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For the Person You Love: Choosing the Perfect Engagement Ring

First and foremost, to be engaged and on the road to a happy marriage is something to be celebrated, no matter the scenario. It isn’t every day that two people decide they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other, and for the person purchasing the ring, the proposal will dictate what happens next. It’s an incredibly exciting — and stressful — time for anyone, which is why it’s never a bad idea to do your research and take your time when purchasing a ring.

The perfect engagement ring isn’t something you can get without making an informed decision first. Even if your gut tells you that you’ve found the best possible choice, it would still be a good idea to keep looking and to pace yourself. After all, it is the ring that will help determine how the rest of your life will go, and congratulations are in order for anyone in the process of buying an engagement ring for the person they love the most.

And so, without further ado, let the ring hunt begin! It’s time to figure out the best possible ring for your significant other, and the tips below will help push you in the right direction! As an added bonus, if you’re looking for some of the best engagement rings for women, Willyou.net has plenty of choices that can help you make the most out of your decision.

Getting started with what your significant other might want

Source: Pixabay

While not everyone has the luxury of knowing what type of ring their partner wants, it will undoubtedly help the search. Fortunately, quite a few people out there know their partner’s taste in jewelry — specifically their favorite rings. Pay close attention to the rings your partner wears, and try to figure out an engagement ring that might fit along those lines.

If you want to get more information, it is never a bad idea to simply ask about their taste in jewelry. It might seem like a strange question, but you can mask it through curiosity based on your partner’s taste in clothing and how their jewelry matches. Most women are big fans of these types of questions, and they would be more than happy to educate their partners regarding how certain types of jewelry can make any outfit shine. When everything are all set, you can shop gemstone rings for women online.

Little do they know that what you have planned is to present them with a ring that is going to make them burst into tears, but that can be saved for when you actually purchase the ring!

The stone size matters

Source: Pixabay

The carat size of the diamond will always be a topic of contention, as there will constantly be varying opinions on how it should be done. That said, when it comes to carat size, going for the less standard sizes will undoubtedly help you save on money. While those who aren’t too bothered about spending as much as possible on a ring won’t have any trouble with carat size, those that might want to spend more on some parts and less on others will want to consider the carat size before going further.

As stated above, the less common carat sizes are typically the best for those on a budget, though they aren’t the only thing that can be tweaked. The shape of the stone is also something that will be much easier to figure out if you knew what your partner liked the most.

On the topic of the clarity and the cut

Source: Pixabay

Depending on the stone you use for your diamond, it can be hard to tell by the naked eye if there are any inconsistencies or flaws. For example, a top-quality ring with a flawless stone can look incredibly similar to one with quite a few discrepancies, as certain flaws are too challenging to tell with the naked eye. Clarity is something that can be tweaked for a budget without necessarily messing with the look of the ring. It can look absolutely gorgeous without having to worry too much about the price, mainly due to the cut of the engagement ring.

The cut is the one thing where it would be a good idea to splurge. It is the one aspect of the stone that will allow it to sparkle as much as possible, making it practically impossible to figure out the actual price of a ring due to how beautiful it looks. The sparkle is generally what savvy individuals will focus on, with the rest being a mix of quality based on preferences. Of all the things to consider, it is undoubtedly the cut that deserves the most attention, as everything else can be tweaked.

There’s no reason not to negotiate

Source: freepik

While it is understandable to feel a little hesitant to negotiate when buying all sorts of things, the engagement ring is one such matter where there is no reason not to negotiate. As a matter of fact, most suppliers (with wholesalers being the exception) mark up their rings by a tremendous amount. For example, there are some suppliers that will immediately mark down their rings the moment you talk about lowering the price. It typically means that the price is marked up to the point where they absolutely expect the buyer to negotiate. At that point, try to negotiate further and mark the price down as much as you can.

It is understandable to want to get carried away due to the gravity of asking your significant other for their hand in marriage. However, there are some price markups when buying an engagement ring that is just there to get more out of the buyer. While there might be bragging rights at the end of the day, was it really worth spending twice or three or even four times more than necessary?

You will still end up with a surprisingly beautiful engagement ring, except you also managed to save quite a bit of money in the process. It’s something your partner will undoubtedly love, and it will make the proposal that much sweeter.

How Our Lifestyle Choices are Affecting The Environment?

Source: sel.it

We are all aware that a lot has changed especially in the recent decade or two. Constant progress in technology and our expansion as a species is leading to a lot of environmental changes. Some of the changes our planet is going through are visible immediately some of them will be visible in future and by then we can’t but wonder will it be too late for changes?

Imagine the next scenario – the year 2100 we have reached a population cap of 10 billion and we have a lot of problems on our hands. Some of those are constant temperature rise that melts the polar icecaps and leads to constant water rise which engulfs most of our landmass and a lot of cities. Breathing bad air that is heavily polluted means health risks if you are going out and food and water shortages are a constant reminder of just how bad we have strayed.

Now, this sounds like something out of a world end movie but it may very easily become real. You all know that at least part of it is troubling us even now. Our environment needs care, attention and it needs it yesterday. There is at least one thing that all of us can change to make this a bit bearable in the future. As far as what we need to do a good place to start informing yourself is alternativi.fr.

How did the problem start?

Source: mediaindia.eu

After the Industrial revolution, our population exploded and started exponentially growing. There is simple math here – more people have more needs meaning more resources to survive and by doing so create more pollution that has a huge blow on our planet.

The main source of pollution is burning fossil fuels which are our main source of electricity and transport. Releasing gases from burning fossil fuels means the creation of carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. With the increase of greenhouse gas, we increase the overall planet temperature every year – the greenhouse effect. 

