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7 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Digital Marketing

Source: medium.com

Experience and “know how” are the two biggest and most important words you can and need to hear when it comes to digital marketing. Let’s find out together why digital marketing is your business ally no 1 and why you should invest in it without thinking twice.

We live in a digital age. Everything you do, from shopping, booking plane tickets, travels, learning, finding services, recipes, news, the information you need – all that and much more you are doing online. And why should your business be excluded from online presence?!

Whether you are starting a new business or already running one, digital marketing is something you need to put at the top of the priority list. Today’s world is increasingly governed by Internet technologies, platforms, and applications, upgraded with AI (artificial intelligence). That means that if you neglect your digital marketing advertising strategies, you may be missing out a lot. Basically, if you push aside your digital marketing, you are losing a large portion of the market and the huge amount of prospective clients along with it.

The best way to effectively market your business in the digital age is to create a clear, comprehensive, long-term digital marketing strategy. This strategy must include attractive, well-designed visual media, as well as valuable information and content with meaning. Some businesses are reluctant to spend too much money on digital marketing, as they consider it risky to invest in this type of advertising and business promotion. But, unfortunately – they are making a huge mistake. Studies and research show that companies without digital marketing strategies lag far behind those that have created and implemented this type of marketing.

According to relevant market business research, people who use social media do better than their peers. ISITVP says that 72% of online marketers surveyed describe content creation as their most effective SEO tactic. Hubspot found that businesses that own blogs get 55% more web traffic, and that inbound marketing tactic costs businesses 62% less per lead than traditional outbound marketing methods.

The numbers don’t lie. So, investing in digital marketing isn’t an expense – it’s a must if you intend to maintain competitiveness in the rough market race.

It is obvious that there is a lot to be said about investing in digital marketing and ways how to properly create and execute digital marketing campaigns. Many businesses that are used to traditional marketing find it hard to transition to digital marketing can take the help of digital marketing agencies like Search Schematic, a New York SEO company; they guide their clients through the process and help them along their journey to success.

We are bringing you in this blog 7 very compelling and strong reasons why you should invest in digital marketing and see an almost immediate change that comes with it.

Source: sachsmarketinggroup.com

7 Key Reasons to Invest in Your Digital Marketing Strategy:

1. The Internet and Digital Marketing are Advancing Rapidly

Statistics show that the average Internet user spends more than 6 hours a day on the Internet, and this is expected to increase from year to year. Today, the Internet surpasses all other media at our disposal in terms of popularity and usage statistics. And exponential growth is planned for the future.

Traditional marketing aims to create visibility and reach. But these factors are related to digital marketing. Network marketing channels can reach a far wider audience, which may not have been available to marketers and their clients under any circumstances.

Moreover, digital methods are more convincing, efficient, and cost-effective to implement. They give businesses complete control over how their products and brands are marketed. In addition, they make it easier to get customer feedback and improve their strategies by using real-time data.

2. The Reach of Digital Marketing is Limitless

Geographical locations used to be a major obstacle for traditional marketers. It was challenging to reach an audience that was not based in the same local area as the business being sold.

The game has now changed dramatically.

The Internet is available in almost every part of the world, which exponentially expands the reach of digital marketing.

One of the most effective ways to get your brand noticed online is to create marketing media with the potential to go viral.

Skilled digital marketing professionals like Monument SEO & Design can create relevant, closely targeted, and visually appealing media strategies that can bring your business to a whole new level and attract a lot of new clients. By investing in digital marketing you will attract your ideal target audience and drive interest in your brand. Using social media to share this content will also expand your reach through likes, shares, and comments. As well as through recommendations from followers and industry influencers.

Source: pinterest.com

3. It is Easier to Target the Right Audience

Traditional marketing methods simply cannot segment audiences to the same degree as digital marketing strategies. There are countlessly affordable and even free digital tools that you can use to your advantage. You can identify your ideal target audience, the websites they frequent, their demographics, and their locations. In addition, you can track their likes and dislikes and other key statistics about them. You can find more information on Webmastershall.

This allows you to focus on the people most likely to invest in your products and services. From here, you can tailor your marketing efforts specifically to them.

4. Digital Media Will Enhance your Brand Identity

One of the biggest benefits of investing in digital marketing is its ability to create a unique and memorable brand identity. This identity will improve your brand recognition among thousands or even millions of viewers.

The wide variety of digital media available for marketing purposes gives you the freedom to develop innovative new ideas and concepts. All without the limitations of standard marketing methods. Many marketing channels, like Facebook and Instagram, even have built-in tools that allow marketers and businesses to create customized content that will really resonate with their audience.

Source: Capitol.com

5. Measuring Market Impact is Easier

Artificial intelligence and big data have made it easier than ever to track the effectiveness and impact of your marketing campaigns. You can use tools like Adekt AI and Kissmetrics to monitor campaigns and engagement rates in real-time.

They use specialized metrics to evaluate how effectively your campaigns are attracting your target customers, how often your prospects become your customers, and how far you are from achieving your target ROI.

6. Easy Customer Engagement

Thanks to digital marketing, finding out more about your customers and prospects is easy.

The interactive nature of the web has given businesses the opportunity to gain a wide range of insights into their target markets and interactions with their brands. This information helps you offer customers the products, services, and media they really want. This will improve engagement rates and sales figures.

Social networks provide great, cost-effective opportunities to build strong connections with customers and followers. As your followers interact with your brand and express their opinions, likes, dislikes, and concerns, you can use this information to adjust your strategies accordingly.

Setting up ways to interact with customers online, such as platforms, forums, online groups, or instant messaging services, will allow you to solve problems and answer their questions in record time. Remember to authentically connect with your customers to ensure your brand is social, empathetic, and approachable.

Source: Marketingland.com

7. Marketing and Sales Processes Become Faster

Everything that happens on digital platforms happens much faster than in the real world. Digital marketing coverage is instant and barrier-free. This means that negotiations and sales generally happen much faster. Everything from ordering to issuing an invoice and confirming the sale takes place in a few clicks.

Implementing the right digital marketing strategies for your business will in most cases produce results within weeks or even days. Direct communication with your target audience and partners makes this possible.


By investing in digital marketing your business will gain a lot. It can be a true game changer for you in every sense of the word. Otherwise, you risk staying on a margin and easily slipping from it, or being “pushed” by a digitalized competition.

According to Hubspot, 89% of marketers are actively maintaining or increasing their budgets for the period yet to come. It’s not hard to see why. Businesses that offer engaging social media and a uniquely designed, user-friendly website stand a much better chance of acquiring new customers online. Especially compared to those who are still using outdated marketing methods.

Drive traffic to your website, nurture leads, and improve engagement, retention, and customer satisfaction, are the main guidelines of well designed digital marketing strategy.

