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8 Hidden Gems in Miami You Must Visit in 2024

Source: PODS

With the advent of vaccines, we can finally catch our breath and start making summer travel plans again. Those who have already been immunized can already start booking flights, making hotel reservations, and packing their bags. The fun can finally begin.

Miami, after six months of curfew, can finally welcome the new tour of tourists. Florida is one of the most visited travel destinations first by Americans and then by the rest of the world. As a major destination, and one of the major attractions in the region is Miami which captivates with its lovely white-sand beaches, luxury hotels, and an active nightlife. And as such Miami is constantly on the list of places we want to visit, among travel enthusiasts.

You must be wondering what it is that Miami has to offer as a city that makes it different from the others. Glad you ask. The city is better known as the “Magic City”, which has its own rich culture due to the influence of Cuba and other parts of Latin America, as well as the influence of the Caribbean. In addition to offering attractive long sandy beaches and blue waters, you can be surprised by the beautiful ecosystem and wildlife that it offers in abundance.

If you choose Miami as your travel destination this year, and you do not know what you could visit and see in the city, this article will offer you a few places that you should not miss. Keep in mind that you will need a reservation to visit most places, so grab a sheet of paper and a pen and make a plan for what your stay will look like.

We will give you a list of places that are worth your visit during your stay there.

Source: NBC News
  1. Little Havana. It is the center of Hispanic culture in Miami, an explosion of the senses because it is a combination of countless colors, tastes, smells, and sounds. If you’ve never had the chance to try Cuban coffee and Cuban cuisine, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. As you sit in one of the restaurants and taste the wonderful food, you will hear the sound of Latin music spreading through the streets, believe that the rhythm will carry you and you will want to swing your hips.
  2. Zoo Miami. The zoo offers you the opportunity to see over 3000 creatures, 500 different species of animals, including wildlife animals and over 50 endangered animals. You will have the chance to meet most of them and interact with them, and with the help of the tour guide, you will learn some interesting facts about them. There are also many fun activities offered by the zoo, such as feeding some of the animals, wildlife tours, safari tram tours, and VIP tours with your private guide.

    Source: Miami New Times
  3. Wynwood Walls. This is an outdoor museum of urban art, where you will have the opportunity to see some of the most brilliant graffiti and murals ever made. If you are an art lover this visit is made for you. The best time to visit is on the second Saturday of each month, when this place turns into a street festival, with music, food, drink followed by admiration for inspirational works of art. But of course, it is available to you any other day of the week.
  4. Jungle Island. An eco-adventure park that can offer you to see some exotic creatures such as lemurs, flamingos, various species of parrots, iguanas, turtles, and many more. They offer great entertainment such as animal exhibits and encounter experiences, various shows with rare animals, room escape adventures, skydiving, zip line, and many other worthy events.

    Source: Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
  5. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. If you are a nature lover, you will find your peace here. Here you will be surrounded by the beauties of nature, the sound of birds, and a butterfly here and there. As a novelty, they introduce Jurassic Garden, where you can explore the world of dinosaurs in real size. It will take you several hours to see them and learn something new about all the herbs, plants, and trees they have in their collection. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and bring some sunscreen.
  6. Vizcaya Museum & Gardens. The villa was built in 1916 and is the epitome of the Italian Renaissance. You will have the opportunity to meet one of the most beautiful villas ever built, to walk through the spacious garden, to hear an interesting story about the place from the tour guide. Do not forget to take a beautiful photo of the beautiful architecture, and I believe that every second spent here will remain in your memory for a long time.

    Source: YouTube
  7. The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science. If you feel a little more curious, do not miss the opportunity to visit this place. It will honestly take your breath away, with so many exhibitions you can see, from the aquatic world of the aquarium to the visual odysseys of the planetarium, some of the best inventions and discoveries in science, to the history of flying objects.
  8. Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum. For lovers of literature, Miami offers the opportunity to visit the home now turned into a museum of one of the best writers ever. You will have the chance to hear the story of his cat Snow White, how he reacted to the construction and the cost of the house, and many other anecdotes. As you walk along with the pool in the courtyard, which offers you a perfect view and a gorgeous scent of the flora in the garden, you can imagine for a moment Hemingway sitting next to you and quoting verses from one of his poems, or reading passages from one of his exquisite novels.

    Source: Santa Maria Suites Resort

If you decide on Miami as your next tourist destination, viajemiamiyorlando.com suggest you additional tips for your visit there, so you should check it out. However, whatever activity you choose from the above, you will surely have an unforgettable time. So little time, and so many places to visit, these are just a few of the hidden gems that Miami has to offer. Apart from sunbathing and drinking cocktails on the long white sandy beaches, get out of your comfort zone and get to know the beauties that this city has to present.

4 Tips Which May Help To Lower Your Risk Of Cancer

Cancer describes the disease resulting from the abnormal growth and proliferation of specific cells within the body, and it can affect any part of the body, although most cancers are typically found in the digestive system, lungs, liver, bones, and other organs. Anyone can develop cancer, especially if risk factors are present, including family history, lifestyle, weight, and age.

Reducing Cancer Risk

The prognosis for most cancers discovered in late stages isn’t good, especially if it has already spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, it’s crucial to live a healthy lifestyle to lower the risk of developing and dying from cancer. Here are four tips to help you reduce your risk of getting cancer:

1. Monitor Health

Early cancer detection is critical because screening it early can stop tumors from growing before they spread to other parts of the body. It’s essential to have frequent health monitoring and screening to lower the risk of getting late-stage cancers, especially in people who are considered high risk.

You can also have a scan of your whole body to check your overall health. To learn more about full-body scans, you can visit this page for additional resources.

Meanwhile, here are some ways you can screen and monitor your health:

  • Imaging

Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can be done with the help of special machines, can also detect cancer at an earlier stage. These two methods have different ways of targeting cancer cells. The first uses sound waves of light and magnetic fields to excite cancer cells, while the second uses powerful magnetic forces to alter the atoms of the cells. Both of these methods can be used in a variety of cancer-detection tests.

