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Calling Overseas? Use This Tech To Reduce Your Calling Fees

Source: pinngle.me

Today we are spoilt with all of the technology choices we have available to help us connect with family and friends overseas, with tools like Facebook, Skype, WeChat, etc. the options are endless but when it comes to making international calls there is still one tool that in my personal opinion trumps the above and others like it.

Some would consider this ‘ancient technology’ and it is and that is why it is so good.

What is this ancient technology exactly?

Calling cards.

You know those things you used to buy from your local newsagent, you’d scratch the back of the phone card and it would reveal the PIN number, then you’d find a public phone and start calling people?

These days things have changed a little (instead of going to your newsagent, you can just buy virtual calling cards online and get them instantly) but fundamentally they still work the same way.

For example, you call your local access number, then you key in your unique PIN number, then finally you’d key in the overseas number of the person you wish to speak to.

Source: avpsolutions.com

Why you should use calling cards

While calling apps are fairly easy to use and the best part of course using them to call people is free – this is a tough value proposition to beat. They have one major weakness and that is, they are only good if you are calling people who live in well developed countries.

If you are calling countries like Australia, New Zealand, United States, UK, Japan, Singapore, etc. then using calling apps is a fine idea you can call people while experiencing very little lag, call drop outs, etc.

But if you are calling lesser developed countries or calling to remote areas even within well developed countries then you are going to have a poor calling experience.

The greatest advantage to using calling cards is that the technology has been around for a very long time, international calling cards use the copper phone lines that you use when using your landline or mobile phone.

Even in the most remote or under developed countries chances are they will have either a landline or mobile or at least have access to one.

Source: globalcallforwarding.com

The downsides to using calling cards

When it comes to calling cards there are two downsides, one of them is more important than the other of course.

The first issue is the multiple steps required to actually making a phone call for example, keying in the local access number, then the PIN number, then the overseas number, this is a hassle for most but a barrier for others who have trouble with their vision or keying in that many numbers without making a mistake.

NZ Phone Cards released a helpful guide on how to remove this problem if you are using a mobile phone which basically involves programming all of the steps into your mobile phone so that if you want to call someone overseas you just tap on their contact number and your mobile phone will run through that entire sequence for you automatically.

The second downside to buying a calling card is navigating all of the scammy phone cards on the market.

Later in this article I’ll dive a little deeper on how to avoid being ripped off, needless to say calling card companies have come up with smart ways to extract money from their customers over the years.

Source: milford-now.com

Alternatives to calling cards

When it comes to calling overseas, we do have a lot of options available one of my favorites being calling apps.

When I travel I will often rely on using calling apps since they are not only free but allow me to do video calling as well which is something calling cards do not allow, this is perfect for calling family.

The most popular apps and services are:

  1. Skype
  2. WhatsApp
  3. FaceTime
  4. Viber
  5. Rebtel
  6. IMO
  7. PopTox
  8. LINE
  9. Vonage Mobile
  10. Tango
  11. VoipBuster
  12. VoipStunt
  13. Voxofon
  14. WeChat
  15. Google Voice
  16. Phone.com

Insider tips on how to buy a calling card without being scammed

Since I travel a lot I’ve purchased hundreds of calling cards and seen every possible problem you can run up against I’ll just touch a few main points here just so that if you decide to purchase a calling card for making international calls you will be less likely to get taken advantage of.

Source: businessinsider.com

Check the billing increments

Even though a phone card may say they are charging 1c per minute they may actually be charging you in higher billing increments for example a phone card that has a billing increment of 10 minutes will be charging you 10c every 10 minutes which means if your call lasts 1 minute then you are still charged 10c which means your call was actually 10c per minute.

Ideally you want a card with 1-minute billing increments if possible but no more than 3 minutes.

Customer service

This is the most important takeaway. Make sure that they have a customer support team so that if you have any problems you can get it resolved.

I highly recommend using an online calling card service provider since it allows you to call them up to get an idea of their professionalism and will also give you an opportunity to ask them questions like their refund policy, which card is best for the country you are calling to, do they have special fees, what happens if there is a technical issue with your phone card, etc.

Source: readytrainingonline.com

Hidden fees

Avoid daily service fees as these are just junk fees designed to extract money from customers without any additional benefit to the customer.

A daily service charge is a fee that is automatically deducted from your phone card at regular intervals regardless of whether you are using your calling card or not.

How to Expand Business Horizons by Opening a Company in the UK?

Source: allbusiness.com

Every owner of a successful foreign company has at least once thought about expanding their business to the West. Huge markets, minimal government interference and other favourable conditions attract businesspeople to Europe from all over the world. But how to choose the right country? Where will you take off quickly? Which country welcomes new foreign entrepreneurs and even provides significant support? The UK is the place where you will get all the answers and your business will succeed.

Why Register a Company in the UK?

Source: wittysparks.com

There are at least five obvious reasons to register a foreign branch in the UK. And there are numerous additional benefits that you will find after you have launched your business on the hospitable British land.

1. The prestige of a company registered in the UK

It is a common thing for a business to be registered in a country where they do not trade – this would not raise eyebrows. However, if you are not a corporation giant with the state among your shareholders, registration in what used to be traditional overseas tax havens can play a cruel trick on you.

By contrast, even a small company with UK roots will be respected the by suppliers and partners, because it is a completely legal business registered in the country that has nothing to do with offshores.

2. Enormous growth opportunities

The UK has become a major global financial centre and an enormous market for goods and services due to its unique location at the crossroads of maritime trade routes, and thanks to its historic background.

The centuries-old practices of interaction and regulation of the market makes the UK economy extremely resistant to crises and recessions.

All these factors won the country a deserved place in the top five most attractive investment destinations of the world. Therefore, any business based on a unique and viable idea has a better chance of success on the UK shores than anywhere else.

