no rallies or rope lines to be seen. There are generally two main parties in the U.S. Election. These parties are better known as Democrats and Republicans. There are other third parties, too, named Libertarian, Green, and several others who put forward their nominees.

Source: BBC.com

Donald Trump from the Republican Party will be fighting for his second term. From the start, President Trump has been keen on reshaping the American government in an unprecedented manner. The refocusing of foreign policies also has caused a significant impact on the economy of the nation. On the other hand, Joe Biden, the Democratic Party representative, has been projected as a liberal candidate that is eligible to represent them as the president.

The election of 2024 has shown a consistent fall in Trump’s approval rating. Though Trump has been seeing decreasing in popularity, there is no certainty that Trump would lose the election. Taking reference from the 2016 election where the results showed a mismatch between the popular votes and Electoral College outcomes. Though Hillary Clinton was winning with more than 2.9 million popular votes, she lost the Trump election.

This does not seem to be the case in the 2024 election. The Democrats defended a new majority, including the 31 districts that President Trump had won in the 2016 election. They had also planned to target another 44 Republican seats in Alaska, North Carolina, and Florida.

Source: Politico

The election of 2024 was significant for Indians as well. This is because Trump’s America First Policy and strict immigration norms have put many Indians in a confused state living in America. Despite the good relations between Modi and Trump there, have been minimal efforts to encourage trade and immigration with India. If Trump is to win, Indian may face the problem for the next five years. With Joe Biden winning the election of 2024, many Indians living in the country are relaxed as they hope the restriction will be eased with the beginning of Joe Biden’s term.

Joe Biden has promised many things before the election to Indians immigrants. He has pledged to reverse the VISA restrictions set by the Trump administration. He will also be eliminating the country quota for green cards. These are some of the issues, which are essential for the Indian American community living there. They hope, will be resolved with the beginning of Joe Biden’s term.

U.S. 2024 Election Results:

The U.S. election 2024 witnessed the defeat of Donald Trump by a considerable margin. Despite Trump’s continued refusal to formally concede, it was Joe Biden’s victory. Joe Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States on the day of the election results. Millions of people worldwide waited silently to know the newest, most powerful man in the world.

This election has shown us many things: how crucial independent journalism is in a democracy.

Source: The Telegraph

What can we learn from the Election of 2024?

There is a lot to learn from the Election of 2024. Click here to learn more. This election has shown American citizens and the entire nation what power independent journalism has in a democracy. It is said that a lot of the reporting is done by the independent journalist, which was fact based. This took the election in the hands of Joe Biden. Below are some of the points that the 2024 Election can teach us all.

  • Many believe that politics are local, but the truth is that it is even smaller than that. Politics are personal, and that is one thing that this election has taught us. The personal view of every person in the nation matters. When it comes to the elections, there is no group of parties. It is all personal. We, for the betterment of the nation, should have positive views that shape the country personally.
  • When the country works in debate mode rather than focusing on the issues, chaos is waiting to happen. The person in power has to improve the nation’s situations better than debating about it.
  • To get the voters’ confidence, political parties should focus on their people and not on the needs of the politicians. Voting should not be for survival but the expression of liberty. If we start voting for survival, then the country is heading for a significant loss. This election has taught us how important the people are for the nation and what can be done.
  • This election taught us that there should be more diversification in the candidate’s s that all government levels are represented. This will also help get good feedback from the entire population at large—the white people who hold 60% of the U.S. population hold around 78% of seats. If there is more diversification, the country would connect to more people and take their feedback for the betterment.
Source: European Parliamentary Research Service Blog


The election of 2024 was very different and would be remembered for years to come. The citizens made the best use of the election and voted in large numbers. The states also played a very positive role by ensuring they counted every ballot that came their way. The win of Joe Biden in the 2024 U.S. Election would one day go down in history. Still, the integrity and liberty practiced in this election by the citizens would be remembered forever.

11 Best Passive Income Books You Need To Read In 2024

Source: mhpbooks.com

Thinking about making some new, big, as well as exciting moves in 2024? A lot of people are interested in finding out about some new ways on how they can profit in the upcoming period, especially from the comfort of their home, and passively! The beauty of passive income is in its minimal work effort, yet highly noticeable and easily achievable goals, as well as great payouts. Luckily, at Samuelssonsrapport, you can learn a lot about some other interesting ways on how to profit and make a bit of money on the side. Aside from reading books, they highly recommend investing in stocks, following a course, doing podcasts, and many more!

Top 11 Best Passive Income Books

1. The 4-hour workweek: escape 9-5 by Timothy Ferriss

Source: Lazada Philippines

If you want something that is quick and easy to read, as well as beginner-friendly, go for this book. It is all about focusing on new models, achieving goals, and it will help you understand how to make that work-life balance which most of us struggle to do either way. It will also help any future CEO and is an amazing book for ambitious people.

2. The $100 start-up

The name of the book says it all! It is a simple book as well as something easy to understand + it has loads of inspirational quotes by plenty of famous entrepreneurs. It will help you break free, end the vicious cycle of your daily routine, and you will adopt new understandings, as well as habits for your everyday life and activities.

