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Things all New Investors Should Know About Mining Bitcoin

The majority of individuals purchase Bitcoin on crypto exchanges. Still, it’s not the only method to get your pointers on the globe’s longest cryptocurrency. Unlike gold mining, which used to take place in riverbeds and deep beneath caves, Bitcoin mining takes a spot in the blockchain area.

All that is required is a pc that is less than five years old. Nevertheless, this isn’t enough to guarantee victory. Bitcoin mining is akin to an event of seeing who can get the sharpest fingertips early. The further computer energy you can provide, the more likely you are to hit wealth or Bitcoin.

If you don’t know how to get started, don’t worry! In this post, we will be showing you everything that everyone, including every investor, should know about Mining Bitcoin. So, without further delay, let’s jump into it.

Source: ualberta.ca

What is Exactly Bitcoin mining?

Bitcoin mining is not hazardous in and of itself; it entails using a desktop computer to perform complex mathematical problems for the user to gain bitcoin. The users receive bitcoin by confirming transactions on the blockchain, a digital ledger that acts like a bank statement and records all of a cryptocurrency’s activities. The person who solves a hash wins bitcoin each time it is answered.

Nevertheless, to answer the arithmetic equations, a computer must constantly operate, using a significant amount of CPU power. This needs a considerable amount of electricity. Hackers have started stealing other individuals’ computers and assets, as well as the user’s electricity, to mine it.

Explained, mining bitcoin is the procedure of unraveling specific problems very quickly, which is why, to enjoy the benefits, you’ll require a bunch of processing power not just to tackle these mathematical inquiries promptly but also more quickly than everybody else.

Source: ualberta.ca

The working process of Bitcoin Mining

Malware is used in bitcoin mining. Hackers have created software that may gain access to a device system and mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with their capabilities. The hacker must validate transactions on a blockchain to earn cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies rely on this to stay solvent.

Every transaction creates a hash-labeled ID. A hash is 256-bit encryption, which is effectively a passcode, on the bitcoin blockchain. Each machine on the network attempts to decipher the 256-bit password, but the hash is not cracked if it misses even one digit. Other PCs are tasked with verifying the validity of the answers generated by the “winning” device. All of this effort is rewarded in the form of cryptocurrency, specifically bitcoin.

Individuals have voting rights in the governance structure of various cryptocurrency ecosystems. This means users have a say in the decisions made by the developers about the currency’s destiny, its tokens, and how it is used.

However, it is not difficult for a computer to analyze a hash. It must do it quickly enough that the challenge is resolved before the PCs of other users. Therefore, a powerful computer is insufficient. The CPU must fire millions of electrical impulses in a brief amount of time to churn out an answer as rapidly as feasible.

Powerful fans are continually running to protect the computer from overheating. This needs a significant amount of electricity. This is why hackers target your pc: they want to use it to mine bitcoins in one of their hacked bitcoin mining pools.

To distribute the task, a hacker installs a bitcoin mining virus on thousands of machines. Bitcoin transactions are verified by all of the computers, which turn into bitcoin miners. Bitcoin mining simulators have estimated how much electricity these activities need, and it’s enough to trigger energy bills to skyrocket, CPUs to overheat, and PCs to crash.

Source: ualberta.ca

What is a ‘rig’ for Bitcoin mining stands for?

A rig isn’t as shocking as it squeaked. Any conventional computer with RAM, CPU, motherboard, and storehouse can be used. The GPU or ‘video card’ is the only variation.

The Graphics Processing Unit powers movies, games, and additional applications while a computer isn’t mining. Its computing power is perfect for Bitcoin mining, which requires a lot of processing power. A regular PC with a solid performance is more productive at Bitcoin mining than a high-end laptop with a common GPU.

Specialized hardware may be another possibility in the Bitcoin race

Bitcoin mining may also be done with dedicated ASICS hardware instead of a personal computer (ASICs).

An AntMiner S19j ASIC machine, for instance, is orders of magnitude more productive than the quickest gaming PC at mining. However, such a system might cost upwards of $10,000 and cannot be utilized for gaming or office efficiency.

Source: voi.id

How to Protect Your Devices from Cyber-Threats

If you don’t protect your devices against these types of assaults, they, along with others linked to the networks they utilize, can get infected and fail. The CPU may get overheated, causing the device to melt or combust. Furthermore, the great majority—up to 100%—of the device’s computational power may be taken over. This might render it worthless to the user, halting operations and making the job of removing the danger time-consuming for the IT group in charge.

  • Wi-Fi networks that are open to the public should be avoided

Those who wish to mine money on the bitcoin blockchain using other people’s machines frequently use public Wi-Fi networks. It is straightforward for a hacker to obtain access to a user’s computer and install the malware in a shared network since the connections are not protected.

  • Protect Your Electronics

The following steps should be taken to safeguard your devices:

  1. Protection against viruses: Antivirus software detects and prevents dangers such as mining botnet infections from infecting your devices.
  2. Invest in a personal VPN: You may use your VPN on each device you use to access the internet.
Source: lifewire.com

Wrapping Up

When you hear the term “bitcoin mining,” your imagination probably jumps to images of pickaxes, mud, and striking it rich from the Wild West. That comparison, it turns out, isn’t too far off. Also, you can checkout go URL to make a constant profit.

Bitcoin mining is carried out by high-powered machines that tackle challenging computational arithmetic problems that are too difficult to complete by hand and complex enough to drain even the most powerful processors.

4 Common Cryptocurrency Scams and Legal Risks All Investors Should Know

Source: news.bitcoin.com

There is probably no reason to praise cryptocurrencies and their development. A big number of people already know what Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies are, how they function, and why they are so special. Will they replace traditional money or not is something we can’t predict. Generally, the creators of different currencies claim that was not even the point; the crypto and fiat money should function together according to them!

Everything sounds interesting in theory. You improve your knowledge, analyze the price changes, use the helpful tools, and one day, the profit will appear. However, have you ever thought about scams and legal risks that you have to face? That is probably the negative side of the story.

