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Do You Have to Pay Tax on Offshore Investments?

Source: thewolfgroup.com

The only proven way to enhance your profits and overall richness is by investing your money and actively participating in many available markets. Now, after hearing this for the hundred and first time, the most common question that follows is about where and in what to invest and is there something that grants great and fast results. Well, we need to disappoint you, as the only way to earn such big amounts of money fast is by winning the lottery or finding a lost treasure, and, for the second one, the process isn’t actually that easy nor less time-consuming. Namely, every investment strategy has certain rules that we need to obey, but it’s also about having the right info at the right moment. Many would also mention how having a good hunch, along with that famous gut feeling, is also of vast importance, and even though there is some truth to this, it comes later, with experience.

Because of that, it is crucial to learn everything that could be learned before deciding to jump into these waters since we are talking about money, and no one likes to lose it, which is the most expected scenario if we do not learn the basics.

Learn the rules and regulations first

Source: businessfirstfamily.com

Before taking any actions regarding placing many into any investment pool, always make sure to check the law, all the rules and regulations, as here, even one small mistake over oversight can leave you with nothing at some point. Of course, among many legal terms and issues, one stands out as the most talked about, and yes, we are talking about taxes. Namely, every government has a tax rate for every product and many services that you use, but the main catch is that every country has a different policy and tax rate regarding stock investments, for example.

All of this is perhaps even more emphasized with cryptocurrency and because of the two main reasons. The first one is about this whole concept still being relatively new and unsanctioned, and the second one is obviously about not having control over it, as it is formed in such a way to avoid any third-party involvement. Now, even here, with cryptos, things are changing, and as soon as governments have realized that it is a highly profitable market that can lead to big profits from taxes, most countries regulated and implemented some tax rates.

Offshore investments

Source: deadsimplesaving.com

Of course, this is just one plain example of how taxes work, but what about things we invest in that are based outside of the country in which we reside? Well, once again, the regulations differ and depend on the country in which you live, but there are some rules that are universal and globally implemented, but, the first thing we need to clarify here due to much false info and fake news is that offshore investing is completely legal, despite its inadequate reputation. Regarding that, they are a great way to invest in entities available only outside our home countries.

So, since we have cleared this, what about taxes, and do you have to pay for offshore investments? To place it simply, yes, paying taxes even for offshore investments is a must, but some countries are more open to it and tax them as miscellaneous income and not as dividend, interest, or savings income, meaning that you spend much less on paying taxes.

Choosing the best country for offshore investments

Source: deadsimplesaving.com

As we already mentioned, the taxes we need to pay are different from one country to another, and the question is how to choose the best one for us. Well, the answer to that question is not that simple, and all we need to do is explore the laws in various countries, put everything on paper, and find the best possible solution. Knowing the laws is crucial, and besides the fact it can help us to choose the best country, it can also save us from many possible legal problems not knowing them can cause.

Sometimes the taxes might seem pretty law, but not exploring the law can, in the end, cost us more than we chose the country with higher ones, and because of that, it is necessary to be well organized and very careful when making this important decision.

Different taxations

Source: investopedia.com

One of the main reasons why taxation differs a lot from one country to another is that each of them has the right to decide how high it will be, and there is no universal rule that needs to be followed. Many of them try to have favorable ones to show the world that they are a safe and stable country to invest in and that attract people from all around the world. Low fees usually attract many investors, which can improve the economic status of that country pretty easily, and make it one of the most desirable ones not only for keeping our money, but also to decide to live there.

In most cases, smaller countries with underdeveloped economies and not-so-high populations have the lowest taxes, and because of that, they are usually the number one choice for offshore investments.

To summarize

Many people are still not sure whether offshore investments are legal or not and whether they need to pay certain taxes or it is possible to avoid them and save some money. Well, the good news is that they are completely legal, and there is no reason to worry about that, but the bad news is that it is impossible to avoid taxation, and it needs to be paid. Doing all of that on your own can be pretty complicated because it is necessary to check various laws to make sure that you are doing everything right. And because of that, finding a reliable company to help you deal with all the legal stuff and take care of your investments can be a great solution.

If you do not know where to find the trustworthy one, visit Einvestment, and you will get all the necessary help, which will leave you more time to enjoy many other things instead of worrying all the time.

How Linkedin Can Work for Your Professional Success

Source: theladders.com

If you are actively looking for a job or have been looking for one, you’ve probably already heard someone tell you to open a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn as a platform houses a lot of opportunities for job seekers in the market. This is because you can build connections and interact with your network of people. It also helps you to keep track of events like job fairs or talk to counselors who can help you find your dream job for you.

Here are some ways how LinkedIn can work for your professional success:

Business owners and job recruiters are on LinkedIn

Source: forbes.com

Many employers or managers are already on LinkedIn, trying to find the perfect candidate for their open posts. They know that LinkedIn is the perfect place to scout talent since it is versatile and dynamic. Many job recruiters also trust LinkedIn profiles of candidates because it is personal, unique, and leave room for creativity. When vetting candidates, it is also a more straightforward process to go through the platform. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Millions of recruiters on LinkedIn who actively search for candidates every day might be looking for you. But if you are not on LinkedIn, they have no chance to find you.

Having a LinkedIn profile makes you more credible

One can never be too careful about scams and frauds in this day and age. It is justifiable for recruiters to vet their candidates as thoroughly as possible. Your LinkedIn profile is valid proof that you are who you claim to be, and it increases your credibility and authenticity as a potential employee for that company.

On your LinkedIn profile, you can receive recommendations from your previous employers and colleagues as well, elevating your value further. When you send your resume to a company you can’t add extra pages with recommendations, but when they check your LinkedIn profile, they will see that your previous employers are raving fans of yours and your ex-colleagues are missing you from the office because it was so pleasant working with you.

