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Common Auto Pedestrian Accidents – How to Best Handle and Avoid Them

Wondering how to successfully negotiate the world of car accidents? Read on to find out…

Auto pedestrian accidents include any accidents where a pedestrian is hit by an automobile. Be it car, truck, bus, or van, if you have been hit by a driver out on the roads, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

If you were hit while out walking on the pavement and it wasn’t your fault, you might be able to recover your medical expenses and other costs. To do this, you have to file a personal injury suit. If you were a passenger, you might also qualify.

In a moment, we will discuss some of the best ways to handle an auto pedestrian accident. First of all, let’s look at some of the facts and figures surrounding these types of accidents in the USA.

Source: Amistad Bail Bonds

Facts and Figures about Auto Pedestrian Accidents in the US

The CDC reports that there were nearly 6000 pedestrians killed by car accidents in 2017 alone… and that’s only the deaths. An estimated 137,000 people had been injured to some extent, in that same year. They further estimate that pedestrians are one and a half times more at risk from death by an accident than drivers or passengers are.

If we dig deeper into these figures we can glean more knowledge on a global scale. This figure becomes 45% of all road traffic fatalities being pedestrians in less developed countries. In the west, that number falls to 18%. No matter which way you examine the issue, the figures are awful.

Next, we will examine some of the common types of auto pedestrian accidents you can get.

Some common types of auto pedestrian accident

You may be wondering what sorts of accidents constitute auto pedestrian ones. You may even be wondering what the most common types of these accidents are. Don’t panic, we already did the research and added few of them for your reference.

Common auto-pedestrian accidents include:

  • Reversing incidents – around 3,000 people per year are killed in parking lots but these deaths aren’t even included in national statistics as road traffic deaths. One of the commonest causes for this? People reversing before they look.
  • Elderly and Children on Buses – a bus is large and cumbersome. Children dart out and old people are slow. Statistically speaking, buses are two to three times more like to kill someone under the age of 14 or over the age of 85 than cars are.
  • Night time hit and run – most accidents happen at night, usually because pedestrians are unlit and SUVs are large. Many night time hits are deadlier because there are times when the driver won’t know what they have hit.

Given that none of us want to contribute to this horrible statistic, let’s talk about ways that we can avoid auto pedestrian accidents to begin with.

Source: Whiplash

What if you have been in an auto pedestrian accident already?

If you have already been involved in an auto pedestrian accident, then you will need to know how to handle them. We will delve into this in more detail momentarily. First, let’s reflect on the necessity of legal representation.

If you are injured and need medical help, those costs can be covered by the at-fault driver in the situation. Unless the accident was your own fault, a good attorney can help you get compensation. If you live in Oregon, try the Johnston Law Firm. They’re reputable, supportive, and get the job done.

How to Best Handle an Auto Pedestrian Accident?

So if you are one of the unlucky statistics above that have ended up in an auto pedestrian accident, you will need to know how to handle things. Let’s talk through what you should do after an accident to ensure your safety.

Source: Las Vegas Sun

1. Get Help

Both medical and police reports need to be filed if you want to successfully claim back your medical expenses. Get help, get police and medics, then call your lawyer.

2. Gather Evidence

To be sure you build the best case for yourself, you should return to the scene of the accident to gather evidence. Speak to witnesses to get their details. Take photographs of where you were and where you were hit. Every little helps build a case.

3. Attend all your medical appointments

Be sure to attend each and every appointment that your doctor, lawyer, and psychiatrist order you to attend. You need to get healthy again and that means taking your medicine. While you are recovering, your attorney will be working behind the scenes to make sure you get justice.

4. Don’t talk about the case

After you have been in touch with the auto pedestrian accident lawyer, they will put your evidence together and send it to a judge for perusal. After this, you may go into mediation, or you may receive a settlement. It is a very rare occasion where you will have to go to court.

While all of this is happening, there is a risk that you are being watched. If you take to social media to vent your frustrations, this could mean you end up losing out. What you say might be held against you – so don’t say anything.

5. Turn up to Meetings

You may need to go through mediation so that you can negotiate a settlement fee. This might sound terrifying, but it will help you to avoid court. If your attorney advises you that you are going to negotiate, attend everything they tell you to. It will give you the best chance of making your case look authentic.

Source: VectorStock

Rounding Up

The world of auto pedestrian law is intricate and extensive. This is not the kind of thing that you can just do by yourself. Attorneys in this area of law have to train for years before they are able to negotiate these cases. Representing yourself will do nothing but have you lose out.

Can a Fiberglass Pool have Heating? – 2024 Guide

img source: aquarino.ca

Pool Heating Systems

It’s relevant for anyone who decides to own a backyard fiberglass pool to think of a heating system. It’s not often that you invest in a pool, so considering this, you may as well get an efficient heating system with your new swimming pool. Today, there are several that you can choose from, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. For the most part, you need to suit to your requirements. Read on to discover what’s available and which is best matched with what you need.

Why do you need Pool Heating?

img soruce: norwestgas.com.au

In many parts of the world, pool water is not as warm as you’d like it to be. Even in the midst of summer, with the full energy of the sun beating on the water, it may only be 20 degrees Celsius. It is especially important to have a pool heating system installed if you want to swim at night or live in a colder part of the globe. You will undoubtedly want to use your fiberglass pool freely throughout the year, not just in the hot weather. It is important to know what the right water heating methods are.

Bear in mind that the heat of the sun only makes contact with the water’s surface. As a consequence, this is always the warmest part of the pool. Most of us pop our toes in before we hit the water, just to get a feel of the temperature. Below the water’s surface, the temperature may be close to three degrees lower and colder. The aim of having a fiberglass pool in your own backyard is so that you can relax at will. Some people don’t mind cool water, especially if they’re swimming laps. For the purpose of lounging around, warm water is always a better proposition. You should be as comfortable as you would be at a public spa. There, the temperature of the water is set at 35 degrees Celsius. This is a prescribed water temperature for people to feel just about right in.

