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MECE: How to Think Like a Top Consultant – 2024 Guide

Smiling mature consultant discussing documents over the phone while working at his desk in an office

Getting yourself a good looking tailored suit and walking into a corporate building doesn’t all of a sudden make you a successful consultant. Finishing your studies in this area doesn’t guarantee it either. Lots of people study for this job, a lot of them will get it too. But at what level?

The key difference between a top consultant and the average one is in the mind itself. It’s how you approach your problems, how you think them through. Having the ability to put yourself in the client’s skin and see their perspective, what they want, what they expect. Apart from that, it’s the ability to sniff out your weak spots and always work on improving them, as you can always be better than you are right now. That’s the attitude a top consultant needs to take on.

Standing Out

As always, getting the basics spot-on is very important. Getting through education, understanding the whole process of consulting, working on your maths, learning more about problem-solving principles, and nailing the infamous case interview to put the icing on the cake.

However, there is a reason why the case interviews at top consulting firms such as McKinsey, Bain, or BCG are so infamous. Those companies are not known worldwide for being the best at what they do because they hire anybody who decides to apply.

On the contrary, they will go through hundreds, thousands of applicants just to find that one consultant in whom they see the potential to go the distance.

There is a lot, and we do mean a lot of candidates that will thoroughly go through everything that’s needed for a case interview test. You can even do pretty well, solve a case, answer the questions, yet still leave without a job offer. It’s the sheer number of applicants that creates a real competition, where you will need to stand out and prove that you have the edge over the others.

Thinking Like the Client

You should always be attempting to visualize the situation from the client’s point of view. What is their goal? What are their problems? What needs to be done to resolve them? Is your approach MECE compatible? Those questions should always have an answer.

Other than the obvious problem-solving skills, a client will expect the consultant to be fully involved in the whole project. It is usually considered essential that you are available and approachable, as well as transparent in what you do. The client is paying a hefty amount for your services and will expect your approach to be on point.

Keep your reports neat and filled with important data. Do not drown your client in unnecessary information that they don’t need to hear, but don’t keep them in the dark about the info that is crucial and relevant to the problem at hand.

Approaching the Problem Correctly

Jumping to conclusions too soon in this line of work is the key component to failure. You should always take enough time to analyze the problem, explore all possible options in a MECE compatible way, and ask additional questions. Only when you have collected all the necessary data can you begin to create a hypothesis that you will check.

The MECE principle is something to always keep in mind when approaching a problem. It is the safest way to make sure that you account for everything relevant to the specific problem while avoiding a double amount of work by checking the same things multiple times. Hence the MECE name stands for Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive.

Always structure your approach in a top-down manner. An issue tree is often the ideal option for this, as it will allow you to branch out all the connected factors to find the elements of the equation that can be altered to resolve the initial problem. You will often find yourself building the issue tree from scratch as you find another element that needs to be considered in the structure.

Communicating Your Data

As we mentioned before, it’s important to distinguish the important parts of information from the less-important ones. Knowing how to deliver your reports to the client is an integral part of a successful consultant’s job. Apart from landing all this data onto your client, do not forget that your job is to advise. So every bit of information given should be followed by advice on how to handle it. They are, after all, hiring you as a consultant, not just an analyst.

Share your knowledge as often as you can with your client, or even potential clients. A consultant should always be sharing relevant information with his clients regardless of the fact whether he’s paid for it or not. If you go the extra mile for them and prove to be effective and clinical in solving a problem, you will likely be hired again or recommended to another client.

Removing Uncertainty

The client is expecting you to be an expert in your field, whatever the field is, as you should be. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not every client will be an expert as well. When delivering your theories and analysis to them, it’s important to make sure that they understand all the important bits.

When the client does not fully understand a part of your plan, it will create uncertainty. And the biggest plan-stopper on this planet is probably exactly that – uncertainty. Whenever you’re not sure about something – your natural reaction is to stop.

So if you don’t want your client getting cold feet about something and derailing all the work put into it – make sure you adapt your presentation to your client’s understanding and make sure everything is cleared up.

To Wrap it Up

Being a top-level consultant has its benefits, plenty of them, but it is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires great discipline, motivation, hard work, and an open mindset.

It’s not about not making any mistakes. It’s how you react to them and learn from them. It requires you to look at things from different angles, to act directly and confidently, and to communicate clearly and eloquently. If these things don’t come as too big of a step for you, you might just give it a try!

Why Recovery From Illegal Substances Is So Hard

Realizing the fact that one is undergoing some substance use disorder is a nightmare itself. One should remember that the journey of recovery may be hard, but the moments of regret are harder. There comes a time where no medication whatsoever can bring the person back to life. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical refuge as soon as possible. Friends and family can play a vital role in helping one diagnose the addiction. A proper monthly medical checkup also saves one from becoming a victim of drugs. The symptoms of drug addiction are as following:

  • Losing temper
  • Financial crisis
  • Mood swings
  • Loves to spend time alone
  • Becomes lazy
  • Loses health
  • Disturbed relationship
  • The person can’t take voluntary actions immediately.

The above mentioned are some symptoms common to all. They may vary from person to person. They may not appear all at the time; one may dominate the other. It’s just a guideline for your help.

Source: Crosspointe Recovery

Drug Detoxification and Withdrawal

The removal of the last tiny bit of drug from the body is known as detoxification. A person undergoing detoxification needs moral support. This could be provided by the staff at the rehabilitation center and by the family upon visit on weekends. Detoxification comes with several aftereffects that are to be catered in time to ease the process. One should remember that the pain is worth it. Withdrawal effects are difficult to be forecasted before a hand. Therefore, medical help is sought. The doctors are capable of taking care of the person both mentally physically. Some people commit the mistake of undergoing detoxification on their own at home. This act has proven deadly to many people. Saving money at the expense of one’s own life is not a wise decision at all.

