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How To Organize Your College Essay

Source: wordcounter.io

You’ve probably heard from students “oh not another essay”. If you are a student, this “nightmare” is already very familiar to you, but if you are not, prepare for this experience as well. This challenge will inevitably await you every semester. In addition to affecting your grades, it also speaks volumes about your maturity.

We often lack time, we are not inspired, the topic is not interesting to us, we’re more attracted to social life, sports, going to the cinema, etc. Besides, most students aren’t sure how to write a high-quality seminar paper. In these moments, it’s important not to panic and stay focused.

We have created a writing guide that will help you get through these moments.

How to write a good college essay? Let’s start!

Get organized!

img source: signupgenius.com

It would be good if you’d start writing it at least 2 months before the deadline. In this way, you will get rid of the pressure and calmly approach the task. Determine the exact day and time that you will dedicate only to writing your paper.

Before you start writing, open the window to let in the fresh air, and clear your head. Make yourself a cup of coffee or green tea- a real little treat. Turn off your cell phone and take some time to devote to writing the paper. By no means you should’t lie down while writing your essay, sit at a desk with your back straight, and get to work.

Choosing a topic

You need to find a topic on which you’ll be able to express yourself in your best light. If you have chosen the topic yourself, then the process of writing this task is very easy for you. However, you will not always write topics that are interesting to you, but you must find satisfaction in writing and show your creativity. According to www.homeworkhelpglobal.com, not everyone is a gifted writer and people struggle with topics they don’t know much about. However, you can always find professional aid online or ask some friends to assist you.

Literature research

img source: blogs.hss.ed.ac.uk

Rule number 1 when it comes to writing “do not copy or just translate some text that you came across by chance”. This is how a bad paperwork is written. What you should do is thoroughly and patiently search the available literature, read more texts on this or similar topics. The goal is to make the theme clear and concise, primarily for you, so that you can understand it, and be able to successfully present it to others. Never write something that is not understandable. You can find literature in the library, on the Internet, going to the archives, etc.

Draft work

You caught yourself as an hour passed and your paper was left blank. Whatever comes to mind doesn’t seem good enough to get you started. Don’t panic: the trick is only in good organization. Make a good sketch first.

Divide the work into subheadings, prepare a framework (to make your final study look visual), and make a plan with realistic goals. There aren’t bad ideas, our warm recommendation is to write them down, since they are easy to rewrite or delete later on.

The structure

img source: grammarly.com

The structure of the essay is not something that is discussed but there is a specific form that must be followed (introduction, elaboration, and conclusion). Below we’ll bring you closer to this scheme.

The introduction

In the introduction, you should present the motivation for choosing the topic, the actuality of the theme, briefly the essence, and possibly some history of it. Motivation means answering the questions “Why does it matter?”; “Why are we investigating this?”; “What do we want to learn?”.

The body

img source: medium.com

Everything that we have hinted at in the introduction, we explain in detail and with arguments in the elaboration. All we have read and learned comes out here. We begin writing by highlighting the main characteristics, facts, and basic concepts. Here it would be good to stick to accuracy and conciseness.

It’s recommended to use as many examples, quotes, diagrams, charts as possible to bring the topic as close as possible to the readers. Your work won’t look nice if you just add information. Try to have some logical sequence and follow the course of the story. Your essay should be comprehensible and you should always observe it from the place of the one to whom it’s addressed. Would anyone understand it? The paperwork you’re writing should be the paper you want to read on the subject.

The conclusion

The conclusion is a cross-section of everything we have written about and what we have stated. The essay must not end abruptly, but we end with a clear message of what has been written about. The conclusion is brief, exhaustive, and clear. You can either sum up all the points or paraphrase the main message.

Double-check the essay

img source: googleusercontent.com

Before the final version, we advise you to take a break and leave the work for a few days. Free your mind, dedicate this time to enjoying and some other activities, relax.

When you feel ready, read your paperwork carefully again, piece by piece. Make sure there are no spelling and grammatical errors, check that the word count is satisfactory, etc.

For better insight, let others read it, in order to point out possible mistakes, or even give you a suggestion. All of this sounds a bit tedious, but keep in mind that it takes a lot of time and rewriting before printing the paper itself.

Citation and literature:

This is a segment that very often causes problems for students. Since we often rely on someone else’s texts or scientific articles, quoting and paraphrasing is an integral part of every essay. When quoting the words of the author, try to state precisely his name and surname, the title of the book, the year of publication, and the numbered page from which the quotation was taken. If you download content from the Internet, just refer to the site from which you downloaded the content.

A good essay must also contain a list of references as a separate chapter. The bibliography is made up of references, that is, a list of information sources that you have used. The Internet has provided us with fast and easily accessible information. However, to be professional, it is important to state where or when we downloaded certain content.

If you have followed the instructions in order, there is no mistake – the essay will meet all the criteria. If you think you’ve done the job, be patient a little longer: do your best and read the whole text again. Correct all mistakes and ask yourself a few questions – does my work as a whole make sense? Could I complete it with some more examples? Did I get lost in writing and move away from the topic?

If you have removed even the slightest doubt that the work is not good, then congratulations! You did it! Be proud of your work and keep it. Who knows, maybe in the future you will be interested in the topic again, so expand it to a master’s or doctoral thesis!

8 Most Popular Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024

Travel blogs have become the first reliable source of information for travelers. But the best ones stand out because they are original and for offering unique and relevant information about different countries and cities. We want to write an article talking about the best travel blogs, our favorites, those blogs that we have been following closely for a long time and without which we cannot go on a trip. We wanted to pay this small tribute to those who are most interesting, those who entertain us with their adventures around the world, inspire us to decide where we go and help us plan every detail of our trips.

This is an article in which we give you most popular ones you should follow in 2024 but before, let us tell you what it is, briefly.

What it is exactly?

There are many types of blogs and each one talks about different things. You can find them of all kinds and styles. Sometimes it is even puzzling. But today we are going to look towards the tourism sector and more specifically towards travel blogs. When we talk about it, content focuses its theme on everything related to the world of tourism and can cover a lot of more specific niches that will be selected by readers.