Climate change

Source: feedstrategy.com

Now since we established one of the problems and a major one, we have to discuss the problems it drags with itself. Climate change means that we have some areas of the world that are getting wetter than aren’t supposed to (snow in Africa) or other places that are naturally watery are now getting hotter and drier. With climate changes, we are consciously making changes to ecosystems and biodiversity.

These changes are affecting both flora and fauna and now more than ever we have problems with species being endangered because they don’t fit in anymore, or we are in dire needs of rainforests that are unique ecosystems that support very high biodiversity because we need more space for farms, to mine minerals or grow other cultures.

Can we change?

Source: amle.org

Everyone and everything can change if there is enough will. There are growing movements in the world that are being more and more vocal about these problems and we believe that we are finally understanding what exactly we are doing to this planet that is our only home. Changes have to be initiated and we have to do it immediately.

We should focus even more on building our lives around renewable sources for transport, energy and everything else. Renewable energy is the way and reduction of the number of fossil fuels we burn each year is a great running start for the salvation of our only home.

Change is something that takes time and we get that but if we all managed to change a thing or two when it comes to our life choices we could help greatly and speed up the entire process as well. some options are available now like electric cars and electricity from solar farms, wind farms and energy we get from the sea. There are so many things on our planet that we can utilize to save it but somehow the progress in that department is really slow.

Make a stand!

Source: vijesti.me

Cutting down a forest to mine a precious metal, mineral, to extract fossil fuel is the worst thing that we can do to ourselves. Forests and trees have a service that they provide to our planet and they are important for the water cycle. Forests recycle freshwater across the globe but they also can take in and store carbon dioxide and that is the only thing that is helping in the regulation of the Earth’s temperature.

With fewer forests, the temperature constantly grows because the lungs of the planet can’t work in the same capacity as before. We should all take a stand and unite in stopping deforestation as a first step. Recyclable materials should be our next step and we are moving toward it slowly, again. Some companies recycle anything from wood, plastic to metals and reusing and repurposing it.

This should be the way forward into the future with more greens and a bigger lung for our tortured planet. Another thing that can greatly help in planets health is lowering the pollution that comes in a form of waste sewage, pesticides and fertilizers that find their way into the water plants, trees and we end up using.

Toxic materials from those can kill organisms and even destroys entire food webs. Pesticides we use to protect homes or farms can even accumulate in the tissues of organisms and stay in the environment for many years before they eventually break down. This also means that these pesticides find a way to your belly as well since most of it ends up in the water, so expect a fish or two that won’t be that tasty anymore. 


We are a responsible population and we are coming to an understanding that our way of life and our life choices are badly affecting this planet. Thanks to this we see pressure toward governments that are aiming to lower the reliance on fossil fuels, and they are making schemes that are supposed to aid the endangered forests and animals.

The world we know today has been built on toxicity and fossil fuels but in this day in age, we have something we didn’t back then – technology and a choice. Let’s put this technology into good use and choose to save the planet because, as far as we know, this is THE ONLY ONE we all have.

4 Things to Know if You’re New to the World of Online Casinos

Starting a new hobby is always exciting but it can also be quite difficult and overwhelming even. Since doing a brand new thing for the first time does not always go as planned, people are often reluctant to expand their interests and adopt new activities into their life. Therefore, they remain within their comfort zone and rarely do anything new and exciting. In terms of entertainment, there are always new and fun things to try and nothing really beats the new type of online gambling.

The online gambling industry has truly been enjoying a period of newfound fame and success in recent years. As a matter of fact, apart from the gaming industry, it is the fastest growing branch of entertainment and one of the most diverse markets on the planet. The sheer amount of online casinos and web-based gambling services that exist is staggering and it only shows how many new players are appearing each year.

If you are a complete newcomer to the world of online casinos and gambling you also need to visit blacklotuscasino.com, there are certain things you definitely need to know and think about. In the following sections you will have the pleasure of learning about them so that you have all it takes to start off your journey the right way and be as successful as possible as a beginner. If you are further interested in this and want to check one of the best places to gamble on the internet, make sure to visit betway.com.

1. Not every casino is worth it

Source: Soccer Betting Secrets

The biggest problem beginners face when initially looking for a place to play their favorite casino style games is determining who to trust with their time and money. It can be hard to find a good or even a legitimate casino out of the thousands that will pop up when you Google search. There are fake web pages posing as casinos that want nothing more than to steal away your personal information when you register and then your money when you put in your payment info. In order to be safe, you have to make sure the casino you want to play on is legitimate, licensed, and with positive reviews and ratings. Only then should you make the decision to open an account and transfer your first gambling money. Doing enough research is prevalent in this world because it is much easier to come across fraudsters than it is to pinpoint a true and honest service that treasures its fan base and aim to welcome new players.

2. Set Limitations

Source: casinobristol

Gambling is fun and it is capable of holding your attention for much longer than you initially planned. This is sadly an activity that has had millions of people addicted to it who have lost everything they have because they could not find a balance and limit their spending. The thrill of winning is too addicting and the will to turnaround big losses puts too much pressure on the players. To combat this right from the start and develop good and healthy gambling practices, you have to introduce limitations on the time you spend gambling per session and on the money you have to lose. Once the two hours or however much you gave yourself pass, you should stop, withdraw what you have, and leave. Come back later and play for two more hours. If you start to go over the set limit, you will eventually lose control. The same goes for your daily budget. Start small, with $20 or $50 for example, and once you burn through it do not reach for more. Even if you make $1,000 out of your $50, do not go for more than what you promised.