You can build a job network on LinkedIn

Source: linkedin.com

This platform is full of intellectuals like you and looking for the best job opportunity. You can share, like, and comment on each other’s posts and share ideas and posts that you support or don’t support. The possibilities are endless. If a recruiter, superior at work, or colleague from work is on your network, they will be able to see your engagement activity and see what posts you have liked, shared, or published. This gives them a better idea of what you believe in or stand for.

Many job offers are not even published, because they will the positions in-house or through referrals. The more people you know on LinkedIn, the bigger chance you have that someone recommends you to fill a position. You could get the job even before it gets posted, because your future colleagues reach out to you, asking if you are interested in the position.

Just make sure that you keep your activities as appropriate as possible. Whatever you share online on the platform must align with what you are selling or what your brand stands for. If you have a lot of inconsistency in your engagements, it may send the wrong message to someone viewing your profile for the first time; perhaps a possible recruiter.

You can engage with a broader audience

Source: linkedjetpack.com

When you “like” a post on LinkedIn, it not only tallies the number of likes but also plays with the platform’s algorithm. The more likes you get, the more likely your post or profile will show up on your network. Your online visibility is bound to increase when you gather a lot of likes and comments. If you think that you don’t have enough likes on your account, don’t worry. There are services like LinkedJetpack that can help you get more likes quickly.

As people see your industry-related posts and content on LinkedIn, with many likes and engagement, they have the impression that you are knowledgeable in your field. And that is exactly what your future employer is looking for, someone who is knowledgeable and a good communicator.

LinkedIn will update you on new job opportunities and openings

Source: linkedjetpack.com

On LinkedIn, you can set up notification alerts so that you get notified every time a company or business posts a new opening. You can also choose to set up alerts for new posts similar to what you are looking for.

As you can see, there are many reasons to register on LinkedIn because it can support your career. But you should consider the drawbacks as well. There are not many, but keep in mind that just like any social media, if you don’t use it correctly with a clear purpose, LinkedIn can get quite addictive.

Stay focused on your goal and limit your LinkedIn usage to let’s say daily 15 minutes. In that time you should be able to review the job offers, connect with new people, post some engaging content and also engage with others’ content. Wasting time on LinkedIn without any goal or purpose is not helpful for your career, so handle this platform as a tool for your success as not as a playground to kill time.

How Hard Is It To Get Australian Citizenship?

Source: australiancitizenshipsupport.com

Financial challenges and politics, along with corruption and war, are some of the main reasons why there are so many immigrants today. We can notice that some countries are especially popular for economic migrations.

The factors that are important and often lead to the higher popularity of some countries are the human development index, average wages, prices, living standard, quality of education, and more. According to the statistics, countries with the highest rate of migrants are the US, Russia, Germany, the UK, and Saudi Arabia.

However, places like Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are even more popular, but they have more complicated migration policies. One of the main requirements in Australia is to pass a special test, and you can check more details about it at citizenshiptestaustralia.com.au. In this article, we are going to analyze more about the complexity of getting Australian citizenship.

Main Requirements

Source: irishtimes.com

Various factors can make this process more or less difficult. We will start with the easiest one, which is the automatic citizenship provided to all people born on the AUS territory. If that is not your case, you will need to look for some other option.

Some other solutions that are also less complicated are adoption or a case where you have descents in this country. The most common option is the citizenship test, which is introduced for people from all over the world who are interested in starting a new life here.

The only way to pass this process without any challenges and efforts is only possible in some special circumstances or if you have ancestry in this country. On the other side, most of the people looking for citizenship won’t qualify under these conditions. The requirements for them are much more challenging.

The first step for getting approval to live is to get a residency. There are different solutions available, like marriage, working holiday, business, studies, and more. When it comes to marriage, it requires your partner to be a full AUS citizen, so you can pass the marriage process.

This option is very fast as well since you can get a full residency immediately, while you will need to wait for other official documents for around two years. This also applies if you are married to a person from New Zealand.

Another way of getting permission to stay here for a longer time is to get a holiday visa. Depending on the country where you are coming from, it can last up to one year. However, that is not enough for getting all official documents. However, it is a good way to find connections and even a job in this country, which might make this process possible.

When it comes to investors, it is common in many states that you can get official documents after introducing a valuable project and making a large investment. The requirement is to invest at least $1,10 million, but also to live here for at least two years. There are also additional requirements related to the value of your assets, and the types of investments you are making.

Economic Migration is Most Popular

Source: testrada.com

In most cases, people who are applying for documents here come from all over the world, and the main reason why they want to live here is high living standards and bigger wages. Depending on your education, a field of work, and experience, the process can be more or less challenging.

The great thing is that you can connect with many companies online, and if some of them decide to hire you, they can send a letter to the officials, which can make this process much faster and easier. You may get a residency status for a limited time, but it is still the best solution.

This process also can be more difficult depending on the country you are coming from. There are different policies. For example, the process will be much easier for someone from Germany or Denmark, when compared to people applying from some developing or third-world countries.

The first thing you have to deal with is getting approval to visit the country and start there for a limited time, which is called temporary residence. After that, you will need to work on ways of getting permanent approval.

When you reach that point, there is a process called naturalization, which is completed after four years. When you pass these requirements, you will need to pass the official test and interview. After that, there is a ceremony where you will be provided with official documents.

Steps For Getting a Citizenship

Source: kojonup.wa.gov.au

The first thing you have to deal with is getting approval to visit the country and start there for a limited time, which is called temporary residence. After that, you will need to work on ways of getting permanent approval.

When you reach that point, there is a process called naturalization, which is completed after four years. When you pass these requirements, you will need to pass the official test and interview. After that, there is a ceremony where you will be provided with official documents.

Benefits of Living in Australia

Source: blog.pssremovals.com

When it comes to people interested in changing the place where they live, the benefit of this state when compared to many others is that you can even start a career in politics. Also, you will get a highly-valuable passport and travel to almost all countries of the world without the need to get a visa. Besides that, you will enjoy excellent social laws, work in better conditions, and get a much higher wage than in many other parts of the world.