Source: jasrealty.com.ng

Generally, there is nothing to be afraid of. Certain rules have to exist. Governments around the world developed a set of laws that will control the usage of digital currencies. The only purpose of those laws was to stop money laundering and other illegal activities. Plus, whenever some countries legalized crypto, the prices have started to change. That only means these laws are actually a positive thing!

On the other hand, there are also a bunch of scammers in the crypto world that will try to steal your money. Solving this problem is simple. All you have to do is to pay attention to details and do not believe in everything you see or hear.

After we made everything clear, let’s move to the main point. Let’s find out together common cryptocurrency scams and legal risks all investors should know!

1. You May Have the Problem with Contractual Issues

Source: skytizens.com

We do not know how experienced an investor you are, but there is a big chance you have heard about “smart contracts”. The easiest way to describe them is as a group of promises that are specified in the digital format. All the details of transactions and promises that both parties made are there. Whenever all the duties are ended, one party has to pay all the cryptos to the other one. However, no one guarantees that these contracts will fit the legal framework.

We will use the entire United States of America as an example. The laws related to smart contracts are different from one state to another. However, so far, there is no federal law that confirms the legal validity of smart contracts.

However, there is one small exception worth mentioning here. In 2000, an act known as Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act is developed. Thanks to that act, the legal validity of all digital signatures you may make is somehow limited.

When things are unclear, that means there is enough space for scams and frauds. Because of that, we suggest you carefully read the law and try to figure out on your own whether signing a smart contract is a good or bad idea.

2. You May Face Jurisdictional Issues

Source: tabbforum.com

Another legal risk that can potentially appear is related to jurisdictional issues. As you know, the creators of blockchain technology had a clear goal. They wanted to disclude all the financial institutions from the transactions which made the crypto transactions quicker and more reliable. However, the main feature people like is the ability of crypto to provide better privacy. We know that sounds pretty good, but it can also be a cause of different jurisdictional issues.

As you know, crypto transaction nodes are located in various jurisdictions. Because of that, they can potentially be in conflict with the legal frameworks. Despite that, the crypto software often can’t determine the residence country of the user. Logically, the user does not have to share his physical address which makes things a bit complex.

Last, but not least issue that can appear is connected with the transactional nature of the blockchain. As you know, people often buy and sell cryptocurrency from all parts of the world. The international transactions with a lack of information do not allow the blockchain to determine the applicable laws and correct jurisdiction. In one place you will have to respect one type of rule while in another one those rules are completely different.

3. Anonymity Isn’t Good for Everyone

Source: microsoft.com

Well, there is one thing that we have to say. You will enjoy the anonymity for sure, but that doesn’t mean it does not bring certain problems as well. When anonymity is at the highest level, there is always enough space for financial frauds and data thefts. That is one of the legal concerns that all crypto users have even today.

It would be unfair not to mention that regulations around the globe are not fixing this issue. However, a good example that shows not everything is perfect happened in 2017. Only 4 years ago, the Ethereum blockchain has put nearly 250 million dollars at risk. Despite that, the data of more than 8500 crypto users were stolen as well. The security level has improved a lot since then, but if you are not careful, these things can happen to you as well.

So, how to protect yourself? For starters, do not trade at suspicious platforms. Despite that, do not click on every possible link that you receive via email. These things depend only on you and blockchain technology or any other modern solution will not manage to protect you.

4. Fake Mentors

Source: thehindu.com

Everyone has the right to share his knowledge and opinion. Because of that, fake mentors are not actually doing any illegal. Yet, it may happen that you face this form of scam when you get a big desire to become rich with cryptos.

Many people use the desire of people and good marketing strategy to get a better income. Because of that, they will promise good tips and predictions if you subscribe to their group, program, etc.

Carefully choose the “mentors”. If you need to spend money, then research the individual who represents himself as an experienced investor.

5. Final Thought

Source: masterthecrypto.com

Okay, we described everything bad that could happen to a crypto investor. Read the laws, know in every moment who you are working with and who you are giving your money to.

On the other hand, there is also a bunch of positive things you should know about crypto. For instance, did you know that playing online games can be a legit way to earn crypto? If you want to know all the legit ways of earning Bitcoin online, you can check out ibtimes.com after reading this article. In that way, you can be sure you are not going to become a victim of a scam.

The Difference Between Cuban Salsa & L.A. Salsa

Source: liveabout.com

If you’re planning on taking salsa classes, you probably did some digging online, and this is exactly when you found out that there are actually several styles of this dance that you could try. Besides New York and Colombian-style, two of the most popular options are Cuban, as well as L.A. salsa.

However, is there a difference between the two options? If so, what are those differences? What should I choose? Luckily for all individuals that are wondering the same thing, the article below will provide you with the answers you’re looking for. Here is what you should know about both types:

Option 1: L.A.

Source: pinterest.com

The very first thing that you should know about L.A. Salsa is that it’s the most demanding of all the options, mostly because it has more mechanics and structures to follow. Besides this, it’ll require you to perform some fast spins, all of which can be snappy and quite flashy at times.

Salsa L.A. style will require the leader to step forward on when the music begins with the left foot and it’s danced on one, to the dominating sound of the music, which in most cases, features a beat that has a set of eight counts. Now, don’t let the difficulty of this style intimidate you, mostly because beginners actually prefer it!

Why? Well, it’s quite simple, it focuses on the sharp beats of music, which is exactly why it’s easier for them to hear and connect to the music, as well as the steps that they have to perform. The timing is also relatively easy to follow. With this style, the timing is 1-2-3 (pause) 5-6-7 (pause). This means that you’ll have to pause on the fourth and eighth beats.

The music will loop every eight counts, which is something that’ll make it easier for you to follow the aforementioned pattern that starts at 1 and ends with 8. You should know, each of the loops is called a “phase”, which means that it’ll repeat itself for as long as needed. Since it’ll allow you to connect melody, beats, and music in an easy way, you might want to choose this particular style if you’re just starting out.