3. How to work with virtual staff by Chris Ducker

Source: Blog Tyrant

This is great for you if you want to make a company, and if you need inside intel on how to do that. It will help you create your own business, a firm, as well as a successful career in the long-run. The book is also all about emphasizing different working hours, schedules, as well as unusual routines. The virtual staff will help you enjoy and run your business without losing sleep, or without losing control over any aspect of your life!

4. Why most small businesses do not work out by Michael E.Gerber

Start-up businesses will have a lot of help and will appreciate the inside knowledge that this book has to offer. It will help with any form of assumptions or expectations. It is important to learn and figure out how to create a business that can run on its own + you can also make a franchising business. Just get that model perfect on your first try, and everything else will be a piece of cake!

5. StrengthsFinger by Tom Rath

Source: Challenging Horizon

Stop thinking about all the negative aspects as well as what is it that you’re doing wrong, and focus on your good sides, as well as capitalism! There is also an amazing online test that will help you understand your potential, as well as any talents or weaknesses. It will bring out the best of each individual, which makes it so-loveable and highly-sold.

6. The daily success habits of wealthy individuals by Thomas C. Corley

This book is often mentioned as well as talked about among wealthy people. They love to talk about the derivative of luck and privilege, but also of choice and hard work that we all have to give in order to receive something good in return. In this book, you will browse through 10 common practices that will help you become richer. Start by making your financial goals clear, and see where it goes from there!

7. The 7 Steps to build a home business by Jyotsna Ramachandran

Source: Goodreads

This book is all about the simplicity of your life, the business, and it is an amazing step-by-step book that will help you figure it all out as you go. Thanks to its real-life examples and an amazing approach, the author will teach you how to change your mindset, and focus it on the real business world model by implementing the rules to your everyday routine.

8. How to passively make $1k-$10k a month in 90 days by William U. Pena

There are three specific paths and steps that you should take if you wish to make a lot of money, and the book explains each and every one of them in-depth. This book is available online and is one of the best e-books for passionate people, as well as creative individuals. There is also a video course, and this book will suit you if you plan on making quite a lot of money on the side.

9. Top 10 proven ways to make money outside of your day job by Nick Loper

Source: Goodreads

Thanks to his 10 unique ways, you will be able to quit your annoying 9-5 day job, and have fun on your own and once and for all! Some of his helpful tips and tricks include giving real-estate a chance, as well as creating apps that will do quite well in the long-run. It will help you change your mindset, that’s for sure.

10. How to make money from home with no prior experience by Avery Breyer

If you wish to explore and dive into the SEO field, this book is perfect for that! It is a simple guide that will help both beginners and experts when it comes to SEO, profit, as well as further steps in this business. This book might suit an individual the best, and it is not really a go-to material for larger corporate places.

11. Get rich click by Steve Wozniak

Source: PDF4PRO

Last, but not least, you can read this book and enjoy it since 80% of its rules apply to all of us! With this book, you will learn a lot about different revenue streams online, and there is also the 50+ point SEO checklist which you will appreciate since it will help you rank high on Google! This is another great book for SEO lovers, as well as IT experts.

8 Big Challenges All Small Defense Contractors Face

Defense contractors, by definition, are the individuals or the companies that aid governments in supplying products and technologies. These supplies are usually connected with the military or the intelligence departments, and the goods may include things like vehicles, technology, software, and even weapons or electronic systems. Right now, this is one of the biggest industries, and the United States government annually spends up to 200 billion dollars on these services. Being a government contractor has a lot of positive and negative sides, and not every person, or a business can easily get this type of job. It is said that if you become a defense contractor, you are going to have a great paycheck, an amazing reputation, and it is going to be easy for you to continue your work elsewhere once you stop working for the government.

However, things are not always as easy as it sounds, and sometimes there are a lot of disadvantages in working in this industry. In this article, we are going to talk about some of the big challenges that all small defense contractors face, and we will tell you more about Asa Palagi, the owner of a private security company who has a lot of experience in this field.

1. Background checks

Source: KDVR.com

The first challenge that you will have to face if you want to become a part of the industry is that you will need to go through many background checks. No government wants to leave things unchecked, and they will vet you and see what you have done, your education, criminal history, the real estate and vehicles you own, your credit history, and you may even have to take drug tests. Note that this is required for everyone who wants to join this field, and you should be ready for it.

2. Government funding

Source: Netlify

When you become a part of this industry, you should know that everything you get paid will be funded by the government. Know that even though the government doesn’t usually spare any expenses when they hire a defense contractor, priorities may change, your paycheck may vary, and you may have to wait up to two months to get paid for a project you’ve already finished.

3. Different requirements depending on the administration

Source: ADDitude

Every administration is going to have different requirements for you, and no one can guarantee that you will stay in the field after the administration changes. Sometimes the people who’ve worked with a government get replaced when the next one arrives, and that makes this job even more stressful.

Asa Palagian entrepreneur born and raised in Seattle, Washington, decided to go into defense contracting and private military contracting after working in the military and the fire department in the United States. In 2024, Asa ran for Governor of Washington State as an independent but decided to withdraw and support the Republican candidate.

