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What Is Bin Picking And Why Is It Important?

Source: photonics.com

Nowadays, automation is replacing many jobs. Many of these jobs, until recently, were done manually by people. The automation greatly speeds up production processes – but also makes it easier for people who can redirect their capacities to other things. One such technology is bin picking technology – and here’s why it’s so important.

What Is Bin Picking Technology?

Source: therobotreport.com

Nowadays, robotics has advanced so much that we can give some very complex tasks to robots. However, we can also use robots for some tasks that will save us labor – such as loading boxes or individual parts of products. This will undoubtedly be more economical because it saves both time and energy. Still, what to do when you need to separate items of different shapes and structures and then transfer them to the next production station? Can a machine distinguish them? The answer is YES and that is the key to bin picking technology.

Significance Of Bin Picking Technology

Bin picking technology involves robots that function visually. Namely, these robots are equipped with modern multi-dimensional cameras. That way, they are able to recognize certain production parts – which are often irregularly shaped or of different structures. Then, the robots extract such parts from the tank – and shape them properly before sending them to the next production station. Very often, it happens that among the parts of the same shape there are some different shapes or sizes that do not belong there. However, they can be reshaped and serve a purpose. This is where the greatest importance of bin picking technology lies.

How Do These Robots Work?

Source: pinterest.com

When we talk about the bin picking process, we must emphasize that this process involves several key steps. Namely, the robot first identifies the parts you need. The robot is able to achieve this with the help of programmed measurement methods – as well as with the help of high-tech and high-resolution cameras. Its visual ability is so powerful – that deviations from appropriate measures are almost impossible or quite insignificant. In addition, the robot is able to determine the position of the parts or objects that are needed. For this, 3D camera technology is used, which will detect the position of production parts. Even in the case of the movement of parts inside the tank – the robot will be able to detect the position of these parts in the pile with the help of specific algorithms. Such robots also have powerful grippers – and all this makes a functional modern machine that is of great use, especially in industry.

Why Is Bin Picking So Important?

Bin picking technology implies systems that use 3D visual technology. It is precisely this visual orientation that enables the recognition of parts and their separation and positioning – that is the reason why this technology is so important. Such technical systems can be adapted to different industrial productions. Bin picking robots are very precise – and, on the other hand, they are flexible and applicable in many jobs. Their features are such that they cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are used in precision mechanics or the automotive industry, and the like.

Other Benefits Of Bin Picking Robots

Source: PInterest.com

Given that we have highlighted some of the most important technical features of bin picking robots, we should look at some more benefits of using them. First of all, these smart machines are also very adaptable. This means they are able to work in different environments and with different materials – but without any reduced efficiency. Also, they are multifunctional because they can be redistributed to different tasks – and can further increase the amount of work they do. They are also very independent – which means that they need minimal control or supervision by the human factor. It is because these machines are well programmed for the task they should perform. Certainly, efficiency and precision are what are the most important features of these systems.

The Use Of Bin Picking Technology In Industry

Bin picking technology is very applicable in many industries. However, it is mostly used in industrial sectors such as the automotive industry, logistics, and transport, pharmacy, etc. Certainly, this technology is also very practical because the entire production process is significantly accelerated – and is much more precise. Robots can extract randomly placed parts that can be different. Moreover, bin picking can be performed within different industrial environments – in which these robots will unmistakably locate the required pieces even if they are in a chaotic layout. The biggest advantage for the industries in which it is used is the reduction of labor, speed, and efficiency – and of course, high precision. This also reduces the costs of the production process itself.

Rational Use And Savings

Source: Medium.com

In addition to the technical advantages that the use of bin picking robots brings, it should be emphasized that the rationality of their introduction into specific plants is conditioned primarily by the volume of production – and the nature of the operations that the robot should perform. In the case of serial production processes, where there are a large number of repetitions of the same operation or a series of operations – the advantages of such robots are almost obvious. Of course, with the increase in production volume, the cost of introducing robots falls, so there are often processes where the invested funds return quickly – and only on the basis of labor savings.


We hope that we have finally explained to you what the concept of bin picking is – and the importance of this technology for modern industry. The fact is that today, in large and serial production, we are increasingly turning to automation. Automation makes production more affordable for us. Fortunately, technology is advancing just as fast today. Although the use of robots used to be an almost unattainable dream – in just a few decades it has become a reality and a part of our everyday life. The visual technology of bin picking robots is very advanced, and as such is of great importance today – especially in the industry.

6 tips and Tricks For Improving Your Destiny PVP skills

Source: thedeveloperlabs.com

How do I get better? This is one of the questions that every gamer asks himself at some point. The best advice we can give you is that you just have to play as much as possible. Also, try to think a few steps ahead of your opponents, anticipate moves, use angles, have an escape plan, practice weapon control, and so on. Here are some additional universal tips that will benefit everyone. Don’t forget that the most important thing is to have a good time while playing. However, there are a few more tips and tricks to help you improve your destiny PVP skills.

1. Use a map

Source: vgr.com

One of the common mistakes players make is taking their eyes off the map. Don’t do this because a map can save your life many times. It will help you never become prey, because thanks to this tool you will achieve a great advantage over your opponents. If it is not clear to you so far how the enemies managed to spot and kill you so quickly, we have the answer. You became predictable, and they concluded that by using a mini-map. They are constantly lurking there and waiting for your arrival. Try to turn the situation in your favor. This way you will not only avoid certain death, but you will also see where the best fights are being fought and you will keep an eye on the enemy. You must not forget one thing. If you shoot first, you will always have the advantage. So do not hesitate but use all the advantages of the map and establish domination over the enemy.

2. Look up to PRO players

Source: dexerto.com

It is important to follow the PROs and get the best out of it. There is an option that allows you to clearly see which team is committing the kill. You will not only see this act but also all the details. This refers to the way of killing, the type of weapon used in this situation, but also the moves. This way you can steal all the cool moves and tricks. So do not miss all the details, because by adopting them you can improve a lot.