Most popular blogs you should follow in 2024

1. Inteligencia Viajera

Source: inteligenciaviajera.com

We will start with the blog of this young man from Granada which is launched about 5 years ago. It has become the main reference for many travel bloggers and its success and fame has not stopped rising. His great success was to focus on explaining how to make money with your travel blog and that’s when he already gains the attention of many. All this has led to an online school.

He will explain it to you how to become a digital nomad. Aside from excellent tips for monetizing your blog and increasing your number of visits, he has very interesting interviews with other bloggers, he publishes every month and shares his experiences traveling around the world with his inseparable partner. Even it is in Spanish, nowadays it is not a problem with all translating programs.

2. Road & Kingdoms

Source: roadsandkingdoms.com

Stories…that is what is behind Road & Kingdoms, a website founded by two Time magazine correspondents and containing some of the best travel articles that can be found on the net. In fact, in 2013 he received the award from the Society of American Travel Writers. What was born at Tumblr has become an independent magazine that talks about culture, gastronomy, politics or music with travel always in the background.

3. Uncornered Market

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A nearly empty beach during high season on southern Thailand’s Ko Muk island. Due in part to the coronavirus.⁠ ⁠ During our recent travels in Thailand and Malaysia we found similarly quiet scenes in what would otherwise be bustling streets, airports, restaurants, shops, hotels, etc.⁠ ⁠ What will be the impact of the coronavirus on tourism and travel? How will the tourism industry respond? Definitive answers don't exist. Instead, in our latest article (link in bio) we offer some ideas for destinations, travel companies and travelers to operate from a position of strength, choosing deliberate response over reaction and staying the course towards greater sustainability so we emerge stronger.⁠ ⁠ While some of this article is tourism sector specific, the philosophical mindset and many of the lessons apply anywhere — in business, life and travel.⁠ ⁠ A few of these include: ⁠ -> Resist the temptation to operate on the basis of fear.⁠ -> Don’t abandon sustainability.⁠ -> Respond with balance and objectivity.⁠ -> Embrace honesty and transparency.⁠ -> Think wisely of the rebound to emerge even stronger. ⁠ -> Cooperate vs. compete. ⁠ ⁠ If you work in tourism and travel, have you seen an impact to your business from the coronavirus? How are you preparing yourself and your business? ⁠ ⁠ If you are a traveler, has #COVID19 changed your travel plans?⁠

A post shared by Daniel Noll & Audrey Scott (@uncornered_market) on

In 2006 Dan and Audrey quit their jobs, sold everything, and took the road. They become one of the best since. In Uncornered Market they write about their experiences, but also about how to travel the world without haste and without pause has made them delve into many folk aspects of other cultures and, in addition, get to know themselves. As they say, the journey through the night in a filthy bus from India counts the same as a dinner with an ambassador.

4. Everywhereist

Source: everywhereist.com

Geraldine DeRutier’s way of writing is famous for her impudence. We admire this woman, her imagination, her spontaneity and her naturalness. Geraldine calls her own blog “a love letter to my husband.” The thing is, her husband continually travels around the world because of his job. She, however, had a monotonous and sedentary working life. So one day they fired her, so Geraldine made the decision to accompany her husband. While he attends meetings and presentations she tours the cities. According to herself, “this blog is for him so that he can remember the places we have visited, the things we have seen.” But Everywhereist is much more, it is a hilarious compendium of articles that radiate passion, good humor and a lot of culture.

5. Bashar Ibrahim

Source: transformingthenation.com

This young traveler is becoming increasingly popular. The native Egyptian has always dreamed of meeting new cultures. He is also a food lover, so he pays a lot of attention to trying a variety of foods. In order to be able to finance his trips, he created a blog. He first traveled to the USA, which has always been his greatest wish. He first toured New York and then headed to the west coast, tasting food along the way and sharing his impressions with us. He then went to Europe and toured the UK, France, Italy and Russia. We are impatiently waiting for the pandemic to be over so that we can read travel and gastronomic texts again. You can read more information about Bashar Ibrahim.

6. The Great Affair

Source: Instagram

This could be one more blog if it weren’t for its watercolors. Candace is artist captivated by travel. Wherever she goes she carries her watercolors and captures the landscapes, the people or the culture that surrounds her. Then she publishes it along with the story behind that drawing. And this is what makes The Great Affair truly unique as a tool for inspiration. She has even published a Beneath the Lantern’s Glow book with some of her work.

7. Marcando el polo

Source: marcandoelpolo.com

This Argentine couple, Dani and Jot, were born to travel. They have visited more than 50 countries in ten years and are eager to continue. Their blog is different because trips do not seek to highlight tourist attractions but rather the quality of the people they meet. One of his most famous trips is Project Eliminating Borders, in which they traveled from the Philippines to Turkey in three years and as they describe it “we share vehicles with Burmese Buddhist monks, Cambodian exiles, campaign politicians, military, enraged pigs, truckers and were even accused of terrorists and missionaries.” Definitely a fascinating blog. Again in Spanish, but as we already said, that won’t be a problem.

8. The Family Adventure Project

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Blustery day and a high tide at Morecambe

A post shared by The Family Adventure Project (@familyadventureproject) on

It is one of the best for family trips. Stuart and Kirstie see life in an enviable way. Together with her 3 children they have traveled numerous countries and have made all kinds of trips: eco-vacations, adventure trips, backpacking… In addition to being fun and very entertaining, for those of us who have children, it is a very useful blog as it contains articles The kind: tips for shooting fun family videos, 10 reasons to stop being a soft parent, 52 gifts to keep kids active, how to get to know the real Vietnam with your family, etc.


Traveling is the most beautiful memory we will have in our lives. By reading all these world travelers, you may also get the urge to do it by yourself.