Heating by Solar Power

img source: solarreviews.com

With everyone on the planet deeply concerned with the environment, solar heating is popular. It not only provides a way of sustainability of the environment but also is the most cost-efficient method. Solar heating is easy to understand. Drawing on the sun’s natural energy to warm the water of your fiberglass pool, it guarantees a safe and healthy way to heat water. Another great promise that solar heating makes is that your electric bills won’t be as steep as with other heating techniques.

Heating your pool via solar energy makes the use of a solar pump. This uses a small amount of electrical power. This is approximately 1 kW per hour that its run. Pumping water through a network of capillaries (tubes), the solar heating technique ensures that water is heated to a constant temperature through the whole fiberglass pool. As this method harnesses the sun’s energy, it will work well in areas that get a lot of sunlight. In such regions, relying on solar power will ensure that you can use warm water for large parts of the year. When the sunshine is at its strongest, solar heating systems have the power to increase the temperature of the water by two or three degrees. This goes a long way to make you feel at ease in the water.

Heating by Electric Power

img source: fairland.com.cn

Many fiberglass pool owners swear by the use of heat pumps to heat their pools. Heat pumps can be made cost-effective by reusing the energy from the air. An electric heat pump does this by using a heat exchanger. It gathers heat from the air and transmits this into the water of the pool. Experts deem this more effective than solar heating systems as they work at night and in cool weather too. The system merely collects air from the atmosphere and converts it into heat energy. It pumps this water with an electric pump and your pool water will get warmer faster than with solar power.

Although the overall cost balances out with this system’s convenience, electric power pumps use more energy than solar power pumps. If you look at it this way, solar power works out cheaper and is better for the environment. Electric heating systems tend to make the water temperature a tad hotter than you may want. This can be uncomfortable till you are used to adjusting the temperature to a comfortable level. Still, the water can get hotter as you soak yourself in the pool. The good part is that you will be able to use it anywhere, anytime.

Heating by Gas

img source: norwestgas.com.au

Out of all three heating methods, heating your fiberglass pool water by gas is the costliest. Nonetheless, in more ways than one, it’s the most reliable. Efficient, because it does not depend on the temperature of the air or the sunshine. A heater that uses gas can keep the temperature of pool water constant at whatever degree you want. This can be done at any time of the year.

In spas across the world, gas heaters prove the most effective to heat water for hydrotherapy treatments. These are primarily for people afflicted with pain and muscle injury. Spa water has to be kept at a constant and comfortable temperature to induce relaxation. For a fiberglass pool blended with a spa facility, this heating technique may be ideal. Another advantage that drives people to opt for gas heating is its ability to heat water rapidly. Heating is achieved in under one hour. When the water is too cold, and you’re in a rush to use your pool, this works well.

Environmental activists state that gas isn’t a clean form of energy. Over and above this, it’s very expensive to run, especially for frequent pool use.

What to Choose

img source: leisurepoolscanada.ca

Fiberglass pools can withstand any heating system. Finally, your choice has to be an individual one, depending on your needs and those of your family. Some people select two systems, such as solar and gas. As a result, when the sun doesn’t shine, the gas heating system acts as a secondary standby one.

While making your selection, consider your region’s temperatures, the amount of sunlight you get, the frequency of pool use, and the purpose of pool use (exercise, hydrotherapy, relaxation, or all three). Also, think about other family members who will use the pool. For instance, elderly people and very young children will be more comfortable in warm water. Furthermore, a larger pool will need an efficient heating system to heat the whole pool. Remember, that in every part of the larger fiberglass pool area, the temperature must be constant. Foresight is of the utmost importance, so you must consult a plumber before you even think of pool installation.

Hear more from our experts at SwimmingPoolsSydney on how we can help you find the right heating for your pool this summer.

How to File Taxes with a Pay Stub

Source: medium.com

There is absolutely no doubt that tax season can be overwhelming. No one enjoys filing their own taxes, but still, it is something that has to be done. The truth is that a third of Americans do this on their own.

There are numerous documents you need to have at your disposal to complete this task, and W-2 is an essential one. It contains all the information you need, and your employers are required by the law to send this document to you. But what happens if you didn’t receive the W-2 form?

Can you file tax with a pay stub?

The answer to this question is yes. You can file your tax even if you don’t have the W-2. All you need is your last pay stub. This document contains all the information you need, and you can generate it by using an online tool such as paystubsnow.com. It will enable you to understand how much you own, and as long as you are using the e-filing system, that is, as long as you are completing this task online, it is relatively simple.

Source: NDTV

What are the requirements?

There are a few steps you have to take, and the first one is notifying the IRS that you will file your taxes online. Then, you will have to fill out the 4852 form. However, keep in mind that there are certain requirements you have to meet in order to be able to do this online. Firstly, according to the IRS, your maximum gross income cannot surpass $57,000. If your income exceeds this number, you won’t be able to do this online but, instead, you will have to mail the tax return. Secondly, you cannot use the e-filing system if you are under 16 years of age and have never done this in-person before.

What is the 4852 form?

As already mentioned, this document enables you to file your taxes using a pay stub if you don’t have the W-2 form at your disposal or you received one with incorrect information. No, it won’t help you get your refunds faster, but it is instead simply an alternative option. Due to this reason, you will have to clarify why you are using it instead of the W-2. You have to explain that you weren’t able to obtain the W-2 for your employer or the financial institution, and finally, you have to state that you have informed the IRS about your problem. Easiest way is to get payslips online and file your taxes.

Source: I9 Form 2024

Fill out the form

Now that you have concluded the initial steps, it is time to fill out the 4852 document. As already said, all the information you need will be on the pay stub, so you should begin by writing your name, address, and your employer’s Tax ID number at the bottom half of the document. Then, you can proceed by going over all the additional information such as wages, tips, and other forms of compensation, social security wages and tips, medicare wages and tips, federal and state income tax withheld, and so on.

You pay stub includes all the deduction listed as abbreviations, and you will need these to calculate the annual tax payment. If the pay stub includes your monthly income, all you have to do is add all the deductions together and multiply them by 12. On the other hand, if it includes a bi-weekly income, do the same thing just multiply them by 24.

