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Canvas Wall Art Ideas for Your Living Room – 2024 Guide

Source: Pinterest

For art connoisseurs and collectors, choosing a wall painting is probably not a problem. Many of them customize their entire interiors with their paintings or sculptures. This is not surprising considering how expensive artworks can be.

But what about 99% of those who simply want their artistic paintings to serve as the final details for interior design? How do we choose the right picture when we don’t want to spend a fortune on it?

Canvas art is extremely popular in 2024, and you can choose some exquisite paintings that will make your space look even more beautiful and modern. Here are some ideas on how to choose the right one.

How To Choose A Wall Canvas For Your Living Room?

Source: Freshome.com

For starters, we choose paintings for the living room, which are two things. First, it is a room that almost every visitor will see. So this image must reflect at least some of the features of the host, either by the color that prevails or by motives.

Secondly, since it is the room of all your visitors, it is not just you who matters. So you need a picture that will capture the attention of those who are in the room and evoke certain, preferably positive, emotions. And maybe they will be slightly jealous of your choice – why not? If you need more help check out this fantastic post on The Canvas Prints for more ideas.

Color Is Important

Source: welcome to the woods

Consider starting with what is already in your living room. If your walls are painted in a color of your choice – we assume that color is already matched with the color of the furniture. So, the shades in a wall canvas should also match. However, if you didn’t choose the colors of the walls yourself, or furniture was chosen by its comfort and not aesthetics – then choosing a painting is a great way to make them look more beautiful.

How to Choose Colors?

Source: Crismatec.com

Of course, the colors must match, as you like. Remember we said this room is a reflection of your character. Most designers will advise complementary colors. This means that we can combine one basic color with the derived one. For example, combine yellow and purple, blue and orange, or red and green.

That way, you’ll also have the ideal cool-to-warm ratio. But of course, you can combine differently, your taste is crucial. The only advice is not to overdo the number of colors, especially if you are uncertain. If you are dealing with white walls and neutral furniture, you should be lighter about the color as you do not have to combine. In that case, you can devote yourself too much more than the colors themselves.

In any case, when choosing colors to decide which one to dominate – it is not outrageous to know what color symbolizes and what feelings it evokes. Depending on whether the colors are cooler and more prevalent in your room or warmer colors, the advice on their impact on you can be assessed by yourself.

Canvas Pictures Motives

Source: Wallingshop.com

As for the motives and themes in the pictures, as well as the techniques they were used for – we would say that there is no general rule, except that every direction and every technique should be given a chance by looking and not assuming what it is.

This means that if you are offered, for example, abstract paintings on canvas, you will not be able to refuse it immediately. You may be very surprised about what lies behind such images and how much they can brighten your space.

Printed Canvases

Source: Pinterest

You must research well what is on offer. However, the choice for wall decor is much wider today, and it is necessary to investigate here what lies behind a term. Say, printed pictures for the wall.

If you have never heard of it before, then be sure to look at the choice offered by online stores like Piqtura. These paintings are printed in high resolution but on canvas, which gives them depth and note of the artwork. We think they are a great solution if you are not yet ready to fully immerse yourself in serious and expensive artistic waters.

Oil Paintings: Canvas In The Frame

Source: iMall

One of the latest tendencies in wall decorating is canvas oil paintings in special frames. To put it more simply,  this is a painting that has no frame. It may sound unfinished to you, but on the contrary, such paintings on the canvas seem liberating because all attention is to the motive and colors.

If we speak about frames – you can choose one you like the best. Certainly, this is a way to make the true decoration of your walls. The internet can certainly offer you a lot of things. It is only important that you do a good job of exploring exactly what is on offer, and then evaluate what suits you best.

More Helpful Tips

Source: Interior Design Ideas

It is fashionable to post pictures all over the apartment, you just have to pay attention to the composition.

Size And Arrangement Of Images On The Wall

Source: Posterjack

For larger spacious walls, choose larger images or a group of images and place smaller images on smaller walls. If you want to place a smaller painting on a large spacious wall, choose a thicker frame.

Paintings can also be arranged geometrically or symmetrically. For example as a triangle, rectangle, in a row, etc. Maybe you’d rather arrange them non-symmetrical? You can do that as well. However, the composition must be compact. An asymmetrical arrangement may be more interesting to some because it is suggesting a warmer atmosphere.

Grouping Pictures On The Wall

Source: Pinterest

Grouping of images does not necessarily have to be in style, motives or technique. They don’t even have to be of the same dimensions and in the same frames. It is important to choose one main image around which every other painting will concentrate.

Position the main image from the composition, which is the largest image in dimensions, so that its central part is at eye level. You can also expose a picture without a frame, especially when it comes to abstract painting. Unframed prints of different themes and motifs can complement the white wall in your apartment and create a special atmosphere.

Best Educative Technologies for College Students in 2024

Source: Top Hat

The new decade comes with new challenges and technology. You need to pick what is best for you in college and what should be avoided. There are artificial intelligence, wellness tech, edtech trends, and video-based learning. The world of technology in 2024 is beneficial to students and teachers.

Most students are adapting to the online learning space. There are new web-based school management platforms such as Compass, and another one is tutoring platforms include Clusy. The open marketplaces such as Open Learning and ICT infrastructure offer a solution for schools like Critical Links, and 3D printing training providers like YSoft.

Source: Image Source Solutions

All these products and services have made the lives of students and teachers an easy path. It has promoted engagement, efficiency, communication, and collaboration. Most of the teachers believe that technology has the potential of expanding technology. The challenge is, they do not have enough time to implement the technology and accessibility of the devices outside the classroom.

The cry was heard, and edtech is designed to solve those problems. It is easy to adapt in the classroom, with great management platforms and apps that are easily accessible from any place. That is the beauty of educational technology, and students are embracing it and being in school has become an interactive and fun activity. Soon, it will become better, more affordable, and more accessible.

Some of the best educative technologies in 2024 for college students include:

Source: Insight Wellness Works
  • Student and Teacher Wellness: Most students and teachers work hard and experience burnout. There are new was to relieve all that, by using tech-based approaches. Mind Moose, for example, is an interactive app designed to teach students about mental health. The benefits include improving self-awareness, emotions management, self-esteem, solving problems, and resilient development. As for the reward system, students earn badges and certificates as they progress.

