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Michelle Morgan Net Worth 2024

Michelle Morgan is an American actress, but she is also a producer and a director. During the years, Michelle worked on many TV Shows and movies. Here you will find everything you want to know about her personal life, her career and her net worth.

Source: Instagram


The birthplace of Michelle is Calgary, the state of Alberta in Canada. The date of her birth is 16 July 1981, which makes her 38 years old now. When Michelle was young, she used to spend her time between two big cities, Vancouver and Toronto. She was raised along with five more siblings. The names of her father and her mother are not familiar, but we know that she is of Chilean descent.

Source: Instagram


Morgan was in the tenth grade when her talent for acting got discovered by one of the teachers. That is why she started performing with the Improv Team. Regarding her further education, Morgan went to the University of Toronto, where she graduated. Her fields of study were Theater and Classical Literature.

Source: Instagram

Beginning of Megan’s Career

When Morgan finished college, she started her acting career. At first, Megan played at different events, which she and her friends created together. After that, she showed up in live comedy shows at Live Sabbath Nights, which were filmed in Toronto. She also had a chance to work with Nathan Fielder and Chris Locke, the famous comedians. All of these jobs contributed to her slowly rising net worth.

Source: Instagram

Movies and TV Shows

In 1991, Michelle Morgan made her appearance as Rebecca in “Road Rage”, a thriller movie, alongside Yasmine Bleeth and Jerry Burns. It was not until 2005 that she managed to find a new job, working on “Die Patriarchin” as Onyangos Tochter, but still, that wasn’t a big role. In 2006, Morgan appeared on the TV documentary series called “Final 24”.

The following year was very successful for Michelle, as she made her appearance in a couple of TV Shows and films, such as: “Across The River To Motor City”, “Fire Serpent”, a horror movie, “Diary Of The Dead”. Later the same year, Michelle was chosen for the CBC drama series “Heartland”, to play Samantha “Lou” Fleming. This particular TV show gave Morgan enormous popularity across the world and for sure made her a fortune.

Considering this show is still running, no doubt she will continue on making more and more money.

Source: Instagram

Private Life

Michelle Morgan’s personal life is no secret, as she is married to Derek Tisdelle. The two of them were dating a couple of years after which they decided to finally get married in July 2012. Mara Carmen is the name of their firstborn, and she was born in 2011, while the second child was born in 2012, and they named him Noah Santiago. Michelle and her family now live in Vancouver, Canada.

Morgan also dedicated some of her time to charity work, as she stands for women’s rights.

Source: Instagram

Michelle Morgan Net Worth 2024

Considering she started her career in 1999 as an actress, it is normal to assume that she made quite a lot of money. As of 2024, Michelle Morgan’s net worth is over $2 million. Because her career is still developing, it is fair to say that her wealth will continue to increase.

5 Vishing Threats For Businesses To Look Out For – 2024 Guide

img source: securitybrief.eu

There has been a sharp increase in cyber threats in recent years, largely due to developments in new technologies. Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and they are always looking for new ways to exploit technology and unsuspecting victims. The latest in this line of security threats is vishing. And these victims come in all shapes and sizes, with criminals targeting everyone from huge organizations like Twitter (and sadly some employees fell for it), to unknown individuals.

But if you’re worried about cyber threats and the safety of your business, don’t panic. In this guide, we’re going to take a look at exactly what this is and the vishing threats that businesses need to look out for in order to protect themselves.

What is vishing?

img source: somagnews.com

Vishing is a relatively new term and therefore you might not be familiar with what it actually means. It works in a similar way to phishing, according to evalian.co.uk, which typically took place over email or SMS, but this scam relies on the voice, (answering a phone call or automated message), hence voice + phishing has become known as vishing.

In a nutshell, it is the practice of using phone calls and messages to deceive people into sharing personal information and sensitive data. For the most part, these criminals will impersonate a legitimate person or body. For example, they might call up and pretend to be the bank or the Government.

Sadly, Vishers rely on the fact that most individuals aren’t aware or very knowledgeable about these types of scams so they would have no reason to suspect the call wasn’t genuine. They also use a combination of emotional manipulation and scare tactics to try and get people to give up their details. Some even go as far as to set up fake caller IDs to make it look even more genuine.

What vishing threats should businesses be aware of?

img source: nordvpn.com

This might all sound a bit concerning, but the good news is if you understand vishing scams and approach every phone call with caution – especially when sharing your personal information – you’ll be better equipped to protect yourself. To help you do this, we’ve pulled together five examples of scams that businesses should be aware of so they can keep themselves safe.

1. Suspicious activity on your bank account

img source: gcflearnfree.org

An unexpected call from the bank can always ring alarm bells, especially when you’re a business owner and especially if they’re calling to inform you about suspicious activity on your account. While a genuine call from the bank will require you to confirm a few details for security reasons, remember, they will never ask you to share your full details over the phone. They might, for example, ask for characters from your password, your date of birth and a postcode, but they will never ask you to read out your full card number.

So if you receive a call that concerns you, don’t immediately go into panic mode, instead listen carefully to what the caller is asking. If they’re asking for sensitive details and a lot of it, it’s probably best to hang up! You can then call your bank directly to ask if the call was legitimate or not.

2. A call from a governing body

img source: technadu.com

Much like the bank, an unexpected call from any sort of governing body can take you by surprise. Often, vishers will pretend to be working for the Government saying that you are owed a tax rebate or that you need to pay a fine right away. They might even threaten to take legal action if you don’t.

In most cases, they’ll try and trick you into sharing your bank details and/or making a payment right away. Again, no legitimate body will ever ask you to share this much sensitive information over the phone and they certainly won’t use threatening language, even if you do owe them money. So both of these should be a warning sign that this is probably a scam.