Option 2: Cuban

Source: ultraballroom.co.uk

When compared to the aforementioned option, Cuban-style salsa is completely different, mostly because it’s more casual and relaxed, and it’ll most likely prompt you to have a cooler attitude towards dancing. Like L.A., it’s also “on 1”, however, it isn’t linear, instead, it’s rounded.

Generally speaking, it’s performed by traditional Cuban music, which often makes people feel their movements, hence, it can cause them to forget the first beat. It’s worth mentioning, this particular style is the most similar to the original form of the dance – which has originated from Cuba – and it’s also a circular dance, meaning that the dancers’ will have to perform more cross-body salsa movements, rather than moving in a linear way.

It’s performed on the 1 or 3 beat break tempo, hence, the partners will need to tap on the fourth and eighth beat, and as mentioned, they can also neglect the first beat, but this will depend on how they feel about the music being played. When it comes to the timing, it’s also quite different than the L.A. type. Both the leader – which is, in most cases, the male – and the partner will have to back away from one another on the first 3 beats (1-2-3), and then they need to go towards each other on the 5-6-7 beat.

Again, the moves are circular instead of linear, and the main dancer has to lead all the moves in order to drive attention to the female dancer. Before choosing either of the options, ensure that you read more about them from different sources.

What Is The Difference Between Salsa And Salsa Casera?

Source: lafiga.cl

As you already know, salsa can also be translated to “sauce”, which is one of the main reasons people think that salsa casera is also a type of dance that they can choose to learn. However, it isn’t.

Salsa is a type of sauce that is completely fresh and uncooked, and that most commonly contains chopped onions, tomatoes, lime juice, seasoning, cilantro, and chiles. Salsa Casera contains the same ingredients, however, the tomatoes are charred and a Scorpion pepper is also added, which means that it’ll be extremely spicy!

So, What Option is Suitable For me?

Source: lovemusiclovedance.com

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, L.A. style is most suitable for people who are just starting out, as well as individuals that have absolutely no dancing experience. After all, the moves and beats are easy to follow, and you’ll most likely have no issues with nailing all the turns, dips, lifts, and drops!

Of course, it might be a bit more daunting, but most people get used to it relatively quickly. On the other hand, if you’re searching for something that is a bit more relaxing and easy, you can choose one of the most popular dances, Cuban styles.

It’s worth mentioning that this type can easily suit any space – including tight clubs – hence, even if you live in a smaller apartment, you’ll be capable of executing and practicing most of the moves that this particular style requires you to perform. Now, you should know, the option you choose will, of course, entirely dependent on your preferences, as well as what you want to achieve.

Hence, before you actually choose between the two options, it might be wise to watch some videos and see what each of them will require you to do. By doing this, you can ensure that you can perform the dance, but more importantly, you can ensure that you actually enjoy it!


Whether you wanted to know the difference between the two most popular styles of salsa or if you simply wanted to know which option is more suitable for you to take on, there is no denying – both of these types will provide you with endless hours of fun and entertainment.

Since you know and understand the main differences between the two options, don’t waste time. Instead, head online, do a bit more digging, watch some videos, determine which one might be more suitable for you, and then find a dance studio where you’ll learn all the moves!

How Far in Advance Should You Start Preparing for Christmas?

source: unsplash.com

The story of Jesus is truly magnificent. It was ground-breaking at that time it occurred, and it is ground-breaking now. Jesus, son of God, is someone who conquered death and provided people with knowledge about the afterlife.

Therefore, we don’t need to be scared of what will happen when we die. That’s why his birthday is something that billions of people around the world are celebrating with all the traditions that follow it.

When you take a look at these traditions, you will see that every culture has its traditions with unique characteristics. When it comes to the United States, we can see that many people think about it as a commercial holiday. Meaning, those people don’t think about the religious aspect. That doesn’t mean that the commercial aspect is not important, it means that people are not focused on the key element.

We are talking about the spiritual aspect. Christmas celebration is not a proper one if it doesn’t occur with you being surrounded by your closest family. Furthermore, buying gifts for your children and items essential for this celebration is an absolute must. We can see that many people are unsure about who far in advance they should start preparing for this holiday. Let’s take a look at what we’ve gathered on this subject.

Why Is It Important to Prepare Early?

source: unsplash.com

We are now in the middle of October, and we are all aware of the fact that the celebratory season is knocking on our doors. We will be there before we notice. That’s why it is of the utmost importance for us to prepare for the upcoming holidays on time. That way, we will save a lot of money and time.

The reason is quite simple, rushing to buy gifts and get it all in order can give us quite a lot of headaches. It’s known how crowded Christmas shopping can be. Starting early will provide you with a chance to determine how many people will attend the celebration, and how many gifts you should buy.

Not to mention that your schedule will become much busier in the last couple of days before the celebration itself. Some religious communities have a Christmas service on the 24th of December or the morning of the 25th. That’s why you should plan the whole process of preparing ahead. Entering the month of December and not still not talking about it is not going to help.

When You Should Start Preparing?

source: unsplash.com

While there is no definite answer on how far in advance should you start the preparations, we believe there are a couple of practices that have proven themselves as quite useful and effective. It is not uncommon for people to go Christmas shopping in August or September.

At the same time, many decide to start shopping in November. The reason is simple, they aim to get a cheaper price during Cyber Monday and Black Friday. The only factor that they need to wait out for October is buying decorations, in both of these cases.

How to Get Ready for Christmas Properly?

source: unsplash.com

Now, we would like to talk about some crucial factors that will help you get ready for the holiday much easier.

1. Take a Look at the Calendar

The first thing you need to do is check the calendar. We’ve already established that starting the preparations in December is not a good move for obvious reasons. However, opt for a time that gives you enough confidence you will have enough time to prepare everything in time without rushing.

