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How ETL Can Help Your Company? – 2024 Guide

img source: medium.com

We live in a globalized world, that is, a world in which we can work, learn, and even function anywhere in the world. Especially when it comes to work, which can be seen from the big successful corporations that are rapidly developing even more and spreading around the world. Companies are a complex system consisting of many people and procedures that must always be guided by a plan of operation. They are organized in a way and contain a lot of data, information, and documents that must be handled carefully.

These documents are usually manipulated internally, ie within the company. They usually occur in large groups, usually on cloud platforms or on their own server, which must be strongly protected from any kind of attack.

Various types of data are stored on servers and can be found from the beginning of the company until today. Many letters, applications, projects, financial plans, analyzes, and balances can be found. From there the data can be easily downloaded and used in further processing and formatting. When it comes to design and design, these are two very important terms for any company. Why? Through the processing and shaping of the data that we already have, we can reach calculations and analyzes that can determine the course of the company’s operations in the future. According to them, important decisions can be made, steps can be taken, collaborations can be formed, and many other things. The possibility of a successful operation is seen in data processing techniques, and one of them is ETL. What is ETL? In continuation of this article, we bring you the answer.

What is ETL?

img source: talend.com

As we already know, there are many ways to process data. They differ from each other minimally, but still, each of them has its own meaning. This is called ETL. This is a concept that works by taking data from a large database, processing and transforming the data, and then loading it into a large data warehouse. Before using this concept we must know why we need it and what we want to achieve through its application, why it offers a number of possibilities in data sorting and transformation. People first encountered this concept in the 1970s, and as the years went by it became more and more popular and sought after at work. This concept consists of downloading data from a certain large database, then that data is sorted, classified, cleaned of unnecessary junk in them, and finally loaded into the large database of purified data or data warehouses. This data will eventually be so valuable that it can bring us a lot of success in future operations.

ETL – the key to success.

img source: dzone.com

Almost every industry can find something useful in the ETL system. There is no company that has decided to use it and has not achieved a positive benefit from the use and application of this concept of development. It is very important for companies to carefully consider the operation and understand how ETL can increase its operational potential. Special benefits in this concept today see companies from the financial, copper, insurance sector, as well as all major brokerage houses and consulting companies. Do you understand the point? Each of these sectors is a sector that works with a large amount of data, and each well-processed data brings benefits and positive results for companies. If you, too, want to streamline your database, streamline your data, and rank high with the successful, then Addepto can advise you and help you succeed. Together with cooperation and help, we will succeed in what we all seek – success.

How ETL will help your company to be the best?

img source: smallville.com.au

Deciding to improve your performance? Do you think that your decisions are hasty and you need a good basis for making them? Start with the database! If you have a dilemma where the problem is, we have given you the answer. The best solution is to break your fears or problems into a series of smaller steps. This concept will help you to bring the company back to normal. By clearing the database and editing it, things will slowly go in the desired direction. The main and significant benefit of using ETL in the data processing process is that it sorts out the chaos in a very easy and fast way that other methods cannot fix in the foreseeable future.

ETL is especially important for large companies that have offices in many cities and regions in a country, or are spread all over the world. This system allows the collected total data that the company will collect from one region or from the whole country to process and show the results in detail. It first collects the data and extracts it. Furthermore, when it downloads all the data, it cleans all the unnecessary parts, corrects the errors, and gives the appearance of the data, such as highlighting a certain part of the data, concretizing the data for one purpose, etc. This is the transformation of data.

img source: technologyadvice.com

The last and most important phase is to store the arranged data in this way and to insert it in the large database, ie the large repository. If ETL is successfully implemented in the operation of companies, it can give positive results for the company and improve the situation inside the company, and outside it to give a different picture of its functioning. The database will become functional and tidy, and every decision will be made without pressure and fear of unintended consequences. That is why ETL is the key to the success that everyone is looking for and it will surely open the door to successful operation for the company.

Do not let your company wander in the business world. When companies go through with a blindfold, it can often result in a competitor trap, which would mean success for them and failure for your company. So you need to organize your work, and as the most important and most responsible for the results, organize the data. Data is the foundation that guarantees success. Arranged and refined databases mean easy and reliable decisions that can only result positively. Visit here to know more. ETL offers its potential for tackling base chaos. With its help, you will come to very successful collaborations and deals, because the data about your work will be clean and clear to your partners and will mean only potential success. Get your business on track, and it will only bring you success!

How to Choose Farmhouse Kitchen Pendant Lights

Placing pendant lights in the kitchen is one of the best home improvement decisions you can make for a few very simple reasons. First, they’re probably the quickest and most cost-effective way to completely make over one of the most used rooms in your home. Second, they provide an incredibly functional purpose that with proper decision making in the buying stage will make your day-to-day life much easier. Still, there are so many options and styles out there. How exactly do you know which will be right for you?

Keep reading and you’ll learn everything you need to know about choosing the right farmhouse kitchen pendant lights for your home! The article was created in cooperation with lofra.pl.

Source: Pinterest

Are farmhouse pendant lights for the kitchen out of style?

Let’s get this out of the way first: absolutely not! Farmhouse pendants in the kitchen is one of the most popular styles for this room in the home, and it’s only going to keep growing. The farmhouse style is incredibly wide ranging, and the options available are becoming more and more numerous so there’s no reason to believe it’s going anywhere. Whether you want a more modern feel, or something more vintage, there’s something for everyone. Place these lights in your kitchen now and they’ll be in style for a very long time!

How big should kitchen pendant lights be?

This will come down to a few different things. First, will you be placing the pendants over your kitchen island or the sink? If it’s the latter, then smaller to midsize options (a foot in diameter or less) will be more than big enough. If you’re looking for lights to hang over your kitchen island, however, a multi-light rectangle fixture that’s a few feet long might be a better option. If you don’t like the looks of those, then consider buying multiple small pendants and spacing them evenly over your island.

Source: Pinterest

How high should kitchen pendant lights hang over the island?

The prevailing wisdom on how high to hang your kitchen island pendants is 30 to 36 inches above the tabletop, measuring from the very bottom of the fixture. Why is this the best height? Because it will allow you plenty of space to maneuver under while still keeping the pendants close enough to the island to provide ample illumination. It’s absolutely critical that you take proper measurements before you even begin your shopping. You don’t want to fall in love with a pendant only to realize too late that it’s not able to be hung at the proper height for your home.

How many pendants do I need for a kitchen island?