We are sure that there are at least a few tricks that are better than your current moves that you use, etc. However, you don’t have to learn only new moves. Another useful lesson can be learned from their mistakes that will make you think. For example, ask yourself if you are using the right weapon, how effective it is, what you need to change, and so on. Sometimes it is necessary to let the enemy team win in order to learn something about the skills you want to acquire.

3. Use the right tools

Source: polygon.com

If you want to do a good job, you need to have the right tools to use in certain situations. Only then will you positively impact your performance in PvP. So inspect your equipment and consider the following items. Impact comes first, because it would be good to do as much damage as possible with each blow. Range is also important. Check how far your shot can reach before it loses accuracy. Stability is a very important item. Be sure to know the jerk of the weapon during shooting. Pay attention to the handling, the speed of pulling out and aiming the weapon.

In addition, check the recharging speed. It would be good to load the weapon as quickly as possible. Don’t forget about different types of weapons, because each of them will have different statistics. Another important factor is your style of play, because it can sometimes be decisive. Always keep these things in mind, because the better you aim and hit the target, the sooner the fight will be over. Our advice is to always take the latest weapons, because they contain the latest mechanics that have not been seen in the game before. We must not forget the conditions of the map. They will also influence the choice of weapons, because each combat encounter will be different in different places. You can greatly benefit from Destiny 2 boosting since that way you can get exotic weapons. Check available exotic weapons for Destiny 2 at MMOBOOST.PRO

4. Master the movements

Source: vg247.com

Remember that this is perhaps more important than a good goal. Only in this way will you be able to stay alive, because your opponents will not be able to catch up with you with their blows. Don’t forget the unique movements and abilities to cover the ground. Be prepared for that too. That’s why you keep moving, because it’s always lurking around the corner. Of course, you will first check the area you are in well, but don’t take it long. Just use two seconds to do this, and then you can move on to another area. Some modes will allow you more time to check, such as Survival and Elimination. However, do not camp for too long as the enemy will take advantage of your inactivity. This means that you will be surrounded by them very quickly, and your enemies will be in the perfect position to attack.

5. Learn from defeat

So you will not only get useful lessons from defeating pro players but also from your own defeats. While losing is not a fun thing, it gives you the opportunity to learn. It is an opportunity to learn maps and weapons, improve your skills and improve in every sense. Remember that a good knowledge of the map will take you far and you will become very strong. So when you lose, don’t get upset right away, stop for a moment. See why it happened, analyze your moves, equipment and everything you need to prevent this outcome in the next match.

6. Use radar

Source: windowscentral.com

This way you will always see the bigger picture compared to tunnel vision. For example, you have a fight with someone and that someone starts running away. We’re sure you’ll go after him, but you have to keep good eye control. So practice taking a look at your radar every few seconds, because that way you will know where your team is. Radar has nuances that change in relation to the proximity, distance and height of your opponents.


Don’t forget to use the map, the latest weapons and never stop moving. Without this, you will not be able to improve, but if you adopt all those tips, you will be great in this fantastic game.

How to Mix the Best Footing for Horse Arenas

Source: horseandrider.com

Humans first domesticated horses over 5,500 years ago in Kazakhstan. Horses have been reliable creatures throughout the course of time. We’ve relied on them for transportation as we’ve hunted food, fought wars, and built civilizations. They never left our side.

Despite the creation of cars and planes, people all over the globe continue to turn to horses for everyday needs. We’ve even trained horses to race and compete in arenas. Because they are such magnificent creatures, it’s important to care for their health and wellbeing. One way we care for horses is by using proper footing within a horse arena. We’ll teach you how to mix the best footing in the below guide.

Why Is Footing So Important?

Source: equusmagazine.com

Good horse footing promotes musculoskeletal health in horses. Think of it as an athlete picking out the most appropriate and supportive shoes for their sport. Without good support, their chances of wear and tear (or sudden injury) increase.

As riders train their horses, they often switch between varying types of footing. Mixing up the footing during training strengthens the horse’s joints and ligaments. Some horses will even start to show a preference for one type of footing over the others. Professional riders encourage others to take the time to understand their horse’s favorite footing.

What’s Considered ‘Good’ Footing?

Someone saying they mix the best footing for horse arena grounds is like someone saying they make the best chili. Despite it being a basic recipe, there are quite a bit of mixed opinions and variations. Click here to learn more about this topic.

On a surface level, most consider ‘good’ footing to be footing that’s supportive to a horse’s body. Good footing reduces the chance of injury while preserving the overall health of the horse. The materials used in footing are dependent on the environment. The type of competition and/or training activities also influence how footing mixtures are made.

Source: thehorse.com

Harder materials, such as compacted sand and pavement, help heal tendons through trotting but cause issues over time for horses training in endurance. Softer materials, such as fiber and soft sand mixes, are great for competitions but can cause issues to the soft tissue if the footing isn’t hard enough. As you can see, there’s a fine line one must follow when mixing horse footing. You’ll need a footing that’s cushioned enough to absorb hard impacts but stable enough to support heavy weights and quick movement.

Start With the Base

Before laying down any horse footing, guarantee you’re starting with a good base. The base sets the stage for the remainder of your project.

The base must drain efficiently to control the water and moisture content of your footing. No arena owner wants to watch a lake form each time there’s rain in the area, but you also don’t want to suffer from too dry of sand. Install drains and base mats that aid in controlling moisture content. Some arena owners install irrigation systems under their footing, especially those in areas where droughts are common.

Start With Sand

Source: thehorse.com

Start with sand footing when creating a footing mix. Don’t get discouraged if you’re new to the game. It’ll take time and experimentation to find the sweet spot in your mixture.Avoid sand that’s too round and polished. Squishy beach-like sand can cause injury to a horse’s soft tissue and joints. You’ll want to find sand particles that are angular to improve traction.

