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Online Scams That Could Catch Anyone Out in 2024

Being a victim of an online scam doesn’t mean you have done something wrong, you lack understanding of the internet or that you were an easy target. In fact, many online scams are now very sophisticated and even the most IT literate person can be easily caught out.

Online scams have only increased during the current coronavirus pandemic, which can feel like one extra thing to be worried about. Sadly, criminals prey on people at vulnerable times. For instance, they may text a person’s phone inviting them for a COVID 19 vaccination, requesting them to click a link and then asking for money. This may all seem very legitimate at the time but ultimately they manage to gain money from you during the process by preying on your desire to be vaccinated and stay safe.

Source: The Economic Times

With this focus on vulnerability in mind, we have listed below some of the most aggressive current scams to look out for, and what to do if you spot one. However, it cannot be understated that the first line of defence is your own wit and experience. Even if something feels routine and ‘normal’ take the extra time to tune into your spider senses and be extra judgemental, especially if money is being discussed.

Antivirus software upgrades or downloads: You may be used to receiving emails that ask you to update your antivirus software. These can be really easy to identify because they contain a lot of spelling errors and grammatical problems that highlight the fraudulent nature of the email. This is one of the most obvious signs that it is a fake email. It also may contain a URL link within the email which you have to click – another red flag. If you are asked to click a link, it will likely take you through to a fake site (which could well look professional). Ultimately if the email asks you for your personal details or money, it should raise concerns. Recently anti-virus ‘alerts’ also seem to be catching people out. When a notification box comes up on your screen telling you it has identified a virus on your computer, this can feel worrying and it may force you to click the link. You should only pay attention to any antivirus software you have officially installed yourself – anything else is likely to be a scam. Norton says, “A real antivirus solution will take care of your issues in the background and while it may ask you to take an action, it’ll likely only notify you once the cyberthreat has been resolved.” On their website, Norton also talk about tech support scams which are also growing in popularity. These involve a tech support impersonator contacting you to tell you that your computer is infected, often without even seeing the device. If you do have a problem with your PC, it is best to contact the manufacturer directly.

Source: Source Defense

Foam Jacking: Another scam doing the rounds at the moment is called form jacking – a new cyberthreat that steals your credit card information. This one doesn’t contact you directly as it can happen when a legitimate e-commerce website is hacked. This means that cybercriminals are able to redirect you to different URLs in the payment process that look very similar but steal your personal information without you knowing. It is very important therefore that you keep checking the URL at the top of the screen – does it still look genuine or is there a spelling error? Has it changed the name? It is very difficult to spot this kind of scam, which means that sadly a lot of people have been caught out.

Source: IT Security Guru

Phishing over WhatsApp: This is where the criminal will impersonate a friend or colleague, someone that you trust, on a social Media platform or via WhatsApp. The person will start a conversation with you, to earn your trust, and then may well ask for personal information or some money to help them out of a difficult situation. They may suddenly request this and it could feel like it is out of the blue. They may start the conversation with something like, “Have you heard about Frank?” which is meant to divert your attention and get the conversation started. You can identify this kind of scam by judging whether the conversation seems legitimate or not in its phrasing and its tone. Does the person sound like themselves? Are they typing a lot of spelling errors or grammatical mistakes which do not appear to be like them? If they ask you for money or personal information, you should call the person directly to find out whether this is a legitimate request or not.

Source: MacMost

So, what do you do if you come across this kind of scam? Hopefully you’ve passed the first test and actually identified the dodgy situation and not shared any of your personal info or engaged with the fraudster. Secondly report it to the message delivery service themselves i.e. Facebook, Whatsapp or GMail. Next you’ll want to inform the brand (if any) that’s being used as the ‘mask’ for the fraudster. I.e. the brand or website the criminal is pretending to be from. Instant loan website Wonga (who have successfully dealt with people trying to steal their image for phishing emails in the past) urges customers to go further. By, for instance contacting your bank directly (not through a link in an email or sms message) to ensure that your accounts are secure. If you find that funds are missing, you must report this urgently to the bank but also to your local fraud help centre to help escalate awareness of the scam.

Source: Mt. Elliott Makerspace

You’ll also want to be sure to check your passwords for your computer and other online services, as well as bank account logins. You might want to change passwords even if you don’t notice anything suspicious, as this will help to make it even more difficult for scammers in the future. Make sure you have a different password for different services, because if a scammer gets hold of one password, they could use it to unlock a large number of accounts and sites on your behalf!

What is Digital Signage and How Does It Work – A 2024 Guide

Source: involve

Although most people do not think about the presence of screen often, it is true that they can be found everywhere nowadays. From office buildings to shopping malls, you can find such a display featuring useful info that people can find helpful, however, it can also be educational and interesting.

There are different types that you can come across, for instance, they can be static electronic signs like TVs, they can be interactive which often encourages people to use them by pressing the touchscreen, or they could be mounted on a wall – in some cases, you can find a combination of all three types into once device.

Now, if you are thinking about implementing a digital signage display into your company, you might be wondering – what is it and how does it actually work? If you are in this situation, you might find this article to be quite helpful. Let’s take a closer look at the guide below, as well as the benefits you can gain from utilizing such a device:

Digital Signage: Explained

Source: screen

To put it simply, digital signage is basically a screen – like the one on your phone – that showcases different visual and audio messages presented in a digital format. In order for you to understand it better, you can think about it as showing a PowerPoint presentation on a TV or computer screen, a presentation that can help people learn and comprehend something.

For instance, if you find one in a shopping mall, you might see different messages such as the locations of different shops, the sales that are available at the moment, and other things that people can find helpful or useful. One located in an office building might feature new data on the company or information that all employees should be aware of.

So, How Does it Actually Work?

Source: pinterest

There are some basic things that you’ll need if you are thinking about implementing such as a device in your company, including:

1. The Content You’ll Display – the very first thing that you’ll need to have is a way to create and design the message you want to distribute, and how the layout on the screen will look like. There are various platforms, such as indigoworkplace.com, that offer you a way to easily create and design the message you want to send, which means that the process can be easier and less frustrating.

