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4 Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges For Trading Bitcoins in 2024

Source: unsplash.com

You probably have a pretty good idea of just how popular script of current he became in the past two, three, or maybe four years. What was once seen just as a simple gimmick and something that will not become a reality is now easily worth over $10,000. I am specifically talking about Bitcoins. At one moment in 2018, it was even worth more than $20,000. Many people make some serious money out of this by using the right cryptocurrency exchange sites.

Unfortunately, in 2018 and the year after that, the entire market had a crash, and the value of almost every corner drop considerably.

However, one year later, it seems like this market is making a comeback better than ever. Now, people finally have the option to make a profit out of this industry. But, as it was before, it is today. Making a profit out of cryptocurrency is not a simple as just buying a coin and then selling it when it has a bigger value. It is much more complicated than that.

Although I imagine that you are not here to learn about how this entire industry works, you are more interested in finding out about the most popular and the best cryptocurrency exchange websites for trading Bitcoins in 2024. Fortunately for you, this article will focus on exactly that subject.


img source: unsplash.com

During the peak of this industry, Binance was probably one of the most successful websites that handled the trading of different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. Today, I think it is safe to say that this website is still probably rated in the top five which is the reason why I decided that it deserves to be on this list.

Since 2018, Binance has kept on growing despite the problems that occurred on the market. Right now, this website allows users to trade over 100 different currencies with affordable fees. So, if you want to trade daily with a variety of coins, this might be the site that you are looking for. It is also a good option if you plan on making trades in big volumes.

The fees are pretty straightforward on Binance. There are no extra or hidden expenses. What is even more interesting is the fact that you can reduce the trade fees for your account. As your VIP level increases (by trading larger volumes in 30 days), the fees for your account can drop considerably.


img source: unsplash.com

Coinbase is a digital currency exchange that has been around for eight years. It is then, this website has accumulated over 10 million users, and for good reason. It is a reliable place where you can store, buy, or sell Bitcoins.

The advantage of using Coinbase is the fact that you have a variety of alternative points that you can choose to trade with. You are not just limited to Bitcoin which is always a great plus. If you do not have any kind of experience with making trades online, you will be glad that Coinbase has a fairly simple user interface that will help you understand how all of this works.

I think it is also worth mentioning that cashing out from this site is also pretty simple and quick. There is no need to wait several days for your money to reach your bank account. The entire transaction can take just a couple of minutes.

The only disadvantage of this website is the fact that their support is not exactly perfect. Personally, I think that proper customer support is essential, considering that most of the users are risking their own money. Before you jump onto this site and make an account, bitcompare.net suggests that you read an in-depth review before you make that kind of decision. Once you do your research, you can decide whether you have picked the right exchange site or not.


img source: unsplash.com

Another very popular option for cryptocurrency traders is Bittrex. At first, this site was not very popular because it was limited to US residents, but today, there is also a Europe based site that allows for the registration of residence outside of the US.

Right now, Bittrex handles over 190 different currencies and has a trading volume of over 60 million which means that you can cash in or cash out at any time. With so many different coins you can trade with, you can easily make your profits and then put that money in your bank account. I think this is a very good alternative for a lot of inexperienced traders.

However, even if you do have some experience in this market, Bittrex is still quite a good option.


img source: unsplash.com

One of the biggest problems I have with most of these websites is the fact that it is very difficult to purchase Bitcoin or any other kind of digital currency. The entire payment process is long and very frustrating. You first need to send your cash to PayPal then you have to verify your account and do dozens of other things and only then will you be able to purchase some Bitcoins for your wallet.

Well, simples is here to make things a lot simpler. You can directly pay for Bitcoins with your own debit or credit card. The payment process is also quite fast and it will not bother you with unnecessary information. And even though this entire process is faster, it is still very secure and reliable.

However, with these kinds of advantages, you know that there will be some disadvantages. The main problem I see with Simplex is the fact that it supports only a small amount of currencies and that it has very high fees when trading with certain coins. Although, if you do not mind paying for those extra fees then go right ahead and make an account on Simplex. On this website, you will be able to start training in a matter of a few minutes.

There are probably dozens of other cryptocurrency exchanges on the Internet, but I believe that the 4 I mentioned are probably the best ones.

4 Reasons To Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident that Wasn’t Your Fault

Source: medium.com

Being caught up in a car accident that wasn’t your fault is too much to handle. Along with being firm with your statement, you require solid evidence that speaks for you. There is no worse feeling than being blamed for a thing that you did not do. In such a scenario, getting in touch with a reputable law firm is something you must do.

Why would you end up suffering physical, mental, and financial trauma due to someone else’s fault? There are specific car accident lawyers that can help you file a case easily. All you need to do is reach out to their firm and they are more than happy to help.

For knowing about the legal procedure in detail, hiring a lawyer is something you can’t avoid. Based on the damaged property, a lawyer ensures you get a proper settlement for the damages you suffered.

If you wondering whether or not every person involved in a car accident hires a lawyer, the answer is no. Only people with severe injuries and the damaged property reach out for a lawyer. If you get into a car accident that caused you immense suffering then you surely deserve to recover the damages. Others seem to handle it on their own. Today, we will list down reasons why you should hire a lawyer in a car accident that wasn’t your fault.

1. You Are Not Responsible For Their Damage

Source: Whiplash

People often prevent themselves from getting into legal procedures due to the required time and money investment. But why would you pay for the damages that you didn’t cause? Oftentimes the repairing costs are higher than you can imagine.

Once you hire a lawyer, you will get the answers to all your questions along with understanding your options in detail. When you are not responsible for the accident, the responsible party must suffer and pay for the damages and injuries suffered by you. A lawyer will put in all necessary efforts to collect some solid evidence to back up your case.