If a supplier attempts to sell you sand one might find in a river, be cautious. It’s important to only use high-quality sand with additives you can trust. Cheap sand tends to quickly break down.Don’t cut corners in your budget when it comes to footing. When you invest in the footing, you invest in your horses and the arena.

Sand Additives

Now that you’ve gotten your base footing material, it’s time to incorporate sand additives. Use additives that provide cushioning, support, and traction. Avoid stiff felt or fibers that feel too loose.

As you create footing mixes, consider the activities being performed in the arena. If your arena is home to many jumping competitions, think about impact absorption. Think more about traction and stability if your arena is used more often for endurance and speed races. Before buying additives, read through the list of ingredients. Lean towards ingredients that are environmentally friendly and those that reduce dust.

Maintaining Your Arena

Source: budgetequestrian.com

It’s crucial you guarantee your footing is maintained and consistent. Poor footing increases the chance of injury. Avoid using overhead sprinklers because they contribute to uneven watering, which leads to harrowing. Many arena owners use systems that water the sand from below the footing.

You must also invest in a leveler for the arena. A leveler evens out the sand to avoid random bumps and dips in the footing. An unsuspected dip in the sand can cause major injuries!If an injury has occurred recently in your arena, it’s important to inspect your base and footing before allowing any more riding.

Creating and Maintaining Footing for Your Horse Arena

Do you own and/or manage a horse arena? If so, you understand the importance of creating and maintaining good footing for your four-legged guests.

Before you focus on good footing, create a high-quality base with base mats and drainage pipes. Install your sand footing, and mix in additives that increase impact absorption and support. The job isn’t finished here because you must continue to maintain the arena ground to ensure the health and safety of the horses.

Is Online Betting Reliable?

Source: pinnacle-marketing.com

By far, the thing that will have the biggest impact on your enjoyment and whether you win or lose. In short, you really can’t win unless you’re playing at a legitimate online casino that is regulated for fairness. But in this day and age, finding one is not very difficult at all. In fact, there aren’t many illegitimate or illegal online casinos that can operate more than a few weeks without users noticing.

Which is why you may need to do a little research before you determine the best option for you. Currently, there are tons of apps and betting sites that users in this region can easily access. Giving you the chance to play for real money instantly, without making any additional downloads.

After testing and reviewing virtually every available online casino, Kuwait-casino.net now has a list of the most trustworthy names in the business. The following is part of their process for figuring out which casinos are worth joining.

Differences Between Good Sites and Bad Ones

Source: cascadeursound.com

In most cases, the difference between a great online casino and bad one is glaringly obvious. For instance, you will notice right away if the homepage is too busy, or the games aren’t loading or playing as they should be.

However, some signs are not so easy to spot. For example, unreasonable wagering requirements or terms of services. Where users are meant to read a whole lot of fine print. But that’s precisely why sites like El Arab exist in the first place.


The first, and most important aspect of any type of real money gambling online is the security of your information. Of course, if you’re planning to bet for the chance to win money, you’ll need to make deposits from your account or credit card. Which is why it’s of the utmost importance that the casino uses very high-level encryption and protection.

It’s also your responsibility to ensure that you do not compromise your login information by sharing your details or playing on public devices.


Source: legitgamblingsites.com

Naturally, the biggest reason you’re visiting an online casino is for the chance to win some money. Therefore, a website that gives you good odds and payouts is non-negotiable. Luckily, this won’t be much of an issue as long as you’re playing at a licensed and regulated online casino. Especially those that have eCOGRA certification, which is an outside agency that regulates casinos to ensure they are following legal and fair practices.

One of these is having Random Number Generators on all standard games. Which provides a completely random result every time you spin or every round you play on a computerized table game.

Game Selection

This isn’t a hard one at all, since most users notice the games first when they enter a new online casino. You want to make sure that no matter which types of games you like, you’ll have plenty of options. For example, if you like slots, then you’re in luck. Because most of the top casinos will host hundreds of them which you can play on any device.

Game selection also goes beyond the games themselves. You should also be checking to make sure the variations they have come with the most favorable rules. As well as that they offer stakes levels that suit your budget. If you feel like a particular website is more suitable to a high-roller or vice versa, you can always move on. Generally speaking, most casinos do their best to accommodate all types of users.


Source: jamesperceptions.blogspot.com

The best thing about playing online rather than in a traditional casino is that you can play how you want. For instance, whether it’s night or day, the gaming tables you love will be available. Additionally, you can make adjustments to personalize your experiences to your taste.

Here are some of the methods casinos use to keep things more exciting:

  • Mobile games – Being able to play on your phone or tablet from anywhere means you can play on your schedule. Without even needing to site at your computer.
  • Live casino – With live dealer games you get the best of both worlds; you can play from anywhere but still have the authentic gameplay that you love. For instance, live dealer games are always played with a real person as the dealer via high-definition video stream. It’s the closes way to feel like you’re in a casino without actually visiting one.

Bonus Offers

One of the things that review sites scour the web for are casinos that are offering the most advantageous bonus offers. Both for new members as well as returning ones. For example, when you create an account with one of the leading online casinos, you can expect a pretty generous deal as part of the agreement. But only if you choose to partake, it’s always up to you whether you feel an offer will benefit you or not.

In most cases, these offers include free spins, or a match of your deposit which you would have to be mad to pass up. The only caveat would be for players that don’t feel like they can realistically meet the wagering requirements before they cash out any winnings gained from using their bonuses. Such as players who are only planning to play on very rare occasions or for very small amounts.

Source: digitalconnectmag.com

Of course, wherever there is a no-deposit bonus, it’s always worth taking. Because then you can simply test out the casino and certain games completely risk-free. The only time you’ll need to think about meeting the terms is if you end up winning.