He is an entrepreneur who co-founded Cascadia Global Security, a veteran-owned and operated security and patrol company. As you can see on Asapalagi.com, Palagi suggests that there are always different challenges that smaller contractors face when the administration changes, and sometimes these people and companies can easily lose their jobs.

4. COVID-19

Source: IRU

The pandemic that first appeared in late 2019 is now affecting everyone around the world. It impacted people from all industries, and it is no different when it comes to people who are closely working with the government. As Asa Palagi suggests, everything in the world froze because of this virus, and now it is even more difficult for projects to continue without any issues, and the damage control is yet to be accessed.

5. Criticism

Source: Proactive Investors

When you are working for the government, you need to be ready for strict criticism, and everything needs to be done perfectly. In this field, there is no room for mistakes, and unlike the government employees, you can lose your job from one day to the next.
Note that even though it mostly depends on the people you work with, you should expect that things will not be easy or simple and that you have to be ready for new challenges, and constructive criticism all the time.

6. A lot of competition

Source: EBSSA

This is a huge industry, but there is not enough room for everyone who wants to be a part of it. Palagi suggests that becoming a private contractor is not an easy thing, and he started his journey enlisted in the US Army Reserves as a Civil Affairs Specialist, and later on, worked as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army Military Police Corps. He also served as a Wildland Firefighter for the Oregon Department of Forestry. This is just a fraction of the things that he did and the experience he has, and even people with his skills and knowledge have a hard time staying in this field as government contractors.

7. No benefits

Source: Noticias Acapulco NEWS

It is said that one of the biggest challenges that come with this type of job is that you are not going to get any paid benefits, including health insurance. This makes things a lot harder for these professionals, and they are also not allowed to get paid time off. When you are a private contractor, you are not inclined to retirement packages as well, and even though the salary is great, you need to think about all the possible things that could happen, and you need to create your own retirement fund or join a private one.

8. You can be replaced

Source: Offstream News

There are more than 50 thousand defense contractors who are working with the DOD, and this means that you can easily be replaced. It is huge uncertainty and a big challenge these people face, and if you are interested in staying in the game, you need to be the best of the best. There is almost no stability in this industry, and even if you were hired by the government to work on one project, no one can guarantee the next. In addition, you won’t get any warning, and you may be replaced in a day.

These are some of the challenges that people who work with the DOD face. Sometimes it can be extremely difficult, but it is said to be all worth it. If you are interested in following in the steps of Asa Palagi, you should get your training, apply for the position, and be ready for all the requirements, challenges, ups, and downs that you are going to face if you get chosen. It is a rewarding position, and there are also a lot of benefits that come with it, you just need to be fully prepared for it.

How Can I Become a Sports Manager in 4 Easy Steps – Advice by Daniel Todorovic

Sports is one of those industries that have been around for centuries and will probably stay for good. People will always be willing to spend money to watch and experience football, basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, and anything else that is currently popular. In other words, it is possible to build quite a successful career in the sports industry. Currently, one of the more interesting positions you could grab is a sports manager. The demand is high for this kind of job while the supply is quite low.

However, becoming such a manager is not easy at all. You will need to have the right skills and you will need a good understanding of the sports world. While it is hard to get to such a position, this does not mean that it is impossible.

If you manage to find the right information, you just might be able to do what you have always wanted.

Fortunately, you will not have to look any further because in this article I am going to provide you with the most useful tips and the steps you need to follow to become the sports manager you have always wanted to be.

Source: LSU Online – Louisiana State University

A diploma is not mandatory, but it will be useful

This might seem like an obvious part of the process of becoming a sports manager, but I think that it is still important to mention considering how useful it can be in this industry. I know, getting a college diploma or a bachelor’s degree is not a simple, nor an easy task. It requires years and years of investment.

However, your chances of success could increase considerably if you get yourself a diploma. Worry not, there are some alternatives these days. You will not have to commit 4 years of your life and thousands of dollars just to get that degree. Thanks to various online studies, you could get your diploma in 2 years or maybe less, depends on which study you choose.

Do not think that this kind of diploma will be any less significant in the industry than the regular ones.

Keep in mind, if you do decide to study, I recommend taking classes for public relations, project management, and team management, and communication. These are some of those skills that would help you immensely to manage a team or an athlete.

Source: Study 365

Get some experience

After you get your diploma, this is the next step and it might be the most essential one if you expect success in this industry. In fact, this might be true for any industry, but I believe that it is especially vital for sports.

Without any experience, I do not think that many would be interested in hiring you. So, before you start asking around for any job positions, it would probably be better to find yourself an internship.

You might think that an internship is just a waste of time, but I think that you would find it very useful. Not only will you get the experience needed to be hired, but you will also develop some of your own skills. Later, you could use those skills to properly manage your clients.

Keep in mind, not every internship is equal. If you manage to get yourself inside some impressive football, basketball, or soccer team, I assure you that a lot of employers will notice that.

Although, not everyone has that kind of luck to get such an internship which is understandable. Either way, whatever you can find will be good enough to help you grow your career. Every sports manager has to start somewhere. Even Daniel Todorovic from o1nesport.com started out small and then ended up working with the top sportsmen. For this website, in particular, he connected with Gregor Haslberger and Marius Schulze and so far, this goes smoothly for the dynamic trio.

