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5 Ways to Freshen Your Dog’s Breath Naturally – 2024 Guide

Everyone who has a dog as a pet knows one and the same story by heart, and it reads the following … You have been away from home for a long time and your pet has not seen you for a while, then you finally come back and you are both overjoyed to finally see each other after a hard day. However, from excessive excitement, your pet suddenly starts jumping on you and from happiness it is right at your face, and you only notice that when you realize that his saliva is all around you.

Then comes the worst – your dog’s breath! How many times has this happened to you … Although we love to receive kisses from our pets, you will probably agree with us that it is often not a pleasant smell at all. On the contrary, your dog ate everything during the day and certainly did not maintain oral hygiene as a human would do after every meal. That is why you are here as its owner to help him with that.

Why should your pet, like you, not have a pleasant breath? Today, it is not difficult to achieve at all, you have a lot of alternative ways in which you can achieve it. We’ll describe a few ways below that can help you with that.

1. Regular brushing of dog teeth

Source: Daily Paws

Like a human, a dog must also have proper oral hygiene. That is, his jaw will be 100% healthy only if it is properly maintained. If you regularly brush your dog’s teeth, you take preventive measures against bad breath, but also against many diseases.

Bad breath is not only unpleasant for the sense of smell, but it can also be an indicator of various diseases or appear as one of the symptoms of the same, so it is necessary to further examine the veterinarian and his overall health. If the teeth are poorly treated, they can slowly get sick and soon lead to the mentioned diseases.

This is especially important for those dog owners whose dogs are a breed that is very small in appearance. Small dogs have miniature muzzles that need proper brushing every day without exception. This is because their jaws decay faster due to their extra small size. Choose a toothpaste that tastes good to you and you think that your dog will like it, and let this become a daily routine with which your dog will have healthy teeth and fresh breath.

2. Dental chewing gum for dogs

Source: Pet Life Today

These chewing gums help a lot in case of an awkward problem with your pet’s bad breath. It is important to make a good choice when it comes to them and his breath will completely change for the better. They work by squeezing the gum with their jaw, and your dog releases certain odors that the gum has and they spread in the mouth. This way they do not allow the bad breath to come out of the mouth.

When I say that the choice of chewing gum is very important, it is because not all chewing gums are the same. There are various flavors and appearances, but don’t be intimidated by some strange color such as green. It is even a great choice since such chewing gums contain chlorophyll which is ideal for doing a good job when it comes to your pet’s bad breath.
If we are talking about green things that are good for this occasion, then we must not forget about wheatgrass as another type of prevention because it can be a good alternative. At the same time, it is very accessible at every step, so it is not difficult to reach it, some even have it in their house. So very little grass is enough to take and give to your dog for this raw source of chlorophyll to have a positive effect on your dog’s breath.

3. Dental water

Source: Top Dog Tips

Dogs do not have to get the effect of polished teeth and great smell exclusively by chewing, but now they can do it with the help of miraculous water that does exactly the same job. The difference is that most dogs will like this more and every dog ​​drinks water, while some will not want to chew. In any case, try both and understand what suits your dog best.

This type of water usually involves a mixture of a large number of ingredients such as various enzymes, chlorophyll, etc. They are made to automatically drive away any bad odors coming from your dog’s mouth. All you need to do to make your dog accept this is to replace regular water with this and the difference will appear even after just a few days, because all the bad bacteria will disappear immediately after just a few consumes.

4. Probiotics

Source: Agatha’s Pet Wellness

This is another line of resistance that goes along as you fight your dog’s bad breath and do a great job. In the previous part of the text, we mentioned bad bacteria, when it comes to them, we must also mention which is the main weapon in this fight. It is just the above mentioned probiotic.

You all know well how this medicine works in the fight against any intestinal bacteria, so you can be sure that it works well when it comes to your dog. No matter how well you maintain your pet’s oral hygiene, sometimes due to an excessive number of useful batteries, halitosis occurs. Then the best choice is a probiotic.

Of course, when we recommend this medicine, we mean only the one that is intended specifically for dogs.

5. Coconut oil

Source: The Labrador Site

Coconut oil has so many benefits that we can’t even list them all. How to make the best use of coconut oil at naturalremedyideas.com, and we will tell you how to use it for your pet. This traditional medicine can help you if your dog has a problem with the immune system or digestion, and it is most effective when it comes to eliminating bad breath. If your little friend has a problem with that, you don’t have to worry anymore but feed him with one spoonful of this and his breath will change a lot for the better.

In addition, this will please your dog as well, since it has a very nice taste and smell. Dogs will simply adore this because no one is immune to such a sweet treat as coconut oil.


We hope that we have managed to help all owners of super-affectionate dogs who, after our advice, will surely have better breath, as well as overall health. Now that you know what your pet needs, try experimenting with a few methods and find the ideal one that suits your pet.

Difference Between a Landline, Cellphone & VoIP Phone – 2024 Guide

Source: motionarray.com

Telephony has come a long way ever since its inception. Nowadays, multiple technologies support audio data transmission, allowing you to communicate with your friends and family across the globe. The three main types of phones that give each other a neck-to-neck competition in the market and have stood the test of time are landlines, cellphones, and Voice over Internet Protocol devices. Which one should you choose for your particular needs? This post will elaborate on these top phone choices, bringing their pros and cons to the surface, so you can discern the best communication system and take your pick. Read on.

What is a Landline Phone?

Source: oldphoneshop.com

A landline is a hardwired device that connects to a phone jack in the wall and uses a copper/fiber line set up by a service provider to send and receive voice signals. It can be corded or cordless. A corded landline has a handset attached to a base unit by a physical insulated wire. Whereas, a cordless landline has a wireless handset that links to a base unit via radio frequencies.