3. Tax optimisation in the UK

Source: zenontax.co.uk

The UK tax legislation is not a mild one, although the British Isles have one of the lowest corporation tax rates in Europe. On the other hand, the strictness is compensated by tax allowances and deductions provided by the government that is interested in the growth of small and medium-sized businesses and, consequently, the increase in budget revenues.

However, even if you can’t apply for allowances, there are still loopholes in UK corporation and tax law to optimise your tax burden. For example, you can choose such legal form for your company that would allow you not to pay tax on foreign profits.

If you want to take full advantage of corporation tax reduction opportunities, you should do your tax planning before your application to register a company is submitted to the Companies House. At this stage, you will need advice of an experienced advisor who knows UK legislation.

4. Government support for businesses

We want to underline once again that the UK government does not rely only on tax revenues from large corporations and historically strong industries. It stimulates private initiatives and small business development by all available means.

In order to develop entrepreneurship in the UK:

  1. The government makes opening a new business as easy as possible by making the process of incorporation in the UK quick, simple and, if you wish, it can be done remotely;
  2. There is limited government interference in private companies’ affairs, making it easier to do business, even in a highly competitive environment;
  3. Government support schemes are introduced to support businesses and even fund entire projects.

It should be pointed out that the UK judicial system in fact is not dependent on the government, so a legally competent entrepreneur can expect a fair verdict, no matter what case is processed in the courtroom.

5. High level of economic and cultural development

If you open a company in the UK, you will have access to a developed, modern infrastructure. Business experience gained in the UK will stay with you forever and be highly valued in other countries. And if you need help, you can always count on excellent professional skills of UK workforce.

What Types of Company Can Be Registered in the UK?

Source: nobroker.in

Among all available options, the four legal forms best suited to the business objectives are usually chosen. Here is a brief description of the types of these companies:

1. Limited Liability Company (LTD) is a company limited by shares or a guarantee.

This type of company is completely independent of its owners and is liable for its obligations by the amount of its share capital, which can be £1. Owners are only liable for debts of a company up to the amount of their share in the share capital or by a guarantee.

2. Public Liability Company (PLC)

It is a more prestigious type of company which is usually chosen by large business entities. Such company can trade its shares on the stock market. Shareholders are only liable for the company’s liabilities with the funds which are spent on the purchase of shares in the public liability company.

3. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

This type of company does not pay corporation tax. Partners in the partnership have to report and pay tax on the distributed income. An LLP can own assets such as real estate and capital assets. The liability of partners is limited to the amount contributed during the incorporation of the partnership.

4. Scottish Limited Partnership (SLP)

This type of company must be registered in Scotland’s capital. A Scottish Limited Partnership (SLP) is similar to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in basic terms such as independence, ownership of assets and corporation tax. If an SLP does not carry out its business in the UK, no annual accounts need to be prepared and filed. In a Scottish Limited Partnership, there are two types of partner; general partners participate in the management and therefore are liable for the partnership’s obligations with all their assets; limited partners do not participate in the management of the company and therefore their liability is limited to their contribution to the partnership.

Why Does a UK Business Need Legal Support?

Source: crawco.com

The UK law differs considerably from continental Europe. On the one hand, it can create certain difficulties for UK start-up entrepreneurs. On the other hand, if you do everything according to the established rules from the beginning, your commercial activities will not be spoilt by either fines or court proceedings.

Based on a wealth of practical experience, Imperial & Legal have prepared three packages for those who are planning to open a company in the UK: Standard, Standard Plus and Imperial.

If you open a dormant company or need support at document preparation and business registration stages, choose a Standard package.

A Standard Plus package includes an English-speaking secretary taking calls, messages and emailing summaries to you. This offer also includes a correspondence address in the UK and a business telephone number.

A package is the best choice for more serious business people because it will help you open a UK bank account, register your company for VAT and support at least two of your employees to obtain business visas.

A range of tasks taken care is not limited to the packages listed above. If it is necessary, you will get professional advice on tax optimisation, annual reporting, accounting and moving to the UK.

How to Prepare for a Sudden House Move – 2024 Guide  

Source: icharts.net

Moving from one place to another represents a challenge, regardless of whether you plan the activity to the detail or you have to act suddenly. Still, knowing where to shift your focus and how to organize your tight schedule while the time is clicking away faster than usual might do the trick. Thus, read our 2024 guide and learn how to prepare for a sudden house with the following simple but potentially life-saving tips.

To Box or Not to Box

Source: thisoldhouse.com

Boxes are a must when it comes to packing your belongings, but you must not neglect the importance of adequate marking if you intend on achieving anything positive from this essential moving activity.

Namely, if you fail to mark the boxes upon filling them up, the chances you will make a total confusion after you start unpacking are high. Therefore, make sure you purchase some stickers and mark each box according to the content you decide to place inside.

Put it on a List

Some people cannot function without regularly updating their to-do lists, while others prefer not to get attached to various pieces of paper. Still, we recommend you give this technique a try, at least when moving out of a sudden is concerned.

Additionally, nobody says that you are obliged to use a paper list, moreover, you should feel free to use your notebook, mobile phone, or any alternative way that would facilitate your moving venture. To make a long story short, you can use lists for a wide range of different organizational benefits, from arranging the boxes to enlisting the priorities, which brings us to the next thing you should consider!

Establish Your Priorities

Source: mymovingreviews.com

Priorities exist whether you use listings or not, so determining and getting them done according to some criteria you find valid might be crucial for the successful delivery of your moving endeavor.

In a nutshell, different people cherish different things, so we suggest you start from the basics and slowly advance to items you can do as well without, if necessary. The approach should secure you do not forget the most important, especially if you are in a rush and must act swiftly.

Reach Out to Professionals

Doing everything on your own never turns out for the good, not only because you are incapable of delivering the hard work on your own, but because this type of venture requires a pair or a couple of pairs of skillful hands for optimal results.