3 Best Beginner Climbing Shoes in 2024

If you are a beginner when it comes to mountain climbing, we have an advice for you. The last thing you need is for you to buy some bad climbing shoes that will have an influence on you injuring yourself. There is a wide array of reasons for this. However, we are going to stick to the most important ones. In case you don’t have proper shoes, who are flexible and adaptable to the surrounding, you can easily twist an ankle or have some other injuries that leave you in bed for a couple of months. Therefore, you need to be extra careful when it comes to finding the best ones. Thankfully, you will quickly see that there are countless different shoes you can choose from. You just need to conduct a proper search and you will be able to find them, without a doubt.

For example, you are on your way to climb up on Kilimanjaro. You need to make sure that you obtain all of the necessary equipment before you actually go. This equipment is a crucial thing that can save you from injuries that can appear during climbing. In more extreme cases, it can save your life. Therefore, we can conclude climbing shoes are just one of the things you need in order to be safe. We’ve mentioned Kilimanjaro, if you are actually interested in booking a climbing on this exceptional mountain, you can read more here. This was just an example, we are not going to talk about this, high-class shoes used by professionals. Instead, we are going to talk about the best beginner climbing shoes you can find in the US market in 2024. We are going to provide you with the list of the best ones we could find. Without further ado, let’s begin.

1. Butora Endeavor

Source: backcountry.com

Even though Butora is a company that penetrated the world of climbing shoes only a couple of years ago, we can see that they managed to earn a significant reputation among its competition and customers. We cannot but admire their efforts made in the goal of becoming one of the most prominent companies in the world in their respective field. If we are to talk about their best product, we would say Butora Endeavor, which is available at the exceptionally low price, a hundred US dollars. We’ve talked to a high number of people who described these as their favorite beginner climbing shoes.

These shoes are especially good if you are on a task to find the perfect ones, and you don’t have so good results so far. Without any doubt, these shoes are something that can we describe as a sure shot. There are both men’s and women’s versions, that mainly differ in size, while the most important elements remain pretty much the same. This is a highly comfortable shoe that will provide you with all the benefits you actually need for beginner climbing shoes. Since it is presumable you are not going to climb Kilimanjaro, you can be sure that you have all the elements essential for this level.

2. La Sportiva Tarantulace

Source: sportiva.com

Now, we would like to discuss highly-popular beginner climbing shoes. The Tarantulace was developed by a world-renowned company La Sportiva. The best way to describe these would be that they will provide you with great performances, comfortability is at a high level, and they will surely fit your budget since they are available at a reasonable price. They are available both in women’s and men’s versions, so you can be sure that you will find all that you might need with these.

Due to them being supportive and stiff, you will quickly see that they will surely help you to prevent all the peaks of pain that could be inflicted on your small holds. When it comes to the inside of these shoes, due to the material they’re made of, you will certainly see that they are comfortable and soft. Plus, they will provide your toes with enough space, which will ensure that you will not have any pain. It should be said that the design was improved in the last couple of years. Therefore, you can even find updated versions of these.

3. Mad Rock Drifter

Source: EpicTV & Shop

Last, but not least, we would like to talk about probably the best all-around climbing shoes, the Mad Rock Drifter. It’s made of pretty good materials, so you will have the opportunity to enjoy its all of the comfortability these shoes have to offer. At the same time, it should be said that these shoes are somewhat more sensitive than a vast majority of beginner climbing shoes that you will be able to find on the US market. Don’t get us wrong, this is actually a virtue that will provide you many benefits.

We wouldn’t call it the most comfortable out of all the shoes you are going to find on the market, and you are certainly going to find some of them much better when it comes to performance. However, if you take all the elements into consideration, you will quickly see that they are the best ones when it comes to the combination of all the elements you can expect from all the essential parts of beginner climbing shoes. The best thing about these shoes is certainly the price, which is reachable for a vast majority of people who are looking for the best beginner climbing shoes in 2024.

Bottom Line

Source: medium

Before you undertake a journey of finding the best possible beginner climbing shoes, you need to actually know what you are looking for and what is your budget. Thankfully, there are literally countless different shoes you can choose from. Therefore, the only thing that you need to do is google. Here, we’ve provided you with the three best beginner climbing shoes you will be able to find on the US market in 2024. It goes without saying that there are many other models and shoes we consider to be of high-quality, but these are the best ones from our experience. We hope that you will find our article useful.

7 Best Beaches in Costa Rica – Travel Guide 2024

Source: fodors

Costa Rica, a small country located between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, is one of the most visited countries in Central America. Recent studies highlighted that Costa Ricans live longer, healthier and happier compared to other countries in the world. This lifestyle is also known as pura vida (pure life), a term which is also used by the local population to say hello, goodbye, or everything’s cool.

The “Rich Coast” has earned its name primarily from its rich and diverse ecosystem, which highly varies from area to area: here it is in fact possible to admire rainforests, lakes, volcanos, valleys, rivers and jungles. Costa Rica is also considered one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, counting more than a half million animal species. Yet, the country has been lately attracting tourists not only for its natural wonders, but especially for its numerous gorgeous beaches: spectacular white, sandy beaches with palm trees, majestic volcanic black beaches, or fascinating small beach coves surrounded by rainforests. In the central American country, travellers will certainly find something that suits their tastes! Are you ready for this pura vida adventure?

The great variety of beaches will definitely make it hard to decide where to go. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Grab your sunscreen, relax and let us do this “dirty job”. Here, you will find a list of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica:

1. Manuel Antonio Beach, Manuel Antonio National Park

Source: objektiv

Manuel Antonio Beach, located in the homonym national park, is one of the most popular sites among travellers. From the entrance of the park, it takes approximately 30 minutes to reach the white sandy beach, time in which you will admire the surrounding rainforest. Here, hidden in the lush vegetation, it is also possible to glimpse families of swinging monkeys and numerous species of birds. Don’t forget that, within the park, there are three more beaches which are worth visiting: Puerto Escondido, Gemelas and Espadilla. The beaches are similar to those that can be found on Brabados for example. If your journey lead you to the Caribbean island, you can visit exceptionalvillas.com to book your reservations.