The first type enjoys traditional importance, whereas the second one is a digital variety preferred by service providers like Charter to suit modern times. Spectrum voice is a cordless home phone device, which comes with multiple digital features including E911. If you have set your heart on getting a landline, then consider the following pros and cons of this phone before purchasing one.

Pros of a Landline Phone

Source: aaalabor.com

Better Signal Stability – Since a landline phone uses solid wires to transmit audio signals, it stays immune to signal interference that a wireless phone suffers from. This means you can get a stable reception even during a storm or a power outage.

Faster 911 Response – A landline registered to your home address allows the authorities to pinpoint your exact location faster during an emergency. When you dial 911, a landline helps you cut the wait time short, and save lives by the second.

Higher Value for Elderlies – Landlines have a certain familiarity that transgresses generations. Perhaps, it is the simplicity of interface or the ease of functionality that makes this kind of home phone look extremely favorable to the elderly relatives or the less tech-savvy people.

Cons of a Landline Phone

Source: theguardian.com

Low Mobility – Landlines are bound to a place by wires. Even if you have a cordless handset, you cannot take it outside your home without losing connectivity in the process. These devices are not portable and certainly not ideal for people who are constantly on the go.

Low Popularity – Consumers are moving toward a trend called, ‘cutting the cord’, and research shows that by 2024, there will be 55 million cord-cutters in the U.S. This movement makes hardwired landlines irrelevant in the upcoming age.

Fewer Features – A landline phone comes with a handy set of calling features, which includes Voicemail, Caller ID, Call Forwarding or Block All Calls, etc. But, it still doesn’t let you take photos, record videos, or play music as a smartphone does.

What is a Cellular Phone?

Source: mmctsu.com

A cellular phone or cellphone relies on a network of towers in an area to transmit audio signals in the form of radio waves. It does not need a physical connection to a telephone pole to enable your calls. Since mobile providers have set up cells or towers at close points in the U.S., you can talk or text from a cell phone regardless of your location. This type of phone system has the following merits and demerits, which will help you see if it’s right for you or not.

Pros of a Cellular Phone

Source: storyblocks.com

High Mobility – Cellphones are wireless and being so, are extremely mobile. Meaning, you can carry your phone set in your pocket, and chat with loved ones from any place, as long as there is a cellular tower in the vicinity.

High Functional Diversity – With a cell phone, you not only have the freedom to talk and text, but you can also connect your device to the internet outside the home using mobile data or Wi-Fi. Plus, multimedia communication is quite possible with a cell phone.

Cons of a Cellular Phone

Source: pcpress.rs

Low Signal Stability – In areas of high interference, the signal reception for a cell phone falters, resulting in dropped calls. Not only that, but a local storm can also distort the wireless frequency of these phones. You might hear the audio go on and off on your cell during a call.

Low Hardware Power – A cellphone uses a portable battery as a source of power, which needs to be constantly recharged. So, even though it claims to provide a wireless convenience, a cell phone still depends on a wire to power up.

What is a VoIP Phone?

Source: youtube.com

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is a phone system, which transmits audio data over the internet or IP networks, instead of through copper wires or cellular towers. In other words, you can make local or long-distance calls directly from your computer, or a special VoIP phone, or via a regular landline connected to the cable modem with a VoIP adapter. Do you want to know the pros and cons of this phone type? Check them out below:

Pros of a VoIP Phone

Source: tachytelic.net

High Flexibility – Through a VoIP app, you can make your calls on the internet without even having a dedicated landline at home. Some broadband providers give VoIP solutions as well, and at incredibly flexible rates.

High Enterprise Value – A VoIP phone supports multiple lines and numbers, which may prove beneficial to business owners working from home on a budget.

Cons of a VoIP Phone

Source: tairany.ir

Low Reliability – A VoIP call may hamper your internet performance on other devices since both move data on more or less the same frequency.

Low Hardware Convenience – A VoIP phone is a special telephony system that may need extra hardware, such as a VoIP adapter or special phone cords to work, which are different for each VoIP provider.

Wrapping Up

Though the respective benefits of a landline, a cellphone, and a VoIP phone far exceed their disadvantages, you can invest in all three types of phones to enjoy a 360° digital connectivity at home or out on the streets.

How Do You Transfer Files From Dropbox to Google Drive?

When we think of answering this question, we usually decide that the best way is to sign in to the Dropbox account, select the files we want, download them to the computer, or any other device we are using at the particular moment, and then simply upload them to Google Drive. But, can you imagine downloading a huge amount of files, that can take more than 20 minutes to complete, and then wait again for them to upload to the other drive, and monitoring the whole thing so you can be sure nothing will crash in the meantime?

The other option is to use some plugin or application like Wondershare InClowdz, and make the process a little easier, by syncing the cloud storage, and simply migrate the files anytime you want and need them. Also, you can sync all the cloud storages you have, and access them from one dashboard.

Source: pcworld.com

People today have thousands of files, documents, photos, PDFs, worksheets, and even though it seems like these clouds provide a lot of space, the truth is that we use a few of them. In the beginning, Dropbox was the most popular one, and then Google improved its product offer with Google Drive which gives more secure large file transfers.

The way we described at the beginning it’s very simple but time-consuming, and that’s why there are a few apps or online services that offer this type of file transferring. But, keep in mind that the free ones are usually limited, and you will have to do the same a few times, which comes equal to the manual procedure.

Why transfer the files and how to do that?

Usually, this is for professional purposes, because every company has some protocol of working, and in order to sync all the work, and share files with the whole team. This was highly demanded at the beginning of the pandemic when the people started working from home, but they still needed access to the same files. Also, Google Drive offers more options, like sharing the document with the whole team or the client, while Dropbox offers a preview and you have to download it, edit as needed, and re-upload it again. There is nothing wrong with Dropbox, but Google Drive is more practical about the business. It’s a good idea to use software that will sync the clouds, and make the files accessible and easy to transfer.