Source: Liberty University

Start networking

Networking in this kind of industry might be one of the most important things you can do. The moment you start your internship, I recommend getting in contact with as many people as possible. Some of those people you meet during your internship could become your friends or coworkers for the rest of your life.

Every friendship that you form over the years could help you in the future to build your own sports managing career. Never stop networking even when you are most successful. Do not be shy to meet new people and make sure that you always introduce yourself properly. First impressions are essential.

Who knows, maybe your old boss could connect you with one of the best professional athletes in the world after a few years. You can expect anything in the sports industry.

Of course, while you are creating friendships, it is also smart to avoid creating any kind of enemies because that could slow you down. If you managed to create enemies, there will always be people trying to put you down as you try to strive and grow.

Source: UX Collective

Build your portfolio

For this kind of job, it is essential to keep your expectations as low as possible. At least, while you are still young in the business. If you expect that you are going to start working with professional athletes such as Tyson Fury who is one of the best heavyweight champions in boxing today or Lewis Hamilton, one of the best Formula 1 drivers, you are going to be very disappointed. Unless you are very lucky.

However, most of the time, the outcome will not look like that. It is normal to first start with beginner and inexperienced athletes. It is your job to turn those beginners into professionals.

Think about it. If you managed to prove yourself by growing young athletes into true champions that is when people will start to notice your abilities and skills. After a few years of working with beginners or average athletes, you might get job offerings to work with one of the best athletes in the world

Becoming a sports manager is not easy, but if you follow these steps, I assure you that your path to success will be much less turbulent.

Now Is the Time for Smart Tourism

The term “smart” has become such a buzzword in the nowadays universal language and it is inevitably connected with technology. The reason for this is pretty simple. We are living in a digital age, and we can see that the term “smart” is often associated with the technological advancements we witness pretty much every day. Smart cities and smart territories naturally create, in expansion, conditions for smart tourism utilizing interconnectivity, and the most recent travel software solutions. This occurs especially today when the travel requirements are permanently changed.

There are a lot of these, and we can see that they are constantly changing due to the fact that advancements are changing really fast and people have different needs that are changing every 5 years. We will not get into details about these requirements because there are so many of them, more than we can count. The trend was encouraged before the global pandemic by Millennials that are tech-savvy. Moreover, technology appears to be the only route to recovery for the travel industry that’s among the most impacted by the global health context.

What’s more, because the pandemic has brought all generations into the digital space, the travel industry may benefit by reaching and staying connected with them more easily today. Thankfully, we can see that there are a lot of different ways we can learn about this kind of tourism and software we can use to make this process much easier. If you would like to take a look at some solutions when it comes to smart travel software, be sure to take a look at arobs.com.

Source: World Travel & Tourism Council – Medium

Smart Tourism at the tip of your fingers

How can we know we are benefiting from smart tourism? Following the technical capabilities of the destination and the way we, as tourists, can use them to travel better. As we said, this kind of tourism is strongly related to the growth of a town through technology. Plus, with the global pandemic that impacted our lives more than we can see at this moment, our needs will change forever. However, not in terms of technology, for now. And quite often these destinations are authentic urban engineering hubs, supported by IT outsourcing businesses and robust innovation clusters.

Some of the smart city principles apply quite effectively to this area also. The goal for smart tourism is to manage local resources better, be determined, also sustainable using advanced practices. There are a lot of these places that can already be described as “smart”. Many destinations have implemented smart technologies in their government, enabling online payment techniques, making reservations, virtual tours, offering green mobility choices, for visitors to have a more pleasurable trip and remain. We can see that there are a lot of different technologies that can be put under the umbrella called “smart”.

Nonetheless, the main challenges are now respecting social distancing and raising hygiene steps to keep things under control as far as possible. So, there is already a string of tech-solution. Limiting the tourist ability can be produced through electronic surveillance in certain regions, carefully tracking the number of individuals, and transmitting real-time information through platforms that can let you know if a destination may welcome or not people.

Live maps, like traffic programs, can notify you if there are crowds in a spot and help avoid too close contact. New safety regulations may also be indicated on live maps to be certain that the information gets to individuals wherever they are at that moment. Also, we can see that this approach makes people’s time more effective. For example, you can find a certain location by clicking on two different buttons instead of spending a couple of hours before you can find it.

Source: E-SPIN

Millennials are early adopters of Smart Tourism

Nothing we would not expect in regards to this tumultuous generation which has pushed further many changes. Nevertheless, the use of technologies in all life aspects has been the most important. More than 66% use a smartphone to reserve a trip and do research. Because millennials are prone to using a lot of technologies, they can be described as pioneers of smart tourism.

For the other generations, reluctant to technology, the sudden arrival of the virus has made them have a forced step ahead. Because of this, we have experienced more online shopping, communication, working, and in this case, planning our so restricted travel excursions. However, we are absolutely sure that it will be accepted by other generations pretty soon. It would take a couple of years before the adoption is completed.

Entire cities, companies have an online presence today, even custom-made apps sometimes, that provide digital alternatives to almost everything that arranging a trip would suggest: means of transportation, visiting spots, security measures, crossing boundaries conditions or major medical institutions in the event of virus contact. Having a lot of different options at the same time was often a popular way of using technology. Therefore, we can see that these are pretty popular.