  • Artificial Intelligence: It helps in personalized learning. According to MedicMind, It delivers STEM tutoring classes, customized for each student. The software works by analyzing different answers ad know the time it takes to complete all the sessions. It helps in knowing the areas of weakness for all students. It helps in collecting data and boosts their engagement. Based on the students’ strength and weakness, it is possible to know their challenges. The software helps to predict future performance according to their current learning patterns.
Source: Learning Revolution
  • Video-based Learning: It is a preferred educational platform; teachers use YouTube, TeacherTube, and BrainPop to create instructional videos for different subjects. The reason is to present new material or supplement the current instructions. Video-based learning is great for background information, which would have taken the time to read a textbook. The video helps when the student is lagging with an assignment.
Source: KnowledgeCity
  • Data Privacy: There are different data privacy standards used, such as FERPA, COPPA, and SHERPA, and helps students by keeping their data safe. The data should be used according to the law and should be compliant to offer data privacy.
Source: No Jitter
  • Collaborative Technology: They support online learning through chatbots. These apps and platforms offer peer-to-peer management, blogs, wikis, and groups. It is possible to use other chat tools that students are familiar with, such as Skype, WhatsApp, and Facebook. There are easily accessible chatbots like Goggle Allo, and it will offer a more personalized and customized learning experience. It will act as a social learning source, saves time, and handles online assessments. There are several Google Apps that are customized to be used in learning lessons; they include Padlet, GoSoapBox, and TalkBoard.  It is possible to create groups and synchronize in Learning Management Systems; it will boost the engagement between the teachers and the students. It helps in moderating online discussions, hence giving and receiving feedback.
Source: Medium
  • Mixed Reality: It includes softwares like rumii, it works with Oculus Go VR headsets. The software helps by transporting students to East China and Northern Africa to learn more about the Pyramids or the Great Wall. Students who use the immersive virtual reality can accomplish different times as faster as students who use traditional computer programs. Mixed reality helps to enhance the online learning experience. It is expected that there will be demand for the virtual environments, by students virtually asking questions and yet feel included in the studies. Students can easily explore the virtual space and have cognitive associations. The developer mode oculus quest 2 is simple, developer mode provides access to additional tools and resources such as performance monitoring, debugging, and profiling, which help optimize the performance of VR applications.
Source: BLEFT
  • Blended Learning: This is a mix of on-campus and off-campus, and it is anticipated to become popular in the next decade. It will help in offering a balance between digital and human connection. With digital technologies, it enables learning to be more advanced, offers higher learning, and better online sessions. This approach helps in saving time as opposed to traditional face-to-face interaction. Teachers will act as facilitators as opposed to being instructors in a blended environment. It will empower students to learn more as opposed to formal studies.
Source: www.netexlearning.com
  • Machine Learning: Predictive analysis helps to know about the academic future of students. Teachers can predict the students’ performance in their academics. They will be able to know about the students at risk of dropping a course, and it will be useful for the online course providers. With customized programs, it will be easy to improve students’ performance. A good example of machine learning is Netex Learning. A web platform allows tutors to design a curriculum per day. The teachers can plan their content and include things like audio, videos, discussion portals, and personalized assignments.
Source: WebKu
  • Learning Platforms: This includes learning platforms like Open Space. It is designed to make learning more convenient for all students. A student will be able to access all the course materials, enable them to submit assignments (learn more about assignments writing on writepaperfor.me), receive feedback, and check all their grades all from one platform. This platform is user friendly, has a support network of peers and educators to enhance motivation. It has become a popular and better delivery of education with efficiency. It will be easier to know where and when to study, and all this will be at your convenience. You will be able to keep up with the latest technological trends that respect energy and time. In the next decade, these software, apps, and platforms will make it easy to learn. To get more help on your assignments from experts, click here.

5 Evolving Trends in Software Development in 2024

Source: medium

Technology is steadily becoming something that has a huge impact on our lives, and in the past couple of years we’re probably going to see the most drastic changes in this field. Computers are already a huge part of our society, and if you know how to use them right you can easily become more informed, and aware of all the things that are happening around you. A few clicks is the only thing that separates you from learning a completely new skill, and that’s the beauty of living in the future.

According to some of the older generations, back in the day if you wanted to learn a certain skill you’d have to find someone who mastered it, and then hope that they’ll permit you to become their assistant. Even then, you are not guaranteed to learn and master the profession yourself.

Nowadays, as crazy as it sounds, you can even become a blacksmith without ever having to leave your home.

Numerous online platforms and software allow us to improve our quality of life, and that’s exactly what we’re talking about, using computers for becoming a better version of yourself. It doesn’t take much to learn how to work with a personal computer, and the effort is quite rewarding. This is why we chose to talk about a very interesting subject for today’s piece.

This article is going to contain information about the five currently evolving trends in the software development field in 2024, and all the changes that we can expect from them in the future. We already have self-driving cars, machine learning AI’s, and robots, so let’s take a look at some of the other cool upcoming things, shall we?

1. Virtual Reality

Source: ZyCrypto

Although it doesn’t seem like anything new, it’s important to understand that VR as a technology is currently only used on very rare occasions. Sure, you can see a video-game streamer use this kind of a headset now and then, but does every single person reading this have one? Well, the answer is no, but the goal of VR technology developers is to make this available for even the most casual, non-tech enthusiast person.

VR allows us to do wonderful things, and it’s not just for playing games and watching other types of entertaining content on the internet. It can be used for simulations, such as learning how to fly a plane in the safety of your own home, how to race with a car and tons of different cool things. With all of this being said, developers will keep working on the VR technology in 2024 to make it even cooler than it is right now, and most importantly, affordable for everyone.

2. Blockchain Technology

Source: tscnet

Yeah, most of you probably already know about Bitcoin, but the blockchain is more than just a virtual, undetectable currency. This never stopped being a trend ever since it came out, and it’s going to remain to be like that in 2024. Blockchain has so much potential, and a lot of people think that it’s going to replace the regular banking systems that we all use daily in the next couple of years.