Once you have them synced, you can simply send them to the other one, or even use the “drag and drop” option, and this action will make them accessible to coworkers, or anyone else who needs them. This is also a great way to back up the files because it’s always a good idea to have copies of everything that is important, in case something crash or goes wrong.

It’s simple to install an app, and synchronize the drive storages, and then access them through the dashboard, or choose to migrate from one cloud to another. Almost every software for this purpose is simple and intuitive, and you can’t do anything wrong. As the files are syncing and transferring, you can do your job, and check them when completed. Then, authorize the content, and go to the files by simply getting a shareable link. You can choose particular files, or you can transfer everything you have.

Also, if you don’t like paying for specialized software, you can always go with the manual option, especially if you don’t have to use the files immediately, and you just want to make a reserve copy of them, just in case.

Source: cloudHQ Blog

Is Google Drive better than Dropbox?

Every cloud option has good and bad sides, and the debate on which one is better exists since forever. Both options provide affordable plans for individual or business use. It’s difficult to choose one, and the choice usually depends on the users’ preferences. Both of them allow backup, device synchronization, and file sharing.

The free plan that comes with creating the account is quite different since you get 2GB with Dropbox, and 15GB with Google Drive. But, you can always upgrade the plans and get up to 2TB for $100-$120. Google Drive can be upgraded to 300TB that will cost $300 every month. Also, if you refer the cloud to friends you can get additional MBs.

Source: The Guardian

Can I sync them?

If you don’t have mediation software, you can’t do that. There is no option of simple synchronization between the different cloud storages, and you need a computer program or app we described, that will collect the data in a dashboard and let you choose where to save the file. You can still do that manually too, which means you will have to upload the file to Dropbox, and then to Google Drive, and have it in both places.

As an individual user maybe you don’t need something like that, but when you have to share a huge bunch of files with other people, and they are saved on multiple devices and storages, it’s easier to sync them all and make the files accessible to everyone who needs them.

Another difference is that with Google Drive you can open the file and edit it as needed, and all the changes you make are saved every few seconds. You can’t do that with Dropbox, and this is one of the reasons why people choose to move their files to Google Drive and make their life easier.

Source: Guiding Tech

The whole process of transferring the files is easy and straightforward, and you only have to decide do you need an app to do that, or you can do those things manually. Having a large number of different files can be really messy, and you will probably need some time to organize them all before you share them with anyone.

We hope that you find this article helpful, since we tried to cover and explain every aspect of file transferring from one cloud storage to another, and compared the two ways of doing that – manually, and using proper software for that purpose. It’s on you to decide which one will work better for you.

Tips For Cleaning Your Home After Water Damage – 2024 Company Marketing Guide

Source: waterdamagemiami

Flooding in a home, apartment or business premises causes great damage. We have witnessed that, in recent years, many areas of the world have been exposed to the bad weather that caused flooding and destroyed many homes. We hope that in 2024 we will not have such situations. However, accidents with water can occur even beyond the weather and water damage companies seem to have their hands full. However, is that so? There are plenty of companies that offer top-notch repair services, yet they struggle to put their name forward in what appears to be a very busy market.

Still, by smart and efficient actions, we can avoid the consequences and possible subsequent damage. When that is not the case, we need to hire professionals to do their job. But who do you choose? The one popping out on every Google page you open, or the ones that are under the radar? In this article, water damage companies can learn how to place their services better online.

Source: prrcllc

Water Can Do Great Damage In Your Home – Make it Known

First of all, water damage repair companies need to be clear about the problems they fix and the scales of the jobs they do. Some are more specialized for small spaces, while others may be handling major issues for corporate buildings or other companies. In those cases, your customers may be different and that is something that needs to be put out. But either way, you should tell the people that water can do great damage to their homes and that you’re the one that can fix it!

Find an agency that can help you reach people

One of the issues water damage companies have is that their advertising methods are not very effective. Most of them do it all school and that is no longer something that can bring results. Sure, your work can speak for you, but that’s not the only thing you can rely on.

Instead of aimlessly wandering the web, thinking that you are doing everything to advertise your company, make sure that you hire professionals who know how online marketing works and they can help you sky-rocket your business. According to Restoration Marketing HQ, a company that aids only water damage repair businesses thrive, online engagement can help you significantly when you are trying to reach new customers as well as keep the old ones.

Most of people nowadays search for what they need online and they will continue to do so in the future especially the younger generations. Furthermore, you will display a sense of trust with a functioning and well-designed website and constant engagement online.

Source: macfawn

How Marketing Companies Can Help You

There are multiple ways in which you can benefit from hiring an agency that can build your business online. We are not going to talk all of the benefits here, but just name a few and it is up to you to do the research later on.

Content Marketing

Water damage repair business, as we said earlier are not that engaged online, which is a positive thing for you. No matter whether you provide your services locally or on the state level, with the effective content marketing campaign, your firm will rank for the most used keywords on the web, related to your business.

This is very important because as people type in “water damage” or “flood repair companies” or anything else related to that your name will appear among the first ones on the list.

In addition, with the content put out constantly, you will be able to advertise your services detailly, and people will be able to read what it is that you offer and why your company has the edge over somebody else. Useful Blogs to help your potential customers solve a problem are also very helpful and they will be thankful for your knowledge and care.

Source: flood-doctors.com

Social Media Marketing

Another aspect is advertising through social media. This may not spawn too many customers directly, but being visible on different social media is definitely increasing your chance to expand.

The good agency will focus on different social media accounts and they will use their strategies to guide the campaign for you. The best thing about it is that you will not be worried too much about what’s going on, and you don’t have to do it – that’s why you hired experts in the first place.

Analytics and Stats

What many people find confusing is the analytics that needs to be followed constantly in order to put your name out in the online jungle. Water damage repair companies are worried about other things – fixing pipes, helping people with water leakage and saving their homes. Some of them may add online marketing to the mix, but it will not be as effective as they thought because following analytics and making the right decisions based on it is tricky even for people whose job is to do so.

