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How To Tell If Garlic Is Organic – 2024 Guide

Eating healthy is of utmost importance. We can stress enough how crucial it is to have a healthy, balanced diet. What you eat is what you are – it’s that simple. With that in mind, it’s not just enough to choose the right nutrients and foods, you have to make sure those foods are healthy and not filled doused in pesticides, fungicides and the rest of the synthetic chemicals that boost growth and ‘protect’ the foods you eat.

Eating organic is what we all should strive to do. Eating foods that are grown in great soil without any use of synthetic chemicals is paramount to our health. A majority of mass-produced foods are pumped with chemicals, which makes those foods quite unhealthy.

Sometimes, it can be quite easy to spot the difference between organic and non-organic foods, but in some instances, not as much. For instance, garlic is one of those foods. To an untrained eye, it can be quite hard to differentiate the two and that’s why we’re here. Today, we’re going to teach you how to tell if garlic is organic or not with a few simple tips and tricks. So, let’s get started.

Source: Insider

How To Tell If Garlic’s Organic – Before You Buy


One of the easiest ways to spot an organic clove of garlic is by looking at the label, if you’re shopping at a supermarket, for instance. Sometimes, you can even find labels on the products at a local farmers market, but not as often.

In general, organic foods will always have labels that are different from non-organic ones. However, don’t just look for a sticker that says ‘organic’ – in some instances, that can be a false advertisement. Instead, look for a sticker with a code on them. In most cases, if you take a look at the label and it has a 5-digit PLU code, starting with a 9, that means that the product is tested and proven to be organic. If the 5-digit code starts with an 8, that means it has been genetically modified in some way. If you’re looking at a 4-digit PLU code, that means that the product has been treated with synthetic chemicals like pesticides and is not organic.

Source: Food Fraud Advisors

Shelf Life

Even though some consider this to be a myth, if you compare the expiration dates of organic and non-organic vegetables, including garlic, you can probably tell which one is which. Now, garlic has a pretty solid shelf life in general, but if you see some preposterous numbers or a lack of expiration date – it’s probably a good bet that it’s not organic. You can apply this to any vegetable, in general, just check the average shelf life of the product and compare it to the one on the product.

Source: Food Fraud Advisors


Another one of the easiest tell-tale signs whether something’s organic or not is the appearance and this is especially true with garlic. If you have ever seen an organic bulb of garlic, you know that it is anything but perfect looking. According Garlics.com, a company that provides us with garlic from China, a bulb of garlic can almost never look perfect.

Naturally grown garlic, just like any other vegetable, has its flaws and no two of the species will ever look the same. When we’re talking about garlic specifically, look at the shape and the colour. If it’s pure white, without any tint of colour or some discolourations or browning – it’s probably not organic. Also, take a good look at the shape. If you look at the wreath of garlic and every single bulb is identical in shape – it’s not organic. If they’re all slightly different in shape, meaning kind of irregular and the outside is not pure white – it’s organic.

Source: Times of India


If you know anything about garlic – you know how big it’s supposed to be. Most bulbs are pretty much uniform in size, so, if you stumble upon a specimen that’s tomato-sized – it’s highly unlikely that it’s organic. Once again, you can use this rule for pretty much any vegetable out there. If it looks unusually large, that’s probably because it has been pumped with chemicals that boost growth. In some cases, it could just be a coincidence, but it’s highly unlikely – especially when it comes to garlic.

Source: Food & Wine Magazine


Finally, you can do a smell test. That is – if you know what to smell for. This won’t be easy unless you’re familiar with the natural, usual smell of garlic, but if you are – you can give it a try. Unfortunately, mass producers have found a way to mask the smell of pesticides and mimic the natural aroma with additional chemicals. The general rule of thumb is that organic vegetables, including garlic, smell a lot more potent and fresh. So, if you’ve trained your nose and you know what you should expect – you can try this method out.

How To Tell If Garlic’s Organic – Before You Buy

Source: Healthline

Taste & Feel

In general, organic garlic will just taste better. If it was grown in great conditions, without any growth-boosting chemicals or a variety of pesticide and fungicides – you can expect a potent, healthy aroma once you start consuming it. Non-organic garlic will certainly lack in taste. However, once again, you do have to be familiar with the organic product to be able to differentiate the two, but then again, we just know when something tastes right.

Also, organic foods, in general, are lighter on your stomach. If you experience some unpleasantries after you’ve eaten garlic – it’s probable that it wasn’t as organic as you thought it to be.

Source: Urban Ag News

Growth Test

Another cool tip we have for you is a growth test. Basically, you take a single garlic clove and place it into fertile soil. In about two weeks, you should have a healthy sprout, about six inches tall and some strong, healthy-looking leaves.

Also, if you place a whole garlic bulb in a water-filled dish, you should see the roots growing in about two to three days.

As you can tell, there are a few ways in which you can tell whether garlic is organic or not, by doing a couple of simple tests or just taking a good look at it. Hopefully, you’ll find these tips useful and handy the next time you’re shopping for garlic.

Ultimate Guide to Passing a Driving Test 2024

Source: thearrowdrivingschool

Many people, especially teenagers, want to feel like they are in control of their lives. One of the ways they do that is by getting a driving license. A driver’s license usually helps them to be able to move from one place to another without hindrance as long as they have a car.

Even though the excitement that they are soon going to have a card from the DMV with their photo is typically high, it can be nerve-racking as well. Relax, it is not always as bad as others may portray.

What Process Should One Follow for a Driving Test?

Source: expatica

Most tests are done via appointments. You can do this by contacting the DMV office directly or making an appointment online. The driving instructors usually take about 20-30 minutes to gauge whether you are qualified to be on the road with other motorists.

Just like an interview, it is essential to arrive about 15-30 minutes prior to your scheduled driving test.

This time will help you to calm down; use the washing rooms if need be or complete any forms if necessary. The information you fill on the forms should be accurate and precise. Most questions you will require to fill include your name, your birth date, and particulars about your car.