2. You’ll Need a CMS – the next thing you should take care of is a content management system that will organize, schedule, and deliver the content you want people to see.

3. A PC For Distributing The Content – ensure that you have a PC that will deliver the content to the display. Now, it can be a media player or a computer, and your choice will depend entirely up to you, your needs, as well as your preferences.

4. A Display – there is no point in going through the aforementioned steps if you do not have a display for your messages. Most commonly, people opt for flatscreen TVs that are mounted to the walls or standing. Additionally, you can also opt for interactive screens.

What Can Be Displayed?

Source: skykit

This is something that will depend on your business, however, you can choose to display almost anything. For instance, you can share information with your employees on the weather, traffic, and news or you can share info on meetings and training that might be available at the moment.

If you work in the tourism industry, you can display maps, information on different attractions, as well as basic information on the city you are living in. For the retail industry, you can display smart mirrors, self check-outs, and. There are literally hundreds of options, which is why it is wise for you to do some digging and determine what your best choice might be.

What Benefits Can I Gain?

Source: entrepreneurshipinabox

There are hundreds of benefits that you can gain from such a device, but for the sake of this article, we will mention the most important ones that prompted a lot of business owners to implement such devices in the office building or stores. The benefits you can gain are:

1. Allowing People to Help Themselves

People always want to know more about what they are purchasing, and by encouraging them to interact with your digital sign, they’ll be able to learn exactly what they need, which can, in return, make them feel more comfortable with buying something. Additionally, they won’t get annoyed or stressed out by waiting for an employee to explain something, instead, they can help themselves.

2. It is a Wise Investment For The Long-Run

Now, you might be confused – how is it a wise investment in the long-run when I’ll need to spend hundreds of dollars on the screens? Well, you’ll only need to invest that one time. Also, creating the content is inexpensive and it can be changed in several seconds, which means that the devices will not cost you a lot of money in the long-run.

Of course, you should not forget that the displays will need regular maintenance, especially since doing so can actually increase their lifespan. This means that you can definitely ensure that the devices you purchase last for several years while helping your business thrive.

3. They Are Attention-Grabbing

Besides helping your customers in-store, such signs can also help attract more customers. Why you might ask? Well, they include motion, which is something people always pay attention to. Additionally, people tend to remember more things about the products and services they see on digital signage displays then they do when reading traditional signs.

Source: robinpowered


As you were able to read, digital signage can be extremely beneficial and useful for your business. Not only will you be able to easily distribute important information to your clients and/or employees, but, you’ll also have the ability to encourage people to learn more about your business by engaging with the device.

So, now that you know what digital signage is, how it works, as well as what benefits you can reap, you might not want to lose any more of your time. Instead, you should start browsing online and brick-and-mortar stores in order to find displays that suit your needs and requirements.

7 Tips for Starting a CBD Business in 2024

The CBD (cannabidiol) sector is among the most lucrative industries right now, and the prospects look promising even if you’re a newbie. Although you don’t need prior experience before starting a CBD business, there are essential things you must know.

CBD has led to a breakthrough in the medical world, and it’s nearly impossible to keep up with recent developments as experts keep discovering more health benefits. Every industry has its challenges; the CBD landscape is no exception. However, they can work to your advantage.

Having the right mindset and equipping yourself with the right skills and knowledge will give you an edge over your competitors. Perhaps you’ve been considering capitalizing CBD, these tips will propel you in the right direction for success.

Source: EconoTimes

1. Do your due diligence

The CBD industry is already in an over saturation phase and it’s different from the rest. It comes with a high risk, albeit a high ROI. It’s imperative to research before delving into it. It’s crucial to take this step so that you won’t have issues with regulating bodies regarding non-compliant.

Another thing is that taking this approach will make the entire process from production to distribution a breeze. Get to know everything that pertains to the industry, products, and market.

For instance, learn more about where to get the best Cannabis Seeds, the techniques, health benefits, tax, and equipment.

Source: Capehart Scatchard

2. Check cannabis regulations

Emerging CBD business owners often get discouraged because of government regulations. Nevertheless, many countries and states are gradually relaxing cannabis laws. Obtain any necessary permit or license at the initial stage instead of leaving things to chances.

The legal status of CBD can vary from country to country or state to state. Make sure you follow the latest changes concerning CBD regulation in your area.

Source: Open Access Government

3. Know your audience

CBD consumers have access to a myriad of options, unlike decades ago. Their demands are also growing with their refined tastes, making the entire sector a diversified one.

One of the things consumers look out for when searching for the best CBD brands is lab-testing. This procedure will help to determine whether your products are potent and free from contaminants. You should be clear about the element(s) that make your brand stand out from competitors.’

Knowing your audience will make it easier to expand your customer base in no time. Prospective customers won’t buy from you unless they are convinced that your product is better than that of your competitors.

Source: medicalnewstoday

4. Define your brand

It’s better to have a clear image of how your brand will be formidable in the saturated market. This market is constantly shifting and customers’ needs are evolving. Designing a unique business plan will serve as a roadmap to execute your business idea.

It should include information like your products, financing options, marketing strategy, and organizational structure. A business plan is incomplete without an emergency plan. This is because regulations and other factors will likely change over time.

Several CBD business owners have now realized that they can achieve a lot with custom formulas. Some of the CBD products you can offer include:

  • Full-spectrum
  • Edibles
  • Tinctures
  • Vape
  • Isolate
  • Cosmetic products.

As you carve a niche for yourself in the industry, bear it in mind to satisfy the needs and expectations of your target customers.

Source: Green America

5. Choose the right suppliers

Funds are essential to get enough resources among other things when running a CBD business. You can be lucky to find an investor or may need to consider bootstrapping.

CBD production usually involves a lot of steps. It starts with growing and harvesting the plants before extraction takes place. Your production facility should be toxin-free and protect your products from contaminants.