3. Offers for credit cards and loans

img source: loanstreet.com.my

Vishers prey on the fact that businesses may be struggling for cash flow, especially in these difficult times. As such, they call around pretending to be a bank or building society and offering loans and credit cards at great rates. But as with most things, if it sounds too good to be true, that’s because it probably is, so don’t get sucked in.

Again, if you’re unsure whether the call is genuine or not you can hang up the phone, run an internet search and call the company back to check if the offer was legitimate. If it was and you’re still interested – great! If not, you’ve dodged a bullet.

4. A scare from technical support

img source: amazonaws.com

Another scam that vishers use to target businesses is calling up and pretending to be an IT technician and informing them that their computer, device or database is infected with a virus or malware. This is understandably alarming to a business owner, especially with GDPR regulations to consider. They might then ask you to download software that lets them take control of your computer or call a certain number to reset your accounts and get rid of the intruder.

However, if you’re genuinely concerned that you’ve been hacked, it might be better to phone your regular security service provider. If you don’t have one, hang up and do a bit of research into local companies. Never download strange attachments and certainly never give a stranger access to your devices over the phone.

5. A request for charity

img source: kasperskydaily.com

Lastly, scammers are not bound by the moral compass that most people are and they’ll use any cause to extract information and money out of their victims – even charity. If your business is asked over the phone to make a donation to charity, approach with caution. Scammers may lay it on thick by promising publicity for your company, something which is obviously good for business.

And of course, there are some legitimate charities that phone around, but they will not use urgency to try and get you to make a donation quickly and they will most certainly be friendly and in no way aggressive in their approach. After all, they’re trying to get you to donate to their cause.

So if the person at the end of the phone seems pushy, it’s unlikely to be a legitimate cause and certainly avoid sharing your information with them. If you’re not sure whether it’s genuine, you can always hang up and look up the charity online. Then you can go back and donate at a later date if you still want to (and it was a real charity reaching out).

Is It Possible To Make A Career Out Of Gambling

With an enormous expansion of modern technology, especially the internet, we got to experience new, successful ways of making money as well as new approaches, strategies and solutions for connecting one’s preferences and possibilities to make a living out of what he or she loves to do.

Source: The Gooden Center

The new normal

What was once hard to imagine, slowly became normal. Earning money from the comfort of your home, financial independence that doesn’t rely on doing a 9 to 5 job, or that doesn’t include having a boss, wearing a uniform or getting up at the same time every morning – all of this sounded almost impossible or at least too good to be true, which didn’t prevent creative minds from exploring the ways to get there. And they did.

Today, there are millions of freelancers, people who work remotely, making money out of gigs or jobs of their choice, using a single medium – the internet.

The internet – a sea of choices

The internet itself is an endless sea of possibilities and a never-ending opportunity for every person willing to work. Not only for people who are just starting something new and are willing to work but also for people who have a talent, a special skill or are already specialized in an area thanks to their past working experience, the internet has brought numerous options to choose from and to easily find the perfect fit.

Source: iqminds

Where to look for a job

Numerous websites with remote jobs such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiver, as well as social media whether that is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or a business social media such as LinkedIn, offer a huge variety of jobs and have even a bigger variety of experts in numerous fields, waiting to be hired. Although this is a great idea and most certainly – a fascinating step forward, it slowly becomes an extremely competitive market.

Today, transferring from real-life jobs and professions to online businesses and carriers has opened the door of a completely different environment in which people need to build their digital presence and work on much more aspects of their work than they used to before, to be able to handle the oversupply of workers. What’s technology’s answer? Creative more and more opportunities every day.

Is gambling only for addicts?

There has always been a stigma around gambling. Although going to a brick and mortar Casino used to be a fun thing, people who actually gambled were judged by society and were considered as problematic. However, it didn’t stop some of them to become professionals in this field, and to improve their skills to a large extent, providing themselves with a fantastic source of income.

With big tournaments and professional games available, it’s slowly getting normalized to indulge in this world and to earn big bucks. What’s made a difference in people’s mindsets is the fact that there are numerous professional gamblers who became millionaires just by gambling, whether physically or online. Their wealth varies but it even goes up to hundreds of millions of dollars.

All of this leads to a simple conclusion – gambling is not necessarily making an addict out of someone, nor it’s reserved for addicts only. It’s for everyone willing to dedicate their time and energy to master the principles of the game of chance.

Source: Pinterest

Gambling as a career

As every other career, being successful and not only making a living but being an expert in the field, takes time. It would be best to look at gambling as a side hustle at first. Learning as much as you can and educating yourself continuously is essential for making a success.

Exchanging thoughts and experiences with professionals is also something you should consider. Still, it’s not only about the skills. There is a lot more to it. How to act, how to react, how to make successful predictions and how to analyze the game and other players, as well as how to handle losses, how to calculate the percentage of losses you can handle, how to rely or not rely on luck, how to stop and how to lose. All of these elements are parts of the puzzle that you need to pay attention to.

But first and foremost, you need to have money to be able to make money. You might think that this is a fun and easy way to make money. However, reality says that you need even more discipline than you would in other professions. Relying on yourself and math is the best way to reach your goals while relying on luck isn’t so effective in the long run. And the goal is more than tempting – having millions of dollars on your account.

Turning the game into the profit

You are not limited to brick and mortar casinos only. Today, it’s all about accessibility and user experience. Casinos are slowly moving to the online marketplace and are offering even better conditions for their players, than the traditional ones. This resulted in a fantastic number of games as well as great deposits and bonuses in renowned online casinos such as casino at Winny, with more than 2000 games in one place.

Whether you choose poker, which requires higher levels of skill and more experience to start winning big or you’re finally about to monetize your knowledge about sports in sports betting or you’re a fan of baccarat or any other game – you should focus on up to five different types of betting, to be able to master each one without getting overwhelmed.