3. Not all games are the same

Source: originalcasinoslots

The libraries of games you can potentially paly are extensive and the more a casino has the better it tends to be. While it may be enticing and tempting to play all of them and change between them each time, this is no way to get better nor to actually win. Skill based games like poker and blackjack are largely different than luck based games like slot machines. Roulette is somewhere in between but the luck factor is still strong. If Lady Luck has her fingers all over a certain game, there is no point in expecting to win it because you will be going against the randomness factor and the RNG (random number generator). Such mechanisms and software rarely award anything to the players. On the other hand, the card games requiring a lot of skill and practice are much more hands-on and your every move counts. To win at those however you will need a lot of practice and experience. For starters, trey a couple of free or practice goes at the games that excite you the most until you find your favorite one and then get good at it.

4. Use the bonuses

Source: USA Online Casinos

The fan-favorite aspect of all gambling includes free shots at winning more money and in the world of online casinos that comes in the form of bonuses and free spins. Free spins are usable on slot machines and they are a great way to learn how they work and what kind of symbol combinations they display each time. On the other hand, bonuses are basically free sums of money that you get attached to your account. You are free to use this just like the money you would deposit and play any game you like. Most beginners use the bonuses to try a handful of games and have fun, which is more than oaky especially if you plan to make the casino in question your main destination for all gambling. It is the best way to learn the ropes. On the other hand, if you want to start winning and get good as soon as possible, use the bonuses on something you are familiar with and something you want to master. It could be enough money to set you apart from the competition down the line because you got more practice out of it.

Next-Gen GTA V Gets a Release Date – 2024 Guide

img source: bgr.in

If you’re holding out hope of seeing “Grand Theft Auto VI” in 2024, it’s time to let those hopes go. Even though “Grand Theft Auto V” has been the current version of the game since it was released in September 2013, Rockstar Games still isn’t willing to let its prized asset go. The game has been revamped, modernized, and had new content added to it consistently for the past seven years, and the company isn’t done yet. Reports that Rockstar would enhance the game for the current generation of consoles first began to appear last year, and we now have final confirmation that the PS5 and Xbox Series X version is almost finished. It’s going to be released this November.

The longevity of the game is almost unprecedented. GTA V is so old that it was released on the PS3 and Xbox 360 at the same time it was released on the PS4 and Xbox One. By crossing over onto the new generation, it will be the first major gaming title in history to have separate versions of itself created for three consecutive generations of video gaming hardware. The online version of the game is still played by thousands of people all over the world every day, and this new version of it is likely to prompt a new wave of interest. If it proves to be successful and continues to earn money for its developer, it’s likely to push the release of GTA VI back even further. It was once hoped that GTA VI would be released as long ago as August 2024. That date slipped into 2024 and is now likely to move again into late 2024.

img source: embodyfitness.site

Some of the GTA VI rumors that circulated online late last year claimed that the game was already somewhere between sixty and seventy percent finished. That was never confirmed, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t the case. Rockstar is notoriously reluctant to release videos and images from games that are still in production, so it would make sense to keep such a significant release strictly under wraps until such a time as the release date is approaching.

They’ve taken the same approach with this enhanced version of GTA V. Even though we now have a release date for the updated game, we still haven’t seen so much as one single screenshot of it in action. We know it’s likely to have undergone a significant visual upgrade, but as of the time of writing, we have no idea how impressive that upgrade is going to be.

The update and enhancement process might have given Rockstar the opportunity to iron out some of the creases that have affected GTA V in recent years. The most notable of them was the launch of the Diamond Resort Hotel and Casino, which should have been a money-spinner for the company but ended up running into trouble in countries where online slots websites are banned. The fact that “real” money couldn’t be won in the GTA V casino didn’t stop those countries from accusing the game of trying to sneak in online slots and other forms of casino entertainment through the back door, and so the update that contained it was blocked or prohibited.

img source: youtube.com

Just as online slots websites like Rose Slots NZ are geo-blocked in some locations, Rockstar found its GTA updates blocked, too. The company has since resolved the problem by removing some aspects of the content in the affected places and will presumably be keen to avoid a repeat of it when the next-gen version goes live.

The release of the new version of the game is later in the year than some people expected but still falls within the parameters of the guidance that Rockstar gave us several months ago. We were told that it would be released “in the second half” of 2024, and that’s still the case. It just so happens that it’s at the back end of the second half rather than the front end.

The extra wait suggests that Rockstar has done more than simply given an old game new graphics, so it’s possible that new features have also been implemented. If that’s the case, it might effectively be a new game altogether – one that’s worth owners of the previous versions of the game might be tempted to pay for even though they own the originals.

Some of the new content might, in some way, connect to the story of GTA III. The game turns twenty years old later this year, and Rockstar has already promised that the anniversary will be celebrated with “special events” in GTA Online. As the new version of GTA V will include a new, souped-up version of GTA Online to go with it, the two things might be linked. At this stage, though, that’s mere speculation.

img source: apkfab.com

If fans of GTA Online want to take advantage of the new version of that aspect of the game without paying full price for the latest version of GTA V, a “standalone” version of the new GTA Online will be available for download at a reduced price. We don’t yet have confirmation of what that reduced price might be. Nor do we have confirmation of what the full price for the next-gen version of GTA V will be, although it would be reasonable to assume that it will be more than fifty dollars.

img source: indianexpress.com

While long-standing fans of the game might be eager for a sequel, players have thus far given Rockstar very few incentives to push ahead with one. GTA V is still the biggest-selling video game of all time. Astonishingly, it was the number one video game in the world when it comes to sales in April 2024. It has an enormous modding community on the PC and devoted armies of players who play together every day. The game has expanded beyond the confines of being a traditional video game into a community, where people have made lifelong friends and even met their spouses and partners through playing the game.

