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Baby Boomers Guide

About 76 million people were born between 1946 and 1964. This generation of 57 – 75-year-olds is referred to as Baby Boomers.

About 3.2 million baby boomers retired in the third quarter of 2019. In 2024, millions more retired from the US labor force. The retirement rate has continued to increase over the past decade, but Covid-19 pushed even more Baby Boomers into early retirement.

Although many Baby Boomers have acquired considerable wealth over their lifetimes, that’s not true for all of them – especially those forced into early retirement. Many Boomers find themselves in the unfortunate position of not having sufficient savings for a comfortable retirement. The 2008 financial crisis was a significant contributor to the problem, but Covid has made things even more difficult for many Boomers.

The research shows that 76% of the generation will have a tough time achieving financial security after retirement than their parent’s generation.

Baby boomers have an average amount of $152,000 saved for retirement. Stock market turn downs cause severe financial instability for them. The all too common lack of planning makes the situation worse.

A vast generation is edging unprepared and unstable towards their retirement. As Baby Boomers come to understand their precarious financial situation, many are looking for ways to save and spend their money more carefully. Resources like those found at BoomerBuyerGuides.com provide a multitude of saving and spending tips designed to help Boomers save money and enjoy life.

Source: American Senior Communities

Baby boomers Senior Health issues

As baby boomers age, they tend to face more and more health challenges. They are at risk of many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Heart disease can often be managed through a healthy lifestyle including a proper diet and exercise. But cancer and Alzheimer’s disease offer more challenges for this generation. Cancer is on the decline and treatment is improving, but Alzheimer’s and other memory diseases are on the rise.

Research shows that baby boomers get more diseases than others as they do not experience a good and healthy lifestyle. By avoiding the overuse of drugs or alcohol, they can easily lower the risk of being unhealthy.


One of the most significant issues that baby boomers face is obesity, which is a major risk factor for diabetes. Diabetes increases serious health issues, including high blood pressure, kidney cancer, and amputation. By changing lifestyle and developing a healthy eating pattern, these risks can be managed.

Source: UCL

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the most prominent cause of death for both sexes. After the age of 45, the risk of heart diseases, which includes stroke, coronary artery diseases, increases significantly. Sometimes age and family history also contribute as a factor for developing heart issues.

Baby boomers can control or slow down the chances of these diseases by avoiding tobacco and alcohol. They can control blood pressure by doing regular exercise routines and by maintaining healthy body weight.


Cancer is also a leading disease for all ages. Increasing age is considered a major possible factor. The present research shows that the rate of cancer-related death is declining instead of rising. The boomer generation can detect cancer by routine checkups. To maintain a healthy dietary choice and a healthy weight, they can overcome these health problems.

Source: Addiction Center


It affects about 25% of women and only 5% of men over the age of 65. Many people don’t get the symptoms until their bones get fractured. The weakness of bones at the boomer’s age is normal, and it leads to osteoporosis.

Overweight is also considered a leading factor in osteoporosis. Baby boomers should take calcium supplements to avoid these circumstances.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Age factor is the best-known contributor to Alzheimer’s disease. It is considered as one of the leading factors of death. Its symptoms appear after the age of 60 or more.

This issue is prevalent in baby boomers.

In this health problem, there is a close link between brain health and heart health. Many psychological and social factors trigger Alzheimer’s disease. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity improves brain health and reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

Source: CSV Brindisi Lecce

Baby Boomers Lifestyle

Developing a more satisfying and happier lifestyle by giving more value to yourself is the key to live longer. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, baby boomers feel 20% younger than their present age.

Diet for Baby Boomers

Maintaining caloric balance and promoting a healthy weight reduces the chances of obesity at this age. The rule for them is to “Eat less, Move more, and Take veggies.”

Their diet should be mostly plant-based, from which they get antioxidants. Baby boomers should avoid processed meat and beverages as they are high in sugars. Their generation should limit saturated and trans fats, sugar, and salts as well. The recommended food for them is Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which boost their health. These fatty acids are also good for heart health.

Source: Medium

Proper Amount of Sleep

Baby boomers should stick to a regular sleep routine of between 7-9 hours per night – enough sleep to keep themselves healthy and fit.

Many Baby Boomers are surprised to learn how damaging lack of sleep can be and how much better they feel when they get the proper amount of sleep. Not only do they feel more energized during the day, but they also experience fewer memory problems as well.

Baby Boomer Love to Travel

Tourism is popular among Baby Boomers. Because many of them are well-off financially and healthy too, travel is a natural way for them to spend time and money. They want to escape and experience the previous years of their youngness.

Baby boomers are considered as emerging marketers that openly embraced the leisure time and experience of the world. In 1999, over 593 million international travelers were at the age of sixty. They travel as their priority in their retirement time. They feel healthy in social activities and spend their leisure time without any sort of obligation.

How Does a Robot Vacuum Cleaner Work – 2024 Guide

Vacuum cleaning is so boring, and sometimes it can be very hard and demanding, depending on the machine you own. Many people who at least tried cleaning their homes this way were so happy when the robot vacuum cleaners were invented. It’s practically a small machine that you can leave to do its job, while you can rest, or do something else. The traditional machines can be really big and heavy, and you can hurt your back while trying to move it from one spot in your home to another.

There are a lot of brands and companies who are offering this type of cleaner for a competitive price, and of course, good quality. You can read more about one of the most popular and affordable brands on veavon.com if you are interested to invest in one device like this. Also, you need to remember that they are intelligent machines, due to their sensors, but also, you can only use them for floor cleaning. The machines have self-drive mode, but you can remote control it if needed. Depending on the model, it can just collect the dust, dirt, and particles from the floor, and more advanced models have a UV sterilization option.