There are numerous books you can read, as well as other free materials on YouTube and other websites that offer free education for wannabe professional gamblers, and that’s exactly where you should start.

Source: googleusercontent.com

Expectations, expectations

While you hardly can expect a steady, fixed income, you might be familiar with the saying – the bigger the risk, the bigger the profit. That’s probably why you wanted to indulge in betting in the first place. As a professional gambler, you can certainly expect high profits.

But only if you work hard enough and control yourself. Still, earning six or even eight figures while having your adrenaline boosted, having fun alone or with the others and doing what you love – doesn’t it sound like a dream job?

How to Choose the Right Type of Massage for You – 2024 Guide

Source: eastmain

There has been evidence of massages thousands of years ago before our era. What is even more surprising is the fact that many ancient civilizations were practicing this technique to deal with chronic pain and other problems that are related to the muscles and the bones of the human body. For example, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Greek and Egyptian civilizations have left evidence of practicing their own type of massage. Without any influence of one over the other, they have developed their own techniques.

Today, it is still believed to be very effective for healing many illnesses and chronic pains, especially in the back and neck. All of those techniques from the ancient era have been passed down from generation to generation and we still respect them and use them to this day. Some professionals like to use their hands, others just their fingers, some even utilize their knees or elbows. Many Eastern techniques include the use of the entire weight of an adult. Of course, these are a bit more extreme and should be used only on those that do not suffer serious problems with their back.

Considering just how many different types and techniques are available around the world, picking which one is the right for you can be a bit difficult. Choosing should heavily depend on your needs and what kind of problems you are dealing with. For example, if you do not have any kind of back problems and just want to relax then a regular Swedish massage will be good enough. But, if you suffer from a serious disease and you require professional help from a masseuse or masseur, you can consider aromatherapy or deep-tissue, etc.

Swedish therapy

Source: thefatlossninja

This technique is the most common one and is probably the one that you and most people think of when someone mentions a massage. It may be the easiest to teach and can be offered at many places such as your local gym, wellness centers or at almost every spa.

With a couple of essential oils or lotions, the masseuse or the masseur will start with simple circular motions on your upper body and push down to your lower back until they reach your buttocks. Once done with the circular movement, they continue with long smooth strokes or kneading, rolling, tapping, shaking and many other movements depending on the level of skill of the person massaging you.


Source: tantranectar

This is a technique that focuses on one particular problem that usually appears when people do not get enough activity throughout the day or from too much sitting. Bad posture and slouching while on the chair can lead to many muscle knots which can cause pain and limit one’s movement.

If you are the type of person that gets riddled with muscle knots on your back, you should definitely consider getting a deep-tissue therapy.

A deep tissue masseuse will use a lot more pressure than you are used to and with slow movements will start pushing against the knots. The friction created by the strong pressure of the slow movement will cause the muscles to loosen up, allowing the knots to unravel. Keep in mind, even though a lot of pressure is used, it is not painful at all, most of the time. If you are looking for a deep-tissue massage in Korea, you should check out masakor.com.

Thai massage

Source: engoo

The Thai technique requires a bit more activity from the user. It is not as simple as just laying on a table and waiting for the masseur to do his job. People like to compare it with yoga because some of the movements are very similar to it.

However, those “yoga” movements that you will be doing will be assisted by the masseuse or masseur all the time. They won’t leave you to do them by yourself. By pushing and pulling you, they can help you stretch your body like never before.

Many people believe that a Thai massage is a lot more energizing than other techniques because it requires a lot more effort from your side. Thai massage is great if you have been experiencing a lot of back pain or pain in your joints such as your knees and elbows.

To learn more and experience Thai massage visit sites such as ChadaThaiBudapest.

Hot Stones

Source: centerforlivingwell

This technique is a bit more different than what most people are used to. The masseuse will first place a couple of volcanic stones in a machine (a heater) that will heat them up to a certain level of temperature. Once they reach the perfect temperature, she will place them on your back. The heat of the stones will loosen up your muscles and will allow the masseuse to work on your back with a bit of easy. Your muscles will give in easily and the removal of knots will be much easier.

Hot stone therapy is great for people who have high blood pressure, varicose veins or even diabetes.


Source: wellnessaromas

Aromatherapy is a technique that is very similar to the Swedish massage. It is basically the same movements assisted with different scented plant oils. These essential oils release a beautiful scent that will help you reach a calmer state, ultimately leading to a more relaxed body. The more your body is relaxed, the easier for the masseuse to help you with your back problems.

It is also believed that those essential oils may have healing properties as they enter your skin on your back during the massage.

The aroma from the essential oils may also prove helpful for people suffering from insomnia and migraines.

Foot massage

Source: medicalnewstoday

It is a well-known fact that staying too long on your feet can have a negative effect. A person might start developing various problems with their soles and arches which could lead to an even bigger issue. With a foot massage, a person will be able to recover from those sores and can continue living their daily life normally. It is also important to note that this technique can be incredibly relaxing too.

Whichever of these techniques you pick, we believe that you will definitely enjoy your time and solve the problems that you have.

9 Best Safety Tips for Cargo Truck Drivers in 2024

Driving a cargo truck may seem quite simple, but given the size and power of these vehicles, safety is critical. Logistics software company CartonCloud states, “When it comes to truck driving and logistics, safety must always be the priority.”  That is why a significant part of all truck driver-training programs is dedicated to teaching people how to drive correctly. If you are planning to enter the world of cargo trucks, this article is for you.

1. Transport the cargo carefully

If you are responsible for loading the products to the truck, be very careful with the way to do it, so you will avoid certain problems when you get on the road. Remember that the more cargo you have, your truck will need more towing force. Likewise, properly distributing the load will not only help you control and maneuver your truck better, but you can also keep your tires in good condition.