In short, as long as you are looking for all of the above when searching for your next betting destination, you can count on a secure and reliable experience, also visit https://australiansportsbetting.net/.

Every day, thousands of people win large amounts on slots and other games all over the world. As the online betting scene continues to grow and thrive.

Emblems & Characteristics of Psychological Dependence on Alcohol or Drugs

Source: sanalake.com

At the point when you hear or read conversations of medication or liquor reliance, you hear most with regards to the physical, synthetic reliance that is made when somebody becomes dependent on medications or liquor. In any case, there is one more kind of reliance, mental reliance, which is a term used to depict the psychological and frequently passionate parts of substance misuse issue.

Many individuals will want to distinguish when they are genuinely reliant upon a substance or medication, however, it is far harder to impartially assess one’s own enthusiastic or mental state concerning dependence. Regularly called psychological dependence instead of mental reliance, there is a particular contrast between habit and reliance.

Reliance is a recognizable mental issue that revolves around substance utilization even considering likely adverse results and results. It is comprised of both mental and actual viewpoints that are regularly undeniably challenging to isolate and can be an extremely perplexing condition.

Source: pinterest.com

Reliance, then again, is a condition by which either your body, cerebrum, or both have been adapted to rely upon a substance that the individual burns through. Regularly the utilization of the substance is simply to forestall withdrawal indications since the resilience to the substance is by and large considerable.

Indications of psychological dependence on drugs

According to Confidant Health, a significant number of the indications of a mental reliance are based on the compound resilience that the client develops during their time of utilization, staying away from potential withdrawal manifestations, and the fundamentally mental side effects related with fixation like the serious medication longings and the reasons that cause substance misuse idealism in any case.

The resistance that many addicts work to their substance of choice is one of the essential factors that drive mental reliance. If you use a substance over the long haul, your body and psyche become accustomed to it, and the impacts or high that you have once experienced are then presently not achievable. Now, you may start taking bigger and bigger portions trying to recover that inclination. While this doesn’t prompt more exceptional highs, it serves to fabricate a more serious substance reliance.

This more grounded synthetic reliance is regularly the reason for one more explanation or indication of mental reliance, which is removing a substance from dread for the withdrawal side effects. For some illicit and generally mishandled drugs, the withdrawal side effects can be unquestionably awkward, even agonizing and horrible. This can impart a strict dread of withdrawal for some clients of medications like heroin or meth. Even though they don’t feel similar impacts, they will now and again take what is alluded to as an upkeep portion, which is the thing that they take exclusively to stay away from the chance of withdrawal manifestations and ailment.

Source: gcphn.org.au

A few clients have inclined to mental reliance regardless substance they use. This can happen when there are fundamental reasons for dependence that are not addressed or settled adequately to eliminate the main driver of a singular trying to utilize drugs. At the point when conditions like this are available, no measure of detox or upkeep dosing will help. You should see guiding to recognize the main thrusts behind your mental reliance.

Why it becomes difficult to stop using the drug with mental reliance?

While mental reliance and habit are regularly capable together, they frequently cross over. Numerous people don’t have a dependence, however are mentally subject to their medication of choice. Perhaps the most well-known example is having a beverage after work. You might begin with drinking a brew or a glass of wine when you return home, yet over the long run, your cerebrum might relate the unwinding of the beverage with something that assists you with loosening up a distressing day. This can prompt feeling like you wanted a beverage to feel loose. In case you can’t have your daily drink, you might become stressed or restless that you will not have the option to unwind.

While a daily glass of wine may not appear to be anything to joke about, and it isn’t the hazardous habit-forming conduct that you would connect with a heavy drinker or medication fiend, this powerlessness to unwind without a beverage is a genuine sign of having a mental reliance.

Not all medications have been straightforwardly connected to an actual reliance, however many have been connected with a mental reliance. These medications include:

  • Inhalants
  • LSD 
  • Cocaine
  • Psilocybin
  • Marijuana

Different medications can prompt both a physical and mental reliance, including:

  • Opiates
  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
Source: eagleeye.news

Mental conditions can be amazingly difficult to survive, particularly if your utilization hasn’t contrarily affected your life at this point, like costing you cash, influencing your work, or having any bearing on your connections. In case you can completely carry on your typical life, it tends to be truly difficult to concede that you have an issue. The timetable for withdrawals or an actual reliance is quite clear and generally the equivalent no matter how you look at it. Treating mental conditions, nonetheless, differ enormously from one individual to another.

Treatment choices for psychological dependence on drugs

Detox is a particular interaction that objectives the actual manifestations of withdrawal. Detoxing is frequently the initial step, as there can be numerous likely mental and mental variables at play too.

The absolute most normal remedies for a mental reliance are:

  • Medication
  • Support Groups
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Inpatient treatments
  • Different behavioral therapies

Treatment for a mental reliance is best finished with the assistance of a compulsion subject matter expert or emotional well-being proficient. One of the preliminary steps you can take is to contact treatment experts at the ImpactRecoveryCenter so they can help you through detox and the mental reliance treatment that should be done thereafter.

You merit the chance to carry on with a daily existence liberated from the servitude of dependence. Put resources into yourself now and your future self will be much obliged.

10 Best Realtor Tools for 2024

Source: millionacres.com

Not only do real estate agents play an essential role in the sale of homes, but they also often help people find their dream house. However, it is important to remember that while some homes are on the market for a very short time (sometimes just one weekend), others can take months or even years before finding a buyer.

In fact, it has been estimated that real estate brokers perform almost one-third of all U.S. home sales, or roughly 5 million per year (2013 National Association of Realtors Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers Survey).

As the demands for Realtor’s rise, so do their workloads. According to a recent report, real estate brokers are now spending more time selling, translating into more business trips around the nation.

The survey conducted by Bloomberg ranks Realtors among the top 7 jobs ranked for travel. So, if you’re a realtor and looking for ways to make your life easier, here are 10 Tools designed just for you.