A lot of CBD entrepreneurs encounter difficulty when sourcing cannabis seeds. Working with reputable suppliers at Homegrown Cannabis Company will make a huge difference in the long run.

The best ones can offer products that fit your needs. Here are the traits of authentic CBD suppliers:

  • Readily available for queries
  • Sell products at budget-friendly prices
  • Transparent
  • Offer a wide range of products
  • Succinct and reliable product information.

Don’t hesitate once you recognize that it’s time to choose another supplier.

Source: The CBD Benefits

6. Hire the best hands

There’s nothing better than having a team that shares your vision and is ready to work passionately towards the same goal. Chances are you may only need to hire few people at the initial phase and bring more on board when the brand starts expanding.

The bottom line is to choose team members who have the required skills and knowledge.

Source: The Green Fund

7. Optimize your business

We can’t ignore the fact a significant percentage of CBD consumers prefer online shopping to have easy access to products. Given this, you need to set up your e-commerce store and hone your digital marketing skills.

That being said, every aspect of your digital marketing plan needs optimization. Invest in your SEO strategy so that your target audience can discover your brand on the first page of search engine result pages.

Focus on readability as you create content such as blog posts, product descriptions, and social media posts. It’s ideal to craft content that revolves around your customers’ frequently asked questions.

Your marketing strategy should be flexible enough to accommodate your current needs and future changes. In case you’re not maximizing social media channels, it’s high time to take platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram seriously.

The important thing is to apply tactics to steer clear of anti-hemp censors. Unbiased customer reviews matter in this digital age. You can encourage your customers to drop their reviews on social media or order confirmation emails.

Delivering value consistently through your CBD products and services can help you attract opportunities like a partnership, or you may even come across investors.

The business ideas in this sector aren’t limited to retailing. You can also work as a CBD marketer, supplier, or consultant. This guide will get you started on your journey to becoming an innovative CBD business owner.

5 Facts to Consider When Choosing Labels for Printing – 2024 Guide

Source: sendcloud

Have you thought of an idea for a product that will probably sell very well? I assume that you have, considering that you are here reading through this article. The reality is that in today’s marketing world, you simply must have a good design. Without the proper label, you could not possibly stay competitive on the market. Customers will avoid your product no matter how good it is. That is why it is so important to choose the right label for your product before you print it.

However, a lot of people do not seem to understand that there are a lot of things that you have to consider before you start printing. Remember, the label that you decide to put on your product will be an insight into the quality of your product. So, if you choose to use a cheap printer or an inexpensive material, that is what your customers will think of the product that you are trying to sell.

You probably do not want to leave such an impression to your potential customers which is why I decided to write this guide for 2024 and tell you about all the facts that you will need to consider before you create your label.

Source: medium

1. Shape and size of the product

One of the most important things you will have to consider is how big is the item that you want to sell. It is also important to notice the shape of it. Otherwise, you might end up with a label that is either too big or too small for that item. This can lead to unnecessary expenses.

But, that is not the only problem. This is an important piece of information that you have to keep in mind because the design needs to properly fit with the shape of the label. Otherwise, it will not look good. Of course, it will physically fit onto the tag, but will it look good? Is your design with high enough resolution to look good on a label of that size?

These are some of the questions that you will need to ask yourself if you want to impress your customers with the release of your new item. That sticker on your product will always be the first impression for everyone. This tells you just how essential it is to ensure that you have printed the right type label.

2. Does it need to last?

I think this is another very important question that you will need to ask yourself. Will the packaging of your product be used immediately and then thrown away? Will it be kept for weeks, months, or even years? Naturally, if this is supposed to be an item that people will hold onto it for our much longer period of time than you will probably have to invest into a label that will stick and last much longer.

Otherwise, it will start tearing away after a very short amount of time or the glue will just dry off.

Source: royallabel

3. Pick the right material

As a business owner, you basically get to decide every single aspect of the tag on the product. We have gone through the shape, the size, the glue, and even the design. But, you cannot forget about the material. Yes, believe it or not, but there are different types of material that you can choose from.

Naturally, some will be a lot more durable and long-lasting. But, these will come with a much heftier price tag. There is always the option of going down the cheaper route which provides a material that will not be as durable. But, there is also a middle ground. For example, the DK 1202 which you can find at Labels123 come at a very inexpensive price tag, are compatible with Brother printers, and have tons of different features. The DK 1202 is oil, water, and smudge resistant. It also uses a very strong glue/adhesive that will stick to any kind of surface for a long time

4. Environmentally friendly

Of course, for smaller starter businesses, the government usually does not care whether you are environmentally friendly or not. But, once your company develops to a certain level and you start on your success, this is when the government starts to care about whether you are friendly to the environment.

But, even if you are not legally bound to go green, I think it is still fair to think about the future of our planet. I know, smaller businesses are not the real problem when it comes to pollution, but it will not hurt to go green, at least for some things.

Well, believe it or not, there are some labels that are quite long-lasting and recyclable. There is also the option of biodegradability. Do not worry, just because you want to buy something biodegradable or cycle, does not mean that the price will be much higher. In fact, recyclable items can be a cheaper option.

Source: channelgrabber

5. Water resistance and temperature resistance

A very common problem I see with products these days is that companies do not seem to pay attention to the water resistance or temperature resistance of some labels. For some, it does not make any sense to even consider this factor, but I believe that it is very important. It is essential for every company to ensure that it will be resistant against high or low temperatures and against splash of liquid or even rain.

Otherwise, if you do not consider this factor, the label might tear or get completely destroyed during shipping or even while the customer goes home with your product. Just a small amount of rain can completely remove the adhesive and ruined the print. If this happens, your customers will not be satisfied.

So, before you make the investment, I would suggest that you do a little bit of research and find out about the temperature or water resistance of the label.

There are so many things you might have to consider when choosing labels for printing, but I believe these five facts I listed in this guide are the most vital ones.

