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New Generation of No-Code Platforms is Democratizing Crypto Token Development

Source: pontem.network

The primary objective of cryptocurrencies and the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem is to build a society where everyone has access to financial services  – transactions, payments, savings, loans, and insurance – in an affordable and sustainable manner. The recent rise in popularity and adoption of digital currencies has indeed resulted in advancements in economic growth and freedom.  Crypto assets are known for being easier to access than traditional assets like fiat currency or stocks, which require traversing unnecessary bank and government regulations. However, the promise of financial inclusion is still a long way off. Predominantly, because the development of DeFi projects and applications has lagged far behind and is currently only confined to small communities.

It’s not as if blockchain technology has any severe flaws. In fact, many people today are bursting at the seams with innovative ideas, eager to use the power of decentralized finance to create dapps (short for Decentralized apps). However, in order to create these dapps and their components, such as smart contracts, you need to write code in a programming language. There is an incredible scarcity of qualified engineers who can write such code. As a result, the growth of DeFi ecosystem has remained stifled.

Source: coinscreed.com

To overcome this challenge, no-code development platforms have been introduced. These platforms allow you to create Dapps and tokens with no or minimal coding knowledge. Users can design applications using an intuitive interface by selecting and configuring appropriate options. The entire user journey is made extremely simple through guided navigation and appropriate recommendations. Because almost anyone can use them, no-code platforms can democratize crypto development and make it accessible to everyone. No-code token generators are the first of such platforms, allowing for quick and easy crypto token creation.

The most common way to code a token is to code according to the standard specifications like ERC-20 for Ethereum blockchain or BEP-20 for Binance Smart Chain. Such code implementation of the entire specification, also known as smart-contract, needs to be written in the Solidity programming language. Some of these specifications are simple, such as specifying the total supply of a token, but today’s tokens necessitate sophisticated trading controls and mechanics, such as liquidity generation or hyper-deflationary buybacks. You’ll need a solid understanding of solidity programming to do so. Solidity, on the other hand, is difficult to learn and requires a significant amount of time. There isn’t enough talent in the market with this skill, causing a major bottleneck for crypto project launches.

No-code token development platforms solve this problem by providing a user-friendly graphical interface. With just a few clicks and selections, you can create advanced tokens. There is no need for coding. While the first generation of these platforms only allowed for the creation of basic tokens, the third generation platforms, which were just released, now allow for modern tokenomics.

Source: startupsavant.com

Before we get into the features, let’s talk about the platforms’ benefits. For starters, they are extremely quick. In a matter of seconds, your token will be generated. They’re easy to make; there’s no need to spend hours upon hours learning Solidity and scouring forums for help when you get stuck. Using these platforms, which are usually very affordable, can save you a lot of money and time.

These no-code platforms have a lot of potentials, but they’re not without flaws. Even though many advanced mechanics are now available out-of-the-box, their flexibility is still limited, and they may not be appropriate in situations requiring significant customization. The new generation of token creation platforms is bringing in highly customizability, and innovations are in the works to address current limitations.

Available platforms and features

Let’s take a look at some of the no-code token minting platforms. The first ones, with basic capabilities, were launched last year in 2024, and the most modern ones were just launched in 2024.

Basic platforms of the first generation

Source: dexplain.com

The first generation of platforms, such as Unicrypt Network’s token minter, only allows basic parameters like name, symbol, and supply to be specified. Because they were the first to market, they could charge a premium. However, they have fallen behind the times and are now only used to mint new tokens as part of a platform’s package deal.

Template-based platforms of the second generation

As a result of the release of tokens with advanced tokenomics such as fee rewards to holders or automatic liquidity generation, a new breed of token generator platforms has emerged. These platforms work by cloning a popular token’s source code and allowing users to specify key parameters. DxMint is one of these platforms, and it currently offers three templates: a basic one, a yield or fee reward template, and a liquidity generation template. However, because of the many isolated templates and lack of a single view of all the features, these platforms can be confusing to new token creators. You may also wish to combine the best features of several templates, which is clearly not possible. Such platforms are currently the most widely used due to the lack of a better alternative.

Modular platforms of the third generation

Platforms capable of combining all of the best financial mechanics and features into a single template have begun to emerge. Token developers can pick and choose which features they want to include in their token because it is built on a modular architecture. Whale limits, static rewards, deflationary automatic token burn, automatic liquidity generation, and hyper-deflationary buyback are among the advanced mechanics available. Rather than being limited to pre-canned templates, it allows token creators to pick and choose which mechanics they want to include in their tokens. Token creators can now use these platforms to create a SafeMoon-style token or an EverRise-style token. They can even combine the best features of both tokens into a single token. Please learn more at https://mudra.website/launcher.

Platforms of the future

Source: medium.com

In the future, these platforms are expected to become even more flexible and extensible. They might even allow token creators to create their own mechanics rather than relying on the most recent ones. The promised future has begun to unfold, and we are watching these platforms evolve with interest.

Conclusion: Developing an all-inclusive cryptocurrency ecosystem

Token creators who do not program have a much easier time launching their tokens thanks to no-code token development platforms. The third-generation platforms have revolutionized this journey by offering a modular platform that allows you to pick and choose the features that best suit your needs. Everyone can now create their own one-of-a-kind cryptocurrency token. As a result, a slew of new products and tokens are launching on blockchain platforms like BSC and Ethereum. These tokens can be found in a variety of projects. Some are charity crowdfunding tokens that are used to collect donations for a specific cause, while others are utility tokens that grant access to a blockchain-based product or service to the holder. Many are Payment tokens, which act as both a medium of exchange and a store of value. With this new generation of No-code Token development platforms, the possibilities are truly endless.

Net Worth Goals by Age and Why You Should Care

Source: unsplash

The relationship you create and have with your personal finances is a marathon, not a sprint. And improving your net worth is no different. There are certainly some common habits, and tips and tricks that will always be healthy and applicable, but the truth is, your relationship with your money needs to also evolve as your life does. Throughout the different stages of your life, your money moves will ebb and flow, or at least they should, if you want to optimize for the highest possible net worth.