Life After the Children Leave: Ways You Can Spend Your Time

Source: newyorker.com

When the children are little, it is all consuming. Every day is a new adventure, a new challenge, a core experience that you will take with you forever in your heart and mind. But this time sure does go quickly, and the day will arrive when it is time for them to move out of the family home and start their own adventure in the world. Naturally, this is an emotional time, and it may leave you struggling with your sense of identity, a unique feeling of grief, and a renewed energy to find a new path. Here are some things you can do with your newfound time when your nest becomes empty once more.

Read the Book

All parents have the book, you know the one. The book that you buy with all the good intentions in the world of reading, but you may only see a page here and there, and nothing more. It is soon lying forgotten under the sofa, or in the vast sea of pages on the bookshelf. Now is your time to shine! Pick that book up and read it from start to finish without any interruptions. Take the time to enjoy every page, every inference, every plot twist and turn. The sense of satisfaction when you come to the end will be a long-waited feeling, and much deserved.

Source: classbento.com

Find a New Hobby

Alternatively, pick up an old one that has long been abandoned. Have you always wanted to learn a new instrument? Go for it!  Take a look at the community social media page, or local bulletin board and see what activities are on nearby. It is never too late to pick up a new skill and it is a guaranteed way to instil some much-needed independence, keep the brain busy and engage with your story once more.

Rekindle Your Social Life

When the children are small, it is hard to maintain a thriving social life. Priorities shift, and rightly so, but that doesn’t have to be forever. They have grown up and it is time to get back out there and reconnect with your friends. Whether this is friends who are fellow parents going through a similar experience or close people from back in the pre-kids days, pick up the phone or get online and send that message. It will take time to get back into the swing of things, but there is value in socialising.

Revisit Your Career

Did you stop working to be a parent? Lots of people do, as it is a perfectly normal thing for one parent to step back and take on the lead carer mantle. This is an admirable thing, and a job in its own right but when the role naturally concludes (in the most immediate sense anyway), it may be the time to rediscover your passion in the world of work.

Source: capstonefostercare.co.uk


There is always a call to action for new foster carers, and it is a beyond admirable thing to pursue. The impact you could have on a child in need will be something they will take with them forever, as will you. You can get lots of information about different placement types and various options, here at orangegrovefostercare.co.uk.

Volunteer Your Time

If you don’t fancy working, there is always volunteering to try out. Acts of benevolence are always welcomed far and wide. There might be a charity or cause that is close to your heart that you want to give back to. Well, you can do this by offering up your time and services. Not only will you be making a real difference in the lives of those in need, but it is also a wonderful avenue for meeting new people, gaining insight, and acquiring skills too.


You’ve earned it, now go and relax. Book that spa day in, or kick back with a movie marathon. Some parents have not spent a whole day and night focusing on self-care in many years, and this is the perfect opportunity to re-establish some self-care.

Source: studybreaks.com


Everyone has a story in them or a poem. Even if you have never written a story before, and you never do it again it is fun to sit down at the computer and see what happens. You never have to show another soul, it can be a project just for you but there is something extremely cathartic about writing.

Focus on Your Partner

It is easy to tell people to make time for one another when their relationship suffers because of a lack of time and resources. Yet, that which is easily said is not always so easily done. Finding time for your partner while trying to navigate the care needs of one or multiple children is a difficult task that many people struggle with. Your relationship matters, though. This person has been with you through the worst of times and the best of times, and now you have the space to re-explore what it was that brought you to each other in the first place. Go on a date, relive those beautiful core memories and nurture the love that brought your family to life.

Go Back to Education

Returning to education is a popular choice for post empty nesters. Sometimes this is finishing up a degree that was left in stasis, chasing that master’s, or even learning something entirely new.

Source: Hawaii Life

Find a Pet

A pet can never replace a child, but it provides companionship on an unparalleled level. A dog in particular is a wonderful way to re-find gentle exercise, and they are fiercely loyal if you pick the right breed. They will help curb the empty loneliness that may have crept in, and it opens up a whole new world of adventures to grab.

Being a parent is a tough gig, but it is also mind blowing. Children teach us, shape us, and provide us with a love we never knew existed. When they grow up, it is natural to feel that in your chest, but life is not over and there is more to be found.

How Does Cybercrime Affect Daily Life?

Source: thesafetymag.com

Cybercrime is a criminal activity that uses computers and the internet to commit illegal activities. These activities can include stealing personal information, identity theft, and fraud. It can also involve more serious crimes such as child pornography and terrorism.

Cybercrime affects daily life in a number of ways. For example, if your personal information is stolen in a cyberattack, you may have to deal with identity theft or fraud. This can result in financial losses, as well as a loss of privacy. In addition, cybercrime can lead to security breaches that put everyone at risk, not just the individual victim.

While cybercrime is a serious problem, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. For instance, you can use strong passwords and keep your software up to date. You can also avoid clicking on links or opening attachments from unknown sources. By taking these precautions, you can help keep yourself safe from cybercriminals.

If it were measured as a country, then “CyberCrimeLand” – with its $10 trillion in 2024 – would be the world’s third-largest economy after the U.S. and China.

Yep, you read that right. An entire country built on stealing your private data to hack, disrupt, and ransom the rest of the world. The cybercrime industry is more profitable than the global trade of all major illegal drugs combined!

Why are these statistics important for us ordinary Joes? Because every dime we lose to cybercrime leeches money from everyday people.

Read on to learn what steps each one of us can take to start turning the tide.

Source: insurancejournal.com

That money should be spent on medical services or poverty relief.

Cybercrime costs include stolen money, fraud, and embezzlement, but secondary costs are also. We pay for lost productivity, disruption to the normal course of business, the cost of system restoration, and recovering from the destruction of valuable data.

How much good could we have done with that much money if only we didn’t have to spend it on cybercrime?

Cybercrime has other far-reaching effects.

Hackers can clear out bank accounts, max out credit cards, get expensive medical treatment on your health insurance, take out loans, and buy houses. And what about your social media and gaming accounts?

But apart from financial ruin, victims of cybercrime also suffer from rage, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and other, even more serious, psychological effects. Hackers could also hit a mother-lode if they enter your employer’s sensitive database via your remote working account.

And then, there is the specter of nation-state attacks that could disable the economy of a city, state, or entire country in a heartbeat.

Source: Cybint Solutions

People underestimate the value of their private data.

Data breaches and cybercrime attacks ultimately happen because someone, somewhere, penetrated the defenses of some ordinary Joe. People vastly underestimate how much a hacker can do with a few strands of private information.

Would you be comfortable browsing, shopping, or playing on the internet if you knew that the room was crammed with nosy people looking over your shoulder?

That’s exactly what search engines, shopping sites, and social networking platforms do. Each collects a vast amount of information by recording your clicks, tracking which articles you read, which links you open, and which posts you share.

Built-in trackers spy on you non-stop, and data brokers swap, trade, and sell our data without permission. The data invariably ends up on the dark web, either via financial transactions or data breaches. That’s where attackers can get all the information they need to shape phishing and spear phishing campaigns to make your life a misery.

What steps can you take to be safer online?

