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How YouTube Ruins Your Experience? Most Distressing Elements There Are

Have you ever used YouTube? Well, you must have, it is nice. You can watch tons of videos on various different things, listen to music, and get to know the world you live in a little better. But at the same time, there are so many annoying things taking place on the same platform that is simply too much for most of the users. Take the in-video ad display, this thing alone is enough to kill the mood. If you happen to be using YouTube for some time now then you might have grown an understanding of these ads that appear either in between, in the end, or at the very beginning of the YouTube videos.

There are various YouTube managers out there that you can use that can bring you the ease of enjoying a more subtle version of YouTube minus the inconvenience that it may bring with it. You can enjoy a greater and better version of YouTube by visiting www.vanced.pro. Following are some of the most annoying things that YouTube users have to go through every single day;

Source: The Economic Times

Continuous showing of ads

This is singlehandedly the most annoying feature that troubles millions of YouTube users on daily basis. Suppose you are sitting with your family or sitting alone for that matter wanting to enjoy a dedicated YouTube video and an ad appears right in the middle or right from the start, how annoying it would be for you and the person sitting with you to enjoy a video? You can only fathom the trouble that this thing causes and can kill your mood instantly. But this is a way for YouTube to make money and the people who provide content in there on a daily basis but for the users and people who watch videos there, it is an absolute nightmare.

Video not available in your country

There are a variety of YouTube channels that might be foreign and not local which makes them international channels or videos that might or might not be available in your region. Usually, it depends on where do you live? If you are living in the USA, UK or Canada then it might not be a lot of trouble for you. But on the other hand, if you are living in a third world country or in some dedicated part of Europe then you might see displayed on your screen that ‘this video is not available in your region’. This is another annoyance among various others when it comes to using YouTube.

Many users might grow a workaround for this by enabling VPN connection the YouTube servers can be tricked into thinking that the geographical barriers no longer hold. It means that you can change your country or region wise location and can access the geo-blocked content or the videos that are proposing that you can’t access because of your region.

Source: KodiFireTVStick.com

Video recommendation

Video recommendation on YouTube is kind of off-putting, first of all, it would continue to present you with the videos that you are least likely to interact with and even if some videos are worth watching these are definitely arbitrary in there and you get to see them without a pattern.

People are getting all sorts of videos that they otherwise would hate completely into their video recommendation. The best way to shake it off is by signing out of your YouTube account, clearing all the cookies, and deleting the history altogether. This way everything will get a fresh start and you will be able to relive the experience. By signing in again to your YouTube account you will see that most of the videos that were tied with the dedicated browser of yours are not showing up and you can again take the video recommendation algorithm for a stroll.

Ads at the end of the video

If it weren’t already enough to show ads at the beginning and middle of the videos, YouTube might put some ads in the end as well. Things couldn’t get more problematic than this, users have consistently complained about the in-between video ads but now having to deal with these at the end of the video is getting things a little too far away.

Source: App Samurai

Background play with the screen on

If you are listening to music on YouTube and you accidentally turn off the screen then the YouTube app is going to close for the moment too and you won’t be able to listen to or watch whatever it is that you were enjoying. As it happens there is no possible way for you to enable background play with the screen off, this is another off-putting aspect of the original YouTube app. What if you want to attend to some work of your own while listening to your favorite music and at the same time don’t want your battery to suffer? Well, the original YouTube app won’t allow you to do that.

And as it happens there is no absolute fix for that.

YouTube login, sync, and subscription

Many users also experience issues with YouTube login, sync, and subscription. Suppose you are using YouTube on multiple platforms such as mobile, desktop, and whatnot but you can’t seem to sync everywhere in a rhythmic fashion. A video that you are able to play and sync on your desktop doesn’t appear on your mobile device and vice versa. And the same goes for the subscriptions, such as you are subscribing to different channels but the media from these channels or the channels, in particular, are not showing up in your library across the devices you use YouTube on.

Source: Vintaytime

The easiest way of getting out of this is by disabling sync on all devices and signing out from all of the devices where you use YouTube. Once signed out from all of the devices, try to sign into a specific one, turn on sync and play some videos, subscribe to a few channels, and vice versa. Now when you are signed into a dedicated device, try to sign in to the others with the same account and refresh the YouTube feed. You will see that everything is back to normal and it is syncing across every platform. This is how you deal with this problem and make YouTube a worthwhile endeavor for streaming content. Also, for more information about streaming services and how to unblock your favorite shows in Canada, visit howtowatch.ca

How to Take Care & Maintain Your Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are a great way to look great without having to put too much work into it. With them, you can achieve that effortless, natural makeup look, without even applying makeup. This trend has been around for a while now. It doesn’t matter if you’re into wearing eyelash extension regularly or just once in a while, taking proper care of them is a must.

If you don’t maintain them well, they will start looking messy, which is something you want to avoid at all costs. Only eyelash extensions that are taken care of can fulfill their purpose and make you look amazing. Here are some tips on how to properly take care of and maintain your eyelash extensions.

Source: WebMD

1. Only clean eyelashes are acceptable eyelashes

The first thing you need to adhere to is to keep your eyelashes as clean as possible. Regular care includes washing your eyelashes extensions together with your face. For the start, just flush them with water. When it comes to products you can use, we recommend washing gels and liquids that are oil and alcohol-free, and therefore, safe to use even when you have eyelash extensions. If you applied makeup on your eyes and eyelashes, the best way to remove them is to apply the product on the cotton pad, and then gently rub your eyes. Be sure to apply enough product because rubbing a dry cotton pad over your eyes can damage your eyelash extensions. Before cleaning your eyelashes, always brush them first, and then apply the product and wash them.