And that is exactly why a reputable agency can help your business expand and re-emerge online as one of the best.

Source: Arizona Disaster Services

Is it all worth it?

As a plumber or someone who owns a water damage repair company, you must be wondering whether all of this is worth it. We cannot give you an answer to that because we don’t know what your goals are and where you want to be.

But is hiring a company that can help you in this niche beneficial? It certainly is – you will gain new customers and spread the word around. This is especially useful if you are just starting or you want to take it to the next level.

Top 5 Home Renovations In Calgary for 2024

Source: trademarkrenovations

Every year home renovation trends change throughout the world. From simplicity to colour coordinated rooms, we see continuous change in the way people view the aesthetic of their home. In 2024, this trend of change remains consistent with both new concepts and designs being implemented within the home. While some of these trends remain timeless year after year, some may only be appropriate whilst the trend remains popular. Here are some of the top home renovation trends in Calgary for 2024. rebornrenovations.com is a great site you can use to gain inspiration for your renovation and development project. In their gallery you can see some of their award winning renovations that are sure to inspire the desire for your own home project in 2024.

1. Kitchen Renovations

Source: trademarkrenovations

The kitchen is one of the most expensive rooms within any property and Pinnacle Management Company advises that when renovated correctly can bring huge returns on investments. Over the past several decades, the kitchen has turned from the room in which food was simply prepared to a central focus in many modern-day homes. As a result, when renovating, going with a modern kitchen renovation trend is extremely important.

For 2024, it would appear that a minimalist approach is in style, with simplicity being key for any kitchen design. Designs as a whole are now very scaled back, making use of natural stone, open shelving and the use of island storage in larger kitchens. The modern kitchen is also implementing smart technology to become more efficient than ever before. Such technology includes heat efficient induction hobs, smart fridges that can keep track of your food and coffee makers that can be controlled through a mobile device. It would appear that simplicity and efficiency are key trends for any modern kitchen renovation.

2. Bathroom Renovations

Source: Wyposazeniowo

Bathroom renovations in Calgary are at an all-time high, being the most popular renovation in the area. Though not the largest room in your home, it’s easy to see why bathroom renovations are so popular. A simple upgrade to an ensuite or simply building a stunning bathroom can change the whole aesthetic and character of your home. This can add significant value and will become a real selling point should you ever choose to sell your property. So what trends are in for bathrooms in 2024?

Over the past decade, we have seen the colour white dominate the market. However, now we are seeing the introduction of black into the bathroom. Several areas of the bathroom are now using black including lights, shelving units and mirror frames. They are a fantastic way to complement white tiling, making a huge statement within the room. This particular trend is extremely different from bathroom trends we have seen in the past and one we hope continues to influence the market.

3. Basement Trends

Source: Nashville MLS

In the past, the basement was a cold, damp room that was often used for storage at most. However, in 2024, basements have become one of the most popular rooms in the house, providing homeowners with opportunities to create a whole new living space they use to meet any purpose they want. From second living rooms, home gyms, home offices and even spa rooms, the use of basements has certainly changed over the last decade.

With technology allowing us to innovate our homes on a scale like never before, the basement has become a room where dreams become reality. Want to create your very own home theater with all the latest gadgets? Go ahead! Want to create your own home bar where you can party with family and friends? Now your basement can be used for just that! In particular, basement trends are going towards an open concept layout, creating a large room that can be used for whatever purposes you need them for!

In 2024 with the result of COVID-19 and people having to adapt to changes by beginning to work and do schooling online, there has also been a huge increase in people looking to develop their basement and include a home office. A place separate from the rest of the living areas of the home allows for a bit of peace and distraction free workflow, and keeping work separate from the kitchen table or living room allows you to retain some semblance of a pre-lockdown, outside the home work area. This tends to allow for greater productivity as there will be fewer distractions, and you can create your workspace in your own way to maximize workflow.

4. An Exterior Makeover

Source: westerninvestor

The exterior of your home is the first thing visitors will see, and like all other facets of home design, what’s popular changes through the years. An exterior renovation can totally transform the look of your home, making it more modern and stylish while still incorporating your own personal flair. It allows your home to look like new, without having to move, or build a new structure.
Gone are the days of bottle dash stucco and wooden window cladding. Stonework, fiberboard cement siding, and wooden accents are few of the trends making their way to prominence in 2024.

An exterior renovation allows you to do more than just change the aesthetic of your house. It’s a perfect time to alter window and door sizes, making your interior feel more open and provide better lighting. It allows you to install better sidings and materials with a better insulating factor which is incredibly valuable in the cold Calgary winters to help keep down heating bills. Address roofing issues like leaks and downspout issues. And optimize your outdoor living space so you can take advantage of the summer months. Exterior renovations have a large positive effect on the resale value of your home.

5. The Implementation of Smart Technology

Source: news

As the trends throughout our home continue to change, smart technology is continuing to impact the way we live. From Bluetooth controlled lighting to smart security, we can expect this technology to continue innovating our home renovations for decades to come. Finding the latest home renovations and combining them with smart technology will help you to get the very best out of your home. A home renovation is a great investment and when completed correctly, can significantly increase the value of your property. With many trends on the rise in 2024, there has never been a better time to consider your renovation options.

How Long Do Virgin Human Hair Wigs Last

Buying a wig is a big deal for most people. A new virgin human hair wig can completely change your look and make you look brighter and more beautiful than ever. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you definitely choose a wig. One of the important things to consider is how long it lasts and when it will be necessary to change it. This way you will know how much you need to invest in it, as well as when it is best to buy a new one so that your hair always looks beautiful and well-groomed. The life of a virgin human hair wig is about two or three years, but the fact is that there is no universal answer. How long is it going to serve its purpose depends on many different factors. Let’s see what those factors are.