Furthermore, remember that the top half of the form is filled out by people who get their W-2 form, while the bottom section is intended for those that get the 1099-R. It means that you shouldn’t fill out this section.

Use a tax calculator

We cannot stress enough how important this is. It is the only way to ensure that you have got the right number, and you won’t be paying too much or too little. There are numerous online tools that you can use, but you have to make sure that it is updated to the current tax year. You should run these numbers several times through the calculator to be certain that the final result is accurate. If you notice any issues, meaning that IRS owns you a refund, or on the other hand, that you are the one who owns a lot of money, you will have to do research and make necessary changes.

Moreover, make sure to include any additional information in the calculation. For example, you may have a dependent. If this is the case, it is crucial to feed this information to the tax calculator.

Source: Medium

Certify your information

Finally, upon doing all the calculations and filling out the form, you will have to clarify how you reached the amount stated. A simple sentence that explains this will suffice. Once again, don’t forget to include additional explanations why you are using this form instead of the W-2 one. You should write down all the details on how you tried to obtain it but were unsuccessful due to numerous factors (explain these as well). Finally, you have to print out the 4852 form and sign it because otherwise, it won’t be accepted by the IRS.

Potential issue

A lot of people want to be done with their taxes as soon as possible, but this is not possible since the IRS doesn’t process funds until the end of January. Due to this reason, as already mentioned, using the 4852 document for the purpose of accelerating the process will not work.

Furthermore, if you file taxes with this form and the pay stub and later receive all the tax documents with a different amount than the one you originally calculated, you will have to file an amended tax return with the 1040X form.

Source: MarketWatch

Wrapping up

Even though many people dread the tax season, as you can see, it doesn’t need to be so bad. Yes, you will have to invest some time and effort into gathering all the information, but even if you don’t have the W-2 form, you can still file your taxes without any issues.

4 Pros and Cons of Freelance Family Law Lawyers

Source: Facebook.com

Since we do not live in some kind of utopia, in an ideal world where everyone acts according to the law hiring a lawyer at some point in our life is almost a necessity. Of course, finding the best one can be challenging, especially when there are attorney specialists in a certain field, and if one is excellent in one field, that doesn’t mean they are also exceptional in some other law field.

The new era started with the invention of the Internet, and today, freelance jobs are something usual, even almost a recommended thing, and as such, it offers various and numerous services for people all around the world. The troublesome last year with everything that happened, and unfortunately still going on, led to even more attorneys searching for a job this way, via freelance platforms. As already mentioned, there are many branches of the law, but family law attorneys are dealing with the things our society cherishes the most.

With this being said, there are several ways to hire a family law attorney, but what’s today not just popular but also a valued thing is hiring a freelance family law attorney. Some people are still skeptical, don’t know, or don’t want to hire a freelancer for some reason, but, if done properly, the search for an attorney along with everything else can actually be even better, faster, and less stressful. It doesn’t matter if someone wants to get some info, has legal issues, or just needs Trusted Legal Solutions, hiring freelance family lawyers can be more than beneficial. So, let’s look at some pros and cons of freelance family law lawyers.

Source: monthly.com


1. You can end up saving money and still get the best service

For some matters in family law, it is possible to find a freelance lawyer with excellent skills, and what’s even more important for many people, for a small amount of money. If you are lucky enough, you can find the one with over a decade of experience who will solve the problem for a fair price. That is because of the fact that those websites are full of good attorneys, and the competition is so fierce, meaning that their price needs to be much lower than usual. That, even though it may not be that great for them, is great for everyone who needs this type of assistance. There are too many freelance lawyers, and those who charge less for their services will probably find a job much easier. Of course, it is still necessary to do thorough research to avoid hiring a lawyer without any experience, and, what’s even more important, without any knowledge, who will not finish the task in a certain amount of time. Of course, the price is not the only relevant factor, and it is necessary to check the experience and field of expertise before making any rash decision since those are some of the most significant factors to consider when searching. That is the only way to find someone that can really help you and save some money for something else.

Source: AppearMe

2. Availability and flexible working time

Working as a freelance lawyer has a lot of advantages for both lawyers and clients. One of them is for sure that they can choose when to work and when to do other things. Because of the possibility to choose working days and time, lawyers can make their own plans as they wish. All this is also pretty beneficial for clients since the searching process is much quicker, meaning that it is resulting in more satisfied clients because there is no waiting period. Every lawyer knows the job they can do for a certain amount of time, and it is much easier to make a deal, set a deadline, and stay within that deadline. Of course, they cannot speed up the process itself, but everything else is handled and done much efficiently. The other good thing is online communication. Because of it, it is possible to hear from the lawyer early in the morning or late at night since it is not necessary to make a regular appointment. Once again, efficiency is at the top since any time there is something you want an explanation, help, or guidance, getting the answer is easier, along with all the consultation and more.

Source: Clio

3. Simple payment

Sometimes hiring a lawyer on a regular basis can be a little complicated, especially when it comes to the part when we have to pay them. Luckily, when hiring a freelancer, all that can be handled much easier. There are few options, and one of them is sending a check to the lawyer every month. All the attorney needs to do is fill the invoice and send it, and the payment can be made automatically. That is the other way of paying, and since it is much easier, it is the one that almost everybody uses. The whole hiring process is much easier with that payment method, and there is no need to worry that you will forget to send a check on time, and the freelancer can also be assured that they will get paid regularly for their services.

Source: Attorney at Work


1. It can be hard to do the quality check

Many new freelance platforms do not have good quality control. The bad thing is that the control is getting worse with time, instead of better like it should be. The reasons for that may be different, and one of them is undoubtedly the fact that because of the pandemic, there are so many lawyers looking for freelance jobs. Too many attorneys are looking for a way to earn money during these difficult times, and many of them are not good with technologies. Because of that, we are finding those with poor cover letters or bad writing samples. Although that doesn’t mean they are good or even exceptional at their job, it is necessary to change it in order to separate the good from the bad lawyers and make the search easier for those who need help.

