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5 Ways Modern Technology is Improving Vaping Experience

Source: Pixabay.com

Tobacco smoking was one of the commonest habits people had for a couple of centuries, alongside alcohol. Still, we can see that it has declined severely because of the awareness of how bad it can be for human health. There is a plethora of different medical studies that have confirmed what are the downsides of smoking tobacco.

The most prominent factor that causes these health problems is tobacco combustion. Thankfully, we can see that the number of people with this habit has declined all over the world. For instance, if you take a look at the predictions about the United States, you will see that this percentage will decline in the years to come. In 2030, less than 20% of the population will have this habit.

One of the major reasons why this percentage will decline is the appearance of better alternatives. If we were to choose the most popular one, we would say vaping. A lot has been said about it in the past couple of years. If you want to check some of the best models out there, you should visit ciliconplus.com.

Now, we would like to introduce you to a couple of modern technologies that shaped this concept. Plus, these techs also improved the experience consumers have. Let’s check them out.

Source: Pixabay.com

1. Voice Activation

The first technology we would like to talk about is voice activation. You will surely agree that this has become some sort of standard for a wide array of different devices. Still, we don’t believe many people were aware of the fact that vapes would have it. It needs to be said that this is not something you will find in the older versions of these devices.

However, the latest generations of vapes do have it. The difference is that the device requires a computer that will register the voice of an owner and react whenever it is heard. There is a wide array of different things you can active with via your voice, not just turning it on and off. Instead, you can raise or get the temperature lower, increase the power, or shut off and turn on the lights.

Source: unsplash.com

2. Enhanced Pod System

Pods weren’t something we would describe as characteristic for the first couple of generations of vapes. The reason being that the initial concept was these devices having the box mod. The situation is widely different these days, because of the obvious improvements made. We can see there are still people who prefer the old approach. Still, the new one has attracted quite an interest from consumers.

One of the reasons many have opted for a new approach is that they can carry these devices around without any problems. In fact, pretty much every consumer will see that this was the primary reason. It’s because you can use these wherever you want, in your car, when you are at work, etc. Plus, the battery life on these is much more durable, which will prevent you from spending money unnecessarily.

Source: unsplash.com

3. Personalization

Now we would like to talk about a feature that has been characteristic only of the latest generation of vapes. We are talking about personalized devices. Sure, this is not something that we would call modern technology. Still, this is not something that was possible just a couple of years ago. Nowadays, we can see that many consumers are interested in only this sort of vape, for a wide array of reasons.

We can see that the appearance of this trend has turned smoking into a habit for many users out there, instead of for it being an addiction. People simply love having something unique. Therefore, having a unique vape has become some sort of standard for many people, no matter if they were addicted to tobacco and wanted an alternative to suppress their addiction.

Source: unsplash.com

4. Battery Longevity and Power

If you have followed this industry from the start, you know that the first devices created were anything but perfect. Most complaints filed by the consumers were addressing the battery life and the power. With the latest devices out there, we can see that these two factors were improved significantly. So, these two complaints are not the commonest ones anymore.

One of the ways this was solved was the increased number of possibilities of the devices. What does this have to do with longevity and power? Well, it is quite simple, with the increased number of possibilities, more power was required to fuel all of them properly. Therefore, the manufacturers have introduced more sources. The result was increased battery life and higher power used for vaping.

Source: theverge.com

5. Bluetooth

Last but not least, we would like to talk about an introduction of Bluetooth into the concept of vaping. Before it was done, we don’t believe that many people were aware of how beneficial this can be. With Bluetooth, you can monitor the usage of the device much more carefully. Plus, it can be used for locking down the device. So, if you lost it or if it was stolen, no one else can use it but you.

With this feature, you will know how much nicotine you have consumed over a certain period. Without it, the only way the user can be measured is by how many times you have filled the device. We can even say that introducing Bluetooth made the concept much more personal. So, if you are interested in having something that will let you know all of this data, opt for Bluetooth-powered ones.


With all this modern technology introduced into vaping, it is no surprise that the performance of these devices has been improving. At the same time, it was the major reason why so many people have started using them. In this article of ours, you can take a look at some of the modern technologies that have made a significant impact on what we now have in front of us. We do not doubt that this concept has a bright future in front of it. So, don’t hesitate to try some of these out.

6 Fast Methods To Earn MT In NBA 2K22 MyTeam – 2024 Guide

It is common for modern video games to have a unique ecosystem where you can earn rewards and virtual in-game currencies that you can spend to progress faster. The latest NBA 2K22 has the same feature. The currency in this game is called MT coins. You can use them to buy packs or trade them with other players.

The main advantage of collecting a large number of these coins is the ability to buy better players for your team.  There are different methods of farming these coins. Also, you can always choose a quicker solution and buy them. If you are interested in this option, visit mmoexp.com. Moreover, we are going to introduce you to some of the most efficient ways of collecting MT coins in this game.

1. Complete Challenges

This is a perfect solution if you are playing this game more often. There are different challenges available that will reward you with these tokens. There are different models, such as daily events, weekly events, monthly achievements, and records.

The system works in a way where these challenges require you to play specific moves, players, or teams, and score a particular number of points, create more blocks, win more games, and other options. It represents an excellent long-term solution, and you should start with these achievements from the start.

Source: sportskeeda.com

2. Trading

Another great option is to trade with these coins in the Auction House. Each player has a certain value, and if you don’t need some of them, you can sell them on this virtual market. The interesting fact is that the prices are changing frequently with updates, which means that you could buy a great card for less money and then sell it for a much higher price after some time. However, it is crucial to track changes to be among the first players who can buy some new cards for a cheaper price.