It is perfect for those interested in starting a family since your kids will have great conditions, an excellent education system, a highly advanced medical system, and many other benefits. The common misconception is that climate can be quite challenging since it applies only to certain regions. The interesting fact is that there are parts of this continent with a climate that is quite similar to Europe or northern America.

Last Words

Be sure to always check the requirements before your first application. The main reason for that is that each time you are denied will make every additional attempt more difficult. If you are interested in living in this country for economic reasons, but you cannot qualify through any of those easier options, you can try options like contacting big companies and agencies that could assist you with this process. Highly educated and skilled people will find it much easier to get official documents even if they are coming from developing countries.

New Mom’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know Postpartum

Source: womensmentalhealth.org

During pregnancy, many women spend time learning everything they need to know about having a baby. From changes during pregnancy to the delivery- most women make it to the day of their birth well equipped with knowledge of the process. With so much to worry about leading up to the birth of your baby, you very well could be taking everything one step at a time. This mentality is what makes the postpartum period feel jarring to so many women. Those who have already been through the process always talk about how unprepared they felt for everything that happens after delivery. If you are pregnant with your first baby, keep reading for a guide on everything you need to know postpartum.

Source: people.com

What Happens to Your Body After Birth

You will most likely spend the first 24 hours of your postpartum journey in the hospital if you had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. This period of time will be spent receiving postpartum care or stitches if needed and learning how to breastfeed (or bottle feed). Your doctors will communicate your postpartum care requirements with you. Make sure to ask questions and raise any concerns that you may have while you are under the care of medical professionals. You will also be very tired, almost as if you’ve just run a marathon. You will be able to spend some of this time resting and cuddling your newborn.

Once you leave the hospital the recovery period begins. In the first six weeks you can expect a fair amount of vaginal bleeding (no matter how you gave birth). This is completely normal and will seem like a period but maybe heavier and longer-lasting. You will experience some minor cramping, but you should contact your doctor if you are experiencing abdominal pain or swelling, fever or large ongoing blood clots. This could be indicative of residual tissue in the uterus that will need to be removed.

Hormonal changes are also to be expected, especially in the first six weeks out. The actual birth will cause an incredible fluctuation in the hormone’s progesterone and estradiol. These hormones experience a significant and abrupt drop when you give birth after steadily rising throughout the pregnancy. This drop is what causes postpartum depression, anxiety, and mood swings. Postpartum depression can develop at any point in the first year after your birth, so don’t dismiss any emotional changes that occur after the initial six weeks. Don’t worry though, your hormones will return to normal as your fertility returns.

You can also expect to lose hair for the first six months postpartum. This is caused by the drop in estrogen levels. However, this will balance out as the increase in estrogen during pregnancy causes you to hold on to more of your hair. It may be startling to go from your luscious pregnancy locks to postpartum hair loss, but don’t worry too much as this will even out in a few months.

You will likely have a check in with your doctor as you approach the six-week mark. During this visit your doctor will assess the condition of your uterus and cervix. If everything comes back normal at this appointment, then you should be ready to return to your normal levels of physical activity. This is also when you can be cleared for sexual activity as well.

Source: medpagetoday.com

Life with Your Newborn

Postpartum recovery can be difficult, but it’s all worth it for the gorgeous baby you brought into the world. The early days with your baby will be an exciting and chaotic time. Experiencing your baby’s firsts and watching them grow are some of the most exciting parts of the journey. However, you will also be figuring a lot of things out during this time. If you are nursing your baby, this will be a significant part of the process. While your nurse will help you with the basics during your hospital stay, there are some things you can have on hand to ease the burden of feeding your newborn.

  • Nursing Pillow: This can help tremendously with breastfeeding as it will help keep your baby in the optimal position for them to latch on. It will also help make the process significantly more comfortable for you.
  • Breast Pump: Breast pumps can be useful for a variety of reasons. They can be used to help establish your milk supply or can alleviate engorgement that can happen if your baby favors one side. Many women will also use a breast pump to “pump and dump” after a night of alcohol consumption. This also enables your partner or a babysitter to feed your newborn with breastmilk should you need to step away for the day.
  • Bottles: Even if your baby isn’t using formula, having bottles on hand can be extremely helpful. If you have breast milk from pumping, this will be necessary to use that supply. Having your partner be responsible for some of the feedings can help take a significant burden off you.
  • Nursing Clothes: Acquiring a few good nursing bras or tank tops is a must for breastfeeding moms. These make it easy to feed your baby quickly and modestly when in public or in front of family or friends. Hatch has some of our favorite high-quality nursing wear, so check them out if you are in need of a few pieces.
Source: recoveryranch.com

Be Prepared

At the end of the day, all you can do is to try and be as prepared as possible. Motherhood is an amazing and magical journey that none of us ever feel completely prepared for. Being equipped with as much knowledge as possible about the postpartum journey is a good step but remember to be kind to yourself. You just brought a new life into this world and that’s something to be proud of! Just know that there are millions of new parents going through the same things you are, and these things come with time. Just trust the process and enjoy the time you have with your new baby.

What Is The Difference Between Spoon Bread And Cornbread

Source: thespruceeats.com

Spoonbread and cornbread are an integral part of our tables. They take us back to our childhood and are some of our favorite dishes. We all love when the house smells like this dough – and the question is, what is the difference between spoon bread and cornbread?

Dishes That Have A Long History And That We Love Even Today

In the past, we knew exactly what we would eat – depending on the day of the week or the season. Before World War II, the big, thick CookBook, full of old recipes, was like a Bible for housewives. It was given to girls who were preparing to marry – and it was kept for daughters as part of the inheritance. In almost all houses, the menu was similar.