A computerized tomography (CT) scan is another common test for early cancer detection. When this type of test is performed, a high-frequency sound wave is sent through the abdomen to produce images of the area. When this scan is used to detect tumors, doctors can determine the size, location, and quality of the tissue.

Source: Medical News Today
  • Mammography

Cancer detection by mammography is the most commonly performed test for breast cancer. This method is used in both men and women, and it can be used to detect tumors small enough not to be seen on mammography. Also, it can detect cancer cells not visible to the naked eye. This is a great method to find out if any cysts are developing.

  • Biopsy

If you have a lump or found a tumor from your imaging results, you should immediately get a biopsy. During a biopsy, doctors take a sample of the growth to determine whether it’s benign or malignant. Although this process may take longer than having a mammogram or ultrasound done, it can be beneficial in deciding whether or not cancer has spread.

Source: Kardioloski centar Puls

2. Stop Smoking

Smoking can cause diseases and illnesses such as cancers, cardiovascular problems, lung problems, damage of blood vessels, and many more. One of the adverse effects of smoking cigarettes is it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Smokers suffer from respiratory problems as well. Chronic bronchitis can lead to complications such as emphysema and asthma. Also, severe obstruction of the airway can cause difficulty in breathing. Other adverse effects of smoking cigarettes include increased risks of tooth decay and mouth cancer.

3. Maintain A Healthy Weight

When people gain excessive weight, there’s insulin resistance in their bodies, which means the cells in the body can’t use the glucose or fatty acids present in the bloodstream for energy. When there’s a high level of resistance, there’s an increased risk for the cells to become overgrown, leading to cancer.

To lower the risk, you need to maintain healthy body weight, and you can achieve this through proper diet and regular exercise. There are lots of foods you should eat to help keep yourself healthy. But what does a healthy diet consist of? Here are some things you should remember:

Source: Whey Protein Malaysia
  • A balanced diet for adults essentially consists of a half plate of vegetables and fruits. The other half comprises mainly whole grains, fresh plant proteins (peas, lentils, beans, nuts), unsaturated fats, moderate amounts of dairy and unsaturated fats, and a few other starchy vegetables and fruits.
  • Eating foods high in fat and sugar can help contribute to the growth of cancer cells in your body. Foods such as eggs, butter, cream, and fatty meats should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Drinking plenty of water each day can help keep your body hydrated and flush out toxins from your body.

Your diet is only one part of the equation. Getting regular exercise is also critical to maintaining your weight, so you can shed off the extra fats stored in your body. Also, regular exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety, which contributes to weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle.

When your mind and body are stressed, your metabolism slows down, which means you eat more to keep up with all the energy demands. Physical activity stimulates brain activity and releases endorphins, which give you a feeling of euphoria during physical activity.

Source: Runtastic

4. Reduce Stress

People often ask if stress and cancer are related, and the relationship between them is a complicated one. Stress doesn’t directly cause cancer, but prolonged stress can weaken the immune system and lower the quality of well-being, which may lead to cancer.

Other links between stress and cancer could arise in different ways. For example, when you’re under pressure, you tend to develop unhealthy behaviors like overeating, smoking, and excessive alcohol intake, and these behaviors are related to increased risk factors in growing cancers.

Stress can be caused and perpetuated by a wide range of circumstances—from routine tasks you encounter daily to the stress you face when interacting with other people, and one of the ways to reduce stress is to practice mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness meditation refers to an ancient skill that allows a peaceful life and inspires inner happiness. Becoming mindful is about being present and observing without judging. To become conscious, you have to stay focused with your attention fully locked onto the moment.

Source: Shape Magazine

Final Thoughts

There are many ways you can reduce the risk of developing cancer. If you have a family history of cancer, it’s essential to get imaging studies every year to detect if cancer cells are in your body. Early cancer detection increases your chances of surviving the disease. Also, taking care of your mind and body is critical.

It’d be best if you avoid unhealthy habits like smoking and overeating to ensure your body is working at its optimum and won’t damage your organs. Lastly, reducing stress through mindful meditation helps reduce the stress to prevent developing unhealthy behaviors.

Is There Any Risk In Bad Credit Loans

Document bad credit with sign we can help.

Whenever needing to take out a loan to pay for medical expenses, college tuition, or any other sort of emergency we find ourselves in, what lenders always look at is your credit score.

If your credit score is bad, then chances are you won’t be given a loan. But there is a way to obtain a loan even if you have bad credit.

While many deem these types of loans risky, not everyone agrees with the notion. Considering that bad credit loans are indeed legal, we thought to give you a rundown of the potential risks involved.

So with all that said, let’s start.

Source: Loan

 A Word Of Caution

It’s safe to say that having bad credit doesn’t mean you can’t repay a loan. Various factors play a huge role in determining your credit score. But we oftentimes find ourselves in a desperate situation where having bad credit is something we’re quite used to.

Before taking out a bad credit loan, it’s important that you consider the following. Having bad credit is one thing, but that doesn’t mean you cannot repay it. Never take out such a loan if you aren’t capable of paying it off.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s jump into the potential risks.

High Interest Rates

If you have never taken out a bad credit loan, then it’s important to understand the fact that they do have quite high-interest rates. While this differs from lender to lender, there are some lenders that do indeed impose very high interest rates.

The reason why this is the case is that these lenders aren’t quite sure that you can repay it. While many bad credit lenders do impose rates under 10%, you should absolutely avoid those that charge three to four times.

The obvious risk lies with these types of lenders. Not only is 30% far too much to repay a loan, but you will also have to pay additional fees if you don’t meet the repayment deadline.

That puts us nicely to our second risk, which is…

Source: uschamber

Late Payoff Penalties

According to Tfctitleloans.com Late payoff penalties aren’t exclusive to bad credit loans. Your bank will also charge you extra penalties if you fail to repay in time. This is seen as universal by all lenders. You are taking a risk by taking out a loan, and you are risking huge penalties if you don’t repay in time.