Breaking down your goals by age and life stage is a great way to not only create benchmarks for yourself but also to create manageability. Often people will speak about building wealth in broad terms, save for retirement, invest in stocks, have a budget. While these are all valuable anecdotes, they leave a lot of room for interpretation. If your financial savviness leaves a lot to be desired, you might spend your whole life working towards a goal, and reaching it, but missing out on opportunities simply because you did not breakdown your goals into more detailed bits.

Your 20’s

Source: unsplash

As a 20-something you will be expected to begin your net worth journey but there is not always a lot guidance offered regarding exactly how to do that. As you begin your career and start to earn your first adult paycheck your financial habits can do one of two ways very quickly. It can be incredibly tempting to treat yourself to a new car, epic vacation, or designer clothes with what you earn from your new salary, but these treats will do nothing to grow your net worth. At this stage of life, chase the carrot. People in their 20’s typically have energy, passion, and drive to use this to your advantage and hustle hard.

Your benchmark here should be to simply grow your income. You may be eager to leave your mark on the world and follow your dreams but consider fulfilling that part of your life with things outside of work if you are unable to find a career that both incorporates your dreams and pays you a livable wage. Save the stock market for later in life when you have some excess money to play with and instead stay the traditional course at this point and save as much as you can, and do not forget about your 401k.

At this stage, you should care because you are cultivating your relationship with your finances. You are creating and building upon habits that will stick with you as you enter subsequent life stages, and you want to avoid liability and self-sabotage at all costs. You should also care because this is likely the stage of your life when your responsibilities are at their lowest they will ever be as an adult. Take advantage of your opportunity to live lean while you do not have a family to support, a mortgage to cover, or health issues that can drain your finances.

Your 30’s

Source: unsplash

This decade is a great time to focus on things like debt management and boosting your emergency fund. Monitoring your credit score and your debt-to-income ratio should hold a high priority at this stage. Your credit score is the key that will either unlock, or lock, the door of opportunity for you so you should protect it at all costs. Pull your credit report annually and go through it with a fine-tooth comb. Seek out resolutions for any discrepancies and analyze the data to help you improve your financial health and revamp any habits that are costing you your good standing.

In your 20’s you might not have been earning enough to be able to create and contribute to a significant emergency fund, but your 30’s will present a good opportunity for this. Determine your cost of living for no less than three months and up to a full year, and have that amount saved and left untouched unless a true emergency presents itself. An emergency fund not only protects your finances it also gives you options to make life choices that are hinged on money. For example, if you are feeling trapped in a toxic work environment you may not feel comfortable to leave when you need to because you need the money.

At this stage you should care because the carefree style of life in your 20’s may not be your reality anymore. If you have made the decision to have a family, or buy a home, you are now financially responsible for people and things beyond your own self and your money needs to be able to support these responsibilities. Regarding your emergency fund, you should especially care about this because that safety net can relieve financial stressors in your life and building this extra savings account will contribute to your overall net worth.

Your 40’s and Beyond

Source: unsplash

At this point, shift your focus towards diversification, maxing out retirement efforts, and keeping debts under control. Diversification is a risk management strategy that mixes a variety of investments within a single portfolio. Doing this can help you grow your net worth, without necessarily putting it at risk. You will yield higher long-term results and set yourself up to have your hard-earned money work for you once you stop working.

Simply just contributing to your 401k at this point is not going to be aggressive enough to secure a realistic retirement fund. Look into IRA opportunities on top of your investments, as well as accounts to keep your money in that will earn you compound interest. You should also start to think about your post-work life in more detail than you previously have. Think about where you may want to live, if life insurance or a HAS is right for you, and what retirement will mean for any financial dependents in your life.

You can also use a life insurance policy to boost your retirement savings. Some people sell their policies and use that cash to fund their life during the period between retirement and death, instead of having that cash go to beneficiaries with the holder passes away. Companies like Apex Life Settlements offer free online settlement calculators that can help you asses if this is a worthwhile option for you with no commitment or risk.

At this stage you should care because you are getting over the hump of your life as a working professional. Even if you work into your 60’s and 70’s your pace will likely be on the decline. Meaning, you are going to want to dedicate more of your life to everything your sacrificed in your 20’s, like travel, kids, material goods, etc. So, it is essential to have your money work for you at this stage of life so that you do not have to work as hard for it.

How To Maintain Your Pool While on Vacation

Source: clearcomfort.com

When holidays come rolling over our first instinct is to pack our bags and sprint off to a vacation somewhere far away. Even swimming pool owners get tired of using their own pool as a way of having fun and look for a new adventure somewhere else. This adventure often comes in the form of vacations but even before they can begin planning for it, they are instantly struck with a dilemma – “what about the swimming pool?”

Swimming pools need constant care and vigilance from the owner’s side so that they don’t get dirty and unclean. Many owners thus keep their vacations very short so that they don’t return to a green pool full of insects, dirt, and algae. There are many modern swimming pools that minimize this uncleanliness damage and you can click here to find out about them.

However, even the best swimming pools are not entirely resistant to natural damage and will consequently suffer if neglected for too long. Fortunately, there are several ways through which you can avoid having an unclean swimming pool! By simply cleaning your pool and modifying a few things, you can ensure your pool doesn’t become a dirty mess in your absence.

In this article, we’ll list some simple tips, precautions, and suggestions that you can follow so that your pool remains crystal clear even when you come back. Make sure you read the article till the end so that you don’t miss out on any crucial detail!

Check and test your water thoroughly

Source: saltwaterpoolandspa.com

Before you pack your bags and start to depart your house to go on vacation, ensure that you check the water levels and their chemical levels before leaving. It’s crucial that you make sure the water level is slightly more than what you use. Since you’ll be gone for a long time, there won’t be any way of adding more water if the levels drop down.

Low water levels are likely to attract more algae growth and dirt accumulation. That’s why it’s better that you leave after adding an extra water level for your pool. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Along with the water levels, you should also check the water’s chemical levels. For the unaware, the chemical levels of the water in a pool dictates how much chlorine it has and if its pH level is balanced or not.