Knowledge to Have before a Driving Test

Source: yogov

You must be of age to go for a driving test. This may be 16 or 18 yrs depending on which state you are in. In New York, a 16 yr old can be allowed to get a junior driving permit. It is vital to have all the information about your vehicle with you so that you don’t waste time.

Carry the necessary documents like insurance papers. Carry a pen along; it will make it easier to start filling the forms. Remember, you may find other people there who may be waiting for the pen provided by the office. If you need glasses or contacts when driving, remember to carry them.

Most importantly, you should carry your MV-278 Certificate, which you usually get after completing a 5-hour driving course from a DMV-approved driving school as explained on this website.

Have Your Car with You at the DMV

Source: thebalance

You need to have a vehicle that you will use for the driving test, which should be accompanied by a permit stating that you can drive the vehicle as long as you have qualified personnel with you.

Remember, this fact doesn’t permit you to drive the car to the DMV by yourself, get a qualified person to come with you.

Make sure that your car is up to the task. Your car should have all the necessary safety features, such as a seat belt, mirrors, brakes, signals and more. If you come with a vehicle that lacks any of these, you may be asked to return home and come for a test on a different day.

It’s usually advisable you use your instructor’s car. That way, you will not only be confident to drive in a vehicle you are used to, but you will also have a motor vehicle that meets all the DMV driving test requirements.

Please note that if you have automatic cars that can park themselves or have features that may help you out in any other way that you should inquire if the DMV accepts them before you go with one.

Be Confident to Drive

Source: autoexpress

You may know how to drive already, and all you need is your driving license, but the fact that this is dependent on someone else requires preparation. Your instructor may want to see how you make turns, indicate, or drive on the highway. They may want to know how you parallel park too.

You might be asked to drive to a residential area to see how you perform there. You should be able to do all that with ease. Ensure that you have calmed down your nerves before you start, especially if you went to the best driving school.

Be Ready to Follow Instructions

Source: drivesmartgeorgia

You may have a set a comfortable pattern for yourself when driving. The instructor may alter this pattern. The instructor may tell you to put your phone on vibration mode or to switch off the car radio.

These instructions may seem simple, but if you are used to having them on, then you may be thrown off balance. Politely comply with his instructions and concentrate on the road.

What Should You Observe When Taking a Road Test?

Source: carshop

To begin with, you should be sober when taking your driving test. Alcohol or illegal substances should not be consumed because they may inhibit your faculties. It would be best if you avoid speeding and reckless driving. Make sure you stop when the traffic lights demand.

Drive slowly in an area where children are playing or crossing. Always be vigilant. It is essential not to throw things outside of your moving vehicle. Apart from littering, it may be dangerous to other road users.


Source: carthrottle

How much you are supposed to pay for a driving test solely may vary but in the state of New York it will cost you 10$.  It would be best if you researched beforehand so that you are well equipped.

What Happens After the Test?

Source: lookers

If you pass the test, the instructor will hand you a form stating that you have passed. You will head to your local DMV where your picture will be taken and your license processed. The driving license and permit costs will vary.

It will depend on your age. However, this should not be a leeway to misbehave on the road. Remember your life, and those of other road users matter. The state can revoke your license if they find that you are misusing it.

If, for one reason or another, you don’t pass the test, then don’t despair, you can retake the test. The driving instructor will advise you on how long you should wait before doing another test. Use that time to practice so that you can succeed the next time you are there.

Final Word

It is important to go for a test with the same car that you used to learn how to drive. It will make it easier for you if the instructor asks you to use various controls in the car to gauge your knowledge.

Using the same car will also heighten your confidence levels, making you pass the test without any mishap. This information is important if you want to know what to bring to a driver’s test.

5 Steps to Buy Bitcoin in 2024

Source: Pinterest

If you haven’t figured out by now: Bitcoin is a massive presence on the currency market! If you opt to mine or trade Bitcoin, you can make substantial amounts of money, which is why people are flocking to do precisely this. In recent years Bitcoin gained popularity and trust as a well-accepted currency in all corners of the planet. You can use it all over the world for purchase without a fault. So, if you are eager to get started with Bitcoin, you came to the right place. We’ll guide you through the five steps to buy Bitcoin in 2024.

If this is your first purchase, you’ll be glad to have us lead you through all the way. After reading this article, you’ll be ready to make a Bitcoin purchase and consequently earn money. Let’s start!

Step 1: Finding a Perfect Bitcoin Wallet

Source: Medium

Same as with any other currency, you’ll need a wallet to store this one, and keep it safe. The first step is not about your regular pocket wallet. This one would be used to store cryptocurrency until the moment you’ll ready to sell it, exchange it, or outright buy something with it. Bitcoin Wallets are important because they offer you security in addition to other features they provide. Upon deciding which app or platform you’re going to trade Bitcoin, you’ll probably receive a wallet offer from them. In addition to theirs, you should also ensure to have a separate on where your Bitcoin will be safer. After attaining a Bitcoin, you’ll be advised to move it to your separate wallet from the one your exchange provided. Some of the options we can recommend for you are Exodus, Bitcoin Core, and Mycelium.

Step 2: Find and Stick to the right Bitcoin trader

Source: Forbes

Exchange is the place where you should start your Bitcoin travel. There are many options on the web, and they all differ in terms of performance. Because of this, it is essential to pick the right one, which will provide security and be in the limits of what you desire. While it’s not easy to find the right partner, we would suggest that you try out thebitcoincode, who are one of the best options available on the market. Signing in into their account is an easy feat, but you’ll need to provide personal information to confirm your identity. This is a perfectly legal step as the security of your persona, and your Bitcoin, are essential for good business.

Step 3: Selecting a payment method

Source: PayPal

There are many scam sites out there who pose as exchanges, and you should go around them if you don’t want to lose money. This information is why you should be careful about your payment method and to whom you are giving your money. Most exchanges accept various types of payment, including paying through a bank account, debit or credit card, PayPal, or even with cash. Cash payment is possible if your city has a Bitcoin ATM. The first thing you need to do is to link one of the paying methods to your account. Selecting a paying method is crucial for your advance in the world of cryptocurrency and a step you mustn’t skip.