You should always keep that in mind and always make sure that you are financially prepared to repay the loan before the deadline.

Not Getting Approved

Most bad credit loans guarantee you will get approved. Although that might be the case, many lenders are actually using this as a tool to attract people with bad credit scores.

And make no mistake about it, some people have a very bad credit rating. When this is the case, it is doubtful if anyone will give you any kind of loan.

But there are exceptions to this. Namely, you can visit slickcashloan.com/bad-credit-loans-guaranteed-approval.php to learn more about credit loans with guaranteed approval.

Source: digimaxgroupinc

Early-Payoff Fees

Much like late penalties, certain lenders will also give impose early payoff fees. This is a shady move by shady organizations that deal with shady businesses.

Not every bad credit lender is like this. And you should absolutely stay away from lenders if they mention any sort of penalties or fees for early payoff.

Most of the lenders that operate this way know that if you pay on time, there are no risks involved. And by taking that into account, they have come up with ways to further make things difficult for you.

The general rule of thumb when taking out any sort of loan is to focus on early payoffs. This makes sure that you don’t pay any fees or penalties. But if you notice that your contract includes fees for early payoff, then that is an instant risk you have to be aware of and stay away from.

How To Repay Bad Credit Loans

No doubt many of you ask this question. One thing led to another and you’ve made a very bad mistake of picking the wrong lenders to go with.

When this is the case, repayment is absolutely necessary. Fortunately for you, there are ways to do that. So let’s go ahead and find out.

Source: Cashing Infomation
  • Go At Your Bank

First things first, most banks will not turn their back on a customer. If you are indeed their customer, then try to make a deal with them and try to take out a personal loan to deal with the previous one. You can go about this in a few ways, but simply mention that you want to be a customer for the next two decades. Chances are, they will not reject you and you can use the money to repay the previous debt. It should be mentioned that this won’t work 100% of the time.

  • Joining A Credit Union

If you’re in a very sticky situation much like the previous one, don’t solely rely on the bank to be your lifesaver. Another financial institution you can go to is a credit union. Credit unions work in a few ways. Members of credit unions enjoy relaxed rules that impact interest rates, fees, and other factors.

You can go to a credit union and try to take out a personal loan to deal with the unfortunate situation you find yourself in.

Source: The Balance
  • Ask Friends And Family

If all else fails, then asking for friends and family to help out is a last resort. While no doubt many of you will consider this option first, we advise against it as you might risk losing friendships and sour relationships with your family. This can happen if you also fail to repay them in time. Your friends and family are there to support you, but who knows how they will react if you fail to repay them. There is no telling how long they will wait on your repayment.

How Is The Coronavirus Pandemic Affecting The Pro CS: GO Scene?

Counter Strike-Global Offensive is one of the most popular games in the world. It is the second-highest viewed esports game. However, the revenues earned from this game has suffered a huge blow due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The owners already have many expenses to worry about, and the pandemic is not helping their case. The salary costs of the player have increased exponentially since 2016, and the company also needs to pay a huge amount of money to the talent acquisition team that searches for the best CS: GO players in the world.

People think of esports as a thriving business that makes huge profits. Well, that is true for the most part. However, most esports games experience a lack of return on investment. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the ROI has decreased further. In such a situation, most esports teams have recouped their costs and have reduced their bet sizes. Check out esportsbff.com to know more about how CS: GO teams are battling with the pandemic. It is not always a bad thing to be in the red zone; however, the real question that arises is how long will they stay there.

Source: Polygon

Events Were Postponed

2020 and 2024 were supposed to be two big years for CS: GO. It was planned that 21 teams will be split into two different leagues with different models yet the same goal. Thirteen out of them would partner with the ESL, whereas the rest of the teams will play on their terms in Flashpoint, a completely team-owned championship that North American Owners organize.

Both these leagues would contribute to the revenue of the game in their own ways and will create new opportunities for the game in future by improving the profit and loss margin in the ecosystem. However, soon the coronavirus hit the west, and the events were postponed.

Source: Intel Extreme Masters

The Economic Damage Inflicted By The Pandemic On The CS: Go Events

Coronavirus pandemic led to a significant reduction in the revenue earned by the gaming company, and it also led to a decrease in the advertising done globally. Thus, it is contemplated that for both esports and traditional gaming companies, it will take quite some time to get back to the pre-corona level. Moreover, it will take yet more time to make profits.

However, given that CS: GO is experiencing slower sales this year, it is quite hard to gauge the total impact made by the pandemic until the companies see how the rest of the year goes. Based on that, they will have to plan their recovery strategies.

In 2024, when COVID-19 started spreading across the western countries, both Flashpoint and the ESL Pro League had to pivot their plans. The managers of the ESL Pro League had to move the teams to Malta, which is an island present in South Italy, temporarily. Flashpoint moved its team to the Los Angeles studio soon after the competition finished.

With the leagues being held online, the opportunity for advertising and sponsorships soon changed. The owners feared that the COVID scenario was going to further delay the tournaments. They knew that they were in for a huge loss in the next few days, but they weren’t aware of the exact figures. At such a point, they stopped caring about earning profit and just wanted to reach a breakeven point.

Source: Gamers Without Borders

How Were The Online Tournaments Held?

The first set of events were held online, and they were conducted in a pretty simple manner. The teams remained at their homes while the commentators, analysts and some products broadcasted a live from the premises of their studio. This was done to stay within the regulations laid down for TV production in the hotspot areas. The live observers were cut down, and all the player cameras were removed. This was the case with Flashpoint and ESL Pro League, whose seasons had begun long before the coronavirus pandemic had hit the western world.

BLAST, which was the tournament organizer, collected more than five hundred video feeds from the player cameras that recorded them practising at the homes or in the practice centres in Europe and America. A crew of forty to fifty members came together in Copenhagen, Denmark and started working on these clips. They shifted to Denmark owing to the lower case rates of COVID-19 there. They then managed the feeds and combined them into a single and uniform broadcast.

Source: RNZ

When Can Offline Tournaments Be Resumed?