Another one benefit of the traditional vacuum cleaners is that this one won’t make a lot of noise, and at the same time, you don’t need to control it a lot. The sensors will show the machine to take another route if it bumps into the wall, or some piece of furniture, which is not the case with the huge machine you already have. This invention is pretty new too since the first model was founded in 1990, and it was finally ready to be released in 2002, after they solved some problems like detecting the stairs, to prevent falling and damages. Even though it’s not the most perfect cleaner you can find on the market, because bigger pieces of dirt can be detected as a wall or furniture, the truth is that most of the people who already invested in robotic vacuum machine are pretty satisfied with the performance.

Source: Dick Smith

How does it work?

You’ve probably seen that its usual shape is round and it looks like a disc, that is using spinning brushes to move around your home, and role even in the angles, so it can attract the debris and collect it inside, in a waste cartridge. It can collect small particles of food, dirt, pet fur hair, dust, and so on. Since it’s small and portable, you need to empty the bin quite often. When you turn on the machine, the sensors “decide” where to start. Also, the very same sensors may detect if they cleaned some area in the room, so they won’t go over the same spot a few times.

The basic model can be controlled with a controller, or it can automatically use the features, by estimating what it has to do. The new models can be synced with your smartphone, so you can control it while you watch TV, or you take a rest after a long working day. The device can “see” the dirt through the sensors, and it needs enough space to clean the room well. The sensors are helping it to discover the areas that aren’t cleaned already, and to detect the walls and furniture, to avoid bumping, and causing damage.

Source: Sparnets.com

Obstacle sensors are helping the robot vacuum cleaner to detect the table, chairs, sofas, walls, doors, and other things that you leave on the ground, and avoid them while cleaning. These sensors are practically telling the device how to plan the path, so it can effectively clean the whole room. On the other hand, the cliff sensors are helping the device not to fall over the stairs, by measuring the distance between the spots, and estimating if there is a risk of falling “off the cliff”, so it can get back on the trace. There are also sensors that are helping your smartphone to keep track of how many meters the cleaner is going through one cleaning cycle.

Newer models are more effective in detecting the dirt and all the other objects in the room, and they really come with a competitive price, that some people consider extremely high, compared to the traditional cleaners’ price. But, these devices can use a smart system to memorize the usual path and the type of dirt that can often be found in your home, and sometimes even notify you if they collect something unusual for them.

Source: Dreame

Once you decide you are ready for this type of cleaner for your home, you need to:

  1. Research between the different brands and models. Hearing another person’s opinion is also very helpful for you, especially if you are ready to invest some significant amount of money in it. Ask the sales operator about the options, and try to precisely tell them the size of your home, and other things, like owning a pet, or having kids, so they can help you choose the model that is most appropriate for you.
  2. Some companies will offer a trial cleaning presentation, and if it wasn’t a pandemic, we would highly recommend accepting that option. The agents will bring a few compatible models; to try how they would work in your rooms. By this, you can see which one device you prefer and think works better for you. But, knowing that social distancing is the number one protection measure during this pandemic, we will recommend you to skip this step, for now, knowing how risky it can be.

    Source: Homecrux
  3. Most of the models will provide the best performance during the day or with the lights turned on, because that helps the sensors to detect the dirt and prevent bumping in walls and furniture. For example, some of the owners are charging the device overnight, and leave it to clean the room while they are out for work.
  4. Cleaning the trash bin and maintain the machine regularly will ensure long durability, which is the most important feature the customers are looking for when investing that much money on something. Don’t leave the debris inside the device, because sometimes the dirt is an ideal place for the mold and bacteria to grow, and be spread all over your home through the next cleaning.

    Source: ZACO Robot Shop

There are a lot more things that can be told about this type of cleaner, but those features depend on the model you will choose. So, don’t hurry to buy your first robotic vacuum cleaner, and try to take in mind all the important things we mentioned in this guide, so you can be sure you are getting the best one for you.

6 Common Technical Problems You Can Have While Betting Online

There is a global pandemic going on and we spend most of our time at home. Slowly all the services and offers have adapted to the situation and to sitting at home, so you can very easily complete any obligation from the warmth of your home. Although it is easier and different to feel when we are out of the house and when we do it with a physical presence, it is still not advisable to leave our warm homes and therefore the best solution is to use the benefits offered by many of the companies that offer their services.

Thus on the Internet, we can witness a selection of services that did not exist before. For example, all countries have started offering administrative services from home online, banks have made payments and withdraw money without commissions just to complete these obligations from home via e-banking, schools and colleges have moved their courses and exams online, and They also offer shops, restaurants, lotteries, casinos and betting shops through online services. Especially used are the betting shops which are the most common choice for every fan of entertainment and betting that is physically impossible in this pandemic.

Source: Srbija Danas

Bookmakers have adapted to the new system of work the fastest. They have modernized their websites by offering all the games that can be played physically to be played online from home. They offered the opportunity to pay from home with all types of cards and without restrictions. They update the offers on a daily basis, and often add game add-ons that change on a daily basis. Their access is much better after they are moved online, but despite that, there are often technical problems that make payment and betting difficult. Let’s look at the most common difficulties.

  1. Difficulty creating your own profile – The first problem that all users of online betting face are the difficulty of creating their own profile on betting sites. This is a problem that is easily solved but creates unnecessary nervousness in the players. The most common problem here is that the activation code or the activation link of the profile that arrives at the email address usually arrives in the junk section or in the spam section which is the least open mail folder. Due to that, the procedure is delayed and the players get nervous, so most often the calls to the support center refer to this topic. So choose stable services for online bets such as stavidoma.com where you can easily use their services and games offered digitally.