Step 4: Buying Bitcoin and storing them in your wallet

Source: CoinDesk

The exchange you select will keep you informed on how much Bitcoin you can buy for a specified amount of money. Bitcoin is known for gaining and losing value in short periods. This is something you need to look after. At most times, Bitcoin has a high value, so even if you have large amounts of money at your disposal, you’ll only be able to buy only a piece in one moment. This is quite normal, as only someone rich can by a Bitcoin or a few from one purchase. When you come to the moment of your first purchase, your Bitcoin will be automatically stored in your wallet provided by your exchange. After you buy a cryptocurrency, it would be wise to transfer it to your separated wallet. This action comes with a fee, but that’s also part of the Bitcoin trade.

While all of this sounds like a piece of cake, it’s not at all like that. You’ll need the patience to get into buying Bitcoin. It is not rare that many people trade at the same time. Because of this, your transaction will sometimes take hours to be completed.

Step 5: Get ready to use it

Source: Wall Street Journal

The last step in buying a Bitcoin is actually to do something with it. The sole goal of owning cryptocurrency is not only to have it but also to make use of it. The choice is up to you. Bitcoin can be exchanged for another cryptocurrency, sold for money, or can purchase something directly. Once you decide what to do, it’s essential to act quickly. Bitcoin’s value fluctuates at rapid rates, and it can change during the course of one day. To avoid surprises, you’ll also need to create a seller’s account. By doing this, you’ll set yourself up for purchase before the moment comes. If you don’t do this, you might regret it because it could prevent you from doing with your Bitcoin what you intended. Furthermore, you could also get familiar with places where you can spend your Bitcoin so that you won’t waste any time when the time comes.


The world of buying and selling of Bitcoin is not something new. This cryptocurrency is present in the currency markets for more than ten years. By now, it is quite normal to trade with Bitcoin as it’s with oil and gold. Some users even find trading Bitcoin to be more secure than some of the things that are available on the stock market. If you are ready to go into Bitcoin adventure, we hope that these five steps we provided give you enough security to push forward. All that you need now is the money to make your first purchase. When you decide to do this, remember this article, go through the steps listed above, and embark on Bitcoin’s adventure.

4 Tips for Understand Mortgage and Refinance Rates Better

Many people don’t realize that obtaining a decent rate on a mortgage is much more than selecting a better option after comparing a couple of them. At the same time, we can see that it is based on much more than just a credit score. We can see that the mortgage decision is based on a wide array of diverse aspects. They are examined to determine if the applicant qualifies for the mortgage, and what will be the interest that the applicant will need to pay. Only after going through all of them, you will know if you have met the standards and requirements.

We can see that the global pandemic of coronavirus has caused the mortgage rates to be at a historic low. So, it’s no wonder that many homeowners are considering refinancing them. Thankfully, some tools can help us in calculating the mortgage and refinance rates. If you need this calculation, be sure to take a look at mortgageloan.com. While we can see that this process is not too much different from the one that you have gone through in the first place, it is a must to have a complete understanding of it. Therefore, we would like to provide you with a couple of tips that will provide further understanding about them. Without further ado, let’s take a look at them.

1. Kinds of Mortgage Interest Rate

Source: United Home Loans

It is vital to know that there are a couple of different kinds of mortgages to choose from. The main difference between these is their length, and whether we are talking about a modifiable or fixed one. There are 3 of them. The one we would like to start from is a 5/1-year modifiable mortgage rate. It means that for the first 5 years, the rates will remain fixed. After that period, they become modifiable.

The second one is a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage. In this case, no payments and interest rates will be altered, but their costs are higher and they are spread for 15 years. The third and final one is a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. With this one, monthly payments are significantly reduced, but they are spread for the next 30 years.

2. Mortgage Interest Rate’s Impact on the Market

Source: RISMedia

Many people make the mistake of thinking that mortgage tariffs influence every home’s price. However, we can see that this is not the case. But it does affect the influence housing supply. Surely, you can understand how big of a role this plays in the pricing of a certain property. In case when these are on the rise, owners of the property will not be interested in entering the market. With them on the rise, fees are surging and the demand gets higher.

If they have been rising for too long, or they are too high at the moment, homeowners can be forced to place a much lower price to get a notice on the market. As you can presume, this is not that a majority of sellers would like to do, right? When the occurrences are different, when these are low, the chances of entering the market get higher. Basically, it can be said that the market offers buyers more options when it comes to negotiating. As you can see, it depends on how high they are at a moment.

3. Categories of Refinancing Loans

Source: Fox Business

Now, we would like to talk about different sorts of refinancing. There are three of them. The first one we would like to discuss is a rate-and-term refinance loan. With this one, the aim is to have a different interest rate, or loan term, or both of them. Furthermore, no changes are made to the loan’s amount. The commonest way this is the handle is to switch the loan from the adjustable to a fixed rate. The next one is a cash-out refinance loan. It includes cashing out a share of the home’s equity.

As you can imagine, this is a refinance that helps homeowners to use the money for other things. In most cases, it usually ends in a higher interest rate and monthly payment. Last but not least, we would like to mention a cash-in refinance loan. It is done by investing money to reduce the balance of a mortgage. Why is this done? Well, chances are that some people would like to remove private mortgage insurance, and by doing that, quality for a lower interest rate.

4. How Timing for Refinance Impacts Rates?

Source: Online Payday Loans With Bad Credit

We can see that many people are not sure about what’s the best time for refinancing their mortgage. Without a doubt, it should be done when the current loan is near the end of its term. However, there is a possibility that your financial situation has changed and you are made to consider it. Let’s say that your income has gotten much higher in the last couple of months and you are looking for a way to invest your money in a new property.

Certainly, you will need to consider rates. Sometimes, you will be provided with a chance to lock in a new rate two months before the current loan’s term is officially over. In case they are increasing, you should lock them as soon as possible. If these are still low, then you shouldn’t change them even when the time for renewal comes. Basically, you will have the option of making a decision that will serve your needs in the best possible manner. Therefore, you should think carefully before making a decision.