We covered this a bit earlier, but if you’re thinking multiple pendants will work best for your home you’re probably wondering just how many would be best. When placed over a kitchen island, three is generally considered to be the best number of pendants. This creates an even, balanced light over the entire island. It’s important to note that in certain cases, like if your island is on the smaller side, then two or even just one may be better as three could overwhelm the space.

Source: Chic Home Life

Do farmhouse pendant lights need to be centered over the kitchen island?

Yes, even if your kitchen already has plenty of illumination and your lights will only be needed for decorative purposes. Placing your pendants off center of the island will create an imbalance which the human eye finds distracting and unpleasing. Even if your kitchen island is not centered in the room, your pendants should be centered over it.

What should I look for in hanging length with my farmhouse pendants?

Once you’ve begun your search for your kitchen pendants, be sure to look for those which have an adjustable hanging length. We already discussed that the best height for hanging your pendants is 30 to 36 inches over the island, so finding those with an adjustable chain or cord length will make getting to just the right height much easier. Most pendants, especially those made for the kitchen, are adjustable so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding plenty of options that meet this condition.

Source: Amazon.com

How far apart should kitchen island pendants be?

Your kitchen pendants should be placed about two feet apart. This means that if you have an island on the smaller side (the 4 to 5 foot in length range), then two small to medium sized pendants will be best. If your island is larger than this, then three medium to large sized pendants should fit your needs just right.

What shape of farmhouse kitchen pendant light is best?

This all depends on your needs. If your room already has ample illumination, then you can choose whatever shape you think looks best. If your pendants will be needed to provide light for food preparation on the island, then dome or bell shaped lights will likely be your best options. These will both direct the light downwards, providing you with a focused even light. These are both very common shapes of pendants, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding something you like.

Source: Medresa – Gazi Isa-beg

How often will I need to clean my kitchen pendants?

This will all come down to your particular lifestyle. If you have a busier kitchen and do lots of cooking, then obviously you’re going to need to clean them more often. Even then, your pendants shouldn’t need a thorough cleaning any more than twice per year. Beyond that, an occasional gentle dusting will be more than enough to keep them looking beautiful.

What are farmhouse kitchen pendant lights made of?

For styling reasons, you’ll most often see this type of kitchen pendant light made of metal and wood. These create a nice balance of sturdy construction and beautiful design which fits the farmhouse style wonderfully.

You should now have all the information you need to begin your search for farmhouse pendant lighting for the kitchen. Major lighting retailers like Stylish Direct will have plenty of options for you to choose from. Carefully think over all we’ve covered in this article and you’ll be sure to have a completely new look for your kitchen that you’ll absolutely love for years to come.

What is Digital Design and Why is it Important

The younger generations are now growing up with technology that has mostly become part of our daily lives. Internet is our best friend, and we can’t even imagine a life without it. Digital design is now more present than ever and applies to any design you can see on the screen. It differs from print design in that digital is present exclusively in digital format, while print is used on physical products.

We can notice that digital design is continuously improving, leading to better-looking websites and apps. The Internet world offers great diversity and it is a field that offers endless possibilities. In this virtual world, digital design is becoming increasingly important, both for marketing and sales and for meeting the wishes and needs of people.

Source: UX Collective

What is digital design?

Digital design is a large, diverse field that includes many different things. It comes in various shapes and forms, but if we want to combine them all into one definition, we could say that it is a design created for digital spaces. Basically, anything you see on the screen of a computer, smartphone, iPod, iPad, and other devices includes digital design. Digital design is also sometimes called graphic design and it differs from print design.

The digital design includes mobile app design, web design, user-experience design, e-mail marketing design, online banner ad design, social media content design, video, and animation design, as well as interaction and presentation design. You can read more about these different types of digital design and get more familiar with them on andrewdebell.com.

Source: Pixelo

The difference between digital and print design

Designers can be divided into two large groups. Designers who work in the ‘real’ world and create physical products are digital designers. The ones who are focused on designing in the virtual world are print designers. Digital designers create content for digital platforms. This content may include PDF graphics, website graphics, interactive elements, banner ads, wireframes, prototypes, and many more.

On the other side, print design refers to designing business cards, brochures, book covers, print ads, etc. In other words, they design physical products you can touch.

Digital designers can be further grouped into web designers, graphic designers, and UX/UI designers. Graphic designers are skilled in creating mostly fixed images and the focus of their work is on creating visual content that contributes to building brand identity. For example, if you need a logo for your company, you want to hire a good graphic designer to design it and create it for you.

Besides logos, they also create banner ads, infographics, business cards, and others. In case you want to build an amazing website, you want to hire a professional web designer. The work of a web designer is focused on creating websites and different layouts. A web designer is basically a graphic designer that works with codes. And lastly, UX and UI designers together create incredible interactive platforms, such as websites and applications. They work mostly in the digital space but sometimes you can find them in the print world too.

Source: Xortie

What types of skills a digital designer should have?

Some of the most important skills in various jobs, including digital design, are soft skills. This means that a good digital designer needs to know how to communicate, to be a good leader, have a proper mindset, and much more. Depending on the type of digital design he or she is involved in, these skills may include web development or graphic design. Of course, a good digital designer needs to be able to use different digital tools, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and others.

Source: Perfecta

Why is digital design so important?

With the development of technology in this Internet era, the importance of digital design is growing. Most people rarely detach from their smartphones. And when they’re not using them, they are mostly in front of their laptops and TV screens.

All of this indicates that the digital world is slowly but surely taking over our days and lives in general. Digital space has an increasing influence on our psyche, decisions, and actions, which is why digital design is becoming so important. As technology has evolved over the past few decades, so has the development of digital design.

Today, we have clearly set standards when it comes to the design of applications and websites we use. If something has a design that is too complicated, we’re not going to like it and, therefore, not going to use it. That is why digital designers are trying to make the digital platforms as user-friendly as possible.

Although the importance of digital design has grown tremendously over the past twenty years, it is believed that this trend will only continue to expand. Today, we use technology to buy food, clothes, furniture, as well as to make doctor’s appointments. Therefore, it is crucial that digital design continues to improve, in order for more people to meet their needs and desires.

When we use a certain website to buy products we like, we want the website to be adequately designed. That means that it is essential for us to be able to easily find what we’re looking for. A good design can also make products more appealing and even make us buy something we haven’t even considered before. Many people have based their business and sales on online platforms.