The rest of the games were suspended with a promise to be held online soon after these two leagues ended. ESL Pro League Season 12 began on September 2 and was held online. The organizers are hopeful that the offline events will soon make a comeback as soon as travel restrictions are uplifted by the government.

The initial pro league model had suggested that all the teams be brought to Malta to compete against each other instead of splitting them into two different regions. Flashpoint is yet to announce its plans regarding when the next CS: GO events will be held. However, keeping the pandemic scenario in mind, if they continue to operate through Los Angeles, then the chances of resuming offline competition anytime soon is quite negligible.

However, in today’s time, it feels like CS: GO has gone back to its roots now. Back in the day, before offline events were conducted in areas like America, Germany, Russia etc., CS: GO events were held online. Even Pro Leagues were conducted online earlier. The only plus point they have right now is advanced technology. With the latest technologies within their hand’s reach, there is little to no chance of anything going wrong.

Final Word

Given how large an impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on the global economy, CS: GO will take quite some time to go to normal. However, being equipped with the latest technologies, it is expected that esports companies will soon reach a breakeven point.

Managing your Private Practice: How to Motivate Your Team

You have probably heard it said that people are the heart of any organization. It couldn’t be more true for the medical sector, which relies heavily on doctors and administrative staff when it comes to communicating with patients and delivering healthcare.

But how do we keep our staff motivated to ensure they stay with us, work hard, and provide top-level service to all who visit the practice? We have a few actionable tips that will help you keep your employees happy and boost job satisfaction.

Design workflows and best practices

Image source: unspllash.com

When it comes to motivating employees, businesses often focus on what needs to be added and given to their team. However, a lot of the time, it takes removing something to raise morale and motivation. Obsolete workflows, the burden of paperwork, and confusing guidelines can do severe damage.

Depending on where your medical practice is in terms of streamlining your business processes, you might need the support of representatives of different departments to observe, record, and structure the most common workflows that happen in your clinic regularly. Once that’s done, gather feedback from as many employees as you can and work on removing anything that hinders you rather than helps.

Run regular all-staff meetings

If you are not running regular meetings with your employees, you are missing out on potential insights and ideas and risk turning little inconveniences into big problems. What’s more, you’ll make people feel like they are not important to you.

In any situation, and especially in times like these, don’t forget to schedule meetings and make them convenient for your team to attend. Share the agenda in advance, ask people for their contributions, and encourage everyone to speak up. Make sure you listen to all feedback, make a note of it, and follow it up later.

Schedule individual performance reviews

Many businesses carry out annual performance reviews to look at each team member’s performance, share feedback, and plan for the following year. These meetings can be intimidating if your employees feel like they are only being judged and picked apart.

According to Medesk you can track performance indicators in a dedicated analytics module as part of your private practice management software. In doing so, you don’t really need to wait a whole year to review your progress. It’s easy to take a monthly or even weekly look at how things are going and make adjustments before problems get out of hand.

Amongst other analytics, practice management software helps you to tackle issues related to:

  • Cancellations and no-shows linked to specific practitioners
  • Profitability of individual services and doctors in different specialties
  • Patient acquisition costs and retention rates
  • Payment schemes and incentives
  • Workload distribution and popularity of your services

Just as with your usual meetings, let your team prepare for performance reviews in advance. You might even share some of your feedback with them prior to the meeting, letting them review it at their own pace and share their thoughts with you during the review. Don’t forget to ask the staff to share their experience of working at the practice. What do they like, and what could be improved? How do they feel about your management style? This way, you will show them that they are an important part of your business, and you will gain invaluable insights from their feedback.

Lastly, speak to your employees about their goals and aspirations. What would they like to do? Are there any projects they would love to take part in or maybe even lead? There’s only so much you can do if people are not excited about their current responsibilities.

Acknowledge progress, remember to say ‘thank you and celebrate the little wins

Image source: unspllash.com

This might sound like an obvious thing to do. Still, it’s human nature to take all good things for granted and pay more attention to what’s not perfect. Managers are human too, and they fall into that trap as well. Try focusing more on the successes, however small they might seem to you. Your team will appreciate that little message on group chat or a quick word during the meeting complimenting someone’s achievement.

In times of crisis, you might also celebrate not failing too much. Let’s say you had a goal to grow your turnover and patient count by 20% last year, but then the pandemic hit. If your final result of 2024 was maintaining the 2019 level, or your turnover fell but by 10% only, — celebrate that! After all, everything is relative.

Watch out for burnout and encourage task delegation

There are many reasons why people burn out. If you run regular 1-on-1 meetings with your colleagues, you will be able to catch signs of burnout associated with job dissatisfaction. Then there is the burnout that happens when people are overburdened with work. As tempting as it might be to leave your overly invested employees working extra hours and skipping breaks, don’t fall for it. If people burn out, they make mistakes and eventually leave. In the medical sector, the last thing you need are errors that can affect people’s health and well-being.

You can run a brainstorming session or chat with your team and see which tasks can be ignored, automated, and delegated, ultimately improving your clinic’s workforce with the help of chghealthcare.com. Delegating is a great way to test and see if teammates are ready for new responsibilities and test the water for potential promotions. It also shows the trust among the team.

Good practice management helps to reduce clinician burnout by facilitating:

  • Delegation of tasks between admin and clinical teams for a better patient experience
  • Access to direct links to relevant appointments and patient records
  • See a breakdown of tasks due associated with scheduled appointments
  • View outstanding tasks in every patient record
  • Filter tasks according to type, assigner, and the due date for prioritization

Invest in equipment, technology, and training

There are many ways you can show you care about your employees and your medical practice. One of them is regularly investing in updates and upgrades to your medical software, equipment, and your employees. Outdated knowledge and technology cause delays, errors, and general frustration.