In Conclusion

We can see that many people are uncertain about terms used in this industry. Therefore, we have decided to provide our readers with the most important tips for understanding mortgage and refinance rates properly. Here are tips that refer to different types of mortgage rates and refinance loans, how they impact the market, and how the timing for a refinance can influence your rates. We are sure you will find this article of ours useful and that it will help to understand these concepts a little bit better.

Things All Casino Players Hate About Online Gambling

Once the online casinos were truly established people felt overjoyed with everything they brought to the table. The reasons to be happy were all there. Numerous games, amazing welcome bonuses. Quick connection and possibility to enter and exit a casino whenever you wanted. We’re not even going to mention the option of playing while on the move via mobile phone on an app. Everything that online casinos represented was greeted with joy by gamblers, especially since the rise of coronavirus. Now, after some time and everything players experienced while online first flaws started to be more noticeable than before. So, have you wondered about things all casino players hate about online gambling. If so, you are in the right place as we’re going to divulge them in little more details than we’re used to, as we’re known as big fans of online casinos and online betting.

Source: Medium

Lack of Face to Face Contact

When first established online casinos thrilled players with the level of privacy they offered. But, with time the sentiment dwindled. While some privacy is always okay, too much of it and you can feel secluded and alienated from the world. Most players don’t love to have someone looking at their cards, or counting their winnings, but in the end, it’s all about the fun, entertainment, and having someone to talk to. Today’s online casinos have various text messages service, and some of them offer rooms with a live dealer, the lack of player vs. player live interaction bothers too many players to be overlooked. Some games do offer a certain amount of contact but so far nothing out of the ordinary. In the future, there will probably be offerings of VR rooms or something similar, but that’s still a long shot. So, if this is your primary issue regarding online casinos try to find satisfaction with live casino games at casinoguide.com. At the moment you don’t have a better option if there will ever be one.

Source: Merchant Maverick

Too Convenient at Times

This sounds strange. You probably think we’re ungrateful, but it’s nothing like that. Most people would believe that the convenience that comes with online casinos is a good thing, and not something that can bother the players. But, listen to us, maybe we are up to something here. Thanks to the development of the internet and modern technology gambling have become super accessible. For most people, this doesn’t pose an issue. Most gamblers know a thing or two about budgeting and not getting too carried away. But, others are not so disciplined. As you can probably know, gambling is a vice, and people do get addicted to it. Having a casino in the palm of your hand makes this issue worse for some individuals. Most recent studies show that gambling addiction didn’t take a turn for the worse after online casinos became popular but they have a hand to play in it. This is why some people remain wary of them and are listing accessibility as one of the things they hate the most about online casinos.

Source: Computerworld

Time Zones as an Issue

Not all countries around the world have their online casinos worth visiting. Even in developed countries some of their casinos operate off-shore which means they’ll be located in different time zones at most times regarding their players. This is not a major issue in most situations. But, when it comes to the live dealer games it can be a headache, especially if you have an issue, and need customer help on your side. Furthermore, some live dealers work 24 hours a day, while others have limited time during the day dedicated to players. If you are in the wrong time zone you’ll have to get up early to play or stay awake late into the night. Not being able to play, or even to chat with customer service can be annoying and we do not wish it on any player.

Source: Medium

The Risk of Running Into Scammers

This is a real risk in the world of online gambling, while most businesses in this domain are genuine, there are those with the intention to harm you. Unfortunately, things are like this, as the world is a cruel place. Some people are out there only to take advantage of others. The regulatory systems that control online casinos do their job and when scammers are discovered they’re dealt with, but in most cases not before the harm is done. Because of this many people are not too eager to deposit large sums of money, if any at all at online casinos. No one wan to be scammed. The worries are real that someone is coming for their money, and that the joy of gambling is going to be stripped from them. There are many recorded cases of this happening and payer hate when they hear about it and less alone when it happens to them. To avoid this issue you only need to cooperate with legitimate websites which is easy to find out with a few clicks around their web page.

Source: partner.org

Cash-out Can be a Drag Sometimes

When it comes to money everyone wants it yesterday. Online casinos won’t even give it to you today, even at your request. Yes, this is what we hate the most. Late cash-outs sometimes feel like they take an eternity. Land-based casinos are clear on this; you get your money upon leaving. With online establishments, things are a bit slower. No, they can be much slower. In some instances, you’ll get your money in a day. Unfortunately, sometimes it can take a few days to complete the transaction. The situation is even worse if you live outside of Europe or United States. Third-world countries sometimes wait for weeks to get their cashback. The system has its flaws at the moment, but they’re being resolved as we speak. They need to, as we have Bitcoin setting records in the speed of transactions while decent gamblers have to wait for their hard-earned money. We can only hope that justice is coming our way.

9 Ways to Tell if Someone is on Kratom

Kratom is a plant native to Southeastern Asia, and it has been used for treating numerous health conditions. The cultures in this area have been using it as a part of their tradition for more than a couple of centuries. We can see that it became quite popular in the Western part of the world, mainly for many health benefits it offers to its consumers.

But it needs to be said that it is still used in its native region much more than in other parts of the world. Of course, it cannot be consumed as a raw plant. Instead, the leaves are dried and are mixed with a dish or a beverage. We can see that it is sold in much more forms than just those dried leaves. It can be used in the green powder, pill, gum, or a liquid extract form.

When it comes to its effect on humans, it needs to be said that it is mainly used as an aphrodisiac, for pain relief, and mood-enhancing. If you would like to take a look at some Kratom-based products, be sure to take a look at sakratom.com. But many people don’t know that it can cause an addiction in some cases. Therefore, we would like to talk about a couple of ways you can see is has this kind of addiction. Without further ado, let’s take a look at these.

Source: Medium

1. Breathing Problems

Maybe it doesn’t sound possible, but people who abuse it often have problems with breathing properly. While this is unlike any other symptom of abusing any substance, it needs to be said that it is frequent among kratom abusers. It is manifested as any other problem with breathing, like not being able to take a deep breath and frequent coughs. If you know that a person with this symptom uses kratom, this is the first alert that the abuse of the substance is at hand.