Source: dotesports.com

3. Focus on Your Team

Each player has different rates and features. Creating the right team can be difficult even when you have a couple of superstars. The goal is to focus on balance and strategy. It is important to improve every segment of the play. It depends on your skills and preferences as well. For example, if you prefer shooting from distance more often, you should focus on building a team with skilled point guards.

Source: deseret.com

4. Domination Mode

This mode will help you to improve your skills over time. There are different quests in the game, and you will be rewarded with coins, cards, and other items after completing them. This is a perfect way for beginners to adjust to a new version of 2K NBA.

You can start in easy mode, where rewards are lower, but you will gain experience and skills. You can complete the quests, and then choose a more difficult level and start over. This strategy will provide you with advantages over other players because you can combine it with other methods of collecting coins.

Source: ftw.usatoday.com

5. Create Targets and Limitations

The only way to collect MT is by playing the My Team mode. The great thing about the most recent version of the NBA video game is that it offers a better selection of quests that award these tokens. However, it is common for beginners to start spending the coins without the proper plan. In that matter, the best solution is to save them until you have a clear strategy of how your team should look like. Therefore, you should limit the buying of new packs.

Moreover, you can choose a strategy where you will determine the time when you will be trading and spending coins. According to many players, the best day for that is Friday, when you can buy cards for lower prices. Also, you will gather additional tokens and use them to enrich the collection. Be sure to avoid reckless spending on unwanted packages.

6. Play Different Modes

If you simply want to enjoy the game and you are not interested in dealing with the process of trading and constant checking of the market in look for new packages, the best option is to play the game in different modes more often. That will secure an increased accumulation of coins over time. You will complete a lot of targets and challenges which will provide you with coins.

One of the best modes that you can include and significantly increase the number of coins is Tripple Threat. It is one of the fastest ways as well because you will be playing short games of 3 vs 3 baskets. Another excellent feature is that the system will connect only with opponents that have similar teams, which means that you will have a chance to win more often as well.

The Bottom Line

The most important thing is to avoid spending a lot of coins on packs. this system is completely random, but there are much more cards with a lower value than superstar players. Therefore, chances are great that you will end up with poor cards more often.

The best solution is to save coins and invest them in players. Besides that, another excellent feature is that you can use some promo codes to get free players. In most cases, these codes are available on social media profiles of this game.

Another important thing is to check on the focus of the game on particular abilities of players, like finishing, shooting, guarding, and more. The interesting part is that you can unlock some superstars with coins, along with retired names like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, and many others.

There are many players available in this game, and they have different levels. Besides the improvements related to virtual in-game currency, NBA 2K22 is offering many other interesting features, like improved graphics, integration of AI for better movement of AI players. Also, it is a cross-platform model available for all popular consoles along with the PC.

How To Deal with Ups and Downs of Tax System

Tax system or picturizing the scenario more precisely, the hands of HMRC will never let you sleep in your cascade peacefully if you haven’t cleared your tax bills that were pending! Like a national identity card number that each individual carries with him, a specific tax number gets attached to your name in the tax world, and all the checkpoints are made about that number. This tax number might be a VAT registration number under which your small business state is registered.

It’s nothing to get afraid about, but all the procedures should be followed legally. If you are a responsible citizen making their tax payments on time and taking care of receipts just like you take care of your jewelry, you are not in a danger zone. But unfortunately, life is unpredictable, and sometimes you might have to encounter a condition not in your favor. Such ups and downs should be faced with full potential because a person is limitless.

“If you are a responsible citizen making their tax payments on time and taking care of receipts just like you take care of your jewelry, you are not in a danger zone.”

These ups and downs have always played an essential role in bringing out the natural face of your small limited company. These ups and downs prove to be a shock absorber of your business. The challenges your company is prepared for and what backups you have come on the screen only under these circumstances.

“These ups and downs prove to be a shock absorber of your business.”

Many companies have to cut down their workers’ number when they are on this verge. Even they have to sell their company to another company and then pay their tax bills while working in their same office but under a different company name. Some of the primary reasons for this situation are the fraud done by a primary person heading the company, taking corporate tax bills non-seriously, depending too much on your wealthy sponsors, and making yourself ignorant about the tax systems.

Reasons and their Solutions

Be aware of the evil minds.

You never know who is jealous of your success. Please, please! Make sure to go through every detail before signing the document. It’s the general rule; either the manuscript is tax-related or not, you should be well aware of the content brief. Remember, in case of any mishap, it’s the signature who will reveal the natural face of the culprit, and in case, unfortunately, if that person is you, you can’t even explain the trust issues. So, go through each detail peacefully and adequately.

Demand explanations regarding any step taken by your tax advisor. Talk to them to clear your all doubts and then proceed with any procedure. You might have heard the phrase that prevention is better than cure; apply that phrase into your tax system as well. Prepare your company while preventing unnecessary chaos. Either it’s VAT on items used in business or the income tax, you need to go through all the details to save you a well as your company from the fraud issues.

Take your corporate tax bills seriously.

Corporation tax is a nineteen percent tax on the overall money earned by a company or individually you, excluding all the expenses deducted according to the law. There is a proper threshold beyond which the tax percentage increases up to twenty-five percent. One thing that is common among all the business companies, which is also one of their fundamental goals, is to make as maximum profit as possible. But as the shadow follows a person, the corporate tax follows that threshold amount and even HMRC. So it would be an inevitable thing to escape from this tax percentage.

“But as the shadow follows a person, the corporate tax follows that threshold amount and even HMRC. So it would be an inevitable thing to escape from this tax percentage.”

One essential thing that is important in the tax system is paying your bills on time. If the last date is passed out and you still haven’t paid the tax, you for sure are in trouble. Everyone is looking for ways to reduce the tax, and you will be paying an extra amount to compensate for the delay. The table will turn out in not your favor, and the money left in your money pot will be much less than expected.

