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7 Tips On How To Write A Top-Notch Dissertation 2024

If you are looking to advance your education by entering a doctoral program, you have probably heard about a dissertation.

You have also likely heard some rumors about the difficulty, time, and expenses involved in working on and completing the dissertation successfully. While it does take some effort and time, there is not much reason to worry.

Your dissertation is essentially the culmination of your scholarly work, and a Ph.D. program will prepare you well for it.

Either way, you will not get your Ph.D. until you complete and defend your dissertation successfully.

Here are some expert tips to help you get through this step and get your PH.D.

Source: Top-Notch Writing Blog

1. Write a Winning Dissertation Proposal

A dissertation is aimed at discussing a specific topic comprehensively. Some institutions require scholars to write a dissertation proposal that must be approved before they embark on the actual paper.

Some skip this process.

Whether your institution requires it or not, you should write a proposal or at least discuss it with your supervisor.

The main points you should capture include:

  • What problem your dissertation looks to tackle?
  • Why is your topic important to the community, be it the academic or research fraternity
  • Why are the solutions you are looking for important?
  • How will you find the answers you seek?

The theme of the paper should be valuable, reasonable, and unique. This aside, you want a topic that leads you to a testable hypothesis and with solid arguments, not one with a dead end.

Source: bestwebsitestowriteessays.com

2. Create a Plan

Most Ph.D. scholars find themselves handling several things at the same time. These might include a full-time job, a business, a family, and so on.

Once you get down to it, you need to create a plan to complete your paper.

Break down the work into chapters or sections and the number of pages required in each portion. Then figure out the number of pages you need to complete every day or each week to meet deadlines.

Similarly, identify the times when you work best and work on your dissertation then. Get into a writing routine and ensure to stick to the schedule even when you least feel like it.

Source: Academic Writing Pro

3. Start Early

The size and significance of this paper can quickly get overwhelming. It will be read zealously by your supervisor and scrutinized by a committee adds to the pressure.

These realities can be daunting enough to make you put off the paper until you feel confident that you have done adequate research.

However, leaving it too long can quickly get overwhelming.

The answer to this paralysis is to begin planning for and start the paper. Are you unsure of your argument? Do you feel your points are not airtight?

While these are possible kinks, you will not have a clear picture of what to work on until you start writing the paper. You can then start identifying problem areas and fixing them. This will bring you closer to the goal.

Source: writemyessay.services

4. Figure Out a Software

You will need both word processing and editing tools for your paper.

This is something you should figure out sooner rather than later. Often, scholars will begin their papers and work well on whichever platform. They learn of different software and migrate to that one before hearing of the next one.

A better way to go about it is by picking and sticking with one-word processing software.

Pick a spellcheck tool and a plagiarism checker as well. With these figured out, you can focus on reading, researching, and writing an excellent paper.

Source: Jimmyno Blog

5. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

The first copy you come up with will be the draft, and you are at liberty to edit it as many times as possible.

When you begin writing, focus on doing good research and noting down points that support your arguments. Get your thoughts on paper without worrying too much about typos, errors, unsubstantiated claims, and awkward sentences.

Focus on following the structure and content to build the paper and correcting other errors later.

Seeing your paper taking shape in itself will serve as motivation to keep going.

Source: Sliq essay

6. Take Notes Carefully

Careful notetaking saves time and produces a good quality paper. You will find yourself wondering where you got certain bids of information from drafting your paper without it.

This will often necessitate going through your research sources to track down particular information. With dissertations requiring numerous sources, combing through them again to find the information you had not noted down is not a good way to spend your limited time.

The other thing about taking good notes is to capture references. As you know, references are central to scholarly writing. You have to attribute your points adequately.

You can also consider using reference management software. These help you track all resources and papers you might use. This makes citing much easier.

Source: writingcooperative

7. Take Care of Yourself

If you allow it to, your dissertation will become your whole life. While this might seem like the quickest way to get it down, it can be counterproductive.

Going about it in this way can quickly lead to burnout or writing blocks. Depending on how these last, it can slow you down significantly.

Find a balance between completing the paper and other aspects of your life. Taking breaks can help you review your head’s information or see different angles that might be useful in your paper.

This aside, ensure to eat well, work out and get enough hours of sleep. It would help if you were well both physically and mentally to get through the writing process and defend your paper successfully.

Source: Medium

Final Word

This will undoubtedly be one of the longest academic papers you will ever work on. Approach it as a marathon where you have to deliver consistent efforts to finish the race.

If for any reason it becomes untenable to do this, consider getting some help with your dissertation. Read more on that here.

6 Garden Design Ideas for Your New House – 2024 Guide

Understandably for many of us, our gardens are the best part of our entire home. As we grow older and become less enthusiastic about spending all of our time outside with our friends or going places, we can become a lot more enthusiastic about tending to our gardens and creating our own slice of paradise. No matter how big or small your garden is, you can always modify and cultivate a verdant and beautiful garden. A truly beautiful garden can bring about a sense of complete meditation and relaxation, and create a sanctuary in our homes, a sanctuary that meets all of our specifications and matches what we consider to be heaven.

Whether you create a home for wildlife or turn your garden into a Zen monastery, there are loads of ways to make your garden look unique, beautiful, and most of all, relaxing. Whether you live in a new house, or your old one, by following this guide and its recommendations and suggestions, you can turn your arid, barren garden, into a verdant meadow flush with wildflowers, butterflies, and songbirds dancing between branches. A garden can be a great place to spend a hot summer’s eve with your family, have a barbecue, or just make memories, so here you are!

1. Create Hedge Sculptures

Source: Time Out

More and more in recent years, people have started designing and creating their own hedge sculptures for their gardens. Once upon a time, this was something you would only find in stately homes and the manors of aristocracy; alas, no more. If you click here, you will know why many people have started erecting huge hedges in their gardens and the professionals who have been able to help mold and shape people’s hedges with the best cutters on the market, so people can create their dream sculptures. Whether you want to create the Leaning Tower of Pisa in your garden or wish to create a Roman statue, there is no limit with the right tools!