If they want their business to develop and to attract customers, digital design on their platforms has to meet certain criteria. Hand in hand with business development must go the development of the web design. For all these reasons, digital design remains one of the most important factors that influence the digital world.

Source: Medium


Digital design has become an essential part of our daily lives because of life in the Internet era and the daily use of technology. Digital design is a type of design that is created for digital space. It is also called graphic design and differs from a print design used for physical products. The importance of digital design will continue to grow because of its presence in various spheres of life and the fact it represents one of the crucial factors that impact the digital world.

Here’s Why Ebikes Can Pull Family Together

Biking is a great exercise turning typical outings into benefits and the very rare opportunity to bond your time. Seriously, we don’t like to spend too much on working out while riding with beloved ones. For most of us, biking itself is far more than trying to pedal like a hamster.

Do research into ebikes and know what your families prefer

Once you decide to have an electric bicycle, you are going to fall in love with it. That’s what ebike owners tell us. Ebikes are defined as an alternative means of transportation, being divided into categories. Wagon electric bike, electric fat tire bike, and folding ebike are the known top3 if you’ve been curious about the ebike trend for some time. Before riding, families should gather around to discuss what kind of bike you want to try on. Your decisions would possibly bring you various experiences after all.

Source: The Verge

Wagon Electric bike

Wagon ebikes sometimes are called cargo ebike for their surprisingly large capacity. Commonly, wagons are equipped with a low frame for stability and convenience, which origins from the features of the wagon cars. In order to support the cargo on the rack, the center of gravity needs to be as low as possible.

Anyway, if you are adding a casual riding with equipment and gears, aiming to have a preparable riding with your family, wagons are definitely much better.

Electric Fat Tire Bike

The big difference between traditional ebikes and fat ebikes is quite simply, their tire size. With fat tires, the bike could obviously grab the ground much harder, the tiny protrusions on the surfaces provide stronger propulsion and immediate braking power no matter on gravel roads or smooth ride. Consider this, the advantage given to electric fat tire bikes over other models is their added off-roading capabilities. If you are interested in it, you could try Himiway Electric fat bikes.

Jack of all trades must be the most appropriate name for these versatile electric fat tire bicycles.

Source: Electric-Biking

Folding Electric Bikes

As we lived in cities, especially metropolitans like NYC, most of us feel stressed out because of peer pressure and traffic pressure. Folding bikes showed up as the solution for those who are stuck in busy places. But imagine it, do you ever want to pedal back home after the whole day working?

So here we found electric bikes. At 9:00 am, you easily carried the folding rocket downstairs from your old apartment. You would be in your office before 9:30 while others were still stuck in the traffic jam.  After work, you carried it back and started to work out at home. You’ll never feel cramped because it’s too compact to care about it.

Step Through Electric Bikes

This is the model opposite of Step Over Bikes. As the name suggests, your legs can go through the frame when you ride. Compared to mountain bike frames, it is much more elegant. It is also easier to control for people of shorter height, especially when you need to stop at a traffic light, you can stand on the sides of the frame effortlessly.

On the other hand, it was originally a mama bike, designed for the city, and therefore relatively comfortable to ride in a relaxing position other than sport. However, it can be equipped with fat tires as well like the Himiway Step Thru for its off-road needs.

For women, and those who are not tall enough, this model is an excellent choice. For more different models, check out C3STROM.

Source: Business Wire

Plan an ebike road route and let families know how much you care about this trip

When we are talking about riding, California and Florida are always the best choice. Many factors should be taken into account including the temperature, the wind velocity, and road conditions.

Efficient route planning should always be the basis for scheduling and organizing that need to be conducted through vehicle operations in any logistical activity. Occasionally, you need to take some special gears with you for some specific routes or special groups of people. For example, remember to assemble a child seat for your kid.

Basically, electric bikes are running based on the battery and have very limited time with each charge. Planning everything well in advance makes you comfortably and calmly riding and stopping. A great route could save unnecessary efforts for more quality time to communicate with your families.

Except for the ordinary route, you can prepare some surprises for your families. Bring your wife to ride along the sea if she loves it. While having a rest on the beach, prepare her a small gift and tell her how much you care about her. It’s extremely romantic, isn’t it?

Source: Design & Innovation Award

Bike like a family

The most enjoyable thing about riding with your family must be enjoying and communicating with the scenery along the way together. We always say that we have to find a partner that fits our rhythm. At this level, a well-organized riding can make you feel like you’re in it together with your family, moving forward together.

On the other hand, the health benefits of biking are worth revisiting. For example, if you have gained extra weight over the years, hitting the roads with your bike will help you shed them fast. Interestingly, when cycling along with your family members, you won’t even notice you are working out so that you won’t be tired. In addition, cycling helps your families to be more fitness conscious and prevents them from becoming unhealthy.

Remember, the family is to be together. You could bike together, get healthier together and even you can wear the same family uniform together.

Source: Cannondale Bicycles

Share with each other after riding

At the end of the ride, return home together with a smile to your warm home. At dinner time, the ride of the day will be your most interesting topic of conversation. If you have taken some photos, whether beautiful or funny, they will become extremely valuable.

Since now, you and your family have the same beautiful memory and you may proceed with the next ride then. The good memories will be one of the best things you can talk about together later. And, with one shared experience, there’s a reason to plan the next one, isn’t there?

7 Smart Ways to Increase Your eBay Sales – 2024 Guide

Source: edesk

Becoming an eBay seller takes a lot of effort, but maintaining your reputation as one of the best takes even more than that. Selling a few things now and then is not enough to cover all of your expenses. This is why you should always strive to improve the number of sales that you do on the regular, which once again, is not an easy task.

However, in this article, we’re going to help you by providing a few very useful tips that you can utilize in your selling career. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate seller, it doesn’t matter, because the advice we give is meant for everyone, and can help anyone. Let’s take a look.

1. Keep your store active

One way to show your customers that you’re worthy of their attention is by constantly updating your store and keeping it fresh. This means having the latest products of your niche, staying in touch with the prices, adding promotions and discounts, and just letting them know that you’re not slacking it out when it comes to staying in touch.

Stores that are left untouched for a long time give the impression that the seller doesn’t care a lot, and that makes the buyers look for another option. Avoid doing this and you’ll increase your sales.