Source: Teldat SD-WAN Solution

Tech-travel solutions for business recovery

Right now, the travel business is aggressively hit by the international context, but sooner or later, we should expect exponential growth in the number of travelers. At the same time, we can say that let’s say, the usual way of traveling will be completely changed after we’ve been able to do it again. Thankfully, we will see that the concept we will use in the future is much more effective than those we’ve had the pleasure of using this concept.

Meanwhile, in this state of apparent latency, it’s the best time for businesses to invest in travel technology and software. This can build a powerful platform for a business relaunch once the time comes. At the time resources have become restricted because of no outcome. This is the point at which travel companies started to measure their alternatives. But, by finding a more effective way to preserve the resources and the time, we can be sure that a lot of people will use it without any restrictions.

If previously, they would take time to check software and decide, today everything has gained pace in the process and software development and IT outsourcing companies have to think of reliable, scalable, and effective solutions in a short interval. This pace is a pretty important part of the process. Wasting too much time on one process is not something that people would like to experience. This need is the reason why this kind of software was developed in the first place.

So, we can see that this approach changed a lot of things and why it became so popular so fast. A few of the companies take into account creating their platforms, but that implies a substantial amount of investment and time, so instead they reach out to trusted outsourcing companies that have experience in developing and working applications for your Travel&Hospitality business.

Source: Bee Smart City

The Conclusion

From several points of view, Smart Tourism seems like it was created for this moment of global change. It helps the business to be adaptable, to continue to work in restricted conditions, and still offer great services in uncertain times. Without any doubt, we can say that this is a concept that will represent one of the revolutionary steps that will be made in the future. So, we can say that it will have a lot of followers in the future. We are pretty sure of that.

6 Tips For Finding Affordable Ghost Production Services

Ghost production services create tracks for people who don’t have the time or the skills to create the music on their own. The producer will give you the things you need depending on your requirements, and you will be signed as the author of the music. There are a lot of benefits that come with this type of project, and more and more people are choosing these services all around the world. Since this is an industry that is extremely big there are thousands of people who work as ghost producers. In this article, we are going to give you some tips for finding an affordable ghost production service, and we will also tell you more about the things you should pay attention to.

1. Look for the right people in the business

The first thing you need to do when looking for ghost production services is to look for the right people in the business. There are thousands of people who will say they can get the job done for you, but as you probably already know, you may get a terrible quality, or the team or the person working for you may not be as reliable as they say they are.

Because of this, you first need to sit down and do your research without paying attention to the budget. Look for people that are proven to do the right job, and then, once you find them, check out their rates and if that fits your budget.

Source: unsplash.com

2. Check review and ratings

The next things you should check are reviews and ratings. No matter if you are working with a company, or a freelancer, you should see how happy the previous customers were. Depending on their rate and the quality they provide, is going to be easier for you to find the right service.

Note that if you cannot find any ratings, reviews, or testimonies, you should ask them for referrals. In some cases, working with a person who is new in the business may be risky, but a smart choice. These people will work harder to give you the tracks you need, they are probably going to have a lower rate than proven professionals, but they may also make more mistakes.

Source: alekbo.com

3. Look for a person who is trustworthy

Now let’s talk about something that is extremely important when it comes to ghost production. As you already know, the people who will be producing the tracks for you will not be stated as the authors, and they will be just selling their work to you.

Unfortunately, there are many people who will try to scam you, and who will try to resell you something they’ve already sold to someone else. Plagiarism checking when it comes to music is a difficult thing to do, and when you find out that someone else has the same track as you, it is going to be too late, and you risk paying high fees and end up in court to prove who stole the music.

Because of this, you should pay close attention to the producer you are working with and theghostproduction.com suggests that you should look for someone who is professional and transparent.

Source: youtube.com

4. Remember that sometimes price comes with quality

When looking for an affordable producer, don’t look for the cheapest one you can find on the market. Searching for quality for a sensible rate is normal, and you will be able to find the right person for you, however, if you are looking for someone that will create the tracks for you almost for free, chances are, you will either get something that was paid for before, or the quality will be terrible.

Know that everyone appreciates their time, and you cannot ask for someone to create something for you for just a few bucks. Be real, and know that if something is too cheap to be true, there is probably a big reason why that is happening.

Source: MusicTech

5. Check their previous work

You should always check the previous work of the ghost production service before you choose to collaborate with them. You don’t want to get any surprises, and every professional service will be able to provide tracks that they have created before.

In most cases, you will be able to find them on their website with ease, and you won’t have to reach out to the producer for their previous work. However, if you are not able to do that on your own, you should always contact them, ask them for examples, and see if you like what they have to offer you.

Source: Travel + Leisure

6. Let them know about your budget

Depending on the producer you work with, they may require you to pay them by the hour, by track, and some of them may prefer royalties. The payment usually depends on the job at hand, so to find the right person for you, you should be exact with the things you need.

Have a list of things you want to be done, have specific and clear requirements and ask them for their rate depending on what you need. Note that sometimes things may cost more or less depending on the complexity of the project, but the producer should be able to give you an estimation of how much the whole project would cost depending on the things you need.