It can be difficult for some people, however, to create the sculptures to their specifications so often it is left best to the professionals so that you do not damage your garden or ruin your hedge growth. It can be tempting to hack at it on your own, but it is not recommended in case you ruin your hedge and are unable to grow anything else or design anything else there. Other than just a regular hedge fence, you can opt for Thuja Green Giant, which is great for securing your privacy, so check this out in case you need more information.

2. Install a Swimming Pool

Source: pixabay.com

Many homeowners across the world in recent years have savvied up to the idea of installing a swimming pool or jacuzzi in their back gardens. These two can be great additions and create loads of fun opportunities and hours spent on your children. It can be in a new area, for your children to make friends, especially if most of the houses do not have swimming pools. It can be a great way to spend an idle afternoon; the entire family can come over; you can have barbecues and poolside parties. They can be great!

Jacuzzis can also be a great addition. What better way to spend an evening after a long day at work than relaxing in the comfort of your own hot tub, right? A hot tub can be installed very inexpensively, for only a few thousand dollars, and can be a source of great pleasure for all of your family. Be sure to only purchase a Jacuzzi from a licensed vendor, as there are many sharks selling faulty goods on the market, and being duped into a scam is never fun for anybody and can cause significant anxiety and financial disaster.

3. Create a Zen Reflection Zone

Source: unsplash.com

To create a Zen reflection zone the requirements are very small. All you need to do is to create a small cove in your garden; inside it lays your own pebbles, a water feature, some benches, and install a wind chime. Whenever you feel sad or depressed, go and sit in your Zen reflection zone; reflect on its beauty, its completeness, and how it makes you feel, and you will soon return from your melancholy pervaded by overwhelming happiness and a feeling of excited contentment. Be sure to try it out, it is a proven way to make the most of your garden!

4. Plant Lots of Flowers

Source: pixabay.com

Perhaps the most defining feature of what we consider to be a beautiful garden is an abundance of flowers and plants. A garden should be flush with flowers; whether rose or jasmine, Sharon or lavender, you should have an overabundance of them. Some people prefer a more woodland feel and overplant to create a wild, jungle look, but even if you dislike this and prefer a more minimalistic approach be sure to plant enough flowers to make your garden look and smell divine, added gardentoolbox.co.uk. Often that is all it takes to create a beautiful zone of reflection.

5. Plant a Tree

Source: unsplash.com

If you have moved into a home and will be staying there for many years to come, perhaps you should consider planting a tree. A tree, whether bramble or oak, will grow and fruit as you too grow old. And, in your declining years, you will be able to look upon the tree and remember how in your youth you planted it and helped it to grow.

6. Consider Erecting a Shed, or Football Posts

Source: pixabay.com

If you have a young family, many hours of joy can be spent playing and messing around in the garden. You can erect a shed to create a cool zone for your son or daughter to hang out or even a treehouse! Every child at some point dreams of having their own treehouse, so it is a great way to show your child you care by putting one up for them.

Failing that, consider investing in some football posts. Football posts can deliver your child hours and hours of fun, kicking their ball into the net and yelling goals, waking up all of the neighbors! Jokes aside, a football post can be great for a young boy to play with his friends, make new friends, and cultivate his skills at football.

Whichever way you decide to decorate your garden if you intend on employing private contractors to do it for you, be sure to do thorough research and never employ cowboy builders. They can ruin your garden, leave it half-finished, or just run off with your money.

Only ever part with your money to contractors of good repute once the job is finished. Undertaking a garden renovation yourself perhaps is the safest way and can be completed largely inexpensively and quite quickly, you would be surprised to find out.

3 Signs Your Online Bookmaker Is Safe

Too much involvement in betting will put you at risk of getting involved with scammers and fraudsters. People tend to look for bookmakers who can make more money for them. However, not all bookies are safe. Therefore, you should put extra attention because it involves your money.

Not all websites are trustworthy and so does the bookmakers. You cannot trust anyone blindly. You need to find the right bookies who can make you win. Because only getting rid of scammers is not enough, you have to find the right bookies. You can visit this site for getting more information about the right bookies.

Asking about bookmakers is too common in the betting world. Of course, if someone is entrusting someone with their money, they want some type of insurance. So when it comes to betting online, this becomes of serious concern. Not only do the people want to win but also prevent every possible monetary loss.

Source: Global Sports Business Show

Problems that you may encounter

If you get into the wrong hands, it is possible that not only you are at a high risk of losing the bet but also at risk your bank account information. There are several cases of leaking of banking information or hacking cases of accounts.

Bookies get more hold of your personal email accounts and phone numbers. Thus, they might put you in a difficult position. You might not know about the spam email but once you click on the given link, your accounts will be hacked.

Furthermore, not getting a licensed bookie is equally dangerous for you. Because firstly, you cannot trust that person and he might leak your account information. Secondly, he might not be a real bookmaker and an inexperienced one.

So if you get involved with an inexperienced bookmaker, your chance of winning the game will decrease. He will make risky decisions and put you in a difficult position. You might either win the game or you will lose it completely.

So here are some tips that will help you with the selection of a safe bookmaker.

Source: jonhall.info

1. Check for the license

There is proper legislation for the operation of betting platforms in countries where betting is legal. Therefore, there are rules that you need to follow if you want to work in this sector. It is important for the bookmaker and betting platforms to get a proper license from the legislative authority.

Therefore, before you finalize your bookmaker make sure to look for the license when you finalize your bookmaker. It will put you in safe hands.

There are strict rules to follow to get a pass from the gambling commission. Furthermore, in some countries, the process is rather strict. This is to ensure the safety of people. Therefore, if you find someone who has the license, it means that bookie is the right one.