There were no refrigerators and freezers, and not so many choices. Many dishes from the past are still present on our tables today, but according to some new and modified recipes. However, some delicious recipes that were once a favorite, are now almost forgotten.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not have contemporary kitchen appliances – nor products for making various meals. For example, in the period when the first pancakes were made (which are today one of the favorites) – our ancestors used only milk, flour, and eggs, without any additional things. Therefore, the former pancakes were kind of a mixture of today’s omelet and pancakes.

Below we will introduce you to two traditional dishes that are still popular today – but we often mix them and take them for the same thing. These are spoonbread and cornbread.

Cornbread: Southern Food We All Love

Source: simplyrecipes.com

When we say Cornbread, we have to admit that we can already smell it. The very name of this bread entices us to take one crunchy piece that just melts in our mouth. This bread with a crispy crust, golden-yellow color, buttery soft texture, and rich taste- is considered a side dish that can be served with various types of meals.

However, some people can eat it alone, because its taste is exceptional and rich. It is considered a Southern specialty that dates back to indigenous Indian tribes – such as the Iroquois, who are believed to have made one of the first versions of this bread. However, it is interesting that cornbread under other names can be found in other international cuisines – sometimes it just has a different name. However, the principles of making are more or less the same – and only small details can differ.

What Exactly Is Cornbread And How Is It Made?

Source: inspiredtaste.net

Cornbread is, as its name says – a bread made from cornmeal. Cornmeal is obtained by grinding dried corn – which is considered an extremely nutritious and healthy food in the diet. What cornbread is actually known for, is the fact that you don’t have to put yeast in it – and you will still get a dough that rises quickly and is very tasty in the end.

According to spoonbreadbistro, although cornbread is a traditional dish, you can find it in many bistros and restaurants – because it is considered one of the favorite meals in many cultures. In its simplest version, we make it by using cornflour, eggs, oil, and baking powder. However, today, many people add other ingredients to the cornbread during the preparation – such as, for example, honey, sugar, etc.

Since we also add baking powder, this bread grows quickly, even though we don’t add yeast into it. It is extremely tasty, with a crispy crust -and yet, soft in the middle. It can be served as an appetizer – but also with the main dish, most often with a stew, ragu, etc.

What Is Spoon Bread And Why Do We Often Mix It With Cornbread?

Source: inspiredtaste.net

Spoonbread, as its name suggests, is a variant that can be eaten with a spoon. Although essentially the same ingredients are used as with the cornbread (corn flour, eggs, butter, and milk) – its final texture is not crispy, but on the contrary, more like pudding.

Logically, you can eat such a meal only with a spoon – so that justifies its name spoon bread. Although spoon bread is essentially considered a legacy of the American Indians – some believe that it is the heir to the famous English Yorkshire pudding.

Of course, the soft texture and the way we consume it are similar. However, we can say that each of these dishes has its characteristics. Of course, spoon bread is very often eaten, even today – although with some modifications in the basic recipe. Today’s upgraded versions of spoon bread sometimes involve the use of polenta or Grits. Of course, in this case, just like with cornbread, we use baking powder to make the dough rise.

Cornbread And Spoon Bread: The Difference

Source: inspiredtaste.net

So, the basic difference between cornbread and spoon bread is their consistency. For those who are fans of something more like bread or even a cake – the right choice will be cornbread. On the other hand, for those who prefer a soft texture that simply melts in your mouth – the choice will fall on spoon bread.

The fact is that whatever option you choose, you can’t go wrong. This simple dish is so delicious and so quick to make – no wonder it is a favorite in many homes. Contemporary housewives, women who work and do not have too much time to waste in the kitchen, say that this dish is an almost perfect solution. Everyone loves it, and you don’t need too much time to make it – and there are no complicated preparations.

The Bottom Line

In the end, we can say that it is best to try both of them. We are sure you will like it, but maybe in the choice between cornbread and spoon bread, you will find your favorite. What is perhaps most important in this entire story is that in addition to the exceptional taste, this dish is also very healthy.

Rich in cereals and fiber, it will be a real boon for your body – with a rich and irresistible smell and taste.

5 Cool Ideas for Cremated Ashes

Source: celestis.com

Cremations have been an increasingly popular route taken by grieving families, but most are somehow clueless on what beautiful things they can do with cremation ashes. Someone may have passed away,  and all left is their ashes. However, it doesn’t mean that their remains should be kept inside a cold urn and darkroom as if they’re stuck there forever. In this article, we will reveal 5 cool ideas of what you can do to create meaning with the cremated remains of your loved one.

1. Turning Ashes to Jewelry

Source: securitynationallife.com

As more individuals opt to cremate their families and loved ones, people can expect new markets to pop up offering varied cremation options and ideas. These include turning ashes into pieces of jewelry.  Turning someone’s remains into jewels is not just an excellent idea but will also give you the sense of treasuring and remembering the departed creatively and interestingly.

Moreover, memorial jewelry is a lovely way to make you feel closer to your loved ones. Turning cremation ashes into jewelry can create a stunning and memorable keepsake. Urn pieces of jewelry are hollowed-cut and small container that contains cremation ashes. These can also be a bead or probably a  charm that you can put on necklaces and bracelets. If you want a necklace made of cremation ashes, urn pendants can be a great option. This option always you to carry the remains of your loved ones with you at all times. Wearing them can provide symbolic meaning, and for some people, it helps them feel as if their loved one is always with them.

2. Burying the Ashes in the Garden

Source: funeralcompanion.com

Burying your loved one’s cremation ashes are good ways to commemorate them. But what if you do not want to plant them in the cemetery or churchyard? You can consider one excellent idea: bury the ashes in the garden. Choosing to bury your deceased love at home, particularly in your garden, can be a great and personal option. However, you should check your local laws and regulations in order to make sure that this pursuit is permitted or acceptable in your area. It’s also important to be aware that some people don’t prefer this idea. You need to be mindful about this matter, especially if you plan to sell your property.

