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Is It Smart to Compare Cryptocurrency Prices

Image soure: unsplash.com

Cryptocurrencies are no longer a taboo subject among people. For a long period, some people believed that digital currencies are only a scam. We do not want to say that type of people does not exist even today. However, the reason why they have a negative opinion about the new payment method is the lack of reliable information.

You do not have to research a lot to confirm the popularity of Bitcoin and other altcoins. Just check their price, and you will see how high it currently is. For example, the value of BTC on December 18th, 2024 was around 23 000 dollars. Today, on January 18th, 2024 is more than 36000 dollars. Many insights confirm the same trend will continue during 2024. Because of that, it is the right time to improve your knowledge and get familiar with the crypto world.

Starting your journey from the very beginning is the best option you have. The first thing you should do is researching a couple of cryptocurrencies that seem attractive to you. It is essential to understand how they function. In that way, you will have the chance to develop the right strategy. After that, the next thing you should do is comparing the prices of digital currencies. That part of the job has become easier thanks to different tools. For instance, you can click here and see how the tools that compare crypto prices work.

Still, many beginners, as well as some experienced investors, have a common question. They are not sure if comparing the cryptocurrency prices is a smart move. That is the subject we would like to analyze a bit more. After our analysis, you will manage to understand better why doing something like that is smart.

Why Should I Compare Cryptocurrency Prices

Image soure: unsplash.com

As we said, comparing the prices of digital currencies is a smart move. However, investors usually do not start their journey in the right way. They rarely research the exchanges and brokers that offer services on the market. Instead of that, they stick to the one they started with. We understand if you have some principles. However, an excellent investor or entrepreneur will always research his options.

The good news for you is that finding the one that meets your requirements is not challenging. The number of exchanges and brokers that are operating on the market is growing. In other words, that part of the crypto field is becoming more and more competitive. Comparing the prices of different suppliers will allow you to find the most profitable solution. In some cases, you will get the chance to avoid unnecessary fees. That is the reason why you will manage to buy digital currencies for less money.

All the brokers and exchanges are aware of their competition. Because of that, they will use every opportunity to make their clients satisfied. All the cryptos you purchase are going to be in your possession for a short period. Despite that, you can be sure your personal data is going to be safe at every moment. With good services and offers, exchanges and brokers want to ensure a good reputation among people.

The Research Tools Can Help You a Lot

Image soure: unsplash.com

Working with cryptos without any tools would be a mistake. At the beginning of this article, we already highlighted one place you should visit after reading this article. These tools allow people to find the most attractive providers without additional effort. Imagine how challenging that process can be if you decide on doing it manually. It will spend a lot of your time to find an exchange that meets your expectations. Despite that, you may miss some excellent offers and reduce your profit in that way.

How Brokers and Exchanges Determine the Crypto Price

Image soure: unsplash.com

Demand and supply play are two key factors that determine the price of every digital currency. For instance, there are many websites like Coinmarketcap where you can see the average price of almost every virtual currency. Brokers are following the numbers on that website as well. The information they gather there allows them to determine the spot price.
Keep in mind that brokers are the middlemen of the entire process. They are there to support the collaboration between the buyers and exchanges. The user-friendly platforms allow them to complete the work in the best possible way.

For instance, a person can use different fiat currencies to purchase virtual ones. After that, the virtual currencies are going to be available to him for a short period. In other words, thanks to platforms and their features, the buyers will get responsive support.

Of course, don’t forget that brokers also charge a certain fee for their services. However, the fee is not always going to be the same. The software determines the expenses based on the different variables during each day. That is the reason why you need to prepare for the additional fees if you decide on purchasing crypto from a broker.

It is not a secret that the majority of investors do not have anything against that. However, it is one of the essential factors that determine the price of digital currency. You will get the final calculation by adding the fees the companies charge and what amount they charge as the market price.

Here comes the moment where comparison tools become more valuable. You may find all the costs in different places. However, keep in mind that they are not always up to date. Thanks to these tools, you will get the chance to see the current price at every moment. That is something that makes them valuable.

Final Thought: Don’t Be Lazy

Image soure: unsplash.com

Before we end this article, there is something we would like to say. Investing in digital currencies is not the same as playing online slots. You can’t count luck is going to be on your side. Instead of that, use all the necessary tools to find the best possible option for you. Despite that, knowledge improvement in the crypto world is a process that lasts forever. The crypto world often experiences some changes, and you need to be ready for them. Because of that, don’t be lazy and stay active. If you work in that way, success will sooner or later come.

What are Micro-Influencers? – 2024 Guide

img source: webflow.com

With the rapid growth of social media over the last few years, influencer marketing has become that new fad that is taking over the tech world. Using influencers, specifically, micro-influencers has proven to be more effective than traditional marketing methods such as television, newspaper, or even big celebrities.

If you’re not familiar with the different influencer levels, here is a quick breakdown of what constitutes a micro-influencer. A micro-influencer is someone on social media who boasts 10,000-50,000 followers. Typically, micro-influencers are appealing to smaller brands who are looking to spend money on marketing but don’t have the budget for big-name influencers.

So why are micro-influencers better than larger, well-known influencers? It is because micro-influencers tend to have a more loyal and engaged follower base in niche categories such as travel, photography, and in this case: food.

Quevos Launches Success on Social Media

img source: foodbusinessnews.net

Introducing, Quevos, the new, healthy chip that is perfect for keto snackers who are looking to watch their health. These chips are made with egg whites and are flavored with natural ingredients, packed with protein, fiber, flavor, and lack carbs! This combination is hard to pass up, especially for both NeoReach and Influence Hunter, who worked together to create the influencer campaign for the product launch.

For this campaign, the food brand wanted to target micro-influencers, specifically those who are keto influencers, fitness influencers, and health and wellness influencers based in the United States. Quevos’s goal was to get high impressions and high reach so that as many people as possible can learn about their new product. In order to achieve these goals, the chosen influencers hosted giveaways, took product photos, and even posted video reviews of the product.