2. Avoid oils in cosmetic products for the face and eyes

When you have eyelash extensions, you want to avoid using products that have oils in them. Make sure the products you use for your eyes have a label that says oil-free. Also, try avoiding face products that contain oils because they can easily get in touch with your extensions and damage them. If you’re not sure, we recommend always reading an ingredient list to be one hundred percent sure the cosmetic product you’re buying doesn’t contain oils.

Source: Beauty & Bronze

3. Keep the water away from the extensions first two days

After you get your eyelash extensions done, you want to make sure you avoid water in the first two days. The glue that was used for eyelashes needs to dry completely, so the lashes stay on as long as possible. If you use any water on them, the glue probably won’t work as good and the lashes’ expiration date will be much shorter. To make this easier for you, try not to apply any makeup on your eyes the first two days, or at least keep it as minimal as you can. It is a small sacrifice you need to take to secure that your extensions look great much longer.

4. Don’t pick or remove eyelash extensions by yourself

Some people have a bad habit of picking their eyelashes. If you’ve already paid someone to apply for the extensions then it doesn’t make sense to ruin their work. Also, if you’re not satisfied with how the extensions turned out, avoid trying to fix them by yourself. Instead, decide to turn to professionals who can fix the situation and apply the lashes as you will be satisfied. Check out angelicbeautybristol.co.uk and their results. The same goes for removing the eyelash extensions. Don’t do it by yourself because you might end up without your own lashes. Always go to a salon and let experts do it for you.

Source: The Cut

5. Avoid waterproof products and mascara in general

After you got your eyelash extensions, avoid using waterproof products on your eyes. They are very hard to remove, and if you want to do it right, you’ll need to apply oil-based cleansers. And we already mention you should skip every product that contains any type of oil. In general, you don’t even need mascara. The whole point of these extensions is that they are an alternative for eye makeup. If you apply mascara over them, you’ll need to remove it thoroughly, and that way potentially damage the eyelashes you paid someone to apply them. Try to avoid eye make up as much as possible if you want your lash extensions to last.

6. Always carry a lash brush with yourself

Regular daily maintenance of lash extensions includes brushing them at least two times a day. If you aren’t disciplined with this, your lashes will entangle and look very messy. Make sure you always have a little brush in your bag, so you can do it at work, while you’re in a traffic jam, and on any other suitable ocasion. These extensions aren’t something you can get done, and then forget about them. They require continuous attention and care to look good and tidy.

Source: The Cut

7. Use satin or silk pillowcases

Silk pillowcases are generally the best choice for your skin. And if you got your eyelash extensions done, it can also be a good idea to switch your cotton pillowcase for a silk one. Satin pillowcases will work, too. These materials are much gentler to your skin and lashes. Cotton can be very drying, so you want to avoid using it on your pillow. These small changes can positively impact your lash extensions, and increase their durability, which is always a plus.

8. Avoid too much moisture

Spending time at saunas or being in the shower for too long can harm your eyelash extensions. Too much moisture is a big no. Of course, regular washing your face and swimming for a while is completely safe. Just try not to overexpose them to moisture because they might start falling off.

Source: RM Lash and Beauty

Conclusion: Eyelash extensions are very trendy in the past few years, and for a good reason. With them, you can achieve that natural makeup looks without applying any. If you want your extensions to look good and last for a while, it is necessary to take proper care of them. Make sure you brush them regularly, wash them with proper products, and avoid oil-based ones. Try to keep them away from the water for the first two days and skip applying mascara any time you can. Also, changing your cotton pillowcases for silk or satin ones can help. And the most important tip is to avoid picking and removing lashes by yourself. This should be done by professionals, without exception. Well-maintained lashes will last you much longer and look tidy and beautiful.

3 Things You Should Know About Rent-to-own Homes

Sometimes, even if you tried as hard as you could, things don’t go as planned. It’s called life. So, there might come a time when you’re in need of certain things and can’t get to them.  This is life too. Low credit score, credit debt, and similar issues could prove to be an obstacle for you to get a mortgage loan for a house. Having a home to come to is a dream for many, and you don’t want to have anything on your way to attaining it.  It is a part of the American Dream that people dream too all over the globe. So, what to do when you’re in a pinch, and the situation doesn’t look too bright? Don’t worry; there is a solution. You can always make a rent-to-own agreement. This contract allows you to start living in the house straight away, on rent, with an option to buy in the future. If this is not an option you haven’t considered before, now might be the right time.

Of course, this sounds like a fantastic opportunity, and for the most part of it, it is. But, this doesn’t mean you don’t have to be careful. It means you need to be extra cautious. not everything that shines is gold. Laws and legislation differ in many states, and sometimes you won’t be too protected when you enter this program. There were cases when people lost everything they invested once they were unable to continue with payments. There are many things you need to research before you decide this is your course. We are here to give you the directions in which to focus to get the best possible idea of what you should learn. Let’s take a look at x things you should know about rent-to-own homes.

1. The Relation Between Monthly Rent And Selling Price

Source: Sean Cooper

If you sign this agreement with the house owner, your monthly rate will probably be a bit higher than what the market dictates. This happens for a reason. As you pay additional cash, the eventual price of the home is going to be lower. The final price needs to be known and set for both parties involved.

This contract usually states that the property can change hands in the period, which is at first set between one and five years. The option remains on you to make a bid or not. The price is what remains from the arranged one when you deduct what you paid over in monthly rent. What you need to know is, while this remains a practice for many people who deal with rent-to-own, not all owners deal with this the same way. There are those who do not accept any money in advance, and there’s no deduction to the initial price.

While buying the house is the final goal, you might be better sticking with the latter option as you won’t waste any money in case you never get enough funds or a mortgage loan to finance your own house. This way, you’ll be paying only rent for the place you live in, and if you buy it, you buy it, but if not, there’s no money lost. Whatever you do, you always need to have on paper the final price of the home and the cost of the rent. Many people entered this program without a chance of attaining a mortgage, and they ended up losing all money they invested in advance over the cost of the rent. This is why it’s vital to research as much as you can about this process. We advise you to learn more on the subject. Trust us, educating yourself on topics like these can only reap benefits for you.