Plus, you should see what are the days when you have some free time. Use this free time to conduct these preparations. We can see that the commonest practice people use is to finish these preparations by the beginning of December.

2. Come Up with a Budget

source: unsplash.com

The next crucial factor is deciding on a budget. We know, it sounds quite easy to do that, but believe us, there are many factors to take into consideration. Put everything on paper, from the number of guests you will have, how many gifts you plan to buy, what decorations you plan to use this year, whether you will prepare food or you will buy it, etc.

However, we can see that many make a mistake by not including some smaller things like stamps for cards and parking at the mall. By having a list in front of you, you will have a much easier time seeing what needs to be taken care of and how much money is needed.

If you’re have a large amount of guests, and looking for a cheaper gift guying process you could always use a secret santa generator.

3. Create a Guest List

In most cases, we can see that religious family celebrate Christmas pretty intimately, without inviting anyone to join them. However, there are situations where they are joined by some friends or distant family for some reason.

In this case, it is important to make the guests feel like they are their own home. It is what Christmas is all about. That way, make sure that there is enough of everything, from food to gifts. Also, think about some spare beds if your guests will sleep in your home for the night.

4. Start the Shopping Early

source: unsplash.com

We all know just how chaotic buying gifts can be. To avoid all the crowd, it is best to start the shopping earlier. If you read some first-hand experiences people write about on specialized forums, you will see that for some of them the process of buying gifts starts in September.

After that, they are waiting for October to buy some decorations. We believe that this is a good plan. You will have enough time to think about what to buy for your children and the rest of the family. Since the options for buying gifts are countless, this process can take much longer than many people believe.

For instance, if you want to purchase decorations that can make your household stand out you should visit Holyart.com. You’ll be happy to see that you can find Christmas deer and animal lights and Christmas laser lights projectors, just to name a few.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, it is possible to get everything in order without rushing. Here, you can see when you should start these preparations, and how to do it most efficiently.

How to Select the Right Meal Plan Company in Dubai?

Source: Pinterest.com

Eating healthy is not just about fulfilling your nutritional needs. It contributes to your overall well-being and, in turn, overall success or failure in life. This is because when you eat right, you feel better. When you feel better, you think better. When you think better, you are able to perform better.

And this performance is not only limited to your workplace. It extends to your personal life – the way you are able to handle stress, manage your relationships, and cope up with your emotions, among others. So, as you see, a healthy meal goes a long way in making sure you have a good life. It is like a small seed that turns into a tree that bears you the right fruit.

But, sometimes there is a wide gap between the idea of deciding to have a healthy meal and putting that meal on the table. And many people could use a bit of help in bridging that gap. This is where the role of a meal plan company comes into play.

Source: self.com

Rise of the Meal Plan Companies in Dubai

In the past couple of years, the UAE has emerged as one of the biggest economies in the world. Dubai, being the central hub of the country, is filled with multi-million dollar industries. Obviously, this means that the city is populated by career-driven people who are always on the run to reach the pinnacle of their respective careers.

As such, time is always short for them since they dedicate a chunk of their day to work. Naturally, it results in them not being able to give them the much-needed time they need to take care of their health. But, bad health can’t be an option if one decides to stay at the top of their game. And a pivotal aspect of good health comes from healthy meals.

This is where the meal plan companies came into play. Owing to the economical, industrial and infrastructural growth, various entrepreneurs have opened meal plan companies that are dedicated to taking care of dishing healthy meals round-the-clock at people’s notice.

While some of these companies are run by professional chefs, others are run by homemakers who are using their free time in researching how to carve a healthy diet and present it to the public. From small home setups to large-scale restaurants, these meal companies present a wide range of diversity.

Source: bayut.com

Key Factors to Keep in Mind While Selecting the Right Meal Company for You

First and foremost, you need to make sure that the proximity of the company aligns with your location. Some people may prefer ordering the food at their workplace while others would want it to get delivered to their home.

So, you need to ensure that the meal company that you are signing up for either is in the same vicinity as your home and/or office or it provides delivery to your concerned location.

Next up, you need to check out the reviews. The internet is your biggest guide. So, while selecting the ideal meal plan company, you need to ensure that they have a good review.

Some of these companies, such as VMeals, even make personalized meals for you. So, not only are you rest assured that you would be on a healthy diet plan, but you can customize your meal options. Different people have different dietary needs. Thus, it is important to potion and personalize your diet, which is exactly what VMeals is known for doing.

The requirement of fat, carb, protein, vitamins, minerals, fibers and other nutrients differs from person to person based on their age, sex, lifestyle, and physical health, among others. This meal plan company allows designing your own food.

In addition, another key aspect that this company takes care of which should prompt you even further to select it as your meal plan company is the consultation element. You may think you know your body and health requirements but talking to an expert will help in getting a broader outlook.

VMeals provides a free consultation with nutritionists with whom you can discuss your health challenges and your fitness goals. The best part is that this is a complimentary service, meaning you don’t have to spend a single additional penny for the consultation.

Source: supermealsuae.com

Diverse Needs, Diverse Plans, Diverse Dietary Needs

Even if you are not a working professional in Dubai, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need the services of the healthy meal plan companies. Students, homemakers, old-age people, and others need healthy meal supplements on a regular basis.

Homemakers are ordering healthy meals to be delivered at their doorsteps to take care of the entire family. Students are packing up meals from these companies in their lunch boxes to get a healthy dose between their classes. Elderly people are depending on the services of these companies to get the much-needed nutrient supply at their age.

The health-conscious public today has a diverse range of needs. Things are not binary anymore when restaurants and food-delivery services only had to cater to two basic divisions – vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods.

From vegan to keto, pescetarian to gluten-free and dairy-free, healthy meal companies are cautious of the demands of the public. Thus, most of the sought-after food delivery services incorporate these specific diets to meet the needs of the clients.

Whether you want a diet to complement your muscle gain fitness plan or your overall wellness plan, your weight loss plan, or your athletic diet plan, there is something for everyone with these healthy meal companies.