For doing that, he will first get a copy of the case filed in the police station, talk to your doctor to gather your medical reports, and discuss the accident with witnesses. The efforts will go in the direction to prove that you were a part of an accident that could have been prevented but due to the carelessness of the driver, you both suffered.

Contacting the right law firm decides whether or not you will receive the initially claimed amount. The Embry Law firm has been in business for a long time and has helped several clients in successfully retrieving the money for the caused damages. Hiring the right people ensures your case is rightly handled by professionals rather than amateurs simply running behind your money.

2. You Deserve Financial Awards

Source: unsplash.com

The financial awards you will be able to claim depends upon the losses you suffered. The losses include trauma suffered by the person, medical bills, amount of property damaged in the accident, etc. But to receive financial awards, you need to be proved innocent.

You cannot attain that on your own since the other party will put in all their efforts to ensure you are proved guilty. A professional lawyer has many ways to demonstrate what happened to back up your claim. Without proper legal support, you will end up paying more money than you can think of.

3. Ensures A Fair Settlement

Source: Atkinson Vinden Lawyers

Let’s say no one filed a case against you being guilty and you went to your insurance provider to claim the money. Insurance companies have been in business for a long time and are good at fooling their customers. They will try to fool you and offer you less amount than you initially require for the trouble caused to you.

The problem is that most of the accident sufferers are not sure about the amount of money they should claim from the insurance companies. There is no such shame in accepting this since you are not the one to work in this field for years, the law firm you will contact is.

Your lawyer has the necessary experience to claim the right amount of money. Do not let these million-dollar industries fool you since you have every right to claim the amount for damages caused to you.

Most people avoid hiring a lawyer because of the fee it takes. But you will be shocked at the money you receive in the settlement made by him. It will be much more than the money insurance companies offer you initially. Never make the mistake of pursuing the claim on your own. But before choosing a lawyer or law firm, invest an appropriate amount of time in studying their background to ensure you are making the right choice.

4. You Can Direct Your Focus To Yourself

Source: Entrepreneur

When you get into a car accident, you need to focus on your recovery more than anything else. Healing from severe injuries takes time and following a proper routine is of utmost importance. In such a scenario, you cannot expect yourself to get into legal matters on your own. All that you need to do is rest and your lawyer will handle all the legal procedures.

As discussed earlier, you need to collect some solid evidence to back up your case. While you recover from the injury and trauma, your lawyer will put in all necessary efforts to collect evidence. Amidst your case, if the insurance company causes any sort of trouble, a lawyer will always be there to handle the same.

The Final Verdict

Contacting the right law first is the first step you need to take. You deserve to receive money for the damages caused to you. Backing off must not be an option in this case. Investing your time and money in this area will surely be worth it. In the end, no matter how many false accusations run behind your back, hiring a professional lawyer is the right option to choose. You will end up receiving a much greater amount than the fees you will pay him.

4 Best Online Banking Tips to Follow This Year

Standing in line at the bank and talking to a teller about your money management plans is old-fashioned. The modern way of banking is entirely online.

If you want to optimize your online banking experience, you should follow these four essential tips:

1. Check Your Accounts Regularly

Source: Compare The Market

One of the biggest benefits of online banking is that it allows you to check your accounts whenever you want. So, you should take advantage of this feature and check your accounts often. Every day, if you can.

Your finances should not be out of sight and out of mind. That’s how mistakes are made. You need to keep a close eye on your finances to make sure that everything is going smoothly. Your bills are going through, your credit card balance is far from the limit, and your expenses are staying well within the guidelines of your budget.

Checking your accounts regularly can also help you detect problems right away. You can see if you’re getting charged for subscriptions that you thought you had canceled or whether your transactions are pushing you over-budget. You can even detect the signs of identity theft and financial fraud, like transactions that you don’t remember making.

If you rarely check your accounts, it could take you weeks — even months — to figure out that something is going on. Luckily, there are services such as IDShield that can monitor your social security number and alert you of any unauthorized use.

This is an especially important tip for anyone that experiences financial anxiety to the point where they’re afraid to look at their accounts. The best way to resolve this feeling of dread is exposure therapy. Practice looking at your finances until it becomes a mundane habit. The more that you push yourself to do it, the easier it will get.

2. Apply for a Line of Credit

Source: experian

A line of credit is an excellent financial tool to have in your back pocket. It can help you handle emergency expenses when you don’t have enough funds readily available. In those moments, you could withdraw funds from your line of credit account and have them deposited into your bank account as soon as one business day. As long as your account is in good standing and your request is within your approved credit limit, the withdrawal should go through.

It’s not just an optimal tool for emergency situations. It’s a revolving credit tool that you can use to improve your credit score. Opening this type of account could help add to your credit history, new credit, credit mix and payment history — these are all factors that impact your score. If you’re strategic with your repayments, you could use the line of credit to your advantage.

How can you do this? You can go to the website Creditfresh.com and see whether you meet all of the qualifications to get a line of credit. If you do, you can submit a request for a line of credit online.

3. Put the Effort into Security

Source: Elie Bursztein

Security is incredibly important when it comes to online banking. You don’t want someone to hack into your account to access your savings or run up your credit card. That would be devastating.


So, the first safety precaution that you can take is to set a strong password. What makes a strong password? A combination of numbers, characters and letters in upper and lower cases.

You don’t want to input something simple. This is your first line of defense against unwanted intruders. You wouldn’t leave the front door of your home wide open for strangers to enter, so apply that same attitude to your bank account.

