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Aluminum or Standard PCBs – Which One Should You Choose

In a manufacturing plant that produces printed circuit boards, every single material matters. The two, most popular options are standard and aluminum PCBs, which are most commonly used for powering different consumer and commercial electronics. However, each of the options has its own properties, which is why you have to carefully consider what suits your needs best.

This is why you might be wondering – should I choose aluminum or standard PCBs and which one is better? Simply said, it’ll depend on the project you’re working on and in order to make a decision, you must learn how each of the options is different. Let’s take a closer look at the comparison guide below:

Source: Newmatik

1. The Costs Will Vary

When you need a PCB, the cost is, perhaps, the most crucial factor to consider. Though the value of metals is constantly changing, you should know that standard PCBs – that feature copper cores – are usually more costly, mostly because the substance is rarer than aluminum. Hence, when you’re establishing a budget and when you’re working on your design, you could opt for aluminum, instead of standard boards if you want to save some cash.

2. The Heat Conductivity is Different

If you have to be extra careful about managing the temperature in your design, you should remember that aluminum will always stand out over cooper, due to a little thing named heat conductivity. Thermal or heat conductivity relates to the level of heat transported within the metal, and when contrasted to copper, aluminum offers a quicker transfer speed.

Standard is more suitable if there will be extremely high temperatures that could damage some of the parts, or if you’ll have to use high power. Hence, another thing that you’ll have to consider is the application and heat requirement, meaning that you need to choose the material based on what you’ll use the PCB for.

Source: Global Electronic Services

3. The Electric Conductivity is Important Too

As you already know, both of these materials will conduct electricity, but the level of conductivity will vary for both materials. When talking about electric conductivity, copper is naturally more competent at it, and if your design requires electric conductivity, you must ensure that you opt for copper. Basically, whenever you have a plan that requires this important feature, choosing standard PCBs is always better.

4. The Amount of Layers Needed

Printed circuit board design most commonly has 2 models – single and multiple. This means that they could have either one or several layers. When talking about these two options, aluminum is a fitting alternative for single-layer boards, mostly because it’s difficult to manufacture aluminum boards with several layers. If you need several layers, standard PCBs are better due to the fact that it’s easier to manufacture a board with several layers from copper.

Source: American Products Inc.

5. They’ll Impact Our Environment In Diverse Ways

According to the experts from pcbonline.com, this is one of the latest things that you’ll have to think about, especially if you’re trying to make your company ‘greener’. If you’re Eco-conscious, aluminum is a better option for a wide range of factors. For starters, aluminum could be found in nature and it can also be easily refined, manufactured, recycled, and it’s non-toxic.

However, with standard PCBs that most commonly feature cooper, these characteristics are basically non-existent, which means that they cannot be found easily, you’ll not be able to refine them in an easy way, and more importantly, it’s more toxic for our environment. Hence, consider whether or not you want to be more Eco-friendly when choosing the material for your PCBs.

6. Electrical Resistance is Crucial!

The expression ‘resistance’ relates to the quantity of friction the material has to the course of electrical power. When it comes to the layout of the printed circuit boards, it’s an important aspect to think about, especially since it’ll affect the other components, as well as the function of the item. Copper is denser than aluminum, hence, it’ll provide you with less resistance. Hence, if you need more delicate circuits and quicker power transfer, standard PCBs might be the most fitting option for you.

Source: MyVenturePad.com

7. The Durability of The Elements

Durability or as it’s also referred to as ductility is the process of undergoing stress before a specific item breaks. Although both materials are metal, they’re flexible, however, there are some differences between the two options. Generally, standard PCBs offer more ductility, which means that they’re more suitable for PCBs that must be more durable. If not, you could choose aluminum.

8. The Weight is an Essential Factor

Since there is a greater density per item area, copper is frequently heavier than aluminum. And, like everything else from this list, this is an essential factor to consider, especially since it’ll influence the overall design. If you need it for an application that features a light-weight design, aluminum is definitely a better choice. However, if you don’t need to worry about the overall weight of the printed circuit boards, copper is accepted with open arms.

Source: Lifewire

9. Drilling Can Be Easier or Tougher

You probably know that your PCBs will have to be drilled. The general design of PCBs is built with a basic layer of material such as fiberglass, and the metal layer is placed on top of it. With a multi-layer board, this is something that is done several times.

When thinking about drilling holes in the boards, copper might be more suitable, but, the same cannot be assumed about the other options – and this is exactly why aluminum boards are most commonly made with one layer. Hence, if there are holes that need to be made, you might want to choose a standard PCB.


If you need to order a large number of printed circuit boards, there will be a lot of considerations when it comes to the material you should choose. Keep in mind, you must also consider the application and your entire project, especially since this can help you make the entire process of choosing the material easier.

So, now that you know all the differences between the two options, you might not want to lose any more of your precious time. Instead, you should return to the beginning of the list above, go through it once again, and then determine which material might be more suitable for you.

5 Ways You Can Embrace Prom at Home in 2024  

The current COVID-19 situation has really forced us all to rethink a lot of elements of our lives; jobs have been moved from the office to the living room, social gatherings have gone virtual, and prom night has turned into a solo celebration at home.

The fashion industry has reported a large drop in sales with many shops closing. All non-essential businesses closing has been suffering the effects of the pandemic, with the bridal dress being at the top of the list.  Many bridal stores closing down during what it is normally considered pick season. As recently reported: “Employees at Designer Loft on West 37th Street called brides to tell them to take the dress for the big day, or leave it until who knows when. Sarena Becker of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn was one of the last future brides to meet with the tailor before the doors were locked. Her wedding is scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend”.

However, when it comes to prom dresses there are certainly ways you can make the most of that amazing dress you’ve already bought, as suggested by Sherri Hill.