Whether this is truly going to happen or not, it’s just up for a time to tell. There are sure a lot of benefits when it comes to not having a middleman for any of your transactions, zero fees, and anonymity, but until developers perfect this to the very last detail, we cannot say for sure. It doesn’t change the fact that blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are still hot trends in the software development field, even in 2024.

3. Code-Quality Control

Source: medium

If anyone of you is even remotely familiar with coding, you probably already know the importance of having a clear, readable, and organized line in your script.

Most smaller businesses don’t need more than one programmer to work on their software, but for larger enterprises and businesses, there are a bunch of them engaged in a single project. This means that if you don’t have a clear code, and you’re not organized well, the others will have trouble adapting to what you’re writing, and you’re sabotaging the progress of the entire task.

Thankfully, in 2024 it’s a trend to increase the code-quality control, so we expect people to write much clearer lines of code. If you are struggling to develop a certain app or software yourself, you can always check the software development services by VironIT.

4. The Internet of Things (IoT)

Source: nearcoding

There’s a lot of talk about The Internet of Things, which is a network meant for a lot of physical objects and house-held gadgets, and it’s slowly becoming the hottest trend in the technology field. This network is intended to connect different things such as vehicles (currently Tesla), kitchen appliances, and other devices that you have in your home.

This network will be used to improve our quality of life by allowing these devices to constantly exchange data and improve on their own. Something like receiving an update, but slightly different. If you are looking to invest, the IoT market is expected to double in worth by the end of 2024.

5. Sophisticated cybersecurity

Source: tiaonline

Last but not least, we’re once again present with this topic, something that’s both intriguing and scaring a lot of people at the same time, and that’s cybersecurity. In the world of computers and networks, there are tons of flaws and “holes” that can be exploited and abused by users with bad intentions. As far as we all know, data is the most valuable thing nowadays, so no business can risk losing theirs to someone with malicious intent.

This is why both smaller and larger businesses are investing a lot in cybersecurity in 2024, and the companies responsible for our security are delivering. We’re seeing tons of new anti-malware and anti-spyware solutions on the market, so we expect things to change, although the chart is always increasing as each year goes by.

In the past couple of years, the number of cyber-attacks is always higher than each previous year, but 2024 looks like a possible solution for the problem.


Without technology, we wouldn’t be even nearly close to where we are right now as a human race, but thankfully inventors and scientists are working tirelessly to improve our quality of life through new devices, gadgets, and solutions for our everyday problems. Our list above contains five currently-evolving trends in the software development field, so if you’re interested to see what’s “hot” in 2024, feel free to check it out.

Why People Are Choosing to Move From Los Angeles to San Francisco?

These days, many people are choosing to move to San Francisco towards the north side of the country because of numerous reasons. From better job opportunities to tastier tap water, why San Francisco is becoming a big choice for people. Both Los Angeles and San Francisco are the most popular and vibrating cities in the United States but these days, because of the higher job opportunities, people are choosing to move from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Though the population of Los Angeles is higher than San Francisco it does not mean that San Francisco is less vibrant. Check out the various reasons, as stated by expert movers at pricingvanlines.com, which make san Francisco a good place to move.

Source: OZ Moving

Flourishing economy:

The economy in San Francisco is flourishing to a great extent. Therefore, many young professionals who want to start their companies are tempted to move from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Also, Silicon Valley of its southern Bay Area is popular for having the latest technology and is also known as the technological capital of the entire world.

Due to the presence of many tech companies, such as Google, HP, Intel, Facebook, Oracle, Apple, etc. and many other industries related to different sectors, such as, healthcare, government, education, hospitality, and transportation, etc., the level of employment opportunities are much higher there.

Therefore all the job seeker and the students who want to give a boost to their career and who wants to get a suitable job chooses to move in San Francisco. The city also has the highest average household income in the country.

Source: Moving APT

Outdoor activities:

Most people love to spend their time indulging in outdoor activities. The warm-summer climate of San Francisco allows one to comfortably enjoy various outdoor activities. San Francisco is gifted with natural environmental beauty and there are many beaches present around where one can enjoy surfing, sailing, swimming, and one can also just simply relax in the sun.

If you are a lover of adventure then this is the best place for you to move. You can undertake various adventurous sports like hiking, mountain climbing, or mountain biking. Also, many ski resorts here allow you to go skiing.

Source: Hikers Shop

Milder climate:

Yes, moving from LA seems like you would not able to enjoy the warm beach weather but the milder climate of San Francisco is not less and it offers you to enjoy great weather around the year with no real summer and winter season while the place is also famous for its cold temperature and the rainy season. If you are the kind of person who doesn’t like to stay in extreme hot or cold then SF is just the city where you should move in.

Better transportation facilities: Now you don’t need to own your car to move around in the city because the city provides you the better transportation facilities. You can enjoy the facility of the cable cars that allows you to move around in the city at a lesser cost.

Source: Medium

Happening culture and culinary events:

People usually move to San Francisco from Los Angles to live their lives to the fullest. San Francisco is the origin of gay rights and accepts every person no matter the class, race, sexuality, or nationality. This city, California is filled with world-famous museums, street arts, ballet, art galleries, opera, etc.

Food lovers are also attracted to this city as the best culinary events are organized here which are filled with fresh world-class dining as well as food trucks. Here restaurants are famous for serving dishes from all around the world.

Source: gb&d magazine


One of the best things about the SF is that you will just love the simple form of commuting. The architecture of the city is built in a way that the city is highly walkable and you can transit a good distance with your feet. And of course, you can also save your time by walking or biking and can easily cover the distance. Commutation is very easy and simple here and if you are the kind of person who loves to walk and who loves biking then again SF is just an ideal destination for you.

Source: Houstonia Magazine

Enjoy the best culinary scenes:

If you are the kind of person who loves culinary events and love to enjoy the different types of foods from the different restaurants then the city is a perfect choice for you to live in. Every weekend, you can enjoy buying fresh fruits and vegetables from the farmer market and also the city has the latest coffee shops and good bakeries where you can enjoy your time while eating.