Internet privacy has become the first crucial step to internet security. Your first line of defense is to protect your data by any possible means.

Source: Forbes

Use Tor for internet browsing

Browsers collect information via built-in trackers that are embedded on almost every website on the internet. They transfer data about everything you do to data harvesting companies.

Tor (the ‘Onion Router’) adds multiple layers to bounce your data around a network of relays so that the websites you visit cannot identify you or pinpoint your physical location.

Use a VPN

The alternative is to use a VPN with a built-in tracking blocker. A VPN establishes a secure tunnel between your computer and the internet and then encrypts everything that passes through that tunnel to ensure that hackers can’t use the information.

Public Wi-Fi networks are hacker meccas. They roam areas with public Wi-Fi to steal passwords or credit card data via man-in-the-middle attacks. Always use a VPN to protect yourself!

Use Duck-Duck-Go as your default search engine

Google sells your information to advertisers. Therefore, you should regard it with the same level of skepticism that you regard everything too good to be true – like “free” Facebook or ‘free’ VPN).

Install Duck-Duck-Go to anonymize your searches and queries.

Source: entrepreneur.com

Beef up your browser security

The “do-not-track” settings on your browser are meaningless – there is no guarantee that websites will honor the request. A VPN with anti-tracking technology is your first line of defense, but it’s a good idea to use a properly vetted browser plug-in to add some protection. The gold standard is Ublock Origin by Raymond Hill (not to be confused with UBlock and others with similar names, which are blatant data harvesting tools).

Use a password manager to generate and manage secure passwords

A weak password is like closing your front door without locking it. We all use a huge number of apps or accounts. It’s impossible to memorize complicated passwords for all of them. Rather use a good password manager to generate passwords (minimum of 12 characters with a mix of capitals and special characters).

Keep your antivirus up to date

Anti-malware software stops intrusions before the bad guys can get to you. They will stop you from opening malicious websites, links, or documents, and can play a role in protecting your privacy, too.

Source: pinterest.com

Remember: Internet security starts with internet privacy

If you don’t like the idea of close scrutiny by hackers, advertisers, or bots, start protecting your online privacy today. If there is one privacy tool that stands out, it is a good, fast, privacy-focused VPN.

Why You Should Market Your Restaurant or Bar on TikTok (and How to Get Started!)

Source: barandrestaurant.com

As a restaurant or bar owner, you understand the power of social media marketing. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have proven themselves to be cost-effective and engaging methods of increasing brand awareness, driving business, and connecting with customers.

So what could TikTok, a social media company famous for its twerking teens and twentysomethings, do for your business? If you want a hip and trendy spot catering to Millennials and Gen Zers, then TikTok can offer quite a lot.

According to TikTok, it now has over 1 billion monthly active users. This makes the platform one of the largest and fastest growing in the world. As Forbes noted, TikTok surpassed one billion users in almost half the time it took Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Not only are more and more people flocking to TikTok at a record-breaking rate, research shows that Gen Zers prefer it to Instagram, and data shows that users spend on average 30 minutes more per day on TikTok than on the ’Gram.

Love it or hate it, TikTok is here to stay. The video sharing app seems perfectly suited for our 21st-century attention, forcing the industry to react with similar products like Instagram’s Reels and YouTube’s Shorts. As more millennials download the app, and as Gen Zers grow older, the importance of TikTok will likely grow as well.

Where does that leave the busy restaurateur or bar owner? Luckily, if you’ve kept up with social media trends, you aren’t starting from scratch. Even if you’ve never used Facebook or Instagram, you can run a successful TikTok. Here are a few tips to help you get your account up and running, and a few ideas for creating those first videos.

Source: menumag.ca

Your Account

Creating an account for your restaurant on TikTok is simple. After downloading the app, you will log in with your phone number and email. The app will walk you through the process of uploading a profile photo and adding a bio.

For maximum search engine optimization, your profile name should match your other social media handles. If your business is something like Phil’s Bar, it’s unlikely this will be available. Hopefully you’ve found a way to include your location to create a memorable username, something like @PhilsBarIndianapolis.

That’s it. You’ve created a personal account. You’ll likely want to switch from a personal account to a business account. Both types of accounts have pros and cons, and just because you’re using your TikTok for business doesn’t necessarily mean you need a business account. But for the newbie, the business account is a good start.

First, a business account allows you to add your website to your profile right away. If you have a personal account, you have to amass 1k followers before you can add a website. Another drawback to a personal account is that you can only receive messages from your friends, meaning customers won’t be able to contact you unless you are friends, or unless you have a business account. Finally, TikTok’s Business Suite offers more data, which isn’t something you’ll likely use right away, but it might be helpful for understanding engagement with your content once you’re more familiar with the app.

A business account can also keep you from copyright infringements that could come from TikTok’s music library. The business account only has access to royalty-free sounds. However, this limits your ability to reach larger audiences with trending music. This has led some businesses to use personal accounts and trending music, despite the potential copyright infringement, all in hopes of going viral.

From your profile page, select the three parallel lines in the top right corner. Then click “Settings and privacy,” followed by “Manage account.” You’ll find a number of options on this page. Select “Switch to Business Account.” Now you will have access to TikTok’s royalty-free sounds, Business Suite tools, and advanced messaging features.

After you’ve created your business account, you’ll want to register it with TikTok. On your profile page, select the three parallel lines in the top right corner, then select “Business suite” followed by “Business registration.” The app will walk you through the process. Now you will be able to link your website to your profile. While you’re at it, don’t forget to link your Instagram.

Source: touchbistro.com

Before Your First Post

It’d be a good idea to familiarize yourself with what content works and what doesn’t. While Instagram is perfectly suited for #foodporn of your famously enormous cheeseburgers, that won’t get you far on TikTok. Instead you might try a short video of your chef making the burger, or a customer offering a short review of the burger.

There’s more than one way to maintain a successful TikTok. It’s a creative and evolving platform. You should search TikTok for restaurants and bars you admire, and see how they use the platform. If you need help, here are a few accounts to get you started.

The Red Chickz went viral during the pandemic. They’ve perfected their short-form content with video after video of impossibly large chicken sandwiches. Give their TikToks a watch and see if you can keep from drooling. They use their video comments to create new content, replying to comments with even more videos of chicken sandwiches, creating an account that’s prolific and in-touch with its audience. See any recent video for an example.

The Beverly Hills steakhouse Nusr-Et went viral because of its outrageously expensive steaks and its eccentric owner nicknamed Salt Bae. The account has 14.6 million followers, and it’s filled with videos of Salt Bae feeding his guests enormous cuts of meat, twirling knives, and working out. The account is anything but boring. Here’s a recent TikTok of Salt Bae in action.

At 75k followers, Sweetgreens leverages the colorfulness of their ingredients to make short, simple, and visually appealing content that shows off the freshness of their dishes. They also use TikTok to share recipes. Recipe videos are popular on TikTok and can generate a lot of buzz. Checkout this TikTok to learn how to make Sweetgreen’s chimichurri vinaigrette.