So, you can hit the gym, pump those muscles and come home and order in the exact diet your instructor or dietician recommended you with the aid of these healthy meal companies.

Source: loseweight.ae

To Conclude

The right meal company is the one that not only delivers food at your location but also makes sure that it caters to your specific dietary needs. Personalizing your diet is crucial and you should be able to have a say in what goes on your plate, especially when you are playing for it.

Keep in mind your health goals and align them with the food you order. In addition, speak to the in-house nutritionists of the meal company you are ordering food from in order to get a better grasp on your health and food.

Scrum – Is It Something You Should Implement in Your Company?

Source: hygger.io

If you have ever worked on the product on software development, for sure you must have heard about Scrum. This framework, designed for teams that build and iterate quickly, has gained immense popularity in the IT industry. Currently, over 70% of software companies use Scrum as their primary means of operation. Product managers keep saying that Scrum can help you work together to solve complex problems. Let’s dive deeper into what Scrum is, including how it works and what the pros and cons of Scrum are.

If you have ever worked on the product on software development, for sure you must have heard about Scrum. This framework, designed for teams that build and iterate quickly, has gained immense popularity in the IT industry. Currently, over 70% of software companies use Scrum as their primary means of operation. Product managers keep saying that Scrum can help you work together to solve complex problems. Let’s dive deeper into what Scrum is, including how it works and what the pros and cons of Scrum are.

Source: smartsheet.com

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a development methodology used in the development of software. We use it on a daily basis at Accesto. The methodology is based on iterative and incremental processes. The main goal of Scrum is to satisfy the client’s needs through transparency in communication and continuous progress. The whole idea behind Scrum starts from a concept on what must be built, with a very specific list of characteristics ordered by priority. Simply speaking, Scrum is a better way of building products. You are able to address complex problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. The Scrum methodology has been developed to increase a company’s output in the most efficient way possible. The whole idea is to utilize all available resources efficiently to drive optimal results. It replaces a programmed algorithmic approach with a heuristic one. Traditionally, Scrum is run in a sprint. Sprints are usually 2-week long working sessions with specific milestones to achieve at the end. As the Scrum framework has an iterative approach, it helps improve the product and deliver maximum value to the end-user.

Source: smartsheet.com

How Scrum works

As mentioned above, the Scrum framework relies on a system of continuous improvement. All processes can be adjusted based on the information you gain during the sprint. Scrum ‘consists of’ the following events:

  • Organizing backlog – to start the sprint, the team must identify what work to pull from the product backlog. Shortly speaking, it is deciding what must be done.
  • Sprint planning – when you organize your backlog, time to decide what you will be focusing on.
  • Start your sprint – usually, a sprint is 2 weeks long. However, there are shorter and longer sprints, depending on what works best for your team. The sprint means working on the items from the backlog that has been outlined during the sprint planning session.
  • Daily standups – according to the Scrum practices, the team should meet every day for around 15 minutes. During standups, team members will share what they are working on and discover unexpected blockers they may have run into.
  • Sprint reviews – when the sprint is finished, the Scrum team members should have a chance to present the work that has been done.
  • Sprint retro – the sprint retrospection is the time to discuss how the sprint went and what could be improved in the future.

While talking about how Scrum works, we cannot forget about Scrum values. If you follow Scrum, you are expected to learn commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.

Source: lumeer.io

Scrum roles and principles

The Scrum methodology prescribes three specific roles:

  1. Product owner – a person responsible for what the team is building and why. The product owner is in charge of the product backlog. They are connected to the user’s needs and bring clarity about what is most important to deliver next.
  2. Scrum master – a person whose role is to ensure the Scrum process is followed by the team. It’s like a combination of coach, team member, and supporter. Scrum master runs the various Scrum events and facilitates daily standups, as well as hosts the sprint planning, review, and retro meetings.
  3. Scrum team – people who actually build the product, everyone who is working on the sprint.

The empirical nature of Scrum can be underpinned by the principles described below.

Source: resources.scrumalliance.org


While working in Scrum, each member of the Scrum team should be aware of what issues other team members are running into.


The greatest successes are achieved when the team is working together, believing in a common goal. You can only deliver the best results if your team works together during and after the sprint.

Iterative development

Scrum means building iteratively. This way, the Scrum team can adapt to customer needs and modify the product and the outputs based on value-based prioritization. Remember, in Scrum, the first product is never perfect.


Each member of the Scrum team is empowered to take ownership of their work and tasks. According to the Scrum methodology, the shared ownership means more dynamic and creative teams.

Source: Pinterest.com

Should your team use Scrum? Pros and cons of the Scrum methodology

Although Scrum has become more and more popular in the IT industry, it isn’t for everyone. As with everything, Scrum has its pros and cons.

The pros of Scrum

The methodology can help teams complete projects quickly and efficiently. It ensures effective use of time and money. Time and financial resources can be utilized efficiently as finances are budgeted before the project starts. Such an approach helps in eliminating unexpected expenses and lapses in time. The product is thoroughly tested at the end of each sprint so that the team can track any possible flaws and fix them. Another thing is that Scrum breaks down bigger tasks into smaller and more workable parts which makes projects more achievable. Developments are tested during the sprint review and the team gets clear visibility through Scrum meetings. Teams that follow the methodology and its practices can easily benefit from agility and flexibility. Summing up, the Scrum framework can help you hit your goals more effectively.

The cons of Scrum

Of course, Scrum also has some limitations. Firstly, as the framework and Scrum projects don’t have a definite timeline and work based on each sprint, some projects may last much longer than they are supposed to. If there are too many changes, your team may iterate over and over without any results. The Scrum framework is continuous improvement, after all, and this may turn out to be a disadvantage. The next thing is that Scrum can sometimes be difficult to implement, especially when the team is not trained and educated enough. Scrum works best if the team is small (4-6 team members) – the bigger the team, the more problems with communication can occur. Finally, the chances of project failure are relatively high when individual team members aren’t cooperative or committed enough.