Do whatever you can do to remember the deadline. Set the alarm on the payment day, or if you are wealthy enough, you can hire a person to keep an eye on such records. After payment is being made, another essential step is to keep that receipts in safe hands. Again the hired person can do this for you, and at demanding benefits from the government, you will be in the right place.

“Do whatever you can do to remember the deadline.”

Like if someone is selling their property overseas and are a UK resident as well, they might get in trouble by paying taxes overseas and in the UK. If at the time, the receipts are shown, you can entrain yourself with the advantage of not paying tax under the UK tax system. All this can happen only if you stand on your stance with proper evidence. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best that should be the motif.

Educate yourself – an all-in-one solution

All the tax-related issues can be handled on time if you are not ignorant enough. You should hire a tax advisor from the very start to keep yourself in a safe boat. One of the shock absorbers on different difficult times is the tax consultant that will let you in peace but handle the stress on its own. It’s just his expertise in the main field that allowed him to see the ways that you can’t.

“All the tax-related issues can be handled on time if you are not ignorant enough.”

You can trust the tax person on many occasions but always remember to educate yourself on the fundamental issue. Being the leading person of your company, you should be well aware of all the steps taken on behalf of your company. So you can handle all the chaos happening in bad times if you thoroughly follow some of the significant and basic formulas. If you need help in processing your tax, LegendFinancial has a team of experts who can help you. Send us a message or book and appointment.

7 Emerging Trends in the Adult Movie Industry

Many people across the globe love to watch adult movies. The quality of these movies is degrading due to the lack of technology and equipment. Many new trends are emerging in this field to gain the attention of the viewers. The industry is delivering high-quality content to its audience to generate more curiosity and enthusiasm in them. These movies can help a couple by improving their relationship.

If you are alone, then you can watch these videos or do live chats on different websites. You should check here if you want to do a live call or chat with adult industry models. It is easy to entertain yourself and improve your relationship. In the following write-up, we will discuss some of the emerging trends in the adult movie industry. These latest trends provide the best experience to the viewers in a different way.

1. Use of Sex Dolls

Source: Medium.com

Many people are alone in this world. They do not have anyone to share their emotions and fulfill their physical needs. The use of sex dolls sounds unrealistic. But now, you can see that many adult movies are coming with sex dolls. During the pandemic, people had to stay home to prevent infection.

The adult entertainment industry is affected a lot. Hence, the sex doll is used to make videos to entertain the audience. These sex dolls are available at different prices. The more expensive, the more it will look like a human. The technology is advancing with time, and soon, more features will be available in the dolls like expressions, speaking, etc. These dolls replace the need for porn models and provide entertainment to people.  To learn more check https://inspectorcams.com/

2. Providing Better Personal Experience

Source: manycam.com

Nowadays, live streaming is getting popular than movies. One can interact with the person and fulfill his physical needs. If you are getting involved in a chat or video call with a person, it seems more personal than watching standard videos. It gives a better experience to the live streaming user.

It is easy to get tips to improve the relationship with your partner or fulfill your needs if you are alone. If you do not have a webcam, there is no problem. It is because you can access live streaming on your smartphones. Any couple in a long-distance relationship must go for this trend to improve their intimacy. Even when they are separated, they can connect.

3. Use of Sex Toys

Source: Unsplash.com

Everyone knows about sex toys and how it is used by many people across the globe. In the adult movie industry, the use of sex toys is quite common. During the pandemic, the industry was facing a massive loss because no movies were made at that time with male and female models.

Instead, these toys were used to create the video. Different types of toys are available in the market with numerous features. You can pick anyone as per your comfort and pleasure level. The adult toy companies are focussing on singles as well as couples. If you are watching live streaming, then these toys can be very helpful for you.

4. The Industry has More Women Producers

Source: thefader.com

Everyone is aware of the fact that the porn industry is ruled and dominated by males. But now, things have been changed. Now, more women producers are also working as actors. All the viewers across the globe want something new every day.

Women producers are providing such new and refreshing content. One can use the internet and do the job independently by posting new videos on different sites. In this way, one can earn good money and entertain others.

5. Virtual Reality Adult Videos

Source: virtualrealityreporter.com

Virtual reality is not a new concept in gaming, but it is quite the latest in the adult entertainment industry. Within a few years, VR videos will become a massive success. You may need advanced equipment to watch such movies and get a realistic experience. The user can get a fantastic experience, and it seems like everything is happening in front of you.

If you are alone, you can satisfy your physical needs by watching these videos. As a couple, you can experiment with the video and bring enthusiasm to your relationship. In these videos, you are watching better quality, resolution, and details.

6. Improvement in the Quality of the Movies

Source: therealtimereport.com

Now, porn movies are not about undressing people and do the job without any creativity. The movie quality is also not good enough to enjoy. Therefore, this field is focussing more on quality.

They are creating videos with more creativity, and they are posting on their sites. Whenever any viewer watches the video, there is no issue with the resolution in a video. The scenes are getting more appealing and attractive to viewers. When it comes to quality, the audience is also getting a better customer support experience. Also porn is evolving to many different niches like animation, animation porn is getting hyped up currently and is only rising in popularity since it started.

7. Genre Variety

Source: sickchirpse.com

A person cannot see similar things daily. It is necessary to have different genres so that the viewer gets various options to view. Every person has a different preference when it comes to adult movies.

Whenever any person visits a website, he must get different genres. The person can explore them freely. Now, this field is thinking about more genres that entertain viewers more than before. The porn models are working with more dedication to giving their best in their videos.