1. Wig material

Source: Justdial

The first factor that significantly affects the lifespan of a virgin human hair wig is the material from which it is made. Those that have intact cuticles can be used much longer than those that do not. Others need to be taken care of much more, but even besides that, they last much shorter. Hand-made wigs never last as long as machine-made ones. Maybe a person who makes wigs themself wants to convince you otherwise, but that is simply not the case. So always try to find a human hair company that produces these by machine if you want to use a wig for as long as possible. Not only the material from which it is made is important, but the material of the wig cap also plays an important role. It should be very elastic, in order to prevent tearing, which leads to the wig becoming unusable after a while. The more elastic the cap, the longer you will be able to enjoy the beautiful look.

2. The length and hairstyle of the wig


Although this may not occur to you when the factors that affect the lifespan of a wig are mentioned, the length of the virgin human hair wig and its hairstyle significantly contribute to the length of its use. Shorter hair usually lasts longer than longer, because it is exposed to less friction and is easier to maintain in general. If you want it to last a long time, it is necessary to maintain it as much as you can! Hairstyles also play a significant role in a wig’s life span. For example, a cropped wig generally lasts longer than a blow-dried one with shoulder length. Keep this in mind when choosing a wig if you want to get the most out of it.

3. Wig’s texture

Source: Pikist

Hair texture also significantly contributes to its longevity. If you want to buy a virgin human hair wig that will last for three years or longer, because you do not want to invest much in it, we advise you to avoid curly hair in that case. Although they are very popular and look beautiful, you should keep in mind that they require much more attention and treatment, which additionally damages the wig and shortens its lifespan. The texture of the wig that will pay off the most is straight hair of medium density or wavy hair. Tiny curls will not serve their purpose for a very long time.

4. Virgin human hair wig origin

Source: SIS HAIR

The human hair used to make wigs generally has one of 4 origins: Brazilian, Indian, Peruvian, or Malaysian. You can find the hair of each of these four origins on favirginhair.com, compare them and decide which one you like best.

  • Brazilian hair

Brazilian hair is completely natural hair that has not been chemically treated in any way, which means that its quality is maximally preserved. It looks very natural, so you can wear it every day and enjoy your beautiful high-quality hair. It is easy to style, but if you want it to serve you for as long as possible, then we advise you not to expose it to heat. This type of hair can last for more than a year if you maintain it in the right way.

  • Indian hair

Indian hair looks very lush, but it is still light and you can easily style it the way you want. It has natural mild waves, so it is great for every day. If you like wavy hair, you don’t have to look any further. Indian hair will provide you with a beautiful, stylish look without treating your hair with heat and disturbing its quality.

  • Malaysian hair

If you like African American curls, then Malaysian hair is the right choice. These wigs are very voluminous, thick, and look lush and luxurious. You can’t go unnoticed with them! They have an effective, but natural shine and they look really special. This hair does not need any heat treatment, and the curls look even better as time goes by.

  • Peruvian hair

Last but not least, there is Peruvian hair that is very soft, light, and looks elegant. You can achieve beautiful hairstyles with this hair, without feeling the weight of the hair on your head. This hair is minimally treated, so its quality is preserved and will serve you for years. The only thing you need to take care of with this hair is that in wet weather it can become frizzy and start to curl, so it is important to use adequate anti-curl products.

Source: China Daily


Choosing a wig is not easy, but it can become much easier when you gather more useful information. One of the things you need to take care of is how long you will be able to use it. The lifespan of a virgin human hair wig depends on various factors, including the material from which it is made, the type of wig, texture, origin, length, hairstyle, and much more. Besides this, it is very important to find a human hair company that sells high-quality wigs, as well as to maintain it the right way. Try to use optimal products like curly hair wigs from Nadula.com and treat them adequately. If you meet these criteria, you can extend the life of your wig and enjoy the wonderful look it provides you with for a long time.

5 Factors to Consider Before Buying a Water Purifier – 2024 Guide

Source: homeliness

I have seen a lot of interest in water purifiers in 2024, especially during the coronavirus quarantine period, so I decided to help people choose the right product and write this guide. I hope that you will find this article useful and will ultimately help you make the right decision. If you are unsure whether you should make this kind of investment, here is a short explanation of why people are interested in buying a purifier.

Water is one of the most essential things to support life on this planet. But, when we are talking about this important liquid, we are specifically talking about freshwater. For humans, it also has to be clean. But, it should not be a problem for is because almost 70% of planet Earth is covered in water, right? Well, most of that is either the ocean or saltwater, leaving only 2.5% that is drinkable. That is not a lot when you consider there are more than 7 billion people living on this world.

However, as you already know, we, humans are very intelligent and have all kinds of advanced technologies. A water purifier is a great use of those advanced technologies. It gives us access to fresh and clean liquid quickly and for a small amount of money.

But, before you buy this kind of product, here are some factors that you will need to consider.

1. Tank capacity

Source: ReviewBox

I think this might be one of the most important factors that you will need to consider when purchasing this kind of product. How much tank capacity you need on such a device depends on how many people will be using it.

To make the right choice, you have to consider the fact that an adult male needs around 3.7 L of liquid every day while a woman requires 2.7 L. Children usually require less. With this information, now you can make the calculation and find out exactly how much liquid needs to be stored in your purifier.

For example, if you live together with just one person, you will need around 5 L of tank capacity. If you are more, you will probably need 7 L or maybe even 10 L.

2. Purifying speed

Source: biznisgroup

If you decide to go with a smaller tank capacity, that is not always a bad thing. Even with a 3 or 4-liter tank, the purifier could be enough for four or more people. How? Well, if the device’s purifying process is fasting up to keep up with everyone’s water drinking speed then you probably do not need more capacity.