Work on building a team environment

Smiling mature consultant discussing documents over the phone while working at his desk in an office

Your team members do not need to be best friends, but they will definitely work better if they feel like they are all pulling in the same direction. Try sponsoring get-togethers at least once a quarter to make sure your employees spend some time together outside the workplace. Track birthdays and other important events, such as weddings, and remember to show that you care. Encourage your team to get involved when new staff joins and are just learning the ropes. You want everybody to feel comfortable around each other.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, you might need to opt for online or outdoor gatherings to make sure everyone stays safe and complies with the rules, but do not skip team-building activities altogether. It’s in times like these that people need that extra boost to help them get through the day.

We hope that the tips we talked about today will give you a few ideas about motivating your team. There is one bonus tip that we would like to share: be flexible. Over the course of the last year, many households have had to deal with a lower income, experienced the loss of family members, and have had to homeschool their children. You will stand out as an employer if you allow for additional flexibility in shifts, breaks, and time off. Good clinic management software will make it easy to rearrange rotas quickly. Although keeping your business running is, of course, a priority but show a little compassion when your employees are struggling. This simple act will give you their loyalty and trust, which ultimately benefits you in the long run.

Don’t know where to start? Get in touch with us to find out how our practice management software can help you to create a healthy, transparent, and dynamic culture in your clinic.

Advantages of Using Flat Fee MLS services 

Selling a new home is a bit exhausting and tiring process. If you are selling your house for sale by the owner, then the process becomes the hardest. Casually it seems it is easy like you have to find an adequate buyer for your house that will pay your choice.

It’s utterly opposite process listing takes time, and if you are doing it for the first time, you need to work more smartly. It’s hard to list your house on any MLS platform without the help of a realtor or Agent.

Now you might be thinking about the extravagant money that real estate agents asked you to list your house. Now, what to do? What is the simple way that you can save your money and list your home successfully?

I have a solution for you! To list your house, you need to find a flat fee MLS agent who will help you record if you are listing your home as for sale by the owner. It would be great to hire any flat fee MLS agent who will help you in your listing process.

Well, various websites are providing flat fee MLS services. You can also check them, or you can check Houzeo.com because houzeo simplifies the process of selling your home.

If you are not aware of Flat fee MLS services, let’s have a quick review.

Source: Nashville MLS

Flat fee MLS services

In flat fee MLS services, the buyer agrees with the seller to work on the fixed payments. Instead of having a percentage of the house listing price, the Agent will list your property or house and help you in your process. This way, you will save half of your money that you need to pay to the Agent. Flat fee MLS services sometimes refer to a la carte service agreement.

If you are still not agreed with this, let’s discuss the advantages that will surely make your mind hire flat fee MLS services instead of wasting your time doing the wrong listing steps.

So, without further ado, let’s discuss the advantages

Fewer fee charges

The essential advantage that every seller will consider the flat fee MLS services helps you save more money and pay less to the Agent. Here you will sign the contract with the Agent before the start of the listing. You can set the fees of the Agent according to the Agent’s services. The higher the benefits, the higher Agent will ask you for the costs. The websites providing flat fee MLS services charge very reasonably from the seller because the seller is doing most of the listing tasks on their own.

Most real estate agents charged a 6% commission rate from the sellers, but you can save 3% of the price by hiring a flat fee MLS agent. The Agent will give access to you at the MLS portal.

Source: shortpixel.ai

Short-term working commitment with Agent

You will hire the Agent for the short-term commitment that means you are not hiring an agent for complete listing services. You will pay according to the hours or days that the Agent is investing in your listing. It’s mainly taken one day to list your property. Most of the time, a seller reckoned to fire the Agent because of a lack of attention and poor performance. If you hire an agent based on a flat fee, you can quickly get rid of such an unprofessional agent. Still, if you hire a complete services agent, then you have to endure his unprofessional tactics. That’s why short-term commitment goes along best in terms of for sale by owner listing and average listing.

Adequate listing services

The full-service agents provide you all listing services, such as he will list your property, negotiate rates, make initial changes to your listing. And also help you to select the buyer. But on the other side, the flat fee MLS agent will ask you at what point of the process you need the Agent’s help. If you are sure that some of the listing steps you can tackle on your own and for the rest you need any professional assistance, you can hire any flat fee MLS agent.

Source: AdobeStock

The successful listing sales process

If you hire any full services agent, then you are at the mercy of his schedule. Most of the time, you share an agent with dozens of other people, so you have to wait for your turn to complete the listing process, but here it is quite the opposite. You can complete your listing efficiently because once the Agent is up to your task, then he will leave your listing task until it ends it.

High technology

Advanced technology is the most significant reason for which you are paying your Agent. The MLS portal is the golden ticket for sellers and as well as for agents. Because it makes their work easier and reliable by listing their property at different MLS portals, they can get visible to other online buyers. Flat fee agent has only access to the MLS portal so that they will list your property on local MLS portal. It always works wonders for the for sale by the owner.

Source: Medium

Flexible schedule

You will have a flexible schedule. You can set the time of listing on your preferences. It’s not necessary to rely on the agenda of the complete services agent. You are the owner, and you will decide when to list your property.

More control on listing

Due to limited agent support, you have the liberty to list your property on your own. No one will control property other than yourself. You are the one who will negotiate on the rates which will host the visitors, and you are the one who will make initial changes in your house. All listing processes will under your control. That’s the most favorite advantage of many people who list their houses for sale by the owner. Every process will be under your control, and you are the one who will decide on your listing.

Source: thebalancesmb


Listing is a bit harder process, but if you follow each step and work efficiently and choose efficiently, you will sell your house at a profitable rate without any obstacles, so choose your services wisely. I hope this information will help you a lot.

6 Benefits of Medical Assistant Programs

Source: Futuro Health

Medical assistants are vital to the healthcare industry in many ways. They deal with both administrative and clinical tasks that allow medical institutions to go about their daily operations seamlessly and without interruptions.

If you have a passion for the medical field, but you’re not ready to undergo extensive training to become a doctor, then applying to one of the medical assistant programs might be the best next step for advancing your career.

In this article, we’ll discuss the topic in some more detail to help you reach a better understanding of the field in case you’re still having some doubts over whether it’s a good career choice or not.