The Bottom Line

The adult movie industry is quite popular across the globe with many creative contents. It can help couples as well as singles to satisfy their physical needs. But with time and situation, the quality is declining, and more work needs to be done. Therefore, many emerging trends are happening in the adult film industry that is mentioned above.

If you want better content, you need to explore different sites. Many things are changing in the adult entertainment industry for different types of viewers. You can pick any category you want and explore high-quality endless video content. The trends are helping the audience to work out with their emotional and physical needs.

6 Things You Need To Know Before Accepting Bitcoin Payments

Source: medium.com

Several small businesses are now accepting payments in cryptocurrencies, and it is time your business should jump on the bandwagon as well. However, before adopting entirely new technology, there are a few aspects that you must understand before you start accepting payments in Bitcoin. Although it may not be mainstream yet, trends suggest that it will soon become a global currency empowering the digital payments landscape.

If you own an online business, several eCommerce platforms such as Shopify and Etsy have now partnered with popular exchange platforms, including Coinbase and Binance, enabling eCommerce businesses to accept payments in Bitcoin. Visit this site for those options. However, if you are new to the landscape, there are some concepts that you must understand before you take the dive into the deeper end of the pool. Therefore, here are some things you need to know before accepting Bitcoin payments.

Source: Medium.com

1. Transactions are Irreversible

Yes, you must understand that Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, and you are not allowed to make mistakes. Once you have submitted the transaction to be approved by the blockchain network, you cannot get it undone. Although it takes some time for the miners operating in the system to verify transactions, you cannot cancel the transaction if you had the amount or the receiver’s address wrong. Therefore, if you are an online business planning to accept payments in Bitcoin, ensure that you give the correct address so that the funds can be transferred without any hiccups.

2. Secure your Wallet 

Similar to the way we store all the gold and physical assets we own in a bank’s locker, you must exercise double the caution with a crypto wallet. Once you register your business with a crypto exchange, they will issue you a digital wallet from which you can trade cryptocurrencies. However, ensure that your digital wallet is safe with double or even triple levels of encryption protecting the private keys necessary to execute the transaction. You can also transfer your funds and the keys required to implement transactions to a cold wallet (it could be a USB thumb drive or hard disk) to protect your crypto funds from potential malware attacks.

Source: tomsguide.com

3. Market is Volatile

Yes, the crypto market is subject to incredibly high volatility. It could be the minute you accept the payment, Bitcoin is at its all-time high, and after an hour, its price has dropped down by $10,000. There is no certainty, and it can impact your business’ cash flow if the price drops down frequently. Since cryptocurrency coins are high-risk assets, you must ensure that you have other investments to cover the potential loss you might bear in the market. Although high-risk, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are an excellent hedge for inflation. Even though its price oscillates like a pendulum, individuals who have invested in Bitcoin from the start are still rolling in incredible profits.

4. Blockchain Technology is not Anonymous

For those who think all the transactions executed on the Blockchain are anonymous might be in for a gross misconception. Contrary to what you believe, Blockchain is an openly sourced ledger that records every transaction executed on the Blockchain. This ledger is non-alterable and can be accessed by anyone operating on the network. As a result, it is far from being anonymous, as some people claim. What remains unknown is the identity of the individual who initiated the transaction. However, it can be disclosed during a purchase or in other circumstances, not allowing one hundred percent anonymity to Bitcoin users.

Source: ciotechie.com

5. Unconfirmed Transactions aren’t Secure 

The first step towards implementing a transaction is having it verified by the network. The transactions don’t start out as irreversible. However, they give a confirmation score that indicates the duration by which it will get approved. It can take a few seconds to even ninety minutes to verify a transaction, with ten minutes being the average time. The duration for approval also depends on the transaction fee. If it is too low or atypical, getting a confirmation from the network can take longer.

6. Bitcoin isn’t Mainstream yet

Although launched in 2009, Bitcoin has come a long way to where it was then and to the traction it commands now. Every development in Blockchain technology reveals Bitcoin to be more efficient and is empowering its adoption globally. However, many individuals are still skeptical about its feasibility and whether it can command a considerable market like fiat currencies.

As the market comes more under scrutiny, please be prepared to encounter a hike in transaction fees, slower confirmations, or issues with wallet security. You can also employ a cryptocurrency consultant to take care of the investments you have made in the market until now to help you establish any stop-loss mechanism to mitigate any loss of funds. However, please keep in mind that nobody can predict Bitcoin’s future, so you can revel in the high profits until the market stays relevant to today’s trends.

Source: Medium.com

The Bottom Line

If you are new to Bitcoin and do not understand the concept yet, please do not get intimidated by the several ideas and applications that grace the industry. Instead, try to research and build your knowledge base by reading articles and listening to podcasts to know more about the theory and practical applications of Blockchain. Or you can can read more online recension.

Since it is not traded like most fiat currencies, understanding how Bitcoin transactions are implemented can be a bit complicated if you are not tech-savvy. It would help if you informed yourself on all aspects governing the industry and whether you can treat your crypto wallet with the same care as you do with the physical one.

If you are an eCommerce business owner, take note that accepting Bitcoin can open your business to clients globally. You will be able to better integrate your business with the world’s economy while also receiving unwavering support from crypto enthusiasts. Since cryptocurrency has always been viewed in a skeptical light, you can help digital assets become more mainstream by jumping onto the bandwagon of adopting Bitcoin.

7 Tips To Find The Best International Calling Cards

We’re in the digital age where we have free video calling at our finger tips, the problem with this is that a lot of other countries still do not reliable internet and a lot of people in these countries actually still use that dinosaur technology…the telephone, it’s big, ugly but people still rely on it to stay in contact with our families overseas.