Influencer Selection and Their Campaigns

img source: rocketcdn.me

With the objective of the campaign constructed, it was time to gather influencers who would be a good fit for this product. Working together, both influencer marketing agencies activated numerous young health-conscious influencers, caring mothers, and family-oriented influencers to market these healthy snacks.

The influencers were sent a variety of flavors of the egg white chips, plus commission for any sales that they secured. The primary focus of this strategy was product gifting overpayment for sponsored posts. It is a lower-cost option for smaller, budget-sensitive brands to try with micro and nano influencers.

As an additional incentive, Quevos offered the influencer with the most sales a position as a brand ambassador where they get upfront pay, as well as commission for their sales. A handful of the influencers that took part in the campaign are listed below:

1. Mickey

img source: instagram.com

Followers: 45.5k


Mickey, a popular lifestyle influencer, often promotes healthy snacks and turns a good engagement with many of her sponsored posts. This specific post pulled in about 500 likes and 60 comments; successfully exceeding our expectations!

2. Courtney Michelle

Followers: 23.9k


Courtney Michelle makes a great micro-influencer for what this campaign was targeting. She boasts many loyal followers who have come on her with her weight loss journey. She is known to inspire others and share recipes that are keto-friendly, something that helped her through her transformation! Her seamless incorporation of Quevos chips gives us all the more reason that she was great for this campaign!

3. Orie

img source: instagram.com

Followers: 22.1k


Orie is a certified aromatherapist who has reached out to moms and dads all around the world, inspiring them to live a healthier lifestyle. Orie’s sponsored post received over 1,400 likes and numerous comments all in favor of the new healthy product! This great response from her followers, helped with Quevos objective of reaching new potential customers.

4. Uche Madson

img source: instagram.com

Followers: 15k


This influencer hit the nail on the head with her post! Her post gathered a total of about 2,000 impressions! Uche Madson, a known lifestyle and mom blogger thoroughly enjoyed her bag of Quevos (use the link above)!

5. Stephanie LeBlanc

Followers: 27.1k


Stephanie LeBlanc was a great addition to this campaign, showing her followers that this healthy snack is worth the money! This home decor, DIY, floral lover uses her platform to promote smaller brands and all they have to offer!

Many other influencers helped Quevos run their successful campaign that received excellent feedback and user-generated content. Micro-influencers can help a brand stretch its budget to reach more, diverse audiences with a smaller spend.


img source: pinterest.com

Overall, the campaign for the keto-friendly chips was a huge success. Starting in June of 2024, the agencies took over this campaign in order to track the performance over multiple platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube with a strong influencer marketing strategy. Using this data, the brand and influencer agency estimated that for every sale brought on to the website, 2 additional sales were made through Amazon. Of the 1800 influencers contacted, 280 influencers in total accepted to participate in the snack food campaign.

Just looking at the support on social media, one can tell that this campaign reached many people and had great feedback. But looking into the numbers just makes this campaign even better! Quevos was looking to spend around a thousand dollars per month (a $4,500 budget over 3 months), which eventually led to a 100% increase in their Instagram following, essentially doubling what they had before.

Of the 280 influencers, 65 ended up generating revenue. And to break that down even further, 30 of the top-performing influencers brought on at least ten or more sales through their feed posts, YouTube videos, or Instagram story swipe ups.

All of this work ended up totaling a $25,000 profit for the brand, which is huge considering their $4,500 budget! This brings the ROI of this campaign to 550%, an astronomical number compared to what traditional marketing techniques would have brought in.

This data that was collected goes to show that micro-influencers hold power too. When smaller brands collaborate with smaller influencers, more often than not, campaigns end up very successful. For more information and other graphics surrounding this campaign check out the campaign teardown found here!

Best Way to Earn in 2024: Use Bitcoin Cryptocurrency

Source: Pinterest.com

Digital currency is one of the most efficient fastest and productive ways to make a huge amount of money online by sitting at home. This is the reason why the cryptocurrency is called better money or good money. everyone who is using the platform of the cryptocurrency is here to make money and nothing else. People invest everything in cryptocurrency but only some can earn some handsome amount. This game is all about tricks and mental activity and this is the reason why not everyone gets the victory.

Just for example in the year 2019, some criminals earned 4.4 billion US dollars just by sitting behind the computers and playing with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and its rates.

What comes easy, goes easy. This proverb is 100% applicable to the Bitcoin cryptocurrency game. Earning money with cryptocurrency is very easy if you play smartly and always keep the confounding factors in your mind.

Bitcoin cryptocurrency is usually not affected by all the conventional factors that impact the local currency to a great extent. This is the main reason why people prefer using digital currency. Bitcoin to the currency stands strong against all odds and this makes cryptocurrency a very firm and worth infusing platform for your money.

However, this should be kept in mind that earning money through cryptocurrency requires a lot of skills and smart moves. You can make your Bitcoin pocket way quite heavy by doing the right thing at the right time.

Source: Medium

Most Astonishing methods to earn through Bitcoin

We will not get you waiting, just sit back and read the following literature to know how to make some handsome out of money by clicking the keys of your computer and using the cryptocurrency manifesto.

Hold on Dear Life

Buy and HODL. Yes, this is one of the most common, and appreciate its way of earning money buy Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Merchants in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency buy a specific amount of Bitcoin and then hope to sell it the day when the price of that Bitcoin goes up to their expectations.

This is one of the safest and easiest ways of making money in the cryptocurrency world.

You can understand this procedure by looking back in the year 2017 when the price of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency blew up from 974 US dollars up to 20000 US dollars in less than a year.  All the people who bought bitcoins at the price of 974 US dollars sold it back at 20,000 US dollars. This fact makes it’s quite obvious that earning the Bitcoin cryptocurrency can be a lucky charm if you play at the right time.

