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Addiction To Cannabis Is A Real Problem: Here Is How You Can Deal With It

Source: scitechdaily.com

Cannabis addiction is strange. You will hear tons of people explain how it is not real. And it is true that cannabis does not have the same habit-forming qualities as, say, heroin.

But just because something does not rewire your body to need it, that does not mean your body is above rewiring itself to need it. Cannabis addiction can come about, but it is similar to getting addicted to video games or chocolate. Let’s take some time to explain what that means.

Source: nm.org

How Cannabis can be Addictive

So, imagine you get home from a long day at work. You have five to ten hours before you sleep. What do you do? The answer to this question will be different for everyone.

For some people smoking weed is an event. They do it while hanging out with friends once a week. They might even only do it once a month. But for a lot of people, getting high is part of their “winding down” process. This is when cannabis use starts to become a dependency.

A person needs variety. Coming home from work, doing one activity until bed, waking up and repeating the process will drive a person into depression. This is true whether the one activity is exercise, video games, scrolling through social media, or smoking cannabis.

Of course, smoking cannabis is hardly the main activity anyone is doing. Usually, they will mix it together with something else. But just by thinking about what activities they can mix cannabis with you can start to see a problem. Smoking weed mixes a lot better with watching TV and eating bad food than it does with exercising or going out into public.

Sure, you can smoke weed and go dancing. But it will be a vastly different activity than if you just went dancing. And that is the deciding factor in what makes cannabis addictive.

Cannabis can be identified as addictive because people use it to solve a problem. But it starts to become its own problem when the need for cannabis starts dictating how one behaves.

Source: medium.com

What to do About Cannabis Addiction

You might be wondering what can be done about cannabis addiction. Well, while most people are wrong about whether or not cannabis is addictive, they are right about one thing: Detoxing from it is nowhere near as arduous as detoxing from harder drugs or alcohol.

You can quit cannabis cold turkey and get a lot better results from it than other drugs, so that is not a problem. But the hard part is not getting off cannabis. It is staying off cannabis.

Because remember, cannabis solves a problem. It has a habit of becoming a person’s only solution to many problems, but just because you stopped smoking cannabis that does not mean the problem has gone away. So, think of dealing with cannabis addiction as having three parts.

Part one is replacing the cannabis with something else that relaxes you.

Part two is replacing cannabis with a different activity that occupies you.

And part three is dealing with the negative emotions that come with all of this.

Source: pinterest.com

Part One: Replacing Cannabis as a Substance

Most people start using cannabis because it relaxes them. It deals with anxiety and slows down their thoughts, so they are less intrusive. There are other ways of doing this though.

The problem with using cannabis in this way is that it stunts your own personal ability to deal with anxiety. Cannabis does not get rid of the chemicals that cause anxiety, nor does it actually stop a person from thinking bad thoughts. It just makes everything move slower.

That means the first step is solving these problems. What we are looking for is something that reduces stress that can be done passively. You have lots of options, from chewing gum and using fidget toys, to using aroma therapy (even low-strength cannabis aroma therapy).

Source: cannabiswire.com

Part Two: Replacing Cannabis as an Activity

We mentioned initially that cannabis is used as a component of how one spends their free time. One of the best ways to kick a cannabis habit is to do things which cannabis essentially disallowed you to do. That usually means working out, but it can mean a lot more.

What most people do not realize is how much cannabis disallows them to go out in public. Even in states where it is legal, the smell is so strong as to attract complaints from passersby.

Working out, going out, and doing activities that take a lot of mental focus are great ways to force yourself away from cannabis.

Source: nutraingredients-usa.com

Part Three: Dealing with the Negative Emotions

This is the part of getting over a cannabis addiction that is the most overlooked. We have mentioned it several times now: Cannabis helps with anxiety. That is the primary reason people take it. You can’t relax after work if you are thinking about every mistake you’ve made in your entire life, can you? So, how do you deal with anxiety without a chemical aid like this?

There are two answers to that question: The first is that you don’t. There are better chemical aids for anxiety than cannabis—such as actual anxiety medications and antidepressants.

The second answer is that you make use of therapy. Therapy is usually how you find out what anxiety medication is best for you. People are uncomfortable with therapy, but it seeks to solve the same problem that people use cannabis to solve, just by a more scientific means.

Source: pixabay.com


Getting over a cannabis addiction can save you money, give you a ton of your time back, and clear your mind. You might be surprised as to how much brain fog you are dealing with simply from chronic cannabis use.

Lots of people have discussed cannabis dependency, so if you want to hear more about it, check out the full post here by Ascendant New York.

Secure You Place On Santa’s Mailing List

Source: irishexaminer.com

Children all over the world write thousands of letters to Santa every year, at Christmas, detailing all the gifts they want this year and how good they have been. Some children get lucky and have their wishes granted. But some children are the luckiest of all and get a reply from Father Christmas himself.

Some lucky children receive letters from Santa himself! Authentic letters, written by him and his army of elves, at the North Pole!

How did the tradition of getting letters from Santa start?

Source: centraleyes.com

The tradition of writing letters to Santa started almost 1800 years ago.

The earliest we know about the trend of coming through the Chimney started with Fanny Longfellow (wife of the poet Henry Wadsworth) who wrote her three children letters each Christmas that commented on their behaviour over the previous year and how they could improve it. These letters from Santa usually had ‘the Chimney Corner’ penned as the return address, most probably because she left it on the Hearth.