Speaking of recipe videos, follow @tiffanyrobo’s bartending account for cocktail recipes, reviews, humor, and lots of inspiration. Her videos are straightforward, simple, and effective. For an example of one of her more popular recipes, see her Baileys and Amaretto milkshake, which has racked up 188k views. Milkshakes are popular on TikTok right now. By using #milkshake, this creator has ensured that her video gets a lot of views.

This is only a start. It’d also be wise to think locally by searching for your competitors’ accounts. You can see what content has worked for them. Additionally, the more time you spend on the app, the more TikTok’s algorithm learns about what you like, and the more you’ll find it on your “For You” page. If you find a bar or restaurant account you admire, checkout what restaurants and bars they follow. More than likely they’ve learned from other accounts, and you can too!

Popular and Easy TikTok Ideas

Now that you’ve created an account and followed others for inspiration, it’s time for your first few posts. Don’t let perfect get in the way of good. Come up with an idea, film it, and post it.

If the possibilities are overwhelming, here are a few easy ideas to get you started.

Source: shakeshack.com

1. Offer a Virtual Dining Experience

This is an easy one. It doesn’t require a script or fancy editing. The goal is to tease your followers with a virtual experience that leaves them wanting more.

Your video could be very short, like this five-second whirlwind TikTok of Dallas’ Uptown Shake Shack location. Or it could be longer, like this minute-long foodie tour of an Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant with over 12 million views. Both make for engaging content, depending on whether you want to highlight a new dish or a complete dining experience. For your first video, a short one might be easier for learning the app and getting started, while a longer one might offer more marketing opportunities.

2. Take Your Followers Behind the Scenes

If you’ve kept up with social media trends, you’ve probably already done this kind of video on your Instagram. The principle is the same, though the editing tools of TikTok offer more creativity.

Show your kitchen in action, prepping, cooking, and plating one of your signature dishes. For inspiration, watch folks at Finney’s Crafthouse whipping up chicken and waffles. Keep the TikTok short, with plenty of cuts to the most appealing parts of the process. You can use voice over, like Finney’s does, and depending on whether you use a personal or business account, you could incorporate trending music, like Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God).”

Source: forbes.com

3. Teach Your Followers a Recipe

This is a popular TikTok for restaurants and bars. For whatever reason, people love to watch others cook and bartend. No matter the account, they’ve probably taught their followers a recipe or two, like Sweetgreens and their chimichurri vinaigrette.

Bring your wildest, attention-grabbing dishes or drinks. If you have a tenderloin that’s larger than the plate it’s served on, or a fish-bowl cocktail you light on fire, have your chef or bartender walk your followers step-by-step through the process of making it. If you want to try something different, think about creations that have already gone viral. Things like #tiktokpasta, #tortillahack, or #cornribs are hashtags to build on. You can use these and other #foodtrends as the basis of your own unique dishes, proving your restaurant to be that trendy TikTok hotspot.

For ideas, give @thecozymeal a follow. The company’s TikTok is filled with trendy recipes like #cornribs that can help you make your own viral videos.

4. Use Trends and Effects

Understanding and using trends on TikTok can help you quickly garner attention. Whether it’s a specific hashtag, song, effect, or filter, spending time on the app will help you understand its culture. If you see a lot of users doing something similar, more than likely you’ve found something that’s trending.

For example, coinciding with the latest season of the reality tv show Love Island, creators on TikTok began using the voice of the show’s host to create ironic viral videos like @corporatenatalie’s with 220k views. If you make your own videos featuring whatever is trending, it can make landing your video on a potential customer’s feed more likely.

If you don’t have time to spend scrolling, you can find websites online that have done the scrolling for you. A quick Google search will find dozens of sites and blogs that can keep you up-to-date on what’s hot on TikTok.

Source: daily.sevenfifty.com

5. Run Contests

TikTok offers nearly limitless contest opportunities. You can encourage guests to create content inside your restaurant or bar, or with your food and drinks, by entering followers who post into a contest to win anything from a free appetizer or dessert to free branded swag.

Or you could take a page from Shake Shack’s playbook by asking your followers who they think deserves a gift card. Anyone who comments on the video can be entered into a drawing to win a free gift card.

If you want to get more creative you could encourage your followers to make videos recreating their favorite dish or cocktail. This pairs well with TikTok’s duet feature, which allows users to create a similar, split-screen video, or a reaction video, to a previously posted TikTok. For inspiration, see how @echosmith uses duet to recreate @faithsfresh’s buffalo cauliflower tacos.

Promote Your TikTok

Don’t forget to promote your account in your restaurant! If you don’t promote it yourself, you’ll have to rely on the algorithm to get your content to your guests. But why leave it to an algorithm?

QR codes are the simplest and fastest way to get your guests to your account. By linking a QR code right to your homepage, you remove as many obstacles as possible for your guests, making it easy for them to find you and follow you. Why not incentivize it too? A buy one, get one promotion, or a free dessert, or a certain amount off of their bill are surefire ways to drive your customers to your account, grow your followers, and increase your marketing reach. If you need QR code ideas and help, try this QR code tool.

Your menu is also a great place to promote your TikTok. Why not offer a little blurb on your menu, complete with your TikTok handle, a QR code, and information on any TikTok contests and promotions you might be running. If you aren’t a graphic designer, or if rewriting your menu sounds time-consuming or intimidating, menu design services like MustHaveMenus make it easy to get started with free, customizable menu templates for every kind of restaurant.

Source: beambox.com

Go Viral (or Not)

While TikTok is a marketing tool with lots of potential, don’t take it too seriously. For your restaurant or bar, it’s not about going viral or racking up millions of followers. It’s about driving customers to your restaurant.

The app is about creativity and fun. Creativity and fun will get you much farther than slick editing and polish. This is only the beginning of your TikTok journey. There’s a lot to learn. As you know, a good restaurant or bar isn’t built in a day, and neither is a good TikTok. So don’t worry about perfection. The video you post is much better than the video you are still perfecting.

6 Pokémon Gift Ideas for Fans of All Ages 2024

Source: ebay.com

Pokémon is a franchise and one of the most popular series in the world. There are movies, shows, video games and so much more revolving around this world and millions of people all around the globe are in love with this franchise.

In this article, we are going to help you give the best present to your loved one and we are going to list some of the best ideas of 2024 for Pokémon gifts for fans of all ages.

1. You can always gift them a onesie

The winter season is coming and we all want to cuddle up with a nice mug of tea or hot cocoa, and we want to be cozy and comfortable while we watch our favorite Pokémon series or movie.

If you want to allow your loved one to be warm and cozy while enjoying their day, you can gift them a onesie. The great thing about this present is that it is a great option for people of all ages and genders. No matter if your friend is 7 or 57, they are going to love the warm and fluffy onesie that represents their favorite character.