Although, if you plan to sell your property it probably does not make much sense to bury the ashes somewhere you will not always have access to visit. However, if you are planning on keep your home, this is a great option to consider, as you will always feel close to your dearly beloved and be reminded of them whenever you look out the window. It can also feel as if they are still there and with you when you have people over for backyard barbeques.

3. Planting the Ashes as a Tree

Source: thespruce.com

Having cremation ashes planted as a tree is another excellent idea to ponder. Two urns are usually made into capsules. The first one contains your preferred seed that will eventually grow into a tree, and the second holds the cremation ashes. The entire tablets or vessels will be planted, and you’ll be surprised to see how these will give way to a growing tree. Having cremation ashes will not just give life to the tree and nourish it. No one can deny that planting ashes as a tree is also a unique and gratifying gesture.

There is certainly something beautiful to the thought that the remains of your loved one are continuing to live on this world, and will be a small part of nature long after they are gone. By planting ashes as a tree, you’re also doing your part in taking care of the environment, so this can be considered to be a  green burial as well. Remember that even a single tree can create a big difference in people’s lives.

4. Getting a Tattoo with Cremation Ashes

Source: funeraldirect.co

Getting a tattoo using your loved one’s cremation ashes is another meaningful and excellent idea. Some people usually refer to these as commemorative tattoos. The process is the same as undergoing the usual tattoo. Still, the only difference is that a small portion of the ashes will be added into the typical tattoo ink to make a particular ink solution infused with cremation ashes. With this method, it is as if your deceased love one is always with you, both figuratively and literally. It will serve as a reminder of their love and impact every time you look at the tattoo. It also provides a cool and meaningful story you can tell whenever somebody asks you about your tattoos.

If you want safe and beautiful results, hire an expert tattoo artist who knows how to get rid of the contaminants from the ashes. The artist may remove this through vaporization or extraction to atomize it without affecting the cremation ashes. After all, if you are memorializing your loved one with a tattoo,  you will certainly want the tattoo to look good!

5. Adding Cremation Ashes to Sculpture

Source: spiritpieces.com

Adding your loved ones’ ashes to sculpture can be a fantastic way of honoring and celebrating their lives. You can contact a company or an expert specializing in this craft. They will incorporate a certain amount of cremation ashes in the sculpture to create a memorial that you can keep and cherish for long years. This can also be a good idea if you want to keep their ashes at home more distinctively and creatively, rather than simply keeping them in an urn. You can have the sculpture be of something that was meaningful to the deceased, such as something related to their favorite hobby or activity. This can help add an extra little meaning and provides your home with some cool décor.

There’s a long list of cool ideas and things to do with cremation ashes, and even more, creative ideas are popping up every year. These ideas make it possible for people to remember their loved ones despite not being physically present anymore. Just choose the cremation ideas or options that will work best and provide the most meaning for you and your family. If you are interested in cremation services, you can check out https://eternalcremations.org.

How To Begin Collecting Coins And Learn More About Numismatics

Source: worldatlas.com

When it comes to coin collecting, chances are, you probably already have a decent starting point in your pocket or your home. How come? Well, you can start your coin collection with any coin you want!

That is probably the best thing about numismatics. You don’t have to go out and spend a ton of money on a collection of coins – just work with what you got and familiarize yourself with the basics as you go along.

But, as we all know, that’s just the beginning. If you’re serious about this hobby, you’re going to have to learn a bit more, and if you don’t know where to start – it might just be here.

Ease Into The Hobby

As you’ll learn rather quickly, this hobby can quickly turn into a major expense, and unless you really don’t mind spending your hard-earned money right away – we suggest you ease into it.

Before you start paying big bucks for smaller collections and coin sets that are hard to come by, start by collecting those that are easy to assemble and don’t cost a fortune.

Most great coin collections have started with your everyday, regular coins you deal with on a daily basis, so don’t stress if you don’t end up with any rare gems right away.

Source: pinterest.com

Learn As You Go

No one says you have to sit down and learn everything there is about numismatics before you begin collecting.

First of all, you’re never going to learn all there is to it, so if that’s your approach, you might as well find a new hobby because you’re never going to get this one started. And secondly, there’s no need for you to do this. All you have to know in the beginning are some coin basics.

You’ll be able to find all the necessary information on coins, their history, how they’re graded and priced through various channels. From blog posts, over books, all the way to online communities of passionate collectors – information on numismatics is readily available everywhere you look. Just take it a step at a time and learn as you go.

Collect Whatever You Like And Want

The best piece of advice anyone could give you is to start your collection with something you like. Don’t stress about the rarest gems that you can find, and don’t try and copy someone else’s approach. This is your hobby and your collection, and if you only want to collect circulating, cheap coins from all over the world, in hopes of your ancestors one day having a very valuable collection – do it. There’s no perfect way to embark on this journey, so just listen to your heart. Collect whatever it is that you like and want.

Source: thesprucecrafts.com

Don’t Rush It

Building an imposing collection takes time, and unless you don’t want to waste your money in the long run – don’t rush it. There are many online stores like rarecoin.de where you can find rare coins made from precious metals, all in brilliant conditions, and while we don’t mind purchasing some shiny gold coins – you don’t have to do that right away.

Most collectors learn the hard way that rushing to complete a collection only leads to stress, frustration, and inevitable financial losses. So, take your time. Do your research, look for good deals, and take your time. You will probably do this for the rest of your life, so don’t try and get them all at once. Coin collecting is a marathon – not a sprint.

Learn How To Handle And Store Coins Correctly

You probably already know that you won’t keep your coin collection in a plastic bag in your desk drawer, but nevertheless, you should take your time to learn how to handle coins with care and how to store them properly.

Sure, coins are made of metal, and they’re relatively tough, but if you want to keep them in mint condition, you’ll have to familiarize yourself with proper handling and storing techniques. You’ll learn about the basics as you go, but before you even begin getting into details, just get yourself a pair of cotton or latex gloves and handle your coins by the edges. And, oh – never clean your coin. That’s a sure way to turn yours into a “damaged coin”.