She must have given Santa ideas because Santa used the chimney to enter and exit homes throughout the early 1800s which was the start of the holiday’s development in the United States, as did his mail. Children rapidly began responding to the messages that parents had placed for them beside the fireplace or in one of the surrounding stockings.

As postal employees started carrying mail by hand to major areas during the Civil War, Americans started to perceive the mail as a welcome surprise rather than a time-consuming chore. As each postman delivered mail directly to homeowners’ doors, it eliminated “the inconvenience of having to take letters to the office” and turned the mailman into “a Santa Claus visiting families on his beat.”

The cost of postage also started to decrease in the mid-1860s as the postal system standardised and grew more effective, partially in reaction to the massive increase in correspondence during the Civil War. Parents became more at ease with purchasing stamps, and kids started to see the postman as a real connection to the Christmas figure.

Newspapers began reporting the delivery of Santa letters to local post offices and then to their own offices soon after. Recognizing the letters’ emotional impact, many magazines and newspapers also published the children’s scrawls and even started to give out prizes for the “best” letters.

Infact in December 1874, a reporter in Canton, Ohio, wrote: “One day last week, two bright little children approached the Democrat office and requested that we print letters from them to Santa Claus!”

You might be surprised to read the contents of those letters though! Kids at that time tended to request straightforward, useful presents. In the 1870s Santa got stacks of letters asking for him for items like writing tables, prayer books, and “sticks of pomade” for “papa”! Later on, children began to request more enjoyable products as society progressed, such as sweets, dolls, and rollerblades.

Nowadays, children ask Santa for things like dumpster trucks and private jets, to nerf guns! But Santa is a busy person and can’t possibly reply to them all! That’s why only some children receive  a letter from Santa every year!

How does Santa write his letters?

Source: navixia.com

Santa creates the nice list with a little assistance from one or two elves, and makes sure that his workshop has a magnificent selection of toys and presents ready to be delivered on Christmas Day. However, he still finds the time to sit down and compose enchanted, personalised letters for kids all around the world. While drafting his letters, Santa will sprinkle some holiday magic and add a dash of holiday happiness to make sure that each letter is specially tailored for each child.

Since there is such a great demand for letters from Santa, every elf in Lapland helps to load the letters into Santa’s bags so they are ready to be dispatched from the North Pole’s post office come December.

To make things easier for Santa, he’s partnered with a lot of companies that help him pen down the mail and help the most children get a letter from Santa every year! Each company helps the children in that part of the world get a letter from Santa on Christmas. In the UK, we have RealSantaLetters which brings children fully personalised letters that have signatures from Santa’s own hand!

Every letter from Santa is printed on specially designed stationery that is exclusive to Santa Claus House- in fact, Santa has been using the same stationery since 1960, with only minor alterations! This enhances the letter’s charm and plausibility. Some agencies even have an option in which each letter is accompanied by a genuine address where kids may visit Santa and even write back to the Jolly Old Elf.

Letters are addressed from Santa Claus House in North Pole, Alaska.

Some special letters also include a gigantic sticker announcing that the recipient is “on Santa’s Good List,” a unique memento “Santa Dollar,” and a full-color keepsake photo of Santa Claus. Of course, every letter from Santa is inscribed with his coveted “Santa’s Official Mail” seal.

Source: linkedin.com

Since Santa letters are shipped throughout the first half of December to assure their arrival by Christmas Day, the earlier you let Santa know you or your kids would like mail, the better!

He is a very busy person you see!

Why a letter from Santa is absolutely necessary for Christmas this year!

Personalised letters from Santa include more than just greetings from Santa Claus; they contain the promise of Christmas, along with all of its mysteries and enchantment!  And when each reader discovers that they are, in fact, on Santa’s “good” list, a Santa letter will put little anxious minds at ease. Even if it may seem of no importance to adults, consider how much an impact it may have on a child’s confidence and self-esteem to know that “the Big Guy” approves of them!

And your youngster gets much more with each Santa letter. You may also incorporate a personalised message to make the letter relevant to your little one! Imagine the excitement your youngster would experience when they learn that Santa has taken time out for them!

If your parents and grandparents from many years ago sent you a letter from Santa when you were a kid, you probably recall the butterflies in your stomach you had as you opened the Santa envelope. Today, let your youngster feel that same delight. Even if you didn’t have the good fortune to get an original Letter from Santa when you were a youngster, it’s your chance to create a tradition that will be treasured, cherished, and handed down from generation to generation!

Source: countryliving.com

So what are you waiting for? Take out a few minutes to book your place on Santa’s mailing list, with just a few steps! Choose a design that you like, add your child’s name, your personalised message, and get ready to hear squeals of joy when the mailman comes by on Christmas! If you think your children have been extra good, you can also request Santa to send them a certificate for their excellent behaviour! Not to mention the activity sheets that can keep the little ones occupied on Christmas day.

Do you get letters from Santa on Christmas? Comment below your experiences and let us know if you were ever lucky enough!

Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing IT Managed Services

Source: pegasustechnologies.com

When it comes to managed IT services, they represent an advanced model where you can get support from experts through cloud-based options. There is a wide range of solutions that these services are offering, like monitoring, support, dealing with maintenance, and more. If you are looking for IT support managed services, check out optimisingit.co.uk. Also, here are some of the main benefits and potential downsides of these services.