These items can come with additional sleepers that represent the same character and you can also opt for other cute clothing items that are going to help them feel more in touch with their favorite character.

Source: abystyle.com

2. Explore mugs and cups

We mentioned snuggling with a cup of warm beverage, so if your friend already has all the other items on this list, you can always give them a Pokémon mug or cup.

The great thing about this gift is that there are so many different types starting from mugs in the shape of their favorite character, up to a cup that is shaped like a poke ball, and even something simpler that only has a sticker of their favorite character.

You can choose to give them something smaller that is going to be the perfect option for an espresso shot, or you can go for something much larger where they can pour their favorite tea or any other type of beverage of their choosing. Once again, this is a present that you can gift to anyone of all ages and it’s a unisex option.

3. Gifting Pokémon jewelry can be a good idea

If you are looking for interesting and unique Pokémon gift ideas, then you can always go for jewelry. Many people believe that this type of jewelry is only made for people of the youngest of ages and that everything people of the youngest of ages and that everything that you would be getting would be either too poorly made or way too childish.

You should know that nowadays there are amazing necklaces, bracelets, earrings, as well as rings that are going to put a smile on the face of the person who’s getting the gift, and that are made in amazing quality. The only thing you would need to decide on is the material of which the jewelry is made as well as the type that you want to get.

The safest bet is to go with a neat necklace and just enjoy the look on their faces when they realize they’ve gotten a jewelry piece with their favorite character that they can wear at all times. You can even throw a surprising gift and order pokemon japanese booster box for them to explore and get exciting cards they can collect.

Source: rocklove.com

4. Don’t forget stuffed animals are always in

If you want to make sure that your loved one is happy then you can go with the safest bet, a stuffed animal in the shape of their favorite Pokémon character. The great thing about this option is that you can get the stuffie that is small and compact and that they can carry anywhere they want, or you can opt for something extremely large that your loved one can cuddle with at all times.

The plush animals have been popular ever since Pokémon was first presented on the market and they have been and always will be the best seller when it comes to these types of gifts. If you don’t want the plush animal to be way too big, you can even opt for a minimalistic toy that can be used as a keychain. N

o matter how old your loved one is, they are going to appreciate their new plush friend that they can cuddle with.

5. Wall art can go a long way

If you’re looking for something more practical or something that he’s not the stereotypical type of Pokémon gift, then you can always choose to go with Walmart. The Pokémon wall art comes in many different shapes and sizes and you can choose if you want to go for something unique like oil on canvas, or if you want to get a print of their favorite character or even their favorite scene.

The main thing you need to know is that this present can be as serious as it is fun, and it can be the perfect idea for someone who just moved into their own room, or for your friends who bought their first home together.

It is a great idea that your loved ones are going to cherish and you can help them represent their personal preferences by gifting them a wall art they are going to love.

Source: brightroomy.com

6. Give them a backpack or any other type of bag

We are always in need of new bags or backpacks, so why don’t you help your loved ones out by gifting them a Pokémon backpack or other type of back? Once again, you have a lot of liberty when it comes to the type and the design, and you can choose to go with something that is in one color and just features the logo of Pokémon, or you can opt for a design in their favorite character or at least the colors of their most favorite part of Pokémon.

Explore different ideas out depending on the age and the gender of the person who is going to get the present and see what their preferences would be and what would they be comfortable with carrying at all times.

In addition to this, you can always go with the classic poke balls, and if you want to make them happy you can give them a whole set of these units that contain different characters that they are going to explore with every new ball that they open.

There are so many amazing ideas and the only thing you would need to know is what they already have and what are items of their collection that are missing.

How to Speed Up Your Graphic Design Process – 2024 Guide

Source: wallpaper.com

We live a fast-paced life where speed and quality go together. Now, this can sometimes lead to great results, but it can also lead to many bad ones, and it’s all because of the lack of time. Luckily, there are many ways to speed up your work, and if you have ever wondered how can you speed up your graphic design process, you came to the right place, as that’s something we will thoroughly discuss.

Source: popsugar.com

Don’t rely solely on inspiration

Yes, having inspiration is great and always preferable when we talk about anything art-related, but even though graphic design is a form of art on its own, one should never just sit and wait for inspiration to come. Namely, it all depends on how we perceive things and, more importantly, how we feel, as our emotions have a huge role in anything art related, including graphic design.

One of the most common excuses people make is having a creative block, which even can happen to all of us, but still isn’t something that should stop you in your graphic design process. If such a thing happens and you feel like you have run out of ideas, there is always something else that interests you and makes you feel better and happier. After a while, doing those things or visiting those sights can speed up this process and put an end to creative block as your brain will be stimulated and get full of ideas.

All of this gets even more crucial when one has a deadline and simply has to create something because even though they feel like they simply don’t know how to start, take a basic approach, and as soon as the brain gets interested, new ideas will emerge. Besides that, keep in mind that there is no such thing as a “bad idea” because even the worst one can lead to some amazing results. That is why everyone in this line of work should keep designing no matter what, and the ideas and inspiration will follow. Above all, quantity always leads to quality, meaning that the more someone works, the better results they will get.

Source: intechnic.com

Define targeted audience

Defining the brand is something that should be done before even thinking about the graphic design and representing the brand to the audience, as it is the first link in this chain. Once we define our brand, we are ready to find the targeted audience and present it to them, which is when the graphics design takes the stage. For example, if our brand is specially designed for young people, we will try to present it to them in the best possible way, which means we will create promotional material that will get their attention. In most cases, it will be casual, full of colors, vibrant, and catchy, while, on the other side, a material made for older people will look totally different. Targeting the audience will point us in the right direction, and we will not lose time trying to figure out which design is the best to represent our brand and attract new customers.

Source: entrepreneur.com

Resting is important and will speed up the entire process

Okay, when we are in a rush and especially when we need to complete some project as promptly as possible, we tend to stress out and feel anxious, but there really is no reason for that. Doing so leads to overworking and stressing out over details that by our every move gets even worse, and it’s all because we are doing it in a hurry. That is why it’s crucial to set some time aside and rest, as our body and mind require it, and even though this might seem like it will just cause more chaos and prolong things, in reality, taking a break to calm down and relax will definitely do more good and speed up the creative process. We all work best when we are rested, and the same principle can be applied here too. So, make sure to at least take a break after working on some project for an hour or so.

Source: wordstream.com

Use the right tools

Even though creativity is of vast importance, being creative is not enough when it comes to graphic design, as we need to use the right tools to express our creativity and create everything we imagine. Namely, even the best and most creative graphic designers wouldn’t be able to showcase their skills and talent if they don’t have the right tools and programs they can use for work. Thanks to modern technology, we can do many things on our own, without hiring a professional, as there are many programs we can use to manipulate photos.

The only problem is that there are too many of them, and finding the best one can be pretty challenging, as reading online reviews and checking other people’s opinions can last forever. Of course, this is also something that’s highly recommended, but luckily, we have a great solution for you, so if you are in a hurry to find a program you can trust that will meet all your requirements, visit Pixlr, and you won’t be disappointed.