You should also let them know about your budget, and if they are willing to do the job in that range. You may not state the budget right from the start, but it will be good to let them know before you start your collaboration.

Look for a person who is professional and transparent, and know that they have invested a lot of time and money to be able to do this instead of you. Take your time when choosing the right person for you, make sure they will give you everything before the deadline, and be transparent about your budget and acceptable rate. Know that there are thousands of people all around the world that can get this job done for you, so it is up to you to choose the right producer depending on your requirements, budget, and on their skills and reputation.

Why Should Embassies Use Social Media Accounts?

Think back to hundred years back.

The current world didn’t exist during that time; it was totally different.

But what of social media? Was it prevalent during those days?

It definitely was – but none with the buzz that social media now is associated.

Today, it’s the age of social media, and most of the platforms are the choice of many to get to the daily mainstream news. Such is the norm of today that Twitter has become the foremost place to get to know the official statements from the President of any nation.

Even Instagram is not far behind – there were very few Canadians, who had kept up with Instagram, but now, after Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada came along on the platform, more and more Canadians too followed suit.


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A post shared by Justin Trudeau (@justinpjtrudeau)

What does this tell us and to the world, at large?

That this is not the age of ‘naked diplomacy’, rather it’s that of ‘citizen diplomacy’ – a world where the term ‘public diplomacy’ truly finds its meaning.

Diplomacy – it is a term for the way that the nations and their governments build and manage relationships. At the core of diplomacy, lies communication, and today, technology has rapidly changed the meaning of diplomacy.

Embassy, another term associated with diplomacy, is too, not far behind, and that’s good news.

Today, with the gift of technology, rather than being state-to-state, nations can connect with other nations on a global level. It’s a lot like looking into the future – just think of all the people from the various parts of the world. To get to know about the other cultures, embassies, with the help of technology, can prompt the people to engage with other nations and cultures – and it’s all thanks to social media. Before running to the conclusion on any topic people usually research on the internet to see the situation from the point of view of foreigners and the media. It really helps to do your own fact checking before forming a final opinion on any matter, and social media makes it both more accessible and easier nowadays.

With the advent of social media, embassies have embraced the culture of digital diplomacy, allowing space for informed debates and policymaking. Now, the ambassadors can get to know the reactions in real-time and engage with the public directly through social media such as Instagram or Twitter.

However, this digital diplomacy is critical – it’s all about whether, we, as people, trust and support the faith in the cultures of other people.

Only a few years ago, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing noticed issues about the air pollution of the city, and there was no health information publicly available for the people. The Embassy, then, started sharing up-to-date quality information on air on social media platforms, WeChat, and Twitter.

It’s also seen that social media has been quite a handy tool for enabling privacy. Often, in most cases, it is crucial for the embassies to have hurdles when having private conversations, but, with social media platforms, such as WhatsApp, they are now able to plan meetings and share information securely and discreetly.

But, then, again, there are risks to having social media accounts by embassies.

Source: SOM

Have you seen the recent change in the role of social media?

What about the Trump presidency?

During his reign, all of us were privy to a robust selection of diplomatic tweets in the form of heated exchanges with the choicest of words followed on Twitter between foreign dignitaries and government officials for the entire world to follow.

Then, there was the war of the wall between Trump and the former Mexican President Vicente Fox, with the latter using social media to attack Trump’s campaign promise to build a border wall by sending the bill to Mexico to pay for it.

And who can forget the recent example – the escalation of hostile language between Trump and Kim Jong Un, and which ended with the officials of North Korea declaring an almost-war on the President’s tweets.

Even Brexit negotiations were not immune from social media – it is only recently goading tweets were seen exchanging between British and European ministers.

This led to questions being asked about the role of social media and its effects on international relations. While some nations and their governments made a decision not to interfere in the operation of companies, lest they strain the relationships between countries, some countries, on the other hand, permits government agencies to check up on the web services companies on what they store in their servers for evidence of any terrorist or criminal activities.

And the bad news is that even when the government’s crackdown on such illicit activities, it is social media which is deemed responsible for sharing the information quickly, and even then, if the cybercrime is stopped, then, it will only happen in the long run. This leads to new problems – in worst cases, public backlash is also seen against the government.

As if that’s not enough, the current state of digital diplomacy in the embassies is messy – to put it in one word – as for many, switching to the digital format is rife with challenges. They are often uneasy with the thought ‘we are going to be left behind if we don’t get this right’, and add to that the following – missing out on conversations, missing out on what to tell the people about what and how they think, and missing out on numerous prospects of leveraging the collective voice of a nation for strategic purposes – this is enough for the ambassadors to get cold feet.

Source: MeetingsNet

But this doesn’t mean that social media should be avoided.

No, no.

The ambassadors worrying about whether they will get social media right – it has its advantages too. Sure, the path is uncertain, but this anxiety raises the incentives and the pressure for the government not to abandon the technology, and the good news is that the government is slowly, but surely, trying to adopt the technology.