Now, you can either reach out to your friends and family and ask them to help you out, or you can call in the pros to do what they do best. Even though the assistance from your closest ones might potentiate you save up some cash, it neither does guarantee that you would finish everything in time nor in the right way.

Thus, we advise you to seek professional help and spend some money for the pleasure since a qualified service should dance to your tune. You can get more info about moving at https://m25group.co.uk/

Throw Away the Unnecessary

Source: thissimplebalance.com

Moving away out of a sudden implies that you do not plan to move out in the first place, thus, we recommend you assess which items you can do without. This might be especially hard if you are a hoarder, but we reckon hoarders do not move that often.

Jokes aside, throwing your stuff away is not the only option. Moreover, you can always invite your friends and family and present them with a symbolic gift, or gifts, depending on how many items you should discard.

Do Not Overthink

A little less conversation, a little more action – should be your motto if you want to cover up everything that you should. Still, if you are prone to overthinking, we should warn you that that type of behavior will not get you anywhere, especially if you are conditioned to act within a limited timeframe.

Two heads know better than one, so we suggest you ask the one who you can trust to help you with as many moving tasks as possible. If the first person that comes to your mind enjoys splitting hairs as much as you do, we suggest you think of another one that will prevent you from wasting valuable time.

Call the Garbage Collectors

Source: home.kpmg

Moving out of a flat is fairly different from moving out of a house, especially if you have a front, or backyard. What yards are good for is the disposal of the things you have no further use of, but it would be inappropriate to leave the pile you create behind yourself.

The best thing you can do in situations like this is to call in the local garbage collectors and make sure they take care of the mess. Some companies charge for their services while others will do it for free, especially if you leave some items they might be interested in behind. Thus, do your homework and assess your options before you start dialing the first number you find online.

Take a Day or Days Off

In order to cover everything that you plan, you should have enough time to think about everything you must cover. Even though the reason for you moving might be a better job opportunity, we suggest you stick to your current position until you are sure everything will go according to your plans.

Thus, try to get a day off or even a couple of days if that is an option, and devote your free time to plan the action. The more time you have on your hands, the better, so feel free not to save up on your remaining free days.

Hopefully, the aforementioned pieces of information and suggestions will help you relocate your belongings as smooth as possible. Just make sure you do not enter panic mode, and you will do ok, otherwise, consult the list above as many times as necessary and use it as you would use a first aid kit in case of emergency.

How Should a Leather Jacket Fit?

Source: pinterest.com

Shopping for a leather jacket may be a challenging task to look into. There are so many things that are required to be kept in mind, and this is how you can end up making the right choice.

A leather jacket is always something that has so much to offer; it will allow you to feel trendy and stylish and, at the same time, will also enhance your looks. It will give you the required warmth in the winter season, and also it will allow you to enjoy a commendable comfort level.

You can check out different leather jacket models at https://ultimateapparels.com/ and see which one fits you the best.

However, having all this is only possible if you choose the proper fit of the leather jacket. This could be a challenging task because if your leather jacket is not appropriate in terms of fitting, you would have a peculiar look no matter how unique your jacket is.

There are a lot of things that you should take an account when choosing one for yourself; a few of the crucial factors may comprise the following:

Room to Add Layers

Source: pinterest.com

When choosing to buy a leather jacket, make sure that you have chosen a jacket with room to add more layers underneath. During winters, when it is too cold, sometimes one single jacket is not capable of giving us sufficient coverage. Hence, there is a significant need to add more clothes under the jacket as layers.

Therefore, in such a case, if you end up buying a leather jacket that is too fitted, then you will not be able to add layers underneath. If you have a fitted jacket and you end up adding more layers, it would look very weird and make your figure look weird. Therefore, it is essential to ensure enough space that may accompany layers when you dress up in a leather jacket.

Appropriate Fitting from Shoulder

It is significant for a leather jacket to go well with your shoulder fitting. The shoulder line should be proper in line with your actual should. It is essential for your shoulder and the shoulder line of the jacket to be inline. This will ensure the correct fitting and style for sure.

Measuring the Proper Chest Fitting

Source: pinterest.com

The fitting on the chest is also essential. Always make sure to measure your chest and ensure that the chest of the chosen jacket must have at least an inch or two extra space. It is imperative for the fitting to be perfect from the chest. This extra one or two-inch inches will help you determine that the jacket won’t get too tight or loose.

Length of Jacket and Sleeves

The length of the sleeves is always significant to consider when choosing the jackets for yourself. It is always good to select leather jackets with sleeves length a little longer than your wrist.

As far as the length of the jacket itself is concerned, you may choose for the jacket to have worn and twist yourself a little and look yourself in the mirror at every angle to check if the length of the jacket is suitable or not.

The Look Should be Stiff

Source: pinterest.com

The overall fitting of a leather jacket should be so appropriate that the overall appearance amounts to be a very stiff one. There should not be any bulge jumping out of the jacket’s front sides because that leads to making them look weird in several ways.

There are custom patches created on the jacket that can remedy this problem and make it more stylish and personalized.

So, while choosing a leather jacket, you should also check that the overall finish is perfect in terms of size, and this is what allows choosing the right fit for yourself when it comes to the leather jacket.

Shouldn’t Feel Too Loose or Tight

In terms of fitting, the right leather jacket is the one that neither feels too loose nor too tight. It will not feel or look comfortable if the jacket is too loose. However, on the other hand, if the jacket is too tight, the lack of comfort will make it miserable for you to wear it comfortably. So, when choosing the right size of a leather jacket, this fitting aspect must never be ignored. One should always make sure that the jacket’s fitting is perfect so that your investment in the jacket is also justified. Leather jackets are expensive, and if they do not fit ideally, they may cause a lot of trouble to the one who carries them.