Source: Pinterest


This process is even easier than buying and HODL.

In this process, you make money by just keeping the coin in your account. You get paid for simply holding and keeping the currency in circulation. This is a bit different from the traditional process of holding the bitcoin. As we know that in that case, the trader gets the benefits when he sells the bitcoin. But in the case of the Dividends, agencies or ventures are responsible for paying the person even for keeping the bitcoin cash into their accounts. The bitcoins are kept in the cold wallets of the user and the user has to follow some protocols for keeping that bitcoin in their accounts.

This process is a less popular way but when it is combined up with the HODL it becomes very beneficial.

If you want to know in detail how the process of dividends works Go check https://the-bitcoinpro.com/ for more detail.

Staking up

This process can be said as a combination of both buying and holding and dividend cryptocurrency.

just simply purchase a bitcoin and then you keep it into your wallet until the price gets up to your expectations meanwhile you are paid for staking the Bitcoin into your account.

This process doubles the gross profit. This is a very smart way of earning by the means of virtual currency.

However, this process is mostly preferred by people who have more experience in dealing with bitcoin cryptocurrency. Bitcoins always come at the risk of losing money that is why some experience is always preferred. But anyone can use the opportunity of investing their money in bitcoin. It will take some time for them to get experienced in the field.

Source: winnipegfreepress

Master nodes

Bitcoin cryptocurrency is manufactured based on blockchain technology where blocks and chains are connected to form a database for the storage of the transaction details of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Masternode is a computer device that helps to keep this database executed in a proper way and up to date every second. A master node computer is responsible for updating the blockchain database. However, for this purpose, you should have some essentials. This includes having a specific number of bitcoins ranging from 1000 to 2500 coins.

You get paid for maintaining the database of the Bitcoin network. This needs some good technical skills that’s why it is more suitable for people who are experienced in the field of Bitcoin digital currency network.

Day Trading

Day trading is one of the most instant ways of making money by the platform of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. You keep a  track of the prices of currency and immediately buy and sell them in a loop. This Process however takes some good analytical and technical skills to earn a fair amount of money.

Most of the currency users including 80% of them say that day trading is the most efficient way of earning money by the manifesto of Bitcoin digital currency.

Source: InsideBitcoins


We can end this whole discussion by quoting a statement of Bill Gates who says that the upcoming future of money is a digital currency.  We all know that the cryptocurrency industry is a new thing but still it is a very rapidly growing industry. It has gained a lot of popularity in a very small period. You can earn money by making good use of your management and analytical skills in the digital currency world.

Bert Kreischer Net Worth 2024

Source: nepascene

Some people get rich because of their family’s legacy, others work hard and make a name out of themselves, but one thing is for sure – being a celebrity is not as easy as it may seem. In this article, we are going to tell you more about Bert Kreischer, his career path, personal life, and his current net worth. This is a name that we hear about often lately, and you’ve probably seen at least one of his comedy specials, or you’ve definitely stumbled about his podcasts. Continue reading if you want to know how he became a celebrity after years of hard and dedicated work.

Who is Kreischer?

Source: scrapsfromtheloft

This 47-year-old actor, comedian and reality TV host was born in Tampa, Florida, and nowadays is a person who has a lot to say about the popular topics.

He is one of those people that you can either love or hate, but one thing is for sure – he does not hold back. The comedian attended Florida State University and was part of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Even though his college was ranked as a party school, Kreischer showed the world that you can become rich, powerful, and famous no matter your background or the college you attended.

Bert majored in English, but as he says, he didn’t like the career options he had right after graduation. One thing that he was always interested in was entertaining, and he decided to try out his luck in this industry. The first time he experienced comedy in front of a live audience was in a nightclub in Tallahassee called Potbelly’s. Bert says that he fell in love with the adrenaline and the audience’s reactions, so he decided to move to New York and pursue this as a full-time career.

Soon after, he was booked by an agent and he started performing in the Boston Comedy Club. It is said that from that time, his career took off, and now, he is one of the most famous comedians around the world.

When it comes to his acting career, Bert has been a writer of different episodes of some famous TV shows, including his own Netflix specials. He’s been an exclusive producer of half a dozen shows, and he’s acted in the same number of movies and shows. Even though his acting career is not as good as his stand-up comedy one, people say that he is going to go even further in life.

Bert’s private life is as good as his career path, and he’s been married to LeeAnn with whom he has two daughters. He talks about his family a lot in his comedy shows, and LeeAnn is mentioned pretty frequently. Even though some of the jokes the comedian makes are more than many can digest, it is sure that he loves his family very, very much.

Until now, the well-rounded comedian has had two Netflix specials, Secret Time that was first released in 2018, and Hey Big Boy that was published earlier this year. Both shows have spiked a lot of interest in the audience, and this has helped Bert build an even bigger fortune.

How much money does he have?

Source: boxofficehero

Besides being an actor and a comedian Kreischer is also an author, and in 2014 he published his book named “Life of the Party: Stories of a Perpetual Man-Child”. Alongside all of these projects, he runs a successful podcast that launched back in 2012.

As you can see, this man is everything but lazy, and all of his hard work paid off. It is estimated that he weighs more than 3 million dollars and his fortune is still rising. According to follownews.com, the comedian makes about 30 grand per month, which adds up to almost 400,000 dollars per year.

On his website, you can choose if you want to support him and buy some of his merchandise, DVDs, and even posters, but even if you are not up for it right now, you have to visit his site and see how personality reflects in everything he does.

Social Media Presence

Source: cleveland

Apart from being present in the world of entertainment, Kreischer has been building his social media audience as well. So, if you don’t have time to check some of his Netflix specials, you should jump over to his YouTube channel that has almost 700 thousand subscribers and check some of the videos. He features everything, starting from short clips of his stand-ups, up to prank videos, and some of the broadcasts.