2. The Timeline

Source: forbes

With this contract, it all starts when both the owner and the tenant sign a contract that clearly states how much is the rent and how much is the final price of the property. Of course, the choice of the house comes into question after the agreed period of renting ends. It would be best if you also had in writing how long is the period of renting. This is quite vital as after this period, in most cases, you are obligated to buy the house, or you lose the right to do so. Furthermore, in addition to how much is your rent going to cost, you’ll want to know how much is going to the cost of the house, thus lowering the final price of the property.

You should never go into this process if you don’t know these facts. It is essential to be aware of your possibilities and financial prowess if you want a closure that suits you. In the end, you’ll want to make the final buying price the lowest you can.

3. Where Does The Extra Money Goes When You Fail to Buy?

Source: AdobeStock

Brace yourself; the bad news is incoming. Unfortunately, in most cases, nothing good happens with this money, at least from the tenants’ point of view. Rent-to-own is a limited period, and in most cases, when it ends, and you don’t buy the house. All of the extra money you invested in purchasing the property goes to waste. As we said, the owners will make sure that the contract clearly states that if there’s no buyout, the money tenants overpaid will be lost for them. Passing on the purchase of a home, regardless of the reasons involved, is never favoring the tenant.

This is what makes renting to own a tricky venture. After years of living in the house and making a payment towards buying, it could turn out that you’re the one who doesn’t want to buy. The neighborhood can change, or you want to move because of a new job, and you’ll want to leave the place. Either way, the money is staying with the owner. Nobody has money to throw it away, and because of this, you need to watch out for this type of agreement.

6 Ingredients Your Multivitamin Should Have

In recent times, obsession with supplements has reached new heights amongst society. At the top of that popular list are multivitamins. Several reviews have shown that chronic diseases can be commonly linked to vitamin deficiencies and that taking supplements may help this. A complete, balanced diet may not even be enough in terms of giving you the nutrients you need, and when you need them. That’s where multivitamins come into the picture.

Taking daily multivitamins can help in providing a good, solid foundation for your health and wellbeing. They can also aid when you’re experiencing stress, poor sleeping patterns, or not exercising regularly. Even if a healthy and balanced diet is being maintained, these issues can make it difficult for your body to absorb the appropriate nutrients it needs.

There are so many vitamins and mineral combinations out there in today’s market that it can be tricky to know exactly what to look for when shopping for multivitamins. There are specific multivitamins for women and for men which can be found on this website, as well as certain ingredients to suit your specific needs. There are the basic ingredients in multivitamins that you should be keeping an eye out for when doing your weekly vitamin shop. Here are some of the key ingredients your multivitamin should have, no matter what brand you choose to go for.

1. Vitamin D

Source: Irish Cancer Society

Vitamin D aids our bodies to effectively absorb calcium, which is vital for healthy bones. Not receiving enough Vitamin D can lead to a number of issues such as; increasing the chances of bone and back pain, increasing the likelihood of getting sick, and increasing bone and hair loss. Technically, we should be able to get a sufficient daily amount of Vitamin D from 15 minutes of sunlight every day. However, this may not be possible in certain countries that experience very little sunny weather, especially in the winter seasons. Vitamin D is also difficult to retrieve from food, which is why it is a recommended ingredient to look out for in multivitamins. Foods that do contain Vitamin D are; fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods such as milk, juice, and cereal.

2. Magnesium

Source: The Washington Post

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for our bodies to absorb, meaning we must get it from either food or supplements. Our bodies mainly need magnesium food for good bone health and energy production. There are also several other benefits to the nutrient such as easing sleep problems, calming the nervous system, reducing stress, regulating muscle and nerve function, as well as balancing blood sugar levels. A lot of people are magnesium deficient as they are not consuming the right foods, not because they need supplements. Some foods to try before jumping into supplements are; spinach, pumpkin, soybeans, artichoke, beans, tofu, rice, and nuts. If your diet includes a lot of these foods then it may be worth rethinking supplements that constrain magnesium.

3. Calcium

Source: Hawaii Pacific Health

Calcium is another very important nutrient which regulates strong bones and teeth. It is particularly important for women as they start to lose bone density earlier than men. So getting enough calcium early on is the best nutritional defense against the loss. There are several foods that contain high levels of calcium such as; milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, kale, beans, lentils, salty fish, fortified cereals. If you are eating enough of these foods then it is likely you are getting enough calcium and don’t need supplements.

4. Zinc

Source: Holland & Barrett

Those who are older in age or who exercise a lot of stress tend to have lower levels of zinc in their bodies. So generally speaking, the majority of people have low levels of zinc! Using it in the form of Coldeeze supplements, the main purpose is to support the immune system and help our bodies use protein, carbohydrates, and fat for energy. It also helps a lot in wound healing. The main foods that contain a high level of zinc are; organ meats, spinach, oysters, pumpkin seeds, brown rice, tahini, and sardines. Traditional diets don’t include foods that are rich in zinc, and the body isn’t good at storing it for too long, which is why it is a highly recommended ingredient when investing in multivitamins.

5. Iron

Source: HealthXchange.sg

The amount of iron needed varies significantly from individual to individual. One thing is for sure, is that it should be an ingredient in your multivitamin as it has numerous benefits, such as; better brain functioning, increased amount of energy, and healthier red blood cells. Those who eat big amounts of red meat tend to get enough iron, however, there are certain circumstances like; going through puberty, having a menstrual cycle, or being pregnant that may increase your need for more iron. This is down to iron being essential during times of rapid development and growth. Vegans and vegetarians, in particular, may want to ensure that their multivitamin contains iron, especially if they’re not supplementing meat with other iron-rich foods.