The Measurement from the Busts and Arm Hold

Source: pinterest.ccom

As much as your length, chest measurements, and other things are essential, you cannot ignore the significance of having your jacket measured from the busts. Always make sure that the busts are measured of your body and the jacket you might look forward to purchasing.

Arm holds are also crucial to consider when choosing the jackets to buy for yourself. You should always measure the arms hold and try the jacket so that you may check if they are not too fit. Sometimes the entire jacket is perfect in terms of fitting, but the arms hold may be either too tight or too loose. This is irritating because it hinders you in several ways by not letting you move your hand or work the way you want.

Why Is Appropriate Fitting Important?

It is very important to have proper fitting when buying leather jackets. These jackets are a long-term investment. If you are not careful about choosing the right fit, you might waste your money. If your jacket is too loose, you would feel highly uncomfortable, and the appearance would be too baggy. On the other hand, when it comes to a fitted jacket, it might end up causing you a lot of trouble and a lack of comfort.

People who end up wearing jackets that are too fitted then their zippers and everything stuck causing a lot of trouble to those who want to dress up nicely. If your size is not correct, no matter how expensive your jacket is, you will have a weird look that would only make you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it is always imperative to pay attention to your clothing, especially your leather jackets.

Are Crypto Trading Bots Still Profitable in 2024?

Source: daytrading.com

Cryptocurrency trading is tricky. Because of its erratic price fluctuations, it requires tons of guts and a risk-accepting mindset. Even the adept traders couldn’t escape from losses.

Recall the American business magnate and a wall street celeb, Warren Buffett, who lost $23 billion in the 2008 market recession.

Huge bucks!

However, it’s an old trading story. Nowadays, technology has been booming. Investors can leverage several prediction technologies to understand the market movements. Although predicting the crypto market is quite challenging, there’s an absolute way to maximize profits– It’s nothing but using trading bots.

If you’re wondering whether the trading bots are still profitable, here’s the simple answer.


Dig deeper into the article to know more about the trading bots and how they’re still effective in maximizing the return rate.

Source: udeforex.com

Why Aren’t Most Investors Hitting Huge Bucks In Trading?

Most newbie traders lose colossal money despite having immense theoretical knowledge. The major reason is due to a lack of impulsive decision-making. On the other hand, a few traders dump huge bucks due to a lack of education and leveraging outdated strategies.

The typical trading course looks like this:

Trade money you don’t care even if you lose, choose the best brokerage, apply a strategy with a 1.5/1 reward to risk ratio, and follow a single strategy for tons of trades.

Simple. Right? But if crypto trading is as simple as it sounds, everyone would have become a billionaire. Although the above plan gives you 18% to 25% returns, most people fail to do it.

The newbie investors are highly prone to losses due to a lack of proper knowledge. That, in turn, leads to frustration or makes you emotionally weak. Did you know you master three-fourths of investing if you control emotions?

Remember, every cryptocurrency isn’t Bitcoin that’s up all the time. The undeniable fact is cryptos are highly volatile. So, whether you use trading bots, ensure you strategically trade cryptos. Or else, be prepared to lose 30% or even more of your portfolio overnight.

Source: pinterest.de

What Exactly Is A Crypto Trading Bot & How Does It Help You Overcome Emotions?

In simpler words, trading bots act as your trading assistant that automates buying and selling of cryptocurrencies at the right moment. Thus, all you get is fruitful returns. There are colossal bots in the market, and not all of them are great.

In reality, most bots are awful. However, there are pretty reliable bots you can use to automate trading. Click the given link to learn more about the top-notch trading bot in detail– https://www.bitconnect.co/bitiq/.

Since 2017, the cryptocurrency craze has been increasing incredibly. Hundreds and thousands of cryptocurrencies have evolved, new crypto marketers have emerged, and many more traders entered the market.

Crypto markets allow you to trade throughout the day. This means the prices continuously fluctuate day and night. Did you know the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, sold his bitcoins as it’s tiresome to check the crypto prices all the time?

If you’re a day trader, then it’s tricky to monitor the cryptos the entire day. This is where you can embrace the trading bots.

Most significantly, the bots are emotionless. Since robots don’t deal with fear, greed, or insecure feeling, they quickly sell or buy the orders based on the market fluctuations. So, all you need to do is provide the right input and monitor your crypto account.

Source: coinpanda.io

Why Are People Using Crypto Trading Bots?

Who wouldn’t love a comfortable trading environment, especially when it comes to cryptocurrency? Crypto trading is stressful and tiresome due to erratic price movements. The human body craves rest. On the other hand, bots work 24/7, even when you’re sleeping.

As discussed earlier, the best thing about bots is they don’t have a fear of losing something or greed to earn more. Also, never get tired, feel inconvenient, experience stress, or other emotions that affect trading.

Here Are a few pros of using trading bots.


Bots work 24/7(Even While You Sleep!). It sells and buys the order at the right moment based on the predefined value you’ve set.

Processes Orders In A Blink Of An Eye

By the time you think about whether to buy or sell digital currency, the market trend might have changed. The crypto market is super-fast, and it’s impossible to catch it if you take a longer time to execute.

However, this isn’t the case for bots. They reach faster and cope with the market trends within a fraction of seconds.

Source: IMCGrupo.com

Reduces Entry Barrier

Although cryptocurrency has evolved long back, only a few people can understand it. It’s a bit complicated to work for novice traders.

Although bots don’t ensure long-term success, they do definitely decrease the entry barrier. Since they automate the entire trading process, it minimizes risks.


As an efficient trader, you should frequently monitor the prices and market insights. Every crypto trader knows entering the crypto world is no less than a 24-hour gig. One should watch the prices while sitting in front of a desk for hours and hours.

However, bots eliminate the strenuous monitoring as they take care of everything. All you need to do is strategize the trade plan and let your bots execute them at the right time.

Source: kqeducationgroup.com

Are Crypto Trading Bots Profitable?