Source: stratgrow.com

Ask for the second opinion

One thing that can surely speed up the design process is asking other people who work on the same project for their opinion, as they are familiar with it, and most of them have ideas on how to improve it. When it comes to popular brands that already have their clients, presenting the idea to the end users can be a great way to get more different opinions, and understandably, the more ideas we get, the better the result. The reason for that is simple – in that way, you will make you will also make bonds with them even deeper, make them feel important, and get some advice that can be useful. Having more opinions should make the creative process much easier because you will have more ideas and better insight into what should be changed and what is good enough.

Why You Should Use Motion Graphics in Your Marketing Campaign

Source: schoolofmotion.com

What do you call them? Motion graphics or animation? These days, they’re often called both at once and are becoming increasingly important in advertising campaigns.

Although static images can convey information quite effectively, motion graphics add interest and excitement and enhance communication. They are also used to attract attention and entice viewers into clicking through to a brand’s website.

Motion graphics (aka animation) has become ubiquitous in our daily lives. Many companies rely heavily on these techniques to communicate their message clearly without having to explain every single detail over and over again. In reality, motion graphics are much more complicated than that. There is a lot of science behind the art of creating compelling animations. If you want your marketing campaign to be successful, it needs to have an element of creativity. It needs to stand out from the crowd. And it needs to make people want to click through to learn more about what you offer.

So how can you create a successful marketing campaign? By implementing such sort of moving image videos.

How good are your motion graphic skills? Are you able to create great visuals that add impact to your marketing materials or web pages?

A well-designed MG can capture attention, inspire interest, and generate excitement. In short, they’re powerful tools that can boost conversions, improve user experience and encourage retention. Whether you want to create them yourself or outsource them to specialists, here are three things you need to consider before hiring someone else.

For this article, we have prepared for you a couple of reasons why you should consider using this tool for marketing purposes. And here are the reasons:

Source: Shield Media Services

1. The videos can help tell your story

Motion graphics are great tools for marketing; they can easily convey your brand’s message in ways that static images cannot. Instead of just showing viewers what your product looks like, motion graphics allow you to show how it works or how using it feels. By adding animation, music, special effects, or voice-over narration, you can turn a dull picture into something dynamic. You can even turn your logo into a moving graphic! And since people have a natural tendency to follow things that move around, motion graphics can bring attention to your branding and encourage customers to keep watching – especially if you incorporate some eye candy along with the movement.

2. Motion graphics make your content memorable

The best way to create a lasting impression is to make sure everything about your campaign stands out. That means choosing colors, fonts, headlines, images, and video clips that stand apart from each other and grab your audience’s attention. But once you start working with motion graphics, you’ll find yourself having trouble letting go of them because they add depth and personality to your project. If you capture a memorable scene in a particular moment, then you can give that same feeling to your viewer whenever he or she encounters your content again.

Source: iteratorshq.com

3. They work great across platforms

If you want to reach the widest possible audience, you need to think beyond desktop computers or laptops. Mobile devices are now commonplace, and many people carry their phones everywhere they go. Because they are portable, mobile users often consume information outside of the home environment and are less likely to stick to traditional viewing habits. As a result, you may not get the full potential of your marketing efforts if you only design for desktops and laptops. To truly connect with consumers, you need to consider a variety of platforms.

4. Because of their flexibility

You don’t always have to do things big, flashy, or expensive if you want to catch someone’s attention. Motion graphics can be created at any budget level, and you can choose between different styles and types depending on what your audience expects from you. If they expect polished, high-end production value, then you might want to spend money on hiring a professional designer and animator. Or if they prefer simpler designs and lower prices, you could opt for stock footage, royalty-free music, and pre-designed templates instead. Of course, these are just general guidelines. Every business has unique goals and budgets, and those two factors will determine exactly what kind of style you end up going with.

Source: cds.rs

5. Motion graphics improve SEO

Because search engines use keywords to identify web pages, including them in your title tags, meta descriptions, image alt text, and body copy helps ensure that your website appears higher on search results lists. Designing your site with motion graphics can increase the chances of getting noticed by the search giant.

If you want to attract the right people to your business, you should hire a professional team who will do this job perfectly, and at the same time, both you and your target audience will be happy with the final product. If you need the right Motion Graphics Video Production then we suggest you immediately go to ninjapromo for this type of service.

6. Can help you attract clicks

Once people land on your page, they need to decide whether or not they want to click through to your landing page. To avoid losing visitors who aren’t interested in learning more about your company, you need to entice them enough to keep reading. Since motion graphics play such an important role in making your site look interesting, they can provide a fun distraction that keeps readers engaged and encourages them to explore further.

Source: industrytoday.com

7. Moving pictures boost conversion rates

While conversions are extremely important, they are also very tricky to measure accurately. One thing that can help you figure out whether or not a certain tactic worked well is tracking your page views, bounce rate, and conversion rate over time. When you combine those metrics with analytics data from Google Analytics, you’re able to pinpoint trends and spot changes in behavior that could affect your bottom line. Using motion graphics can drive traffic to your site and generate more sales. This means that if you focus on converting prospects into paying customers, your ROI will skyrocket.

Motion graphics have become an increasingly prominent tool in marketing today – they’re cheap, effective, and simple to create. However, many businesses still hesitate to incorporate motion graphics into their marketing campaigns due to potential confusion between the two terms. Some believe animation is just basic video editing. But, if done right, motion graphics can help tell your company’s story in a way that traditional advertising cannot.

The Conclusive Guide to Instagram Automation and Proxies

Source: infatica.io

Everyone wants to expand their social media presence as quickly as possible. This is especially true for Instagram (IG) users, where getting real followers is a serious endeavor and highly profitable. That’s why marketers, brands, and businesses are turning to automation tools to speed up the process.

However, there is a big gap between legitimate tools for growing your account and bots spamming your followers. What if you were about to start your automation journey and were told a proxy was the key to your success? Read on to learn more.

Source: sendpulse.com

What Is Instagram Automation?

Instagram, a Facebook-owned platform, is probably one of the most widely used and popular social media applications today. Instagram marketing is in such high demand these days. Marketers are always looking for Instagram tips and tricks to grow their audience and increase sales.

It’s all in the numbers, and the platform has over 247 billion active users. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. In short, marketers, businesses, and anyone looking to build a brand or maintain an image are looking for a legitimate tool to grow their Instagram accounts.

Instagram automation is the management of your account with third-party software that allows you to sit back and relax. The software handles your social interactions, such as likes and shares, or behind-the-scenes work, like scheduling posts and collecting data for analytics.

With Instagram being such a popular platform, it seems pretty logical to use an automated tool for managing an account. But it’s not, as it hates non-human interaction in the same way that email service providers don’t like the idea of ​​spam.