However, the faster products are usually a little bit more expensive which might be out of your budget. Keep in mind, you could always find yourself in a situation when there is no water inside the machine. In other words, you will have to wait for the purification process which can be annoying.

In the end, you should decide which features you appreciate more. Would you rather get a larger tank or a faster machine?

3. Pricing

Source: Forbes

Obviously, for the people that are on a budget, this is a very important factor. But, if you do not care about the cost of this does advice, you should skip to the next point. For those that are on a budget, this will be very important for you.

The cost for these purifiers can range anywhere from $100-$500. There are some models that go over $500, but I think those are expensive for no apparent reason.

The best price per performance ratio is around $200 or $250. But, even those that are around $150 can be great for a family of just two or for just one person.

A great example of a product around that $250 price point is the KENT Grand Plus ZWW 9 LTR which is reviewed quite well on Vsbytes. For that price tag, I think you get a lot of features. But, make sure you check out all the other alternatives because you might something that satisfies your needs much better.

4. Purifying quality

Source: Culligan

Believe it or not, but different devices will deliver a different result. Not every machine will give you the same taste. You are probably thinking that water does not actually have any kind of taste, but it does. If you were to test 10 different machines at the same time, you will immediately notice a difference between them.

Usually, the difference in taste is directly correlated to the purifying quality of the machine. Naturally, some are equipped with much better filters than others. Sometimes, too many filters can deliver a worse taste. That is why it is best to do your research beforehand, otherwise, you might end up with purified water that you do not like.

5. Features

Source: homeliness

These types of devices are expensive for a good reason. Once you pass that $200 price point, you will notice that purifiers are equipped with dozens of different features. If you want something simpler and you do not care about features, you should probably skip this part of the guide. But, if you do care about those features, you should definitely read through this next paragraph.

What kind of features? Well, some come with the option to directly connect to your tap while others do not. So, if you do not want to fill the tank with water every single day, you should probably look for a purifier that has that direct connection with your waterworks.

There is another feature that allows for automatic shutdown. This can be useful if you want to reduce your electricity bill. So, whenever the tank is full, the device shuts down and saves power.

Some purifiers are equipped with a UV LED lamp to ensure that the water in the tank does not get contaminated which is a feature I love.

I could go on because there are tons of different features, but I think you get the point.

After reading through this guide, I think you will have a much better idea of what you want and how much you will be willing to spend on a water purifier. I am confident that you will make the right decision.

Top Tips for Buying a House and Land Package in NSW 2024

Source: mcdonaldjoneshomes

Despite being supplanted by the drive to apartment or townhouse living, many Australians still dream of a family home with a backyard.

Whether you’re buying to move in or as an investment, house and land packages, have many benefits and attractive features.

But in our experience, this property type is surrounded by a fog of confusion for many people. From two-part contracts to the practice of ‘price baiting, there are many pitfalls you ought to know about before you purchase a house and land package.

Land estates – from sub-division to masterplan

Source: meridianhomes

Generally speaking, house and land packages tend to be offered on land estates. These can variously comprise:

  • small sub-divisions of around 10 to 20 plots of land in an established area;
  • medium sub-divisions of about 100 plots, often on former farmland;
  • to a ‘master plan’ community of a thousand blocks or more, with landscaped areas, schools, shops, or community centers.

A small subdivision is likely to be located in a long-established suburb with the essential amenities already available.

Medium sub-divisions, meanwhile, will typically not have the usual amenities immediately to hand. So it is advisable to do your homework to check out the nearest shopping centers, schools, and transport links.

A master plan community has all the amenities integrated at the planning stage. Therefore, you can be sure about what facilities will be accessible and know precisely where they are situated.

Be aware that all the amenities may not be ready on Day One if you buy in early. Prices may be a little less, but the trade-off is waiting for all the expected facilities to come on stream. Conversely, if you are late to the party by holding off until all the boxes are ticked, the price will increase. On the other hand, you have more convenience and certainty from the outset.

What is a ‘house & land’ package?

Source: newlivinghomes

In a land estate, you have a couple of options. Firstly, you can purchase your plot or block of land and then self-build. This gives you more leeway to choose the house type, the builder, and any other features you may wish to include.

The second option is a ‘house and land’ package that includes the land and a ready-built house that you can move into immediately.

Buying a house and land deal is very different from that involved in purchasing an apartment or townhouse. Typically, here you will sign a contract, pay a 10% deposit, and then wait from two to five years for your property to be built. On completion, you then settle the balance outstanding.

For a house and land package, the purchasing contract comes in two parts. The first part is with the land developer to purchase the land and similarly involves a 10% deposit.

The second part of the contract is with the builder to purchase the house. This contract usually involves a 5% deposit.

Usually, the developer and the builder are two separate companies, with the developer laying out the design guidelines to the builder to follow.

How long will a ‘house and land’ deal take to complete?

Source: arivaca

Good question, around seven months, but this depends on the individual land estate. You could buy the land and pay immediately, and have local authority building consent within a month or two. With approval in place, you can proceed with the building.

However, all of the above hinges on when the necessary infrastructure like sewers and electricity becomes available on the land estate. Depending on when you buy in the project’s life cycle, you may have to wait between six months to two years for everything to be in place.

Land titles can only be registered when all the infrastructure is completed. Only after the title is registered can you settle up on the land, pay any related land costs, and seek local authority approval for your construction.

A single-level home will typically take between four to seven months to construct in five critical stages as follows:

  • Foundations
  • Frame
  • Enclosure with windows and doors)
  • Internal fixtures and fittings
  • Completion

To finance a house and land purchase, buyers will usually secure a loan that covers purchasing the land and building their home. When it comes time to settle for the ground, the balance of the contract price and other related costs are released by your funder from the approved loan.

As construction commences, the builder will give you an invoice at each stage of the build, as outlined above. You are required to pay your part first – that is the difference between the outstanding build price and your loan amount. Then the bank will pay their portion towards each construction milestone.