If you rather go the traditional route, check out the NehoraLaw firm. They are one of the few law firms in Miami that provide all types of legal services to their clients, from general to complex. Nehora law firm’s attorneys can help you with any situation you might be in, so don’t hesitate to contact them!

8 Best Large Dog Bed Tents in 2024

img source: k9ofmine.com

Are you looking for the best large dog bed tent? Stop the search because we have found it for you.

Dogs are our cute companions and best friends too. Because of this, most dog pet owners seek to satisfy their pets with all the necessary comforts that they can afford, even when it means a tent bed. Whether you’re going camping or you want to get your dog more engaged in outdoor activities, a tent bed can be a miracle in helping you achieve this.

You can get a comfortable and large tent bed that your dog pet will instantly fall in love with. Large tent beds provide a safe place where your dog pet can snuggle up, and it can also be its playhouse where you store up to its toys.

That said, choosing the right large dog bed tent is not likely to be an easy find, as it’ll have to depend on its size, construction, material, and even color, coupled with the fact that there are so many options in the market.

We have saved you the hassle by sharing with you the best large dog bed tents that you should look out for when making a purchase.

What To Look Out For When Buying The Right Dog Bed Tent

img source: amazon.com

The Quality

It is not enough to buy any dog bed tent just because it looks all cute. You want one that will last as well. The durability will affect the comfort of your dog pet, eventually. So don’t be in a hurry to rush over this.

Your Preference

It is very likely to depend on your budget, your needs, and your taste. Are you more concerned about having a tent that is airy, portable, or are you choosing based on the weather seasons?

Then also, how much are you willing to spare to get what you want? Answering these questions will guide you appropriately.

The Size

Although there is small and medium-size, we will be focusing more on the large dog bed tents, and you should read on to learn more about it.

Here is our careful selection of large dog beds, in no particular order:

1. The Canopy Shade Dog Tent Bed

img source: chewy.com

This dog sun shade tent is unique, and at the same time very convenient for your dog pet. Imagine that you took a walk to the park with your dog, and after the long chase and play, it gets to rest peacefully under the shade provided by the tent bed.

It is always a confident feeling for you as the owner because you’ll have this sense of reciprocating, the love that your pet always extends to you.

The large dog bed is available in 3 sizes, it is portable, and it has good airflow and provides excellent shade from the sun; Which is what your dog craves after a series of activities.

2. The Yolafe Portable Dog Tent

img source: yoybuy.com

It is so nicely branded to fit the needs of most dogs, especially the large breeds. The tent is very easy to install and fold up. It has a mesh roof for extra ventilation, and it also comes with a rainfly for medium rainfall.

3. Pet Cave/ Tent Bed for Dogs

img source: chewy.com

This large dog bed has enough room for your dog pet. It is made from durable materials and comes in large and extra-large sizes.

Furthermore, the tent bed is warm, and it has a separate stuffed cushion with an anti-skid base. As though that isn’t enough, it is machine washable, making it very easy to maintain. It is a great resting place for your dog pet.

4. Yosemite Pet Dome Tent

img source: pinterest.com

A good tent suitable for your large dog should be spacious enough to allow it to move around freely, and that is exactly what this dog bed tent represents. It has a waterproof base fabric for additional comfort.

Whether you’re traveling with your dog pet on an adventure or having a time of relaxation at the park, you can rest assured that your dog would not be left out of both the fun and a safe place to relax.

5. Pettom Pet Camping Tent

img source: amazon.com

For most people, their pet has become one of their family members. Some will go the extra mile of dressing it in matching outfits as a symbol of their love and commitment to their pet.

This large dog bed pet will protect your dog from bugs, winds, and rain. It can be used for outdoor activities, and it serves as a dog house.

It has a carrying bag for easy storage of the large tent bed after use, and it is so easy to set up and dismantle. It is UV protected, moisture-proof, and dustproof. Also, it is made from durable materials, and it comes with metal stakes to provide extra support.

6. The Winterial Outdoor Pet Tent

img source: pinterest.com

Now you don’t have to worry much about the safety and comfort of your dog because this popup tent is large, well ventilated, and it will keep your dog pet cool while you sunbathe or take an adventure in a very sunny place.

In addition to its amazing features, it has a machine-foam padding base layer, and although it is not suitable for rainy weather or high winds, it is a great companion to your dog in every hot weather. Also, it is so easy to set up, due to its pop up features.

7. Alcott Explorer Pup Tent

img source: wordpress.com

Still, looking to bring your dog along on a camping trip at a low-cost option? This bed tent allows your large dog pet to fit inside it comfortably. It comes with its carrying bag, tent Stakes, etc, and it is easy to set up.

8. Petego Umbra Portable Pet House

img source: amazon.com

It comes in variants, including one spacious enough to contain your large pet.

Interestingly, it is also a popup tent, making it easy to set up. It is durable, and it is made from materials that promote excellent airflow. It is a great resting place for your dog, whether you are out camping or enjoying the outdoors.

Dogs are our furry friends and believe us when we say that they equally know how a comfortable space feels. The large dog beds are meant to meet the outdoor needs of your pet, whether on a long day at the park, the beach, or on an adventure. Also, they can be used indoors as well if you please.

If you want to learn more about dog tents and find some extra models, visit https://wadosam.com/product-tag/large-dog-bed/

5 Essential Tips For Doing Your Basement Cleanout – 2024 Guide

The basement is a very useful room that can be used for a variety of things. Most families use the basement as a storage space where they store stuff they don’t normally use or need on a daily basis.

Some families do their laundry there, while others go as far as to make it the home theater room. But if there is one thing that every household struggles with is cluttering the basement.

As time goes by, we tend to clog it up with stuff that we don’t need, regardless of what the purpose of this room is. And as time goes by, it gets so cluttered that we think about doing a full cleanout.

In this article, we will discuss the 5 essential tips for doing your basement cleanout. This article will serve as a guide for 2024 as we will discuss trends on top of tips.

Source: Nashville MLS

Make a Plan

Our plan will consist of the 5 essential tips, but it’s important to emphasize the need for one.