    Source: The Quint
  2. Failure to receive an email account after the payment is made – after making any online payment, it is correct to receive an account for the payment to the e-mail address or by SMS to the phone. But most often this may not happen due to system errors. System errors most often refer to non-arrival of accounts or their late arrival, and it often happens that the wrong account arrives by e-mail. This can be easily fixed by contacting the support center by email or by calling the support center by phone.
  3. Unavailability of all games – the topic that creates the most nervousness among players is the games offered. If there are not enough games offered, they decide on another betting shop, and if some of the games are unavailable in that case, they are very angry and complain via email or phone. Where is the problem? The problem is in the system, ie the server that usually makes mistakes and does not allow certain options to be played or shows the matches as already completed (by mistake) and does not allow the payment to be made. But that problem is very easy to solve if you turn to the authorities in the service who will meet you in solving the problem.

    Source: FREEYORK
  4. Delays in updating quotas – the most important thing for every bookmaker are timely published quotas. They are usually published in the late hours of the day for the matches that are the next day or are set for longer time intervals. But believe me, often there is a system error that is not the fault of the employees of the ticket payment services. These are errors caused by the server, and it is often the fault of the poor internet connection. This is resolved quickly if customers respond in a timely manner to obtain the service they require in a timely and accurate manner.
  5. Untimely announced match results – the results are the thing on which the success of the ticket depends. They are usually downloaded by online services from other specialized sites that publish results from all the sports and competitions that were played that day within countries, continents, or worldwide anywhere on the planet. Often, because these results are downloaded from the results pages through a hyperlink, there are problems, ie their delay or their incorrect updating. It is solved easily and is not so problematic, but it still happens as a mistake that causes nervousness in every player.

    Source: TradersDNA
  6. Late payment of winning tickets – the last thing that is considered a very big problem when it comes to winnings are the payouts. Payments usually go through a bank with which the service cooperates or go through an online money transfer system. Both options happen to be very problematic because they are guided by the bank’s policy which states that the registration of all orders should be done within 3 to 5 days. So this creates nervousness among the players, but it is good to note that this is not a mistake of the services, but most often of the banks. However, we would count it as a mistake because it often happens that the problem is on the service side due to incorrect data or untimely access to the payment.

We recommend that you stick to online services and enjoy the warmth of your home to stay safe and secure. For problems, always contact the authorities of the support centers who would be happy to help you with what you have a problem with. Be patient and enjoy this great opportunity from your favorite spot in your home.

Is It Worth Investing in Ripple Cryptocurrency

If you are keen on expanding your trading portfolio, Ripple just might be what you are looking for. There are pros and cons of investing in it, and in the end, the decision to invest in it is solely yours. We are here to tell you what to look for, and in the future, what should be your potential course of action. The first thing you need to know is that we’re not talking about your standardized cryptocurrency. It is different from Litecoin and BTC. It is a form of currency that is intended to be a part of all transactions all over the world.

While this sounds like something you already heard of, the things just aren’t as straightforward. Like we already said, it is quite different from anything you already encountered elsewhere. In addition to being able to take care of your transactions, it is also ideal for investments. Yes, it can go both ways. We might sound confusing right now, but worry not; in a couple of sentences, we give you a brighter picture of what Ripple and its crypto XRP are.

Above all else, Ripple is a technology that mimics cryptocurrencies and acts like them in the form of XRP. Its primary influence is in the segment of digital payment and financial transactions. It can work on charges regarding the currency, but it excels in dealing with digital ones. The testimony of good work done by Ripple and XRP is the fact that many renowned companies are working closely with them, including American Express, Santander, and MoneyGram. Many will follow suit in the future, so stay tuned, as you can benefit from it. Now, let’s see is it worth investing in ripple cryptocurrency.

Source: NewsBTC

Is it a Good Idea?

To answer this question, you first need to know how this crypto performed and what it did on the financial market in recent years. When you explore this, you’ll see if it is worth your investment in the year lying ahead of us. If you can’t assess this information on your own, you’re in the right place, as this is where we can help.

First thing first, you need to look at the core of this coin. You need to see it for yourself if XRP is the right asset for you to trade. There are many individuals out there finding it not suitable for them and their operations. Suppose you are one of them back down and seize trading. Furthermore, you need to be aware at all times what causes Ripple to rise and fall on the financial markets. It is known as the disrupter in the transaction industry, but it isn’t always dominating over it.

Luckily for all traders, XRP is suitable for all types of investors and traders alike. Even beginners who are just finding their way around cryptocurrencies find it interesting as it is an altcoin. It is, of course, not the same as Bitcoin, the most famous crypto, but it managed to get to the top of the cryptocurrency ladder, quickly entering the top five coins on every list. XRP has been around long enough to be considered reliable and established among people dealing with crypto, which is always a good sign for new investors.

Source: PYMNTS.com

Ripple is a coin that found its way to the capital financial establishments, which is something that all traders and investors look brightly on. Because of its tight connection with transactions and payments, all of those who want to invest in this domain find Ripple a perfect solution. It’s just how XRP quotes among the people who know better. One of the traits that separate this coin from other cryptocurrencies is the fact that it reacts differently to some changes on the market. You can say it has better immunity, which makes it ideal if you aim to invest in other cryptocurrencies as it’s a perfect hedging tool.

Besides what we said above, it also has one trait which makes it ideal for day traders – volatility. Just like BTC, XRP is also highly volatile, which leaves an excellent margin for traders to earn money, which is the ultimate goal of all of us. With Ripple, you can equally chase both long or short positions. If everything we said so far sits well with you, we came to the question of is XRP the right investment for you. If you are any kind of trader and know at least the basics of market shifting, you need to be able to make this decision.