What is a weak password? It’s short, simple and easy to guess at random. Think of entries like “password” or “1234.” These are codes that someone could crack in seconds. Take a look at the top 100 worst passwords for cybersecurity and see if your current choice is anywhere on the list. If it is, you need to make a change right away.

Do not tell anyone else your password — not even your friends or family members. It should be a secret for you and you alone.

Security Questions

If your online banking account allows you to set up security questions, you should fill them out right away. Just like your password, you should choose answers that you know no one could guess. For instance, your birthday is something a stranger could easily find on social media. The same goes for your sibling’s name, your mother’s maiden name or the city/town that you live in.

Be specific. The more difficult that you make your answer, the better it works as a security barrier. So, if your security question is “What’s Your Favorite Color?” you shouldn’t give a general answer like “pink.” A specific shade of pink like “magenta” or “fuchsia” will be much, much harder to guess.

These are some other important tips for improving your cybersecurity:

  • Do not use public computers for online banking purposes (for example, computers at libraries, college labs, etc.)
  • Run software updates on your computer and smartphone. These updates tend to patch vulnerabilities in security.
  • Do not leave your banking app open. Log out when you’re done.
  • Use a personal firewall to keep your information safe.
  • Do not open suspicious links or download unverified apps. This could infect your device with malware.

4. Automate Bill Payments

Source: Forbes

If you have trouble keeping track of your bill payments, then this simple online banking tip could come in handy. You won’t have to worry so much about missing deadlines and racking up late fees. By automating the bill payment process, the funds can be immediately withdrawn from your online account and sent to the appropriate creditor on the due date.

The only thing that you have to be careful about when automating your bill payments is making sure that you always have enough in your accounts to cover the payments. If you don’t have the funds available, the payment will still attempt to go through. This could put you into overdraft and force you to miss a payment.

Keeping a close eye on your accounts and budgeting carefully will help you avoid this tricky situation. You should also apply for overdraft protection so that your bill payments go through, even when you’ve technically reached the limits of your account. This will at least make sure that your creditors get paid in full and on time.

Make the most out of your online banking. Follow these tips, and you’ll rest easy knowing that your finances are in top shape.

5 Tips and Tricks for Writing an Effective Ethics Paper

An ethics paper is one of the most dreaded tasks if you ask any student. At the same time, we can see that this task can be a pretty good one for them. For example, it can help them to obtain some new skills, especially with writing. It can be said that this task is widely different than any other one. The reason is that it asks for people to elaborate on the moral and ethical implications of the philosophy.

All the students assigned with this task are writing on various topics from the moral perspective. Naturally, it needs to be said that the structure of the article is similar to other papers, but the perspective is widely different. Naturally, it means that they need to be focused on crucial elements of various topics.

Of course, these papers need to be written with a certain academic level. One of the most important ones is a properly written personal narrative. If you would like to learn more about it, be sure to consult wr1ter.com. Otherwise, we are not talking about an effective one, right? It needs to be said that this is one of the things why some students find it pretty scary.

Source: writersdigest

1. Understand the Assignment

Before you start working on an ethics paper, you will need to completely understand the task that has been placed in front of you. Without any doubt, you will receive some instructions provided by your mentor. In case you have stumbled across something that you don’t understand, you will need to have consultations with the mentor. That way, you will be able to understand what is asked of you to do in the particular paper.

As you can presume, you will not be able to complete the task most effectively if you don’t understand the task properly. We are not talking only about the general stuff. In some cases, you will be provided with some other specifics and other small details that will help you to achieve the best possible grade. Plus, you will need to know what’s time you have available to finish the task. So, gather all the valuable information before you start working on it.

Source: Medium

2. Start with a Proper Introduction

Its needless to say, when writing any kind of paper, you will need to start with a proper introduction. But, to write an introduction, there are two main things you need to think about. We are talking about coming up with a proper topic, and doing proper research. That way, you will be able to compile the proper introduction. The critical part of the paper you are writing needs to be pointed out at the end of the first part of the paper.

We would advise you to come up with an outline, where you will be able to put all the research, and by doing that, creating the framework for future works. We are talking about a pretty effective way to avoid all the mess, which is always possible if the work hasn’t been done properly. It needs to be said that this part of the paper shouldn’t be too long. You are looking between four and six sentences. You can be sure that this is more than enough for an effective intro.

Source: unsplash.com

3. Choose the Right Topic

When it comes to choosing the proper topic, it needs to be said that you should opt for the one that you’ll feel comfortable with. Choosing a topic you don’t have a lot of knowledge about will surely not provide you with a chance to write a high-quality paper.

Sometimes, this can be a pretty hard thing to do since there are countless different topics you can take a look at before you can make the ultimate decision. By choosing the one you feel the most comfortable with you will be able to write an effective one.

Source: essaytools

4. Do a Proper Research

After you’ve chosen a proper topic, you will seriously need to think about how you are going to research it. It doesn’t many what’s the topic of your choosing, you will have countless sources to look at. Of course, not all of them will be useful to you. But the art of properly done research is that you will need to select only the best ones.

It goes without saying that this part of the process is probably the most important one. At the same time, some of them are not reliable. So, you would need to have an insight into which one of these is reliable and who is not reliable. Sometimes, this can be a pretty complex thing to do. However, it is an absolute must to do something like that.

Source: moroccoenglish

5. Use Understandable Language

In case you would like to have an understandable paper, you will need to invest your best efforts. We are sure that it is pretty easy to use ambiguous language when you’re writing about ethics and other similar topics. At the same time, you should use pretty clear language. It means that you should avoid the words like could, might, and should. If you use them, you can be sure that your paper will sound pretty ambiguous.