Here are some ways you can embrace your own prom in the comfort of your own home:

Source: Iron Skullet

1. Make your dream playlist. One of the upsides of throwing your own prom at home is that you get to be the DJ. That’s right- no tunes you don’t enjoy, no unnecessarily cheesy slow dance songs (unless that’s your thing). You control the music and the vibe. It may also be a good idea to create a playlist for getting ready so that you can get in the mood for dancing and virtually chatting to your friends!

2. Give a make-up tutorial. If serving fierce looks is your forte, your skill might just be worth sharing with the world! The best part about doing your own make-up at home is that there is no rush: no car to hop into at a certain time, no rushed photos- just you and your mirror (and that amazing playlist you made earlier!). Practice a couple of days beforehand, and decide on your color palette. Film a couple of practice runs to get yourself in the mindset of your favorite make-up artist, and then when the night comes, you’ll be ready to share all your best tips and tricks with your friends and followers.

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

3. Prepare your home for prom. Maybe put up some balloons and cute decorations in your school’s colors, or even create your own theme- after all, this is your prom now, and you can celebrate it however you want! If you want to go all out, you could even make some prom-themed snacks and prepare a little buffet so that when you’re chatting to your friends online, you can all feel as though you’re munching on treats together, just like you had planned!

4. Go ahead with the big reveal. Just because you’re not physically with all your friends doesn’t mean you can’t still show off your prom dresses! The new trend of videoing yourself recreating the Grammys Glambot video has become extremely popular, and for good reason; it’s inventive, celebratory and fun. Plus, it’s something to look back on and remember how well you handled this new and unexpected turn of events. Why not organize with your friends to reveal your prom dresses this way? It is a great way of celebrating your success in making the most out of a bad situation, and as a memoir, for when you want to look back on how fabulous you looked!

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

5. Remember that your dress is always there. You and your friends may not have had the chance to wear your dream prom dresses the way you expected to, but you’ll always have this dress, and you can wear it whenever you want, just as soon as normal life resumes! Just like the photos and videos, you’ll have taken; this dress will be proof that you made it out the other end!

Hosting prom nights at home and sharing them on TikTok has become so popular that TikTok decided to cater to its largest demographic by hosting their own virtual prom. These events took place from April 21 to April 25, and the company partnered up with some of the app’s top creators to feature ways to prep for your virtual prom, including DIY tutorials and beauty tutorials.

During the pandemic – for most of us – luxury fashionable items have been out of our shopping list. However, earlier this year since the beginning of the pandemic, luxury brands to compete in the market have started to interact more with their clients, in some ways, have become humbler. That hasn’t included only more interactions, but also an invite to participate, labelled with the hashtag #AtHome.

At-home campaigns have become very popular in social medias, and have included luxury brands such as Roxanne Assoulin, Bottega Veneta, Isabel Marant, R13 but also non-luxury fashion brands non-luxury fashion brands like Urban Outfitters, Free People, and Building. With more consumers at home spending more time on the internet, social media have become extremely important for fashion brands.

This situation can be frustrating, and it may seem a little sad to be wearing your prom dress at home without your friends. You may not be able to hang out and dance with your friends just yet, but who’s to say you can’t all get together and have another prom in person soon? When it’s advised, get together with your favourite people, make the most of your beautiful dress and use your second prom as an excuse to wear it all over again! Who knows, you may appreciate that dream dress, even more, the second time around.

9 Things the Banks Will Inquire After You Require a Commerce Credit in 2024

Source: tpa-group.com

Starting your own business is a dream but coming up with the money to start that said business is somewhat daunting especially if you don’t have any savings lined-up. It’s okay, there are many banks who can give you business loans to start your company. Like, at velocifin offer an assortment of loans and financing choices for your trade to buy stock and materials, boost your marketing endeavors, increment your sales, refinance debt.

There are few things that banks will require from you for your loans to get approved, there will be periodic special cases to each rule, of course, but here’s the common rules

  • Balance Sheets
  • Income Statements
  • Cash Flow Statements
  • Interim financial statements for current year’s operation
  • Bank account history
  • Detailed list of business debt (may be in the form of a schedule
  • Last three years of business tax returns
  • Annual budgets
  • A professionally prepared business plan
  • Evidence of a strong business credit history
  • Current on tax liabilities
  • An abundance of collateral (such as real estate, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable or cash) to secure financing.

1. Business plan

Source: smallbusiness.co.uk

Remember, Banks are investing depositor’s money. They wouldn’t want to invest in any business, so you need to come up with a strong plan stating every aspect of said business. Bank will want that standard outline of the company, product description, market, team management, and financials.

2. Business’s financial details

This will include your past and current inquiry of loans if you have any debts incurred. They will also want to know about your bank accounts, transaction history (sometimes), investment accounts, credit card accounts and needless to say your address, I.d and contact information, so they can reach out to you when needed..

3. Accounts Receivable complete information

Source: pexels.com

Bank accounts will ask about your assets. Assets include accounts receivable, inventory etc. Bank will inquire about your net worth. That incorporates aging, account-by-account data (for checking their credit), and deals and installment history.

4. Creditor’s Account details

This will include credit references, business which will guarantee and vouch for your transactions history. If they have positive things to say for you professional dealings, more chances for you to get a loan.

5. Financial statements

Source: cpaccounts.com

Business financial position is reflected by the balance sheet. The balance sheet includes assets which are analyzed by the bank especially inventory, account receivable, plant, and machinery for the purpose of hypothecation, mortgage as security. Your complete asset history (profit and loss) should be at least 3 years long, but certain exceptions can be made if you have a good history as mentioned earlier in Creditor’s Account details. Your assets and credit can be pledged as collateral. You should provide as much history as you can.