However, you should be aware of the fact that there are different types of licenses provided to gambling platforms. These 4 types include;

  1. An operating license – that will let the pass holder fully operate betting.
  2. Personal management license – that will be limited to the management on a personal level. That is, the person will become a manager himself and not through the company.
  3. Personal functional license – this allows the person to work by himself. It is for the staff of a betting company.
  4. Premises license – this will let the person set up and run his/ her betting shop. Thus, it is issued by the local council and not by the gambling commission.

The different types of licenses will let you know the credibility of your bookie. For example, the availability of the first three licenses means that the person is an office worker or an operator of a betting platform. This means that you can trust his credibility because the licenses are issued by the gambling commission after strict routine checks.

However, with the availability of a premises pass, you won’t be sure of the betting performance of a person. Though he is eligible to run his business, he might not be a good better or gambler. Therefore, be careful with the type of license too.

Source: Bit Rebels

2. Checking the credentials of the bookmaker

After you are done checking the operating license of the bookie, you need to make sure he is the one. Because not all license holders are the right choices. People can fake a license. Therefore, even if you see the license, make sure to double-check his credentials.

You can do so from the official web page of the gambling commission. If there is a proper legislative authority in your country, you will have the option to check the credibility. All the licensed betting platforms will be mentioned on the official website. Therefore, you won’t be in any doubt.

Furthermore, instead of asking your bookmaker for his credibility pass, you can simply check the list from the gambling commission. Afterward, you can choose which one to select, from the provided list.

Source: Sports Per Head

3. Fake or expired license

There is a possibility that what you are looking at is a fake or expired license. So if the license is fake, you won’t find it on the official list. And if it is expired, it will be on a separate list. Thus, it will deal with all your doubts.

In addition to this, if a bookmaker or betting platform is facing some restrictions, you will find that too. The official papers sum it all. If someone is found doing something illegal, his license gets affected. Or he suffers from penalties and related consequences.

Thus, if you finally realize that your bookmaker has a proper, active license and all his credentials are good, you can go with him. This will bring you a sense of safety and you can trust that person completely. Thus, both of you can share your views on the bet and make the right choice and enjoy the winning game.

How to Choose a Wood Heater? – 2024 Guide

img source: barbequesgalore.com.au

The winter season is an excellent excuse to cozy up by the fireplace with a book or just bonding with family and friends. But without a heating option in your home, this might not happen. So how about getting a wood heater? It offers an aesthetic feel to your home décor, and with the advancements that have been taking place, you have a list of options to choose from.

So how about we make the search a little easier for you by pointing out some of the essential features a good heater should have for your home to ensure it serves you better for longer.

Choose an inbuilt or freestanding option

img source: bbqbazaar.com.au

If your home already has a fireplace, you can consider getting an inbuilt wood heater. It will immediately offer your space a traditional style, like having an open fire to warm up your marshmallows as you tell the kids a few ghost stories. Moreover, you will get a warmer room as the heat will pass through the chimney.

But if you do not have a fireplace, you can go with the zero clearance option. This zero clearance box will fit on any wall you want. Thus, you will be able to fit it as a centerpiece of your room. It will give both styles and maximize the airflow and heat distribution in the room.

However, there is the option of getting a freestanding heater; these can be placed anywhere in a room. You can even use it as a focal point for your sitting décor, add some character to your living space. Freestanding heaters come with various options, you can choose the style you want.

Because you will get a traditional design, a rustic look, or a sleek and modern one. All of these are available for you to choose. Thus, you can match or contrast it with the design of your room and the décor.

A modern touch or a traditional look

img source: colonyheating.com

A functional heater is essential, but the style you choose is vital. Do you have a modern touch to your interior décor, or do you prefer the traditional look? An important question to answer to help you choose the perfect heater that will immediately complement your space.

You can go for a conventional box-like look to blend well with your décor, or for a modern touch, consider getting a cylindrical heater with a sleek finish to it. And since we are still talking about style, some of the wood heaters in the market come with a storage space, where you can neatly store away the unused firewood.

Radiant heaters

img source: amazon.com

These are radiant because all sides of the heating unit will be exposed. So every side around the firebox will distribute the heat equally. This would be the best choice if your home has high roofs or you have large and open spaces. These places are hard to deal with during extremely cold weather.

So if your home has an open plan design or you have expanded living areas and nothing works for you, this will. Radiant heaters will work perfectly for such places.

Wood pellet heaters

img source: i.pinimg.com

Another type that you can get is the wood pellet heaters. This will take the hassle of splitting the wood, away from you. So that you can enjoy a perfectly warm wooden heat. This type of heaters is perfect for smaller rooms, unlike radiant ones. So if you are living in an apartment and you don’t have any problem with large space, that’s it. This wood pellet one will be the right choice for you.

These heaters are also quite energy-efficient and are perfect for those who are worried about environmental safety. They use pellets and not firewood, therefore, they are quite environment-friendly. And these pellets use sawdust as their main component. Thus, you will burn the sawdust, which is also recycled. So it will deal with the sawdust waste and will provide enough heat for your place.

These were some of the different types of wood heaters. But while buying any of them, you have to look for some features so that you get the best one. These include;

The size of the heater

A large heater is perfect for a big space because it can release enough warmth to keep your home nice and cozy. And for a small room, no need to have a bulky heater at the corner occupying too much space.

Look into the room size you want the heater to be installed, the number of windows the room has, and the current isolation of the room. These are essential aspects in deciding whether you should get a big heater to be placed at the center of the room or a small heater for the corner space.

Cost is a significant aspect to consider

img source: unsplash.com

When it comes down to it, money is everything. It will help you decide on the style, size and design your pocket can afford. So before searching too much, look into your finances. Have an estimate of how much you are willing to spend on a heater.