Basically, Instagram automation tools are little bots that interact with your audience. You can program certain tasks to run after specific triggers. They include automating comments and likes. There are also tools that handle publishing at set times and pull reports.

Account holders and marketers have more important things to do. They need to strategize and plan and create content. If life can become a little easier with software, it’s smart of them to take advantage of the situation.

Source: socialchamp.io

The Role of Proxies in Instagram Automation

Successful automation is not possible without a proxy. This is because Instagram is one of the leading anti-bot social networking platforms around, blocking accounts the moment it detects suspicious activity.

Since automation runs on bots, Instagram has in place robust security measures to detect and block accounts that use them. For this reason, you should buy an effective proxy for your Instagram bot that ensures you successfully grow your brand without triggering the platform’s security mechanisms.

A proxy acts as an intermediary between a user’s computer and the Instagram servers. It uses its IP to mask the user’s actual IP address. For instance, the use of a residential Instagram proxy enables you to use an IP address registered to a real user. This usage ensures that your requests do not trigger the bot alert.

Instagram proxies allow bots to automate multiple accounts without getting discovered. Simply put, a proxy for Instagram is useful in permanently connecting your IG account via a single dedicated IP address. This allows one administrator to run bots on multiple accounts. To avoid getting banned on IG, social media managers use proxies to simulate multiple accounts active from different IP addresses.

Social media managers, digital marketing agencies, and regular Instagram users often manage not just one but multiple Instagram accounts. Instagram pays special attention to the number of accounts accessed from the same IP address. Active activity on various Instagram accounts from a single IP gets highlighted as spam and can result in penalties. The punishments range from temporary activity bans to permanent account suspensions.

Source: later.com

How to Set Up Your Proxy for Instagram Automation

There are a few different ways to set up a proxy for Instagram automation. You can either use a dedicated proxy service, or you can set up your own server and use it as a proxy. Dedicated proxy services are usually more expensive, but they’re also more reliable and offer better support. If you’re just starting out with Instagram automation, setting up your own server is usually the best option.

When you’re setting up your proxy server, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that your server has a static IP address. This is necessary so that Instagram doesn’t think you’re trying to control multiple accounts from the same IP address and ban or shadowban you.

Second, you need to choose a location for your server. The closer your server is to where most of your target audience is located, the better. This will help ensure that your proxy doesn’t get overloaded and slow down your automation.

Finally, you need to choose a server that’s fast enough to handle the amount of traffic you’re likely to generate. If you’re just starting out, a shared server should be fine. However, if you’re expecting a lot of traffic, you may want to consider upgrading to a dedicated server.

Source: analyticsinsight.net

The Different Types of Instagram Automation Tools

There are many different types of Instagram automation tools available on the market. Some of the most popular include:

  1. Instagress: This web-based tool lets you automate your entire Instagram experience, from liking and following other users to commenting and posting on their behalf.
  2. Ingramer: Another web-based tool, Ingramer lets you automate your likes, comments, and follows, as well as provide detailed analytics about your progress and engagement.
  3. RoboLike: A desktop application that lets you automate your liking and following activities on Instagram.
  4. InstaBoostGram: A web-based tool that offers a variety of features to help you grow your Instagram account, including automated likes, comments, and follows.
  5. Mass Planner: A desktop application that helps you automate all aspects of your Instagram experience, from liking and commenting to unfollowing and direct messaging.

Let’s Start Reaping the Benefits of Automation!

Now that you know what Instagram proxies are, their types, and where to buy them, start using them in your Instagram automation exercise. If you follow the best practices and only use the recommended number of accounts for your proxy, the risk of your account getting banned is very low. Needless to say, the benefits you get from using proxies are well worth the risk. Now, feel free to automate as many Instagram accounts as you want with a pool of Instagram proxies.

Not so fast! Before you pick a proxy, make sure to learn all you can about its provider. Always read reviews before buying anything, and that rule applies to Instagram proxies as well. Caveat emptor!

5 Best LED Backup Lights For Trucks

Source: addictivedesertdesigns.com

Whether you’re looking for better visibility while backing up your truck or want to add some style, LED backup lights are a great option. There are many different styles and designs to choose from, so we’ve compiled a list of the 5 best LED backup lights for trucks.

How do LED backup lights work?

LED backup lights use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light. They are much more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and can last for tens of thousands of hours.

One of the benefits of LED backup lights is that they provide a very bright, wide beam of light. This is ideal for backing up a truck, as it allows the driver to see clearly what is behind them.

LED backup lights are also very rugged and durable. They can withstand shocks and vibrations, making them ideal for use on trucks.

If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient way to light up your truck’s rear end, then LED backup lights are a great option.

There are thousands of products available for purchase, but not all of them will be suitable for you, your objectives, or your budget. By removing the majority of your concerns when purchasing or using one of the led backup lights for trucks on the list, we hope to make your life easier overall. Here is the list of the Best Led backup lights for trucks.

#1 Torchbeam 1156 LED White Backup Light Bulb (Recommended)

Source: amazon.com

These lights are Extra Bright. Each of the 1156 replacement lights is built with 9-SMD 3030 LED chips of the best quality. Each 1000 lm, 360° uniform beam pattern, Torchbeam reverse bulb is 250% stronger than regular lights.

To guarantee a consistent current and prevent radio interference, this brake light features a built-in efficient IC controller. Plug and play with no bias. immediate functionality with no warming trend. The 6063-material used to make the Torchbeam tail light bulbs efficiently distribute heat, extending the life of the reversing lamps to up to 3000 hours.

You can buy these high-quality LED backup lights from SuncentAuto.com, an online auto part stores for selling automotive lighting and accessories.

#2 SEALIGHT T15/912 White LED Backup Light Bulbs 2PCS for 2008-2013 Suzuki SX4 (Recommended)

Plug-and-play, simple installation. CANBUS driver, non-polarity, and instant-on functionality with no warm-up period are all included. This bulb has Long-Life. The aircraft-grade 6063 aluminum SEALIGHT LED backup bulb. Fast heat dissipation makes the bulb last up to 30,000 hours.

Much longer than the original light bulbs. It has a life of 50,000 hours. Power consumption is also less in this backup light. Fast cooling capacity. Installation is also very easy. Same bulb size and light location to original halogen lights. You get a clear view with a beam angle of 360 degrees with the LED backup lights from SEALIGHT.

#3 Nilight LED Pods with 4 Inch and 60W with 2.5 Inch Mounting Brackets

Source: nilight.com

LED lights are very Bright. This led pod emits 6000k pure white light, efficiently lighting the gloomy road at night. It has a powerful 60w led light bar, quality led circuits, and a clear PC lens. For general lighting and further lighting at a distance, a combo beam is a suitable mix of a spot beam and a flood beam.

“Designed for most trucks like SUVs, trailers. High-quality aluminum alloy material and advanced production process make the tow hook mounting bracket impact resistant and anti-corrosion. There are 60w led pods and mounting brackets included.