A center must understand key differences between two drugs when the center deals with drug detoxification from multiple substances. The cure to one drug could be a cause of harm to the other. Therefore, special care needs to be taken when dealing with such patients. It is observed that most people are undergoing multiple addictions at a time. Some prerequisite tests should be carried out to conclude the type of addiction of the client. For further details,  check this website.

Source: Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres

Contact Information

Previously, phone-calls were used to contact the center. Now, the contact could be made over the phone call, via email, live chat, and the client can even visit the center at any time of the day. All these details are present on the website of the detoxification center. Some websites are linked to social media as well. One can go through their social accounts and gather more details about them. People can submit their reviews on social platforms that are available for others. The use of advanced technology has given rise to the transparency of a center. This helps to develop a level of trust between the two parties.

The clients get an overview of the outcome of the center. This diverse contact network helps to cater to all kinds of clients especially, the shy ones. Some people hesitate to talk to others and are more inclined to hide their real faces. Such platforms add confidence to shy people. These people feel comfortable expressing their identity once they are not discouraged from being themselves. Sometimes a registration form is also available on the website. Take extra care about the security of the site before submitting the form containing your personal information.

Source: Mission Harbor Behavioral Health

Outpatient Services

There are two types of outpatient services. The first type of outpatient includes such patients which do not need to come and stay in the center due to certain reasons. They seek medical help every week from the center and go back home. The reason for outpatient services could be lack of money, mild addiction, a busy schedule, and many more. The second type of outpatient services includes an aftercare treatment plan. This is offered after detoxification. Such services are important to help a person stay away from the drugs even after leaving the center. The success stories of outpatient services are less than inpatient services because they are more exposed to drugs.

People registered in inpatient detoxification plans are made to stay away from drugs through different means. Therefore, they yield more promising and long-lasting results. Outpatient services are more like psychiatric sessions. The benefit of these sessions is that if the person is unable to overcome the problem himself he can get registered in a center. The center would be well-aware of the history of the patient and will be able to treat him in a better way than the fresher.

Source: dualdiagnosis.org

Why Choose a Certain Detoxification Center

Choosing a detoxification center acts as the real game-changer. Just in case one ends in a wrong detoxification center, he/she could risk his life to a great extent. While choosing the center, make sure it is certified or recognized at a national or international level. Please read the reviews of the previous customers before enrolling in a center. One can seek advice from friends and family too. A person should feel no shame discussing the matter with the surroundings and should realize how sensitive the matter is. Going through the website is one of the best approaches so far because most of the information required is already present there. Moreover, one can visit the center physically. And can get to know the real image of the center.

The center should be equipped with a friendly staff. So that the person can pour his heart out and don’t need to censor the content. Transparency and trust play an important role here. If the center is famous for leaking information but is offering services at a low cost, then such a center should not be your choice. Cleanliness; must be ensured at such places. A person is about to invest a handsome amount out of his salary. Therefore, he should take some time to research these centers; before making the final decision.

9 Benefits of Using Neon Signs for Your Business Marketing – 2024 Guide

Source: signmakers

Advertising represents a link between products and consumers. It is very important to present the product or service in the right way, as well as to choose the right way of advertising because today there are many. Sometimes one word or image is enough for an effective advertisement, and sometimes a video accompanied by text. In any case, they are the ones who place and sell a certain service or product. Today, companies are advertised in several ways – through billboards, advertising materials such as pens, T-shirts, mugs, diaries, through TV and radio stations, social networks, and in many other ways. However, there is one very effective and inexpensive way of advertising that can be placed both outsides and inside the building, and even contribute to the interior design – neon signs.

There are many reasons why these commercials are the best, and these are just some of them.

Source: canva

1. Infinite shapes and designs

Another thing that goes in favor of this type of advertising is that these ads are versatile, that is, they can be made into just about anything you want. Of course, the design of the sign itself is accompanied by 100 different colors that you can combine to achieve the desired effect. Just think how much you will save because you will not need the services of a graphic designer to make the sign, but you will be able to explain what you want! On Ginde Star you will find more about it.

2. 24/7 visibility

These advertisements are usually placed in conspicuous places and are shown in the full glow at night when the city falls asleep. It is this fact that is especially interesting because people are busy with many obligations during the day and do not pay much attention to the relay. Still, the night brings peace, rest, and relaxation, so that people have increased concentration and focus on the things that surround them.

Source: cnn

3. Low energy consumption

You will need to set aside a certain amount of money for any form of advertising. What is important is that you understand this as a useful investment, because as we said, advertising is half the battle. Of course, this does not mean that you need to spend all your wealth, but that you think of an effective and good way to place what you want. Neon signs stand out here because they are personalized and economical. Probably for many people the first association with neon signs is a big bill for electricity since the advertisement is glowing. However, the truth is different. Neon signs are nowadays made of many LED bulbs that are known for their durability and low power consumption. According to some estimates, LED advertising saves as much as 50%-70% of electricity.

4. Easy installation

There is no need to worry about installing a neon sign because it is so simple that you can even install it yourself. All you need to do is choose the perfect place to set up and prepare the following tools: plastic coated wire, smaller securing screw, crimps for locking wires, and vertical mount. You will often see these advertisements in bars and cafes, lately, they have also been often used as a cherry on top in arranging living space.

Source: theneonist

5. Longer lifespan

We all know that LED non-neon lights are far more durable than ordinary ones and have a lifespan of around 50,000 hours. Simply put, you have invested in advertising for the next 34 years! Not bad, is it?

