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Can You Lower Your Mortgage Interest Rate Without Refinancing?

Source: cimentoitambe.com.br

Mortgage interest rates have become very low in the previous year, which encouraged many people to decide on mortgage refinancing. It is completely normal that still some people are feeling overwhelmed going through the process of replacing their current home loan.

The most common question that people are currently asking around is whether they can lower mortgage interest rates without refinancing? Since this is a common question of every borrower, we decided to put an end to that dilemma and tell you everything you should know about this topic.

Even though options can be very limited, you should stay positive, because the answer is yes, you can lower your mortgage interest rate without refinancing! In case you are currently facing financial problems, you may be able to qualify for taking advantage of the mortgage rate reduction. Basically, in most cases, people need to cut their mortgage costs or find a way to work toward getting financial approval.

However, there is one more road that you can take and that is finding the best possible mortgage rates whether you are deciding to buy a new house or conducting a refinancing process. This site can find you the lowest mortgage rates from which you can effectively benefit and save yourself from a burden.

So, let’s find out more about whether or not can You lower the mortgage interest rate without refinancing?

Source: irirgs.org.br

The mortgage interest rate you are paying generally plays a crucial role in the process of determining how affordable your loan is. Therefore, the easiest way to trade a higher rate for a lower rate is through mortgage refinance. However, we have good news since there is one way that you can choose which will guarantee you getting a lower mortgage interest rate without the need for refinancing. More precisely, we are talking about a loan modification that comes with several benefits that you can find reasonable.

A mortgage modification will help you change the original terms of your home loan in the period when you are handling financial problems. Your lent can decide to adjust your loan in different ways, so you two should see which option could be the best possible for your situation and which one you can afford. In general, there is an option of extending the loan term, the option of reducing the principal balance, and the option of simply lowering the mortgage rate.

Getting a loan modification when you are a borrower can be a challenging task. In general, you need to be behind on your mortgage payments or anticipate that you are going to miss your mortgage payments.

Everyone who is deciding to take this step of mortgage modification should know that there are some potential risks that lead to negative results. You will need to prove financial problems and go late on the mortgage payment, which can lead to ruining your credit. For instance, falling just a month behind on your mortgage payments can drop your credit score by even 110 points.

Why do mortgage rates matter?

Source: newamericanfunding.com

No one actually understands the importance of the mortgage rates, so we decided to provide you with an explanation of how things are functioning, so you can conclude on your own, how mortgage rates can make such a huge difference. Mortgage rates are generally referring to the cost of borrowing money, so a person can be able to buy a house. These rates are presented as a percentage of the overall loan amount. However, the thing is that mortgage rates have a crucial impact on the property loan’s affordability.

For instance, if a person is obligated with 3% of the interest rate on a period of 30 years for a $200,000 home, and he decides to make a 20$ down payment which takes out the $40,000, he will be left with a principal and interest portion of the $675 monthly payment. In case that person decides to increase the same loan to 4% of the interest rate, his estimated principal and interest payment will be increased to $764. As you see, a monthly difference is going to be nearly $90, which will reflect more than a $32,000 difference in interest over the life of the loan. This is why mortgage rates matter a lot in a long run!

How the mortgage rate is defined?

Source: yourmortgage.com.au

There are multiple factors that play a role in determining the mortgage rates you have been offered with. Below, you will find all of them, so you can have a clear picture of why your mortgage rate comes with a specific percentage.

Primarily, the credit score of the person is looking and when the score is higher, the mortgage rate will be lower. The next factor refers to the down payment amount. This means that the larger the down payment is, the lower the mortgage rate will be. Another important factor that is worth mentioning present the mortgage amount, and as larger it is, the person will be qualified for lower interest rates.

The repayment term is also significant since the person will have lower rates if he has shorter-term loans. The type of the mortgage program and the type of interest rate that a person chooses are also important for the final rate outcome. For instance, fixed-rate loans are going to have higher rates than the variable rate ones.

Finally, the home location, as well as the mortgage points, are the two last things that matter. Mortgage points are generally very important since they can provide mortgage rate reduction even though they are optional.

Alternative ways to save money on your mortgage

Source: forbes.com

In case a refinancing option does not suit your financial goals, there are some other alternative methods that you can conduct in order to save money on your mortgage without refinancing.

The first alternative option you have is to recast your mortgage which will lower the monthly mortgage payment. The second one refers to the dropping of mortgage insurance. Finally, your third alternative option is to make biweekly payments by splitting your mortgage payments in half.

What to Do After a DUI Arrest

Source: millerleonardlaw.com

Being arrested or charged for driving under the influence (DUI) can be frightening and confusing, especially if it is your first time. What should you do? Do you automatically lose your driving license? Should you call a lawyer? Remember that a DUI arrest does not mean you are guilty. You have rights and should have been told them if arrested. Most importantly, cooperate with the officer to avoid further trouble. Also, knowing what steps to take after a DUI arrest goes a long way toward protecting your rights.

Avoid discussing the matter with the officer

It is not a good idea to discuss anything with the police without your lawyer whenever you are arrested. Besides, there is nothing much you can say to change the officer’s mind when they have decided to arrest you. Similarly, it is hard to convince a prosecutor not to issue charges once arrested for DUI.

Therefore, you should avoid discussing anything with the officer even if you have a strong alibi or evidence. Keep that conversation for your attorney, who will know how to use it best for your benefit. Even if the officer asks you to talk about your DUI arrest, it is best to decline and ask to speak to your attorney.

Record what happened

Source: tampabay.com

According to DUI lawyers at cohenwinters.com, you should record all the details of your arrest after your release from jail. You can write everything down from when the officer pulled you over to your release or save a voice note on your phone. These questions can help you detail everything:

  • What did I say to the officer?
  • What did the officer say was the main reason for pulling you over?
  • Did they order you to get out of the car?
  • Did they ask for field sobriety tests?
  • Did you do a breath test?
  • Did the police give you an option between a breath and blood test?
  • Did you make a statement after the arrest?