1. Zoom (Video Conferencing)

Source: 9to5mac.com

Zoom is an all-in-one, high-definition video and audio-conferencing app that can help you manage your meetings better. You can start a webinar by sharing the link with your attendees. You do not need to install any software on their computers.

It also allows up to 50 participants in one meeting or up to 200 for HD video conferencing (for Elite accounts). For an additional fee, you can even record your video conference. It’s estimated that 300 million people work from home; not all can afford an expensive telepresence setup.

Zoom fills that gap by giving the look and feel of being in a meeting room, but at a fraction of the cost. Zoom is beneficial for real estate agents because it’s an easy way to have video conference calls with prospects, colleagues (or the spouse). Plus, you can store your video conference history for future use or record them to promote your expertise.

2. Conversant (Lead Generation)

Conversant is an outbound prospecting platform that provides real-time sales insights. The software allows users to discover cold leads and start conversations with them 24/7.
Real estate agents can use Conversant to help fill their pipeline and generate more sales opportunities, especially in a competitive market like todays.

You can find your next client by searching or browsing through its prospecting tools (or even share lists with your team if you’re working on a joint appointment setting campaign). As Ivar Jacobson, the father of Object-Oriented Software Engineering, pointed out: “The biggest ROI often comes from finding new and previously undiscovered revenue streams and growth areas.”. So, if you haven’t tried it yet, now is the time.

3. Configure.IT (Project Management)

Source: whatasoftware.com

Configure.IT is an Australian project management tool for real estate agents that allow users to build, share and track their progress. The tool is packed with features that allow you to create your own workflows, assign tasks, set timeframes for deliverables, and keep everyone on the same page (literally).

You can also add integrations such as Google Calendar or other productivity apps like Trello or Asana. Configure.IT helps real estate agents manage their calendars and deadlines, preventing them from missing important milestones in the sales process. It’s another excellent way to stay organized and cut back on excuses (Don’t say I didn’t warn you: “I’ll get it done tomorrow” does not count).

4. Zillow (Website)

Zillow offers a variety of tools designed to help users discover homes and connect with agents. It’s a real estate marketplace and information hub that can give you insights into the industry – from the latest market trends to MLS listings and price reductions of recently sold homes.

Whether you’re looking for ways to sell your own home or looking for a new property to invest in, Zillow is one website worth checking out. In fact, it has been ranked as no.1 on Google’s results page when searching “homes for sale near me” so expect those traffic numbers to rise even more in the coming years.

5. AgentMax (Lead Generation)

Source: facebook.com

Real estate agents who want a seamless lead generation experience need to look no further than AgentMax. The platform offers a full range of services, including data enrichment, outbound prospecting, lead scoring, and nurturing.

The CRM tool allows users to create a more personal experience for their prospects by segmenting them based on the information you’ve gathered (like job titles, buying preferences, and location). For real estate agents who want to be laser-focused in their sales outreach, AgentMax is the more innovative way of doing it.

6. Background Check Service

Background check is an essential but potentially slow (and expensive) process. That’s where UnMask comes in; it uses new technology to make the process faster and easier while also giving you reliable results.

This website allows real estate agents to screen their leads faster by verifying their identity without calling them up for more information. It also helps agents keep track of past communication with prospects, so they can easily follow up when necessary or refer them to another agent if needed.

7. Slack

Source: play.google.com

Earlier this year, Slack added a new feature that allows users to integrate more than 85 other productivity apps directly into their workflow. This includes tools from companies like Salesforce, Dropbox, and MailChimp, just to name a few.

Slack’s newest integration is one of the most significant updates to its chatbot platform since it first launched back in 2014. And with more than 8 million daily active users, Slack continues to lead the charge when it comes to communication and collaboration tools for real estate agents.

8. WeVideo (Online Video Editing)

WeVideo is a web-based video editing service that allows you to create videos from scratch or use templates to get started. In addition, users can crop and edit their videos faster by choosing from various themes and styles.

WeVideo also has many built-in effects and transitions that make it easy for novice editors to create pro-level videos. This is a great tool to show off real estate listings on your website, social media pages, or YouTube.

9. Matterport 3D Virtual Tours

Source: matterportvirtualtours.net

A virtual tour is a great addition to any real estate agent’s online marketing strategy because it improves on what your website can’t show off. Matterport 3D virtual tours not only allow you to create more compelling listings but also help drive more traffic to your site.

This new tool allows users to easily upload floor plans and related content (like furniture or artwork). It then uses computer vision algorithms to generate interactive 3D images that agents can use on their website, Google Business View account, or YouTube channel.

Matterport has also partnered with Google Street View so users can make their latest listing accessible by anyone, no matter where it’s located. This helps increase conversions by making it easier for prospects researching a neighborhood to find the perfect house.

10. Canva

Featuring more than 58 million users, Canva is one of the most popular online graphic design platforms available. It stands out from similar services like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop because of its simple interface that allows users to get started with no design experience required.

With Canva’s easy-to-use templates, you can create graphics for social media posts, flyers, business cards, blog graphics, and much more. The best part about this tool is that it’s free, so agents can get started right away without worrying about hidden costs.


Finding the right tools for your real estate business is vital because it can help you scale more efficiently. In addition, as technology continues to evolve, new products are constantly being released that make business processes faster and easier.

So, whether you’re looking to improve your marketing strategy or increase conversions, these 5 tools will help make it easier for you to find success.

How to Work Together With the Person Struggling With Addiction?

Source: vertavahealth.com

With regards to drug dependence and substance misuse, the main focus of thinking is only the dependent person. In any case, concentrates on showing that individuals with direct relations with substance misuse problems and dependence experience high measures of pressure that can influence their passion and actual wellbeing.