At the same time, you need to make sure that your writing makes sense. So, try not to include sentences that will speak against another thesis in the paper. As you can presume, including these kinds of sentences is pretty easy and, therefore, you should do everything you can to avoid using these. In case you make these mistakes, you can be sure that the paper will sound confusing. Certainly, you don’t want it to sound like that, especially in front of your mentor or professor.

Source: iedunote

The Wrap-up

As we’ve stated, writing an effective ethics paper can be pretty hard sometimes. The commonest reason people are not being careful. Therefore, we’ve provided you, our reader, with the top five tips and tricks you can apply to make it as effective as it can be. We hope you will find these tips and tricks useful down the road.

5 Financial Lessons to Teach Your College-Bound Kids

When you have a kid (or a bunch of them!) It feels like they’ll stay babies forever. Even as you watch them grow and learn for themselves how to function like adult humans, it can be really difficult to suddenly realize that the infant that was throwing food at the wall is now graduating high school.

Ideally, kids should be taught how to manage their finances in school or gradually as they get older. However, going to college in the current climate is supremely difficult and as the economy slides deeper into recession, this is the best time for some essential financial lessons.

College kids have already been struggling to keep their finances on track over the years while continuing to eat healthy and make ends meet. However, with some key advice and lessons from their parents — they could make the best of this time in their life.

1. Basic Banking and Finance

Think back to when you first became financially independent. What was the one thing that you just couldn’t figure out? Thanks to the complex world of banking and finance today, there’s a lot of things your college-bound teens need to be experts at.

First of all, they’ll need a beginner or student checking account. This will get them started on basic bank functions like depositing checks, writing them and managing their bank balance. Balancing a checkbook can also be a really tough skill to learn, so make sure you start them on learning to match entries and account for interest early.

You should also show them the ropes of how internet banking works, especially since you don’t want your teen to be scammed or not keep their online bank accounts secure. They should learn the difference between bill payments and account transfers, so that when they’re eventually living on their own the transition will be a lot smoother.

Lastly, everyone should know how to read a bank statement. Even as adults, this task can be stressful and difficult to get through, but some basic tips will be an excellent foundation they can build on later.

2. Essential Credit Score Knowledge

If your kid is going to college, odds are they’re probably taking out a loan. That’s why credit score knowledge comes in handy right now. Just like any other kind of debt, student loans are linked to their credit scores. Even though the payments will likely be deferred till after graduation, you want to make sure your kid isn’t digging themselves into a deeper hole during that time.

Make sure to explain to them how the significant amount on their student loans will affect their ability to get a credit card and get some more money from banks or private lenders. What many younger adults (and some older ones as well) don’t know that every time they try to get another loan, the lender will make a credit inquiry which brings your credit score down even more.

That’s why you should emphasize the importance of managing the loan money and any part-time job salaries they get efficiently.

Source: Medium

3. Choosing Student Loan Plans Wisely

Choosing a student loan plan can be a harrowing task and you may feel the impulse to exclude the kid from the process and handle it yourself. This is an injustice to your kid. What you really need to do is look through the options with them.

Assist them in calculating tuition, dorm/rent, textbook and learning paraphernalia costs as well as eating, shopping and basic living expenses. After estimating all these expenses, you can arrive at a basic number and then look for an interest rate and repayment plan that suits you best.

Make sure to advise them not to put too much pressure on themselves to repay the loans as soon as possible. If the repayment per month amount is too high, they could be putting too much pressure on themselves to get employed immediately and start doing well. This may not always happen, which is why a flexible lender with low interest rates like ELFI could work well for your kid’s student loan financing in the long run.

4. Budgeting to the Last Cent

Budgeting seems like the simplest task of all — but it can actually be a lot more difficult for younger adults. College is supposed to be a time when young adults explore themselves and have fun doing it, which is why a budget can feel like its holding them back.

Try to emphasize realistic expectations. There’s no point in allocating money so severely that your kid won’t be able to stick to the budget at the end of the day. Clothing, textbooks, college trips, studying supplies, job interview outfits and leisure spending are all as important as rent, utilities and tuition.

It’s also important to help them create a cushion, in case inflation rises or the dollar depreciates. Finally, there’s a great need for emphasis on smart shopping. Your teen needs to understand the importance of value for money. Splurging on a winter coat that will last them for years is better than buying something that will become useless in 6 months.

5. Understanding Refinancing Options

What many young adults don’t know about college loans that they probably should is refinancing options for their student loans. First, make sure they understand that refinancing won’t solve all their debt problems, but will help them to renegotiate the terms of their payment and the interest with a private lender.

Refinancing usually only works after your kid has graduated college and has a steady income, but you can even get parent loan refinancing to your kid’s name instead, thus alleviating the burden on your credit report.

Refinancing experts have stated that savings from refinancing can help save money, lower interest rates, and also help boost credit scores in the long run. In cases where your kid is having trouble making monthly payments or wants to pay their loans back faster — refinancing is the way to go.

With these basic financial lessons, your young adult will be all set to go to college and make a brilliant professional out of themselves. Just remember that you’ve done everything you could, and your child has to go out in the world and make a name for them now.

You can check out the Education Loan Finance (ELFI) website by clicking here.

How to Protect Your Business From ID Security Risks

When you are running a business online, which most people do nowadays, you need to find a good way to protect it. How can you do that?

First of all, you need to be aware of the problems that might affect your online business. Later on in the article, we will outline each of the biggest ID security risks and show you how to overcome them. Once you identify potential issues, you need to have a clear idea of what to do and how to combat them.

Mind you, this is easier said than done. However, there are various tools and services that can help you make your business completely secure. In some instances, tools are the solution, while for some others, you might need to hire new staff who understand how to build a security network.