Bottom line:

San Francisco doesn’t just have employment opportunities, the place has everything which a person wishes or desires to have in a city. Therefore if you are thinking to move to SF you could enjoy a good living style here in the city along with several positive effects of the city. The two cities are different from each other when it comes down to personal opinion. Both the cities have world-class museums and theatres and apart from this it also offer iconic buildings and sites. Whether you are looking for incredible restaurants or job opportunities both cities are doing extremely well on these aspects. But some people prefer San Francisco as it’s a beautiful city because of the close quarters. Moreover, it is located on the east coast and people enjoy the weather of the city.

4 Best Styling Tools and Tips for Fine Hair in 2024

Source: cnet

Finding a tool that is perfect for you is way more important and way more difficult than finding the perfect partner. A good tool can make your hair, while a bad tool can break it, quite literally. Any girl who has had to deal with a terrible hair tool will agree that she won’t wish the same to their worst enemy.

A hair straightener or a curler can be a life-saving tool for you when you need to get ready quickly. Check out the best hair straighteners at Bestcheck.in and choose for yourself based on metrics and reviews. Bestcheck also helps you to find the perfect tool for your hair. Experience how a single tool can transform your hair from good to gorgeous.

Here are some of the best hair-styling tools at your disposal:

1. HSI Ionic Flat Iron (Ceramic and Tourmaline)

Source: youtube

This iron is one of the best sellers in the market. This iron has a short heating time and is very good at reducing the amount of frizz in your hair. It can cause even the roughest of hair to smooth out. You can find more about this at bestflatironguide.com

2. Homitt 2 in 1

Source: amazon

The Homitt 2 in 1 iron is loved by people and critics alike. This is because it helps you to both straighten your hair and curl it. For straightening it up, you can just put it between the plates and straighten it out while the barrel allows your hair to be wound around it for gaining a lot of curls. And this product also allows you to experiment with your hair by taking a mix of both these styles.

3. Revlon Volumizer and Hair Dryer

Source: pinterest

While every girl wants a salon-quality volume at home, blow drying one’s own hair while juggling with a volumizing brush can prove to be extremely difficult. Revlon hit the ailing nerve of many consumers by releasing this product which blows dry your hair while you brush it. Consumers of this product have raved about the volume of their hair since they have started using it.

4. Conair Curl Secret InfinitiPro

Source: youtube

This amazing tool developed by Conair is capable of giving you something which is considered near impossible, impeccable ringlets. This tool is a cross between a curling wand and a rotating hair iron. This hybrid helps it in imparting your hair with a texture which is both uniform and beautiful. All you have to do is brush your hair, put it in, and wait for just half a minute. The result will be curls on your hair which are as well-defined as they are shiny.

Some styling tips for your hair

Source: harpersbazaar

When people notice you have hair which is fine and flat, their first thought is usually how easy it is to style it. They put up good arguments too: less amount of blow-drying required for the hair, tying it up is effortless, perennial chic look, etc. However, only you know how difficult it is to not make your hair droop. Only you know how tough it is when it starts limping just a few hours into the day. Well, not anymore. Here are some tips collected from various stylists for giving your hair a volume which is both good and long-lasting.

1. Activate the volumizing products by blow drying

When one has fine hair, which dries off well by itself, there is a temptation to leave the blow-drying part because it seems both tedious and unnecessary. However, any accomplished (or even non-accomplished) hair stylist will tell you that if you apply any product to gain volume, it is essentially ineffective if you don’t use a blow dryer.

2. Don’t let the conditioner cover the scalp

This line does not mean that you shouldn’t use a conditioner. You should apply conditioner to your hair every time you wash it. However, make sure that you only apply it to the middle and the ends. Your hair does need the essential nourishers but conditioner can give you a very greasy look and cause your hair to go into that dreaded limp.

3. Remove build-up regularly by using a clarifying shampoo

When you regularly use volumizing products, it can lead to a lot of product build-up. This build-up gradually leads to a lot of unnatural weight in your hair, causing it to limp and droop. A clarifying shampoo can easily remove all the build-up along with any other impurities while leaving the colour of your hair intact. Using a shampoo which has a lot of keratin is recommended because it leads to the smoothening of your hair and reparation of any damages.

Here are a few hairstyling tips for the modern-day fine-haired woman

Source: theknot

Before getting into the ‘finer’ details, one thing you should always keep in mind for your hairstyle is the shape of your face and your jawline. Choose a style that complements both.

1. Fine, straight hair

If your hair falls into this category, straight cuts which are both one-length and clean are recommended. This includes styles like lobs and bobs.

2. Fine, curly hair

When yours is both fine and curly, a style which is layered fits well into the look. This is because layering can help add a lot of volume visually, giving your hair a thick look. You should avoid a look which is bottom-heavy if you have such hair.

3. Fine, wavy hair

When you have waves with fine hair, it itself is not thick enough for the natural waves to hold. The hair fibres require your hair to be shorter so that they can hold their natural shape. This results in shorter hair that looks really good. A lot of layers, when mixed into short lengths, also enhance the natural curves of the hair. Such haircuts help you own the natural texture of your hair.

Source: headmasterstx

Wrapping Up

One’s hair makes up a large part of their entire appearance. Hence, it makes sense for the world of haircare and styling to be so big and detailed. When you have flat hair, the process becomes all the more tedious, despite what others think. If you follow these tips, along with a few experiments of your own, you can start owning your look and nailing the perfect hairdo all the time. Whenever you face a problem, come back to Bestcheck, and you will surely find a solution.

AR and VR are Changing the Real Estate Market – 2024 Guide

Technology advancements impact every industry, including real estate. The latest innovations are augmented and virtual reality that is changing a lot of industries like healthcare, automotive, retail, real estate, education, and others

The benefits of augmented reality lie in its immersive abilities. These allow users to interact with digital environments. VR separates the users from physical reality and places them in a virtual world. AR enhances its existing reality. There’s also mixed reality, that combines these two both technologies.