Trading doesn’t merely depend on how fast you buy or sell orders. It relies on various factors, including media, updates, investors, the right strategies, and more. Due to market losses, the trading bots ensure either huge return rates or dump you in the financial crisis.

Moreover, no one can guarantee the strategies that work all the time. But having trading bots ensures higher securing and minimizes the financial crisis to some extent. There are several professional investors leveraging bots to maximize profits.

For instance, Stefan James, the founder of “Project Life Mastery,” made over $17,000 using trading bots. The key is you should have a strategic trading plan.

A few best ways to increase returns from trading bots are choosing the right trading bots, such as Bitsgap, CryptoHero, Reality, Axion Crypto, Coinrule, Cryptohopper, Pionex, etc.

How to Make Your Long-distance Motorbike Rides More Pleasurable & Safe

Source: motorcyclenerd.com

There is just something special about being on an open road and driving for hours, as then it seems like everything stops, and all that’s important is right ahead of us. Of course, to make the drive even more pleasurable, it’s preferable to take someone we care about with us because everything is much better when we have company. Now, when it comes to the type of vehicle or even the model, we all have different tastes and like and dislike certain things and features. Besides that, having a car is almost a must these days, as it is the only way to get to every meeting on time and not miss any important event, regardless of whether it is work-related or not. On the other hand, even if you are not a motor enthusiast, you must agree that riding a motorbike provides a unique experience, one that you can replace nor compare to anything else, and above all, it also makes getting around heavy traffic much easier and less stressful.

Safety always comes first

Source: carolenash.com

Some might argue about the safety of motorbikes, but, to be honest, these machines are not responsible for any accident, as, in 99 percent of situations, it’s the drivers’ fault that some accident occurred. Here, the most highlighted factor is driving above the speed limit, and even though it is tempting to do so, you should avoid it at all costs, as nothing is more important than your overall well-being. Besides that, you should know that there are certain things you can do to make the whole experience of driving a motorbike much more pleasurable and safer, so let’s check them out.

Wear the right clothes

Right clothes are crucial if we want to be fully protected during long-distance rides because they cover most of our bodies. It is important to be prepared and dress for the weather occasions, as colder weather requires warmer clothes. Besides keeping us warm, clothes have another important function, and it is protecting us from wind and reduce injuries during possible falls. Keep in mind that the weather can change, and it is necessary to bring some extra clothes, so you can easily change them if necessary. Always be prepared for the rain and bring some waterproof clothes, or you will end up wet on the bike, which never finishes well and can cause many health problems.

Check the bike before the road

Source: cardosystems.com

Although it is something that most people would do, we need to mention it for people who are completely new to bike rides, as checking the bike before the ride is a must, no matter how long that ride is, as it is the only way to be sure that everything is working properly. It is crucial to check tires, all fluids, and bolts to make sure that there is no risk of breaking, bursting, or any other problem. In case some part does not work properly, it can cause an accident with severe consequences, and because of that, it is crucial to be sure before starting a journey. Close inspection of any vehicle is a must, especially when planning a long-distance drive, and even more when we talk about motorbikes. Besides that, in order to be prepared for everything that might occur, it’s also highly advisable to check the weather condition for the time you plan to embark on your journey, and, if necessary, add extra accessories like windshields and wind deflectors, which you can find at www.motorcyclescreens.eu.

Prepare the body for a long ride

Long rides are pretty challenging, which means that we need to prepare our bodies for that. We need to expect to sit on a bike for a long time, and what is even more difficult is to be able to handle it in every curve and bump on the road. That means we need to improve our stamina and riding fitness, or we will end up with muscle inflammation and pains before we get to half of the planned route.

Avoid night rides

Source: mikebrandner.com

No matter how lightened your motorcycle is, it is always better to avoid driving it at night because doing it during daylight is much safer. Night rides are dangerous, especially on busy highways, as many tired drivers can easily oversee the bike and cause an accident. Instead of that, it is much better to start the ride early in the morning, and end it in the evening, so you will have enough time for resting and refilling the batteries for the next morning.

Do not forget about food and drinks

It is crucial to stay hydrated during the ride, so you need to make sure to drink enough water. Drinking too much can cause many unplanned stops, but regarding all the consequences, it is much better than not drinking enough water, especially during hot days. Food is also important, and one of the best pieces of advice is to eat often, but not too much because in that way you will eat enough, but not overeat and not be able to drive.

Plan the route

Source: suunto.com

Yes, the whole experience gets much better when you just drive regardless of where you might end up, and having no plan is one way to go, but it is a much better option to learn more about the destination and, more importantly, about the road itself. Namely, by knowing which road to take and which one to avoid, it will reduce the time you will spend dealing with traffic jams, as remember, it’s about the adventure, which is why taking routes where most of the time you will spend in nature is always a much better option. Furthermore, by doing so, you will not miss any significant or must-see sight or landmark, and it will help you avoid taking any wrong turns. Of course, this doesn’t mean that everything should be planned in advance, as where’s the fun in that, and the main point is about the overall safety and pleasure that knowing the route brings.

Earn Cash Playing Online Casino Games

Source: worldfinancialreview.com

Living in the 21st century and being a member of the contemporary society is largely different from what it was a few decades ago. A modern adult has a lot more knowledge about the world, choices to make in terms of their career, as well as an easier overall time to do things across the board. All of this is largely thanks to the advancements in technology and the new solutions we can make use of today. While our jobs are easier and more optimal, and since we are safer and need to worry about fewer things than our parents and grandparents needed to, there is also more time to do the things we find pleasurable.

Filling out the free time has never been easier as a matter of fact. If you stop to think about just how many fun activities you can do right now that were not so readily available before, you will realize just how lucky we are. Not only are people free to choose their hobbies and leisure time activities out of the plethora of completely different things, but it is now also possible to convert those passions into something more. Should we ever have to pick one thing that separates a modern man and his hobbies from that of somebody from a few decades ago, it would be the possibility to make money from it.