Clearly, it will be a very difficult thing to give up when the time eventually comes to replace it with the next version. That day is still definitely coming, but it’s getting further away all the time. If we had to bet, we’d say that GTA V will still be the current version of the game in May 2024. That might not be what some people want to hear, but we suspect that’s the reality of the situation.

Sex Stream: Relationship Between Sexting and Sex Streaming Platforms 

There are several ways of getting intimate, but one of the most effective methods is sexting. The word encompasses two different root words: sex and chatting. So, in other words, it could be regarded as sex-chatting, which is a more vulgar comparison compared to sexting. While most persons engage in sexting on social apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, others use cam sites. According to Dudehtrill.com cam sites are advanced porn sites with various improvements like sexting and live streaming enabled. Unlike the regular porn sites where you can only watch, like, and comment, you can do much more on cam sites. With the opportunity of streaming live shows and having the chance of sexting, the cam sites/camming platforms have become one of the most visited and used forms of pornography, especially during the pandemic.

The CoviD-19 pandemic was a significant eye-opener to cam sites’ advantages over regular porn sites. It’s one thing to engage in sexting; it’s another thing to engage in live sexting. With video live streaming enabled; you get to see who you are sexting, what he /she is doing, and what you’d like he/her to do. Cam sites have several advantages over porn sites, and one of the significant advantages is sexting. So, we’d be discussing sexting on cam sites. One of the major cam sites where you can engage in sexting and enjoy other porn-related content is ePlay.

Source> HuffPost

How to please virtual sex addiction

As discussed above, sexting is an essential feature in live camming, especially for those with addictive cases. One of the most exciting means to enjoy sexting is having to see who you are sexting live. Camming gives that experience, and it’s one of the main reasons why live camming is growing popular.

  • Sexting:

Sexting while camming is quite different from sexting on social apps. Camming gives you the experience of being in an actual porn script. The o my difference is, in live camming, you are the director and could also be the actor at the same time. Sexting while camming give you two enjoyment at a go. The first is the opportunity of engaging the other partner via chats and the ability to see the person you are chatting with virtually. So, sexting on cam sites is more like being with the person virtually at that particular time. 

  • Camming:

Camming is by far the most advanced form of sex work ever! Being a cam model, you don’t need to leave your house for the studio or undergo multiple rehearsals, unlike the regular porn. All you need is a working PC with a webcam enabled and a fast internet connection. Once you have these basic techs, you are good to go. Staying indoors and earning money just got a lot easier.

Being a sex addict, it might not always be possible to engage in sexual intercourse with a partner constantly. The pandemic is a definitive example that this could happen. So, in such instances, the most effective method of getting your nuts out is by camming. Live camming has proven to be more effective than actual porn since it’s 100% engaging. So, as an addict, you only need to get yourself the most suitable cam sites to engage cam girls. Cam girls have proven to be the most pleasant partner any sex addict can have. You are sure of discussing your fantasies over chats while still engaging in sexual activities. All you need do is tip her to get on her live show. Once you are private with the cam girl, you can then begin sexting and telling her what action you’d like her to perform for you. Gradually, you get intimate, and the enjoyment begins. 

Source: GoodFon.com
  • Sharing erotic contents:

Depending on the cam girl and your level of intimacy, you might share erotic content. You could use this when you are off the chats to masturbate while reminiscing about the previous camming experience. Since you won’t remain in the cam show for life, this could also be a very effective means of pleasuring yourself. Most cam sites have beautiful and sexually endowed cam girls, so you can be sure of a turn-on each time you reminisce on your last cam session. Most tippers on cam sites have become regular clients and are no longer interested in traditional porn videos. We all want something new and daring, and presently, in the porn industry, cam sites are the most effective means of getting these features. 

Source: Pinterest
  • Choose the right cam sites:

A lot of individuals focus on finding cam girls without concentrating on visiting the right cam sites. While sex and sexual fantasies are personal, several individuals would love to keep their sexuality even more private. Since several individuals visit cam sites with several orientations, it is pertinent that one understands the cam site just as much as he understands sex. So, it’s not enough to find a cam girl; you must watch out for the cam sites too. Some cam sites are such that they blackmail their clients. The moment you register, and they access your biodata and sees you as a dignitary, they move to blackmail, which could be disastrous. Hence, to be on the safe side, ensure you do your research regarding the cam sites. Sites like ePlay should be visited regularly for safe and secure sex-related content. Most addicts are always in a hurry to get down to sexting and camming that they forget to run a background check on the cam site.

Source: MysteryVibe
  • Be respectful:

Cam girls are humans, too, and we all cherish respect. As much as you want to get down with her, and you are tipping her, don’t be too brutal in your replies. If you are making freaky replies, be sure to note that it’s part of the cam girl’s kinky in other to get all long smoothly. Respect has proven to be one of the critical determining factors in predicting the cordiality between cam girls and visitors on cam sites. To enjoy every moment with the cam girl, make sure you are a big spender, and you are as respectful as possible. Once you are recognized as a loyal client, you just might get loyalty bonuses from the cam girl…you just might!

How to Find the Right Web Development Agency?