2. Tamarindo Beach, Guanacaste

Source: rapturecamps

Do you like surfing? Then, Tamarindo Beach is the place to be. According to the many surfers, who come here to enjoy some of the country’s best waves, the place is also suitable for beginners. Grab your wetsuit and ride the perfect wave! Yet, although the golden sandy beach and the surrounding vegetation are extremely beautiful, it must be mentioned that Tamarindo Beach also represents one of the most touristic attraction in the country. Don’t expect peace and quiet here.

If you have time and you want to explore, it is also suggested to visit the nearby beach of Langosta. Langosta offers a gorgeous sandy beach, great waves and definitely less visitors.

3. Playa Conchal, Guanacaste

Source: youtube

While surfers crowd the nearby beach of Tamarindo, Playa Conchal gives you the opportunity to relax and enjoy the day. Here, travellers can focus on different outdoor activities, including swimming, snorkelling, or even playing golf on an 18-hole course. Yet, the main reason why Playa Conchal is so attractive to tourists, representing one of the most famous beaches in the country, is its morphology. The shore, in fact, instead of sand, is made of millions tiny pieces of shells. Since 2019, driving to the beach is not allowed anymore, however, only a 15-minute walk separates you from this paradise on earth.

4. Flamingo Beach, Guanacaste

Source: tripadvisor

At a walking distance from Playa Conchal, you will find the gorgeous pinkish-white sand of Flamingo Beach. The mile-long beach is extremely famous for outdoor activities, including sport fishing, diving, boating and snorkelling. Here, after relaxing on a beach chair on the pinkish-white sand, you can admire the sunset over the Pacific Ocean – simply one of the most beautiful things you could possibly see. Don’t forget that the north American expat community, who has settled in the vicinity of the beach over the years, has transformed the area into a luxury beach town. Therefore, if you are travelling on a budget, you should definitely take this into consideration!

5. Playa Manzanillo, Southern Caribbean Coast

Source: costaricaspecialists

On the southwestern Costa Rican coast, in the proximity of the Panamanian border, travellers will find Manzanillo Beach. Located in the Gandoca-Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge, the beach offers fine white sand, crystal-clear waters and a majestic scenery of a palm-fringed rainforest in the back. Here, travellers can discover the astonishing coral reefs present in the area, which can be easily explored by kayak or simply by swimming. However, the most incredible characteristic of this beach has yet to come. Due to its remote location, in fact, Manzanillo Beach has been spared by the huge hordes of tourists coming to Costa Rica every year, therefore, don’t be surprised if you will be the only one enjoying this panorama!

6. Uvita Beach, South Pacific

Source: pinterest

Located in Marino Ballena National Park, Playa Uvita is part of the world-know Whale’s Tail. Besides the fact that, at low tide, the shore transforms itself into a whale tale form, from August to October and from December to April, it is also possible to see here groups of humpback whales that migrate. Moreover, from May to November, it is interesting to watch numerous sea turtles that come ashore to nest. In the area, travellers can also enjoy snorkelling, paddle boarding and kayaking. Finally, don’t miss the many whale-watching tours offered here, a unique experience that you will rarely find anywhere else!

7. Playa Montezuma, Nicoya Peninsula

Source: ticotimes

Playa Montezuma, almost at the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula, lies within the Cabo Blanco and Curù Wildlife Reserve. Not only the area is considered to have one of the most astonishing location of the country, but it also offers the wildest beaches you could possible see. Therefore, don’t forget your hiking shoes and explore the jungle behind you!

Cheap prices, breath-taking locations, friendly people and tasty food. What more could you want??? Find the ultimate itinerary for backpacking in Costa Rica, as well as other information about prices, visas and vaccinations, on the extremely useful German website Backpackertrail.

5 Best Books That Will Inspire You to Change Your Life

Each of us wants to make changes in life. This is normal and human because you are not a fighter enough if you do not want change, even the smallest ones. It is important to fight in life, and if we fight it means that there will be changes for everyone, but also for ourselves. Change must always be positive so that we can be successful and move forward. If we move forward then we aim for success, and success is the goal we all want to reach. We often do not know which path to take to reach the goal where success awaits us, so we need help. How else if not with motivation and guidance from someone who is already experienced?

The reorganization of life can only be stimulated by someone else who has experienced before us something greater than what we have experienced and can now pass it on to us. What should you do about it? Hmmm, maybe you’ve heard of some motivational speakers? Still not. Wondering why? They usually share already prepared PR texts prepared by experienced members of their PR team and almost no one in them and never believes whether it is true or not. There is more faith in people towards writers and their works because they are with more real events that are vividly and beautifully shared.

A book is the most beautiful way to capture things in the right way. It is the best way to reach the reader and convey the message that is the purpose of writing in the book. This means that the book is the best way and the best way to reach the heart and mind of the reader and to help him understand things as they should, to receive the feelings in the right way, and to start changing things in his life. if he is dissatisfied, unhappy, or thinks he can do better than he has done so far. Many people want to make a difference and look for motivation in one of the most successful publications by great authors around the world. Are you one of the many people who are ready to reorganize their lives? Are you looking for the motivation that will make you start with that as soon as you read the book? If you are part of this group of people, this article is the place where you will find the best titles that will make you make a thorough reorganization in your life. Wondering how to get there? Read the whole article we have prepared for you and find out.

Source: Amazon.com
  1. Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual Hardcover – this is the best and newest thing we can suggest to you right from the start. It is a book that was published less than a month ago and is already in the recommended books by the New York Times. This is an edition that is intended for you, for me, and for all of us. We are all afraid of the word NO, we are all afraid of being left alone and of failures, of the unknown. This book will show us all how to stop being afraid and approach life with a new and stronger attitude that will bring change to us. Have you already started making changes? If you are already making the changes click here and find out how to continue successfully on that path.

    Source: Goodreads
  2. Believe IT: How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable – Have you ever doubted your self-confidence and what you do for yourself? If yes, then this book is your next homework assignment. Wondering why? Because inside you will find the answers to why you should not do that to yourself and why it is most important to believe in yourself and in what you do. The whole story will be guided by the writer who is the inventor of one of the most famous cosmetics today, IT Cosmetics. Are you ready to hear her inspirational story and apply it to you? If you are ready, put this issue on your reading list.

