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9 Reasons Why Is Bitcoin More Valuable than Gold

In this era of crypto and online trading many people are getting attracted to this field. In the past, they were involved in Gold as compared to bitcoin, but as time passed out, bitcoin got its root in online trading. Years ago, some people did not recommend using Gold as stock trading or any other kind of online trading. Instead, they get attracted to other coins in using for all online trading eras and games specifically. It’s the reason that many people now convert to bitcoin rather than gold coins.

There are some reasons which make people get attracted towards these coins and due to which gold coins have no more importance all over the world. In this article, there are some reasons which highlight the importance of bitcoin. Bitcoinstorm is a platform where you can get relevant and legit information about bitcoin.

Reasons Bitcoin Is More Valuable than Gold

Source: Catalyst For Business

1. Transparency and Safety

Gold when packed in different packages, you can’t estimate that even if it’s real or fake. Some people, probably those who join the market just for the scam, are on their way to scam you or anyone else. If we talk about bitcoin, it’s much more trusted to use. It provides the ultimate level of safety as there is no chance of scamming or fake coins because everyone can understand whether the coins are relevant. There are many reasons which increase the safety of bitcoin over gold coins and packages.

2. Baseline

If Gold, on the one hand, has been used for different items, including jewelry items, the bitcoin, on the other hand, has its value, which is great and unbelievable for a newbie. Those who have trouble sending money or making online transactions when involved in online trading can use Gold and Bitcoins as their basic requirements. Bitcoin is straightforward to transfer from one platform to another, and It charges no fee or tax. It’s effortless to use for everyone. It’s another reason why bitcoin has specificity over Gold.

3. Durability

One of the crypto traders said that a currency must be stable enough that everyone can choose easily. And there is no damage to it. No matter how much time you are using this coin or what period you invest the coin overall. Gold, in this way, is considered unfavorable to use but bitcoin, on the other hand, has safety value and much more value. Bitcoin is easy to hold for a long time. It’s easy to use, valuable, and even easy to keep without any damage. No matter whether you involve online or offline to handle this.

4. Counterfeitability

Counterfeit gold is more valuable to hold in all fields. If you are an older man who doesn’t know much about this term, you may get confused, but those already involved in this field may get an idea about how valuable it is to pick bitcoin as the best coin if we talk about it as the counterfeitable of a coin.

Source: Medium

5. Millennia Purchasing Power

Gold, as compared to bitcoin, has less value if we talk about the millennia purchasing power. But bitcoin has its value as compared to Gold. Gold is easy to handle, as has been recommended by some traditional persons who are experts in the coin fields, but if someone talks about bitcoin, then the value goes behind what one can expect regularly. Bitcoin with some extra positive facts and attributes is recommended more than Gold or any other coin now.

6. Legal To Use

Another advantage or reason behind the popularity of bitcoin is that it’s legal to use for everyone in every game or online trading. Gold is only specific to some games or some fields, but bitcoin is free of this specialty. You can use bitcoin anytime at any game or in any field. Bitcoin has been announced to use for multiple services, i.e., for cars or other items, but Gold can’t be used for advanced services to buy. Moreover, bitcoin is considered a legal trader for everyone.

Soure: unsplash.com

7. Supply

If we talk about the supply of the coin, then both of these hold the same value. But bitcoin has more value as compared to Gold. Its supplement process and era is long as compared to Gold. Moreover, those who are involved in trading recommend bitcoin rather than gold coins.

8. Liquidity

Liquidity is another fact-based on which we can determine if a coin is best to use for the long term or not. Fortunately, again bitcoin holds more value than Gold. Bitcoin is straightforward to convert into cash and other coins, but Gold is not easy to handle ad convert into cash.

Soure: unsplash.com

9. Easily Accessible to Public

Bitcoin is easily accessible to the common public as well. Gold cannot buy or is challenging to buy compared to the other coins, and bitcoin is easy and vulnerable to use for everyone with all legit payment methods. Now several online platforms and those who handle big crypto agencies are encouraging the use of bitcoin for all people due to some useful features which make this coin pretty affordable for everyone to use and play.

Final Summary

After the above points, now it’s straightforward for everyone to choose and select the best coin in the online era and marketing. Several facts are involved in this debate, and above are some points according to which bitcoin is vital compared to Gold. Bitcoin is easy to handle, easy to transfer, easy to identify, and easy to liquefy in daily life. Experts and professionals are still confused about selecting coins for online trading and the crypto era of advanced technology. But still, bitcoin is at the top of the list. If you are a newbie and want to get some information and knowledge of crypto, then you are recommended to dig into bitcoin and win your fate.

12 Things To Do If You Have Trouble Losing Fat Or Building Muscle

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Our bodies tend to change quite often & a lot over time and especially during the winter season, which is why visiting the gym or getting a proper diet may be a good idea. So, are you struggling to build muscle or lose fat? Either way it may be we can help you out. Keep on reading and understand what to do if you have trouble with your body.

6 things to do if you have trouble losing fat

1. Never skip breakfast and understand that protein is your friend

img source: unsplash.com

Eating a balanced breakfast that is filled with protein, fat & carbs is what every nutritionist will recommend, even if you’re trying to lose weight. Never skip your breakfast since this means that you’re getting started with your day on a dead & drained battery. Eat eggs, plant-based protein powders, as well as avocados & peanut butter!

2. Small meals or intermediate fasting

Three meals and two snacks per day is a magical formula that gets it done! With this dieting approach, you will keep your metabolism even as well as your blood sugar levels stable. With a proper balance, you will easily boost your body function and you will also get used to a healthy routine. On the other hand, those who choose to go for intermittent fasting can enjoy the perks of a faster process, with decreased risk of disease, and even lower mortality – according to some researchers.