There are a few reasons why people are still using phone cards:

  1. International calls are incredibly expensive to some countries, especially more remote parts of the planet so calling cards give people a much cheaper way to connect with them.
  2. Typically, those remote places will not have reliable internet for VoIP or video calling.
  3. Most people outside of the top tier countries still have and use landlines for making phone calls.
  4. Copper lines tend to be a lot more stable in terms of connection and provide good quality sound.

Now all of this sounds good, but what are the downsides?

Unfortunately, phone card industry has been given a negative reputation typically a few spoiling it for the rest, etc.

Source: news.manikarthik.com

These include:

  1. Using low quality carrier providers (the cheap kind) which results in noisy sound quality combined with unstable connections, i.e. your call can drop for no apparent reason.
  2. Hidden fees – we will get to this further into the article.
  3. Pre-expired cards. That is offering cards that have already expired, these are typically the phone cards you find in the shops.
  4. Faulty. Some times that card may not work at all.

Now you may be thinking that there are a lot of pitfalls and concerned about how to go about finding a calling card that actually does what it is supposed to do.

Firstly, don’t worry, that is the focus of this article.

Secondly, there are only a small few who will offer hidden fees, poor quality sound and faulty cards, that is the good news.

“Give the customer service team a call and ask them about their rates, hidden fees if any and how long it takes to resolve a tech issue – that’s the best advice I can give before buying an international calling card.” – Sam Neilson, phonecardpoint.com.au

The goal is to give you the highest chance of finding the right card.

Source: lifeoftrends.com

How Long Are Your Calls?

When people search online they’ll use the word “best” but it is actually an unhelpful term to use because you are assuming your situation is the same as everyone else’s.

Best is very much an individual thing.

For example:

Person A is looking for a phone card.

Person B is also looking for a phone card.

Person A has an average talk time of 60-90 minutes.

Person B usually only talks for 15 minutes at a time.

These two people have different use-cases so require a different card.

For example, there are international calling cards that come with connection fees which typically offer a lower per minute rate.

This is the ideal choice for someone who makes longer calls since they are saving money over the duration of that call.

This is however a terrible choice for someone making short calls and instead you’d want to opt for a slightly higher call rate but no connection fee.

Source: blog.radware.com

1. Look at the Per Minute Rate

Typically, I’d recommend looking for cards that charge “on the minute” this means that money is deducted from your card every minute.

Most calling cards however will charge in blocks of time, for example, money will be deducted from your card every 3 minutes.

If you card is 1c per minute then it will cost you 3c every 3 minutes.

In most cases this isn’t an issue since you’re only dealing with a few cents but if you’re making short calls to more expensive destinations then this will add up fast.

2. Check For Admin Fees

You’ll typically see admin fees charged on cheaper calling cards since this is a way for phone card companies to recoup some of their costs.

As a consumer you need to understand that “cheap” comes at a cost.

Consumers are typically looking for the best deal but forget that these products and services actually have a hard cost assigned to them.

This means that if you’re able to secure a cheap price this means that the company has to either cut corners (perhaps on customer service and complaint resolution, quality carrier lines, etc.) or find creative ways to recoup that lost margin…or both.

Charging admin fees is one of those ways to make margins healthy again but there is no one polishing the carrier lines or doing any kind of maintenance work of any kind so charging this fee is not necessary.

Source: scam-detector.com

3. Avoid Unit Based Calling Cards

This is not that common but it is still worth addressing.

When buying a calling card, always stick to a company that uses dollars and cents or whatever currency it is that you are using, this helps you see exactly how much money is being spent.

Some international calling card companies will hide their pricing inside of units or some other intangible method to make it difficult for their customers to manage their spending (i.e. call this country for only 2 units per minute).

Chances are that if a calling card company is using anything other than the local currency, they are not doing this for your benefit.

4. Buy Country Specific Phone Cards

Which country are you calling to?

Are you calling a landline or mobile overseas?

You’ll ideally want to find a phone card that specializes in cheap rates for that country but you also need to consider whether or not you’re calling a landline or mobile or both.

If it’s one or the other then the choice will be easy, you just need to find a card that offers great rates for either landlines or mobiles to specific country.

If you are calling landlines and mobiles then you’ll likely be purchasing a more general-purpose card which will tend to be a little pricier (which is fine) or you can purchase two cards to cover off the landline vs. mobile calls.

Source: scam-detector.com

5. How Quickly Can They Fix An Issue?

From time to time no matter how good the calling card company you may experience technical headaches like poor quality line, call drop-outs, etc.

This is why you want to make sure that the calling card company you choose actually has an active customer support team that can locate the problem and quickly resolve it.

Again, a company that has a responsive customer service team may not offer the lowest prices but believe me when a problem comes up you will 100% want someone that can help you.

The best calling card companies are able to fix these issues within an hour sometimes within a few minutes so you can get back to calling as soon as possible.

A company that does not have a responsive customer service team means that you’ll be waiting days or even a couple of weeks for a resolution or sometimes you have to go and purchase another phone card.

Source: goodhousekeeping.com

6. Read The Small Print

When buying a calling card read the FAQ on their website or the small print if you’re purchasing from a newsagent.

You’re looking for things like:

  • Expiration date
  • Hidden fees or admin fees, etc.
  • Is it rechargeable?
  • What happens after the card expires? (do you lose your credit or does it roll forward?)

This may seem like a bit of work and generally you’ll be able to find this information quickly but I highly recommend understanding what it is you are buying.

7. Expiration Dates

When does the expiration date start? From purchase or from first use? Ideally, you want to find a phone card where the expiration clock begins once the card is first used.

What happens if you international calling card expires? Generally, you will lose your credit and potentially lose the use of the card.

You’ll want to find a calling card service that doesn’t remove your credit and allows you to not only reactive your card but also roll your credit forward.