Since chlorine is the number one eliminator of bacteria and germs, having low chlorine levels in your pool attracts more organisms to pollute your swimming pool water. Additionally, if a pH level is balanced perfectly, it will act as a catalyst for chlorine as it defeats germs and bacteria.

One of the most straightforward ways of keeping your pool clean is thus maintaining the chemical levels of the water. If you are positive no one will use your pool, not even your neighbor’s kids, then you can add extra volumes of chlorine and acids/bases to lengthen the lifetime of the pool without its owner.

Shocking once before you leave helps a lot

Source: teserraoutdoors.com

Shocking your pool with a chlorine powder shock or a non-chlorine solution helps your pool stay chlorinated for a considerable amount of time. This keeps your pools clean even in your absence and keeps your pool worries off your mind when you are enjoying your vacation.

Clear all pre-existing debris

Source: handymansplace.com

One more thing you should consider doing is cleaning your filters and skimming baskets before you depart on your vacation. If you have a pump, which most pools do, you should scrub it off and clean it as well. Clearing unwanted matter and debris from these objects keeps your water clean and circulated like usual.

Since you cleaned them so recently, they’ll function in their most optimal function even if you are out of the house. Backwashing is considered the most ideal way of cleaning filters and you should do that if you have average filters. In case you have a cartridge filter, you might need to hire professional pool cleaning services to clean it all out because cleaning cartridges can be quite a cumbersome job.

Ensure the pool’s complete security

Source: archiexpo.com

Many homeowners think that pool security is futile when they are out of their homes. After all, why would they need to protect their pool when they won’t be even at their home, right? Well, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Yes, you won’t have robbers or thieves sneaking inside your house to enjoy your swimming pool. But the chances of having naughty children from your neighborhood sneak into your property and have some pool fun of their own is not out of the question. In fact, many pool owners report that it happens a lot especially when they are out. As such, you should have some security that ensures kids don’t ruin your pool and get in an accident of their own.

Securing your pool gate with a proper latch or lock, and having alarms around it scares most unwanted pool visitors out. Covering the pool with a safety cover not only reduces dirt and external matter falling into it but also discourages animals and humans alike from entering the pool waters. By chance, if they do, you should have your solar cover removed so that they don’t get stuck in the pool and have an accident.

Hire a housekeeper or call over a trusty friend to keep an eye on your pool

Source: iberian-escapes.com

Hiring a professional housekeeper is an excellent choice for people who can afford it. They can clean your pool thoroughly every day and ensure that it does not get dirty. If you hire someone with experience in maintaining a pool, they can clean out the filters, scrub the pool weekly and even balance the chemical levels for you.

Alternatively, you can decide to call a trusty friend over and ask them to watch your pool. While you won’t receive professional services, you will at least have someone looking over your pool and skimming it from time to time when needed. As long as you maintain strict boundaries on the pool’s usage, making a friend watch over your pool isn’t a bad idea at all.


There are many ways to ensure that your pool remains sparkly and crystal clear even after you leave on your vacation far away. We hope this article helped you out, and if it did, please consider following our website for regular updates as it will help us out immensely.

LED – All the Colored Lights

Anyone dealing with an unwanted skin condition knows how difficult and disheartening it can be to deal with. Whether it be pigmentation due to sun-damage, an unwanted acne flare-up or some pesky frown lines – breath a sign of relief, there is an easy solution. Thanks to its efficacy as a multi-faceted skin corrective therapy, Light-emitting diode (or LED as most people know it), has in recent years seen a recent surge in popularity. Unless you were living under a rock, it is unlikely that you have not come across these strange-coloured lights, glowing across Instagram feeds all around the world. So, what makes these colored lights so special? Here we break down what each of the various hued lights do and discussLED light therapy’s ability to treat many universal skin conditionsthanks to its unique healing properties. Check out careandcream.com for more information about LED light therapy devices.

Far out technology

LED and its practical application for usage on the body has a somewhat interesting origin story. In the 1980’s, NASA set about initiating a series of experiments that involved using different types of light (one of which was LEDs) to grow plants and fresh produce. The idea being that perhaps, astronauts would have the ability to generate a sustainable, and more importantly – fresh, food supply whilst they galivanted around exploring deep space.

Not only was their research fruitful (pardon the pun), but it was throughout these series of studies and experiments that the NASA scientists made an accidental, yet extremely fortuitus discovery, one that leant credibility to the idea that LED light could also be used to stimulate the body – that is, to heal. Whilst tending to their growing crops under the red lights, it was discovered that wounds, thanks to the exposure to LED lights. would heal much faster.

LED’s healing power

This discovery was extremely exciting and sparked huge interest in the new technology. Exploring further medical uses for LED became the focus of the U.S navy seals and throughout the 1990’s they began harnessing its healing power by using it to assist with wound healing and repairing damaged muscle and tissue within the body.

It was during these experiments that scientists learnt that by using different colored LED lights and varying how deep they penetrated, each light would affect the human body in a different way.

Given the almost “otherworldliness” of these unique glowing lights, it is no surprise that, combined with such a compelling, space-age backstory and its overall effectiveness as a treatment – LED technology has become a popular go-to for skin therapists and clients alike.

Colourful powered wavelengths

When people think of LED lights, often the first thing that comes to mind is the type found in household lighting, however the type of bulb used in professional light therapy machines couldn’t be more different. Standard LED bulbs give off far less energy and are not capable of eliciting the same type of response from the cells inside our bodies.

Light therapy machines utilise a wide range of lights from those you cannot see (otherwise known as infrared) though to the visible light spectrum (otherwise known as colored) such as red, blue, green, yellow as well as colors such as purple which is combined from two light sources.

LED machines use specific wavelengths of these different colored lights, in the process triggering the cells within the skin. The reason LED is capable of treating a myriad of skin disorders and conditions is because each light has a specific affect on the skin, triggering a unique healing reaction for each.