With respect to inspected statements, having “audited” explanations implies you’ve paid some thousand dollars to have a CPA go over them and take a few formal obligations for their precision. CPAs get sued over awful reviews. The greater your commerce, the more likely you’ll have examined explanations prepared as a portion of the typical course of trade for reasons related to ownership and detailing responsibilities.

Having explanations looked into may be a part cheaper, more like a thousand dollars, since the CPAs who survey your explanations have way less risk in case you got it off-base. Banks won’t always require reviewed or indeed checked on statements since they always require collateral, resources at chance, so they care more approximately the esteem of the resources you vow.

6. Understanding on future ratios

Most commercial advances incorporate what we call credit contracts, in which the company concurs to keep a few key ratios—quick proportion, current proportion, obligation to value, for example—within certain characterized limits. On the off chance that your financials drop underneath those particular levels within the future, at that point you’re actually in default of the credit.

7. Insurance statistics

Source: cpacanada.ca

Banks will frequently inquire more current businesses that depend on the key authors to require out protections against the passings of one or more of the originators. And the fine print can coordinate the payout on passing to go to the bank to begin with, to pay off the advance, it will reduce the risks for the bank.

8. Proprietor financial details

This incorporates social security numbers, net worth, subtle elements of resources and liabilities such as your domestic, vehicles, venture accounts, credit card accounts, auto credits, contracts, the complete thing.

For businesses with numerous proprietors, or organizations, the bank will need money related articulations from all of the proprietors who have noteworthy offers.

9. Mortgage

Source: pexels.com

Your commerce must have hard resources so it can vow to back up business credit. Banks look very carefully at these resources to create beyond any doubt they diminish the hazard. For case, once you pledge Accounts Receivable to back a commercial advance, the bank will check the major receivables accounts to form beyond any doubt those companies are dissolvable; and they will acknowledge as it were a parcel, regularly 50 or some of the time 75%, of receivables to back credit. Once you get a stock advance, the bank will acknowledge as it were a rate of the stock and they will kick a part of tires to begin with, to create beyond any doubt it isn’t ancient and out of date inventory.

The requirement for collateral too implies that most little trade proprietors ought to promise individual resources, ordinarily house value, to induce a trade credit.

Growth of the Esports Industry & Future Trends to Watch in 2024

Some people try to prove that it is not a sport because it does not involve physical activity, but millions of people, mostly young people, around the world do not think so. Gaming, that is, playing video games, is no longer just a hobby for a small group of young guys. This is a huge industry that will soon become more relevant than any traditional sport that involves burning calories.

The gaming industry is growing rapidly, with more than 70 million people worldwide watching e-sports competitions. Professional computer game players, the so-called E-spores, earn millions of dollars. The gaming industry has outsmarted even the film and music industries with its earnings.

That playing games in eSport is no longer just a hobby or entertainment is also proven by the fee earned by professional players. Namely, many eSport players have earned money in their careers over a million dollars, and their number is growing rapidly. The highest-paid players are Dota 2 though the game is not the most popular or most played, followed by players of League of Legends, CounterStrike, Call of Duty, etc.111 But success in video games is hard work just like in any other sport. Professional players who have signed for clubs often have the minimum number of hours they have to play usually exceeds 40 hours per week, and some clubs like Team Liquid (League of Legends) encourage their players to a minimum of 50 hours per week. But to achieve professional success, players often admit that they knew to play 12-14 hours a day, and some continue to do so after the set goal. They are players most often located in common houses that provide them with everything they need, and for more successful teams are often taken care of by a large staff just like with the stars of the others sports. Learn more on https://www.myesportsbettingodds.com/.

Source: Red Bull

Specifics of the gaming industry

We can compare the gaming industry to any entertainment industry, such as music. However, there is a difference in the fact that, using modern technology in the music industry, you get a professional product with the assistance of only one person, while the gaming industry requires more equipment and labor. This dynamism makes publishers, who finance developers, much more important than in the music industry.

Source: unsplash.com

The positive impact of video games on people

There are numerous attempts to apply video games in everyday life that have ended positively. For example, we have the application of video games in encouraging children to be healthy habits, and how to treat asthma or diabetes; use of golf video a game that helped students overcome the force they use, and self-control in general. An increasing expansion of online games and the participation of a large number of players from different countries influenced multiculturalism, and the potential desire of people to learn a new language in order to better understand teammates. Furthermore, games encourage certain logical thinking, which acquires and improves logical skills, quick thinking, analyzing, and making decisions under pressure which can certainly be used in everyday life. Mapping, ie coping of an individual, is often mentioned in a space that can certainly be developed in video games by remembering paths or maps with the aim of greater success in the same. In addition to psychic, players acquire motor and spatial skills, and the precision that is certainly needed in video games.

Nowadays a time when a large number of players are connected online, the positive impact of videogames can also be experienced in a way of cooperation, or greater success in the game if the players collaborate, and this can be applied in real life as well.

What brings us the future?

The future of sports looks extremely bright. Sports are no longer just a hobby or a way of killing time. Although not yet widespread, players can now play on university teams, major in esports in college, and make a professional career out of playing esports games. In the future, all of this is likely to become far more mainstream – especially as more big brands get involved and invest more in the industry – and the esports industry will start to take the traditional sports industry more seriously in fandom, events, games, and more.

The world of sports is not immune to controversies that, in addition to the negative impact on the health of competitors, are also associated with addiction, signing extremely unfavorable contracts for young players, working and living in extremely poor conditions on player farms, and a kind of doping through the use of drugs to increase concentration and stress reduction.

Still, it’s an industry that is extremely potent, attractive, and tailored to a generation accustomed to watching content with a lot more information and action than classic sport offers. It is dominant on the roadsides of the internet and is still insufficiently regulated and consolidated, which is to be expected to change as it becomes more popular.