3. You have to add weights

img source: unsplash.com

An intense workout regimen is great, but the one that’s done with weights is often better. Most experts recommend that you walk for 30 minutes each day and go for 10k steps. Moderate exercise is especially important if you have problems with blood sugar. Consider adding some light weights to train with them 2-3 times a week. Also, remember that it’s better to set small goals and surpass them than it is to feel frustrated.

4. Know when to stop eating

You should eat until you’re no longer hungry, not until you’re full. Feeling full means that you have over-ate and that you’ve fed up your body with unnecessary calories. You should only reach for your food & snacks when you’re feeling hangry (angry + hungry) and stick to small portions as the day goes on. See how your body feels & when it needs the needed fuel.

5. Do not go through the stages of emotional eating

img source: unsplash.com

A lot of us tend to eat food for comfort and when we’re under a lot of stress. Some people even get frustrated when they can’t meet their goals within their preferred timespan.

However, oftentimes no hypnosis, holistic therapies, or gym coach can help you since you’re probably eating the wrong foods at the wrong times. Try to deal with your problems by approaching them emotionally and maturely.

6. You are not drinking water

Make sure that you drink your 2-3 liters per day (at least). Some studies show that drinking half a liter 30 minutes before eating can result in you losing 44% more weight than those who did not drink water. Water is also good for your metabolism, overall system, skin, hair nails – you name it!

6 things to do if you have trouble building muscle

1. Know your volume & intensity rations

img source: unsplash.com

Guys or girls who work out and want to build more muscle need to approach their fitness journey with a proper approach & knowledge level. Volume is the number of sets that you do while intensity is your chosen weight. According to jaquishbiomedical.com, if you want your muscles to show most gym experts recommend that you perform 10 to 15 repetitions with less than a minute break between sets.

2. Stay frequent & persistent

Train at least three times each week, optimally five. Everyone’s body is different, which is why you need to nourish it & approach it the right way. However, three sessions per week are your body’s optimal level and needed level to create muscle. Do not skip on exercising your least-favorite body parts either, and stay committed.

3. You have to eat more

img source: unsplash.com

Make sure that you eat (a lot) for your muscles to grow. Aim for protein-based plates and a lot of carbs while eating healthy fats. A lot of experts also recommend that you write down & weigh your food. This way, you will be aware of what you’re putting into your body + you will understand (as time goes on) what you need to increase and what your body lacks off.

4. Measure your body fat

Measure your body fat and make sure that you’re aware of your proportions. Don’t be discouraged if your weight does not change much when you train with weights and overnight. For some people, the measurements may stay the same since they are losing fat and increasing muscle.

5. More protein is the way to do it

img source: unsplash.com

Did you know that protein helps with your muscle growth? However, no person should overdo it. There is the maximum amount that you can intake, and it is just less than 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Write down your macros and make sure that you drink one protein shake right after your workout. You can also consider BCAA drinks.

6. Rest & sleep well

Lastly, but definitely as importantly – rest! Your body, muscles & your mind need adequate rest after a hard training session. Make sure that you aim for those eight hours per night and to get your energy back up the next morning. Failure to do so may lead to you losing mass and not seeing the progress you deserve.

Where to get help for your fitness journey process?

img source: unsplash.com

If you want help from the best make sure that you check out betterweighmedical.com. They are an amazing weight-loss clinic which is based in Chicago. They have helped 3,200+ people thus far, and they have some of the best consultations & personalized programs for every individual.

Fundamental Structure of a Grant Proposal | A Nonprofit’s Guide

Grant proposals are the part that determines if a nonprofit is deserving of receiving a grant. It has more significance than the cause of the nonprofit itself! For this reason, you should never leave any stone unturned when drafting a grant proposal, also check out Donorbox for grant proposal.

While experienced grant writers might know exactly what to do, some nonprofits often do not know where to begin. In this guide, we aim to facilitate better grant writing so that your nonprofit gets an equal chance at life-changing grant money.

Source: The Balance Small Business

The structure of a grant proposal

To master a grant proposal, you must first understand its structure in entirety. You will have plenty of time for research and drafting, but before you begin it is imperative that you nail down the structure so that you can write a concise grant proposal. The grant proposal’s ideal length is about one page only that will include all things including the need of the project and its future outcomes as well. One other thing which is the main part of a grant proposal is the amount of funding.

Cover letter

A cover letter is the document that introduces your organization, its mission statement, and directly states what it is looking for. You must mention the amount you seek and why the nonprofit aligns well with the goals of the grant foundation. It cannot contain any revised information from the grant proposal itself. Here are some tips:

  1. Address it to a person as you want to establish a human connection with the grantor who will review your proposal.
  2. It should only be one paragraph and should not exceed four paragraphs.
  3. Enclose a statement from your board of directors approving the project.
  4. You do not need to write a cover letter for government funds.
Source: LegalZoom

Executive summary

This element of a grant proposal is the most important one. In a single document, you have to concisely deliver the intent of your grant proposal as well as furnish all the necessary information. It has to be eye-catching and at the same time cannot be overly verbose. To help you out, here are some tips you can use:

  1. Describe your organization and their intention for society.
  2. Highlight the key points of your proposal.
  3. Showcase the need the community has for your program.
  4. State the cost and the amount of the project, along with the time frame for project completion.
  5. Show the expected results.

Statement of need

This is the part where you have to explain the problem statement. In this section, you will be highlighting the problem faced by society and how your organization aims to tackle this problem. Here you have to be coherent about your nonprofit’s vision and how they can be the ones to bring it to life. You must include statistics and historical data that illustrates the problem faced by society at large.

Source: TendersPage

Goals and objectives

While both the words may imply the same thing, its explicit understanding can be different. This is the part where you can unleash your creativity to drive home the point. State what your nonprofit aims to achieve. Remember, the goals of your organization can be abstract and can be a purview of the problems it wishes to tackle. However, your nonprofit’s objectives have to be precise and measurable.