Same as with any other cryptocurrency, the trend is crucial for your gains. Digital currencies are like songs and music artists; they can be trending on the moment and completely silent the next one. The thing with XRP is that it works the best in pairs like Sonny and Cher. So, if you want to get the best out of XRP, you need to follow closely other cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin above all. In recent years Ripple was adopted by many financial institutions, which use its platform, and will probably continue to do so in the future. You also need to be on the lockout if it gets connected to another major player, which could elevate its value. Changes like these are what you, as a potential investor, need to be aware of this if you’re to make any profits. After saying this, we must ask you have followed the crypt market in recent weeks?

Source: Chainbits

BTC hit the all-time high value peaking at more than $41,000. XRP followed suit and was very volatile in recent days. This means that yes, it is worth investing in it if you are well versed in the day to day trading and prepared to dedicate yourself to watching the market rise and fall daily. If you are all ready to step up your game and start trading Ripple or BTC, be sure to get informed first. Good people from bitrebels.com could help you with that. Be sure to seek their advice; we sure will.

POS Systems: Here’s Why You Need One

Every business owner is in constant pursuit to adopt effective strategies that will optimize operations, and POS is one such sought after solution. It is undeniable that the hype surrounding this technological feat should be convincing enough. But why should you invest your enterprise’s time, money, and effort in a pos system? Are they worth it, or are they just another marketing fad that will come and go, as we have seen so many through the ages?

The truth is you need one. You may already be using a mediocre system, and it is time to graduate to a modern-day version. Traditional stores had only cashiers. One paid in cash, and a hand-written receipt was dispensed. But as globalization, industrialization, and technological innovations continue to penetrate every nook and cranny of our lives, even such traditional merchants find themselves in need of more effective methods to run their POS processes.

These systems are found in virtually all types of industries. However, they feature predominantly in retail, accounting, and hospitality. Before we delve into the advantages you will enjoy by incorporating a pos system into your retail sector, read on to understand POS and how it combines with other elements to form a highly-functional unit.

Source: Small Business Bonfire

So, What Do We Mean By POS?

The point where the final retail action takes place is what is referred to as POS. It stands for point of sale in full and is also called POP (point of purchase) in some regions of the world as it represents the process when a customer pays a vendor in exchange for services or goods.

POS software has come a long way from what we see today. Earlier on, only corporate giants like McDonald’s restaurants, Dillard’s department stores, and Pathmark supermarkets utilized pos systems. They were installed in electronic cash registers and ran on proprietary IBM software whose functionality was limited compared to current-day versions.

A common misconception is that a POS system is only the software that handles the retail process. One could never be more wrong. A variety of tools and devices like cash registers, check out dividers, barcode scanners, receipt printers, computers, and weighing machines may also be part of the elaborate design.

A pos system is customizable to allow running congruent to any business processes. For example, Supermarket chains require complex setups that remotely interlink all outlets to the headquarters for centralized control. A Food and Beverage establishment, on the other hand, requires functions that merge with their operations, such as adding item buttons, creating queues for table and takeaway services, and receipt handling. Now that we know what a pos system is and does let us take a look at what it can do for your business.

Source: Bovertis

Benefits Of Using A POS System In Your Business

1. Helps streamline retailing processes

Retail operations are automated when one uses a POS system. For instance, you can say goodbye to hefty price tags that your staff has to attach to every product in your store. When adding inventory to your stock, just input the product’s code into the system. When a customer wishes to purchase this particular item, the cashier only needs to scan this code to complete the sale. A POS system comes with features that enable you to easily make alterations to stored product data in case of price changes or the addition of discounts. With an ultra-effective POS system, you can effortlessly:

  • Keep track of sales
  • Manage your inventory
  • Handle transfers of stock
  • Store supplier records
  • Issue purchase orders
  • Send out quotations to prospective clients
  • Formulate a membership or customer loyalty program
  • Conceal barcode label creation
  • Handle varying payment methods using various currencies
Source: Business First Family

2. Enhances data management

The majority of POS systems available in the market have in-built features that allow storage of records on a back-computer. The owner or relevant employees have access to said data, which can be analyzed to develop strategies to guide consumers and promote their products and services.

3. Effective stock control

Functionality aspects like supplier records and inventory management enable businesses to manage stock. You, therefore, make more informed purchasing decisions. It is possible to pre-set the system to send out purchase orders to respective supplies as soon as stock numbers go below a certain point. Do you have retail businesses that are solely run on an online platform? Take advantage of such functional capabilities to ensure the smooth running of operations. Avoid putting up the ‘out of stock’ sign to avoid losing customers.

Source: Chavellenge

4. Enables you to create better marketing campaigns

The marketing department also benefits substantially from points of sale. They understand that a POS system has the potential to influence buying behavior, which impacts profits. Collected data allows marketers to analyze how sales are moving and consumer trends through which they can propose adequate solutions and recommendations. In the case of a clothing department store, one may find that placing several points of sale at micro-market specific locations influences impulse buying.

Are Free POS Systems Worthwhile?

If you are a bit tight on cash, there are several free and open-source POS tools you can make use of available in the market. But are they just as effective as paying for the service? The truth is, each side has its own pros and cons. Research first to see what the free platform has to offer. However, always opt to hire professionals to do the heavy lifting if you can afford it. They are experienced in methods that will enable you to unlock your full potential in-store and online with intuitive POS systems. Go online and try a free demo on websites like https://www.retailexpress.com.au/pos-systems  to evaluate their services’ compatibility to your type of industry.