    Source: Amazon.co.uk
  3. How to Work Without Losing Your Mind: A Realistic Guide to the Hell of Modern Work – Are you one of those workaholics who do their best to get the job done the right way? Are you one of those people who always want to finish on time and even ahead of time? We think this publication will change your mindset and shift your working principles. How to work not to go crazy – this is something you will learn and help you stay on the path to success without getting upset at all. Learn the right way to live your professional life without getting upset at all and bring your nervousness to your home.

    Source: Amazon.com
  4. Everything Will Be Okay: Life Lessons for Young Women (from a Former Young Woman) – the next title is intended for all those who approach the tasks and challenges timidly, especially the ladies who take it too emotionally and with a large dose of self-criticism. Are you one of those people? In that case, reading this book will make you change 360 ​​degrees, ie change your attitude and your views on things for the better and start looking at things the right way. Approach this book as a friend and let it help you sort out your thoughts and get you on the right track.

    Source: Browns Books
  5. You Will Get Through This Night – do you often feel moments when you are mentally weak, your emotions are on the verge of collapse, and often you can not stand it, so you start crying because that is the only way out of the situation in your opinion? There is no need to feel that way anymore because you are not alone, and there is a solution. The solution is in this title which is recommended by the biggest critics of the written word. They wholeheartedly recommend this book and in their opinion, this title is the best thing that will make a reorganization in your head and throw out the unnecessary things that you have kept and that has made you weak.

These are the best titles that will help you in your implementation of the novelties and in throwing out the things that hindered you in your daily life. And remember, every story is a sufficient motive for you that can transform you into something you never even thought you would be, and that is a strong person. Believe in yourself and everything will be fine.

Massage Gun for Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is one of the most common medical conditions that everyone will experience once in their lifetime. However, most of the time, this condition is temporary, and it resolves on its own. But, in some particular cases, the lower back pain can also become chronic and does not respond to any oral medications. Massage Gun therapy is an excellent and most effective way to deal with frequent lower back pain at home. For More

Moreover, it’s a low-risk and non-invasive treatment option that is considered the safest treatment for lower back pain. Not everyone can benefit from this massage gun therapy because it requires proper technique and some other lifestyle modifications. This article will discuss the complete information related to massage gun therapy and its complete list of proven benefits.

Source: Well+Good

Why Massage Guns Are Effective For Lower Back Pain?

We all know that lower back pain is one of the most challenging conditions to manage. However, lower back massage gun therapy is also highly beneficial and effective for treating lower back pain due to a wide range of scientific-based reasons. Below, we will explain the most proven benefits of massage guns for lower back pain for your convenience.

Increased Blood Flow

Lower back pain is often caused by poor blood circulation to the lower back muscles. There are several causes for it, such as anemia, sedentary lifestyle, or muscular disorders. However, you can now improve the blood circulation to the lower back muscles through massage gun therapy. If you want to increase the blood circulation around any specific area of your body, you must purchase a massage gun. Moreover, due to the massage gun’s in-depth vibrational effect, you will have improved muscular function and strength due to deep-tissue massage.

Source: New Atlas

Reduces Muscle Tension

Muscle tension is also one of the most common causes of extreme lower back pain. There are also several causes behind muscle tension, such as muscle overuse, muscular injury, or any other medical condition. However, massage gun therapy is highly beneficial for reducing muscle tension in the lower back area. Muscle tension causes severe pains and causes fatigue, tiredness, and other annoying conditions. If you feel that your body muscles are tensed due to overuse or any injury, then you must focus on regular massage gun therapy for the best results.

Increases Endorphin Levels

There are different types of feel-good hormones that are produced by our brain for the relaxation effect. These hormones are also known as endorphins that are only released whenever our bodies are relaxed. It’s also has been proven through many authentic kinds of research that a high level of endorphins such as serotonin and dopamine reduces the frequent back pains in the body. Moreover, these types of back pains can be easily treated with massage guns. A regular massage gun therapy will make your body relaxed and calm, resulting in the reduction of lower back pain.

Source: New Atlas

Boosts Natural Healing Process

If the overuse of muscles or injury causes your lower back pain, then you must use a massage gun for it. Whenever our body muscles are damaged, our immune system produces a natural healing effect to speed up damaged muscles’ recovery. However, with a massage gun, you can increase the blood flow to give more oxygen-rich blood to the muscles to speed up the recovery.

Is Massage Gun Safe For Lower Back Pain?

Even if there isn’t any serious medical condition such as lower back trauma, you must use a massage gun with proper technique and safety instructions. Remember, most popular massage gun models are extremely powerful; you must use them carefully to avoid putting any unwanted stress or pressure on the already damaged muscle. Overall, the regular use of massage guns is typically safe. However, still, if you are experiencing any side effects such as muscle soreness, then you must immediately stop using the massage gun and consult your healthcare expert.

If we compare the risks of massage guns for neck and massage guns for lower back pain, then there is a significant difference between both of these types. As we all know, the neck is a very sensitive area of our body; a massage gun might damage the sensitive neck tissues due to extreme pressure. On the other hand, a massage gun for lower back pain is 100% safe to use without side effects. In some very rare cases, people may experience mild skin irritation due to a massage gun; otherwise everything works great.

Source: Wellington Family Chiropractic

What are the Drawbacks of Massage Guns for Lower Back Pain?

Well, the benefits of using a massage gun for lower back pain are countless. However, there might be few drawbacks of using a massage gun to treat lower back pain too.

  • Overuse of massage guns may cause further injuries.
  • A bit uncomfortable and painful treatment option for sensitive people.
  • Electricity hazards.
  • High price range as compared to other massage options.

Wrap Up:

We hope this article on massage guns for lower back pain will explain this topic’s complete information. However, if you still have any questions in your mind, you can post your query in the comments section below. Remember, before starting massage gun therapy, and you must make sure that you are doing it with consistency; otherwise, it may not be a practical option. Don’t forget to carefully read your massage gun’s user manual before using it, as it includes several safety precautions.