Source: korolit.com

Main Benefits

One of the main advantages if you choose this solution for your business is that you will prevent any sort of technical issues. There is a group of experts who are using advanced software that will scan your online platform and its main functions all the time. In that matter, the chances of facing any sort of technical issues are very low.

There are some additional features that you can choose when hiring a team of professionals as well, such as more advanced software that can provide various insights, a workstation, or a more capable server. It might seem expensive in the beginning, but keep in mind that you can spend more time focusing on your business instead of dealing with technical parts.

The huge advantage is that you will get provided with support from experts in this area, and the same group will deal with different parts and operations related to your online platform and business. That includes management, monitoring, security layers, and data storage. Therefore, whenever there is a chance for some problem, resolving it will be much faster and easier.

Moreover, you might not need to hire people in the IT sector of your company at all when you are using this service. They will provide you with the infrastructure and deal with the technical part. On the other side, even if you still need this sector in your company, the benefit is that they can focus on improvements and new features that will lead to new products or services, and improved status on the market.

Source: pinterest.com

Areas that get the most out of this option are the healthcare industry, online stores, financial platforms, education websites, and legal agencies. The reason for that is that you can secure the protection of your clients and comply with official regulations. For example, implementation of proper layers of security and using the right model of cloud storage can make a difference.

The fact that you are hiring a group of experts is also a very important feature. That is especially beneficial for small businesses. Therefore, you can save a lot of money since you won’t need to hire a lot of people in this sector in your company.

Also, it will allow you to save a lot of money by using this solution. The initial price might seem too expensive, but keep in mind that keeping a group of people working in your company will represent a much higher expense. Therefore, this option is more affordable in long term.

In most cases, companies interested in this option are not directly involved in the IT industry, which means that they are not providing advanced technical solutions but some other service that their clients can get online. In that matter, dealing with a new department that would be responsible for technical features can be challenging if you don’t have enough experience. On the other hand, using this model is a quick and efficient solution where you will get the support of experienced professionals.

The process of implementation is almost instant, and you will get all of the features right away. They will also make your online platform more reliable and capable of working properly on different devices, without a chance for users to face any sort of downtime. Therefore, it is a great way to prevent the risk of losing clients due to poor features or longer loading.

Source: korolit.com

Are There Any Downsides?

While most of the features available represent great benefits, there is a small chance of facing some drawbacks as well. First of all, the communication with the service is always online, and you will never meet those people. Therefore, a lack of knowledge in this area might be a problem for you when you need to explain a certain issue.

Also, there is a chance to face certain issues related to the support of apps and software you are using in your company. Therefore, be sure to check the list of supported apps and programs to know if you might be using some third-party option where you cannot get the required support.

This is a very popular area today, and you can find many companies that can offer you this type of support. However, not all of them can guarantee that you will get the right level of assistance. Choosing the bad option can lead to serious issues. Therefore, don’t rush with your decision. Always explore the available services and check some reviews so you can be sure that you are making the right choice.

Security is crucial as well. Keep in mind that an unreliable service might mess up your data, which can lead to security issues not only for you but also for your clients, which can destroy the reputation of your brand.

Source: pegasustechnologies.com

Last Words

The main reason why you should consider this option is when you need additional support in this area due to the lack of same in your company. For example, if you have an online store, it can be a great solution since you won’t need to deal with an additional workforce. On the other side, even if you have professionals inside of your company, they can focus on special characteristics of your platform and work on improvements instead of dealing with technical parts.

In the end, there are different plans and options with a wide range of prices, depending on what you need. However, even if it appears to be too expensive, compare that to the salaries of people that you will have to hire to deal with the same issues, and you will notice that this solution is much cheaper. In the end, they will help you keep track of the most recent trends and provide you with valuable insights that you can use to keep your business on the right path.

The Impact of Social Media on Forensics Investigations

Source: legal.thomsonreuters.com

With more than three billion users across various platforms, social media does not need an explanation. It connects us with the world, which is the reason why we spend more than two hours daily scrolling through media. However, all the good things do not come without risks.

There is lots of personal information shared on these platforms which makes it a great place for people to do different kinds of crimes. However, where is a crime there has to be a service to protect us. For that reason, we made this article to show the impact of social media on forensic investigations. Keep reading and find out more.

What type of crime is done through social media

To determine why is social media so important in forensic investigations, it is important to go through all the crime that is done through these platforms.

Source: searchenginejournal.com


The point where you are not able to access your account because someone else has logged in and changed your information means your profile is hacked. Although this is surely annoying if you have lots of vital information in your profile everything can be lost which is seriously devastating.

In addition, they might proceed to message your friends and demand finances, or other beneficial goods which ruin your reputation.

Getting your profile hacked is done through various mechanisms. The first thing might be the use of a public computer or a network that can be accessed by the owner. In addition, if you have told your passwords to strangers or it was a quite simple code that you have used on various platforms.

Photo manipulation

With lots of photos being shared on multiple platforms, people have lots of material to do the crime. It is quite easy for them to take your photo and manipulate it to make you look bad. For example, the most common manipulation is making your photos in a sexual manner which makes victims feel ashamed.

Manipulated photos are used on victims as blackmailing mechanisms to get finances or sexual favors. On the other hand, they’ll upload it and share it with their family or close ones.