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur who’s planning on bringing a great vision to life? Then you probably know how hard it is to find an experienced and educated developer. Number of on-site web developers is dropping day by day, whereas the amount of companies that use outsourced teams is steadily growing. Choosing the right web development agency can turn out to be quite a challenging task, though.

Shortage of developers doesn’t make it any easier. The amount of jobs requiring a skilled developer rises each day, but the amount of developers doesn’t grow as fast as the demand.

The question is: how to find the right web development agency? Let’s take a look at various online platforms where you can find developers that you could cooperate with.

Platforms for Hiring Web Developers

With the variety and number of software houses on the market, the task of finding the best one appears to be more difficult. It’s not impossible though, as there are plenty of developers with great reviews, vast knowledge and high skill.

There are plenty of platforms that list the best web development agencies. For your convenience, let us list the most famous ones.

1. Clutch

Source: Reaktiv Studios

Clutch is probably the most famous platform for searching web development companies online. You can sort the results by:

  • Type of service;
  • Your budget;
  • Hourly rate;
  • Industry;
  • Location.

The last filter allows you to search for the web agency anywhere you want, whether you’re looking for an onshore or offshore team.

If a company caught your interest, you can get a closer look at their profile. In there, you can see the company’s key clients, their description, hourly rates, reviews, number of employees, and more.

2. Goodfirms

Source: Pinterest

Much like Clutch, Goodfirms allows you to search for the best web developers. Similarly, you can sort the results by:

  • Relevance/most reviews;
  • Hourly rate;
  • Number of employees;
  • Location.

3. DesignRush

Source: CloudSpur

DesignRush’s website offers plenty of search categories, starting with digital agencies, through website development companies, all the way to SEO or social media marketing companies. If you decide on a certain category, you will be met by the list of the best choices according to DesignRush.

Next to each company listed on the website, you can see its specifications, i.e. location, number of employees, hourly rate, and minimal budget.

Not only that, you can also filter the results, or search for a specific agency.

4. WPKraken

Source: Kraken Creative Digital Services

If you hesitate between companies found on DesignRush, Clutch or others, there’s always an easier and equally good choice. WPKraken offers a possibility of outsourcing a project or finding a dedicated team based on staff augmentation model to work on your web development projects based on WordPress, whether it concerns design, maintenance, or expertise.

5. Wadline

Source: Twitter

Wadline operates in the same way as the previous platforms. You can type in a name of the specific company you’re looking for or browse the companies by the chosen category, like web development, SEO, mobile apps, or others.

After choosing the category, you will be met by the screen with the list of companies. There you can see their portfolio, service focus and minimal project size (in USD). If the company is the one you’re looking for, you can click on the “Profile” button to see their “About” section and more information about the company itself.

How to Choose a Web Development Agency

Choosing the right web development agency may be a difficult task. There are some things that on the first glance may appear as interesting and worth considering. Don’t fall for it, as later on you might regret the haste! We’ve gathered some tips that we’re planning to share with you. Buckle up and let’s go.

Source: ulearning
  • Don’t fall for the cheapest option

Cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean faster, and for sure doesn’t mean better. Of course, sometimes you may stumble upon a service that is cheap, fast and of high quality, but do you wanna risk it? What’s more, the entire project may end up being more expensive than you would want it to be due to changes in the project, communication issues, low quality of work, and probably many, many other factors.

  • To yes we say no (in some cases)

It’s always good to know that your employees or the outsourced team are in line with your ideas, though if the team always agrees with you, then you might have a problem. If you see that people in the company with whom you wish to cooperate behave like Jim Carrey in Yes Man, then avoid such partnerships, as they won’t do any good.

You have a vision that you want to make come true and you need people that will not only perform great but also provide expertise and advice.

Source: Architectural Digest
  • Pay attention to the company’s location

Location is really important when it comes to outsourcing. You will need to communicate with the team, therefore it’s better to have it closer to your location.

Time zones are not the only thing that matters when it comes to location. Cultural similarities or differences are equally as important. You won’t have as many problems with cultural differences with European countries, than you would have with, for example, India or China.

  • Read the reviews

It’s obvious, but it has to be stressed. Before making any agreements with the agency you should carefully study the reviews as they might give you an insight on how the company operates and how they handle the projects.

Additionally, if the company has previous experience, perhaps reading a case study would prove to be helpful in making the decision.

Source: Tradify


And there you have it! Some example websites like massivepixel.io where you can look for the best web development agencies along with a few tips that can make your decision a little less stressful. Simply remember to always check the reviews, location and specifics of the company.

5 Golf Games You Can Play During Your Next Golf Outing

Golf is the only sport that lets you compete against better players and still have a chance to win the round!

This is thanks to the world handicap system. A low handicap golfer needs to complete a hole or round in fewer strokes than a high handicapper.

To make things even more interesting, you can play countless golf formats on the course, starting from 2 players and more.

We have collected our favorite golf games to play on the course to spice things up during your next golf trip or outing!

Keep reading.

1. Matchplay

Source: Medium

Matchplay is an excellent format to play, even when you’re playing with better players. In golf, you usually count every stroke you make over 18 holes and add them up to get your total score.

In matchplay, on the other hand, you start a new competition on every hole you play.

The player who completes a hole with the fewest strokes wins it. This means that a blow-up hole where you score high because you’re hit a ball out of bounds or in a lake doesn’t ruin your whole round.

Whoever wins the most holes wins the competition. If you score the same on a hole, you halve it, and no player gets the point.

This format gets especially interesting once you add each player’s handicap to the round. That means that on a Par 4 hole, a good player is expected to complete the hole in 4 strokes or less.