5 Web Design Principles You Need to Try in 2024

Source: searchenginejournal

Web design is becoming a very popular career path for a lot of people. And honestly, it makes sense. It should become popular because more and more businesses are aiming for e-commerce. In other words, they need websites. The world needs a lot of new websites right now, so to make them, we need web designers. But, even if there is so much need for such experts, people still need to be unique and experienced to make money out of this profession. So, if you want to stay competitive, there are several web design principles you have to try in 2024.

However, finding those right principles can be a bit difficult. You have to keep in mind that people in this industry are doing everything they can to be better than the competition. You are their competition. If you want companies to hire you instead of someone else, you will have to do something to prove that you are better.

To help you with that, I decided to write this article and tell you about the most intriguing and most popular concepts for webpage designing that are very commonly used in 2024.

Source: playworksonline

1. Symmetry can be boring

In almost every type of art, artists have always been trying very hard to achieve symmetry. Whether this is in painting, drawing, sculpting, modeling, or even music, artists always aim for a certain level of symmetry. But, once an artist starts to build their own unique style, they come to a conclusion that may be symmetry should not always be the standard. It is okay to want to create something a little bit more different.

Of course, sometimes, you have to be as symmetrical as possible. For example, when it comes to the creation of a logo, symmetry is always wanted and needed. But, when you are designing a website, you have a lot more freedom than you think.

Obviously, your employer has a certain idea that you have to fulfill, but you also get your artistic freedom. So, if you want to create something that is not the same as everything else you have seen on the Internet. If you want to do something unique, you should try asymmetry.

You do not have to align every single piece of text, image, or any other element to be perfectly symmetrical. Professionals from ctrlaltcreate.co suggest experimenting in any way you want and see what works best for you and your employer too.

2. Make it mobile-friendly

It seems like a lot of web designers these days forget about users that come from mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. In 2024, that is simply unacceptable. If you do not optimize a webpage for mobile users, you can lose a lot of traffic. It will leave a lot of customers dissatisfied.

Not only will people start to avoid your website on phones or tablets, but even your SEO rating might start to drop. Search engine optimization is essential for the success of any website in 2024 and the years to come. Mobile-friendliness is actually a very important factor if you want your search engine optimization ranking to be as high as possible.

But, if you are having trouble achieving proper SEO, maybe you should consider a white label SEO reseller program. They will do all the work for you while you are getting your credit as suggested by semify.com.

Do not worry, there are hundreds of companies out there that offer such services. I believe you will not have any trouble finding such a company.

Source: pinterest

3. Cut down on text

One of the most common mistakes a lot of new web designers make is they fill the homepage with too much text. Obviously, I am not talking about reducing the number of words that can be found in one post. No, I am specifically talking about cutting down the text that can be found on the homepage.

When people enter a website, they want to be greeted with as much visual content as possible. First, they look at the images, and only after that they will start thinking about reading the text under (or above) that image.

My advice to you would be to reduce the word count for the excerpt. Somewhere around 30 or 35 is perfect. You could also try increasing the size of the font, changing the font itself, and maybe even produce the height between lines. These changes can make your website see much cleaner while providing a lot more information.

4. Performance is essential

Whenever I work on the design of the website, I always want to add all kinds of different animations or other interesting additions. With all that experimenting, the website becomes a lot more interactive and interesting for the user, but there is one problem. By filling the page with too much unnecessary and bloated information, the performance starts to drop.

That is simply unacceptable. No matter how good this site looks, you cannot give up on performance. The performance of a webpage can have a huge impact on search engine optimization and the experience of a user.

Have you ever been on a website that is unresponsive and slow? If you have, I can imagine that you were frustrated while browsing through it, right? I know that I am always annoyed when I end up on such a webpage.

So, if you do not want any of your customers to experience that, you always have to aim to achieve the best possible performance. Speed is essential.

Source: Tech Flix

5. Interactions with animations

In my previous point, I had to mention just how important it is to maintain the performance of a website. But, if you make the entire design static, naturally you will get that performance, but your design will start to lack live and interactivity. You cannot just make it boring. There has to be some kind of motion or animation, especially when the user is interacting with certain elements.

Extra Tip

In the end, we want to suggest you to always pay attention to customers-users with disabilities. You have to adapt your site’s design for such clients. ADA compliance it’s extremely important in modern times.

There are dozens of different web design principles and concepts that are very popular in 2024, but I will believe that the five I mentioned above are the most used ones. Try to implement these principles in the design of your websites.

Is Trading Forex Really Worth It – 2024 Guide

Source: egosoletrader.com

The Forex industry is booming these days. Built around participation in the financial markets from the comfort of one’s home, Forex trading is appealing to many. But is it really worth your time and money?

Forex trading allows you to make money by trading currencies and other financial instruments. Thanks to discount brokers, you can do it from home. This method replaces more traditional forms of investment, such as hiring a professional portfolio manager or investment banker. You gain both access and control over your money, but you also become responsible for your wins and losses.

Trading Forex can certainly be a profitable pastime or even a full-time job. However, you need to have ample knowledge of the financial markets. If you don’t know what you are doing, you expose yourself to risk and potentially losing money.

How Expensive Is Forex Trading?

Source: entrepreneurshipinabox.com

There is no clear answer to this question. Generally speaking, you only spend money when making deposits. You decide the amount you want to invest, so the price tag is up to you. Brokers like superforex.com require a minimum investment of just $1 on most account types. That means you’re not obligated to invest a large sum of money from the get-go.

There are other fees such as swaps and spreads that help keep brokers in business. However, those charges are usually negligible and should not eat away at your account balance.

The most important consideration when it comes to money is how much you win. As long as you keep making profitable trades, you won’t have to worry. Your profit, if you choose not to withdraw it immediately, can fund your future trade deals.

But if most of your deals bring losses, you will soon have to make a new deposit. There simply wouldn’t be enough money left in your account to keep going. You might want to start using Forex Flex EA trading robot to better your game.

In other words, the more you win, the less it costs to keep trading. And how do you ensure you win more than you lose? By spending the time to learn about trading and to follow market developments.