Methodology or program design

Here you have to clearly and distinctly state how your organization aims to complete all its objectives and achieve its goals. You have to banish every doubt the grantor or reviewer may have in their minds. You have to explain your program design in an easy-to-read manner. This is the part where you have to reiterate your problem statement and budget, to give emphasis on the importance of the grant.

Source: Ed2Go


This is the make or break section for many grant proposals. The reason is that many proposals lack the metrics to measure the project’s results. The grant foundation wants to see evidence that their money was used beneficially and that it yielded results. Clearly state how you aim to collect data relevant to the project. Your data can be both qualitative and quantitative, it simply has to be tied in with the methods and objectives, while showcasing measurable results.


Here the grant foundation wants to see what the long-term implications of the project are. They know that the grant money will eventually be exhausted. They wish to know how your nonprofit aims to carry on the endeavor, with or without their funding. You have to state how you will continue to run once the money has been exhausted. You have to describe your future funding plans and the goals of your nonprofit, once the current ones have been fulfilled.

Source: DYNO Mapper

Info on the organization

The best way to draft this section is by weaving a tale of your nonprofit’s journey so far. Human beings love stories and in this section, you can convince the grantor of your nonprofit’s viability with a narrative. You have to show that your organization is the best suited to carry out the mission and why it has the mettle to do so.


You have to be concise when documenting the budget. You must show all the costs and expenses for the project. Include even the most minute of costs here to illustrate the utility of the funds. You also have to show any income that can be accrued through community support. Another point of note is to include any tax-exemption letter from the IRS or any financial statements. Remember everything depends upon the amount of budget so, it is one of the most sensitive parts of grant proposals and should be dealt smarty and with proficiency.

Visit https://blog.remesh.ai/ learn more about the different types of online qualitative research methods

Source: money.co.uk


You should spend time going through different iterations of the proposal and review it thoroughly before you submit it.

If you effectively apply these tips and rigidly stick to this structure, you will be able to write a compelling grant proposal.

Everything You Need to Know About Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is the continuation and successor of the shooting game Destiny. It is an online multiplayer game that can be played and enjoyed on PC (Personal Computer), PlayStation 4, Xbox One. Bungie is the proud publisher of this game and it can be played on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. It is one of the most biggest and successful games of 2024. We give you all the important information about  Boosting Services, Crossplay, Seasons, DLCs, and much more about Destiny 2.

As you know that Destiny 2 is the successor of the shooting game Destiny. Its story is like its predecessor, the second part is also on a real-world-based science-fiction scenario game. Initially, it was only available on Xbox and PlayStation. Fortunately, now it is also available on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One and Google Stadia. It is also available for free on Steam where you can enjoy its free-to-play version where you can also purchase premium boosting services for your game.

Initially only available for PS4 and Xbox One, the game is now also available for PC and Google Stadia. Destiny 2 is also available on Steam as a free, free-to-play version that includes optional in-game purchases.

Source: Polygon

Should you try Destiny 2?

When you enter the game world of Destiny 2, you become a part of a “Shared World” in which you complete both PvP of battles online players (player vs. player) and player battle against the computer opponents).

In the beginning “Destiny 2” is pretty overwhelming. Nobody really tells you what to do first and what is the best way to get into the game. It’s best to just try it out. Walk to the NPCs in the tower, take a few foray quests from them and set off to a planet. The rest will come by itself!

In terms of gameplay, Destiny 2 is also similar to its predecessor. Once again, as Guardians, you move through the world on foot and with gliders. From your home base you start various story missions and from then on you experience a story lasting several hours in which you are supposed to protect the planet earth alien attack and other similar stuff.

You can once again enjoy strikes and raids in the game. Some new missions are added as well which are difficult missions and can often only be mastered by several players together. Strikes and raids can only take place in some special areas of the game which are not connected to the rest of the online game world.

In your Destiny 2 journey, you will be occasionally meet characters who offer you activities or events. You can also play competitive game modes such as deathmatch and etc.

Source: PlayStation Store

 Familiar classes are back again

Now Destiny 2 there will be more loot shooter & now you will also get a chance to collect a lot more new equipment & weapons, which you can alternatively purchase online from the best-boosting services providers such as MMOBoost.PRO a well-known name for in-game boosting services.

A new thing is that you can put the weapons in different slots in your inventory and thus increase their potential for damage. In addition, you level up your character with each fight through experience points, making him a stronger warrior.

While designing and choosing your warrior or player, you again have the choice between the different game characters like the Titan, Hunter, and Warlock. Game characters such as Titan & Warlock also offer several subclasses for different playing styles. With the choice of race, you can choose between human, awakened, and Exo, which has only a minor influence on your gaming experience.

As a beginner, the new “Guided Games” system gives you the option of matchmaking with experienced players so that they can support you on your journey.

Source: Bungie Store

DLC content and changing seasons

The developers of the game Destiny 2 are always keen & dedicated to make the game entertaining & user-friendly for the gamers, that’s why they have added more new content in the game to make it more fun & action-packed. In gaming, the term DLC is known and used for downloadable content for the game. This time developers have added new story sections and multiple new game contents at a very large scale like never before.

“Warrior Spirit” & “Curse of Osiris”, 1st two expansions of the game Destiny 2 still offer comparatively short sections of the story. Those DLC’s that follow, “Fortress of the Shadows” & “The Forsaken” are the new large expansions that will keep you busy for several hours & make sure that you never get bored.

Bungie brings new seasons in-game after every few months, buying a season pass can also be a good choice if you are interested. In every new season, you can find several free contests for all its users. But that’s not it with the help of pass you can unlock so many additional rewards. These season updates usually bring new weapons, items, missions & new exciting stories.