Either way, protecting your business from various risks is essential, so here are some of the biggest threats and how to deal with it them.

Source: CSO Online

Cybercrime (Phishing, ID Theft, hacking)

Cybercrime is one massive area, but we will not discuss each and every potential problem that can emerge. Instead, we’ve collected all the most common threats and placed them under this category. Someone can always try to hack your business, confiscating all the information and ask you for money in order for you to get the information back.

What’s concerning is that the number of attacks is growing and an increased number of smaller businesses are suffering the consequences. Why not large companies? Usually, larger companies have better protection and therefore, it is riskier to try and knock it down. Smaller firms and sites are mainly unprotected and they can be breached without leaving any traces.

One of the possible solutions is to find a hacker who will try to hack into your online business, showing the weak sides of your protection. After that’s been identified, they can propose solutions to these issues and once you have it fix, it will be much harder to penetrate.

These don’t have to be solutions that cost millions of dollars. They can be simple yet effective deals which would be enough to revert hackers after they fail to get what they want, the first time around.

Source: East West Bank

ID Verification Might Be Enough

Not everyone can afford a hacker working diligently to improve your business’ safety. That can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses. If you cannot go for the full-fledged protection, you can at least introduce ID verification, which with idanalyzer.com is quite simple and effective.

With this simple tool, you can identify remote users with useful digital onboarding solutions and thus prevent fraud in almost in 98% of cases. Of course, this is only one of the ways to keep you business safe and many people are using it. If you want to find out more ingenious features, make sure to visit their website as well.

Source: Medium

Tech Failure/Natural Disaster

In order to protect data, and your business as well, you need to understand that tech can fail us from time to time. Therefore, you don’t want to keep all the information at one place and you need to have some sort of a backup.

This is especially true if you have information of your clients inside your system and you risk losing it. Other computers breaking down, there are natural disasters to take into consideration as well. They are not that common, but if you live in an area where you know that weather is unstable, you should keep that in mind. Physical damage to your computer means that you will not be able to recover files and that your entire online business might be jeopardized.

Source: iqminds

Monitoring Employee Activity

This is a bit of a “taboo” topic, but we must take it into consideration. Not a single employee likes to be monitored at all times and this isn’t what we suggest at all. All we are saying is that an ID theft or breach can come from the inside and it is good to know what employees are doing.

Therefore, the best way to deal with this is to trust your employees but introduce occasional checks. They will be free to focus on their work and they will know that routine checks are necessary to keep the business safe. Once you explain it that way and that is indeed what you do, they will not feel monitored and they will be able to enjoy their work.

This shouldn’t give you an excuse to track everything your employees are doing because all that creates is a bad business model which leads to everyone’s doom.

Source: EC-Council University

Malware Attacks

No matter what you do online, your business is susceptible to malware attacks. Most of the malware attacks are regular people encounter can be detected easily (a bunch of email scams) but some viruses are much stealthier.

Installing a malware protection system/antivirus is one step to keep your business safe and preserve the IDs. This might not be enough, but it is better to have some protection then none. Secondly, and this ties to our previous point and the following as well is to keep your employees from visiting sites unrelated to work.

And that leads us to…

Source: Business Matters

Security and Privacy Regulations

In 2024, your online business must guarantee data safety. If that’s not the case, you might as well shut your business down. People are becoming aware of the dangers on the web and how easily someone can have unauthorized access to their information. So they will not entrust their IDs and Credit Card info to any suspicious site, which isn’t transparent about their safety.

Therefore, you need to regulate this segment and protect all the data you have in your possession.


As the technology progresses, it becomes easier to shield yourself and your online business against unwanted guests. But they too use the advanced tech to their advantage and there are always some novelties in how they try to get hold of the IDs you own.

4 Things to Do After Being Sexually Assaulted in the Workplace

Source: medium.com

“It’s not your fault, but theirs.”

Never forget these words. Therefore, you should not blame yourself if someone sexually harasses you. Besides, you should also not keep quiet about it. Speak for yourself and for your safety. After all, it concerns your whole life and your peace of mind.

According to the study of “Women in the workplace” by McKinsey’s and LeanIn.org, 35% of women suffer from some kind of sexual harassment during their careers. But it’s not about women, sometimes men also suffer from such things.

In 2018, men filed around 16 percent of the total harassment (sexual) complaints in the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). It is to be noted that 16 percent of complaints are registered so how much would be the actual figure.

So if you are facing some form of sexual harassment and you are not sure about what you should do, The Dixon Firm is there to help you out. They have attorneys who specialize in dealing with such cases. So if you are unsure visit their website they will sort out your problem. Thus, you will know the best solution and you will have someone to help you out.

This is the biggest support that such people need the most. Because they feel isolated in society. Therefore, they begin to think about suicide and suffer from depression.

So if you are one of the victims of such a hideous crime, we have certain things to help you out. You might not know because you are too emotional right now. But you need to ensure your safety by speaking out.

Therefore, here are some things that you can do for yourself.

Source: The Journal Pioneer

1. Ensure your safety

Usually, people suffer from extreme shock after they encounter such a situation. Therefore, if they are not strong enough, they will suffer from extreme mental stress and can harm themselves. That is why it is important to ensure one’s safety from the harasser as well as from your own self.

So what can you do to overcome these overwhelmed feelings?

Firstly, you need to call someone close to you. If you live alone, you can call your closest friend or some family member and talk with them. Secondly, give yourself some time to relax. You are currently in a state of shock. Therefore, you might have random thoughts and you are not able to decide anything. Thus, the best solution right now is to take a leave from work and seek help.