Time Is Your Biggest Investment

Aside from your account balance, time is something to consider before you start trading. There are three main considerations here: educating yourself, keeping an eye on the markets, and practicing.

Forex Education

Source: modrika.com

You will need to spend many hours learning about the markets and how to analyze trends. Different assets don’t all require the same knowledge. For instance, if you trade gold, you need to understand risk aversion situations as well as how the US dollar is moving. But if you follow the Australian dollar, paying attention to global trade and the Chinese economy is more important.

This doesn’t include learning about the various technical indicators out there. Understanding concepts like the RSI or moving averages, plus the ability to read charts and identify support and resistance levels will elevate you to the next level.

Pay Attention to the Markets

Trading requires your continued attention. News, especially concerning conflicts, natural disasters, and policy changes, will affect the assets you’re trading.

One simple example is any sort of accident or dispute in the Middle East. These events usually have an immediate impact on the value of crude oil because they result in an interruption in supply. The same thing applies to hurricanes near the south of the United States, its key oil-producing region.

Similarly to oil, any asset available for trading is susceptible to political developments and other sudden changes. Thus, staying current with the news is crucial for success.

Practice Time

Source: fcsapi.com

Because there are hundreds of strategies out there to research, you need time to learn how to use them. To do this, you can take advantage of demo accounts, for instance. These accounts don’t require a deposit because they use virtual currency. You can’t make a profit on a demo account since the money is not real, but you can practice in real time.

While this step is not mandatory, it will help you improve your skills and increase your profitability.

Advantages of Forex Trading

Now that we have looked into the financial and temporal costs of trading, it’s time we examined its advantages.

1. You’re the Boss

Source: udeforex.com

The most immediate benefit of trading is that you work for yourself. It’s entirely up to you how much money and time you invest. If you wake up one day and don’t feel like trading, you can just take the day off.

2. Flexible Hours

Trading is also quite flexible, so you can combine it with a full-time day job, if you prefer. If that is your situation, you can treat trading as a hobby or a side job. This level of control is even more important. Some weeks you might be swamped with work and not have a spare minute to trade, and that’s okay. But if you want to do something productive and earn extra money during your lunch break or on your way home, trading’s a great option.

3. You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

Source: datasciencesociety.net

Asiaforexmentors tells us there are plenty of solutions out there to help you and save you time. For instance, you can trade using expert advisors (EAs for short). These bots are programmed software that knows how to identify certain market developments. Thus, they can make the operations you order them to when you’re gone. As a result, you don’t have to follow the news that closely or check your account all the time.

Another possible solution is copying the pros using the Forex Copy service. This feature allows you to subscribe to a professional trader and automatically copy their operations. It is the perfect service if you don’t have the time to learn about the markets.

4. Trade Anytime, Anywhere

The remote aspect of trading is also a key advantage, especially during the pandemic. You can trade from your own computer at home or your tablet or smartphone. All you need is Internet access. This makes Forex trading the perfect pastime during a lockdown, for example.

Plus, the Forex market is open all the time thanks to the world’s time zones. Even if the markets in the United States are closed for the night, people are trading currencies in Asia, where it is morning.

Due to the global nature of currency trading, there are always traders around the world who are creating and fulfilling the demand for specific currencies. The buying and selling almost never stops.

Finding Job in Italy in 2024: Recommended Websites and Tips

img source: 24seventalent.com

As the pandemic looms menacingly over the world, millions of people have found themselves out of jobs. This has made job seeking very difficult across the world. However, if you know what to look for, and more importantly, where to look for, you have a better chance of securing a job. Job-seeking sites such as Jobs Fuel are usually the way to go.

It always advised talking with an accountant especially when moving abroad for more than 3 months, and when you are receiving income from your home country.

If you are looking for a professional English-speaking accountant in Italy you may consider contacting Accountingbolla.

Top 10 Websites:

img source: ctfassets.net

There are various websites that can help you in finding a job in Italy in 2024. However, some of those websites are better than others because of the quality, quantity, and diversity of the jobs posted on the site. Here are some of the best ones:

1. Glassdoor Italy: This website offers an insight into the companies offering you jobs. You can put any city in Italy or Italy itself as your location.

2. Banca Lavoro Jobs: Unlike quite a few of the sites mentioned in this list, Banca Lavoro is a website that is a Job board focused entirely on Italians. This is why it offers a variety of listings and offices that have vacancies for anyone who is finding a job in Italy in 2024.

3. Stepstone Jobs Italy: This website is excellent for finding local jobs in your area.

4. Indeed Italy: This website has a lot of jobs targeted at the general Italian population. It is majorly, if not specifically, used by employers and job seekers who are Italian.

5. Monster Italy: Monster Jobs is a worldwide portal for jobs and is highly efficient at doing so. However, you can go to Monster.it for accessing the Italian version and proceed with your task of finding a job in Italy in 2024.

img source: monster.it

6. Craigslist Milan: Like monster jobs, craigslist is a worldwide portal. While it has a lot of categories other than jobs, it still has a collection of some of the best listings nearby you. Actually, you will be able to find a subdomain for every Italian city.

7. Jobs in Milan: The name of this website is descriptive enough. If you are seeking a job in Milan, this website is one of the best to go to.

8. CareerJet Italy: Another portal that operates globally has a separate section for jobs in Italy. All you have to provide is the city of your preference.

9. The Local Italy: Italy is not a country that speaks English entirely. Hence, a lot of people find communication with their employers or employees difficult. This website helps people who are looking for jobs in Italy that support English speakers.

10. Jobbio: Jobbio has had tremendous success in uniting job hunters with preferred listings. It has been in the business for years and is still one of the top websites to go to for finding a job in Italy in 2024.

Things to Be Careful about:

img source: lifewire.com

As we said, mass unemployment has made job hunting difficult for a lot of people. Hence, you need to be careful about a lot of stuff while finding a job in Italy in 2024.