Source: Los Angeles Times

In five years, sports can become among the five most popular in the world. Trends are in their favor, and young talented individuals often change those real arenas with virtual ones.

By all indications, further growth in the video game industry should not come into question, but in what direction it will develop is the real question. Although they currently dominate the market of mobile games, and this trend is overlooked and in the coming years, the development of technology can affect it, just as it used to be before. There are realistic expectations that the further development of technology will bring VR closer, that is virtual reality to video game users, but many developers do not expect such developments within five years. Predictions are that large companies in the industry of video games will not rush with the introduction of yet insufficiently customized technology for video games so as not to negatively affect a particular game, franchise, or business the whole company.

How to Sell Your House Fast – 2024 Real Estate Tips

Source: zackchildress

Selling a house is a big step in life. That’s why it’s essential for us to know the whole process and to know what to expect. If you have realistic expectations and a reliable real estate agent, you are well on your way to selling your property efficiently and effectively. We have prepared a guide for you to sell a house where you can find out everything you need to get through the whole process easily, quickly, and with as little stress as possible. If you want to learn more about this topic, check UpNest for more information.

1. Make a plan

Source: fortunebuilders

Before embarking on the sale of a home, you need to make a detailed plan and define timelines. If you live in that house and want to buy a new apartment or house, you need to take the time to find a new home and move without stress. Consider whether you want to sell your sweet home with memories as soon as possible, or are willing to look for the ideal buyer for a long time. If you want a fast sell to be prepared to give a house for a lower price.

2. Determine the real cost of the property for sale

Source: mashvisor

There are several ways to set a price; market research, or the value of the real estate in your neighborhood or the same part of town. You can also see similar houses and their prices on the Internet. When comparing the cost of similar properties on the Internet, keep in mind that they can be “inflated.” Consult with real estate agents, or with us, or order a market estimate and stay calm.

3. Decide in advance the lowest price below which you cannot go

Source: tallbridgeinvestments

Negotiations are something you should not run or be ashamed of it. In many different cultures, negotiations represent the inevitable “end” before a final agreement is reached. Therefore, you are also able to set a slightly higher price at the beginning, which in turn can be lowered to a certain level. We highly advise that the lower price represents the real value of the property and that in the negotiations, it is something below which you cannot go. If you need additional help, you can check ShowcaseIDX.

4. First impression

Source: remakcy

There is no second chance for a first impression, so make sure the person watching the apartment feels comfortable in it. Kindly and honestly answer all the questions he asks, and it would not be a bad idea to let potential buyers look around the room by room for a while. Pay attention to the layout of the apartment. Clean up the mess, suck it up, wipe off the dust, throw out the trash. If the apartment or house is not new or renovated – the impression of cleanliness and freshness will contribute to an excellent first impression. Before the visitor arrives, drain the apartment, keep the air fresh. Small tricks, such as fruit bowls, make a good impression, as do flowers in conspicuous places. Make up your apartment so that it shines and looks as if you were buying that apartment.

5. Take care of the kitchen

Source: medium

Make sure that the sink is not full of dirty dishes, that there are no leftovers on the table, and the like. Many buyers give up buying an apartment because their dirty or messy kitchen seems like too much investment to fix.

6. Decoration

Source: benbuysindyhouses

Decorate the room with bright or pastel colors, beautiful draperies, sofa covers – it’s not too expensive, and the apartment looks more positive and attractive.

7. Documents and information

Source: forbes

Keep all the information that may interest the buyer immediately, documented, and in one place, so that you do not get the impression that you are trying to hide something. In essence, it is killing the price and forcing the buyers.

8. Take out unnecessary items and furniture

Source: buyingahousebr

This phase requires muscle, but it is essential, because the prospective buyer wants to imagine what his home will look like, and this does not fit your worn and used furniture. Be thorough. Boxes with things around the corners give the impression of old and used, which provides a wrong idea. Clean and clear everything. You will see you will get better.

9. Minor repairs

Source: floridacashhomebuyers

Important! When you’ve drained everything and tidied up the walls, be sure to repair the leaking faucet and secure the towel holder. If a handle does not work, replace it, you can do it for a tiny amount of money. Paint and varnish the parquet floor, it is not expensive, and it pays off. Then, repair the entrance bell, change the peeled tiles. If you skim over the details, it can be seen and can turn down the customer. Take special care if you have broken glass. Replace them. It’s cheap, and it’s easy and quick to finish. Complete wall preparation, wallpaper removal, tiling, space protection, and painting, and if you decide to do it yourself, you will spend twice less, and guess what – the price of your apartment will still increase.

10. Tiny Tricks

Source: salemyhousefastforcash

When you have everything ready and ready to let the buyers into the condo, make sure that there is no dust in the house. Clean the studio, so it looks representative and exudes cleanliness and freshness. Some of those who have already sold the apartment say they used a coffee trick. Namely, they brew coffee when potential buyers come, because it gives a positive feeling and inspires them to feel that space as their home, for which, of course, they would then set aside the money that the seller is looking for to get. And be sure to keep an eye out for minor repairs. You would not want a loose socket or leaking faucet to unnecessarily spoil the impression and lower the price of your property.

We hope we helped you with our ten super real estate tips and tricks on how to sell your house very fast.

How to Enhance Agent Performance with a Contact Center Wallboard

In the olden days, customers rarely had high expectations when they called contact centers. They expected long wait times, multiple transfers, and the same (annoying) questions from many different people, if anything. At the end of the interaction, if their issue was resolved to their satisfaction, they considered themselves lucky.

But times have changed – and how!