6. Low maintenance

In neon signs, maintenance costs are almost non-existent, because they are characterized by high durability and resistance to many climatic conditions, ie precipitation, as well as extremely high and low temperatures. If they are indoors, do not worry about getting burned when cleaning, because LED bulbs do not heat up. What can happen, though very rarely, is that one light bulb burns out, but it is easy to change. Even if you don’t, the visual appearance of the ad will not be compromised, as each ad consists of hundreds of small light bulbs.

Source: yourpracticecoach

7. Environmentally friendly

Nature lovers do not need to worry because LED lights are considered to be green. This means that even after their lifespan they will not pollute the environment precisely because they are environmentally friendly, unlike traditional neon signs which are toxic because they use mercury.

8. Neon signs look beautiful

Neon signs can make any space more luxurious and beautiful. Many companies opt for motivational messages in the form of these signs, which hang on the walls of their companies to motivate workers to do their best, and at the same time to feel comfortable in the environment in which they work. These signs can look like real small works of art that will adorn the interior of the building or emphasize the exterior architecture.

9. How expensive is it?

The figure of 100-1000 dollars may not seem small to you, but for billboard advertising, you would have to spend much more, for a limited period of advertising. With neon advertising, you have solved the issue of advertising for the next three decades, and even longer! The price itself depends on the size of the sign, as well as the complexity of its production. In any case, it is much more financially viable than other ways of advertising.

Source: eater


When creating an advertisement, including this one, the quality of the content is important, not the quantity. By this, we mean that you do not need to print an essay and a detailed description to attract the attention of passers-by. On the contrary, you are more likely to have a counter-effect. What you need to do is create a simple but effective inscription or image that will interest a casual passer-by to enter your shop and see what you are actually offering.

Very often you can hear people say that bad advertising is also good advertising, without thinking about the counter-effects they can cause to potential customers or users of their services. Yet stick to the fact that every product and every company deserves the best publicity, and by no means solid or bad!

7 Best Performing Cryptocurrencies Other Than Bitcoin in 2024

Source: unsplash

It took a long time for only a fraction of the people on the planet to gain confidence in the concept of a digital financial system. On the other hand, there are still many who adhere to traditional methods but also those who believe exclusively in the power of bitcoin. There is no doubt that bitcoin is the cryptocurrency with the best performance at the moment and relatively stable volatility, which is why it justifiably deserves the interest of a large number of users. As the first-launched digital coin, it immediately attracted attention and has kept it to this day thanks to its good characteristics, and it has indeed made many millionaires. But, the situation has changed compared to 10 years ago, because in the meantime, many new cryptocurrencies have been launched that are worth considering. So, the time has come to ignore bitcoin for a moment and analyze what other digital currencies stand out with their good performance.

How much the situation has changed compared to the previous year, we can conclude based on research like this at www.techdee.com. Let’s take a look at the current situation.

1. Ethereum

Source: UKTN

The advantage of Ethereum over Bitcoin is its influential position. These include the ability to enable all users to build their decentralized applications. The market capitalization of this cryptocurrency experienced an expansion in the past year and increased by 60%. Also, at certain stages, the price of Ethereum was low enough, which made it perfect for all beginners in the crypto market.

Thanks to the network upgrade, Ethereum is becoming a very important DeFi product. Depending on the number of running dApps, the strength of this token is expected to increase. It also enables the realization of smart contracts as well as projects, which additionally influences the increase in popularity. All of these are reasons that indicate the possibility of establishing a fairly stable upward trajectory of Ethereum in 2024.

2. Ripple

Source: PYMNTS.com

Ripple has long been in a well-deserved third position after bitcoin and ethereum. Tether’s expansion at one point caused it to move to third place but that didn’t diminish its importance. There is a platform that supports fast and cheap transactions of this cryptocurrency, which is why it’s supported by numerous giant companies like Moneygram. The trust of large companies is reason enough for users to believe in the survival of this digital coin and its rise in 2024.

Another reason is the excellent technology network in the background, which looks promising in terms of future cooperation with large banking systems. It smells like connecting a large number of companies with Ripple and a jump in value.

3. Tron

Source: Cryptbuzz cryptbuzz

Tron is, simply put, an unusual cryptocurrency that is focused on the realization of certain projects. One of these is building a digital entertainment network. The goal of this project is cheap and easy sharing of fun digital content via a specially designed network platform. It may seem like something that doesn’t deserve much attention for a moment, but don’t rush. Considering other available platforms for the same purpose, such as Netflix, which will charge a high price for these services, this solution may seem like a cool idea.

In this way, the role of an intermediary is eliminated and each user will be able to share content directly. We could say that this is a win-win situation for both publishers and consumers. The first one will be able to lower prices, and the other will make great savings. More and more organizations are becoming interested in the Tron, which clearly testifies to the bright future of the Tron in 2024.

4. Litecoin


Compared to the currently most popular currency Bitcoin, litecoin is characterized by a much cheaper and simpler network organization. It is true that the amount of these coins is limited and that a large amount is mined, but that doesn’t diminish its wide application. One of the first big advantages is the high speed of transactions compared to some of the most popular cryptocurrencies. Also, the fees are lower than you think.

According to some estimates, thanks to the opening of the RPG “LiteBringer”, a very bright future for Litecoin is predicted. This is also concluded based on the increased number of transactions recently.

5. Bitcoin Cash

Source: Bitcoins Cashout

The dilemma over scalability, which has been a long-discussed topic among experts, has resulted in the creation of another blockchain. This was done to enable more transactions. Thus Bitcoin Cash becomes another favorite among competing digital coins. In the past year, a large market capitalization was achieved that meets everyone’s criteria.

Considering the rapid striving of Bitcoin Cash towards the top, this growing trend is expected to become even more expansive this year. We believe that this information should intrigue a large number of investors who will pay attention to BCH in the coming year.