Revealing Personal Information: You need to be extremely careful of the amount of information you give in your resume. Apart from the obvious security risks that doing such a thing generates, your personal information should never play any role in you getting a job. You are only obligated to furnish the papers the employer asks for.

Privacy Information when searching Online: We have mentioned a lot of websites where you can hunt for jobs easily. These websites are trustworthy and have a wide range of listings and offices. However, not all websites are like this. Should you choose to go to any other website, make sure that you check their privacy policies otherwise one or more third parties may end up with your sensitive information.

img source: viola-group.com

Your Social Media Accounts: This is something that is a new-age problem, and definitely a problem you will face while finding a job in Italy in 2024. Clean up your social media accounts or make them inaccessible to others when hunting for jobs. This is because you may have put up posts of controversial views or opinions, or just posts that may not reflect well on your work ethics. It’s just not a good idea to have any such thing online and available for the public eye.

The Income Tax: This point is mainly for any foreigners who wish to work in Italy. Like any other country, Italy has its own set of laws that determine how much income tax is to be paid to the country. And like any other country, they are quite convoluted in their meaning with a lot of different tax slabs.
Be sure that you know everything from your gross to net salary so that you do not accidentally commit a crime.

Do your research: As soon as you get an interview for a company, make sure you do all your homework about them: their past projects, their present projects, their work culture, any information about their preferences that you may find online, their policies safeguarding their employees, their privacy measures, and anything else that you think is relevant.

Questions to Ask the Employer:

img source: carpeople.com

In an interview, it’s not just the interviewer who will ask the questions. You need to ask some questions before you take up the job too. While some of these are very basic and are bound to come up during the discussion, some of these may be less obvious. However, all of them are equally important.

  • What are my daily responsibilities?
  • What are the working hours that this job requires?
  • Am I being employed via a contract or am I being offered a freelancing collaboration?
  • Who is the person that I will be working with the most?
  • What are the possible opportunities for development and progress in my role?
  • What do you (the interviewer) like the most about the company?
  • What are the most prominent challenges that a person performing my role can face?
  • What are the major indicators that my performance will be measured by?
img source: shortpixel.ai


Job hunting is never an easy process. However, with the right ammunition and a lot of preparation, you can find a job faster and more easily than most other people. All you need to do is have an ideal resume and follow the tips and tricks that we have shared above.

5 Tips for Hiring a Good Estate Planning Attorney

The death of a close family member is always painful, no matter how old that person is. After you have done the funeral and spent a few days mourning and getting used to the fact that the person is no longer there, you will also have to deal with certain paperwork in case you are listed as the heir to the property in the will. What you will need in this case is a reliable estate planning attorney.

What Is an Estate Planning Attorney?

As the name suggests, it is a lawyer who specializes in dealing with real estate planning. Although the range of jobs they perform is wide, the focus of real estate planning lawyers is on helping clients prepare for the end of life and passing on the inheritance to a particular person. So, if you need help writing a will, a real estate planning lawyer is here to help you. In addition, their job is to help you reduce property and inheritance taxes, as well as prepare you for life scenarios when you will not be able to make decisions on your own and you will need to authorize someone to do so. A good real estate planning lawyer can serve as a legal guide through all aspects of end-of-life preparation.

There are many lawyers today who specialize in this area, but to make sure you get a good and reliable one, pay attention to the following things.

Source: military.com

Ask for a recommendation

If you do not know someone you could hire, consult your financial advisor, we are sure he can give you some guidance in choosing. Make sure the estate planning lawyer has passed the bar exam in your country because the laws and regulations vary from one to another. Look for a lawyer who will instill confidence in you and help you make a decision that can often be difficult and emotional. Weisinger Law Firm will help you t make the right decision.

Don’t fall for fancy slogans

Advertisements like “our concern is to take care of you”, “feel safe with us” are absolutely meaningless. Of course, this is something you expect from every lawyer, that’s why they are there to help you, right? It is better to focus on their site and see what services they specifically provide.

Reviewing Client Testimonials

When seeking an attorney for estate planning such as Prior Lake lawyers, one of the most telling indicators of their expertise and reliability is the feedback from their past clients. Client testimonials and reviews serve as a window into the attorney’s work ethic, professionalism, and the overall quality of their services. These reviews are often candid reflections of a client’s journey with the attorney, shedding light on both the highs and lows of their experience.

There are several avenues to explore when seeking these testimonials:

  • Online Platforms: Websites like Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, and even Google reviews can offer a plethora of client feedback. These platforms often provide ratings, detailed reviews, and sometimes even responses from the attorneys themselves.
  • Direct References: Don’t hesitate to ask the attorney for references. A confident professional will have no qualms about connecting you with past clients who can vouch for their services.
  • Word of Mouth: Sometimes, the most genuine feedback comes from personal networks. Ask friends or family if they’ve had any experiences with the attorney in question.

The Importance of Open Communication

Open and consistent communication is the bedrock of any successful attorney-client relationship. Before committing, it’s crucial to discuss and understand the attorney’s communication style and availability. Here’s why:

  • Responsiveness: In the intricate world of estate planning, questions and concerns can arise at any moment. A responsive attorney who promptly addresses your inquiries not only eases anxieties but also ensures that you’re always in the loop.
  • Regular Updates: Estate planning can be a lengthy process. Regular updates from your attorney about the progress and any changes are essential to ensure that you’re both on the same page.
  • Accessibility: Life is unpredictable. There might be instances where you urgently need your attorney’s advice or assistance. Ensuring they’re accessible during such times is paramount.
Source: pexels.com

Malpractice insurance

Everyone happens to make mistakes in business. But is everyone ready to bear the consequences? Ask if your lawyer has insurance due to negligence and if he is ready to take responsibility if he makes a mistake. Malpractice insurance may not be a legal obligation of the lawyers; and therefore, always ask if the attorney has taken this kind of insurance coverage.