Today’s customers are impatient. They expect quick issue resolution and connected digital experiences. They are also unforgiving of delays, transfers, and low-performing agents who don’t “know” them. More and more of them are quick to write off a contact center as sub-par. Worse, they don’t think twice before severing the relationship – often forever.

Leaders and managers of modern omnichannel contact centers are aware of these (harsh) realities. That’s why they do customer research, set clear performance standards, and invest in training to ensure that their agents perform well and make customers happy. To this end, they use numerous technologies and tools. And one of the most effective performance-enhancing tools is a contact center wallboard such as the iVision Plus from NovelVox.

This brief guide explains how contact centers can improve their agents’ performance and great CSAT, CX and FCR results – with well-designed, user-friendly wallboard from NovelVox.

But first things first…

What is a Contact Center Wallboard?

Wallboard is a visual communication tool that displays up-to-date time information about contact center and agent performance at any point in time. It seamlessly collects data from multiple sources and provides supervisors with a comprehensive view of activities in an easy-to-digest format. The tool is also useful for agents since they can quickly view performance data to understand how they’re doing and gaps in their performance that need to be filled, and on what priority.

Wallboards effectively share relevant and timely data related to ERP or CRM systems, ticketing platforms, customer satisfaction, FCR rates, etc., with the workforce to see what’s what and what needs to be clear. And to motivate their agents, particularly during stressful or busy periods, contact centers can also display encouraging messages on their wallboards.

How Wallboards Boost Agent Performance and Productivity

It’s impossible to improve what is not measured or visible, and this is particularly true in contact center settings. Thus, wallboard provides contact centers and agents a clear view into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and relevant metrics. It thus offers greater visibility and transparency, both of which go a long way towards boosting agent performance, productivity, efficiency and customer focus.

Here are 5 more benefits of contact center wallboards:

1. Goal-setting and goal achievement

Wallboard displays relevant real-time data in an easy-to-read summary format. For example, supervisors can see how many calls were handled or dropped or how many sales a particular agent achieved. This enables them to set achievable goals and targets at team or individual agent level. They can also communicate these goals to agents through SMS or email alerts so both supervisor and agent are on the same page at all times.

2. Improved business decision-making

With wallboard, teams and supervisors can monitor and track key business metrics at any time. They can review whether their performance is matching these metrics or if there are gaps that need to be closed. Then they can make decisions that are data-driven and results-focused, rather than ad-hoc and based on unreliable intuitions or assumptions.

3. View thresholds and breaches to make better training decisions

Supervisors can set KPI thresholds and monitor agent performance. If there are breaches, they can take necessary actions, such as sending the agent for re-training to enhance customer satisfaction and drive contact center success.

4. Create a “culture of collaboration”

A wallboard can help create a culture of collaboration and shared goals, where the entire team works together to achieve the org’s KPIs. Plus, the sharing of targets and progress reports can boost productivity in what can otherwise be a very stressful environment.

5. Improve morale and team spirit

Both data and motivational messages can go a long way towards keeping agents engaged with their job and focused on delivering great results for customers. Clear, unambiguous data shows agents exactly where they stand, performance-wise. If they are doing well, it motivates them to maintain their high standards. But if they are falling behind, they know exactly where they need to improve, so they can work with their supervisors to address those gaps and raise the entire team’s performance.

The iVision Plus: A Next-generation Wallboard for Customer-focused Contact Centers

The iVision Plus wallboard from NovelVox is an innovative and interactive visual communication tool for Cisco UCCX/UCCE/PCCE/CUCM, Genesys and Avaya contact centers. It displays real-time performance information at both individual and team levels.

Intuitive and impactful

No more boxy, awfully-designed wallboards. The iVision is super intuitive and displays all data in an easy to read format so teams can glean key insights in just a glance. Fast insights mean they can take fast actions to address issues as soon as they happen, not the next day, week or month.

Set clear thresholds

With iVision, supervisors can set KPI thresholds to control and boost agent performance. They can also track breaches and take necessary actions quickly and transparently.

Address problem areas

Supervisors can quickly see agent statuses (offline/waiting/on call), view seat plans, and spot problem areas that require immediate intervention. They can visually compare KPI-agent or agent-agent performance and make more informed decisions to benefit both the org and customers.

On-the-go monitoring and control

The iVision Touch mobile dashboard enables supervisors to easily monitor real-time statistics, no matter where they or their agents are. This is especially useful in a remote work setup.

Gamification and continuous learning to enhance customer outcomes

The iVision Plus can be easily gamified to motivate agents and drive on-the-job learning. Better-trained agents are more likely to make customers happy and drive important results, like lower AHT, higher FCR, and enhanced CSAT and CX.

Easy to customize without coding

With its simple drag-and-drop Designer Studio and a library of 50+ design templates, the iVision Plus can be easily customized. No coding knowledge is required.

Integration with 3rd party applications drives org-wide synergies

The wallboard supports numerous third-party integrations including Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, ServiceNow, Zendesk, Zoho, NICE, MS Excel, and more. This allows the contact center to leverage powerful synergies that drive tangible and enduring results.

Hundreds of contact centers worldwide have implemented the iVision Plus wallboard and have seen powerful results with respect to agent performance and productivity. You, too, can improve your workforce’s performance, proactively meet customers’ expectations, and zoom ahead of the competition.

Why There is a Such a Large Taboo Around Male Sex Toys?

Nowadays, it is okay if women use sex toys for sexual satisfaction. But the case is relatively opposite for men. It is hard to understand why there is still a taboo around male sex toys. It is necessary to treat both men and women equally, and hence, their sexual satisfaction has different requirements.

The open discussions about this topic among the society are spoiling the men’s image that are into masturbation with such equipment. When women feel lonely or exhausted, then they can use devices like dildos, vibrators, etc.