Source: moneycrashers

2. Use a proper marketing campaign

Without proper advertising, even the best product won’t sell as it should. There are many different ways to advertise your eBay store in 2024, so choosing one and sticking to it, or combining multiple methods for optimal success is up to you. You can use a PPC campaign or just focus on drawing buyers through methods such as Social Media Platform Advertising, establishing a presence on YouTube, and tons of other options. No marketing is bad marketing, so don’t worry about anything besides promoting, and do it all the time.

A great thing to do is get to know your competition because by predicting their next move you’ll be able to progress faster and better. One of the ways to do that is by using a website or a service that gives you proper Intel. There are a lot of services of that type, one of them being fastintell.com. The information is delivered straight into your inbox, keeping things private and only to you.

3. Focus on SEO and Keywords

Proper Search Engine Optimization is recommended for any content that’s on the internet, especially eBay store pages in 2024. Whatever it is that you’re selling, focusing on the keywords for that niche is important. Ranking on the first page of Google will bring you a lot of customers, so you should make that one of your main goals if improving traffic and boosting sales is what you’re striving for.

Search Engine Optimization is not easy to learn, but you can do it as you go. You shouldn’t stress out of things are not going as they should from the very beginning, because the experience is one of the most important things for SEO. Once you got it right though, you’ll see a huge improvement in your eBay sales.

Source: 3dcart

4. Reach the Top-Rated Status

Top-Rated sellers always “poke” the eyes of those who want to buy something from eBay. Customers will always choose a top-rated seller over a regular one, it’s just how it goes. You should try to reach top-rated if you can because it will make a huge change in sales.

If you are doing all that’s recommended for reaching the top-rated status on eBay as a seller, it shouldn’t take more than a few months to get it done, sometimes even faster. You’ll learn as you go, so don’t give up and focus on your store page.

5. Allow refunds for unsatisfied customers

One of the best ways to show professionalism and care for your customers is by offering refunds. You should always strive to provide the best products and services for your customers, but if it ever happens for a customer to feel dissatisfied, you should offer a refund. A lot of business owners think of this as a loss of money, but that’s simply not true. By refunding one product, that particular customer will spread a good word about your store to other people and then they’ll end up buying from you. Think of it as an investment.

Source: thesun

6. Price your products accordingly

You shouldn’t overprice your products because people nowadays value their money quite a lot, and they’ll always purchase from the cheaper seller unless you’re providing them a very special and worthy offer. Pricing your products properly according to your competitors is key, so track prices and keep yourself updated about the current state of the market at all times.

7. Focus on pictures and product description

Last but not least, the way your store looks in the eyes of your customers is very important, because that decides whether people will purchase from you or not. The higher quality your product-descriptions and photos are, the more customers you’ll have. Don’t disregard the look of your store, people tend to judge based on looks a lot. However, try not to keep your photos ultra-high-res because that will slow down the loading times of your webpage and lower your SEO because of it as well.

Source: 1stformations


As you can see, the things that you need to do to increase your eBay sales are not very complicated, and most of them come from just regular seller’s common sense. However, it’s not easy to think of these on your own unless you’ve been doing some research, which we decided to do for you instead. Most of the things listed in this article don’t require any money to do, except for the marketing campaign. So, you can achieve all of these even if you are a beginner without a well-built budget.

eBay is one of the largest selling platforms in our world, so there are a lot of customers there that you can reach after. But, the competition is quite large as well, so unless you rank amongst the best sellers, it will be tricky to sell in the same amounts that they do.

Easy Ways to Get A Medical Marijuana Card

Relaxations in legal requirements, along with the onset of the online age, have made acquiring medical marijuana cards easy. There are plenty of telemedicine health practitioners who have the authority to and indeed do prescribe medical marijuana. The use of telehealth services facilitates the entire process. These days you don’t need to visit any specialized Medicare or institutional locations to get a medical marijuana card. You need to sign up with an authorized telehealth service, undergo an online 420 test, and voila! You have your medical marijuana card. This article will acquaint you with some benefits that make the process particularly easy and convenient.

  • NuggMD

NuggMD is simply one of the best services you can choose from to obtain a medical marijuana card. The entire service experience they offer, including the verification process, is top class and among the best that the industry has to offer. Another significant factor that makes NuggMD a great option is the fast and brisk pace with which the service carries out the entire process, not to mention the superlative customer experience. NuggMD is one of the most experienced health services offering medical marijuana cards online, having started their services in 2008. The company services the following locations:

  • California
  • Nevada
  • New York
  • Oklahoma

As mentioned, the easy and fast entirely online process of NuggMD makes it highly popular among patients.

Source: pixabay.com
  • Green Health

Green health offers a one-year certificate, which is valid almost nationwide or in most states that allow the use of medical marijuana. Upon consulting the medical marijuana gurus at greenhealthdocs.com, we’ve learned that physician-recommended drugs can be bought legally during the validity period of one year and, in some instances, even longer. Green health is particularly noted for the convenience it offers as you have the option to use certification service online or by visiting clinics conveniently located nationwide. Easy payments with plenty of options and payment methods, a stout and proven dedication to privacy, and fast service make Green health such a popular and convenient choice. Not to mention the advantage that comes with the nationwide scope of its operations.

  • GetHeally

GetHeally is a medical marijuana card service provider that enjoys wide popularity in Southern California. The GetHeally service comes with excellent reviews recommending it. Customer experience is a cornerstone of their service, which is evident from how chat representatives guide you through the entire process the moment you sign up. The whole process, including evaluation of your application, takes twenty minutes in all. Los Angeles and San Mateo residents can avail themselves of in-person support and services using the Heally Connect. You can complete the entire process of acquiring medical marijuana cards entirely online. All the doctors on the platform have valid California licenses, and the services abide by HIPAA compliance norms fully.

Source: The Green Fund

The Process To Follow

To obtain a medical marijuana card in applicable states, you would first need a doctor to recommend medical marijuana for your health condition. Let’s touch upon that:

  • Medical Marijuana Recommendation

The term medical marijuana recommendation refers to the document recording a physician or doctor to recommend medical marijuana. Such a document testifies to the physician’s medical opinion that the patient could benefit from medical marijuana as a result of suffering from qualifying health issues. States where medical marijuana is legal usually have an agency scrutinizing its use. The patient uses the physician’s recommendation to get the medical marijuana card. Even states that allow recreational use of marijuana give patients significant advantages to gain much from a marijuana card.

  • What Is A Medical Marijuana Card?