Also, if you stay in your house for the long haul, it is something to consider. Remember, you get what you pay for, so if you want an appliance that will last you for years to come, you might need to dig a little deeper in your pocket.

Choose the right type of firebox

You cannot just randomly choose the heaters. Because the heating requirements are different for every place. For example, if you have a large house, you would need a bigger heater. A radiant one is the best choice for such open spaces. Likewise, if you have a smaller house or apartment, you can have a smaller firebox. For example, a wood pellet one.

But apart from the type of firebox, you should also pay attention to your space. For example, whether or not you are having window glazing. And also what type of furniture you have in the room. These factors also play role in the proper heating of your space.

Warranty and After-Sales Support

Warranty and after-sales support plays a crucial role when choosing wood heating Mandurah. A reliable warranty provides peace of mind, assuring you that the manufacturer stands behind their product. When evaluating warranties, consider the length of coverage, what it includes, and any exclusions.

Additionally, check if the warranty is transferable, which can be beneficial if you decide to sell your wood heater in the future. Equally important is assessing the availability of after-sales support. This includes prompt customer service, technical assistance, and access to replacement parts. A reputable company with a strong after-sales support system ensures that any issues or concerns you may have will be addressed efficiently, enhancing your overall wood heater experience.

5 Reasons Why The Burning Crusade is the Best WoW Expansion

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular games in the whole world, and there are almost 5 million players who actively enjoy the game. One of the biggest reasons why people choose to play it after all these years is because of the amazing expansions, new quests, and different storylines. The first expansion that ever came out for this game was the Burning Crusade and it is said that even to this day, more than 14 years later, it is the best module that was ever presented to us. In this article, we are going to give you some of the reasons why both users and experts are considering this module to be the most wholesome one, and why you should definitely give it a chance if you haven’t done that by now.

Source: RUR Esports

1. Captivating lore

The first reason why BC is considered to be the best module in World of Warcraft is because of the story it tells. The lore is extremely captivating, no matter if you are exploring this world for the first time, or if you’ve been playing the game for a long time.

Users say that ever since the moment you are transported into the magical realm, you are going to feel your purpose, and you are going to be intrigued by every single thing that Burning Crusade has to offer. The way the raids are made, along with the characters and the classes contribute to the beautiful lore that is presented here.

No matter what you choose to do, and how you decide to lead and follow the story, you are going to have so much fun exploring and learning more about the past missions you’ve already gone through.

One of the best things about it is that connects so many of the previous expansions, and you will realize why you were given the tasks you were, and how all of those pieces that didn’t make sense back there, combine into one amazing story now.

This expansion is definitely more than just that, it is a way for you to not only improve your skills and have some fun doing it, but also to understand the bigger picture and get transferred to a different world combining all of your previous experiences.

Source: World of Warcraft

2. Missions

Another reason why users say that this is the best module in the WoW universe is because of the missions you will be getting daily. As you already know, after you pass level sixty, you don’t get any daily missions, and this means that users don’t really have a good reason to log in and play every day. And many of us have missed the quests and all the fun and challenges that come with them.

Well, if you are like many, you will be excited to hear that in BC these missions are back. You once again will have a reason to come back every single day and be excited about the game.

In addition to this, you will be able to get some extra gold and experience, while having an exciting time. Know that some of the quests are going to be really easy to pass, while others are pretty challenging. However, all of them are passable, and you should not struggle with them for too long.

Source: Priest with a Cause

3. Attacks and raids

This module of WoW introduced raids that were not available before this extension, and even though now we are used to all the attacks you can do in the game, this module was innovative and a pioneer. Here, you can choose if you want to do smaller raids, or if you want to explore the heroic dungeons. As you can see if you click here, these raids can help you level up faster, and if you don’t have time to pass them, or if you don’t know how to do it, you can always get boosters for the game, and go through levels with ease.

BC offers you the possibility to do guilds with 10 or 25 people, which was a breath of fresh air after the standard 40 people attacks. This gave room for better experiences and exploring.

Source: Screen Rant

4. Combat

The magnificent combination of great graphics, cool new characters, along with entertaining features allows Burning Crusade to be a really interesting piece for specialized attacks and fighting.

The great thing about these modules is that with every new level you reach, you are going to open new possibilities and update your character. Once you reach level 70 you will have the option to fly, and get creative in getting an advantage over your enemies.

Know that depending on the level you have, your skills, along with the character you’ve chosen, you will be able to use different means to overpower the other players, and have so much fun during it.

Source: Pro Gamer Review

5. Characters and classes

We all know that the rases and characters in World of Warcraft are something that we’ve never seen before. This game started introducing special races that were different from anything else other games had to offer.

When it comes to BC, this is the final reason we are going to list why this is considered the best WoW expansion. In this module, there were two new races that became a part of the lore, and with that, they expanded the universe even further.

In addition to all this, in this module, new classes were introduced that allowed players more diversity and free choices. You are not going to be stuck with just one choice that affects every move you make, and you are free to choose your class, no matter your character or the side you are on.

Know that these are some of the great things that came with this module, and ultimately, it is up to you if you want to give it a chance and if you want to see for yourself why this is the best expansion that was introduced in the World of Warcraft series. Know that you can always use additional help to go through levels faster, and the main thing you should remember is that the lore here is so amazing that you should take your time to explore every bit introduced in this game.

Canvas Wall Art Ideas for Your Living Room – 2024 Guide

Source: Pinterest

For art connoisseurs and collectors, choosing a wall painting is probably not a problem. Many of them customize their entire interiors with their paintings or sculptures. This is not surprising considering how expensive artworks can be.

But what about 99% of those who simply want their artistic paintings to serve as the final details for interior design? How do we choose the right picture when we don’t want to spend a fortune on it?

Canvas art is extremely popular in 2024, and you can choose some exquisite paintings that will make your space look even more beautiful and modern. Here are some ideas on how to choose the right one.