Source: investopedia.com


As one of the most common things happening on social platforms is scams during shopping or offering various prizes. For example, you find something you need that is offered for a cheap price, and you have to share it with some of your friends. Instead of getting a coupon, you are getting your information stolen.

Another example is when you are in direct communication with the seller. They offer something you need, the price is right and you proceed to purchase. However, after you send the money you get nothing in return.

Dating crimes

In a time when everyone is connected by many people are still alone, social platforms are one of the most used dating options. However, this is the place where most people take advantage of others and they trick them to do certain things.

For example, a person might begin by giving small gifts at the start, but then demand high financial sums for various reasons. This is where people get mostly tricked and take their money away. Another example is by meeting with people with intentions to do harm which usually leads to rape.

Source: bbc.com


This is another common crime in social platforms where victims are being pressured to do certain activities. There can be shameful information used or manipulated photos. This makes the person feel humiliated which is the reason why they agree to do a certain activity to preserve their honor.

In addition, there are certain programs pushed to teenagers to commit self-harm activities which was the reason for many suicide attempts in the past.

The importance of forensic investigations

With lots of crime on social platforms, finding a way to protect yourself is essential. According to TruePeopleCheck, social media investigations are highly important in acquiring evidence of a potential crime that can be used in court against the suspect.

Besides virtual crime, social platforms are used as chats to arrange other criminal activities in the open world. By looking for evidence in the suspect’s logs, you can simply understand the process and the intentions behind their actions which is important in forensics.

Source: info-savvy.com

How does forensic investigation help

As mentioned above, forensic investigations help by finding information and proving the guilt of a certain suspect. That is done through three major processes which we’ll go through them in the following.

Looking for evidence

The first part of the process is looking for evidence on all social platforms the person might be using. The first platform is the one where the crime was done and the search is thorough. In addition to the social media platforms, hardware parts are also taken for investigation.

Besides the person who did the crime, the investigator looks for evidence in close ones and family to find an accomplice if there is one. Lastly, the investigator makes a report about all the information found and how did they find it.

Source: iteratorshq.com

Collecting data

The data is collected using various programs and tools available to the investigator. To name a few methods, forensics uses manual documentation as well as screenshotting of certain logs. In addition, they use open-source applications as well as forensic recovery tools to reach the information needed.

In addition, various applications are used to retrieve data from smartphones since they are the most used devices in the present day. All the files are getting access and the ones related to the case are being processed.

Examining the situation

When the files are being found, they cannot be accessed straight away but they need to be decoded. This is where certain files turn into call and message logs.

When it comes to social platforms, this is where they get information such as chats and posts as well as locations and groups they are a part of. In addition, everything comes with the correct timestamp which contributes to court in battling the suspect.

Source: userlike.com


Although there are various mechanisms used to find information about the crime, there are still certain challenges that investigators are facing. For example, mobile phones are the most used devices and it can be hard to decode them.

They usually change operative systems, and files can be encrypted which is an additional problem for the investigators. At the moment, they cannot keep up with the tempo of new system releases so finding better tools for investigation is what is looked for in the future.

How to Get Better at GTA 5 – 5 Effective Tips for Newbies

Source: store.steampowered.com

GTA 5 is one of the most popular games in the world. There’s no arguing it. While it has been around for a while now some people are new to it. The reason is that the new iteration won’t be out for foreseeable future.  This is how things work in the Rockstar Games. They don’t release a new game every few years. But when they do it is quite modern and up to date for a solid decade and more. So, the game that was released back in 2013 still has rookies.

If you’re a newcomer to the world of this game you probably want to head start your career and play like a pro from the get-go. This is a good way not to lose any time learning if you want to do things faster. We are here to help you and show you how to get better at GTA 5 while you wait for the new game. Let’s just say that the analysts suggest that it could come out in 2024, nothing is yet sure. In the mid-time, there’s no harm in reading our five effective tips for newbies.

Now, don’t think that we invented hot water here. These are some tips that will help you not to be lost in the vast world of this game. To get to the level of some experienced players you are going to need hours and hours of gameplay. Of course, this shouldn’t scare you. Playing this game for hours a day is quite easy. It pulls you in like no other game. The map is huge and it will be like you’ve entered another reality. But, before you get lost in the world of GTA 5 you should learn a few things. Start by reading this article.

Source: top-mmo.fr

Start Online

Just like you’re reading this article to get better at GTA 5 the game itself offers you to do the same. It comes with a tutorial. This is a great addition to the game and it helps all new players to enter into the gameplay with some basic knowledge of the game. If you have your hands on a complete package of the game it comes with a prologue that is intended to bring you closer to the game. You need to complete it to play. You should do this. Many people play this game without this option, and even when they have it, they skip it to start playing faster. Don’t be one of those people. Play this game as it is intended. Start with the tutorial and give yourself some background before you start meeting challenges in the vast world of this precious game.