6. Chainlink

Source: The Cryptonomist

Remember the smart contracts we talked about in the Ethereum paragraph? Thanks to the cryptocurrency Chainlink, their realization has been significantly simplified. Considering that, like all other contracts, these digital ones also require the use of real and valid data, the whole process seemed too complicated. To ensure the validity of the data and thus achieve all the necessary conditions for the implementation of a smart contract, the concept of Chainlink is designed to ensure the validity of the data by paying data providers in this currency. As a result, a certain trust has been gained among users, which contributes to the growing popularity of Chainlink.

7. Binance Coin

Source: Cointral.com

Another interesting platform that has appeared in the crypto world is Binance DEX. The subject of launching this platform is different from all the others. The mission is the decentralized purchase and sale of Binance coins but also the use of this platform to convert different currencies. The great advantage of Binance DEX is that it offers a discount when trading with the BNB on stock exchanges. This influences the increase in the popularity of the BNB and is considered to have a bright future in 2024.

We advise you to start considering these suggestions if you are new to the crypto world because you can discover the great potential of other digital coins in 2024 that aren’t bitcoin. Would you add any cryptocurrency to this list? How do you like our choice?

7 Tips for Hosting a Poker Night at Your House

So, you moved to a new place or you bought some new furniture or some other things and you want to show that to your friends. Well, there is a way to do that successfully and its by hosting a game night. Some of you will ask “well, what’s wrong with a barbeque party?” and we will say absolutely nothing. There is just something special about game night.

You get everything wrapped up nicely. There are thrills, there is adrenaline, yelling, laughing. It is an all-rounded night and there is no way you can go wrong with a game night. Now, let’s talk a little about the choice of game. If you are above the legal age limit poker night with your friends at home is the best thing that will offer all the above in one action-packed night.

Poker is a highly addictive game, but not in a bad way. It is a game well balanced between luck and skill, but there is so much more to it. You have to have patience and nerves of steel for this game. Poker night at your house doesn’t have to be that. You can have a relaxed, slightly competitive game that will make you and your friends have fun and spend quality time together. It can also help you get to know them better and figure out if they are bluffing or not.

For an ultimate poker night at you home follow the tips below, or if in need of more pointers visit www.top10pokersites.net.

Source: Bicycle Playing Cards

1. Snacks are a must

If you are hosting a poker game night than you have to have snacks. No game or party is complete without them. Plus, there is an added benefit where those irritated by the previous round might clinch their anger in cheese puffs instead of yelling out loud. Keep two things in mind, though, choose the kind of snacks that won’t leave your friends fingers messy and sticky. Messy and sticky fingers lead to sticky cards and that there is a recipe for one bad night of poker. Other is to try and satisfy everyone need. Be a good host and thing about everyone when shopping for a snack. Not everyone likes the same food as you.

2. Make the game interesting

Yes, poker has money revolving around it and the most interesting thing is to clear the pot and take it home. There is one more thing that can be done and we guarantee you it will blow everyone’s mind. Try and buy a trophy of sorts. You know what we mean – go to your local gift shop or trophy shop and buy something cheap but good looking with a poker theme. It will be cool for a winner to take home something else besides money, and we ensure you they will remember that for a long time.

Source: Fabulous Arizona

3. Small blinds

Now here is another important thing to remember. Don’t go big on your first time hosting a poker party, keep it humble and make the blinds something everyone can afford. Consider your friends and their budget, don’t make blinds too big because you will have people dropping out on you. Start small and as you get comfortable to talk things together and work the amounts you all feel OK with. This way everyone will play, they will play for longer and they will be coming back again.

4. Poker Chips

There can’t be a decent poker game if you don’t have poker chips right? This is something that both is and isn’t that important. You can buy any sort of chips you like it’s just important to have them if you want a complete experience with your friends. You can buy cheap ones that go from $20-$40 or you can buy a little more “high end” ones. There will add a little bling to the game, with its colours, engravings, quality and whatnot, but it is purely to your liking there will not be any difference in the game.

Source: Shutterstock

5. Cards

This is the same thing as with poker chips. They are, of course, essential for the game but the quality, looks and everything else won’t change your experience much. These are dirt cheap and you can find them anywhere, the only thing we would advise is to watch out for the materials used for the cards. Paper cards are more prone to getting dirty and they fade and tear easily while those plasticky ones are tough to handle since they slide a lot but are more resistant to getting dirty and tearing on the sides. Bonus advise, always have more than one deck at any game, just in case anything happens. It would be silly if you had to go out and buy more, for any reason, while in the middle of the game.

6. The table

Now, this is another thing to have if you want a decent game but it doesn’t necessarily have to a dedicated poker table. You can use your dining room table, coffee table or anything in between. If you and your friends get comfortable enough you can go and search poker tables online and get anything you like. There are all sorts and types with all price ranges. If you wish to up your experience after a while you really should invest in a dedicated poker table and it will pay off after a while. For starters, you will probably be able to find a poker set that comes with a mat that goes over the table to bring you as close to poker experience as possible.

Source: Scavenger Chic

7. Lighting and music

This is the one thing that might affect the game in most ways. If you can host the poker party in a separate room where you can control lighting just for that area. Don’t try and make everything too flashy with LED or whatnot, and don’t make the area too dark because you will not be able to see anything. Instead, if you can control it make the lighting slightly dim to have some mystique but enough to see what cards are dealt. Same goes with music. Find something appropriate and soothing, but don’t make it blast so that you can’t hear each other. Moderate is the word here and stick to it as best as you can.