What benefits are there to house and land packages?

Source: porterdavis

First-time buyers and people who are wishing to upsize find house and land packages very appealing. There are often government incentives for first-time buyers that are applicable for new build properties.

Meanwhile, upsizers view house and land deals as attractive as they are an excellent way to secure extra space for a growing family currently living in an apartment or townhouse.

For investors, the house and land deal makes a lot of sense if they wish to diversify their portfolios to rent out bigger properties to young families.

Furthermore, there may also be incentives relating to other land costs coming into play, such as stamp duty, which is payable on the land value, not the home.

In New South Wales, for example, a house and land package and a new apartment cost $700,000. However, with a house and land package, the stamp duty is $8972 based on the land value. Stamp duty on the apartment based on total value comes in at an eye-watering $26,932.

How to find a good house and land package

Source: medium

Based on our experience, finding the best house and land deal boils down to certain fundamental principles: location, access to transportation systems, retail, schools, and other quality facilities, such as parks and playgrounds for families with kids.

Location is often a deal-breaker, but in reality, it is often the case that two neighboring estates look and feel quite different in terms of quality.

The best estates are well-planned and designed for modern living. Some include a yearly ‘community fee’ of about $300 that pays for the upkeep of landscaping and gardens, resulting in a more pleasant and visually-appealing community. Good estates will attract owner-occupiers rather than buy to let investors.

So what are the key aspects to consider?

Source: propertybrokerage

Price baiting

Often this involves attractive headline prices to catch your eye. However, the price is only bait and does not include a host of essentials such as flooring, landscaping, driveways, and fencing. The extras can easily add $100,000 onto the bill.

Ideally, go for a ‘turn-key’ deal, which is all-inclusive and move in straight away.

Are the land titles registered?

You will need to factor in lead time if the land is not yet registered and build-ready.

How long does construction take, and when will it start?

How soon can your builder start construction after your land settlement? What is the timeline for the build? Typically, the contract with the builder will state how long each stage of the build will take. Check that there are penalties payable if they overshoot these deadlines. Though, please note there will be clauses regarding adverse weather, etc.

‘Cut and fill’ costs

Check that any costs involved in leveling your plot of land are included in the building contract. Some builders don’t, and this can add $10,000 or more to the cost.

Build price

Be sure to drill down through quotations. Cheapest is not always best. Check what you are paying for, and any exclusions and assumptions that are being made. It may prove worthwhile paying a bit more for quality control and having someone on-site overseeing the build.

Cashflow during the build

Bear in mind that when you settle the land bill, your land mortgage kicks in. You are paying for each stage of construction, and interest and local authority rates may be applicable. Be sure to factor all this in, and have the cash to cover all these ongoing expenses. Remember, you will be saving money on stamp duty, and interest on your mortgage is tax-deductible.

The track records of the developer and builder

Research both their reputations to ensure they consistently deliver on promises. Take a look at their other estates to get a feel for their quality and attention to detail. Research the builder to get an idea if they have a long proven track record of successful house builds. One example is a Bellriver Homes, whose team is meticulous in their due diligence to ensure that buying a home or house and land package is as straightforward and pain-free as possible.

If you want to know more about curated house and land packages please visit this link.

4 Affiliate Marketing Trends that Will Dominate in 2024

Source: payoneer.com

The boom of social media marketing has shown a lot of companies around the world that affiliate marketing may be one of the most effective ways to advertise a product. Influencers today have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of followers which they can easily communicate with. With just one post, an influencer can accumulate millions of views. Providing sponsorship to a person with this kind of influence on social media such as Instagram is one of the best ways to advertise your product to the world.

It is even more obvious that following the affiliate marketing trends is needed more than ever in 2024 because the world is constantly striving for more and more digital life. There is digitalization in every aspect of our lives. It only makes sense to go down this path of advertisement since it will probably get even more popular as time goes on.

Who knows, in ten or twenty years from now, affiliate marketing might be the one with the highest return of investment of all the others. Even TV ads are not what they used to be. Everyone loves using the Internet and this is why every company should use the Internet to their benefit.

Assuming that you are interested in affiliate marketing, here are some of the trends that will dominate in 2024.

1. Influencers are the next big thing

Source: jingdaily

Most people have already noticed that these people that can be found on Instagram are easily making a lot of money through advertising certain services or products. It seems like every single model right now has some kind of affiliate partnership. There is no reason why they wouldn’t consider such a partnership. It is quite easy for them and it is also both effective and cheap for the company’s products. It is a win-win situation.

What is even more promising about this type of ad is the fact that most of the influencers are on Instagram. Sure, there are some that use Twitter or Facebook, but Instagram is definitely the number one when it comes to influencers. This social media platform is the second largest in the world, right after Facebook. This shows us just how much potential there is in this platform and that investing early might bring a lot of profit.

Of course, it is not like this type of advertising is a secret. It has been utilized by the largest businesses around the world, but the potential is still there. There is still a lot of time to invest your money and time into this type of affiliate marketing and you will surely see a huge return of investment.

Keep in mind, finding the right Instagram account to promote your products will not be easy. The market is saturated with millions of different accounts, but with enough research, you will manage to pick the perfect one.

2. Facebook is efficient too

Source: AdShark Marketing

While influencers prefer to use Instagram instead of any other social media platform, Facebook still proves a very valuable target for affiliate marketers. The ads that run on Facebook are very efficient and have a great return on investment too. With just a couple of dollars, you can run your ad to hundreds of thousands of people.

To put that into perspective, running an ad on TV will cost you at least ten times more and you will probably get several times fewer views. It truly is amazing just how well social media websites can be for advertisement.

Facebook’s way of promoting ads is especially interesting and it shows a lot of potential too. You can easily choose the audience you would like to target. Most of the other marketing strategies usually do not give you the possibility to do so. Which is a shame because targeting the right audience is vital to a successful campaign.