Source: pixabay.com

2. Understand the blind spots

All vehicles have certain areas known as blind spots. For larger vehicles, such as cargo trucks, common blind spots include the side sides, just in front of the cab; directly behind the side mirrors; and behind the truck itself. It is important to take extra precautions when performing certain maneuvers, such as backing up or changing lanes.

3. Reduce cornering speed

Speed ​​limits, especially on roads with many curves, are aimed more at drivers of much smaller vehicles. Larger trucks are not to reach those high limits, especially around corners and curves. Driving too fast in an area with many curves or corners can increase the chances that your cargo truck will tip over. Whenever you are driving in these areas, you should reduce the speed below the limit of the signs.

Source: Smart Trucking

4. Drive defensively

There are many things you can do to ensure that your driving is safe, but as you will inevitably share the route with other drivers, it is important that you also consider them. Always pay attention and stay alert to any situation, so you can avoid hitting another vehicle unexpectedly.

5. Drive with caution in construction areas

Believe it or not, many accidents often occur in construction areas. This is why the training for cargo truck drivers should include detailed instructions on how to drive in those areas.

Source: Medium

6. Check your cargo truck

Before leaving for any type of road trip, you should make a thorough inspection of your cargo truck. You should report any potential problems and correct it immediately. Keeping your cargo truck in good condition will drastically reduce the amount of safety incidents that occur on the road.

7. Stay calm

Another important lesson is to remain calm in any situation. For some, it is easier said than done, especially in stressful situations, such as heavy traffic or delays. However, to remain safe and prevent potentially dangerous accidents, it is essential to always remain calm.

This counts if the accident occurs, as well. You should not panic and be afraid. If you are not the one who is guilty of the accident on the road, you should stay focused and clear-minded and conduct the following procedure. Unfortunately, things like this happen all the time, so it would be the wisest option to realize the importance of preparing yourself for that outcome. The first thing you should do is find a reliable personal injury attorney who will regulate your legal procedure and reach the best settlement for your interests. When the accident happens, you need to focus on your health and recovery instead of worrying about your recovery compensation. For that reason, find a reliable injury attorney and he will take care of your case providing you the best medical treatment, and the settlement you deserve. If you are interested, you can consult with tomenybest.com and gather all the necessary information about the procedure.

Source: Transport Topics

8. Watch your health

Driving a cargo truck can be a tiring job, especially if you face your menstrual period, but given the inherent risk associated with the profession, taking care of yourself is of the utmost importance. For example, making sure you always get enough sleep before getting behind the wheel is a way to never fall asleep while driving. Eating well, exercising regularly and enjoying free time are also good practices. By doing so, you will stay refreshed, which will lead you to safer driving.

9. Get ready for bad weather

Approximately one quarter of all speed-related accidents and cargo trucks are caused by the weather. It is important that you reduce your speed when traveling with rain. A good tip is to reduce the speed by a third when the roads are wet. In case you meet with snow or ice, reduce the speed by half. Before changing lanes, wait longer than normal for other drivers to see your light signals. If you notice that other drivers are stopping, it is advisable to do the same.

We can’t handle the weather but we can adapt our driving to it. The most advisable thing is to avoid driving in heavy rains. Delay the exit or stop in a safe place until the intensity of it decreases, is ideal. But in case it should be followed, we bring some tips to preserve your safety.

Source: Yuma Truck Driving School

Driving in the rain is not easy. The asphalt gets slippery, the water gathers in the gutters and cords and the “spray effect” affects visibility. In these cases, it is essential to be focused and pay attention to the rest of the drivers and pedestrians. It is necessary to maintain a greater distance than usual with respect to the car that is going ahead since the braking time is slower. In addition, it is very common for the glasses to fog due to humidity and temperature change. To avoid this we recommend turning on the air and directing it towards the windshield.

Many times, you have to maneuver not to go through a puddle or wet those who are on the sidewalk. It is important to avoid sudden movements and not to invade the side rails because, with the wet street, it is very easy to lose control of the vehicle. To slow down, there is a technique: do it gently and with short treads to dry the moisture of the pads and not block the direction.

It is also advisable to slow down at least half of what is allowed on dry pavement. If you go through a flooded area and you feel that the car is sliding on the water, do not press the brake or turn the steering wheel sharply. It is better to slow down and keep the steering straight to regain traction.

As always, you have to pay close attention to the signs and indications, beyond reducing speed and turning on the lights. The latter will make it easier to see and be seen while we move.

How To Reduce the Costs of Running Your E-commerce Store

Selling online is a great way to make some extra cash, and if treated right, can even become a full-time business. Whatever your reasons for starting an online store, it’s never wise to rest on your laurels and hope for the best. The world of e-commerce changes rapidly, and that means you may have missed out on some valuable additions to your online outlet that could save you money. When cash is tight, and you’re spending almost as much on your digital presence as you are on your products, it’s useful to identify the best ways to cut those costs.

If you’re spending more than you’d like on running your e-commerce business, here are some essential cost-cutting tips.

Source: Kim Komando

Staying Safe

It may not have happened yet, but your online store is extremely vulnerable to scammers and cybercriminals. If you do get attacked and suffer from a security breach, then the costs could end up ruining the future of your e-commerce brand. Always make sure that you invest in a tough firewall and remember to add two-factor authentication to every platform that you use.

Yes, you’ll be spending money on security, but the financial aftermath of a ransomware attack or phishing scam could end your e-commerce dreams. Reducing the costs of running your business is all well and good, but if you try to cut down on the price of your security, then the costs of a breach could be far higher than you expect.