Contacting a bar association is useless

Some of you probably think that you will get the best recommendation for a lawyer if you contact a bar association. Unfortunately, this is not true. Please note that the members of the Bar Association are all those lawyers who have applied to be paid a fee. Therefore, even if you call and ask for a recommendation, you will get a random selection.

Source: bairdlawbismarck.com

Ask a shortlisted estate lawyer a question

Now that you are one step closer to a decision and have decided to get in touch with a particular lawyer, it is time to ask him a few questions to help you understand if you made a good choice.

How long have you been practicing?

We already know that without higher education he would not be where he is now, but does he have enough experience? To attain the certification, the individual should have at least 3 years of experience in finance management, should have completed an approved wealth management training program, and should have completed at least 45 hours of ongoing education within 3 years. They should also have a letter of recommendation and a signed ethics statement to get CTFA-certified. Look for a lawyer who has already encountered similar cases and who will win you over with his knowledge, approach, and confidence.

Source: over-blog

Do you put your plan into action?

This is very important because there are those lawyers who only compile planning documents and then forward the work to another lawyer, while there are also those who do all the work themselves. Keep this in mind so you don’t rail the same thing twice – look for a reliable lawyer.

How do you charge?

You may be embarrassed to ask this question, but it is certainly one of those that plays a key role. While some charge flat fees, others prefer to charge per hour. In any case, this is something you should know at the outset so that you do not find yourself in an awkward situation later. It is also advisable to ask if any unforeseen additional costs are possible.

Source: skyose

How long does it take for this process?

While it’s hard to say how long it takes to do something like this, it will also help if you know the approximate period in which everything will be completed so you can focus on doing other tasks such as visiting an accountant, investment advisor, or general tax expert.

Can debts be inherited along with property?

Although inheritance is most often associated with material gain, there is another side to the medal that says you can also inherit debts such as unpaid bills or credit obligations. Then the debts are transferred to the heirs, about which all interested parties should be informed in detail and in a timely manner. A mitigating circumstance is that the heirs are liable for the testator’s debts only up to the value of the inherited property.

Source: Medium


Final thoughts

Although the conversation about death is never pleasant, it is advised that you think about everything in advance in order to later facilitate the whole procedure for your potential heirs. Do not hesitate to seek the help of an estate planning attorney to help you do this in the best possible way. In addition, you will spare your heirs to go in search of a lawyer because they will feel that you have chosen the one who will lead the whole process to the very end.

6 Kitchen Door Wrapping Tips And Tricks To Try in 2024

img source: checkatrade.com

Changing the scenery in our homes is something that most of us feel we need to do once in a while. At times you might regret your decorating choice from the last time, or maybe you just want to turn the page in your life and you feel that changing your home environment should be the first step.

While some of the changes are super easy to make and pretty much inexpensive (wall painting, for example), the others like redecorating your kitchen could be way more difficult, time-consuming, and above all – pricey. Many of us will look for some more affordable ways to refresh the living area – and repairing kitchen doors by wrapping might be a good start.

1. Use vinyl for wrapping

img source: dianellapolishing.com.au

Vinyl-wrapping your kitchen doors is definitely one of the cheapest options you can bump into, although it’s often criticized due to peeling issues that inevitably arise. While it’s probably the best option if you’re struggling with your budget, it might not be the best option for kitchens that are directly subjected to heat or moisture on a daily basis.

In case you decide to give this option a go, you should be cautious about how you position your kettles and other home appliances so that moisture doesn’t get in direct contact with your doors. Although the sprayed ones might look more ‘fancy’, an imitation wood effect or patterned vinyl would also be a nice way to make your door look like you’ve just bought them.

Another important benefit of using vinyl is that you won’t have any trouble cleaning and maintaining this kind of material, as they can have a super cool polished look with only a few wipes here and there.

2. Wrap with Fablon

img source: amazon.com

Here’s another handy and low-priced idea for renewing this type of surface. Have you ever thought about using Fablon for wrapping your doors? You can save a ton of money by opting for this kind of plastic. Not only is this solution economical, but it’s also rather easy to implement it – all you need besides Fablon is a cleaning cloth, a screwdriver, and a scalpel.

Make sure you remove all the dirt and grease, then fold over the edges with Fablon, simply tie all the corners and set it. You’ll be impressed with the results, especially with so little effort!

3. Use grooves

img source: nakedkitchens.com

Wrapping your kitchen doors with grooves might need a little more investment in tools, but this method proved to be lasting longer than most methods you could think about.

This doesn’t mean, however, that the procedure has to be more complicated. All you need is a few tools that are usually a little bit pricey: an application tool, a scalpel, a heat gun, and a silicone gun.

You’ll also need three-layer aluminum panels. Just wrap a full panel board and make sure to cover the back as well in order to tidy up the edges. After you’re done, the entrance to your kitchen will obtain that classy and modern look and give a completely new charm to space.

4. Apply sticky back plastic

img source: thesun.co.uk

Sticky back plastic is perfect for giving the furniture in your apartment a new dimension and changing their tedious look. Instead of replacing your cabinets – which might require a little more cash from your pocket – you can save quite a lot by using this form of wrapping. As it’s also water and heat resistant – you can use it outdoors for any other DIY project if you want.

It’s easy to apply and remove, and with a wide range of available designs and colors it’s the perfect finishing touch to your kitchen. Online retailers such as Wrapzone boast countless variations of these affordable, but super practical materials.

When it comes to the project itself, all you’ll need to make it happen are a few basic tools like a screwdriver, scissors, pencil, and tape measure. First, you need to carefully remove the doors and clean the surface thoroughly, as this will ensure that the film sticks to it properly. Then peel away a small piece of backing paper and stick the film to the surface. All that remains is to gradually remove the rest of the backing paper carefully, smoothing it out on the sides.

The best part of all this is that, if you suddenly make a mistake, you can simply remove it completely and start from scratch. No stains, no regrets –  hang the doors back again after that and admire your work!

