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How to Find a Domestic Battery Attorney in Chicago, Illinois?

Source: Wilson Law Firm

Under 720 ILCS 5/12-3.2, the domestic battery happens when an individual intentionally harms you bodily, or by making physical contact like insulting someone very close to you and you have a domestic relationship with, it can be a spouse, family, girlfriend or boyfriend, fiance, parents to the child.

Under 750 ILCS 60, domestic battery or domestic violence is physical abuse, harassment, interference with personal liberty, bullying of a dependent family member or a spouse.

Source: NL Times

What comes under the umbrella of Domestic battery charge?

Or in other words, battery is a powerful crime. If any individual is convicted of any behavior or action that makes another individual believe he/she may be at risk, the battery can charge with a crime. Domestic violence charges start of the diverse array of circumstances; the actions that creates domestic violence includes:

  • Battery
  • Punching, pushing, and hitting
  • Threats of harm
  • Open-handed slap
  • Conjugal rape
  • Sexual abuse and harassment
  • Telephonic harrasment
  • Biting, drowning, and killing
  • And more

The domestic battery does not have to be against the defendant himself, but the law also sets a person’s right to defend his property like home and other worthy property. Self-defense also includes the security of children from an opprobrious spouse.

Source: Wiseman Lee

Consequences of Domestic Battery Conviction in Chicago, Illinois:

A domestic battery conviction has very devasting effects on someone’s life as you entered into a serious battle. The offender can easily lose his job, family separation occurs, and have to spend several years behind bars. If you are arrested for conducting domestic violence that may be charged with Class A misdemeanor where you are sentenced to jail for on-year with a maximum $25,00 fine, and if you did domestic battery in the past, then you may be charged with Class 4 Felony you have to face three-years of jail and up to $25,000 fine. Apart from these serious penalties, some other types of penalties include obligatory counseling and anger management workshops. Visit MichiganSexCrimesLawyer to inform yourself about all legal activities you might need.

Source: Senator Vincent Hughes

Formal Penalties on convicting Domestic Battery:

Formal penalties has long-term effect on the life of the offender which includes:

  1. Hard to get a job
  2. Trouble in getting professional licenses
  3. Cancellation of citizenship
  4. Suspend or expel out of the college or university
  5. Problem in joint custody of kids
Source: The Atlantic

Order of Protection:

New revisions occur in the case of domestic battery laws, where crime is not permitted to automatically issue orders of protection, especially if someone is arrested for domestic violence. Order pf protection will be issued before the judge sees the evidence and before defending yourself. However, Illinois law permits prompt issuance during the pending battery case.

Source: Energy Source & Distribution

Take help from a Domestic battery defense lawyer:

In case you are alligated with domestic battery and the police arrest you, there is no way to drop the offense in Chicago, Illinois, as the punishments for this crime are getting several in the last few years. But still, if you are falsely offended by the accusation then, there are various alternatives.

Click here to hire the best Domestic battery defense lawyer who defends you against your allegation with the most reliable defense plans to get you safely from the domestic violence charge.

Your attorney will be able to preserve your rights and ensure that the questions police or investigators ask you are fair and legal. He’ll begin building a defense strategy that can clearly define your side of the story long before you even go before a judge.

As the domestic battery cases are complex and emotionally loaded. The experienced domestic defense lawyer efficiently helps you defend you against your allegation of domestic violence and preserves your rights by collecting all the evidences like audio and video recordings, physical evidences, medical reports, phone calls, witnesses, text messages, pictures, and accuser statement to police when the crime happened and wisley present them in front of the Prosecutor whose decision will be based on all these evidences.

Moreover, the lawyer will help you direct speak to the victim for an apology and dismiss the case. So, don’t wait; contact a reliable domestic defense lawyer that will analyze your case keenly and let you know which law applies to your case and what strategies can be applied once the case of domestic battery is filed against you.

Source: Outoff.com.co

Finding a Domestic Battery Attorney in Chicago, Illinois:

To increases the success chances against domestic battery, you need the best lawyer, but how will you know this person is most appropriate for me? While meeting criminal attorney, few things should be in your mind that will help you in finding a Domestic battery defense lawyer in Chicago, Illinois:

  1. The Domestic defense lawyer should respond quickly whenever you contact him/her. The lawyer should be active enough to arrange a meetup within one day so that you can discuss all the matter, and the lawyer prepares himself for the day of defend.
  2. The best domestic battery attorney should have enough practical experience defending criminals and have experience in local courts.
  3. Domestic battery defense lawyers need regular domestic violence law involvement to stay updated on distinguishing different laws and the best possible defenses accordingly.
  4. Ask people around if they know any best experienced domestic battery defense attorneys.
  5. The relevant attorney knows all the basic domestic crimes basics that will easily discuss the situation and possible consequences of that particular criminal charges prior.
  6. Having many years of experience doesn’t matter if the lawyer has not sincere attention to you and your criminal charge.
  7. The best domestic battery defense lawyer is that person that is continually in contact with you to discuss every aspect with you and wants to know your goals and priorities under various circumstances.
Source: Atkinson Vinden Lawyers

All the countries around the globe give this legal right to their citizens to clarify allegations. In Chicago, Illinois, as in the state’s laws, it is clearly stated that it’s the person’s right to defend his domestic battery charges by hiring a legal lawyer. Finding the right domestic battery defense attorney is crucial to saving your life and future from devasting outcomes. His sincere effects can minimize your sentenced punishment and even drop to nothing and pardon heavy fines.

Top 6 eVTOL Companies to Watch this Decade

Source: Urban Air Mobility News

Passenger drones. Flying Taxis. Electric multi-copter. Years back, such innovations were reserved for science fiction – a pipedream for the fantasist. Today, they are part of a very real and practical future. Urban air mobility (UAM) is the transport of the next decades, an emerging industry that offers sustainable solutions to traffic congestion and pollution in the world’s many metropolitan areas.

Within 20 years, the market of urban air mobility is expected to boom at $318 billion. Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft stand to benefit from the rising demand for air taxis, point-to-point charters, and wider business aviation. By 2040, the eVTOL market is predicted to rise at $17.7 billion in the United States alone, with numbers to show a steep rise in the next four years.