Streamline Shipping

If you’re still taking orders manually, searching through your inventory, packaging, labeling, and then posting your products, then you’re wasting time and money that could be better spent elsewhere. Ideally, you should try to remove yourself from the equation as much as possible. Luckily, this is easier to do than ever. Sign up for order fulfillment, which will dramatically cut down on wasted time so that you can focus on more profitable tasks. When order fulfillment is so accessible, it simply makes sense to add this to your e-commerce arsenal. You can check one sample on sites like Red Stag Fulfillment.

Source: PayPal Newsroom

Change Payment Processors

While it’s always the best idea to make sure that you allow all of your customers to pay in the ways that they want, you need to remember that costs can vary wildly. For example, PayPal is quick and easy to use, but the rates that they charge in fees can mean that your profits have a huge chunk removed with every sale. Have a look around at some alternative options that will see you keeping hold of a lot more of the money that customers want to give you.

The Importance of Customer Retention

It is proven to be a lot more expensive to attract a new customer than it is to keep an existing one. That makes customer retention one of the best ways to reduce your running costs. There are many easy to introduce and more focused customer retention approaches, so remember to do the following:

  • Give the best service experience you can
  • Deal with any potential problems quickly and professionally
  • Keep in contact with those that buy from you
  • Include loyalty rewards
  • Always take time to thank your customers

When it can be up to 25 times more expensive to attract a new customer, focusing on your existing ones can be a big money-saver.

Source: Forbes

Learn to Negotiate

There are lots of opportunities to open negotiations when it comes to e-commerce. The most popular options are with your suppliers and the manufacturers that you deal with and rely on. Talk to them about standard options like discounts for larger, bulk orders or getting a price cut whenever you can pay in advance. It can be hard to negotiate, especially when you’re not used to it. Learn some basic tips for negotiation with suppliers, and you could save yourself a lot more money than you think.

Own Your Store

Most e-commerce entrepreneurs focus at first on establishing a presence on the big marketplaces like Amazon or eBay. The problem with this approach is that you can end up paying a lot more in fees than you prefer. If you want to keep a larger portion of every sale, then having your own website is crucial. You can still have a presence on those all-important marketplaces, but the more that you can encourage customers to buy directly from your owned website, the more of the profits you get to keep. It can take a little more work to set up an online store for yourself, but the profits will be worth it.

Source: BKA Content

Learn Budget Management

Managing your budget is one of the best ways to ensure that you’re not spending money unnecessarily. Your initial business plan should have had extensive research into running costs, and the money that you have to manage those costs needs to be kept hold of tightly.

If you go over budget, then your business is at risk. Just as importantly, by taking a more proactive approach to your budget, you’ll be able to spot more quickly when you’re spending money where you don’t need to be. Those small expenses that you can miss if you’re not micromanaging your budget will soon add up.

Marketing Costs

Not every e-commerce business needs to use paid marketing methods. There are more ways to get free marketing than ever, and all it takes is a little research. Digital marketing can be a very big area to explore, but even knowing some basics can go a long way to keeping your marketing budget to a minimum. Look at email marketing if you’re looking for the best ROI on your marketing choices, but never forget that social media can massively expand your reach. Of course, the goal is to go viral so that your brand is in the cultural eye, even if only briefly. Manage this and you will suddenly have a lot more marketing options (and a lot more customers).

Source: Techvera Blog

Running an e-commerce business is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. It takes hard work and plenty of time to build something new from scratch, and money management is always going to be a factor that determines your success. Make sure that you are always looking for ways to reduce your costs without harming the customer experience, and your e-commerce business will be in a much better position for growth.

7 Benefits of Using Online Video Editing Software

Source: Medium

If you thought a good video could only be made by professionals – you were wrong. Today, any of us can buy a decent camera for little money and make a video that will look great. Many years ago, you couldn’t do that because the technology just wasn’t available to you to that extent. You had to have expensive cameras, microphones, a good computer, and specific knowledge to do something, while today the picture is somewhat different.

Today, many software packages can help you greatly, ready-made movie effects that you can embed in your video with two mouse clicks, not to mention countless guides on the Internet that tell you how to shoot, how to edit, and the like.

Every entrepreneur should know that photos are no longer enough because they do not provide potential customers with a real insight into his services. Moreover, if customers are dissatisfied with the service or product because they expected something else based on the photo, they often know how to leave bad comments on social networks.

On the other hand, a short video from every angle will give a real insight into the result of your work and show each product in the best possible way. You don’t have to have a top-of-the-line camera, it’s a better mobile phone to start with, but you should learn the process of video editing using free software like VideoPad or OpenShot, which are among the easiest to use.

Source: Vents Magazine

1. Free video editing programs

Although we will explain to you in this article how to use VideoPad, there are several other free programs in which you can edit and edit videos, but they all work in a very similar way. In addition to OpenShot, the most famous are certainly: VSDC Free Video Editor, Blender, Lightworks, Shotcut, Movie Maker (Windows), and iMovie (Mac).

However, it should be noted that free video editing software often has legal and technical limitations. Some of the codes used to require a software vendor licensing fee, which means they cannot offer free software that can handle all standard file formats. Still, Shotcut is impressive in that regard because it has an open-source that allows for a lot of the same options that paid apps contain. Another previously mentioned software – Lightworks – also has some advantages over free apps as they have paid for an option that removes the 720-pixel resolution limit. On jihosoft.com you can find more about good video editing software.

There are many benefits to using video editing software, and these are just some of them.

Source: 7labs

2. Switch between videos

You’ve finished shooting a few videos and now you’d like to arrange them and fit them into one. However, it is not enough just to add one after the other, but it is also necessary to blend with which you will make the transitions softer. Therefore, using the “transition” option helps the videos continue on top of each other the way you want.

3. Adding effects

Adding effects is very popular in video editing and there are many different ones. Whether it’s sound or video effects, the options are many. You can crop, blur, or motion as you like, and you can change the background sound and add your favorite song. There is also the option to add text, with additional options for animating text, counting, and the like.