How To Choose A Wall Canvas For Your Living Room?

Source: Freshome.com

For starters, we choose paintings for the living room, which are two things. First, it is a room that almost every visitor will see. So this image must reflect at least some of the features of the host, either by the color that prevails or by motives.

Secondly, since it is the room of all your visitors, it is not just you who matters. So you need a picture that will capture the attention of those who are in the room and evoke certain, preferably positive, emotions. And maybe they will be slightly jealous of your choice – why not? If you need more help check out this fantastic post on The Canvas Prints for more ideas.

Color Is Important

Source: welcome to the woods

Consider starting with what is already in your living room. If your walls are painted in a color of your choice – we assume that color is already matched with the color of the furniture. So, the shades in a wall canvas should also match. However, if you didn’t choose the colors of the walls yourself, or furniture was chosen by its comfort and not aesthetics – then choosing a painting is a great way to make them look more beautiful.

How to Choose Colors?

Source: Crismatec.com

Of course, the colors must match, as you like. Remember we said this room is a reflection of your character. Most designers will advise complementary colors. This means that we can combine one basic color with the derived one. For example, combine yellow and purple, blue and orange, or red and green.

That way, you’ll also have the ideal cool-to-warm ratio. But of course, you can combine differently, your taste is crucial. The only advice is not to overdo the number of colors, especially if you are uncertain. If you are dealing with white walls and neutral furniture, you should be lighter about the color as you do not have to combine. In that case, you can devote yourself too much more than the colors themselves.

In any case, when choosing colors to decide which one to dominate – it is not outrageous to know what color symbolizes and what feelings it evokes. Depending on whether the colors are cooler and more prevalent in your room or warmer colors, the advice on their impact on you can be assessed by yourself.

Canvas Pictures Motives

Source: Wallingshop.com

As for the motives and themes in the pictures, as well as the techniques they were used for – we would say that there is no general rule, except that every direction and every technique should be given a chance by looking and not assuming what it is.

This means that if you are offered, for example, abstract paintings on canvas, you will not be able to refuse it immediately. You may be very surprised about what lies behind such images and how much they can brighten your space.

Printed Canvases

Source: Pinterest

You must research well what is on offer. However, the choice for wall decor is much wider today, and it is necessary to investigate here what lies behind a term. Say, printed pictures for the wall.

If you have never heard of it before, then be sure to look at the choice offered by online stores like Piqtura. These paintings are printed in high resolution but on canvas, which gives them depth and note of the artwork. We think they are a great solution if you are not yet ready to fully immerse yourself in serious and expensive artistic waters.

Oil Paintings: Canvas In The Frame

Source: iMall

One of the latest tendencies in wall decorating is canvas oil paintings in special frames. To put it more simply,  this is a painting that has no frame. It may sound unfinished to you, but on the contrary, such paintings on the canvas seem liberating because all attention is to the motive and colors.

If we speak about frames – you can choose one you like the best. Certainly, this is a way to make the true decoration of your walls. The internet can certainly offer you a lot of things. It is only important that you do a good job of exploring exactly what is on offer, and then evaluate what suits you best.

More Helpful Tips

Source: Interior Design Ideas

It is fashionable to post pictures all over the apartment, you just have to pay attention to the composition.

Size And Arrangement Of Images On The Wall

Source: Posterjack

For larger spacious walls, choose larger images or a group of images and place smaller images on smaller walls. If you want to place a smaller painting on a large spacious wall, choose a thicker frame.

Paintings can also be arranged geometrically or symmetrically. For example as a triangle, rectangle, in a row, etc. Maybe you’d rather arrange them non-symmetrical? You can do that as well. However, the composition must be compact. An asymmetrical arrangement may be more interesting to some because it is suggesting a warmer atmosphere.

Grouping Pictures On The Wall

Source: Pinterest

Grouping of images does not necessarily have to be in style, motives or technique. They don’t even have to be of the same dimensions and in the same frames. It is important to choose one main image around which every other painting will concentrate.

Position the main image from the composition, which is the largest image in dimensions, so that its central part is at eye level. You can also expose a picture without a frame, especially when it comes to abstract painting. Unframed prints of different themes and motifs can complement the white wall in your apartment and create a special atmosphere.

Best Educative Technologies for College Students in 2024

Source: Top Hat

The new decade comes with new challenges and technology. You need to pick what is best for you in college and what should be avoided. There are artificial intelligence, wellness tech, edtech trends, and video-based learning. The world of technology in 2024 is beneficial to students and teachers.

Most students are adapting to the online learning space. There are new web-based school management platforms such as Compass, and another one is tutoring platforms include Clusy. The open marketplaces such as Open Learning and ICT infrastructure offer a solution for schools like Critical Links, and 3D printing training providers like YSoft.

Source: Image Source Solutions

All these products and services have made the lives of students and teachers an easy path. It has promoted engagement, efficiency, communication, and collaboration. Most of the teachers believe that technology has the potential of expanding technology. The challenge is, they do not have enough time to implement the technology and accessibility of the devices outside the classroom.

The cry was heard, and edtech is designed to solve those problems. It is easy to adapt in the classroom, with great management platforms and apps that are easily accessible from any place. That is the beauty of educational technology, and students are embracing it and being in school has become an interactive and fun activity. Soon, it will become better, more affordable, and more accessible.

Some of the best educative technologies in 2024 for college students include:

Source: Insight Wellness Works
  • Student and Teacher Wellness: Most students and teachers work hard and experience burnout. There are new was to relieve all that, by using tech-based approaches. Mind Moose, for example, is an interactive app designed to teach students about mental health. The benefits include improving self-awareness, emotions management, self-esteem, solving problems, and resilient development. As for the reward system, students earn badges and certificates as they progress.