Among the air mobility companies around the world, some have emerged as the frontrunners, being closer to making their eVTOL blueprints to actual working vehicles by the mid to late 2024s.

The following are the eVTOL pioneers that have achieved major regulatory and program milestones, with some acquiring certification from government agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Source: GreenBiz

1. Astro Aerospace

This Texas-based developer is a global leader in the eVTOL aerial vehicles and drone industry, having flown its first working, full-scale prototype – the ELROY – in 2018. One of the world’s earliest fully functional eVTOL, the ELROY features cutting-edge technology and a user-friendly interface, its size slightly larger than a compact car. Astro is expected to fly its second prototype by mid-2021.

Set to further expand its business, Astro will be taking over Horizon Aircraft (read more on TraderNose), a Canadian company developing its own eVTOL aircraft, in the second quarter of this year. Recently, the developer has also appointed Kingswood Capital Markets in preparation to become a NASDAQ-listed company. Astro plans to commercialize its technology to create aircraft for passenger and cargo transport, military operations, and search and rescue.

Source: Astro Aerospace

2. Volocopter

German Volocopter is the only eVTOL developer to receive the EASA approval for the design organization. It is also on the verge of acquiring its certification for its VoloCity air taxi, a non-transitioning eVTOL with 18 rotors, built to carry two passengers on short automated flights within a 22-mile range. Since 2018, Volocopter has been conducting public demonstrations of its eVTOLs in Europe and Asia. Volocopter is also working on its own brand of urban skyport.

Recently, the company has raised $242 million additional capital and is looking at the next two years to start air taxi operations for the VoloCity in Paris and Singapore. Meanwhile, Volocopter’s heavy-lift utility cargo drone, VoloDrone, will begin its commercial flights earlier. Some of its investors include German multinational automotive corporation Daimler, Chinese automobile company Geely, and global supply chain DB Schenker.

Source: celebreMagazine

3. Lilium

Lilium, another major player from Germany, is known for its futuristic designs for its aircraft. Its distinctive black and white eVTOL called Lilium Jet boasts of a supercar-style, five-seater cabin and four rotating wings. With a range of 186 miles, it is meant to cater to longer-range intercity and regional transportation. The air taxi startup completed its first vertical flight test in 2019, with public test videos of the eVTOL in action made available online.

Having acquired about $275 million of funding last year, Lilium is currently valued at $1 billion. In February, the company announced its partnership with Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT) in developing a pilot sourcing and training program for the Lilium Jet. Lilium is also working with Tavistock Development Company in creating a new electric air mobility network in Florida. The Lilium Jet’s certification testing with both the EASA and the FAA is ongoing, with the developer targeting commercial services launch in 2025.

Source: Green Car Reports

4. Joby Aviation

US aerospace company Joby Aviation has recently secured a new certification agreement with the FAA for its all-electric air taxi, the S4. In 2024, the S4 was also awarded military airworthiness approval, with the civilian version of the eVTOL currently being considered. Some of its investors include Toyota Motor Corporation, Capricorn Investment Group, JetBlue Technology Ventures, and Intel Capital.

With Toyota contributing not only cash but quality, cost controls, and mass manufacturing assistance, Joby Aviation has cemented itself as a leading force in the eVTOL industry. Recently, it has signed a multi-year commercial partnership with Uber. With this, Joby Aviation will be able to use the transport company’s app for air taxi rides when it eventually enters service, which could be somewhere between 2024 and 2024.

Source: eVTOL.news

5. Wisk Aero

Wisk is formed as a joint venture between aviation giants Kitty Hawk Corporation and Boeing. Based in California, the urban air mobility company has been building a long-term vision for its autonomous air taxi for over a decade. Cora, Wisk’s two-seater, self-flying eVTOL, has logged more than 1,000 test flights in California and New Zealand. Powered by 12 independent electric lifting propellers, it has a cruise speed of 100 mph and a range of 25 miles.

Last year, Wisk announced its partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The move was to develop solutions and come up with Cora’s safe integration into the US airspace, as well as address challenges in standards development and certifications. Wisk and NASA reportedly aim to accelerate American leadership in automated aviation technology.

Source: eVTOL.news

6. eHang

Started as a camera drone company, China’s eHang surprised the world when it introduced a fully built prototype, single-seat, manned multicopter during the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show. In 2024, its air taxi, the EH216, underwent a series of flight demonstrations over urban areas in Europe. The EH216 is a pilotless two-seater, transporting passengers to their skyport destination of choice as keyed into the eVTOL’s touchscreen.

eHang is also leading a “ReInvent Air Mobility” initiative in Paris, aiming to establish a working UAM ecosystem in the city prior to the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Though facing controversy over allegations of global financial research firm Wolfpack, the Chinese autonomous aircraft developer’s market value holds steady at $3 billion. It continues to be one of the eVTOL companies to watch this decade.

Top 10 Reasons Why Getting a Business Degree Is Worth It

Source: Medium

If you are still debating with yourself what degree you should pursue upon entering college, you may want to put a business degree on your list of degrees to consider. While other pursuits may seem more exciting to young ears, there are many reasons why business is a smart path to choose. Here are just a few examples of why this is a great decision.

Source: ThoughtCo

1. Earning Potential

While there are no guarantees as to how much you will earn when it comes to careers, on average a business career can earn you more than other career options such as social work or theater. If you are looking for a good return on investment, business is a fantastic option.

2. Cost to Benefit Analysis

While there is no such thing as cheap tuition, there is the fact that the tuition you pay will be a great investment in your future. This is especially true if you take out a private student loan. After all of your free options are exhausted, taking a private student loan from Earnest is generally a more flexible option than government-backed loans. Private lenders are more amenable to personalized repayment options and refinancing opportunities.

Source: Ross Hughes & Associates, CPAs, PLLC

3. Future-Proof

By pursuing a business degree, you are choosing any number of career opportunities that are going to be around for a long time. Although it can be difficult to keep up with trends, overall, business is not going anywhere. No matter if the path you choose to take is that of traditional business or if it is a more modern look at the business world, your degree will be valid and not become quickly outdated.