One of the industries that benefit from AR/VR incrementally is real estate. These technologies allow us to visualize properties, or immerse people into a visualized prototype of property. Thanks to that AR/VR are definitely considered as one of the most powerful proptech trends according to Softermii article.

Why AR and VR Work for Real Estate

Augmented reality real estate apps shorten buying journeys. They help buyers and sellers navigate this often-tedious process efficiently and smoothly. Augmented reality benefits in real estate include:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Reality real estate apps can transform and replace some traditional marketing initiatives. They provide better ROI while eliminating the costs of property staging.
  • Time-Saving: Real estate reality technology allows potential buyers to take a virtual tour from wherever they are at any time.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: AR and VR provide both entertainment and personalization for users. The customer experience is enhanced through virtual tours with interactive add-ons. You can see information about similar properties, use a mortgage calculator, and get real-time descriptions of the neighborhood. Realtors can ensure their clients have information about properties before reaching out and arranging a real visit.
  • Accurate and In-depth Analytics Source: Virtual reality real estate technology provides realtors with crucial insights into user behavior while they experience one or another visualization.
  • Building of Emotional Connections: A virtual reality real estate tour help your clients visualize the properties. Unlike traditional visits, where everyone is in a rush, potential buyers can take their time with a VR home tour and focus their attention on details.
  • Worldwide Reach: Real estate agents know how much time each client requires. Negotiating prices and terms, arranging visits, and showing properties are all time-consuming. You can accommodate more clients when you use VR real estate technology.

AR and VR Applications in Real Estate

AR and VR assist real estate professionals at every stage. Whether it’s renting a property, selling, buying, or building, you can take a VR real estate tour and simplify the process.

Virtual Tours and Property Showcasing

According to a VRARA survey, 40.4% of apartment buyers stated that panoramic tours played an essential role in their purchasing decision. Familiarity with VR real estate platforms should soon be regarded as a requirement for anyone getting into the profession.

Buyers usually look through a list of properties and compare them before making a final decision. By just putting on a headset, clients can virtually examine a house’s interior whenever they want. Thanks to VR buyers can conveniently visit so many properties as they want in a single day. They can also interact with a virtual realtor while they do so.

There are two types of 3D virtual tours. Guided visits are like conventional promotional videos. However, they are either fully virtual or in the form of 360-degree videos. Guided visits are ideal for existing properties because they’re simple to make. All you need is a panoramic camera.

VR real estate tours allow users to choose where to move within a property by clicking on hotspots within their field of view. Creating interactive virtual home tours is more complex. They’re more interactive than guided 3D virtual tours, though, so clients can get the most detail about the property they are considering. Your business can use a real estate VR app to show details of a building that would have once been nearly impossible.

Virtual Advice for Tenants

Immersive technologies can improve communication between tenants and landlords as well. With 3D tours, tenants can learn everything about the property before they arrive or when they can do it personally. They won’t need to continually contact the landlord.

Virtual Staging

A Profile of Home Staging report by the National Association of Realtors stated that 77% of real estate agents agreed that staging helps buyers identify a property as their future home.

By virtually staging a property, you can personalize the staging according to the customer’s lifestyle and preferences. Clients can virtually try to decorate the house by changing wall colors or change the interior design by adding art and furniture.

Virtual Commerce

An augmented reality real estate app allows buyers to take virtual property tours, and at the same time, they can visit online stores, choosing items they want to see how they fit. They can also shop in real-time for the items presented in the virtual home staging.

Immersive technology in real estate is convenient and offers a great return on investment. Certain AR and VR applications are more accessible for real estate professionals, while others are more sophisticated. What is certain, though, is how much the industry is embracing this tech.

Real-Estate AR Marketing

According to ManufacturedHomesMichigan By using AR, customers can learn all the vital information about the properties in which they are interested before contacting a real estate agent. One augmented reality example is Realtor.com. It enables users to determine the price and square footage of a particular property by pointing a smartphone at the building. AR apps can turn a walk or a drive into an insightful real-estate shopping tour.

Designing Interiors With AR/VR

AR/VR technology is helping interior designers visualize how home decor and furniture would look in a particular setting. iOS apps like iStaging limit the costly, time-consuming, trial-and-error process that once existed. They can now use a virtual environment to easily create and try out various designs and styles within a virtual reality home.

Now that you know about virtual reality for real estate, consider using it for your purposes. This technology is only going to become more prominent in the years to come, as virtual reality homes for sale will become the norm.

How to Choose the Best Travel Accommodations

Everyone has a bad vacation story. The one where they had a 17-hour flight delay, their luggage was shipped to Tibet, and all the good rides at Disney World were broken. For me, though, the worst thing that can go wrong is ending up at a nightmare hotel. I’ve stayed in places that would leave Stephen King feeling shook.

In all my years of travel, here’s what I’ve learned about choosing the right accommodations.

Source: unsplash.com

Money Talks

Unless you’re a rich tycoon with bottomless pockets (if you are, call me!), then you can’t afford to start browsing Los Angeles homes for sale every time you visit California. Visit redfin.com for more information. Instead, like the rest of us peasants, you’ll have to figure out your budget. That means planning in advance based on your current saving, expected income, and future expenses. Next, subtract the cost of airfare, transportation, food, activities, and overpriced tourist souvenirs. Whatever’s left is what you can afford for accommodations.

Determining your priorities is entirely up to you. You can always visit ManufacturedHomesMichigan for the best deals if you’re hoping to save money on food, a room that has its own fridge can allow you to buy groceries instead of eating pricey room service every night. Is it absolutely necessary for your hotel to have a weight room and an indoor swimming pool? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Decide what amenities you are and aren’t willing to spend money on, and then go from there.

Source: Prime Plus Medical

Location, Location, Location

More than anything else, whether your vacation is awesome or not-so-awesome comes down to the destination you chose. That’s as true for your lodgings as it is for the actual city or country. Some hotels are closer to special attractions, like amusement parks, beaches, historic sites, and museums. Some hotels are closer to restaurants, food markets, and shopping centers. Some hotels are right next to the airport, so you can enjoy trying to sleep through the thundering ROOOOARRR of departing flights every ten minutes.