How To Set Up A Distilled Water Company

If you are thinking of setting up your very own business, you should set up a distilled water business. This is a potentially lucrative business because the key product is merely water, which there is an abundance of. Distilled water is also in very high demand, especially in areas that don’t have access to clean water.

Once you set up your business the right way, you’ll be able to earn a great deal. You just need a strategy. Here are some tips on how to set up a distilled water business.

Source: healthline.com

1. Have A Set Business Plan

If you are going to set up any kind of business, it is important that you have a business plan. A distilled water business might seem like an easy prospect, however, you should remember that it still takes a lot of planning and resources in order to pull off,

When you make your business plan, it is important that you know your target market and your competition. By knowing your target market, you will know the key demographic that you should sell your product to.

You should also check your competition, because a majority of those companies are already established. If you want to compete with them, you should take cues from them, and learn what they are doing right. You will also be able to see if some of your products are similar. This will give you the chance to change your products, before you start producing them.

2. Look For Investors

When it comes to setting up a business, you should make sure that you have the funds to support you. Remember that establishing any business takes a great deal of resources.

You’ll have to buy equipment for your factory. You will also need to buy containers, hire workers, and market your products. All of these things add up, and if you finance the project by yourself, you’ll most likely lose money in the long run.

This is where investors are very important. By having investors pledge their support to your business venture, you won’t have to use all your money on the business venture. Even better, you’ll have enough money to expand your business in the long run.

Source: ibottling.com

3. Find The Perfect Location

If you are going to set up a factory, you should make sure that you find the right location. Remember that factories are usually very loud, and you will have a lot of people coming and going to your factory.

If you are going to set the factory up somewhere, the location should be far away from residential areas. This will lessen any chances of the factory’s activities annoying and disturbing the people living nearby.

4. Set Up A Factory

Once you have found the perfect location for your factory, it is time to set up the factory. First things first, you should make sure that you have all the necessary distillation equipment.  The most common water distillation equipment are water distillation machines. These machines are designed to filter water, and rid them of contaminants. They will ensure that your water is as clean and drinkable as possible.

Aside from distillation equipment, you should also make sure that your water pipes and faucets are as sanitary as possible.  Water distillation usually requires a lot of water pressure. You should invest in a quality metal seated ball valve from SIO. If you are interested in getting quality ball valves, you should invest in SIO valves. Their products are of the best quality, and are also very affordable. If you are going to purchase faucets for your factory, you should invest in OLTSW faucets. Their faucets are highly efficient, durable, and great for a myriad of applications.

Source: mountainglacier.com

5. Choose The Best Containers

Aside from setting up an efficient factory, it is important that you choose the best containers for your distilled water. A majority of companies use plastic bottles. They are cheap, efficient, and easy to buy in large numbers. However, you should not limit yourself to just these container options. You could also use glass bottles, and even flexible plastic containers.

6. Follow Health And Safety Protocols

Remember that your products are going to be consumed by your customers. This means you should make sure that your company follows proper health and safety protocols.

Even if just one batch of your products is contaminated, and a customer gets sick, then your company will be the one to blame. To prevent any potential lawsuits, it is best that your employees practice health and safety protocols. They should make sure that they wear face masks and hair nets as they work on the distillation process, and the production lines. They should also make sure to clean their hands before and after every shift.

It is also important that your workers clean every part of the production lines after every shift. A cleanup crew should also conduct a thorough sterilization of all your equipment at least every two weeks. These protocols might be time consuming, but it is a lot better than having one of your customers get sick.

Source: medicalnewstoday.com

7. Employ An Efficient Amazon Shipping Service

When it comes to delivering your products, you should make sure to employ an efficient Amazon shipping service. Remember that when clients order your products, they will expect them to arrive as early as possible. They should also be in perfect condition.

If you want your deliveries to arrive on time, and in perfect condition, you should sign up with FBABEE. The company is a highly efficient shipping service. With their help, you’ll be able to handle all the logistics in your shipping services with little to no fuss.


If you are going to set up a bottled water business, you should make sure that you have a plan. With these tips, you’ll set up a very efficient bottled water company.

Where to Go in San Francisco This Weekend

Everyone loves and values ​​their free time. It is a good procedure because that time is the most precious time that a person can have during a working week when he is out of work and from all responsibilities and that is why it is necessary to use it properly. How to make the most of this time? Of course, by going on a trip wherever you want. There are so many places you can go, but we are sure you do not know where. Well, if you want to have a good time in a beautiful city full of fun and sights, then we recommend you to choose San Francisco.

If you’re in town this fine October weekend to take a look at San Francisco apartments and need some entertainment during your off-hours, you’re in luck! You happen to be in town during the tail-end of Fleet Week 2024 and can catch some of their beloved events. Here are some happenings in San Francisco this weekend that’ll have you itching to stay! For additional information, you can visit apartmentguide.com.

1. Chamber Music at Davies Symphony Hall

Source: datebook.sfchronicle.com

These intimate events are curated and performed by small ensembles from the larger musical whole that is the wonderful San Francisco symphony. This weekend, enjoy three marvelous compositions: Duo for Violin and Cello by Zoltán Kodály, Perfectly Voiceless by Devontae Hynes, and Piano Quintet in G minor by Dmitri Shostakovich. If you are a fan of such places and events then we think this proposal is perfect for you. We are sure that you are a fan of real fantastic events, of people who want to create and perform music for you, that is why we give you this wonderful proposal. All you need to do is rest well and prepare to enjoy a phenomenal event that will leave great memories in your head and in your soul that you will gladly return to and remember.

2. San Francisco Fleet Week 2024 Air Show

There’s always a ton of things to do during Fleet Week, but the stand out event will always be the Air Show. Held annually between the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz, this waterfront event is headlined by the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and is the only air show in the United States that features a commercial airliner performing a fully choreographed act! Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Then all you have to do is find out more about this activity that we recommend for your free time in San Francisco, plan the whole activity in your schedule that we are sure you are already doing slowly and prepare well to leave. and have a wonderful time. That’s all you have to do to have a good time in this beautiful city that offers you many opportunities for the days you will spend there.