Consult a DUI attorney

When arrested for a DUI charge, the best thing to do is to contact an experienced DUI attorney. Keep in mind that DUI laws can be complex and require in-depth knowledge and experience, which is why you should never hire just any attorney when dealing with such a charge. Although a general attorney can represent you in court, you have higher chances of a favorable outcome with an experienced DUI lawyer.

Moreover, if it is your first time being arrested for driving under the influence, you will have many questions, and a simple consultation with a DUI lawyer can help you understand what is at stake.

Find potential witnesses

Source: lawpracticetoday.org

If you are arrested for DUI, the high chances are that you were coming from a bar, a restaurant, or a friend’s place. After your release, start recalling the people you were with earlier in the day and where you were. In most cases, the officer will not do any investigations after your DUI arrest because they believe they have sufficient evidence to charge you.

On the other hand, you may be able to find a witness who may help your case. Your DUI lawyer can contact your potential witnesses, listen to their accounts, and see how it can help your case. For instance, the people you were with earlier in the day may testify that you had nothing to drink and that you were sober before getting behind the wheel.

Collect evidence

Besides identifying potential witnesses, it is good to gather any possible evidence to help your case. For instance, if you were at the restaurant before the arrest, you can request the billing showing what you ate or drank to prove you were not under the influence.

You can also ask for a surveillance camera recording to show you did not take any alcoholic drinks. However, you should only share this kind of information with your attorney, and they can determine if the evidence is helpful or not.

Choose between a private attorney and a public defender

Source: armstrongbailbonds.net

When charged with DUI, the officer gives you a court date written on your arrest citation. You have the choice to hire a private attorney or use a public defender. If you choose to engage a private DUI attorney, you should do so before the arraignment to give them time to allow the law firm to work your case. Also, a private DUI attorney can show up on your behalf during your court dates, so you don’t have to miss work.

On the other hand, a court-appointed public defender can also represent you if you cannot afford a private attorney. Although public defenders are good at what they do, they typically have many other cases to deal with and may not give your case the attention it deserves. Keep in mind that you must appear for all your court dates if you work with a public defender.

Stay out of trouble

It is easier to negotiate for a favorable outcome if you are not involved in other cases after your DUI charge. It is also easier to convince the DA that you have stayed out of trouble and can be persuasive when you appear before the judge. If arrested for a misdemeanor DUI case (most DUI cases are), you don’t have to remain in jail until your trial.

During your arraignment, the judge may order that you remain out of jail and adhere to certain restrictions, for instance, not consuming alcohol or visiting places where it is sold. Failure to follow the orders, the judge may demand you be put in jail before your trial and increase your bail if you are in more trouble. Therefore, it is best to stay out of trouble during this time.

Pay attention to your attorney’s counsel

Source: jacksonokeefe.com

Your DUI attorney is ethically bound to act in your best interest, and it is advisable to heed their counsel. Note that DUI cases can drag before you go to the trial, so you need to be patient. But with an experienced DUI attorney by your side, you don’t have to worry about anything. They can ensure that no stone goes unturned before your case goes to trial to ensure the best outcome possible.

6 Tips To Start Your First Paint by Numbers

Source: pinterest.com

Buying and using a good paint by numbers kit is a good way to start your painting career or merely achieve the fun associated with painting. Thanks to how it works with these kits, you can paint based on laid down and clear instructions as regards colors to be used; patterns to be painted; amongst other things. If you are a beginner, you need to be equipped with certain tips that will give you a head start the moment you decide to get and start using paint by number kits.

Fortunately, this article will discuss 6 helpful tips to start your first paint by numbers journey. Ensure that you keep reading so that you do not miss out on important details that will help you when using these kits. In case you don’t have one yet, just get one from this website.

Some Useful Tips for Paint by Numbers Beginners

Using a paint by numbers kit comes with a lot of perks. However, there are certain things you should know to help you make the most of these artistic kits. You would fare better knowing them in time and this is why you should be willing to know and practice these tips even as a beginner. To this end, some of the helpful tips include the following:

Source: bbc.com

1. Your Choice of Location Is Very Important

There is so much that you can get done- thanks to paint-by-number kits. Even some newbies have been amazed at how impressive their canvas eventually turned out when they are done painting. This is apparently because quite a lot of the hard work has been done for them.

For instance, they do not have to go through the stress of sketching and mixing colors to suit the intended design. This would have been done for them by the makers of the kits.

But some things need to be done on the part of the painter to make painting plausible and easier. One of such is ensuring that the right location is used for the painting.

The right location is somewhere with little or no distraction and that offers convenience while painting. And on this note, you should know that an Easel does not need to be used. It just has to be a place that is convenient and without distraction.

2. Put the Materials in the Right Shape and State

Several materials make up the paint by numbers kit. You should ensure that you have all of them available and in good shape and state for use before you start the painting process. Speaking of the materials that make up this kit, we are talking about materials such as the brushes; the already-mixed paints based on your order; the postcard (detailing what your outcome should look like); and the canvas itself.

You should not only check these items but ensure that they are in the right shape and state. You might want to start with the canvas and then the brushes as these are two common concerns for lots of hobby painters.

The canvas could have creases and should not be used this way. The reason is that it would adversely affect the eventual painting. So, straightening out the canvas is one of the things that you need to do.

You can do this by stretching the canvas with paper tapes on extreme ends and then placing heavy objects on it. For more serious ruffling, electric iron with minimal heat can be used to straighten out the canvas. This is possible partly thanks to the canvas’s material which is light clothing rather than mere paper.