8 Benefits of Hiring an International Art Shipping Company in 2024

Packing fine art and antiques and shipping them overseas can take longer than most people think. Moreover, this process may occur to be pretty complicated, especially when you are going to handle it on your own. Let’s be honest, whether you need to ship fine art, antiques, or any other fragile items over a long distance, the safety of your possessions is one of the most important things to bear in mind. For that reason, if you do not want to get your valuables in pieces, outsource your logistics needs to professional art shippers. Dealing with an experienced fine art shipping company is always the right choice, and it is worth paying additionally.

Here you have some more advantages of hiring an international art shipping company.

Benefits of hiring an international art shipping company

1. Time saving

Source: Cosentino

There is a good old saying, “time is money.” It means that you should not waste time because you could be using it to earn money. In fact, there is no field in which that is more true than in business. You have to think about how much time it will take you to handle the art transportation process on your own. This presupposes packing your art pieces, building wooden crates, hiring additional staff for loading and unloading, renting a vehicle, booking airlines or sea lines, handling customs documentation, ensuring everything meets the highest standards, and more. By hiring an international art shipping company, you can get rid of this hustle and focus on the ‘revenue-generating’ areas of your business.

2. Cost efficiency

Source: Studying in Germany

Many large, multi-national companies around the world have in-house logistics departments because they can bear the costs of transportation themselves. However, when it comes to small and medium-sized businesses, there is no need to pay additional costs. It is much easier to make use of the art shipping services and the Shipping cost calculator offered by specialized companies. Besides, by outsourcing this job to an experienced art logistics company, you save money in the long run. What is more, with qualified assistance, the process of shipping fine art becomes much better organized and more hassle-free.

3. High standard of service

Source: Fine Art Shippers

If you are going to hire an art shipping company, you should go with an experienced and reputable one that upholds its brand image and has all the required knowledge and skills to deal with even the most valuable and fragile items. One good example is the NYC-based company Fine Art Shippers, which has been in the business for over 25 years. When working with professional and well-trained art shippers, you can rest assured that your art pieces are handled with the utmost care and attention. Besides, such companies not only pack, crate, and ship your items but also take care of all the bureaucratic procedures, obtain export/import permits, provide insurance cover, and handle customs clearance issues. This all is done to ensure smooth international transportation of art and provide clients with the highest standard of service.

4. Expertise in Customs and Regulations

Source: depositphotos.com

International art shipping companies such as SFL Worldwide are well-versed in customs regulations and import/export requirements for different countries. Navigating the complex world of customs documentation and permits can be daunting for individuals or businesses shipping art across borders. Art shippers have the knowledge and experience to ensure all necessary paperwork is in order, reducing the risk of delays or customs-related issues. This expertise ensures a smoother and more efficient international art transportation process, saving you time and avoiding potential legal complications.

5. High-quality packing materials and cutting-edge technology

Source: A Logistics

When you hire a reliable international art shipping company, you get all the required services in one place. There won’t be any further logistics expenses because the art shippers will handle everything from art pick-up to packing and crating to the final delivery. However, the most important thing here is that you can be sure that your items are properly protected with the best art packing materials and cutting-edge technology. Professional art shippers carefully choose art packing and crating supplies for each item they are trusted to ship and utilize the most appropriate packaging method that suits the item’s shipping requirements best. Besides, their vehicles and storage facilities are equipped with sophisticated security and climate control systems so that you do not need to worry about the safety of your art pieces while they are in storage or transit.

6. Experienced staff

Source: The UPS Store franchise

When it comes to shipping art and antiques over a long distance, it is very important that the items are handled by experienced people. Professional shippers are well-trained specialists who know how to maintain the highest standard of shipping and packing. Art transportation companies often organize special training courses to teach their staff to handle art properly and deal with any kind of art logistics challenges. When hiring art shipping experts, you can be sure that your precious possessions are in good hands and focus your attention on your business or other important things instead of worrying about the safety of your collection.

7. Security of art

Source: Silverleif Studios

One of the most essential goals of an international art shipping company is to deliver artworks to the destination safe and sound. It is not a secret that there is a dramatic growth in theft rates in the transport industry. Thereby, to guarantee the safety of the transported cargo, art shippers improve their security systems all the time, using innovative and trusted transportation methods. Reputable art shipping companies hire qualified people who have passed various background checks and have extensive experience in transporting such fragile items as works of art and antiques. High security of your art collection in transit, experienced art handlers, and the proper equipment are convincing reasons to choose a professional fine art shipping service.

8. Less stress

Source: Forbes

Due to natural calamities or force majeure, shipping fine art over a long distance may occur to be highly tiresome, stressful, and even dangerous. Professional shippers are ready to handle various unexpected events, emergencies, various accidents, and even bad weather. Thanks to GPS tracking and a workable system of communication, they can easily and effortlessly identify the problem and find the right solution as soon as possible. With professional help, you can be sure your items get to their destination in their pristine condition and on time.

In other words, you cannot go wrong with entrusting the art transportation process to an international art shipping company. However, be sure to choose the right art logistics service provider able to meet your needs and requirements. Good luck!

Is Destiny 2 Worth Playing in 2024?

Source: medium

There are thousands of action video games in the world with millions of active players every month, so if you are a gaming newbie, it may be pretty challenging for you to find a game worth playing. Destiny 2: New Light was released in 2017, for PS4 and Xbox One, and one month later it was available for Windows too. Until October 2019, the players needed to buy the game, but since then, it’s free to play. As we can conclude by the name, it’s a second iteration of the popular game Destiny from 2014. The players are taking roles in their shared world, and the available modes are player versus environment, and player versus player. The player takes the role of a Guardian who needs to save the last city.

Since its initial release, the game received mixed critics. Some people really love it, but there are also those who hate it with their whole heart. Mostly, the criticism is for the story, since the graphics and characters are pretty well developed. Some game critics think that the developers need to pay more attention to the storyline. There are many opposite thoughts about Destiny 2, so it’s normal to ask if it’s worth playing in 2024? Or even if it was ever worth playing? Will it be better in the future? Should you give it a chance?