4. Skills for Every Industry

Even if you decide that business is not of interest to you after you graduate, the skills you gain from attaining the degree have transfer rates to other industries. Some of the major skills that are taught in business are communication, analytical prowess, and public speaking. These are all skills that other industry leaders welcome and actively seek in potential employees. The fact of the matter is that there is not one segment that is in need of business skills, virtually all career options need these skills.

Source: TietoEVRY

5. Become an Entrepreneur

If you have ever thought of becoming an entrepreneur, then a business degree is exactly what you will need. Most entrepreneurs who do not pursue this degree find themselves overwhelmed when they realize they need to be able to analyze data and future trends, market their idea to the proper population, and how to mitigate losses that are inherently natural to start-up businesses. While these skills may occasionally be learned on one’s own, they are much more easily honed and mastered in the confines of a university setting.

6. Growth Potential

With business growing on a global scale, the potential for you to go as far as you want in your particular career is more likely than ever. Whether you are pursuing information technology, healthcare, corporate leadership, or any number of other potential options, you will find that the entire world is open to you.

Source: The Motley Fool

7. Protected Future

When picking a business degree, select a field whose demand is expected to grow in the future. Change is the only constant these days, and with the introduction of latest technologies, past degrees are slowly becoming outdated.

No denying the fact, when it comes to learning new things, no amount of knowledge is ever enough. It is a lifetime approach where you need to learn something new everyday. Also, as people educate themselves in a particular field, the popularity of the field increases.  For instance, if you have a business degree in an evergreen industry, you have your future protected. Some of these blooming industries include healthcare, information technology, financial management, etc.

8. A Chance To Turn Passion Into Gains

You may not like to get indulged in the regular 9-5 life or take the traditional path. Instead, you can turn your passion into your profession. Enrolling yourself in a business degree will enable you to recognize your entrepreneurial talent. It will further help you achieve your goal of owning a business. No denying the fact, a good business requires much more than just a sustainable idea and adequate marketing.

A business degree is beneficial and helps to establish a strong foundation, assess all risks involved, mitigate losses, and much more. Moreover, students are taught different techniques and strategies that are generally not acquired by the students themselves. You will be equipped with knowledge that furnishes enhanced possibilities of accomplishment right from the start.

Source: Pearson College London Blog

9. Transferable Skills

A college business degree expands beyond the major specialization of a student and allows them to grow in numerous career paths. With the help of a business degree, you will get to learn several skills that employers, irrespective of the industry you operate in. It includes leadership, communication, presentation and data analysis.

You will not have to worry about finding a job opportunity after college since the skills you acquire from the studies of the business degree opens up several opportunities and diverse positions for you. Moreover, you will come across numerous job openings where a business degree is required. Hence, such a degree is one of the most versatile options.

10. It Is All About Business

Every career choice has a business component in it. It is also believed by the business owners that the problems of the world are becoming more complicated with each passing day. Hence, they need professionals with adequate skills that are generally provided only by an MBA degree. In an MBA degree, the prospects gain a deep understanding of how a business operates, that helps them make better decisions. This knowledge about a business is critical for people who want to take up accounting or management roles in the future.

Source: unsplash.com


It is concluded that students should consider business studies as one of the major fields of study. Business degrees furnish valuable skills and knowledge that provides the required flexibility to students, and also they can explore any role in an industry of their choice. A variety of job options are available for business degree professionals.

Selling a House With Flat Fee MLS Listing in Lexington KY

Are you facing some financial crisis? Or don’t you feel comfortable giving commission? That is right, and not everyone likes to pay an amount to someone in return to sell your house.

Now there is a facility for those who don’t want to spend their money because thanks to advance selling management of different platforms to provide flat fee MLS listing in Lexington. The state of Kentucky has the best realtors to sell their house, but they have to give a commission.

Not only in Lexington, Kentucky realtors but all over places like Northern Kentucky Assoc of Realtors (NKMLS), Greater Louisville AOR (GLARMLS), Heart of Kentucky AOR, Greater Owensboro Realtor Association, Southern KY Association of Realtors, and Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors MLS are using the MLS listing and providing the best services to their audience.

Suppose you want to know about listing to check out for Houzeo.com. Here you can get to know the knowledge of listings. First, let’s get a sneak peek into the new customers’ flat fee MLS listing.

Source: The Motley Fool

What is a flat fee MLS listing?

As you know that the name describes that flat fee MLS listing is used to list your house in zero commission. Rather than paying the agents a reasonable amount, you can easily set to an almost flat fee listing. You give them a fixed price from the sale house to the agent, and in return, they provide you with a flat fee MLS listing in the market.

Multiple listing services benefit from sharing your list on other platforms of Kentucky. The primary key point is whatever your sale price goes; the amount you pay to real estate agents is always fixed, and no extra charges. It is the flat fee MLS listing.

How does flat fee MLS Lexington works?

Flat fee MLS listing works by lowering the selling price, as the key to selling is pricing. In this listing, you don’t have to percentage your agent from sale price but only accept the transaction’s flat fee listing side. The buyer is still required for the flat fee rate, but discounts flat fee MLS unbundles this service to sellers. They don’t need any extra pay for valuing your house, negotiating, and maintain the listing.

Source: NoMoreAgent.com

Lexington for sale by owner MLS listing

Some people overthink while selling their house and want everything perfect. Don’t you think selling a home is a risky decision? Those who want everything perfect then choose for sale by owner service.

You still have the chance to list your own house by sale by owner service. Besides paying the agent’s price, you can list it and control it. It helps those who want to keep an eye on the single process of listing.

What is the perfect time to sell a house in Lexington, KY?

Now you all know about Lexington’s listing methods, so don’t you want to learn a few tips while selling a house? Yes, you do want to sell it professionally. Without wasting time, let’s get into it.

It is essential to know when you should list the house and sell it. It is one of the main tips you should consider. You can judge that some house seller does face the problem in finding brokers because they overlook the time of listing. Sellers do face these consequences while selling.

Estimated results show that the best month to sell your house in July as your house selling data in Lexington is considering selling monthly. The selling usually takes three months to close your house.