Source: Rock Paper Shotgun

Story of the Destiny 2

You may also think what how does the story of the game Destiny 2 look like? It elaborates that the city of mankind & now mankind is at the mercy of an invader who is “Red Legion”. “Ghaul” is the leader & boss of the “Red Legion”; he also snatched the powers of the Guardians, and pushed the survivors out. He also took the power of the “Light of the Traveler” from the Guardians for himself.

In the story, you will get more details and information about every game’s characters and races. You explore alien planets and take on evil forces as well.

Source: PCWorld

Bungie to cross save and crossplay

Thanks to the Cross-Save function; you can merge your Destiny 2 accounts on different platforms. And with the same account, you can play it on all gaming consoles like PlayStation, Xbox & PCs.

A crossplay function to play together with players from multiple platforms is also available. Destiny 2 developers have indicated & promised to add more exciting and thrilling features in the next upcoming releases of the game in 2024.

Source: Global Circulate

Destiny 2 boosting services

MMOBooster.PRO is one of the leading game-boosting companies. They provide different kinds of boosts such as Season of the splicer, iron banner, raid, and dungeons, trails of Osiris, exotic weapons, legendary weapons, lost sector exotic for Destiny 2. They game boosting services for many other games as well such as Elder Scrolls, Black Desert, Outriders, Division 2, Bless Unleashed, and many other games.

Science Courses Every High School Student Should Know

img source: unsplash.com

Do you know the various science classes you’re supposed to take in high school?
As you approach graduation, do you know the science subjects that colleges will expect you to have taken, and that you are still considered to be somewhat good at?

Most high schools in the United States require children to finish at least two years of science curricula to graduate. In most cases, high school science courses such as one at edex.adobe.com, involve a lab component where students engage in experiments for experiential learning purposes. With their courses, you can get the needed knowledge and enjoy your education level at a different standard.
Here’s what the typical high school science curriculum entails.

Top 4 science courses that you should take

1. Biology

img source: unsplash.com

As a freshman, biology is usually the first science subject that you’ll learn and have at your school. Well, did you know that there’s a sequence?

Yes, that’s right.

Educators proposed starting with biology because the subject takes a lesser focus on mathematics, unlike chemistry or physics. Math can be seen as a complex subject where some students need to have passion & talent to fully conquer it and understand.

Consequently, the high school curriculum allows you to enroll in various math courses and hone your skills before you’re required to apply them in science subjects.

Some of the concepts you expect to study in biology class include:

  • Cells
  • Ecology
  • Organisms and how they interact with their surrounding
  • Genetics
  • Human growth and development

Even if you’re not interested in pursuing a science course in college, high chances are that you’ll enjoy biology. Often students have reported that biology helps ease them into more complex sciences. It is also fun to read, easy to understand, and it can be a broad subject that most guys or girls can easily master.

2. Chemistry

img source: unsplash.com

In your sophomore year, you’ll be taught chemistry. As you might expect, it involves more calculations and lab work than biology, but some kids/students enjoy that, especially if they are naturally gifted for this subject or semi-complex tasks.

During your chemistry classes in high school, you’ll delve into topics like:

  • Acids and bases
  • Reaction rates
  • The mole concept
  • Chemical energy

Chemistry is a bit more complex than biology and you can either love it or hate it. Not a lot of people are just ”in-between” when it comes to it. However, proper preparation and a good teacher will make your learning experience and your school days a lot more fun. They can come up with loads of different & practical tasks for you to master and they can make your learning experience a fun one.

If you want to be successful in chemistry, you should be attentive and use practice problems. Make sure that you have an interest in chemical reactions and math equations and you will love chem.

You’ll realize that the calculations get easier with time, that’s for sure.

3. Physics

img source: unsplash.com

Your junior year of high school is probably the first time you’ll have options regarding your science subject of choice. This is what the rules are like in most schools around the world. Well, if you choose physics, here’s what to expect.

The main topic you’ll cover in physics include:

  • Matter, time, and space
  • Optics and light
  • Motion and force
  • Electricity and magnetic forces
  • Atomic physics

Often, students who pick physics are confident in their mathematics and scientific abilities. The subject requires high-level math skills like algebra, etc. If you are into numbers and you find atoms and speed of light to be interesting as a concept, you won’t mind learning even more about them, right?

Other groups who opt for physics are those planning to study math or science, and those looking to apply to more competitive colleges in the future. Physics has a high level of difficulty, thus looks better on a college application. If you are an ambitious person you will enjoy a good challenge for an amazing cause.

Physics is not for slackers, so you must hit the ground running. Luckily, Adobe Education Exchange has plenty of resources on high school science courses, which can help you get better at physics.

4. Physical/Earth Science

img source: unsplash.com

Last, but not least, there is physical/earth science. If you’re less confident in your science or math abilities just know that physical/earth science can be a great go-to science course in your junior year. It doesn’t focus much on math and isn’t as rigorous as physics, yet it can be easy to master within a short time frame.

Here’s what you’ll focus on & study:

  • Life processes
  • Weather
  • Astronomy
  • Geology

Finally, if you studied science during your first three years, you don’t have to join a science class in your senior year. However, if science fascinates you, you can enroll in extra science classes like environmental science, or forensic science. This way you will enjoy the extra credentials that you can get + you will do something that truly fulfills you and makes you happy.

Fun facts

1. Did you know that most California public high schools require the equivalent of between 22 and 26 yearlong courses?

2. Did you know that a lot of U.S. schools offer foreign language courses, but only 11 states require students to take a foreign language course?

3. Students who want to better their chances for future college applications need to consider AP classes. AP classes are more rigorous courses that teach subjects at an introductory college level, and they include Calculus, History, Biology, Chemistry & English Literature.

Which subject was your favorite/still is?

