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CNC Laser Machine for Cutting and Engraving

Source: prototypehubs.com

A laser cnc machine is a special equipment based on the stable high-temperature beam generation. The latter falls on the processed surface in the form of a small-sized light spot, with a significant energy being concentrated in it.

Within this spot, the processed material is engraved by burning. Depending on the settings specified before work, it forms a through-cut (laser cutting) or removes the workpiece’s top layer only. You can buy it on Wattsan.

There are two basic principles of transporting and forming the beam used in cnc cutters:

  • СО2 lasers – make it possible to process all types of materials (used mainly for wood), but for metals.

However, some of them can also be processed subject to using a special thermal paste.

  • Fiber-optic – these are designed to work specially with metals.

Engraving natural stone and glass is possible as well. Can cut double-sided plastic. At the Lasercut company, you can always choose and buy reliable and fail-safe machines.

1. How to choose a cutter for home

Source: prototypehubs.com

Not to later regret buying a wrong laser cutting device for wood, a customer should have a primary idea of the characteristics to be primarily assessed when choosing the equipment.

First, you should have a clear idea of what tasks you buy the machine for – the type, amount, and material of the intended products. The required working surface size and the necessary configuration of the purchased equipment depends on the answer to this question. Be sure to consider characteristics of the room where you plan to install a laser cutting machine for wood. An important issue is an appropriate estimation of your financial resources.

Below, you will find brief basic criteria that are worth paying due attention to when choosing the equipment.


It determines a kind of the equipment that suits you best – a cutter, an engraving machine, a full-scale CNC machine. You should also consider a business category, for whose purposes the laser cutting machine for wood will be used (production volumes, workpiece sizes, etc.).


Most of the materials supplied to the market, which the laser cutter allows you to work with, are available in standard size ranges (for example: monolithic polycarbonate, in 2,050*3,050 mm sheets; multilayer plywood, 1,525*1,525 mm). Given this, the required working surface parameters should be chosen.

Working surface dimensions

The geometry of this structural element is determined by the ranges peculiar to the group the machine belongs to:

  • The maximum working surface of a desktop version doesn’t exceed 600*400 millimeters. This is the size of a workpiece you can place here for wood processing.

This is a perfect solution for a garage or a small workshop. Despite its moderate dimensions, this is a full-fledged equipment that enables to perform laser cutting and produce items on an industrial scale.

  • Medium-format – the working surface is available in a range of options (600*900) – (1,600*1,000) millimeters.

The most demanded models on the market. Suit both private workshops and large-scale production.

  • A large-format cutting machine for wood can have a table reaching up to 2,000*3,000 millimeters in size.

They are used to manufacture large-sized products or organize production of large volumes of the same type of items.

The lowering depth of the table

Source: prototypehubs.com

This characteristic directly determines the workpiece thickness (for example, for wood processing), which can be processed on a particular machine. There are models with a fixed height. When the equipment is intended for work with flat workpieces only, this function can be omitted.

The adjustment can be automatic or manual. The first option is preferable for those who process materials of different thicknesses.

When buying machines with adjustable depth, discard the belt drive models. They stretch over time and have a tooth that can be easily cut off, resulting in hanging of one of the table sides. The chain drive is preferable.

Types of the table structural designs

Manufacturers offer the following types of the tables:

  • lamellar – a standard structure (easy to clean). Optimum solution for wood processing, however not suitable for working with fabrics and fine details (especially for cardboard, paper);
  • honeycomb – quite a solid base that allows laser cutting of elements of any size. Thin workpieces don’t sag on it. The best solution for fabrics and paper;
  • conveyor – demanded for working with rolled materials.


The main structural elements of the cutting machine for working with a variety of materials (for wood, for example) are:

  • body;
  • laser tube;
  • ignition unit;
  • control system;
  • guide rails;
  • portal;
  • belt fasteners;
  • engines;
  • end sensors;
  • chiller;
  • garbage tray.

Please consult with our manager on each of the above-listed issues. He will help to choose the machine configuration optimal for your tasks.

2. Maintenance and support

The Lasercut company provides a full range of maintenance and technical support to the owners of a laser cutter of any model. The following service range is available to our customers.

Pre-commissioning activities and commissioning

Source: amtools.rs

For even a high-quality and reliable machine for wood to be able to fully perform all its functions, it requires proper installation and a set of pre-commissioning activities provided by the manufacturer.

Our specialists perform all stages of the above-mentioned activities. They may differ depending on a particular model. But anyway, they necessarily include the following range of operations:

  • the pre-commissioning stage, when our employees get acquainted with the equipment designed for wood processing, study its basic settings, check the machine integrity, and its configuration;
  • install the equipment in compliance with the manufacturer’s requirements (by level, without any free play, with grounding and proper power supply);
  • configure the control system (and software, if necessary);
  • check the electronic elements operation;
  • control operation of the machine mechanical elements in the test mode;
  • connect the existing security systems (stabilizers, cooling, and others);
  • test the equipment (for example, laser cutting).

Diagnostics of the laser cutter. Its alignment and adjustment

By detecting and fixing troubles in time, you extend the machine service life, increase safety of the operators work, boost its processing speed and product quality.

Repair of S&A chillers

These are the elements that prolong the life of solid-state emitters and laser tubes by maintaining the optimal temperature range. When it is critically exceeded, this device disables the laser installation for wood processing. The chiller ensures uninterrupted and secure operation of the most expensive and fragile machine devices.

Repair of the branded equipment

We are ready to perform repair of any complexity. Besides, it is available not only in our permanent centers, but with a team visiting your locality as well.

Training of personnel who will operate the purchased equipment

Our service department has developed a training program for operators of laser cutters (depending on the available equipment type, the preparedness level of the customer’s representatives).

3. Dimensions and power

Source: m.made-in-china.com

The laser equipment (working surface) dimensions are an important factor determining the technical capabilities of laser cutting. That is why you should choose the machine geometry with the planned workpiece dimensions and the upcoming production volumes in mind.