On the other hand, Mailovedoll manufactures great sex dolls for men, which offers complete sexual satisfaction. If our society considers both men and women equal, then using such devices should be permitted for everyone. In the following write-up, we will discuss why there is such a taboo around male sex toys.

Source: rollingstone

History of Various Sex Toys

Nowadays, it is possible to speak out about these toys openly in society. In previous years, it was hard to say its names. There are specific codes through which one person asked about it. Ten years ago, women prefer plug-based vibrators, which are not considered as travel-friendly. With time, these devices got advanced and safe for people.

These toys are available in various shapes, sizes, colors, and characteristics in the market. One can buy any of the available options according to their sexual satisfaction and fantasies. Nowadays, the equipment is manufactured with advanced technology, and it is available with various attachments.

People love using these devices if they are alone or lonely. There is no need to have a partner to get indulged in sexual activities. It is also found that there is less risk of rapes if people are using these devices. There is also a low risk of affairs because these toys can give immense pleasure to the user.

Source: New York Post

How Can These Toys Help in Sexual Pleasure?

If a woman is using a dildo or vibrator, the device helps in stimulation in sexual organs. It is easy to have sexual pleasure with or without a partner. These devices are safe for use. On the other hand, men can consider sex dolls with all the necessary points of pleasure.

They do not need any partner to reach the climax point. A man can get involved in sexual activities whenever he wants without forcing his partner. Well, no one likes to indulge in sex with force. This term may make male toys a bit negative. But it is good to use these dolls for improving mental and physical health. You can find a lot of different sex dools at Annie’s Dollhouse.

Source: AskMen

Why There is Taboo Around Male Sex Toys?

Women getting sexual pleasure through artificial devices is okay for society. But when it comes to men, they may find it a bit weird. Sometimes, men need more to get immense pleasure. There is nothing wrong if he needs a sex toy to help him. People may find such men a bit taboo and do not consider them a part of their society.

But there is nothing wrong. Nowadays, both men and women are equal, and there is nothing to be ashamed of using these sex toys. Many people across the globe use these devices for their sexual pleasure. We cannot consider them wrong. Many individuals think that it can increase the crime rate and the supply should stop.

According to researchers, there is nothing like that, and it is okay to use these devices for immense pleasure. Both men and women can make their bodies happy and satisfied.

Source: gq

The opinion of Men on Sex Toys

Men also love using sex toys like women. Self-satisfaction is a taboo term in our society, and men crave such a thing. They have sexual desires, which is hard to achieve sometimes with their partner. They may need artificial ways to get immense pleasure and enjoy being sexually active.

With time, many toys are coming into the market, and men show interest in trying them. There is nothing wrong because women are also doing the same thing for their self-pleasure. Therefore, it is okay if men are doing it. They are exploring new devices which can satisfy their desires and needs.

The equipment should be stimulating for them and make them enjoy the feeling of sex without any partner. In this way, men can indulge in various sexual activities with or without any partner. There will be less risk of crimes like rape because it makes them satisfied.

Source: unsplash.com

Benefits of Using Sex Toys

According to research, it is found that if men massage their prostate regularly, there will be fewer chances of cancer. It is necessary to hit their P spot to get relief from inflammation and make them healthy. It will also help in increase the flow of blood, urine and keep their prostate work well.

Any man who is struggling with the perfect size for sexual satisfaction must consider using sex toys. Many times, doctors can also consult men to use these devices to have a healthy sexual life. Many people do not know about its benefits and make a big concern.

Men feel ashamed of using these toys because of societal fear. There is nothing that exists like such a thing. It is crucial to recognize the issue and come to the appropriate solution.

Final Thoughts

Nowadays, there is a big taboo around male sex toys. Our society does not consider men and women equal. If women need sexual satisfaction, then men also need the same. It is necessary to understand the physical issues of men and come up with the right solutions. There is nothing to be taboo about it.

The use of sex toys is okay for both men and women. Society must support men and should not make them feel ashamed. With time, many things will change in society, and their thinking about male sex toys will change soon. Many people worldwide are indulged in using these devices, and there is nothing wrong with it.

5 Perfect Birthday Party Ideas to Keep Kids Active

Organizing a birthday party for your child is not as easy as it seems since there are so many trends today and it might get difficult to choose the right activities for that occasion. The first thing that you have to consider is related to modern technology because most of the kids today are active on online platforms where they can watch streams, read various articles, and play video games. Education is also changing with many e-books available online. Some schools already implemented online education where kids can download books from websites and learn by using their tablets or PCs. This is especially important for the environment since there is less use of paper. Moreover, it is proven that learning through multimedia can help the kids to be more effective n school.

On the other side, it might get difficult for parents to come up with the best solution related to the birthday party of their kid since most of them are interested in online activities. However, many options could separate them from smartphones and PCs at least for one day. While the gaming industry represents the leading factor for entertainment these days, there are still many other activities where kids could perform and have a great time outside of their rooms.

For example, zorbing, archery tag, nerf gun party, and bubble soccer are some of the most popular activities that you can choose, and you can read more about them at  airballingla.com. Besides them, there are many other activities that you can choose for kids at the birthday party and provide them with fun. Being more physically active is very important for kids, especially when we know that they spend most of their free time in front of screens while playing games or watching various TV shows. Therefore, it is a great idea to choose some activities that will motivate kids to be more active. Here are some of the best ideas for the birthday party.

1. Pie In the Face

Source: WiscNews

If you want to choose something funny and surprising that will make everyone at the party laugh, the great option is to buy an additional cake and let the kids throw it at each other during the cheering time. This is especially popular among kids under 10 years old. It is amazing how the cheering factor is when you decide to wait for the kid to blow the candles, and then let all of them throw pieces of it at each other. However, you should have an additional cake to let them enjoy sweets as well.