Here are some of the answers that may help you decide:

Are there active Destiny 2 players?

Source: Marketing Toolbox

This game has a few active expansions, but of course, the basic version is still available and potentially waiting for a regular upgrade. The most popular expansions are Curse of Osiris and Warming, and the biggest one named Forsaken. These games come in one pack. The next iteration, currently known as New Light is a standalone game, and you don’t have to play any previous version or spin-off.

The proof that the Destiny 2 scene is active and growing is that in September 2024 we will be able to see the releasement of the newest big expansion named Beyond Light, which will be followed by two smaller spin-offs, The Witch Queen in 2024, and Lightfall in 2024. So, this is proof that people still love it, and there are many loyal players who respect the concept and embraced it, so they can win the levels and get more and more prizes.

As a matter of fact, there are a lot more people who love it, than those who disrespect the game. Destiny’s society is organizing annual events, and so many activities, like tournaments and championships. Sadly, every plan for this year was postponed until a future notice because of the COVID-19 crisis, but people still are active, and they wait patiently for the next releasement, hoping that the developers will overcome the problems with the storyline and that they will offer something exceptional for the loyal players.

You can have a great time together with your friends in multiplayer mode

Source: Neowin

The storyline is interesting, and when played against others, it can be great for you and your pals. You will have so much fun and spend high-quality time together, creating strategies, or trying to over smart the others. Do you know what else will be interesting? If you allow someone who never played it join your game. You will have a good time teaching them, and seeing how they know nothing about the game, but getting stuck to it as time goes by.

You know, people will have a hard time getting back to normal after the WHO announces the end of the pandemic and the state of emergency. We are sure you are careful and take every protection precaution when meeting your friends now, but when everything is back to normal, we will have a lot of problems living our life like it was before the crisis. So, keep the needed distance, and keep playing Destiny 2, because it will surely help you overcome this crisis easily.

Characters are very well developed

There are a lot of roles and characters in this game, that you can take, in order to level up. Every player is able to improve their first-chosen personality, by adding skills and features. The characters are categorized in these three classes, including hunters, warlocks, and titans. As you go upper, the character is requiring better tools, weapons, and battle equipment. You need to gain those weapons and tools by different sources, you can reach through the strikes, rides, and taking part in the game events. Also, there is an option to build your character following your personality, so you can better adapt to the game.

Some people’s profession is to help you with Destiny 2

Source: ITNetwork

We all know that sometimes, there are some cracks and loopholes that can help us reach some higher levels, without losing too much time. But, have you ever heard about the Destiny 2 boosting service you can find on Lfcarry? People who work there are offering different types of boosters. You need to study through the whole catalog and see which booster will be the best for you. If you decide to use this feature, you will be assigned with a boosting agent who will understand what are you looking for, and they will offer some boost pack for a competitive price. You may need to wait a few hours until the process is finished, but it’s always good to know that you can spend a few dollars and get exceptional results. The fact that the boost professionals exist and are still active, it’s enough to ensure you that Destiny 2 is still worth playing.

You are still not sure? Well, we won’t try to ensure you, but we will of course recommend you not to judge the game before you try it. You can use someone else’s account just to see how it works, watch some videos, or even download a free trial version, so you can decide if you will continue playing, or give up after the first tries.

5 Best Swimming Equipment for Beginners 2024

Source: pcmag

Exercising in the water is something that gives you freedom, something that can help you keep your mind and your body healthy and it is a great way to relieve stress. Nowadays there are a lot of swimming schools and most of them require you to bring your equipment before you start your swimming lessons.

In this article, we are going to give you a list of the best tools and gear for beginners, and you will learn why you need to invest in these things. Remember that the equipment will make a lot of difference and with it, you will learn how to be better, faster, and safer.

1. Goggles

Source: swimnetwork

The goggles are the most important part if you want to learn how to swim with ease, and if you are training to be a professional swimmer. If you decide to take swimming lessons, you should buy a pair of goggles beforehand.

The reason why every swimmer needs these is because of water safety. First and foremost, you will protect your eyes. When we go into the pool, we need to be able to see underwater, so we don’t collide with the wall or someone else. But, as you probably know, there are a lot of different chemicals used to keep the pool clean. Most people won’t get an infection if they open their eyes underwater, but when you take swimming classes three times per week, and when you are in the water for hours, you have to have this equipment with you.

There are a lot of different types of goggles, and they come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, so no matter if you need them for baby swimming lessons, or adults, you will easily find a pair that suits you.

2. Caps

Source: zoggs

Beginners need a swim cap if they want to advance faster and if they want to be focused on the swimming class only. This is especially important if you have your lessons in an indoor swimming pool.

When you use a cap, first and foremost, it will protect your hair. The chlorine in the water will damage your follicles and it may even make your hair more breakable and thinner. So, to save yourself from spending a lot of money on hair care, you should get yourself a cap.

Another thing the caps are great for is cutting down the drag, so you will be able to swim faster. If you want your child to be a part of a swim school, you should get them a cap, so their hair is not in their faces all the time. Fultonswimschool.co.nz suggests that when it comes to toddlers and younger children, there are special techniques that are used to help them learn faster. Fewer distractions make the whole process easier, and your kid can focus on the right moves and breathing techniques instead of moving their hair away.

3. Fins

Source: swimnetwork

Fins are needed for both beginners and experienced swimmers, and when it comes to adult swimming lessons, adults are more likely to need the fins so they can learn different things at the same time.

This equipment will help you move faster and dive deeper, plus you will learn how to prepare yourself for swimming in open waters.

There are a lot of different types available on the market, and the best types of fins are made from silicone and not plastic. They should also be flexible and they should wrap your foot without pressing it anywhere too hard. The fins should not be too heavy and you should not bother walking or swimming with them. Last but not least, you need to choose products that are durable and that won’t get damaged by salty or fresh water.

4. Earplugs

Source: swimnetwork

When it comes to swimming lessons for adults, every swim school recommends that you should carry your earplugs with you. Children should be using them as well, but you need to spend some time teaching your kid how to put them on properly and how not to hurt their ears in the process.