According to the work desk surface of a particular model, all laser cutters are divided into three groups:

  • desktop (the smallest versions). May be equipped with tables, whose size ranges between (200-300) – (400-600) millimeters.

Commonly, the power of such models doesn’t exceed 40 W. However, these parameters are more than enough to ensure a high-quality solution to a wide range of tasks, including the ones for wood. The owner of such a machine can organize manufacturing of small batches of souvenirs, production of toys, jewelry, and other items made of a variety of raw materials – from paper to plexiglass and genuine leather. Are perfect for making stamps and seals.

  • Medium – their tables are much larger, (600-900) – (900-1600) millimeters.

The laser tubes they are equipped with are more powerful (up to 90 W), which makes it possible to launch small-scale and even medium-scale production. These products are in the highest demand on the market, especially by small and medium-scale businesses.

  • Large equipment – tables are between (1,200-2,000) – (2,000-3,000) millimeters.

These are extremely powerful machines used in the industries working with large-sized workpieces and significant product volumes. Such size of tables allows to lay such materials as standard sheets of multilayer plywood. Therefore, they are primarily used in woodworking and furniture industries. This group of laser cutters are often used when processing a variety of rolled materials (vinyl film, fabrics).

4. Operating principle

The workpiece is processed with a laser beam. The latter is coherent narrow forced and monochrome radiation, generated in active media by external influence of energy nature. The latter can be chemical, optical, electrical, or other.

The process is based on the physical ability of certain substances to emit photons with the required wavelength, resulting from collision of an atom with a coherent photon. The latter isn’t absorbed in the process. It generates excessive photons, which act as the laser beam carriers.

In simple words, a laser beam generation process is as follows: the active medium is saturated by the present external energy source (for example, a ruby crystal) with photons of the required energy coming from the outside. They knock out their twins from the substance atoms that form the active medium. However, they aren’t absorbed.

The optical resonator of the device, which can be represented by two mirrors installed in parallel, ensures additional saturation of the medium. This results in multiple collisions of identical photons with atoms. In turn, this provokes appearance of new photons. In such a device, one mirror is translucent, which allows photons to freely pass through it moving towards the optical axis. This is how a narrowly focused laser beam is formed.

According to the active media types, cnc machines divided into:

  • gas;
  • solid-state;
  • semiconductor.

According to the energy type of used for pumping:

  • impulse;
  • with constant power.

Besides these indicators, lasers are classified according to a few other parameters: purpose, radiation power, size, and others.

What the machine can be used for

Source: all3dp.com

If we look at the laser machine products as at a device used for wood (MDF, plywood) laser cutting only, even then the owner of such equipment has numerous opportunities to choose possible options for developing his business. Here are just a few of the available solutions.

Production of interior items, furniture

For these purposes, large-scale laser cutter models are more suitable. In most cases, the raw material is 8 mm thick multilayer plywood, which can ensure the required durability of the finished structure. It is possible to produce classic furniture or fulfill personalized orders, a variety of customized solutions.

Such goods as wall carved panels for decoration or wall elements are in great demand.

Thin plywood is used to make excellent decorative screens for radiators.

Production of plywood keychains and engravings

Small souvenirs are made with the cnc desktop engravers. Thin multilayer plywood is used for production. Magnets for refrigerators, key chains are in constant demand.

Organize production of caricatured popular characters from movies and computer games, social networks stickers, and other demanded products.

Engravings and foreign artists’ works look good even in monochrome colors, when varnished and stained.

Production of DIY kits and children’s constructors

These kits are rapidly becoming popular. At the same time, it’s just the craftsman’s imagination that their complexity degree depends on. Arrange supply of the simplest kits for assembling houses or produce complex structures equipped with moving parts.

The latter devices require preliminary detailed work on a vector prototype. However, this type of products is more expensive, which reduces the payback period.

Decor, props, production of street signs, and advertisements

Source: aliexpress.com

When processing workpieces made of PVC and polycarbonate, plexiglass and vinyl film, it demonstrates acceptable performance. This laser cutter is in demand for producing functional furniture and exhibition stands.

Profitable operation area is production of street signs.

Cutting patterns for clothing industry firms (private companies) is available in this particular model as well.


By buying a cnc laser cutter, you can organize a profitable business at minimal cost and in the shortest time possible. For example, you can find companies with cool logos, like utländskacasino.biz and make them promo materials

How Do You Calm Yourself Down During a Difficult Time?

Source: psychologicalhealthcare.com.au

Difficulties and obstacles are not uncommon in our lives. We get sad, we get upset, we look for explanations as to why things happened the way they did, and we can’t believe they happened to us. A person experiences different situations and life periods, including both positive and pleasant events and times of difficult trials. Individual experiences determine the complexity of life stages, and many life situations can be experienced as problematic. As a result, our lives become different, not the same as before.

We continue to live, which means we still have a chance to be happy. The only thing that is needed is our sincere desire. However, since there are no known ways out of the current situation, it is necessary to move to a new level of their capabilities, access the hidden resources, and discover previously unknown and unclaimed abilities which you did not even guess. For example, even a slight loss at bollywood-casino.com can trigger a person’s nervous repression.

What is a difficult life situation?

A difficult life situation is a situation in which, as a result of external influences or internal changes, your habitual activities are disrupted. As a result, you cannot meet your basic life needs through ways of behavior developed in previous periods of life. These are situations in which there is a danger to your physical or mental health, which occur unexpectedly, for reasons you do not understand and beyond your control, accompanied by a loss of loved ones, the meaning of life, previous values, etc.

The basics of self-help

Source: blog.zencare.co
  • How can I feel when I find myself in a difficult situation in life?
  • Everything is hopeless;
  • I want to cry and only think about the worst;
  • The pain is unbearable;
  • everything is useless, and no one needs me;
  • my body feels like it does not belong to me, and sometimes I want to freeze and not move.

If any of these symptoms are typical of you, you have experienced a difficult life situation. However, please don’t assume it was due to the wrong behavioral strategy. There is no “right” and “wrong” way to react to a problematic life situation: feeling, thinking, and acting. Therefore, you should not blame yourself or others for specific actions. Your behavior is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. You need to accept a new experience in your life, even if it’s harmful to you now, which will make you wiser.