2. Dancing Party

One of the easiest ways to motivate the kids to be more active at the party is to organize a dancing party. The first thing that you should do is to research the modern music that kids are listening. These trends are changing very fast, which means that it is very important to select the playlist with the most recent pop hits. The main benefit is that the children will leave their smartphones and start playing more traditionally. There are many reasons to consider this option, such as the fact that a lot of kids are struggling with obesity since they spend a lot of time while playing video games.

3. Sports Games

Source: Active For Life

Depending on the number of kids at the party, you can organize a tournament in various sports activities like baseball, soccer, football, dodge ball, and much more. The great benefit is that you can help the kids to understand the importance of physical activity and why they should spend more time outside of their room and away from PCs and smartphones. We are aware that most kids prefer online activities, but this choice might motivate some of them to become more interested in the sport.

4. Portable Swimming Pool

Source: Amazon.com

The great thing is that you can easily find a proper swimming pool since this product is available in different sizes. Therefore, you should buy one where the kids will have enough space to play with each other. Swimming and playing in the water represent a very healthy activity for kids, which makes this option one of the best on this list. Moreover, it would be great if you pay attention to the food available at the birthday party. Except for the cake, you should buy more healthy food that can show the kids the importance of having a proper nutrition plan. These parties represent a great solution for educating kids about some of the most serious issues of modern society, like obesity and all of the side-effects it can cause.

5. Focus on Education

Source: Verywell Family

Besides sports and other physical activities, you can also focus on education. For instance, you can organize a quiz party and select the questions according to the age of your kid and his friends. This is a great method for providing the kids with additional education in a way where they will become more interested in learning new stuff. Also, you can add some prize for the winner of the quiz to make the kids even more interested in this activity

Last Words

As you can see, there are many options that you can choose when it comes to the selection of activities for your kid’s birthday, and we suggest you focus on those that will make the kids more motivated for sport and other forms of physical activities.  There is a serious issue related to modern society where kids often spend too much time in front of screens. There are many dangers related to the lack of physical activity, such as obesity, diabetes, poor social skills, and more.

Therefore adding various games at the party might help the kids to understand why it is important to be more active and more social instead of playing video games most of the time. Besides the common activities that we mentioned in this article, you can choose from many other options as well, and the best way to select the right ones is to learn more about the preferences of kids.

Bunch of Services Every New Business Needs In 2024

Source: telxp.net

Running a business is a tough act. It comes with a lot of concerns – from initial paperwork down to its day-to-day operations. Some services are critical to your business once it opens. Here are the essential services that every new business needs to kickstart their operations.

Accounting Services

The financial health of a business depends on your accounting services. Proper bookkeeping is crucial to avoid stress and headache come tax time. Good thing, accounting services are available both online and even around your area. With a reliable accountant or bookkeeper, you can enjoy tax advantages thereby reduce your costs and increase profitability. Alternatively, you can automate accounting services by implementing digital solutions. There are numerous accounting solutions online. With this software, you can keep track of all tax-deductible expenses, revenue, and other financial matters.

Source: businessnewsdaily

Invoicing Services

Cash flow is the lifeblood of every new business. You need to get paid for your services and products. The sales generated are necessary to pay off the costs of running the business. Without a steady revenue stream, your entire operations can be crippled. According to developers at Kansys, implementing good invoicing services ensures that you get paid properly and timely.

With invoicing solutions, you can automate the entire billing process. You can prepare and send bills with just a click on your computer or any device. Likewise, the software allows you to schedule recurrent invoices, track unpaid invoices, and send reminders. Cash flow problems can be a bummer, hence, should be avoided at all costs.

Legal Services

Your new business might get off to a great start. You have a good conversion rate, increased sales, and profitability. But all of these can be cut short by a sudden, unwanted legal problem. Doing business is riddled with many legal implications. To ensure that you operate legally, you need to have reliable legal services. Legal consultation does not come cheap. Hence, some business owners consider it as an unnecessary expense. However, good legal counsel is an important investment to protect you from costly legal obstacles. Ideally, you should choose a lawyer who already has experience in your particular industry. This ensures that the lawyers are fully aware of the legal challenges your business will encounter.

Source: collegecovered

Virtual assistant

Many new businesses hire virtual assistants to cover day-to-day tasks. This service proves useful especially when you have limited workspace and operate on a shoestring budget. Virtual assistants can help you accomplish office-based clerical functions. This gives you more time to focus on core functions. They also provide your office with expertise that is otherwise unavailable to you.

Human resources services

Recruitment is a vital part of starting a new business. Whether you run a small business or a big company, you need to hire the right people with the necessary qualifications and skills. A fully functional human resource service is important in everything related to your employees – recruitment and hiring, contracts, disciplinary processes, and legal advice. The human resources department also helps you met regulatory requirements. Human resources can be organic or outsourced. Determine your business’ needs and financial capacity to know which approach is best.

Source: Growth Business

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a crucial part of doing business today. You need a capable digital marketing team to manage your online presence. There are various digital marketing strategies, like SEO, email, and social media marketing, that can help promote your business to a larger market. Fortunately, online marketing services are now easily available over the Internet. Various agencies offer digital marketing at an affordable rate.

IT Support Services

IT support is another crucial service that new businesses need. With everything now done virtually, it is crucial to have a reliable IT system. Like other business aspects, IT support can be outsourced to a third-party provider. IT outsourcing comes with many advantages, such as cheaper cost, 24/7 availability, and access to talent.

Source: techproviderzone

Cybersecurity Services

Cyber threats pose the biggest challenge to businesses. New businesses are particularly targeted by hackers due to their perceived poor data security measures. This highlights the importance of cybersecurity services. A data breach can damage your reputation and cost your business millions of dollars. Protecting your database is important in safeguarding classified information. This also avoids unwanted hacking incidents. Get the help of an expert cybersecurity team to help you implement the latest cybersecurity measures.