States issue medical marijuana cards to eligible patients, and the cards are legally necessary for some states. The card is somewhat akin to an ID card. It legally allows you to buy medical marijuana through licensed dispensaries or delivery services authorized to deliver medical marijuana. In most states where only medical use of marijuana is permitted, patients can’t enter the marijuana facilities or purchase and possess medical marijuana without having this card with themselves.

Source: Along The Boards
  • Initial Steps You Need To Take

As mentioned earlier, acquiring medical marijuana begins after getting a recommendation for the same from a physician. Usually, before a doctor makes such a recommendation, he will ask for relevant documentation that supplements the advice. Such documents include:

  • Health records
  • Prescriptions
  • Other relevant information

The physician will then examine the patient to determine if they have a condition that qualifies for medical marijuana. In case he finds that the patient will indeed benefit from it, the physical will fill out a specific form provided by the state government. Usually, patients would need to submit this form while applying online for the medical marijuana card. If the relevant authorities approve the application, they will issue a medical marijuana card.

  • The Application Process

The legal statutes regulating the medical use of marijuana vary significantly from state to state. The case regarding the application process is the same. We can cite Oregon and Colorado’s examples, which provide patients with medical marijuana cards that enhance access to marijuana products. In both states, the number of health conditions for which physicians are permitted to recommend medical marijuana is significant. Such a greater number of qualifying conditions let more people benefit from medical marijuana. However, states that adopt a stricter marijuana use policy like Texas have a far fewer number of qualifying conditions. Yet, most states have more or less similar procedures that you need to follow to obtain a medical marijuana card to sum it up.

Source: The CBD Benefits
  • Validity and Renewal Of Your Card

Typically, medical marijuana cards and the physician’s recommendation for your health condition are valid for one year from the issuing date. According to this website medical marijuana cards can, of course, be renewed. Still, you need to meet your physician after the period and apply online once again.

Many people hold doubts concerning how legitimate medical marijuana cards are when you acquire them online. But it is very much legal and enjoys as much legitimacy as the process authorized office-based service providers offer. The three online services mentioned above stand out by their quality service and exceptional reputation. They enjoy respect and admiration from people and are acquainted with the booming US cannabis industry. They are widely popular and have successfully helped several thousands of patients heal themselves better with medical marijuana.

Antoin Commane Net Worth 2024 – Age, Height, Girlfriend, Dating, Bio-Wiki

What Is Antoin Commane’s Net Worth?

Antoin Commane is a 28-year-old Irish businessman and self-made multimillionaire that lives between London, New York, and Ireland. The 6ft (1.82m) was born in 1991. Today, Antoin Commane’s net worth is estimated to be close to $25 million dollars.

Antoin Commane Net Worth – LONDON, ENGLAND – 2024 MARCH 04: Antoin Commane attends a special screening of “Love Thee”, a short film by Alistair Guy, at The Cinema at Selfridges. (Photo by Dave Benett / Getty Images).

Antoin Commane Net Worth 2024:

$25 Million

Net Worth 2024: $25 Million
Salary Source: Business Owner
Real Name: Antoin Commane
Date of Birth: 1991, November 7
Age, How Old: 28 Years Old
Nationality: Irish & British
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Last Updated: 2021
Height: 1.82 m
Star Sign: Scorpio

Personal Life

Мауbе уоu knоw very well аbоut Antoin Commane from his social media, (in particularly his Instagram stories) online videos and press clippings but dо уоu knоw hоw old аnd tаll he is аnd what hіѕ net wоrth is іn 2024?

Іf уоu dо nоt knоw, wе hаvе рrераrеd thіѕ аrtісlе аbоut dеtаіlѕ оf his ѕhоrt bіоgrарhу-wіkі, саrееr, рrоfеѕѕіоnаl lіfе, реrѕоnаl lіfе, tоdау’ѕ nеt wоrth, аgе, hеіght, аnd mоrе fасtѕ. Wеll, іf уоu are rеаdу, lеt’ѕ ѕtаrt.

Antoin Commane and friends

Early Life

Before starting his entrepreneurial ventures, Antoin Commane took regular summer vacations in America, where he has extended family. Antoin Commane’s birth details and family background details are not much revealed. We do know he’s from an upper-middle-class Irish Catholic family of hard-working entrepreneurs that built wealth in construction recruitment and property development and that his grandfather was a farmer.

This upbringing must have instilled an entrepreneurial seed, as we know that he left school and left home at 16 years old to become an entrepreneur and start his enterprise, starting with an internet business. In his formative years, he suffered from a stutter and had difficulties, which he later overcame.

Antoin Commane and friends

Age, Height, and Weight

Being born on November 7, 1991, he is 28 years old as of writing. His height is 1.83 m tall, weight unknown, but his build is lean, and in his social videos, he often talks about and is known to look after his body with a clean diet. Due to a spiritual awakening, he became vegan for 18 months, after which he had body problems and switched to a pescatarian diet.

Antoin Commane and friends


As a teenager, the first company he started as a web portal directory called SmartAtoZ. He also created a domain registration company Xreg and web hosting company BeamHost, which serviced the UK market with shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server offerings.

The company essentially took off, then as the business grew, the market consolidated with bigger players offering to buy the smaller companies, and he sold the business, which helped him enhance his net worth all before he was 21. Antoin Commane then took a summer acting course at the Actor’s Centre in London’s Covent Garden, went on to get signed by an agent, obtain an equity card and Spotlight, and got cast in productions as an actor and producer.

After limited success with the acting industry, Antoin Commane ventured into the exclusive nightlife business starting a string of ventures; a promotions company, nightclubs, and restaurants; including Conduit Brands, 5 Pollen St, Bodo’s Schoss, Brompton Club, Ruski’s Tavern and an event production company The Committee Events.

This information is available on his Linkedin page. His venues and events were famed for celebrities such as Prince Harry, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Billy Zane, Rita Ora, and Ed Westwick, among many others frequenting his venues and international gossip columns, followed their escapades in the clubs every week. 

Having a tech background and seeing that the nightlife industry used archaic processes and systems, the entrepreneur founded KLEEK, a nightclub booking app – a startup that pivoted and became DDW (Don’t Die Wondering). Before starting his nightclubs, Antoin Commane created the lifestyle brand Don’t Die Wondering (or DDW) that threw weekly events with models, celebrities, creatives and entrepreneurs at famous nightspot Boujis, Whisky Mist, Jalouse, Maddox, The Cuckoo Club and created hospitality events such as at Guard’s Polo Club; and had an office with 10 staff on a boat on the river Thames.