Why is it so important to accept a difficult life situation?

Accepting experiences means:

  • We know how to recognize what is good for us and what is not.
  • We take the certainty of both positive and adverse events.
  • We realize the consequences of any experience, regardless of how desirable it is for us.

Suppose we have experienced life experiences in non-acceptance. In that case, in condemnation, guilt, fear, regret, and other forms of denial of what happened, we may find ourselves in similar difficult life situations repeatedly, where we will try to deal with the past.

How long does despair last?

Source: wellness-centre.com.au

The duration of these experiences can vary. However, there is often a feeling that “I will never be happy again and that there is no hope for improvement.”

The earlier you share your feelings with specialists, the faster you get support and overcome difficult situations. Although opening up to others sometimes seems unsafe. Sometimes you want to tell someone how you feel, but at the same time:

  • You don’t know who might listen to you;
  • Worried that you won’t be understood;
  • Afraid of being judged;
  • You don’t want to upset the people closest to you.

It’s important to remember that you deserve support, you’re not alone, and there are always people around you ready to lend a helping hand.

Why are you in despair?

Difficult situations occur in the life of any person of any age, sex, or position in society. If you are familiar with such experiences, you have likely felt a growing sense of anxiety and despair for a long time. Sometimes thoughts consume you entirely, and it seems as if there is no control over your life. You may not know what has led you to such experiences, but it is usually a combination of several factors.

If you don’t know what’s causing your feelings, it may be harder to believe you can get rid of them. But whatever the cause, there are always people ready to help you deal with those feelings. “Whenever I realize I’m hit with anxiety and worry, I remind myself that those feelings can change instantly. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow morning, and the joy will return because it’s happened so many times before.”

How can you help yourself right now?

Source: thelawofattraction.com

You may be so lost, angry at the world, feeling so much pain inside that it may seem like there is no end in sight. But it’s important to remember that these feelings can’t and won’t last forever. They will pass as all feelings pass.

There are a few steps you can take right now. Everyone is different, so you need to figure out what’s right for you.

Here are some practical tips that have already helped many people:

  • Tell someone about your condition: share it with a friend, a family member, or even your pet. It will help you feel like you’re not alone and that you can control yourself.
  • Tear a newspaper, magazine, or poster into hundreds of little pieces;
  • Take a contrast shower, and go to the sauna.
  • Align your breathing. Take deep breaths and exhale slower than usual. It will help you feel calmer.
  • Write about your experiences.
  • Go outside. Feel the rain, sun, or wind on your skin. Focus on something real until you feel better.
  • Meet up with friends. Call the helpline or connect with an online community if you can’t talk to someone you know.

How can you help yourself in the future?

Source: reachingself.com

If you’ve experienced something like this in the past or are still feeling depressed now, you may worry that these experiences will come back or get worse. But there are step-by-step tips to help you feel better during tough times, even if something like this comes back.

Try to make a plan when you’re calm and can identify what’s good for you. You may want to make a plan with a psychologist or a friend.

What is Crowdfunding?

Source: medium.com

It is a method of raising money to implement and maintain scientific, creative, social, environmental and other ideas. That is, those who wish to invest money or attract sponsors, who can then profit from the financed projects. But it is also done on a gratuitous basis, when people voluntarily give money to support a startup they like or to charity.

By the way, we recommend a resource in advance where you can check out the best crowdfunding sites – https://www.techmagic.co/blog/the-best-crowdfunding-websites/.

First, let’s address a bit of history. The term “crowdfunding” was coined in 2006 by journalist Jeff Howe. In English it translates as “public financing”. This term began to operate quite recently, but the method of fundraising itself existed already in the last century.

At present, it is realized most often through the Internet, that is, funds are collected through special online platforms. The first example of such an operation in history is considered to be the “sponsorship” of the tour of the rock band Marillion in 1997. American fans held a campaign all over the country and raised more than 60 thousand dollars. Companies like  Little Phil can help you with that!

Where crowdfunding is used and how it works

Source: startupcoe.com

Funds are raised for absolutely different purposes. You can help artistic, educational or technical projects. For example, open a language school, create a board game, invent a unique window-washing product, and much more.

It is mostly done on special Internet platforms, but money is also raised through the media or even through social networks. TV news shows talk about children in need of treatment, or people who are in a difficult situation and experiencing financial difficulties. They usually ask for a text message with a donation amount. The funds are transferred to the foundation, which distributes them itself. In this case, we are talking about gratuitous donations, fundraising. This term means raising money for social and charitable purposes.

People can also use crowdfunding for personal purposes. For example, a student can’t afford to pay for college; a person doesn’t have enough money to travel or buy a car. Social networks, groups, or personal pages sometimes advertise for help to support creativity. The owner of the page indicates the details of the card to which funds can be transferred, or a link to a crowdfunding site.

How crowdfunding works and how businesses can use it

Crowdfunding works as follows:

  1. A company generates a business idea. The project must interest sponsors.
  2. The team working on the idea chooses a suitable crowdfunding platform. Some platforms are for commercial projects, others are more suitable for charity.
  3. The team draws up a plan for the campaign. Taxes and other mandatory payments are taken into account when calculating costs. The amount needed to launch the project is derived.
  4. The company or entrepreneur opens a collection on a crowdfunding platform. It is also possible to place an ad in a social network.
  5. The team leading the project chooses a way to reward investors.
  6. The firm brings the idea to life.
  7. If the project is successful, the firm pays taxes; if the funds were raised on a particular platform, its administrators receive a commission from the company.

Types of crowdfunding

Source: theboomoney.com
  • Funding, followed by a reward. The author of the project promises sponsors some kind of gift. This reward can be absolutely different: in the form of a service, a monetary gift, or even a virtual bonus. For example, for helping to open a language school investors can attend 10 free classes. Or if you supported the creators of a mobile strategy game at the very beginning, the developers will give you bonuses and offer special features.
  • Equity investments. When a firm tries to raise money by selling shares in a project.
  • Debt Crowdfunding. A type of financing in which the sponsor earns a profit with interest.