Source: bbc.com

3. Are You Right or Left-Handed?

There are painting moves and even strokes that are likely to work best for you based on your dominant hand. Generally speaking, right-handed paint by numbers painters are better off working from the top left corner moving towards the bottom right corner. It is a lot more convenient working this way.

On the contrary, left-handed paint by number painters are advised to paint from the top right corner moving towards the bottom left corner.

4. Start with Easier Stuff

For some people, there is the fun that comes with attempting what feels like impossible. For them, the excitement is about how challenging the project is.

Well, this is not how it works with everyone, especially kids. This is why most beginners are better off with easy-to-accomplish projects. We are talking about projects with fewer and easier to paint details. Beginners are advised to start this way before trying to climb Everest as far as painting is concerned.

Source: zoneofsilence.org

5. Take Good Care of the Brush

By and large, several things determine how successful one would be at painting. The use of the painter’s brush is one of them. It is not just about how these brushes are used but how they are handled as well.

For instance, you need to wash them properly to ensure that the previous paints do not have unwanted effects on the new part to be painted. This is why you should have at least two bowls filled with water to wash the brushes.

After using the brush, you are to thoroughly wash in one of the bowls before cleaning with a paper towel. Next, you are to dip the brush in the other cleaner water before using the new paint.

You should also ensure that the brush’s hair does not shoot out awkwardly as this would give you a hard time painting. You can use scissors to cut off any excess strands of hair on the brush.

6. Practice Makes You Better

Just as with every other thing you could decide to do, you get better by practicing. So, do not hesitate to undertake new and slightly more challenging paint by numbers projects.

What you would realize over time is that painters are unique in the sense that there are things that work for them. However, these things would only be discovered and maximized by practicing.

Source: thegrommet.com


Painting can be and is very exciting- thanks to the paint by numbers system. However, it is not out of place to be aware of tips that would make your journey smoother, especially as a beginner. We have discussed 6 of these tips that would benefit you as a beginner and you should make good use of them going forward.

How To Engage And Grow Your Audience Faster On Social Media

Source: webaitech.com

Social media presence in today’s day and age is as important as one thing could be – especially for businesses and brands.

Regular people could go on about their day not caring about their social media profiles, but businesses and brands need to put a little bit of effort into their pages. After all, the audience is not going to grow on its own.

Today, we’re going to teach you how to engage and grow your audience on social media – quickly.

Sounds good? Let’s go then!

Source: forgeandsmith.com

1. Post Quality Content

You could apply every audience-engaging tactic in the world, but if you don’t post quality content – nothing’s going to happen.

It all starts with you. If your following is not growing and the people already there are not engaging with your content, the harsh truth is that your content isn’t good enough. It’s that simple.

First, step up your content. Only then you can move on to more intricate things.

2. Respond To Comments

Don’t let the number of comments get to your head. You are not a celebrity or a diva if you get ten comments under each Instagram post or a couple of replies under a tweet. Getting several comments does not mean you don’t respond to them!

For as long as you’re on social media – responding to comments should be a priority.

Now, don’t get us wrong. We’re not saying answer each and every comment. That would be impossible if you’re moderately big on social. However, a few replies a day won’t kill you. In fact, it’ll go a long way.

Source: tslmarketing.com

3. “Don’t Forget To Comment, Like, And Share!”

You should make it a habit to remind your audience to take action with your content. It doesn’t matter which platform you’re on – you have to do this. This is not optional.

People will often just forget to like, share, comment, or subscribe – so you have to remind them.

“Did you like what you saw? Like, share or comment your thoughts! I’ll appreciate it!”

Don’t be shy to be blunt with it.

4. Make Every Post Visual

If, for some weird reason, your social media of choice is still Facebook or Twitter – it would serve you right to make every (or at least every other) post visual.

Now, we’re not saying just share a photo or video with your post. We’re saying to actually take the time to make that piece of visual content into something uniquely yours.

Source: html-online.com

5. Post At Least Once A Day

You could go out and boost your social media profile with www.likeskopen.online all you like, but if you don’t go out and post at least once a day – those boosts will only go so far.

Social media algorithms love activity, but they absolutely adore daily activity. Not missing a day is a sure way to get your audience growing.

However, don’t just spam. You still have to offer value. Check number one again!

6. Ask Engaging Questions

Want to get people to comment? Ask them a question they’ll want to answer.

While writing “Leave a like and a comment” at the end of each post might get you some engagement – you’ll get a lot more if you just ask the question that “needs” to be answered. Here are a few examples.

“Which of these outfits do you like the best?” – if you’re a fashion blogger. “Which stock are you buying today?” – if you’re a social media financial guru.

Source: businessinsider.com

7. Hook Your Audience

Whether you’re relying on written or visual content – you have to lure your audience in.

Write a captivating hook. Use eye-catching headlines. Sprinkle some attention-grabbing words early on. Use witty humour. Do that kind of stuff.

Make your intros and headings – POP!

8. Hold Contests

So, here’s a top-secret recipe for growing your following – host a contest or a giveaway. You already knew that? Well, we guess it’s not a top secret anymore.

Nothing will get people to leave comments and tag other people like free stuff.

Offer something meaningful. Offer something worth commenting on. And then, just ask your audience to comment and tag two people in their comment for a chance to win. Easy-peasy!

Source: digitalinformationworld.com

9. Add More Video To Your Page

Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, or even Twitter – you need video.

People would much rather watch a 30-second long video and listen to someone talk than actually read 10 seconds worth of content – even though the latter is much faster.

So, if you can – film a video. It’ll help.

10. Don’t Change Your Avatar Too Often

People are torn on this one, but we’re advocating that you don’t mess around with your avatar or profile picture too often.

Once people get to know you by your profile picture, especially on Twitter – that’s the way they’ll remember you.