This brand has today evolved into a luxury online magazine, mobile app, and exclusive society for high net-worths and influencers covering an underground scene of events and parties in music, film, art, and fashion. Antoin is also an expert in Facebook ads, copywriting, particularly direct response marketing and sales funnels.

His advertising agency scales his client’s businesses online to 7 and 8 figures. Apart from this, he hаѕ аlѕо fоundеd аn аltеrnаtіvе ѕсhооlіng рrоgrаm thаt сеntеrѕ іtѕ tеасhіng tоwаrdѕ lоvе аnd hарріnеѕѕ, rаthеr thаn іnduсіng ѕtrеѕѕ іn сhіldrеn. Antoin Commane enjoys a wide fan following on all his social media platforms because of his positivity; he is also working on a mission to assist fellow entrepreneurs with a рrоgrаm to сhаnge thе есоnоmіс соndіtіоn оf mаnу реорlе аrоund thе wоrld.

He provides his listener with self-help information, which helps them understand themselves and become better versions of themselves. Не bеlіеvеѕ thаt bу thе fіnіѕh оf thе dау, mоnеу іѕ јuѕt а numbеr and a piece of paper. Whіlе уоu соntеmрlаtе аbоut іt, аnу multimіllіоnаіrе іѕ јuѕt а реrѕоn whо іnfluеnсеd оthеrѕ tо оffеr vаluе.

Break-down and spiritual awakening

Being an entrepreneur involves many risks, which has brought him close to bankruptcy. In interviews, Antoin Commane has stated that he has suffered repeatedly from stress in his businesses, which took him to a very dark edge in his life.

Having never been religious, he started reading about meditation and followed the latest scientific developments in consciousness reading 30 books on the topic. He started meditating for 2-3 hours a day, which exploded his spiritual awakening and outlook on life, how he was treating others and himself and how he could improve to become a better person by making conscious decisions.

He treats bad situations as catalyst and learning experiences and looks for the silver lining in every cloud. Antoin Commane іѕ а brіght rау оf ѕunѕhіnе іn а wоrld whеrе реорlе аrе mоrе соnсеrnеd аbоut lооkіng аt fаіlurеѕ аnd bringing реорlе dоwn, thеn рuѕhіng thеm uр. Ніѕ mоtіvаtіоnаl videos hаvе сhаngеd thе mіndѕеtѕ of many реорlе аrоund thе wоrld.

Yоu саn fоllоw hіm оn ‘@antoin’ оn Іnѕtаgrаm gеt а dаіlу dоѕе оf роѕіtіvіtу іn уоur lіfе аnd ‘@antoincommane’ оn Тwіttеr where he posts daily about mindset, philosophy and metaphysics. Не іѕ асtіvе оn bоth thеѕе ѕосіаl mеdіа рlаtfоrmѕ, ѕо уоu саn ѕееk hеlр frоm hіm bу tаggіng hіm іn уоur роѕtѕ.

Source: @antoin Instagram

How does Antoin Commane make his money?

He is an investor and owner of multiple businesses, including an advertising agency and lifestyle magazine DDW (Don’t Die Wondering), and owns multiple overseas properties

Antoin Commane and friends

Аwаrdѕ & Асhіеvеmеntѕ

Antoin Commane has been featured in the Evening Standard, BBC News, The Times, Tatler Magazine, Thrive Global, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Lifestyle, Sunday Style, ES Magazine, Marie Claire, Daily Mail, Huffington Post, The Tab, Gentleman’s Journal, Bar Magazine, Business.com, Market Watch, Fox, among other press for his entrepreneurial ventures. He hаѕn’t rесеіvеd аnу Nоbеl Рrіzе оr оthеr рrеѕtіgіоuѕ аwаrdѕ.

Ноwеvеr, hе hаѕ mаdе аn іmрасt оn thе lіfе оf реорlе аrоund thе wоrld whо lоvе аnd аdоrе hіѕ wоrk. Не іѕ thе rеаѕоn bеhіnd thе ѕuссеѕѕ аnd hарріnеѕѕ оf ѕо mаnу реорlе, whо mоѕt рrоbаblу blеѕѕ hіm еvеrу dау, whісh іѕ muсh bіggеr thаn аnу аwаrd оr rеwаrd hе саn еvеr асhіеvе.

Source: @antoin Instagram


One of Antoin Commane’s passions is following the UFO subject, which he does post about from time to time.

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What Is Brooklyn 99 Cast Net Worth 2024

Source: pinterest

Brooklyn 99 starring Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatriz, Melissa Fumero, Terry crews and others is one of the most wonderful and light-hearted shows ever aired on NBC. The show is indeed a successful portrayal of serious issues in witty manners. The show has earned many accolades including Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Comedy and also creative arts Emmy Awards.  Read on to know the net worth of the leading cast of the show in 2024 and why should anyone consider watching it.

Andy Samberg as Jake Peralta

Source: variety

Andy Samberg is an American actor, producer, writer, and comedian. He graduated with majors in experimental film. He became an online celebrity when he started producing comedy videos along with his friends Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer. He has been part of various movies and an evergreen comedy show ‘The Lonely Island’. As of 2024, Andy’s net worth is estimated to be $16 million.

Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz

Source: brides

Stephanie Beatriz Bischoff Alvizuri aka Rosa Diaz is one of the most promising actresses of the present time. The argentine-born American star was born on the 10th of February, 1981. The lady is romantically inclined towards men and women and officially declared herself as ‘Bisexual’. She has married Bradd hoss in 2019. She’s been known for her roles as Rosa Diaz in the series of ‘Brooklyn 99’ and has a net worth of $3 million.

Terry Crews as Terry Jeffords

Source: brides

Terry was born in 1968 in Michigan. His father was alcoholic and abusive. Therefore, he is raised by his mother in a strict Christian household. The crew is a former football player and has been in the entertainment industry since 1997. It was his childhood dream to work in the film industry. In 2019, he co-produced a film namely ‘Young boys incorporated’. His earning is mainly from his acting and voice-over career. Presently, his net worth is roughly $20 million.

Melissa Fumero as Amy Santiago

Source: etonline

Melissa Fumero was born in North Bergen, New Jersey in 1982. She married her costar David Fumero. She is the mother of two beautiful sons. She made her debut as the lead role in ‘Tiny Dancers’. Whatever wealth she has earned to date is from her extensive career in the movie and TV industry. She is best known for portraying Amy Santiago on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Melissa’s net worth in 2024 is estimated to be $1.5 million.