Here we explore each of these different lights and how they can benefit the skin.

Red light – Age fighting superpowers

Red LED is probably the most well-known of the colors due to its versatility and scope. It can be used to target dull, tired-looking skin, reduce the severity of wrinkles including dynamic expression lines.

It also stimulates blood flow and circulation, lymphatic flow and ATP production. ATP is an organic compound that is responsible for delivering energy to parts of the body, making it vital for helping the skin regenerate itself.

As we get older and gravity takes its toll, our bodies collagen and elastin production slows right down and we make less, less often, resulting in volume loss and loose, saggy skin. There have been studies done to show that red light can assist with the generation of new collagen. It does this by specifically targeting the cells know as fibroblasts that are responsible for collagen production and encouraging them to produce more collagen. Red light treatments can result in fresher, plumper, younger-looking skin, making it the perfect treatment to indulge in prior to a big event.

Blue Light – Acne fighting power

Blue light is another popular treatment and probably the second most commonly used of all the LED lights and is primarily used to help clients fight acne-related conditions. By targeting and killing off the acne-causing bacteria that lives deep within the skin, blue light can help to prevent future breakouts from occurring.

Unlike other treatments, blue light can be used on active breakouts such as pimples and inflamed lesions. By attacking the grands responsible for oil-production in our bodies, blue light can ward off future breakouts as well as reducing shiny or excessively oily complexions.

Whilst these glands are responsible for making sure our skin and hair have the correct amount of moisture, oftentimes they can become over-active, producing more oil than necessary which can lead to pimples and unwanted breakouts. By reducing oil production in these glands and at the same time killing off the bacteria that causes breakouts, blue light can be an extremely useful tool at treating acne-related conditions.

Purple – A powerful combination

Purple light is the ultimate multi-tasker, making it the perfect solution for those wanting to treat a combination of issues at the same time!  A mixture of both red and blue lights, those that receive this powerful mixture really get the best of both worlds. As we have discussed, the blue light is used to fight off and clear acne, (including painful and inflamed cystic acne), whilst the red can assist with any inflammation that may surround active pustules. The red light also has the added bonus of treating aging skin at the same time.

Green and Yellow – Soothe, brighten and heal

Although less commonly used, none the less green and yellow lights have their own particular uses when it comes to treating skin conditions. Green light can be beneficial at treating discolored or sun-damaged skin. Learn more on theglobalbeautygroup.com

When our skin gets damaged by unprotected sun exposure, we can be left with unwanted sunspots, freckles and unsightly pigmentation. Greenlight targets the melanin in our skin and breaks it down, resulting in a clearer, brighter more uniform complexion.

Yellow light is thought of as a restorative treatment and works to improve the overall tone and look of your complexion. It has also been known to assist with those suffering from unwanted redness or rosacea.

4 Tips for Trading CSGO Skins Easier and Faster – 2024 Guide

The world of games is always evolving. We constantly have new games, new updates, new characters and new skins. One game, in particular, benefited from this the most and it is without any doubt CSGO.

There is no man alive that has touch a computer that hasn’t had a chance to play a little bit of CS. I remember it from the first iteration back in the days and I somehow stopped on the CS 1.6. CSGO still averages around 500.000 people and the top number in the last 30 days was close to a million players. This is still a highly popular game, but what is most important is that it can be profitable without streaming it regularly.

What are we talking about? Well, most of you probably heard about CSGO casinos and skin traders. Some people are making a killing trading skins and spinning prize reels. The topic of the day – CSGO skins and we will tell you a bit about skin trading and how can you do it easily and without much hassle in 2024.

If you want to find out more about this, we highly recommend sticking through the end of the article and try and see if there is something for you.

There are two methods of trading skins, through Steam and third-party site like cs.money. Since you need a Steam trade link for both we will turn our attention to there.

1. Steam

Source: Steam

When trying to trade skins for CSGO the best thing is that you do everything on the Steam page and you don’t have to have your CSGO application opened. To proceed you have to make sure your Steam account is fully activated. To fully unlock or activate your account you need to do a couple of things.

The first one is that you need to spend 5$ on Steam. CSGO is a free game and most of you are drawn to the fact that you can play without paying but then you miss out on a few things like adding your friends and a lot of other things like doing trading. To add funds to your wallet, go to your steam application, come up to your name, right-click and go to view my wallet and transfer 5$.

Next thing is to change some settings and you will find those again if you right-click on your name and click account details. Scroll down to account security and check if you have Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator allowed or activated. It is a super important thing and you need to have it. With this, you will be able to download the Steam app on your mobile device or tablet and have access to your account that way. This is a thing that allows you to do trading and watching over your account from anywhere without having to wait 15 days to trade. The last thing is to verify your email address if you haven’t and add your phone number so you know everything is in order.

2. Your inventory

Source: Hotspawn

Now to get to the pages where you are going to start trading your items you have to come to your steam profile and look for the Inventory tab on the right side. Here you will see all of your inventory from all the games you have on your Steam account. On the top right-hand corner, you will see a blue button reading Trade Offers and it is THE button you will use to make trades. After clicking it you will see a new page that will list all your trading history and you will have a button reading New Trade offer. This button will allow you to send a trade offer to any one of your Steam friends or any specific account on Steam. After selecting the account, you want to trade with you will have a new page pop up where you can see the items that you will mark for trading and submit your trade request. If you are not sending to a friend and you want to trade with some other account then you will click on a tab that says Who can send me trade offers? At the down bottom of the new page that will pop up, you will read Third-Party Sites and you will see an URL used for trading. That link is your trade offer link that you can give to people and then those people can use that link to send you trades.

3. The actual trading

Source: YouTube

At first glance, the trading page might look confusing but it is rather simple to use. On top of the trading window, you have some info you have to consider if you want to avoid being scammed. Look at the friend time with the chosen account if you are friends, look for the Steam level of the account and the date of account creation. This will greatly help you avoid any potential scams.