A handicap golfer, on the other hand, might get a shot on that hole and can complete it in 5 strokes and still play to his/her handicap.

So a net bogey and a Par halves the hole. If both players bogey the hole, the higher handicap player won it!

2. Skins

Source: Pinterest

This is a fantastic game you can play from up to 2 players and more. It’s based on the same principles as matchplay, but with some added pressure in case you score the same on a hole.

Here how it works:

  1. Each hole is worth one skin
  2. The player with the lowest score on a hole wins 1 skin
  3. If you shoot the same score as your opponent(s), the skin gets carried forward, and the next hole is then worth 2 skins

You can see how this game slowly increases the pressure on the next hole when you tie one. This is a great way to practice how well you perform under pressure.

It might not sound like much, but if your put is suddenly worth 3 skins and might decide the outcome of your competition, the nerves definitely come into play.

In this format as well, don’t forget to consider each other’s golf handicaps. A mid-handicapper will have to play close to the hole’s par than a beginner or high handicap golfer.

3. Bingo Bango Bongo

Probably my favorite name for a golf format. The rules are straightforward, but you’ll pen and paper to keep track of the score.

You get a point for achieving different tasks:

  1. The player first to reach the green with his ball
  2. The player closest to the hole on the approach shot
  3. The player first to putt out on the green

As you can see, you have many opportunities to gain points, even if you’re not playing particularly well on a specific hole. Your overall score won’t really matter, as long as you’re completing the tasks mentioned above.

Let’s say Phil and Tiger are playing this format during their next round. Here is how you’d keep score.

Phil and Tiger both drove the ball well, 300 yards middle of the green. They’re pros for a reason…

Phile is a little further from the flag and will go first. He hits his approach shot and lands on the green. He’ll have 10 feet left for his birdie and just made his first point by being the first player to reach the green.

Tiger, who probably has the best iron game in golf, hits his approach shot and sticks it 5 feet from the flag. What a shot.

Tiger also just made his first point by being closer to the hole on the approach shot.

As usual, it all comes down to putting. To no surprise, Tiger sticks his 5-footer for his birdie and wins another point by being the first player to hole out.

So as you can see, after this hole, the score is Tiger 2, Phil 1.

You continue this format, and the player with the highest score after 18 holes won the match.

4. Best Ball

Source: LiveAbout

This is an exciting game that doesn’t end up in a competition. It’s rather for people that want to achieve the best score possible.

It works like this:

  1. All players tee off
  2. You choose the ball the best ball to play your second shot from and pick up the other balls
  3. All players then continue the hole from the ball you’ve chosen

This principle continues until the ball is in the hole. That means every player will hit every shot from the position you’ve chosen, and you always pick the ball that leaves you in the best positions.

You can also try this game when playing by yourself. Just tee off with two balls, and play two balls through the entire round. Choose the best ball to continue the hole from, and boom, you might shoot level par this way 🙂

You can also reverse this game and play the worst ball. You just choose the worst ball to continue the hole from and keep score of that ball.

You know your game is spot on if you shoot a good score playing the worst ball!

5. Split Sixes

Source: Golfing Focus

This is another format that keeps a competition interesting, even if your group has players from different skill levels.

The rules can seem a bit complicated, but they really aren’t once you get the hang of it:

  1. Each hole has 6 points to be won
  2. If 1 player wins the hole, he gets 4 points
  3. The second best score gets 2 points
  4. The worst score on that hole gets no point
  5. If you halve the hole, you split the score

If one person wins the hole and the others halve it, the score would be 4-1-1. If the players with the best score halve the hole, you count 3-3-0

A simple way to remember how to count is to make sure each score adds up to 6 on every hole. You also need to consider each other’s handicaps, as a low handicapper might need to complete a Par 3 hole in 3 strokes. Still, as a beginner and high handicapper, you get 1 additional stroke, so scoring 4 is a net par.

What to do next

Give these games a try and spice up your next golf outing. There are countless formats you can try on the golf course.

The beauty of golf is that it allows you to compete with better players by using the handicap system.

No other sport lets you play a competitive game against a pro and still have a chance to win!

If you’re interested in learning more about the game of golf, make sure to visit mygolfheaven.com.

5 Reasons to Look for Pest Infestations When House Hunting

Source: Rent.com

Being independent means being separated from your parents, having your own budget, and living alone. Although it is a difficult process, it is a process that young people decide on at an earlier age, wanting to achieve the freedom that is guaranteed if they live alone. So they first start by looking for a job that would earn them good and could cover rent or buy real estate, bills, and food expenses. Then according to the offered salary, they start talking to their parents about the desire to leave. wanting to live alone. Once an agreement has been reached with the parents, they begin to consider a space in which to live alone or with their partner.

Living space can be a room, it can be an apartment, a house, etc. that are rented or sold. Young people who are looking for a place to live usually look for something that will match the price. So they usually choose a house with a smaller area or an apartment that is smaller and enough for one or two people. They also look at the price why it has to match the budget of a young person. This begins the review of all available properties that are rented or sold in the place where they live. The search is laborious and requires a lot of consideration and attention to detail.

Source: Secure Built

Details are especially crucial when it comes to properties for rent or sale. Wondering why? Because the budget that is determined is determined only and only to buy or rent the property, but not to repair it after it is rented, and especially after it is bought. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the construction of the house, and especially to pay attention to the flaws that the houses may have when hunting houses. This is important for many reasons, most notably to disappoint you after you have completed the sale, to transfer ownership in your name, and to give all the money you have agreed to buy. We do not want to be disappointed and that is why we suggest you pay a lot of attention, especially when it comes to pest infestations. They come in a variety of forms such as insect infestations, cracking of doors, windows, walls, and floors, traces of water leaks, and much more. It is necessary to pay attention to all this! Be very careful, and if you are wondering why today you can find out why because we bring you the 5 reasons why you need to be careful when hunting for a new home.