Source: Stevens & McMillan

2. Seek medical and legal support

After you feel physically safe, you need to reach out for some support. It is common for people to suffer from anxiety, depression and dissociation. So if you are in such a stage, you need to go to some professional.

Now you need to do 2 things.

First, you have to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist who can help you to come out of your mental stress. You can make the right decision when your mind is working completely fine. Afterward, you should go to some professional advocate to file the case. Consulting an experienced advocate will help you out a lot in this matter.

The victims of sexual assault are not sure about the extent of their sufferings. Therefore, when the consult an advocate, he/she can guide them to file the lawsuit accordingly. Furthermore, they can also decide upon the fine according to the level of harassment.

Source: Florin|Roebig

3. Speak out for yourself

In addition to the professional help, you also need to speak out. This is not only good for you but also for your fellow workers. Today it’s you and the next day it might be someone else. Therefore, keeping your mouth shut is not the right choice for you and for everyone else.

What you have faced today will truly be a shock. But if you don’t speak out, this will progress. Today, he might have touched you inappropriately but what about the next time? If you do not stop the harasser at the first stage, you will suffer much more. Afterward, when you leave the job or take a break, it would be someone else’s turn to suffer.

So it is not the victim’s fault. It is the harasser who is wrong. Therefore, while working and even everywhere else, you should not take sexual jokes lightly. Most of the harassers start by making sexist jokes with employees. Afterward, if they do not retaliate, they move on to the next step. And if the victim to too shy and afraid to speak out, he/she will definitely suffer much more.

Most of such cases occur with contract-based employees or interns. They have to keep their job stable and that is why it is often assumed that they should bear with everything. It is completely okay to work more and efficiently. But it is never okay to suffer from sexual assault only because you are an intern.

Even if you have to lose your internship at this cost, is it better to save your life or job? You can always find another workplace, another job. Or you can simply do your own work. But it is not okay to sacrifice your mental health over a job that pays a few hundred bucks.

Source: NPR

4. Build or connect with a community

As you talk about your problem with others, you will come across victims who have suffered much more. So, you are not alone here. There are several other victims too. Consequently, there are communities and groups that help out such victims.

Therefore, instead of isolating yourself from the outside world, it is better to connect with such a community. You can heal your wounds and can help others too. So it will be a win-win situation for you.

In addition, even if you are not brave enough to go to a psychiatrist or advocate, meeting victims is also a sort of therapy. You might be shy to talk about your problem with new faces. But meeting with victims will make you feel supported and you will have a shoulder to lean on.

7 Big Challenges Cryptocurrency Will Face in 2024

With a jump in institutional adoption, the crypto market has experienced significant growth in 2024. The leading financial firms worldwide who wish to diversify their investment portfolios have started to invest in cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin, the most prominent cryptocurrency globally, experienced a three hundred percent growth in its gains in 2024. It also breached the twenty thousand dollar level. Simultaneously, ethereum and other cryptocurrencies have also experienced significant growth in their gains.

In 2024, the entire cryptocurrency market cap jumped above one trillion dollars for the first time in history. Moreover, ethereum experienced a jump in its gains by one hundred percent. The Defi tokens also positively contributed to the growth of the crypto market cap.

Many researchers believe that the recent growth in the crypto market’s gains is mainly because of institutional adoption.  Check out sfexaminer.com to know more about the challenges and benefits of investing in bitcoin.

Despite such good growth, the crypto market might face certain challenges this year.

Source: A privacy blog – Incognito.org

Significant Increase In Anonymous Transactions

People have reported numerous unidentified crypto transactions done by ethereum and bitcoin whales. These whales move a large amount of cryptocurrency from one wallet to another to create a supply shortage. In turn, it increases the market value of the coins, thereby helping the whales make huge profits.

The recent jump in ethereum and bitcoin gains is a perfect example of this. With this jump, BTC and ETH supply in the wallet reached the lowest levels in years.

Speculative Traders Are Unaware Of Advantages Of Trading Bitcoins

The year 2024 might witness a surge in speculative crypto trading. The finance magnates think that many speculative traders are unaware of trading bitcoins’ long-term impacts. Instead, they opt to trade coins that provide short term gains.

The traders should instead look into the origins of Bitcoins and research about it. It will help them understand the vision of this digital asset.

Uncertain Regulatory Environment

2024 is believed to witness numerous global crypto regulations. America’s treasury department has proposed forming the crypto wallet KYC rule. It will ensure that the digital exchanges, especially the ones that are US-based, verify the wallet owners’ identity before allowing them to make a transaction of more than three thousand dollars.

The treasury department is yet to put this rule into action. However, it might come into effect within two to three months. This rule will determine how crypto transactions will occur in the US and how the country is planning to treat the cryptocurrency market.

The government authorities are supporting the central bank digital cryptocurrencies. However, they are skeptical about private cryptocurrencies.

As per a bill passed in the Indian Parliament, private cryptocurrencies will get banned in the country soon. The haphazard regulatory system of the cryptocurrencies in the world will have adverse effects on the crypto market’s growth.

The crypto market might have to face numerous barriers because of the uncertain regulatory system. The government might also take steps against the citizens who buy these coins but do not declare them in their financial documents.

Source: Invest In Blockchain

Lack Of Proper Knowledge

There is a lack of knowledge among the traders about the working of financial markets and digital assets. Education is one of the most important aspects of crypto trading as these digital coins are considered the most complex investments of all time.

The crypto market is still in its infancy, and it is one of the best times to invest in cryptocurrencies. However, the educational barrier is preventing people from investing in it. Also, it is one of the biggest obstacles that this market is currently facing.

There is not much information available about how this market works. Also, people are unaware of the risks associated with such an investment. All these factors add up and prevent the investors from investing in these coins.