2. Mood Swings

Now we would like to talk about a symptom common for all kinds of psychoactive substances, frequent mood swings. Anyone who experienced this symptom knows that it can be pretty irritating and can cause some further damage to the user’s mental health. Loving the world at one moment, and not wanting to talk to people at the next is the sign of kratom abuse. With higher stages of abuse, these mood swings can become even more common and frequent, which enhances the danger.

Source: rehabs.com

3. Runny Nose

Every person is aware of the fact that people who consume substances in the form of power have a runny nose. The same can be said about kratom misuse. However, it will not be the same as in the case of other drugs. It will sound much drier. At the same time, it will not be as frequent as it is the case with other substances. Nevertheless, it will be equally uncomfortable for the person who experiences it.

4. Talkativeness

Since we are talking about a psychoactive substance, it is not uncommon to see people who misuse it to be talkative. We can draw an analogy between kratom and other substances because this symptom is not that different. Also, there’s no way you can know that kratom is the thing that caused it. The only thing you will be able to know about it is to know that a particular person with this symptom uses it for some reason.

Source: cornerstoneofrecovery.com

5. Kratom Obsession

The next symptom we would like to discuss is kratom obsession. We would like to elaborate on that. People who have been using it for a long time, and without any kind of limitations, can become obsessed with it. It means that they would invest all of their time, resource, and focus into obtaining it. Not only that, we can see that many people who have developed this dependence on kratom feel like they cannot have a normal life without consuming it.

6. Irresponsibility

Being irresponsible and not caring too much about all the daily obligations and schedules is a common symptom among psychoactive substance consumers. There’s no reason why it should be any different with kratom addiction. Those who have developed an addiction to this substance will fail to carry out all the responsibilities at work and home. At some point, they will just start caring about anything else besides consuming this substance.

Source: Kratom Spot

7. Irritation

It is not uncommon to see a body having an inflammatory response to kratom consumption. For example, the skin on the cheeks and other parts of the face can become almost purple. However, there are more severe symptoms like itching, sweating, and even nausea in some cases. All of these irritations can last for up to a couple of hours before the person can have it under control. It’s needless to say that these couple of hours will be highly discomforting.

8. Anxiety

Like any other psychoactive substance, kratom can trigger anxiety in a person and it could pass quite a lot of time before this symptom is finished. Of course, the majority of these problems will revolve around the fact that the person doesn’t want to use it anymore, but the urge will overcome them at a particular moment. As you know, anxiety can cause individuals to distance themselves from other people, not talking to them, and spending the majority of their time alone.

Source: Senior Outlook Today

9. Vomiting

Last but not least, we would like to talk about a pretty frequent symptom with kratom users, vomiting. It makes perfect sense, when an individual’s body simply cannot take any more of the substance, it causes people to vomit. However, it needs to be said that with kratom, it can become frequently and surely unpleasant.

In Conclusion

Recognizing that someone is on kratom is not as hard as many people believed just a couple of years ago. With many years of experience and medical studies, now we know exactly how we can determine them. Here, we’ve presented you with some of the commonest ways you can see if someone is misusing this substance. Not taking care of it on time, can lead to that person begin taken to rehabilitation.

Top 8 Water Parks In the World in 2024

Source: thesun

The Coronavirus crisis has locked down almost every country in the world. People have to stay inside, until we can somehow eventually defeat the invisible enemy.

The good news is, it seems that things are getting back to normal. Some amusement parks, like Six Flags Great Adventure have just recently opened their outdoor Wild Safari Drive-Thru where visitors can experience different animals from around the world from the comfort of their own cars.

Borders of different countries are slowly opening and people will soon get the chance to travel.

We assume that people are willing to travel even more after a 3-month long quarantine. However, this article is going to help those that are fans of wet and wild vacations.

The summertime is coming and it is the right time to visit some of the top water parks in the world. Fortunately, you can find some really interesting water parks in all parts of the world.

Hopefully, you will get a chance to travel and experience one of these theme parks yourself.

Let’s find out the best water parks in the world together.

1. Hurricane Harbor

Source: visitlakecounty

We will start the list with one of the largest water parks in the United States. More precisely, this one is located in New Jersey. Visitors of all ages flock from Pennsylvania, New York, and of course New Jersey to experience the body slides, wave pools and various tube rides.

This waterpark has always been very interesting to adventure seekers because of the more advanced speed slides and fast paced rides from great heights.

There are dozens of thrilling rides including a 517 foot long inner-tube slide, and a four-story-high zero gravity water slide named (The Halfpipe).

Visitors also come for the Big Wave Racer ride that is long over 1800 feet.

Despite the wilder rides, you will find large areas of the park that are dedicated only to the youngest generations. Parents will have the chance to enjoy these areas with their kids as well.

We’ve highlighted some of the rides here available at Hurricane Harbor. If you would like to see more information, click here.

2. Thrill Waterpark, CocoCay, Bahamas

Source: thesun

Is there a person on this planet that would not want to visit the Bahamas? The Bahamas is well-known among tourists because of the nice weather, amazing beaches, and… great water parks.

Thrill Waterpark at Cococay is a revamped private island experience launched in 2019. The guests will have the chance to enjoy one of the tallest water slides in North America.

Everything in this water park is BIG. Logically, there are also nearby warm and clear-water beaches that will bring visitors and vacationers additional joy.

As you walk through the main entrance of the park you will see a huge wave pool on your right. This wave pool and one of the largest freshwater pools in the world.

Rides include the Daredevils Tower of water slides, the Splash Summit tower and the Slingshot which is a half-pipe where you can experience a few amazing moments of zero gravity.

3. Aqua Nick, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Source: redtri

Many people would describe this place as “crazy” because of its mass green slimings. Getting a bucket of green slime dumped on you truly is a crazy experience.

Logically, this is especially entertaining for the youngest generations. While kids play in the water, parents will have the chance to enjoy delicious food and quality service thanks to Gourmet Inclusive Experience.

4. Aquaventure, Paradise Island, Bahamas

Source: nassauparadiseisland

Someone would say that we are obsessed with the Bahamas. However, we can’t deny they do have some of the coolest water parks in the world. This time we are here to talk about Aquaventure. This is a 141-acre water park that comes with splash areas, cool pools, raft rides, and amazing beaches.