Source: The Boar

4. Visual effects

As you already know, visual effects are present almost everywhere today, not only in the film industry but also in advertising, graphics, and video games. Today, without them, it is almost unthinkable to make something of that. The film industry uses pre-prepared materials that are composed into a scene. You’ve probably noticed green or blue backgrounds during filming that later disappear and are replaced by action scenes.

We use visual effects in the film when it is impossible to capture a scene in real-time as explosions of some planets or attacks by aliens. Visual effects are used daily in the world film industry as well as in the video game industry. Today, it is available to anyone and easy to use.

5. Customers love watching video

Research has shown that, when placing any product, videos perform much better than photos accompanied by text. Moreover, statistics show that 1/3 of customers watch a video before buying a certain product. This is also proven by YouTube, which says that over 4 billion videos are viewed every day.

Source: Web Publisher PRO

6. You can create a video at home

Gone are the days when we had to look for a video editing expert. Thanks to the many application software available to us on computers and smartphones, we can now do this work ourselves with little effort.

7. Enhance the quality of the video

Video quality can be significantly improved by using one of the video editing software. For example, if the quality of your video is poor, switch to high resolution, high-definition video and you will immediately notice the difference.

Source: Tom’s Guide

8. Preview window

Thanks to the preview window, you will be able to directly edit the video when cutting, which is one of the biggest advantages of digital editing. So, the video editor can adjust your automatic changes, which makes the job easier, because the movie doesn’t have to be physically cut and returned to the editor to be viewed again.

Final thoughts

Video processing can be an extremely demanding and thankless job if you don’t approach the whole story the way you should. First of all, you need quality recorded materials if you want successful results. Another important thing that processing can’t work without is video editing programs – there are dozens of them on the market, and sometimes it’s hard for the user to decide what to choose. The third ingredient of a successful video is the knowledge and creativity of the person editing the video, which may be conditioned by the capabilities of the video processing tool.

Why Casino Games Are Evolving More Rapidly than Expected

You are living in the 21st century, and that means you are a lucky person. We do not want to say that everything in today’s world is perfect. However, when you look closer, almost every industry in the world is making active progress. Advanced technology made the lives of people more comfortable.

Living without technology is not impossible, but we are sure many people could not imagine that way of living. For instance, the quality of communication between people would be at the lowest level. Today, you can talk with people around the world from the comfort of our room. Despite that, a 9-5 job is no longer the only option people have. If you have talents and skills, you can start an online business. For something like that, you will only need a decent device, a stable Wi-Fi connection, and dreams.

Generally speaking, advanced technology and the online world changed the habits and mentalities of people. A not long time ago, spending your free time at home would not be entertaining. However, thanks to social media and other entertaining platforms, people can now have more fun at home as well. They can watch movies or their favorite TV show, listen to music, chat with people, etc. Yet, there is one activity that we would like to talk about more. People more often decide to spend time playing casino games.

Online casinos are the place where you can have fun and earn some money at the same time. Of course, we do not want to say every player is going to become a millionaire. Many factors influence your success, and you should take care of those you can control. Some people may not agree with our statement. However, they can’t neglect the improvement of online casinos that visible on every corner. That is the reason why we would like to analyze together why casino games are evolving more rapidly than expected. It is a subject that deserves more attention and analysis.

Source: Times Of Casino

Online Gambling Is Becoming Legal Almost Everywhere

Gambling laws are not the same in all countries of the world. However, when we talk about online casinos, things are a bit different. For instance, some countries do not contain land-based casinos. Gambling in those countries is forbidden by the law. However, citizens have the right to gamble online if they want. The laws, in that case, are usually not strict. When the demand is at the highest level, the industry becomes perspective. It has the necessary strength to evolve for a short period, and that is currently happening with casino games.

Wide Range of Options

We recommend you go to Google after reading this article and type online casinos. You will see the number of casinos that operate online is massive. That is going to be an advantage and disadvantage at the same time. The online world offers a wide range of casinos where people can gamble. They only need to choose the one that meets their requirements and expectations.

The same rule counts when we talk about casino games. You will manage to find different variations of slots, roulette, poker, and other games in almost every casino.

That is going to be the most challenging part because they all look similar or almost identical. However, the next reason for casino game evolvement will help you understand the difference between good and bad casinos.

Source: Reza Shojaei

Attractive Offers

Online and offline casino owners realized one simple thing. Not rewarding their customers will never improve their business. Because of that, almost all casinos have some special offers that will make gambling more entertaining.

All the professional casinos are offering some sort of a reward that usually comes in form of bonuses. When you make an account at the gambling site for the first time, the casino will offer you a welcome bonus. It can sometimes be 300% of the amount of money you deposited. However, you will also often see that online casinos offer free slots, discounts, etc.

Beginners often hesitate to deposit more money because they have a problem with a lack of gambling experience. Fortunately, the casino operators understand the demand newbies have as well. That is the reason why you can find many free casino games online where you can improve your knowledge. For example, you can start from SoSgame.com and try out free online slots. That is going to be a good opportunity to analyze all the rules and see how the system functions.

Better Control and Regulations

There is a good reason why online gambling is becoming an acceptable practice. Governments around the world would not legalize that activity without proper control and regulations. These regulations come in different forms. Some of them strive to protect all online casinos and gamblers from hacker attacks. People can now comfortably share their personal data with casino operators and remain safe to the fullest.

On the other hand, many casinos started to limit the amount of money individuals can spend. Thanks to that regulation, the number of casino game addicts slowly started to reduce. We are sure the number will be even lower in the future years.

img source: windows.net

Different Payment Methods

Imagine that you need to deposit the money on a gambling site that is collaborating with suspicious payment providers. Would you feel comfortable doing something like that? We are sure that playing casino games would be the last thing you would want to do.