To wrap things up we will once more remind you that poker is a highly addictive game, even more, when there is a big company involved. There is that gambling part, but when it is among friends everything is OK if you are having a really good time. Also, try and find a playing routine that is comfortable for the party. We know you are going to like it but try and not play every other day or even every week. Try to start with like 2 games a month and then gradually talks things out with friends and maybe reduce that to whatever you find comfortable. This is all about spending quality time with your friends and learning to be a good host so never forget that never mind how intense was the last game.

How to Style Stacked Leggings – 2024

Source: today

Stacked leggings are becoming one of the must-have items for this fall since they are both versatile and stylish. They are mostly made of a stretchy material, mostly cotton, so they are both comfortable and cozy. Also, they will accentuate your curves and have you looking sexy and chic, while being a great choice to wear all year round because they are pleasant even for the hot summer months.

They are comfortable, durable and you can style them with just about anything. Here are our ideas for styling stacked leggings, just like these ones found on jurllyshe.

Choose neutral colors

Sure, having neon or camo stacked leggings would be very cool, but you should have in mind that neutrals are always much easier to style. You can mix and match them with just about any other existing color and it will give you more options for everyday wear, so that you can make the most out of it. Cream, beige, tan, black, navy, olive, gray – choose the one that you like the most and style it with tops in different colors every time you wear it. Just be careful when taking care of dark-colored leggings since they can fade if not washed properly, or too often.

Source: depop

Stick to a single color

There are many pretty patterned ones – flowers, polka-dots, animal-print, and even tie-dye, and they can be very cute, but the ones in a single color will be more classy and convenient because you can style them with almost anything on a daily basis.

Mix them with denim

Wear a light colored cropped denim jacket with your leggings. This is a particularly good combo for the spring. Try keeping the color palette on the light side, especially with pastels. If you do decide to go with darker denim, then stick to the darker shades of the neutral color palette for a more polished look.

Source: dhgate

Pair it with oversized sweatshirts

Fall is the season for oversized… Well everything. Not only oversized sweatshirts, but also cardigans, but coats, jumpers, and even bomber jackets. Make your oversized sweatshirt the same color and material as the leggings. It is recommended that it has zipper that can be opened as much as you’d like, with a tan top or a bra peaking from underneath.

Don’t forget the purses

A crisp, leather tote would be quite a statement piece, but then again, so can be a tiny handbag in the exact same color as the leggings. Also, a fanny pack is a fashion detail that you should definitely not skip this season.

Source: pipiluxury

Crop top

This combination will accentuate your curves and make your waist look tiny. Try getting one that is the same color and material as the leggings, so that the outfit will be elevated and will seem more expensive. The good thing about the crop top is that it can be with sleeves, with straps, or even strapless – so there is one for any time of the year. Just make sure that your bra is supportive to avoid any fashion mishaps. You can throw on some stylish overcoat and you are good to go.

Wear “ugly sneakers”

Ugly sneakers’ popularity has been increasing in the past few years. They are bulky, maximalist, and very trendy, so we don’t see them going away any time soon. These shoes are a very eye-catching accessory, so keep it simple with a plain t-shirt, or a tank top. Throw on a matching jacket and grab a mini leather backpack and you will be both sexy and fashionable.

Source: global

What to do with camo leggings

Camo stacked leggings are a risky choice, but we are not going to judge. A pair of leggings with this pattern will be great with a black bomber jacket and black sneakers. A white t-shirt will provide some additional contrast, but you won’t go wrong with a black one either.

Buy a set

As a general rule, by keeping it monochrome, your outfit will be more classy. We would recommend going with a set from the neutral palette, so that you can add pops of colors with your accessories, and even split up the set and combine it with other items. Throw on some chunky jewelry, an oversized coat and ugly sneakers to pull the whole look together.

Source: dhgate

Go all black

Black is a very elegant color, so wearing your black stacked leggings with everything else in that color as well, you will look slimmer, taller and more refined. Of course, avoid this in the summer months as this color will absorb the sunlight and make you feel very hot – and we mean that quite literally. It would be better to save it for a date night in the evening paired with some shiny jewelry.

Surprise with a sports bra

For the ladies that want to go with a more daring combo, we’d recommend a sports bra with a jacket, or an oversized sweatshirt with a front zipper which would give a peek at the bra.

Source: ebay

Put on a ball cap

A ball cap is the best accessory for the sunny spring or summer days, and we are sure you already have at least one in your closet. A ball cap would be a perfect addition to a monochrome look.

Wear them with slides

Slides with fur, feathers or a brand’s logo have lately been very popular. And it is very clear that they would complement these leggings too, especially the ones that have a slit in the front. This is an awesome combination for the hot summer days. Just don’t go too crazy with the choice of colors and keep it simple, as these shoes are a statement by themselves. However, because these shoes are very flat, we would advise that you find the appropriate length, so that they won’t drag at the back of the feet and get dirty, or stepped on. This is a rule for all of the stacked leggings, but in this case it is of even bigger importance.

How Covid-19 Impact Startups: Survival Strategy & Tips

Mankind has not yet encountered a crisis similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although experts in various fields compare it with the 2007-2008 mortgage crisis, economists have come to a unanimous conclusion: the economic crisis and the total lockdown caused by the pandemic will be much harder and more serious than the mid-2000s crisis.

They agreed that the global economy will need 3 years to fully recover from the effects of the crisis and return to the indicators of the end of 2019. This forecast will take place only in the most favorable scenario when there are no new outbreaks of the disease. But it is doubtful since new cases of infection are reported in the regions that have seemingly defeated the virus.

Meanwhile, in most countries, people continue to stay at home, and businesses of all sizes and specifics suffer from disrupted cash flows and operations. Tech development companies, like purrweb.com, were forced to continue providing their services remotely. Still, small businesses that do not have a financial airbag received a huge blow.