Source: storyblocks.com

Never Underestimate A Power Of The Book

Whether you’re getting into numismatics because you like it or because you’d like to make some money in a few years – you have to start with the basics. And, as we’ve said in the beginning, the information about it is readily available pretty much everywhere you look, but the best source of information for an aspiring collector is the “Red Book”.

The “Red Book” is a nickname for a mighty tome of coin collecting called “The Guide Book of United States Coins“. This book was written by a seasoned collector and will take you through everything you need to know, and then some, before you even spend your first penny on a coin.

Join A Club

As one of the most popular hobbies in the world, coin collecting brings a lot of people together. And, when you bring a lot of people together – they form a club.

Coin clubs are a great way to learn more about numismatics, to meet various people from all over the country (even the world), and get to share in their experiences. Since you all have the same hobby, these clubs will always be an interesting place to be, so don’t shy away from them.

Source: collinsdictionary.com

Don’t Shy Away From Coin Stores

We’ve already mentioned online coin-stores, but apart from them, there are also various traditional coins shops all over the country where you can come in, browse the shelves, and actually explore a coin you wish to buy.

When shopping online, you have to take the seller’s word for it. When shopping in person – you can trust your eyes and your expertise.

Another neat thing is that if you are a beginner, a trustworthy, reliable coin dealer will help you learn more about the coin(s) you’re interested in because chances are, they’ve been doing it for a very, very long time.


In the end, we can only say we hope these general tips were exactly what you were looking for.

As we’ve said earlier, there’s no perfect way to start collecting. You just start, learn as you go, and you hope for the best.

The only other piece of advice we could give you is to devise a plan and never miss a good opportunity if you stumble upon one. Not having a plan and missing on an opportunity is a sure way to live your life in regret, and we’re sure you wouldn’t want that.

10 Most Popular Teams in Football Today

Source: sportbible.com

Producing a definitive list of the most popular teams in football is no easy task, with a wide range of variables factoring into the equation.

However, in an age where social media dominates the landscape, we can garner an informative overview of which teams attract the most interest.

As reflected by the content on leading media outlet FootballToday, Europe’s big hitters are hugely popular with fans across the world.

We assess follower numbers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to determine which teams are the most popular in football.

1. Real Madrid

Source: firstsportz.com

Real Madrid are the undisputed number one on the popularity list, racking up more than 262 million followers across the three main social platforms.

Outside of its domestic market, Madrid generates massive interest in South America, China, Japan and several other major European markets.

Madrid also have a huge following in the United States, with the club’s first visit in 1927 laying the foundations for them to establish a global empire.

Their policy of signing some of the world’s biggest stars coupled with embarking on strategic tours has undoubtedly helped Madrid build a massive fanbase.

2. Barcelona

While Barcelona are Madrid’s biggest rivals in La Liga, they have not been able to keep up with Los Blancos in the social media stakes.

Their combined following of more than 248m on the three main platforms is not to be sniffed at, although they are unlikely to overhaul Madrid anytime soon.

Much of their success and global popularity was built on Lionel Messi’s presence in the team, but those days ended when he signed for Paris Saint-Germain in 2024.

With the club currently in the midst of a financial crisis, it may be some time before they recreate the magical times they enjoyed with Messi in their ranks.

3. Manchester United

Source: foxsports.com.au

Manchester United’s perceived status as the world’s most popular club has diminished in recent years, with the Sir Alex Ferguson era now consigned to the history books.

The Red Devils remain the number one team in the Premier League for social media followers, tallying more than 160m across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

That figure puts them miles clear of rivals Liverpool, who have nowhere near the same global reach despite what many of their fans think.

However, things could change over the coming years if United continue to miss out on success in the Premier League and Champions League.

4. Paris Saint-Germain

Paris Saint-Germain’s appearance at number four in the list of most popular teams in football may take some fans by surprise, but their tally of more than 114m followers is easy to explain.

Their acquisition of Neymar from Barcelona for a world record fee in 2017 unquestionably had a major impact on their global appeal.

Neymar has more than 320m followers across the same social platforms, highlighting his pulling power with football fans worldwide.

With Argentinian superstar Messi also in their ranks, interest in PSG will probably continue to increase over the next few years.

5. Juventus

Source: foxsports.com.au

Juventus are another club that has enjoyed social media growth on the back of having a global football icon in their ranks.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s arrival in Turin in 2018 sparked an upsurge of interest in the Serie A giants, helping them increase their global following to more than 100m.

Their social growth has stalled since the Portuguese forward returned to Man Utd last summer, but their tally of 106.5m is still impressive.

With new striker Dusan Vlahovic looking like he could become one of football’s new poster boys, Juve should remain in the top five for some time yet.

6. Chelsea

Chelsea were previously in the top five, but are increasingly in danger of being overtaken by the teams directly behind them in the list.

The 2020/21 Champions League winners currently have 102m followers, but their lack of superstar players is hindering their ability to grow their social presence.

That point is highlighted to perfection on Instagram, where Chelsea’s total 32.6m followers significantly lags behind several of Europe’s big guns.

Owner Roman Abramovich’s recent decision to put Chelsea up for sale leaves the club facing an uncertain future that may impact their long-term popularity.

7. Liverpool

Source: soccerpredictionnews.com

It is fair to say that Liverpool fans can be rather insufferable when it comes to their status in world football. Big club? Yes. Most popular in football? No.

Their 94m social following is dwarfed by Premier League rivals Man Utd and pales into insignificance when compared to Madrid and Barcelona.

The Merseyside club was not helped by their slow response to the globalisation of football and their failure to win a league title for 30 years.

While the hierarchy at Liverpool have worked hard in recent years to take a more global outlook, the Reds are unlikely to ever have the same widespread appeal as the top clubs in this list.

8. Bayern Munich

Bayern’s proximity to Liverpool in this list demonstrates why fans of the Premier League club would do well not to think they are in the same bracket as the big guns in the popularity stakes.