Source: progameguides.com

Focus on Cars and Garages

This game is called Grand Theft Auto for a reason. Many of the game’s missions revolve around cars. So, to play the game as it’s intended you’ll need a car and a garage. It is hard to get your hands on decent care when you’re a new player but it can be done. The better the car you have the better the chances of you completing any given mission. Sometimes a slower car will be your biggest obstacle when completing a mission. When you’re a rookie the best you can do is to get an Elegy RH8 for free. This Nissan GT-R copy can be yours for free if you join the Rockstar’s Social Club. This is a great selection for races and as a new play, you’ll enjoy it for sure. In order not to lose it, or to have it stolen by other players you are better off investing all of your initial money into a garage. In the world of GTA 5, it is better to be safe than sorry. If you’re young and trying to play this game, you’ll probably be cast stripped so it is better to take outside help in the form of GTABoosting which is something many players do when they’re starting to play and probably later on too.

Source: rockstargames.com

Collect Coupons

This game will make you a better player on your own. All you need to do is to play frequently. But, when you’re young in the game it is hard to do anything without money. So, to save some up, considering you’ll be buying items on a daily level getting your hands on some coupons is a wise thing to do. You can do this by becoming a member of the Rockstar Social Club. There, you’ll find different options that can lead you to some free coupons that can be later used in the game. All you need to do is to focus on some exploration and find the coupons that will best serve your objectives.

Source: mk.gta5-mods.com

Steal a Chopper

As we said, this game is all about theft. So, why stop at cars when you can steal a chopper? Buying one is a hard task before your each your first million. We say this because the cheapest option is close to $800 thousand. So, instead of waiting hours of gameplay to get this kind of money, you can outright steal a chopper. The best option you have to do this is by taking the one located at the Los Santos International Airport. Having a chopper in the great world of GTA 5 is amazing. You’ll see how much time you’ll be saving going from place to place. This will aid you in completing your missions faster.

Source: comicbook.com

Attend Weekly Events

Rockstar takes good care of its players. Everyone has a chance to be great and this is best achieved by attending some weekly events. They’re called weekly because you’ll have a chance to complete one each week. These events are vital because you’ll be rewarded great things such as discounts on guns, properties, and cars. This is a great way to boost your career early on in the game. After a few weeks, you are going to be quite close to what you want to achieve. For a newbie, it is important to take advantage of every little thing you can.

5 Ways Casino Games Can Improve Your Strategic Thinking

Source: letsbegamechangers.com

Daily activities like engaging in debates and discussions, solving puzzles, and playing a game of Sudoku or chess improve your cognitive faculties. Games like chess are well known to sharpen the brain’s thinking abilities. However, it is not only chess but several Casino games like Baccarat, Poker, and Blackjack that also improve your strategic thinking.

Poker, Blackjack etc., compel a player to think ahead of his opponent, think in the present moment, analyze the opponent’s move etc. All these activities improve your strategic thinking. You can enjoy Casino games at online Casinos like BetFury and improve your mental faculties.

5 Ways In Which Casino games Can Improve Your Strategic Thinking

Source: casino.org

1. Improves Your Intuitive Thinking Abilities

Casino games like Poker involve making bluffs. The intention behind the bluff is to make the opponent fold even though he has a better hand. Bluffing involves befooling your opponent, and you have to change your style of play and facial expressions and convince a fellow player to fold despite having a better hand.

Catching a bluff involves intuitive thinking. You have to gauge the bluffer’s genuine intent to save yourself from falling into the bluffer’s trap. You have to check for fidgeting of hands, sudden changes in behavior and your opponent’s bet sizes.

In real life, people have to make many intuitive choices, for instance, when investing in a new business venture. Although business decisions are made based on proven track records, market potential etc., investing in a new venture is always risky and involves a significant component of intuitive risk-taking.

2. Strengthens Your Logical Thinking Capabilities

Blackjack is a classic game played in many Casinos. Here a player plays against a dealer or a banker. In Blackjack, a player has to have a total score that exceeds the dealer’s value; however, the player’s score should not exceed 21. Blackjack can be won if the player considers his probability of winning or losing the game while deciding if he should continue to hit.

Usually, if the dealer starts with a high-valued card, the player should continue to hit until he reaches a value of 17. If the dealer starts with a card of low value like 3, the player should hit when he reaches a value of 13. All these deductions are based on logic and, if followed diligently, lead to a win for the player.

As a person continues to win Blackjack, he steadily improves his logical thinking abilities and improves his chances of winning.

In everyday life, a rational and logical mind makes prudent decisions and makes crucial observations that help him prosper both in his personal and professional life.

Source: themindsjournal.com

3. Helps You Develop An Open Mind

A game of Roulette involves a roulette table with a ball running on a circular path that falls into a pocket on the Roulette wheel. All those who had placed their bets on that particular pocket where the ball ultimately lands win money. Unlike a game of Blackjack, a game of Roulette involves less logic and more luck.

Hence while playing a game of Roulette, you have to have an open mind. If you are prejudiced, then you will continue to lose money in the hopes of winning a big jackpot. Since winning a game of Roulette depends on chance factors, if you are not open to the possibility of losing, you will end up making risky decisions and, in turn, lose a lot of money.

Having an open mind helps you make the right decisions under challenging circumstances. A game of Roulette can thus help you in making key, life-changing decisions that need an open mind to analyze all possible outcomes of an event and eventually choose a path that minimizes your losses.

4. Strengthens Your Analytical Skills

All Casino games be it Poker, which involves a significant amount of skill or be it something like Roulette which involves less skill and more of a luck-factor, and can be mastered with practice.

When people practise a task with time, they tend to get better at performing that particular task.