Listing in April is the best time to list your house. Averagely it is yearly estimated to list in April month for selling. You should not make a mistake listing your house in March. It requires a lot of time to sell and less likely to get a buyer.

Source: Nashville MLS

Fast selling time in Lexington, KY

Don’t you want to sell your house fast? Yes, why not. If you want fast-selling, then the time for fast selling in December. So if listing your house in September, then you get more chances to sell your house nine days earlier. It benefits those who want urgent selling and can list it in September.

How long does it take to sell a house?

Your selling time can vary, but you can get average estimations of how much time it takes in the selling process.

Firstly you have to build a team that helps you learn and in the listing. It requires at least 3-5 days. Then comes

Source: Better HouseKeeper

Listing time

The listing requires mostly 3-5 days, but it also depends upon the duration of how fast your agent works. The agents quickly gather all the information for the house listing. Adding photographs and videos also require time so it must take 3-5 days for listing.

Obtaining offers

After the listing, it’s time to obtain an offer. It is the most critical time and highly crucial time because it’s an external factor. Here it comes to the seller and buyer how fast they can obtain an offer. If you want to avail of the offer early, you must maintain contact with the agent. Otherwise, it could take months and making sure that the offer your agent makes is competitive.

If you have a strong connection with your agent, they’re more likely to have different buyers, but most of the time duration for obtaining an offer is 60-70 days. However, it depends on you how much struggle you can make to avail of the offer.

Source: citypassguide.com

Closing time

Now it’s time to close the selling project and do the paperwork of listing. Once you choose your potential buyer, who is fit for the house, it takes almost 14- 60 days for successful closure. The successful closures include the best of negotiating and finalizing a contract for the end time. Some buyers hurry up to take the possession, so be quick and intelligent to do this early. Be ready to move from the moment when to close.


The above mentioned, description gives you all the essential information about flat-free Lexington. All the process to list your house is now not that difficult, so I hope that it has become effortless to understand for you about their services.

How to Build Your Software Product in 2024

Source: medium

Businesses today face the need to keep up with the growing virtualization, that is, audiences wanting to get every piece of information, services, contracts online, preferably on their mobile phones. Software development becomes an inevitable concern for IT-and non-IT crowd. Still, it’s complicated and unnecessary to turn yourself into a development expert just to have your product appropriately built.

Instead, you can look into Agile approach that allows you to stay away from the technical details, while being in constant control of the product, changing it right in the process of development to meet customers’ needs in the best way possible.

Online-based product creation is just destined to increasingly happen online and remotely by hiring the team(s) of skilled developers to get the job done. Probably, the most popular methodology of dealing with such software development outsourcing is the Scrum process management framework, as it creates the workflow structure that is easy to apply to any software project.

While the traditional waterfall approach lets the next stage of the software project start only after releasing a large version in bulk, Scrum allows swiftly releasing useful pieces of functionality, not making you and the customers wait, adjusting product priorities on the fly. Other Agile frameworks often lack universality, articulating the methods to work with the software, but not with the client or customer (prototyping), or demanding from the team a very special set of skills (rapid development), or just expensive to implement.

Source: collegecovered

In contrast, the Scrum framework is lightweight to incorporate, as it deals with a small set of highly effective but understandable work methods. It proposes the heuristic structure with open cells that are to be filled with specificities of your product to organize the working process around it.

Instead of focusing on individual developers or large departments, Scrum applies to the self-sufficient units called teams. The average team size is 7 people, though it can be raised or lowered by 2 members if necessary. The smaller team typically wouldn’t suffice for the development process needs, and the larger team would spend too much time and effort to make conversations constructive, while communication clarity and transparency are the central elements fueling the whole system.

Assembling developers into teams is not about just the assignment of official status or, on the contrary, pure emotional belonging. Teammates in Scrum rather keep the middle way, they are project-driven to work on the list of set objectives, whereas their motivation-maintaining everyday communication constructs around the personal responsibility to other members and the team as a whole.

To deliver the solution, it is necessary to unite engineers with various backgrounds, but equal skill levels, and dedication to self-improvement, as they may need to learn something new in the process. A cross-functional remote software development team can focus on and quickly achieve a particular goal. The labor is organized in short cycles called Sprints, which may run individually or coordinate with other teams. Each Sprint runs from 1 week to a month and starts from getting the full picture of what the meaningful Sprint deliverable should be and ends with the functional increment implementation, which possesses business value for the client.

Source: unsplash

To begin the Sprint, the team holds the special session of planning (quick as everything in this methodology), where the Sprint Goal and people responsible for every piece of work are defined. Tasks may vary in the volumes of effort and/or complexity, but, as team members themselves decide, who does what, observe special circumstances and take care of the long-term stamina of the group, it takes almost no extra control to manage the team and to uphold its professional abilities.

Usually, at the beginning team needs the user story requirements only, relying on previous and newly gained skills while fulfilling everyday tasks. To facilitate the performance, every day starts from Daily Scrum – the short meeting, usually not exceeding 15 minutes, where developers are asked to report on their previous workday and any difficulties they see or foresee in the Sprint Goal achievement. Such high dynamics of meetings and the balance between actual work and work-around chatting make Scrum the perfect methodology for the fast development of projects with high interactivity level, like software for business.

The key to success is the effective distribution of the remote team’s roles and responsibilities. Overall, the final software functional vision is usually provided by the

Product Owner

Source: medium

The client’s representative, who mediates between the client and engineers. While Product Owner possesses knowledge on product consumer features, Scrum Master is in charge of making the team work together, using the established meeting and process structure, and empowered by Scrum tools – specific applications enabling software development fluency and control – Jira, Trello, Monday, Azure, Scrumwise, and so on. It may seem not a big deal, but the spectrum is so wide it can suit any style of management.

Every product is unique, so are teams and Product Owners, – that is why Scrum software provides a variety of opportunities to trace the stage of Sprint Goal achievement and the amount of input for every particular member. This control can be open or subtle, temporary or constant – the majority of high-skilled teams can work in any Scrum system, even if you chose it relying on purely aesthetic taste.