How Games Transport You to Different Time Periods

Games are meant to be entertaining and developers make sure to produce them in that way. Apart from entertaining people, games can take them to different periods. As they take place in all kinds of places, certain periods in history have remained inspiring for developers all over the world. In that regard, here are some of the periods games take you to:

The Wild West

Source: gameinformer.com

This is a big inspiration for the world of film as there are plenty of such titles that can serve as examples. But this period is potent for game developers as well. The most recent example of such a game is Red Dead Redemption II. In it, you take the role of a cowboy and you’ll ride your horse to all sorts of destinations and undertake all kinds of quests.

When you’re looking to relax you can go to the nearest saloons and have a drink or play a card game. Poker and blackjack were prominent at that time which is why they’re part of the game. You can even cheat, but be ready for a fight if you’re caught.

Poker and blackjack are quite popular games today and most of their variants are found at online casino sites. Casino fans can visit such sites and enjoy the selections of the table and slot games or engage in comparing casino bonuses at these sites. The main thing about visiting such sites and enjoying their games is to do so responsibly.

The entire Red Dead franchise is dedicated to the Wild West but so are Call of Juarez, Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, Gun, and many other titles.

The Renaissance

Source: dsogaming.com

This is the period when science and art bloomed in glorious Italy. Many great minds made a name for themselves in this era and influenced humanity. The best game to play to experience this period is Assassin’s Creed II which puts you in the shoes of Ezio Auditore. This is a game based on the period and in it, you’ll see Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicolo Machiavelli, Rodrigo, and Cesare Borgia, and many more.

You’ll be able to see iconic Italian cities such as Rome, Florence, Venice, and others. The best part about this game is its mechanic to climb any building you see so you’ll experience the cities like never before. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood is the sequel to this game which also lets you bask in the glory of the period.

The Future

We’re still working on that period, but we can get a glimpse at it from the many sci-fi games out there. As nuclear war is possible, a post-apocalyptic world can originate in mere minutes. This would be a Fallout 4 scenario and if you have a place in a Vault, then you and your family are pretty much safe.

Starcraft II is another game to consider as it lets you visit all sorts of planets and interact with various alien species. Some of them, like the Protoss, are friendly, while others, like the Zerg, are rather hostile. Different kinds of spaceships and facilities can enable interplanetary travel and sustain human life. All are possible future, and we’ll see if we get any of them.

Las Vegas

Source: SeekCasino.com

Yes, some games will take you directly to Las Vegas and some of the most prestigious casinos. These are online casinos that give their players a glimpse into this world of glitter and luxury. Online casinos are very popular today due to easy availability and choice of games, welcome bonuses for each new player, but also the fact that payouts are better than in land ones. Why not take advantage of all these benefits and step into the virtual world of gambling that will distract you from everyday life for a moment? Visit mr-gamble.com to find more about it.

The most dangerous race tracks

Source: engadget.com

When you get tired of playing realistic games that leave no room for mistakes and want to relax with something out of the box, give a chance to games that will take you to the deadliest race tracks. On cars, motorcycles, planes, and ships, you will be thrown in the middle of unimaginable action. Take for example Rigs of Rods which is a free vehicle simulator or the cult Need for Speed which has many modifications that have raised the playing of this ogre to a higher level. In this game, you will certainly not lack adrenaline because you will run away from the police, destroy corrupt police officers, chase through the city. Heat is a really good, fun game in which the hated microtransactions have been abolished (finally all the major developers admit that they have robbed us for years) and the possibilities for improving and adapting the vehicle have been expanded.

What all games have in common is that they constantly distract us from everyday problems and obligations, whether it is playing games via smartphones, computers, and consoles, or gambling.

What is perhaps the best in this whole story is the possibility of combining pleasant and useful, or earnings if you take the game a little more seriously. Today, there are many professional gamers who make large sums of money by playing their favorite game and streaming it to platforms.

It’s similar to gambling. The most important thing is to choose a reliable casino and the right game. Some people simply like to “switch off” after a hard day at work and not think about anything, and for that reason they choose games that do not require special effort. These are random games such as a slot, ie those in which the player cannot influence the outcome of the game. On the other hand, we have baccarat, poker, and many others with which, with a little effort and mathematical knowledge, you can increase your chances of winning.

In any case, playing any game is something that should relax and cheer you up, and if you make money with it, it will be even better!

Do You Have to Be a New Player to Get a No Deposit Casino Bonus?

Source: gamblingsites.org

Online casinos are an increasingly common choice of players around the world. Its benefits are numerous and have been particularly recognized since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to the present day. Why not when there are many reasons that go in their favor? Most people today have a hectic lifestyle, and they waste a lot of time in traffic.

This is exactly the first thing that shows the advantage of online casinos – why would you sit in a car and waste time in traffic when you can play the same games from any other, more comfortable place? Let your smartphone be your casino! There are many casinos on the Internet that differ in the choice of games and payouts.

Either way, it’s up to you to find the right one by reading reviews and researching before you play for real money. We come to another very important thing that goes in favor of online casinos – better payouts than in land ones. As weird as this sounds, it makes a lot of sense.

Source: nodepositkings.com

Land casinos are exposed to many costs that players probably don’t even think about – just think of the large number of workers employed there (waiters, croupiers, cleaners, security, and so on), interior design, gaming machines and tables, electricity bills, water, and other utilities, and so on.

Now think of an online casino. Do you see any of these costs? No, and that’s exactly what leaves the online casino enough space to earn, but also to attract players by offering better payouts. We come to one of the most interesting things – bonuses. Online casinos offer different types of bonuses for their new players.

One of the most popular is the welcome bonus. Although the amount of this bonus is not specified, in most casinos it matches the amount of your first deposit. What is important to note is that you read the Terms and Conditions carefully to know how you can use it because there is usually a time limit by when it should be used, otherwise you lose it.