Turning Free Time Passion into Profit

Source: worldfinancialreview.com

How many people do you know off who have turned their passion into a business or at least a side job that greatly betters their financial situation? Probably more than a few. It is no secret that few people do jobs they actually like, but why should one suffer in their downtime too? You pick what you want to spend your free time on and enjoy yourself which means that nobody can tell you what to do. Many things can get your mind off the bigger responsibilities in life and offer you a safe space, but not all of them can also help you earn some cash in the process.

If you want something that is relaxing, fun, exciting, and long-term, why not try earning cash by playing online casino games? The online casino industry is huge right now and you should seriously think about making it a part of your life, particularly if you want to earn some money by doing something exciting and fun. In this article we talk more about this so be sure to keep on reading this article to learn about playing games on online casinos. What is more, for a great place to start playing some of the best casino games available right now, be sure to visit MD88 and browse their gaming selection.

Can You Actually Earn?

So the question arises whether or not it is actually possible to earn some extra cash that can make a difference in your life while playing online casino games. In short, yes, of course it is possible. Not only is it possible but it can even become the primary source of income for those who are good enough. Gambling is not really something that can be a steady source of income because there is a great deal of luck involved. Being able to continuously win and earn more money than you spend on it is definitely challenging and outright impossible for many people. In order to truly earn cash by playing online casino games, you have to know what you are doing at every step of the way. We have already established that it is possible to earn cash by playing casino games on the web, and now it is time to talk about those very games.

What to Play

Source: focusgn.com

There are plenty of casino-style games that you can earn from without ever leaving the comfort of your home. Playing online means doing it from wherever and whenever. The only thing you need to figure out is which games it is that suit you best. Now, if the sole purpose of your playtime sessions is to earn money, we have some news for you. You should only focus on the games where you can get better and build your own luck. This means playing games that are based on skill and that have the minimum amount of luck as the deciding factor. We hear you asking which games are considered skill-based and which are based almost entirely or entirely on luck, so here goes.

Games Based on Skill

The classic game of poker is your best friend if you want to be in charge of most of your chances simply because you can get better at the game with experience. The more you play it and the more you experience during each session, the better you will become regardless of whether you win or lose. The same cannot be said for many other games, especially slot machines. If you want to play online slots, it needs to be only for fun because nobody has ever gotten rich from this luck-based game. The random number generator (RNG) is responsible for every outcome and the player cannot do anything to make their case better and increase the chances at the win.

Games Based on Luck

Source: focusgn.com

There are some games that dance on the line between skill and luck, the greater example of which has to be roulette. There is a lot of luck in there considering the fact that you cannot control where the ball is going to stop. The same is true for traditional roulette and the online version. All you can do is pick the numbers and there are many strategies to do this. Blackjack, the popular card game that is almost as popular as poker and roulette, is another example where luck plays a big role. It is not nearly as hands-on as poker, but again, like roulette, it has many tactics to try out. Other games like craps, baccarat, and keno all have a lot of uncertainty and true gambling in them. So, if you want to earn cash while playing online casino games, stay away from slots and focus on poker, roulette, and blackjack for the most part.

7 Things to Consider When Choosing an Online Casino

Source: getthebigpicture.net

The global online casino industry is expected to be worth in excess of $100 billion dollars by the year 2026. This clearly illustrates that consumers now have the ability to tap into a truly massive marketplace. As the number of providers continues to increase, players are faced with more choices than ever before. Unfortunately, some platforms are more transparent and trustworthy than others. Let’s look at five tips to keep in mind when making an informed decision. You will then be able to enjoy all that these websites have to offer.

Source: thesportseconomist.com

1. The Selection of Games

The top online casinos are known for their ability to cater to countless types of players. This often comes in the form of a wide array of games. From poker and blackjack to slots and bingo, it is best to select a site which provides a wide compendium of options.

2. Bonuses, Rewards and Payouts

Part of the excitement associated with the virtual casino sector involves the types of perks that new and existing players can leverage. Here are some common examples of typical bonuses:

  • First-time signup rewards.
  • Loyalty points.
  • Progressive jackpots.
  • VIP programmes.
  • Referral and matched deposit bonuses.

The best way to learn about what an individual site has to offer is to utilize the objective expertise of third-party review platforms like casinosenlineachile. These will highlight the latest bonuses in an easy-to-understand format. If you happen to encounter a provider worth a closer look, clicking on the hyperlink will immediately take you to the official website.

Source: glassdoor.com

3. Customer Service

Even the most seasoned of players may require assistance from time to time. This is why a qualified customer service representative should always be standing by. While an email contact is important, other options such as live chat widgets and a dedicated telephone number will offer a greater sense of flexibility. Most trustworthy online casinos will supply their players with numerous contact methods.

4. Security

It is crucial to pick a casino that is equipped with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. This protocol will ensure that your personal details never fall into the wrong hands. The best way to spot a site equipped with SSL firewalls is to note a green padlock located to the left of the browser address bar.

Source: jratechnologies.com

5. Customer Reviews

Always take into account the experiences of other players. Have they been satisfied with the casino or do you notice a plethora of similar complaints? While negative feedback will occur on occasion, any portal associated with poor reviews should generally be avoided. You could otherwise inadvertently be wasting your time and money.

These five suggestions will equip you with a great deal of insight when making an informed decision. Of course, it could also be wise to sign up for a demo account when possible. You will be able to get a better appreciation of what is in store and ultimately, you can make the best choice possible based around your personal tastes.

6. Range of games

It’s important that you have a good idea of what you’re looking for when you first visit the casino. In particular, it’s really important to know what type of games your preferred casino offers. Does the casino offer live dealers? Does it have video poker? Blackjack? Roulette? It’s also important to ask about the range of games on offer. The more choices there are, the more likely you’ll find something that appeals to you. So if you do want to try something new, be sure to choose a casino that has a wide variety of games.