Without a plan, we would spend a lot of resources that would otherwise be used differently and more effectively. It’s not easy to do a full basement cleanout, nor is it cheap.

Experts say that this task will cost, on average, around $330 that goes into renting dumpsters, hiring experts to take things such as a junk service, and various other things. The cost will depend on the amount of waste you have to remove. For more accurate estimates, you can visit an efficient dumping company like ewmdumpsterrental.com or a similar platform.

So regardless if you’re doing it on your own or will lend a helping hand, it’s important to come up with a plan. And every basement cleanout plan starts with the most important thing which is…

Source: Junk Removal NJ

1. Tagging Essential Items

This is our first and most important tip of the article. Tagging the stuff will help you separate the useful ones and those that you can throw out or sell.

It’s crucial to do this as it will clarify things for the rest of the cleanout process. There are a few ways to go about this, and you can ask yourself a few questions if you cannot decide which items you need and which you don’t.

Here are a few things to consider. Tag each item with either keep, sell, or donate

  • Donate the item or sell it if you cannot remember the last time you’ve used it.
  • If there is a particularly good reason to hold onto the item, then you should do it.
  • If you end up surprised for finding the item in the basement and this item holds little to no importance to you, then your best course of action would be to sell it.
  • If you cannot find the space for it, again, then maybe donate it or sell it.
  • If you feel someone else could benefit more from the item, then it’s best to donate it.

Considering these are very important as some people tend to hold onto stuff that they don’t actually need. These people are called “hoarders” and they’re generally the people that clutter up the basements.

Source: Pinterest

2. Throw Out the Trash

The easiest part of this guide is to throw out the unwanted “trash” from the basement.

Chances are that most of you have stored one or two brken items that you lie to yourself you’ll get them fixed one day. Again, consider the previous tip and decide whether you need the broken item or you’d benefit more by throwing it or giving it to someone else.

But the most important thing here is to actually do something about the trash in your basement.

We’ve all been in a situation that required us to separate from stuff we’ve kept in the house for decades. There’s no use for this stuff if you haven’t used them or repaired them in such a long time.

If your basement is pretty clogged up, then chances are you’re hoarding stuff that you have no use of. Stuff that you have no use of is considered trash, and one persons trash is another person’s treasure.

The best way to purge it is to rent a dumpster so you could do it in a single go. We mentioned dumpster renting as one of the costs of doing a basement cleanout.

This is generally considered a smart move and a cost-effective move. For more information about dumpster rentals, we suggest you visit this page.

Source: Bower Power

3. Sort Your Basement in Sections

Once you’ve thrown out the trash and made some space to work around, the best thing to do next is to sort the rest of the basement.

Remember that you’ve tagged all items with either keep, sell or donate. So it’s best that you make three sections that resonate with each tag.

The best way is to start small by separating only a handful of items. This will make sure that you don’t overwhelm yourself with items and it makes the sorting job much easier.

Using a painters tape you can make large circles where you will place each item in each section. If sections start to clutter and you’re left with no space to add more items, then expand the section or start keeping, selling, or donating the items.

Source: Source: Latest Home & Garden

4. Rent a Storage Unit

If you need to rent a storage unit to help empty up the basement to finish the sorting job, then you should most certainly do it.

It’s generally best advised to move either the “donate” or “sell” items to this storage unit as you’ll be disposing of them one way or another.

If you’re in no position to rent a storage unit, then try to move the items into a separate room or ask a friend if you could use theirs.

To learn more about this topic, visit henfieldstorage.co.uk.

Source: Stuff.co.nz

5. Sell, Sell, And More Sell

This is probably the most exciting part as you’ll end up getting some money for stuff you haven’t used in ages.

When selling unwanted items, there are a few ways to go about it.

The most “American” way to do it is through a garage sale. But if you don’t want to do it, then other options include Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, OfferUp, Facebook, and various other platforms and websites.

Is Itron Inc. the Best Stock Investment You Could Make in 2024?

Analysts of the stock portal beststocks.com have rated HOLD the shares of Itron Inc. (NGS: ITRI). Itron is a technology provider serving the global energy and water industries. We had recently upgraded the shares, as earnings growth was improving and the backlog was solid. But the onset of the coronavirus – and the disruption of the financial markets – places companies that don’t have strong balance sheets at risk. Our financial strength rating on Itron is Medium-Low, as debt is high and fixed-cost coverage relatively low. On the income statement, sales trends are negative and margins are narrowing.

Source: LinkedIn

Recent Developments

The beta on ITRI is about 1.10.

The company recently reported 3Q EPS results that plummeted year-over-year but topped the consensus forecast. Non-GAAP EPS came to $0.61, down 40% from $1.04 in the year-earlier period. The consensus forecast was for non-GAAP EPS of $0.25 per share. The adjusted EBITDA margin narrowed 450 basis points to 7.4%. Itron’s backlog was relatively steady. Bookings in the quarter totaled $432 million, up from $390 million in the previous quarter.

To date there have been no order cancellations or issues with collections from customers. But during the first half, some of Itron’s customers deferred investments, and deployments have been temporarily suspended – into next year, at the least — by local and regional governments. In response, the company has announced a 2024 restructuring plan to drive additional $25 million in cost savings.

Looking ahead to the balance of the year, management has suspended its guidance due to the uncertainty associated with the pandemic. The company had expected revenue of $2.475-$2.575 billion and for non-GAAP EPS of $3.35-$3.85. The company continues to anticipate revenue and non-GAAP earnings per share to be on par with the first half of 2024, and for free cash flow to be positive.

Source: Worldvectorlogo

Earnings & Growth Analysis

Itron is organized into three segments: Device Solutions (33% of 3Q revenue), Networked Solutions (57%) and Outcomes (11%). The Device Solutions segment provides Electricity, Gas and Water meters, data management software and various other products and services to utility customers. The Networked Solutions segment includes the Internet connectivity platforms for utilities and cities (Silver Springs was acquired in January 2018 for $830 million). The Outcomes segment builds off customers’ device networks and provides them with customized, strategic solutions.