6. Folate

Source: Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York

Folate (otherwise known as folic acid) is most needed for aiding fetus development and preventing birth defects. It is also a great nutrient for increasing growth in nails, fighting depression, or combating inflammation. The foods that contain high levels of folate are; avocado, beans, citrus, and dark leafy greens. So it can be easily obtained from these common foods, but if an increased amount of folate is required, then it is a good idea to purchase multivitamins that have high levels of this ingredient.

If you are still unsure of what combination of ingredients you need most to most benefit your personal health, then it may be a good idea to seek professional advice from a doctor or nutritionist. Finding a balance between the appropriate nutrients is important when seeking the best multivitamins, and you may find that you need more of one particular nutrient than the other to aid your personal growth, development, and health. Multivitamins can be purchased in capsule form or chewable for those that struggle to swallow large pills whole. They can also be bought in various shapes and flavors to appeal to younger children and make taking daily supplements enjoyable and not so much of a chore.

6 Tips For Choosing a Reliable Family Law Solicitor

Life can be quite turbulent at times because not everything is perfect. It is normal for couples and families to have some internal issues that are troublesome to resolve. Sometimes, those issues are even more serious such as domestic abuse, infidelity, or something else. Resolving these types of issues is not easy. In fact, most of the time, when a certain relationship comes to this kind of level, it usually ends up with a divorce, splitting the estate, or something like that. If you want to properly and legally resolve this kind of issue, you will need a family law solicitor.

However, finding the right professional help, the right person for your situation is not as simple as you might think. There are so many different lawyers that specialize in different aspects of the law, it can be difficult to understand which one you actually need.

So, if you want a reliable and proper representation in court, I think you will need some help finding a family law solicitor. To help you with that, I am going to give you a few tips and tricks to ensure that you choose the right person for the job.

1. Know your budget

Source: Xconomy

Before you start asking your friends and searching through the Internet for a family law solicitor, I think it would be better to first figure out what your budget looks like. As you know well, hiring an expert on law, a lawyer is never cheap. They can cost you hundreds of dollars for just a few hours of help.

But, different attorneys have different fees and it is up to you to find the one that is within your budget. This is why it is so important to know your budget so you can stay within it. There is no need to waste an unnecessary amount of money on this kind of professional help.

2. Find a referral

Source: pexels.com

If you have no idea what to look for and where you should start looking, I think that it is best to find a referral. Ask your friends or close family members to give you a recommendation. I am sure that there is at least someone you know who has gone through a similar situation as you. If they had a good experience with the family law solicitor they used, it is probably a good idea to use that same lawyer.

Keep in mind, just because it is a recommendation from some of your friends does not mean that it is the perfect choice for you. A referral should be used only to make your research process a little bit easier. It is not concrete proof that the lawyer is good.

3. Google is your friend

Source: pexels.com

These days, thanks to the Internet, searching for anything is so much easier and simpler. We should especially be grateful to Google because it is the best search engine out there.

With just a quick search on Google, you can find all the family Law solicitor offers that are located locally. Of course, you do not have to settle for any local lawyers. If you want to take this seriously, I am sure there will be an attorney that will be ready to come to your city.

From one Google search, I assume that you will get hundreds of different results. That is a lot of options and you will need to reduce that list as much as you can.

To reduce that list, you should start opening the websites and see what kind of services they have to offer. If you notice any interesting benefits and advantages of a certain lawyer, bookmark that website. This will help you narrow down your search.

4. Read online reviews

Source: ProWritingAid

If you want honest and reliable opinions on some of the attorneys that you are looking at, you should definitely start reading through online reviews. These days, even Google has a rating and review system. So, if you want to see what people think about a certain family Law solicitor, you can just hop on to Google and see what the reviews have to say about them.

When reading through the reviews, I suggest looking for comments that refer to the experience of the lawyer and the outcomes of the cases. Naturally, you should be looking at a very experienced attorney that has a good success rate with most of his clients as suggested by axis.lawyer.

5. Face-to-face meeting

Source: pexels.com

One of the best ways you can analyze a person is by meeting them face-to-face. You cannot read the vibe of a person through a telephone call. This is why a lot of businessmen avoid making their deals through the phone.

I recommend calling all the lawyers that ended up on your list and arranging a face-to-face meeting. I am sure that most of them will be more than willing to meet you in person. If any of them do not have the time to meet you, I suggest scratching them off the list.

Once you sit down for a cup of coffee and talk face-to-face about your case, I think you will be able to make some conclusions about the lawyer. After a few meetings with different family law solicitors, I believe that you will be able to make a decision.

6. Visit the solicitor’s office

Source: Medium

To find out how a family Law solicitor handles their cases and how they operate, you will need to visit their office. This is why I recommend finding someone that is local. Otherwise, you will not be able to visit the office.

Once you are there, you can get a good insight into how the attorney or the agency operates. If you notice that there are any red flags from their office, it is probably a sign that you should not hire this exact person.

I hope that these tips I provided in this article will be more than useful for your search for a reliable family law solicitor. Just make sure that you apply all of these tips or tricks into your research process for the best efficiency.

5 Tips For Finding The Best Seltzer Flavors

For whatever reason, in the last few years, the popularity of hard seltzer has skyrocketed. From brilliant, primetime commercials to memes – it seems like seltzers have made a way into every aspect of our lives. With that much media coverage, it’s hard to resist the temptation to explore and try out some new flavor or even try them for the first time. Even if you have tried a few of them back in the day and decided you didn’t like them, with so many new products and flavours on the market right now, it might be a good time to give this refreshing drink one more chance.

As we’ve mentioned, over the last few years, these drinks have tremendously risen in popularity. That has led to many different flavors flooding the market and enthusiasts have had to find a way to keep track with all of them. There have been many reviews on the individual flavors over the years, but simply listing the products and reviewing them is not enough. We’ve decided to do things a little bit differently.