There are a number of factors to consider when selecting an online casino. One of those factors is the range of games that the casino offers. The more games the casino offers, the more fun you’ll have.

You can find an online casino that offers a huge variety of games, but sometimes you don’t want to concentrate on one game type. If you want to play slots, but aren’t interested in table games like poker or blackjack, check out casinos that offer a wide selection of both slots and table games.

Source: pinterest.com

7. Reputation

When you’re trying to choose an online casino, one of the first things you should evaluate is the reputation of the site.

If you have friends who gamble online, ask them what they think of a given site’s reputation. What do their friends think? Are there any negative reviews on social media or other websites? Would they recommend that site to their friends?

You should also check out a few gambling and casino forums. These can be incredibly useful resources when you’re trying to find out what people are saying about a website. You’ll likely find many opinions and anecdotes from people who have used that site in the past—and this information can help you make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.


If you haven’t played at a casino before, now is the time to start! There are all kinds of games available, so find a site that has the ones that suit your taste and sign up. Most of them will give you a $10 bonus or two when you join, but you’ll need to remember to make a deposit.

That will double your money, giving you plenty of chips to gamble with. When you’re on the site, don’t be afraid to start playing right away. You’ll soon see why people get so hooked on this type of gaming.

To give you the best online casino experience, you’ll generally want to look for a site that has been around for at least a few years, has a good reputation, and generates plenty of positive feedback from its visitors. The last thing you want is to land on an unestablished site that might not be around for much longer.

Source: scoopempire.com

Make sure that you read the reviews, research the demographics and see if it’s something you’re comfortable with before you buy. Also, make sure to check out the terms and conditions in advance. And as always, remember to gamble responsibly when playing online casino games.

7 Emerging Technology Trends in The Offshore Industry

Source: blog.optilift.no

As you already know, technology is evolving every day, which is why most industries – such as the retail and energy sectors – choose to implement new changes that improve their overall efficiency and performance. However, one of the sectors that just recently started implementing and using innovative and new tech is the offshore industry.

Currently, more and more companies are buying innovative software and tech that can help them with all their process, which is why you might be wondering which tech trends you need to watch out for. Luckily, this is exactly what we’ll discuss in this article today, so, without losing any more time, here is our list of the top seven emerging technology trends in the offshore industry:

1. Programs For Managing Expenses

Source: blog.optilift.no

Technology, more specifically, different programs designed for the offshore industry can help with reducing unnecessary expenses. But, since companies will learn where they’re losing money, they’ll also learn how they can allocate their budget, thus, making it more effective. By using such programs, your organization can learn whether or not different strategies, contracts, programs, applications, as well as data gathering apps actually work for them!

For example, by eliminating programs that are outdated and that cannot provide the same benefits as new ones, you can make sure that you aren’t losing some resources. By implementing and using new software, you can easily evaluate your planning and operating processes, thus, cutting costs and making your entire business more efficient. Also, when evaluating the programs you use, you could discover that you have some security issues, which leads us to the next point in this article…

2. Protecting Your Data From External Threats

From the day the Internet became available to the masses, the number one concern most organizations had was external threats to their IT infrastructure. Since most firms now operate online, it’s important that you learn how protected your company is from cybersecurity threats, which basically means that you must learn whether or not you’ve implemented the right strategies that can protect all of the data you gather.

Of course, you could evaluate and assess everything by yourself, however, working with a cybersecurity company might be better, mostly because they’ll know exactly what you’ll need to change to protect your business. For instance, they might tell you that you’ll need to use encryption services or switch to cloud computing, hence, you should seriously consider finding an experienced cybersecurity company that’ll help you protect your business.

3. Cloud Computing Platforms Are Here to Stay

Source: tmcnet.com

While on the topic of cloud computing, you should know that it’s extremely important. For starters, most offshore companies cannot keep and maintain physical copies of all the data they generate and gather. And, by using a cloud computing platform, they won’t only be able to store a lot of data, but, they’ll also be capable of accessing it from any place and at any time, making everything more efficient and easier. Cloud computing will also reduce costs and protect the data, so, you should seriously consider it.

4. 5G Will Provide a Strong And Reliable Network

Offshore companies often have to send signals from various devices and to ensure reliability, security, and low latency, one of the best things that they could implement is a 5G network. By opting for it, they can ensure that the latency is low, meaning that there will be no delay between making, sending, as well as receiving data. If you want to learn more about why 5G is suitable for these processes, click here.

5. Robots Can Make Inspections Safe

Source: blog.bostondynamics.com

Offshore companies had major issues with inspecting their facilities, which means that they often had to stop operating, build scaffolds, and then inspect the areas that were hard to reach. Since they had to stop their operations, such inspections often cost the company a lot of money, however, with the emerging trend of robots, they no longer have to go through this tiring and costly process, instead, they can use robots!

Devices and gadgets such as drones and robots are now being used for inspections across offshore industries. This doesn’t only save a lot of money for the organization, but it also ensures that there is no need for a human to inspect such areas, thus, making it safer for everyone involved. Also, by using robots and drones, the inspections can now be completed quickly and without any delays, thus, making it more budget-friendly.

6. Automation is The Key

Another problem that offshore companies are facing is the lack of manpower that need to complete a wide array of manual tasks are processes. However, technology can save the day once again by enabling automated processes, meaning that companies won’t have to worry about not having enough workers. For instance, automated drilling is now a possibility, thus, there will be a reduction in human labor.

7. Devices For Detecting Methane

Source: jpt.spe.org

Did you know that methane is responsible for over 1/5 of the whole manmade global emissions? Yup, it’s responsible for pollution, which is why a lot of offshore companies now strive to reduce the methane emissions they cause due to their processes. This can be achieved by implementing methane management programs into the IT infrastructure, and by doing so, they’ll be capable of detecting leaks, thus, they could also prevent them!