#4. Nilight 42W Flush Mount LED Light for Off-road 4×4 Truck SUV Jeep

Combo beam type design produces the brightest spot and additional light at 15 degrees from the top and bottom rows, and wide-angle flood light at 170 degrees from the center rows. The vanity mirror light pods emit a better and perfect 7800LM lighting the entire road in front of you.

It provides exceptional visibility and removes any fear of the dark and a potential truck accident. It has more LED and a triple-row design. To ensure the precise size of the mounting holes and their location, a paper model is included.

This is to make the installation very simple. Just mark the location, cut and drill the slots, check the thickness, attach the light, and fasten the bolts. On 4×4 trucks, SUVs, Jeeps, Tacomas, and other vehicles, the flush mount LEDs can be perfectly fitted on the rear bumper or grill to function as the backup/reverse light and foggy light.

#5 Alla Lighting 912 921 LED Reverse Lights Bulbs

Source: amazon.com

Each 4014 SMD high power & high illumination LED chip in a 912 921 LED reverse light bulb is 30 pieces long. Working Voltages: 12V to 24V; Working Power: 5.5W. Better performance thanks to an integrated intelligent IC driver. Also saves energy, and it is low on temperature. The LED light will long for a long time.

How to install LED backup lights

Installing LED backup lights is a pretty simple process, and we’ll walk you through it step by step.

First, you’ll need to find a suitable location for the lights. You’ll want to avoid any areas where the light could be obscured by cargo or other objects. Once you’ve found a good spot, use a drill to make two holes for the screws.

Next, take the brackets that come with the lights and attach them to the back of the LEDs. Once they’re in place, screw the LEDs into the holes you drilled earlier.

Finally, run the wires from the LEDs to your truck’s battery. You can tuck them away behind trim panels or other areas out of sight. Once they’re connected, give the lights a test by turning on your truck’s reverse lights.


Make sure to take into account these considerations before purchasing led backup lights for a truck. If you buy a good quality product it will not only last long but will also give the value of your money.

The product should be durable and will save some money for you. Buy from good and reliable brands. In this case, the most trustworthy brand to buy these LED lights is SuncentAuto.

SuncentAuto is the most trustworthy and renowned name in the industry as it comes with many benefits. They provide good discounts to the customers and also have good customer service to answer all your queries.

How to Interview for Commercial Roofing Services

Source: renownedbuildingsolutions.com

Every property owner needs to ensure their roof remains in good shape. This involves regular inspections along with timely repairs. The choice of roofing contractor plays a role in properly maintaining a roof. How should a business owner go about making this choice?

What to Look for in a Contractor

Commercial roofs vary greatly from residential roofs, in many cases. For this reason, it is essential to hire someone with experience in commercial roofing services. To learn more about these differences, click here.

For example, many commercial buildings have flat roofs. In contrast, residential homes have sloped roofs. Repairs differ significantly between these two roofing options, which is why the contractor who did the business owner’s residential roof might not be appropriate for repairs to the roof of their business.

Source: pyramidroofingkc.com

Licensing and Insurance

Never work with a roofing contractor unless they can show they have the proper licensing and insurance. Many states require roofers to be licensed, and it falls on the property owner to ensure this license remains valid.

In addition, follow up with their insurance company to be certain their workers’ compensation and liability insurance remain in effect. No business owner wants to learn their property has been damaged or an employee of the roofing company has been hurt while on their property and the contractor doesn’t have insurance. The property owner could then become responsible for any bills associated with the incident.

Ask About a Bond

Imagine having a roofing contractor come out and start a job, only to walk away before it is finished. Sadly, this can happen. How will the homeowner resolve this problem and have the work completed?

Another roofing contractor may not be willing to take on the job. They worry that the first contractor cut corners or didn’t do the work properly and they will be held responsible. The property owner might find they cannot get someone to finish the work.

Although most states don’t require roofing contractors to secure a bond, try to find a contractor who has taken this step willingly if it isn’t mandated. This bond will kick in if a contractor walks away before the job is completed.

It will also compensate the property owner if the contractor did not live up to the contract. It’s an added layer of protection a business owner might wish to have.

Source: forbes.com

Roofing Options

Speak with several roofing contractors to learn about different roofing options. Ask them to explain the benefits and drawbacks of each option. If a contractor cannot or will not answer these questions, look elsewhere. Many people assume their only option is asphalt rolls, for example, but there are numerous other options today. This includes spray polyurethane foam and acrylic coatings.

Business Location

When speaking with roofing contractors, learn where their business is located. Require a physical address before agreeing to have any work done. During times of bad weather, people often go door-to-door offering roofing services. Don’t work with one of these contractors unless they can provide a local business address.

The business owner needs to know the roofer will be available if a problem arises once the work is complete. If the business is not local, it may not be around to help in this situation. Always work with someone local for prompt service.

Source: medium.com

A Written Quote

Demand a written quote from each contractor that is interviewed. Never take their word on the work that will be done. When it is in writing, they must comply with the contract or face legal action and a loss of their license.

This quote should include all information related to the project. This includes the materials that will be used, who will be doing the work, who is responsible for hauling the trash away, and more. Ensure they include the project deadline or timetable in this quote, as well.

Detailed information in the quote is of help if there are any problems as the project moves forward. Both parties can refer back to this contract to see what was agreed upon. This helps to resolve many disputes before they escalate.

The Warranty

Every roof should come with a warranty. There are two parts to this warranty. The roofing material manufacturer warranties its products, and the roofing contractor should warranty its work. The manufacturer’s warranty is often significantly longer than the warranty provided by the roofing contractor.

Learn who will be responsible for labor costs if the problem is determined to be caused by the product rather than work done by the contractor. It may fall on the business owner to pay for labor for any repairs associated with product defects.

Source: 970services.com

Request References

Always ask for references from a roofing company. A minimum of three references is best, as this provides a bigger picture of the company and of how it operates. If the company refuses to provide references, choose to work with someone else.

These references should provide detailed information about the customer’s experience with the company. If the reference is only one or two sentences long, this won’t be of much help.

Read Reviews

It’s best to read online reviews from prior customers before choosing a roofing contractor, as well. When the roofing contractor provides references, they are going to choose those customers they know were satisfied with their work. Online reviews allow a potential customer to get a more accurate view of the business.

There will always be dissatisfied customers, regardless of what a business owner does. Keep this in mind when reading these reviews. Experts recommend throwing out the worst reviews and the best. Look at those that provide both the positives and negatives when working with the contractor.

Source: azbigmedia

Take into account the overall rating of the business rather than one review. This ensures the decision isn’t made based on one customer who could not be satisfied or a review written by a company employee posing as a customer. Sadly, this does happen, and people need to be aware of it.

When the time comes to replace a commercial roof, the business owner must thoroughly research all contractors to find the right company for the job. Do a Google search for available commercial roofing contractors and speak with other business owners to see who they have used with great success. Always talk with a minimum of three contractors before making a choice to ensure the right decision is made.

Anastasia Malkina

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