Revenue trends for Itron were mixed in 3Q. Product revenues accounted for 87% of total revenue, compared to 89% in the year-earlier period. Networked Solutions’ year-over-year sales declined 14%. Device Solutions sales were down 17% (better than the 40% decline in the prior quarter), as new system endpoints declined 17% year-over-year to 7.8 million. But Outcomes segment sales reversed course and rose 5%, compared to a decline of 9% in the prior quarter. Management attributed the declines to lower customer demand due to the pandemic.

The gross margin was pressured by 500 basis points due to COVID-19-related manufacturing inefficiencies, inventory reserves and product mix.

Source: iqminds

Financial Strength

The EBITDA/interest expense ratio in 3Q20 was less than 4-times. The 3Q EBITDA margin was a low 7.4%.

The company has never paid a cash dividend and is unlikely to initiate one in the near term.

Management & Risks

Itron’s CEO is Tom Dietrich, who became CEO in August 2019 and had served as Itron’s executive vice president and COO since October 2015. He succeeded Philip Mezey, who had been president and CEO since 2013. The CFO is Joan Hooper, who joined Itron as CFO in June 2017 from CHC Helicopter, where she was also CFO. Lynda L. Ziegler is the chair of the board.

Management’s long-term goals (pre-pandemic) include increasing its operational scale and improved efficiency, and a target EBITDA margin in the mid-teens by 2024. Additionally, Itron plans to grow its higher-margin ‘outcome-based solutions’ business.

The company is closely following the adoption of smart platforms for electricity, natural gas and water. In North America, approximately 52% of the 400 million meters are automated. Globally, only 20% of approximately 3.3 billion meters are automated. Itron has a long history in the industry, with more than 200 million smart devices deployed.

Global energy trends appear to favor the company. In Europe, the company should benefit from an EU mandate to automate more than 300 million meters by 2024. Itron’s gas business is characterized by steady growth and high margins. As shale gas production expands globally, we expect increased demand for smarter gas grids, and a growing focus on pipeline safety and system integrity. Itron plans to leverage the technology it has developed in this segment, with the goal of becoming the market share leader in North America in 2-3 years.

Investors in the ITRI shares face risks. The company’s customers — utilities — face pressure from environmental regulation, supply-demand imbalances, and the need for energy efficiency, and Itron’s meters and software help them to lower their material and labor costs. The company’s OpenWay system enables utilities to choose different communications technologies to collect meter information (via radio frequencies or over power lines, for example), thus providing an advantage over competing systems. Advanced metering infrastructure, along with new rate designs (e.g., decoupling and more frequent adjustments) will provide consumers with the information to use electricity more efficiently. It will also provide utilities with the ability to detect and correct problems on their networks, and recover operating costs more efficiently.

Itron also faces significant competition, particularly in the electricity and software industries. Additionally, Itron’s revenue is relatively concentrated, with its 10 largest customers accounting for 33% of revenue.

Company Description

Itron is a technology provider serving the global energy and water industries. Since its founding in 1977, the company has provided handheld computer systems for collecting data from meters. It has also offered automatic meter reading since 1986 and electricity meters since mid-2004. Itron also offers hardware, software and services that integrate the creation, measurement, collection, management, application and forecasting of data, thereby providing a platform for utilities to share critical knowledge with other market participants, including end-users. More than 8,000 customers in more than 100 countries use the company’s technology to optimize their delivery and use of energy and water. The company employs 7,300 people.


To value the shares from a fundamental standpoint, we look at historical multiples and compare the company to its peers. Compared to the peer group (Badger Meter, Mueller Water Products, Honeywell, and Roper Technologies) the shares trade below industry averages on most metrics. We now think this discount is warranted, given Itron’s relatively weak balance sheet and unclear EPS outlook. We may look to move this company back to the BUY list as the economy recovers post-virus and customers once again start deploying meter solutions, or if the shares fall to trendline support around $65.

3 Reasons Why You Are Exercising and Not Losing Weight – 2024 Guide

It is natural for any human being to want to look as good as possible and be as healthy as they can. In order to do that, however, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, willpower, and a strict set of rules you must follow every day.

The main part of this is exercising regularly and a lot of those looking to lose weight are doing various types of exercises. Some prefer sports and play their favorite ones several times per week. Others enjoy going to the gym, group exercises, yoga, Pilates, or perhaps swimming. There are those who cycle or walk everywhere they go, run or jog a few times per week.

It is true that all of these contribute to losing weight especially if done regularly and correctly. However, many wonder how come they are active that much but still cannot lose any weight. They exercise, sweat, have sore muscles, but they are not shedding any pounds of their bodies.

In this article, we will determine the main reasons why you may be exercising enough but still not losing any weight, or at least not as much as you would like. The solutions for this are many and they are generally easy to incorporate into your life. In case you wish to learn more on the subject of losing weight and exercising, make sure to check out techtimes.com.

1. You are not eating right

Source: HelpGuide.org

Exercise will do you no good unless you combine it with a healthy diet and start practicing quality eating habits. If you only workout, you may become stronger and get more stamina than before, but all of the muscles will still be covered with a layer of excess fat you need to burn, which will also help you lose weight.

There is so much to talk about here, but first, we have to mention the obvious. Unhealthy processed and fast food has to go if you mean to lose weight. No more burgers, pizza, deep-fried foods, and especially sugar. All of these should be exchanged for healthier options like fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and legumes, and boiled or cooked meat and fish with as little oil and fat as possible. There is a plethora of meals you can prepare only with veggies, especially nowadays when healthy eating has never been more dominant and mainstream.

Keeping track of how much you eat is a good way to start losing weight. If you have no idea how much calories you consume per day, chances are you may be overeating without even realizing it. Try keeping a diary of your meals and make a schedule. Keep track of what you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks between them.

Next up we have bad eating habits like focusing too much on one and the same food and not diversifying or eating late at night. Make sure your diet is a balanced one so that you can take all of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs from different sources. Food quality is as important as food quantity. This means that once you start eating less, you will lose weight but not as much as you would if you start eating a little bit of everything that is healthy.