What we have brewing for you here today is an article that will divide seltzers into categories, show you what you should focus on and, of course, give you a few tips on how to find the perfect one just for you.

Source: Palm Beach Illustrated

What is hard seltzer?

First of all, we have to understand what this drink is if we’re going to get into details. Also, we should think about those of us who are still new to this and may not know at all what seltzers are. With all that being said, this is not an easy question to answer. There is no clear definition for this product. In general, hard seltzers are sparking, mildly flavored drinks with low alcohol content, sort of like the beer. However, there are a lot of different ways to achieve that, as you’ll see later on.

Most of the pioneers in the business create ‘flavored malt beverages’, which basically sounds like a beer with a fruity aroma. What this means is that these beverages are being made by brewing malt or fermenting can sugar. That’s what makes them alcoholic. After that, the natural flavorings are added to the mix, after which the drink is carbonated and canned.

As we’ve previously mentioned, there are few different kinds of seltzers, which basically means they’re made in ways other than the previously mentioned one. Some of the brands now include different alcohol base, for instance, they’ll use distilled spirit, wine or fresh fruit for their base.

Finally, what unites them all is nutritional value. According to seltzernation.com, all of these drinks should contain less than 5% ABV, fewer than 150 calories and fewer than 10 grams of carbs per 12 ounces.

Now that we’ve learned what a seltzer is, let us dive in a little bit deeper and try and find out how we can find the perfect flavored ones.

1. Start With The Big Brands

Source: CNN.com

Starting with the basics is the best way to find the best match. The market is obviously dominated by three major players – as you probably already know if you own a TV. White Claw, Truly Hard Seltzer and Bud Light Seltzer are everywhere and they should be your first stop.

On paper, all of them are the same – 5% ABV, 100 calories, 2 grams of carbs. Flavors? Cherry, lemon, lime, grapefruit and the rest of the usual fruity selection. Once you try them all out, you’ll notice that all of them taste virtually the same. You’ll only notice the subtle differences between tropical fruit and berry flavored ones.

2. Move On To Craft Brands

Source: Taste of Home

After you’ve done with the initiation into the world of sparkly, mildly flavored drinks, the next step would be to explore the realms of the craft seltzers. What you’ll notice right away is that the main difference is in the alcoholic base and how that’s achieved. The most famous, beer-based seltzers come from well-established breweries who have decided to branch out. By now, you should be able to notice a richer, fuller texture, compared to the ‘commercial’ brands.

If you’re looking for a more vibrant, fruity experience – you might want to try out some craft brands that use fresh fruit as ingredients. You’ll be able to tell these apart even visually as they’ll sport a light hue resembling the used fruit.

Now, all of this is great, but, how do you actually know which ones should you buy? Well, we have a few tips on that, too.

3. Read Reviews

Source: Wine Enthusiast Magazine

As we’ve mentioned in the beginning, there are many seltzer enthusiasts out there and some of them are renowned critics and reviewers of these beverages. Not only will this be very useful for beginners, but also for adventurers who would like to explore a little bit more, but don’t know where to start. These reviews will often paint such a beautiful picture, you’ll be certain to form a good impression of a drink, just based off of a review. However, try and stay with trusted and proven sources, as you’ll find the best information that way.

4. Try Them Out

Source: Wine Enthusiast Magazine

Finally, as you’ve probably could’ve guessed it, the best way to find the perfect flavor is to drink more seltzers. Start small and move your way up. Or, should we say, start big and move on to the smaller companies? Either way, the only way you’ll know what you enjoy the most is through experience. Every now and then, grab a new can, a new brand and flavor you haven’t tried before and see what happens. You might’ve thought you’re a lemon-lime man your whole life, but then you taste the cranberry and you forget about citrus aromas. You don’t know until you try.

5. Try These Out

Source: VinePair

We promised we’ll recommend a few of these and we intend on keeping our promise.

  • Lift Bridge St. Croix Berries
  • Canteen Spirits Watermelon
  • Vive Dragonfruit
  • Wild Basin Lemon Agave Hibiscus
  • H2Roads Raspberry

There’s only so much we can do to help you find your signature seltzer flavor. Hopefully, we’ve managed to point you in the right direction so you get there a little bit faster. Enjoy them and don’t forget to drink responsibly.

How to Choose the Right Ecommerce Fulfillment Provider

Source: medium.com

Choosing the right ecommerce fulfillment providers is crucial for your site’s success. As you pay attention to your customer’s experience on the front-end, you also need to pay attention to the back-end. Paying attention is also vital because it contributes to the success of your business, and it is where the ecommerce providers come in. Below is how to choose the right service for easy operation.

Operating an ecommerce retailing site comes with a lot of responsibilities. Some of them include spending long hours to make your customer’s shopping experience easier by checking the navigation features, online shopping cart, and the look of your site. You also get to check that those things that will make your customer’s shopping experience easier are in place to make this possible.

Doing this is a great way to leave a good impression on how your site’s visitors see you. However, your site’s back-end is also essential because it helps you accomplish this without problems.

Payments processing is the first step before the order will be filled and shipped to the customer exactly the way they want it and where they want it delivered.

Ecommerce fulfillment helps you accomplish this without issues. They can also help manage your shipping, packing, handling returns, inventory availability, and more!

Before choosing an ecommerce fulfillment service, you should consider the following.

Source: TRG Fulfillment Warehouse

Can It Scale?

A crucial factor to consider is to know if your ecommerce fulfillment service will handle the growth of your business. The physical warehouse should be large enough to accommodate the volume you may generate when your business grows. Ensure that the company has enough staff to accommodate your needs when your product goes viral.

Also, ensure that their technology can easily handle any extra inventory that may come up, say experts from fulfyld.com.

Some people do not put these factors into consideration and they end up losing lots of profit. They could also find it difficult to deliver during the boom period of their business. They fail to realize that their business can boom at any point in time, and not having the right ecommerce fulfillment service can be a stumbling block to the success of their business.