Now for the fun part. Below that info, you will see two tabs Your inventory and Their inventory. It is all self-explanatory. Here you will select the items that you want to trade and they will find their way to the right side while the other accounts’ items will make way below yours and it will be your trade. What you will do next is go to the tab showing their inventory and pick skins you want for the ones you have chosen to trade. Click a box that confirms this trade content and you are all set to make an offer. After making your offer you will have to verify the trade on your phone which is why it was important to have the mobile authenticator for this.

4. Trading on the third party sites

Source: Digital Connect Mag

The first thing to be careful of is to choose the right site. You don’t want to be the one that has worked hard for their skins and played the game for so long to just now fall victim to a scam site. After choosing the site and after choosing the skins you want to buy or sell you will have to have that trading URL that is tied to your steam account. After you complete every step needed from the third party site you will have to copy that URL to receive your items or sell them from your inventory! Best of luck in your trading. Be careful and double-check everything.

How Much Do Homeowners Pay To Install Fiberglass Doors – 2024 Guide

img source: uswindow-door.com

Cost of Installing Replacement Fiberglass Doors?

Although fiberglass doors can last for a substantially very long time, old doors warp and break with time. These damages are hard to repair, so you are forced to replace the doors.

Choosing a fiberglass door for replacement saves on energy and adds security to your home.

Fiberglass is a rigid material, which is a bit expensive to buy and install compared to the other materials. However, what you pay depends on the size and type of replacement fiberglass door. See details here.

Cost of Fiberglass Replacement Door

img source: rocketdoor.net

Besides the size and type, the style of the fiberglass door also influences the cost. You are likely to pay more on labor if your door has sidelights. The lowest prices are for the basic fiberglass doors. The better and best categories of this door cost more.

If your door has basic fiberglass material, you could pay $234-$366. A better fiberglass material costs $372-$480, while the best costs up to $800. The installation fee for each range of fiberglass material is $789, $900, and $1020, all estimations with the highest scale.

If your previous door was not fiberglass, you are likely to pay more. Ensure you hire a licensed and insured installer. This will save you from incurring losses in case of accidents.

You will also have your doors rightly installed. Remember, a poorly installed fiberglass door will not perform as it should.

You should have your door manufacturer’s instructions to ensure the installer does the right thing. This will also help you save because you will have everything you need for installation.

Tips When Buying Fiberglass Exterior Doors

img source: rocketdoor.net
  • Ensure you get the correct measurements of your fiberglass doors. With this, you will buy the right door size and not incur additional costs for trimming the door.
  • The prices are different for different manufacturers. Check for different manufacturers on the internet and choose an affordable one.
  • Work with a budget. It helps you buy fiberglass exterior doors that you can afford. Don’t set your budget too low, and you also don’t have to break a bank to buy a door.
  • There are many door styles. Choose a type that marries your home’s architectural style and consider your taste.

Choosing a reputable installer

img source: zenwindowsdesmoines.com

Buying the best materials such as fiberglass for your door is one thing and getting it installed professionally is another different thing. Note that you can have a quality door but if it is installed improperly, that will most likely amount to nothing.

As such, after buying your fiberglass doors, you need to find an experienced installer to install it for you. Do NOT DIY unless you are a competent DIYer and you can do it without affecting other components in your home.

To get the right installer, you can ask for recommendations from your family members and close friends. If they have worked with a certain installer and were impressed with his services, they are likely to recommend him to you. However, don’t take their work entirely.

Make sure you interview the installer to gauge his suitability for the work. You don’t have to worry about the quality that you will get from here. Furthermore, they also use polyurethane insulation to make the door stronger, tougher and resistant to extreme weather changes.

Another advantage that you will get from them is the variety of options to choose from. You can have color and stain protection. In addition to this, you can choose from a variety of different frames and glass. So if you want some glass addition to your fiberglass door, you can have it. Or you want some customization, you can ask for it. You will have the door of your choice with the best quality locks to protect your home.

But why would you go for fiberglass instead of other options?

You got multiple advantages in fiberglass doors. These include;

1. Toughness and durability

One of the significant advantages of using this material is the durability that it offers. It can withstand extreme weather conditions. So whether you are living in the ice-cold climate of Toronto or you are a resident of one of the hottest places, this door can withstand such temperatures.

The other materials won’t be able to survive through it. If you use wooden doors, they will shrink with temperature change. And if there is rainfall, wood will get swollen.

Likewise, steel and metallic doors get burning hot in summers and will rust eventually with rainfalls. The problem of corrosion will be there. However, that’s not the case with fiberglass. Thus, they will last for a really long time.

2. Provides Energy efficiency

img source: trimarkdigital.com

There is a professional insulation rating standard system and fiberglass offer 4 times this R-value. This shows that you will have high insulation. So the temperature difference outside won’t affect the inner temperature. This provides energy efficiency in terms of internal heating or cooling.

If you have an internal heating system, the door won’t let the external temperature affects the internal one. Thus, your energy system won’t try so hard. Thus, you can save a lot on your bills.

3. Highly secure

Fiberglass material is quite tough and durable, it can withstand external force. So, if someone is trying to enter forcefully, this door won’t let it happen. Furthermore, they also come with some extra safety features. These include deadbolts. Thus, you will be safe inside your home. Furthermore, the material is tougher than wooden ones and they won’t break down easily.

Cons of fiberglass doors

The only con of fiberglass is its price. They are a bit expensive especially when you compare them to other materials like wood and metal ones.

However, even if the fiberglass doors are expensive, they last for a very long time. Thus, you will be paying only once. However, if you use other materials, they will require regular maintenance and are also not that durable. So eventually, the cost sums up to be almost equal.

5 Mistakes all Beginners Make in Podcast Production

Nowadays, video podcasts are the easiest and most convenient way to connect with your listeners and customers and convey your message. You get to create the content you want, represent your company in the best way possible, and provide people with the opportunity to see you. Yes, you should implement several other forms of marketing, but this way, you will reach a broad audience considering millions of people listen and watch podcasts daily.

If you are just about to start your podcast, there are several things you have to know regarding video production. Here are some common mistakes beginners make and tips on how to avoid them. If you need more tips to get started beyond this article, check libsyn.com/how-to-start-a-podcast/ for a helpful guide on the subject.