Benefits of starting a crowdfunding site

When it comes to investing in a business or startup, one of the advantages of crowdfunding is that by putting their money into a project, investors can make a profit if the project becomes successful. The following is an overview of how crowdfunding works.

When you invest through a crowdfunding platform in a business, you buy stock in the project. If the business thrives, its stock may rise in value. That way, you can potentially multiply your investment if the business project is successful.

Here’s an example. You decide to invest in a startup with one share worth £10. By taking 10 shares, you give away £100. With a favorable development, the company can succeed. For example, after some time the value of the shares increased by 10 times because of the success of the project. In this case, 10 shares are no longer worth £100, but £1,000. In other words, funding a project through crowdfunding can multiply the money invested.

Types of crowdfunding

Source: process.st

It can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Donation-based investing, where participants produce funding for a new project. The main purpose of donation-based crowdfunding registration is to implement a project, product, product or service at the expense of investors. A typical example would be a charitable project.
  • Investment crowdfunding. In this form of investment, companies sell their shares to investors. In this way, they become shareholders and can make a profit if the business is successful.

Types of crowdfunding are as follows:

  • Equity crowdfunding.

Used by companies when they raise money by selling a stake in their project.

  • Debt-based Crowdfunding.

This type of project financing is characterized by the fact that investors who have invested their money in the project receive their money with interest over a certain period of time. This structure resembles peer-to-peer lending. This type is also called “debt crowdfunding.”

  • Reward-based crowdfunding.

Participants in such a crowdfunding platform can receive valuable prizes or gifts for their monetary contribution.

It is worth remembering that before opening a crowdfunding platform, it is necessary to register a legal entity, as well as to obtain the appropriate permission to conduct such activities.


Crowdfunding is a promising way to both find money for a specific purpose and successfully invest it in a potentially successful project. This financing scheme will be a great solution for a startup, innovative developments, testing the feasibility of an idea, a non-profit project. Perhaps in a few years crowdfunding will be able to offer a full-fledged alternative to bank loans for business development.

How to Prepare Your Last Will and Testament With Huntington’s Disease

Source: medium.com

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

If you have recently been diagnosed with Huntington’s disease or you’re caring for someone who has, you know that the disease is eventually fatal. Although some things like lifestyle changes and diet can slow the progression of the condition, it is incurable and progressive.

Dealing with this fact and understanding the inevitable is one of the most difficult parts of having this condition. Many people find themselves having to face it early on while they still can. If this sounds like you, read on to learn how to prepare your last will, testament, and final wishes before your condition progresses.

Source: zegal.com

Completing Your Last Will and Testament

Your will is a legally binding document that you can create at an attorney law office with a licensed estate planning attorney. It will hold all of your wishes for your assets, valuables, remains, funeral, home, and money after you die.

Since Huntington’s Disease can affect judgment, you will want to bring someone along with you to your attorney appointment. This person can be a family member, friend, or even an advocate, nurse, or therapist.

When deciding where your assets should go, allow your attorney to give you their opinion. You may also discuss end-of-life care, which is something unique to progressive illnesses like your own. Since you most likely won’t be able to make decisions in the future, you’ll want to appoint someone to care for you as a guardian and sign your rights to them. Choose someone you trust and know has your best interest at heart.

Even if you do choose an adult guardian, you can note in your will that they can’t take your assets or try to change your will once you are unable to make decisions for yourself.

What Should I Include?

Here are some of the most common things you’ll consider while writing your last will and testament:

  • Who do you want your finances to go to?
  • Do you have pets, and who will care for them?
  • Do you want a DNR signed?
  • Do you wish to be put in hospice or a nursing facility or be cared for in the home?
  • Do you want your funeral to be an open or closed casket?
  • Who do you want to give any property, cars, family heirlooms, and items to?
  • Do you want any of your items or money to be donated to charity?
  • Do you want to be an organ donor for science or medical purposes?
  • How do you want your funeral and burial to be? Do you wish to be cremated?
  • Do you wish to leave behind life insurance/benefits for those in your immediate family?
  • Are there any special requests you have for after your death?

It may seem difficult to think about these things early on, especially since the life expectancy with Huntington’s Disease can be up to 20 years or more. However, you want to get started as early as possible so that you’re truly able to be heard and understood.

Source: curehd.blogspot.com

Should I Sign a DNR?

You may wonder if you should sign a DNR, which is short for “Do Not Resuscitate.” It is a legal document that allows doctors to not revive you if your heart stops beating or you go unconscious during your time in a medical facility.

You should sign a DNR only if you wish to be allowed to pass if something like this were to happen. If you wish to be revived and continue to live, you do not have to sign this form.

Organizing Your Affairs

Outside of your will, you’ll also want to organize your affairs in your life. You may want to get systems in place to care for yourself before your condition progresses. This step could include setting up a medical room in your home, hiring an assistant, or moving your company over to your child.

You may also want to make donations to charity or give presents to certain people before you forget or are unable to. Consider all of the aspects of your life and where you want them to go. If you are unable to care for your pet for much longer, choose someone to take care of them.

Most importantly, let yourself have time to grieve and feel your emotions about this transition. A therapist can be very helpful to you during this time. You can even meet with one online if you’re not feeling up to leaving home.

Source: susansandys.com

Giving Friends and Family Time to Prepare

Huntington’s Disease is difficult for you, and it’s also difficult for those who love you. It’s important to give those you love some time to prepare for the changes to come. Let them know as soon as you can about your diagnosis and what it means for you. Let them know any wishes you have once you become unable to make choices.

You can even set up an agreement with the person to have them care for you in your final years of life or to help manage your finances if you wish to go into hospice care someday. If you are struggling to have conversations about this with people you love, family therapy can help.