At the end of each iteration, the workgroup also has to complete the Sprint review and self-evaluation, making it possible for members to develop more effective ways of work and communication. It also contains the check on the product’s current and anticipated value in the context of its market niche. Taking into account changes in the market situation allows answering the potential competitors beforehand, which is also a benefit when the client wants the software but isn’t closely familiar with the inner trends of this sphere.

While Scrum software is useful, functional product creation still depends more on teamwork, human competencies, and risks. That is why the methodology has been highly professionalized – for instance, in the Brightgrove.us they created the complete ready-to-use expert development system, comprising skilled engineers and attentive Scrum masters. It allows hiring qualified teams from the opposite side of the globe, fast launching and saving clients’ money. Whatever partner you choose, Scrum is the most efficient way to build sites & apps these days.

How to Sell Gold Jewelry in 2024

Source: mymillennialguide

When someone needs a bit of extra money for the month, they could always opt for trading the gold jewelry pieces that they do not wear, want, or need. However, if this is something you are considering, you should know that getting the best possible offer is not always easy, especially since there are a lot of things that you’ll need to consider.

You might have never sold jewelry before, and if so, you might be wondering – what are those key things that I’ll need to consider? Well, the article below might have an answer for you. Let’s take a closer look at some tips and things you’ll want to keep in mind when trading your gold jewelry during 2024:

1. The Time Period is Crucial

Source: kiwidirectory

Just like any other thing that you are contemplating selling and/or buying, the cost will depend on the number of individuals who are investing in such a thing. This means that the more people invest, the cost will be greater. For instance, a gold bullion price will be more in demand when the market is not doing well, especially since it is a more reliable investment form that shares or stocks.

This is the main reason why you may want to consider how the economy is doing when thinking about heading to the first gold merchants you find our there. You might determine that the economy won’t do well in the future, which is why you might want to wait a bit before you actually exchange it for some cash.

2. Know The Worth Before Offering it

Source: rosehillcoins

Something that will most likely help you with determining how much the item might be worth is taking a look at the hallmark and weighing the item. If you think that you cannot do it by yourself, there are always gold dealers that will help you with evaluating how much the jewelry is worth.

There are also various companies such as GoldSmart that offer smart, safe, and reliable methods for selling your jewelry. With such companies, you’ll be able to trade your jewelry for the current market price, which means that you’ll make the entire process easier and less time-consuming. But, before sending it to such companies, you should determine its worth first.

3. Comparing The Offers That You Got is Wise

Source: nbcnews

If there are several jewelry stores in your area, you might want to get several offers first. Why should you do this? Well, it is quite simple – you’ll know where you can get the most money for your, let’s say, gold coins. This will allow you to easily determine where you should trade your precious items.

Additionally, you can try and haggle a bit, especially if you are feeling like they are not offering you enough money for the item you are offering. Additionally, if there are no jewelry stores in your area, you can always opt for selling it online, which leads us to the next point of this article…

4. You Could Opt For Online Businesses

Source: bayut

Now, if you do not like the offers you got or if there is no jeweler in the area you are living in, you can opt for selling online, especially since there are a lot of companies looking to buy gold. Since you are selling a valuable item or items, there are a few things you’ll need to do to determine whether the online seller is trustworthy.

Firstly, look at the reviews on independent websites since they tend to be more honest there. Also, check whether or not there is basic contact information such as an email address, real address, as well as a telephone number. Lastly, you’ll want to compare the company with others online, hence, you’ll know where the prices are best.

5. The Entire Item is Precious, Not Only The Metal

Source: pawnguru

Individuals or companies that purchase precious metals are most commonly interested in the metal, not the entire piece – which includes the precious stones as well. For instance, it is quite easy to sell a gold ingot since you will already know what the price is and there are no fine details and gemstones that you need to worry about.

On the other hand, selling a gold necklace that has precious stones means that it can be worth more. This is why you must ensure that the buyer also includes the price for the stones as well. Keep in mind that coins and medals might be worth even more money than you’ll ever be offered, which is one of the reasons why you might want to go to a professional company that deals with such things.

6. Protect The Item And Yourself

Source: analuisa

Once you have found a buyer, you’ll not simply want to leave them with the piece or shipping it to them without actually creating evidence that you did so. Hence, before you give it to a potential buyer, you must take pictures of the piece and you’ll also need to document everything, including a detailed description of the item.

This will ensure that you do not lose the piece in the process, especially since there might be scammers out there. Additionally, you’ll definitely want to check whether or not the company has a reimbursement policy in case the piece gets lost, damaged, or completely destroyed.

All of this will ensure that you still can get the money you were looking for earning for selling the jewelry, hence, you’ll be able to still get something out of it. Keep in mind that you should also keep any records of you communicating with the buyer such as emails or messages.


As you were able to read, there is a wide range of things that you need to consider and do before you actually sell your gold jewelry. All of this will not only ensure that the entire process is easier and less time-consuming but, it will also ensure that you get the best offer for the piece or pieces you are thinking of selling.

So, now that you know what you can and most definitely should do, you might not want to lose any more of your time. Instead, get your jewelry cleaned and go back to the first point of this article, which is determining how much the piece is actually worth. From there, you can go through the rest of the steps mentioned in the list above.

What is Staff Augmentation – Beginners 2024 Guide

Source: Connected

With the rapid development and improved options in business strategies, it is not necessary for a company to hire a full-time worker for their demands, especially for businesses operating through online platforms like ones in the IT industry, marketing, trading, and many more.

We can see a great rise in need for remote workers, especially because modern solutions and skills do not require working from the office anymore. Also, we have many online platforms like Freelancer and Upwork, whose purpose is to connect remote workers with people who need their skills in both short and long terms. Also, there are platforms like this one, whose focus is on providing modern solutions to companies by connecting them with experts who will work for them remotely.

In this article, we are going to analyze staff augmentation as a specific method of outsourcing, and its main features, benefits, functions, and what are the differences between this method and similar solutions for hiring remote workers.