They will instinctively react to a post with your avatar. Even if they’re just scrolling through – a familiar face might get them to stop and engage.

So, find your avatar and stick to it.

Source: indiatoday.in

11. Encourage Tagging

Holding contests is the best way to ensure people get tagged in your comments, but that’s not the only way to do it.

Encourage tagging!

Just write things like “Tag a friend that might like this! Tag a friend who needs this today!” and you should be good.

12. Use Emojis

This one’s also kind of controversial, but we would encourage you to use emojis.

However, don’t overdo it! Stuffing your content with emojis will just look messy, unreadable, and too silly.

Instead, use emojis to communicate emotion, add some pizzazz to your post, or get your point more clearly for example you can use shrug emoji to convey confusion or emphasize a question, thumbs-up emoji to express assent or approval.

Source: studyinternational.com

13. Don’t Be Boring

If you want people to engage and you want your audience to grow – you can’t be boring!

Even if you were offering a potion for eternal beauty – absolutely for free – nobody would want it if you were boring.

While you can’t do much about your personality – you can do a lot about your content. So, make it interesting!


If you’ve stopped reading this at least a few times because you just got an idea from one of these tips – we’ve done a good job.

These thirteen audience-growing and engaging practices, tips, or however else you’d like to call them, are without a doubt going to help you extend your reach and build your following.

If you know another trick that we haven’t mentioned – let us know. We’re always willing to learn more!

Is It Worth Buying Property in Bali in 2024

Source: exotiqproperty.com

Owning a property can have many benefits. Anything from becoming direct inhabitants in it to using it as a business venture. Engagement in the market means keeping in mind regulations and concerns rotating around the ownership of the property and the regulation of its use. In some countries, the ownership rules can be quite different, which is what we are looking into here with Bali.

Why would you want to buy a property in Bali?

Source: villabalisale.com

Bali is a beautiful place to travel and holiday in. Its beautiful landscapes attract a myriad of people to this location throughout the years. However, buying a property is a whole different thing. Let’s look at the reasons why one should consider purchasing a property there.

The first one would be the reasonable pricing, at least in North Bali. The prices can be a deciding factor for some because purchasing a property like this is simply an engagement that requires quite a bit of fund.

The natural wonders of Bali are a considerably attractive part of purchasing a property there. Natural attractions are many, usually starting with beautiful and dramatic sceneries. The beautiful vistas are an ever-present reason to consider purchasing a property here but there’s more. The beautiful beaches and coral reefs near them are places you can frequently enjoy.

The culture and cuisine of Bali are yet another part of these lands one could enjoy. The advantage of both is that it allows more people to find something to do in Bali.

There are plenty of other reasons to visit Bali or acquire property in it though. A more comprehensible collection can be found on penidaland.com

The property market of Bali

The advantage of Bali’s property market is that it has been proving very good in terms of performance. It’s one of the top-performing property markets in all of Asia in fact. The luxury property had spiked in price before, reaching a 15% increase yearly. It wasn’t much different with vacant lots, leading to a ton of speedy price increases.

However, these days the prices have started to stagnate. The usual huge increases have stopped and the market is pretty motionless right now.

Why did the market stagnate?

Source: villabalisale.com

Despite the beautiful sights and great bumps in price, the market ran into some issues. These problems were primarily issues that the residents of Bali struggle with daily. While the problems aren’t insurmountable, they do impact the engagement of the market.

The first issue has always been local infrastructure. The streets are frequently jammed with hundreds of people and crowds that form are difficult to get through. This makes any form of traversal infinitely more difficult and as such detrimental to the enjoyment of the tourist experience. Anybody who comes over for a few days in Bali will have to deal with these issues and may end up being unable to fulfill all of their plans for the trip because of it.

However, a much bigger issue of Bali’s infrastructure comes from its lack of clean water. Any tourist and inhabitant need water to operate. A lack of clean water can easily turn an enjoyable trip to Bali into a struggle to fulfill our basic needs.

The next issue comes from the market itself. You see, the property market in Bali wasn’t that well regulated, leading to a lot of iffy and incompatible sales throughout its lifespan. The rising prices we mentioned before stemmed from a constant increase in properties which has now come back to cause issues. The oversupply being the most present problem, considering how many properties were made available during the boom of the market.

Buying property

Source: villabalisale.com

The best way to obtain ownership is by getting a freehold title. Purchasing this title allows you to directly witness the increase in the price of a property as time goes on. Any increases to the price of land as well as benefits of improvements that you’ve constructed will directly impact the price of your property too.

A Freehold title is the most potent title you can get when it comes to land ownership in this area. However, it’s impossible to obtain it if you aren’t Indonesian. You have to be of Indonesian Nationality to get a Freehold title, otherwise, it’s unattainable for you. Of course, there are ways to circumvent this somewhat. Foreigners can get a right of use for a property by entering contracts with owners from Indonesia. These contracts can be achieved through an Indonesian corporation or a single person, these being the owners of the title themselves.

The properties with this title often get better use out of an increase in appreciation of the land. The contract also allows you to establish much better terms with the person you are signing it with, leading to some boons. Another option for acquiring property is usually leasehold. These types of acquisitions come with a time period during which you can utilize the property. Usually, you won’t benefit as much from land appreciation and your property may even lose some of its lusters as the expiry date draws near.

The choice of freehold title usually comes with a lot of safety concerns. There are many ways in which you could end up swindled so caution is advised. The advantages this title brings are usually worth the struggle.

On the other hand, a leasehold property is very safe although with some limitations on its use. The freehold title will allow you to heavily modify the property, unlike this one. As we’ve mentioned already, this also makes it hard to get used to price appreciation.


Source: ppbali.com

Purchasing property in Bali will bring with it a few concerns. These concerns can be rather problematic depending on the way you wish to employ and engage with the property you are scouting. That’s why informing yourself further is always a good goal and the reason a ton of fruitful sources of information, including this one, exist.