Arguably the best hotels are the ones located exactly where you want to be, on the beachfront like The Lodge At Gulf State Park or in the heart of the city. But maybe you value quiet and solitude. Maybe you’ve found a hotel that is an attraction all its own or one that has a great view. Maybe you like the idea of spacing things out so you can see as much of the region as you can. There are pros and cons to both approaches.

Source: Britannica

View and Review

If you’ve ever seen a McDonald’s cheeseburger in an ad and thought it looked delectable, only to order the real thing and find it barely edible, then you know that what’s promised isn’t always what’s delivered. There’s not a hotel on Earth whose website won’t make it sound like the second coming of the Taj Mahal, so it’s incumbent upon you to do your research before making reservations.

Most hotel websites, of course, have photo galleries of the room for you to view so you can get an idea of exactly what you’re getting. If you want the most honest and unvarnished look at what a place is really like, though, you’re better off looking up location tags on Instagram and Twitter to view pictures taken by actual guests. You should also visit sites like Yelp and Tripadvisor to read customer reviews. One bad write-up could just be a fluke, but a whole mess of them? Head for the hills!

Source: Time Out

Look for An In-Budget Choice with Good Ratings

Reviews from the previous consumers of an accommodation that you have shortlisted will help you make a better choice. Also, check the star ratings, as it is one of the decisive factors in picking the best accommodations available. Though ratings and price are not the only factors that you should consider when you have to choose accommodation for yourself, they are equally important. Consider a rating that fits your requirements well.

If travelling with a partner, and are looking for some of the luxurious picks, always go for high ratings. On the contrary, if you are going to stay for quite some days, then a place that has a rating between 3.8-4.3 will work. Also, you can choose to look for some budget-friendly accommodations that are located at a distance from the main city. The prices of staying in a hotel that is far away from the main city centre will be considerably low. This way, you will not have to compromise on comfort.

Source: Money Crashers

Keep an Eye on Extra Charges

You are of the wrong notion that the accommodation has every facility included in the room rates offered. Several accommodations have unreasonable charges hidden and are not included in their room rates. They charge extra in form of telephone charges, exorbitant charges, etc. Accommodations generally do not charge transparent fees. They might lock in your luggage or other important items until you agree to pay the extra amount. Hence, make sure to carry out good research before finalizing any option. You can also reach out to the reception desk and ask them about their detailed price chart.

Also, while booking a room for yourself, look for the charges they usually impose on their consumers such as the landline charges, laundry charges etc. Ask the staff about what is included in the room rates, and what they charge extra. The common fees that you should look out for include, staff gratuities, shuffle fees, to and from the airport, wifi provided, etc. You should always ask for the breakdown of the entire fee structure, before confirming your booking. Though you will find the required information online, asking ahead will save you from paying extra bucks.

Source: usatoday

Pick Condos and Rental Apartments

The best part about renting apartments and condos is that they always offer the utmost convenience and comfort for travellers. That being said, you will not have to pay the hefty bills generated by hotels, and you can also enjoy services similar to the hotels. When it comes to picking accommodations, there are several cost-effective options available online to choose from. Condos are the best choice if you are someone who is looking for the comfort of your home, and don’t want to spend a fortune.


People have different preferences and accordingly their idea of the perfect accommodation differs. However, comfort and budget-friendliness are the two factors that tops almost everyone’s priority list while searching for the perfect accommodation.

The above guide will help you look for the right accommodation that suits your budget, needs and preferences perfectly well. With overwhelming choices available, the task may be daunting, but a few tips will help you find the best place. When you are travelling, the most important thing is convenience. Different accommodations offer different services and amenities. Hence, make sure to research well and make a wise choice.

Your 2024 Travel Safety Checklist

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic will have a lasting effect on the travel industry for some time to come. Even as countries are rolling out vaccination programmes, it may take a while before going on holiday looks like it used to. When travel restrictions are lifted, if you’re going abroad in 2024, being prepared is crucial in making the process as stress-free as possible.

Some of the measures you may have to take include packing extra cleaning products for your hotel room, knowing where to get a PCR test, knowing the protocols for destinations on your itinerary, and familiarising yourself with your Local Test to Release provider from Medicspot.

Check your destination’s travel restrictions

Always make sure that you are aware of all the safety protocols in your destination. Many countries now require you to take a Covid-19 test 72 hours prior to departure, and you may be asked to provide evidence that you have tested negative at the border of the country you plan to enter. You may also be asked to quarantine, and negative PCR tests might be requested on certain days of your quarantine period. If you don’t comply, you could receive a hefty fine, so do your research, pay for tests and be prepared before setting off.

Source: Hedda Care

Read your provider’s cancellation policy

If possible, book hotels and flights via a reputable provider. Do they offer a free cancellation policy? Thoroughly check over their cancellation policies prior to booking to make sure you can cancel free of charge in the event anything changes.

Make sure this applies to both accommodation and flights – the last thing you need is to be charged for those couple of nights in a swanky hotel once you’ve cancelled your flights.

Check your accommodation’s Covid-19 policy

Check the sanitising procedures of the hotel or rental you will be staying in. Do not stay with friends or family unless you have quarantined and tested negative for Covid-19.

Ensure that your hotel’s standards of hygiene are high, and that they insist on the wearing of face masks in public spaces, have stations with hand sanitiser, give customers temperature checks, enforce social distancing and have a contact tracing policy.

Try to ask for reduced housekeeping to keep contact with others to a minimum, and take care in public places such as hotel restaurants. Order room service where you can, and disinfect surfaces and cutlery before use.

Source: Euro-Mediterranean

Research nearby Covid-19 testing centres

If you start to display symptoms of Covid-19, you will need to get tested as soon as possible. Also, even if you are travelling to a country that doesn’t have PCR testing as an entry requirement, getting tested puts your own mind, and the minds of others, at ease.

Even if you have already had the vaccine, take precautions and know where your nearest testing centre is by asking your hotel. You should also download any apps that allow test and trace.

Pack the right cleaning essentials

Not only should you ensure that you have plenty of antibacterial wipes, hand sanitiser and face masks for your trip and hotel room, but you should also think about your flight. Pack food where you can in your carry-on to minimise the need for airline food and buying food in the airport.