Main Features of Staff Augmentation

Source: Connected

Staff Augmentation represents a transparent and simple solution for employing highly-skilled professionals in the short-term period to provide you with their services. Also, you could create a whole team of remote experts at any time when your marketing and business strategy requires professional support. Furthermore, since the augmented team is not directly related to your business, you are free to expand or shorten it by your needs.

The greatest demand for the augmented workforce is in the IT industry, where you can hire a remote worker only for one project.  On the other side, outsourcing is very popular among many experts in the marketing and IT industry, mostly because they have improved flexibility and fewer working hours then on standard work in the office.

Moreover, this method is perfect for companies that are creating modern solutions for business, developing various apps, and many other projects where sometimes you need to expand your team for a short period to finish your project in time. Also, it is much easier to hire a freelancer over various online platforms, then hiring people in your office for only one project.

What are the Benefits?

Source: Yaware Blog

First of we have to mention the higher productivity that you will acquire with the staff augmentation since you could easily expand your team of professionals for the best possible realization of a particular project. For example, you can hire a couple of experts for a short time to raise the effectiveness of your project.

Besides that, you are completely secure by hiring augmented stuff, and all copyrights are guaranteed to your company. Also, staff augmentation is providing you with such flexibility, where you can choose from many experts in various fields of IT industry according to your preferences, expectations, and expenses. This method is much cheaper, and you only have to contact companies like Ncube, who can connect you with the type of experts that your project requires.

The process is simple, and when you choose the right service that can provide you with professionals, you can easily choose among many people who are willing to work for you in a short period. Hiring remote workers this way can be much more affordable, especially when you hire people from developing countries, where freelancing is especially popular because they could earn much more money than the average annual income in their country.

What Makes This Method Different from Similar Models?

Source: speedandfunction.com

By choosing the model of staff augmentation you get the ability to choose the potential employee by their knowledge and experience, while the company who is connecting you with them is taking care of the organization and administration. In the end, you can control and manage your augmented team the same way as you would do with standard employees that work from home.

When we compare this method and standard outsourcing, the augmented team is providing all of you with much more information about the project, and the whole structure of it. The main advantage over basic outsourcing is better connection inside the whole team and improved teamwork that, in the end, as a result, giving you much more effectiveness, reliability, and higher-quality.

The difference between creating a whole research and development team and hiring augmented workers is that you will have much bigger expenses and possible issues with management and administration, while the effectiveness is the same, which is telling us that using staff augmentation can provide you with maximized effectiveness with limited expenses. When it comes to the interviews and management, the company that connects you with the employee is guaranteeing you with required experts capable of helping your company in particular tasks.

The only downsides are the possible vulnerability of the project, with potential mistakes. That is the way it is necessary to provide your augmented team with a proper introduction to the project. You will need some time to create a team as a union and perfectly provide every worker with appropriate tasks, which might take some time since they are all new and don’t know each other’s qualities and potential.


Source: Connected

When your business requires a skilled professional for a short time, the best method for hiring this kind of expert is by staff augmentation. Especially because of standard outsourcing doesn’t have the same guarantees and flexibility as this model. Providing an expert with a full job can significantly increase your expenses while having an expert for only one task is both cheaper and beneficial.

While there are many other methods for hiring remote workers, many of them have a great risk of lack of knowledge, experience, and abilities. On the other side, services that provide you with augmented staff are assuring to provide you with high-skilled experts. However, it is crucial to implement the augmented workforce properly and introduce them with your project and other people working on it. This way, you will get the highest possible efficiency from them.

There are benefits for both sides, the companies, and the workers, to use this method as the main one. According to current trends, many people choose this model over traditional full-time jobs, especially engineers, graphic designers, web developers, and many other experts with the ability to work from their home.

5 Common Misconception People Have About Adult Toys

Many people make the mistake of believing that sex toys were invented in the previous century. However, we can see that our ancestors always had a way to spice up their love life with some device, beverage, or food. As we can see, a lot of people weren’t aware of this fact. But there’s scientific proof that it happened. If you know that even people in the stone age used some of these, then we can see that addressing this question as a taboo in this day and age is not something normal, right?

Of course, they weren’t in the same form as they are today, but still. In case you would like to take a look at some products we use today, be sure to take a look at Lovify. Now, no person in the world doesn’t know that there are common misconceptions people have about sex toys and using them. Therefore, we would like to talk about this topic in greater detail. We will name all the most important ones, and we will debunk them as much as we can. Without further ado, let’s get started.

Source: London News Time

1. They Can Make Your Love Life Numb

One of the biggest misconception people have about adult toys is that it damages your love life. People believe that these devices can damage it so hard and make it numb. We can see that many women around the world are afraid to use them since it can make them too distant from their partners. At the same time, we can see that many of them believe that it can reduce the sensitivity of their reproductive organs, particularly the nerve cells.

According to numerous reports, we can see that this simply isn’t true. This is something that cannot happen no matter what you do or use. Therefore, women are just scared for no reason. These toys can improve this sensitivity when they are lubricated enough. Therefore, it is vice versa. The reason why it enhances the sensitivity is that it increases the targeted blood flow to it.

Source: News Leak Centre

2. They Are Replacement for Sex

One of the commonest myths about adult toys is that they serve as a replacement for sexual relations with another person. Most guys have prejudice towards these. When their partner buys an adult toy, they immediately think that they are not fulfilled with their relationship. However, it needs to be said that this is not true. These toys can be used for enhancing and spicing up their love life. We can see that owning these is not a sign of disenfranchisement. Instead, it is a sign of empowerment.

The reason is pretty simple, these items are supposed to be an addition to your sex life, no to replace it completely. According to many different reports done in the last couple of years, we can see that couples who use adult toys have a much better sexual relationship, and that’s a fact. At the very least, many people would simply more like to masturbate at some moments, instead of having sex.

Source: Bedsider

3. Only Single Women Use Them

When there’s a talk about sex toys, we can see that there’s talking about them being used only by women who are not in a relationship. Many people believe that these are used only by people who are not successful in having a relationship with another person. It needs to be said that this is a grave mistake. Even people who don’t use these know that the true aim behind their usage is that they are used for masturbation. That doesn’t have anything to do with someone being solo.