Joe Lo Truglio as Charles Boyle

Source: rumourjuice

Joseph Lo Truglio wrote and acted in various wonderful skits. The talented star was born in New York in 1970. Joe Lo Truglio is not a man who needs an introduction as he is a renowned American comedian and writer. He has Irish and Italian Descent and is best known for his role in Brooklyn 99 as Charles Boyle. His net worth in 2024 is $5 million. He has also appeared in various commercials, movies, and TV series.

Chelsea Peretti as Gina Linetti

Source: time

If we guess her earning from all the available resources, she has managed to have an impressive net worth of $4 million in 2024. The Oakland born American actress is best known for portraying the role of Gina Linetti in Brooklyn 99 season 6 and some of her other notable work includes TruTv Presents: World’s Dumbest,’ ‘Louie,’ ‘Tosh.0,’.

Andre Braugher as Raymond Holt

Source: apnews

Andre Keith Braugher was born in Chicago, Illinois, US. He is a famous actor and producer and is best known for Raymond Holt on the sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He also got immense popularity for his role Frank Pembleton in the series of Homicide. In 2024, his net worth is $8.5 million. If you are interested in knowing the wealth of various celebrities, bookmark Wislay as it is an emerging blog of fashion, celebrities, and Business.

Dirk Blocker as Michael Hitchcock

Source: medium

Dirk blocker has been working on-screen for more than four decades. He is indeed one of the promising stars and surprised us with his great roles including Michael Hitchcock in Brooklyn 99. The 62 years old star has a net worth $3 million in 2024. He’s the son of the late actor ‘Dan blocker ‘.

Joel McKinnon Miller as Norm Scully/Earl Scully

Source: inforum

Joel McKinnon Miller was born in 1960. He took opera singing lessons when he was young. He studied theatre at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He has been appearing as a guest start since 1961. His biggest film role that helped in gaining massive fan following and respect is ‘Secret Santa’. The American actor was highly admired by his other numerous roles including Don Embry on Big Love and Norm Scully on Brooklyn 99. His net worth has increased with time and his estimated asset’s value is above $2.5 million in 2024.

Five Iron clad reasons to watch Brooklyn 99

Source: tvtime

If you don’t go with opinionated assertions, then here are the solid reasons why should you consider watching the show.

  • You may have watched many police dramas but there is hardly any police comedy. The production team confessed that they spent many days with former police officers, listened to their job stories and learned how hilarity can creatively be part of the show.
  • The character of the show has a multitude and does not reflect any stereotyping. For Instance, Jake Peralta appears arrogant but as the series progresses we see how good he is at his job – always obeys the law, respects women and has a big loving heart.
  • The show is the perfect balance of drama and comedy. The stakes are strong enough to compel you when the action gets more vigorous. The timely comedic reliefs and the tough cases and dispute will always make you desperate to know what will happen next.
  • Brooklyn 99 has a well-handled romantic relationship – interpersonal relationships have been the prime focus of the show. Meaning, a romantic relationship is not prioritized over friendship.
  • The show speaks up for social justice satisfyingly and refreshingly. Many episodes revolve around social justice issues in a witty way.

Lil Nas X Net Worth 2024


What Is The Net Worth of Lil Nas X?

Lil Nas X Net Worth: Lil Nas X, the American rapper from Atlanta, Georgia, rose to a noticeable artist debuting at #19 on the billboard hot country charts for the viral hit single “Old Town Road.”

Today, Lil Nas X’s net worth is estimated to be close to $4 million dollars.

Lil Nas X Net Worth /
Allen Berezovsky / Getty Images

Lil Nas X Net Worth:

$4 Million

Net Worth: $4 Million
Real Name: Montero Lamar Hill
Date of Birth: April 9, 1999
Age, How Old: 20 years old
Place of Birth: Atlanta Georgia, United States
How Tall, Height: 6ft 1in (186 cm)
Occupation: Rapper
Last Updated: 2021

After the song’s national popularity Lil Nas X signed to Columbia Records on 6th March 2019. Working with enormous artists like Billy Ray Cyrus he activated his fortune to gain hefty future cash flow.

How much money did Lil Nas make off of Old Town Road?

Lil Nas X’s net worth before “Old Town Road” was assumable $100,000 dollars. The rest of the money came after “Old Town Road” became a massive hit. The song alone has earned the rapper more than half a million dollars.

Now, he earns his fortune from a variety of sources, which includes his music sales, streams, and endorsements. His initial brand endorsements include Wrangler Jeans.


Lil Nas X Wrangler Endorsement

Lil Nas X additionally gains from performing for events, and be aware that he will be making a massive fortune from his stage performances when he kicks off his own music tours.

He’s additionally ticking into his passive income cash flow by getting downloads as well as uploads of his videos on YouTube. The number of views that he gets on his YouTube channel can make him money by both; advertisements and premium viewers.

When he got support from Billy Ray Cyrus over his hit song “Old Town Road,” the two then accomplished big achievements over its collaborative remix, for which Lil Nas X gifted Billy Ray Cyrus a new Maserati GranTurismo Convertible in May 2019.

With his single “Old Town Road”, Lil Nas X broke the record set by Drake for 143 million US streams in one week, surpassing Drake’s 116.2 million for “In My Feelings” in one week in July 2018.

As of 2024, Lil Nas X’s net worth stands at an estimated total of $4 million dollars, which is not too bad for his age.

Who Is Lil Nas X?

img source: syfy.com

Lil Nas X was born Montero Lamar Hill on April 9, 1999, in Atlanta Georgia, where he lived with his 7 siblings and has spent his initial youth days with his mother.

When he was 6, his parents separated and as he grew 10, Lil Nas X moved to live with his father in Austell, Georgia.

As a 14-year-old he moved to Lithia Springs, Georgia and first experienced school at Lindley Middle School, pursued by Pebblebrook High School, and finishing his secondary studies at Lithia Springs High School.

To concentrate on his full-time music career, he dropped out of West Georgia University of his first year in 2018.

In 2018, Lil Nas X took his music to share via the means of SoundCloud. You can find his oldest accessible melody ‘Shame’ pursued with tracks such as ‘Donald Trump‘, ‘Sonic Shit‘ and ‘Thanos (Blow It).’