Flexibility and Pricing

When discussing ecommerce fulfillment services, discuss the pricing with them by asking how they bill their customers. Avoid large monthly or annual retainers regardless of how manageable they may appear.

You should only go for a flat-rate or a low pricing structure that wouldn’t increase as soon as your business grows.

Source: Swiss Mail Solutions

Pricing Simplicity

After finding a vendor that has a great price offer, you should watch for any hidden charges or additional fees that may be written in your contract. So, ensure you go through the contract for extra charges for packing slips, technology fees (for developers), or dunnage ( little parking charges for your good’s protection) fees.

Also, find out if you will get charges for every call you make to the help desk. These fees may appear little but can become a tangible amount as your business grows. So, you must know of these fees before choosing your vendor.

Storage Fees and Rules

Another thing to consider is the storage fees and the rules that come with keeping your goods. Look for merchants that wouldn’t charge you for not moving your inventory on time because of Amazon’s rules of wanting merchants to move their products out of its facility as soon as possible. Many merchants will charge you for not moving your products on time from their storage facility.

It would help if you find an ecommerce fulfillment service with a low storage rate and good rules on how long your goods can stay in the warehouse. With this, you can be sure of not paying an additional fee for a storage facility or throwing away your product. You will also be able to keep your products in one place without breaking the bank when your ecommerce fulfillment service charges low rates without time limits.

Source: APS Fulfillment, Inc

Software and Automation

A reputable and reliable ecommerce fulfillment service should help you get your products from your platform directly to your vendor without additional effort from you or your workers.

The software should also update the inventory and order statuses on your ecommerce website and your warehouse automatically.

This way, you can be sure that your website is functioning without any drawbacks. Even though this is an excellent feature to consider, your ecommerce fulfillment service may not offer this service.

Aside from this, your ecommerce fulfillment service should also offer a client’s portal to enable you to see your orders and know what’s happening to them. You need to know if your order has gotten to the warehouse. You should also get the right report on shipping costs and delivery times.

Many new ecommerce fulfillment companies with small warehouses do not have the right software to make things easy for their clients. To avoid being a victim, start by trying a demo account to enable you to see what the system can offer. With this, you will find out if it can work with your ecommerce platform.

Source: Nextsmartship

No Lock-In

Although you can cancel your contract at any time with reputable ecommerce fulfillment services, some vendors will lock you into a contract that doesn’t allow you to cancel at any time.

Not being able to cancel when you want can be detrimental to your business if the system doesn’t work well with your ecommerce platform.

Dependability and Experience

Another thing to check is the experience of the vendor you’ll be using and how dependable they are. You can carry out some online research to find out if they have good records in the industry. Most times, newer companies that offer cheaper prices may not have the needed experience to make your business succeed.

Some of these companies make serious mistakes that may cause you to lose lots of money, great customers, or even your business. So, settle for a very experienced and reliable vendor.

7 Presents that Make the Perfect Christmas Gifts – 2024 Guide

img source: hearstapps.com

The spirit of the holiday season lingers long after Christmas morning. Naturally, you want to get the best gift for the people you care about the most. If you haven’t had the chance to get a Christmas gift, there’s still time to prepare for next year or hunt for a Christmas-in-July present.

Whether it’s for your partner or parents, there are many unique ideas that would make memorable holiday gifts. Need inspiration? Here are seven of the most exciting and joyful presents you can buy for the holiday season:

1. Mahabis Curve

img source: milled.com

As for the most comfortable and festive gift, you can’t go wrong with Mahabis Curve slippers. The third-generation Curve slippers from Mahabis now have a durable and fixed neoprene sole. This ensures you have stability and traction, but aren’t sacrificing the most important part of slippers: comfort, and a casual aesthetic.

The slim design makes it even better than fluffy slippers. You can still go check the mail in this pair without getting odd looks from your neighbors. The brand even uses recycled materials to craft beautiful and ultra-comfortable footwear that will keep your loved ones comfy (and eco-friendly) all year long.

2. Apple Watch SE

img source: apple.com

This holiday season, why not choose a present that will encourage your loved one to form positive habits? Apple Watch SE series is more than just your average fitness smartwatch. In fact, the Apple Watch Se packs a solid punch when it comes to its bonus features and enhanced functions.

It can precisely monitor all your workout routines and daily habits, letting you know how many calories you burn, your heart rate, and even how well you did on each exercise. As a plus, it’s a cellular connection, so you can receive calls or texts whenever you’re on the go. This helps your loved one be healthier, but also more willing to look at the cat videos you pester them with. Win-win!

To top it off, the matching fitness app allows you to track your workout sessions from an iPhone or other device with ease. The upgraded heart rate monitor makes your health goals, workout routines, and day to day tracking more effective.

3. Google Nest Audio

img source: vox-cdn.com

Holidays can be stressful, but you can make the next season (or all the months that follow) much easier on your loved ones with a virtual assistant. The Google Nest Audio adapts to your playback audio and can distinguish between audiobooks, podcasts, and music. Of course, most people love to use Nest Audio as a hub to control home devices such as lighting and heating.

In particular, the cloth-covered Google Nest Audio can be a personal DJ or cycle through the best podcasts hands-free. It’s even more than 70% louder than your average home speaker.

4. Adidas NMD R1 Shoes

img source: pinterest.com

Want a more practical Christmas gift? Then go with a compact and stylish pair of shoes like the Adidas NMD R1. The color palette, recognizable flourishes, dark details, and aesthetic appeal will make your loved one feel empowered to strut their stuff or take off for a jog.

As a plus, the new and improved soles make it so that each step is more comfortable and supportive. Whether your loved one is going shopping, out with friends, or to the gym, this one-look-all type of shoe will make sure they can use the gift all year long.