The Bali market is a weird one to get into as you’ll need to achieve contact with somebody who already has ownership of a property in Bali. That somebody will have to be a Bali citizen due to their laws and the other new regulations don’t make the experience much easier too.

However, once all that has been done you’ll have a very impressive experience to engage in with the slew of possible uses one can get out of a property in Bali. Especially one backed up with a good contract.

7 Interesting Facts and Myths That You Should Know About Cyberday in Chile

Source: knowinsiders.com

We’ve all heard of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday and they’re marked in our calendar as something not to be missed. If you are really a shopaholic then prepare to make a note of another very important date. It’s Cyberday. Even it is the youngest of them all, this day or these days threaten to surpass Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. The incredible response of the brands that want to participate, as well as the consumer, left the organizers speechless.

This is a really special event in Chile. We are used to those sales days lasting one single day. Here the substance is a little different. Cyberday is organized once a year but lasts as long as 3 days. So you have enough time to research the online market, collect impressions and then order selected pieces of technology, furniture, clothing, cosmetics, or whatever you need. But you should not think too much because the number of available items changes from second to second.

If you are still wondering how all this works, here are some facts, interesting ones, and myths related to these days.

1. What is the concept of Cyberday?

Source: investopedia.com

The Santiago Chamber of Commerce has devised a great concept to promote online commerce. Hundreds of stores and various brands participate in this day and give certain online discounts and together with that great entertainment for consumers. And everyone is satisfied: the sellers, although they give good discounts, the amount of goods sold is really extraordinary; on the other hand, customers are satisfied as well because they managed to buy things at great prices. For most things, in a classic way and with standard prices, you would not dare to buy. The economy is also pleased as the growth of online commerce is more than fascinating, reactivating the country’s economy.

Consumers are already counting on these 3 days, and have already got used to stealing money from the side, waiting for the dates reserved for Cyberday to be announced. They are usually left for the spring-summer season. So if you need something, maybe you better be patient and buy at incredibly good discounts.

2. How you can do shopping on Cyberday?

There are many platforms online that bring together stores that want to participate in this massive online event. It is important to choose the platform that you like the most and that gives the best conditions. Our warm suggestion is to visit ebest.cl and then make a decision. This is a place where you can find a huge range of different stores, brands and exhibitors that will offer you amazing discounts. Some discounts go up to an incredible 40%. Access and registration on the platform are completely free. When you open the order, do not forget to enter the exact address of the delivery, and you have the option to pick up the goods at one of the branches.

Whichever platform you choose, before you click to buy, still check if it is an official site approved and supported by the Santiago Chamber of Commerce.

3. Cyberday 2024 exceeded all expectations

Source: ambito.com

In Chile, Cyberday in 2024 was held on May 31st, June 1st, and 2nd. There were many different expectations. It was known that the income would be higher than last year, due to the popularity and greater transparency of the event, and due to the pandemic and quarantine. Still, no one could have guessed that sales would increase by an incredible 57%. Yes, we are telling the truth! In 2024, for these 3 days alone, sales of 640 million dollars were realized. Statistics say that over 15 million items have been sold. 670 brands participated. Amazing isn’t it?

4. The Difference between Cyber Monday And Cyberday

Cyber Monday has a concept almost as designed as Cyberday. So their goal is the same: to increase e-commerce transactions. The biggest difference is in the duration and the period when it is maintained. As we have already seen, Cyberday lasts three days, while cyber Monday is limited to only one Monday. It is the Monday after Thanksgiving. So Miraculous Monday is in the fall, it usually falls at the end of November, while Cyberday can be said to be the first spring event.

5. What you order on Cyberday will not have a guarantee?

Source: marca.com

This is truly a myth that we hope will be overcome. There is no need to be afraid of things like this. Shopping these days is identical to normal shopping in that you get discounts. Each warranty applies equally to a particular product, no matter when or how you purchase it. Cyberday aims to improve e-commerce and in no way deceive consumers.

6. How long can I think before I buy a product?

The answer to this question depends on many items, among which are certainly the popularity of the product but also the popularity of the brand that represents it. It is a really well-advertised product, is really needed and has a great discount, we suggest you do not think too long.

Don’t forget that these are slightly different terms of purchase, t from a psychological point of view you can fall into the trap of impulsive trade and thus spend a lot more money than you can imagine. So when you find something you like, we suggest you think twice before you buy it. Think about whether you really need the product and how often you will use it.

Experience from previous years shows that the best offers are sold out in the first 6 hours. In the best case, great goods with a good offer can wait for you at 12 o’clock, if you are lucky. So take time for these things, dig in and be quick.

Delivery will be slightly slower

Source: apsfulfillment.com

Can you imagine the delivery services that need to deliver 15 million different items across Chile in the shortest possible time? Huge sales require huge organization. Therefore, if you have previously received orders for a day or two, do not be upset if the product arrives at your address only after 4 or 5 days. Have an understanding of the people who deliver because they certainly have their hands full. After all, you get your favorite product at a great price, so it’s not a problem to wait a day longer for delivery.

A Look at 2024 in Online Slots

Source: newscons.com

We’re into 2024 and already it’s been an exciting year for fans of gaming, especially of slots. The industry is booming, with an army of players jumping online, logging into apps or visiting the sites of Costa Games or other operators and enjoying the thrills and spills of the online slots available.

Online gaming is a highly competitive industry and, endlessly, operators are seeking new ways to engage their players. As they channel their energies into this, the slots meanwhile remain very much in demand. Below is a look at some of the best slots to be released in 2024 and help to make this such an entertaining year for slots fans, plus a look at some of the slots operators will be able to offer later in the year.