Many activities will make your time entertaining. For example, there is a Leap of Faith that allows users to drop from the Mayan Temple into a shark-infested lagoon. They will do that through a clear tunnel.

Tourists will have the opportunity to enjoy four beaches around the hotel. It is a perfect place for parents to relax while kids play.

5. Waterbom, Bali, Indonesia

Source: bushwalkingblog

Let’s head over to the south-east of Asia and talk about one the best water parks in all of Asia. One of those that deserves your attention is located in Bali, Indonesia. It’s called the Waterbom.

Bali has become one of the most attractive destinations in recent years. People come to visit Bali to see some of the its most beautiful natural surroundings.

Waterbom sets a great pace for an amazing day in the sun. There are many rides, dining outlets, and swim up bar.

If you are heading to the Bali region of Indonesia as a tourist, we recommend that you visit the Waterbom. It is a home of the popular rainbow tube slide that launches you up – Boomerang.

We recommend our readers to try the extreme rides like the Smashdown 2.0, the Green Vipers slides and the Climax. The Climax is a trapdoor slide that will surely wake you up with a strong dose of adrenalin in your body.

Their lazy river which is a very mellow ride, has some of the most beautiful surroundings than any other waterpark in the world

6. Water Cube Water Park, Beijing, China

Source: whitewaterwest

Let us remain in Asia, but this time we will now move a bit more to the east to Beijing. Beijing was formerly the home site of the Summer Olympics held in 2008.

The capital of China is home to one of the most advanced indoor themed water amusement parks in the entire world.

The first attraction that will impress you is a simulation of a dream-like underwater world. The entire atmosphere is embellished with music, bubbles, lights, and sea life.

Rides include the “Deep-water Tornado slide”, the high-speed Aqualoop, Wonderland Drifting, and the Crazy Tsunami.

Lastly, test your “courage” with Bullet Bowl.

7. Wild Wadi Waterpark, Dubai, UAE

Source: siyanatravel

It seems that all popular destinations in the world contain at least one amazing waterpark. Things are not different when we talk about Dubai. Here you can find one of the top-rated summer attractions.

Visitors can choose between 30 different rides and attractions.

All of the attractions are all based on Arabian folklore and can be quite an entertaining thing for the entire family.

It is hard to find a child that won’t enjoy water guns and racing slides. Despite that, two FlowRider surf simulators are quite a challenging thing. Each person will be challenged to catch a wave.

8. Beach Park, Aquiraz, Brazil

Source: booking

It would be a shame not to mention this water park in South Africa. This one you can find on the beach of Porto das Dunas.

It is an incredible place for every family that is a big fan of wet and entertaining holidays. You will get the chance to enjoy many spas and waterslides.

You’ve already probably heard about Insano, one of the tallest waterslides in the world.

Believe it or not, this waterslide drops you down 14 stories!

Everything happens in only a couple of seconds because the speed of drops is 65 mph. Your heart rate will surely go up each time when you try it out.

What is a Cloud PBX and How Does It Work – 2024 Guide

Source: flashmobcomputing

Although we use them almost every day, we can sometimes get confused by the term PBX. What exactly is it? Within this acronym lies the term Private Branch Exchange. It is one of the many types of office telephone systems that are in wide use today. In our guide for 2024 – we will explain what is a cloud PBX and how it works.

What Are PBX Telephone Systems?

PBX telephone systems are in widespread use today. However, like everything else – with the development of technology, they are slowly changing and becoming more contemporary. It is a telephone communication system that is widely used in companies that want to have an internal communication line. Today, PBX systems are most common in small, medium, and large companies, and there are many reasons for this. Namely, these systems offer several possibilities and options that serve their users for different needs – depending on their requirements. The telephone systems themselves are based on so-called ‘external’ lines that are connected to the public telephone network. It is this fact that allows greater flexibility when employees in the company communicate – either internally or externally.

PBX telephones allow for great communication between employees all over the world. In today’s age, with everything being digital, you can use PBX phone systems to connect to every employee’s phone with an extension code. Using a system like Evolve Network Solutions means all your remote employees can be contacted by anyone who calls the central phone line.

Source: kinectcommunications

How PBX Works?

With the introduction of digitalization, many things have been made easier for us. That first happened in the field of telephony. Namely, PBXs are digital systems based on hardware that can be stored inside or outside the company. These are telephone exchanges that are located in a specific place and maintained by the relevant telephone company. According to verticomm.com, PBX is just one of the most commonly used internal communication systems, which differs from the traditional one in that it can perform both external and private – that is, internal communication within the company’s employees. In other words, there is one main number with allowances for each employee in the company. These systems also made it possible to send information to other devices such as fax machines, etc. With the rapid development of technology, PBX also began its evolution, so today it has been expanded to the so-called cloud exchanges.

Development of VoIP Technology

With the development of technology and its application in telephony, we have come to VoIP. VoIP technology brings with it increasing possibilities for process automation. We can quickly and efficiently solve a bunch of tasks that used to take us hours and hours of turning the dials. One of the focal points of the business application of VoIP is call centers. Thousands of calls made daily that bring profit have proven to be one of the essential applications of VoIP in practice. Therefore, there are hundreds of people sitting and talking about their working hours. Or one person – if the process is automated properly. This technology follows a new idea. For certain information that is transmitted through call centers – it is possible to combine voicemail and IVR and create a hybrid that does everything it takes to complete an action.

Source: CIO Techie

What is Cloud Technology?

Cloud includes putting away information on the Internet and not locally on your hard drive. However, it’s not just about the information because the fact is that complete systems are located somewhere out there on the Cloud. That “out there” location is actually the data center infrastructure server. According to TheVOIP.City, in the last couple of years, VoIP telephony has started to switch to the cloud, which has opened up many possibilities that are worth drawing on. Also, VoIP telephony has given us even lower prices by switching to the cloud because there is no need to purchase and maintain expensive hardware. Overall, the cloud in VoIP has brought only good. But have you ever wondered what that means at all? How did VoIP get to the cloud?