Source: Pinterest
  1. If you discover them in time you will be able to solve the problem in time – we are sure that you want to find the house of your dreams and as soon as you have it you will move into it. But that is only possible if she is in good condition. What if it is not? What if you recognize a problem such as pest infestations? In that case, you have discovered them in time and you will need to inform the owner who will need to act on time and resolve this issue. Point out the problem and ask him to contact one of the experienced companies such as Pointe Pest Control who will do the job professionally and on time so that you can then move in neatly in the home.

    Source: Tulsa Health Department
  2. Early detection can affect your health – we’re sure you won’t want to find out after you move in that something is wrong with the house you just moved into. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo that will allow you to do just that. You know, we humans are used to living in a clean environment, an environment where there are no insects, no humidity, and the like. Any such change in the place of residence causes changes in health, so it is necessary to be careful and not to take risks.

    Source: Oak Brook Allergists
  3. Untimely detection can cause an allergic reaction – any of the changes listed above can be the cause of an adverse allergic reaction that can occur if you are not careful enough. With enough care we mean to check if there are insects in the house, mice, or other pests, to check if there is moisture, too much leaked feces or other waste water, etc. which may lead to an adverse allergic reaction in you. We especially emphasize this as a very important reason because we can not predict when allergic reactions will occur, but they can also be inconvenient.

    Source: South Florida Caribbean News
  4. You will buy a property that is not in good condition and that requires a lot of investment – checks are needed in terms of investments. We are sure that you do not want to pay for a defective house which you will then have to repair again and invest in it again. The poor condition of a house requires a complete inspection and complete repair, and it should not be done by you but by the owner who wants to sell it to you. Therefore, you need to be very careful, take a good look and send all the remarks to the owner so that he can fix it before signing the sale contract.

    Source: Real Estate Express
  5. In most cases, a thorough repair of the whole house is required – in a very large number of cases where pest infestations are observed a thorough repair of the house is required. This means removing all old walls, all doors, windows, floors in the home, thoroughly cleaning all insects and faeces, and then replacing them with new doors, windows, floors, and new walls. This needs to be done before the house is sold or before you buy the house from the owner because it is his responsibility because the house is still in his ownership. Try to point this out so that you have a safe house in which to live.

Pay attention to these 5 reasons when touring so that you can choose a home where you can live peacefully and enjoy its warmth and comfort.

4 Things to Look for When Buying a Charger for Your Smartphone

The world of modern technology is a rich and diverse one and each one of us want to have the latest in technology. While we do not have the same preferences nor do we need the same type of gadgets, it can be said that we value our modern goodies as they make our lives easier and more convenient. In terms of smartphones, this cannot be more true. Small enough to fit in every pocket and purse, contemporary mobile phones have long overcome the simple “phone” function and are now practically small portable computers with numerous functions without which our lives would be more difficult.

Charging Troubles

In such a world where every person has at least one phone on them at all times, there is also a need for the market that would tend to the same customers but in a different way. By this we mean the market for phone accessories and supplies. Each phone does come with the basics that vary among the different manufacturers and models, but one thing is obligatory. That would be the charger. Without a charger your phone would only be usable for a day, maybe even half a day if you really have to use it a lot during your business and private lives.

With this being said, it is important for us to have trusty and sufficient chargers for our devices. Sadly though, they are the most expendable type of supplies there is. Even phone cases tend to last longer than an average stock charger you get in the box. The only thing the customers can therefore do is buy a new one. But how do you choose the best one for your phone, and is there even a charger that can be considered the best for your device? Well, the answers to these questions are anything but straightforward so we decided to help.

In the following sections you will find out about the crucial things to look for when buying a new charger for your smartphone. No matter what the reason behind you needing a new one, you will want to factor in the following. To learn more about chargers and browse the most popular variants on the market, make sure to check out Kabelmaatje.nl.

1. Type of USB Connector

Source: CellularLine

You probably know that all modern devices are charged through the USB port. This has been the standard for years now and it is not going to change for a long time. Since all devices use USBs anyway, it is convenient for the phones to both charge through these slots and to connect to other, larger devices with them. However, there are two types of connectors today’s phones use. The first one and the older of the two is the Micro USB, which is slowly but steadily being replaced. Most new editions of phones have already switched to the USB-C connector which has certain advantages with speed and the fact that it is newer technology. The important thing to remember is that they are not interchangeable despite both being USBs. Therefore, double check which one your smartphone needs before buying. Otherwise you will have a useless charger at home.

2. Examine the Quality

Source: XDA Developers

Since chargers are expendable supplies that often break and need replacing, there are countless fakes and seemingly genuine copies of the good quality chargers out there. Make sure never to buy a poor and low quality charger because you may damage the battery of your phone or even the entire phone. What is more, there have been cases where bad chargers experience short circuits and catch on fire while being plugged into the wall. You do not want this so stick with the brands that know what they are doing. A simple online search can give you more details on the most trustworthy third party smartphone chargers that will even do a better job than the original your phone came with. If you know at least a thing or two about phones, you will be able to tell which charger is poorly made and which is genuine. Pay special to attention to both the cable and the actual adapter.