  • Artificial Intelligence: It helps in personalized learning. According to MedicMind, It delivers STEM tutoring classes, customized for each student. The software works by analyzing different answers ad know the time it takes to complete all the sessions. It helps in knowing the areas of weakness for all students. It helps in collecting data and boosts their engagement. Based on the students’ strength and weakness, it is possible to know their challenges. The software helps to predict future performance according to their current learning patterns.
Source: Learning Revolution
  • Video-based Learning: It is a preferred educational platform; teachers use YouTube, TeacherTube, and BrainPop to create instructional videos for different subjects. The reason is to present new material or supplement the current instructions. Video-based learning is great for background information, which would have taken the time to read a textbook. The video helps when the student is lagging with an assignment.
Source: KnowledgeCity
  • Data Privacy: There are different data privacy standards used, such as FERPA, COPPA, and SHERPA, and helps students by keeping their data safe. The data should be used according to the law and should be compliant to offer data privacy.
Source: No Jitter
  • Collaborative Technology: They support online learning through chatbots. These apps and platforms offer peer-to-peer management, blogs, wikis, and groups. It is possible to use other chat tools that students are familiar with, such as Skype, WhatsApp, and Facebook. There are easily accessible chatbots like Goggle Allo, and it will offer a more personalized and customized learning experience. It will act as a social learning source, saves time, and handles online assessments. There are several Google Apps that are customized to be used in learning lessons; they include Padlet, GoSoapBox, and TalkBoard.  It is possible to create groups and synchronize in Learning Management Systems; it will boost the engagement between the teachers and the students. It helps in moderating online discussions, hence giving and receiving feedback.
Source: Medium
  • Mixed Reality: It includes softwares like rumii, it works with Oculus Go VR headsets. The software helps by transporting students to East China and Northern Africa to learn more about the Pyramids or the Great Wall. Students who use the immersive virtual reality can accomplish different times as faster as students who use traditional computer programs. Mixed reality helps to enhance the online learning experience. It is expected that there will be demand for the virtual environments, by students virtually asking questions and yet feel included in the studies. Students can easily explore the virtual space and have cognitive associations. The developer mode oculus quest 2 is simple, developer mode provides access to additional tools and resources such as performance monitoring, debugging, and profiling, which help optimize the performance of VR applications.
Source: BLEFT
  • Blended Learning: This is a mix of on-campus and off-campus, and it is anticipated to become popular in the next decade. It will help in offering a balance between digital and human connection. With digital technologies, it enables learning to be more advanced, offers higher learning, and better online sessions. This approach helps in saving time as opposed to traditional face-to-face interaction. Teachers will act as facilitators as opposed to being instructors in a blended environment. It will empower students to learn more as opposed to formal studies.
Source: www.netexlearning.com
  • Machine Learning: Predictive analysis helps to know about the academic future of students. Teachers can predict the students’ performance in their academics. They will be able to know about the students at risk of dropping a course, and it will be useful for the online course providers. With customized programs, it will be easy to improve students’ performance. A good example of machine learning is Netex Learning. A web platform allows tutors to design a curriculum per day. The teachers can plan their content and include things like audio, videos, discussion portals, and personalized assignments.
Source: WebKu
  • Learning Platforms: This includes learning platforms like Open Space. It is designed to make learning more convenient for all students. A student will be able to access all the course materials, enable them to submit assignments (learn more about assignments writing on writepaperfor.me), receive feedback, and check all their grades all from one platform. This platform is user friendly, has a support network of peers and educators to enhance motivation. It has become a popular and better delivery of education with efficiency. It will be easier to know where and when to study, and all this will be at your convenience. You will be able to keep up with the latest technological trends that respect energy and time. In the next decade, these software, apps, and platforms will make it easy to learn. To get more help on your assignments from experts, click here.

5 Evolving Trends in Software Development in 2024

Source: medium

Technology is steadily becoming something that has a huge impact on our lives, and in the past couple of years we’re probably going to see the most drastic changes in this field. Computers are already a huge part of our society, and if you know how to use them right you can easily become more informed, and aware of all the things that are happening around you. A few clicks is the only thing that separates you from learning a completely new skill, and that’s the beauty of living in the future.

According to some of the older generations, back in the day if you wanted to learn a certain skill you’d have to find someone who mastered it, and then hope that they’ll permit you to become their assistant. Even then, you are not guaranteed to learn and master the profession yourself.

Nowadays, as crazy as it sounds, you can even become a blacksmith without ever having to leave your home.

Numerous online platforms and software allow us to improve our quality of life, and that’s exactly what we’re talking about, using computers for becoming a better version of yourself. It doesn’t take much to learn how to work with a personal computer, and the effort is quite rewarding. This is why we chose to talk about a very interesting subject for today’s piece.

This article is going to contain information about the five currently evolving trends in the software development field in 2024, and all the changes that we can expect from them in the future. We already have self-driving cars, machine learning AI’s, and robots, so let’s take a look at some of the other cool upcoming things, shall we?

1. Virtual Reality

Source: ZyCrypto

Although it doesn’t seem like anything new, it’s important to understand that VR as a technology is currently only used on very rare occasions. Sure, you can see a video-game streamer use this kind of a headset now and then, but does every single person reading this have one? Well, the answer is no, but the goal of VR technology developers is to make this available for even the most casual, non-tech enthusiast person.

VR allows us to do wonderful things, and it’s not just for playing games and watching other types of entertaining content on the internet. It can be used for simulations, such as learning how to fly a plane in the safety of your own home, how to race with a car and tons of different cool things. With all of this being said, developers will keep working on the VR technology in 2024 to make it even cooler than it is right now, and most importantly, affordable for everyone.

2. Blockchain Technology

Source: tscnet

Yeah, most of you probably already know about Bitcoin, but the blockchain is more than just a virtual, undetectable currency. This never stopped being a trend ever since it came out, and it’s going to remain to be like that in 2024. Blockchain has so much potential, and a lot of people think that it’s going to replace the regular banking systems that we all use daily in the next couple of years.