The reason why you need earplugs is to protect yourself from harmful bacteria and ear infections. Whenever we go in the water, some of it gets in our ears. In most cases, it is really easy to take it out, but if you don’t, you risk serious infections and a lot of pain.

There are a lot of different options when it comes to this equipment and the most popular plugs include the silicone, foam you can even get some custom made for you. The custom-made option is the most expensive, but it is also the best. They are really comfortable and give you all the protection you may need. The foam ones are extremely cheap but try not to use them when you swim. They may get damaged when they come in contact with the water, but if you want, you can use them while you watch your kids attend their swim school Auckland.

The silicone ones are the best of both worlds – they adapt to your ear, and they are not as expensive as the custom ones. Choose if you want the regular type or the putty earplugs.

5. Suit and Parka

Source: sportsrec

These two things are crucial and you need to invest in something that is with high quality and durable. The suit needs to be comfortable; it needs to be tight and it needs to be able to withstand a lot of lessons without damaging it.

When it comes to adult swimming lessons, you need to remember one thing – if the suit feels loose, it is time to get a new one. Pay attention to this for your kids as well. If they seem too comfortable in the suit, you should probably invest in a new suit for them.

The parka is used to keep you warm no matter how cold or windy out of the water is. Even if we are talking about indoor swimming pools, they are not always heated, so you may catch a cold if you don’t cover yourself up when you get out of the water. Choose something durable and comfortable and don’t forget to wash it after every use.

These are some of the best things you can find on the market, so take your time when choosing the right equipment for you. Remember that safety is a priority and if you feel itchy, or if you get a rash after your lessons, talk to your doctor immediately. Choose the swim school carefully, and know that the younger the kids are, the easier it is going to be for them to learn how to swim.

7 Tips for Starting a Limited Liability Company – 2024 Guide

A limited liability company is a flexible and extremely popular option for many small and medium-sized businesses. The process for starting and registering your business is relatively simple, but there are some things you must do in order to get approved by your state.

Use this 2024 guide to learn the first necessary steps for starting a limited liability company with ease. Go through each and every one of them and depending on your type of business and your needs, you can adapt them so you can finish the whole process easier. In case you get stuck, or if you don’t know how to proceed, you should contact an expert and get their professional opinion.

1. Name

Source: CorpCo

This is the easiest and probably the hardest of all the steps. You need to choose a name for your LLC and you need something that will be easy to remember, unique and something no one has ever used before.

First research and see if any words are not allowed in your state, and choose something that will not be rejected by Google when you make your website. You can look for words that are not allowed to be used in Google Ads, and stay away from them.

Then you can go online and look for existing company names. Here you can get some inspiration, and at the same time, find out what is already taken.

Once you choose the name you want, you need to register it. Depending on the state you are in, you need to file the needed documents and wait to get approved.

2. Statutory agent

Source: Ohio Department of Insurance

Choosing a registering agent is something you should do before you register your company, as this is one of the most important people for your business. This agent will almost be like your lawyer, even though the person does not have the same function. They will handle all the things, including lawsuits and subpoenas in your businesses’ name.

They will act as the middle man between you and the other party, and they will handle most of the law-related issues. You should do some research before you choose the statutory agent, and find one that has the needed experience and whose rate fits your budget.

3. Organization Form

Source: Small Business Trends

This part is closely related to the things you have already done. You should compile all the files that you have for your LLC and submit them. The form must include the name of your business, the purpose, the statutory agent, and you should also name the existing members. Don’t forget to put in the address and the length of existence.

In this part, you don’t have to specify anyone’s position and you don’t have to worry about the job titles your coworkers are going to have. This is something that you can leave for later, and now you only have to write down the names, and other information, about the people who are going to work with you.

Since this is the most complicated part of the whole process, you have to make sure you do it correctly. According to toptenwebhostingsites.com, many people make mistakes in this process and they end up losing time and money. So, to make sure that everything is done without further delays, you may think about consulting with an expert or hiring a third-party company that will get all of the things done instead of you.

4. Operating agreement

Source: playworksonline

This document should describe how your company is going to function. In this agreement, you should write down who is in charge of it, who gets a vote, and which people don’t have any rights.

Here you should go into details about most important things, including meetings, profits, losses and you should even write down what is going to happen if one or more of the voting members leave the business. You should specify what is going to happen to the LLC in case it bankrupts and the way things are going to be settled or dismantled.

No one wants to think about these things, but it is better to have these things in writing in case the worst happens. Some states do not require you to file this document, but you should have it so you have some basic guidelines on how you are going to run the LLC.

5. Certificate

Source: Northwest Registered Agent

After you file every single document, and after you get approved you need to get a certificate for your LLC from the state. Without this document, you won’t be able to proceed further. This is the document that will allow you to get a bank account, the needed licenses, and an ID.

Depending on the state you live in and on the fact if your initial documentation is fully completed, you should get the certificate in 10 to 30 days.

7. Publish a notice

Source: unsplash.com

Publishing a notice in a local newspaper is required in some places. So, do your research and check to see if this is something you should do. When you do this, you need to state why you want to form an LLC and give information if you’ve received the certificate. At the moment, this part is only required in the state of New York and in Arizona.

Experts suggest that if you don’t have to do this step, you shouldn’t. It will only cost time and money, and it won’t make much of a difference unless you are required by law to do it.

8. Expanding

Source: ceorestoration

These are the most important steps you need to take so you can legally form a limited liability company. After you’ve registered it in one state, you can take things further and register it in other ones. The paperwork you’ve previously done is going to be similar for every state, so you should never throw away or delete copies of the documents you’ve filed. Know that every state requires a different statutory agent, so choose the right people as you expand your business in different places.

Do things slowly and take one step at a time. This is one of the most important things you will do in your life, and you have a chance to make your own successful brand that can make you a lot of money. Recheck everything and if you are not sure how to proceed or if you want everything to be done perfectly, hire a service that will get things done on time and without any mistakes.

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