In our article, we will talk about how much COVID-19 influenced startups, and also try to give some tips on how to cope with this situation.

Source: VentureBeat

The Impact

The impact of the pandemic on startups is obvious. And the vast majority of companies have experienced negative effects, mostly. That’s why we will talk about them first.

Negative impact

Speaking about the negative consequences for startups, we can briefly highlight the following points:

  • Capital. About half of startups do not have financial savings and are in the red zone. Those who raised some investment in rounds A and B can last less than a year. Government support varies from country to country, but often includes interest-free payday loans and helicopter investments, which are often not enough;
  • Employees. 74% of startups reduced their staff due to the crisis. Speaking about geography, most employees lost their jobs in North America, followed by Europe and Asia. This is due to the fact that the United States leads in the number of sick and dead from the virus by a wide margin. In Europe, the situation is not so deplorable. Asia seems to have coped with the pandemic faster than others, so there are fewer layoffs;
  • Revenues. Estimates are approximate, and yet: more than 70% of startups declare a reduction in their income. Statistically, about a third of them faced a critical decline in profits of more than 80%.
Source: PYMNTS.com

Positive impact

There are also positive trends, however. While B2B startups have been affected the most, B2C companies are more likely to survive the pandemic with less serious consequences. It depends on the sectors, of course. For example, people continue to order food, read books, or watch films online.

  • Growth. One-tenth of startups report a slight increase in their income. There are absolutely incredible stories. For example, the shares of video conference service Zoom grew by more than 275%. Any crisis opens up new possibilities;
  • Operating activities. The level of digitalization in the modern world is very high. That is why most B2C online startups continue to operate. Some say that nearly 96% of tech startups run despite the crisis.

It is very difficult to derive exact numbers here. There are too many factors to consider: industry, type of startup, level of digitalization, the presence of a financial airbag, and so on. In general, the crisis has hit startups hard and caused a negative impact, no doubt.

Source: Startup Info

Survival tips

Not all startups can survive in this crisis, but here are some universal tips to improve your chances.

  • Develop a plan. The effects of the crisis will be felt for several more years. That is why startups that are hoping to continue operating after the lockdown, should have a clear plan of action. All stakeholders should be involved in the development of this plan, from ordinary employees to potential investors;
  • Assess damage and redistribute income. Understanding the exact numbers is crucial. Diversify your cash flows, reduce expenses as much as possible, and outline several possible financial scenarios — from the most negative to the most positive;
  • Choose a new direction. Evaluate how your activities and the specifics of your startup can be useful to the world in times of crisis. For example, car-rental company ZoomCar focused on providing services to healthcare industry workers, as well as delivery services;
  • Lean is the key. You need to be as lean as possible. The lower the costs now, the greater the chance of survival;
  • Search for investors. Not everyone in the world is losing money now, and many investors view this crisis as an opportunity. Therefore, conduct a thorough market analysis and try to make your startup profitable for certain investors;
  • Don’t panic. Nerves and panic will definitely not help you. Accurate calculations and a cool head are really important right now.
Source: YourStory


We would like to finish on a positive note. Yes, the situation is extremely difficult and many will not be able to get out of it. However, these are the days when we should show our compassion and willingness to help. Startups are one of the most vulnerable types of business in any crisis. Nevertheless, there are chances to survive.

The key tasks here are either to put the business on hold for several years so that it will reopen when the economy recovers. Or, to reformat your startup in such a way that its activities are in demand in the new reality. Just believe that the good fortune lies ahead.

5 Signs That You Need Air Conditioner Maintenance

Ever since air conditioners became an integral part of every home during the 50s and 60s of the last century, we have begun to wonder how people once lived without it. When summer comes and temperatures of over 90 degrees Fahrenheit strikes us, we think we wouldn’t survive without the help of air conditioning. When the summer heat is at full swing, we just want to be as close as possible to this device and somehow survive until evening.

But if you live in the northern hemisphere, it is currently winter and you may have already forgotten how much you will need air conditioner in just a few months. That now seems far away. Now your main concern is that your home is well heated, and you will think about cooling when the time comes. But we can tell you that is a mistake. You need to prepare in advance and do regular maintenance, especially if you noticed at the end of last summer that your air conditioner is not working as it did before. We will tell you what are the signs that you need air conditioner maintenance, so if you have noticed any of them, do not wait for the summer but solve the problem immediately.

Source: The New Daily

1. Energy bill higher than usual

Of course, the air conditioner does not have to be the only culprit for the fact that the energy bill is higher than usual. First check if it is only one month where the energy bill is higher than usual. It is logical that the electricity bill is higher than usual if it is a warmer month, but it must be a rational difference compared to winter. If this is the case, then it is not a red flag. But if this is repeated from month to month, and the price of electricity has not increased, it is very likely that some of the devices are damaged and therefore consume more electricity than before. The air conditioner is one of the largest, if not largest consumers of energy in the home, so it is the first device that you should check and, if necessary, do regular maintenance or repair.

Source: DIY Network

2. Air is not cold enough

In case the air is not cold, first you need to check if the cooling mode is on. Maybe you forgot to switch back from heating mode you used during fall or winter or someone mistakenly switched to the wrong mode. If it is in cooling mode, and the air is still not cold, then that is a completely clear sign that you need professional help. It happens that the air coming out of the air conditioner is not as cold as it used to be or even not as cold at all, and the reasons can be many. It can be restricted airflow, compressor problems, clogged filters or blocked ductwork. It can also happen that the replenishment of freon is necessary. In any case, there is a problem. Do not ignore even if the temperature varies. The air temperature must be constant, if the thermostat or something else is not broken.