Online casinos are following the latest trends. First of all, they will offer a wide range of payment options. For instance, they will allow you to deposit money with Visa, MasterCard, etc. However, it is good to say that more and more casinos are allowing people to deposit crypto-based payments. That attracted a new group of people to start using online gambling as a new method of having fun.

Final Thought

All these factors influence the casino games evolving directly or indirectly. The creators of the games strive to meet all the requirements of the gamblers. Despite attractive designs and sounds, their goal is to ensure the full protection of the gamblers. The gambling fans understand that, and they feel comfortable to participate in the industry actively. We are sure the same trend will continue in the future.

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Saltwater Fishing

Fishing is a sport that involves a lot of skill. It’s gear-heavy, taxing and exhilarating, and it also requires a certain level of expertise. It’s why many anglers get into the sport. They’re looking for that thrilling blend of science, technical skill, nature and chance that fishing brings.

The only way to learn new skills is to be attentive and absorb the information either firsthand, through experience or by reading about it. When learning any new skills, you should also pay attention to what you should avoid.

Here are the top 10 mistakes anglers can make when they’re on the ocean.

1. Using Bad Bait

Some anglers prefer using live bait to artificial lures. With lures, you have to reel them in and reset them continually, but you need to give equal care to your baitfish. The fish you’re after have their pick of the ocean, so you have to use something to attract them.

Look for baitfish that are responsive and healthy-looking and avoid buying any that are bloated or reddish. Also, avoid overfilling your livewell or bait tank, or you may find that all your baitfish have died before you’ve even left the dock.

Source: Hukgear.com

2. Not Checking the Drag

Two hinged plates inside your reel provide friction on the line–the drag–so that when a fish pulls hard enough on it, the resistance is overcome and the reel reverses, letting line out. The drag is what keeps your line from snapping any time a big one gives a massive tug.

Before any fishing expedition, remove and clean any of the drags that apply pressure unevenly. When you store your reels for the offseason, back off all your drags so they don’t stick, but remember to reset them at the beginning of the next fishing season.

3. Using Shoddy Line

A lot of fish are lost due to broken lines. Inspect all the lines you’re going out with for chafed areas or vulnerable parts. It may help reduce the number of tangles, snarls and dreaded wind knots that often occur on spinning reels.

While you’re checking your kit, make sure your reel spins freely and without a hitch. It may only seem like a small problem before the trip, but when you’re fighting for every inch of line, there’s no room for mistakes.

Source: Michal Sarauer/Shutterstock.com

4. Avoiding Cover

Many saltwater anglers make the mistake of avoiding cover for fear of snagging a lure or breaking a line. Inlets, piers and rocky outcropping make excellent hiding spots that many saltwater species of fish prefer.

Perfect your fishing techniques around tricky spots, and you can expect to get quite a few hits on your lure.

5. Leaving Active Rods Unattended

If you have so many lines in the water that you’re missing strikes, either cut down on the lines you have out at one time or keep a better watch on the ones you do have.

Unattended rods can result in wasted bait and time and can even result in tangled lines or damaged equipment.

6. Not Keeping the Line Taut

When you finally have a live one on the line, don’t make the mistake of letting your line slacken while you fight the fish. Allowing slack in the line often culminates in a snapped line and escaped opportunity. Allowing slack in the line often culminates in a snapped line and escaped opportunity. And if you need any help, you can find out everything on meltontackle.

Keep your line tight, whether you’re reeling in or pulling back and maintain the same bend in your rod.

7. High-Sticking

A similar mistake has to do with rod placement. If you have a fighter on the line and are pulling back, but get your rod tip too far back, you’re fighting that fish with just your rod tip. This type of high-sticking makes you work harder and decreases your leverage. It very often ends up as a broken rod.

Instead, work efficiently by letting your whole rod play a role in the battle. Keep your rod in front of you and put an even amount of pressure on the fish through your taut line. It’s a delicate back-and-forth dance as you bring that fish closer to you, but maintain constant tension on your prey.

Source: Sport Fishing Magazine

8. Fishing with an Under Spooled Reel

You might have the best performance fishing gear on the water, but if you’ve under spooled your reel, you’re doing yourself a great disservice.

Some novices, despite the recommendations on the reel itself, will use less line. If you don’t have enough line on your reel, you won’t have a chance of landing the Big One.

Always make sure you have the recommended amount of line on your reel so you don’t lose all your line and the fish, too.

9. Letting a Rookie Handle the Gaff

It may seem simple to a novice to swoop in with a gaff at the end of a long struggle and hook the flailing fish, but anyone who has ever tried to gaff a fish knows that it’s not that easy. It may look like an uncomplicated procedure, but there are many changeable variables at work–like current, wave motion and the thrashing of the fish.

You’re better off, if it’s your fish on the hook, handing your rod off and gaffing the fish yourself. Or, if the gaffer asks for advice, throw a lot of direction and encouragement their way.

Source: Orlando Weekly

10. Using the Wrong Equipment

There are many different hook and lure types, and each is made with a specific aim in mind. If you’re serious about saltwater angling, bone up on the types of lures the fish you’re angling for are attracted to the most.

Hooks are essential, too. There are a wide variety of hooks, and you should make sure the use of the hook is compatible with the fish you’re trying to find.

Certain combinations of rods and reels don’t work well together, so you want to ensure that you’re using the right rod with the right reel. Additionally, not all rods and reels were designed for all styles of fishing. Some are designed for deep-sea angling and others are more suited to fishing in places with obstacles and vegetation.