Pack a face mask, face shield and goggles, so that you cannot touch your eyes or face during the flight. It is important that you take steps to not touch your face so often when flying, as face touching is a way that Covid-19 spreads.

If your flight is under five hours, eat before you board so you do not have to remove your mask to eat during your flight. When you arrive in your hotel room, disinfect every surface, including high touchpoints such as light switches and door handles.

Take a disinfectant with you (packed in your hold luggage) that is at least 70% alcohol. If you really want to be extra careful, pack a bathroom cleaner and cloth, and inform housekeeping that you’ll clean your own bathroom during your stay.

Source: TourandTakein

Get travel insurance

Perhaps one of the most important safety tips of all is to get travel insurance. It’ll save you paying a hefty fee, should your trip be delayed, baggage gets lost or if you need emergency coverage.

Do your research and find a good provider, but avoid the ones that may be trying to take advantage of you by making it virtually impossible to file a claim, or charge high deductibles.

Know the new airport rules

Numerous airports have changed their layouts and processes to comply with COVID-19 guidelines. In which case, allow time for delays and changes to your typical airport schedule.

These revised rules are in place to cut down contact, so it’s recommended to check-in online before you arrive at the airport. It’s also worth taking minimum hand luggage.

Watch out for signs and staff when you’re in the airport – they’re there to give guidance on things like:

  • Security procedures
  • How to wait in line at check-in
  • Where to sit
  • How to maintain social distancing to prevent congestion

Read up on the government’s safer air guidance for passengers, which provides lots of info on airport and plane procedures. However, a couple of important points to remember on your trip include:

  • Washing your hands frequently
  • Maintaining social distancing rules
  • Wearing a mask (unless you’re excused)
  • Using contactless pay
  • Taking antibacterial wipes with you for regularly used surfaces
Source: The Connexion


Currently, it’s best to think about using private transfers from the airport to your accommodation rather than public transport. This is because hygiene measures are strictly maintained.

Purchase tickets online

To avoid queuing with the masses or handling paper tickets and money, purchase your tickets online. Touchless ticketing is the name of the game during these unprecedented times, in which a provider asks a visitor to book a time slot via a QR code. Don’t forget to charge your phone beforehand.

These are some of the things you need to know if you’re looking to travel during the novel coronavirus. Follow the above tips, and you’re sure to prepare and plan your trip successfully during the pandemic.

10 Best Gifts That Give Back to Charities in Need

Have you ever thought of buying presents that have some worthy causes related to them? Whenever you buy charity gifts for your family or friends, it adds to their happiness. The charity presents are known to support several important causes such as minority groups, fulfilling orphan children’s needs, protecting the environment, and many more.

The presents that spread happiness to your dear ones and the second party have a wide range of variety. Giftsforgood.com is the one-stop destination for all those who want to invest their money to purchase something for a good cause. This website’s primary mission is to empower people of the planet by giving them back through the gifts purchased by you.

Source: Food & Wine Magazine

List of 10 Charity Gifts

Every kind of recipient can find something of their choice on this list. It doesn’t matter what you pick from the list because everything you buy contributes to the world’s betterment. You will get all the items listed below from giftsforgood.com:

  1. Weekender gift box: The weekender gift box is an eco-friendly box designed beautifully with certain food items. It contains items such as golden cornbread mix, Lentil soup mix, Blue popcorn, salted caramel seasoning, a blend of southwest spices, etc. Purchasing this gift hamper would be directly linked to impact women’s lives. Click here for more eco-friendly options.

    Source: NOVICA
  2. Smokey black throw blanket: Gifting a throw blanket to your friends living in cold climatic conditions is such an excellent idea. This beautiful grey and black in a color throw blanket are hand-loomed by a Nestor Yana ( artisan of Peru). The blanket is made up of acrylic and alpaca mix and has fringes at its end portions. If you buy this blanket, it will provide four hours of employment to some poor artisan situated in Peru.
  3. Hand-made custom candles: Customers from various parts of the world love these candles specially made in the USA. The candles are made from clean coconut wax, making them the most sustainable candles in the whole market. You also choose to customize the vessels or the candles’ containers. Candle Candles are available in different variants or flavors, such as amber, santal, vanilla bean, white tea, Darjeeling, etc. Purchasing these candles will allow people with developmental disabilities to work for 15 minutes in Los Angeles.

    Source: Good Housekeeping
  4. Water bottles: Sleek glass bottles do look good both with logos and without them. You have the freedom to customize the logos and color as per your choice. These bottles are made with high-quality glass and provide easy grip to you. It can fit perfectly in your cup holders or small bags. The website offers drinking water to many developing countries when buying these bottles.
  5. Dog treats box: Pups from across the world love treats, agree? These dog treats are made only from six ingredients that are natural and gluten-free. There are two social benefits linked with the purchase of these dog treats. First, it provides care for one hour to the rescue pets. Second, they are connected with Wagster, a social organization that aims to teach individuals employment skills to make their future stability.
  6. Nazca Travel Pack: Are you looking to buy something for your colleague? Then, this is probably the perfect gifting item. The Nazca travel pack is a good option for everyday use in the office and even while traveling. It is equipped with protective features and a laptop sleeve of 15 inches. This bag is the best seller bag for all the employees. The website provides grants to non-profitable sectors such as health and education when purchasing this gift.

    Source: Going Awesome Places
  7. Brownies in gift: There is no need for any occasion when you want to treat your family and friends with chocolates or brownies. Sending brownies or chocolates to cheer up someone is always a good idea. There are different flavors available such as chocolate brownies fudge, vegan fudge brownies, snickerdoodle blondie, etc. With every purchase, gifts for good provide employment to people who are in need in New York City.
  8. Cecilia Tote Bags: Are you on the hunt for some excellent purchases for your female friends? Then, you should probably stop wondering now. This leather tote bag is handcrafted and is perfect for all the females present on your list. With your every purchase of this bag, a poor child situated in Honduras gets the opportunity to attend the school for 13 days. What is better than giving someone the chance to learn and make their future fruitful?
  9. Power bank or a solar charger: Nowadays, everyone who travels a lot knows the importance of having a power bank. This solar charger can charge your phone or tablet up to 3 to 4 times on a single full charge. All you need to charge these power banks in sunlight. It is water-resistant, dust-proof, and also comes with a flashlight. It is a perfect gifting item for someone who gets to travel frequently. The social cause related to it is that the website will give a solar light to any needy person on each purchase.