His Twitter profile is great if you want to keep up with the latest news, and if you want to see how he thinks and acts when he is not on live television. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed and his profile might become one of your favorite ones. Right now, he has about 40 thousand tweets and the number of followers on Twitter and YouTube, Bert has, is pretty much the same.

Last, but not least, if you want to keep up with Kreischer’s life and if you want to sneak a peek into his career and his personal life, you should check his Instagram profile. If you are lucky enough, you may even learn more about his family and his daughters, and it is said that his live streams are something that should not be missed. He has almost 1.5 million followers on Insta and one of the things that show his sensitive side is that if you draw him and send the image to him, chances are, Bret will feature it on his Instagram feed.

This is a celebrity that is unique and who does not hold back. His style is provocative, sometimes even over the top and some people may even get offended. Kreischer is a well-rounded professional who is not afraid to talk about the most complex things, and who is well-known for roasting himself and others. If you haven’t seen his Netflix specials, or if you haven’t listened to his podcast, you should do that as soon as possible. Approach with caution though, and be prepared to listen to the hard thought you may not be ready for.

9 Easy Ways to Increase Your Brand’s Customer Engagement

For business owners, customers are a boon to make their business profitable. A successful business owner must turn the audience into loyal customers. Of course, you must engage well with them. Most companies do not have a proper idea about what ways they can increase the brand’s customer engagement. They need to achieve more customers for the business. A successful brand is what engages well with its customers and understands their needs. In this post, an entrepreneur and a business owner might get into some nine ways to increase your brand-customer engagement.

Let us check the 9 easy ways to increase your brand-customer engagement

Source: JRNI

1. Make a passionate association

Obviously, it is the chief thing we can create with the clients. There is research that expresses that, building up a passionate association with clients gets an opportunity to build up the brand. Building a solid association with clients causes them to focus on the business universally. The crowd can work with an organization by zeroing in on victories. This is the best method to expand brand-client commitment expertly. An entrepreneur may assemble an enthusiastic association with clients. At the point when the business achieves this thought, they will ready to build customer faithfulness and charge premium costs.

2. Emphasize client audits

You have presumably noticed that brand and business consolidate client surveys. Obviously, it is something crucial to note down that client audits are so significant for much business. And yet, some site offers tributes to give clients to have a spot to investigate their experience and emotions. This is one of the significant angles to upgrade the brand’s client commitment. It generally permits clients to shout out with a decent standing in dealing with the business. Expertly, brand client commitment advances well with the client’s surveys. By having client surveys, clients are locked in well with the brands and turn faithful ones.

Source: SuperOffice CRM

3. Use Effective digital marketing

Another simple method to expand brand-client commitment is video advertising. An entrepreneur should orchestrate a live video meeting. With the assistance of acgdigitalmarketing.com, business visionaries should acquire clients for their brands. Video promoting permits organizations to partake in brand streamlining and connect with their clients straightforwardly. They utilize an assortment of online media stages to get to live video meetings with the proprietors and clients. Consistently or monthly, you should mastermind a live video meeting with clients to get criticism from them. In this way, it gives an opportunity to transform the nearby crowd into brand-client commitment.

4. Build an online discussion and network

Online discussions and networks then again give a simple method to build brand-client commitment. They presumably stick toward the future and exploits to get an online network. Clients comprehend the brands very well when you construct an online gathering. Proprietors have conversations with their important clients and keep them refreshed. They can make networks and rewards for the business. An entrepreneur attempts this conceivable strategy to acquire clients and increment brand commitment.

Source: eLearning Industry

5. Utilize Mobile applications

With the appearance of Smartphones, everything is simpler than at any time in recent memory. Obviously, individuals are utilizing Smartphones nowadays and make their work simpler. Therefore, it gives a nice method for organizations to showcase their brands on the web. Some top organizations likewise have easy to use portable applications to associate well with clients. This makes them fulfilled by demonstrating loads of reaction from the crowd who are utilizing their portable applications. Most versatile applications permit clients to take a look at their brands. They can leave input, rate, and get some information about the brands.

6. Promote substance and offers

An entrepreneur ought to furnish clients with select substances and offers. Fortunately, this is a simple route for them to focus on the brands worldwide. They should be paid participation and buy the brands from your organization. You could deliver selective substance or offers on the blog and remind the clients to get to them. Do you consider what way you can advance substance and offers? Try not to freeze!

Source: cpacanada.ca

7. Host an occasion

Obviously, facilitating plays a significant job in making client commitment more. The neighborhood gets together or industry occasion takes a basic angle for growing more substance for the business. They structure a selective network and host their occasion expertly. A few stages may mastermind a simple and viable approach to build brand-client commitment. By connecting with various online media networks, it does further and makes exposure to the business. Your image will blend well with the clients and discover an up close and personal chance.

8. Experimentation

Maybe, it is a significant factor to remember while expanding the brand’s client commitment. It takes an advancement and development factor for completing a business. They think about the generous number of new clients to the business. An entrepreneur should use a few systems for growing more clients. They are contribution, impact, collaboration, and closeness. Subsequently, it gives a fair way to deal with acquiring crowds to the business in a problem freeway. It permits the manner in which clients think and ready to react to their necessities totally.

Source: unsplash.com

9. Create an item visit

Item visit most likely acquires clients to the business. It is the most ideal route for your clients to discover some new information about brands. They know some viable method of arriving at the clients and take an item visit also. Some business transforms their photographs and recordings into an expert video to exhibit their brands. Along these lines, you will discover a simple method to build the brand-client commitment until the end of time.


In the event that you are sufficiently able to fabricate a relationship with clients, your deals will increment naturally. In this post, we can see the simple approaches to expand brand-client commitment for your business. Obviously, clients are significant for each business. In this way, we need to acquire clients by having a solid relationship with them whenever.