When people practice, sometimes they win, sometimes they lose. However, they help an individual analyze his mistakes.

You can analyze which moves helped you win and which made you lose. Eventually, you start seeing a pattern. Some things constantly increase the chances of winning, and there are some things that constantly increase the chances of your loss. So when you play an actual game, you make those moves that usually help you win and avoid those that end up in losses.

Likewise, in a game of slots, you can analyze which slot machine gives a higher payback package and play on those particular machines.

In real life, sportspersons utilize their analytical skills to judge their moves and the moves of their opponents. Thus, playing games in the Casino might help you improve at other sports like cricket or soccer.

Source: wikihow.com

5. Helps You Develop Positive Thinking Abilities

In Casino games like Roulette, the chance factor plays a significant role. One needs to be unbiased and rational not to end up losing money in such games. However, one does not always lose every day; someone or the other wins a jackpot. Thus, though caution is essential, having a positive bend of mind is also equally crucial.

A game of Roulette thus teaches you to rightly balance between your pessimism and optimism. Learning to achieve this balance can help in significant real-life situations. For example, in case of war, a General has to make a decision whether he should attack or he should retreat.

If he is always optimistic, it might lead him to lose his soldiers. However, if he is always pessimistic, he might never end up winning a war.


Thus, playing Casino games can be a fun-filled, exciting activity, and at the same time, it can enhance your strategic thinking abilities. These strategic thinking skills will eventually help you in making crucial life decisions and being a rational person in the long run.

Different Lightsaber Colors & Their Meanings

Source: wegotthiscovered.com

Star Wars was and is a huge franchise. More than that, it is a cultural phenomenon that has shown little sign of slowing down. Throughout the movies and books, many different stories have been told. The world of Star Wars becoming richer with each new entry. However, a few factors were presented throughout almost all of these. The Jedi, their enemies Sith, and the lightsabers both sides wield. What may surprise you is that the colors of these well-known weapons have an actual meaning. Let’s dive into what that is for each color.

Blue lightsaber

The most popular lightsaber by far, only matched by the red one. The blue lightsaber was the first one audiences got to see back during the original theatrical run of Star Wars. The weapon was wielded by both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, who later replaced it with a green one. Both of these characters are beloved members of the good guys of the movies, painted in their behavior by the color of the lightsaber they wield.

Blue ones were associated with more physical Jedi who didn’t dwell as much on the mystical powers of the Force but rather on swordsmanship. Jedi are based on warrior monks, so it makes sense to have one of the lightsaber colors accent the warrior part. Obi-Wan characterizes this perfectly, only using a few simple Force abilities.

Additionally, blue is a color associated with the justice, truth, and serenity of the wielder. These qualities were not exclusive to the blue lightsaber wielders, but they were the most prominent.

Green lightsaber

Source: liveabout.com

In terms of notable users, the green lightsaber has both Luke Skywalker and Yoda. This color was most frequently associated with those who dug deeper into the mystiques of the Force, learning to better control it and developing quite a few potent skills. Green lightsaber users would often be skilled diplomats as well. Leaning more into the mental capabilities of the Force rather than the blue user’s physical ones.

However, this doesn’t mean they were any less capable in battle. Although mostly pacifists, these Jedi could duel with the best of them still. Yoda showcases these lightsaber skills exceptionally well during some of the scenes of the prequel trilogy. There, he effortlessly employs telekinesis to throw about heavy objects, match skilled duelists blow for blow, and keep inhuman agility. All of this while barely straining himself.

While we don’t get to see a lot of Force techniques from Luke in the movies, the little we do see is quite impressive. In the original trilogy, he does multiple impressive acrobatic feats that were only made possible through his honed skills. Lifting a whole spaceship out of the swamp during his training with Yoda is another example of his abilities.

Lastly, Green lightsabers are synonymous with growth, harmony, and nature. Something repeatedly confirmed with the characters that use these weapons and their actions. If you wish to replicate these cool weapons in the real world, check this, xenopixel lightsaber is a real-world replication of a signature weapon of Star Wars with modern technology. While it won’t cut it sure will feel awesome.

Purple lightsaber

A unique one, a purple lightsaber, was first seen in prequel movies. Wielded by Mace Windu, a character played by Samuel L. Jackson, the weapon was initially introduced exclusively due to the actor’s wishes to stand out.

It’s hard to argue with the results, as the lightsaber’s unique color could always be discerned in just about any scene. Not only that, it left enough of an impact to stay remembered throughout the years.

The lightsaber itself, at least canonically, was only wielded by Mace Windu. Windu engaged in training, not unlike that of those Jedi who had blue lightsabers, focusing on swordsmanship and physical prowess. Windu’s skill with the weapon was so refined he was considered to be the second-best duelist in the Jedi order, only being surpassed by Yoda.

The purple lightsaber has had a lot of speculations tied to it when it comes to meaning. However, the recent implication is that such color is tied to royalty and nobility. Not only that, the mix of colors implies the Jedi is balancing between the Light and the Dark Side of the Force, using the latter’s powers without letting themselves get consumed.

To learn more about lightsabers and discover a wide range of models and accessories, please visit das-lichtschwert.de, the website for fans and enthusiasts of this fantastic universe.