Source: Vidyard

1. Not everything can be fixed later

Without a doubt, the most significant mistake people make is they believe they can fix everything during the editing stage. Yes, there are some things you can change. For example, if you stated an incorrect fact, you can film an additional video to address it. It is not a big deal, and everyone does it.

However, you cannot change shaky footage, bad lighting, or background noises. If you were to try to do this and add effects, you would not end up with a high-quality professional video. Therefore, you have to understand when you need to cut the shot and begin again and when you can fix an error later.

The best thing you can do is prevent these issues from happening altogether. You should create a checklist and test every piece of equipment you use before recording. This list will be your best friend until you become more confident and acquire the skill of filming and editing.

Source: Podcast.co

2. Not knowing the equipment

Surely you have already equipped yourself with top-notch tools. You researched every piece to learn about its features, understand whether it is worth the investment, how to set it up, and so on. But, did you test it? Many people do this briefly to ensure that everything is functioning perfectly, and then they start recording. After concluding the session, they find out that the video quality isn’t the best or that the audio is poor. As already stated, these problems cannot be fixed during the editing stage, so they have to do everything once again.

Due to this reason, setting the equipment and ensuring it works is not enough. Instead, you have to try several different scenarios. For example, check if the camera focuses on a certain point, that is, your face. If this is not the case, you will get blurry footage that will distract people. Moreover, test different placements of the microphone. Understand how it picks up the sound to figure out where you should put it.

Source: Medium

3. Not focusing on the audio

We have already stated this several times, but we have to elaborate on it since it is crucial. When it comes to video podcasts, unless you create visual content, most people won’t even watch it. Instead, they will play it and listen to it while doing something else. Yes, they may watch a few of them to learn something about you and your personality, but once they become regulars, they will mainly focus on the content you offer.

Because of this, the quality of the audio is critical. If the sound is poor and people cannot understand every single word you utter, they almost certainly won’t watch it until the end. Instead, their mind will wander, something else will attract their attention, and just like, you will lose listeners. In this case, it almost doesn’t matter how exciting or educative the content you offer is. People won’t bother since there are dozens of other creators.

As already said, to avoid this from happening, you need to get familiar with the equipment you use and test it over and over again until you get it right. Yes, this can take some time, so if you are in a hurry to post your first video podcast, you should turn to a professional agency like Poddster.

Source: Uscreen

4. Not using additional camera tools

If you want to launch a video podcast to promote your company and attract potential clients, you cannot focus solely on one thing. Yes, audio is essential, but if your video quality isn’t top-notch, you won’t get far. This podcast represents your business, and if you don’t work to display it in the best way possible, people won’t take you very seriously. They may continue listening to you, but they won’t consider collaborating with you.

Concentrating on camera settings may not be enough. Okay, you can focus the footage, but you also have to ensure that it is steady. When it comes to this, if you have a traditional camera, you should invest in a tripod and similar pieces of equipment that will enable you to get a perfect shot every time.

Source: Launch Your Podcast

5. Not caring about lighting

Finally, besides video and audio quality, you have to get the perfect lighting. When it comes to the recording, in some cases, the equipment you have may not matter if the final product is too dark or too bright. Don’t forget that we listed this as one of the mistakes you cannot fix.

Another thing, most people think of this potential issue when they film outside. However, bad lighting can pose the same problem if you record a podcast in your home. According to professionals, you should never rely on natural light. It changes quickly, and the sessions can last for hours. Because of this, you should invest in lights and place them strategically around your station. Yes, this is another thing you have to figure out, but several online guides and tutorials will tell you about different options you should test, so make sure to go over these.

Wrapping up

To sum up, these are the most common mistakes people make during podcast video production. If you want to avoid these, you should follow this guide step-by-step to check every single thing. If you need some additional guidance, visit https://melonapp.com/features/podcast-hosting/.

This is an important project you are working on, so don’t waste time filming everything again, but instead focus on creating appealing content.

What Makes Bitcoin so Volatile?

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. It is a peer-to-peer payment system that allows for near instantaneous transactions without any need for third-party transaction processing.

According to microbtwhatsminerd1, what makes Bitcoin even more unique is that the blockchain technology behind it is completely decentralized and self-regulating. In other words, there is no central authority that regulates Bitcoins.

This has given rise to a new type of currency that can be used for purchasing goods as well as making transfers within a short period of time. What makes Bitcoin so volatile in terms of value lies in the fact that unlike traditional currencies, no government or any regulatory body monitors its price movements. For this reason, if supply goes up then demand decreases and the price will also fall down accordingly.

On the contrary, if demand gets higher because investors are attracted towards bitcoins then prices will increase further until supply catches up with it, at which point prices will stabilize temporarily intermediaries such as banks or credit card companies. Bitcoin generates more than $200 million worth of economic activity per day and has attracted many investors to its volatile market. There are multiple reasons why Bitcoin’s value fluctuates so wildly.

What makes Bitcoin so volatile? This article will explore some of the factors that have led to bitcoin’s volatility over time, while also looking at what this means in terms of bitcoins’ usefulness as a medium of exchange against other currencies like the U.S dollar and euro.

Main reasons why bitcoin is so volatile:

Source: Medium

Reason 1: The fact that its price cannot be predicted due to the lack of external factors affecting it.

What percentage of the total market capitalization for cryptocurrencies (aka “altcoins”) do bitcoins represent right now, and how has that changed over time? What if anything does this tell us about the future value of BTC? What makes Bitcoin so volatile In November 2012, a journalist from Forbes named Kashmir Hill embarked on an experiment in which she bought $100 worth of bitcoins every day using her credit card, in order to see what would happen when the price inevitably rose and fell over time.

What made this unique was that it was the first time the press was interested in writing about bitcoin, and Forbes is a well-respected news website that most of the upper echelons of society would read. What she wrote changed everything for all involved when it came to Bitcoin. What made one bitcoin worth $13 before her article was published climbed up to almost $989 just two years later! This also helped propel bitcoins’ value into the stratosphere were people like Cameron Winklevoss, who started buying bitcoins back in 2012 after reading Kashmir Hill’s article on Forbes.