Speaking of the cable, you will want to get the longest one available because you will probably need to use the phone while it is being charged at some point. Also, short cables can be unsafe since you are limited in terms of leaving your phone safely as it is juicing up on power.

3. Fast and Wireless Charging

Source: Lifewire

Flagship models and other top smartphones on the market have had fast charging and wireless charging features for more than a few years. Both of these are quite useful since you can charge thousands of mAH in less than an hour. Fast charging is quickly becoming a standard but not all chargers allow it. If your phone supports it, you will have to get the appropriate model in order to make use of it. The same goes for the wireless variety. If you get a wireless charger for a phone that cannot be juiced up like that, your will have no use for it until you get a more modern device. Triple check the features of your phone so that you do not make such a mistake that is much more common that it should be.

4. Current, Voltage, Format

Source: Root Nation

As you probably know, different countries of the world use different types of plugs, currents, and voltages. Make sure to buy the variant that supports the maximum voltage (V) and current (A) of your phone to ensure the fastest and best quality charging. In addition to this, if you are fail to pay enough attention, you may end up buying a plug that is not meant for the sockets in the country you live. If this happens you will need an additional adapter that needs to go into the wall before you can plug in the charger. This can be a lot of hassle and you may not have enough space around your wall socket for the additional adapter. To prevent mistakes like this, all it takes is a few extra minutes of attention while you evaluate the exact type of phone you have and the right kind of charger it needs.

Why Buying Miami Cuban Link Chain For Men Is Not A Bad Idea?

img source: thegoldgods.com

One of the most classic styles of chains is the Miami Cuban Link Chains. Men’s jewelry has limited options concerning style and designs. And Cuban Chains is the latest trend followed in the fashion industry. Men have worn Cuban Link Chains for many years, but they’re usually associated with hip-hop style and streetwear.

Wearing a Miami Cuban Link Chain will accentuate your look. Plus, it looks classy and elegant in any attire. These are specially designed for men, as men don’t have many accessories compared to women. So, they are generally very particular about the things they wear.

Were you dreaming of looking classy? Adding these chains to your collection will give you a trendy look. These chains never go out of trend whether you are attending a cocktail party or official meeting. They are always in style direction with various celebrities sporting them. But you still have to carry it in the right way.

What are Cuban Link Chains made of?

img source: pinterest.com

You might have wondered how Cuban Chains are made up of, well, they have metal, silver, gold, and platinum. When you talk about color, mostly the Cuban Links are found to be yellow. You can combine other colors with gold to bring out the final color.

Who doesn’t want to look stylish? People spend hours choosing their attire and accessory. You have the option of choosing the jewelry that gives you a graceful and classy look.

It is best suited for every occasion. If you are looking for something unique and special, Cuban Link Chains are among the best investments.

How to Wear a Cuban Link Chain?

Styling yourself is what everyone wants. You can give a new way to your attire by Cuban Link Chain.

1. Formal Look

img source: thegoldgods.com

You can style the Cuban Link Chain with a full suit and a bow tie. This look turns out to be a luxurious outfit with a chain by maintaining the professional and elegant look in formal wear.

2. Basic Look

The best thing about the Cuban Link Chain is that it can pair it up with anything. You can quickly wear it on any occasion. The basic T-shirt and Jacket can perfectly match with shirt and coat. The chain will look fresh with the minimal outfit that will give you a classy look.

3. Summer Party

img source: aliexpress.com

Summer parties are super cool. You need a glamourous look. Turn out to be glamorous with the Cuban Link Chain. It will give you a fresh and confident look no matter what you wear.

4. Party Look

Wearing Cuban Link Chain at parties never goes out of fashion. You have to wear it in a versatile manner to look good. This party look can make a good impression on your colleagues. So, go trendy with your party looks now!

Wearing Miami Cuban Link Chains brings a sense of style. Consider the occasion and the outfit you intend to wear, and the classic Cuban Link Chain will make you trendier than before.

Especially when it comes to styling, this gold chain for men stands out. It is a stylish accessory that can give you a new look. You can style the Cuban Link Chain differently, and it doesn’t need any additional jewelry.

Cuban Link Chain that Perfectly Fits Your Size

img source: aliexpress.com

When it comes to choosing the right size of the Cuban Link Chain, we get confused. You don’t have to worry anymore; besides the quality of a chain, it is vital to look for the size. It won’t be surprising that people are targeting high. How big should a chain be? The length of the Cuban Link Chain mainly varies from person to person. According to ItsHot.com the length of Miami Cuban link chains should vary between 24 to 30 inches.

Most 18k Cuban Link Chains are heavy to carry, and this can be neck-breaking. We suggest you wear the chains according to the weight that is best suited for you. It varies from person to person. It would help if you took extra care while choosing these chains.

If you want to look stylish and want to stand out, choosing the long heavy-weight chains won’t be a bad option. The minimum size that is recommended to wear is 14-18 Karat. And people who are more concerned about the prices can go with 10 Karat.

What’s the Conclusion?

Style your look elegantly with Cuban Link Chain for Men. These are super classy chains and go well with every outfit you choose. It doesn’t matter what you are wearing. You can go with these chains. Cuban Link Chain is one of the latest and most durable styles that men nowadays are looking for. If you want to buy the astonishing chains, then contact us today.

Men can choose different ways of styling the Cuban Link Chain according to the occasion. We have mentioned some ideas to style your party wear, summer look, and casual wear. It is not just a piece of jewelry but a style to add on.

Give an elegant look to your attire, whether going with your friends or to a wedding. You never have to choose your accessory by spending hours. This Gold Chain is enough to make you stand out gracefully.

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