Last Wishes

Finally, you want to make it clear what your last wishes are when it comes to the end. Remember to consider:

  • Whether or not you want a DNR
  • Whether you want to die naturally or with an assisted death
  • Who you want close by in your final moments
  • Any final words you want to be said or read
  • Any people you want present in your final days
Source: theconversation.com


Considering your end-of-life care and final will when you have Huntington’s Disease is not an easy task. If you want to learn more about this condition and how it might impact you in the coming years, you can read more in this advice column.

Remember that you’re not alone. This time may feel overwhelming and hopeless, but you’re making the right step by thinking of yourself and your family once you’re gone, and it’ll help you feel more at peace and prepared if anything were to happen early on.

5 Reasons Inclusive Mental Health Care Is Important

Source: pinterest.com

Presented by BetterHelp.

Creating an inclusive mental health practice is more than just offering good coffee to your patients or being a good therapist. It means being able to treat anyone of any race, color, sexual orientation, gender, religion, and political view. It means learning to be professional and inclusive in your practice.

If you’re still not sure why mental health care should be inclusive, here are five of the top reasons why it’s so important.

1. Inclusivity Is Good for Mental Health

Source: efindanything.com

Being included is good for mental health. Many minorities go through life with the short end of the stick. They may not have the opportunities awarded to non-minorities, and they’re more likely to experience trauma and prejudice in their lives.

Being able to go to a safe space that is inclusive and doesn’t reject or oppress them is a great way for minorities to feel comfortable opening up and talking about something difficult. Being connected and respected is good for anyone’s mental health, and it’s especially important in mental health fields.

Inclusivity fosters:

  • Kindness
  • Empathy
  • Openness
  • Vulnerability
  • Safety
  • Gentleness
  • Healing

Keep these values in mind if you’re starting your own inclusive mental health practice.

2. People Will Feel Seen and Heard

Being seen and heard is the most important form of validation for many people. If you open a therapy practice but refuse to allow certain identities inside, you are showing people that they are not valid to you and that they don’t deserve to get help.

Accepting someone’s gender identity itself can cause huge strides in mental health treatment. Transgender individuals are less likely to struggle with anxiety and depression when people in their life use their names and pronouns correctly.

Outside of gender or sexuality, there are unique struggles that come with being any minority. For example, some racial minorities may have cultural practices that are inherently important to their healing. Even if you do not understand or know about this practice, asking about it and showing interest can make someone feel heard and respected.

Another example is a religious minority, such as someone who practices Islam. Being careful with your language and being open to hearing about how someone practices their own religion is one way to hear someone out and help them feel respected during therapy.

3. An Inclusive Environment Allows for Growth

Source: parispeaceforum.medium.com

Those who are included are also more likely to make growth in therapy and learn new skills. For example, if you had a lesbian patient who was afraid of coming out to her parents and you told her you were unwilling to speak to her about anything regarding sexuality due to your personal beliefs, she will most likely not come back to therapy. This is true not only with you but with anyone in the future. She may also feel unsafe speaking about her feelings with anyone again.

As a therapist, you need to understand that your role is significant. You can’t have personal biases and feelings come up in a session, as it can end up doing more harm than good. Giving people the chance to be themselves and speak about what is important to them also gives them the chance to grow and continue to utilize therapy as a tool in their lives.

If you don’t feel that you can be an inclusive therapist, it’s possible that the therapy profession isn’t the one for you. In this profession, you do need to speak to and help people from various backgrounds grow and succeed in their healing.

4. It Allows Access to Everyone

Inclusive therapy gives access to resources to everyone. Minorities are more likely to experience prejudice and be banned from resources in their lives. They may even have less access to crucial resources like healthcare, rent, assistance, and clean and healthy places to live.

Opening your therapy practice up to anyone of any background allows you to provide healing for the groups who most need it. Since minorities experience large amounts of trauma, including generational trauma, therapy is needed in large amounts in communities of minorities.

Many therapists will avoid taking jobs in minority communities due to stereotypes about the areas being “poor,” “dangerous,” or “dirty.” It’s a good idea to take a class about why these opinions are harmful and what you can do to challenge them when you see them in the mental health industry.

Therapists who do take jobs in impoverished communities of minorities or communities where resources are scarce are doing their part to allow access to healing to anyone. Doing this is part of providing inclusive mental healthcare.

Another way you can provide this is by accepting government insurance or a sliding scale fee for therapy. Allow people to pay what they can, and you’ll be able to help those to whom therapy is not traditionally accessible.

5. Therapists and Clients Alike Can Learn New Things

Source: healthline.com

Finally, inclusive mental health care allows you and your client to learn new things. You may learn more about a community you never heard about before. You could learn what is important to someone culturally or something about their life and experiences that you never considered before.

Even if you’re not very educated in minority issues, treating minorities in your practice can help you get there. You can learn what is most important to someone in that group by asking them. For example, people in the LGBTQ community often feel best when a therapist does acknowledge their identity, pronouns, and name properly.

Clients can also learn more by having an inclusive therapist who hears them out and gives them unique skills and advice tailored to their life and experiences. Even a little bit of validation can go a long way in helping someone heal.


Now you know why inclusive mental health care is so important and why it helps people heal. If you want to learn more about making your mental health practice more inclusive, check out this advice column. You can learn more about being inclusive and how to start your own practice online, allowing access to more and more communities than ever before.

Cryptocurrency Tips and Trading Strategies All Beginners Should Know

Source: stormgain.com

Digital assets are the new star of investment. Trading any cryptocurrency is both an exciting and stressful endeavour. It is a lucrative way to make money, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. It is an opportunity to supplement your income.

They are highly volatile, thus their value increases or decreases rapidly. These factors make trading in cryptocurrencies very exciting and thrilling, but at the same time very risky. In this article, you will get insights into a few cryptocurrency tips and strategies all beginners should know.

Source: paybito.com

Cryptocurrency trading tips and strategies every novice trader must know

A lot of people have made a fortune out of cryptocurrency. If you’re looking to join their ranks, here are some tips and strategies that will help you to enjoy the benefits of trading while mitigating the risks associated with it.

1. Be prepared with strategies

It is essential to be fully prepared with different types of strategies before entering this field. Cryptocurrencies are volatile assets, which means you have to be very careful when making investment decisions. If you make a wrong move, you can lose your money in the blink of an eye.