The Takeaway

One of fishing’s mightiest draws is its uncommon blend of lore, wisdom, technical prowess and skill. Take the advice of experienced veterans of the sport and equip yourself with quality gear to make the most of your trip. Ensure you are well-prepared and have been attentive to your kit to avoid any common saltwater fishing mistakes. Although some of these may seem like common sense, every good angler knows that nothing is as it appears on the surface.

3D Printing In Class And At Home. What Are The Benefits? – 2024 Guide

img source: solvay.com

There are many things we can teach at school, but 3D printing is too new to be one of them. Should we leave it that way, or should we try and incorporate 3D printing into our lives more actively? And if so, what can it give us, aside from more benefit to the companies producing these printers? Let’s find out more about 3D printers in general and the most apparent benefits of using them at home, or in an educational environment, classes and demo lessons.

How does a 3D printer work?

img source: esa.int

3D printing is a bright example of a process called additive manufacturing. 3D printing requires a 3D model, which can be created in a number of different design software, a ‘slicing’ software, which helps the printer to ‘see’ this model as a combination of thin layers, and then print those layers one by one until the whole model is complete.

3D printers have two main work principles:

  • FDM printers (Fused Deposition Modeling) mainly use plastic, wood compounds, and even metal and concrete to work their magic in the way described above. They have a flat hotbed and deposit the melted filament in thin layers. The quality and the accuracy of this deposition highly depends on the grade of the printer itself, and naturally, the price range.
  • SLA printers (Stereolithography apparatus) work with a similar principle, but from the photochemical perspective and use liquid resin as a material. Their hotbed is upside down and it is facing the surface of the liquid resin dish placed directly underneath. The shape is created using a UV laser, that acutely solidifies layers of the resin, according to the initial 3D model. The hotbed gradually rises from the surface and in the end has the ready model stuck to the underside of it. Typically SLA printers allow more detailing and are generally more accurate.

Today 3D printers are used in a wide variety of fields, including not only industrial manufacturing and design, but also sculpture, construction, medicine, dentistry and prosthetics. So 3D printers don’t just print funny batman action figures. But again, that greatly depends on the price range, as well as the general grade of the device, which can directly affect the material, accuracy of printing and the maximal printing size.

How to use a 3D printer in class?

img source: neilsquiresolutions.ca

Now that we know more about the whole process, there are a few branches of studies that instantly come to mind when we talk about the educational benefits of 3D printing. Those are chemistry, engineering and design. All of those branches are important in equal measure and have great teaching potential. But how can that be done practically? Well, the shortest and the cheapest way is to get a decent 3D printer for the entire school to use, like the 3dprinterworld.co.uk market offers nowadays, and do demo lessons in each class. They can be easily scheduled throughout the term, and if some of the students are interested in getting more info and more practice, those extra lessons can be done outside of the regular schedule and listed as an extracurricular activity.

A 3D printing demo lesson can also have a few stages if we are talking about junior high kids, or older. First, a little background information on 3D design and its possibilities, review some of the software, then give some info on different filaments and how to use them. And, as the cherry on top, make a practical lesson with an actual printer, so the kids can get to participate and try it first-hand.

How to use it at home?

img source: medium.com

Well, the general principle is the same, isn’t it? If you buy a 3D printer for your home, you probably have some ideas on what you’d like to get as a result. Share your research and ideas with your kids and involve them in the whole process. Roam the digital libraries together, look for something to print that would be fun for the whole family. And you can even buy some design software if you or your kids are serious about learning more.

What can you print at home? Virtually anything from a doorknob, or a hanger, to a beautiful vase, jewelry, or an action figure. The printers that are graded as ‘table-top’ printers, in the price range within $300 are usually enough to perfect your skills and get decent results. They are not accurate to the point of printing intricate detailing, but they will more than suffice for being a great learning tool.

What are the benefits?

img source: pewtrusts.org

There are plenty of benefits to using a 3D printer at home and in an educational environment. Here’s a small list with the main ones we need to point out.

1. Interest in Education

We think you’d agree that most kids do not have a natural urge for school studies. Why? Because the very name ‘school studies’ puts them to sleep. But what if this time, instead of studying the three states of matter in the chemistry lab (which can be exciting too, don’t get us wrong), they get to print a Thor hammer from melted plastic that can be reassembled into the shape of your desire? You get the idea. Very often kids learn about things that mean nothing to them. How can you make math, or physics or history or a foreign language interesting? By making it mean something to them, personally. When there are no emotions involved, it’s hard for 10-year-olds to care about anything. This is where 3D printing can help out a little. It makes the theory come to life and mean something to them.

2. Integration

What we mean is integration into the world of technology, science and STEM fields, in general, that is rapidly taking over the world. 3D printers provide a great opportunity to teach kids about technology. And we don’t mean from a user’s perspective, because they can use it much better than their parents, that’s for sure. But rather from the engineering perspective. In today’s abundance of information, kids are rarely encouraged to dig deeper than a regular user. But digging and exploring is the only path to understanding, and that’s how we can raise a thinking society, rather than a consuming society, don’t you agree? That brings us to the next point on the list.

3. Imagination boost

Thinking means imagination and creativity. We often think of imagination and creativity as something you might want to have if you are an artist or a musician, but creativity in a broader sense is the power to find solutions for difficult situations, to solve problems, to communicate in a new way, etc. 3D printing, and especially 3D design provides a huge field for our imagination to go wild and create the most unrealistic images possible, and then see them come to life. Imagination and creative thinking are a skill, and we can train it like a muscle to help us find our way in difficult situations in life.

3D printing is here to stay. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we picture manufacturing and mass production, as well as individual items that are supposed to be manufactured separately for each person, like dentures and prosthetics. We’d better get used to this device and not only get used to the idea but also teach the younger generation about it and give them the opportunity to try it out first-hand. As we know, practice makes perfect and they are the ones who are going to carry the ‘tech-torch’ into the future.

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