Red lightsaber

Source: liveabout.com

Surprisingly enough, red lightsabers are far different than the other colors. While they are wielded by Sith, they are also different in creation. You see, the usual way of creating a lightsaber involves using a crystal mined from a specific planet and then focusing your Jedi powers through it. The meditation is long and arduous, but it results in a potent weapon.

While meditation is still present for most red lightsabers whose origin we know of, it’s also done through artificial crystals. These synthetic materials have different origins, but they have been shown to require a special forge. The red lightsaber’s color doesn’t stem from the actual crystal’s color. Rather, it is completely based on the Dark Side essence that’s funneled into it by the Sith.

These lightsabers don’t have as granular of meaning as the other ones. All of them are used by Sith, whose key emotions are very much on the negative side. Anger, hatred, aggression, strength, and other forceful emotions are at the forefront of Sith’s philosophy. The color red, reflecting these qualities quite well, stands to paint not only a single Sith but any who’ve been influenced by the Dark Side.

If a Jedi was to use this weapon or make it their own, the red color would get washed out. This is due to the Jedi banishing all of the darkness within the weapon.

Source: thetealmango.com

Other lightsaber colors

Unseen in the more familiar pieces of Star Wars media are some other lightsaber colors. These include yellow and orange. Yellow is most frequently associated with protectors, being the common color for Jedi temple guards. They also symbolize hope and goodness.

Orange lightsabers have been associated with ambition, creativity, and resourcefulness. The orange also ties into the balance between the Light and Dark Side, just like the purple one. It symbolizes somebody who has not forsaken either philosophy and walks a path that is between the two rather than being fully dedicated to either.

Dating a Mormon When You’re Not Mormon – 6 Important Tips

Source: learnreligions.com

Unconditional love is what an overwhelming majority of the global population seeks from the day they are born. In a nutshell, the term encompasses everything an individual should need to bloom in contemporary society since “there is no new thing under the sun”; therefore, the rules do not change depending on an era one might live in. Still, both younger and elderly generations prefer spending some time with the ones they sympathize with before moving on to the next step. We are positive that you like someone from the Church of Latter-day Saints, thus, we suggest you go through the most important tips on dating a Mormon when you’re not Mormon we have prepared for you.

Alcohol Beverages

An absolute no-no when going out with a member of the LDS church is in question implies consuming any form of alcoholic drink. The calculus of this tip is relatively simple to comprehend since Latter-day saints consider a body to be a sacred temple, and fueling it with harmful liquids would contradict the agenda.

We are aware that people tend to drink alcohol to relax and feel better about themselves, but therein lies the catch. Namely, if you truly want to familiarize yourself with someone and share your thoughts and beliefs, would not it be wrong not to present them with your true self, rather than with your deviated form?

What About a Coffee?

Source: freepik.com

A caffeinated drink might be a part of your daily routine and we dare not tell you what you should or should not do, but we should warn you that your LDS crush would not join you for a coffee if you would ask them. As we have already mentioned, preserving their bodies from external stimuli is considered sacred in the Mormon community.

To make a long story short, both tea and coffee drink are not welcome on a menu. Naturally, they probably would not get offended if you invite them for such a drink, but you should know an LDS member would rather opt for something healthier. After all, a cup of coffee is most commonly an excuse to meet with someone, but you should know that if you want to date a Mormon you would require nothing else but a pure heart.

Philosophy about Sex

If you intend on hooking up with your crush and making them your one-night stand adventure then you should forget about LDS members since they consider sexual activities as sacred as it gets. Sex is amazing and we should not discuss the pleasure the act itself brings to the table, but the LDS community looks a bit deeper than the vast majority of other religious organizations.

Namely, the sexual act is reserved for married couples, thus, engaging in similar activities before entering a holy matrimonial union is out of the question. The longer you wait, the greater the pleasure, which is a concept proved true not only for the LDS crush but also for every single individual craving for physical enjoyment.

Where to Meet LDS Church Members?

Source: churchofjesuschrist.org

Individuals who want to learn more about where to find LDS singles often find themselves at a dead end. Interestingly, it has never been easier to get in touch with Mormons looking for a soulmate. Nowadays, you can either visit some of the online dating sites focused on connecting people with similar wants and needs, or go straight to the temple and not only introduce yourself to their beliefs and tradition, but also meet with single members willing to share their time and thought with yourself.


Not only is smoking bad for your health, but it also leaves a bad impression on the non-smokers around you, regardless if they are LDS members or belong to any other religious group. Still, we should warn you that tobacco consumption stays out of the question when dating a Latter-Day Saint is concerned, thus, we suggest you not spoil your potential date by lighting up a cigarette.

You might be amazed by the numerous prohibitions we have mentioned so far, but you should analyze them more thoroughly to grasp the idea that all of them serve the individual to become a free man. The catch is not to be dependent on an external factor that reflects a sin, moreover, it is to be free of its consequences that burned the soul. In a nutshell, the freedom is to say no to something the rest of society potentiates as a trend.

Learn about their Culture

Source: latterdaysaintmag.com

The best way to find out more about your Mormon crush’s lifestyle is to introduce yourself to the customs of their religion. If you would invest your time in finding out about their way of interpreting the world we live in, we are sure you would get your potential partner interested in hanging around with you.

A good place to start your quest would imply reading the Christian Bible. Since the chances you have already done that are major, we advise you to focus on other books an LDS community considers sacred. Naturally, you should pay close attention to the Book of Mormon, and complete your knowledge by reading the Pearl of Great Price and the Doctrine and Covenants.