VoIP To Cloud

Today, most things, as a rule, rely upon the internet. It is not much different from Cloud PBX. It works by associating with the Internet, permitting your Internet telephone to work and function appropriately. This implies you should have VoIP or some other IP framework in your office. So this is essential that must be met to utilize a Cloud PBX. Most VoIP providers additionally incorporate PBX alternatives – generally at no additional expense.

Source: foxbusiness

How To Access PBX Cloud?

This is an extremely simple procedure. You will effectively get to it with a customized account. You can do this with practically any gadget that is associated with the web and can run PBX Cloud. This likewise implies you can get to your Cloud from any area where there is a web connection – or from gadgets that you have approved for utilizing this framework. This permits you unquestionably greater versatility since you don’t need to be in the workplace to utilize the workplace telephone. In case you need to bring over your office telephone when you’re not in the workplace – you should simply remain connected with your PBX.

Who Manages Your Data On The Cloud?

In this case, data storage and management are entrusted to your provider. This means that your data is stored in their database. Moreover, many service providers also offer you a backup system. It involves backing up all relevant information that is important to you. In case of a computer failure or accidental data loss – you will have backups. This type of replication is called “redundancy”.

Features of Cloud Business Telephony

Source: RapidValue

This type of telephony service offers you several features. Here are some of the features.

No capital investment in infrastructure and equipment

No big start-up costs. Payment for the service through a monthly subscription. Predictable costs – easier planning. Cloud IP Office is ideal for small and medium businesses.

Service flexibility

Increase or decrease the number of users depending on the season or the current organization. Don’t waste money on unused licenses. Customize the system to your needs.

Source: nubitel

Already have the equipment? No problem!

Already have analog or digital phones or headsets? No problem, you can use the existing infrastructure. Or get a new one from your provider.

System reliability

Using Cloud business telephony enables maximum uptime and availability of services.

6 DIY Home Office Decor Ideas – 2024 Guide

Source: countryliving

When you want to decorate your home office, in addition to stylizing the walls, ceiling and floor, you need to add a few colorful pieces of furniture and decorative details that will beautify the workspace. One can do without it, sure, but you’ll all agree, everything seems to be better when the atmosphere in which we perform our daily duties is pleasant and cheerful.

Although you get the impression that the decor can distract your attention and prevent you from working properly, your space still needs to have cool things inside. You know, just to inspire you. In addition, the embellishment of our study or working place should be highly functional and practical in order to motivate you to give your best shot during work.

Here is a way to enrich your living space where you spend a large part of the day in a unique way, and moreover – to do it yourself, at home. If you’re an artistic soul, love handicrafts and in case various DIY projects don’t seem like something unknown to you… we have the right thing for you.

1. Colorful file holders and document binders

Source: hgtv

Certain office-based businesses frequently involve innumerable piles of paper and databases that aren’t located only in your PC or laptop. Ah… all those mighty contracts, documents, folders, file holders.. and they seem so boring in those uniform and plain colors.

Having this in mind, why not take advantage of a sudden rush of inspiration to turn these pieces of inventory into something more lively and aesthetically attractive?

Really want to start from scratch? Then make your own file holders from an old box, plywood or some harder material for the purpose of creating a container with stronger support, in case of many folders. After this step is completed, the containers prepared in this way can be lined with decorative, crepe or hammer paper – as you wish. Pinterest pages might serve you as a lovely example of other creative versions, like the ones covered with pages of magazines and books, stickers or leather.

The choice is yours, however, an extra piece of advice would be to keep in mind the color of your other furniture in order to best match the shades and patterns.

2. A huge corkboard calendar

Source: diynetwork

Yes, planners are cool, but have you ever had your wall calendar as a huge agenda in front of your eyes, above your own desk? You haven’t? Then you’ll simply love this!

Cork is a frequent guest and a part of various wall creations. It’s mostly known to us because of its use in making boards used to pin photos with your fave people and other little things that we want to have in front of our eyes. And how about making a nice corkboard calendar that you’d be able to customize in the way your heart wants it? Check blankcalendarpages.com and find some of the option.

This project may take a little more time, but we promise it’s too much fun. What you need is a large piece of cork (you can connect several smaller ones as well), 35 hammer paper squares in the color of your choice, thread, colored pegs and a lot of pins. It’s easy to find all these since a number of physical and online stores like Jetcube.co tend to sell materials for crafts like the ones we mention here.

After you frame the cork or attach it to the wall, make a grid of 35 squares (5 weeks x 7 days) on it and draw or pin the numbers from 1 to 30 or 31 on them, depending on the month you’re in. Of course, you’ll be able to change it next month.

Above each row of squares, attach a thread in the width of a cork board, and then add multicolored clips or pegs to it above each square. You’ll use them to attach the papers and sticky notes with your daily obligations. Of course, in addition, you can place some pics with friends and family there, or inspirational quotes, sweet messages from dear people, old movie tickets or anything similar that means something to you.

3. Miraculous sea bowl on your desk

Source: scenebyc

Sometimes we find inspiration exactly in those things that await us at the end of the tunnel, that is, after the completion of all business endeavors and hard tasks. These are often vacations, trips and wandering around beautiful places, so it might not be a bad idea to create a little reminder of what comes after all that work as a reward.

If you have a place on your desk or on the shelf next to it, or basically anywhere in the vicinity, take a classic glass bowl – even better if it’s a cool shape – and fill it with everything. Sand, shells, colorful pebbles, pieces of colored glass, starfish and all the other things that remind you of the sea, the beach and the endless freedom you feel while relaxing on vacation.

Empty shells can also be used as fantastic mini candle holders – it’s enough to fill them with wax and insert a wick. A real little sea fiesta right there on your desk view!

4. DIY vivid mouse pad

Source: walmart

Yes, we know that you can find a whole bunch of different mouse pads in stores, with customized images and various other special features, but it’s much more interesting when you put in a little effort to make your own. Or, when you get bored of that old and worn out one you have for years… Why would you spend money on buying another when there’s nothing easier than restoring an existing one?