The German giants have just shy of 91m followers on the main social platforms, despite lacking the so-called glamour of some of their rivals.

Bayern have built up their impressive following without the reciprocal pull of superstars such as Messi and Ronaldo, and devoid of the brand glitz possessed by the likes of Madrid and Barca.

The club’s inclusion in the top 10 highlights that popularity in football does not necessarily have to be about superstar players or aggressively marketed club brands.

9. Manchester City

Source: manchestereveningnews.co.uk

Manchester City have muscled their way into top 10 popularity list in recent times and they may well make further progress in the future.

Success on the pitch generally translates into increased interest from football fans and City should be able to add to their 81.5m followers over the next few years.

Overtaking Liverpool is not beyond the reals of possibility, particularly if City continue to outstrip the Reds in terms of major trophies.

Catching Man Utd will probably be a different matter, with the Red Devils’ well-established brand giving them a huge advantage in the global popularity stakes.

10. Arsenal

Arsenal’s marketing team will rightly be worried about the club’s diminishing global appeal, with some of their rivals blowing them out of the water in recent years.

PSG and Juventus are amongst the clubs who have powered past the Gunners, using their links with superstar players to great effect.

Arsenal have not been helped by their lack of success on the pitch, although there have been signs that things could change under manager Mikel Arteta.

A follower total of 77.6m is certainly not disastrous – expect that figure to boom if Arteta can re-establish Arsenal as a major force in football.

Apartment or House?

Source: norhart.com

Everyone who is going to buy a home, usually asks the question, where it is better to live – in a house or an apartment? There is no specific answer here, each person has their own priorities in the factors of choice of housing. However, let’s consider the pros and cons of living in an apartment and a private home.

Of course, the first thing is to choose a reliable real estate company, that’s the main thing. If you’re going to buy an apartment or house in Hawaii, we recommend the best service – https://hawaiitrustedrealty.com/.

Advantages and disadvantages of living in an apartment

Source: househomeandgarden.com

The advantages of living in an apartment

  • Transport accessibility and pedestrian accessibility

Naturally, one of the most significant advantages of an apartment, is the transport and pedestrian accessibility. You can easily live in the apartment even without a car, using public transportation at any time.

  • Infrastructure

When choosing which is better, an apartment or a house, one of the most important factors of choice is infrastructure. In an urban environment, any infrastructure you can choose from is available to you. This can be especially important to you if:

  1. You are an active person and don’t like to spend a lot of time at home.
  2. If you are not a homebody and like to be out of the house all the time – going to entertainment, going to the movies, visiting, then you may not find yourself in the suburban life.
  3. In addition to entertainment in the city you will be more accessible to engage in various hobbies, such as fitness club, yoga, music, dancing, etc. In the countryside, the choice of entertainment for your tastes will be more limited. However, it all depends on what your hobby is. If you like to embroider, draw or play computer games, there will be no problem.
  4. It is important what kind of kindergarten/school your child will go to.

Living outside the city, even in a village with a fairly developed infrastructure, the choice of educational institutions will be very limited. If you want to send your child to a school with a particular bias, lyceum, etc., you will have to take him from the city every day.

  • There is a management company

Living in an apartment building, you do not have to worry about cleaning the yard, garbage collection and other things, because there is a management company that solves these problems. Also, if there are problems with communications, they can always be solved by inviting a foreman from the management company. In a private home, you will have to solve problems yourself or call a handyman, which can entail unplanned expenses.

  • Relatively inexpensive apartment maintenance

    Source: greystar.com

When deciding what is more expensive – an apartment or a house, some people forget about the future maintenance of housing. It is much cheaper to maintain an apartment than a house. Spending once to repair the apartment, you will forget about this issue for a long time. Also, your responsibilities will not include repairing the facade, taking care of the site, garage, communications, etc.

  • The apartment is the best investment

An apartment will be a better investment because it will be easier for you to sell it, the demand for apartments is always higher than for suburban properties.

  • Safety from robbery

There is a perception that an apartment robbery is less likely than a private home robbery. However, if your house will be in a secured cottage community, this probability is also reduced to a minimum. You can also install alarms and security cameras yourself to prevent such events.

Disadvantages of living in an apartment

Source: heritagepestcontrolnj.com
  • Small living space

Of course, the biggest disadvantage of an apartment is the limited living space.

First, for the same price you can buy either a house or an apartment, which will be many times smaller in area. If you have a large family, buying a private home will be much more profitable and spacious.

Secondly, if you like space or you already have experience of country life, it may be better to live in a house rather than an apartment. In addition, in an apartment there is no way to expand the existing space.

  • No possibility to create your own layout

Although there are now many different modern layouts of apartments, they do not compare to the possibility to plan the space entirely according to your needs and desires, as you can do in your own home.

  • Lack of your own plot

During the warm season, living in an apartment is, of course, significantly inferior to living in a house. In the absence of a plot of land, you will have to spend time and money on country trips to spend time with friends in nature, fishing, cooking on the barbecue, etc.

  • Neighbors

    Source: quifinanza.it

For some people such a factor as neighbors behind the wall is very important. You can’t choose your neighbors, so you may be bothered by constant noise, loud arguments, music, repairs, and other “joys”. Of course, you can find quiet neighbors, but the fact that you also can not make noise later in the day can be uncomfortable.

In addition to noise, there may be more serious problems. For example, you could get flooded, there could be a fire or a gas explosion. All of these could result in property damage or even life-threatening injuries through no fault of your own. Or vice versa – you may have to compensate your downstairs neighbors for the damage from a new repair if you are flooded.

  • Lack of a parking space

Living in an apartment, a garage or parking space will cost you money. Or you will be forced to park in tight yards. Car-clogged yards are another disadvantage of living in an apartment. This problem can be solved if you can buy a parking space in a house.