2. Then right kind of exercise

Source: Runner’s Blueprint

As mentioned earlier, even though you are quite active and you get tired from your preferred method of sports or working out, there are certain things you simply have to do if you mean to shed more pounds.

The number one thing people forget to do is cardio exercises. These are crucial for your whole body since you use it whole in every single cardio exercise. All of these are not only good for the muscles and losing weight, but for building stamina and for your cardiovascular system.

Any activity that increases tour heart rate and takes your breath away is considered cardio. Aerobic exercises, running, jogging, cycling, and swimming are the most obvious ones you can do. Even speed walking, trekking, and hiking will do. Your whole body moves when you do them, burning off the fat you did not even know you had. In addition, remember to stretch both before and after doing cardio!

By burning fat away your muscles will start showing in all the right places, especially your abs, arms, and legs. Cardio enthusiasts are usually lean, fit, toned with defined muscles, and obviously sporty. Without cardio to accompany your other activities, you will never lose as much weight as you can.

Lastly, lifting weights is a good choice if your training so far has become easy. Resistance training is crucial in becoming stronger, and you need to become stronger if you have outgrown your current training regime and need something more. Maintaining muscle mass while doing cardio and eating healthy is the best combo to lose weight in the most efficient way possible. The last thing you want is metabolic slowdown.

3. Good life choices

Source: RNZ

The final reason why you may not be losing as much weight as you want can be related to how you live. If you drink more than you should or smoke, your body battles these bad substances and has no energy left for the good things. Such chemicals are practically poison for the system and it is the best way to ruin the natural mechanisms responsible for losing weight and becoming stronger. Try to limit your intake of substances, alcohol, and cigarettes first, and then slowly move towards giving them up for good.

While exercise is great, you also need time to relax and recharge your metaphorical batteries. Sleeping is absolutely crucial for everything our body regulates, and it exists a natural response to tiredness for a reason. Anywhere from six to nine hours of sleep should be fine, depending on your schedule and responsibilities. A good sleeping pattern is maybe even more important than the amount as you will be in balance with your circadian rhythm. Quick power naps after training and a healthy meal feel amazing and they do wonders for your body.

Musical Instruments a Few Clicks Away From You: Top 8 Musical Apps for iOS and Android in 2024

People who are fond of music are discovering more and more ways to practice and show off their talent and capability. While playing directly on a musical instrument is amazing and indeed a surreal experience technology has made it much easier for people to simply carry musical devices in their phone weighing merely a few grams.

Even though a mobile app experience cannot top the live first-hand encounter with an instrument while taking music lessons in your home with help of online teaching sites such as lessonsinyourhome.net or via classes it is undoubtedly a great platform to polish your musical skills or at least learn the basics.

There are a number of applications accessible for free from both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. If you’re searching for the right musical instrument applications, you’ll consider a number of other devices that are less suitable.

So, to weed all the possibilities and only leave you with the best musical instrument applications for your iOS and Android devices, this post will highlight 8 of the best apps that we think can give you real value.

Let’s discuss some of the best musical apps that you can download in your Android or iPhone.

1. Metronome

Source: KVR Audio

The device that fits very well for music lovers is the Metronome application. Featuring a rich single-screen interface, the Metronome software utilizes blinking LED lights to produce complicated rhythms. This software gives you 6 rhythmic patterns to use, 3 sound sets, and multi-tasking help for a more unique experience.

2. iBone

iBone simply offers an iPhone master class in musical instrument design. It’s operating in too many different ways. You might pick it up and have fun performing, but if you learn your way around a true trombone, you’re really going to get a computer player.

As well as blowing through an iPhone mic (or an iPod touch mic with an add-on, such as a headphone), you can push the slide with your palm, or even reach the notes on the app’s context screen. In addition to singing along to the iBone Songbook theme, you can also pick a track from your iPhone music library to incorporate some ‘core’ as well. Death Metal is going especially well in our view.

3. Ultimate Guitar App

Source: App Store – Apple

The first music instrument device you need to try out is the Ultimate Guitar app. Accessible for both iOS and Android, this software offers you access to a broad variety of music choices, such as guitar, ukulele chords, lyrics, and buttons, for the comfort of your smartphone.

Watch and sample over 800,000 tracks and use the tools available to customize words, tabs, and chords to match your needs. Based on which ways you like to change the most, Ultimate Guitar is just what you need to do to make that possible.

4. Pro Metronome

Source: play.google.com

Yes, you heard that right.

It was the Metronome app first, and now it’s the Pro Metronome version. This app is one of the most popular musical instrument applications that lets you tailor your music practice skills to the degree you need. With this device, you can quickly adjust beat sounds, ascents, volume beats, control polyrhythmic settings, and construct complex patterns. You may use movements or lead bursts to get the patterns correct in action.

5. Virtuoso Piano

Source: App Store – Apple

There’s a variety of piano applications available for the iPhone, but we prefer this incredibly basic edition, not only because of its zero price tag. With a very good sound emulating a grand piano performance, download it, and in no time can you click the virtual ivories.

You may opt to get the keys branded with the notes or not, and there’s the option to “spin” the keys to a fast thrill. The device shows eight keys on the iPhone display, and you can use the slider bar above to move up and down across the six usable octaves.

6. Pocket Guitar

Source: play.google.com

If you can keep your fingers around the normal fret frame, you’ll actually consider this device easy to pick up until you get the feel of clicking rather than picking up. With six guitar sounds to pick from, you can configure the sound to be acoustic or electrical, as well as change the distortion and accelerometer effects that are beautifully seen in the video above. There’s always an atmosphere for the southpaws (lefties), and most of all, calloused fingers are a thing of the past.

7. Jug Band

Source: apps.apple.com

Jug Band has you well positioned on the folk or tribal music side of things with an app that provides a washboard, a kazoo, a knife, and, of course, a jug impact. The washboard functions through the monitor, the spoons like in real life, and the kazoo and the jug by singing into the mic (or the actual mic in the case of the iPod touch). If you can get over the absurdity of playing a 99 cent game on an expensive device to imitate the tone of home-made music, it’s a lot of fun.