Trading cryptocurrency is just like any other kind of trading. You need to be well prepared with strategies before jumping into the crypto market. Develop effective strategies that can help you gain profits from your crypto portfolio without compromising your long-term goals.

If you are looking forward to trading with Dogecoin, a profitable altcoin then head on to this website DogecoinMillionaireApp to start your trading journey now and join the Dogecoin trading community for free.

Source: technadu.com

2. Analyse and manage risk factors

The golden rule of any kind of investing is that you should never invest more than what you can afford to lose. With cryptocurrencies being so volatile, it’s even more important to be aware of the potential risks associated with trading them and put measures in place to reduce these risks as much as possible.

There are two kinds of risks associated with trading in digital assets i.e., technical and financial risks. Technical risks include things like network failures, frauds, etc., and financial risks include things like extreme volatility, price swings, etc.

Failure to analyse and manage risk factors can lead to huge losses. You must understand the risk and volatility involved in the crypto market before investing.

3. Diversify crypto investment portfolio

Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. Diversifying your portfolio is very important if you want to succeed in the crypto market. This means investing in different currencies as well as different markets such as bonds, stocks etc.

Crypto investment portfolios come with a lot of uncertainty due to their volatility. By diversifying your investments across different assets, you can potentially mitigate this risk factor.

While all cryptocurrencies have their potential benefits and pitfalls, some are more susceptible to price fluctuations than others. If you have money invested in a variety of different coins, then even if one coin fails, another might succeed, which could offset those losses and help keep your overall portfolio from crashing too hard.

Source: jasrealty.com.ng

4. Make use of trading bots

Trading is a lot easier with the help of intelligent bots that provide features like auto trade and much more. These automated bots can be fully customized to carry out your trading operations. Beginners can completely rely on these automated bots to help them make decisions about their portfolios.

These bots come equipped with algorithms designed to track price movements and analyse the resulting data for trends and patterns that can help predict what might happen next.

A good bot is essential for anyone looking to enter the world of cryptocurrency trading! They can help you buy and sell digital assets automatically based on certain criteria. For example, if there’s a sudden increase in price then it might be worth buying some more coins before it drops back down again

5. Do your research

Cryptocurrency trading can seem like a wild and chaotic game, but it’s really not. Sure, there are lots of risks and the rules and conditions are constantly changing that might make you feel overwhelmed but you can improve your outcome with enough research and analysis of the crypto markets.

You should also think about the kinds of risks you are willing to take while trading. Moreover, crypto trading is a lot like any other kind of investing or trading. You need to do some research before you start. It’s important that you understand the things about digital assets that you are investing in.

Furthermore, there are over 600 crypto exchanges that provide investment and trading services. You must do complete research on these crypto exchanges and select the ideal platform to carry out your trading activities.

Source. investopedia.com

6. Learn the basics

Make sure that you understand how cryptocurrency works before you start trading in it. It’s important to know how exchanges work and how different currencies are valued. Understanding these things will make it easier for you to find opportunities and make smart trades.

Before you begin your trading, you need to have a good idea of which coins you want to trade in, how much each one will cost, and how long you are willing to hold onto each. Once you have learned the basics, with solid research and a well-thought-out plan, you can avoid common mistakes like buying at the peak of a cryptocurrency’s value or selling too early.

The Bottom-line

To be successful at trading, you need to develop effective strategies based on sound knowledge and prepare yourself for the possibility of loss. Follow this list of useful tips and strategies that will help you make your crypto trading more profitable.

While cryptocurrency has been around for a while, it’s still a relatively new financial instrument. That means, there are limitless possibilities these digital assets have to offer in the coming years. With some expertise and in-depth research, you can make use of these digital assets to earn massive profits.

How to Come Out to Someone Who Doesn’t Support the LGBTQ Community

Source: aarp.org

This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

If you’ve ever had to have a conversation about any controversial subject with someone on the complete opposite side to you, you know how stressful and difficult it can be. Many topics, such as environmental impact, religion, politics, and mental health, can cause conflicts and immense emotional toll.

Coming out is another topic that isn’t always accepted or understood. If you are part of the LGBTQ community and want to tell those in your life that you know aren’t going to be accepting, you need to have a plan of action. Here is a complete guide on how to come out to someone who doesn’t support the LGBTQ community.

Leading Up to It

Source: americanprogress.org

Before you come out to the person in your life who is against the LGBTQ community, you will need to prepare yourself. Some people don’t support the community due to religious beliefs or simply being uneducated.

Many resources exist for parents and family members of LGBTQ adults and youth. If you are part of a church or religious organization, see if there is a local LGBTQ group or pastor who may be willing to speak to your family. You can also find success stories and scripture that support your identity and can challenge your family to think outside of what they’ve been taught.

Also, you can find support in coming out groups, specifically in bisexual dating apps that provide forums and communities for LGBTQ+ people. Talking to other folks who experience the same challenges as you may be comforting and even inspiring.

Some ways to come out that are safe include:

  • Coming out over letter
  • Video chat
  • Coming out during a family therapy session
  • Meeting in a public location

If you believe there may be a chance of violence or aggression during the conversation, consider whether you even want to have it. Sometimes, choosing not to give a vulnerable part of yourself to people who will hurt you is the healthier option. Consider having a friend or accepting family members at your side when you do come out.

During It

Source: cfr.org

So, it has come time for you to come out to someone who doesn’t accept your identity. Remember to stay firm in your stance, bring resources, and don’t allow the person to bring you to a place or spot that makes you uncomfortable or unsafe.

Here are some common ways to come out to someone:

  • “I know you have previously shared a dislike for the LGBTQ community, but I wanted you to know that I am a part of it.”
  • “I am gay, and this is not something that I take lightly. I have brought some resources from people like you who may struggle with this, and I hope you can keep an open mind.”
  • “I have learned that I am bisexual, and I am currently dating a woman. I hope you can open your minds and hearts to her and treat her with the same kindness you have given to my boyfriends in the past.”