Mobile services

The ubiquity of smartphones and mobile devices has transformed the way businesses market their products and services. Customers spend much of their time on mobile gadgets. As a new business, you need to reach out to your target audience. Invest in improving your presence on the mobile platform.  Make your website, marketing, and platform adaptable to mobile technology. Focus on your mobile services to increase your sales.

Source: Integrity Data

Business service solution

When you opening a business, you need to realize that success does not come automatically. If you want your business to succeed, you need to invest in necessary services. Start your business right by ensuring that all essential services are running effectively.

If you are delegating these services, make sure to hire the right service providers and/or employees. The good news is that you don’t have to empty your pockets to have all of these services.

Keeping your new business competitive means that you meet all critical services such as accounting, invoicing, IT support, cybersecurity, virtual assistants, human resources, and mobile services. By streamlining and automating these services, you can manage every aspect of the business. Alternatively, you can outsource these business aspects thereby saving your budget.

There is a reason that the law requires LLCs to elect registered agents, and that is because they are useful when it comes to aiding owners in the legal aspects of the business. Registered agents communicate with officials and receive legal documents and lawsuits on behalf of the business. These documents and forms are crucial to the operations of an LLC. Read more about registered agents and the benefits they offer.

How To Become A Travel Agent From Home In 5 Easy Steps – 2024 Guide

img source: ctfassets.net

Being a travel agent in 2024 is practically impossible because we are still in a state of a pandemic. Tourist travels aren’t allowed, so the authorities can stop the spreading of the coronavirus. But, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to book your next vacation now and travel in 2024 or 2024. Due to situations like this, pandemic causing a brand new economic crisis, traveling is the first thing people cut off to save money. Anyway staying home for almost a year is getting depressing and frustrating, so it might be the right time to explore your own state, visit beautiful places you have never considered visiting, some nature and mountains less crowded areas, and villas or apartments, respecting the safety measures.

Also, everybody needs (or wants) to work from home, so if you love traveling exploring, and organizing trips while staying at home this might be the right job for you.

If you want to become an agent who is organizing tours and who works from home, you need to follow some of these steps:

1. Finding an agency to be your host

img source: trawex.net

Starting alone can be harder and time-consuming, while the agencies already have all the contacts for accommodations, car rentals, transportation, and clients. You can even have some basic training so you can easier adapt to the new job. Start from that point, and see how you will develop as a professional during the time.

2. What do you need?

img source: lifesavvy.com

You basically need the only phone, computer, or a laptop and a stable connection to the Internet, so you can start working. Then you need to do some planning and researching, decide whether you like to work independently or for/with a hosting agency. If you work independently you will need insurance, and in some states, you might need a license too. Our recommendation is to start with an agency, and if everything goes well, you will have enough time to become an independent agent, who can do all the job alone, and who is ready to be the best in their field.

3. Get an online course

img source: positions.com

In order to become a travel agent, no matter from home or at the agency, you need to have a course certificate and a license to do that job. There are a lot of skills you will have to learn and adapt because it’s not simply calling and booking, it’s more than that. A good agent should always know how to offer accommodations or even the places the tourists want to visit. This year, everything is online, including all of these courses, you can find on websites like courses.com.au, choose the one you like, and get ready to embrace your new career.

4. Make daily plans

img source: printsbery.com

In this job, you can’t plan things in advance. Today you will have ten clients, but the next day they can be less or more. It’s practically impossible to follow some pattern, but in general, you have to make a plan to work with the clients, set their appointments on online platforms, manage all the things they want and require, so you can prepare and send an offer to them. Also, all these things require some training and learning some basic things about marketing and business management. These skills will help you plan the day better, and be more efficient at work, even though you are working from home.

5. Learn about the options for promotion

img source: uicreative.net

If you work alone, even if you have support from an agency, you have to find a way how to promote your services. For example, you have to write down an initial contact list of the people you want to offer your service. Then, it’s always good to have contacts with traveling professionals, and already established names in this field. Don’t forget to mention the fact that you work as a home travel agent, which is the old but gold mouth-to-mouth marketing. It will be hard and challenging at the beginning, but if you embrace all the tools you have in these modern times, including social media, to promote yourself online, and attract your customers.

Benefits from working as a travel agent

img source: funtravellers.com

Working from home gives you the freedom to work from any place you can have a decent and stable Internet connection. Also, you may get some great benefits, like discounts on flights, accommodation, food, being paid to travel and see the world, experience different cultures, and cuisines, and so on. At the same time, you don’t have physical contacts, and you can save your personal space, something we learned to appreciate this year.
Forget about the regular holidays

Even though you will be your own boss and have flexible work time and great benefits, working as a travel agent haves some disadvantages too. This means you need to be available 24/7, 365 days for your customers that are paying for a peaceful and trouble-free vacation especially on holidays when most people like to travel somewhere, travel agents are having a stressful time. This means that mostly you can plan your vacation off-season, which is not bad news – you will avoid all the crowds and noise, and you will really have a time of your life while there.

Is traveling in 2024 possible?

img source: helpgoabroad.com

We have less than two months until the end of this year, and many of us hope we will be able to get back to our normal living next year. But, as we can see, it’s highly unlikely to happen, as the coronavirus is spreading more violently compared to March and April. Most of the countries are still closed for tourist travels, and you can only get there if you need medical help or a diplomatic purpose. This doesn’t mean you need to give up on the idea to plan your next vacation, but it’s better to do that with less enthusiasm.

Agents who work from home are an important chain, and it’s a great chance to develop a nice career, even in a time of the pandemic, because after that, people will hurry to travel and visit the places they promised will go there when they were under a lockdown.

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