2. Rockridge Rock n Stroll

Source: dothebay.com

This charming community event offers live music, events, and vendors along College Avenue and proves to be fun for the whole family. Stop by to shop, hear some local bands, and try some local dishes. Why not prepare together with your family, friends and even yourself and not go there to have a wonderful time? You will enjoy live performances that are always unique and beautiful to listen to, you will enjoy the wonderful drinks, the beautiful meals prepared by some of the best chefs in that part of the world and simply why you do not enjoy the smiles and joy of others present who will be there with you at the same time. Great idea for a nice evening in a city that never sleeps.

3. GoldenGate Bandshell Concert – Reggae Sunday

Golden Gate Park has a series of free outdoor concerts at their iconic and historic stage known as the Bandshell. On this stage you can often see some of the most unique artists and hear some of the most beautiful performances you have ever witnessed. Now you have the opportunity to be there live and see what the artists have prepared for you. Throughout the year the musical acts encompass incredible diversity. Concerts are free and for all ages which means you can go with your family or friends. This Sunday features a lineup of Reggae performers which you must not miss.

4. San Francisco Shakespeare Festival

Source: rushtix.com

Theatres have certainly suffered in the last two years, but now we have the chance to delve back to all that is dramatic and wistful. Held in Cupertino’s Memorial Park Amphitheatre, this weekend is the last chance for people to see Pericles, Prince of Tyre, and get your autumnal Shakespeare fix. This festival has magic that will allow you to enjoy and witness a beauty that is unique and everyone likes it.

5. Oyster Bake 2024

Another beloved event that is part of Fleet Week, the Oyster Bake is held at Baker Beach from 12pm to 6pm. Fresh oysters are provided from the waters of Tomales Bay, and pits will be formed in the sand so attendees can take part in grilling. Activities include kiting, frisbee, football, volleyball, and more. Best of all is that the Air Show will be visible from the beach!

6. Pumpkin Picking

Source: unexploredfootsteps.com

What October weekend would be complete without some autumnal activities? Luckily, there is no shortage of pumpkin patches in San Francisco and the larger Bay area, so bringing your kids to find the perfect gourd will be a piece of pie! Some beloved locations include Clancy’s Pumpkin Patch and The Guardsmen Pumpkin Patch.

October weekends in San Francisco are delightful and filled with activities to charm everyone, young and old. Luckily, for those looking to relocate to this beautiful city, there won’t be a weekend without something to do, given the rich history and strong community that you’ll be immersed in. So do not think and do not wait too long. Get ready, take a look at all these events that are offered to you and take the opportunity to witness beautiful music, beautiful acting, great performances, and enjoy your free weekend.

5 Tips for Finding a Last-minute Date for an Office Party

Source: roberthalf.jp

Office parties can be funny if the people who work together are close enough to have a great time, but in bigger companies, these parties are more like formal events, and they can be really boring. Many of us have been there, trying to have fun, but without a success, because those aren’t the people you want to be with, neither a place you prefer. But, these events are occasional, and they happen every once in a while, so we can try to survive them the best we can.

If you are a person who dislikes parties a lot, you may not be pleased with this invitation, and probably you aren’t obligated to go. But on some occasions, your presence is more than required, especially if you have an important role in your company, and you need to be there for the business partners. It gets even worse when they ask you to come together with your partner, without even thinking if you want to share your private life with them, or do you have a partner at all.

We are sure you want to avoid looking desperate, but there is nothing wrong with asking someone to join you at this party. Sometimes, it’s even better to go alone, but if it doesn’t work this time, you need to come up with some creative idea on how to do this.

There are a few solutions you can think about, and we will try to help you out with a few of them:

Source: roberthalf.jp

1. Invite your friend to come with you

You surely have a friend who is always ready to join you. At least, you will enjoy together the free corporate drinks and great food. Is there anything better than that? You will both have a great time together, and even the most boring office party in the world can become a little more interesting. And no one at work should know the real nature of your relationship or partnership. It’s important to act like a date, stay there meeting the required bare minimum of time, and then go home, or order some takeout to complete the evening.

2. Consider hiring an escort as an option too

If you visit londondeluxe.co.uk, you can find a woman to join you. If you can’t find a date regularly, or you don’t want to make your friends “suffer” from boredom, then these services can book you late dates. Escorts are always ready to jump in when needed. Maybe this is not the most popular option you may think about, but surely it helps if your date cancels last minute.

Source: roberthalf.jp

3. A family member can help you with this one

If you have a cousin or other family member who will gladly join you, then you can invite them to these office parties. It’s the same as the friends. You will enjoy the free food and drinks, get together through the boring talks and meetings, and then you will leave. The parties aren’t usually that long, so it would not be a problem for someone to jump in and fit the “open position” for that event.

4. Invite the person you want to date

If you are in that phase when you are messaging all the time, and you need to go out to meet them. If you are interested in this person, and you want to make the first step, mention this boring party you can both leave earlier and go somewhere else. Even though it’s not the best way to ask them out, there are real chances for them to accept the offer. Also, you will skip the unpleasant first minutes of the dates, and you will have a topic to talk about after the party. It’s a unique chance to “break the ice” and ask them out. Even if they don’t like the idea to go to an office party as your date, they will surely arrange something after that. At this point, spending an hour or two, just to meet this person after that, don’t sound that bad.

Source: Pinterest.com

5. Go alone

If they insist to invite someone, but you don’t feel like that, you can simply tell them your partner or spouse can’t come. That will give you an additional excuse to leave early if you find this party too boring. Explain to them that you don’t mix your private life with professional activities, and they need to understand that. Going to the corporate parties alone isn’t scary at all. If they are asking so many questions, you can always stick to the story you don’t want to include your family in the business, and simply have your time there, until you are ready to leave.