Source: SumUp POS

Tip For Thought

Whether you are a start-up or an already established enterprise, having a pos system will substantially boost your sales. Include several features to enhance the consumer’s experience, which means a higher customer satisfaction rate. All these factors work hand in hand to drive growth while developing your brand.

Why Give Your Baby A Bohemian Name?

If you’re looking for a timeless baby name that still sounds cool, look no further. If you are expecting your own little flower child, a hippie baby name will fit you perfectly. It is also one that takes up the love of nature and the free spirit that hippies hold in the highest esteem.

Here you will find some hippie-inspired plants, flowers, and everything you are looking for to name your baby, as well as some other great ideas. Baby names tend to stick around longer than their original inspirations. These hippie names will fill you with nostalgia, while other names will just keep you warm at night.

It may feel strange to call your baby by its name at first, but soon it will feel so natural, and you just know that the flower you choose will be just the right name for your child. Find the hippie name that’s right for your little boy. Whether it’s a Sanskrit baby name or a Hawaiian baby name you’re looking for, you’ll find there are no lack of hippie baby names out there for you to discover.

Source: The Beat 92.5

Before you even start with your name, make sure you start your baby registry, and before you search through all the names, you only need to find one or two names that will last a lifetime. It can feel frightening and terrifying until your little bundle arrives. From the old and classic to the infamous and unconventional, you can bring back the magic in letter-naming with a cool hippie boy name.

Once you have narrowed down the type of name you can cut the list a little, but not too much and not too little. It’s the little things that make the difference Sometimes those little adjustments that parents make can really help our kids get on their way to great lives. So whether you’re in search of the perfect name to fit your little one, or want to send a nod to fashion’s past – you can do it.

Natural, earthy names have always been popular, but if you try to avoid popular names, there are plenty of boho names that will push you up the ladder. If you love Addy’s nickname, look for Addi as the popular girl name for your new baby. You may find a few for those of you who love Baha’i maiden names but are not a big fan of sweet Adeline or Adelaide.

Source: Yahoo! Sports

Choose your name and see what you have learned about new baby name trends for your baby and its spring-like baby girls. Hippie names for girls are each unique in their own way. A hippie name may be inspired by a flower or herb, a heavenly body, a gemstone, or a simple word. Each one gives your baby girl a unique and distinctive name that will last a lifetime! Whether you’re a hippie at heart or just enjoying this latest trend, there is no limit to the potential hippie names.

Stunning baby girl Ophelia is on the verge of rising in popularity, so pick an old classic beauty like this. Your daughter will stand out in a sea of trendy new baby names. Inspired by Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia is one of the new baby names on our list for 2024. Ophelia is a poetic and literary name with rich connotations. It’s a feminine form of the name Philo, which is based on a Greek word meaning ‘to love’. Ophelia can also be spelled as Ophélie, which is a French form of the name.

Mae is one of the most popular nicknames in the South and, like the name Lula, it flows easily from the mouth. This funny, old-fashioned middle name should make a comeback, so pin that girl’s name on your baby board if you’re planning it. May is the new hippie name people are craving, and there’s a lot behind it. There are several reasons to add this unique modern name to your ever growing list of kid names. The first thing people notice is its uniqueness. It belongs in the company of beautiful flower names like Rose or Daisy. The next thing they notice is its beauty too. Used as a middle name it adds sophistication to any family tree.

Source: Thought Catalog

Caleb is an adorable Old Testament Hebrew name that means devotion to God, and he is one of the most popular baby names in the United States. The original hippie name, Caleb has never lost its popularity. Thanks to a rugged bible character with the same name, this unique traditional moniker is right on trend.

It’s fun to spend hours searching for the perfect name for the first name or even the right one, but you don’t want it to roll off your tongue or sound nice. There are many reasons to gather here and take the stress of choosing a unique hippie name for your baby. Check out TheBabySwag for the most unique baby names for your child.

Find out which ones inspire you most to give your baby a name and find out what dark and scary girls “names there are. So we had to pick and choose by hand some of the rare old fashions that have come to an end in the modern world of baby names.

Source: LittleSizzle

Pick some rare old fashion jewels that will make your granny proud and go down in baby name history as one of the most popular names. Some of the most popular old fashioned names that qualify as hippie names are actually biblical names. Today, people prefer naming their child with nice and meaningful biblical names which will not only be a good name for them but will also have spiritual history behind it.

Passing on a grandmother’s or mother’s name is an honorable tradition that many families in the South continue.

There are a lot of amazing gender names – there are neutral names, and some have become trendy names, but forget to factor them in when it comes to lists of the top baby names.

There is no clear idea of what life will bring to your adorable baby, but giving her a nice, interesting, and meaningful name could put her on the right track.

Why Choose A Premium Leather Jacket Instead Of A Cheap One

There are very few people who don’t want a leather jacket to be a part of their wardrobe. But when it comes to buying this particular piece of clothing, there are a string of decisions one needs to make. The primary among these is whether to go for a cheap thrift store leather jacket or buy from a premium international brand.

We are of the belief that spending a few hundred dollars on a piece of leather product is usually worth it, especially if acquired from the right source. If you are wondering why you should spend that amount if the same look can be availed for a lower price, keep reading, and you are bound to change your mind!

Vast Range of Leather

Source: Sourcing Journal

Cheap leather jackets don’t always mean that the leather product is fake. But it always means that the range of leather that you can avail of is limited. Cheap leather jackets are made from mostly goatskin, or in very few cases cowskin. Premium leather jackets, on the other hand, are crafted from a much wider range of leather such as sheepskin, lambskin, calfhide, etc.