However, the right education about crypto assets will instill confidence in the financial investors and help them understand what they are investing in.

Source: Medium

Blockchain Transition Will Accelerate

The year 2024 was a historically tough year for many people. However, it led to numerous unexpected events, such as the new blockchain trends.

There is no denying that the masses have widely accepted blockchain technology. At the same time, cryptocurrencies still face the challenge of being accepted and surviving in the market.

The big names in the finance industry have already invested in blockchain. The transition is believed to accelerate in 2024. It is yet another significant challenge that Cryptocurrencies will face this year.

New initiatives are underway that involve blockchain but not cryptocurrencies. Hence, once blockchain technology starts without crypto, the crypto market will fall.

However, the blockchain projects will require a reorientation as they ignore the key features such as small contracts, decentralized consensus, tokenization, etc. The financial experts claim that almost ninety percent of the blockchain project will need to be replaced within a year,  which will prove to be a boon for crypto enthusiasts.

Bad PR Image

Cryptocurrency suffers from bad PR problems. The low-quality ads, cringe-worthy campaigns, get rich fast scheme, and other criminal activities have created a bad image for cryptocurrencies. Many people associate cryptocurrencies with age-old frauds and scams.

Thus, even after going through a boom phase, people find it hard to invest their trust and money in the crypto market.

It might seem like a small issue. However, this misconception has hindered the growth of crypto for years. Without proper knowledge about these coins’ working, people will continue to fear to invest in these coins.

Source: The Rail Media


Cryptocurrencies are yet to be legalized. These coins are purely digital assets, and there is no controlling body governing the transactions. Providing user protection is a big problem that will hinder cryptos’ growth in the future.

Final Word

The crypto industry will face the following challenges this year. Hence, the year 2024 will shape cryptocurrencies’ future either for the best or for the worst. However, the proper knowledge about the working of these coins will help to limit these challenges to a great extent.

8 Pros and Cons of Virtual Team Building Activities

Team-building exercises are essential for enhancing collaboration and combined productivity between your employees. During the COVID health crisis, though, companies have decided to move their team-building activities to the virtual world. Many report excellent results, but it does come with certain disadvantages too.

In this article, we’ll explore the different pros and cons of virtual teamwork exercises, so you know whether to implement them at your company or not.

To ensure your virtual team-building event looks great and goes smoothly, I recommend We & Goliath for virtual event production & management services. They’re a full-service agency with a high-touch approach and great strategies for all types of breakouts.

So, without any further ado, let’s get to the bottom of it!

Source: Time Doctor’s Blog


1. Save on costs

Perhaps the biggest advantage of moving your team-building activities to the online world is that you’ll be able to save on costs. You don’t have to invest in team-building tools, nor you need to drive to the office to do this. Besides that, you can include your remote workers too, and you don’t have to do it all again once the shift changes! All of this reduces the time “wasted” on the process, and allows you to stay productive and generate profit while still working on improving the quality of teamwork inside of your company.

2. Help remote workers feel a bit less isolated

You likely have workers who belong to the high-risk category in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of them are forced to work from home, which can be quite stressful to get used to. People spend a lot of their daily time in the office, which is, more often than not, a place where they get to socialize and build meaningful relationships with their colleagues. So, letting them feel included in these uncertain times can be an incredible way to increase their overall productivity and satisfaction. Virtual team-building activities are the best way to ensure everyone is on the same page, no matter if they’re in the office or not.

Source: Let’s Roam

3. Developing mutual understanding and creating a healthier work environment

Virtual team-building activities help your employees learn more about each other, which helps them function better as a team. Knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses can contribute to a more efficient workplace and increased productivity. Besides, it helps your team grow and evolve by letting them learn from each other.

Virtual events hosted by event companies such as www.firebirdevents.co.uk are a fun way to get your team working as one to reach a common goal. It’s something that can easily be incorporated into your office life afterward, so it’s undoubtedly worth the effort!

4. It can be a motivation booster

Now, the current pandemic had us all feeling quite anxious and demotivated. People are afraid of losing their jobs, which creates tension at the workplace. Providing everyone with a day from work to enjoy a fun activity can be a complete game-changer. It instills the feeling of security and it deepens bonds between coworkers, thus motivating them to work harder later on. So, be creative and let your team do the rest!

After just one team-building exercise, you’ll be able to see incredible improvements in overall productivity at your company, so make sure to consider doing it!

Source: Citta Romana


1. It keeps your team from work

Hosting an effective team-building event will take some time off your regular business operations. While it’s healthy for your company in the long-term, you might still suffer some short-term losses at the beginning. So, if you’re in a tight spot financially, it might be better to cut-off those short-term costs until you’re back on your feet and ready to work on the teamwork aspect of your company.

Overall, as beneficial as virtual teamwork exercises can be, they’ll still keep your team away from their daily tasks. All of this can potentially slow your business down, thus creating some short-term financial issues.

2. It might worsen the existing tensions between your employees

If there are existing misunderstandings or tension between your team members, it might make sense to tackle them before making them all work together. Some people are naturally competitive, and their dislike towards their coworkers can turn a fun team-building activity into something completely different. Keep this in mind while you’re planning your next event, and make sure to come up with an activity that fits your team’s specific needs. Otherwise, it could be a giant waste of your time and resources.

Source: Business – Insider

3. Return to baseline

Studies show hat the effects of these exercises aren’t everlasting. They can keep your team motivated and productive for a while, but they’ll probably return to their old ways if not managed properly. So, it’s an ongoing process that you’ll need to repeat quite a bit to truly see advancements. We suggest you do these types of exercises at least once in two months for them to be effective.