So, without any further ado, let’s get right to the bottom of it!

Source: Patch

1. Job opportunities

Medical assistants can work in a wide range of medical facilities, which provides them with an excellent job outlook. You won’t need to hunt for jobs for too long once you’ve completed your training, the job opportunities will find you! The demand for medical professionals has reached its all-time high, especially since the global COVID health crisis drove many healthcare systems to the brink of collapse. Even when we take that fact out of the equation, a trained medical assistant rarely has any issues with finding a job once they’re out on the market.

Besides, if the medical field gets too exhausting for you, you can always apply your administrative skills somewhere else. In a world where many are losing their jobs over lockdown measures, you’ll be able to enjoy consistency and continuity: healthcare workers will always be in demand.

Source: Medicine Choices

2. You’ll enjoy career-focused training during the program

If you’re looking for a career game-changer that will help you focus on developing practical skills needed for fast integration into the healthcare industry, medical assistant training might be the perfect solution for you. It won’t keep you out of the job market for too long, so you’ll be able to undergo the training while still working on enhancing your CV.

The classrooms in these programs are usually quite small, so it allows for a student-centered approach that will help you hone the necessary skills to start working immediately after completion. You’ll also be able to make good connections with future industry professionals while studying, which helps you enter the field with an existing business network at hand.

Source: Careers Arcade

3. You don’t need a degree

Getting a medical assistant certification is enough for you to start working in the field with no issues whatsoever. This allows you to avoid having to undergo years of extensive studying that will leave you repaying your student debt for decades after you’ve completed your degree. Again, you only need a high-school diploma and a certificate to set your career as a medical assistant in motion.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you’re “doomed” to work as a medical assistant for the rest of your career. You can always choose to pursue a degree once you become financially stable, which the medical assistant jobs can undoubtedly provide for you. The opportunities are limitless once your career sets off!

Source: AIMS Education

4. Make a real change in the world with the work you do

Working in the healthcare field provides you with the opportunities to help people and potentially save lives. Sure, you won’t be performing life-saving surgeries and medical procedures, but the work you do will allow the doctors and other medical professionals to do their job as effectively as possible.

If altruism and helping others is what you consider to be a driving force in your life, healthcare might be the perfect industry for you! Everyone knows that working in the medical field is not an easy task, as it’s a highly stressful environment, but it’s also one of the most rewarding jobs on the planet.

So yes, if you’re looking for a fulfilling, exciting, and dynamic career, we suggest you look into medical assistant programs such as those found on this website.

Source: Gadsden State Community College

5. Work in any state

If you live in the U.S, and you’re not quite happy about your life in a certain state, the right medical assistant training program can provide you with job opportunities wherever you decide to go! All you need is a National Certified Medical Assistant diploma issued by the National Center for Competency Testing, and you’re good to go.

Again, one of the biggest benefits of this career choice is the overwhelming flexibility and the wide range of career paths you can take after you’ve been awarded the relevant certificate. You won’t have any issues relocating to another state as the same regulations and skillsets are sought after in every state across the nation.

Source: corpo

6. Extensive job placement assistance

The programs won’t only provide you with practical knowledge that will help you land a job after completing your certification, but they’re also going to actively promote job opportunities during and after the course.

You’ll be able to take advantage of numerous externships to gain experience and meet medical professionals who can help you find relevant opportunities in the field. Besides that, the instructors who’ll guide you through the program are an excellent source of advice and guidance for job-seeking later on.

Overall, you’ll have many opportunities to start your career as soon as you get the certification, so there’s no need to worry about “wasting your time”. Make sure to choose the best program available to you, and you’ll quickly see excellent advancements in your career.

The bottom line

Medical assistant certifications can be an excellent way to start your career in the healthcare industry. You won’t be required to have a degree, and the programs usually won’t take that long to complete. You’ll also get extensive amounts of practical knowledge, thus being able to be effective at your job as soon as you land it.

Overall, if you’re looking for a great career starter and you’re passionate about the healthcare and medical fields, becoming a medical assistant is undoubtedly a great opportunity for you.

We hope our article helped you understand the benefits of these programs a bit more, and we wish you good luck in all of your future endeavors, no matter what you choose to do.

Biden’s 100 Million Dollar Plan To Improve Internet Access

It’s no secret that broadband internet access in the United States is downright atrocious compared to other developed countries around the globe. In the United States our internet is much slower, more expensive and on top of that we have less options to choose from. All the while basic broadband internet access doesn’t reach millions of Americans that choose to live in rural and remote areas.

This is embarrassing and simply unacceptable. Our lack of basic internet access has been a top issue for many years and finally someone is planning on doing something about it; President Biden and his $2 trillion infrastructure initiative. According to servicereviews.org, This infrastructure includes everything from repairing roads, to rebuilding schools and overhaul the country’s aging water systems. The Biden administration recognizes that for our people to thrive here we must make better investments in our infrastructure that has long been neglected into disrepair. While all these investments are extremely important to the citizens who live here, one that really caught our eye is the $100 billion set aside to build more high speed broadband networks throughout the country. The details are still being sorted out, but we’re hopeful that this expansion is not just in urban areas where higher speeds and more internet options already exist.

Source: Alliance for Affordable Internet

The Plan On Improving Internet Access

According to golatinotv.com, A lot of the details are left out of the policy, but this $100 billion is to get all Americans connected to high speed broadband internet. Today it’s up to individual private internet and TV companies to improve and expand the service area of their services. Unfortunately there’s little incentive for private companies to expand into less densely populated areas because it’ll take them longer to get a return on their investment if they see any at all.

With this new infrastructure plan that is to take place as part of an eight year plan specifically refers to high speed internet as the “the new electricity” that is a necessity for all Americans to have access to. This is particularly interesting because it’s a clear reference to another legislation back in the Depression era called the Rural Electrification Act that extended electricity services and power lines to farms, small towns and rural communities. The US government was very involved in that process and is not anything like any of the FCC initiatives like the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund that just hand out money to broadband networks to defer their costs to build out their service areas further.