Each type of leather has its unique qualities. Some are heavier than others, while some are smoother and easier to craft into premium designs. The leather you choose will ultimately reflect many of the qualities of your jacket. So, you should definitely do some research before buying your leather jacket and choose the type of leather that suits your needs.

Cheap leather jackets will always feel the same and provide a similar level of warmth. On the other hand, the feel of a premium leather jacket and its warmth level can vary widely based on the choice of leather.

Visit https://sculptleatherjackets.co.uk/ for more information.

Worth The Investment

Source: SPY

A cheap leather jacket is bound to last you 2 – 3 years before the material starts chipping away and deep creases form on the surface. A premium grade leather jacket will last you at least double that time period, if not more! So, the amount you spend on a premium quality leather jacket will ultimately pay off since it will be a long-lasting piece of premium fashion in your wardrobe.

Most people don’t usually buy multiple leather jackets. So, treat it as a one-time investment and take care of it with the various leather care products available. Leather jackets are not simply a piece of clothing but also a creed unto themselves. So, when you buy a premium product, you become a part of a creed of timeless fashion.

If you are thinking that you are only going to use the jacket during winter and then store it away, a cheap jacket is more likely to get creased if stored for a long period of time. Rather, a premium quality jacket will feel fresh when you take it out after months of storage. So, you will not need to update your winter wardrobe every year with a premium leather jacket by your side!

Better Design

Source: Jigsaw

Let’s be real; thrift store leather jackets come in a maximum of two or three designs. You can find a bomber jacket design, a biker jacket design, and a straight forward design. But premium leather jackets, on the other hand, come in a huge range of designs. You can have one meant for parties, another to hit the road, and one for casual wear as well.

The choice of color in the case of premium jackets is also much wider than the cheaper range you can avail. Apart from the usual brown and black, premium leather jackets come in various bright colors. You also have customizable options when buying from most premium brands. And overall, the make of the jackets crafted by premium brands is much more detailed and long-lasting. Most of these brands hire master craftsmen and designers to create their products. So, you are not just paying for the quality of the leather but also professional craftsmanship.

If you want a jacket that does not look its quality, surely you can go for your thrift store options, but if you want a jacket that truly fits your design requirements, then premium brands are the only option.

Fashion Statement

Source: Return of the Cafe Racers

Thrift store leather jackets will never be the centerpiece of your wardrobe. It will be a jacket-wearing which you can go to the grocery store or for a walk around the neighborhood. But if you want a leather jacket that will show the world the fashionista that you are, then a premium jacket will serve the purpose perfectly.

Premium quality leather jackets can be worn for a wide range of occasions and can be styled in a vast range of manners. You can throw one over a dress, go for the classic leather and denim look, or even have a semi-casual look with a bomber jacket and a tuxedo underneath! With a premium leather jacket by your side, the choices are truly endless, and this is why such jackets stand out from the crowd.

Final Verdict

A leather jacket reflects the kind of person you are. So, do you want to be a part of the crowd or stand out? Do you want to be just another somebody with a leather jacket or create a fashion statement that turns heads? If you are drawn to the latter, then a premium leather jacket is exactly what you need!

After all, they are superior in every way. Be it the quality of the leather, the craftsmanship, or the range of designs and colors, a premium leather piece will always be the go-to choice for those who truly respect fashion. And as mentioned before, the price of the product actually pays off as it will be much more long-lasting than any other cheap product in its category.

So, find a premium leather jacket vendor, and order the jacket that suits your style. When buying a leather jacket, one should never make sacrifices, and that is why the premium quality is what you deserve!

What’s Common Between Traffic Signs And Party Signs – Neon Signs!

There’s a reason why the traffic signs are colored neon. And there’s a reason why neon signs are still in business. The said reason happens to be simple. There’s nothing more attention-grabbing than neon signs.

Whether you want a sign that screams ‘PARTY’ or a sign that beckons people to your business or shop, neon has proven to be a viable solution for it.

Crimson light caught red-handed

Source: Electrical Simplified – blogger

The discovery of neon was an accident, just like the discovery of all things great and beautiful. Two Brit scientists Morris Travers and William Ramsay stumbled upon neon and decided to liquefy the gas and pass it into an ‘electric gas-discharge tube’ or, for all intents and purposes, a gas tube.

On passing electric charge through it, they were amazed to see the gas glow red. Travers said, “the blaze of crimson light from the tube told its own story and was a sight to dwell upon and never forget… for a moment, the spectrum of the gas did not matter in the least, for nothing in the world gave a glow such as we had seen.”

A fierce glow which eventually brightened too many shops, houses, bars, businesses, cities, and countries to count.

Artsy neon vs. same old LED

Source: Artsy

When you see neon, it’s next to nature to relate it to something novel, something fun, something which makes you feel as though paying attention to it will be worth your time.

Yes, today, LEDs are cheaper, and consume less energy, and are easier to create. Yes, LEDs are a one-time investment as the next time you feel like changing what’s getting displayed, you just have to change the uploads. For this very reason, LED boards now dominate every space in the vicinity. Every shop owner, hotel, restaurant, business firm, and ad now use a cost-efficient LED screen to gain people’s attention.

But, for this very reason, neon stands out in a sea dominated by LED screens. Neon screams fun, neon screams worth. Neon guarantees a second glance.

Nothing compares to artists shaping glass with their callused hands, creating a work of art emitting light from every pore in the process. The gentle hum accompanying the signs, faint flickering, and the harsh light of a neon sign aren’t its downside but rather its selling point.

It brings up a feeling of bubbling excitement, a feeling of nostalgia.

When in doubt, go neon!