However, since the year 2024 has seen a lot of setbacks and things that most companies did not expect (a pandemic), there are probably some things that have changed regarding affiliate marketing. If you want to know how you can benefit from it during this pandemic, you should check out Commission Rockstar JV.

3. People prefer visuals (Videos)

Source: searchenginejournal

In this age of constant consumption of data and information, people can get easily tired of reading. Too much information can lead to burning out which is why everyone around this planet avoids reading long articles and complicated sentencing. People want to acquire the most amount of information, in the least bit of time.

Achieving this might seem impossible. How could you show everything about your product in just a couple of sentences or in the title of an article? Well, the reality is that you can’t.

However, what you can do is start using video content instead of text. In recent studies, most people prefer to watch a video to acquire certain information instead of having to dedicate ten to fifteen minutes to read just one article. Everyone is aiming to save as much time as possible throughout the day and the best way to do that is to watch videos.

So, if you want to be on board of the affiliate marketing trends train in 2024, you should consider implementing more visuals/video content in your product advertisement.

4. Keywords

Source: searchengineland

Another very important trend you must follow in 2024 if you expect to have a successful business year, you will have to start paying a lot more attention to keywords. Aiming to get your brand or your products to show up as high as possible on search results pages is vital to modern-day success. The most effective way to do this is to start implementing keywords properly. Ensure that your affiliate partners and that everyone in your company follows all of the keyword trends in 2024.

It is true that affiliate marketing might be one of the best ways to advertise your brand, products, or services, but without the right implementation, it won’t be effective at all. But, by following these trends we mentioned above, you will definitely have success.

Does Hair Transplant Work? Effectiveness and Side Effects 2024

img source: freepik.com

Losing your hair is never a pleasant feeling, but for some people, it can be the worst nightmare. At the beginning of this process, people are trying everything they could to stop it. There are so many shampoos and other medical supplies that guarantee helping your hair to grow back, or to stop falling, but in most cases, that is not effective at all.

The breaking point for all people is when they get aware that their hair is not growing back, and at that point, the next obvious solution is a hair transplant. That is a big step, and you should know more about it before you decide to go with that method, but it is good to know that EstePera Hair Clinic can help you with that.

There are some crucial things you should be familiar with regarding hair transplant:

  • What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplants represent a method of adding hair to bald or thicken areas for a natural look. The most common is to transplant hair to a scalp, but it is also possible on the other body parts. This method is evolving every day, and today it is possible to transplant a larger amount of hair at once. This method is not entirely painless, but local anesthetics are helping with that and keeping discomfort on a minimum level. It is crucial to know that transplants can’t protect you from future hair loss, but the good thing is the natural look they are providing.

img source: freepik.com
  • Does this treatment work?

There are no many studies on this subject, but some smaller ones are showing good results for this method. Patients are satisfied with their hair or beard after a few years of transplant and feeling happier. But, it is essential to know that this method is not adequate for every person, and it can depend on many different factors. That is not some magical solution, and it is necessary to be positive that it is going to work for you, and maybe even more important is to find a great doctor and award winning hair transplant clinic’s like Wimpoleclinic.com before you choose to go ahead with this.  

  • Side effects

Every medical procedure always has side effects, and one of the toughest things is to learn about them and be aware of them since every person is happier to know only positive things about everything. Learning about side effects can help you with your recovery and save your mental and health in general. It is always better to prepare yourself for any possible result and try to stay calm. Some of the side effects that you should know more about are:

img source: freepik.com

1. Bleeding or infection

This method is aggressive, and it is possible to get to infection or bleeding. The surgeon is making small cuts, and sometimes the recovery is not going in the right way, so it is crucial to prepare yourself for that. There is no space for panic, and if you notice blood, the best thing you can do is to call your doctor as soon as you can.

2. Scarring

Scars could be something very unpleasant, especially if they are in the visible space. Our head is something exposed all the time, and it can be hard to hide scars if you have them. New procedures are becoming better and better, and the scars are much smaller than before, but there is always a possibility of getting one.

3. Swelling, itching, and pain

Some people can experience those unpleasant feelings after this procedure. That could be the result of skin healing, but it can also indicate some bigger issues, and the best thing is to call your doctor if you have any of those symptoms. In most cases, that is the natural healing process, but it is always better to be sure of that.

img source: freepik.com

4. Folliculitis

Folliculitis or inflammation of hair follicles represents a hair condition that can remind you of acne or rush. It can affect one follicle, or many of them, and causes very unpleasant itching feeling. The skin on the affected area is dry, and it is swelling and pus, and it is not possible not to notice this condition. If you doubt you have it, the best thing is to cure as soon as you can to avoid nuisances.

5. Sensation losing

Sometimes, there is a possibility of losing sensations around the treated area, and that could be a pretty scary feeling for everyone. That never can be a good sign, and that means that something went wrong, so the best you can do is to go to your doctor and try to figure out what it is.

6. Areas that are not matching

It is not rare to see a bad hair transplant where transplanted areas are a different color or much ticker than the rest of the hair. The good thing that this is not something to worry about since it is not that hard to fix this problem if you have a great doctor.

img source: freepik.com

7. Continuing to lose hair

As mentioned before, a hair transplant is not a magical solution, and there is a possibility of continuing loosing hair after the treatment. It depends on many different factors and can’t be assured is that going to happen or not. It is different for every person since there are no two same persons in this world.

Like every medical procedure, this method also has its good and bad sides, and you need to be positive that you are aware of any of them. Once you learn about every side effect and every positive thing, you need to think about is the positive things more influential than the negative ones in your situation.

Inform yourself properly before you decide to try this, and be aware of any risk and positive things also. Think about the recovery, and are you able to handle that. And, maybe the best thing is to talk to someone who has already done that treatment successfully but always have in your mind that there are no two same persons in this world.

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