5. UrbanStems

img source: urbanstems.com

If the person you have in mind loves a well-decorated home, flowers can make the home even lovelier. As a plus, UrbanStems deliver unique flower arrangements on order. That means even if you’re shopping online this holiday season, you don’t have to worry about a depersonalized gift.

Instead, customize it to exactly what your special someone will like best. Do you want certain colors, specific flowers, or to have it all arranged with a lovely meaning? The choices are all at your fingertips with this personal but expert touch.

6. Bearaby The Napper

img source: weightedjournal.com

For stressful times or better rest in general, a weighted blanket can be the ideal gift to help your loved one relax. Studies show that they have the same positive effects as deep pressure therapy.

The Napper’s weighted blanket is like an oversized sweater that offers extra comfort and style. That means you not only enjoy the pleasing weight on your chest as you nap. You can also perform tasks around the house, make dinner, or work from home without dragging around a clumsy blanket. You can even get it in different finishes, colors, and designs, so it’s like enjoying a hug 24/7.

7. The Criterion Channel

img source: pcmag.com

Netflix has its charm, but if you want to give your favorite film lover a whole new experience, you can get an annual $100 subscription to Criterion Channel. It opens up the doors to hundreds and thousands of world-recognized masterpieces. Rather than a one-time gift, you’ll give your loved one something to enjoy every day of the year.

The streaming speed is excellent, the film collection is routinely updated, and it can even be linked with multiple household accounts. This makes the price far more reasonable, so you can give your loved one’s entire home a present with a single buy.


The best part about Christmas gifts is brightening up more than one person’s day. To make sure all your loved ones get something they’ll enjoy, consider your budget. The best approach may include finding off-brand versions of these wonderful gifts, shopping at your loved ones’ favorite stores like Old Navy, or pairing the gifts with offer codes from Slickdeals to bring down the total at checkout. All these options give you a wider budget, so you can buy more of these awesome gift ideas for more of your loved ones.

How Does Luxury Natural Stone Compare Against Natural Wood Finishes? 

Wood and natural stone are building materials that have stood the test of time. Homeowners often find themselves stuck on, which is the best option between the two. Comparing wood and natural stone brings to light their strengths and weaknesses, which we will explore in this article.


Wood is more likely to stain and damage because of its structure. The same weakness can turn to be an advantage; a blemish, for example, could give wood a new look. Stone has several advantages when it comes to low maintenance and high tolerance damage. It is relatively unscathed, as the maintenance requirements are low. Saturnia Travertini is an e-commerce shop that stocks stones like quartz that do not stain or require screening.

Source: Bhandari Marble World


Natural stones handle burns from hot surfaces and impacts like an accidental drop of the knife better. Stone is a compact material that produces sound termed as noise when it comes to contact with other kitchen elements. Wood, on the other hand, absorbs and dampens sounds. Well-crafted work surfaces of stone and wood can last longer. If you want the materials to last even longer, you will have to invest more in the wooden work surface. A wooden surface change with age and, over time, becomes even more beautiful, forming a distinctive patina.

Source: The Marble Store


Wood is a porous material with a high-water uptake. This character makes wood a bad material for wet areas like bathrooms. Though most natural stones are brittle, except granite, water absorption is less compared to wooden surfaces.

Wood gets scratched easily and forms cracks because its resistance is low. Natural stones have hard surfaces that prevent scratches from forming to a certain degree. After some time, the wood starts forming patches, and even tiny oil spill can lead to stains. Natural stones require screening before using as a flooring material.

Wood can burn quickly, whereas stone is resistant to fire. The stone is suitable for any part of the house as it can withstand fire incidents. Natural stone flooring creates a less slippery surface, but wood can cause slip and injury. Wood planks undergo contraction in the winter and expand in the summer, hence higher wear and tear. There is no effect on natural stone floors from climate changes.

Since wood is natural, it gives a relatively natural appearance. It looks classy in homes of all sorts and has been deployed since ancient times. Natural stone patterns offer a contemporary look for any space.

Source: The Spruce


When it comes to natural stone flooring, you need a high level of expertise and equipment to install them. The stones are heavy, and the cutting method takes more time, making the installation process difficult.

The hardwood floor construction is a project which is as ambitious and can be attempted by experienced, skilled contractors or trained DIYers. The process is simple and takes a short time. The floor on which the new floor will be mounted determines which hardwood floor system you use.

Source: Pinterest


The use of both natural stones and wood in spaces can be similar and sometimes differ. Natural stones have several advantages in their space, including;

  • Wall Cladding: various natural stone styles are used in the cladding of residential and commercial exterior and interior walls. These stones can embellish and bring glamour to any surface of the wall. You can use different tiles like granite, sandstone, or slate for wall cladding. The tiles for wall cladding are durable, lightweight, anti-corrosive and cracking, peeling resistant. They serve as an ideal decorative choice and offer everywhere excellent function and esthetics.
  • Poolside: The pool serves as a retreat spot to relax. Building the pool and the surrounding deck area with natural stones offers incredible benefits. Stones are stunning, with a luxury range of appearance which provides a personalized theme option.

    Source: leisurepoolscanada.ca
  • Flooring and walkways: Natural stones bring out the best surfaces and are a perfect choice for walkways and flooring.  Achieving a natural feel is only possible with natural stones when used outside.
  • Window sills: Natural stones look fantastic and give your home decoration an artistic appeal. Window sills with stones have some advantage over other building materials, and one is that the natural stone retains interior moisture.
  • Wood, on the other hand, is a good construction material. It has been used in constructing houses and other structures for many years. Uses of wood at home extend beyond what we can think of and include;
  • Wood flooring: Wooden interior means flooring with parquet. In your home, a parquet floor offers a touch of comfort and additional warmth. Oak planks used for creating parquets are treated with varnish or oil. The boards are available in different thicknesses, lengths, and widths. Special types, including a herringbone or mosaic.