Also, make sure to consider your team’s individual weaknesses and strengths and create these exercises based on that. If not, you’re likely just wasting precious work-hours on something entirely useless.

4. Some people need more time to get used to these activities

Not everyone on your team is an extrovert. Some people prefer working alone, and that’s where they shine the most. Still, they’re the ones who also need to learn teamwork skills the most. Creating an environment where they feel comfortable to participate in collective exercises can be a difficult (and lengthy) process. That’s why these activities sometimes need to last an entire working day to be effective. Again, this can negatively affect your daily business operations.

Make sure to talk things through with your introverted employees, and seek their inputs on how to make these activities enjoyable for everyone. If not, you’ll just have a bunch of introverts dreading the team-building days, which negatively affects their productivity in the long run.

Source: Medium

The bottom line

Incorporating virtual team-building activities at your company comes with specific advantages and disadvantages to your business. We believe the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages since most of those negative aspects can be avoided with proper management. Still, deciding whether these activities fit your company’s needs or not mostly depends on your specific circumstances. Consider these pros and cons before making your decision, and you’ll undoubtedly make the right choice.

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Is Impacting the Price of Bitcoin

Coronavirus pandemic has messed up the plans of many people. However, this time, we are not going to talk about health issues. We will talk about the influence the pandemic has on the entire business world.

Tourism is one of the business fields that suffered the most. Many countries around the globe closed their borders for foreign travelers. However, the touristic field is only one of many that will need to be creative enough to solve the problems they have. Yet, are things the same for all the industries that exist in the world?

The good news for some people is no, that’s not always the case. That especially counts when we talk about the crypto industry. Bitcoin, the most popular crypto in the world, managed to survive. More precisely, it managed to improve its value for a short period.

Soure: unsplash.com

People Changed Their Investments

Predicting what will happen by the end of this year is almost impossible. No one exactly knows when the pandemic will end. Because of that, a big amount of uncertainty is noticeable in all economical fields. That is the reason why almost every industry seems risky for investing.

On the other hand, the pandemic has had different effects on the price of one BTC. Before the pandemic started, the value of one BTC was around 9800 dollars. During the pandemic, there were no significant changes in the price.

In August 2024, the price of Bitcoin was nearly 12 thousand dollars. Yet, people that are familiar with the crypto world know one thing. They wait for different signals that will tell them to prepare for some further changes. Some of them will manage to predict those changes alone. On the other hand, others would use the crypto trading apps and ensure additional protection in that way. That is also an option, and if you would like to check it out, you can click here. There you will manage to see how the entire process works.

Anyway, these signals are not the only ones that helped people prepare for further changes. Investors and traders could also hear different rumors associated with Bitcoin. They were all saying that 2024 is going to be a revolutionary year for that digital currency. Because of that, they all decided to be patient and wait for the right moment to come.

Source: Medium

The Right Moment Appeared on January 1st, 2024

On December 13, 2024, things started to change in the Bitcoin world. The price of Bitcoin on that day was around 19500 dollars. However, the price-improvement trends remained. Because of that, the price of the BTC on the first day of this year was $29388.

We can all say that the impact of the pandemic on the price of Bitcoin is positive. While you are reading this article, the price of one BTC is 45685 dollars. You can calculate on your own the difference of the price for only one year.

Why Has Price of Bitcoin Jumped during Pandemic

The reason why the price of Bitcoin is jumping is simple. The investors and all participants in the crypto world are responsible for that. It is not a secret that pandemic made people more skeptical and unsure. They are not willing to invest in industries that are full of uncertainty. That is the reason why the demand for Bitcoin has jumped.

However, that doesn’t mean the popularity growth is the only reason why something like that happened. There are a couple of factors more that supported the rise of Bitcoin price.

Source: Blackwell Global

Unstable Dollar

Pandemic harmed the American economy as well as the national currency. It is not a secret that many people in the USA lost their jobs because of the pandemic. However, the money supply has increased during the pandemic. That is the reason why the dollar experienced lower purchasing power.

Unfortunately, the stimulus spending also had a negative impact on the strategies of many investors. They do not feel comfortable investing in the dollar because of the feat of greater inflation rates.

However, here comes the moment when Bitcoin becomes an amazing alternative. As you probably know, in Bitcoin’s code, it is already determined how many BTCs can exist. That number won’t change which makes the most popular digital currency an attractive option for investing. When you look closer, fixed supply is probably one of the biggest benefits of this cryptocurrency.

Many Companies Approve Crypto-Based Payment

We previously said one essential thing for all the business owners. They need to get out of the box if they want to survive in today’s business world. More precisely, they need to show creativity to pass all the obstacles pandemic brought.

Many businesses started to follow the latest trends in the business world. That is the reason why many of them decided to accept crypto-based payments. A good example of that is online casinos. In 2024, there will probably be many of them where people can make crypto deposits.

In other words, cryptocurrencies are becoming available on every corner. That especially counts when we talk about Bitcoin. The decisions that businesses made increased the demand for the currency. Logically, that also supported the price growth of the most popular digital currency in the world.

Source: Nikkei Asia

Political and Ideological Neutrality

We won’t spend a lot of words on the political happenings around the world. However, people probably know what we are talking about. Different political changes also had a direct impact on the power of many national currencies.

On the other hand, these changes do not influence the price of digital currencies at all. They are all ideologically and politically neutral.

That is the reason why people feel more confident to invest in Bitcoin. They are not afraid of the potential negative happenings in different parts of the world. As we said, the entire world is facing a high level of uncertainty. No one knows when everything will end, and when people will the normal life will hack. That is the reason why they are looking for a safe option. It seems that Bitcoin is the best option they currently have.

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