Unquestionably, reading through the sacred LDS literature is not something one can achieve in a day. It would require both time and patience to understand everything on your own. Thus, make sure you speak with your crush about specific subjects and make them feel special by giving them a chance to clarify specific ambiguities you might be struggling with.

Hopefully, the aforementioned pieces of information and suggestions will help you win the heart of your Latter-Day Saint sympathy. The most important rule when dating a Mormon as a non-Mormon is to approach them with both an open mind and an open soul. The rest of the process should be ameliorated for you, especially if you follow the tips from the rows above. On the other hand, following the pieces of advice might work for you even if your relationship does not function the way you want, thus, we kindly suggest you give them a try!

What Are the Packaging and Labeling Requirements For Cannabis Products?

Source: healthline.com

As cannabis becomes more prevalent for the general public, its packaging needs to be perfected as well. Cannabis products include multiple variants all of which need to be packaged as per certain requirements. In this article, we will be outlining the packaging and labeling criteria along with certain restrictions. The sale in distribution of a product depends on how it will be packaged.

What are the Basic Requirements?

The basic requirement of packaging is that the cover should be planned without any logo indicating what is inside. It is important that there is no color or branding displayed on the item. Inside the package the products should be in a child resistant container to prevent unintentional tampering. It should also include the cannabis symbol which is standardized by the government.

It is mandatory for the container to have specific information about the product as well as health related messages. The license holder who was allowed to sell the product will also include their details on the container. The basic requirements correspond to discouraging the use of cannabis products. All of these requiremnets shoudl be conveyed to a reliable packaging company like https://sanapackaging.com.

The statutory health warning is meant to prevent over consumption while reducing the allure of the products. Child resistant containers help in avoiding accidental consumption by people who are not prescribed to buy the products. It is important for the consumer to have all the information related to negative impacts on health when it comes to Delta 9 THC or CBD.

All the sellers who have the license to distribute the products need to follow the acts and legislations written down by the government. The enforcement and compliance is mandatory as the consumers may face health risks with overconsumption. It is important to follow all the regulations regarding credibility and safety and to know the details of the law which allows for sale and distribution of cannabis.

How to Pack Everything?

Source: healthline.com

The regulations determine the extent to which a certain product is to be packaged. It needs to be nondescript and well enclosed. Here are other details and definitions related to how a supplier should distribute their products.

  • Brand Element: The brand element of the seller should not be visible on the exterior packaging. The brand element includes anything that will signify that a particular product belongs to a specific brand. The indicators include a logo, trademark, brand name, trade name, design, graphical arrangement, or any slogan that can indicate who the distributor or seller is. If the brand element indicates that the product is cannabis or a cannabis accessory it should not be included on the packaging which should remain plain.
  • Cannabis Accessories and Products: Accessories are all of the things that are used for the consumption of the compound. These include holders, rolling papers, water pipes, vaporizers, and bongs. Products include everything which has cannabis but not intended for the use of an animal. Any commodity which is packaged and labeled for retail is meant to be only for the consumption of humans.
  • Exterior Display: It is necessary that the exterior display surface is opaque so that the contents are not visible to anyone unless the package is opened. If this nonsense law doubles on this all the labels will be put. The label should be completely visible so that all the information is given out to the customer. The box should be tamper resistant and resealable if it is meant to be used over a specific period of time. Opacity is only necessary if the contents include edibles.
  • Labeling Criteria: There are two parts to the labeling requirements which include a primary and an informational panel. The primary panel includes the part of the label which is shown to a customer buying in retail. The information panel is the other part of the label which includes details about the consumable and related health warnings. The labels should always be applied to the principal display panel. In case the immediate container is ornamental, the panel will be stuck to the bottom of the container or to a tag which is attached to the box.

What are the Prohibitions for Labeling?

Source: higheryieldsconsulting.com

There are certain aspects permitted while others are restricted while packaging for cannabis. Government regulations opt for a discrete approach whenever possible. It is important because accidental consumption is a real concern. The prohibitions are divided in different categories and include the following regulations:

  • Any label which seems appealing to younger people is prohibited during retail. Additionally, the label should not be an endorsement of the product even if it includes a statutory health warning.
  • The level should not include any person being displayed while they are consuming the product. Neither real nor fictional people are allowed to be depicted on the label.
  • No brand element associated with a positive or negative emotion to a particular lifestyle should be displayed on the label. The information should not be directly related to glamor mortality recreation or excitement.
  • Expressed and implied representations of the contents of the package should be under legal regulations. They are not to be associated with any alcoholic beverage or tobacco.
  • The represented information should not give the impression that cosmetic benefits are related to the consumption of cannabis.
  • Edible contents should not be displayed as items meant to fulfill the dietary requirements of any person suffering from a physical or psychological issue.
  • Any falls or deceptive information should not be displayed on the container that contains the characteristics, performance, quantity, intended use, strength, potential, and safety of the contents.
Source: bluelabelpackaging.com

The Takeaway

The way a cannabis product is packaged depends entirely upon how it reaches the customers. It is important for the packaging to be non-descriptive and non-promotional. It should not serve as an endorsement to younger people or have any information that can lead to overconsumption. The information mentioned on the container should also include a statutory health warning to make a consumer aware of the health risks.

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