The final thoughts

If your company is pushing too hard for you to bring a date to the corporate party, you are not obligated to do that, and this is the confirmation you need for that. Being the only single person there is not the end of the world. Just be relaxed, spend the formal time there as required, and after that, feel free to leave.

No matter if you have a partner, spouse, or a person you date, you shouldn’t feel obligated to bring them to office events. But, if you are single, you can consider some of these suggestions as an option too. If you have a solution, make sure you tell the date how long the party will last, and if they should act some interesting role.

Source: Unsplash.com

Not going to that party is an option too, especially if you don’t have some specific role there. If you are a regular worker, who doesn’t hold a management position, you can simply skip this event, stay at home, and binge some show on Netflix. If you explain that to your boss nicely, they will understand – not everyone is able to go to corporate parties.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide what to do, and with who you will go to the parties.

How Elon Musk Became the Biggest Influencer in the Cryptocurrency World

Source: sensoriumxr.com

Cryptocurrencies are considered one of the most profitable ways to invest today. Whether it is Bitcoin, which is considered the strongest and most famous currency, or one of many others such as Ethereum, Ripple, Neo, and many others that many predict a bright future, more and more people are deciding to take this step.

To get better acquainted with the crypto world, we will first define the very term cryptocurrency.

Source: euronews.com

What are cryptocurrencies?

Digital money or “digital gold”, as many call it today, is money that exists only in virtual form but has its value. Because they are based on the blockchain principle, they are considered very safe to use. Another thing that makes them specific is that neither the Government nor the bank has power over it. All this leads to a divided opinion. Some see this as a way to make money, while others see it as a great opportunity to launder money. It is for these reasons that the status of these currencies is not regulated in many countries.

The first cryptocurrency was created in 2008. It was created by a group of people hiding behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It is about Bitcoin, which was not predicted for a very bright future at that time, considering that its value at that time was only $ 0.03. At the time, it was thought that it would be successful if it managed to equalize with the dollar. What no one expected was that this cryptocurrency would exceed the value of the US dollar by as much as 64,863 times, the value recorded in April, after a Tweet posted by the creator of the Tesla company, Elon Musk.

Namely, in April, he bought Bitcoin for 1.5 billion dollars and announced this currency as an accepted means of payment for the vehicles of this well-known company. During that period, Tesla’s shares recorded a large increase, and the value of bitcoin jumped by 14%.

After a short period, however, Musk withdrew his decision stating that bitcoin mining causes excessive electricity consumption, and is not environmentally friendly. So, then, bitcoin mining is the opposite of what Tesla stands for, and that is clean driving, far lower energy consumption than is the case with today’s conventional cars.

Source: slobodnaevropa.org

Many believe that Musk invested in Bitcoin with one intention, and that is to show that he can bring it down. This is supported by the fact that in July this year he announced that he also invested in Ethereum. What happened after that was expected – the value of this virtual banknote increased by 12% very quickly. Now we have his different statement, and that is that he will continue to invest in digital money because bitcoin mining is increasingly powered by renewable energy sources. If you are interested in more information about crypto business check www.ibtimes.com.

Musk is a big supporter of cryptocurrencies, helping to increase the prices of digital coins, including bitcoin, several times in the last year. His tweets and comments about cryptocurrency often lead to value jumps and high prices. Many wonder how one man manages to have so much influence on the crypto world, but the answer is very clear – people are watching the steps of the world’s great powers, hoping that they will also achieve the desired financial gain.

If all of this has led you to consider investing in one of the thousands of different digital currencies that exist, you must know the basics of how to get started.

Source: rs.cointelegraph.com

How to buy them?

You can buy cryptocurrencies in several ways, the most famous of which are purchases in exchange offices and crypto ATMs. If you opt for the first option, be prepared to take a few minutes for the process, as well as attach documents proving your identity. On the other hand, going to a crypto ATM is much easier – you swipe your credit card and choose the currency that you will place in your digital wallet after the purchase.

What is a digital wallet?

All money is kept safe, so this Digital wallet can be hot and cold, and it’s up to you to choose which one you want. What we can say is that a cold, hardware wallet is safer, but also more expensive. Hot has other advantages, and one of them is the easy approach.

Source: corporatefinanceinstitute.com

What’s next?

We come to the way of investing. There are two types of investments in cryptocurrencies that can lead you to earnings – trading and mining. Many will agree that trading is simpler and more practical. In addition, we have already mentioned that mining causes a large consumption of electricity. Of course, we can’t say it’s not profitable, you just need to be patient.

Trading is easy – choose a reliable platform to which you will entrust your digital money. It is necessary to monitor the situation on the market every day because the value of currencies changes several times a day.

Today, many mobile applications are very easy to use, and at the same time help you because they are based on the principle of artificial intelligence. These apps track changes and notify you, and respond 0.003 seconds faster than the fastest customer. This short time can bring you a big advantage in the crypto world. Read more at  https://bitcoin-prime.app/.

Source: corporatefinanceinstitute.com

Final thoughts

What we can conclude is that the demand for cryptocurrencies will continue to grow in the future and that they are still considered one of the most profitable ways to invest. Of course, investing needs to be approached with caution.

From many brokers and experienced investors, you will have the opportunity to hear advice that it is best to invest in several different currencies, at least initially. This way you will keep at least part of the money safe. By this, we mean that if the value of a particular currency falls and you lose money, the rest will be saved in another because there is little chance that more currency will lose in value at the same time.

In addition, you must enter as much as you can without affecting the quality of your daily life. Now that you are familiar with the basics of investing, you can get started. When a billionaire like Elon Musk sees in them an opportunity to make money, why wouldn’t you?

Top 9 Rio de Janeiro’s Best LGBTQ+ Clubs and Bars 2024

As someone who has traveled to many places, Rio de Janeiro stands out for its vibrant culture. The energy of the people, the lively...