In the end, which subject was your favorite back in elementary or high school days? If you are still in school what is your favorite subject at the moment from our list? Not everyone is a fan of science subjects, but if you are and you are still trying to master some topics & explore new fields you can always give it a go and refresh your memory!

7 Biggest Cryptocurrency Influencers in the World in 2024

Recently Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies have captured the attention of people towards investing in cryptocurrency, and this is because the biggest influencers like Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey, CEO of Tesla and Twitter, are investing in it and are getting high returns from it. This has been encouraging people to start investing in cryptocurrency and earn profits for themselves.

Are you also interested in investing and trading in Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin? BitcoinSuperSplit is a Bitcoin trading app that lets you start trading in Bitcoins and earn thousands of dollars daily, making people richer by providing insane profits.

The trading is performed by advanced software and artificial technology, which enables automated trading and gives you a high win rate. The application is completely safe and secure and has been reviewed by thousands of verified traders, and provides the best customer service and performance.

The Biggest cryptocurrency Influencers in the World

There are almost every celebrity, company, and institution that is betting on Bitcoins. Here is the list of few famous and biggest cryptocurrency Influencers in the world. However, plenty of other renowned influencers across the globe are influencing people towards cryptocurrency.

1. Elon Musk

Source: Fortune

Whenever someone talks about cryptocurrency, the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, is the name that comes on the list of top cryptocurrency influencers in the world. Elon Musk is the most influential person in the Bitcoin community and has more than 46 million followers on Twitter.

The wealthiest person in the world has a big share in bitcoins and has supported the use of digital currency back since 2019. Elon Musk even announced the purchase of Tesla electric cars with BTC. He also invested in Bitcoins worth $1.5 Billion and personally owned 0.25 BTC, which was a gift from a friend. He even showed interest in Dogecoin which led to a sudden hike in the currency value.

2. Jack Dorsey

Source: Britannica

Talking about the biggest crypto influencers in the world, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, is amongst the biggest investors in Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. Jack Dorsey was attracted towards the most valuable cryptocurrency, i.e., Bitcoins, way back since 2017, and with the crash in the crypto market, Jack Dorsey still kept believing in Bitcoin, referring to it as a future world currency.

As per his prediction, BTC is the world’s valuable digital currency. He even bought Bitcoins worth several thousand dollars each week, and his payment company Square bought 4,709 BTC in October 2024. Also, Dorsey owns a Bitcoin Node, where he can mine and verify transactions on the BTC blockchain network.

3. Mike Tyson

Source: Twitter

The famous boxer and social media influencer Mike Tyson is an old investor in cryptocurrency. Since way back in 2015, Mike Tyson has been a part of the revolutionary change in digital currency through supporting cryptocurrencies.

Tyson has also partnered with different companies to promote cryptocurrency and collaborated with Bitcoin Direct to launch online platforms to launch mobile crypto wallets to store various cryptocurrencies like BTC, etc. Tyson even did a face tattoo to promote Bitcoin ATMs Manufacturers.

4. Mark Cuban

Source: Dallas Morning News

The American entrepreneur, star of shark tank, and the owner of Mavericks, Mark Cuban, is a billionaire with a net worth of $4.3 billion, according to Forbes. Cuban’s investment portfolio includes investment in BTC worth $130, and he decided to close his account in April 2024, making a profit worth $635. His basketball team Dallas Mavericks is open to selling tickets through BTC payment.

He also suggested people invest a minimum of 10% of their investment portfolio in Bitcoins. Cuban also inspired people to make transactions with Bitcoins wherever it was possible. However, Cuban also agreed to invest a huge amount of money in cryptocurrency when these digital currencies are accepted everywhere without converting them into FIAT.

5. Bill Gates

Source: The Economic Times

The CEO of Microsoft and the third richest man in the world, One of the biggest cryptocurrency influencers in the world, Bill Gates is also a die-hard fan of cryptocurrency since 2014. According to Bill Gates, transactions in cryptocurrency are easier and convenient when making huge transactions.

The billionaire Bill Gates has been encouraging people and telling the benefits of transactions in cryptocurrency, such as people don’t have to be physically present in the same place to make transactions and much more. Since the hype in cryptocurrencies, Bill Gates has seemed to be talking against BTC but is amongst the well-known influencers in cryptocurrency.

6. Maisie Williams

Source: Opelika Auburn News

Another popular crypto influencer, the star of the most famous T.V series Game of Thrones and several other movies, Maisie Williams, is also a cryptocurrency enthusiast. The famous actor started investing in Bitcoins in 2024. Also, through her Twitter account, she generated a poll to take advice on investing in BTC or not.

The poll created the attention of around 1 million followers, while more than half of her followers were against buying it. But Maisie already made her mind to invest in BTC and made huge profits out of it. Maisie is also amongst the regular influencers who are sharing their views on changing values of cryptocurrencies.

7. Snoop Dogg

Source: Medium

The famous American rapper and an active influencer of cryptocurrencies, Snoop Dogg, had started investing in cryptocurrency way back in 2012 when Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies were not even that famous. He sold his music album through BTC payment in 2013, which was priced at 0.3 BTC at that time which is worth $14,000 at current Bitcoin value.

He wasn’t sure about how many music albums he sold. Also, he had not much idea about how many Bitcoins he holds. However, he still actively supports these digital currencies and has an interest in Dogecoin like Elon Musk.

Final Words

The revolutionary foundation in digital currency has been set up and with the help of these famous billionaire influencers, investing in cryptocurrency is ready to bring change in full force. With the help of these biggest influencers in cryptocurrency, more and more people have started to invest and make profits out of it. Nowadays, BTC is considered to be one of the most profitable sources of investment amongst millennials.

Why Dogecoin is the World’s Most Valuable Joke

Cryptocurrencies are about to change our perception of how we see the world of business and finances. When the idea emerged back in 2009, with the introduction of Bitcoin, there were no signs that the concept would reach these heights. Over a decade later, we can see that not only has it managed to do so, but there are also a plethora of cryptos on the market. Naturally, not all of them are significant.