    Source: Oikos
  • Paneling: Paneling sounds a little old-fashioned for many people. But a wooden wall cover remains an excellent choice today, especially in the interior of the countryside homes; this design is breathtaking.
  • Wall: For building walls, wood is ideal. Vertical boards can separate a living room from a dining room a few centimeters from one another. This enables you to build your own unique space while retaining contact between the two areas.
  • Ceiling: Heavy wooden beams in the past supported the first floor of older buildings. These beams are often repaired and illuminated on the inside. But you might assume classic interiors only befit wooden ceiling. Not at all. Classic styling lovers can also find this solution.
  • Doors and stairways: Normally, the doors are made of wood, unless you are using glass. Some builders prefer to paint the doors, causing the wooden structure to shine. The same goes for stairs as well—a beautiful, low sustaining wooden stairway.

    Source: Grand Design Stairs


Depending on your budget, you may check the cost of using wood for your project. Credible companies sell legit natural stone products at a reasonable price.


Wood and natural stones are different in nature and material structure. Talk to your developer to help you choose the best alternative for your space. Many people, however, prefer natural stone due to its versatility and durability.

10 Warning Signs and Symptoms of ARFID

img source: drpingel.com

There are many diseases out there that are more famous, or should we say infamous, than it is ARFID. But Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder can be detrimental to a person’s health, and no one should underestimate it. You may know this particular sickness as “Selective Eating Disorder” since that is how it used to be known. In many of its symptoms, it is comparable to anorexia, but there are some differences. With anorexia, there is a worry about the body shape and size of the body. Many young kids go through different stages of growing up, and it is not uncommon for them to be quite picky in what they want to eat.

A characteristic of someone with ARFID is that they do not consume enough calories to fulfill all of their biological functions. If you are interested in learning more about ARFID, particularly about what kind of therapies we use to treat it, you can always read more about this topic on rosewoodranch.com. But before it comes time for actual medicine, let us try to determine what are the ten most important symptoms and warnings of ARFID.

1. Extreme pickiness in choosing food

img source: foodanddating.com

Now everyone has some type of food that they don’t like eating. That is perfectly normal, just like having food you especially enjoy. We are not here to talk about that. With ARFID, we are talking about the pickiness of extreme proportion. If you refuse to eat one meal, but you find something else to eat, and at the end of the day, you had your fair share of calories, that is not ARFID. What is a characteristic of this disease is pickiness that eats to malnourishment and anxiety about food.

2. Actual anxiety when confronted with foods you fear

For someone that doesn’t have ARFID, this symptom might seem strange, even impossible. But that might make it the best symptom to catch this ailment in someone. So if you see that a person is extremely nervous around that food, they refuse to eat. And they even get physical responses to being in the presence of their “nemesis.” There is a good chance that they suffer from ARFID.

3. Adults lose weight, children can’t gain weight

img source: independent.co.uk

Naturally, this sickness manifests differently in adults and children. A grown person will start losing weight, but not in a good way. We are not talking about an overweight person going on a diet and avoiding sugar. No, we are talking about someone avoiding food even if it is healthy and losing weight until they are suffering from malnutrition. Adults can get their weight back, but for children, ARFID is much more dangerous. If they endure this disease while they are young and growing, they might have permanent confidence in their physique and health.

4. Depending too much on nutritional supplements

They might try to replace valuable ingredients from food with nutritional supplements. That is a good clue to identify someone experiencing ARFID. Generally, there is nothing wrong with consuming supplements. However, no amount of supplements can make it up for lack of a good diet. Taking too many supplements on an already empty stomach might just cause an additional problem, causing already sick individuals even more difficulties.

5. Vomiting or gaging after being exposed to the food they can’t stand

img source: media.npr.org

Not a normal reaction you expect when someone is exposed to, let us say, salt or sugar. Someone suffering from ARFID might have a real live physical reaction to just smelling the food they fear. So if you see someone gaging for smelling chicken or vomiting cause salt is white, and they don’t eat white food. You are most likely dealing with a person with this infliction.

6. Difficulties with chewing

Maybe you noticed, but a strong aversion to food is a strong symptom and warning of ARFID. If a person is chewing food for an extremely long time, that might be a good indicator. Again, we are not talking about people that eat slowly. When we say slow chewing, we are talking about a time-consuming activity that interjects with the normal life of this individual.

7. They can’t digest some food

img source: babycenter.com

You are what you eat. That is a saying for a reason. And after a while of this lifestyle, ARFID will affect the metabolism itself. Predicaments might be psychosomatic in nature, or the answer might be more complicated. The result will be the same, and even more, difficulties could occur for a person in question that interferes with their daily life.

8. Lack of appetite

Possibly, one of the most obvious symptoms. But one that is most common in ARFID. Since this trait is quite common in many individuals today, it is not in itself evidence of avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. However, it will always be present in individuals afflicted, and so it deserves to be mentioned.

9. They will eat extremely small portions

img source: cheapism.com

This symptom perfectly aligns with the rest of them. But it is a good way to notice someone with this disorder. Everyone eats a smaller portion of a meal from time to time. Usually, that is because we had a larger meal previously to that. But with ARFID, we are talking about continuously having tiny portions of food, which follows the lack of appetite, slow metabolism, pickiness, and the rest of the problems.

10. Avoiding food with no actual reason

The reasons they might give for not eating a particular food will have no logic to other people. As an example, they could avoid eating apples simply because they are not a fan of the red color, don’t eat fruits, or have a dislike for the company with the same name. Texture, colors, taste, smell, food groups, all of these are reasons why they might avoid to eat something.


img source: woodcockpsychology.com.au

As we saw, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder can be quite a serious disease. Luckily, it is not so hard to spot it and react on time. We hope we help you learn more about this distinct condition and that now you can recognize it in time in people around you.

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