There is also a bonus characteristic of the slot, which is in the form of free spins. There are three types of free spins available – make a deposit and get free spins, free no-deposit spins, and bet to get free spins.

Source: e-playafrica.com

But we are sure that the next part is of particular interest to players – how to get a no deposit bonus? These bonuses truly give you a completely free gaming experience. But for the most part, you will need to sign up at a casino to access this bonus. So, this bonus is intended for every new player, and in order to access it, you need to register.

Upon completion of the registration process and confirmation of your account, the bonus is usually automatically added to your account. What is important to emphasize is that very often there are conditions that you must meet to access this type of bonus, which varies from casino to casino. In any case, registration is required. Read more about it at newcasinonodeposit.com.

Now to give you a better understanding of the term no deposit bonus. This is a bonus that comes in several forms, of which we have already mentioned free spins. Another option is the so-called fast loan. This is a small amount of money that you receive in your account after registration. The best thing about this type of bonus is that you can try it in any game, and with its help you earn.

Source: filmdaily.co

It is true that a bonus can increase your chances of winning, but there are some things you, as a player, must do to increase your chances. The first and most basic thing is to choose a casino in which you will place your trust. And money, of course. We are aware that there are various scams on the internet that are very difficult to notice at first.

Therefore, it is very important to do a little research, quotes more recently, Terms and Conditions, pay attention to the name and logo of the casino (often the difference lies in one letter that can cost you your money). The amount and types of bonuses also vary, so it’s better to check this out in time. Ok, you’ve found what suits you and now it’s time to pick a game.

Keep in mind that the games with the lowest payout, ie the ones that benefit the most from the casino, are always highlighted on the first page. Also, think about which game you are the best at. If your primary goal is to relax and not think about anything, then a slot or some similar random game is the best solution.

In these games, the chances of winning are 50-50 and the player cannot influence its outcome in any way. On the other hand, we have games in which the player and his mathematical skills play a big role. These are games like poker, baccarat, and many others.

Final thoughts

No deposit bonuses are interesting and attractive. You can try new games and new casinos without having to spend your own money. However, as always, you should be careful because a free game can turn into a cost if you do not take into account how and how much you play.

In any case, the game should not be approached if you are in a bad mood or under the influence of alcohol. In other words, anything that currently affects your judgment is best avoided. Your priority should be fun and relaxation, and if you earn, even better. The best advice you will ever get is to play smart and enter smaller amounts of money, which even if you lose, will not affect the quality of your daily life.

5 Ways to Help Ease Stress and Anxiety – 2024 Guide

Source: unsplash.com

Every person can experience stress and anxiety in their life, but for some people these feelings can completely take over their day. Moments of stress can spiral into an entire day where you feel paralyzed because outing things in motion creates so much anxiety for you that you shut down all together. You are not alone. While you probably feel like this is a vicious circle the truth is that there are ways to combat this, take back control, and enjoy your life, even in times of stress.

1. Get Organized

Source: unsplash.com

For many people, a common cause of their stress and anxiety comes from the chaos of their daily life. Having a lot on your plate and no system in place to be efficient and organized can get overwhelming fast. Think about their pieces of your day that are consistent, and predictable, these are the best places to start implementing organization.

Meals are a great example. It is guaranteed that you need to eat every single day, but there is much that needs to happen to get those meals on the table. Making lists, grocery shopping, prepping, and cooking the food, then cleaning it all up afterwards, whew! Taking away some of the guesswork from your meals with grocery delivery services, or even a snack subscription box, means that you have something checked off your daily to do list, that you only had to dedicate a small amount of time and energy to.

Snack subscription boxes are awesome because you simply sign up, and it’s done. You will have a selection of snacks to fill your pantry and have ready and available whenever you need something quick and easy. You can join Munch Addict and purchase a snack subscription box to have snacks from all over the world delivered monthly. Whether you join the club or purchase as a gift for a friend or family member also looking to create some ease in the meal planning, this is sure to help decrease daily chaos.

2. Be Open Minded

One of the biggest disservices you can do to yourself when trying to cope with stress and anxiety is reject suggestions for ways to treat it. Treatment can mean anything from getting acupuncture treatments, to opting to take medication to help level out your brain’s chemicals. Either way, being open minded to all opportunities is what will give you the best chance to rid yourself of these feelings.

It is also helpful to keep in mind that what works for one does not work for all. Trying things that have been suggested to you through family or friends, a doctor, or even your own research might take some trial and error to find the right solution for you personally. Do not be discouraged if something that made a large impact in your friends’ life does not do the same for you. Keep trying and remain honest with yourself. Find the balance between giving solutions a fair shot and switching gears when something is not working.

3. Break the Stigma

Source: unsplash.com

It is not uncommon for those who deal with stress and anxiety to retreat into themselves and stay silent about their troubles, but this is not a healthy step towards solving the problem. By allowing the people in your life who love and support you to participate in your process you are breaking the stigma that surrounds these delicate topics.

Additionally, some of these same people may be the root of your stress or anxiety, intentionally or not. And by sharing with them some of your triggers you can show what you need to be able to maintain some peace within your own mind. For example, maybe you have a parent who loves to pop in unexpectedly and bring you food, and while you love them and appreciate their generosity, the unannounced visit is something that stresses you out. If you never share this with them, they will continue to do it, and you will continue to feel anxious. Instead, you could lovingly let them know how much you enjoy the gesture but a quick text with a heads up asking if this is a good time is a boundary that you need respected.