5. Dry method

img source: wrapmykitchen.com

This is another budget-friendly method for giving a new shine to your kitchen doors, as it barely requires any investment. It’s true that the most important thing you’ll need for this is a credit card – and no, don’t worry, you don’t need to pay for anything.

For this craft, the credit card needs to be wrapped in a piece of cloth. You’ll also need a needle and a hairdryer, as both will be helpful when dealing with boring bubbles that won’t go away. Start slowly by unrolling your roll of sticky back plastic and undoing a little bit of the top. Place the sticky side down onto a surface, then use a credit card in a cloth to push out bubbles if there are any. If there is a bubble that resists going away, just pierce the whole area with a needle and flatten it. Finally, a hairdryer will shrink the wrap a little bit and finalize the process.

6. Wet method

img source: thrfun.com

For this method, you need to use a spray bottle with a soapy water solution. This will stop the sticky back plastic from sticking onto a surface and allow you to place it where it’s supposed to be placed.  Use a shower squeegee to remove all the water that you spray onto a surface, and finally, wipe all excess liquid with a tea towel. Any bubbles remained? Again, like while applying the dry method, poke them quickly with the needle and voila! You’re all done – and you’ll be amazed by the amazing results you achieved with your own two hands!

5 Simple and Proven Methods To Earn Bitcoins in 2024

img source: blog.cex.io

Many say that Bitcoin is the future of money. But for the ones asking what Bitcoin is: it is one of the most widely used cryptocurrencies out there; probably the most popular along with Ethereum, Litecoin and XRT. Basically, it is virtual money that can be used for online payments. Its popularity is growing as it is becoming even more accepted as a valid method of payment.

All the transactions made with Bitcoin, as well as the users’ account balances are recorded in the blockchain which is a decentralized and public ledger that accumulates this information. The blocks are encrypted in the chain which guarantees safety and transparency so that they cannot be counterfeit or double-spent. There isn’t a third party that governs the cryptocurrencies, and their value is not backed by any commodity, rather than the network of users that keeps them in check.

Investing in Bitcoin is a great idea, but not everybody can actually buy it. That leaves us with the question of how Bitcoins can be made. Luckily there are some online options that can get you some crypto coins in a reasonable time. Below are some simple and proven alternatives that we have come across. If you already have some Bitcoins and are more interested in trading with them, you can check out sites like the-bitcoinbank.com, but of course , make sure they are reliable before you hand them your cryptocurrency savings.

1. Bitcoin Mining

img source: bioenergyconsult.com

Typically, new coins can be earned through mining. It is a process where the active users in a network, called nodes, perform calculations by using supercomputers. They verify and add the transactions in the blockchain by solving these complex mathematical problems. They test its validity and submit it for confirmation by the other nodes, and for this process they are awarded crypto coins. Every node has an identical copy of the database. Mining for Bitcoins is a demanding process that uses enormous amounts of electricity and demands high computing power in order to perform these calculations. Nowadays, there is software that can be downloaded on almost any computer and can be used to mine for cryptocurrency. Still, it is worth mentioning that not all cryptocurrencies are minable.

2. Shop Online and get Bitcoin cashback

img source: hedgewithcrypto.com

There are purchase reward programs through which you can get coins by buying stuff. Sounds simple? It is. Namely, there are cashback services like Lolli, Fold, Pei and CoinRebates, through which you can get cashback or bitcoins while shopping at the affiliate stores of the particular cashback service.

For example, Lolli is a web browser extension that after it is downloaded and installed, it will notify you to enable the cashback once you visit an online store of a retailer they are collaborating with. After you make a purchase at the webstore of any of their partners, you can receive cashback in the form of crypto coins, namely Bitcoin. They will be added in your crypto wallet. Some of Lolli’s associates are Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s Office Depot, Office Max, Walmart, etc. The downside is that the time between a purchase and the transfer can be up to 3 months, but there is a really awesome upside: if you refer Lolli to your friends and they start using it, you will get bigger crypto rewards. Such a similar extension is Ebates, and it will also notify you about the latest discounts from the online stores that you are visiting.

CoinRebates is another practical option. You register your bitcoin address on their website (if you don’t have one you can get it from Coinbase) and start buying from the affiliated retailers or using the services of their partners like Udemy, Groupon, Booking, and many others.

The fold is a mobile application for both Android and iOS which lets you earn Bitcoin rewards and doesn’t submit you to KYC. Also, there is a waitlist for their card which is the first of its kind out there; it is a Visa card that you can use to pay in cash and then earn cryptocurrency at the same time.

A cashback option also worth mentioning is Pei. You can shop through this smartphone app and collect cashback. You link your credit or debit card to your Pei account and when you use it for buying from their partner’s websites, the Pei points you will be awarded can be converted to Bitcoin.

3. Crypto Interest Accounts

img source: bitcoin.com

For those who already have some money in their crypto wallets, or have earned some via different means, storing them in crypto interest accounts like BlockFi Interest account is a wise move. In fact, you lend your coins to investors who then pay you back with an interest. This interest is calculated on a monthly basis, so the yearly yield can be around 8%.

4. Get paid for different jobs

img source: medium.com

There are freelance platforms where you get paid in cryptocurrency as you take on projects or complete tasks. You can work in HR, answer emails, sell your own personal freelance services, etc. Answering questions in surveys is another task you can perform. The purpose of these surveys is market research for big survey companies, such as Time Bucks. As you complete them, in exchange, you will receive payment in Bitcoin. You can select which surveys you will accept to take. The payment will be adequate to the difficulty of the survey. You can also play games, install applications, post on social media, watch slideshows, perform different internet searches, and with that, increase the number of coins in your cryptocurrency wallet.

5. Referral Marketing

img source: imprint.la

If you have a large online following and you are willing to direct them to companies who will later reward you with Bitcoins, you will be able to receive them after your followers click a particular URL that you will be given when you join them as their affiliate. Whenever someone clicks the link or uses it to buy something, you will get income. Another option is to receive a promo code, and whoever enters it will get a discounted price for the item or the service, and you will get a percentage of the sale in cryptocurrency.

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