Slots released in 2024

The year has seen some fabulous titles join the lobbies of online casinos. Adventure slots and more have all exploded onto the scene and helped operators inject extra variety into their offering, which is crucial in the gaming industry. Here are some of the titles that are winning the hearts of fans just now:


Gigantoonz came out on 27 January and is a sequel to Reactoonz 2 and Dr Toonz, so if you enjoyed either of these predecessors, you’re likely to have a good time playing the follow-up too. The game is slightly different in so far as that there are no paylines. Instead, it’s about getting as many symbols as possible in a cluster. Six symbols in a cluster will entitle you to a payment. The more symbols you get in a cluster, the more you can win.

The game has a return to player (RTP) of 96.25% and boasts cascading reels and mega symbols. These mega symbols create the opportunity for you to win much bigger payouts if you land them. The cascading symbols disappear after a payout, replacing themselves with new ones.

Agent Jane Blonde: Max Volume

Source: wombatcasino.com

Agent Jane Blonde Max Volume became widely available on 18 January 2024 and is hard hitting and engaging, with sound audiovisual features. This follow-up to Agent Jane Returns has a similar look to its predecessor in terms of the graphics, but there have been improvements in the features, which have helped to clinch the engagement of the player, as has the retro music.

The game has a default RTP of 96% and has gone from being a low volatility slot to a medium one. Players have further influence over this because they can choose the bonus game they wish to play, each one offering different volatility.

Land five scatters anywhere and you’ll trigger the jackpot feature, which will award you either 100, 25 or 5 times your bet depending on whether you strike gold, silver or bronze. If you happen to do this during a free spins bonus, the current multiplier will multiply your jackpot.

Extra Juicy Megaways

Source: askgamblers.com

A megaways game is always a great game to play and Extra Juicy Megaways, which entered the market on 24 February 2024, is no exception. It’s ideal for anyone who likes a combination of conventional slot gameplay and a more innovative one, with the base game able to suitably hold the player’s interest if they fail to trigger a bonus game. That’s the mark of a good game.

The game has an RTP of 96.42%, is a high volatility slot and offers a maximum win of 5,000 times your stake. The balanced maths and the possibility of considerable swings in your favour during the game make it a pretty exciting game to play.

The year ahead for slots

So far, 2024 has seen some pretty amazing titles come the way of online slots fans. As operators look constantly to expand their offering to keep it fresh and engaging for players, fans can expect to see plenty more titles in 2024. Here are a few to look out for:

Eye of Cleopatra

Source: bigwinboard.com

Fans don’t have long to wait for this one, which comes out on 18 April 2024. It’s a high volatility slot and offers a default RTP of 96.5%. It’s possible to win 4,000 times your original stake on this Egyptian-themed game. Eye of Cleopatra also features the interesting possibility of an ante bet, a feature which enables the player to increase their stake by 25% and up their chances of winning free spins.

Sakura Fortune 2

Source: clashofslots.com

Sakura Fortune 2, due out on 12 April 2024, is another game to which avid slots fans can look forward. The RTP on this oriental-themed game is 96.02% and, as a result of change in the reel patterns, the number of ways to win has increased to 576 in this sequel to the original Sakura Fortune.

Landing the Sword Scatter in the middle three reels of this five-reeler will trigger a re-spin of the first and final reels. The more Sword Scatters you can land, the freer Fortune spins you can trigger, creating the chance for Sakura Wilds to stick and provide scope to multiply your win in these Fortune Spins rounds.

As slots developers battle to bring out engaging new titles and operators strive to expand their offering, the year gets more and more exciting in the online gaming world. Variety is the slice of life and, in 2024, just as in any other year, fans can expect plenty of it from operators. The online slots world simply never gets boring.

Gaming Chairs: The Best Way for Kids to Watch TV and Play Video Games

Source: techpowerup.com

Buying a gaming chair is a smart choice since your kids spend a few hours each day playing video games on their gaming consoles. It will allow them to have a better time while playing video games. You may select from a variety of seats from gaming chair suppliers to find the one that best fits your child’s needs. As here are lots of supplier in the world but we need someone that provide the best gaming chair which are much comfortable as well as price in cheap. Depending on the model, they come in a variety of forms and prices. The majority of them, on the other hand, are designed to make children feel more at ease when playing video games.

Source: costco.co.uk

Gaming chairs with a rocking motion

These chairs are supported by sturdy pedestals. While seated in the chair, you may rock it back and forth. As a result of the rocking motion, your children will be more relaxed. Your children’s gaming skills will improve as a result. They can be folded up into a compact bundle and stored when not in use, which is a nice feature.

Children’s gaming chairs for various age groups

Various sized children’s seats are available for use in front of the TV while playing video games. Children above the age of 12 should avoid rocking chairs. Most of them include speakers that link wirelessly to your audio device, making them ideal for both playing video games and viewing movies. Gamers of different skill levels and inclinations may now choose from a selection of gaming chairs that are made in China. China is not only manufacture of such things but also great exporter like these things. Here are lots of such manufactures and suppliers which provide unique and full feature article in wholesale. If you are also interested in such things like gaming chair and etc. in cheap prices just visit dhgate.

Source: medium.com

Rocking chairs without pedestals for video gaming

Unlike the seats with pedestals, these gaming chairs sit on the ground. Even a 12-year-old might benefit from them. Kids like playing games on these chairs because they allow them to move freely. The rails and armrests of some of these chairs are made of aluminum as well. The foam is fire retardant to keep you safe and comfortable. Those of these chairs are quite inexpensive, but some cost a lot of money.

Wi-Fi connection is standard on the majority of gaming seats, making it easy to connect to your Xbox, Game Boy, or PlayStation console. They might also be used to link to DVD players, MP3 players, and televisions, among other things. Because of this, you may allow your children to watch cartoons and other television programs from these seats as well. They come in a variety of colors to fit the needs of both boys and girls. They are also the most comfortable. One of these chairs will seem like a perfect fit for an adult’s body while sitting on it.