For instance, there are some programs that consist of a solar-powered sensor combined with a drone system for monitoring data through the air, and these systems can easily and quickly collect data. Hence, a company will be able to efficiently monitor the methane emissions, which also means that they can prevent leaks from happening – and by doing so, they can ensure that their company is more Eco-friendly!


In the past, offshore companies seldom implemented new technology that could have helped them with all the processes. However, nowadays, an increasing number of them choose to use new tech that doesn’t only help them with things such as data computing but also helps them with increasing the security of their business.

Since you’re now well aware of all the changes happening in this particular industry, you shouldn’t lose any more of your time. Instead, you might want to open up your browser and see how the technology we mentioned in our article above works, as well as how various companies benefit from using it.

7 Ways to Find Relief With Impulse Control Disorder

Source: neuropsychiatrist.in

The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Impulse control disorder is a disorder characterized by the inability to make decisions, an increase in impulsive urges, violent or risky behavior, and a lack of thought before action. The disorder can come with extra symptoms as well, such as anxiety and stress or difficulty controlling anger.

If you have been diagnosed with impulse control disorder, you may be wondering what you can do to find relief. We’ve come up with seven options for those with impulse control disorder to get help.

1. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Source: mypoctherapy.com

One of the most productive types of behavioral therapies is DBT or dialectical behavioral therapy. This therapy was initially created for those struggling with borderline personality disorder (BPD), which has similar symptoms to impulse control disorder in some ways.

During the therapy, you will work with a therapist or DBT trainer through the DBT workbook, which is a workbook with four main modules and courses. These include:

  • Mindfulness
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Distress Tolerance Skills

You will focus on one module at a time, usually starting from the mindfulness section. Each module will give you the behavioral skills to target certain behaviors in your own life.

You will learn how to meditate and practice mindfulness, how to change unwanted emotions, how to form close and valuable relationships and leave unhealthy ones, and how to tolerate change and extreme emotional distress.

Since impulse control disorder is often a response to intense emotions, this therapy can help you learn to regulate your emotions in a way to regulate your impulses and learn new methods of getting what you want. DBT can also be done in a group therapy setting.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Source: medium.com

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is often what we think of when we say “traditional talk therapy.” It consists of talking through your feelings and behaviors with a behavioral specialist or therapist to learn new ways to react to stress and impulses.

Although not useful for everyone, sometimes talking through something can help you understand why you feel it or what the reasoning behind it is. Talking through your choices can also help reduce impulses, as it helps you realize the harmful effects constant impulses can create.

You can even find a therapist online these days and choose one who understands your identity and has researched your condition. If you want to learn more about that and impulse control disorder, check out this great site here.

3. Exposure Therapy

Source: healthline.com

Exposure therapy is another type of therapy that can be beneficial for impulse control disorder. If your impulses feel more like compulsions or reactions to obsessive or intrusive thoughts, you may be struggling with OCD or a behavioral pattern that can also be seen in patients with OCD.

Compulsions are hard to rid yourself of. Many people with impulse control disorder will make impulsive choices because they feel distressed if they don’t.

Exposure therapy puts you up against your worst fears and allows you to feel large amounts of discomfort in small amounts of time. The idea is that over time, your body will no longer associate fear with regular behavior and emotions any longer.

You will want to make sure you find a highly trained specialist when looking into this type of therapy, as it can be traumatizing if you’re not ready.

4. Putting Your Impulses into Healthy Habits

Source: talkspace.com

One way to reduce harmful impulsive behavior is to utilize your impulsive urges in non-harmful ways. Many people who struggle with impulsivity try this method, and it works!

Some things you can try when you’re feeling impulsive include:

  • Driving to a swimming hole and jumping in (you can even do it in your clothes!)
  • Going for a drive and singing (at safe speeds and with a license/insurance)
  • Getting tattoos or piercings
  • Donating a small amount of money instead of spending it on something you don’t need
  • Signing up for a class
  • Taking on a new hobby
  • Learning something new (check out some non-fiction books from the library!)
  • Going for a long walk
  • Going for a night walk
  • Riding horses
  • Planning a trip (and going when you have all the resources you need)

There are so many ways to be impulsive in healthy ways. Most of these are free, and you don’t need to spend money to partake in them. You also don’t need to use drugs or alcohol to enjoy them.

5. Long-Term Mental Health Treatment

Source: rosehillcenter.org

If you are struggling with not partaking in extremely risky behaviors such as self-harm, risky and unsafe sex, drugs and alcohol, or violent behavior, it may be beneficial for you to get long-term healthcare.

There are several options available, ranging from 2 weeks to years. Smaller long-term care facilities will often allow you to stay for up to a month, and you may even be allowed to keep your phone while you’re there.

Longer long-term care facilities may be something like a government psychiatric hospital. In that case, you’ll likely be kept against your will or longer than you’d like to be. However, these facilities can be helpful if you find the right treatment.

6. Medication

Source: mcmasteroptimalaging.org

Medication can help those with ICD. Talk to your psychiatrist and medical doctor to come up with a plan that is good for you. If you’re taking drugs or drinking, you should disclose this before taking any new medication, as drugs and alcohol can be dangerous for your body if you’re taking a new medication.

7. Learning to Control Impulse Through Tracking and Limiting Behaviors

Source: americanaddictioncenters.org

Tracking and limiting behaviors is one other way you can reduce the harm of your symptoms. You can put limits on your debit card, take out an ATM card with limits, and give your card to someone else that you trust. When you have the urge to spend money, you’d have to speak to the person who is holding the card for you, and this may deter you.

You can also use budget apps and tracking apps to track your spending and see how your impulses really affect your balance or bank account in different ways.

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