Source: Pensacola Voice

Reason 2: investor’s perception of Bitcoins’ value.

Bitcoin is not governed by any central authority, unlike most traditional currencies which exist in a country or a group of countries with central banks as their regulatory authorities. What that means is that there is no one who can affect the currency’s volatility in any way apart from pure market forces and demand-supply dynamics. Bitcoin price is undervalued, they will buy it which means the value of 1 BTC would go up.

Let us look at a very simple example to understand why this can be beneficial to some and harmful to others. What if any external factors affecting the BTC price; let’s say for instance a war in one part of the world or a natural disaster struck somewhere, like an earthquake or tsunami. What if OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) decided not to sell oil anymore because of strained relations with western countries? Or a country bans Cropto_currency. In these cases, the prices will badly go down. If someone has bought BTC at high rates and due to one of these external factors the price of BTC will go down which means the person will be at loss.

Bitcoin has the largest market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies (about 41% at this moment). What makes it interesting to take into account other crypto’s prices when considering whether or not to invest in Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency is the fact that exchanges usually offer you to buy or sell BTC in exchange for any other cryptocurrency, be it Ethereum, Litecoin…

Source: Enterprise Podcast Network

Reason 3: The lack of traditional markets due to low liquidity and high volatility:

The volume of bitcoins traded on a daily basis is nowhere near the level traditional commodities (such as crude oil) are traded. There was never a time when oil prices rose this much. There were also no times when its value dropped by 20% within 5 days.

Source: unsplash.com

Reason 4: What makes Bitcoin so volatile can be both positive and negative at the same time.

It’s a combination of factors that cannot be predicted or avoided, which means that you can turn a profit on your investment but also lose everything if things go wrong. One of the main reasons for this is that there are only 21 million bitcoins to be mined. What about other cryptocurrencies? The total supply of all other altcoins in circulation currently reaches well over 500,000! What does that mean? A supply-demand imbalance [the demand for crypto exceeds its limited supply], and questions like how much will there be left after mining, do not seem to matter anymore.

Source: Medium

Reason 5: What makes Bitcoin so volatile is related to its popularity.

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, which means that it has a huge following and you are not alone. What makes Bitcoin so volatile at the same time is its popularity as well. What does that mean? A price surge can be triggered by an event linked to the currency (yes, another war in a country rich in oil could set back prices) But also due to investment funds [like hedge funds] buying them, or even fake news published on social media! What if someone would like to boost the value of his own bitcoins? What if he wants to sabotage the global economy… Who knows what evil lurks inside people’s hearts? The good news is that you have your say too when deciding how valuable your bitcoins will be.

5 Things To Do If Someone Steals Your Invention

Source: Inc. Magazine

One of the things most inventors are concerned with is what can they do if someone steals their invention. In some ways, this is a justified fear. If you have a brilliant idea and someone has heard about it, it is not that uncommon for those individuals to try and steal the idea and start making money off of your hard work.

However, in reality, this almost never happens. There are many inventions that get patented every single year, but only a sliver of those actually make a difference in our everyday life. That means, even though it might sound really discouraging, the vast majority of inventions are just not worth stealing. You’d have to invent a product that is making hundreds of thousands or even millions in annual revenue for it to become an invention worth stealing.

However, invention theft does exist, and it happens from time to time. Rarely, but it does happen. So, what can you do in these situations? Sadly, there’s not much you can do. But, we didn’t want to leave you altogether discouraged, so, here are a few things you could do if someone steals your invention.

1. File For A Derivation Proceeding

Source: Bots4ip

In the invention world, the word derivation basically means theft. So, this process would essentially be a trial to try and prove that the invention was stolen.

However, this will be strenuous. The only part of this process that will be easy is submitting the patent application. After that, it all goes downhill. After you’ve submitted the patent application, you will have to submit a petition to the USPTO for a derivation proceeding. Now, this petition is where it gets complicated.

In most cases, the petition will be anywhere from 50 upwards of 100 pages long. In this petition, you will have to prove that the invention you’re claiming to be yours, is in fact, yours. You will need to provide USPTO with a lot of evidence that backs up that claim. However, this is where it gets tricky. The documents proving that you’re the inventor can’t be produced by you. The documents will have to come from a third party or records of communication between you and someone else, most commonly the infringer.

Now, there is a lot more legal and technical detail regarding derivation proceedings, but you’re better off consulting about it with a patent attorney. However, it is important to note that, according to several patent lawyers, as well as InventHelp, going down this road rarely brings forth satisfactory results, so you’re probably better off just not doing it and saving yourself from emotional and financial trouble.

2. File For An Interference Proceeding

Source: trialpro

This is pretty much the same as the derivation proceeding, but with some not-so-minor differences.

The main difference lies in both technicalities and the actual trial. Now, we won’t bore you with technicalities. Once again, if you want to know more about those, consult with a lawyer. Now, the other part is relatively straightforward.

Both you and the sued party will provide as much evidence as possible to prove you’re the rightful owner of the invention. After all the evidence is submitted, the USPTO will determine which party was the first one to come up with the invention, and that party will be awarded the patent.

However, as we’ve said, these cases rarely happen, mainly because most inventions don’t make nearly enough money to be worth the trouble. So, on that note, let’s explore what else you can do.

3. Nothing

Source: Kiplinger

It might sound painful to hear, but the best course of action is no action. This really doesn’t sound like a piece of good advice, but it actually is.

First things first, as we’ve said, these proceedings or trials, however you want to call them, are very rarely won. All that happens, most of the time, is you lose precious time and money. Not to mention all the emotional turmoil you’ll have to endure during the process.

So, if someone steals your invention, just move on. It might sound harsh, but the reality of it is, the chances of your invention actually being ground-breaking and life-changing are incredibly slim. Also, if you really believe in your invention, you’ll find a way to adapt it and make it better, or just different enough so that you can pursue your dream of cashing in on your invention.