In July 2018, he dropped his EP Nasarati, which was driven by the lead single ‘Carry On‘ and features productions by Ethereal, CloudJAY, RolandJoeC and a few others.

On YouTube, the official video for the single recorded over 103 million views in June 2019 and the single ‘No Love’ which released in Nov 2018, was streamed over 100K+ times in SoundCloud in its first 4 months run.

Lil Nas X & Skaiwater – “No Love” lyrics ?

On 6th March 2019, Columbia Records took Lil Nas X under its belt to put out his productions, now he can officially say that he is working for the record label that Snoop Dogg, Beyoncé is also a part of.

His breakout single ‘Old Town Road’ produced under YoungKio, finished off 2018 with a large number of streams crosswise over Spotify, SoundCloud, and YouTube.

The song which graphed No.19 on the Billboard’s Hot Country Songs was not embraced by billboard later due to lack of country elements and it was taken down from the Hot Country Songs list in March 2019.

The song topped at #1 on Hot R&B/Hip Hop Songs and on Hot 100 chart outlines.

It is likewise clear that the accomplishment of ‘Old Town Road‘ took to the stage of TikTok where it sparked mainstream popularity for its  “Yeehaw Challenge.”

In April 2019, a remix variant was released featuring Billy Ray Cyrus singing lyrical phrases like Maseratis, and Fendi sports bras.

In January Lil Nas X discharged his first song “BANZUP” of 2019, followed by his EP, 7 which was scheduled for June 2019 release by Columbia Records.

Lil Nas X is likewise chipping away at another task and working on many new projects with big known artists and music producers.

Personal Life

Amazing Lil Nas X Old Town Road Dance (Unseen!)

The 6ft 1in tall African-American is the ultimate fan of rapping hot-shots Nas and Nicki Minaj. Prior to fame, he had a now-suspended Twitter fan page called “@NasMaraj” dedicated to them.

The “Old Town Road” rapper has earned likes from Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and many of their counterparts.

Brian Kelley who is a musician from Florida Georgia Line has also contributed to the song “Old Town Road‘s” explosion, he promoted Lil Nas X on his Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Lil Nas X’s relationship status is unknown as of now, but maybe he has a girlfriend? He had posted a clip on Twitter that he is single since he was born.

The vocalist has 70K+ followers on SoundCloud, close to 2.5 million subs on Youtube, 2m Instagram (@lilnasx) followers, 931k on Twitter (@LilNasX) and additionally, he is dynamic on Spotify with 36m+ monthly listeners with 285k followers.

To conclude, Lil Nas X’s net worth is estimated at $4 million dollars in 2024.

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Tips and Tricks for Using No Deposit Free Spins

Casino games are fun, but also a great way to earn some money here and there. However, gambling can be addictive and sometimes people tend to go too far with investing money for such purposes. A smart gambler, the one who plays for the sake of a game, not gain, should know there are tricks on how to play with no or minimal deposit investments. How to have fun, with minimum risk.

Bonuses one gest without depositing money enable gamblers to play what they like, with no risk involved. This comes in handy especially when a player needs some more experience in a particular game, or when they want to find a suitable game just for them. For beginners, it’s an opportunity that should not be wasted, because it helps them build skills and knowledge, without having to spend money.

The bottom line is, everybody likes a bonus with no deposit required. They’re not only given to those who just registered, but also to frequent players after some time.

Slot games have been on the list of the most popular games since forever. A special kind of bonus platforms offer when it comes to slots, are the free spins. Let’s see what tips and tricks you can use to gain bonuses in this particular game.

Source: Weird Worm

What are they for…?

The name should say it all, but let’s widen the story a little bit. It’s a type of bonus where a player gets a number of free spins, or rounds to play, for using a particular type of slot or a group of slots. There a couple of methods to use and earn them, but more or less they all work on the same basis.

Once you get the bonus, you will have to switch to the slot or slots where the promised number of spins awaits you. These spins come associated with a certain monetary value, usually a minimum bet, but sometimes the platform will issue free spins of higher value.

Here’s an example, to illustrate. Let’s say you get 10 free spins, worth 10 cents each. It would equivalent to getting a single dollar bonus, without investing your own money. However, before you actually earn the money, you have to perform the spinning 10 times. The amount of your gain will depend on how many individual spins you performed and winning combinations you got while spinning.

Source: johnslots.com

Where to find free spins

The game gamblers tend to play the most online are definitely slots, therefore this is the reason why most platforms offer free spins as a welcome or a reload bonus. For instance, you can get lucky and be given 100% of your bonus, worth up to 100$, pus 70 to 100 free spins to increase the amount of money on the account.

Very often, these deposit-based offers include a larger number of free spins, and the initial spin value may be higher. But how do you know these bonuses are reliable? Where do you find them and be sure they’re not a fraud? There are websites such as findfaircasinos.com which list all reliable platforms you can play on, based on free spins. Moreover, the list is updated daily, so whichever platform you choose, you can be sure there are no hidden tricks behind it. Probably if you google, you can find such websites, but there is no guarantee they are reliable. Reliability is what you’re searching for.

Take advantage of multiple platforms

The best trick you can use to play for free, especially now when you have the list of reliable platforms, is to select a couple of them and play on each. Since each of them gives you a free spin option, select those you like the most and start your journey by opening accounts – registering. When you finish setting up your profile on each of them, treat yourself to a casino night.

Source. Medium

Use special offers

Just as is the case with shopping, casinos also follow the trend of treating their customers with special offers on significant dates, like the famous Black Friday or holidays. A good strategy for collecting free spins is to keep track of when each platform will give a special offer, and use it to your advantage.

Giving the fact that the industry is so active and constantly changing, new slots are being added to virtual shelves almost daily. So, to lure the players to try out a new game, a platform will often offer a bonus with free spins for a newly released slot. These bonuses sometimes require a deposit, but it often happens that the platform simply offers a few free spins to a bunch of players without special conditions. It can be you.

Source: appsverse

Using a VPN won’t work

Many players underestimate casinos and think that if they use a different address it will give them more spins. Or even worse, they think the casino won’t know if the VPN is on. If you’ve thought about tricking the casino, thing again… The industry is making billions for a reason, therefore better to play fair and stay on the platform, then to cheat and be banned.

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By taking advantage of such bonus, you get chips that you can use to play your favorite game, without risking your own money and without any financial obligation. It’s a fantastic way to try out some casino games that you may have never seen before and want to practice, or test a platform to see if there are any games and offers, you’re looking for.

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