The part regarding high speed broadband internet in the proposed infrastructure policy is more than just expanding the availability of high speed broadband internet for all; it’s also about lowering the cost of internet service for Americans and ensuring that all Americans have access to a workable speed. Today, if you live in a rural or remote area, your internet speeds are likely not considered to be high speed broadband internet which the FCC defines as 25 Mbps download speeds and 3 Mbps upload speeds if you even have internet access at all.

Source: North Texas Daily

Why Is Improving Internet Access Important?

According to Pew Research Center 93% of American Adults use the internet, up nearly twice the amount in the early 2000’s with these stats expected to only increase from here. This isn’t surprising since adults don’t pay bills, apply to jobs, or even read the news by paper anymore. Ensuring all Americans have access to high speed broadband internet is important because it is essential for Americans to complete everyday tasks like work from home, learn remotely, keep in touch with their loved ones and stay up to date on current events. The digital divide and lack of high speed broadband access severely limits how successful Americans will be. It limits students ability to complete school work and adults from higher education and high income work opportunities.

Approximately half of the US population is worried about how they’re going to make ends meet and continue paying for their internet and cellphone bills over the coming months with the COVID-19 pandemic showing little signs of slowing down. Even though the $100 billion high speed broadband infrastructure proposal isn’t a quick fix that’ll arrive within the pandemic, it will provide more stability in the future.

The Internet is expensive compared to other developed countries and it shouldn’t be. In the United States, Americans can expect to pay from $19.99 a month to $299.99 a month for internet service before taxes and lease fees and not all internet is treated the same. The cheaper more affordable options are so slow that the FCC doesn’t even consider them to be high speed broadband internet. With more and better internet options, the cost of the internet will come down with more competitors in the broadband market. All families should have access to low cost internet service, not just those who qualify based on income or other federal assistance programs. They also shouldn’t have to choose between putting food on the table or having internet access for their family.

Source: Investopedia

How Will The US Pay For Such An Expensive Investment

$2 trillion is a monumental amount of cash that most Americans can’t wrap their heads around, but where is it all going to come from? The plan is a complete tax overhaul commonly called the Made In America Tax Plan. In the plan large corporations are finally going to pay their fair share of taxes and will end common loopholes they take advantage of like utilizing tax havens and incentives to place their investments in other countries. Here’s what in the Made In America Tax Plan:

  • Raise the corporate tax rate to 28%
  • Increase minimum taxes due on US multinational corporations to 21%
  • End shifting profits to tax havens to avoid paying US tax
  • Eliminate the current rule that allows US companies to not pay taxes on the first 10% of their returns when they put investments in other countries.
  • Closing loopholes that give deductions for moving jobs offshore and intellectual property.

Top 7 Platforms to Build an Ecommerce Website

Source: brandyoucoaching.ie

We can see that the concept of eCommerce sites is now among the most popular ones in this day and age. It’s no wonder if you are aware of all the benefits this concept provides to its users. At the same time, we can see that this is also one of the easiest ways to set up an online store. There are so many different options you can include in this kind of website to make it as efficient as it can be.

Even if you know only the basics of this concept, you know that there are many different platforms to choose from. Not only that, there are companies who can provide you with the service of building a website and providing all the necessary elements. If you would like to take a look at one of these, be sure to pay a visit to Webx360.

As you probably know, some of these platforms are completely free, while some others will require you to pay a small fee. We can see that some of them provide you with a free site, but then they require you to pay to start selling. With all of these facts in front of us now, we would like to talk about some of the best platforms you can use for creating an eCommerce website. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of these.

1. BigCommerce

Source: Ecommerce Platforms

BigCommerce is, as its name is saying, one of the biggest eCommerce platforms available on the internet. When we say the biggest, we mean that it provides a plethora of different solutions for its users. Many people don’t know that it has more features than another giant eCommerce platform, Shopify. Since there are so many of them to choose from, it can be easy to get lost in all of them.

Therefore, when you opt for it, you will need to know exactly what you look for. Plus, it offers you a chance to integrate with other popular platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Amazon. Not only that, it has an exceptional loading speed and enough safety solutions.

2. Wix eCommerce

Source: Wix.com

The next platform we would like to talk about is Wix. Certainly, it is one of the most flexible solutions you can come across. When it comes to building websites, it has a drag-and-drop system, which makes it highly usable for those who are not too familiar with the concept. In fact, its simplicity is its main advantage over other platforms.

The only thing that requires seriously think about it, is which payment method you should choose. There are two main options, you can opt for either a free version or you can pay for a premium. With premium, you will be able to have an insight into many things like inventory, communication with customers, and order tracking.

3. nopCommerce

nopCommerce is one of the best open source ecommerce platforms available on today’s market. With its advanced shopping cart and catalog interface, along with multi-store and multi-vendor support, B2B and B2C functionality, and dropshipping capabilities, nopCommerce can become the ultimate eCommerce solution.
With its adaptable architecture, users can easily customize default functionality and design to suit their specific business needs. Best of all, nopCommerce offers the lowest ownership cost in the eCommerce sector (it’s completely free to use).

4. Shopify

Source: Xperteria

Maybe Shopify is not a platform that offers the highest number of features to its users. But it is certainly the most popular of the bunch. Just ask anyone who knows a thing or two about eCommerce and you will receive a similar answer. One of the factors that play a pivotal role in its popularity is that it has an exceptional interface. Meaning, you will not need to use any kind of code.

Besides that, it is one of the best solutions both for small businesses and large businesses. The reason is rather obvious. Since we are talking about a cost-effective platform, it offers a chance for small businesses to grow without spending unnecessary money. At the same time, it offers enough capacity for large businesses to expand even more in the future.

5. Squarespace

Source: Colorlib

If you are in need of a simple and sophisticated solution, you should opt for Squarespace. It offers its users a plethora of different options when it comes to themes. When you have this number to choose from, you can be sure that creating a perfect combination will be much easier for you down the road.