Thus, notwithstanding the large numbers of individuals who battle with substance misuse and reliance, there are millions all the more relatives and companions who are influenced by and put resources into their recuperation interaction.

Many researchers have likewise shown the gigantic monetary and social weight put on the close relatives of an individual battling with substance use disorder. An increment in open assets and strategy change is fundamental for these bigger issues to be tended to deal with.

However, meanwhile, since families assume a vital part in the recuperation processes, the companions, kin, guardians, kids, and companions, need down-to-earth apparatuses for taking care of the everyday stressors of living with an individual experiencing examples of substance misuse.

Guidelines to deal with an addict

Source: therecoveryvillage.com

Following are a few guidelines for friends and family to work together with a person who is battling with drug reliance and substance abuse:

1. Knowledge and training

Quite possibly the main apparatuses for families and friends supporting somebody in recuperation are training. By finding out with regards to habit and the recuperation interaction, relatives will in general fault each other less and look for arrangements more. Information is power—and on account of enslavement, it can engage all interested parties.

In opposition to some open views of reliance and substance misuse, shortcoming or hardheadedness are not generally the reason for an individual’s problem. There are a lot more bits of the riddle to consider. For relatives, it assists with the understanding that compulsion to drugs is not a straightforward decision and it helps friends and family start to deliver indignation and at times contempt toward the individual battling.

2. Regulating and handling prospects

Source: healthline.com

Assumptions drive our understandings of succeeding and falling flat. It is significant, then, at that point, to change our assumptions for what the recuperation interaction resembles. Numerous practices and examples related to enslavement and substance misuse might consume most of the day to change some even a long time.

Along these lines, relatives and direct relations might feel baffled by the cycle or even feel like they’ve fizzled. In addition, on account of backsliding, friends and family can feel squashed and debilitated by the presence or absence of progress.

Figuring out how to recognize, address, and control your assumptions are significant pieces of being seeing someone that requires some investment and work to mend.

3. Family psychoanalysis

It very well may be hard to discuss fixation and substance misuse, particularly for relatives and friends, and family. Talking uninhibitedly about terrible and destructive conduct is difficult, such countless individuals stay calm and far off to keep away from conflict or struggle. Besides, some of the time relatives accuse themselves regardless of whether it be for their affliction or the individual battling with compulsion.

One way of tending to these correspondence issues is family treatment. The objective of family treatment programs is to fabricate trust and decrease disgrace by accounting for everybody to talk sincerely and be heard. Proficient family advisors at the ProcessRecoveryCenter who work in fixation and substance misuse can help relatives to comprehend each other and resolve clashes with trustworthiness and trust-building.

With the assistance of family treatment, the troublesome feelings that regularly go with reliance outrage, disgrace, exploitation, and hatred can be tended to and mended by processes that open correspondence in the family and support the development of solid limits.

4. Workout and healthy way of living

Source: esconarena.com

Workout schedules and sound way of life decisions can be a colossal factor in further developing relational intricacies while during the time spent recuperation. Studies have shown that actual work has critical advantages including diminishing pressure and discouragement, just as decreasing the danger of backsliding while in substance misuse recuperation. Solid action makes the cerebrum produce similar synthetics, like dopamine and oxytocin that are delivered in the mind during substance misuse.

As a family, high-energy exercise and strength-instructional courses can help vent in a place of refuge that doesn’t hurt others or cause a superfluous clash. Exercise-arranged games can likewise offer freedoms for no particular reason, group joint effort exercises. The securities and trust made between giggling, sweat, and critical thinking can’t be underestimated.

5. Vigorous sleep configurations

A piece of a family’s solid way of life incorporates rest designs. Furthermore, since large numbers of the most hazardous habit-forming practices happen around evening time, it is vital to address the significance of a family’s rest plan.

Relatives who are battling with substance misuse and compulsion may discover the evening time hours the most troublesome, it gives the chance to meet vendors, get back home late from gatherings, or cause different issues for relatives who are hanging tight for them. Standard occasions of resting and waking can assist with setting up the cerebrum for profound rest, in this manner making the timetable customary and decreasing pressure by and large.

6. Municipal properties

Source: thewardrobewanderer.com

The local area likewise assumes a critical part in how families recuperate together. As per the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, the people group is one of the vital parts to long haul recuperation. Courses, instructive occasions, book occasions, and classes would all be able to add to a family’s feeling of association and trust in the recuperation cycle.

Various useful internet-based assets exist to teach families about substance misuse and fixation, just as most book shops. Approaching information like this locally arranged climate might assist with causing a family to feel more cheerful and hopeful with regards to their cherished one’s excursion of mending.

All things considered, families ought to never feel alone on the excursion, similarly as the one battling with compulsion or substance misuse needs support, you do as well.

8 Tips for Reaching Max Power Level in Destiny 2 Faster

Source: cubiq.ru

Video games are a big part of all of us. Some play them casually, others professionally and the common thing for both player bases are having fun. The fact that you can play games today for whatever reason is awesome. You are all aware of streamers.

Streamers play games for a living and the fact that we can do that is incredible. Thanks to those streamers most other gamers try to transition from casual player base to professional and streamer base. Games are plenty and the choices are made easy since there is a genre for everyone.

What is visible in the past several years is that online games get high attention. Whether the game is PvP, PvE it doesn’t matter the online world of gaming is rather desirable. The game we are trying to help you with today is Destiny 2. This game if you don’t know it yet is a free-to-play, online-only, multiplayer first-person shooter video game.

It is an awesome game that draws in nearly 1,2 million players worldwide. Destiny 2 offers a lot to do in the game from reaching Legendary rank in online play, earning special weapons, reaching the highest campaign level gathering titles that are unique and so on.
To do this efficiently and effectively your power levels play a huge role.

The article today will help you reach max power levels every season easily, so read this through and be informed. Some services make this grind even easier and one of those is destiny2-sherpa.com, so check them out.