4. Do Not Own Other People’s Problems

There is a fine line between supporting your loved ones and taking on their troubles. Allowing things to live inside your mind rent-free does not do any good for anyone involved. It can be difficult to have boundaries, especially with the people you love the most, but boundaries are incredibly healthy and an essential piece of mental health. Once you are able to confidently say to yourself that someone else’s problems should not create heaviness in your own life, you will feel significantly less anxious. Do not allow yourself to believe that this is selfish, or unkind. In fact, by freeing up your brain space with this removed worry you are creating space to help act or problem solve with your loved one and show your support in that way.

5. Fight the Urge to Conform

Source: medium.com

Keeping up with the Joneses is one of the oldest cliches around, and it is also one of the most stressful. This saying suggests that you need to be sure that your life aligns with the perfection of the fictitious Jones family. Be sure that you make the same amount of money, have comparable homes, take the same level of vacations, the list is really endless. This is incredibly toxic and certainly stress and anxiety inducing.

Fight the urge to conform and live confidently inside your own authenticity. It is natural to observe your peers and have an inner monologue of if your lives are running parallel or not but learning to embrace it when they don’t is the secret. And the deeper truth is that, even if you could keep up with the Joneses, living someone else’s dream is not going to make you happy in your own life. If everyone in your neighborhood has a dog, and you get one to fit in, but in fact do not have room for the responsibility of a pet in your life, all you have now done is dedicated your time, money, and energy to something that is going to make you feel stressed and anxious, that does not have any real bearing on if you as a person fit in or not.

How to Figure Out or Identify Your Personal Style

Source: unsplash.com

There are two important factors that define fashion and style. First, the hot trends and the other one is the style that suits you. Following trends is too common, however, this is not the right thing to do. You can check out the latest trends of famous brands and you will find some absurd things. Whether they are celebrities or big brands, things become famous when they support them.

Therefore, we have seen the fashion sense getting down. What you wear, defines you. Furthermore, there are places to wear specific things. Wearing gowns or skirts while going to court as a lawyer or judge is simply stupid. Even if something is in a trend that does not necessarily mean that you can wear it anywhere and every time.

So instead of following trends, people should wear things that look good on them. The role of clothing and jewelry is to compliment you, not otherwise. However, if you go to big brands, you will find a lot of things that might seem unnecessary to you.

You can easily find a wide range of styles here. Whether you are looking for a puffer to teddy jacket or knitted shirts and dresses, you can find them all at shopstyleshark.com. They also have a range of accessories and footwear along with clothing. So you can get everything that you are looking for.

And if you are interested in creating your personal style, we are here to help you out. Because our slogan is to have your unique identity instead of blindly following the trends.

1. Look at your closet

Source: unsplash.com

If you have a closet full of clothes, you should have a look at it. Go through all of your clothes and do some filtration. Pick out the ones that make you happy and place them at a side. If you have things that you love wearing, they are the ones for you. There is no doubt that you will be happy after wearing them and that will make you look confident.

After sorting out everything, you will have a type that you like. This is your style and you should go with it. Do not wear things that you don’t feel confident in. Even if the dress is good, you will feel terrible. So check out what is common among your clothes. This will help you out in your upcoming shopping too. You don’t have to spend money on buying stuff that you don’t like.

You need to free yourself from all such hassle, life and fashion are not a competition. You have to live your life according to your situation and your financial resources. And it is completely alright to do so.

2. Find some inspiration

Source: unsplash.com

Although a lot of people cannot afford what celebrities wear but we have cheaper options in the market. This is clear to everyone that big brands cost more because of their names. If you cannot afford a Zara dress, you don’t have to beat yourself over it. Instead, find some local brands and you will find a lot of similar styles there and ishine365.com is great website for you to get updated.

Although there is a difference between the designers, but local brands are equally good. You can find something that is stitched according to the local size and style.

In addition to this, there are a lot of local stores that offer brand replicas. So if you like some style but you cannot afford to buy it, go with the replica. Though it won’t be original but it might be similar to it.

3. Clear your mind

Source: unsplash.com

You need to brainwash yourself and remind yourself that you don’t have to stand out. It is okay to stay low-key. What would you gain by being famous and popular? Instead, this will put you under a lot of stress. You will be stressed out while picking out your daily outfit.

Furthermore, people will always talk about what you wear. And as a result, you will feel hesitant while repeating your dress.

Getting the meaning behind all this? Your life will become a mess. You won’t be able to live in peace. So ask yourself that is it worth it? Do you have to trade your peace of mind for being a fashion icon? Don’t do this. Just wear what you feel confident in.

4. Find your fashion inspiration

Source: unsplash.com

Despite being living in completely different worlds, you can still find similarities between yourself and celebrities. A lot of celebrities are found wearing nice things while being on the streets. So follow the street fashion of celebrities and you will find a lot of things that you like.

Furthermore, if you are not good at choosing clothes, finding inspiration is a great opportunity for you. You might like what Selena wears. So keep her as your inspiration and find similar combinations and color contrasts.

In addition to this, you need to spend some time on the internet and check out the things that are in trends. Having your own fashion style does not necessarily mean that you should get away from trends.

For example, you are an office worker and doing a desk job. You cannot wear shiny clothes and casual wear. Instead, you will be wearing pants coats and formal wear. So if you are wearing a blazer, you will need a dress shirt or a turtleneck.

Likewise, if you are wearing jeans or tights, you can opt for a crop top. The leggings look perfect with a turtleneck. And you can complete the look by wearing a long coat.

5. Make your capsule wardrobe

Source: unsplash.com

A capsule wardrobe means that you have a variety of tops and pants and you mix and match them. This not only increases your number of dresses but allows you to have a different look with similar clothes. If you like wearing casual clothes, buy yourself jeans in all shades and colors. Likewise, collect different shirts including, dress shirts, turtlenecks and crop tops.

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