Source: Talking Bread

With the glass being shaped by hand each time, no two neon signs can ever be the same. Every piece is unique in its own way. The versatility which shaping glass provides means that you can get any logo, design, or sign made just the way you want it.

Not to forget the fact that the possibilities of using neon signage are endless. With accomplished artists offering their talents up for sale, you can get just about anything crafted; your imagination is your limit.

Whether it be a quote to dominate your bedroom walls or a sign for a shop you newly opened, neon can do the job and do it well.

Looking to do something extra for your friend’s wedding? Get a neon sign. Does a wall in your office look pitifully barren? Get a neon sign. Feel like throwing a New Year’s Gala? Get a neon sign.

In a nutshell, when in doubt, get a neon sign.

For more info, visit Sculpt

There’s just something innately romantic about neon signs. No matter where you see it, it brings up memories, often memories which you wouldn’t mind living twice.

This makes neon signs a very powerful tool. Human beings are creatures of feeling. Capture those, and they are yours. If you can make a person feel just through the medium of lighting, imagine the far-reaching implications.

Find the right words and right place to brighten up, and you will have people streaming in through your doors, too curious, unable to turn back. Curiosity may have killed the rat, but curiosity sure did benefit the cat.

But beware; employing such a powerful tool can be a boon or a bane, like everything else in life. Neon signs have become the symbol of sleazy hotels and dingy bars over the ages. Make sure to install your neon signs in a place where it screams positive vibes. If you aren’t sure about your decision, you can always consult the artists who made the sign for you in the first place.

Neon for every occasion

Source: Culture Trip

Oh, and did I mention, neon signs can make the perfect photo booth. Set up 4-5 quirky neon designs around, and you’ll have people clambering to click pictures. They make perfect backgrounds. Next time you feel like garnering attention to your place, all you have to do is get those neon signs out and set them right. If you feel like going a step further, you can always get a professional photographer to click the photos for the people.

Honestly, the possibilities are endless. There’s a reason why Las Vegas is dominated by neon signs and not buildings or billboards. There’s a reason why neon signs became so popular within a short period of time. And there’s a reason why neon sign still remains a trend despite years of use. The novelty hasn’t worn off and won’t wear off anytime soon. As long as this world descends into darkness every day, neon signs will remain afloat and keep attracting people no matter the time, day or year.

The glowing signs are just too good an opportunity to miss upon. If you are looking to decorate a wall or adorn your storefront, I urge you to consider neon signs.

On a personal note, when I looked up neon signs on Google, the first thought that entered my mind was, “I need to get one of those in my bedroom.” Neon signs are powerful. They are beautiful. And they are worth every penny.

I’d like to end with a joke.

Why is neon sad? Because of all his jokes Argon.

But I’m betting neon is going to find some new friends and patrons soon.

Wishing all of you an exciting, prosperous, and happy new year.

Everything You Should Know about Short-Term Fixed Income Funds

Ensuring financial stability in today’s world is a challenging process. Yet, that doesn’t mean people can’t reach their goals at all. Competition in every field is tough. If you truly want to reach your goals, you want to invest time and effort to improve your knowledge. Starting from this article is a smart move.

People know how essential it is to be ready to invest your money. In this article, we will focus on bond fund investments. There is a good reason why we decided to analyze them. People often believe that bond funds only a monolithic group in the investment world. However, claiming something like that is not correct. In today’s world, there are different types of funds that can help you ensure financial stability.

Our goals, mentalities, and approaches are different. That is the reason why you should know that short-term fixed-income funds are not for everyone. They are an excellent option for people that need to prioritize capital preservation. Logically, the short-term type of funds is not going to offer a lot in the way of yield. However, that doesn’t mean they should not be one of the options that you have.

As we said, knowledge improvement is essential for your success. Because of that, we will analyze everything you should know about short-term fixed-income funds. Let’s get started.

Source: scbam

1. Before Everything – What Exactly Are Short-Term Fixed Income Funds?

Some of you are already familiar with short-term fixed-income funds. However, those that are not sure what they deserve to get an explanation.

It is a type of fund that invests in bonds with maturities of less than five years. That is the reason why they contain the phrase short-term in their name.

Source: Funds Europe

2. The Risks You Will Have to Deal with

It would be unfair to say that everything around short-term bonds is perfect. On the contrary, the beginners should also be familiar with potential risks they will, sooner or later, face.

These funds often have a low-interest rate risk. That especially counts when compare them with long-term and intermediate fixed-income funds. Because of that, they can keep their value even when the conditions are not on your side. However, even with low-interest rate risk, people can lose their principals.

There are two different things we have to highlight here. When the short-term funds fall, the losses that investors experience are mild. Despite that, it is equally important to understand that their value does not grow in the same ways as the value of long-term fixed-income funds.

On the other hand, don’t expect that all short-term bond funds are designed in the same way. Certain funds invest only in securities with higher credit risk. A good example of that is high-yield bonds. On the other hand, other funds will strive to offset only the low-yield environment. They will do that by venturing into higher-risk securities.

The investors and fund buyers need to be careful when buying a short-term fixed income fund. There are certain things they need to check, and one of them is a recent daily fluctuation that is relative to its peers. The pieces of information you gather can help you make the right decision. For instance, you can’t expect safety if the exhibits are above-average volatility.

There is another characteristic of short-term bond funds we need to highlight here. They usually offer a low yield. In most cases, yield and risk come together in the bond market. In most cases, the yields do not have the necessary strength to overcome the impact of inflation properly. Yet, all the investors pay the price of low yields when they achieve a greater degree of safety.