1. Powerful and pinnacle rewards

Source: ubiq.ru

Depending on the season there will be new powerful and pinnacle rewards available. The way to stay up to date with these regularly check your map, activities and other good stuff. For those that are just starting this game, you may need to reach a certain power level in order to unlock some of these rewards but never the less keep an eye on your map and it will guide you to these rewards. There are many of these available and they get changed a bit from season to season.

2. Always keep the highest power level gear in each slot

All of your armour pieces, all of your weapons make just two of eight total pieces that contribute to the max gear you can equip. What is interesting is that you don’t need to equip all of this. If you are starting just play the game collect world drops, including blue gear and continue to level up.

Just check out the power level of each one and keep the highest one in each slot. If you come across a lot of exotic items and weapons you can only equip one of each so with the rest of what you have try and infuse one into a legendary item, if you are not going to use them.

3. Powerful vs Pinnacle

Source: xbox.com

As you get closer to your max power cap you will need to look for powerful and pinnacle rewards to increase your average to start seeing higher world drops. If you are under the power cap for that season your world drops will always go up to that cap.

Prime engrams and powerful rewards are going to drop three above your max power level if you are under the season power cap. To cross to the next power level, you need a total of eight points across all eight items. After you get bumped up to another level you will start seeing gear drop at a higher power level and you can get your average up that way.

4. Decrypt Prime Engrams immediately

The reason behind this is that these Prime Engrams do not increase in power level once they drop. Take regular trips back to the Tower once you have one of these and make sure you pop it open immediately because it can help you increase your average power level. Some of these Engrams like your weekly clan XP will increase in power throughout the week if you leave it with Hawthorne.

5. Plan your seasonal pinnacle weapons and other known drops when you need them the most

Source: wccftech.com

Wait until you need particular gear and only then redeem it from a vendor or Quest. This also goes for the usage of the kiosk in the tower. You can utilize this by planning what weapon to get and for which task. This is a smart way you can utilize to get on level items in slots that you know you need. This means getting kinetic energy or a heavy to boost up your energy level when you need it most.

6. Strategically use the season pass

You can even claim gear from last season’s pass if you didn’t claim it. Go to Bungie’s website and simply grab all the gear from the previous season that you didn’t take or didn’t need at that moment. Also, make sure you grab all the gear from this season as well but take it when you need it as you need it because it will increase your power level in crucial moments.

7. Multiple classes

Source: rockpapershotgun.com

Now this game can be played with only one class and still reach max power level, but if you play with all three classes that are OK as well. There is a thing you can do to quickly boost your other classes and it is to purchase armour from your Xur on your highest class and transfer it to other classes.

8. Armour drops

If you are in big need of armour on a level the thing you can do to get it is to go to Europa, go to Cadmus Ridge or Eventide Ruins and find a Brig. What you do from there is double dip the Brig chests until you get all the armour you need. It does take a while sometimes because not all drop is armour.

You can sometimes get weapon drops which are still useful if you need on level weapons drop. When you kill the Brig, loot the chest, sparrow out of the area until you see the name of the next area and then double back and open the same chest again.

5 Reasons To Always Bet With Your Head, Not Your Heart

Source: aeon.co

With the expansion of online platforms in recent years, we can notice that a lot of people are now interested in gambling. There is a wide selection of games and models of gambling to choose from today, and the most popular options are casino games and betting on sports events. It can be a great way to spend your free time, while there is also a chance to win some amazing prizes. It depends on your preferences when it comes to choosing the best model of gambling.

If you prefer watching sports, betting on these events can be a great way to make an income from your knowledge. Moreover, we have to mention the great features provided by many gambling sites. When you create a profile, most of them will award you with free credit that you can use to place your first bet. If you are interested in websites available in the UK where you will get a free bet upon registration, check out Freebets.uk.com.

While it is entertaining, you should learn more about some tactics that will help you to avoid facing common issues. Keep in mind that gambling can be very addicting, and people easily lose focus and start making reckless moves. The main reason why some of them are developing the addiction is the lack of a clear plan that will include limits and targets. When it comes to sports betting, it is crucial to rely on statistics instead of always betting on your favorite teams. Here are the main reasons to always bet with your head and not with your heart.

1. You Will Control Your Balance

Source: forzaitalianfootball.com

As we already mentioned, the biggest problem with betting is that people can face big losses, and a lack of focus can make that problem even more serious. When you are controlled with emotions instead of clear thinking, chances are great that you will start getting more and more while chasing some result or recovery from previous losses.

However, chasing previous mistakes often leads to even bigger problems. The worst case is gambling addiction. Instead of that, you should try to remain focused all the time. For the start, determine the amount of money you will spend on betting, and be consistent about that amount. For example, set a limit of $100 per week.

2. Research is the Key

Betting on your favorite team is always exciting since it will improve the experience while watching the game. However, you should never spend too much money on that since you are controlled by emotions. That means that will most likely bet your team even if chances for it to win are very low. Instead of that, you should rely on statistics and research the available games to determine which one has the best chances.

Source: focusgn.com

For example, your favorite PL team is Everton, and you often bet on it to win. However, the next game is against Tottenham, which is one of the best clubs in the league. Therefore, there is no point in spending a lot of money on tipping a home victory for Everton when the chances for both teams are equal. Instead of that, you should check out other pairs with more clear favorites, like Chelsea against Burnley, or an away game for Liverpool. Besides that, you should check the current form, previous games, head-to-head score, importance of the match, and many other features that could affect the result.

3. Better Chance for Profit

Only with a clear strategy and good money management, you can have a chance to win more often. The main advantage of sports betting when compared to casino games is that proper research can significantly improve your chances to win. Surprises are still possible, but betting only on clear favorites all the time should bring you profit more often.

For instance, chances are very low that Real Madrid and PSG won’t win their upcoming games. Combining these two pairs with one additional favorite will provide you with an odd around two, which is perfect for progression where you can raise the bet over time and double the invested money.