Source: The Forbiz

3. High humidity indoors

During the warm part of the year, it is normal for the humidity to be much higher than usual. First of all, it is very high outside, sometimes close to 100 percent, which of course must be reflected to the humidity we feel inside the house. But still, it should not be very humid indoors, because that is one of the main reasons why you have an air conditioner, in addition to cooling you down. One of the basic functions is humidity control, so if you notice that you are sweating in the house and feel like you are in the middle of the jungle, you may have a problem with the air conditioning. If this happens again for several days in a row and the device fails to bring the humidity to the level it was before, call a professional to determine what the problem is. It’s probably leaky ductwork, but let them determine the cause.

Source: Edwards Air Ent LLC

4. Unpleasant smell

If you smell an unpleasant and strange odor, it is very likely that it is coming from your air conditioner or HVAC system. Of course, first check that it is not some other source of that smell, but it probably is not. This probably means that the unit is dirty or the filter needs to be replaced. Don’t procrastinate, because it’s not just a matter of unpleasant smell. A dirty filter can cause allergic reactions, especially in people who are prone to it. If you are interested in that topic, find more about how A/C unit is affecting indoor air quality at www.acservicesmaui.com. You can also try using ultraviolet lamps if you have them, to destroy the various bacteria and mold that may exist in the air conditioner, but regular filter replacement is also necessary. Also, make sure that there is no problem with the wires, because they can be source of strange small too, and that can be dangerous and cause a fire.

Source: Comfort Air Service

5. Noises

You’ve probably having an air conditioner for decades, so you know it’s not a noisy device at all. It’s often so quiet that you’re not even sure if it’s on until you look at it or feel the cool air. So if it suddenly starts making sounds that sound more like a tractor rather than an air conditioner, there is certainly a problem. Some of the most common sounds that can occur are metallic screeching, grinding or banging. This may indicate loose belts, a broken part of the unit, as well as debris in the filter. It is best to call professionals as soon as possible to check what is causing those strange noises. Because if you do not react in time, it can happen that some part is irreparably damaged and you have to replace the air conditioner. Worse, if you have an HVAC system, then there can be significant system damage, which will be very expensive to repair.


The most important thing is to regularly maintain everything in your house, including the air conditioner. This way you will always have a highly functional device and you will reduce costs

6 Tips for Choosing the Right Tools for Cryptocurrency Trading

Source: Medium

Crypto trading requires a high level of knowledge, skills, interest, but also having the right platforms and tools to accomplish your goals. Since you are here, you are probably interested in trading, or you’ve already tried something, and now you want to be more informed about all the aspects and possibilities you have at the crypto market. If you do it right, you can be sure that all your actions will result in a profit, and improving your economic health, especially right now, when the world is fighting against the new wave of the dangerous coronavirus.

You also maybe know what’s mining, trading, and exchanging, as the main activities of working with cryptocurrencies. But, sometimes you need additional tools, so you can stay active and earn as many cryptos as possible. The most common trading tools are tax reporting software, trading bots, charts, and APIs. How can you be sure that you are using the best of them? Here are a few tips for that:

1. Crypto tax reporting software

Source: Pinterest

This tool can help you manage your actions, and also increasing your chances to profit. The trick is to find reliable ones, by researching them and look for real and legit user experience. These tools include analysis of your current activity, generating charts, listing the best trading websites (you can look here to see what is verified trading platform), and giving you tips on how to secure your activity, and protect the earnings from cyber-attacks. During your trading, it will also calculate the tax fees, if required in your country. It is advisable to consult with a tax expert or CPA online with TurboTax Live from your house in Seattle or wherever else you might live just to make sure everything is covered. Sometimes they can generate predictions or recommendations for your future activities. You can convert your crypto belongings to their equal worth in fiat currencies, and keep a history of every move, so you can easily find some previous activity.

2. Finding the right trading bots

Source: Altrady

Some software lets the traders use bots, so they can automate the activities, and plan what they will do next. In most cases, these tools are pretty expensive, because they really have a huge responsibility working for you, and ensuring that your earnings and savings are safe and secure all the time. Most of them are cloud-based, and the best thing is that you can sync them with your smartphone, so you can be notified when something important is happening on the market. Don’t go for the free bots – this is the best advice you will get when talking about them. If you don’t want to put your earnings at risk, then you consider buying the bot as an additional investment that will improve your trading performance.

3. The chart tools

Source: YouTube

If you have serious intentions to be active as a crypto trader, then you will need to follow how the rates changed over time. This is essential because many traders are sure they can predict how things will go, based on the previous experience. Also, you can compare the different cryptocurrencies, so you can decide when it’s the right time to trade, and when to stop. The best thing is that the charts are easy to read and understand. Find the one that you find easy enough to follow, even if that means you need to pay some price for that. You can choose different criteria, and the tools will generate a chart following your interest. Sometimes, if you read them carefully, you can find important things and details that will help you plan your trading.

4. Crypto API tools

Source: Medium

API is short for Application Programming Interface, and it’s a type of tool or software that is helping two separate apps to sync and communicate, for mutual benefit. For example, the Facebook chat is a separate program from the social media with the same name, but it’s imported successfully, and you can send and receive messages, using only one pair of credentials, instead of logging in to both apps. In crypto activities, APIs are used to collect data from reliable resources and sync them with your trading profile. That helps you not to miss anything important, and always receive crucial updates for your activities. The same advice here – don’t use free and untrusted APIs, because it may end up really bad. You will probably earn enough from your trading activity, and you can afford to pay a little for a complete premium plan.

5. Automated tax payment

Source: The Financial Express

Trading can be taxable activities, depending on where you are based geographically. That’s why most of the trading platforms charge the taxes immediately, once you get your earnings. This is great, especially if it’s legal in your country. In other cases, you will use some of the tools we described above, to calculate the taxes and pay them by yourself.