To be precise, only a handful of them have a serious market cap. Besides Bitcoin, we can see that only Ethereum and Litecoin have a significant role. At one point, it looked like this order of things was about to change with the introduction of Dogecoin. We are talking about crypto that has started small and was under the radar for the first year or so.

At one point, Elon Musk started talking about it on his Twitter account and said that it is an interesting solution. From that point, Dogecoin’s market cap and value have started to rise significantly. If you take a look at the market now, you will see that the total value of Dogecoin in circulation is roughly $40 billion. It became so popular that Robinhood’s crypto trading system almost collapsed completely.

Source: Relawding

The Origins

What separates Dogecoin from all other cryptos is that it didn’t start as a serious project. Even its developers are saying that it was some kind of a joke. What many people don’t know is that it is based on a popular “dog” meme. A certain period after its release it attracted interest from Snoop Dog and Elon Musk, who has started talking about it. Since these two influential persons talked about it, the interest in it skyrocketed relatively quickly.

The project was started back in 2013 as a joke. Two developers are responsible for its creation, Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus. What is interesting to say is that these two developers haven’t even met before. So, you can imagine their surprise when people have started investing their money into it. In the first month after cryptos’ release, one million people visited their website.

Billy Markus stated that he came across a meme back in 2013, and he thought it was really funny. After that, the duo started working on this project. It is interesting to say that they have used Bitcoin’s source code. They have just modified it and created their crypto. At the same time, the developers borrowed some ideas from Litecoin.

Source: Stanford Arts Review

The Connection with Elon Musk

Many people have heard that a famous entrepreneur, who recently became the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, has some sort of connection to this crypto. However, it needs to be said that this is not true. Instead, Mr. Musk is just a fan of Dogecoin. He posted some tweets about it, and by doing that, he influenced its rise at one point. He did that more than once and made it popular.

Besides this example, Elon Musk is known as a person who is interested in cryptocurrencies as a concept. He made some massive investments in BTC over the years and was influential in making it as valuable as it is today. Dogecoin was simply a joke that still makes people from all over the world investing in it. It’s no wonder many people describe it as “world’s heftiest joke”.

Source: freepik

Dogecoin vs. Bitcoin

In the first couple of months in 2024, Dogecoin was among the busiest cryptos, alongside Bitcoin and Ethereum. At one point, its popularity was so high that even experts have talked about the possibility of it becoming a significant player on the market as BTC. While this is not something likely to happen, it certainly is not impossible. After all, it is important to say that these two cryptos have some differences. Let’s take a look at some of them.

The Original Idea

As you probably know, BTC was created back in 2009. The original idea was to be a store of value or a currency. The team behind is unknown. The only known fact is that the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto is the one behind it. Many people believe that this is just a pseudonym. Over the years, there were numerous theories about who was the mastermind behind this project. Even today, we don’t have this information.

When it comes down to Dogecoin, we’ve explained the majority of its origins. It started as a joke between two developers who haven’t even met before. Its name derives from “doge meme”, as we’ve said. Since we are talking about a joke that got serious over time, we can say that there were almost no expectations about whether it will be popular and how much it will worth in the future

Source: Deseret News

The Limitations

Even though BTC is the “king of all cryptos”, that doesn’t mean that all others are interested in following its example. The reason is quite simple, Bitcoin has a limitation, in terms of the maximum number of coins. The figure is 21 million. Currently, the market capitalization is slightly above $1 trillion. However, it will rise since there are around 1 million coins that will be mined in the future. If you are interested in it, you can trade with BTC on bitcoinrevolution.org.

However, it needs to be said that its market capitalization is slightly over $40 billion and that the current number of coins out there is around 130 billion. Even though it has a price of $0.30 at one point, we can see that it has declined in the last period. Currently, we can see that it is around $0.19. it is uncertain whether it will rise in the future.

The Conclusion

With all the information we have about Dogecoin, we can say that its nickname “heftiest joke in the world” is a perfect way to describe it. Nevertheless, we can see that the joke is not as funny as it was just a couple of months ago, and we can see that its price has been dropping lately. However, there is no way we can know if this will change in the future.

Pop Up Banner – Creating Banners Using Online Templates Is Fun

Banner advertising is quite popular these days. There is a misconception that conventional marketing strategies do not work as customers are online more. Digital marketing campaigns are the key to the success of a business, but this is not true.  With online marketing strategies, your business can transcend to a vast geographical area; however, in the process, you often neglect to focus on the local market where many potential customers are looking for you. This is where conventional print advertising in banners, signs, and posters step in to help.

Banners and their tremendous reach

Marketing and advertising campaigns are ongoing activities every business should resort to regularly. If you are a new business or even an old one, this is not the first time you will make your business shine. You have been thinking about multiple ways to do so right from the moment you entered the market. The competition is tough, and it is very difficult to stand out in the crowd if you are unaware of the situations you have to handle.

In this current competitive market, you have to outsmart all your biggest competitors to make your business shine. Some of them are even market giants associated with this field for a pretty long time. It’s not the quantity of marketing you do that count. It is the quality of your advertising materials that make a difference. This is why banners work well for every business.

Source: Printmoz.com

Affordable and powerful

Banner advertising, especially pop-up banners, has always been popular in the marketing world for all businesses in every industry. These banners are durable and inexpensive. You can take off the banner from the stand, roll them up conveniently, store them and travel to the next trade show or fair to conveniently put them up again. You can use a single banner multiple times, and this is why they are so unique and highly recommended for both small and large businesses alike.