Chairs for video gaming – How to Pick the Right Video Rocker?

A video rocker chair is an experience you’ll never forget if you’ve never sat down in one. These chairs often called video gaming chairs, may enhance the gaming experience. They may be used to listening to music or watching TV, but the rocker chairs are most often utilized by gamers who like the all-around sound experience and comfort that comes with them. You may choose between plain seats and cushioned ones that are comfier. For extended durations of sitting, most individuals choose foam-filled cushioned seats because they are more comfortable.

It’s a good idea to check out someone else’s gaming chair before you purchase one of your own. Try out a few games to see whether it’s the perfect fit for you. You’ll get a sense of how they’ll fit and feel, as everyone’s height and weight affect how well they’ll fit. You might prefer armrests, a headrest, or one of a variety of additional attachments that may be purchased for the chair.

Source: aramanatural.es

Whatever the case may be, you’ll be compelled to get a video rocker chair after you’ve used one. However, there are several additional factors to keep in mind before purchasing one. To save money, make sure to shop around and compare prices before purchasing. The V Rocker may appear like a car seat at first sight, but it’s a rocking chair. Designed to sit on the ground, this video game chair lets players rock and move with the action. Constructed from solid oak and steel, this is achievable. After that, a layer of fire-retardant foam is placed on top, and finally, a layer of upholstery grade vinyl is applied. Cleaning is a breeze with this material.

In addition to being well-built, the V rocker chair, which is also known as a sound rocker, includes several excellent technological characteristics. 2.1 surround sound is included in the price of this gaming chair. The chair has two speakers positioned at the top of the backrest.

The back of the chair has a subwoofer so you can hear it! The sound output of this system is advertised as being 80 watts. The controls for this system were easily accessible from the side of the vehicle. This control panel has volume and bass settings, input and output ports, and a headphone connection. The chair includes an LED power indicator to let you know whether it’s functioning.

How to Save Money On Dental Office Supplies

Source: nerdwallet.com

Equipping your dental office is a process that never stops, and no matter when you opened your practice, chances are, you will need to stock up on goods every week or month. The expenses that go into that can easily skyrocket, and if you don’t make the right choices when purchasing the items, you may end up spending far more than your profits. Here, we are going to help you learn how to save money on dental office supplies, and we will try and teach you how to avoid the most common mistakes that come with these purchases.

Try purchasing directly from the manufacturer

The first thing that you definitely need to try if you want to lower your supply costs is contacting the manufacturer directly. More often than not, dentists use middlemen that always get a percentage of the purchase, and even though this may be just a fraction of the sum, when we put that on a large scale, we’ll see that we can save thousands of dollars per year. You can check out Art Craft Dental for cheap dental tools and equipment.

The problem that may arise with this is having to purchase large quantities. Most manufacturers will not sell you goods directly if you want to order just an item or two, and you will need to buy in bulk. In addition to this, you may be ordering from an international supplier, so you need to figure out shipping costs. Pay attention to this because the shipping can sometimes cost more than the goods themselves.

Use bulk discounts

Source: nav.com

If you choose to order dental supplies in bulk, you should know that you are making the right choice. More often than not, the things we buy in large quantities are far cheaper than when we purchase them in one or two pieces only.

When you get large quantities of goods and dental office supplies, you may be able to get a special discount, or you may just need to pay the basic fee without spending money on all the other costs. You should check if this is an option, and see how much you can drop the price by getting items that can be stored instead of buying them separately.

Get free products to test

One of the things that we lose money on is getting the wrong goods. When we are on the lookout for dental office supplies, we look for everything, starting from the scrubs and gloves, up to utility and sterilization equipment. All of these things are available from many manufacturers, and some are going to be far better than others.

If you are not sure which products and brands you want to go with, then you should contact the manufacturer or distributor and ask for samples and test products. You can get them from different suppliers and see which ones work the best for you. This way, you will spend some time using the free goods, and later on, you will never risk losing money on goods that are not working for your practice.

Consider using online supply stores

Source: vox.com

It is an unwritten rule that it is better to shop at online stores and physical ones and there are many reasons for that. First and foremost, you are saving yourself a lot of time, and you won’t have to go from one store to the other. You are just a few clicks away from seeing the inventory of the largest distributors, and you can easily compare prices, see the regulations, and warranties, and even check customer satisfaction.

You won’t have to go to the physical store to see what they have to offer, and you can order your goods with ease. In addition to this, you can see which store offers the best prices and if you can get any discounts or use coupons that will lower the amount you need to pay.

As you can see on Bttn, when you shop online for dental supplies you can find more detailed product information, prices, shipping, delivery, returns and exchanges available too. You won’t have to wait for the store to open to contact them, and you can easily check if you are okay with the price offered.

Know what you need to buy

More often than not, we tend to buy items just because they are at a discount or because we think we will use them in the future. This is a huge no-no and you don’t need to get things for your dental office just because they are at a promotion. If you don’t use them, and if they are going to collect dust in storage, then it is just wasted money, no matter how cheap they were when you got them.

Instead of hoping that you will use the supplies at some point in the future, then, start buying the supplies you only need the most each month. Make a list of your inventory, know when you usually need to update it, and start from there. You can always keep non-perishable items in your storage, but only those that you will end up using in time. However, some of them may expire too in a certain time period.

Purchase supplies when prices are lower

Source: dentalsave.com

All suppliers offer promotions or discount codes and vouchers at some point, and there is usually a sale that you can use to get items for a fraction of the price they usually cost. So, pay attention to these things and know when it is time to stock up on your most needed dental supplies, and when it is better to only purchase the essentials.