Refrain from getting angry or calling names if the person makes rude remarks. Try to come at the situation from a helpful perspective and continue to show empathy.

If the person reacts positively, reinforce this by being overly thankful for their support. It’s not your job to control someone else’s behavior, but you also want to avoid an unsafe situation.

What To Do if They Disown You?

Source: americanaddictioncenters.org

If the person in your life has decided to take the low road and decides to disown you or cut you out of their life, that is a decision they’ve made, and it’s best to respect it.

You can’t force someone to understand you or try to be there for you. True kindness, compassion, and love will make someone reconsider their ways if it actively hurts the person they care about. The best way to see what happens next is to give them time and continue to be themselves.

If continuing to try to have a relationship with them will be hurtful to you, try to avoid it. We’ve added some tips at the end of this article for how to deal with this type of response. Remember overall that it isn’t your fault and that you’ve done the best you can.

What To Do if They Are Willing to Work on Their Opinion

If the response from the person is positive, congratulations! Even a small commitment by them to consider looking through the resources you offered or talking to someone LGBTQ from your church can make the process go so much faster and easier.

Many people just need the time and space to learn about something they don’t understand. They may come around to either side of the coin at some point in the future, so you’ll need to stay firm in your boundaries and allow them to make their own choices.

Continue to correct them if they use your incorrect name or pronouns or continue to push heterosexuality on you. Let them know when they’re being offensive or rude, and continue to tell them that your identity isn’t going to change and that you need them to try to accept it.

How to Help Yourself if the Response Isn’t What You Hoped

Source: unicefusa.org

For a response that wasn’t how you hoped, you may be feeling hopeless, depressed, anxious, stressed, or angry. These are all normal responses to being rejected, and it’s okay to feel that way. You may even feel grief if you’ve lost someone you care about due to your identity.

Some of the best options to help yourself get through this include:

  • Seeing a licensed LGBT therapist
  • Speaking to a friend or family member that does accept you
  • Finding a community of other LGBTQ people in your city
  • If you are religious, finding or starting a religious LGBTQ group
  • If you are religious, finding a church or religious organization that accepts your identity

All you can do is continue to be yourself and continue to let people in your life who love you. Your choice to come out was brave, and we know you are doing your best. You’re not alone, and many people lose access to friends, family, and community after coming out. Now is the best time to find your own community of people who love and accept you.

If you want to learn about more “how-to” topics, check out this advice column.

6 Ways to Tell High From Low Quality Vaping Product

Source: medicalnewstoday.com

Vaping products are becoming more and more popular by the day, and since there are so many brands that offer them, we need to be aware of what we are purchasing before we make our investment. It can be pretty difficult for a person who has never vaped before to find out if they are looking at a good or bad product, and here, we are going to help you figure this out. Continue reading to learn some of the ways to tell high from low-quality vaping products and find out how to make this difference when it comes to both vapes and liquids.

1. Start by smelling the product

The first thing that will tell you if the vaping product is good or bad is its smell. The high-quality goods are not going to be made with cheap glycerin, and they are not going to smell like burnt plastic or have any type of uncomfortable scent.

If you find yourself wondering why it stinks so bad, or if you notice that your room or your clothes are left with a bad scent after you vaping, chances are, the liquid that you have acquired is of low quality. You can notice this scent even when you open the fluid, and when you start using it in your vape.

2. How is the taste?

Source: usatoday.com

After the smell, comes the taste. Sometimes, products that are of low quality will not have that distinguished smell and when you sniff the liquid itself, you may not notice anything that concerns you. However, low-quality goods are not going to taste like they are supposed to.

When you take a puff out of a new product, make sure you pay attention to the taste as well. Know that if you don’t feel the taste of the nicotine or if it seems like you need to smoke so much more just to get the needed content, chances are, you are using goods that are not of high quality.

You should also know that there should not be any bad aftertaste, and you should not feel like there is something stuck on your tongue far after you finish vaping. The goods are supposed to taste excellent, and you should not feel like you’ve eaten something bad.

3. Is there any debris?

If you cannot try the liquid before you purchase it, then you need to visually inspect it. Even though there is a label on the package, you should be able to see the content inside and notice the color of the fluid, as well as what it contains.

The goods that are properly made and that are of high quality are always going to look like that. If you can notice that the liquid looks cloudy, if you cannot see through it, or if there is any type of debris floating, you should look for another brand or another type of product.

Remember that this can happen because the product has been poorly made, it has low-quality ingredients, or because it has expired. Check all these things, and know that you are looking for a liquid that is in pristine condition.

4. Check the quality of the vaping instrument

Source: relxclub.com

There are a lot of different types of vapes that you can use, and you should know that the product that you put in the vape may become bad just because you are using a low-quality vape.

When choosing the right instrument, you should pay attention to the brand that sells it, and you should also check the material. As you can see if you click here, there are many different materials including glass, ceramic, metal, and silicone, and what the unit is made of is going to make a difference.

If you are looking for a clear taste, and if you don’t want the scent to be affected at all, then you should opt for glass units. On the same note, you should think about how and where you are going to use the vape, and if you need to transport it without getting damaged.

5. Is there a warranty?

When purchasing your vape, no matter if you use a complex device, something small, or a big unit, you need to check if there is a warranty that comes with it. Remember that the warranty usually comes for only the things that will affect your vaping experience and not the hardware.

If you are purchasing goods that can easily be broken, like glass goods, you should not expect a warranty of the glass itself. However, if you are purchasing items that are made of strong materials that should not break or bend, you should talk to the seller and see what they offer.

On the same note, you should see how the battery works, if there is a guarantee for the battery itself, and if there is an option to replace the item in case it is not to your liking.

High-quality products always come with some sort of guarantee, and these warranties are issued by the manufacturer itself. If the supplier cannot guarantee the quality of their goods, then you should not invest in them.

6. What is the expiration date?

Source: benefitnews.com

Know that no matter what you are using, and no matter how perfectly the vape liquid was made, every good that you can find on the market will have an expiration date. You should be aware of this before you make your purchase, and if you cannot find the expiration date, you need to ask the seller.