Why Consider Social Media Contest Votes for Branding?

Chances are that you are trying to promote your business online and some experts guided you to get started with social media. Well, this is the best advice for any beginner in the business industry. Social media channels can help you establish a solid reputation in the market. The big brands are already using buy real survey responses services to enhance audience engagement online. You can also start launching contests, surveys, and polls online to build solid brand credibility.

No matter what kind of niche you are dealing with online. Social media can help you to enhance your reach to the audience. However, if you are looking for a few trusted benefits of considering social media contests for branding, we advise you to go through the details below:

If your marketing team is capable enough to run an effective contest, it can boost your number of followers online. Contests help people know about your business, service, and products. When they like you, they further prefer to recommend the name to their friends and family members. This is the most trusted way to build a community online. Soon you will be able to receive increased traffic on your website and it gets easier to enhance conversion rates. You can even buy real contest votes from www.buycontestvotes.com to build a strong reputation in the market.

Source: PurelyThemes

Capture audience attention

If you begin promoting your business online it is the right decision to increase your loyal audience. Many businesses buy a high-quality account including necessary content and the number of the target audience. This website, for example, provides the necessary accounts and the right amount of followers that will set everything up for what’s to come.

When you run a contest online, you find ways to incentivize people for voting your company. It is not just about running a battle online; you should also look for ways to make it worth it for participants. Offer a handsome gift to the contest winner so that they could have more trust in your business. When you do so, you gain more audience base in the competitive market. It is good to run contests on multiple social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, Linkedin, so that you can capture the attention of a diverse range of audiences.

Source: IMPACT Inbound Marketing Agency

Build awareness

Contests can be used to help people know about your new products and services. It is the most trusted way to make your target audience aware of why they should buy from you instead of your competitors. You can promote your contests on multiple channels to ensure higher participation. And then present some valuable gifts to the winners to make this competition fruitful. It can also help you increase the number of subscribers online and you will soon be able to send them email newsletters online.

Now you have gone through some of the most amazing benefits of using contests and surveys for business. It is the most trusted trick for leading successful marketing campaigns online with increased sales and engagement. You can also buy votes online to increase shares, comments, retweets, and pins for your brand. Make sure you target the right audience on the right platform and soon you will be able to experience uninterrupted growth for your business.

Also if you are looking for some trusted ways to generate huge audience engagement online! Well, you should start with contests on social media channels. This is the most interesting tactic to build a solid brand reputation online and boost the excitement of customers towards your business. You will find it a good idea to stand out from the crowd. Many big brands even prefer to buy online votes to mark an impression online. You can also try the same strategy to divert more traffic towards your website.

Those who are new to the concept of social media contests might be looking for some trusted ways to make these campaigns successful. Well, here we are going to list some of the best ideas to help you get a higher number of participants and followers with contests:

Source: Knowledge@Wharton
  • Set clear goals

The first most thing you need to do while running a contest on social media is to set clear goals. There can be many unique reasons to host a contest, some of you may need more likes, many others might be looking for a higher number of subscribers. Few brands also use contests to increase brand awareness. When you are ready to launch a contest, you should set a clear objective behind it so that you can also measure the success rate with ease. It may also help you buy votes with a clear mindset.

  • Determine the type of contest

Once you are clear about your goals, you should decide about what kind of contest you want to run. It can be a giveaway contest, getting likes contest, generating votes in favor of something, or to ask entrants to tag others to spread the word. Some brands also prefer to run photo contests and video contests with audiences using their new product online. Choose a creative theme for your contest and soon you will be able to impress the audience.

Source: MemberPress
  • Set budget and gifts

After deciding the type of contest, you need to think about the prizes and gifts that you will be distributed to the winners. This is the most crucial element of a contest because it plays an important role to enhance participation. Experts advise choosing gifts that are more relevant to your brand and then set a budget accordingly. These rewards must connect winners to your brand and they should return again due to the higher level of satisfaction.

  • Try different platforms

Another important piece of advice from experts to run successful contests online is to try different platforms for these campaigns. Running contests on the same platform every time couldn’t help you. Instead, you should keep on targeting different audiences on different channels. It is the key to success with contest marketing online.

Source: Funnel Overload

Other than this, you can also try polls and surveys for building a brand reputation online. You can also find some trusted sellers online to buy real survey responses to increase engagement. Make sure you start with the right theme and soon you will be able to step ahead of competitors online.

3 Reasons Why Are Graphics Cards So Important in Bitcoin Mining

Today, cryptocurrencies are everywhere. Not so long ago, no one even knew what they were. If we rewind back to 2009, when it all started, very few people knew and dealt with digital currencies. But as time passed, more and more people got involved, and cryptocurrency mining first became a thing, later a trend, and today it’s an occupation for many people globally. The best part is that it is possible to do it from your home on your computer, and many of us are doing it this way.

But, we must agree that this way of mining is close to becoming extinct as there are individuals who are piling up powerful hardware to deal with mining. As technology advanced, mining became easier with little to no equipment. But, it became expensive, as new and advanced graphic cards are expensive, but they can get the job done with ease. Graphical Processing Units or commonly known as GPUs, are what is used in the process of mining. People at first used CPU bit its time is long over as CPU is taking over the world rapidly.

Source: Wccftech

The reason why they’re what every crypto-miner wants is that they’re what makes the computer render the digital images in the first place. They’re fast and efficient, and because of this, they divulge the blockchain faster, which results in more earnings through coins. If you are looking for a high-end mining CPU is what you need at the moment. But, considering how fast the technology advances, we’re not sure they’ll be at the top of the mountain for too long. It’s just how things are in the tech world. Anyway, you need to be on the lookout if a new something in this department arises. The chances are it will.

How Do GPUs Help in Cryptocurrency Mining?