The benefits of living in a house

Source: dailyillini.com
  • Larger square footage

As mentioned above, if you need more space, the house will cost a lot less. If you have a large family or just like a lot of space, you will be happy living in a private home.

The square footage of the house can allow you to make a pantry, walk-in closet, multiple bedrooms and bathrooms.

  • Have your own parking lot or garage

If you have your own lot, you can build a garage or just store your car in your yard.

  • Quiet and fresh air

Some people want the 24-hour noise and traffic of the city, but most people still prefer the peace and quiet after a day of work that you get, and choose to live in your own home.

  • You can expand your living space

If you live in a house, there’s always a way to expand your living space – for example, with a basement or an extra floor, an attic, or just an addition to the house.

Disadvantages of living in a house

Source: point2homes.com
  • Always calculate your commute time

Naturally, due to the remoteness from the city you will always have to calculate the time to get to work, kindergarten or school and leave in advance. However, there are now many cottage communities very close to the city with their own developing infrastructure.

  • Having a car is a must for comfortable living

If you are unsure whether it’s better to live in a house or an apartment, be sure to think about transportation. Living in the countryside without a car would be inconvenient. For a comfortable life, it is good to have even 2 cars, so all family members can go to the city.

  • Constant housework

Compared to an apartment, life in a private home is different in the number of chores. It is useful that someone in the family knows how to solve periodic problems: to insulate something, to replace something, to repair something, etc. In addition, more time will be spent cleaning the house and the surrounding area. But are household chores a problem for you? This question is strictly individual.

6 Ways Strategy and Logic Can Help You to Win at Online Casinos

Source: wallpaperflare.com

Whenever we talk about casinos and gambling, one thing is for sure, common sense, cold head, and strategy are the things we need to be able to control what we do. Emotional gambling has not done anyone any good, as it can easily give you a sense of self-confidence more than it’s healthy in these situations. That’s why all the gamblers must have some strategy in mind, and let their logic work in their favor. It’s possible, but you need to learn a lot of things, so you can do that properly.

In many of these situations, we also depend on the luck factor, especially when we cannot knowingly influence the outcome of a game. But it is not in vain that almost all of these activities are actually called games of chance. You may know a lot, but practically that knowledge is not something particularly useful, especially in online casinos like livecasinoindia.com. However, if you combine all this with a plan and strategy, you will easily be able to understand when there are favorable moments to win, and when you should give up or not increase the stakes.

Strategic thinking – what is it?

Source: markmeets.com

When you take into account the facts, plans, goals, assess your chances and identify the risks, you are actually strategically planning your activities. It’s really practical when it comes to online betting because you are trying:

– To be better than the opponent

– To assess your chances in a specific situation

– Test your own skills

– To invest a reasonable amount of money

– To learn from your own and from the mistakes of others

– Be bolder in trying out winning strategies

While all of these things apply to any game, today we will focus only on casino activities. In fact, we want to look at how strategy and critical thinking can benefit you and increase your chances of winning.

1. Look for casinos with a bigger deposit bonus, to spend less money

Source: hallnature.com

Each casino offers different bonus options. Sometimes there is an option to use a small bonus, without investing your money at all. But if you are already interested in this type of freebies, then look for casinos that get a 100% -200% bonus. It’s really worth it, unlike those that are less than 100%. Why is that?

Namely, in this way you have more chances for your investment to be worthwhile. Smart gamblers use what is free to their advantage. That way they give themselves some advantage and spend less of their money.

2. You have control over your actions

If you follow some strategy, then you have a feeling like you control all the things that are happening around you. It will boost your confidence, and surely, is more beneficial to do that, instead of playing without thinking about it. You will see plenty of gamblers who just hit the buttons, without even thinking about the consequences, but that’s completely wrong. Even though you can’t predict the outcome, you can try to be as smart as you can, and stick to your strategy, just in case.

3. Learn some math too

Source: nilsenreport.ca

Do you know what is actually the background of all games of chance? Good and old math. To be a good gambler, you need to know both math and probability. But the secret is that in this way you get basic guidance, but the distribution of profits almost never coincides with what you have calculated on paper.

While not ideal, in fact, the mathematical approach to problem-solving will help you to understand what you need to do and what your chances are. Calculations are actually an assessment of the actual situation, so when you include a little math in your strategy, then you significantly increase your chances of winning.

4. You can estimate the chances of a major win

When you play card games, based on what your opponents have, but also on the situation at the table, you already have an idea of the possible outcomes and how they can take place during the game. Although many consider card counting to be an unfair strategy, in fact, all players do it instinctively to assess their chances.

Of course, logical and critical thinking is key to making all of this work successful.

5. Learn to use intuition and gut feeling constructively

Source: komodomath.com

Although you need luck and knowledge to gamble successfully, sometimes you have to rely on your intuition. But sometimes she can lie and be too strong, in conditions when it is not possible to win. That’s why gambling is often said to be the art of making good use of the skills you possess, their dosing, restraint, and prudence, instead of suddenly squandering everything you can.

It’s nice if you have a strong gut feeling, but you have to recognize whether it’s due to a real premonition or your strong desire to win this round of the game.

6. Take control of your behavior

Source: topreview.vn

Self-control is something you need to not lose your mind, but also your money. It is very easy to get carried away by euphoria, so to make bad decisions just because you are excited about gambling. If you can control this, then you are well on your way to building a strong strategy, using logic, but also stopping when things are not going your way.

Nervousness can be fatal, as can excessive euphoria. These two feelings are great enemies of gambling, so do not forget that moderation is most important in achieving greater profits.


Based on all that we have said, we really hope we have helped you understand in what ways strategy and logical thinking are useful when gambling. All that remains is for us to wish you to be smart and moderate in what you do and to plan every step, but also to learn how to use it all to your own advantage. Gambling is a game, but at the same time, it carries many risks. That’s why you have to be very moderate and smart when making decisions that can cost you a lot of money.

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