By using these as an addition to masturbation enhances the whole process. Not only that, but it also makes them healthier. Some people simply adore these solo sessions. But that doesn’t mean that don’t like sex. If you managed to do it properly, it is a great way to battle conditions like stress and depression. Therefore, this myth is officially debunked as of today.

Source: Everyday Power

4. They are used only for Rebuilding Sex Life

The next one we would like to talk about is that couples use these only in case when the flame is up and they need to find something to enhance it once more. Once again, we need to say that it is not true. Not only that it isn’t true, but these claims also don’t make any sense. Simply said, using adult toys doesn’t mean that you are desperate about finding something more than just basic sex. Instead, they are used to make it much better than it is without them.

Maybe this is the source of these claims, but no matter, people like to experiment with their sexuality. It’s important to know that being open with your partner about using these is an absolute must. Certainly, some people are not interested in using these, and you would need to think about whether your partner is going to like them or not. Therefore, talk before using them.

Source: HuffPost

5. There Only a Couple Types

Last but not least, we would like to talk about a myth that emerged in the last couple of years. People believe that there are only a couple of types of adult toys and that maybe they will not be able to find one that suits them the best. However, we can see that this is not true. But we understand it. There are a couple of types that are best-known and they are commonly marketed.

Still, that doesn’t mean that they are the only ones. In case you are interested in exploring this topic a little bit, you should research on your own and you will explore the world of sex toys. Certainly, you will be able to find something that meets your needs and preferences. Just don’t be ashamed of doing it, you are doing it for your pleasure, after all.

The Wrap-up

Now that you have seen some of the biggest misconceptions people have about adult toys, you can also see how untrue they are. Instead, we encourage you to explore and you will be able to learn much more about them.

6 Most Anticipated Upcoming Summer Blockbusters In 2024

2019 was probably the most successful year of Hollywood, but what does 2024 say in terms of upcoming blockbusters?

So far, we haven’t really seen a boom in Hollywood Box Office this 2024. The last successful film was probably Joker and that way back in August 2019.

So far, movies such as Dolittle, Bad Boys For Life, The Grudge, The Gentlemen, and Birds of Prey have done little to impress the audience. But will we see any amazing blockbuster flick this summer?

Well, to answer the question, let’s take a look at the 6 most anticipated upcoming summer blockbusters.

1. Wonder Woman 1984

Source: Movieweb

The new Wonder Woman film is the first DC blockbuster since Joker. But, unlike Joker, Wonder Woman is a far different movie. If Joker was built on a $55 million budget, this film will certainly have a far bigger one.

Although figures are currently unavailable to the public, due to the movie still being in post-production, it is almost certain that it will range between the $100 and $200 million mark.

But is this the biggest hype driver? The answer is certainly no. While the budget plays a huge role in whether a movie will be a blockbuster, the biggest driving factor is the fact that we’re talking about Gal Gadot and a legendary DC superhero.

The plot of the movie is set during the Cold War, and Diana has a new villain to face, Cheetah, while Steve also gets a surprise return to the franchise.

2. Top Gun: Maverick

Source: YouTube

The next big thing on our list is a movie that gave Tom Cruise a legendary status in Hollywood.

Top Gun: Maverick is the nostalgia everybody wanted. It’s said to release on the 26th of June this summer, and the movie is said to have a budget of around $152 million.

Experts predict that Top Gun: Maverick will be one of the most successful movies of 2024, and certainly one that will dominate movie theaters this summer.

Although we will have to wait for that to become a reality, many still speculate this film will enjoy a successful Box Office. As a general comparison, Top Gun: Maverick is 10 times more expensive than its prequel.

Top Gun: Maverick and many more top rated action movies available at 123movies for free streaming. Check out what is available on 123movie and its alternatives at easkme.com.

3. Ghostbusters: Afterlife

The number three spot on our list is awarded to the fourth installment in the legendary franchise Ghostbusters.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife is scheduled for release on the 10th of July this summer. With a budget of $144 million and the starring of Finn Wolfhard and Paul Rudd, we can safely put it in the blockbuster category.

But will it be a hit in the Box Office? If we take into account the previous movie, the third in the franchise with an all-female cast, then we can safely say that Ghostbusters: Afterlife has a pretty high mountain to climb.

The prequel was a failure, a disaster, an abomination of a movie that everyone wants to forget. Will this be the case again? We would certainly have to be hopeful to debate against it, but many people are desperate for this movie to be a hit.

We are all Ghostbusters fans deep inside, despite the disastrous 3rd movie. So, if we have to predict an outcome we would certainly take into account everything going on and predict a mediocre run at the Box Office.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife and many more blockbuster movies can be streamed at 123 movies, and in case you cannot access it, check out its alternatives at tme.net.

4. Tenet

Source: ScreenCrush

Onto a movie that we cannot wait to hit the movie screens, Tenet sees a return to the legendary director Christopher Nolan along with a star cast of John David Washington, Elizabeth Debicki, Robert Pattinson, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and many more.

If we also take into account that the movie has a budget of around $205 million, then we can safely say that Tenet is a summer blockbuster movie that we cannot wait for.

The movie is originally meant to hit the theaters on July the 17th and is going to be an action-packed spy movie that is drowning in cryptography and mystery.

Despite seeing the trailer, very few people can predict what this movie is really about. What we can safely say that this is a recipe for a successful movie. We absolutely cannot wait to see the film and many predict Christopher Nolan will deliver a Batman-like directing.

5. The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard

The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard might have a hard to pronounce name, but it also has a harder to predict synopsis. This movie is a sequel in a franchise that is slowly gaining popularity.

The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard stars Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L Jackson, Selma Hayek, Morgan Freeman, Antonia Banderas, Frank Grillo, and many more stars.

With the directing of Patrick Hughes, the director behind the Expendables 3, we can safely expect lots of explosions and action. This is precisely who this movie caters to and what we will actually see most of the screening.

While the prequel didn’t really amaze critics or viewers, we can be hopeful for a better sequel.

These are possibly the biggest blockbusters we can expect to see this summer. But we will also include a surprise that doesn’t screen this summer but rather a month or two later.