As we already said, back in the day, things were different. The first miners worked on Central Processing Units. But, CPUs weren’t able to keep up with what crypto-miners wanted to do. These parts have a limited ability in the department of the speed of the processes and power consumption. The output they could have produced was limited and not precisely what miners wanted and needed. Once the entire process of mining became inefficient, the time was right to move on from CPUs. As most miners did this, a new field for the play was opened, and GPUs entered in their place.

Source: David McNeal – Medium

GPU cam and quickly conquered the entire mining process. The benefits over the CPUs were evident from the start. The first thing that it brought to the table and one of the main reasons why GPUs are essential for mining is speed. Radeon HD 5970, which is considered a common GPU, has incredible processing speed, which stands at 3,200 32-bit instructions per clock. This is amazing on its own, but when compared to a regular CPU, it really makes you wonder. It is eight hundred times faster than a standard CPU. This is the speed that the miners wanted and eventually got for their business.

Now you can understand what it is that the CPU brings to the table. The ability to conduct the process with astonishing speed is what makes them an ideal choice for cryptocurrency mining. Furthermore, we have efficiency. Speed without efficiency is nothing, but CPUs are delivered even in this department. In addition to speed, the miners needed a machine capable of repeating computations at a level that is to be considered adequate. This is what this article is all about. You can see that the two primary reasons why graphics cards are so important in Bitcoin mining are speed and efficiency. But, it is not all there is to BTC mining and graphic cards. The device you use for mining also has other purposes, and one of the primary ones is to decode the different hashes. This is a repetitive process, which has a digit changed with every attempt you make.

Source: Value 4 Coins

As you can see, your GPU also needs to be smart, so to say. It needs to be able to perform various mathematical computations. This is an easy task for a GPU that has a considerable number of Arithmetic Logic Units (ALU). If this is the case, your GPU is going to be able to do mathematical calculations on the level of Nikola Tesla. Because of this ability, it is going to be able to make the mining process faster and efficient, which is the key. The crypto-mining process is a complicated one, and you now understand why a strong GPU unit is needed to do it the right way.

The Bottom Line

GPUs were what miners needed back in the day, and they duly delivered. But today, they’re considered as a piece of standard equipment. Considering how the technology is advancing each day, they need to be careful that they are not replaced as once the CPUs were. Even as we write this article, there are other devices that can do similar or even better work. One of those that are already making strides in this department is Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Even they are facing competition in the form of Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). The latter ones are quite ahead of both CPUs and GPUs in the terms of performing hash calculations. To handle down the blockchain, this is one of the essential functions there is.

Source: Bitcoin News

So, to conclude this article, we’re going to single out the primary reasons why graphic cards are essential for the Bitcoin mining process. These reasons are the speed of the mining process, which needs to be on a high level; the efficiency in which is the blockchain being handled in search of a BTC; and the strength of the GPU, which needs to perform high-end calculus, which is the key in breaking the blockchain. Now that you have read this, you can start your mining adventure knowing why you need a GPU. If you’re still not sure where to start, try spyrestudios.com for help.

Top 10 Immunity Boosting Herbs Of 2024

The year 2024 began as we still battle the coronavirus outbreak. While COVID-19 brought many problems for billions of people, it has also made us wake up to the fact that we should take better care of our health. We all need to work to strengthen our immunity to minimize risk and prolong our lifespan. This doesn’t mean taking pharmaceutical drugs. There many powerful herbs that can help us boost our immune system naturally.

In this post, we’ve rounded up some of the best immunity boosting herbs recommended by doctors and naturopaths in 2024. These are herbs rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin K, zinc, and/or other essential nutrients. Don’t wait until your health is in such a bad shape that you need to go to the hospital. Here are 10 herbs you should start taking today to boost your energy, and overall health.

1. Moringa

Source: NutraIngredients-LATAM

Moringa is classified as a superfood because of its incredible nutritional profile. It is a powerful herb rich in a plethora of nutrients. It is rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and immune booster. A little-known fact is that Moringa has 7 times the vitamin C of oranges. The herb is also rich in vitamin A and B6, according to insidemoringa.com. You can take it in natural form straight off the tree, or purchase moringa powder supplements online or from a local store. Due to moringas fast growing nature, use as a food, and use as a medicine, you can find moringa used in many products and in many recipes too! Moringa powder, moringa oil, moringa juice – the list goes on. Do your body a favor and add some moringa into your diet.

2. Ginseng

Source: Lifehack

Ginseng is well-known for its medicinal value and that’s why it’s popular in ayurvedic circles. Among the many health benefits this herb offers is an improvement in the body’s ability to fight off infection and recover from sickness. Various scientific studies have shown that Ginseng strengthens the functioning of the adrenal, hypothalamic, and pituitary axis. This is what is responsible for regulating the immune system’s response to stress. Ginseng treats stress, which is a condition that severely lowers immunity. Add ginseng to your diet to feel more relaxed, less stressed, and to boost your mood and health.

3. Echinacea

Source: NutraIngredients-USA.com

Echinacea is another powerful herb with numerous health benefits. The herb is widely used for treating many health conditions, and also boosts immunity. Echinacea mainly works by reducing inflammation in the body. It has anti-viral components that help to suppress cold symptoms, including those similar to those caused by coronaviruses. It is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which are powerful immunity boosters as well.

4. Garlic

Source: Mashed

Garlic is a powerful antimicrobial herb that strengthens our gut and digestive system. Studies have shown that a healthy gut is crucial for a properly functioning immune system. Garlic is rich in anti-viral, antiprotozoal, and antibacterial properties. These properties help fight infections to keep the body healthy. This herb is rich in Vitamin C and B6, which are essential in boosting the body’s immune system’s capabilities. B6 is also a key component in the production of white blood cells.