8. Simply Piano

Source: play.google.com

If you’re a pianist and you’re searching for the right app to help you develop your talents, the Simply Piano could be the ideal fit. Everything you need to do with this device is simply put your mobile on your acoustic and start playing the piano.

The software can immediately recognize the tunes and include input about how to do the fairing. You may choose to take a full course and continue your path to becoming a pro by using your mobile. If you’re a pro or a novice, Simply Piano is an app that can carry your music experience to a new stage.


Whether you are taking music lessons in your home or going to the classes for a perfect music session. Most of these apps are free and provide an amazing experience to the users.

The app developers are working day and night to provide an amazing user experience and music quality for their audience. So it’s the right time to install your favorite app on your phone!

Diamond Painting: Best Way To Kill Boredom During Covid – 2024 Guide

Source: pinterest.ca

Ever since COVID 19 has struck the world, it has resulted in changing lifestyles and our outlook on life to a great extent. People are bound to stay at home, limiting their social activities. Everyone has taken the boredom by collar in their own interesting way.

Gardening, blogging, cooking, baking, painting, crafting and many other activities have been keeping people busy during Covid times; but Diamond Painting was a phenomenon that took people and the internet by storm.

What is diamond painting?

Source: ourcommunitynow.com

Diamond painting is a new trend across the globe. This new painting technique is a hybrid version of Cross Stitch and Painting by Numbers. In this painting technique, numerous little rhinestones are to be stuck to a coded canvas which results into a mosaic painting with the dazzle of diamonds. It’s not just the end product that is jaw-dropping gorgeous; but the entire phenomenon of creating it is mesmerizing and relaxing.

Why Diamond Painting?

The reason diamond painting is gaining so much popularity all over the internet is because it is very easy Do-It-Yourself (DIY) technique and its equipment is easily available. You do not need to be a skilled artist to create pieces of art. Despite all the ease, diamond paintings turn out to be perfect eye candies.

Diamond Painting Kit

The diamond painting kits are available at various offline and online stores such as PaintWithDiamonds or perhaps paintingkits.net which contain everything you need to create your very own masterpiece of art. Each kit consists of the following materials:

  • DMS coded canvas
  • Paddy wax or glue
  • A plastic Tray to sort the diamonds
  • An Applicator/pen to pick up the diamonds
  • Lots of sparkling rhinestones or drills that work the real magic (3D or 5D)

Different diamond painting kits are available according to the skill levels of the customers.

How to make a diamond painting?

Source: diamondartclub.com

Lay out your canvas and take a small part of the plastic off the canvas. Match the drills with the color codes. Dip the applicator in the paddy wax and use the applicator pen to stick the right drills at the right spot. Keep on repeating this till your craft is ready. Gets your final art piece framed to avoid any dust getting into it. In order to master your skills, you can take online courses online. For more information, click here.

Uses of diamond paintings:

The final product of this painting technique is so beautiful; it can serve as a great decoration item at your home. It can also be an amazing gift – to be remembered forever.

Diamond painting and COVID 19:

Diamond painting comes as a savior in the COVID times.

An antidepressant:

Source: diamondartclub.com

During COVID, when people are locked down in their homes, there is a pervasion of depression and anxiety. There is gloom and darkness around and it is imperative to stop that darkness to seep within ourselves. Where healthy eating, spending quality time with our families and exercise are keeping us on track, hobbies are also playing a great role in keeping us busy both mentally and physically. Diamond painting is also helping people across the globe to keep boredom and depression at hand. It is keeping people busy at homes, beautifully. The technique itself is very relaxing and serves as a stress reliever. It is a great tool to avoid or fight depression.

An addictive hobby:

As beautiful as the paintings are, the technique is equally addictive. Even the sound of sticking the drills is so satisfying, once you are into it, you can do it or watch someone do it for hours without getting bored.

A sense of accomplishment:

Not everyone is an artist or a craftsman, but with diamond paints, anyone can have the feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment.

A family activity:

Source: heartfuldiamonds.com

Diamond painting is a great family activity. If you engage your spouse and children in diamond painting with you, you are sure to have a great family time. In the era of technology, we are all pulled apart from the members of our family. This would bring the entire family closer by pulling them to one table top to work upon, on the sparkling project. You can always look at your painting with pride as it becomes a symbol of love and togetherness for the rest of your lives.

A screen time averter:

Screens have become a menace for kids of this age. Screen time on average has increased drastically with the onset of corona virus. In order to combat increasing screen time in kids, we have to sensibly provide them with engaging substitutes for entertainment. Diamond painting comes to the rescue. Kids enjoy creating and crafting. Using this technique, they would employ their time is something constructive instead of being just YouTube junkies or couch potatoes. When they reach their finished product, no doubt they would ask for more.

A me-time for mommies:

If you are a mommy whose workload has increased due to COVID, and staying all day at home makes you stressed out, get yourself a diamond painting kit and lay out your canvas. You would be amazed how relaxing me-time it can be.

A side income:

You can turn your hobby into a part time side income. Make your guests go wow with the amazing wall displays crafted out of diamond painting and start selling pieces of sparkling beauties to earn additional bucks. During the pandemic, when many people have lost their income sources, diamond painting can help you to support your family, financially, while staying at home.

Dazzle the positivity:

Source: diamondartclub.com

Since the world is going through a dark era due to pandemic, you can create, reflect and spread hope and positivity through dazzling diamond paintings. You can also accessorize your cushions, head bands, clips, notebooks, folders, jewelry, key chains and the like. You can gift them to your loved ones to spread hope, kindness and love.

The insta-showstopper:

Last but not the least, diamond paintings are so instagram-worthy, you cannot resist posting your final product on your instagram. It surely leaves your followers awestruck to see the sparkle

“Every dark cloud has silver lining.” When the COVID bounds you at home, take it from the front and explore the artist in you. Make diamond painting your silver lining. Dazzle and sparkle!

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