6. Bonus Movie: The King’s Man

The King’s Man is a “sequel” to the mega-popular franchise “the Kingsman”.

This movie is said to be the predecessor or both Kingsman movies, and it is said to explain to us how everything came to be. We won’t see any of the usual faces we’re normally accustomed to when watching the Kingsmen, but what we will see is brilliant acting, directing, and scriptwriting.

Not much, apart from a trailer, is available to us know, and we only know that this movie will be the origin story for the entire franchise. The movie is set in the 1900s’ and is said to hit the theaters on September 18th this 2024.

We suggest you keep up to date with the news related to this movie, as we also predicted to have a blockbuster-like Box Office.

6 Benefits of Chatting and Dating Online In 2024

Source: peggymay

We live in a digital age wherein everything is just right at the tip of our fingertips. It has become so much easier to connect with people from different corners of the world. Staying in touch with our loved ones living abroad and managing long-distance relationships have become more feasible and realistic in a lot of sense.

Along with the technological advancements is the phenomenal breakthrough of various dating resources and online dating apps. These have made it easier for singles to find a compatible partner, engage in a secret affair, and have fun while exploring a variety of choices.

Regardless of the controversies and doubts that surround internet-based relationships, we cannot deny that the modern world has significantly changed the way people date and perceive romance in their lives. Chatting and dating online are now the newest trends to get to know more about a person and trigger some sparks in the love department.

So let’s try to view these changes in a positive light and explore the benefits of chatting and dating lines.

The Benefits of Chatting Online

Source: scuba

First, let’s dig into the benefits of chatting online. We can all agree that “chatting” is the fastest way to deliver a message nowadays. A great number of people are reaping the rewards of chatting online whether it’s for personal, business, friendship, romance or other purposes.

So what are the benefits of chatting online in terms of dating, intimacy, and getting to know more about your romantic target? Let’s find out.

1. Chatting online initiates communication

Source: cnbc

Chatting with a person you met online via social media or online dating apps is a sensible way to initiate communication. It sets the foundation to gain each other’s trust and confidence in each other and opens opportunities to get to know more about each other’s character. Chatting allows both of you to have a record of your conversation and makes it easier for you to remember the things or topics you talked about, which might come in handy the next time you have a chat session.

For couples that are in a long-term or online relationship, chatting online can help keep the fire burning and their passion for each other alive. According to canadadatingsites.ca, chatting online also offers a creative way to maintain intimacy and satisfy each other’s physical needs.

Some couples find pleasure in sexting and exchanging dirty messages, while there are some that engage in phone sex and resort to the use of sex toys, like you can find on NaughtyStash.com to satisfy their intense longing for their partner.

2. Chatting online is inexpensive and practical

Source: abc7chicago

Gone are the days when you have to spend a fortune just to communicate and stay in touch with another person living in a different country. Instant messaging apps and social media have made it practically painless for people and for our pockets to stay connected with the ones we love. Chatting is not just economical; it is also personal when viewed from an honest perspective.

Whenever we’re chatting with someone, we tend to experience the excitement of waiting for a reply. It’s both fun and thrilling to send and receive messages that trigger each other’s curiosity, and for most people and couples, this is enough to make their hearts flutter and to keep things interesting between them.

3. Chatting online provides an easier way out

Source: inspiringwomen

Chatting online is the quickest way to attract somebody’s attention and initiate communication. It makes it easier for two people to exchange messages to test the waters, check if there’s chemistry between them, and determine if romantic feelings can potentially develop. However, putting an end to communication via chat can be just as fast as initiating it.

Let’s view this on a good note. Dating is a trial and error process. Two people can chat endlessly day-in and day-out only to find out later on that it’s not working for either of them. And that’s perfectly fine. In fact, that’s the beauty of chatting online. It makes it easier for people to make a step forward, and to move backward depending on how things would unfold.

The Benefits of Dating Online

Source: cleveroad

Online dating is, without a doubt, the trendiest and most popular way to find love and potential partner in this digital age. Its phenomenal success has drawn a tremendous amount of interest as millions of individuals all over the world started using various online dating resources to meet new people. While there are some setbacks and minor lapses that cannot be avoided, it all boils down on how you’ll use online dating intelligently and to your own advantage.

Given this perspective, what are the benefits that you can expect from dating online?

1. Dating online can help you find potential matches

Source: medium

With the increasing number of dating apps and online dating resources nowadays, it’s easier to find a potential match based on your needs and interest. Most dating services that you’ll find online make use of a computerized matchmaking system to check for compatibility. There are several factors that determine this and some of them are; interests, hobbies, location, age, sexual orientation, and inclination for using an online dating service.

Some individuals that use dating resources with matchmaking tools tend to explore a variety of aspects to “compute the percentage” or likelihood of romance, and to find out if their goals and expectations are aligned with each other. Matchmaking sites facilitate this process.

2. Dating online offers flexibility

Source: talkspace

Not all people that use dating apps and resources are searching for love and relationship. Some are merely up for the excitement of meeting a new person, while there are some that are just looking for fun, hook-up, or a one-night stand.

This makes dating online highly dynamic in terms of providing different choices for people depending on their needs. Here are some examples; people that want to date from home can explore chat line services like Freechatlines (for adults) and enjoy casual, friendly, or erotic phone conversations with local singles, while those that want to have a quick meet-up and engage on a physical date can take advantage of location-based (or geo-location) dating apps such as OkCupid and Happn.

And as for those that are seriously looking for a long-term relationship, there’s an entirely different option for them. It takes a certain level of maturity and rational thinking to find real love and serious romance online. That’s why you have to be vigilant if you want to find your better half through various dating apps.

3. Offers a “trial and error” process

Source: bustle

Dating can be very tricky; and sometimes, you have to go through a “trial and error” process to find out if you’re with the right person or not. What feels right at the beginning can suddenly go through a dramatic change with the sudden twist of fate.

This is what makes dating online more favorable and realistic for a lot of people. There are enough allowances for mistakes, and if it doesn’t feel right, you’re free to move on and continue searching. Dating online clearly defies certain stereotypes in dating and encourages users to become more open-minded when it comes to dating and finding love.

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