5. Neem

Source: Medical News Today

Neem has been used for centuries for treating various medical conditions. The herb is widely used for boosting immunity, among many other health benefits. Neem gets rid of harmful pathogens in the body due to its anti-fungal, anti-viral, and antibacterial properties. It is also rich in antioxidant properties, which help to flush toxins out of the blood. Neem grows and spreads easily in the wild and is even considered a pest in some areas due to the way the trees spread out naturally, so you won’t have any problems finding it available at a store near you.

6. Parsley

Source: Hoss Tools

Parsley is a common herb in food preparations. This herb is used as flavor and food garnish because of its aroma and taste. What most people don’t know is that it’s also a very good immune-boosting herb. Parsley is rich in zinc, which is an essential element in strengthening immunity. Zinc is crucial in the formation and functioning of the cells, including platelets, so eating more of it will definitely assist with your body’s ability to repair and heal quickly. Add more parsley into your diet and you won’t regret it.

7. Giloy

Source: India TV News

Giloy is another herb that has been used for centuries due to its medicinal values. It is an antipyretic herb (useful for reducing a fever) widely recommended for immunity boosting. The herb is rich in antioxidant properties due to the high amount of vitamin C and other nutrients. Giloy works by removing toxins and purifying the blood of diseases causing bacteria, toxins, and viruses. The herb also boosts gut health, which also improves the immune system. You can take it in its natural form or purchase it in supplement form from your local pharmaceutical or natural medicine store.

8. Chervil

Source: Fine Dining Lovers

Chervil is another herb you should be eating in 2024 to boost your immunity. The herb is rich in zinc, and many other nutrients that aid in strengthening the immune system. Vitamin A and vitamin C, can also be found in chervil and these are both powerful antioxidants. Due to its incredible nutritional profile, chervil makes our list of the top 10 herbs you should be consuming if you’re concerned about your health in these uncertain times.

9. Chia Seeds

Source: Everipe

Chia seeds are widely available and often served up in fancy breakfast cafes. You can also find them sold in most supermarkets. They offer numerous health benefits, including boosting your immunity. These seeds are rich in antioxidants, which you need more of to stay in the best shape possible. Chia seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are also very good for the functioning of your body. Add some to your fruit smoothies for a bit of flavor and a big dose of nutrients.

10. Ginger

Source: Medical News Today

Everybody knows ginger is good for us. Are you eating enough? Medical experts recommended ginger as has been found to reduce the symptoms of COVID-19. The herb contains gingerol, a powerful antioxidant that boosts our immune system. Sip on some ginger tea or spice up your dinner with a bit more of it than you usually would, to strengthen your immunity and boost your overall health profile.

How to Sell Your Property Even if It Needs a Lot of Work

Selling your property is once in a lifetime opportunity for most people. Not everyone gets the chance to go through this process twice or more during their life, making it a really special thing. Sometimes we sell our properties because we’re looking for a better opportunity somewhere else. Other times we’re just selling it because we have a great offer that knocked on our doors unexpectedly. No matter what the reason is, selling the place for a good sum of money is really important.

But, not always people sell their main home. Sometimes we sell a house that’s only rarely being used as a holiday-only location, and these properties are not always in best shape. Obviously, the less you visit the place the less attention to detail there will be. The same thing applies for your main home if it’s an older one. We can’t keep the place in perfect condition throughout all those years. Signs of age are unavoidable.

Source: Magna Estates

Selling your property while it needs a lot of work

Whenever a person wants to sell something, they use the one thing that humans are most attracted to, and that’s aesthetics. By nature, we are attracted to what looks good. So, if you have to put your home on a property-listing website alongside other homes that were recently remodeled and repainted, you’ll probably feel a bit discouraged. “Who’s going to buy my home when they have the freedom to choose from these other good-looking ones?” is probably what’s going on in your mind. Well, it’s somewhat true, those browsing the listings will probably be more attracted to other properties that don’t need any work on them upon purchase.

That doesn’t mean you can’t sell yours though. Here’s how to do it.

Source: The Motley Fool

Learning how to utilize the weakness and use it as an advantage

Purchasing a property that doesn’t need any work done to it is a pretty cool thought. However, we all know that different people have different tastes. Imagine being hyped for a new home that has a hardwood floor just to pay for it and realize it has carpets instead. The same thing goes for curtains, the furniture style, color choice of walls and a lot more. What we’re trying to say is that a home that doesn’t “decide” on itself for others how it will look like is something that people find appealing.

It’s important to showcase those parts of your home that lay the foundation for further customizations. The layout, the large backyard, the great location, the entire basement that can be transformed into a gaming room etc… Don’t focus on the things that can and most likely will be replaced as soon as the owner purchases the home.

Source: pixabay.com

The difference between homes that need work and “finished” ones

If I were to purchase a home, I wouldn’t like to pay for furniture and décor that someone else with a different taste than mine chose for me instead. I pay for that type of thing and then I need to waste my time re-selling it, or even worse, throw it away if nobody wants to buy it. I’d almost always purchase a home that has a great layout, one that needs work and isn’t decorated and fancy over a home that is already permanently shaped into something I don’t like. And, I’m not the only person feeling like that, so you as a seller need to find the right way to “click” with those who are looking for the same thing.

What use is a large backyard that’s turned into a basketball field if the next owner of the home wants to have an outdoor swimming pool there? I’d always take an empty yard filled with overgrown grass rather than having to demolish something that’s already built there.

Instead of trying to hide the areas that need work in your listing, focus on showcasing the other advantages of your home, while encouraging and reminding the next owners of all the possible future customizations they can do. The goal is to help them see a picture of how their new home will look like once they complete it in their own way before they even purchase it. If you manage to do that you’ll sell quite fast.

Source: Better HouseKeeper

Find a good place to list your property

In order to sell something you need to present it to a large group of people who are looking to pay for that particular thing, in this case real-estate. In translation, you need to find a website or a phone app that’s visited by a lot of buyers on a daily basis. If you are not sure where to begin and you’re looking to sell fast, www.halohomebuyers.com is a website where you can learn more.