    Source: Small Business Trends
  10. Chef’s board: Cooking is practiced as a hobby by many people. We all have at least one chef in our home who cooks delicious food. This chef’s board comprises high-quality material and is unique and durable. The customizing option is also available where you can get the person’s name printed. It is a very heavy-duty chopping and serving board, which works well with even cheese and bread. Purchasing every board will save trees from being cut.

To Sum Up

Buying presents to please someone is something different. But to purchase items that can give something back to someone in the form of charity brings true pleasure. We hope that you find the right present for your loved one from our list. Don’t miss the opportunity to spread happiness among your near ones and the whole planet.

Why Scambaiting Is Becoming So Popular Among YouTubers In 2024

Source: frankonfraud

Scambaiting is the latest trend on YouTube where YouTubers expose scammers and their operations in front of their audiences.

This popular trend is not sparked by a financial gain, but for exposing the people out there who are preying upon those that are less competent in protecting their livelihood.

It goes without saying that the best way to protect yourself from harm’s way on the Internet is by intentionally avoiding these scams. However, not everyone understands how to do it, nor how to spot a scammer, so this new trend is out there to help people understand these issues.

There are few prominent YouTubers out there that have their content revolve around this topic. But scambaiting has become so popular on the platform that many choose to follow in the steps of the “founding fathers” of this trend.

In this article, we’re going to hopefully try and clarify why this trend is so popular amongst YouTubers.

Scambaiting in 2024

Source: belfasttelegraph

We should first mention that it’s commendable the lengths hackers go to scam you for a few hundred dollars. While we shouldn’t underestimate how a few hundred bucks could help a person in hard times, you would expect larger sums to be involved in these operations.

Most of these scams are for petty cash that few would take issue after a few weeks. But that’s not the case every time one of these “agents” calls upon a helpless soul in a bit to “solve” their issue.

These scams come in many forms. Some are laughable and others are commendable like we said. Most appear in the form of a tech support agent who is there to solve your software issue.

Other callers introduce themselves as the government, as IRS agents to be precise. They tell you that you owe money due to unpaid taxes and spread fear-mongering in a bid to scam a few hundred dollars.

Other times, these “agents” introduce themselves as airline employees who offer you discounts or great deals on flights and accommodations.

Source: youtube

However, there is one major flaw in all of this. Namely, for a scammer to scam you for your money, you would need to effectively give them the money.

However, the deal here is that once the money has been transferred, they will hang up on you and you’ll never hear from them again. But this is where the scammer has it most difficult.

Namely, if you simply transfer the amount of money to their bank account, they can be tracked and arrested. So that’s why these callers will ask for your money in the form of Amazon gift cards, Steam cards, Google Pay, etc.

That’s what popular YouTuber Kidboga says in an interview regarding his channel content. Kidboga is one of the pioneers of the scambaiting YouTube trend and is solely responsible for making scammers’ lives harder every time they call him for a chance to scam him.

It takes a lot of knowledge on how to scam a scammer, and there are various ways to obtain that knowledge, says Kidboga. One way is to look for books or guides on how these people think whenever they’re on the internet scamming people. But the best way to protect yourself is to install the software.

Source: newsweek

This software can ruin a scammer’s day since you have complete control over your machine, even if the scammer thinks that you don’t. This is a very popular thing they do. They ask you to install Team Viewer, make you give them permission, and then they’ll scam you for your money.

By heading over to remotekeyloggers.net, you’ll find software that will prevent all of this and give you full control over your machine.

So, the best way to spot a person with malicious intent is if he asks for payments using those methods. But that’s not all. There have been some bold people out there which hopefully you’ve heard about some of these operations.

Have you ever heard about the Nigerian Prince one? The one where alleged Nigerian Prince emails you telling you that he is in trouble bla bla bla send me a viable bank account and I’ll transfer you 10% of my millions-of-dollars fortune.

This is probably the boldest one that exists. People fall for this like birds. I mean, who doesn’t want millions of dollars in return for a bank account where he can keep the money and transfer them?

Source: techscammersunited

But this scam has also been outdated and people have gotten the hang of it.

The brilliant thing with scambaiting, however, is that these can sometimes take weeks due to the tireless efforts of the YouTuber. Kidboga is one of the most popular YouTubers exposing these people to the world, but none match the tireless efforts of scambaiting himself, “The Failure”.

This operation is codenamed Anus Laptops, conveniently enough. In this op, “The Failure” seems to work in a computer store in New York and uses alias “Warren Turnbuckle”.

One day, Warren gets a check from “Martin Cole – the scammer in this operation” for some laptop he supposedly wants to buy. Warren then tells Martin that he cannot ship the laptop until Martin pays for the shipping fees.

So, Martin gets this brilliant idea to send another check for $4,500 instead of $4,000. Warren tells him that he has overpaid for around $500, and gets a message in return saying to refund the $500 back to Martin.

This all happens for a laptop and $500 in a space of a few weeks. However, Warren has a brilliant idea. He pitches to Martin an idea where he will sell him the laptops as Martin sends an overseas courier to pick them up. He even, conveniently, promises to Martin that the shipping fees will be covered by his company once the check clears.

Martin takes the bait and an estimate UPS shipping fee of around $3,200 arrive in Manchester, UK, for Martin to pick up. But instead of laptops, what Martin found inside were old hard drives and two broken laptops with the words “ANUS LAPTOPS” scratched on their screens.

The UPS was also working with Warren to help expose the scammer, and they never gave Martin his shipment until he paid in cash.

simulation racing

Inside the Training Routines: How F1 Drivers Practice Sim Racing

Sim racing, the digital counterpart of real-world motorsport, has evolved dramatically over the past decade. Not only has it captured the interest of casual...