You can follow these things by regularly checking the prices in your preferred stores (whether online or a brick and mortar location), their competitors, and you can sign up for newsletters and promotions that can help you get these supplies much cheaper. Know that there is always an offer somewhere, and chances are, you can get some codes or vouchers if you look hard enough. However, as good as promotions are, sometimes cheap can be expensive too. The dental supplies may come from low quality suppliers and use cheap materials that might not be suitable for your practice. So, you’ll want to make sure you’re procuring dental supplies from reputable suppliers whether online or offline.

There are dozens of online suppliers that can help fulfill your dental supply needs. The big thing is ensuring the supplies are in stock and come from reputable suppliers. You want to make sure that you will receive what you paid for in a timely manner too. Sometimes, you may be drawn into low price dental supplies, but find out after you order them that they cannot be delivered for 30-60 days (or more) and that may cause a whole new set of issues for your office.

Is Hair Transplant in Istanbul Expensive?

Source: estecapelli.com

Hair transplantation is quickly becoming a must-have procedure for people dealing with hair loss all around the globe. As a type of surgery celebrities and other wealthy people can easily afford, people with average incomes started searching for high-quality hair transplantation procedures they could finance as well.

Even though hair transplants are becoming accessible to more and more people worldwide, the majority of the general population still can’t afford the extremely high costs this procedure comes with.

Fortunately, hair transplant in Istanbul is becoming the go-to option for hair transplant patients who are looking for a premium quality but affordable solution. Keep reading to find out why.

Source: drthair.com

Hair transplantation in Turkey

There are a lot of successful and quality clinics that provide hair transplantation treatments across Turkey. This country is becoming a center for medical tourism where people from different parts of the world get various medical procedures done. Hair transplantation isn’t an exception.

For instance, you can check out sapphirehairclinic.com. If you didn’t know, this is a clinic in Istanbul and one of the leading institutions where patients experiencing hair loss can get a high-quality hair transplant in Turkey at an affordable price. The highly-skilled and friendly team makes the entire experience an overwhelmingly positive one.

Dr. Okan Morkoç, the founder of the Clinic and one of Turkey’s most respected surgeons, leads the team and ensures each patient leaves their clinic with a smile on their face and outstanding surgery results. He has helped thousands of local and international patients restore their youthful appearance and boost their self-esteem by allowing them to regrow their natural hair.

With outstanding qualifications and impressive experience, the hair clinic is among the best clinics for hair transplant surgery.

Source: medium.com

Comparing the costs of hair transplantation

Why is Turkey becoming such a popular destination for medical procedures, especially when it comes to hair transplantation?

Well, it all comes down to the costs that hair transplantation clinics in Turkey charge for their services. Namely, health clinics in other developed countries have incredibly high prices and costs for all procedures, including hair transplantation.

For example, the average cost of a hair transplantation procedure in the UK is £30,000. In the US, it can reach $16,000, making it an extremely overpriced treatment very few people can afford.

In comparison, clinics in Turkey offer much better price deals. It’s possible to find hair transplantation surgeries for as little as €1,500, with the average costs for these procedures running between €1,500 and €2,500 across Turkish hair clinics.

The main reason for this drastic price difference is the total cost medical institutions have to cover. Since Turkish clinics have significantly lower costs compared to other developed countries, they can afford to provide the same service, if not better, at much lower price points and still remain profitable at the end of the day.

However, that doesn’t mean the quality of hair transplant procedures is lower in Turkey than in other countries. Quite the contrary, Turkish clinics are some of the most renowned and famous ones in the hair transplantation field. But, significantly lower costs allow even the most premium clinics to offer much better price points to their clients.

Source: freepik.com

Hair transplantation services

So, what hair transplantation services can interested patients find? The clinic offers several hair transplantation methods, but the two most popular ones are the Sapphire FUE hair transplant and the DHI hair transplant. Beard transplantations have also been rising in popularity over the last few years as men begin to experiment with different beard types and styles.

Sapphire FUE is a method of transplanting follicular units where a surgeon uses a sapphire blade for making incisions instead of a traditional steel blade. Just as its name suggests, the sapphire blade contains a small sapphire gem that ensures clients experience many benefits from their transplantation procedure. Some of them are low scab formation in the donor area, natural hair density, and a seamless recovery process.

During DHI hair transplantation, a surgeon uses a different tool to transplant hair follicles, called the Choi implanter pen. With this innovative tool, the hair transplant surgeon can simultaneously extract and insert the grafts, without making incisions. That means the scalp is barely damaged and the healing process is reduced, while the hairs grow quickly and naturally across the recipient area.

Both of these procedures are done under a local anesthetic for the patient’s maximum comfort. Finally, the outstanding before and after results will ensure you that you’re making the right decision.

Source: Medium.com

Other services in the package

The best thing about Turkish health clinics is that they’re entirely dedicated to their patients. That doesn’t only apply to hair transplantation surgery, but other areas as well.

All clients get a free consultation with a surgeon at the hair clinic, where they can talk about their current condition and the results they want to achieve with transplanted hair. Doctors provide them with their expert opinion and offer personalized advice to each new case.

Additionally, all international clients can take advantage of other services included in their package. Airport transfers, hotel accommodation, hair care products for aftercare, and many other necessities are part of the standard hair transplantation package. The clinic ensures that all patients have a relaxing, pleasant, and stress-free experience while going through their appearance transformation.

Source: menshealth.com

Bottom Line

It’s safe to say the hair clinic equips its patients with everything they might need during their stay in Turkey. If you’d like to get a high-quality hair transplant that will grant you natural hair growth and a head full of healthy hair, there’s no need to look further.

It offers superior results at a fair price, proving that excellent hair transplantation doesn’t need to cost a fortune. Say goodbye to hair loss and say hello to your new appearance by choosing one of the best-performing clinics for a hair transplant in Istanbul.

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