The internet allows us to reach a huge audience with ease, and you no longer have to contact a real estate agent to help you sell, which is a huge advantage in our honest opinion. Upon finding the right place to list, make your description as accurate and attractive as possible, utilize the tips from above and be patient. A seller will call you soon.

Source: Medium

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare the home

Even though you are selling a home with a few “flaws”, it doesn’t mean you should leave it unprepared and all messy for when the buyers arrive to see it. Clean the yard, fix a few things that don’t require much time and effort, wipe the floors and cut the grass. Highlight those sides you consider to be the strongest and people will immediately notice the potential.

If you’re property is in a really poor condition, you can still sell it to companies like thepropertybuyingcompany.co.uk, who buy houses no matter the condition


Selling a home that needs a few repairs here and there can be discouraging but if you know how to properly present it to the masses, you’ll sell even faster than “complete” homes. Don’t feel like the black sheep in the herd when listing your imperfect home next to other properties in which thousands of dollars were invested before they were added to the listing.

Why You Should Get a Bitcoin Wallet?

Source: Medium

If you know something about e-marketing and digital trading you must have about the term Bitcoin cryptocurrency. As we all know, digital trading and the digital market are a bit different from other conventional physical markets. What is different between these two is also visible when it comes to the currency of both the markets. Local trading makes use of local currency that is issued by the government of the specific country while digital trading utilizes digital currencies called cryptocurrencies that are non-centralized and are accepted worldwide.

Source: Information Age

Bitcoin Wallets

Bitcoin is one of these cryptocurrencies which is used when it comes to dealing with payments and transactions in online trading. Bitcoin digital currency is one of the most authentic and valid sources of the transaction and dealing in the digital world. People purchase and buy a fraction of a bitcoin or a whole Bitcoin and later on use it for investment or payments.

Bitcoins have no physical existence and you can not store them in your pockets or bank accounts. You may have been thinking that where your Bitcoin is stored if not in banks. The answer to this question is that bitcoins are stored in digital wallets that are called blockchain wallets. These wallets are a kind of virtual pocket that is properly secured for the protection of your Bitcoin.

Introduction to Blockchain wallets

Bitcoin digital wallets are a kind of cold wallets that are used by traders and merchants dealing in the market. These wallets are used for the proper execution and management of the total amount of bitcoins that are in the ownership of a person.

The blockchain wallets are secured by public and private keys. This term is derived from two different definitions: blocks and chains. Blocks are stated as a collection of all detailed information that is related to specific Bitcoin transactions and the chains are the overall links off the database that are important for the proper execution of this information.

Source: Computerworld

Importance of Bitcoin wallets

The main purpose of the Bitcoin blockchain wallet is to secure and store the Bitcoin cryptocurrency so that it can be used whenever required. You can cashback your Bitcoin in the local currency by making use of your blockchain wallets.

The use of the Bitcoin blockchain wallet is not limited to store the Bitcoin currency but it also plays an important role when it comes to transactions of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Bitcoin e-wallets charge a very small amount of fees which depends upon the total size of the transaction and the amount.

If you want to know more detail about the bitcoin wallet and its uses go visit bitcoin rejoin.

How to get your Blockchain wallet?

If you want to create a bitcoin e-wallet you don’t have to be a professional or a skilled Bitcoin user. You can approach your Bitcoin wallet but follow some simple steps. The login and registration in the Bitcoin gold wallet are free of charge and the whole process takes place online on your computer or mobile. First of all, you have to log in to the Bitcoin blockchain wallet service by using your email ID and password. After this step, your account will be verified to avoid any unfortunate and unpleasant hacking event. After completion of the authentication process, you will be provided with a specific ID called the cold wallet ID that can be used by you to get access into your account of the Bitcoin blockchain wallet.  This ID of the Bitcoin blockchain wallet can be compared with a bank account that belongs to one specific person.

as already explained that the Bitcoin blockchain wallet works online thus you can approach it simply by using the browser of your computer or by installing an application available on smartphones. This facility makes the Bitcoin blockchain wallet very easy to approach whenever required.

Source: Allerin Tech Pvt Ltd

What makes your wallet secure?

The Bitcoin blockchain wallet is secured by three levels of security. All these levels should be satisfied to make sure the proper security and safety of your Bitcoin digital currency.

The security of the Bitcoin blockchain wallet is of great importance because this is a platform from where you can approach your Bitcoin digital currency. If in any case, you lose the track of your Bitcoin wallet ID you will lose all the Bitcoin that you own.

The following are the very crucial levels of security that play an important part in making your bitcoin wallet secure and safe and these are:
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

A fully secured bitcoin wallet should fulfill all the 3 levels of the bitcoin wallet.

Threats to the Bitcoin Wallet

The user of the bitcoin blockchain wallet should always keep in mind that the bitcoin wallet should be very well secured otherwise you will be at a risk to lose all your money. You might be thinking that how is this possible, the answer to this question is that sometimes the Bitcoin wallet private key is lost by the owner and another person gets access to the wallet by stealing the bitcoin wallet private key. In this way, the blockchain wallet gets hacked and you lose your bitcoin. Unfortunately, to date, there is no way by which you can get your bitcoin wallet back. Once it is hacked it is gone forever, Many malware and virus can be involved in the destruction of bitcoin wallet, thus making you lose your money,

You should be careful to avoid such events

Source: Publish0x

Bottom Line

This can be concluded that Bitcoin digital currency has made life much easier for traders and merchants by providing the facility of Bitcoin blockchain wallets. These wallets are important because they help conduct and execute transactions without any hurdle. However, the user must be aware of all the risks that are associated with the use of Bitcoin online wallets. Proper knowledge and completing all the levels of Bitcoin wallet security can save you from unfortunate malicious activity and other events.

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