Naturally, the question of inventory, which is one of the most important ones is represented in the best possible way. You will not need to spend too much time learning how it operates. Furthermore, you can configure a wide array of different features like email lists and shipping options.

6. WooCommerce

Source: Diseñador Web Pedro De la nube

In case your website is powered by WordPress, then you’ll be happy to know that there is a solution for you. You shouldn’t look further than WooCommerce. We are talking about a plugin that will adapt your site towards having eCommerce support. It means that it has all the necessary elements of an eCommerce site.

Furthermore, it needs to be said that installing this plugin doesn’t require any kind of knowledge on your behalf. It’s a simple as that. What needs to be said is that using this one means that you will need to install a wide array of other plugins. Thankfully, this process is almost automated. The only thing you need to do is to approve it.

7. Selz

Source: selz.com

Last but not least, we would like to mention one of the most cost-effective solutions available, Selz. Even though it is among the cheapest ones, it doesn’t mean that they are not as effective as other ones. Thankfully, it offers a wide array of different themes to choose from. Plus, if you come across some problems, you can receive answers by contacting 24/7 customer support.

Furthermore, we can see that using Selz is easy, and you will not need to think really hard about how you should use it. Especially to those site owners who don’t have any knowledge about coding and design. All of these characteristics make it one of the best solutions available.

In Conclusion

Since there are so many eCommerce platforms to choose from, it can be pretty hard to know which one you should use. That’s why we’ve decided to provide you with some of the best ones you should choose. Surely, the decision you will make needs to be based solely on your needs and preferences.

Reasons to Choose Professional Web Development Services

Source: GOCreative.com

For those who want to order the development of a website design for their business, today there are a huge number of opportunities. The foundations of future success can be laid at the very beginning. It entrusts the creation of a website design to professionals who are able to create a working Internet resource. It brings clients to your company and satisfies your wishes. Where to begin? Who to contact? How to deal with the many nuances and choose the right developer for web development services? Perhaps you should hire a professional from the AIAD agency.

Initially, the customer has only two options: take a chance and try to create a website on his own. Or he can contact a web studio specializing in creating modern design. It is clear that the first option at a minimum cost looks quite tempting. But only until you are closely faced with the need to study arrays of information and acquire the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to create designs similar to those you saw in the portfolio of the best web studios.

Source: LeewayHertz

Website development to order – the advantages of the work of professionals

The development of a website project at a responsible company guarantees you the creation of an adequate and marketable resource for your business. It clearly and easily can represent your company with convenient website navigation and a clear structure without unnecessary elements. Convenient navigation and a clear structure without unnecessary elements. A website designed by professionals will have comprehensible headings or sections which is an indisputable advantage in the eyes of users. But far from the only one. To develop an effective website, the customer is required to contribute to cooperation a clear set of goals is needed. They will also serve to calculate the cost of the project. The web studio, on the other hand, offers the client the following benefits:

In the process of creating a website, experienced specialists will be involved. They will develop not only a unique design (design) for each individual page but also create a website with multiple and far-reaching functionalities.

Source: Nodesagency

Lacking deep knowledge of programming and possessing only superficial skills in working with the Internet, the customer will still be able to manage the resource created by professionals. This is an extremely important point. Because in any case, you will need to make prompt changes to the site, add information, remove photos, and so on.

An important point for the customer may also be the terms in which the creation of a website to order should fit. Of course, it all depends on the complexity of the work and the individual requirements of the client. As well as on how quickly he himself submits the necessary information and approves the development stages. In any case, the experience and resources (technical and creative) of a team in a web studio are incomparable to the limited capabilities of one performer.

 For all the listed advantages, it is better to have a web design studio to develop a clear, effective, and original website concept rather than designing it on your own. An individual approach makes it possible to convey important information as concretely as possible and vividly express the features of the resource using modern technologies. Creation, promotion, marketing, SEO, and support – the studio webx360 will provide you with the entire package for all web design services.

Source: Tweak Your Biz

How to choose the right web studio to create your design? Beware of unscrupulous performers

Those who involve a non-professional developer to create a website obviously simply underestimate the power and scope of the Internet space. Inconvenience for users, inconspicuous design, the impossibility of maintenance – these are just some of the “pitfalls” awaiting a customer who has trusted unscrupulous performers.

Already at the first acquaintance with the company of your choice, from which you plan to order the creation of a web resource, you can form an opinion about the level of its competence in solving your questions. Let’s list the critical points that a client should pay attention to when ordering services.

You shouldn’t delegate the choice of a web design studio to subordinates. Their job is to prepare a list of possible candidates for you.  Select sites that impressed you with the available functionality and visual design, and find at the bottom of the page a link to the studio that developed this resource.

Check out the studio’s website and portfolio. There are many studios on the market that did not even bother to create a quality resource for themselves. But they are actively advertised, offering the creation of custom-made websites. The most attractive thing they can offer you is the price. The low price is tempting. But how can a resource be effective, which in appearance and quality resembles the sites that were created several years ago? Web design trends change rapidly and not keeping track of them is the biggest mistake. Some trends are fleeting. Others are part of the natural evolution of the industry. Finding an aesthetically pleasing yet practical approach that allows users to effectively interact with content without being distracted by extraneous elements is a task that borders on art. You can find one on fireart.studio

Source: DesignRush

Professional studios have no fear of being accused of lack of creativity. They don’t need to pursue originality at any cost. A thorough analysis of the market and accumulated experience allows them to understand when to give preference to standard solutions over non-standard ones. Specialists of a decent web studio will not ask you: “What site do you want to order?”. They will ask you other questions: “What do you need a website for?” And also – “How do you plan to promote it?” This sign alone can be perceived as critical in making a decision.

Don’t get hung up on design as such. A working website is not a picture on a wall. The decoration is important, but not as important as usability. Design sophistication is only good when it is understandable and easy to use.

Read (and preferably in detail) the case studies of the projects led by the agency. This aspect can be considered critically important in the decision-making process for choosing a studio.

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