4. You Will Avoid Reckless Moves

Source: unxnewsmagazine.com

We already mentioned that people lead by emotions risk losing a lot of money if they don’t manage to concentrate on time. For example, you want to bet on some game in live. You assume that there will be a lot of goals in both halfs. Therefore, your starting bet is that there will be at least two goals in the first half. However, things are not going as you planned, and it is already 30 minutes passed without a single goal.

People led by emotions might start getting nervous and repeating the same bet, which is also increasing as time goes by. This sometimes can be a great way to win a lot of money, but you should never rely on luck in betting. A much better alternative to that would be to find an odd that will represent a recovery option. In that matter, if there are no goals in the first 30 minutes, you can add a bet on a goalless result in the first half. That way, you will either win or return the money invested depending on the result.

5. Less Chance for Potential Issues

Source: highlandradio.com

There is no reason to fear that you might have problems with the addiction or serious losses when you are relying on a strict and clear strategy where you are limiting yourself to a certain amount of money. The key is to stay consistent and never step away from your main plan. You can manage to do so only when you choose to rely on clear thinking instead of emotions.

Last Words

Betting is a great way to cash out your knowledge in sports. However, it can only be possible with a good strategy and money management. You should never rush with your decisions and actions since losing focus is quite simple in any form of gambling.

5 Signs of Outdated Electrical Wiring and Things to Do

Source: puckettelectric.com

Electrical wiring is something that is not in front of our eyes. Therefore, we do not think much about it. If you have worked on the building of your home, you will definitely choose the best materials. For example, you will choose the best quality bricks. Likewise, the tiles would not only be good to look at but also tough. Similarly. You will choose the electrical wiring that will remain safe for a very long time.

However, when you buy an already built house, you won’t know much about the quality. Once you start living there, you will eventually find out whether everything is working fine or not. Despite the trust, you should get your wiring checked by an electrician. He will tell you about the condition of wires and electrical connections.

Source: johnmooreservices.com

This is especially important if you are buying a used house or apartment. Everything has already been in use for some time. Therefore, if there is something wrong with anything, you won’t know it. Furthermore, if you are transferring to a new city, it would be hard for you to get a trustworthy electrician.

For example, you have bought an apartment in Los Angeles but you do not know anyone there. What will you do now? Don’t worry, we are living in a digital era, so you can find things online. Or you can contact RG Electric through their site rgelectric.net.

They will provide electricians near you. You can request their services by providing your details. You need to provide your location, full name, email address, phone number and the services you want. Their services include circuit breakers, whole house surge protectors and much more.


So what are the warning signs that you should notice? Things do not get damaged in an instant. It is a time taking process and you will see signs too. If you take notice of things and pay attention to your things, you will know if something went wrong.

Here are some warning signs that will help you out in taking timely measures.

1. Frayed and cracked wires

Source: homelectrical.com

One of the most common warning signs of outdated wiring is cracks and frays in wires. Cracks usually appear after some time. So if you are observing cracks, it means that it has already been a long time. However, it can also appear because of some accidental damage. For example, you were changing interior settings and something pushed too hard and caused damage to the wire.

If the cracks are because of aging, you should replace them. However, if there was accidental damage, you should try some coverage. Cover the frayed or damaged area so that the wire does not tear more. You can do the repairing work but not the replacement. Therefore, you will need a professional electrician for replacing wires.

2. Scorching marks

Source: buyersask.com

There are electric switchboards in our homes and you must have observed darkening around the board. This happens because of some circuit tensions. Either the switch is unable to handle the electrical needs or the board is not good enough. In either case, these scorch marks are a sign of faulty wiring. Therefore, if you observe any such thing, make sure to call an electrician.

According to the reports, a number of fires start from such things.

For example, you are using an extension board to run an electrical heater. The energy requirement of heaters and certain objects is very high. Therefore, they need heavy-duty wires and boards. And suppose your extension wire and switch are not for heavy-duty objects. What will be the result? Of course, the connector will start melting from the heat and might even catch fire.

That is why you should always be careful around such objects. And do not keep heavy-duty equipment turned on while you are sleeping or you are unavailable.

3. Circuit breakers keep tripping

Source: electricianinperth.com.au

Circuit breakers are the best thing for our safety against electrical hazards. If there is a voltage difference in the transmission lines, they turn the connection off. This prevents any damage to your home appliances.

However, apart from the voltage difference from the grid station, there are some other reasons for the breakers to turn off. If your circuits are getting overloaded repeatedly, they will get reset. And this can be because of your faulty wires. Therefore, if you observe resetting of circuit breakers too often, you should call an electrician.

4. Sparks and smoke

Electrical equipment creates a spark if there is something wrong with the voltage. So if the wires are not working properly, they will cause disturbance in the transmission of electricity. This will eventually create sparks and might also cause smoke.

Sometimes, the sparks are evident and you can see them. However, oftentimes you won’t see them but instead will hear a chirping sound. So whenever you hear such a sound, call an electrician. But before that, turn off the switch.

In worst cases and in situations where it has been some time for sparks, you will also smell something. Eventually, there will be some smoke coming out of the switchboard. Turn it off immediately and call for assistance.

5. Dimming of your lights

Source: stscontractors.com

You must have seen it in horror movies. Suddenly the light starts blinking or diming. No there is no evil soul or ghost. This is because of some disturbance in your wiring system. Furthermore, there are patterns for that too, the lights won’t turn on and off suddenly.

For example, you might observe light blinking when you turn on and off heavy-duty home appliances. It starts from such objects. Eventually, the lights will get disturbed even when you use a blender. Afterward, there will come a time when you switch on and off the light of one room and the lights in other rooms will also fluctuate.

All of these things are signs to get a proper checkup. So do not ignore them and take notice.

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