Whether this is truly going to happen or not, it’s just up for a time to tell. There are sure a lot of benefits when it comes to not having a middleman for any of your transactions, zero fees, and anonymity, but until developers perfect this to the very last detail, we cannot say for sure. It doesn’t change the fact that blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are still hot trends in the software development field, even in 2024.

3. Code-Quality Control

Source: medium

If anyone of you is even remotely familiar with coding, you probably already know the importance of having a clear, readable, and organized line in your script.

Most smaller businesses don’t need more than one programmer to work on their software, but for larger enterprises and businesses, there are a bunch of them engaged in a single project. This means that if you don’t have a clear code, and you’re not organized well, the others will have trouble adapting to what you’re writing, and you’re sabotaging the progress of the entire task.

Thankfully, in 2024 it’s a trend to increase the code-quality control, so we expect people to write much clearer lines of code. If you are struggling to develop a certain app or software yourself, you can always check the software development services by VironIT.

4. The Internet of Things (IoT)

Source: nearcoding

There’s a lot of talk about The Internet of Things, which is a network meant for a lot of physical objects and house-held gadgets, and it’s slowly becoming the hottest trend in the technology field. This network is intended to connect different things such as vehicles (currently Tesla), kitchen appliances, and other devices that you have in your home.

This network will be used to improve our quality of life by allowing these devices to constantly exchange data and improve on their own. Something like receiving an update, but slightly different. If you are looking to invest, the IoT market is expected to double in worth by the end of 2024.

5. Sophisticated cybersecurity

Source: tiaonline

Last but not least, we’re once again present with this topic, something that’s both intriguing and scaring a lot of people at the same time, and that’s cybersecurity. In the world of computers and networks, there are tons of flaws and “holes” that can be exploited and abused by users with bad intentions. As far as we all know, data is the most valuable thing nowadays, so no business can risk losing theirs to someone with malicious intent.

This is why both smaller and larger businesses are investing a lot in cybersecurity in 2024, and the companies responsible for our security are delivering. We’re seeing tons of new anti-malware and anti-spyware solutions on the market, so we expect things to change, although the chart is always increasing as each year goes by.

In the past couple of years, the number of cyber-attacks is always higher than each previous year, but 2024 looks like a possible solution for the problem.


Without technology, we wouldn’t be even nearly close to where we are right now as a human race, but thankfully inventors and scientists are working tirelessly to improve our quality of life through new devices, gadgets, and solutions for our everyday problems. Our list above contains five currently-evolving trends in the software development field, so if you’re interested to see what’s “hot” in 2024, feel free to check it out.

Why People Are Choosing to Move From Los Angeles to San Francisco?

These days, many people are choosing to move to San Francisco towards the north side of the country because of numerous reasons. From better job opportunities to tastier tap water, why San Francisco is becoming a big choice for people. Both Los Angeles and San Francisco are the most popular and vibrating cities in the United States but these days, because of the higher job opportunities, people are choosing to move from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Though the population of Los Angeles is higher than San Francisco it does not mean that San Francisco is less vibrant. Check out the various reasons, as stated by expert movers at pricingvanlines.com, which make san Francisco a good place to move.

Source: OZ Moving

Flourishing economy:

The economy in San Francisco is flourishing to a great extent. Therefore, many young professionals who want to start their companies are tempted to move from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Also, Silicon Valley of its southern Bay Area is popular for having the latest technology and is also known as the technological capital of the entire world.

Due to the presence of many tech companies, such as Google, HP, Intel, Facebook, Oracle, Apple, etc. and many other industries related to different sectors, such as, healthcare, government, education, hospitality, and transportation, etc., the level of employment opportunities are much higher there.

Therefore all the job seeker and the students who want to give a boost to their career and who wants to get a suitable job chooses to move in San Francisco. The city also has the highest average household income in the country.

Source: Moving APT

Outdoor activities:

Most people love to spend their time indulging in outdoor activities. The warm-summer climate of San Francisco allows one to comfortably enjoy various outdoor activities. San Francisco is gifted with natural environmental beauty and there are many beaches present around where one can enjoy surfing, sailing, swimming, and one can also just simply relax in the sun.

If you are a lover of adventure then this is the best place for you to move. You can undertake various adventurous sports like hiking, mountain climbing, or mountain biking. Also, many ski resorts here allow you to go skiing.

Source: Hikers Shop

Milder climate:

Yes, moving from LA seems like you would not able to enjoy the warm beach weather but the milder climate of San Francisco is not less and it offers you to enjoy great weather around the year with no real summer and winter season while the place is also famous for its cold temperature and the rainy season. If you are the kind of person who doesn’t like to stay in extreme hot or cold then SF is just the city where you should move in.

Better transportation facilities: Now you don’t need to own your car to move around in the city because the city provides you the better transportation facilities. You can enjoy the facility of the cable cars that allows you to move around in the city at a lesser cost.

Source: Medium

Happening culture and culinary events:

People usually move to San Francisco from Los Angles to live their lives to the fullest. San Francisco is the origin of gay rights and accepts every person no matter the class, race, sexuality, or nationality. This city, California is filled with world-famous museums, street arts, ballet, art galleries, opera, etc.

Food lovers are also attracted to this city as the best culinary events are organized here which are filled with fresh world-class dining as well as food trucks. Here restaurants are famous for serving dishes from all around the world.

Source: gb&d magazine


One of the best things about the SF is that you will just love the simple form of commuting. The architecture of the city is built in a way that the city is highly walkable and you can transit a good distance with your feet. And of course, you can also save your time by walking or biking and can easily cover the distance. Commutation is very easy and simple here and if you are the kind of person who loves to walk and who loves biking then again SF is just an ideal destination for you.