From the above, it is evident that pop-up banners are a smart means of marketing and promoting your product. It is prudent to rely on a skilled and experienced company to help you when it comes to their creation. They have a qualified team of designers who will help you with the banner template and design. Credible companies also have online recourses with ready-made templates to help you create your design with their specifications. You can change the color scheme and the font. The layout is professional, and this goes the extra mile in promoting your products or services to the targeted audience better.

It takes some time and research for you to create the perfect banner for a specific campaign. When you start with online resources, do not rush through the process. Remember, the competitive market is intense, and you have several companies in the same business niche vying for the customer’s attention.

If you can create the perfect pop-up banner using some simple steps, you can easily attract more clients through this medium and gain the popularity that your business is craving.

You can learn more about designing a good business pop-up banner by clicking here.

Source: Medium

Online sources are always there to help you out!

Designing and creating the perfect banner for your upcoming event is an easy call, only if you find the best online templates to work on it. Efficient banner maker is now available online, and these are perfect ways to save you a great deal of time and money.  The easy-to-use drag and drop banner making editor will help you create banners for websites, ad campaigns, social media, print, or any other form of digital platform.

Source: loan.co.uk

Get some of the ready-made templates already:

Now you must be wondering why you choose the online market for your banner making experience. Well, creating a template for your banner is the most laborious task and will take a hell of a lot of time from your side. To save you that tedious job, these online sources have ready-made templates for you.

  • Not just one, but you will come across so many such templates for your upcoming popup banner ideas.
  • You can go through any one of the following. And with so many options by your side, you are bound to come across one that seems to be catching your attention the most.
  • You will receive step-by-step guidance on working online and with the banner maker and creating one outstanding result in the end.
  • To cover the entire task, you won’t even have to invest hours of your precious time. Just dedicate few minutes, and you will end up with the perfect banner idea in no time.
Source: ByPeople

Edit the template according to your will:

You will have entire control over the banner making process. You can edit the available templates in any way you want. Right from the font color to writing style, background color, and more, you can work on any changes according to your will. Finally, preview the banner before giving the final approval, and make some changes if you need to.

After giving the final nod to the online makers, they will start creating the perfect banner for your business. From the background image to the logo, and even text or slogan, you can choose any point you want.

Before you create your pop-up banner online, consider the goal of your advertising campaign and what you want to achieve. In this way, you will be able to use the right words and business messages to reach potential customers. Keep your business message short and sweet- viewers will remember it easily.

When it comes to understanding design and color schemes, take inspiration from the ready-made templates already available for your needs. There are several options for you to choose from. Select the one that fits your requirements accurately. Match them well to the color of your logo to create an eye-catching banner for your business brand with success!

4 Benefits of Buying Content Online

Source: medium.com

Today’s world of business heavily relies on digital marketing and the internet. The concept of digital marketing takes different forms, content being one of them. It plays a massive role in attracting the audience to websites and blogs to increase the traffic whenever people go online to look for information, advice, solutions, and answers. Therefore, website and blog owners must regularly upload quality content that their audience can resonate with to stay relevant. They do so in many ways, research, copywriting, and many others.

Website and blog owners can also buy content online. There are tons of platforms where you can purchase ready-made content from professional writers around the world. One might wonder, what are the benefits that come with outsourcing content writing services? Below are some of the advantages.

1. It saves time

Source: iNNOV8 Place

Apart from the website or blog, you may also have other things you have to attend to in your day to life. For example, maybe the website is for your business or company, and most of your day is spent behind a desk working on other things or out in the field serving clients. In such a situation, you might find your schedule too tight to the extent that you lack time to regularly update your website’s content.

As we all know, coming up with high-quality content for a website requires time. You will have to research the content, arrange your ideas, write, edit, and upload the content, which can take too much of your time. Therefore, by buying content online, you will be making things easier for you, getting ample time to attend to other responsibilities. Visit https://topcontent.com to know more

2. You will be tapping the copywriters’ experience and writing prowess

Source: Medium

The content writing industry brims with talent and knowledge. Some of these writers have been in the trade for quite a long time. This means that they have everything it takes to come up with quality content for you. You can tap the vast knowledge and experience and use it to your advantage by buying their content.

Another exciting thing about buying content online is that some of these content-producing platforms have tools that allow the writers to keep up with trends. An excellent example of this is the keyword planner, which helps writers discover trending and exciting topics. This means that their writers are in a position to come up with quality content that your audience can enjoy and relate to.

Lastly, most are the times when these writers write about different industries and topics. This expands their knowledge more, a skill that can be incorporated and get the job done. Therefore, your content will be handled by a person who knows the dos and the don’ts, and who would be better to do the job than them?

3. It increases the awareness of your brand or business

Source: Money Crashers

Over the years, the internet has risen among the ranks to become famous. With internet access at an all-time high, e-commerce and other online services will just follow suit. This means that the competition between brands is high, each company trying to outshine the other and attract more customers. This can be disadvantageous; internet users might find it hard to notice online stores and products instantly.

However, you can use online content to increase your online reach and make your brand even more popular. By buying your content online, the writers can tailor your content in such a way that it improves your brand awareness. Here are some of the ways that they can do so.

  1. They can design content for higher organic listing. For example, you can hire an SEO-conversant writer who will tailor the content so that search engines such as Google rank your website higher whenever a user goes online googling for information relating to the content.
  2. Quality and exciting content get appreciation from the audience. So they will always be coming back for more.
  3. By using insights such as suggestions and keywords, content writers can predict what prospective customers would be looking for and structure your content in a way that provides the relevant answers.

4. You can get more marketing content faster

Source: Digital Marketing Institute

If you decide to write the content on your own, your output will be dictated by your efforts and ability to create content within a specific amount of time. Writing this content will require time. In a recent study, experts summoned more than four thousand writers, inquiring about the average amount of time that it would take them to write a 500-words blog post. The results were as follows.