Source: RateSupermarket.ca

3. The Comparison Between Money Market Funds and Short-Term Fixed Income Funds

It is correct that short-term fixed-income funds bring higher risk compared to market funds. However, that doesn’t mean people should avoid them. They can also offer a higher yield compared to their direct competitor (money market funds). That is the reason why people with a bit longer investment horizon should focus on short-term bonds. For instance, the time an investment is expected to be held should be between two and three years.

Source: Showbiz Cheat Sheet

4. More Reasons Why Short-Term Fixed Income Funds Deserve Your Attention

We need to make something clear here. If you are expecting to get rich, short-term bonds are not for you. The purpose of buying these funds is a bit different than that. We will highlight the most valuable ones.

First of all, they can serve as a good alternative to the different options that also offer a low yield. Despite that, people often do not know how to properly save their money. When the money is in our bank account, we often find a way to spend it. On the other hand, if you invest them in short-term fixed-income funds, that option won’t be available to us. In most cases, people place their cash for around two or three years. However, you must place the money that will be unnecessary for you in the future period.

Their ratio-of-return is attractive. Of course, as we said, these funds are not going to make you rich. Yet, when the ratio-of-return is positive, you can be sure the investment of that type will pay off in the end. It is not something you can always expect with long-term fixed-income funds.

We once again need to repeat that their sensitivity to rising inflation is not strong. That especially counts when we compare them with long-term and intermediate bonds. The liquidity is also at the highest level, and that allows every investor to access to his capital easily.

Source: Crosswalk.com

Final Thought

We will repeat the phrase that Mark Zuckerberg said in one of his interviews. He said that not taking any risks is the biggest risk of all. Because of that, it is essential not to be afraid of the potential risk you may have to deal with. The knowledge improvement is going to help you make better decisions. That is the reason why we recommend you read more about short-term fixed-income funds and gather all the necessary information. In this article, we only covered the basics. There is much more you will have to study.

What Ultra High Net Worth Individuals Want From Wealth Managers

If you want to find someone who will recommend you for the most important decision of your life, this should not be difficult. You will find that you can grow your business quite a bit with the right advisor’s help. You may be surprised at the things that you can do once you can grow your business. You will find that these are some of the best ways to get the help you need. Once you get the advice, you will be able to move forward towards your goals. How the ultra-wealthy find a financial advisor depends on how much experience you have and how much you want to learn. You should take the time to look at all of the options available to you.

This link https://pillarwm.com/why-it-matters-ultra-high-net-worth-or-high-net-worth/ can help you find that extra money that you need.

Source: The Economic Times

How the Ultra-Wealthy Find Advisors

How do they find a financial advisor? Are they recommended by their family, friends, or neighbors? There is one sure way of finding the best financial advisors. You can do it by making use of a service that matches up buyers and sellers from across the country. This type of network makes it easier to find an advisor with similar values as you have.

As we know, the ultra-wealthy are not just those that can afford to buy the best and the latest gadgets. They are successful businessmen and women who can see the opportunities in the economy. These are the entrepreneurs who can expand their businesses at a much faster rate. They can see the future, which is what makes them different and more lucrative than others. This is what helps them find clients in businesses of all sizes.

It becomes easier for you to find these kinds of advisors when you join networking of this kind. This group is made up of people from different fields. Some people have business experience, those who are wealthy by inheritance, and those who are simply wealthy. The professionals who have an income through various activities help to find the financial advisors. They can find clients in various industries. You will be amazed to see the number of opportunities that come your way once you explore this option.

Once you find this network, you can start looking for how the ultra-wealthy find a financial advisor. You will get results pretty quickly. These professionals help you find the right advisers for the right types of businesses. This can help you grow your business with the right advisors.

Source: Highland Capital Brokerage

What Ultra High Net Worth Clients Want from Wealth Managers

One of the best attributes a wealth manager can have is an uncanny ability to get inside the clients’ minds and hearts. A wealth manager understands that their jobs are to find clients that have the money to achieve their financial goals. While they do this, they need to use all of the tools in their trade to get those clients to want to invest with them. They need to show their clients how the money they make through investing will turn into more money, which the clients can invest in ventures that will create more wealth for them.

So how do you go about finding out what ultra high net worth clients want? The best way to find out what clients want is to talk to them. Not many people realize this, but talking to your clients is by far the best way to find out what they want since most clients will happily tell you exactly what they want.

The easiest way to approach this is to bring the client into the office to talk to them. Most wealth managers have offices full of clients who come to them for help. They know each client by face, by reputation, by wealth, and even by name. By simply having the client introduce, the wealth manager can quickly gain a true insight into their needs and wants.

Source: Silver Rock

Digital Ultra High Net Worth Management

Digital ultra high net worth management is a new concept in asset valuation, is becoming more important as time passes. The concept of DUHNW recognizes the trends in asset pricing. Trends in asset pricing reflect what investors expect to get from their investments over time. Over time, an asset’s value generally increases as the quality and quantity of an asset go up.

As an example, consider the trend for the price of oil. Oil prices have been fairly consistent for the past several years, but they have dropped about forty percent over the last six months. This drop directly results from the rising supply of oil and gas, which has driven up the demand for oil and gas. Investors are currently pricing their assets according to the trend for oil price over the long term, rather than considering the short term value of the oil stock or commodity.

On the other hand, Asset managers are trying to determine how much of the value of their portfolio is tied to their tangible assets and how much is based on the intangible asset value of their portfolio. The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer. More importantly, investors need to recognize that value is becoming less linked to their balance sheet’s tangible assets. Digital ultra high net worth management is a rapidly evolving area of practice that helps investors better manage their investments to create high net worth, but it is also based on the current value of their portfolio.

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