Source: Houstonia Magazine

Enjoy the best culinary scenes:

If you are the kind of person who loves culinary events and love to enjoy the different types of foods from the different restaurants then the city is a perfect choice for you to live in. Every weekend, you can enjoy buying fresh fruits and vegetables from the farmer market and also the city has the latest coffee shops and good bakeries where you can enjoy your time while eating.

Bottom line:

San Francisco doesn’t just have employment opportunities, the place has everything which a person wishes or desires to have in a city. Therefore if you are thinking to move to SF you could enjoy a good living style here in the city along with several positive effects of the city. The two cities are different from each other when it comes down to personal opinion. Both the cities have world-class museums and theatres and apart from this it also offer iconic buildings and sites. Whether you are looking for incredible restaurants or job opportunities both cities are doing extremely well on these aspects. But some people prefer San Francisco as it’s a beautiful city because of the close quarters. Moreover, it is located on the east coast and people enjoy the weather of the city.

4 Best Styling Tools and Tips for Fine Hair in 2024

Source: cnet

Finding a tool that is perfect for you is way more important and way more difficult than finding the perfect partner. A good tool can make your hair, while a bad tool can break it, quite literally. Any girl who has had to deal with a terrible hair tool will agree that she won’t wish the same to their worst enemy.

A hair straightener or a curler can be a life-saving tool for you when you need to get ready quickly. Check out the best hair straighteners at Bestcheck.in and choose for yourself based on metrics and reviews. Bestcheck also helps you to find the perfect tool for your hair. Experience how a single tool can transform your hair from good to gorgeous.

Here are some of the best hair-styling tools at your disposal:

1. HSI Ionic Flat Iron (Ceramic and Tourmaline)

Source: youtube

This iron is one of the best sellers in the market. This iron has a short heating time and is very good at reducing the amount of frizz in your hair. It can cause even the roughest of hair to smooth out. You can find more about this at bestflatironguide.com

2. Homitt 2 in 1

Source: amazon

The Homitt 2 in 1 iron is loved by people and critics alike. This is because it helps you to both straighten your hair and curl it. For straightening it up, you can just put it between the plates and straighten it out while the barrel allows your hair to be wound around it for gaining a lot of curls. And this product also allows you to experiment with your hair by taking a mix of both these styles.

3. Revlon Volumizer and Hair Dryer

Source: pinterest

While every girl wants a salon-quality volume at home, blow drying one’s own hair while juggling with a volumizing brush can prove to be extremely difficult. Revlon hit the ailing nerve of many consumers by releasing this product which blows dry your hair while you brush it. Consumers of this product have raved about the volume of their hair since they have started using it.

4. Conair Curl Secret InfinitiPro

Source: youtube

This amazing tool developed by Conair is capable of giving you something which is considered near impossible, impeccable ringlets. This tool is a cross between a curling wand and a rotating hair iron. This hybrid helps it in imparting your hair with a texture which is both uniform and beautiful. All you have to do is brush your hair, put it in, and wait for just half a minute. The result will be curls on your hair which are as well-defined as they are shiny.

Some styling tips for your hair

Source: harpersbazaar

When people notice you have hair which is fine and flat, their first thought is usually how easy it is to style it. They put up good arguments too: less amount of blow-drying required for the hair, tying it up is effortless, perennial chic look, etc. However, only you know how difficult it is to not make your hair droop. Only you know how tough it is when it starts limping just a few hours into the day. Well, not anymore. Here are some tips collected from various stylists for giving your hair a volume which is both good and long-lasting.

1. Activate the volumizing products by blow drying

When one has fine hair, which dries off well by itself, there is a temptation to leave the blow-drying part because it seems both tedious and unnecessary. However, any accomplished (or even non-accomplished) hair stylist will tell you that if you apply any product to gain volume, it is essentially ineffective if you don’t use a blow dryer.

2. Don’t let the conditioner cover the scalp

This line does not mean that you shouldn’t use a conditioner. You should apply conditioner to your hair every time you wash it. However, make sure that you only apply it to the middle and the ends. Your hair does need the essential nourishers but conditioner can give you a very greasy look and cause your hair to go into that dreaded limp.

3. Remove build-up regularly by using a clarifying shampoo

When you regularly use volumizing products, it can lead to a lot of product build-up. This build-up gradually leads to a lot of unnatural weight in your hair, causing it to limp and droop. A clarifying shampoo can easily remove all the build-up along with any other impurities while leaving the colour of your hair intact. Using a shampoo which has a lot of keratin is recommended because it leads to the smoothening of your hair and reparation of any damages.

Here are a few hairstyling tips for the modern-day fine-haired woman

Source: theknot

Before getting into the ‘finer’ details, one thing you should always keep in mind for your hairstyle is the shape of your face and your jawline. Choose a style that complements both.

1. Fine, straight hair

If your hair falls into this category, straight cuts which are both one-length and clean are recommended. This includes styles like lobs and bobs.

2. Fine, curly hair

When yours is both fine and curly, a style which is layered fits well into the look. This is because layering can help add a lot of volume visually, giving your hair a thick look. You should avoid a look which is bottom-heavy if you have such hair.

3. Fine, wavy hair

When you have waves with fine hair, it itself is not thick enough for the natural waves to hold. The hair fibres require your hair to be shorter so that they can hold their natural shape. This results in shorter hair that looks really good. A lot of layers, when mixed into short lengths, also enhance the natural curves of the hair. Such haircuts help you own the natural texture of your hair.

Source: headmasterstx

Wrapping Up

One’s hair makes up a large part of their entire appearance. Hence, it makes sense for the world of haircare and styling to be so big and detailed. When you have flat hair, the process becomes all the more tedious, despite what others think. If you follow these tips, along with a few experiments of your own, you can start owning your look and nailing the perfect hairdo all the time. Whenever you face a problem, come back to Bestcheck, and you will surely find a solution.

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