4. Invent Something Else

Source: GOBankingRates

If you’re an investor, most likely, you’ve been one for quite some time. You’ve had your fair share of inventions and patents, and just like most of the other inventors, you probably haven’t gotten very rich off of them.

However, your next one might be the one that turns it all around. So, instead of sitting down and wallowing in sorrow – get to work. Sit down, put that big brain of yours to the test and invent something new, something better. You’ve done it so many times before – you can do it again. Only this time, be a bit wiser about it and keep your ideas to yourself.

5. Learn From It

Source: Spark Innovations

We often say that people learn best from their own mistakes. Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not victim-blaming or saying you’re the one at fault that your invention was stolen – that’s certainly not the case. But, now that you know that people are bad and are trying to steal someone else’s intellectual property – be wiser about it.

Keep quiet about your future inventions and once you realize you might be onto something big – patent it. Be smart and protect your inventions from the start, so, even if someone tries to steal your invention – you can get in their way. Or not…

Some say that the more people are trying to jack your invention, the better. That means you have something valuable that other people want. That could put you in a position to make money, either by selling your patent or by selling the rights to someone to use your invention for their product. Either way – it’s a win-win.


The best way to handle invention theft is with grace. Be smart about it and don’t let it ruin your day. If you want to fight it – fight it. If not, let the bygones be bygones and just move on to something bigger and better.

Top 20 Reasons to Go With Solar Panels in 2024

Solar energy is becoming rampant in most homes in the US and other parts of the world. For folks to be shifting to solar energy, it means there are amazing benefits attached to it.

Have you been contemplating on shifting to solar energy but aren’t really convinced yet? The aim of this article is to highlight cogent reasons why you should go with solar panels.

Go through the 20 reasons below to see what you will enjoy with solar energy.

Reason #1: Solar energy is clean!

Keeping the environment clean is the duty of all mankind. By going solar, you are contributing in your own little way in achieving a clean environment. About 40% of the total carbon emissions in the United States are coming from buildings. Using solar panels can drastically reduce this estimate.

Source: Pinterest

Reason #2: It will create more jobs and boost the economy of local communities

The solar industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the US. If more people go solar, more jobs will be created because more local companies will benefit from the boom.

Reason #3: There are solar tax rebates going on now

I’m not sure if this is applicable in all areas in the US, but I’m certain of this in California. To encourage more people to go solar, there are solar rebates. You may want to take advantage of it before it expires.

Reason #4: Reduce your electricity bills

Electricity bills are one of the major monthly expenses you can’t do without. You’d be surprised how much you will save yearly if you install solar panels in your home. This way, you will reduce your monthly electricity bill.

Source: Sunsense Solar

Reason #5: It increases the value of your property

If you are a homeowner, installing a solar system in your home automatically boosts the value of your property. Most appraisers now take solar installation into consideration.

Reason #6: Solar installation is an investment for you

Yes, you heard that correctly! Even if it has to take you 7 years to pay for it, it will definitely turn out to become an investment with good ROI. The earlier you jump to this opportunity, the better investment you’d have in the nearest future.

Reason #7: Solar panels protect the roof

Contrary to the wrong notion that solar panels add extra weight to the roof, they actually help to protect the roof from harsh elements. Installing the panels will save you from constant repairs.

Source: Solar Sumo

Reason #8: The future is actually solar

Be among the pioneers of solar energy users because the future is solar! Climate change is a serious issue right now and people are advising the government to look for clean energy. The clean energy comes from solar.

Reason #9: Solar energy is FREE

Of course, I know you will have to install the panels. However, once the installations are done, you will have to enjoy them for a lifetime. You will actually feel the effect of this benefit years after installing the panels.

Reason #10: It decreases US dependency on other countries

If you want to be part of those to reduce US dependency on foreign oil for energy production, then you have to be part of the solar project. Decreasing dependency automatically means boosting the economy. There will be more jobs for the citizens.

Source: TodayHeadline

Reason #11: You will get performance guarantee from the solar company

There is no iota of risk involved in solar energy because you will get a performance guarantee of up to 25 years. This is super crazy and it makes the whole deal risk-free.

Reason #12: Solar panels can add beauty to your home

Most times when I see homes with solar panels, there is a special beauty I see. The panels are well-arranged to add more beauty to your home.

Reason #13: Solar energy will bring in stiff competition in the energy sector

If more and more people embrace solar panels, other energy companies will have no choice than to sit up. By sitting up, it means they may have to review a lot of things, including their charges. This is a win-win situation for all of us.

Source: TotalEnergies

Reason #14: Solar energy is dependable and reliable

Since the source of solar energy is the sun, the sun is going off any time soon. The sun is one of the free gifts to mankind and it has never failed since time immemorial. Since the sun can’t be affected by any factor, solar energy is more reliable and dependable.

Reason #15: Solar panels are durable

Solar panels are designed to last for years without any issue. This is good news because once you buy and install, you can rest assured of not spending money to rebuy panels.

Reason #16: Solar energy reduces air pollution

Air pollution is a menace that affects virtually all the countries in the world, including the US. Air pollutants make the atmosphere look dirty. Solar energy can drastically reduce air pollution.

Source: AARP

Reason #17: Solar energy has long-term health benefits

The US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy believes that the solar energy system is capable of improving our health in the long run. This is possible because solar energy fosters clean air.

Reason #18: Solar energy reduces water usage

It is a fact that other sources of electricity such as hydropower and nuclear energy use a huge quantity of water to produce energy. Going solar can help reduce this heavy water usage.

Reason #19: Cost of maintaining solar panels is extremely low

Once installed, you don’t have to do much to keep it going. A rough estimate of $150 might be all you will need for inspection throughout the year.

Source: Earth.Org

Reason #20: Go for SOLAR!!!

All the reasons listed in this article should be enough to convince you that solar is the real deal.

Get in touch with a solar panel company Universal Solar Las Vegas today to get an estimate of what it will cost you to install.

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