Adapting to social media has, after all, its benefits – it has enabled open-source intelligence. Earlier, nations only had privy to TV, radio, and newspaper, but now, the government, today has access to events and news from around the world – and in real-time. Only in the last decade, social media have played a big role in creating radical change and shifting the nations towards democracy and equality, such as the Arab Spring and Twitter’s role in 2011.

Social media can also be credited for bringing the attention of the masses to Syria’s refugee crisis and the Ice Bucket Challenge for Lou Gehrig’s disease (motor neuron disease) – and as such, the idea of social media benefiting a nation is a subject, that is much discussed by the academics, theorists and the public servants.

This is the age of the 21st century, and it is social media that have changed the way that we receive information. Once, information was only available through the government, and the citizens, too, were tightly controlled. But now, with social media, the tables are turned completely – online activists, bloggers, journalists have risen, and with them, the information have begun to be distributed freely.

Just as digital devices are on the rise, the social media, too, on the other hand, is leaving quite an effect on each individual and every industry, so much, that even the government is keen to come under the umbrella of social media.

Source: Search Engine Land

Bollier, an author and IR theorist, has rightly mentioned that social media, today, is a powerful engine that can change world affairs.

For address and contact details of any country’s embassy, consulate worldwide, please visit here.

9 Reasons So Many Businesses Are Transitioning to the Cloud Tech

Image source: unsplash.com

Cloud storage is a cloud computing model that involves storing data remotely on servers accessible from the cloud. When your business stores this data, it is operated, managed, and maintained by the cloud storage service provider. Listed below are the reasons why businesses are transitioning to this type of storage.

 To Eliminate the Need for Investing in Expensive Infrastructure

Image source: unsplash.com

A business may need to invest in new servers, installation, and maintenance regularly without cloud-based storage. But with cloud storage, your company will avoid costly in-house systems. In the long run, the business saves significant amounts by transitioning from in-house to cloud-based data storage.

To save on costs

Whenever a company invests in new technology such as servers or software, the human resource department has to hire new staff. Recruiting new employees increases the cost of operation, such as salary expenses. Your business can contract a company like veritec to help transition to cloud storage, thereby reducing operating costs. Although your IT department will not shut totally, you get to eliminate the primary in-house responsibilities allowing you to spend less on the IT budget.

Another way of cost-saving is that in other solutions, a business pays in advance for computing services. The management can subscribe to a server monthly. Hence instead of these monthly payments, an organization can transition to using the cloud to pay for only the time used. Most service providers charge based on storage, features, number of users, memory space, and time and so a business can select the best package that fits the budget.

To promote environmental sustainability

Image source: unsplash.com

Many companies are interested in becoming eco-friendly. Your business can cut back on energy bills by embracing cloud tech to achieve this. When your company replaces its physical storage servers with virtual alternatives, it saves on energy costs. Cloud-based storage is a form of investment in the environment. Hence, when a business transitions, it expects to save massive money in utility bills, channeling other essential functions. Furthermore, in cloud computing, the server capacity fluctuates with needs; hence your business does not waste energy. There are also no carbon footprints.

To Prevent Data Loss

One of the other reasons for virtual storage is for a company to protect its data. Many companies rarely survive after experiencing significant data loss. That is why cloud-based data storage from a company is vital. Virtual repository protects essential data that can disappear due to staff mistakes, natural disasters such as fire breakouts, or server failures. Thus, once a business realizes how safe their data is in the cloud, they have to embrace this change.

Besides, with cloud computing, there is no need for data backup. Such information will always be available as long as there is a data connection. Also, some storage solutions enable data durability in the virtual space for a very long time. To learn more about cloud storage and cloud file transfer, visit www.goanywhere.com/solutions/cloud-file-transfer.

To Improve on Corporate Agility and Flexibility

Image source: unsplash.com

Every organization thrives better with flexibility and agility. Virtual storage enables the staff and management to access documents and data anywhere. For instance, an employee can work from home, access vital financial information, or check on important projects’ progress. As long as your company sets controls in place, such as each staff having passwords, cloud storage enhances corporate agility and flexibility.

Businesses also use cloud computing to boost team performance. Employees collaborate on projects by sharing data and updates by using applications.

Furthermore, virtual storage improves efficiency and increases productivity. It allows an organization to eliminate repetitive or redundant tasks, for instance, data re-entry. A company can further reduce cost by having a few workstations within the office and allowing more staff to work from home.

To Ensure Data Security

A business has to ensure its data must be secure all the time. A company has many data types, such as employees, clients, or even supplier’s information. Most businesses are transitioning to virtual storage to prevent data leakage. A leak can destroy an organization’s reputation, image, and general business significantly.

Once a business loses trust, it’s challenging to regain it, preventing such incidences in advance. Information stored in physical space, such as laptops or desktops, can be stolen. But with the cloud, a business can delete any private information or transfer it to another account. A data Tech Company has to ensure the highest security by providing network architects and data centers that meet any organization’s needs, big or small.

To Achieve Scalability

Image source: unsplash.com

A business that intends to have a better reach to its customers has to have a useful server. The organization, through strategic marketing, will start receiving high traffic on its website. If the customers visiting the site fail to access it due to technicalities, they give up.

The servers work by checking the traffic on a business website, and they verify the number of page views averagely generated.