In case they tell you that you can use the liquid forever and that it will never go bad, you need to look for another supplier. Check the date and remember that if you can see any debris floating around or if the taste or the smell has been affected, you may be looking at a unit that is well past its due date.

Have these things in mind before your next purchase, and remember to do your research and see what other people are saying. Always purchase from reliable sources, and know that just by looking at the website of the seller you can learn a lot about them. Know what you are looking for and have in mind that high-quality goods are always going to be more expensive than low-quality ones.

How Do You Get the Best Hit Out of a Dab?

Source: 5280.com

The effect of cannabis and its use has been known since ancient times. Cannabis is a plant that originates from Central Asia, and due to its great popularity, it has a large number of different names and nicknames. Cannabis belongs to the group of hemp that has different useful properties. Textiles can be made from it, and various forms of intoxicants are obtained by processing. Lately, there has been talking of its medical uses for treatment and pain relief. In most countries, this plant is still illegal, but it is changing at an incredible speed. More and more countries allow its consumption or at least the consumption of forms without THC. Although the disadvantages of consuming this plant are known, it is still the most popular among young people. Some research shows incredible data: marijuana is in the second place when we talk about the popularity and use, just after the alcohol. So young people use marijuana more than cigarettes.

As the popularity of marijuana and its “experience” among young people increases, so do the different ways in which it can be taken and used. Therefore, the classic weed wrapping is almost an obsolete technique. By consuming marijuana in this way, you are consuming only 15-20% of THC. Consuming wax or oil is becoming increasingly popular. The wax and oil are heated to evaporation and by consuming this you can ingest 60-90% THC. You will admit it is really fascinating.

Source: verywellmind.com

These new ways of using it and all the information we can hear on the street about this product inspired us to ask ourselves how we can get the most out of it in the best possible way when it comes to marijuana. All roads led to one and the same thing: dubbing. You may already have experience with dubbing, and you may not have heard of it, so we have asked our experienced friend Dr. Dabber a series of questions and we’re happy to share their answers with you. Let’s go in order, first to find out what dubbing really is.

Dubbing is an advanced technique of marijuana consumption. In this way, much more concentrated content is introduced. It used to be quite difficult to find dubbing equipment, while today it is no longer a problem. With our friend Dr Dabber, you have a whole collection of different apparatus.

So, if you are tired of classic marijuana smoking and want something really new, then try dubbing. So, for a good dub, you need dubbing equipment, but also wax or oil. As you already know, wax and oil are heated to a high temperature until they begin to evaporate. This is how the most concentrated THC is consumed. Temperature is key here. If it is too high, you can burn yourself and you will most likely be overwhelmed by a wave of strong coughing. If the temperature is too low, then the substance will burn without too much smoke and you have done nothing. Therefore, if you are using dubbing for the first time, let it be with someone experienced.

Source: greenrushdaily.com

Although there are several different devices for silencing the dub, they mostly work on the same principle. They are most often reminiscent of bongs, but instead of hotspots where marijuana flowers are printed and burned, these braces have a heat-dissipating option. Like the bong, it has a steam cooling chamber as well as an inhalation tube.

There is also a banger that looks like an ordinary bucket. It is usually made of quartz and is able to withstand very high temperatures. Therefore, evaporation is much better and much greater.

Increasingly popular and relatively new on the market are dub pens. There are many of these pens; however, each works the same way. Its use may not seem easy at first glance. However, nothing is too complicated, and you can find help on Dr. Dabber’s website. We have already mentioned how important temperature is for proper consumption. The temperature of the lead should be somewhere between 450 and 550 F. Right after the first dub you will feel the delicate taste, and very quickly the maximum when it comes to the effect. If you are buying a pen like this, our suggestion is one that has a temperature regulator, to make sure it works perfectly. If you still do not have a pen with a temperature regulator, if you feel a too sharp taste of steam, you know that the temperature is higher than necessary.

For your dub equipment to function perfectly and provide you with the best, then you must take into account the conditions and manner of storage and maintenance of these devices. Wax and oil, when heated, dissolve and can leak out. If this procedure is repeated several times and is not maintained, it can seriously damage and clog the appliance. When it comes to the pen, it is very important to keep it upright during immersion and after use. Cleaning these gadgets is very simple so don’t run away from them. Simply wipe the product with a damp cloth or slightly damp cloth. We are careful not to reach for electrical components with damp cloths. Anything left over after consumption can be scraped off and reused. However, do not be too harsh so as not to damage parts of the device.

What else do you need to know to make the weed as strong as possible

Source: hightimes.com

It is not enough just to have quality equipment. It is also important to know which type of concentrate is right for you. For now, there are 5 most popular types of concentrates or 5 different extracting methods.

Butane Oil (Butane Hash Oil, BHO) Extraction. This is a well-known method in various industries including pharmaceutical and food. It is environmentally friendly and safe; this resulted in a shatter that somewhat resembled glass. The rest is popular and is extremely clean. This method can also be used to make the crumble, which is really the easiest to use and it is very easy to measure the amount. Wax was also obtained by this method. However, it is quite sticky and can leave a lot of clutter behind.

Ethanol Extract is one of the most popular and easiest ways to make a concentrate. THC is extracted with the help of ethanol, after which it is refined to release ethanol.

Water Extraction, as its name suggests, uses cold water to extract THC. It is true that water is not known as a solvent, but this method still works and is very effective. This method obtained an aqueous hash. It is not as solid as wax and not as liquid as oil, somewhere between the two.

Isopropyl Oil Extraction uses alcohol as a method of extracting THC. Dried flowers are soaked in alcohol, and alcohol is evaporated by squeezing the mixture.

Each concentrate differs in consistency and THC content. It will also bring a different dub experience. Either way, once you take a great blow to the oak you forget about classic marijuana consumption.

Top 9 Rio de Janeiro’s Best LGBTQ+ Clubs and Bars 2024

As someone who has traveled to many places, Rio de Janeiro stands out for its vibrant culture. The energy of the people, the lively...