Coat the old pad with a piece of fine material of the same shape in the color you want. This depends on the nuance of the rest of the inventory in your office, since, as we said, it’s desirable that the shades match. On that piece you can draw gold or white polka dots or paint something of your choice. There you go – you can be sure that you’ll have a unique and special piece of equipment that no one else has.

5. Houseplants you planted by yourself

Source: housebeautiful

Workspace plants, just like potted flowers for your home, create the necessary harmony in your office as well. Not only do they enhance its appearance, but they also make the air much cleaner. Even when there isn’t enough light or the rooms are not ventilated during the weekend, some species will save the day with their mild and cleansing characteristics.

Experts advise you to choose plants that aren’t too demanding to maintain, as these aren’t supposed to  require much time to be kept in a good shape. Dracaena isn’t only simple to grow, but it’s an exceptional air purifier. In addition to oxygen supplies, this plant also releases droplets that collect harmful substances from the air and reduce the amount of dust.

There isn’t enough light? Ivy, aloe, fern and bamboo are perfect plants for you in such cases. Of course, to make things more DIY, it would be great to plant these yourself and maintain and take care of them until they grow into beautiful tendrils or twigs. You can even paint the pots to whichever color you prefer – so much fun!

6. Customized mirror

Source: fully

We left a pretty cool detail for the finals here  – DIY unique mirrors that you’ll paint or decorate yourself. You know that it’s often possible to find a classic, ordinary piece of mirror, without frames or other additional parts. Your job will be to make it a lovely extra piece of your workspace.

You can find glass paints with which you can draw ornaments along the entire edge of the mirror in all better-stocked shops and bookstores. A hand-made frame is also an option – it’s possible to make it from thin slats, colorful pieces of glass, twigs, wooden sticks or dried flowers.

Is It Possible to Make Money Betting Online? – 2024 Guide

Source: invisioncommunity

Since the beginning of time, people were fascinated with gambling. Who can blame them? Gambling is probably the simplest way in the world to come up with some money. Naturally, it doesn’t come completely without risks. If you ask people who gamble frequently, they will tell you that taking chance is just a part of the fun. A couple of decades ago, gambling was possible only in casinos. We all know these scenes because we have seen them in a wide array of Hollywood movies. One of the most prominent ones is called exactly like that, “Casino”. These scenes can feel somewhat nostalgic since they resemble one period of time. It should be said vibe like this is still present in casinos. However, we can see that a high percentage of players changed the form of participating in these games. Now, they are participating in casino games and online betting.

This form is much more popular since it is possible to participate in a wide array of games from the comfort of your home without needing to go to the real casino. This provides much more possibilities to the players. Online betting is something that is now more popular than it has ever been. We mean really, it is much more popular than any online casino that you can see. The reason is pretty simple, betting doesn’t come with all the aspects we can see in real casinos, like socialization, entertainment, etc. If you are interested to see some of the online betting websites and what they can offer to their users, be sure to check out Newbettingsites.uk. One of the most frequently posted questions is, is there a possibility for someone to make money through online betting? Since this is a pretty popular question and many people are interested in seeing the answer, we’ve decided to provide it in this article of ours. We are going to provide you with some things that will serve as an answer to this question.

Understanding the Odds

Source: filmdaily

Return on investment, or ROI, is not a term that’s used for gambling or betting. However, we felt like we can draw a parallel. With betting, it is possible to invest a small amount of money and earn a significant amount of money, based on the odds you are going to get. The odds heavily depend on the matches you are going to bet on. Naturally, as you can presume, odds heavily depend on the teams or sportsmen you want to bet on. It depends on the league table position, form, schedule, number of points, etc. There are a lot of things you need to pay attention too when it comes to betting on certain teams or athletes. One of the things that are not recommended, most of the time anyway, is to bet a large sum of money on only one match or event. Naturally, there are cases when you should do this, but you need to conduct thorough research to be sure.

The Question of Luck

Source: extraupdate

Since you are betting on sports, a lot of the outcomes can be predicted due to the elements we’ve mentioned earlier. However, the question of luck is something that nobody should underestimate. Naturally, the team or athlete you’ve betted on can be better than the opponent, can have a better form, better schedule, and more points. However, you should never underestimate the unpredictability of every sports match. This is something that nobody can have influence over. Some people even say that luck makes more percentage of success than the actual situation on the table or form. If you are into playing skill-based games, then you should understand that online betting is not the right type of gambling for you. You should focus more on online casinos where you can play games like poker or blackjack.

Don’t Bet on too Many Matches

Source: everymatrix

Betting on too many games can be the thing that makes the difference. A high majority of players add some insignificant matches, they didn’t plan on betting before. However, they add some of these games to increase the odds and, ultimately, the prize money. This is something that can easily hook up some of the players to add some of these games. However, you should avoid doing this completely. You probably chose a couple of games, you’ve done your research on them and you are pretty sure that you are going to win some money on them. Adding more games to the list can bring some unwanted troubles, which can lead to the fall of your bet and you losing your money. Therefore, you should completely avoid it. It’s not worth it.

Choosing the Right Website

Source: extraupdate

As you can presume, choosing the right website is an absolute must. Even though the majority of online betting websites are not legal, they still operate all over the world. The reason is that they are registered in countries like Monaco, San Marino, Malta, Luxembourg, etc. These countries don’t have the legislation that forbids them and these activities are tax-free in these countries. However, most of them are not as secure as they need to be. If you do your research, you will see that a high number of people from all over the world who used these websites stumbled across some of the security issues. As we’ve mentioned, players from all over Europe and the US are participating in betting on this type of website. Therefore, you are bound to encounter some of these websites. Try to look for some of the credentials or some other things that could provide some proof that the website in question is proper.

The Conclusion

Online betting is one of the most popular types of gambling in this day and age. The reason for it is pretty clear. You can place bets from the comfort of your home. Naturally, this can be understood since there are no elements associated with the casinos and its games. There are no Martinis and other players to compete against. It’s not easy to make money betting online, but it’s not impossible. We have provided you with several things you need to pay attention to if you want to increase your chances.

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