6. Cryptocurrency wallet

Source: Finance and Markets

Once you complete the transactions, you have to transfer your crypto coins to the e-wallet. That can be software installed on your computer or even an online service you can use for that purpose. But, experienced traders know that the best option is owning a physical device that is protected with private and public keys, PIN codes, passcodes, and passwords, so the earnings can always be safe until the person decides to exchange them for money, or spend them the way they want to. Owning a cryptocurrency wallet is maybe the most important tool for your trading activity on the network. But, our advice is to choose the physical option, and remove it from the computer once you use it. Some people even keep it locked in a safe box, so they can be sure no one will be able to touch it.


These were the most important tools and the tricks on how to choose the best of them. Crypto activity is not a joke – it can be a serious source of additional money to your household if you are dedicated enough, and you know how to do it. In the end, we will say that you have to be active and follow what’s new every day, so you can stay up to date with all the changes and improvements.

Top 7 Best Weebly Themes to Boost Your Online Presence in 2024

Source: baamboostudio

2020 is a difficult year for most businesses. It is a high time to think about a better outlook and more advanced features for your Weebly website. A strong web presence can always boost your sales and conversion rate.

And we have created a list of the top 5 latest Weebly themes with all responsive and Weebly 4 updates that can add new life to your website in 2024.

Be it marketing or blogging, personal or a professional website, these themes can cater to your every need.

Bamboo studio‘s Weebly themes come with superior, cutting edge designs to give your website a modern and professional look. These easy to customize Weebly themes, including all the advanced Weebly features, can make your website look outstanding.

Top 7 Best Weebly Themes to Use In 2024

These top themes can enrich your website, taking it to a more responsive level. Flexible color customization and the addition of the slide-out search bar, customizable headers, and full-screen images are a few awesome features of these themes. They have been designed to provide a pixel perfect, high-quality visual outlook for your website.

1. Infiniti

Source: youtube

Infiniti’s clean and crisp lines deliver a great visual experience for business websites. Providing a contemporary look to your traditional and corporate businesses, this theme combines style and functionality.

You get an opportunity to choose from 4 customizable menus and 11 different page layouts. Full-size header images and minimal navigation add that bold touch to your budding business’ website

2. X

Source: websitebuilderinsider

X is one remarkable theme, perfect for your creative business like artistry, photography, and graphic designing. An attractive online storefront is just a click away with X’s exclusive features.

With 1- page scrolling layout embedded into this Weekly theme, you can even choose from 13 incredible page layouts to create a multi-page website. Enjoy a variety of menu styles, with 5 different styles to choose from, you can even add smart pop-ups along with the theme options.

3. Vine

Source: medium

This clean and simple theme gives a professional look to your website with minimal design. With the inclusion of 3 menu styles and 11 different page layouts, this theme also comes with multiple specialty page layouts to choose from. You can choose different cool theme options, too.

Vine theme caters really well to websites of restaurants, corporate agencies, e-commerce shops. Vine is for you if you are a writer or a freelance designer.

4. Leica

Source: rapidweblaunch

A slick powerful theme loaded with 16 unique page layouts, it can make your website visually stunning. The themes options are user-friendly and there are six customizable menu styles available. Leica can help you create a highly functional website.

If you want to showcase your portfolio as a designer, architect or photographer, Leica creates a beautiful platform for you. You can create a successful website with this well-organized theme if you are a freelancer, blogger, or an online store owner.

5. Linen

Source: divtagtemplates

Rich in design, Linen portrays warmth and elegance. If you own wedding and furniture businesses, restaurants or online stores, you can benefit highly with Linen’s special features and sensible design.

Linen is one of the most popular Weebly themes and is suitable to create almost any type of website. It creates a friendly and calm interface, with 12 different layout options and various theme designs for you to choose from. You can even add a footer to your web page.

6. Ethereal

Source: mojomarketplace

You’ll realize at first glance that it is a minimalist, concise and solidly designed theme. It was created for authors who aren’t really interested in attracting the attention of visitors with colorful, stuffed pages, but with content that can be presented in a simple, yet effective way. In addition to being cheap, it’s also optimized for use on mobile phones, which guarantees fantastic visibility on all devices.

Updates are included in the price, which will only further contribute to the modernization and fine appearance of your site. When you take a closer look, you really have nothing to lose!

7. Unity

Source: weebly

Fans of classic shapes and easy navigation will probably be pleased with Unity. Not only because of that, but also because of the general responsiveness required by almost all site authors, since it is extremely important that the webpage is accessible to everyone. This type of theme is the most common choice for lifestyle blogs as it goes perfectly with minimalist displays of decorations, furniture, tips for a better life and seems serious and by no means too fluttery.

It has CSS buttons, as well as a side navigation system, and there are a whole range of various colors that you can customize according to your needs.

The Last Word

Weebly is definitely a platform that can make creating your own website more than an absorbing and creative activity. Of course, themes are what determine the nuances and perfectly match our concepts and ideas with the available resources.

Webpages are online virtual places where we have the chance to express everything that the paper does not let us show or does not display enough, knowing that we will have an audience that needs complete information about us and our services or works. Some will read our stories, some will rejoice as they won’t have to penetrate into the essence of informatics in order to easily manage our page, while others will find a way to contact us and share their opinion with us precisely in this way. Since human beings are visual types, what will attract them at the very first glance are certainly the design and the way the content is presented.

Whether you want simplicity or pomp, a blog or an online store, just to express your opinion or to help others reach your services, you need an ideal solution. Therefore, don’t think too much – get ready to embark on a creative and incredible web building journey with these outstanding themes in 2024. These should help you reshape your identity on the internet in a personalized and innovative way and also make your service or business flourish!

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