The right cloud infrastructure is needed since if the traffic generated is exceedingly high, the business page loads slowly. On the other hand, if the traffic is less, you pay for an unutilized server, meaning the business wastes resources.

Therefore, the best solution is for your organization to embrace cloud computing that guarantees configuration. It also enables your organization to balance the load between servers without overloading them.

To Have a Range of Options

Many cloud computing companies offer virtual storage. Many businesses are embracing it since, by doing so, they get to enjoy a wide range of options. The company has to choose the best service provider offering excellent services and friendly rates that suit the business needs.

To Attain Document Control

Image source: unsplash.com

Where staff and partners work together on documents, there is less control over documents. The employees share documents back and forth as email attachments, resulting in conflicting file formats, titles, or contents. Hence a business can move to virtual storage where all staff access one version of centrally stored documents. Many businesses are transitioning to cloud tech to achieve document controls, ensure data security, avoid investing in expensive infrastructure, get various options, prevent data loss, save on costs, achieve scalability, and promote environmental sustainability.

7 Smart Ways you can Prepare and Ace Your Exam

Image source: unsplash.com

Whenever an exam or more of them approaches us, the nervousness grows. Although we have exams since primary school, we can never be completely relaxed and we also often make mistakes in preparing for them. Every time we say we will start on time, but in the end, we always lose a few days, and then we always have a lack of time. Then we try to catch up and make up for a lost time but that is usually not possible, so we are making different strategies to try to pass it.

This year, it was especially hard to prepare for exams, because classes were mostly held online due to the pandemic and then it disrupted the studying routine. Because of all the stress, sisteme-copiat.ro reported an increase in interest in copying devices among students.

But it is always possible to do everything the right way. To help you avoid many sleepless nights and drinking liters of coffee, we will tell you smart ways you can prepare and ace your exam. That way you will be able to do everything in the optimal time.

1. Make a detailed plan

Image source: unsplash.com

At least a month in advance, it is time to make a detailed plan that you will stick to later. Only in this way will you be able to get everything done in the optimal time. And what should your plan include? First, you need to decide which exams you will take and check the dates when they will be held. Then once you have determined that they are not the same dates, you need to determine when you will study for which. It is important to have a study goal that you will stick to every day, but also to leave a little space for deviations from the plan. It always happens that something unforeseen comes up, so it is important to leave a little more time than we really need. If we plan everything precisely, without margin for error, it is very possible that something will disrupt our plans and that we will be in a hurry same as we would be without plan at all. Then determine how much time you need to devote to learning each day and then you are ready to get started. Write down your plan and check your progress every day.

2. Get some sleep

Many students make the mistake of getting up too early once the exam season arrives. A pang of conscience is the reason they decide to get up too early, but it’s actually just counterproductive. Only rested we can give our maximum and remember everything we need. You all know how drowsy you feel when you get up too early so it won’t benefit you in any way. You seemingly got up early and started studying right away, but your efficiency is very poor.

That is why it is important to provide yourself with seven to nine hours of sleep and then when you get up rested, you will be able to be maximally productive. Ideally, you should wake up on your own, not with the help of an alarm. The reason is that the alarm can wake you up in the middle of the REM phase of sleep, and then waking up is very difficult.

3. Avoid distractions

Image source: unsplash.com

You need to limit all distractions so that you can maintain concentration for studying for a longer period of time. When we say distraction, we primarily mean our smartphones. It would be best to turn them off, otherwise, you will be constantly checking for new messages and notifications. You will realize that a few hours have passed without you learning a few pages. The same goes for a computer, tablet or any other device. And it’s important that you don’t think about it. If you think about receiving a new message, it will be as distracting as checking your smartphone. The presence of other people in the room is also a distraction, so it would be best to be alone or go to the library and study there.

4. Write notes

It is important to write notes but to be handwriting, not typing into your computer. It has been proven that in this way what is learned is remembered much better. And so you will be able to make mental notes if you have a photographic memory.

5. Eat and hydrate regularly

Just as a car needs fuel, so do we. That is why it is important to eat healthily and nutrients regularly. Eat meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and everything else that feeds our brain and body. Of course, occasionally give yourself a break and eat something you want, because you need to reward yourself. Also drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water a day, because the brain cannot work well if it is dehydrated.

6. Learn in a group

Group learning can be very helpful. If you all study for the same exam, you will be able to help each other a lot. Maybe someone has heard some additional information or has some source that the rest of you don’t have. You will also be able to question each other and thus check your own and other people’s knowledge. In such groups, someone always has information about what questions were on the exam last year, and it is known that each professor has his favorite questions that he often repeats on exams.

7. Consider last resorts

Image source: unsplash.com

Sometimes we just don’t get to learn in time for the exam. Whether it is our fault or not does not matter, because we are certainly not ready. And that, for example, is a very important exam for us, on which the next year depends. Then it’s time to consider the last resorts. Increasingly popular are headset systems that allow you to pass an exam even if you don’t know anything.


In addition to these general ways that will surely help you, it is important that you find something that suits you. Everyone should have their own ritual or place where it is best for them to study. This will further help you do your job as well as possible. And lastly, don’t impose unrealistic expectations on yourself.


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