  • 33% claimed that they could do it 1-2 hours
  • 23% said that they could only get it done within 2-3 hours
  • 16% chose four or more hours
  • Only 13% claimed that they could do it within an hour.

This makes it hard for you to develop content, especially if you need large volumes of content consistently. The easier option would be going online and assigning this duty to several professional writers, provide a deadline, and wait for quality content to be sent back to you. The more content you require, the bigger a team you will need. With access to a large army of highly qualified waters, there is no limit to the amount of content you can get delivered within a short time.

5. You can make a statement and develop authority within the industry

Source: Marketing And Growth Hacking

People who visit your website or blog for the content are looking to acquire new information, browse through new products, or find solutions and answers. This means that if your website produces quality content, you have better chances of staying relevant and attracting more customers.

You can capitalize on this by buying quality content that will have more internet users flocking your page. This will not only increase your online rank but will also boost your sales. You can combine the content with calls to action and explainer videos.


Digital marketing is the backbone of a business, and quality content is the fuel that propels the digital marketing strategy. With so many content writing options to choose from, it is just a matter of selecting the one that suits your needs, and you will be good to go.

4 Ways to Enjoy Branson, Missouri, and Their Pros and Cons

Branson, Missouri, is a charming place to spend some time, especially during the summer months. The famed Branson Strip features all kinds of shows and venues that your whole family will surely enjoy. If you couldn’t go on vacation last year because of the pandemic, you should consider Branson as a premier 2024 travel destination.

There are decidedly different ways you can enjoy Branson, though, depending on your preferences. Maybe you want your stay to be more on the luxurious side of things, or perhaps you’d prefer roughing it. Either way, there are plenty of options for you, so let’s look at a few of them now.

1. Hotels

Source: PlanetWare

If you do decide that Branson is the place for your family to go this year, you might want to check out the bransonshows.com website before you do. As the site says, “your peace of mind is our top priority,” and they’ve collected several of the best places to stay that you can peruse, all in the same place.

Many Branson visitors find hotels to be the most obvious choice. There are several good ones, including the Radisson, the Grand Plaza, and the Clarion Hotel at the Palace.

If you get a hotel, you can book separate rooms for yourself and your kids, assuming they’re old enough to care for themselves for a few nights. That way, you and your spouse or partner can have some privacy.

The hotels have room service, so if you get back from a show and your family is hungry, you can get the kitchen to bring you something without needing to go out again. That’s convenient. Several of the hotels also have swimming pools, which your kids are sure to enjoy.

Some people shy away from hotels, though, because they want something a little more rugged. If an outdoor adventure appeals to you more, a hotel is likely not for you.

2. Cabins

Source: Cabins

You can check out some of the cabins that are available in Branson. There are popular ones like the Cabins at Grand Mountain or The Wild Rose.

Cabins might be more your speed if your family likes a vacation with a rustic edge, but you’re not ready to set up a tent and brave the elements. Renting a cabin strikes a nice balance between modern amenities and camping.

You can find some that allow pets, so if you want to bring your beloved family dog along, that’s definitely possible. You can find some that are very close to the 76 Strip, where you’ll find most of Branson’s more famous entertainment venues.

Unless you rent two cabins, though, one for you, and one for the kids, you’re not going to get the privacy a hotel room provides. You should keep that in mind if you’re trying to secure a more intimate setting for yourself and your spouse or partner.

3. Motels

Source: Explore Branson

Some people aren’t completely clear on the difference between a hotel and a motel. Generally, hotels are large, enclosed buildings. They often have hundreds of rooms across multiple floors.

Motels, by contrast, typically have one or more floors, and they also have outdoor room entrances. On average, motels are also cheaper than hotels, and you’ll find some in Branson that are no exception. The Classic Motor Inn is a popular option if you want to go that route.

You can probably pay a little bit less if you want to stay at one of the available Branson motels. You can also get multiple rooms if you’re going to split up the family into groups.

You’re likely not going to get as many amenities with a motel, though. Many of them do not feature the concierge services hotels provide. You might at least be able to get a continental breakfast in the morning, but don’t expect anything too lavish.

4. Camping

Source: Pegasus

If you want to camp in Branson, that’s certainly possible as well. Some families are very much into camping, while others don’t care for it at all. You’ll have to consider whether your family has done it before and whether they enjoyed it when they did.

The America’s Best Campground might be your best bet if you decide to pack the tent and sleep under the stars. The Branson View Campground is another good one.

If you decide that camping appeals to you and the family members who will share your vacation, you might enjoy hiking during the days. Many of the campsites are woods-adjacent, and you can check out some of the local wildlife. You can marvel at the local fauna and flora.

Some of the campsites allow you to have fires, where you can roast marshmallows and tell scary stories. The bad news concerning camping is that you might have mosquitoes to contend with, not to mention raccoons and other nocturnal critters.

You’ll definitely save money over the more high-end hotels, though. If you’re visiting Branson on a budget, that might be the determining factor that points you in this direction.

Once you have decided which accommodations work best for your family, you can look into the best restaurants. You might take the whole crew miniature golfing, and Branson offers many great shopping opportunities as well. You can get souvenirs for all your relatives back home.

Branson is probably best known for its shows, though, so you’ll need to look into the best reviewed ones and score some tickets. The Pierce Arrow Gold Show is a consistently popular one, as is the Reza Edge of Illusion Magic Show.

The Yakov “Make America Laugh Again” Show is another standout. If your kids love horses, the Dolly Parton’s Stampede Branson show is the best option.

Whichever ones you choose, you can be sure that your Branson vacation will leave you with pleasant memories you will cherish for years to come. Be sure to take lots of pictures you can post on social media to show your friends and family what you did during the summer.

Top 9 Rio de Janeiro’s Best LGBTQ+ Clubs and Bars 2024

As someone who has traveled to many places, Rio de Janeiro stands out for its vibrant culture. The energy of the people, the lively...